This is my fifteenth story posted to this site, it is quite unlike the others I have done here, and is actually in an interview style, and is about dogs, instead of horses. This one is a little different from what I normally write about and in a different style. Your comments/votes are welcome.


Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2009 14:17:43 -0500
From: Anna
To: Ben
Subject: Re: Markov dogs’ bitch interview

Q: What’s your name?

A: I go by Anna. I don’t like to tell people my real name, for obvious reasons. There’s still a big stigma against zoophilia for some reason, but if your readers are reading this they probably fantasize about it too, even if they wouldn’t really do it themselves. That’s the main reason I’m okay talking about it.

Q: Can you give us your height and weight, etc…?

A: Sure, I’m 5’5″, 110 lbs, and 35, 28, 36. So I’m a little curvy, and short, but no one seems to mind too much. I have long blond hair, and I’m from the USA. I live in a state where bestiality is legal, but that’s all I feel comfortable saying. Even if it’s legal, people still get upset about it for some reason.

Q: What’s your job?

A: Well, lol, I have sex with dogs. There’s not much more to it, if you just want to boil it down, I guess. But it’s actually turned into a pretty technical job. It’s not as straight forward as it sounds anymore. At first it was easy, but now I’ve got a lot of things to keep track of.

Q: What’s the point of your job and the program you’re a part of?

A: Mr. Markov is trying to breed a perfect K9 mate for women. For the last ten years he’s hired myself and six other girls of various sizes, shapes, races, ages, and so on, to gauge how good his newest breeds of dogs are to have sex with. He started with common breeds, like mastiffs, huskies, rottweilers, doberman, and a bunch of others. Then he started looking for traits that worked better for having intercourse with. Eventually he ended up with the breed we have now. He says he’s not done yet, but he’s a perfectionist. But I will say, I’ve been pretty satisfied so far. Lol!

Q: Why is this program important?

A: There are plenty of women who can’t get a man, don’t like men, or just like the idea of having sex with dogs. What about all those obese women, or elderly women, or women who have a communicable diseases, or widowed women, or women who’s men are always off on business or in the military? They need love too! Mr. Markov is trying to find a breed of dog that can do exactly that – provide sexual relief for women, without the need for an actual man. And god bless him because he’s trying to do it for the widest array of woman’s body shapes. Plus, dogs don’t talk back and they give great head! Lol!!!

Q: Can you describe how you got hired?

Mr. Markov wanted someone who could take care of his dog for him while he was away at work. It was a part time job while I was training to be a nurse, mostly in the middle of the day while he was gone, where he had a very short task list for me. It basically consisted of a few things. I had to run with the dog an hour every day, I had to bathe him once a week on Fridays, I had to brush him regularly, and one last thing. I had to masturbate him twice a day every day. He told me that he wanted to breed him so he wanted the dog to be ready to go at any time. He wanted me to train him to get excited on command.

So eventually I started experimenting, on his request, with different ways to entice the dog. At one point he even said, that I should start experimenting, and he encouraged me to try different methods, maybe with my feet or a different part of my arm. He cautioned me to make sure to remove any clothes that I cared about while I masturbated him. The house was isolated, and Mr. Markov seemed like a perfectly decent guy, so I did exactly as he told me to. I rubbed that dog’s cock regularly for months, twice a day. Eventually I got courageous enough to take off my shirt and my pants so they wouldn’t get dog cumm all over them. So I’d be sitting there in my bra and panties, feeling pretty sexy, rubbing a dog’s hard cock. It’ll get to any girl after a few weeks, trust me.

I eventually tasted the dog’s sperm out of curiosity. It wasn’t horrible, and that lead to me doing more masturbating and giving the dog some head. Mr. Markov said that he had noticed an improvement in the dog’s overall mood and encouraged me to keep doing whatever it was that I was doing. I didn’t want to tell him what that was, but I did hold my end up the bargain up. Then I started going online and searching for girls who gave dogs blow jobs and of course that landed me on a bunch of sites where the girls were doing a lot more than that! I was intrigued.

Then Mr. Markov wrote me a note after a long weekend and said he had tried to breed the dog out to a bitch but the stud dog hadn’t know what to do. He asked me to teach the dog how to jump on someone’s back on command and then masturbate him from there, so the dog understands what that means. He left me some dog socks to protect me from his claws, which are stables of my life now, but back then they seemed very exotic and it was kind of a pain to figure out how to put them on correctly. So I took off my clothes, except for my panties and bra, and bent over and started teaching the dog to jump up on my back.

Of course the first thing that happened was that the dog started licking my thong, and my ass. At first I thought about pushing him away, but that is how dogs have sex, so I decided against it, and let it happen. Eventually, I got him to mount me, and I reached back and masturbated him. I felt his cock rubbing against my clit through my panties as I masturbated him. It felt great, but it was still through my clothes. Mr. Markov wrote me more notes telling me to keep doing it. I did that for a week or so, but then one day it all changed.

The dog had tried to eat me out through my panties one time too many and I was horny that day. Very horny. So I stripped down completely naked. It was the first time I had ever been in anyone else’s house naked, in my life. The few boys I had dated had either come over or we had done it in the back seat of their dad’s car. This was definitely a first and it turned me on. So then I sat down on this chair and I let the dog eat my bare pussy for the first time. It was wonderful. I came almost immediately, but I wasn’t anywhere near done.

Next I got on my hands and knees and started crawling around the room, which drove the dog crazy. He kept trying to jump on top of me. Dogs like it when you try to play hard to get. Eventually I let him jump up on top of me. I began to masturbate him, just like normal, but more and more I let his penis creep closer and closer to my pussy, which was red hot. I intentionally wasn’t giving the dog all that much stimulation because I was trying to decide if I really wanted to let the dog fuck me or not. The truth was I knew I desperately did, but I just hadn’t worked up the nerve yet, or convinced myself that it was a good idea. But almost entirely without thinking I just reached back a little further and pushed his cock into me.

I nearly screamed the first time the dog thrust into me. I knew the dog was violent when he was having sex, but that was the first time he had ever taken out his aggressions on my poor little vagina. I wasn’t a virgin, but I was not at all prepared for what that dog had in store for me. I tried to get away, but I was being held from doing so partly by the dog’s strength and partly because I wasn’t sure I wanted to get away that badly. I knew the dog had a knot but I had no idea what it would be like. It was like being fisted. It was so much bigger than I had ever thought it could be. I was screaming and moaning, and cumming. I must have orgasmed five times in just a few minutes. Finally the dog started ejaculating in me, much to my relief. Normally I’d be done and gone by that point, but I had spent almost an hour contemplating if it was a good idea or not, so I was beginning to get worried that Mr. Markov might come home.

Thankfully the dog emptied his balls into my vagina, but I didn’t cumm again. Frankly, I was just too nervous about what I was doing. It’s not as sexy a story but it’s honest. Then it was a bit of a waiting game. The dog wasn’t budging and even growled a little when I moved. I couldn’t get away, but I couldn’t stay put either. But that’s pretty much exactly what I did. For almost five minutes, I just kept still, bent over, with my pussy filled with hot dog semen and the still stiff dog cock. I didn’t know what to do, but I was suddenly struck by how amusing the whole thing was. There I was, in my boss’s house, fucking his dog, and now I was stuck. I laughed out loud a little. Finally the dog gave up his hold on me and pulled out. With a loud suction sound my vagina drained out a huge load of semen, which also made me laugh. I quickly rubbed my pussy for a few minutes to get myself off, and then when I was done, I cleaned up, got dressed and went home.

I thought that was the end of it, but I was so wrong. The next day I got a note from Mr. Markov that said, basically please do whatever you did again. He said that the dog was the best behaved that he had ever seen. I didn’t know what to do about that. I didn’t have sex with him that day, but then the next day I got another note that said that he hadn’t noticed the same behavior and to be sure to do whatever I did the other day. I had created a monster!

I held out firm though. I wasn’t going to have sex with him again. I was already too concerned about getting caught! I mean, my whole livelihood as a nurse would be crushed. I would never find love. People would hate me. This is what I thought at the time anyway. The next day I came to work and Mr. Markov was waiting for me. He said he wanted to talk, so he sat me down and asked me a bunch of questions about what I had done. I tried to lie but he stopped me and said, “I know what you did. I know you had sex.”

Q: Were you embarrassed when he caught you?

A: Oh, I thought I was going to die. I had no idea he was trying to illicit this sort of behavior from me at the time, and I thought he’d ruin my life if he found out. Even after he told me he was okay with what had happened, I still wanted to run out from his home office and hide under my bed. Thankfully, instead of being angry with me, he told me that then he needed me to train the dog not to try to have sex with his house guests in any other part of the house other than the one area I was training him. So he needed me to enjoy his dog’s company many more times, but only in that room and then stop him from doing it in other rooms. I didn’t really have much of a choice, and somehow it all seemed very logical. So I started having sex with his dog several times a week in the same room, and then telling the dog to stop when I ventured out into other rooms.

Later, Mr. Markov told me that I had been doing a great job, but that he needed me to do it several times a day, to help train the dog to be better when the real bitch was introduced to his breeding dog. He wanted me to train his current dog and the new dogs he was purchasing to be non-aggressive during sex. The entire time I complied, maybe a little too willingly. I was shocked that he was being so nice to me about the whole thing. He even started paying more of my bills, and giving me bonuses and raises to keep me coming back. I was happy to, frankly, but I tried to treat it just like any other job. I was as professional as I could be, given that I was naked, bent over and had a pussy full of dog ejaculate most of my work day. It was really kinky.

After a few months he asked if he could put a camera in the room. I was very hesitant at first, but he convinced me it wouldn’t show my face, just the union between the dog and myself. He said I would get the tapes, he just wanted to view them to make sure he understood exactly what was going on. I eventually agreed, but then I started watching the tapes after he was done with them and I realized I wanted to see my face on them, even though I had made him agree not to video anything buy my ass and pussy. So I took matters into my own hands and started moving the camera around and taking more and different angles.

A month or so later he asked if he could put a few select movies online to show some other people. That actually sounded really erotic to me and he promised he wouldn’t tell anyone who I was, and that it was extremely unlikely anyone would recognize me from the website, so I agreed almost immediately, as long as we could use a pseudonym – “Anne”. Then later he confessed that the entire time he had had several hidden cameras around the house taking video of me since the day I had been hired. He told me that that’s how he had known. He had caught me masturbating a few times, but that was nothing compared to me fucking the dog for the first time. I was more curious to see it than upset at that point. In fact, I was flattered.

He had been filming me for almost 4 months before I finally broke down and let the dog have sex with me, but now I was suddenly into the idea. I loved the concept of dogs mating with me. They were so primal and forbidden. So I let Mr. Markov continue to tape me and put all the new videos of me up online. Knowing that people were watching me reallllllly turned me on. Instead of doing a job and just having some fun in the process, I started performing, and hamming it up a little more. I started wearing more makeup, and making sure my hair was pretty. I started taking my runs with the dogs more seriously so I could shed a few pounds here or there. Not that anyone complained about my curves, but a girl can always lose a pound here or two, right? Lol!

Eventually, he came up with the dog breeding program to find a better version of a dog to mate with. I thought it was a great idea, personally. He asked if I wanted to help. He cautioned that it might mean years of work, and possibly hundreds of dogs or more. I don’t think his cautionary tone was received as such though, because I jumped at the chance, in a very calm sort of way – I still wasn’t sure if I liked the idea of what I had done, but I wasn’t about to stop either. I had already been having sex with his dogs for almost six months at that point, and sometimes three or four times a day per dog. So the chance to help him tune his findings and get a better dog breed for mating with women, was a girlish horny dream come true. It’s like those dreams where you walk to school with no clothes on, and you’re embarrassed but horny – but this time it was real. Sometimes I have to pinch myself because it’s just too good to be true!

Q: What kind of things do you have to do for your job?

A: Well, it’s not all just constant sex with the dogs, despite what most people probably think. I mean that’s a big part of it obviously, but there’s a lot more to it. We have to train the dogs to know when to mate with us, not to pull out too quickly because that can be painful, and so on. We also have to run each of the dogs for at least an hour every day so they stay fit. It’s a pretty time consuming task, but if you love what you do it’s not that bad, lol! Plus I stay in great shape! It’s fun chatting up the soccer moms in the park with whatever dog or set of dogs I’m with that day. I’ve gotten to be friends with a few of them, but I always blush when I think about what I’m going to go back home and do to those dogs after I’m done gossiping with the ladies.

But Mr. Markov treats our vaginas as if they are the most sacred things on the planet. He studies them intently.

Q: Zoophile or is this just a job?

A: Lol! I might have lied a little. I like to downplay it with my husband when I can. I don’t like telling him, “Bye honey, have a good day at work while I cuckold you all day with Fido here!” Lol! Can you imagine? I’d have to be such a bitch to say that. I mean, I have said stuff like that a few times, but I only in the heat of passion. I try not to remind him of that fact any more than I have to. He doesn’t need any more damage to his ego. I like him to think he’s just got a hot wife with a huge kink. I’d rather him not know that if it came between me and the dogs, my husband would have to find a new place to sleep because the dogs would be on his side of the bed from that day forward. Lol!

Q: So your husband doesn’t mind sloppy seconds?

A: LOL!!! Well, I guess the short answer is I think he actually gets off on it a little. He must or he wouldn’t have asked me to marry him. But to answer your question my husband’s dick has boldly gone where many dogs’ dicks have gone before… that day. Lol! Yeah, I think he’s happy to have me when he can, even if he knows that my wet pussy isn’t necessarily lubricated because I’m hot for him. Sometimes it’s just coated with dog ejaculate. But to be honest, I try not to ask him what he thinks, because I think it gets him angry to talk about it. I don’t really want to know the answer. I’m happy the way things are. I’ve got all a woman could ask for. A loving husband, and a pack of dogs at my

I don’t tell many people this, but although I was pregnant and had a baby it wasn’t actually my daughter. It was actually my friend’s baby. I was artificially implanted with her egg, since she couldn’t have kids. So I had her and her husband’s baby for them. It was the least I could do. I wasn’t using my body for anything at the time. So my husband has had to deal with a lot. He’s a trooper.

Q: Were there any dogs you didn’t like?

A: Well, I know Tatia loves the mastiffs but she’s also almost six feet tall! I just couldn’t fit that huge dog in me, no matter how hard I tried. It wasn’t so much that I didn’t like the mastiffs I slept with, but it was just too frustrating, and frankly hurt a little. I had a really hard time taking their knots, and it wasn’t for lack of trying! Lol! Tatia can’t stop talking about the mastiffs though and she keeps asking Mr. Markov to breed more of them into his final dog breed, but Mai is only 4’8″ and 98 lbs, there’s no hope for her. So for the good of all womankind, I think the small amount of mastiff that’s currently in his breed is a good compromise for all of the sizes of girls everywhere. But none of the dogs have bit me or anything. We make sure to train them to be social and nice. I know that having a dog screw you is considered to be socially unacceptable, but beyond that I mean… lol! Alas, dogs will be dogs!

But I will say that the mastiffs were also extremely messy, at least for me, because I couldn’t knot with them. I may be able to get them most of the way in, but usually not all the way. I ended up with sperm all over me, every time. Half the time they’d be trying to shove their cock up my ass too because they were so tall. Once, I was just so tired of it, I let one of the dogs do it, just because I was so frustrated. And you know I must have been frustrated, because besides my own fingers and a few toys here and there, nothing has ever been in my ass. I think my husband is jealous.

He randomly watched the video of that day’s sex, even though he usually doesn’t, and got all upset. He said, “You’ll let a mastiff fuck your ass but not me?” I laughed and told him that maybe he should have played as hard to get as that damned mastiff did. Lol!!! I would have done anything to successfully mate with that dog, I swear. I was a real whore in heat that entire two month stint I was with the mastiffs. I probably let them have anal sex with me twenty or thirty times. I’m just glad Mr. Markov switched the mastiffs out with the boxers after that. I might have turned into a real anal slut if it hadn’t have been for that. Lol!!! I guess that’ll teach my husband to watch my videos! If he doesn’t like it he should watch something else!

I also don’t like the long haired dogs either. They shed too much and are too hot on your back while you’re impaled. I also don’t like the super small dogs that have too much energy. They don’t know what to do with a woman. They just bounce around too much. The bigger dogs are just better when they mount you. They’re also stronger and hold you tighter.

I just realized what a sex addict I must sound like. I’m really very normal if you were to meet me, I swear!

Q: What are the best attributes for a dog as a lover, in your opinion?

A: I like my dogs strong, and really well trained. I don’t like to have to fight with them too much. So when dogs come to me they are usually a mess, and really hard to mate with. I’m lucky if I can even get them to wait to get inside me to start ejaculating. By the end of their stay with me, I’m usually head over heels for them, and I can cumm two or three times easily before they paint my insides. When I’ve got them really well trained sometimes I’ll pull out a bench and do them missionary style. It’s so erotic to make out with a dog while they’re fucking you. I know it sounds gross, french kissing a dog, but OMG it’s so hot, when you get their knot in you and your cumming hard and they’re inseminating you and all you want to do is swallow their big pink tongue and have a litter of puppies with them. OMG, brb, gotta masturbate…. LOL!!!!

Q: Some women have said things on the website about wanting to have puppies with the dogs, were you serious?

A: Whew! Lol! Sorry, I was getting really horny there. Lol! I had to stop responding to take care of… things. No… of course not. I already had a baby, I don’t want to squirt any more life forms out of me! Lol! But no, seriously, I had a very very long conversation with my mom one day about this. To be honest, I love dogs more than I love most people. Mr. Markov explained to all of us women in the program early on that our psychology was such that we had taken dogs as our mates. Meaning we found them to be sexually superior as lovers to men. Even more so when we actually orgasm. Our bodies betray our real feelings, if we ever had them, for men. What that means is that all of us women, but some more than others, would do anything to impregnate ourselves with our lover’s ejaculate.

I’ve reflected a lot on that idea over the last ten years, and at first I disagreed with Mr. Markov, although I would have never told him that to his face. But I thought it was just fun and games. A kinky sexual pastime, and nothing more. But over the years, I’ve come to know he’s right. If there were a way that I could impregnate myself with Zues for instance, I almost undoubtedly would. I know it’s just a silly horny girl’s fantasy, but it gets me off just thinking about being knotted on camera in front of thousands of people while that giant dog impregnates me.

I can just imagine, me with my legs wrapped around that big dog, his tongue down my throat and both of us pulsating in unison. My anus would be clenching and my toes would be curled as I stiffened in ecstasy. My pussy would be milking his giant cock for even more of his seed and his cock would be squirting rope after rope into my vagina as my cervix greedily sucked his sperm up into my fertile womb. And even as we are hung up on each other in a perverse embrace, and kissing each other deeply, the dog’s sperm reaches my egg and he impregnates me while people from around the earth watch the first successful human-dog inter-species breeding.

OMG, what a dream! My mother was understanding when I told her about it, but I don’t think she really gets it. Either way, she was nice enough to sit and listen to her daughter tell her the most perverse thing she’s probably ever heard in her life. And the whole time I was masturbating as we talked! Lol! I’m such a brat! She smiles and nods and tries to give motherly advice, but really I’m just glad she’s there to listen. Meanwhile while I was telling her all this my feet were up on either side of my butt on the couch as I was laying back, and rubbing my cunt that was still filled with fresh dog cum. Thankfully she’s gotten used to me being naked and rubbing myself pretty much every time she’s over, if I’m not under a dog, that is. I can’t help myself. It’s so much dirtier to masturbate in front of your own mom!

Sometimes after we go shopping for Christmas or someone’s birthday or something, I’ll go over to her house and strip naked and lay on the floor and masturbate while she’s wrapping presents. It’s so much fun. I know she watches my videos now too. I’m pretty sure my mom is my most loyal fan! lol!

Q: How many dogs have you slept with?

A: Oh gosh! Let’s see, I think it’s as of today it’s 382? I’m sure Mr. Markov could tell you for sure, but I’m pretty sure that’s right. He keeps meticulous notes. But my goal is to make it to 1000 different dogs by the time I die. If the mating program goes on that long I’ll die a happy woman. Maybe I’ll get into the Guinness book of world records. It’s all on video on the website right? I’ve got proof!

Q: How many times have you had sex with a dog since you started this job?

A: Ah! Well that I do know because there’s a counter for that on the site. In fact that’s something us girls compete with, not just in the amount of times, but in the amount of times per week. Mr. Markov gives us bonuses for doing extra work, so girls like Mai who live in China or Ariana who lives in Kenya make a lot of extra money for their families by having a lot more sex than the other girls, who need the money a lot less. But because I was the first girl that Mr. Markov entrusted to work on his experiment, I still have the record for the most amount of times. As of today, I’ve had sex with a dog 6859 times. These days I have sex two times a day, including the weekends. What can I say, I’m a work-a-holic! lol!

Mai definitely has the most though. She’s catching up quick. She’s been having sex five or six times a day. But I was a lot more energetic when I was first starting this job, and closer to her age. I’m in my thirties now, and she’s just 19! I have to pace myself, if I want to be doing this in another thirty years! If I do, at this rate I’ll end up at around 30,000 different sexual acts with dogs! Lol! And I hear women get even more sexually active in their 40’s. I can’t wait to try! But I’m just taking my days one act of bestiality at a time. You can’t rush these things. I’ve got a lot of years ahead of me.

Q: Do you get anything special for all that hard work?

A: Actually yes. Mr. Markov showers us in gifts for a job well done. The diamond necklace I’m currently wearing is worth over $20,000 for instance. I got it for hitting 5,000 sex acts on video. He said he had something very special in mind for when I hit 10,000. I can barely wait! Maybe I’ll step things up and take Mai on for the most amount of times per week after all! Lol! God knows I’ve got the practice!

Q: How much does Mr. Markov pay you?

A: Well he’s very wealthy so he’s very kind with his money. He pays me well over six figures. If you count bonuses I could afford to pay for everything my family needs. Technically my husband doesn’t need to work. Some girls make more, some less, but I’ve been working for him for ages now. If you ask him he says he’s sunk nearly twenty million dollars into this experiment. I believe if if you count the fact that he’s paid for my house, my car, my salary, and pretty much anything I need, not to mention all the dogs. Now multiply that by the six other women and wow… he’s sure been generous. Although, I’ve always wondered how much money he makes from people signing up for the website. Maybe it’s not that much for him after all!

Q: Do you think Mr. Markov has ulterior motives for the breeding program?

A: You mean like watching a bunch of sexy women fuck dogs all day? Lol! I mean, seriously. What red blooded man wouldn’t want to see that? Or for that matter, what red blooded woman?! Mr. Markov has made his intentions clear. He just loves to watch. He’s a voyeur and he’s got a vision. I’m happy to be his exhibitionist and his tool to accomplish his end goal. My pussy is his to do what he wants with and if he wants me to have sex with hundreds of dogs to find one that’s better at getting me off than any other creature on earth… well by damned, who am I to get in the way of his vision?

Q: Are you allowed to have a life outside of your rigorous job?

A: Yes, in fact I’m married. I was single when I started working for Mr. Markov, but he encouraged me to have a life outside of work. And yes, I have to service my husband too, but thankfully he’s been very understanding when I tell him that I’m just plain tired from work.

Q: Did Mr. Markov attend your wedding? And was it awkward at all if he did?

A: Yes, he did! It wasn’t awkward at all for me. He wasn’t physically there when I had my daughter but beyond that, Mr. Markov has been there for me in any time of need throughout the last decade. I’m sure my husband wasn’t all that thrilled to have Mr. Markov there, but he understands it’s just my job. The fun part was standing there wearing white with three loads of dog cumm dripping down my leg as I said my vows. I think my husband is still upset because I went back to fuck those same three rottweilers again between the time of the vows and the reception. Hey, I had a busy schedule! I mean, he married me – he knew what he was getting into. I took six nice stills of the video of me before the wedding and then after the wedding where you can see me wearing my wedding dress and each of the three dogs knotting me in succession. I printed them out and put the six pictures in a frame on our nightstand. It’s sexy, and reminds me of our wedding night.

Q: Did having a child impact your career at all as a dog sex tester?

A: Actually not really. The actual act of having a child did, of course, but everything leading up to the birth was just plain fun. A lot of people were watching me, especially in the last days of the pregnancy. I guess it’s hot watching a pregnant woman getting inseminated by a horny dog. But truthfully, I was so turned on, that I had a lot more sex with the dogs than I do normally. I was doing it almost ten times a day! Lol!!! But that’s okay, because my husband wasn’t all that interested in doing the fat chick anyway. Lol!

I like to tell my husband that I’m not sure if he was the father or if it was of those dogs! He doesn’t think that’s nearly as funny as I do. It was a weird feeling though, having a huge dog knot in me while my friend’s daughter was kicking in my stomach. It was so erotic! I took some stills from the video and hung them up around our bedroom as art. If my husband is being particularly lazy in bed, I sneek peeks at those pictures and that always gets me off.

Q: Who have you told about your job?

A: I told my husband, of course, but it took me almost a year to finally break down and tell him the truth. I tried to ease him into it in the same way Mr. Markov eased me into it. I left my computer on to random bestiality links fairly frequently to get him to be more open minded to it. After a few months of that I figured he could handle the shock. I finally sat him down one day and told him, and I thought his face would melt off. It was like I had told him that the whole universe was a fake or something. He didn’t believe me at first, but when I showed him the archive of the hundreds of movies I had made at that point. He had no choice but believe me then. I thought he’d break up with me at first.

He really didn’t like the idea at all. But eventually he came around and got used to it. He still says he wished I wouldn’t do it, but if we had to rely on his income, we’d starve! He’s just a construction worker. So he’s thankful that we have the money, but I think he’d prefer it if I just got an “honest” job. We’ve had long discussions about it, but there’s no talking me out of it. Even if I could find another job that paid as well, I love what I do.

So he knows. I also told my mother and my sister without anyone prompting me. My mother was totally against the whole thing until after the incident at xmas. I know she watched the videos online but she’s never said she has. She’s just too curious not to. But she acted a lot different to me after that. We started talking again after a few months. Now she and I are best friends again and she even asks me about my job every once in a while now. She was pretty open minded about the whole thing considering. It’s weird talking to your own mom about bending over for any and every dog who wants it for a living, but she’s gotten used to the idea, I think. Eventually my whole family found out during the xmas incident, but that’s another story.

My sister is really into it. She even finds and buys bestiality movies and brings them to me for inspiration. She comes over sometimes and watches while I have sex with the dogs. She’s so sweet. She’ll help the dogs mount me and even sometimes help them to tie with me.

I’ve told several of my husband’s friends about me too. I love the shock value. But beyond them, and my obgyn, no one really knows. I had to tell my obgyn when I was about to give birth. I just wanted to make sure that it was okay to be having so much sex in the days leading up to giving birth. It turns out that it’s perfectly fine, which was good for me, because I was way too horny not to. I didn’t want to risk my friend’s daughter’s health though….

But nothing prepared me for how the rest of my family found out. lol! It’s kind of an embarrassing story to tell in a way, because I sound awfully slutty, but here goes. It was xmas and it was going to be a bunch of us. My parents, my sister and her boyfriend, my aunt and uncle and their 18 year old son, my grandmother and her nurse, my husband and I. My breasts were suddenly filled with milk. I was really feeling sexy around then because I had finally got my body back after working out every day that I could. It was tough but I finally got my stomach back in order.

I had been fantasizing about wearing something kinda trashy for xmas for over a month. I don’t wear much in the way of clothes, unless I’m jogging, as you can imagine. Aside from trips to the store or when I run the dogs, I pretty much never have anything on. I just prefer to be naked. So I was excited to find a sheer red blouse and a skimpy plaid skirt. I looked like a naughty school girl. I brought one of the dogs I was testing too – a mistake now that I look back on it, but I didn’t want to leave him at home since he was a pretty young dog and tended to chew up furniture.

Well I guess I underestimated how sheer the blouse was and I didn’t bother to wear a bra, or underwear for that matter. Because my breasts were so big from nursing and apparently I was having a “good boob day” because everyone was staring at them throughout dinner. And then my mother, who was still upset with me since I had only a few months prior told her about the whole dog sex thing at that point said, “Oh for God’s sake, Anna – your breasts!”

I was without a child after having given him over to his real mother but I had this huge milk filled tits! That started a whole new line of conversation about my modesty. I was kind of mad to be honest, so I said, “You think that’s immodest? Here.” So I whipped off my blouse, undid and dropped my skirt to my ankles, and I just stood there in my stockings, completely naked. That shut everyone up.

Then I sat down with my hands in my lap, like I was the sweetest and most innocent schoolgirl in the world, sans the clothes. I realized in that minute that I had been searching for a way to get naked in front of the family all month, and I had pretty much caused the incident. But I didn’t care. My head was swimming, my heart was pounding. I felt so alive!

I looked at my blouse on the floor and apparently I was leaking milk into the mesh anyway, so it must have looked more obscene than I had originally thought. Whoops! Anyway, it felt really sexy sitting there at the xmas table, with everything and everyone all prim and proper and there I was, completely naked in front of my whole family. My naked butt and back felt weird on my parent’s wooden dining room chair. My aunt said something very nice about how striking I looked so soon after having the baby.

I thank her and a few others start agreeing. I couldn’t help but move my hand up to my pubic hair and gently rub my clitoris, even though I knew everyone was watching me out of the corner of their eyes as they tried to eat. To this day I don’t know what got into me but I swear, right there in front of god and everyone I raised one foot, put my high heel on the chair and I swear to you, I stuck my index finger right in my pussy! Lol! My grandma, my parents, everyone… they all saw – or at least they saw my hand disappear. Everyone’s mouth was wide open. I was so horny.

Then my mother yells at me, “What are you doing young lady?” With my finger still in my pussy I blurt out, “It’s not like I’m not naked all day anyway. You know that.” Whoops again! Then my uncle asks, “Wait. What is it you do, exactly, Anna?” And I look at my husband who shakes his head, like I shouldn’t say anything but then my mother says, “She fucks dogs.” Well the cat was out of the bag on that one. I could have killed my Mom for that, but at the same time it was really relieving to get it out there. My grandmother slapped my mother on the shoulder for the curse word, but everyone else realized she was being literal.

The whole table gasped. I could feel their eyes burning into me and I just wanted to die. But I was also so very horny at the same time. I guess I’m one of those people who doesn’t mind being humiliated, even though it still felt like I was getting punched in the stomach. I get up from the table and storm into the next room, my tits and ass bouncing all over the place, I’m sure. At first I feel like crying and then I feel like getting revenge. The dog I had been training for the previous few weeks was locked up in the pantry so he wouldn’t chew on people’s shoes. At the same time that I’m trying to figure out what to do I’m hearing my husband and my sister and my mother try to explain to the rest of the family what it is that I do for a living in gory detail.

I start rubbing my pussy, listening to my husband in the dining room explain how the video cameras are all set up in a room off of the living room and how hundreds of people watch in real time and how almost a thousand people a day were watching me while I was pregnant. He wasn’t really right, because of the time zones, but anyway! lol! The whole family decides to stop talking about it, and after a few minutes they head into the living room to start opening presents. Sure, that’ll take their mind off of the naked girl running around the house. Lol!

That’s when I decide to do it. My stomach was in my throat as I walked into the pantry, found some of my dad’s socks, grabbed the Labrador I was training at the time – I’ll never forget – I put the socks on his feet and started rubbing it’s cock, getting it warmed up. When I was sure he was good and ready, I stormed into the living room with the dog in tow and I said, “You want to know what I do for a living? Here.” I drop onto all fours right next to the xmas tree next to all the presents, I slap my ass and give the dog the verbal cue to mount me. Right there in front of my whole family the dog jumps up onto my back and humps into me.

My whole family was in total awe, I’m sure. They didn’t say anything but a few of them got up from their seats so they could see me better. I was a total whore in heat. I hadn’t put much thought into the labrador in particular, but all of a sudden he started trying to tie with me. I thought about it only for a split second but then I decided to do it. I had gone this far, why not complete the union? So I try to spread myself wider and I said out loud, “Yes, fuck me!” I’m sure that my grandmother was shocked to hear me speak like that because I had never swore in front of her. Well, not since I was a teenager and she explaint to me what she thought of swearing with a swift swat to the butt.

But there I was butt naked, except for my high heels and stockings, and in plain view, and my pussy was impaled on that huge labrador. His knot finally slipped into me and I gasped. My uncle even said to my sister’s boyfriend, “I think his knot is in her! Did you know she’s been doing this?” My sister’s boyfriend shook his head dumbly because of course my sister hadn’t spilled the beans. I think my uncle thought that because I had a dog’s dick in me I was deaf or something. But I started squeezing my nipples because I was getting so close to an orgasm. Of course my breast milk is going all over the carpet. I’m moaning and humping back, in the most depraved sort of way. My sister’s boyfriend says to my uncle, “Yes, she’s definitely done this before.” Lol! Of course my nipples end up spraying milk all around the floor next to the Christmas table, which almost makes me laugh – what a sweet revenge on my Mom, huh?

Finally I feel the labrador start to tense and his knot expand. He’s cumming hard in me, which finally drives me over the edge. There we are, under the xmas tree, with me wearing nothing but my jewelry, my stockings and my high heels, on all fours, while a large labrador is inseminating me in front of the whole family. I can feel my pussy pulsating hard – it was a great orgasm. My whole stomach is tense, my toes are curling and I’m reaching my crescendo. My cervix is pulsating and sucking up the ropes of dog semen while my family watches helplessly. Oh god! I just kept cumming and cumming. The dog was done with me, but my pussy was on fire. Finally I came down to earth but we were still knotted.

Suddenly though, reason returned to my stupid horny brain. While I was busy mating with a dog, the rest of my family was still waiting for xmas. Even as I was still hung up on the dog and he was still on my back I managed to come to my senses and say, “I’m so sorry, everyone. I really do apologize, but in the spirit of Christmas, I hope you don’t hold it against me. My profession may seem odd but I’m the same person I always have been. Please don’t hate me.” Thankfully my little speech garnered some good will and my sister helped by saying, “We love you, Anna. No matter what.” Everyone else agreed. And then my sister’s boyfriend thankfully changed the subject by saying they should leave me be and go into the next room and open some presents. I agreed, and said, “Yes, please go ahead. Don’t mind me, he’ll be a few minutes, just go on.” They walked into the next room and I slowly crawled with the dog on my back. It took a few minutes but we finally made it into the next room and I stayed right next to the Christmas tree. So the family just sort of started grabbing presents around me while I stayed suck with the giant dog dick in me, completely filled with his sperm.

People started opening presents around me and I suddenly felt encouraged by their niceness. I took the liberty of reaching back and rubbing my clit, since they all seemed fairly preoccupied. My husband gave me a present but I wasn’t ready to stop rubbing myself. So I sort of laid down and tried to open the present with one hand, and rub my pussy with the other. It was so erotic. I’m sure the dog was bored of me and just wanted to jump off me, but we train them to wait until the woman is completely done before they pull out, because they can really hurt a woman if they just pull out suddenly. Plus in times like that I might want one last little orgasm.

So I’m trying to open this gift that my husband gave me that was from my Mom, and it turns out it’s this cute skirt that I absolutely love. But I’m still trying to get myself off, while my pussy is just absolutely filled to the brim and beginning to leak out dog cumm. I want to thank my mom quickly, so she knows that I love the skirt, because I do. So I rub myself really quickly, and it only takes a few seconds but I can feel myself about to climax again. I give the labrador the cue to pull out of me, and he does, right as I start cumming. I manage to stumble to my feet on those high heels, with my hand still rubbing my pussy, but a huge gush of dog cumm is draining out of me, and as my pussy is pulsating because I’m still having my orgasm.

I stumble over to my mother who’s sitting at the end of the couch and lean over and give her a big hug and tell her how much I love the skirt. I can feel my whole body shuddering so I straddle the arm of the couch hoping to get some more sensation against my clit and hump it hard for several seconds, because I was still cumming. I’m even moaning a little and whimpering as I’m hugging my mom. OMG, my pussy was drooling dog cumm on her $2000 sofa as I rub myself on it. My right hand that was rubbing my clit finds its way to my nipple and squeezes hard, spraying my breast milk all over the same woman who fed me milk from her own breasts. After almost a minute of humping that damned couch, I finally came down from my orgasm. My mom had tons of droplets of my breast milk in her hair, face, neck and on her shoulder, my pussy juices and the dog’s semen were all over her expensive couch and I was almost dizzy from how good it felt.

After we opened some more presents my sister’s boyfriend asked what the URL for the website was, and the whole family kinda chimed in that they wanted to see it. It was really embarrassing but I went over to my parent’s computers and logged in and showed them some of my videos. We watched two of them – the two I’m most proud of. The first one we watched was the first doberman that I had knotted with while having an anal plug in, and the second was the first time that Mr. Markov caught me having sex with his own dog. Even though that video is clumsy and not nearly as high quality, for some reason I’m the most proud of it because it’s honest and it makes me super horny to watch it. But it’s also easily the most embarrassing of all of the videos of me, since I had no idea anyone was watching.

I’m a little ashamed to admit it but I always get super turned on by watching myself. I couldn’t help but put my feet up on the desk and rub my pussy while we watched the videos together as a family. I gave them all passwords so they could check it out later. My 18 year old cousin was front row center. Later on he emailed me and asked for a few more user names and passwords. I’m pretty sure most of his friends at school bought accounts with their parent’s credit card. I’m sure he was all excited to show off what his cousin was doing. Boys will be boys. I don’t care if 18 year old boys want to watch. It’s probably healthy for their ego – there are some sluts out there like me who will even sleep with dogs, so they too have hope! Lol!

Before it was over I had a nice little orgasm but I managed to keep my moaning down. I’m sure everyone noticed anyway because my whole body tightened up and the chair nearly tipped backwards as my legs tensed up. I didn’t even notice but I was squeezing my left nipple and spraying even more milk over myself. Despite that little embarrassment it felt nice because my pussy was still really wet with the dog’s cumm. I ended up licking my fingers and tasting myself several times after it was over. I’m sure my family noticed, but politely no one said anything about the slut who was eating dog sperm out of her own exposed cunt and spraying breast milk all over hrself at xmas, while she watched herself fucking dogs on the Internet. Lol! See? I told you this wasn’t a good story! I sound like such a slut! Lol!! I’m still amazed my family and I were still on speaking terms after that night.

The rest of the night was kind of a blur of questions about the Mr. Markov’s program, how I got into it, what it’s goals are and so on. I ended up leaving the house nude at the end of the night. My husband grabbed my clothes and I walked out nude. I’ve never worn a stitch of clothes in front of my family since unless we go out for some reason. It sure made it easier to milk myself too, which is nice. I kept pumping my breasts ever since I had the baby – I like how it feels. Lol!

I ended up wearing the skirt my mom bought me for xmas a lot while having sex with the dogs. I wasn’t lying, I did think it was a super cute skirt. Probably not what she intended it for, but whatever. Lol! Ever since then she’s bought me really cute skirts for xmas and my birthday, so now I have a nice collection of slutty little skirts. And if they aren’t slutty enough, I just roll them a few times at the top. I’m sure she logs into the website, and sees me wearing them, even though she’s never said a word about it. I don’t wear them too often but when I do no one seems to complain about the skirts. They can still see the dog’s knot going into me when I bend over anyway. Too bad all those pretty skirts are all completely covered with dog cumm stains now. Although that has never stopped me from wearing them in public. Lol!

Q: Does your sister want a job with Mr. Markov?

A: Lol! We’ve talked about it, a lot. But Mr. Markov is also very particular about who he takes, since it’s very expensive for him to bring them into the program, since he had to run a lot of the tests over again for the new women of the program. So it’s at least a two year investment to get all the data he needs to calibrate the women’s desires with the known breeds. My sister would have to fuck over 100 dogs, just to get to the point where she’d be useful to Mr. Markov. Plus we are nearly exactly the same demographic and body type, so it would just skew his data, I think. But despite all that, knowing my sister, I think she’d be up for it if he asked. As a consolation prize, I offered to get her one of Mr. Markov’s dogs in a few years once he’s perfected the breed. Mr. Markov already said he’d give us a few of them for free to give to girlfriends in his beta program. The only thing he wants in return is lots of feedback. Knowing my sister, she’d write a book on the subject! Lol! But no, she’s never tried it, that I know of.

Q: You seem very educated, did you go to school?

A: I was nearly a graduate of a nursing program, but once I got the opportunity to pay off all my school loans, and then some and in just a few months, I realized nursing wasn’t my calling. This was. I’m not the most educated girl on the team though. That would be Sveta. She’s a college graduate, in marketing, I think. She could have been a model when she was younger since she’s so tall, and she’s also really smart. But even she thought this was a better life for her and her family. She has a 18 year old boy and a 6 year old girl, and is a single mom. Divorce is ugly, and she’s glad to have such a stable and fun job.

She says her boy’s friends are always trying to come up with excuses to come over and visit during the day to study. Since she is so smart with money she offers to tutor them for a small fee, and they always say yes. She tells them that has to do her job at the same time, so most of those boys have seen her having sex with the dogs while she was helping them with their math homework, or whatever excuse they come up with to come over. I don’t think she has to do both at the same time, but it makes for a good story, and I don’t think they boys mind at all. She ends up making a lot of money from them and from the program. I guess bestiality is legal in Sweden, so it’s not as big of a deal to the people there. I’m jealous! Even though it’s legal in this state, I still have to be careful who I tell.

Speaking of which, Maria has pretty much the same deal. Brazil is extremely open about sex with animals. Apparently it’s deeply ingrained in their culture, which is why Mr. Markov searched high and low for a woman in Brazil. Maria is really shy once she’s done getting off, but when I visited her in Brazil, it was a different story entirely. She owns two dogs – a mastiff and a wolf hound mutt that she found at the pound. I guess she had been having sex with him for a while even before Mr. Markov found her. He met her in a chat room at some point and recruited her. The mastiff came later through the breeding program. Anyway, when I went down there, I realized that although you can’t really tell on camera, she actually lives with her whole family.

Unlike Helki and Ariana who’s families are very poor, Maria’s family just loves living in close proximity. But obviously there are no secrets in their family. They all know about her job, and although Maria works a full day just like any of the other girls, she also spends quite a bit of her “free time” under the mastiff and the wolf hound of hers, like I do with Zues. She dresses for dinner because that’s how it’s done in Brazil I guess, and then as soon as dinner is over, while the rest of the family is enjoying cigars and brandy out on the porch she’ll grab her mastiff and go out onto the front lawn and let the mastiff knot with her. The family is loud and rowdy, so you can hardly hear her in the lawn with her soft moaning. She’s very similar to Helki in her soft moans, so the family almost doesn’t even notice her. It’s a very small community she lives in. Everyone knows each other, and when neighbors walk by they just wave at her. She’s getting dog cumm fucked into her on her front lawn in front of her whole family and in between moans she’ll raise up so her tits are just off the grass and wave back.

I think Maria is a goddess. She’ll spend a few hours after dinner each night taking turns with her two dogs, listening to the conversation her family is having. She’s a bit of a wallflower, despite the fact that she’s in the grass getting inseminated by the family dogs. She does it another way too with the smaller wolf hound where she’ll be on her back but lift her butt way up off the ground so the hound can reach her. She claims it feels better because she can feel the dog’s stomach against her pubic hair. But she’s also got a great sense of humor so every once in a while, out of nowhere, she’ll crack a joke. So she’s on her back with her butt about 8 inches off the ground, completely tense because she’s got a dog on top of her who’s humping semen into her, while she plays with her big breasts and all of a sudden she’ll come out with a one liner that takes the whole family by surprise.

They’ll all laugh for a minute straight and she’ll close her eyes and moan and wince and even though she’s barely moving you know her pussy is milking that dog’s pulsating cock for all it’s worth. One of the times I was there she she just laid in the grass on her back when the dogs had had their way with her, and she raised her legs up way over her head and rubbed her pussy. One of her cousins asked, “Didn’t you get enough?” She said, “Don’t you know, if a girl climaxes after she gets cummed in it helps to get her pregnant?” Her cousin looked slightly alarmed by that answer, but the rest of the family laughed. I’m not sure she was kidding. She rocks her hips back and forth and shoves her fingers way up inside herself, and rubs her G spot. She’ll sit there rocking her hips while laying in the grass and the dirt so she can to get as much dog cumm in her uterus as possible. Maybe she really is trying to impregnate herself. I don’t know for sure, but it is incredibly hot to watch!

I guess one of Maria’s cousins is a belly rider. She gets in these slings that basically allow the girls to swing under the horse. Then they tie themselves to the horses and let the horses fuck them. And they stay like that for hours and she claims in a few cases even days with the help of drugs for the horses to keep them erect. So bestiality runs in the culture there and the family too. I haven’t seen the belly riding up close but I’m dying to the next time I’m there. So she’s not the weird one. At least she gets paid! All I can say is I can’t wait for my next trip. I doubt I’d want to fuck a horse, but it would be interesting to watch! Maybe that will be Mr. Markov’s next experiment. The perfect horse line for inter-species mating of women and horses. Wouldn’t that be something? I wonder what kind of stallion would be the best to be put out to pasture and studded to. Only he could tell you what the future will bring!

But really, none of the girls are dumb. In fact, Mr. Markov specifically worked hard to find women who he thought were very intelligent, so that they could articulate what they were feeling. We all speak English too, although with varying levels of proficiency, since I’m the only native English speaker.

Q: Do you own any dogs yourself?

A: Much to my husband’s chagrin yes. Just one though. I own a rottweiler named Zeus – one of the breeding rottweilers we had used early on in our tests. I fell absolutely head over heels for him. He had the perfect knot, and I loved the way he did me and then licks the back of my neck afterwords. Plus he was so handsome and sweet. I had to have him. Thankfully Mr. Markov just gave him to me for free. I still use him for some of my baseline tests, so it works out great.

Q: Would you buy one of the Markov dogs if you weren’t employed to test them?

A: Lol! Absolutely. I own a rottweiler because they were my favorite at the time. But the Markov dogs are getting to be quite a bit better than the rottweilers. They’re stronger, a little taller, but not much, they like to lick a lot, which is important for a girl, and they have a great shaped knot. Nice and thick. I’m a fan! Lol! If I didn’t already own a rottweiler, I’d have a Markov dog. Maybe if I’m extra nice someone will buy me one for xmas! Lol! But if I were to ever quit this job, I’d definitely buy one, or two Markov dogs. But then again, if I weren’t getting paid to have sex with the dogs, I’d probably have to work, and there’d be less time to play with them. So maybe I’d only have one more. Yes, one for lunch breaks and one for after work. Lol!

Q: Does your husband care about you owning another dog?

A: Well, I think he thinks that when I’m done with my job I should want to be with him and him alone. I guess I like dogs as much as I like men, and I don’t think I should have to choose. So a few times when my husband was looking for a roll in the hay, I’ve told him no and that I’m not in the mood, but then just a few minutes later, I’m in the bedroom, where the cameras aren’t rolling, and I’m bent over with Zues’ huge dick shoved up me and I’m moaning and writhing. You might think I would be humiliated by being caught, but really, it was my own house, and I should be allowed to be impaled on whatever I like, so it was probably a good thing.

One time he was especially frustrated by the whole thing, since it wasn’t like that was the first time he had caught me chosing Zues over him. He was like “What the fuck?!” I didn’t have an answer for him because my head was swimming in ecstasy. Unfortunately, he had walked in right at the end of our session and right then I began to orgasm. I couldn’t stop making eye contact with my husband while my pussy was pulsating. It was so erotic! Clearly I was caught with a dog’s cock in me right in the midst of a climax. I couldn’t claim it was for work either, because he knows I don’t use Zeus much in my tests anymore, and it’s not like I was fucking him in the room with the cameras, so I can’t even lie. I was very pregnant at the time too. So I just had to tell him the truth, after I finally began to come down to earth.

So while I was naked, filled up with dog cumm and still hung up on Zues’ knot, I had to tell my husband everything. It was awkward but I explained that I chose to let myself be bred out by the dog. I explained that sometimes I chose dog semen over my own husband’s, and that I’m going to continue to mate with dogs for the rest of my life. I also explained in as few words as a breathless horny girl can, that if the dogs had been able to properly inseminate me, I would have chosen to have puppies with them over another kid any day. I really felt like he should know the truth. It wasn’t that I didn’t love him, it’s just that I love copulating with dogs as much or more.

It probably didn’t help that I had another small orgasm right at that moment talking about it. So there is his wife, pregnant with her girlfriend’s child, but bent over, buck naked and cumming on a dog’s penis that had just finished spraying her insides with semen. My cervix is sucking up animal sperm into my womb where my girlfriend’s unborn baby is gestating as he’s just standing there, pissed off. It might have been a small orgasm in comparison to most of them but it was one of the most memorable. I was yelling, and grabbing my tits. I must have been quite a sight. Zues chose that exact moment to pull out of me too, and to add insult to injury, the sperm drooled out of me onto my husband’s side of the bed. What a mess! He stormed out and I didn’t clean it up. I wanted to remember that day, and what better way than a dog semen stain on my husband’s side of the bed? Lol!!! There has been a lot more stains on that bed over the last 7 years though, let me tell you. Every one of them a memory!

Thankfully my husband and I eventually made up. But it was a few nights of him stomping around the house in a huff, before he finally got over it. I think he just needed to see where he ranked. Sometimes he has to be okay with being the beta male in the house, and sometimes I prefer dogs over him. Being second to the mutts isn’t all that bad though. I treat him great, feed him and our kid, do the dishes, keep the house in order, and all I ask from him is love and to help fix things when the break. He gets me when Zeus is tired of me. He doesn’t like it when I talk like that, especially in front of our friends, but that’s just how it is.

I just don’t think he likes it when I tell people he’s being cuckolded by a pack of dogs. Lol! He’ll probably be upset when he reads this. You’d think after 7 years he’d get over it, but he never fully has.

Q: What do you tell strangers that you do for a living?

A: I tell them that I perform mating studies on different dog breeds, and help to train them. People don’t seem to flinch at that and it’s 100% true – just missing a few crucial details.

Q: What was your favorite part of the last ten years during your tests?

A: Honestly, it was the sperm retention tests. God, that was the best year of my life! Mr. Markov only does those tests a week or so at a time every other month now, but for a year all we did was test different ways to hold more sperm in us after the dogs inseminated us. Mr. Markov felt that the truest sign of a successful mating was when a woman had retained the highest volume of sperm in her womb. So we started the test as a control. He told us to try to have sex but not orgasm at all. That was a tall order with some of the bigger dogs, but we managed to get a baseline by squatting over a cup for two minutes and seeing how much sperm drained out of us in that time. Of course we all screwed up a few times here and there and came during the baseline, whoops! Talk about the quickest way to make a girl blush! Try explaining that one, “The dog was too good, Mr. Markov, I couldn’t help it!” But he ran enough of the tests to weed out the anomalies, so an occasional slip up wasn’t so bad.

We then tried the same experiments but tried to have the biggest and most explosive orgasms possible. His theory was that the more sperm we retained the better our orgasm was, and therefore the better that particular variety of dog was to couple with. It’s an easier test to explain than to do, and it took more than a year with over 100 dogs per girl. It was about four days per dog, three times a day and it took 7 women to get our answers. That was over 8,000 different sexual sessions that Mr. Markov had to study, and more 1,000 acts of bestiality a peice for each girl in that 14 month part of the study. It was a long, but very fun year!

Personally, I retained the most dog sperm with the rottweilers, which is how I ended up with Zues. Mr. Markov told me that my body had effectively told me by way of the test results that I would willingly have puppies with the rottweiler breed, if that were possible. My body found them to be the best possible sexual mate, and was doing it’s best to breed with them. I have to admit, I love that idea, even though my husband gets jealous when I talk about it with him. A big rottweiler with it’s knot buried in my pussy and ejaculating in me right as I orgasm is pretty much the best possible way to spend a lazy saturday morning.

Sveta, Maria and Tatia all prefer the larger breeds like the mastiffs and the great danes. Mr. Markov toyed with adding a wolf mix in, but decided against that after a few weeks of tests due to their long hair and difficulty in training. I think Mia and Ariana breathed a sigh of relief on that one. They couldn’t even fit the wolf mixes up their pussies far enough to knot with them. Maria and Tatie didn’t complain much, except for how hard they were to train.

So Sveta, Maria and Tatia had to settle with a mix that would end up being a smaller breed even though they vocally prefer the bigger ones. Mia and Ariana prefer smaller dogs, like boxers, pointers, and even poodles, but I think they’re crazy for that one. Mr. Markov seriously thought about adding some poodle mix in because they are hypoallergenic, but thankfully he decided against it because their coats weren’t soft enough on our backs during sex. I was the first to complain about their curly coat, but not the last, thankfully! Lol! That’s the last thing I wanted – to have sex many times a day with that weird coat on my back for the rest of my life! I would have quit! Lol!

Helki and I are the ones in the middle. We like the medium sized dogs, like rottweilers, pit bulls, dobermans, german shepards, curs, ridgebacks, huskies and so on. Helki prefers pit bulls, but I’ll take a rottweiler any day. Plus no one bothers you when you have an attack dog like the medium sized dogs that Helki and I prefer. They aren’t much in the way of attack dogs as much as they are lovers at this point, but I wouldn’t tell a would-be mugger that.

Most of the other girls own at least one or two other dogs. Tatia has three dogs, all bigger breeds. Her husband is a salesman and often out of town, so he watches her on video. He doesn’t mind her fetish at all. I think Tatia and her husband are very cute together, and he’s very understanding – far more so than my husband.

Q: Do you have any kind of “style” that you prefer to use, or different pointers for women who are new to dog sex?

A: I say try everything. Personally I like to tie my hair back into a pony tail, or puppy tail as it may be. Lol! I like to wear thigh high tights and heels, just because it makes me feel sexy. I also make sure to do my makeup, and brush my teeth. Sure, the dog won’t notice or care, but it makes me feel sexy when I watch myself in the mirror or on camera later.

Although I don’t do it often, nothing’s better than popping a bottle of wine with some of my husband’s friends who have no idea what my job is and then “accidentally” bringing it up – pretending that I’m drunk. They’re always amazed, or freaked out but either way they’re curious. So then I end up turning on the computer so they can watch me. I get off thinking about watching their faces as a big fat knot pulls out of me and a stream of sperm pours out. My husband always gets pissed when I tell people, but I don’t do it often. He thinks they’ll call the cops, but zoophilia is legal in this state, so I doubt that would happen. It’s more likely that they’d just tell everyone, so I’m pretty careful not to tell people I think would blab about it.

But assuming they’re even sort of okay with it that always gets me off. Their faces are in total shock, and then I get to say, “Yes, that was just a few hours ago.” For that to work you have to have your makeup done right every day. Plus all the people watching me on the Internet. The last thing I want is for them to say, “Who is that ugly chick doing the dog?” I want to be hot! It gets me off. I also use toys.

Nipple clamps, belly chains, dildos, anal plugs, vibrating eggs. I’ve tried pretty much everything, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the dog’s ability to have sex with me. Anal plugs are probably the most fun, and they have the added benefit of making sure the dogs don’t get in the wrong hole, unless you’re like Tatia and you get off on that. Lol!!! Mr. Markov doesn’t get angry with her for it, but he has to remind her to try it the “right” way sometimes so he can collect his data. I think she does it just to get attention.

Q: All the women Markov has training for him have some pubic hair. Does Mr. Markov prefer that you have pubic hair or is that your choice?

A: I hope it’s not too ugly! Lol!!! Mr. Markov doesn’t force us to do anything, but I think it was in year five he decided to test if pubic hair was better or worse for sperm retention. So he had us all grow our pubic hair out in various ways, and then shave it back and so on. It turned out that we all seemed to retain the most sperm when we had a “landing strip” of pubic hair. Once we heard that, most of the girls kept them. Tatia shaved hers several times but eventually she grew it back out. So now I have a little patch. The only unfortunate part is that everyone can tell that unlike Sveta and Tatia I’m not a natural blonde! Lol!!!

But no one has complained about the way my pussy looks so far, and if anything the opposite. So unless I hear otherwise the patch of pubic hair stays. Apparently I retain more dog cumm with it because of a stronger orgasm. Long term data driven studies don’t lie – so pubic hair is a winner in my book. Even if there’s only a few milliliters of difference, I’m sold. I’m always excited by the fact that I’ve got some dog semen up in me at all times. I don’t think I’d be happy if that changed. In the mean time I try to keep it trimmed and pretty looking, and I’m sure the rest of the girls feel pretty much the same way as I do.

Maria is probably the cutest – a few years ago she decided to shave her pubic hair into a heart shape. I think it’s really sexy actually. She doesn’t like to talk about it, but I think it gets her off to let people see her little design. I think she’s the biggest exhibitionist of the group, even if she is totally modest the rest of the time. I love her little pubic hair, it’s very cute. I’d shave my pubic hair in a similar design but I’d rather watch her, plus I don’t want her to think I’m copying her.

Q: What do you think of the other girls?

A: The girls are all so sweet. We compete a little bit sometimes, but we also send each other pictures, and video that we take. We’re like a family now. If I do something especially cute I’ll send it out. If Sveta does something stupid like one of the dogs knocks her over during sex, she’ll send out the blooper video. We’re all very close friends. Mia is from China, Tatia is from Germany, Ariana is from Kenya, Sveta is from Sweden, Helki is from India and Maria is from Brazil. We’re like a slutty United Nations! Lol!

Q: You’re not the oldest, are you? Or the curviest?

No, Tatia is both the oldest and the tallest. She’s 40 and almost six foot, like I said. She’s got legs that seem like they can wrap around dogs twice. Maria is the curviest. She’s probably 180 lbs, but she’s still absolutely gorgeous. She’s just got a really pretty face and beautiful brown hair down to her lower back. I like to tell her that she has 100 lb frame and 80 lbs of tits and ass. I think she was pretty self conscious at first, but I think as many people are interested in watching her fuck a dog as they are in watching a tall thin blonde model type like Tatia, to be honest. Maria’s just so voluptuous! Sometimes I masturbate watching her on her webcam. She’s hot, and she’s obviously so turned on by dogs! I’m always amazed at how wet she gets. I’m jealous, frankly! It takes me a while to get warmed up. She had no problems with the mastiffs too, of course.

Her and Sveta were nearly constantly hung up on those damned mastiffs. Maria is really shy though, almost as shy as Helki, so she didn’t speak up nearly as loudly as Sveta did about the mastiff, but given that she kept one for herself says volumes to me. Maybe that’s why Maria’s always wet – she’s always got her mastiff or her wolf hound up her in her. Maria’s whole family watches her on her camera she told me, even the distant ones who live in Spain. Maria and Helki have the most family members who know about their jobs and watch them on their web cams, although Maria’s family sees her do it fairly regularly outside of work too, which is interesting. She just loves dog cock – maybe more than any of the other girls. But she’s shy about it, at least on camera.

Anyway, Mr. Markov wanted us to all be as diverse as possible. Down to our religions, our interests, our bust sizes, everything.

Q: All the girls have all met each other at some point, right?

A: Oh yes, I’ve met all the women. Every few months Mr. Markov flies one of us all around the world, to all the other women’s houses, so we each have a chance to travel around the world for a few weeks twice a year or so. It’s an added perk. Most of the time it’s business as usual, but I love it when Helki comes to visit. If I were a lesbian, Helki would be my girl. She’s young – only 18, and very very petite, so she looks like she’s about 13, but she’s all woman.

We get so horny around each other we do all kinds of foolish, girlish things. When she came to visit me last time, we decided to go take a walk in the park, naked. But instead of getting undressed at the park, we decided to just drive over naked. I was already naked anyway, so Helki stripped down, and we scampered out to the car, and sheepishly drove to the park. We were just a couple of giggly idiots. It took a while of hunching down to find a spot that was far enough away that no one would see us until we got deeper into the forest area of the park. We took the dogs with us for the walk, so with nothing more than our leashes, and some sneakers, and a camera I had remembered to grab before we left the house. We walked through the entire park, completely naked.

People saw us, of course, as we walked through the park, but we didn’t care. No one said anything mean. I think they just thought it was a clothing optional park or something. We took turns taking pictures of each other, nude, with the various people walking past us on the trail. It must have been quite a sight too, one naked girl taking picture of another naked girl, with her legs spread wide open.

I had had sex with one of the dogs earlier that morning just before we left for the park, so I had quite a bit of semen leaking out of me that morning. So my thighs were all wet, but really, that’s not the first thing most people think when they see two buck naked girls walking their dogs and taking pictures of each other. It was so sexy. Helki and I couldn’t stop giggling. We came across a group of guys and asked them to take pictures of both of us. Some with the guys, some without. In one picture I fingered Helki’s pussy while the guys are all standing around us with big grins on their faces. I still have some of those pictures that I need to get framed, now that I think about it. I never told my husband about that day. I think he’d get upset with me going out in public naked, but it was harmless fun. I think the guys wanted us to go home with them but we had some horny dogs that took priority. Lol!

Q: Do you think the women watch themselves or each other more on the webcams?

A: Lol! Funny! I don’t know for sure, but I have a feeling, if they are anything like me, they spend more time watching themselves than each other. But that’s not altogether true. Just like any jealous bitch, I’m always watching the other women to see if they are doing anything super cute that I should try. Or if I can see one of the girls has found herself a really great lay, I’ll try to get Mr. Markov to send me a similar breed. I know the other girls watch my videos quite a bit. Especially the very first one. But I think that’s everyone’s favorite. I know it’s mine! I’ve watched that movie at least once a week since I started. That’s like 500 times! I never get tired of it. It’s kind of a long video – more than an hour – so most of the time I just fast forward to the good part. But a few times I made popcorn for my husband and sat on the couch in the living room to watch it with them. I’d lay way back on the couch, put my feet up on the coffee table and rub my pussy slowly, while my husband is basically forced to watch my depravity. Lol!

Q: I noticed that Mr. Markov has a lot of other measurements than just your bust sizes too. Can you tell me more about that?

A: Yes, he has taken a whole list of thorough measurements of our vaginas. Everything from the length from our clitoris to our anus, to how deep our vaginas go and how much mass our vaginas can hold, which is the best measurement of how big a penis we can physically take. He also tests our pelvic strength. It turns out that having lots of sex with animals does wonders for your pelvic muscles. My husband has never complained, let’s put it that way. It can be awkward doing the testing though.

For instance, the vaginal depth test is probably the most humiliating, because it takes half an hour. You know the other girls are watching too, because they are all curious too. I can just see Helki watching while I wince and grind against that big rubber dildo Mr. Markov shoves into us. He prefers to do that particular test in person because we never do it right by ourselves since we can’t really see what we’re doing down there very well. After a while I can relax and that’s when he can get his real measurement, but for half an hour I have to sit there with a fat rubber dildo in me. Mr. Markov is a nice guy, but he’s not one for small talk. I almost always sneak in a little orgasm during those tests though. I’m sure he notices, but I don’t care. It’s tough to sit there and ignore how horny I’m getting and how open and exposed I feel. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it before a time or two.

Q: What is your opinion of dogs, now that you’ve spent ten years with them?

A: Well I finally understand why they call marriage “tying the knot.” I’m more married to my dogs than I am my own husband. I’d much rather go down on them, be fucked in the ass by them, and be bent over all day with them up in me than my own husband. I treat them with respect, I hold them close and I never say I’ve got a headache. I can’t say the same for my husband. I love him, but I’ve really tied the knot with the dogs. Lol!

Q: Do the women of the study compare styles, or orgasms or anything similar?

A: We’re women, of course we do! We compare everything. Like I think Helki has the prettiest orgasm of any of the girls. She closes her eyes, purses her lips but doesn’t furrow her brow at all. She looks at peace. And then she humms while her stomach and hips move in a cute and very obvious rythmic way. She’s so dainty and lady like. It’s like she could be a princess in her royal court, who’s knight in shining armor is off at war, so she needs to satisfy herself the only way she knows how. Lol! If it weren’t for the dog’s thrusting and panting and her pussy full of ejaculate, it would almost look like soft core porn. It makes it easy to watch, but not quite as exciting or raunchy as some of the others. Still though, Helki is my girl, and if I were to do anything kinky with any of the girls, it would definitely be Helki. She just looks so glamorous with her long eye lashes, pretty makeup, and petite breasts.

Tatia is by far the loudest. She yells and screams out obscenities in German. Mr. Markov has told her at least a dozen times to orgasm in English so he can understand what she’s saying but she told him, “You try to get fucked by a dog and speak in a foreign language at the same time!” Lol! She’s like the polar opposite to Helki. Tatia’s even tried to ride the dogs, cowboy style on top. Lol! She’s crazy. Maria is similar to Helki, but she moans and her face looks like she’s a little tortured when she climaxes. Maria’s just so obviously turned on all the time though that she’s probably my favorite to watch. Her pussy is always swollen with blood and slick with lubricant. She’s just so horny all the time, I can’t keep my eyes off of her. She’s always so quick to cover up afterwords though. I think she thinks people think she’s fat, but personally, like I said, I think Maria is a goddess.

Sveta and I have similar orgasms, although Sveta is the one who squirts. At least a couple dozen times she’s squirted during sex. I think it’s just pee and she had a hard time keeping it in during an orgasm, but whatever it is, it’s interesting to watch. Especially the one video of her squirting while she’s helping her son’s friend with his chemistry homework. OMG is that one sexy. She has her cameras set up in her kitchen, because in Sweden they don’t have very big apartments. She’s obviously super embarrassed by this stream of liquid that’s firing out of her pussy all over the dog, the floor, the camera, the wall, etc…. But she’s also super turned on and orgasming and the dog is gripping her waist hard and shooting ropes of hot cumm deep into her while the kid’s eyes were about to pop out of his head. Then the dog jumps off of her suddenly and knocks her over and in the process she she rolls over, still squirting all over the place… peeing all over that poor kid, his homework, the kitchen table, her countertop, her son who’s sitting on the other side of the table and the rest of her kitchen. LOL!!!

You should see her face in that video, it’s classic. She’s still climaxing and is really turned on, but she’s also embarrassed so she tries to kill two birds with one stone by shoving two fingers up her pussy while trying to clamp her hand over her squirting hole with the palm of her hand at the same time. She’s working her fingers in and out and the piss and cumm is splattering all over her hand, and the ground while she’s trying to work two fingers into her pussy because she’s still cumming. Her son and his friend are grossed out and quickly stand up. They stand up so fast though and are in the process of freaking out and almost knock over the table in the process. God! LOL! What a mess! All I know is that watching that video makes me wish I had an 18 year old son that had friends that needed tutoring! Is it wrong to want to pee on your kid’s friends while a dog fucks you? Lol!!!

But Sveta and I do both tend to sound about the same during sex. She has a cute Swedish accent though, so it’s not exactly the same. We also compete about how many times we can orgasm and other silly things. Mia has the record for that so far. It was the first time she knotted with a pit bull. She came over 21 times in under an hour. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it on camera for myself. And it’s not like an hour was up, she just collapsed from exhaustion. But there it is, plain as day on the website for everyone to see. They’re tiny orgasms though, not like the kind I generally have, which are much bigger.

But you can see Mia’s tiny hairy little Asian pussy pulsating right there on the camera in time with her moaning. The dog’s knot looks huge compared to her, but she’s also really petite. No one has come close to her record though, for as much as we compete for things like that. I’m only at 14 in an hour, personally. Mia is by far the most flexible girl we have. She can literally bend herself in half. Not that I’m sure that has much value to her during sex with a dog, who pretty much just wants to shove his dick in her and cumm in her, but it’s still fun to watch her try some very uncomfortable looking positions, when the mood strikes her.

That just leaves Ariana. She’s the black girl from Kenya, who had actually had sex with dogs a number of times for money in sketchy military side shows before meeting Mr. Markov. She’s had the hardest life of any of us. She has a huge family to feed, so she does everything and everything she can. She probably has just as much sex if not more than Mia. She told me once that the only reason she does so much anal sex with the dogs is because her pussy gets sore from all the normal sex! I don’t think she would be a part of this program if there was any other way to make as much as Mr Markov pays her. But then again, she definitely gets off, too.

Ariana’s the kind of girl though, that you almost have no way of knowing if she likes it or not. She might just be trying to save face. But she’s by far the most athletic woman in the breeding program. She can hold bizarre poses for ten minutes straight. So there are tons of interesting, artistic shots of her being doused in dog cum because the dog sort of accidentally comes out because of the weird angle. But as an interesting side effect because of her dark skin tone dog’s sperm shows up really well on her stomach, butt, legs, pubic hair and hands. So she can be a lot of fun to watch when she’s being messy. She’s probably the most experimental of all the girls in terms of positions.

Q: Any thoughts about the hundreds of people who watch you on the camera?

A: I’m taking part in a very important scientific study. It’s one of the greatest inventions ever – a sexually compatible inter-species mate bred specifically for that purpose. What woman wouldn’t want one, assuming the stigma weren’t attached? Even though the site isn’t public the links and user names and passwords have ended up in thousands of people’s hands by word of mouth alone. I’m sure the Doctor makes a lot of money through the site, but I doubt it offsets the cost. So all these people are friends of friends of the women in some way or another. Or they are somehow related to us in some way. Even if I’ve never met these people, I’m glad they can take a small part in this study.

Knowing hundreds of people are watching those videos at any given second, or going back into the archive and seeing the ones of us when we were younger, hotter and worse at having dog sex, really gets me off. I’m happy to answer emails from my fans, many of whom send me very kind notes, telling me how pretty my orgasm was or how engorged my pussy was at some point – all of which help me push through any self deprecating thoughts that might enter my mind that I am just a dog’s whore. So all I can say is that I thank every person out there who cares enough to watch and write me. I love what I do, and I’m glad I can share that love with others.

Maybe one day I’ll have a daughter of my own that can enjoy one of the very same dogs that I’ve helped to create. I already know what I’m getting her for her 18th birthday. LOL!!!

Q: Thank you for your time!

A: No thank you! Mr. Markov let me spend a whole day on this, but now it’s time to get back to work! It’s hard to be upset about having to get back to the grind, when it’s this much fun.