(c) 2006 by alicealice

Hi Alice here …

Please indulge my imagination. I am certain some paleoanthropologists would challenge the basis of this tale. However, dogs may have evolved from wolves due in part to licking and fucking women.

Imagine you are a member of a clan of early humans who roamed eastern China, some 15,000 years ago. Dogs were yet to become and Ling was the Wolf Mother of the Wu Fang clan and with her two daughters led the women of the clan. Her son, Quang was the clan alpha and with his three brothers led the men. The few older men advised Quang and the older women advised Ling but both mother and son ruled the clan. The Wu Fang clan comprised some 35 individuals ranging from babies to old people. The men hunted to bring back the protein and fats that were fueling rapid human evolution. The women gathered fruit and berries to sustain the clan in case the hunt was poor. The human brain was growing rapidly with the challenges of hunting and gathering. But the greatest growth was driven by the complex social interactions among the people of the clan and with other clans.

The best hunters and gatherers were the top of the clan and had the breeding rights. Their off-spring was the best of the clan. Men lower on the hierarchy do not get the opportunity to have off spring. If a lower ranking woman has a child, it would live only if the clan had plenty of food and space to roam. And in any case, her child would be the off spring of Quang or his brothers. A lower ranking man could not breed and would live his life supporting the clan to die childless. However, he would not be denied sex; women who are past fertility or in early pregnancy accommodated all men.

Every child belonged to the clan and since everyone knew the mother of the child, the child had ranking based on the mother’s rank. The father was most probably Quang or his brothers since they bred with every woman when she first becomes fertile and after each child. Ling and the women knew the mystery of menses and knew when a woman is ready to start another child. In the fertility ritual, a woman ready for child is presented to Quang. She would spend many nights f**king Quang or his brothers. She then rejoined the women. If not impregnated, she would be re-presented to Quang the following month. For men, the thought of a woman bleeding from her cunt is very frightening and the subject of many myths and rituals. (I think that PMS and periods are still frightening for men.)

As Wolf Mother, Ling selected and bred the wolves. Her mother was previous the Wolf Mother as was Ling’s grandmother before. A small pack of wolves had dens near the clan cave and had shared food scraps with the clan. Ling’s grandmother captured wolf cubs and began raising them as part of the clan. She selected wolves that could be trained to be omegas and follow the direction of the men during the hunt. Ling’s grandmother found that wolf cubs from the selected breeding that lick their masters at an early age would grow to be good cooperative hunting wolves and would be the next generation to be bred. The wolves that were bred by Ling’s grandmother still looked like wolves. After many generations of selective breeding by grandmother and then by mother, the wolves were more behaved in the hunt and looked more like Akitas or Huskies. The dog was emerging from the wolf.

Licking the master was the sign of an omega trainable wolf. In the warm humid summer, the women wore only a deer hide skirt when the men were in camp and were naked as the children when the men were away on a hunt. The older wolves were out on the hunt and Ling was working with the yearling wolves to train the omega behavior and watching for their development to select the next generation. While no longer fertile, Ling was still trim and firm. Life is tough and all but the very old must contribute to the clan’s growth and propagation. While not fertile, Ling’s sex drive has not diminished but the alpha males do not mate with her and she must be content to couple with the omega men. As she moved through the pack, the wolves licked her legs and as she kneeled to pet and hug them, they licked her arms and thighs. While Ling has not had a period in many years, she still felt her monthly rhythm and she was at her mid-point when she would have been fertile. One male wolf sensed the difference in her smell and began sniffing and licking at Ling’s cunt. Ling gave a sharp command and the wolf backed away. She was in control. But the feeling that the few licks gave Ling were enough for her to think of other plans for this wolf. Ling stood and directed the selected wolf to come with her. The wolf moved to her left in what would become a classic “heel” position and walked beside Ling. She knew a cave in the sacred ground where children or other women would not accidentally discover her and the wolf.

Safe in the darkness of the cave, Ling offered her hand for the wolf to lick. She then offered a breast to the warm tongue. Her nipple grew erect and hard as erotic feelings began to build. Men had licked and sucked her nipples but this was a wolf and the nasty sensation made the feeling exciting. Ling began to feel her wetness forming in her cunt as the wolf continued licking her nipples. Ling dipped her fingers in her wet pussy and offered them to the wolf. The wolf quickly licked them. Ling had rubbed her cunt before and knew that rubbing the erect nub at the top of her pussy would cause an orgasm. Would the tongue of the wolf do this? Ling dipped her fingers again and as the wolf licked, Ling led it to her wet cunt, the source of the taste and smell that the wolf was enjoying. The tongue found her cunt and began lapping the juices.

No one had ever licked Ling or as a matter of fact no woman in existence had ever been licked for sexual satisfaction. The men always mounted a woman from behind and pumped until he was satisfied. Most women felt pleasure and some had an orgasm. But sex was for men. Some women learned to rub their clits while mounted or even by themselves to have an orgasm. But no one would have thought to lick a cunt. Pee and blood and children come from that smelly, hairy opening. And the woman’s asshole for shitting was right next to her pussy. Who would ever lick that? But the wolf tongue licked Ling from asshole to clit making her hips begin to rock. Ling’s grunts and moans filled the cave as she held the wolf head to her cunt until she had a blinding orgasm. But the wolf continued to lick and push his tongue deep into Ling’s pussy. This felt better than any man’s cock. Ling felt her cunt muscle contract on the snake like tongue as her second orgasm swept through her.

Ling had discovered oral sex. A human tongue, man or woman, would not lick the clit of a woman until the Chinese started bathing some 11,000 year later and would not remain in the Western cultures until the 16th century and the real French kiss. The Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans practiced oral sex but it was lost with the fall of each civilization. The Romans called oral sex cunnilingus, cunt-tonguing. 4,000 years ago, the imperial Chinese concubines learned to lick each other when deprived of their dogs. Oral sex was for the privileged and the clean. But it started with a wolf and Ling.

The secret of the wolf tongue would be kept as the ritual of women. Ling brought her oldest daughter, already the mother of five children, to the cave. In the dark, Ling had her lay naked on her back with her knees apart and her cunt open. Ling hugged her daughter as the wolf began sliding his tongue between her pussy lips from her rosebud to her clit. Soon, her hips were rocking as an orgasm swept through her. She, like Ling, had never felt an orgasm like this. There must be magic in the wolf. The men must never learn of the magic wolf since the men will try to kill it. Ling introduced her second daughter to the magic wolf with the same results. One by one, the women of the Wu Fang clan were initiated to the secret of the wolf tongue.

Ling began breeding wolves that demonstrated the wolf tongue separate from the wolves for hunting. The wolf tongues were also breed to be smaller and playful so the men would not want to take them on the hunt and leave them with the women as pets. The Wu-Fang clan had already established trading hunting wolves with other clans for arrow heads and other tools that required materials from distant lands. The hunting wolf trade made the Wu-Fang a powerful clan. But now the cubs of the hunting wolves were easily bred and other clans developed Wolf Mothers. The hunting wolf market was starting to go south.

The Wu-Fang clan met with the Wu-Chi clan, which was led by Ling’s sister, Ku. In a secret meeting, Ling spoke with Ku.
“Would you like to feel pleasure beyond imagination?”
“Yes, my sister. But at what cost?”
“Only your confidence and a promise.”
“You have my sacred word of confidence. What is the promise?”
“That you will never reproduce the secret and that you will come to me for more. You may introduce other clan women and women of other clans but the magic must come from me. I will share the benefits with you. You may have other women have the same arrangement with you so that you can enlarge your influence and power among the clans but only as a share of mine.”
“Dear sister Ling, this sounds like a pyramid marketing scheme that will be used in the future to sell Tupperware and Amway.”
“Ku, we have a killer product and this will make the Wu-Chi powerful (and of course will make the Wu-Fang even more powerful)”
“OK, I promise. This better be good.”

Ling led Ku to the secret cave. A small, strange looking wolf accompanied them. Ku had seen them all around the Wu-Fang encampment playing with the children and women. The children seem to enjoy them but why do the women tolerate the noise and extra mouths to feed? As they entered the cave, Ku’s eyes adjusted to the darkness.
“Remove your deerskin, my Sister, and lay on this bearskin.”
Ku was a mature woman and had lain on her back when her clan alpha was fucking her during her breeding period. But most sex was from behind. She wondered what her sister was planning.
“Ku, the Wu-Fang women have a secret ritual that I am sharing with you so that you may share with your women and women of other clans. The secret must never be told to men. Men will destroy it and perhaps even kill you. Are you ready?”
“Relax and let your body feel the experience. It will be wonderful. I will lie next to you, hug you to keep you calm, and guide the magic.”
Ku felt Ling lay next to her with Ling’s arm crossing her belly. She had never felt a woman’s body touching her as Ling was doing now. Ku felt Ling lean over her reaching for the little wolf. Then Ku felt a warm, wet tongue begin licking her nipples. The feeling was electric as her nipples became hard and erect. Few men bothered to touch her breasts and nipples. Ku loved the feeling and began purring with soft moans. She could begin to feel the sensation in her cunt preparing her for sex. Her pussy began to become wet in anticipation. Ku wondered “Why was Ling preparing me for sex?”

Ling moved her arm and the licking tongue began slowly moving down Ku’s belly bringing chills down her back. Ku felt the little wolf move over her out-spread legs and between her thighs. The tongue was now slipping between the lips of her pussy wiping from her rosebud to her clit. The tongue’s texture bumped over her clit and the wide tongue lapped up all of the juices her cunt was oozing. With each stroke, Ku could feel an amazing orgasm building. Ku had sex with all of the men of her clan (and with some of other clans) but had never felt like this. Even rubbing the little bump above her vagina never felt like this. Ku’s hips began rocking in rhythm with the tongue. With a sharp contraction in her cunt muscles, Ku began cumming. A loud moan came from her that was heard outside of the cave. The Wu-Fang women knew the secret and to the men, the sounds were part of the mystery of women.

While her cunt was contracting, the tongue pushed deep into her pussy and drove Ku’s orgasm longer and deeper. Gasping and moaning, Ku’s hips rocked for over two full minutes as she had contraction followed by contraction. Then the tongue pulled out as Ku tried to catch her breath.
“Ready for more?”
“Let me rest a little. I’m not a young kid anymore.”
Ku had one more powerful licking session before leaving the cave.
Ling traded Ku several male tongue wolves. As part of the secret ritual, the tongue wolves were never to be bred. The hunting wolf bitches would probably not accept the small tongue wolf so Ling’s monopoly would be safe for a while. Ling and Ku introduced the secret to other clans and the women of the clans traded with the Wu-Fang or other clans that gave to the Wu-Fang to get the small wolves and made the Wu-Fang and Wu-Chi powerful. The men knew that something mysterious was going on among the women since there were small wolves everywhere and the women were always happy.

But Ling was not finished. She had been breeding wolves for many seasons and had seen the large, red cock as it pulled out after the knotting with a wolf bitch.

While breeding wolves, Ling had seen the large red cock of a male wolf. Her nasty mind began to wonder about wolf cock.

The wolf cock was small as a finger when it went in to a wolf bitch and large when it came out. The cock must be a lot larger in the bitch during the knot. This was not like a man who was large going in and soft and limp coming out. And a man cannot knot with a woman. Since the wolf tongue brings such pleasure, Ling wondered what the wolf cock can do. She had to find out.

Ling again called her daughter Mai to accompany her into the secret cave. Mai had gone many times now for her secret ritual pleasure with the tongue wolf and also to assist with other women in the ritual. Mai now had seven children but was past her fertility. She still enjoyed the tongue wolf ritual and an occasional omega man. Her cunt was already wet in anticipation of what her mother, Ling may have for her. However, after requesting that she remove her deer skin, Ling did not ask her to lie on the bearskin. Rather Ling asked that Mai get on her hands and knees like a breeding wolf bitch. As she looked between her hanging tits and legs, Mai could see Ling getting the tongue wolf ready and the warm tongue licked her cunt from behind. Mai thought that Ling was trying a variation on the ritual on her. It felt good and Mai knew that she would soon feel her orgasm. Suddenly, Mai felt the weight of the wolf and its warm fur on her back. Before she could ask Ling why the wolf was on her back, a stiff long finger slipped between her pussy lips and deep into her cunt.

The wolf on her back began pumping his hips rapidly and with each stroke, his cock grew longer and bigger. Ling was helping it stay on Mai’s back and giving its legs something to push against. Mai felt every piston push as the cock rubbed her cunt walls as no human cock ever could. The end of the cock was deeper than any man (and she had many). With each stroke, Mai gasped and moaned as orgasms built and swept through her.

“Mother, is the wolf fucking me? OH OH its cock is rubbing so fast and deep. (gasp) This is not like a OH OH (gasp) man. I’m cumming OH OH”

While Ling had no clock, the wolf pumped for only two or three minutes, but Mai had six or seven strong, shuddering orgasms and her cunt was continuously contracting. Then the wolf stopped. Mai moaned that the wolf cock was bulging just inside her pussy lips and was rubbing her to orgasm after orgasm.

“Mother, his cock is so OH OH big (gasp) I’m cumming again. OH OH It’s rubbing so fast(gasp) OH OH
“Mother, his cock OH OH is bulging my pussy lips. (gasp) It so big (gasp) and filling my cunt (gasp) OH OH I’m cumming again. It’s too OH OH big. (gasp) The lump is stuck in me OH OH (gasp) and rubbing OH MY GOD I’m cumming again (gasp)”

The wolf knot was rubbing her G-spot. No human cock has a lump that rubs right on a woman’s most erotic spot. Only her clit has more sexual nerves and her G-spot is on her vaginal wall behind her clit. Mai was having one of the first human orgasms from intense G-spot stimulation.

Ling saw a dribble of juices down her daughter’s pussy lips and thighs. No woman was ever that wet. Was the wolf doing this? Ling had seen some wetness breeding wolves but had thought that it came from the bitch. Mai said that she was cumming again and that her belly was filling with hot juices.

“OH Mother, I’m cumming OH OH (gasp) It’s so hot. His cum is so hot. OH OH
“It’s filling deep in my belly. OH OH (gasp)”
Mai and the wolf were tied as the wolf continued to pump his hot cum. Mai moaned and shuddered with each hot squirt of hot wolf cum.
“Mother OH OH Mother. It’s shooting more cum OH OH I’m cumming again (gasp)”

The wolf was becoming restless. Ling felt around Mai’s pussy and the swelling had gone down a little. The wolf moved off Mai’s back and his cock came free with a plop. A gush of juices poured from Mai’s cunt. A wolf bitch holds the knot to milk the cock and retains the cum but a woman can’t contract her cunt to keep the cum or the knot. Mai collapsed and continued to moan. She has never experienced sex like this. In fact no woman had ever had sex like this.

The wolf/dog knot could stimulate the female G-spot better than any human cock. Few men were consistently giving women vaginal orgasms but women were cumming with dog knots. With dogs, the vaginal sexual life of women emerged.

Ling knew that the tongue wolf monopoly would not last forever and she needed another breed of wolf to continue the market that she had established. The little tongue wolf was too short to mount a woman in the wolf bitch position and the hunting wolf was too much of a hunter to make love to a woman. Ling began selectively breeding a mounting wolf that is more civilized like the tongue wolf but with longer legs to mount women and large knots to tie in their cunts.

Two breeding generations later, Ling introduced her sister Ku to the mounting wolf. Soon there were three strains of wolves, now early dog breeds, spreading through China where one was for men and the hunt and two were used as pets but actually for the secret rituals of women. The three dog breeds and the secret women-dog rituals spread across Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and over the land bridge into the Americas. The wolf had evolved to become the many breeds of dogs.

The wild wolf was selectively bred to become omega dogs. The hunting wolves could have remained very wolf like but the dogs for pets and women rituals had to be very dog like. Sex with women transformed wolves to dogs.

For many generations, the Wu-Fang clan grew in power and evolved to become the Xia, the first rulers of early China. Rice and other grains had been domesticated to grow as crops. Horses, cattle, goats, pigs, and cats were also tamed to be work animals, food, or pets. Civilization took hold.

With civilization, the secret society of women and their rituals with dogs were exposed. The women were called witches and animal abusers. Their dogs were slaughtered and the women burned. (Men kill dogs “abused” by women. what hypocrites!)

But the fucking and licking of women by dogs were key elements of the evolution of the dog and the benefits are still very apparent today. Oral sex is the major source of female orgasms. Dogs probably licked women long before men even had a clue. Dogs are the major source of vaginal orgasms. Few women would know a vaginal orgasm if it were not for dogs.

Women and their canine companions must still hide from men and the laws the men write to stop this natural behavior. As societies become more enlightened, perhaps women and their lovers can again be in the open to continue the relationship that started 15,000 years ago.

What do you think? Did the dog evolve because of the selective breeding by women for licking and fucking? Only a dog would lick a smelly, dirty early human cunt and only a dog knot can rub our G-spot as it was meant to be rubbed. Or did men evolve the dog just for hunting? I don’t think so.
