(c) 2004 by horseluvva

I don’t know how and I don’t when this happened but I’m now the prisoner of a bunch of stallions.

I went to sleep one night,dreaming my ever-so personal dreams as usual without a care in the world until I woke to…

A whinny!

I woke up…I felt the cold morning blow in from a barn window…A BARN WINDOW?! I looked all around me…I was in a horse’s stall,naked before a might Arabian stallion! The stallion noticed that I had awakened from my sleep and came over to me slowly. I cowered in the corner covering my head not wanting to be stepped on or anything.

“Awake are we?”A Texan like voice said to me.

A tall yet crazy looking Texan in his forties looked into the stall where I was and looked at me with mean eyes.

“Well boy…you are the first.”

“The first of what?”I asked.

“The first of many to be the slaves of my beloved stallions…you see,it’s always been my dream to see horses…especially stallions…overthrow human- kind and dominate them. A small part of my dream is coming true now that you’re Steel’s slave here.”The Texan man said.

“Slave? I’m no horse’s slave!”I yelled.

“Yes you are…all your known relatives think you’re dead…by all records,you are now legally dead!”The guy laughed.”Steel owns you now…so get used to it.”

“Steel…why don’t you get to know your new slave?”The man laughed as he left the two of us alone.

I backed up against the wall of the stall and groveled before the big stallion who towered over me. Steel looked at me with menacing eyes and licked his big black equine lips. I could smell him and boy was he overwhelming to all my five senses. I closed my eyes and I felt what could only be Steel’s hot tongue on my face teasing me. Oooh,the feel of his tongue was good…but I had to resist…Steel licked me again,slurping me on the lips this time making me shudder. I cried then,knowing my fate was to be with this big stallion forever. Steel took no remorse for me and turned around revealing his enormous ass to me.

I gasped as he slowly but surely lifted his tail and revealed his dirty butt hole to me as pulsated in and out letting out a wiff of gas into my face making me breath it in. The scent of it was intoxicating,making me moan. Steel backed up and I had nowhere else to go as I was backed up into a corner.

“No,no,p-please don’t…”I said as his ass came within inches of my face. With his tail lifted up,he easily covered my face with his ass cheeks and I was backed into the corner with my face in Steel’s ass. I felt as Steel farted in my face once again as I had no choice but to breathe his spicy gas. Steel rubbed his ass against my face smearing some of his old shit against my face and making me struggle against his ass. I tried getting out but I was stuck in Steel’s ass cheeks. He wanted something but I didn’t know what. Steel put his asshole on my mouth and I then knew what he wanted but I didn’t…I couldn’t…but this was my fate,and I didn’t have no choice so I grudingly stuck my tongue into Steel’s waiting hole pleasuring him by going in and out, licking the deep recesses of his bumhole tasting his shit for the first time. The shit had a bitter yet somehow sweet taste to it,so I licked some more trying to get in further. I continued my licking vigiourously for the next few minutes,going in and out,in and out until I began to tire. Steel whinnied and rubbed his ass in my face. I moaned and went into his ass again with my tongue tasting his bittersweet shit once again. Steel stood there proudly as I his slave was pinned to the corner with his ass right in my face tonguing his asshole tasting his shit. Steel’s tail swished back and forth against the back of my head in excitement with my tongue deep inside his asshole. I continued under his ass for what seemed hours tonguing in deep and pleasuring him as best as I could until I tired and took my tired tongue out of his ass. Steel grunted and demanded more out of me and farted in my face making me gag. I couldn’t stand it anymore and tears came down my face.

Steel took his ass off my face to see what the problem was with me I guess. He turned around and started sniffing me all around making me shiver in pleasure. I heard the Texan man come back into the barn.

“Got to know Steel better yet? I hope so,because I want you to meet your second master.”The Texan man smiled wryly.

“S-Second master?”I whispered.

The Texan man opened the stall door and in came another stallion,just as big but all black fur on this one.

“His name is Jacob and you better treat him with respect…or he’ll give you a kicking you’ll regret having. Now,it’s supper time. Enjoy!”The Texan man said. He went about his merry way once again and I was left in the stall with Steel and Jacob. Jacob came over to me with an evil look in his eyes and licked me on the face. Steel forced me into an equine kiss covering my lips with his completely. I tried to get out of it,but it was no use. We locked lips for what seemed like an enterity until he whinnied to Jacob and I noticed his penis was erect. Steel got out of the way and Jacob walked right over me and I was right in the way of his penis. Whatever could he be doing? I got my answer when Jacob started his golden flow of piss right all over me covering me completely with his hot smelly urine. I coughed and gagged as some got in my mouth. Jacob walked forward pressing his dick into my mouth forcing me to drink. Tears rolled down my face as I drank of Jacob’s urine as it continued to flow down my throat at unimaginable pace as I felt the hot taste of it in my mouth as it went down. Jacob went in and out of my mouth with his penis enjoying every moment of it until he cummed and sent the penis right out of mouth covering me in his semen. I coughed some more and thought the worse was over…yeah,right.

Steel came over to me and lifted his glorious tail to reveal a pulsating asshole that was expanding right before my eyes. I got out of the way as he let out a whole load of yellow-brownish horse dung onto the sawdust strew floor. It smelled overwhelming and I held my nose just to avoid the smell. Jacob put a hoof on my head and pushed my face right into the pile! He rubbed my face in the globbish dung as I was smeared all over by Steel’s dung. Did they expect me to eat it? I looked up at Steel and he nodded his head as if he could read my mind! I swallowed and started to lick the surface of the pile which wasn’t as bad as I thought…so I started to lick some more and before long I was eating the dung right off the ground like a dog! I couldn’t believe I had been reduced to nothing but a slave to these stallions! I got up in anger and made a dash for the door but Jacob blocked the way with his enormous body!

Steel pushed me to the wall with his ass,lifted his tail,and abruptly put his ass on my face again! I struggled but then realized it was no use…he put his asshole in a comfortable position right on my mouth and I stuck my tongue into his greedy hole…satisfying him some more. While I cleaned out Steel some more Jacob teased me licking my penis with his long tongue slobbering my penis right up. I gasped and my penis went right up in erection mode. I went in even more starting to enjoy the recesses of Steel’s huge ass. I enjoyed the bitter and yellowish brown globs of shit I licked up…oh,how addicting it was. I licked and licked some more,never stopping for anything except when Steel wanted me to stop which was almost NEVER!

Several hours later though…

I was tired,my tongue was permanently stained with Steel’s shit,a sign that I was his slave. I fell to the floor,exhausted at all that had transpired that day.

“Tired are we? Steel,why don’t you and Jacob give him a nice bath?”

Jacob walked over me and a shower of golden piss came all over me drenching me once again. Steel came over to me and started licking me making sure to get me extra “clean” with his spit. I moaned as he licked my neck and then my chest all the while Jacob continued pissing all over me. Steel licked my face again and then he picked up a big ball of his shit in his mouth and started rubbing it all over my body as a kind of soap I guess.

“Rub the shit over your body son…if you’re going to be these stallion’s slaves…you’ll have to smell like em’.”The Texan said as he watched the “party”.

I did as he said and grabbed a glob of Steel’s shit rubbing it all over my body(boy was it overwhelming in smell!),esspecially in very sensitive
areas. Jacob grunted suddenly and knocked me onto my back with his head.

“Better open your mouth boy…Jacob has to go bad!”

I opened my mouth as Jacob sat on my face putting his asshole right on it and letting his yellow-brown shit slide into my mouth in overwhelming amounts I had to swallow. I gagged as he firmly held my head still was his ass and continued to let his load fall into me. Thankfully, Jacob’s load wasn’t too much and I was able to swallow it all…just barely though,it was still a lot for him.

“Time to go to bed now…Steel,why don’t you make a nice pillow for your slave?”The Texan said.”Oh,good night to you boy…you’re going to need it!”


Steel’s tail lifted and let out another big load of yellowish-brown horse dung that was nice, hot and steamy. He whinnied and I immediately laid my head down in it. Steel lay down upon me with his ass in my face and his tail swishing back and forth in my face all the time. Meanwhile, Jacob lay as close to me as possible with his head and started to lick my face tasting the sweat going down my forehead. He would do this all night as I lay there pinned down by a horse laying on a pillow of horseshit…


I woke up the next morning,sleepy and yet something was different…I was still laying on the pile of shit Steel had let me use as a pillow or rather forced me too. I looked around and noticed that the horses were gone and so was everyone else. The stall door was open as well…now was my chance! I got up and ran out of the stall door towards the exit expecting freedom but all I got in front of me was a…horse’s ass! I couldn’t stop running and I landed face first into Steel’s huge pulsating asshole which sucked me in and held me tight! I struggled trying to get the heck out of the ass but Steel just walked forward and I no choice but to go with him so I walked forward stuck in his ass yet again.

Outside,the Texan voice sounded again.

“Time for breakfast!”

I was let go and I fell backwards into a giant pile of old yet still fresh horse manure! I struggled to get up but ended up rolling in it instead with Steel proudly looking down at me superiorly. He came over to me and licked my face with his tongue,making me moan. He picked up a ball of his shit with his mouth and forced it to my lips…I started to cry but the horse forced it in with his superior strength and started to explore my mouth with his tongue. Our tongues met with his huge one easily covering mine. Steel licked my teeth and tongue as if he wanted his saliva to be my own. I lay there helpless with the horse tonguing me to almost uncertainty. I noticed a couple more horse come by,they were all stallions as well. They came over to me and sniffed me with their velvetly like noses…and then turned around and one of them started to rub its ass against my head making me feel his the warmness of his rear end against my face.

I noticed Steel’s penis come out of its sheath with precum leaking out of it already…I know what was coming. Steel forced me to turn my ass up and I did as I was told as he whinned in glee. Steel found his mark on my asshole and he started thrusting in piercing my ass in a way I had never felt before. His humping was fierce and constant, making me feel pain and pleasure at the same time for the first time ever in my life. Tears came down my eyes yet I finally found myself giving in to Steel and Jacob at last…I wanted nothing but them! I wanted nothing but Steel’s ass and penis. Steel humped and humped until I felt his sweaty balls against my ass bumping against me back and forth. With his penis coming to at last and fully lodged in my ass, he released his load of cum into my ass spewing all in my guts filling me to the limit and much more that it was coming out of my ass when Steel pulled out of my ass partially to let out the leftover cum out of my ass. I fainted upon the pile of horsedung I was on and felt the soft feeling of the dung under me as I fainted.


I felt a soft hot organ against my face as I woke up. I was in the stall of Steel again underneath him and his penis was smacking my face. I kissed the tip of it and began to lick it when the penis spurted a bunch of piss all over me drenching me. I sucked up, got myself up and put myself in Steel’s asshole sucking on the pulsating thing and kissing it. Steel was glad at my sudden obedience and rewarded me by expanding his hole and dropping a small load of his shit into my mouth which I willingly took into my mouth. I chewed up the shit with enthusiasm and swallowed. Steel pressed his ass against the wall with me in it and I once again began to tongue my way into his hole enjoying the taste of his ass…