This is my 22nd story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. You can find details about this series in my other posts. Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter One

Kelly had been bored the entire vacation to Brazil. Her Mother, Sandra and her Father Rich had wanted a romantic get-away but for some reason they had brought her. Kelly’s Mother couldn’t keep her hands off of Rich. As a result it had been one of the worst vacations of her life. They had been holed up in their rooms on and off for days. Meanwhile, Kelly had found practically nothing to do. It was too expensive to call home to her friends, the hotel was nice, but she didn’t speak the language so she couldn’t even hit on the guys, not that she wanted to anyway. There was only one thing that seemed to preoccupy her. She had been horny since the second she had landed.

She masturbated almost every chance she got after arriving. She even took to excusing herself to the restroom during lunch and dinners so she could rub her clit a little before re-joining her family. She knew it must be the heat that was getting to her. Her parents had an adjoining room, but the hotel was made nice and strong so unless her Mother was knocking on the door she couldn’t hear them. She had perfect privacy and whenever she was left alone she’d strip naked and start working her fingers around and inside her vaginal opening.

Embarrassingly her Mother opened the door and caught Kelly, stark naked on the bed, with one hand on her breast and the other with two fingers in her slick vaginal opening. Apparently Kelly had forgotten to shut the door between the two rooms earlier when they went to lunch and were getting ready to go. She hadn’t even noticed that the door was ajar about a foot, even though it was quite obvious from her vantage point on the bed, as her Mother stood, slightly shocked. Kelly sat up quickly, and covered herself with a pillow, “Mom!”

Kelly had been caught masturbating by her Mother before on a few occasions, and it had never been a big deal, but still, she was still shocked, having thought she had better privacy. “Oh, I’m sorry, honey, I was going to knock but the door was open.” “Get out!” “Okay. Sorry. It’s okay though, don’t worry about it.” Kelly wanted to throw the pillow at her Mother. Thankfully her Mother retreated back into her own room before Kelly could figure out a way to throw the pillow but stay covered at the same time.

Getting caught made her blush tremendously, and she should have been ashamed, but instead she was aroused. She flopped back onto the bed and finished her masturbation quickly. She had always been a little bit of an exhibitionist, and liked the idea of being caught, so she intentionally didn’t close the door wondering if her Mother might surprise her again as she got dressed, but no such luck. She got dressed and knocked on the door. Her Mother answered, looking a little sheepish, but Kelly pretended like nothing had happened. Her Father too looked like he was having a hard time looking his little Daughter in the eyes, so obviously Kelly’s Mother had told her Father why she had been unsuccessful in speaking with their Daughter in the next room. Kelly smiled and just asked what was for dinner.

The next day rolled around, and it was just as boring as the rest of the trip had been. She knew their vacation would be over the following day, so that’s all she had to look forward to. One last day, she kept telling herself. She’d just ended up watching TV but not understanding much of it or looking out the window, trying to find a way to kill time. She found herself looking at the hotel book of local entertainment. It all was places to eat or hiking or biking. Nothing looked particularly interesting. Then she turned the page and saw something she had never seen before.

There was a glossy full-page advertisement where a nude girl was slung underneath a horse. She looked closer, and sure enough it’s penis was inside of the girl. The girl was tied by her wrists and ankles to the sides of the horse, and it was attached to a carriage. It was the strangest and most instantly erotic thing that Kelly had ever seen. It wasn’t like it was in some dungeon somewhere, it was right in broad daylight. She knew immediately that she wanted to try it. Somehow she was going to figure out a way to make it happen. She couldn’t believe people would do this so openly in Brazil. It was amazing.

Kelly picked up the hotel room phone and rang next door to her parent’s room. Her Mom answered, “Hi, Honey.” Her Mother knew exactly who it was before Kelly even spoke, “Hey, Mom. I want to go on a carriage ride through the city.” “Oh, that’s a great idea, let’s do that. That would be such a romantic way to see the city. I’m sure your Father would love it too.” Kelly really didn’t mean to say it that way, she meant alone. But maybe she could have some fun first and then they could go on a normal carriage ride together later. “Okay, I’ll arrange it. Let’s say, 5PM? I’ll have them meet us down at the lobby.” “Great! See you then.” Kelly clicked the phone and called the number on the flier. A man answered the phone in Portuguese. Kelly said, “Hello, do you speak English?” “Why yes, ma’am. What can I do for you?”

The man’s English was so good that it took Kelly somewhat by surprise. She told him that she wanted the next carriage ride she could get. The man said, “Hmm… it looks like we have an opening at 4 this afternoon until midnight.” Kelly thought it over. An hour wasn’t much time, but she could maybe have sex with the horse and then get dressed quickly before her parents suspected anything. She agreed, “Okay, 4 it is. And I’d like to ride… you know… like in the picture.” “Oh, yes, of course, not a problem. Is this your first time belly riding?” Kelly realized it had a proper name, “Uh, yeah, I’ve never belly rode before.” “Okay, great, just meet me downstairs at 4.” “Uh, can I meet you behind the hotel by any chance?” The man audibly snickered a little, “Of course, not a problem, Miss.”

Kelly gave her name to the man and they up. Kelly realized it was already 3, so she had to hurry. It took her a while to figure out what to wear. She settled on something she didn’t mind messing up a little. She liked all her clothes, but one of her sun dresses was a little out of date and she’d probably never wear it again, so she put that on. Kelly checked her makeup, fixed her hair by putting it up into a pony tail. She didn’t want it to drag in the dirt. By that time she only had a few minutes to get downstairs. So she rushed from the room and headed down the elevators.

She felt a rush as butterflies floated through her stomach. Could she really do this? It was the very first interesting thing that had happened on the vacation other than when her Mother walked in on her the day before. She put the thought out of her head. She walked around the back of the hotel, which neighbored a samba school, Kelly realized. She hadn’t explored at all, not really knowing how safe the outskirts of Rio were, which is where their hotel had turned out to be. There she saw a horse drawn carriage with a well dressed older man in the driver’s seat. In good English the man said, “Ah, are you Kelly Desmond?” Kelly nodded, “That’s me!” He smiled, “My name is Ermando. So will it be just you to day or are we waiting for anyone else?”

“Oh, it’s just me. But my Parents will be joining us in an hour. If it’s okay with you, I’d rather them not know about the whole belly riding part though.” He nodded, knowingly, “Well, if you ask me to let you down in an hour’s time, I’ll let you down.” “Thank you.” Kelly felt like the old man was a perfect gentleman as he put his hand out towards her, “Why don’t you come here and we’ll get you situated?” She took his hand and looked at the mess of straps, not knowing quite what to do.

He tried to be helpful, “You don’t sit so much as lay down. Here. I’ll show you.” He lead her over to the horse and pointed to a mess of straps that hung beneath the animal. “Belly riders climb into these slings and hang from underneath the horses…” Kelly began to see how she could lay in the straps. She was so nervous she just began to climb into them, without thinking. Sure enough she heard a huge tearing sound, as a good chunk of the back of her dress shredded. Kelly looked horrified. “Oh, it looks like you caught your dress on the buckle. Here.” He began to fiddle with it, only making more tearing sounds as the very thin fabric was irreparably torn. Kelly helped him take the dress off of her, but it was clear the dress was ruined.

He shrugged, “I’m sorry, Kelly, it looks like this dress is done for.” Kelly barely even noticed the dress, feeling exposed in her bra and underwear. She looked at the dress, and said, “I didn’t like that dress much anyway. I’ll just run upstairs real quick and change.” “Okay, if you say so. Shall we continue? You might want to take off your underwear now too.” She kicked off her sandals and undid her bra as she stared upwards at the horse’s huge chest. She then wiggled her hips until her panties slid over her butt. She lifted her legs, accidentally feeling the horse’s soft sheath against her feet as she laughed and said, “Oops… this probably would have been easier to do before I got in the sling, huh?” Ernesto smiled, “It’s quite alright. First timer’s mistake. I’m sure next time you’ll do it better.”

She didn’t want to talk about next times as felt suddenly very exposed and awkward, not knowing quite what to do with her arms and legs. She had forgotten the picture that had enticed her in the first place. “How do I lay down with my legs? Won’t he step on me?” “Yes, that’s why we tie your arms and legs up with these straps.” “Oh…. right. Okay, tie me up!” Ernesto looked slightly amused at her rude demand as he began to walk around the stallion and tied Kelly’s wrists and ankles to the stallion.

The old man finished securing Kelly. Kelly began to struggle to test how secure the cuffs were, but it was no use. She looked around, and surprisingly there was no one in sight. She wondered what someone would think if they walked by and saw her exposed pussy and pubic hair. The cool leather of the saddle felt nice on her skin in contrast with the hot summer air. Ernesto smiled, “I have helped a number of young ladies become belly riders. They were all satisfied customers. I hope you enjoy yourself. Now just try to relax.”

Ernesto began to massage the horse’s sheath. Kelly wanted to protest, even though this had been her idea, but she was a little shocked at how openly Ernesto started giving the horse a handjob, right there behind the hotel, as if no one would care. Surely people must care that a naked girl under a horse was watching an old Brazilian man give a horse a handjob, right? Slowly the horse began to distend and grow and thicken as blood engorged. Suddenly the stallion’s penis rubbed through her pubic hair and grazed her labia. Instead of inserting it into her he rested the horse’s penis on top of her pubic mound. The weight was impressive, Kelly thought. She didn’t realize how big and heavy a horse’s penis would be up close and personal.

Kelly was mortified as she urgently looked around and spotted a few people walking by. They glanced over but didn’t stop or say anything. Maybe they just hadn’t seen her, she thought. Finished, Ernesto grabbed the horse’s penis once more and to rub it against her pubic area. He pushed the horse’s penis against her lips, while with his other hand he slowly began to part her hairy outer labia with his fingers. She felt a little disgusted by this older man touching her pussy so openly, but he also seemed kindhearted and gentle. It was all very dirty, but she liked it.

Ernesto had probably done this many times she decided. It seemed nearly academic for him. She said, “You seem like you’ve done this before.” Kelly thought small talk might buy her some time, even though she knew very well that he knew far more about belly riding than Kelly did. “Yes, many times. I used to help my Mother belly ride every day before school and after school I would help untie her.” “Really? Your Mother?” Kelly was shocked. “Yes, since as far back as I can remember. And just recently I helped my daughter mate with her first stallion for her wedding. Even my wife, who had never belly ridden before took a stallion on that occasion for the first time at my daughter’s wedding. It was quite an event. Belly riding runs in our family.”

“Your daughter had sex with a horse on her wedding day? I guess having you as a Father would make something like that possible.” Kelly was trying to ignore the fact that Ernesto was gently but firmly pushing the horse against her, trying to work it into her body. “Yes, it was her first time. It was my Mother’s request actually. My Mother wanted her to be married under a stallion just like she had been. I think my wife wished she had been able to if her parents hadn’t been so strict with her, or at least that’s what I think. She insists she never had that urge.” “Wait, your daughter got married WHILE she was having sex and not just later that night or something?”

Edwardo was continuing to rub the horse’s penis against her now wet vulva, as Kelly began to loosen up a little. Her interest in Ernesto’s story was increasing and she began to forget the fact that she was nude and had a horse penis rubbing against her most private place, “Oh yes, it was quite spectacular. The wedding was beautiful, but she was new to belly riding, that being her nearly her first day and all. She had only had sex with the stallion once before, during dress rehearsals. So she couldn’t help herself. She orgasmed through the entire ceremony as a new belly rider is prone to do. So did my wife and my Mother. They were both under their stallions that day. I think they were all very pound of one another.”

Karen was amazed but didn’t know what to say, so she changed the topic as she tried to open her legs a little wider for Ernesto as he probed the horse’s penis against her loins, “Your English is so good, Ernesto.” “Oh, well my Wife is from the United States, so I learned how to speak with her. That’s why she was unaccustomed to the belly riding tradition, just like you are now. But she changed her mind.”

“Wow.” “Yes, my Wife and my Daughter both fought the family tradition of belly riding for a long time, and only agreed to it when my Mother said she wouldn’t give her blessing until my Daughter tried it. My Wife decided to try it as well, to make my Daughter feel better, I think.” Karen felt Ernesto pushing harder and harder against her, trying to work the edge of the stallion’s head into her loins, “But she ended up liking it?” “Oh yes, both my daughter and my wife both did very much. I rode the carriage from the wedding to the reception. My Wife was under one stallion and my Daughter under another, while my Wife’s new husband was in the back. My Mother met us there, since she is older, she can no longer handle long rides. My Daughter belly rides all day long now, like her Grand Mother used to when she was her age and in better health. My Wife only occasionally does it, when business is slow for me, and she needs to relax. I’ll take her on a ride through the city.” Suddenly Karen felt a sudden jolt of pain as Ernesto succeeded in forcing the very tip of the horse’s growing erection into her loins, “Oh my God! Ow! Stop, please stop!”

Ernesto smiled, “You’ll get over the pain if you relax. All belly riders panic the first time.” “No really, stop, he’s huge!” “I know, Karen, this stallion is rather large stallion for your first time. But this is a good sized penis that will suit you well as your vagina expands.” In a panic she asked, “Oh my god, am I going to get all loose or something?” “No, not right away, but after a year or two, yes, you’ll grow to be able to accommodate any stallion you chose to mate with.” Karen was horrified by all of this and suddenly wanted it all to stop, as the horse’s penis forced it’s way down deeper into her vaginal canal, as she laid, defenseless.

Ernesto said, “You should rock your hips up and down a little.” Defiantly she asked, “Why?” “It’ll make this easier for you.” She was no less upset but she did as she was told – anything to get this over with. It had started off as a horny day dream, and suddenly the reality of this was hitting her. She lifted her buttocks off the saddle and felt the horse pushing further into her. At first it gave her a sickening feeling, like she was being invaded by a parasite or something just as awful, but slowly, the pain began to fade and with each gentle thrust of her hips she felt more in control of her situation. Inch after inch of the horse’s thickening shaft began to disappear deeper into her young body. Karen’s butt was spread apart and very visible from where Ernesto was squatting. She didn’t like at all that he was looking at her pussy and ass, but she couldn’t do much about it.

She didn’t think she could take anymore of the horse’s member as it continued to invade her, so she stopped. Ernesto pushed her on, “Keep going.” “No, he’s already in me.” “Keep going, please. He’s got a bit to go.” She sighed and thrust her hips several more times until finally she felt the horse’s penis butt up against her cervix, “Ow!” Ernesto smiled, “There, now he’s properly seated.” He reached over to a small box on the side of the carriage and withdrew a syringe, which he quickly gave to the horse, right in it’s sheath. Kelly was surprised and felt a little uncomfortable at first but decided not to ask any questions. Ernesto stood up and said, “Okay, Ms. Desmond, you are finally ready to go.”

“Go?!” Kelly was horrified. “Yes, on our walk. I assumed you wanted to go downtown.” “No, no way! I just wanted to stay here for an hour until it’s time to pick up my Parents.” “Okay, well, I can ride you around the block a few times if you like. The walking of a horse often is quite pleasurable to belly riders.” Kelly thought for a minute. She didn’t know anyone in this town. No one would recognize her, “Oh, okay. Why not?” “What time do we have to meet your Parents and where?” “5 at the front of the hotel.” “Okay, hang on, here we go.”

Ernesto flipped the reigns and suddenly, with a jolt of the stallion’s thick penis inside of Karen the horse lurched forward. Karen suddenly lost her voice as the thick cock began to gently thrust back and forth with each step as they turned out onto the road. Ernesto smiled, “Belly riding is fairly common in Brazil, Karen. You’re in good hands. I am known by the people of Rio as a belly riding trainer. If people see you with me they will know that you are learning how to ride a stallion in the traditional belly riding manner. They’ll know that you’ve decided to take him.”

Karen was defiant, even though her head was swimming with each thrust and step that the horse took as they rounded the corner and came into view of many people, “But I didn’t decide anything, I’m just doing it this once.” Ernesto laughed heartily, “Of course…” Kelly thought he might be mocking her, but she was too preoccupied with what was happening inside of her. Kelly laid back in her saddle in a huff. She was upset but her loins were starting to heat up. She definitely did not want to orgasm yet, but she felt like her body was pushing her to something forbidden and unknown. This was all still very foreign to her, and she wasn’t sure what she felt about it. The idea was one thing, the reality of having sex with a horse, though, was quite another.

Karen tried to get her mind off of what was happening to her and hoped that if she laid still the random strangers on the street would be less likely to notice her as she asked, “Ernesto, tell me more!” “Yes, of course. Well, many parents chose this life for their daughters in Brazil. They know the life of a belly rider is prestigious and earns them a certain social status. Although it is typically done by poor women, belly riders are deeply respected here. Wealthy women tend to discretely let their dogs mount them after their cocktail parties while their husbands smoke cigars and discuss politics in the next room. It is only belly riders that have chosen to give themselves so openly. When I was younger I would go to the Carnival with my Father and we would watch my Mother belly ride in the carnival. She was a proud woman, and enjoyed her stallions until she was a very old woman.”

Karen was entranced by this story, “So women really do it openly here? It’s no big deal?” “Oh yes, quite openly. It has since been outlawed in Rio, but the law is not enforced often – and usually only when someone from out of town complains. In fact the Rio Police themselves have a belly riding mounted police woman. The mayor himself has granted citizenship to an American girl who works as a belly riding hostess at a fine restaurant downtown. It is quite common for women to have jobs and live while hanging beneath their stallions, just like you are now.” “Wow.” Karen couldn’t believe it. She had just assumed that this was going to be the most embarrassing and humiliating moment of her life, and it still had that potential, but now she was hearing that it was far more common than she could have ever guessed. She strangely liked being humiliated, but this was different. It was actually acceptable here.

She knew her pussy was wet because she was getting more and more aroused. She suddenly felt like she had hoped she might when she first saw the girl in the picture. She was floating through space, upside down with a first horse dick in her as it gently pushed back and forth with each plodding step. She heard the clip clop of the horse’s hooves, the slight squeaking of the wheels of the carriage, the gently creaking of the leather of the saddle and the squishing of her own wet vulva as it gently coated the horse’s thick member with her vaginal lubricant.

They slowly kept marching around the block around and around. Kelly knew she could orgasm at any moment, but she desperately wanted this amazing feeling to last, as the intense pressure of her vulva continued to increase. Her legs began trembling and her stomach was taught. Her breasts swayed with each step, driving her closer and closer to the edge. That’s when Kelly began to orgasm. She bucked her hips wildly and thrusted and fought as hard as she could against the leather than bound her wrists and ankles to the stallion. With each thrust her butt flexed hard. It felt wonderful. She could feel her whole pussy clenching down with more strength than ever before. She couldn’t believe how good she felt.

She finally collapsed back into the saddle, “Whoah… wow.” Ernesto smiled, “Did that feel good, Ms. Desmond?” “Oh wow, yes… oh my God. I want to do that again.” “Well go right ahead.” Ernesto hadn’t stopped the stallion from walking, but it took a minute for Kelly to get up the energy to start thrusting again. Soon, though, she was just as vigorously fucking her hips up and down as she had been minutes before. The sensation was electric. She felt the soft skin of the horse’s member between the engorged folds of her vulva. It was amazing.

Thrust after thrust hit home against her cervix as she began to get a rhythm with her swinging. Minutes passed quickly as they continued around the block over and over again. The sling would soon get a nice rhythm that she could control with her legs and soon enough she felt like she was nearing an orgasm again. She began to pant and without thinking she moaned out loudly, taking even herself by surprise at how loud she had been. Ernesto cleared his throat, “Kelly, should I stop the hors…” Kelly cut him off, “NO! Keep going! Don’t stop!” She began to thrust harder and harder, as she closed her eyes. She felt dizzy as her stomach knotted. The horse felt like it was beginning to thicken too. Strangely her whole body felt like it was beginning to balloon out as the thick horse shaft grew and thickened gently inside her.

Moments later the horse began to stop it’s regular gate and instead began to prance about. Kelly realized the horse was no longer satisfied with being a large dildo. No, he was an active participant and he was going to get his enjoyment out of her just as much as she had enjoyed him, whether she wanted him to or not. She began to panic, but just then she felt Ernesto say, “Whoa there,” as the horse stopped walking. She wanted to thank him, hoping that he had managed to stop him from climaxing in her. But when Kelly opened her eyes, to her horror she found that Ernesto hadn’t just stopped the horse. He had stopped the horse right in front of the hotel. She had been so out of it she hadn’t realized he had walked her another block to the hotel’s entrance where he stopped. There Kelly was, right at the front entrance to the hotel lobby, where rich foreigners were coming and going, all with shocked faces. The glass hotel doors provided her no security from anyone inside the hotel lobby either.

Then there was the stallion who had decided that Kelly was a fine mate and had begun to thrust wildly into her. Kelly was absolutely mortified. She didn’t know what to do. She looked at Ernesto with panic in her eyes, “Why did you stop here? Let’s go.” “It’s 5, Ms. Desmond. You told me you wanted to meet your parents here.” “I have to change first! Oh my God!” That’s when Kelly saw her Mother’s face as she rounded the corner. It was too late. Kelly’s parents both spotted her at the same time. There Kelly was, naked as the day she was born, impaled on a huge horse’s dick. Worse yet, the horse was thrusting hard into her. Her parents stood, in shock, looking at their daughter, through the glass of the doors to the hotel. They were talking but Kelly couldn’t hear anything over the horse’s violent thrusts.


Chapter Two

Kelly was beginning to orgasm, right as her Parents opened the door to the hotel. With a mix of shock and disgust on their faces, Rich exclaimed, “What on earth are you doing!?” Kelly’s Mother shook her head as she looked down at her daughter. Kelly didn’t know what to say as her body began to shake. She was doing everything she could to hold back her orgasm, but it was only succeeding in amplifying it, if anything. Kelly’s Father looked angry, “Well, young lady?! What do you have to say for yourself?!” That’s when the horse decided to begin thrusting as hard as it could, forcing it’s cock against Kelly’s tender cervix. Unfortunately for poor Kelly, this was all too much as her breasts shook violently and her body began to tremble. She could no longer hold her orgasm back.

With a grunt she bared down and her butt lifted high up off the sling as her legs and stomach tensed hard. Her whole body shook violently even though she was nearly completely motionless, as her body gave the best possible angle to the huge horse’s penis. The stallion took full advantage of this and worked his monstrous cock back and forth faster and faster in the orgasmic girl’s slick hole until finally the horse too began to ejaculate. Kelly’s eyes opened wide and then began to glaze over as her lips parted gently. She looked like she wanted to say something but all that came out was a soft grunt and heavy breathing as her body was fucked hard by the horse’s huge dick. The horse’s short and urgent thrusts and loud coughing sounds were very clear to Kelly’s parents as to their meaning. They watched, totally amazed and disgusted as Kelly was inseminated by a 1000 pound horse.

Kelly’s Mother asked with a wrinkled nose, “Are you actually cumming?!” Kelly couldn’t respond but she opened her eyes and looked at her mother and simply panted and gasped as her orgasm ripped through her young body. She knew she should be totally ashamed of herself, but her pussy was the most important thing in the world to her in that moment, and she couldn’t think straight. Finally her pussy felt a sudden flash of wetness as the horse continued to work his thick spasmodic cock into her as his semen burst free from the tight seal her vaginal lips had made around his soft penile skin. It splashed onto asphalt of the driveway, as dozens of onlookers shook their head and walked away with a mixture of disgust and amusement. Suddenly, Kelly’s brain began to function again. She had just had sex with a horse in front of her parents and the whole hotel. She was humiliated, and turned bright red. She didn’t want to answer her Mother’s question so she tried to come up with something else to say.

“Please get me down, Mom. This creep made me do this?” She wasn’t sure why she did it, but she felt that blaming Ernesto was her best chance of living this down. Her father looked furious at Ernesto, “Is this true?!” Ernesto put his hands up as if he were defending himself physically, which he just might have to do, since no one messed with Rich’s little girl, “No sir, no, absolutely not. Your daughter requested a belly ride.” Sandra said, “Let’s not argue about this here, let’s just get moving, okay?” She got up into the carriage and told Ernesto, “Let’s go. Anywhere, just let’s leave the hotel.” Rich looked pissed, “Are you sure? Shouldn’t we let Kelly down first?” Sandra said, “She just had an orgasm, Rich, I think she can handle another few minutes until we sort this out. Let’s just get out from the front of the hotel, okay?”

That seemed to make sense to him as he begrudgingly boarded the carriage and Ernesto coaxed the horse forward. The still hard shaft of the horse’s penis began to drive back and forth into Kelly’s sperm coated insides again as they rounded the corner and began to walk out and away from the hotel. They were a full block away before Sandra said, “Okay, Kelly, tell us what happened.” Kelly tried to speak as clearly as she could, but she was still very distracted by this huge horse penis in her, “I arrived a little early and he asked me to follow him back. Then he tied me up, tore off my clothes and forced me to have sex with the horse.” Sandra frowned, “Okay, so tell me what REALLY happened.” Kelly was worried, she wasn’t sure which part of her story her Mother didn’t believe. “What do you mean?” “That’s not what happened. Tell your Father and I what really happened.”

“That is what happened.” Kelly was getting more and more worried as Sandra asked Ernesto, “Where are my Daughter’s clothes?” “Here they are, Ma’am.” He reached under his seat and produced Kelly’s clothes. Rich was quick to notice the tears in her dress. “What the fuck is this? Look, her dress is torn.” Kelly felt vindicated. She might just get out of this yet. Sandra, however, would have none of it, “So wait, your dress is torn in the back, but the skirt is still intact… and your bra and panties are intact. How could he have tied her up and not cut her panties and bra off?” Rich looked at his daughter’s underwear, which was quite clearly intact, “Yeah… I guess… Kelly, what’s the meaning of this? Are you lying?” Kelly swallowed, not knowing quite what to say, “No, that’s how it happened. I showed up a few minutes early and he tied me up and then untied one arm and one leg at a time until he had me naked.”

Sandra again would have none of it, “So he managed to coax you to some place away from the hotel, tie you up, tear off your clothes, get a horse penis into you, ride back to the hotel, and no one heard you screaming for help? And he did this all in a few minutes? Knowing that he’d get caught? Come on, Kelly. There’s not any part of this that’s true is it?” Kelly swallowed hard, each step of the horse drove his penis back and forth in Kelly’s slick pussy. She didn’t know what to say. Sandra asked, “Ernesto, would you tell us what really happened?” “Yes, of course. Your Daughter called me, and asked me if she could belly ride for an hour before you showed up. So in the process of getting into the saddle she ripped her dress in the back there. But we managed to get her undressed. Then I tied her up, got the horse ready, and situated inside of her, and then we rode around the streets for about an hour, until it was time to come pick you up. She had asked me to let her down a few minutes before so she could run upstairs and get dressed again before you came down. But she was so preoccupied she wouldn’t listen to me tell her that the time was nearing the hour.”

“And that’s when we walked up?” “Correct, just as your Daughter was having her second orgasm and the stallion was ready to inseminate her, you walked up. Awkward timing.” Rich shook his head, “Why would you want to have sex with a horse, Kelly?” Kelly didn’t answer, but Ernesto chimed in, “Your Daughter is not unique in this way, Mr. Desmond. It is quite common for women in Brazil to copulate with horses. Especially if they are single, or their husband tends to travel, or if they know their significant other has been unfaithful, women will quite regularly take a stallion as a lover.” Rich shook his head again, not believing it, “So it’s common here?” “Yes, it happens often, although it’s not completely accepted here, and there are laws against it, they are not enforced wildly. That is how I am allowed to operate.” Sandra looked at Rich, “So how shall we punish our Daughter for lying to us?” Rich shrugged, “You’ve got me.”

Sandra said, “Well, I think we should make her keep doing this belly riding thing for the rest of the carriage ride. She got herself into this mess. Why not keep her down there?” Kelly began to protest, “No Mom, please…” “That’s enough out of you,” snapped Rich, who was getting pissed off again, “you’re going to stay down there until your Mother and I say so.” Sandra said, “I’m sorry our Daughter lied.” “No problem. My name is Ernesto, by the way. I’m quite happy things turned out like this, actually.” “It’s nice to meet you, Ernesto. Where are you taking us by the way?” “Rio is well known for it’s beaches. I thought I would walk down to the beach and then back up. It’s about an hour’s walk there and an hour back.” Sandra nodded, “That sounds perfect.” Kelly asked, “No way… what about all the people who will see me? Do I have a say in this at all?” Sandra snapped back, “No, young lady, you gave up that right when you decided to let a horse have sex with you.”

Rich said absently, looking at his Daughter’s wide open pussy Kelly swung gently back and forth, “I’m surprised that horse stayed hard after that.” Sandra hit him gently in the shoulder, “Stop staring. She’s your Daughter. And here I thought we were going to have a nice romantic ride through the city. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you two were conspiring.” “I wasn’t staring at … ” he trailed off, suddenly realizing that he was, in fact, watching his Daughter’s sloppy pussy and firm ass. Ernesto came to his rescue, “That’s a good question, actually. I gave the stallion a small dose of a chemical that will keep him erect for the next few hours. It’s quite common for belly riders to give their lovers shots so they can stay impaled for the majority of the day without stopping.” “Ah…” Rich was genuinely interested.

Ernesto paused for a moment, “Mrs. Desmond, do you mind if I stop the carriage and make one small adjustment to how Kelly is riding?” “No, not at all.” Ernesto smiled and reached into a small box under his seat and produced a long clear tube with a black stiff end and a thin chain attached to it. He climbed down and reached under Kelly. Ernesto began to insert into her what looked like a long transparent tube with a slightly thicker and more rigid looking black plastic coating on one end into Kelly’s vagina. Thankfully she was very slick with semen, because even that small additional size felt like it might split her in half as Ernesto worked it between the walls of her pussy and the horse’s thick member.

Again she wanted to protest, but Ernesto was so quick about it she didn’t have time. The black part of the tube had a thin metal chain hanging from where it attached to the more flexible clear tube. The chain split into two at about six inches and was about 20 inches on either side of the split. On one side was a very small clasp. Ernesto ran the thin chain up the crack of Kelly’s butt and asked her politely to raise her hips a little. She did as she was told. He wrapped the two split ends of the thin chain around Kelly’s hips and fastened them together, which essentially secured the tube into place, meaning it could no longer be pulled out of her, until the chain was disconnected.

The black coated tip was about 7 inches in length and very thin. The whole tube was only about a centimeter thick and less than three feet long. Kelly shuddered, somehow slightly memorized by what was happening. She had no idea what the tube was for and she didn’t want to ask. She was humiliated, and suddenly felt upset at the same time as Ernesto moved the end of the long clear tube and with a small strip of leather tied it in place so that it dangled right next to Kelly’s face. Kelly still didn’t want to know what the tube was for, but it seemed like some kind of long bendable straw.

Sandra finally had to know what the thin clear tube was for that was positioned right above her Daughter’s face. “Ernesto, what’s the tube for?” “Oh, well I trained a pretty girl named Cindy a few months ago, and this was her idea. Rather ingenious if you ask me.” “What is it?” “It’s a tube that Kelly can use to taste the horse ejaculate. Instead of pouring out of her, like it normally would, it’ll flow down the tube, and into her mouth.” Kelly winced, “Ew! No thanks!” “Well, you don’t have to decide if you want to taste it now, you can decide later. The hard part at the end of the tube is to keep it from collapsing inside of you under the pressure of your vaginal walls wrapped around the horse.”

Rich asked, “So this Cindy girl, did she like it?” “Oh, yes, I think so. Quite a bit. She had primarily bred with dogs up until that day. Like your Daughter she was here visiting Brazil on vacation. She said she really liked the taste and wanted to know what a horse tasted like. On a dare she decided to go through with it. She said the horse’s seminal fluids were much creamier. Overall she was a satisfied customer, I think. She actually put in an order for a belly riding stallion a few week ago and I shipped her one a few days later, along with a saddle. So I assume by now she is under her horse and will stay that way for some time to come.” Kelly’s head was beginning to swim as Ernesto climbed back aboard and they moved on further down the street towards the beach. People came and left out of her peripheral vision. At first it was a shock and surprise as she caught their eyes. She was beginning to get over the horror and humility and began to feel the exhilaration and excitement that she had been looking for.


Chapter Three

Ten minutes later, a woman stopped them, who obviously knew Ernesto by her excited voice and big toothy smile. They spoke quickly in Portuguese and the woman looked at Kelly many times, smiling and laughing, until finally they parted ways. Kelly was curious who the woman was but Sandra asked first, “Who was that?” “It was one of my former students, Inna. I trained her to become a belly rider. I met her at my Daughter’s wedding. Her Father wanted to train her how to belly ride, although her Mother protested at first. Her Mother is from aristocracy, and frowned on the idea. Inna agreed to try it once at her Father’s insistence. Now Inna climbs underneath and takes a stallion into her every Saturday before riding to her parent’s house for the day to visit. Inna’s Mother is still disapproving, but she apparently doesn’t complain as much as she used to.”

Sandra probed further, “So you do this often? I mean, train lots of girls to be with horses?” “Yes, I have four or five students a week. Sometimes less, but I get quite a bit of business in the summer months when it’s hot and there are more tourists. Women like your Daughter tend to enjoy the belly riding tradition. I end up making most of my money by selling them horses after I’m done training them. I sell at least one horse a month.” “So how would you describe your business to someone you hadn’t met,” Rich asked. Kelly wished her Father wasn’t such a business man, but he was always interested in how people sell their services.

“I would say that I am in the business of breeding women to stallions.” Rich nodded, “Interesting.” Kelly couldn’t help but lift her hips hard when she heard that. It was such a disgusting and erotic thought that she couldn’t help herself. Everyone noticed her sudden movements too, as she had been relatively still since their journey had begun. Kelly was extremely turned on, and her engorged labia and clitoris made that fact very clear. Her slippery pussy coated her lover’s penis in a thin sheen as she moved her labia across it’s erection. She had a hard time deciding what it was about this whole thing, the stallion, being in public, or her parent’s disapproving eyes that was getting her off. Maybe it was all three, but either way, she was suddenly more aroused than she had ever been in her life.

Kelly began to work her butt up and down, gently at first, as if everyone wouldn’t notice her butt and legs tensing so rhythmically. But gradually her tempo increased, and she began to use her arms and legs to swing back and forth gently, as they walked. She contemplated what she was doing as people passed by, giving glances, laughing or looking slightly disgusted. Her parents had already seen her cum, she realized, and they had already outed her as being interested in having sex with a horse. Why should she worry about what they thought now? Still though, the demure part of her brain was cautious and unsure of herself and her situation. The sensations between her legs and how perverted she felt seemed to be winning the war in her brain though.

The tempo of her arms and legs began to become more obvious and clear to everyone as they walked. Minutes passed quickly as the beach came closer and closer. The ocean was already visible and they could smell the salty warm ocean air as they neared it. Kelly felt like she was getting closer to an orgasm. The horse must have agreed because he began to prance and move in less of a straight line. He was getting a lot of pleasure from Kelly’s tiny hole she realized. She decided to try to entice him. She knew getting him to cum again was a bad idea, but for some reason she couldn’t stop herself. Yet she still needed permission, “Mom, Dad, I’m sorry, but this feels way too good. I know I shouldn’t but I’m getting close to another orgasm. I thought you should know.” She said this as she lifted her butt hard and worked her pussy back and forth. She was getting off on the fact that she had let them know.

After a long awkward pause in which Sandra and Rich looked at each other, not knowing what to say, Sandra nodded, “Well thank you for telling us, sweetheart.” Rich nodded, not knowing what to say to that but his eyes seemed fixated on Kelly’s buttocks and hairy pussy lips. Even though it should have disgusted her that her own Father was having to adjust himself as he watched her mate with a horse, Kelly was unexpectedly excited, “So you don’t mind?” “I think it’s a bit late for that, young lady. Don’t you? Half the city has seen you naked and screwing that horse.” Rich nodded, “Yup, I think everyone knows about your depravity now, missy.”

Kelly was deeply ashamed. Her parents seemed naturally upset, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. Plus both her and the stallion were each nearing an orgasm. She decided that her parents’ disapproving looks was all the encouragement that Kelly needed. She contemplated the fat that they hadn’t tried to stop her, and she couldn’t stop the horse, who was getting more and more excited by the second, even if she wanted to. But she didn’t want to. She wanted to feel the horse orgasm again. So she quietly said, “Sorry,” and she meant it. Her parent’s distaste wasn’t going to stop her, even if her shame was nearly overwhelming.

It was one thing to have a quick fling, and it was quite another to openly have sex with a horse in broad daylight while her parents and random passerbyers watched. She had always been a bit of an exhibitionist, but this was beyond even her. Yet she gave in. She took a deep breath and began to buck her hips upwards. At the same moment the stallion began to buck himself. The huge hindquarters of the stallion began to haunch forward with extremely dangerous thrusts. Both Sandra and Rich looked concerned. It looked extremely painful and dangerous but Kelly was hanging on for dear life, swinging back and forth quickly and bucking her hips in time with her equine lover.

The thin chain holding the thin black rubber tube inside her stuck to her buttocks lewdly with the sticky sperm that had settled there after the horse’s last climax. But other than that, her whole body was in motion. She began to whimper and moan as the horse’s penis began to thicken even further than it had been before. Kelly’s eyes lit up, “I think he’s growing again!” Ernesto nodded and looked back and quietly said, “The horse’s penis is flaring in your Daughter. That means the head is growing much larger.” Kelly’s parents eyebrows furrowed as they listened to Ernesto’s narration of their Daughter’s perverse act. The mechanics of the disgusting scene was foreign to them, so they listened intently.

“The squishing sound your Daughter is making is because she has so much semen left inside her. A belly rider can hold over half a cup of horse semen in her womb. Some can hold even more.” Rich couldn’t help but ask, “How much does a horse… you know…?” Kelly couldn’t believe her Father asked that but she was getting closer and closer to an orgasm as she continued to writhe. “Oh, about three quarters of a cup. So your Daughter has about half a cup of horse ejaculate in her womb, before she filled up. About a quarter cup drained out of her earlier before I put the tube in her. Not that there is any risk of it, but your Daughter is effectively plugged up so her vagina will never be free of semen until we let her free. In reality the horse will replenish any sperm she would naturally lose in the course of riding.”

Rich adjusted himself again, and that was nearly too much for poor Kelly, who was writhing and moaning louder and louder. Finally the horse too stopped in it’s tracks and began the serious business of forcing his huge cock back and forth into her slick labia as he prepared to ejaculate into her for the second time that afternoon. Sandra and Rich watched as their Daughter lifted her butt high off the saddle, and spread her legs as far as they would go. She was doing everything she could to give the stallion’s penis as much leverage and enjoyment as she could. It was an exquisite and disgusting sight all at the same time. Kelly held her breath as her butt and legs began to spasm harder and harder. Her stomach was in knots and her pussy was wet and red. The horse’s huge cock plowed between her sticky, matted pubic hair deep into her body.

Suddenly both Kelly and the stallion were orgasmic. The horse began to make a loud coughing sound as it fired a torrent of sticky sperm deep into Kelly’s willing body. Kelly’s whole body began to convulse and she inadvertently screamed out as her flushed body quaked. Kelly’s parents watched in horror as the horse forced the contents of it’s prostate down the long shaft and continued to fuck dick-load after dick-load of its semen into their orgasmic little girl. Slowly but surely, a milky white substance began to fill the thin clear tube suck into Kelly’s body. Ernesto smiled and whispered, “He’s filling the tube up, now that her body is full.”

Slowly but surely it filled further and further until it was only inches away from where it hung, suspended by the leather strap, right above Kelly’s face. Kelly was none the wiser as her eyes were closed tight. Kelly was anything but an innocent bystander as she humped her hips up and down violently, her orgasm ripping through her body as her breasts giggled wildly. That’s when the semen began tp spurt out of the tube onto Kelly’s face. At first she barely noticed as the warm fluid began to erupt onto her cheek and nose and lips. Then she realized what was happening and she was surprised and even a little horrified at first, as she realized what was happening. Her mouth was open and a good squirt shot right into her open mouth and into the back of her throat.

Kelly coughed for a moment and then looked over at her parents and moaned even louder. Rich adjusted himself again and Sandra shook her head in disbelief at his Daughter’s suddenly increase in her moans. Kelly couldn’t help it, she was just getting more and more turned on. Sandra jumped down from the back of the carriage and walked towards her Daughter saying, “That’s it!” Kelly suddenly feared what her Mother would do as she Kelly wasn’t sure what to do but as she tasted it on her tongue she realized it wasn’t as bad as she thought it might be. She sheepishly opened her mouth again and squirt after squirt of the fluid shot onto her face and into her mouth as it bounced around and her sling moved back and forth. Her Mother reached down under the stallion’s chest and grabbed the thin rubbery tube and shoved it into her Daughter’s mouth saying, “Stop moaning already!”

Her Mother was force feeding Kelly the sperm. Kelly choked and gasped a little as the hot cum spurt into the back of her throat as her Mother held Kelly’s head in place with her other hand so that Kelly couldn’t pull away. Forced to breath through her nose, Kelly sucked the fluid that had moments before been in the stallion’s prostate, and then had been in her own pussy. She swallowed another squirt. She realized that she loved this feeling of having the horse cumming in her pussy and her mouth at the same time, even if her Mother was doing it to punish her for being so crude. But before she could really begin to enjoy it the horse began to calm down. Kelly was more turned on than ever, but she decided it was probably best to stop.

Rich looked horrified, and Kelly didn’t want to make it any worse. So she rested her head back into the saddle and blushed hard, as her Mother let her breath by removing the tube of semen from her Daughter’s mouth. “You quite finished, Kelly?” Kelly blushed hard, “I’m really sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me.” Ernesto smiled, “You did well, Kelly. I see you made good use of the tube too!” “I did, I guess.” Sandra wasn’t as forgiving, “It’s all over your face, Kelly. Your pubic hair is all matted down with it too. You’re a complete mess!” Kelly blushed again, wishing her Mother hadn’t called out her sperm coated pubic hair.

Kelly could only imagine what her sperm covered face might look like, as Sandra stood up and walked back to the carriage and got up into it again. Kelly blushed hard at being force-fed horse ejaculate by her Mother, but secretly she was extremely turned on as she quietly licked her lips.


Chapter Four

They began walking again, and Kelly tried not to make too much of a fuss. They reached the entrance to the beach parking lot and found a nice spot near the water that they could sit and watch the sun go down. Even though the sun was setting behind them it was still a pretty place to be. Kelly sighed, contentedly. That had been an amazing orgasm, and she was still recovering, although she felt terrible about what had happened. She couldn’t believe she was stark naked and impaled on a horse, with her parents only feet away. It was surreal. She felt ashamed, “Hey, guys, I just want to say, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

Sandra sneered a little, “You mean you didn’t mean to get caught.” Kelly nodded, “Yeah, I mean, that part sucked, yes. But I really don’t know what got into me. I was just so… just… well… it seemed interesting. I wanted to try it once. Then I just got carried away and I didn’t realize what time it was. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lie either. I just didn’t want you to freak out. I know this vacation meant a lot to you guys, and I didn’t mean to ruin anything.” Sandra sighed, “It’s okay, I mean, it’s partly my fault.” Rich frowned, “How is it your fault?” Kelly frowned too, “Yeah, how’s that?”

“Well, I have a confession too. I had a feeling you would do this. You know… with a horse. I pretty much knew it actually. I just didn’t think you’d let us catch you.” Kelly was curious, “How?!” “I opened the door around 4:45 to see if you wanted to go downstairs together. I wasn’t sure if you meant we should meet you down at the front or you wanted to go together. Your door was ajar. I assumed either you were ready to go or you wanted me to catch you masturbating again.” Kelly blushed at that. Her Mother knew her too well. Kelly did want to be caught again, just not while a horse dick was cumming in her.

Sandra continued, “Anyway, I went into your room looking for you but you had already gone. That’s when I spotted the hotel magazine on your bed opened to the belly riding advertisement.” “Oh my God! So you knew?” Kelly was suddenly so ashamed that she wanted to die. “I had actually seen the advertisement in our magazine in our room too a few days before, but I didn’t say anything. I figured you would either say something to me if you were disgusted, or you wouldn’t, in which case you were interested. Since you didn’t say anything to me and you had quite clearly called for the belly riding carriage yourself… well I put two and two together. So actually, I knew pretty much as soon as you called to ask if we should go on the carriage ride. I was pretty sure you’d find your way under that stallion, but I thought you might have enough sense not to let us catch you. I guess not.”

Rich frowned, “And you still said okay?” Kelly was amazed too, “Yeah, why did you agree to it if you knew?” Sandra sighed, “Well, thought long and hard about it since I first saw the advertisement. I wondered what I should say or do if you mentioned it, or decided to do it. And I guess I decided that this was a good thing for you.” Rich was shocked, “What?!” “I know, it’s absolutely disgusting to think that our Daughter is mating with a horse, Rich, but she’s old enough to make these sorts of decisions on her own.” Kelly shook her head in amazement, “So you’re actually okay with this?” “No, I’m not. I really wish you hadn’t decided to do this. It’s filthy, and you really should be ashamed of yourself. But I decided that if you wanted to try it, I would do my part to breed you to a horse, so you could make a decision about whether you wanted to try it again or not. You have to learn somehow, I guess.”

“So that’s why you wanted to leave the hotel instead of just letting me down?” “Yes, I figured it would be best to get you away from the hotel for an hour or so, so you could live this fantasy of yours, get yourself off and we could be back at the hotel in time for dinner.” Rich frowned, “But what if she ends up liking it?” Sandra shrugged, “I don’t know, I guess I hadn’t thought of that. I don’t know… what do you think we should do? Or I guess this is a better first question for Kelly. How much do you like this, Kelly?” Kelly winced. Her pussy was still filled with the hard stallion’s dick and her uterus was completely filled with his semen. She had just had wild sex with a horse, and her Mother was asking what she thought. It had to be the dumbest question anyone had ever asked her, she thought.

“Well, I mean, of course I had a good time, if that’s what you’re asking.” “I mean, do you want to keep doing it?” “Uhhh… I don’t know, I mean you two were pretty upset the whole time we walked down to the beach. I don’t want to get you two any more upset.” “We aren’t asking about us, young lady. This is about you.” “Well, I’m not quite ready to be let down, I mean the sun hasn’t even set yet.” Sandra was a bit exasperated with her Daughter, “Let’s just assume you’ll keep having sex with him until we get back to the hotel.” Kelly was worried that her Mother might make her get down so the idea that she had at least another hour to do what she wanted with the stallion aroused her tremendously. She began to lift her butt a little and rotate it in circles gently. She was still recovering from her last orgasm so she did it lazily.

“Well, yeah, I’d like to have sex with him for the rest of the walk, sure. If you two are okay with that.” “I mean after that, Kelly. Tell us the truth, do you want to have sex with horses after today?” Rich winced, “I still can’t get over the fact that you love horses to begin with. I mean, it’s an animal!” Kelly nodded, “Yeah, he’s an animal, but that’s why I like it. I mean, to be honest. I know it sounds weird, but having sex with him, in front of you guys… It’s got to be the most fun I’ve had in a very very long time. It feels dirty and wrong, sure. And maybe you’re right and I shouldn’t like it. But it’s also really sexy.”

Sandra looked down at her Daughter, “So? What’s the verdict?” “I mean, sure, I guess, I would probably like to do it again.” “You guess? Here’s the way I look at it. Either you should never do it again, or you should embrace it.” “Embrace it how?” “I mean we should buy you a horse.” Rich interrupted, “Are you sure you should…” Sandra cut him off, “It’s Kelly’s choice, Rich, not ours. Kelly was wide eyed, “I mean… wow, that’s a big decision.” Sandra nodded, “It is. Tell you what, have fun for the rest of the evening on the walk back. When we get back, I want an answer though. Either you keep doing it or you don’t.” Kelly nodded, understanding that her Mother was serious, “Okay.” Kelly really didn’t want to have to make a decision like that. But she was also getting a huge sexual thrill from the whole thing. She couldn’t deny that. Sandra said, “Good, then let’s watch the sunset and head back to the Hotel.”


Chapter Five

The sunset was beautiful, and just as serene as Sandra and Rich had hoped it would be. The stifled moans and creaking of the saddle where their nude Daughter was still copulating with the stallion didn’t even make the moment less romantic. Sandra gave Rich a passionate kiss, “Thanks for bringing us to Brazil, honey. I love you.” Rich smiled, “I love you too.” Kelly huffed, “Yeah, thanks, Daddy. I’ve had a lot of fun.” Rich smirked, “Yes, we can see all that, young lady. I’m sure you have. And since when did you start calling me Daddy again?” Kelly smiled back at her Father. She felt like she was sharing a moment with her Dad as she said, “I dunno, I just feel a little helpless down here. Do you mind?” He shook his head, “No, not at all.”

Sandra said to Rich, “I wish my butt still looked like Kelly’s.” Rich smiled from ear to ear, “Oh yeah?” “Yeah, you used to get so turned on by looking at my butt.” “I still do.” “Yeah right. Tonight, in bed, I bet you’re thinking about Kelly’s butt and not mine.” Rich stammered, “Uhhh…” Sandra cut him off, “I don’t blame you. She’s sexy.” Rich looked uncomfortable and coughed a little. Without answering he said, “So what do you say, Ernesto? Time to go back?” Ernesto nodded, “Absolutely, Mr. Desmond.” Kelly blushed at all this talk but no one said another word about it.

With that they turned the carriage around and started going back up towards the Hotel on the outskirts of Rio. Kelly felt a small twinge of nervousness. Her Mother wanted her to have a good time in the time she had remaining. But Kelly was anything but okay with all of this. She was still nervous and ashamed. She knew she was under a microscope as her Parents tried to figure out if she was truely infatuated with horses or if it was just a fling. Even if her Mother had known and been somewhat okay with her experimentation, it was still more than Kelly had wanted. But at the same time, she felt a twinge of pain at the thought of never feeling a horse’s hard cock working back and forth in her ever again. How could she really make a decision?

Minutes slipped by, and so did the crowds of people. Kelly was anything but over her modesty. She was more and more embarrassed as time elapsed. She knew her face still had cum all over it, and her pussy hair was matted and sticky. But she was getting aroused again as the thick horse dick squished back and forth in her pussy. For some reason it was taking longer for the horse to get aroused than it had before. Kelly figured that like any guy, the horse had to have some time to recover. So she had a few minor stifled orgasms on her own as they kept walking. Even though Kelly was upside down, which made everything disorienting she soon realized they were within minutes of the hotel. The last thing she wanted to do was have another orgasm right in front of the hotel for the second time that day. It was now or never, she thought.

She looked at her Parents who were only partially paying attention to her. She swallowed hard, trying to get over the slight amount of modesty she had left so that she could fuck the horse openly. Kelly began thrusting her hips hard into the air. Sandra noticed, “Ah, Kelly’s picking up the pace. Probably a good idea. The Hotel’s getting closer.” Kelly tried to ignore her Mother but it wasn’t working. She looked at her Mother again and asked, “Mom? Daddy? Please tell me it’s okay? It’ll make it easier for me.” Sandra softened slightly, “Go ahead, Kelly. It’s okay.” Rich nodded and adjusted himself again, obviously aroused by his own Daughter, “Yeah, please feel free.” Kelly was suddenly much more aroused. It was one thing to be caught by your Parents, and it was another to have their blessing.

After nearly a minute Kelly’s thrusts the stallion began to react by walking in a wider and less steady gate. But just then they rounded the corner and came face to face with the hotel. Kelly’s heart was in her throat as her vagina squeezed her lover’s phallus hard. The stallion was getting more and more turned on by Kelly’s tight slippery hole. Just as the carriage pulled up in front of the busy Hotel the stallion began to haunch forward, thrusting it’s two foot penis back and forth, so that nearly eight inches disappeared into Kelly’s firm body.

People began to gather around, and Ernesto decided to play announcer as Sandra and Rich unmounted from the back of the carriage. Ernesto smiled, “Please gather around, everyone. Kelly is practicing to become a belly rider, an ancient and cherished tradition in Brazil. She is close to fulfilling her fantasy.” Everyone gathered around, with a mix of sheer disgust, arousal and amazement. Kelly couldn’t stop now as the horse thrusted violently into her. Sandra walked over and crouched near Kelly’s head and whispered, “Are you sure you should be doing this? Here? In front of everyone?” Kelly said loudly, “I can’t help it, Mom, I’m too close!” Sanrda didn’t say another word, but she remained crouched next to her horny Daughter’s nude body as thrust after thrust made her swing move wildly. Kelly’s breasts giggled and swayed in time.

There was no doubt in anyone’s mind. Kelly’s sperm covered face was tense and relaxed at the same time. Her mouth was parted and she began to moan. The horse’s testicles began to raise up as his thick cock shoved deep into Kelly’s tiny frame. Kelly began to moan out, “Yes, fuck me! Fuck me! Harder!” No one knew how this little girl could take so much punishment, let alone beg for more, but the horse was flaring up inside of her. His whole penis widened inside of her as the thick horse head butted up against her sperm filled insides. Sandra smiled, “You’d think you were trying to get yourself pregnant the way you went on like that.” That turned Kelly on even more, “Oh my God, Mom. That’s so kinky! Mmmmmmm!!!” That made Sandra blush as she looked around, hoping no one had heard them talk, but nearly everyone had. It was nearly dead quiet in the front of the hotel as everyone watched the spectacle.

Kelly moaned out, “Yes! Fill me up again! I want your cum!” The bell boys seemed to be mesmerized too. Kelly was deeply embarrassed by all of this attention, but she forced herself to continue as she humped her hips up and down. The horse thrusted wildly into Kelly’s taught vagina. The violent thrusts began to reach a crescendo as Kelly yelled out loudly, “CUM IN ME! YES!” That’s when the horse began to shudder and shake as a violent eruption of semen splashed into Kelly’s body for the third time that afternoon.

Kelly began to buck her hips wildly as her orgasm overtook her. The horny horse shoved his huge cock as far as he could, against her cervix as Kelly’s body did what it could to impregnate itself. Kelly couldn’t believe what her Mother had said, but now she saw it too, and she wanted it more than she could describe. She wanted that two foot cock shoved all the way to the hilt into her, cumming and spasming until it got her pregnant. She wanted to feel his virile sperm drooling out of her hairy cunt every day that she carried his foal to term. This stallion was all the mate that Kelly ever needed. He was brutally strong and his cock was ejaculating ounce after ounce of fresh horse ejaculate into her spasming pussy.

Kelly’s body shook, as her butt and stomach quivered. Kelly was deeply orgasmic as the first shot of horse sperm erupted from the thin transparent hose above her face. Kelly barely noticed the eruption – she was in another world and it went all over her already spermy face. Sandra was disgusted and reached over to force it into her Daughter’s moaning mouth once more, but in doing so she got semen all over her hand in the process. Sandra put the tube in Kelly’s mouth and Kelly moaned wildly as she sucked the hot horse cum lovingly. Sandra stood up, and looked at her sperm covered hand. She looked around, and no one was looking. Curiosity must have gotten to her because she absently tasted her fingers, before she even really realized what she was doing. Kelly looked up at her Mother, who was tasting horse sperm that had just been inside Kelly’s pussy. Sperm that had been meant to impregnate Kelly was now in Kelly’s Mother’s mouth. Kelly moaned wildly and bucked her hips again.

It was all too much and Kelly kept cumming for nearly a minute, until finally the stallion and Kelly both began to relax. The manager of the Hotel emerged from inside just in that moment and said, “Okay, people, please leave the young lady alone. Miss, I know that belly riding is advertised, but generally we ask that our guests be a little bit more discrete. Would you mind please taking your stallion around the side of the building and out of view of the rest of the patrons?” Ernesto smiled, “I’ll do that, sir.” The manager nodded and went back into the hotel.

Ernesto flipped the horse’s reigns and began to navigate the stallion, with Kelly still under it around the side of the building. Sandra and Rich walked behind and began to argue. Kelly had a hard time making it out, as she tried to catch her breath. Sandra finally said loudly, “If she wants to impale her body on a horse’s dick, we should support her.” Rich argued back, “Why does that mean she has to do it all the time?” Ernesto stopped the carriage and Sandra and Rich walked around so that Kelly could hear the argument more clearly.

“I just don’t think our Daughter should go halfway. She should either give it up, or devote herself to being a full time mare.” Kelly asked, “What do you mean, Mom?” Sandra looked down at her Daughter, “That means you should give up everything you own, all your jewelry, clothes and possessions. You should move into a barn that we’ll build in back and you should spend all day trying to get yourself knocked up on whatever lucky stallion you choose to mater yourself to. You shouldn’t care who knows and you should suffer the consequences of whatever humility that entails all in the name of more sex with horses. If you’re going to become an outcast and sexual deviant, you should go all the way.”

Rich asked again, “Uh… Honey, do you really think that’s such a good idea? I mean breeding Kelly out to a horse for an afternoon is one thing. You could almost chalk that up to experimentation. I admit, it’s odd, but still. But keeping our Daughter naked and impaled on a horse for the rest of her life is quite another.” Sandra nodded, “I agree, but this isn’t our decision. It’s Kelly’s. I’m glad she got a chance to try it, either way. So now she can make that choice. So what do you say, Kelly? Do you want to do this again or are you going to give it up forever?” Really, Kelly couldn’t imagine a life without friends and clothes and things. How could she really give up college, and any potential boyfriends and shopping and everything else?

The taste of horse semen was still on her lips and suddenly it all came clear. There was no way she could give this up. As much as she might want to make her parents proud, this was the most fun she had ever had in her life. Why did she really need a man? She could just stay under a stallion all day. She had the biggest cock, and the strongest mate. Why did she need anything more than that? “Well, before I say anything more, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry I ruined your romantic carriage ride.” Rich smiled at his Daughter, “Don’t worry about it. It was definitely memorable.”

Kelly sighed, “Okay, well, uh, so I thought about it and… well, yes, I’d like to try it again. Definitely.” “This isn’t a matter of trying this again, Kelly, this is a matter of putting yourself out to pasture. You’re going to mate yourself to a stallion for the rest of your days. No more clothes, no more TV, no more shopping for jewelry, only horse dick. You’ll spend every waking moment fucking horses. In fact, every night too. We’ll buy you two horses. No more comfy beds for you. Just horse cock and horse semen. No presents at Christmas – you’ll have to stay outside in front of Grandma’s house and fuck your horse instead.”

Kelly knew her Mother was trying to threaten her, but suddenly it didn’t matter anymore. Her Mother thought she was describing a nightmare scenario, but Kelly thought it was the sexiest thing she had ever heard and she shuddered in post orgasmic bliss, “Promise?” Sandra looked at her filthy Daughter and shook her head in disbelief, “I can’t believe you.” Sandra smiled at her Father, “Daddy, when do you think you could buy me those horses?” Sandra bit her lip.

The End