(c) 2010 by Greg St. Cloud aka TripleXwriter

“Damn it” I said to no one in particular, hanging the phone up. My husband just called saying that it would be another late night with the clients. Ever since he had graduated from Law School, he has been trying to climb the Law Firms corporate ladder. This wasn’t the first time he has stood me up, in fact it has been happening more frequently since we moved out to the country side with all of the other big money Lawyers and Doctors.

Well, I kicked off the high heels and went in to the kitchen to grab a bottle of white wine. Laying on the floor was Tanker, our Saint Bernard.

“Come on boy, looks like it is you and me tonight”, little did I know how true that was going to be!

As I walked to the living room, I passed the full-length mirror in the entryway. I stopped and took a few minutes to admire my looks. Here I was a young attractive woman; my shoulder length blonde hair was always done to perfection. My deep blue eyes and high cheekbones off set my full lips. I have been told by a couple of men that I have perfect cock sucking lips. I never have had to wear lipstick because of the natural dark hue of them. Next, I admired my body. It was a tight little package; it would be well proportionate if it wasn’t for my large breasts. I tried to keep it in shape by playing tennis a couple times a week. I would be a much better player if it wasn’t those big tits of mine. The girls at the Country Club were always kidding me about them, but most of the time, I knew they were just envious. I knew that some of them stared at me in the locker room after my shower. If I did know any better, I would think that they wanted to touch them. I was the envy of most of my peers. I had looks, a husband with a good job, a big home in the country and that coveted membership to the exclusive Country Club. I had no right to be feeling sorry for myself. About this time, Tanker nudged my rump as to say, “get going”. “Stop that, Tanker”, I said softly.

As I kicked back on the couch and placed my feet up, the phone rang again!

“Hey Veronica, my sweets, it looks like it is going to be a very long night. Don’t expect me until after midnight” Ron said. “Double damn it” I said again. I sat back, poured myself a glass of wine and turned on the TV.

As I was flipping through the channels, I found one of those romantic movies.

“This is going to be good, Tanker” I whispered.

The wine started going down real smooth. I started to think again, what did they have in the movie that I don’t have? Looking down the full length of my body, I found a set of beautiful breasts covered by a skimpy gold tube top. Further down, I looked at my legs as they met my leather mini-skirt; they were tanned and have been called perfect legs. I had done something special tonight, no panties. I was hoping to surprise Ron at the Club tonight. I had been feeling pretty slutty all day; the wine and movie were not helping much here. I went to the kitchen to get another bottle of wine, stopping by the bathroom and slinking out of my clothes. I looked at my naked body in the mirror; I am amazed that my tits where still taunt and my large dark nipples were positioned just right. The color of my nipples matched my lips perfectly. I often have wondered why my nipples were so sensitive they seemed to be hooked straight up with my clit. I had to be careful, if I wore anything made of a rough material; I could almost cum by just walking around. I found my robe, putting it on, I went back to the couch with the wine.

I kicked back again and started watching the movie in earnest; I reached down and patted Tanker on the head. The movie started getting to part where the Hero was holding the lady close and was caressing her body. I felt my pussy starting to get damp and my nipples getting hard. I let my hand slip under my robe, feeling my nipple. I pinched it slightly, rolling it between my fingers. A shock ran through my body, right to my clit. A soft moan escaped from my lips. It had been a long time, too long!

Tanker raised his head, as if to say “you all right?”

The wine had really kicked in by now, and I knew that there was no turning back. My other hand snaked down across my tummy and to my naked pussy. I had shaved my pussy the day before I was married and have had it bald ever since. God, I was wet! I could smell my musk in the air. I slipped my finger between the folds of my cunt; they opened like a flower to the morning sun. I lightly caressed my clit, sending little shock waves through my body. God, this felt good! I reamed my cunt hole, and slowly dipped my finger inside. I felt the muscles grab my finger. I slid another inside, “oh that’s tight,” I said hoarsely. I noticed that I received another look from Tanker. I was over the edge, and my fingers made it back up to my clit, rubbing it furiously. I was moaning, getting close to cumming, pinching my nipples with my free hand. . I could feel it start deep in the pit of my stomach, then the flooding, my whole world was wrapped up inside my pussy. Wave after wave, aftershock after aftershock rocked through my body. I was breathing hard and groaning loudly, Tanker must have thought something was wrong, he laid his head on my breasts. I was deep in the throngs of my cum and pushed him away. My fuck juices oozed out of my pussy, running down
the crack of my ass, onto the leather couch. My last thoughts before drifting off to sleep were how I needed a big dick inside of me.

Ummmm, damn that feels good, what an intense dream was running through my head, I was in that weird kind of half sleep. “Ohhhh God” I moaned, what is going on? It feels so real, but I have to be dreaming. I felt a warm soft tongue licking me from my asshole up to my clit, slipping into my pussy hole. It never felt like this before, the tongue was bigger, warmer and softer. I could tell that this had been going on for a while, I was so close to cumming.

“Fuck.oh geez!” I hissed through clenched teeth. God, I had never felt anything like this before!

I knew I was half awake and still in that twilight zone, just wanting to cum. Then it happened, just that last flick across my swollen clit. “I’m Cumming” I heard myself scream! Oh fuck this was intense! I felt my juices flooding out of my pussy; my pussy was in spasms. I was withering, rocking my hips into the face of this unknown thing that was eating and sucking my pussy.

“Oh FFFUUUUCCKK!” I yelled, as that soft tongue reamed my asshole, lapping up my juices, I was cumming again!

As I was trying to catch my breath, I woke up totally startled. Was this a dream, I thought? I opened my eyes and looked around.

“Oh fuck” I yelled out loud

I looked down and Tanker had his head buried between my legs, lapping up my fuck juices that had trickled down my ass on to the couch. Twisting away from him I jumped up.

“GO ON” I yelled, clenching my robe closed.

What was happening here? Did tanker just eat me out? My mind was racing.

“Damn, he couldn’t have” I said to no one.

I couldn’t think straight, just waking up and all that wine still in my head. Then I noticed, Tanker had a hard on. It was the biggest dick that I have every seen in real life. I had seen a few porno movies in my college days and knew that there were men out there with real big cocks, but I thought them to be freaks. Now I was clutching my robe, looking at Tanker’s cock.

“God, boy you must be 11inches” I said to him.

My body was still going through the little aftershocks of one of the best orgasms of my life, and the wine still had semi-control of my brain. Tanker rolled over on his side, he was done licking my cum juices off the couch. He reached down and licked the end of his cock. I could tell that it either felt good or he was in some sort of discomfort. I tried to shake the wine out of my head.

“What the fuck am I doing, this is sick,” I said out loud, trying to clear my brain.

I could not take my eyes off of his cock, it was huge! It kind of looked like a man’s but was pinker and purple. It was like I was being drawn to it. I had a deep desire to touch it, even fondle it. I knew this was wrong, it was against everything I had ever been taught. I closed my eyes, hoping that this was all a dream. Some sort of a sick dream. How in the world could a dog have made me cum so hard, lord knew my knees were still weak and shaky. I opened my eyes back up; it was not a dream! Tanker was sitting there with this huge dick hanging out. God, I wanted to touch it!

I thought for a few seconds, and then I couldn’t stand it, I slowly moved over to Tanker and gently pushed him on his back.

“Easy boy” I said softly, “I just want to rub your belly”

Fuck, I thought to myself! That is the biggest dick that I have every seen and now it was 5 inches from my hand. Tank willingly rolled on his back, spreading his back legs.

“This is so wrong, Tanker. But I have to touch it!” I cooed to him.

I rubbed his belly and slowly moved my hand down to the base of his cock. I could feel a large knob at the base. That must be the knot that I had heard about. I touched his rock hard dick. The feel made me jump, withdrawing my hand. God it was hot, much hotter then Ron’s has ever been. Hotter then each one of those boys that I had fucked in college. I knew this was all wrong, but as I touched it, a bolt of lightning shot throughout my body, exiting right out the tip of my clit, I almost came right on the spot. How could anything so bad, feel so good. I had to touch it again!

“Easy there boy, mommy’s going to touch it again,” I said softly.

I slowly moved my hand toward it wrapping my fingers around the hot shaft; gently I started stroking it sliding my hand from the base to the tip, speaking in low tones telling him what a nice cock he had, I thought to myself, this is crazy! How could I be doing this, but yet every part of my body was drawn to it I begin stroking faster wondering how it would feel in my sopping pussy hole, I could feel myself all wet down there. With my free hand, I reached down and began massaging my cunt. The lips swollen with desire…the passion running through my body, my senses reeling. Stroking his cock and fingering my pussy, I could hear myself murmuring softly to him wanting him to shoot his cum on my tits. I was so excited at this thought I began moaning, guttural sounds escaping from my throat getting louder as I stroked his cock. Tanker was furiously pumping his cock in my hand…my other hand going crazy on my wet pussy hole, my fingers buried to the hilt pumping away. Suddenly tanker stiffened and a stream of hot milky liquid shot out of the tip of his cock. I moved my body over him, so that his cum would shoot on my breasts and my nipples…surprisingly more shot out hitting me in the face and mouth. Shocked, I could taste the sweetness of it. It tasted so good…I slowly moved down and began licking the tip of it, and with no warning, I began cumming. Orgasms surged through every nerve in my body. I rolled on the floor, my pussy spasming.

Fuck, it was the so damn strong, I cried out, “OH GOD.”

Tankers hot tongue began licking my cunt. I cried out louder as the last of my orgasm shot through me. As I lay there, Tanker licked the cum out my pussy, his hot tongue lapping at my ass and cunthole…shivers ran through my body.

I moved away from him slowly getting up off the floor. I walked to the bathroom, catching my reflection in the mirror, droplets of Tankers cum on my face and lips. I ran my tongue over my lips, tasting his cum, I began to feel a wave of excitement, then guilt as I thought of what had just transpired. I went over, and started the water for a shower. I thought about what I had done. Feeling some remorse, wondering what Ron would think if he knew. I took a long shower with that thought running through my mind, yet at the same time my mind was saying yes, but may be this was Ron’s fault. If he were home to take care of my needs, this wouldn’t have happened.

After my shower, I took Tanker out to the garage and went to the bedroom, climbing into bed. I tossed and turned, what would those high-class bitches at the Country Club think about me now. If they only new that I had sex with my dog. Later I heard Ron come home, I didn’t let him know that I was still awake. He disrobed and climbed in next to me. He slid over, wrapping his arm around me, brushing my nipple with his fingers. I could feel his semi hard cock pressing against the crack of my ass, laying up against my back door. I could tell by his breathing that he was already asleep. God, I was confused! Almost any other night, I would have worked on him to stay awake and take care of my needs, but not tonight.


I was having one of the worst nights of my life! I laid awake, my brain working overtime. How could I have done that? What was I thinking? God, it felt so good, I thought I could still taste Tanker’s cum on my lips. It was wrong, but erotic at the same time.

I was just drifting off to sleep when I felt Ron stirring. First I could sense his breathing change, then felt him move up against me. I could feel his cock getting hard. Ron and I were really morning lovers; we fucked every chance we could get. I was tired, but knew that if I didn’t perform, Ron would know something was up. As he pressed his hard cock against my pussy, I could feel it moisten up and give in to his pressure. It was like it had a mind of it’s own. My first thought were to last night and Tanker, I wondered how he would feel inside me?

Ron’s dick was hitting all the magic spots. I could feel my pussy muscles gripping it and my juices starting to flow. Damn, it felt good but god, I had needed it last night.

“Ummmm, oh Ron” I cooed, “That feels so fucking good!”

He slipped his hand around my front-side and grabbed my tit. He started rolling my nipple hard between his fingers. A bolt of lightning shot to my swollen clit. I kept thinking of Tankers tongue on my clit. I started to cum, first just a little, and then it hit hard. Wave after wave of pleasure flowed through me, I felt my pussy juices flood out around his dick.

“Oh Jeez, oh my fuck…damn” I hissed through clenched teeth.

Ron pulled his swollen cock out of my pussy and rested it against my butt hole. I was still cumming and needed to feel it somewhere. I pushed my butt back onto his hot cock and felt the head slipped in.

“Ugh.fuck” I said, as the pain hit me.

We both loved anal sex, but it always hurts a little at first. I push back harder and about half slipped in, the pain was beginning to be replaced with pleasure. Ron started slow, long thrusts and was all the way inside me before I knew it. He started long stroking me, driving me crazy! The only thing with anal sex is that my pussy always feels left out. I had fantasized often about having another cock buried in my snatch while Ron was buried deep in my ass. I have never mentioned this to him, I was afraid that he would get jealous and think that I was dreaming of another man.

If Ron only knew what I was thinking now! I closed my eyes and pictured Tanker in my pussy while Ron was in my ass. What kind of woman am I? Those thoughts were so wrong, or were they. I reached down and started rubbing my clit; I was so close to cumming again. Then I felt Ron’s dick start to swell and twitch, I knew he was close to blowing his load deep in my ass. Then my orgasm hit, just as I felt his cum shoot and splash deep inside of me.

“Fuck, Ron…give it to me, I want all of your cum inside me.” I yelled, “God, I am cumming again…”

“Here it comes Veronica, my whole fucking load.” screamed Ron!

His cum coated the inside of my ass, leaking out every time he pulled back. God, I haven’t felt that much in a long time from Ron. I was a mess, I had my cum juices all over my thighs and his cum dribbling out of my ass and mixing with my pussy juices.

As we laid there, breathing hard and trying to regain some sort of composer, Ron whispered “I am sorry for working so late, what did you do all alone last night?”

“Not much, drank a little wine and watched a movie.” I lied.

“I saw the two wine bottles sitting in the Front Room” he said, “just a little wine, eh?”

“OK…OK, maybe just a little more then a little.”

He smacked me gently on my ass and jumped out of bed. “Time to get ready for work” he announced! I laid there and heard he get into the shower, there was no real reason to get up, he never ate breakfast. I replayed last night and this morning in my mind. I enjoyed both a lot, but I knew last night was wrong. I enjoyed this morning and knew that it was right. I could never let anything like last night happen again.

Ron came out of the dressing area ready for work. He was wearing one of those $2000 Italian suits he had to have for his job. He came over to give me a kiss before charging out the door.

“Have a good day and go have fun!” he said, “You going to the Country Club today?”

“Have a good day at work, Ron” I called back, getting out of bed, “and yes, I am going today.”

“Why is Tanker in the garage, dear?” Ron called.

“He was just wandering the house last night, getting into things” I lied again.

I laid in bed for a while longer, just trying to wake up. I felt hunger and thought maybe I should fix a muffin or something. All that wine and excitement last night had my tummy upset. I thought about taking a shower first, but my stomach was starting to hurt. I jumped out of bed and threw on my short lacy robe. Ron, loved this robe, it barely covered my ass and was very low cut in front. He loved it when I wore it around the house, bending over and such.

I decided on a toasted muffin and cup of tea. I popped the muffin into the toaster and started heating the water. I was such a mess between my legs that I almost went to take a quick shower. When I walked, I could feel Ron’s cum slowly sliding out of my ass down my inner thighs.

“Man, is my ass sore” I mumbled. Ron fucked me pretty hard, I thought.

I was still feeling pretty tired as I bent over and rested my head in my arms on the counter. I halfway closed my eyes and was drifting, when all of a sudden I felt that warm tongue licking my pussy and ass. I jumped up and turned around.

“How in the hell did you get in here Tanker?” I yelled! Then realizing that Ron must have let him in on his way out. Tanker cowered away slightly, and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

“I am sorry Tanker, you just startled me, come here” I said softly.

Tanker came back to me and laid his head in my arms. My robe had flung open when I jumped, and his warm fur felt good on my naked breasts. Tanker began flicking his tongue gently across my left nipple, sending a shockwave through my body. I held him tighter and enjoyed the moment in time. I love this dog so much, what is wrong with receiving a little pleasure from him. He seemed to like it also. I could feel the need creeping back into my pussy.

“God…your tongue feels so good Tanker.” I whispered into his ear.

I released him and thought for a second, I knew what he would like, so I leaned back on the counter. My ass was sticking out from my short robe.

“Do you want to clean me, boy?”

He was up in a flash, with his warm, moist nose buried in my ass. His tongue snaked all the way to the very front of my pussy. It was brushing my clit with every stroke. He would linger just a few seconds to lick the cum juices from this morning, oozing out my asshole. His nose felt good on my sore ass. I was wiggling my body, making sure that he hit all the good spots. He must have been getting excited also, because his tongue started darting around my pussy very quickly. I know that he must have had a hard time keeping up with all the juices flowing out my cunt.

“God…Tanker! Umm that feels so good, please don’t stop!” I hissed.

I could feel my orgasm building low in my stomach. My knees where starting to grow weak, I was shoving my pussy back into his mouth and began to hump is tongue.

“OHHH…I’m cumming Tanker!” I yelled.

As I came, my body started to spasms, my knees almost buckled. If it had not been for Tanker’s head pushing me, I know I would have collapsed. I was just starting to relax and all of a sudden, Tanker jumped up and tried to mount me. He had me trapped against the counter with his weight. I felt him thrusting his cock wildly; He had it bouncing against my pussy and ass. I panicked!

“Stop it Tanker” I yelled, trying to twist out from under him.

“Damn it…down boy!”

Then his cock found my pussy opening and even though it was wet, his size kept him from ramming it inside me all the way. I could feel my opening stretch a little more with each thrust. The head of his cock was now inside me; it was stretching me wider then I have ever been stretched before. The pain wasn’t too bad…in fact it felt so erotic that I almost gave up making him stop. I could feel his juices starting to flow, it felt 10 times hotter then any man that I have had.

With one last twist, I got out from under him.

“Bad dog…what do you think you are doing?” I yelled at him.

As I backed away, I saw his huge cock unsheathed. His knot was about as big as a baseball! Again, I was drawn to it…I had to touch it, to take in my mouth. I am not sure why it had me so mesmerized. I bent down and took it in my mouth, slowly sucking on it while I played with the knot. Almost immediately it began to leak cum. Tanker started humping my mouth like it was a pussy, I carefully placed my hand about 2 inches down from the head to keep him from hitting the back of my throat and gagging me. I had used this technique on Ron, even thought I love to deep throat a cock, I want to be in control. Tanker’s cock, was like that of a leaky faucet, every time I suck on him, I would swallow. It didn’t taste bad at all! Kind of bitter and sweet at the same time. With my free hand I started to roll my clit in circles. I was close to cumming myself, just by sucking his huge cock; I needed to finish myself off.

“Hmmm boy, you taste so good, cum for me” I whispered hoarsely.

All of a sudden, Tankers cock started spewing gobs of hot cum, splashing the back of my mouth and shooting straight down my throat. I pulled his dick out and watched as it again spewed all over my tits. The sight of all this had me cumming. As I was cumming, I was rubbing his cock over my nipples to intensify my orgasm. I was withering all over the kitchen floor, holding on to Tankers cock. He was yelping with displeasure.

“Aw fuck Tanker, it feels so good, god I am cumming again” I cried, not believing that I could cum again so quickly.

Lying on the floor, juices flowing from my pussy, I began to wind down from my intense orgasms. I thought of how low I had sunk, having sex with my dog. It felt so good, so erotic, how could it be so bad? I wondered if any of my girlfriends had ever had sex with an animal? I was just catching my breath, as I thought of all the women at the Country Club. What would they have done? Some of those bitches have dried up pussies. The most of them are young, but have been climbing the corporate ladders with their husbands. Thinking about the club, I glanced down at my watch.

“Damn it Tanker, I am going to be late for my tennis match” I cried out!

I jumped up, slinging dog cum all over the kitchen floor, I stopped, then said the hell with it. I would clean it up when I got home. I quickly jumped in the shower, soaping the sweat and cum off of my body. As I soaped my pussy, I let a little yip out myself. My pussy was bruised and very tender from the onslaught of Tankers humping. My pussy hole was gapped from his large cock. I reached around to soap my ass and it to was sore from were Ron had fucked me earlier that morning. It sent my mind reeling, here I was, sore in both my holes from two different cocks, one human and the other animal! I started to cry, not sure if it was out of happiness or sadness. All I knew at the moment is that I need to get dressed and off to the Club.

I cleaned myself up, putting on my sports bra and white tennis outfit; I grabbed my gym bag and headed out the door. Getting into the Jaguar, I set down and again let out a little yip.

“Damn my pussy and ass are sore,” I said softly, squirming in the leather seat trying to find a comfortable position.

As I pulled into the parking lot of the Country Club, I noticed several of my friends had already arrived. While looking for a parking spot, a thought ran through my mind making my pussy twitch, wondering what it would be like to watch Tanker fuck one of them. I found an open spot to pull into, grabbing my things I quickly dashed inside, so as not to be late. Rushing into the locker room I found my locker, quickly putting my things inside I changed shoes and grabbed my racquet and headed for the courts.

After playing a couple of exhausting matches the girls and I headed over to a table to catch our breath and have a light lunch and lemonade. Not really interested in food I played with it, not eating much my mind in deep in thought over what had transpired in the last 24 hours. I wasn’t into their conversation. Sitting next to me was my closest friend Savanna she gently nudged me.

“Anything wrong,” she asked?

“No” I answered.

But knowing me as well as she did she said, “ why not join me for a drink or two, relax by the pool at my house, if you want to talk we can or we can just kick back and relax and enjoy a swim.

“That would be great, I’ll follow you” I said.

The little group broke up each with their own things to take care of and do, I followed Savanna to her house, She had a lovely home, warm and inviting. We walked through and I set my things down, I noticed her dog, a big black lab comes into the room, she gently patted his head telling him.

“Hello, you remember Veronica don’t ya boy” she said. “He just loves everybody, a big clown aren’t ya boy.

Zeus came over sniffing me, specially my crotch, I laughed stepping back a bit embarrassed. I wondered did he know what I had done? Could he smell Tanker had been in me? I was starting to panic, Savanna told Zeus to go on. She suggested we shower then meet by the pool.

“Don’t worry about a suit…we can go with out” She called.

I didn’t mind that a bit, I loved to lay out nude, and skinny dip. I knew most of my friends did it and I wasn’t uncomfortable with the idea of it all.

I followed her to the guest bath, she handed me a thick bath towel and showed me where everything was. As if I need it. I was familiar with Savanna’s home, as we had been long time friends and once in a while we would come over after a tennis match or shopping. She had been to my house as many times. I shower enjoying the felling of the hot water on my tired muscles. I leaned up against the wall letting the water run down my body, thinking about last night, this morning, just thinking about it made me hot, yet there was some guilt there and fear that maybe someone would find out, but yet I enjoyed it a lot. I wondered if other women had done this, I wish I knew.

I soaped up, running my hands over my nipples, pinching and rolling them while I thought about how exciting it was feeling Tankers tongue licking me. Ohhhhhhhh god it felt so good just thinking about it his hot tongue lapping at my clit, my cunt hole and asshole. Just daydreaming nearly sent me over the edge. My clit was swelling; it was so hard as I ran my fingers over it teasing it with my fingertips. My knees felt so weak, I leaned back and let my fingers play with it, rolling and flicking it. My other hand pinching my nipples harder as I escalated to my orgasm. I could feel the waves began through my body, my pussy hole spasming. I could hear myself moaning loudly as I exploded into the orgasm. My breath coming in shallow gasps, I could hardly believe what was happening to me, I was cumming to the memory of a dog eating me. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

You OK, Honey” Savanna asked?

“Yes!” I answered, “I’ll be right there.”

I hurriedly finished my shower and joined her in the front room with my towel around me. She made us both a Martini with olives and we walked out to the pool. We both removed our towels and laid them on the ground; I caught myself stealing glances at her. Her shoulder length red hair was beautiful in the sun, and she had nice big breasts, with the biggest rose colored nipples I had ever seen. I hadn’t seen many naked women, my eyes traveled down over her stomach and to her shaved pussy, it was so pretty I could see the tip of her clit peeking through the folds. I was beginning to feel wet just looking, suddenly I noticed she was looking at me and I blushed.

She said, “it’s OK to look sweetie, I was looking too!”

We both laughed. We took a sip of our drinks and laid down on our towels, the sun felt so good on my naked body, I felt so relaxed.

“Did I want to talk about it?” she then asked?

I wasn’t sure if I was ready, and she realized my hesitation.

“Well, when your ready, I am here.” She said as she got up to go over to the table to get her drink.

I noticed Zeus coming over to her and he poked his nose into her ass. She playfully pushed him away.

“No, Zeus!” Savanna said.

He tried again, this time she said it a little firmer, when she turned around I could see she was blushing.

“Do you have that problem too?” I asked.

She looked a little sheepish, as she turned and looked at me.

“Well” she laughed “ Zeus seems to like women!”

“I noticed that” I replied.

She then came over, sat next to me and relaxed. We both sat there for a moment looking at one another and I began to cry.

“Oh hun, what’s wrong” she asked?

I just had to tell her! I needed someone to talk to about this. I felt so ashamed, I then told her what had happened last night and again this morning. I also told her what I felt about when Ron made love to me and when I was in her shower. She put her arms around me and pulled me close,

“Oh hun, it’s ok!” She whispered, “Really, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“What do you mean?” I asked crying softly.

“Well” Savanna replied, “you are not alone!”

I looked at her confused, but I could see the twinkle is her eyes.

“Whaaat do you mean?” I stammered.

“Well” she said, “remember when I told you Zeus really liked women.”

“Yes” I replied.

“Well let me show you!”

She called to Zeus, he came over eagerly and she laid back and opened her legs. Zeus was there in a second; his nose buried in her snatch lapping at it like it was the best thing ever.

I sat there and stared at Savanna while she was deep into her passion with Zeus. Knowing I wasn’t the only one that had allowed my dog to do this made me feel better and watching certainly turned me on. She began moaning and pinching her nipples. I could feel my pussy began to respond. I was excited yet a little nervous watching what was going on, Savanna looked at me and winked.

I waited with anticipation as Zeus continued his feasting on Savanna’s pussy, her moans growing louder as Zeus pleasured her. I could tell she was about to cum, as her moans became intense, sounds of pleasure escaping from her lips. As her body began to tense up, I reached over and began playing with her nipples. Savanna arched her back as the onslaught of her orgasm began she cried out in ecstasy as the orgasm intense. She reached up with her hands pulling my face to hers and began kissing me deeply. Her tongue exploring my mouth! I had never kissed another woman; this was so new to me, as was everything as of lately.

I began to respond back feeling the softness of her lips her tongue and the heat of it; it was the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. I found myself wanting more, needing more, as Savanna’s orgasm ended her breathing ragged we looked into each others eyes. I found myself wanting her mouth on mine, more than I did anything that I have ever wanted in my life. I leaned my face into hers, my lips touching hers. My whole body shivered with anticipation as I felt her hands rubbing my breasts, pinching at my nipples, pulling on them. I felt as though I was melting with all the new sensations as her mouth came away from mine.

“I want to eat your hot cunt, come sit on my face” Savanna said huskily.

I hesitated, feeling somewhat awkward. I looked around noticing Zeus lying down cleaning himself. Again, she commanded me to get my cunt over her face. I began to move up slowly.

“Straddle my face” she instructed.

I moved over her, on all fours, placing my pussy over her face. Immediately felt her tongue tickling my clit, my body involuntarily jerked as she grabbed my hips, pulling me closer. She took my clit into her mouth and began sucking it…biting it,

“Ohhh” I moaned as she continued her assault. Suddenly I felt a slap on my ass, then another. As she ate my pussy. Her spanking must have gotten Zeus’s attention, as I was surprised to feel a hot tongue licking my asshole.

I almost collapsed from the pleasure! Savanna vigorously sucking my clit and Zeus licked my cunt hole and ass hole. I could feel the orgasm building inside me, I was moaning loudly as Savannah sucked me. She began humming; the vibration on my clit was unreal. I exploded in the most glorious orgasm ever. My body convulsing, as it reached heights beyond anything I had ever felt.

“Please don’t stopppppppppp” I was begging,

“Oh yes” I cried out.

I had not noticed that Zeus had stopped licking me, but I did notice that suddenly he was on my back. I tried to move away but Savannah commanded me to stay still, I tried protesting but Savannah held me firmly in place.

“Your going to enjoy this, please hold still” cooed Savanna.

“I…I have never done this” I said with panic rising in my voice.

“Oh honey” she cooed, “don’t you worry, you will enjoy this!”

I could see, as I looked down between us that she was stroking Zeus, he rock hard cock was so pink and shiny, bigger than Tankers. The thought of Tanker’s cock stretching me ran through my head. Savanna guided Zeus’s rock hard cock to my pussy.

“It’s so huge…I don’t think I can take it” I squeaked.

“Sure you can, just relax”

I felt Zeus push forward, the tip had slipped in and I was stretched wide open, I knew I could not take any more, but God it felt so good, so erotic. Savanna started rubbing my clit, making my juices flow. She let go of Zeus, and he sank his prick deep inside me. I thought I was going to tear open.

“That fuckin hurts” I yelled, just as he pulled back out.

I almost passed out, not from the pain, but because of the empty feeling inside me. I did not realize it but I shoved my ass back at him. My pussy had a mind of it is own. Savanna was not helping the cause either; she was rubbing my clit with one hand, and pinching my nipples with the other.

Zeus, buried his cock deeper inside me, I could feel his knot banging against my pussy lips. He sped up the pumping action and was hitting the bottom of my pussy with every stroke. I lost all control, and started cumming; shock wave after shock wave ran through my body. It was like one long train ride, I did not think it would ever stop. I am not sure at that point, I wanted it to stop.

Zeus’s cock swelled up even more, and he started shooting load after load of white hot cum deep inside me. This did send me over the edge.

“God, I can’t stop cumming…. Help me” I yelled through clenched teeth.

“He’s done, try and relax and go with it”, Savanna whispered.

With that I felt Zeus pull out and roll off me. I felt like a telephone pole had been shoved up my pussy. I never have felt so empty in my life. As my labored breathing slowed down, Savanna gently rolled me over on my back. She let me rest for just a couple of minutes, then she stood up.

“Let’s go get in the pool, it will help you relax’ she said softly, “I want to tell you a little story”

We slowly made our way to the pool, where she helped me ease into the water. It was warm and she was right, it felt good. As I was hanging off the side of the pool, Savanna swam over to me. Feeling her naked body rubbing up against me in the water felt so erotic.

Her hand made it is way down to my cunt, I spread my legs to make it easier and because my pussy was so sore. She began to gently massage my bruised area.

“MM., that feels so good” I said, closing my eyes.

“That’s it, you relax and let me tell you a little story” She whispered into me ear.

“You see, dear, I know what you are feeling. The confusion, the loneliness and above all, the horniness. I was there myself. If fact, many the ladies at the Country Club had the same feelings. Just remember that you are not alone, all of our husbands are workaholics and have very little time for us. They think that we are always happy with the money that they give us. “ She said softly.

She gave me a minute to let it all sink in. Damn, why did her hand feel so good on my pussy! My mind was racing, wanting to hear more. My body was relaxing and my pussy was being turned on again. The mental picture of Zeus licking her pussy kept replaying in my mind, along with the thought of her tongue on my clit. I could also still feel Zeus’s cock deep in my pussy. Then she started to tell me the rest of the story.

“You see, before we moved out here 6 years ago, we lived downtown in a high-rise building. John, my husband, was in the same position that Ron is in right now. He worked 18 to 20 hours a day. He spent very little time with me. I started having affairs with all the men in our building. I just wanted to feel as if I was wanted. I would feel very guilty after each one, but could not stop. I craved sex! The woman that lived just under us, was BI-sexual and introduced me to threesomes and the touch of another woman” she broke off again, to let it all sink in.

Why is she telling this all to me, I thought Savanna was so prim and proper, so…so pure. I thought her and John had a perfect marriage, in fact, I was envious of her marriage many times. Now she was bearing her soul to me, and it was not what I expected. Then again, nothing has been as I expected the past couple of days. All the mental pictures were swimming around in my head.

“Your hand feels so good, please don’t stop” I cooed “Please go on with your story”.

“Well, John came home one afternoon and said the we needed to go for a drive, we came out here and he showed me this house. He told me that he had gotten the partnership offer and this house was included in it. We moved the next week. Now John was gone even more, with the commute and all. I thought I was going to die out here. I was still craving sex everyday, but there were no men around. Well, except the Gardener and between all of us women out here, we wore his ass out. He just stop coming around and the Husbands got interested in doing their own lawns on the weekends. After about two month’s John brought home a puppy for me, he said that now I would not be lonely. Shit, now what I am going to do with a dog. Little did I know” she paused again.

By now, she had two figures in my cunt, it is hard to explain, but it hurt and felt so good at the same time. She was also slowly working her thumb into my asshole. I was relaxed, but responding at the same time, it felt good to have her probe my inner folds.

“Anyway, I got to the point were I never got dressed until late afternoon. I only put clothes on to go to the store or to the Country Club. If I did not have to leave the house, I would not get dressed until John was pulling in the drive. I lived almost a totally nude life. The it happened, almost the same as you” She hesitated.

“God, that feels so good…. what happened?” I half asked.

“Well, I was out sunbathing one afternoon and had a couple too many drinks. I fell asleep laying on the towel, I was awakened, just as you were. I was right in the middle of one of the best orgasims of my life, it felt as if my entire soul was flushing through my pussy. I opened my eyes and saw Zeus’s head buried between my legs. I did the same as you I freaked out. All the guilt, shame and confusion that you have been feeling, I felt.” Again, she paused.

I felt a little orgasim roll through my body, I had the picture of Zeus’s head buried in her pussy. The orgasim rippled slowly through my body, so soothing.

“Please don’t stop…either one,” I said, just drifting.

“I went crying to my only friend out here, I thought she would be understanding. Sharon took me into her house and calmed me down. She made me tell her the whole story, starting at the beginning about my affairs. She took me by the hands into a private room with nice chairs and a large screen TV. She told me to sit down and relax; she had something that she wanted to show me. However, before she did, she told me that us wives of rich men have always done strange things to keep our sanity. That we are some of the loneliest people and are always craving to be wanted. She said that I was going to be trusted with something and at the same time, be welcomed into the Country Club by the women. Then she stuck a video tape into the machine and pressed play” again she hesitated.

“Please go on!!” I said with excitement!

“ The tape was a home made one, taken in a barn. It looked like a small party of some type, but I noticed that everyone was naked and they were all females! It took me a while to understand what was happening, then when I did, I almost fainted. They all were taking turns having sex with the animals. There were dogs and a couple of horses there. I thought, what kind of freaks are these people and why was Sharon showing me this? Then it hit me; I recognized some of the ladies from the Country Club. Now I was in total shock!! There was Pamela, trying to get a horses cock into her pussy, and doing a good job at it, I must say. We watched the movie for a while more; the one thing that I noticed was that they all seemed to be enjoying themselves. I could feel my pussy responding as I sat there and watched, it must have had the same effect on Sharon because she started to play with her breasts. Sharon turned the tape off and offered to come over in the next couple of days, with some of the girls and start to train Zeus. Now that I knew the little secret, I would be taken into the inner circle of the females at the Country Club. Sharon took me by the hand over to the sofa, slipping my pants off and began eating me right then and there” Savanna stopped, as she swam away from me.

“Why are you telling me all of this?” I asked, somewhat puzzled and confused.

“Well, we have been watching you for a while now, wondering how to tell you and how to invite you to our little get together. You just opened the door, and I stepped in. The girls are going to be glade that this happened.” She stated.

“Your not going to tell them are you” I questioned, a little embarrassed.

“Aww, honey, don’t be embarrassed, we all are into this together. How much did you like it today? Would you like to always be satisfied, without cheating on Ron?” She asked.

I thought for a moment, and just nodded. It all sounded so strange to me but erotic at the same time. The thought of Tanker filled my head, I loved that dog very much and I could learn to enjoy so much more of his company.

“When do you want to start training Tanker?” I asked, somewhat embarrassed.

“Let me make some calls tonight, I will arrange everything, you won’t be sorry!” Savanna said.