(c) 2007 by Porngirl180

When Danielle and I take a small detour to a small island in the sound to relieve ourselves, we find more than we bargain for.

“Danielle, you almost ready?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m ready Kelly,” she replied.

I smiled and put my cooler in the boat. We got in, untied the moorings, and we sped off across the Sound. Danielle quickly got naked ad I just shook my head as she got the attention of boaters and fishermen alike. I had to admit, she was beautiful; absolutely stunning; tan skin glistening in the sunlight. We spent the day basking in the sunlight and exploring the open water.

“What’s that?” Dani asked. It was an island, and after a quick exchanged look, we both decided to go ashore and explore a little. We anchored in less than three foot of water and walked ashore.

Danielle was all ready naked. I thought to myself, “Oh what the hell!” and got undressed myself. Both of us were completely shaved down there and watching Danielle although I was curious, I had never had a lesbian experience. I found myself watching her though with growing amusement. I would watch the way her body moved. The subtle shift and sway of her hips. I at once wanted to put my hands around her waist.

I more than once caught her looking at me too. I smiled and felt myself blushing slightly.

The island itself was mostly brush and marsh. No trees. There was a small beach circling the island. Clumps of sea grass and oyster shells cluttered the sand in places. We were climbing one of these cluttered mounds of shells, when Dani cried out.

She collapsed to the sand on the other side. I rushed to her side. She was clutching her foot. I fell to her side, rubbing the sand off her foot. Her flesh was soft and warm in my hands. “What happened?” I asked.

“Cut it on those shells,” she said. I looked it over.

“Oh,” I said. Sure enough there was a small slit along the arch, like a paper cut. I bent and kissed it. “There. All better.”

“MMM,” Dani moaned lightly, biting her lower lip.

I smiled, kissing the arch again, massaging her foot in my hands. She leaned back as I took turns massaging each foot; I had not noticed how she had started rubbing the small nub between her legs. I smiled and looked up into her eyes. Her want matched my own, and so I began kissing along her arch of one foot, moving to her calf, licking slowly along her inner thigh, letting my dark hair tickle her thighs. Mmmm I could almost taste her all ready.

I wrapped my arms under her thighs and brought my left hand back across raking gently down her belly, letting my middle finger trail across her clit and into her cleft. I immediately followed with my tongue, savoring the wetness I found there all ready. I cupped her ass and pulled her towards me as I licked all over, tasting, savoring mmmm….

She began grinding her hips, rolling them towards me as I licked and kissed. I sucked her clit into my mouth. I could feel that tremble building in her thighs applying just enough pressure on her clit with my finger as I licked and savored her. She began to moan louder.

Something darted through the marsh, startled by us in our passion. Of course this destroyed the mood immediately. We both sprang to our knees.

“What the fuck was that?” She asked.

“I dunno, but it was big,” I responded. “Maybe we need to get back to the boat.”

“Good idea.”

We continued walking around the island, thinking we were closer to continue around than to turn back. I held her hand, and we walked close. Even as scared as we were, the way her body brushed against mine, made my nipples hard.


“Oh shit!” I exclaimed. Up ahead, five wild dogs roamed the beach. They were mutts, mostly labs I suspected; jet black with a patch of white along their chests.

“What do we do?” As soon as the words escaped her lips, the dogs spotted her and came running.

We held each other as the dogs drew closer, growling. Something warm ran down my leg and I soon realized I was scared enough to piss myself.

But as they circled us, they were sniffing, drawing closer. I realized they could smell our arousal from earlier. The first one darted ahead and plunged his cold wet nose right into Danielle’s crotch, knocking her back. I spun, following her with my eyes as she fell.

A second dog jumped, and all I remember is his nails digging into my thighs. His weight brought me down also. I watched now in horror as the first dog had mounted Danielle, still on her back, his legs around her leg, humping her shin. A third dog had her by the hair, gripped in his menacing teeth, yanking her head back.

The second dog mounted me his forepaws gripping my waist as he began thrusting, I could feel his cock warm and dripping against my thigh. I lowered my head and could see his red cock, thrusting from its sheathe. His forepaws drew blood around my waist as he gripped me harder, and suddenly, violently he entered me fucking me with the likes of which have not been meant since. My knees sunk in the sand as he fucked me forward. I was crying, as this juge dog raped me. I looked over at Dani, who had three dogs on top of her, now lying down. “DANI!” I cried. She responded but it was too muffled.

I could feel the dog inside me growing bigger. He gripped me tighter forceful jabs, the painful tip feeling like it was slicing right past my cervix into my very womb. His pace changed, jabbing harder as if trying to force more inside me. This actually hurt a little almost like having the wind knocked from you. I drew my knees to my chest, concentrating solely on catching my breath. something bigger weird feeling overcame me. I would later realize this was his knot. And just as quick he was filling me with his warm seed. I struggled under him to regain my breath, my own body responding as a mini orgasm racked my body, toes curling in mud and sand. he stopped and now I could see Dani. She was willingly sucking one dog as she stroked another. I couldn’t believe it.

The dog inside me was still tied with me. My own body was shaking under him, sweaty and exhausted. He tried turning, dismounting but still stuck, turning ass to me, painfully pulling me backwards. As I knelt there, the last dog came and tried mounting me from the front his huge cock inches before my face, fucking back and forth. But had I even wished, I could not have taken him orally. The position was not right, but I sat there mesmerized at this cock growing before my eyes, the smell of sex thick in the air, these nasty dirty dogs, and Dani, oh Dani.

She was on her hands and knees now, being fucked just as I had while the others circled her, awaiting their turn. The dog humping air in front of me forepaws around my shoulders, began to cum shooting all over my face, stinging my eyes, and over my breasts and belly.

I spat as some shot in my mouth. It wasn’t unpleasant. I could not believe there was so much cum. The dog inside me softened, warm cum spilled from me and down my thighs pooling on the soles of my feet. I rolled over onto my back.

Dani screamed again, this time in the throes of her passion. Another dog came over and licked my cunny. I turned over, my own mind lost in lust, and presented my ass to him. He mounted, sliding inside me on the first try. Danielle came over to me and smiled. Her hair was slick and matted with dog cum. In fact she was covered in it.

She smiled and rubbed my cheek. “It’ll be all right…” her voice trailed off. I knelt there, mounted time and time again by the dogs, some numerously having a go at me. And then I simply remember Danielle holding me, smelling; reeking of dog. Both of us.

The dogs had gone on; each having left its mark on us. We had discovered a new passion in us. Something new and gratifying and very taboo.

Danielle rubbed my cheek and asked how I felt.

“Pretty good considering,” a small sob escaped my lips.

“Good,” she said, kneeling between my thighs, her tongue snaking inside me. I could feel the cum escaping me, and she hungrily gulped it up.

I was dizzy with my own sexual high, giving in; I grabbed her waist as we moved into a 69 position, tasting, exploring each other… finding a new taste for dog cum and a new love for women.

It was night before we got back to the boat. The ride back was long and my cunny literally hurt. We didn’t talk much but shared an occasional smile at each other. Finally, Dani looked at me. “What do you think about getting a few dogs?”