(c) 2008 by Sailorjerry

I was introduced to this lifestyle by a former girlfriend that would borrow her friends male dog on the weekends. This dog was eager to please and did a great job of keeping us both happy! I suspect he had plenty of practice during weekdays with his lusty owner, which by the way I’m sure she knew what we were up to. To start off we would take turns getting licked by him while making out. I’ll relay here one of my best memories from those days in the past…

I was on my way over to Suzanne’s to pick her up for lunch after her friend Katie had dropped Maxwell off for the weekend. Maxwell is Katie’s Great Dane/Lab mix. He’s not as tall as a regular Dane but makes up for it with the stocky build of a lab. As I walked up to her apartment and started to put the key in the lock I stopped because I could hear Suzanne moaning inside. At first I was slightly alarmed but listened for a second and understood what was happening in there..

I very quietly stepped inside to find her leaning on a window sill with her back to me. She had one hand on the sill for support and Max sitting between her legs lapping away at her shaved snatch. What got me was that her other hand was holding her glass dildo firmly in her ass. I walked up to her without saying anything and put my warm hands on her hips. She just turned her head back to me and said “Oh baby…”. Up close I could smell the scent of the almond oil she likes me to rub on her occasionally and I could see there was plenty of it on the dildo and her rosy backside.

“You couldn’t wait for me could you?” I said as I took the dildo from her and put it on the window sill. She just laughed a throaty laugh and put her fingers in my mouth. I took them out and looked around her at Max. He was sitting there licking with his eyes half closed and a string of drool running out the side of his mouth.
“Lucky dog” I thought before moving back to suzanne’s ass. She put an arch in her back and that was all the invite I needed. The almond oil was nearby so I squirted a bit on my index and middle finger and ran my hand between her cheeks before slipping them right up inside of her ass. This was nothing new for us, she knew I loved to finger her back there, sometimes with as many as four fingers. I worked them in and out, pulling and stretching slightly to get the third one in. The arch in her back became a little more severe as she pushed back on my hand and she let out a little yelp as I got three in and curled them up a few times before pulling out and rubbing my fingertips all over her now open asshole.

I could see we wouldn’t be leaving for lunch anytime soon so I kicked off my shoes and pants and knelt down behind her. The semi-sweet scent of almond and the primitive musk from her ass was just too much for me to resist so I opened wide and took her asshole with my mouth and started licking and sucking it like performing a french kiss. She absolutely loves this and I could tell she was close to coming. By about this time Max had taken notice of my cock and lowered his head from Suzanne’s pussy and gave my balls a few good licks. She must have been watching this because she came then and her asshole tightened around my tongue that was still inside her.

I stood up and Max went back to the pussy he clearly loves so much. I ran my hand over Suzanne’s ass and savored the hot sticky muscle of her asshole. I leaned forward and asked if I could fuck her in the ass. She turned her head and kissed me hard while grabbing my cock and pulling me closer. My fingers went back in first for a little bit, then I shoved my cock right past that swollen donut of flesh. This was heaven for me. She has the strongest muscle control ever and it wasn’t long until I came, squirting a load I had saved for days right up her ass.

When she felt me come all the way she quickly got down on her hands and knees and turned her ass up to a surprised Max. She looked me in the eye and said “Watch this baby.” Her ass opened slightly and a trickle of white appeared and ran into her raw pussy. Max seemed a bit perplexed at first so Suzanne ran her finger through the cum and rubbed it on his nose. That was all it took. He went at her asshole with a fervor I hadn’t seen in him before. Now Suzanne opened her ass up all the way and really let him at it. Cum was dripping and Max had his tongue way up her relaxed asshole.

This turned me on so much I got down there too and put a few fingers up her steamy pussy and started to rub her. We kept this up until she came again. After that we all had a good nap on her bed together.

The very next evening Suzanne and I went to see a movie downtown. We took our usual route over the capitol lawn and down through the financial district. She said to me as we walked “Do you love me?” I knew by now that this was code for me to grab her butt, something she normally frowned upon in public. “Ofcourse I do!” I said as I slid my hand right down the middle of her rear end until I was cupping her ass in my hand. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. This was a little unusual for her but I didn’t mind. We got to the theatre and settled down for the show. About an hour into the film she puts her arm around me and leans into my ear. “I want Max to have my ass.” For a little bit I didn’t say anything as the visuals short circuited my consciousness and then I dropped my hand between her legs and gave her an affectionate squeeze and a kiss. She smiled and returned the gesture. For the entire rest of the movie we made out like horny teenagers without a care in the world.

When we got home Max met us at the door all smiles and wags until he planted his nose in Suzanne’s crotch. We just laughed at him and Suzanne feigned an orgasmic moan which just got Max even more worked up. I played with him in the living room while Suzanne went into the bathroom. After a while she called out to me and I turned the corner to find her with her hands between her legs. “I need you baby…” she said. She has the most amazing tits in my opinion and right then I was well over due for some tit action. Over the years I had managed to figure out how to get her near climax from sucking her from the armpit and on down to the pierced nipples she is so proud of. I knew it was time to move on when I felt a drop from her pussy splash on my toe. “My God…” she groaned and turned around to lay over the bathroom counter with a firm grip on the towel rack. Suzanne was the wettest woman I have ever known and I loved her for it.

I cupped my hand in under her pussy and slid my thumb right in over the G-spot. I could feel her loosen up even more so I started rolling my thumb inside of her. Her cum smells so good that sometimes when doing this little maneuver I take my cupped hand which has caught quite a few drips by now and smear that pussy juice first across the tip of my tongue and then over her lips and chin. It’s a big turn-on for me. This time however there was more fluid so instead of on her face I rubbed it all on her asshole. She knew what I was doing and looked back at me and said: “You’re naughty! Both of you!” I turned my head and Max was standing in the doorway watching. Suzanne turned around and draped herself over the other towel rack behind me. With my hands still wet from her pussy I reached around and rubbed down her tits. Max was onto it and started wrapping his long tongue around Suzanne’s full rack that was hanging right in his face. So awesome to watch!

I peeled my clothes off in a hurry while they were busy with each other and I glance over between her legs. Her pussy lips are swollen, hanging open and glistening.This is about as wet and loose as I have ever seen her. The cum on her asshole is still wet when she reaches back with both hands to grab hold of her ass cheeks and open everything up for me. My hand runs over her pussy and ass then back over her pussy before three fingers sink in without any problem. I work her hot box for a minute and slip the pinkie in too. A shudder goes through her body and a little squirt comes from her pussy onto my hand. This is so incredibly hot that without thinking I get my hand out of her and rub it all over my cock and balls before going back in with it.

As soon as I’m back in I feel a long rough tongue on my cock. The thrill of it never goes away and the sensation is incredible. His tongue seems to be everywhere at once, under my balls, almost at my ass, then back up the shaft. Suzanne has turned around and wants my face in her pussy. She puts a leg up on my shoulder and grinds her sopping wetness all over me. The whole time Max is working me with his tongue and by now he has moved around behind me and is tonguing my asshole at a furious pace. The pleasure I get from this is obvious to Suzanne and she gets off my face and bends over to stick her tongue in my mouth. It feels so incredible to be eaten out at both ends that the pre cum is now dribbling down the side of my cock. I think I’m about to pass out…

Suzanne takes my hand and guides me over to the toilet and makes me sit down on the lid. “We need to get me ready for Max.” she says and turns around to rub my oozing dick over her asshole. She leans forward just a bit, then guides herself down onto my cock. The head is pushed tight up against her hot little hole and with a little shriek from her the head slides in. Max is back up front licking her vulva and around her clit. Suzanne slowly lets herself slide further onto my cock and occasionally I can feel Max’s tongue on me as well. Soon she has all of me inside her and it’s just delicious the way this feels. Suzanne grabs onto Max’s shoulders and starts pumping her lovely ass up and down on my cock. After a few thrusts she is already looser and more relaxed so I ask her to stop for a second and I line my right thumb up with the shaft of my dick and hold it tight right under the head. “OK baby…” I say and she lets herself down on my dick and thumb at the same time. She lets out a groan that sounds more like a wild animal than the sexy woman I love. She picks up the pace and without stopping I slip the other thumb up her ass too.

“I’m coming babe!” I whisper at her and pull my thumbs out. She squeezes me hard with her ass and for the second day in a row I shoot my sperm far up her bum. She pulls herself off me and grabs Max by the collar and goes into the living room. I feel totally spent at this point but get up to help her. She is on all fours on the floor with her ass arched high in the air. Max has already got his tongue working against Suzanne’s tight asshole. She looks back at me through eyes that look hazy from endorphin overload and beckons me closer with a wink of the eye. I get down on the floor with her and she whispers in my ear “When you think Max is good and ready to go tell me, and I’m going to relax my ass for him to fuck me. Your jizz is going to lube me so I can take him.” God, this was going to be so intense! I kissed her and whispered “Love you babe” in her ear.

Max was having a grand time between her ass cheeks. I think he could tell there was cum behind door number two and he wanted it. He was getting pretty excited and sure enough, after a little while he was showing almost three inches of pointy doggy cock. I got up next to Suzanne and tapped her lower back and said “Up Max”. He had been trained well by somebody because he would heed this command every time. As soon as he was on her back his hips and cock started probing for a wet hole to put it in.
I took Suzanne’s hand and said “Go babe!”. Her asshole slowly opened up to almost the size of a silver dollar and after a second or two my jizz splashed out onto Max’s cock. He moved a little further up her back and entered her with a thrust that made her cry out. I thought she was going to crush my hand but I didn’t let go. The cock pushing in and out of her was growing rapidly in size and now she was wailing steadily to the beat of Max bottoming out in her. My own cock was standing to attention by now so I put my other hand between her legs and got a handful of pussy juice and started rubbing my own cock with it. Max slowed down and I could see the knot forming as he emptied himself into my girlfriend’s ass. She had let go of my hand and when I looked over I could see her fingering herself with a faster than normal rhythm all the while just groaning and purring like a big cat.

Max was at this point just laying there on top, but he was gradually shifting to the side and while I was watching rolled off and with a loud sucking sound his knot came out of Suzanne’s ass. Dog cum was everywhere and she reached back and put a finger in her gaping asshole to get some. She put it up to her tongue and licked it clean. She did it again, each time lingering longer in her ass before she started to get up. “Wait, I want to make you cum babe” I said. Max had curled up behind the sofa and was busy cleaning himself up so she was all mine for now. She stayed down on the floor on her hands and knees stroking her hand through her pussy. I ran back to the bathroom, got the purple glass dildo and ran it under hot water for a minute or so while contemplating what I was about to do. I thought that this might be the only chance I might have to do what I had in mind and I don’t think she expected it at all.

I got down behind her and eased the wide end of the dildo into her open ass. She giggled and said “That feels so small in me.” I thrust it in and out a few times making sure it was coated well with all the different fluids mingling in there. Suzanne made little ahhh sounds every time I took it all the way out. She was still on all four when I switched the dildo from her ass into her loose pussy. We had played around with the wide end of the dildo there before and it always seemed to be a little big for her. Not this time. She threw her head back and screamed “Yes!! Fuck me!”. At the same time I put my hand into the classic V formation and sunk my right hand into her slick open asshole. I stopped right at the knuckles to let her figure out what was going on and she responded by pushing back against me and my hand slid inside. This was a first for both of us and what a turn-on it was. She took the dildo from me and started thrusting it in her pussy with both hands.

Again she shouted at me: “Fuck me! Fistfuck me!” Moving my hand slowly in and out allowing the knuckles to exit, then go right back in made her shake and tremble like a leaf. She told me to go faster and I did. She tensed up suddenly and dropped the dildo, it came tumbling out on it’s own followed by the heaviest squirt I have ever seen. At first it was forceful and then it subsided to a little stream that came running out of her gaping, trembling lips. I pulled my hand out of her ass, totally mesmerized by the skin stretching around the widest part of my hand. She rolled over on her back and I got on top of her with a kiss to her tits and then a full on tongue lock. She was crying. And they were real tears, but I could tell that these were tears of love, not of hurt. Satisfied and worn out we carried each other into the bedroom and went to bed in a tight embrace. Those were beautiful days indeed….