(c) 2007 by Ari90

I’m new to this forum, but I would like to tell you about how I got into having sex with my dog. It is a rather unusual story (I think), but thinking about that first time, still gives me the thrills. Hope you will like it too.

I am 27, married, and we have no children. Me and my husband Jim are into soft-SM, although it is his passion more then mine. I do like the bondage-part, a little mindplay, obeying and serving him sexually, and him driving me crazy teasing, and forcing me to cum while I’m all tied up. I’m not really into pain, so we are not doing all that stuff. He would like it though, but it is just not my thing.

A while ago he told me that he thought our play was getting a little bit boring, and that he would like to take it further. It made me a little bit depressed, because we have talked it over so many times. I don’t want him to hurt me during our play, I don’t want to bring in others, and I don’t want to go to clubs or whatever. That is just not turning me on!

I was seriously thinking that me not wanting to go there, might become the end of our marriage at some point. I love him, and it would hurt me so much losing him over this. It seemed like a problem with no solution…

One friday when I was coming home from work, he called while I was driving my car and told me he had brought home a surprise. I picked up some food on my way home, and couldn’t wait to get there. It really wás a surprise finding him in the garden with a dog! He had never shown any interest before in having pets in the house, so I wasn’t sure what to think of it. He can sometimes be very impulsive with things (like all men, I suppose ;-)), and I hoped for the sake of the dog that it wasn’t just ‘one of those’ temporarily passions.

He told me the name of the dog was Buddy, a male brown Labrador with no pedigree, probably mixed with some other race, because he looked kind of big for a lab to me! He had picked it up from the animal-shelter. He was very friendly to me, and liked it a lot to be petted everywhere. He smelled awful though, so one of my first thoughts was that he needed a shower!

That weekend we washed the dog, and spent a lot of time with the three of us together. We took long walks in the forrest, played with him a lot, and got to know him better. He was well educated, but sometimes a little bit rough though. He seemed to melt in our little family easily. During the day while I was at work, he joined my husband most of the time. He took him to dog training, and they became really close together. He was also a good friend to me, but it sometimes bothered me that he seemed interested in things he shouldn’t be interested in. He would stick his nose in my crotch whenever he had the chance, or sometimes jump at me and hump my legs, or hump on pillows from the cough. I told him not to do so, but it didn’t seem to help, it got only worse! I told my husband to take him to the veterinarian to get him castrated, but he didn’t think that was a good idea. ‘He is oversexed, Jim, he is just like you!’ I told him. ‘He would even take ME if he had the chance!’. Jim just smiled and said calmly: ‘I’m sure he would, honey!’

I should have known just then and there what his plans were, but I guess I was just too naďeve!

A couple of weeks ago, on a Saturday evening, we decided to go to our bedroom and play together. I took a bath, and dressed myself in a sexy outfit, while he prepared our playground as usual. When I came in, we started to make out a little, and then he told me to kneel down on the floor so he could tie me up with a spread-pole. He took off my panties, spread my knees, and tied my hands between them to the pole. I laid down with my face and shoulders on the floor, and my butt naked and high in the air. He was now my master, and I was his slave.

He started to caress me, and started talking to me as usual. I like him to do that, because it helps me concentrate on what is asked, and it gets me horny. He told me how nice I looked in that position. That he thought that I had been a little bit stressed that day, and that he was sure that making me cum would help a lot. He licked a little bit, stack his fingers in me, and got me totally in the mood for what was to come.

Then he opened a jar, and started to rub a substance on me that felt really strange and unusual. It was peanut butter, but I didn’t realise that at that moment…

Then he opened the door, and let Bud come in, who stick his nose almost directly between my buns, and started licking off the peanut-butter. I was shocked!!! How could he do that to me! I started to to protest immediately. But Jim told me to shut my little slave-mouth and be a good girl, or otherwise he would gag me! I got a little bit stressed and agitated, but I couldn’t do more then just lie there, with my butt out in the open, and Buds nose between my ass cheeks, licking my asshole and pussy completely clean from peanut butter. It felt really strange at first, I wasn’t relaxed at all, but then Jim started talking to me with his sweet voice. He told me that I had to be a good girl, and that I looked really hot in that position. That the dog really liked licking me there, and that he was sure that I would like it too. He told me how horny he got, and that he was proud of me, being not only his little bitch, but also Buds. He rubbed more peanut butter on me, and then kneeled down at my head while Bud continued licking. With a soft voice in my ear he said: ‘Man, you are so sexy, even Bud thinks you are. He is getting a boner from you too! I’m really hot seeing all this, and if you are a good girl tonight, and cum hard on his tongue, I might even let him fuck you tonight!’

BAM! I don’t know if you have ever heard that sex takes place more in the brain than in the body, well, I am the living proof that this is true. The very second that he whispered this into my ear, an orgasm struck like lightning! I never felt it coming, it was just there, and it was soooooo gooooood! I almost couldn’t breath anymore, I just laid there, and explode, with Buds hot tongue on my clit, going on, and on, and on, licking my cunt with long tender licks and seemed to only get encouraged by tasting my juices. He never stopped, and neither did I! I kept on cumming in his mouth, crying like a baby. I’m sure this was the most overwhelming orgasm I’d ever had, and I felt totally worn out, when Jim finally pulled him away from me.

I think I just forgot the role-play we were in, confused as I was from what had just happened.

‘Ow my god!’, I said when I was recovered a little bit. ‘That was fabulous, ánd weird. Please take him out before he jumps me’. Jim was holding Buds collar, looked down on me, and only said: ‘I’m not taking him out baby, you kept your promise, and now I will keep mine. I-am-going-to-let-him-fuck-you-tonight, and there is nothing you can do about it!’

I started panicking big time, still lying on the floor, on my knees, tied to the pole. ‘Oh Jim, please no, don’t let him do that, please, I can’t do that for you, Jim, Please!’ I cried. ‘Quiet!’ he shouted. ‘You are still my slave, and I am still your master. You are going to obey me in whatever I want from you, understand?’

‘Coffee!’ I called out our magic word, wich means that all roleplay is over, and he has to stop with whatever he is doing to me. He told the dog to lie down, and Bud took off, licking himself in the corner of our room. Then he kneeled at my head again, talking to me in a sweet way, stroking my hair and my back. ‘I understand that this was confusing for you, baby, but I can’t let you run off now. I know you want to have that cock inside of you, as much as I want it, or as much as Bud wants to himself. Otherwise you would have never cum so hard when I told you he was going to fuck you. I know you want to return to being a sweet and nice girl as soon as possible after what happened, but that is not going to happen. I am forcing you now to fuck him, and I just know that you are going to love it. I will help you and him, and make sure that he is not going to hurt you. But I will not untie you until this is over, baby’.

I cried a little, confused with my own feelings for what was happening. He kept on stroking me, and I calmed down a little.

I guess he was right about it. I wanted it, but I was also ashamed about wanting it. Being tied up made things a lot easier. It wasn’t my choice, Jim just did it to me. All I had to do was enjoy the ride…

After a while I agreed to him, being as submissive as I could possibly be. ‘Yes master, I will obey’.

He called the dog again, who sniffed my butt with his cold nose, and started licking me again. This time it wasn’t so strange anymore, and I started to relax directly, just feeling his tongue on my clit, clearing my head from everything.

Jim started talking to me again. Hypnotizing me with his voice, telling me how hot it looked, and how aroused the dog got, licking me. He tried to hump me several times, but Jim wouldn’t let him at first. When he noticed I was ready for it, he let the dog have his way with me. I was tensed when I felt him climb on me, but also enormously aroused. I wanted to feel him more then anything in the world. Jim guided his penis when he tried to find the opening, and after trying a couple of times, I felt him come in.

In a split second he was in all the way, and then the most amazing thing happened! He grew larger inside me. His cock started swelling and became bigger and bigger, filling me up completely! He climbed up my back all the way, standing on his frontlegs beside my waist, with his body almost hanging on my butt. His tempo in fucking was tremendous, and I couldn’t help crying out. Jim was talking to me all the time, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. I was already in my own world. Filled up by an animal, who was fucking me in an animalistic way. Tied up, no where to go, except on the rollercoaster of feelings that were going on in my pussy. His cock was huge, almost hurting me, and from what I know now (but not at that time), was that his knott was in all the way. He was merciless, pounding me with everything he had. I felt his cum drip down my thighs, as he was holding me firmly with his front legs. I had no choice but to lay there, experiencing everything and blocking all my shamefull thoughts.

Being raped by my dog felt actually pretty hot, and my pussy was in flames of everything that was going on there (Jim said later I was crying out all the time, like he’d never heard me doing before). It didn’t took long for me to have an orgasm, and that is rather unusual with fucking. It felt pretty good to surrender to this mighty beast that was taking me. Completely different from clitoral stimulation, but not bad at all!

And then he calmed down. Hanging on my butt. I felt his breath on my neck, and the shivers of his body. His prick was pulsating in me. He was cumming hard in my pussy, and I even heard him crying softly in my neck. He hanged there for a while, and calmed down. Then he started to climb of, but because he got stuck inside me, that wasn’t possible. I was pretty confused at that time. He had just been fucking me like a train for about three minutes, and now what? Jim helped him off, and turned him around. We were now butt to butt, stuck to each other. He hold his leg so that he wasn’t able to pull out his cock but I started panicking a little bit. What was going on? Why couldn’t he pull out? Jim told me not to worry, everything was perfectly OK, and then he took a vibrator, and placed it on my clit, massaging it. I calmed down again, and concentrated on my arousal. This orgasm I felt coming long before, and boy, it was again pretty awesome. It must have lasted two minutes, and all the time I felt juices dripping down from me. I was right thinking it belonged to Bud, but it wouldn’t have surprised me if it was mine, because I was pretty wet myself. I cried out all the time, shivering and spasm-ing around his thick cock. It was wonderful!

After a while, when I was still trying to recover from my orgasm, Buds cock plopped out. Jim brought him to me, so I could see the cock that fucked me, and I was surprised that a dog like him could have such an enormous dick. He was still squirting a little bit, and tried to lick my face and neck, as if he wanted to thank me for this pleasure.

Jim untied my legs and wrists, but didn’t give me a chance to come up. He placed himself behind me, and stacked his penis in my totally wet and expanded pussy, to squirt his seed where is pet-mate had left it just minutes before. He orgasmd within a minute, calling me his bitch, and fucking me in dog-tempo. It was obvious that he had gotten very hot from watching the scene.

When we came back to earth I could only think about a shower and a glass of wine, and ofcourse I was eager to talk to Jim about what we had experienced. (Would he still respect me?)

He confessed to me later that getting Bud had all been part of the plan. If I wasn’t into pain, then he had to find another way to let his kinky feelings out. I could be his dog-slave, he wanted to dominate me to fuck his dog.
He had experienced it all as being very exciting and hot, better than he would have thought. He was happy his plan turned out so well.
Ofcourse he had to train the dog before he was ready for me. He jerked him off almost every day, he told me (that is why the dog got so horny ofcourse!). And also let him sniff my dirty underwear. The ultimate test was getting Bud to mount, and thát he had tested on himself. I was surprised. My husband is the type that can’t even get a needle in there, let alone a dog with such a huge cock! He confessed he didn’t take the knott, and that it was a painful experience anyway, even with a whole lot of lubricant. But it had been okay since it served a greater cause, he said with a wink.

Bud is really part of our family now, and also part our sexlife. The BDSM has become a lower goal, although I like being tied up when Bud fucks me. We are playing a lot at the moment, and writing this all makes me want to go upstairs and play some more.
Usually I end up begging Jim to bring the dog in, and he takes advantage of that to order me to blow him first. He never jumps between my legs anymore after Bud is done. I have to take a shower first ;-).

Hope you all liked my story, and sorry for any languages mistakes.
Love… A.