(c) 2007 by Nem Enforcer

“Come here Rusty” Steph called to her pride and joy from the far end of the field.

Rusty was her horse, a tall, strong grey stallion that Steph had owned since he was a foal, they had grown up together almost, and Rusty was the one that Steph told all her secrets to.

Recently Steph had broken up with her longish term boyfriend, they had been going out for some time but he had never really liked Rusty or the time she spent with him, believing that her place was with him and not some stupid animal.

Steph overlooked his comments for a while and even tried to change his mind about Rusty but it was no good so just a little over a month ago and after 16 months together she split from him and went to tell all to her beloved Rusty.

“There you are boy” Steph said as she patted his neck and stroked his nose as she had every day for as long as she could remember “We don’t need him do we” she smiled as Rusty shook his head, almost as if he understood what she was telling him, that raised a giggle from Steph.

“Tell you something though I do miss him at night” Steph said thinking about all the wild nights they had shared in bed, she had to admit he was a great fuck, his cock pounding into her pussy, the feeling of his cum as he shot inside her or onto her soft skin, all things she really missed.

Steph stood talking to her horse for the next hour, patting his side as she laughed and chatted away about all aspects of her life, this is where she found horses were better then humans. Horses didn’t pass judgment on her, didn’t talk back, just listened.

For the whole month now since she had broken up with her boyfriend she had been horny, it was nothing new for Steph, she always seemed to be hot since she was about 18 years old, whenever she was alone she would normally have her hands in her knickers, rubbing her clit and fingering herself until the insides of her underwear were covered in her sticky cum, when she was younger she had even given her cum covered underwear to other pupils at collage, the thought of them rubbing their hard cocks while sniffing her scent made her wet and really helped when she would masturbate.

It was night again and Steph was horny, her pussy was dripping as she tried all she could to recreate the feeling of having another person with her, her dildo was ok, but never could replace a real cock in her mouth, pussy or rubbing against her skin.

Steph grunted in annoyance as she pulled the dildo out of her mouth, disappointed that she just couldn’t seem to get a good feeling from the rubber cock. She had been rubbing it in and out of her pussy for ages, sucking it to see if that helped but it was no good, she liked the real thing and nothing would substitute it, her fingers were normally good to bring her to orgasm but still recently even then it was not the same as a hard thick cock pushed up inside her,

Steph’s mind reeled about what she could do, there was no one her age where she was, the men were all at least 35 years older then her and married, and since she didn’t fancy having an affair she was stuck it seemed, unless she could find someone who was willing to make the trip to the countryside for a good long fuck session she would just have to keep up with her fake cock and fingers.

Steph did have one friend who knew how she was feeling, a while ago she had chatted with her about the time she was younger and she had been in the same position as Steph is now.

Her friend was called Shannon, she was about 10 years older then Steph at 34, she was married now to a man who was much older then her now but when she was younger she had been in the same position as Steph, single and no way to quench her craving for sex.

But to Steph’s amazement she had told her she did find a solution, Steph never thought about it before but it put a whole new shine on her life, Shannon told her all about her horse. Steph was shocked when she had started on about how she would go into her stable at night when she was in real need, and use her Horse to get the cock she needed so bad, she said how she would go in and pet the horse’s side’s slowly working her hand down to the sheath of the cock, massaging it until it started to harden and show.

Once it was hard enough Sharron had told her how she would caress it, form the head up the shaft, making sure it was hard enough before she would kneel down and lick the tip, her horse would often jump at this touch but soon got used to it, she would suck and lick the huge head, her hands holding it still and massaging it, her lips often tasting the horse pre-cum, if she was feeling really horny she had told Steph that she had even taken the huge cock part way into her pussy, stretching herself to the limit with the huge meat.

That was playing on Steph’s mind now; she had been so horny for weeks with nothing working and although she didn’t feel exactly confident about it she would do anything to get the release she needed right now. She had to try something, and there was no-one around, who would know if she did do it, only her and she wasn’t going to tell anyone.

Slowly the stable doors opened and Steph slipped inside, it wasn’t that late and Rusty was still up, he looked up at the women walking over to him recognizing it was his owner.

“Hi Rusty” Steph said softly as she stroked his side and nose like she always did to greet him, she had a towel wrapped around her shoulders hanging over her body; she’d never dressed like this before.

Slowly Steph began to rub her hands down Rusty’s side and to his hind end, rubbing his thighs and side which he seemed to like, occasionally when she started he’d grunt and move but he seemed to come accustomed to it after about 15 mins of touching and rubbing.

Steph was happy that Rusty seemed to be taking to this, she could feel her pussy dripping as she touched his inner thighs and saw his cock begin, but only just begin to show. ‘It’s huge’ she thought to herself as she saw the cock begin to get bigger, her eyes gazed at it, her pussy aching more and more as she looked at the huge organ between the horse’s legs.

Her pussy was dripping more then ever before when she slowly rubbed his cock, she was following what Shannon had told her she did, being slow and patient and stopping when her horse moved or made an excited sound,

Rusty was enjoying this new sensation; his cock was getting long and thick as Steph slowly rubbed it, always watching for his reaction before she began to masturbate him. The cock got really hard and Steph couldn’t believe how sexy it looked to her right now, her pussy juice was all over the towel she was wearing and she felt she couldn’t hold off any longer.

Pulling off the towel she revealed her tight naked body to night air, there was a patch of her juice on the towel and Rusty seemed to smell it turning his head towards her and looking down at the wet patch, Steph smiled and walked over to his face

“You like this boy?” she said slowly raising it to his nose, Rusty buried his nose in the towel and sniffed up the tangy scent, he sure did seem to like it too, his cock getting harder and more firm as Steph reached under him and masturbated it as Rusty continued to sniff her scent.

Gaining confidence Steph moved back to a bale of hay she had in the stable an with the towel at his nose Rusty followed, when she felt her legs hit it she sat down on the top and Rusty seemed to instinctively walk into a good position for her.

His cock hanging down Steph slowly masturbated it, her hand rubbing its full length before she concentrated on the top near his body, it was so firm and thick, she had to use both hands to get all the way around it.

Rusty got a little excited and kicked out his back leg so Steph slowed it down which seemed to settle him, it had been about 2 hours since Steph had entered the stable and now she had her Horse fully erect and was really enjoying rubbing his cock so much, her pussy was dripping and ready for action, each time her hand’s ran down the thick shaft she groaned, the smooth skin of the cock making her swoon more and more, the forbidden action making her hornier then ever before, she could almost orgasm right then without even touching herself.

Slowly she lowered her hand and lifted Rusty’s cock, licking the tip she tasted him for the first time, she liked it immediately, sucking harder as she flicked her tongue over the hole and began to stretch her mouth to get more in, sucking all she could from it as her hands held and masturbated the long cock, the taste of horse cock was like nothing she had ever tasted, it was strange, nothing like a mans cock and the sheer size of it was driving her wild as she rubbed and licked harder

Steph felt so good, this seemed almost natural to her, like Rusty was meant to be her lover and always had been, the way she could get the hole in his cock head right into her mouth, wiggling her tongue inside it teasing the big horse who grunted, her jaw aching little but her lust driving her on, the taste making her go wild as she sucked and licked

Feeling she was ready to move on Steph laid back and looked down at Rusty’s cock bringing it to her pussy she carefully slapped the tip of it against her dripping hole, the feeling was amazing, she’d never felt like this before, her orgasm was suddenly right in her stomach as she ran the head over her pussy lips and tapped it against her clit, moaning as Rusty stood and felt his cock being ground into this girls dripping hole, she could hardly hold back as she hit the heavy cock against her pussy, stretching the lips open she fitted the head inside herself but the cock was so big that’s all she could get inside, anymore would be painful she knew that for sure, the walls of her pussy was already stretched to their limit, the huge cock invading her like nothing ever before, she could feel it throbbing as the blood of the excited horse ran into it.

“Ohhh god Rusty!” she called out as she felt a small amount of liquid shoot into her pussy, it was Rusty’s pre-cum and she loved ever second of it, her hips ground side to side as she felt a little more cock enter her pussy the horse moving around as he felt the tight wet hole of the girl laid beneath him, the hot walls gripped tightly onto the smooth thick cock head, more pre-cum filling her hole, it felt like when a guy would cum hard inside her and yet it was just pre-cum from her horse.

The huge cock inched in a little more, the horse stepping forwards as Steph grunted and moaned, the hay under the towel that she had used to lay on tickled her arse cheeks and back as she ground up against the hard cock inside her, its huge diameter of the horse cock getting pushed inside her, throbbing with every move drove her closer to orgasm, she could feel it coming, each time Rusty moved his legs the cock would move around, the pre-cum it was dribbling making Steph wetter and more able to take the cock, she felt like she was getting slit in two pieces by the huge thing.

Steph moaned as she felt her orgasm wash over her, the feeling of satisfaction overwhelming, her whole body tightened and her back arched, forcing more of the huge cock into her, stretching the once tight pussy to its limits, her mouth wide open but no more sound was coming out, this was the biggest orgasm she had felt and all the time she could feel more pre-cum mixing with her own juice and dribbling out onto her inner thighs and down her arse cheeks onto the towel, the scent of sex and cum filling the air in the stable.

Slowly pulling Rusty’s cock out of her pussy she sat up again and looked at the gaping hole between her legs, it was dripping horse pre-cum and her own juice and she loved every second of it, that’s when she looked and saw Rusty’s hard cock still dripping, it was throbbing, it has not yet shot its huge load.

“Its not fair is it Rusty” she said with a smile “I can’t leave you unsatisfied after that” taking his cock she brought it to her mouth again and began to suck and lick all the liquid off it, her mouth filling with pre-cum before she swallowed and sucked harder, her hands rubbing vigorously along the shaft as the liquid coming out became thicker and more tasty, some dribbled down her chin and onto her naked breasts, washing over her nipples and down her stomach headed for her gaping pussy.

It was a strange almost metallic taste as a massive amount of cum gushed out and shot all over her mouth, Rusty’s cock had really hardened up suddenly and the sheer amount of cum was making Steph gag, she pulled her mouth away and a big blast hit her right on the face, covering her in sticky white cum, it dripping off her face and to her big breasts, again more cum shot out and hit her face covering her hair and eyes as the blasts became a drip now and Rusty’s cock began to deflate, the thick liquid dribbling down, Steph catching some on her tongue as she gasped swallowing all that entered her mouth

“Rusty you have saved my life” Steph smiled as she wiped up the cum on her cheeks and lips sucking it into her mouth from her fingers and hands, she could still feel the horse cum dribbling down her pussy. She scooped it up along with some of her own juice and licked it the taste tangy and metallic.

“I love you Rusty” Steph said as she patted his nose and rubbed it again “I’ll see you tomorrow ok” she knew that now she had her horse then she’d have no need for a boyfriend anymore.