(c) 2011 by poundpuppy73

It all started innocently enough. I was complaining to my roommate Cassie, that I couldn’t seem to find any man who wanted to go out with me. It’s been months since I have been out on a date and even longer since I had a real dick. At this point the neighbors’ horse was starting to look tasty. Cassie just smiled “really? Well I have a secret that will get you laid tonight!” I squealed with girlish delight! “Oh please do tell! It’s been ages. I’m desperate. I need a man any man the old gardener down the street anyone!!” Cassie just smiled secretly at me…” since you are my friend I will show you then but you have to promise to keep it a secret.. Ok?” I made the promise I even pinkie swore on it. Cassie walked quickly into her room and right back out. She held a mysterious brown bottle. This is my only supply so don’t over use it and definitely don’t lose it! I looked the bottle over in surprise it seemed to be an ordinary brown medicine bottle. “What’s in it?” I asked tilting the bottle on its side and trying to peer into the murky plastic. Cassie grinned don’t tell no one but I stole it from my dad’s science lab. .it’s a human musk they are working on to attract the opposite sex.. Since I have been wearing it I haven’t gone a single night without sex. Sometimes with multiple partners! I love it..

I’m warning you now don’t overdo it you won’t like the results!” I promised I wouldn’t and went to get ready for my big night out on the town. I shaved and showered and powdered everything that I could think of then I decided not to wear any panties or a bra, they will just get in the way! I chose the shortest mini skirt I could find, that should draw some attention on its own! I was determined I wasn’t coming home without having sex some way or somehow! After I felt I was dolled up enough I decided to start small like Cassie had said I put one drop of the musk behind each ear. It smelled kind of like a clean pussy. I decided since it was such a lovely night I would walk to the bar as I’m sure I would have a ride.. Or maybe two, home afterwards!

When I got to the bar it was packed! I was sure to get lucky! There was an awesome band playing and I was asked to dance almost immediately by an old motorcycle guy. You know the type big fat and hairy and kind of smelled funny. I walked away and tried to find some younger hotter meat. But no matter where I looked the old guys were following me. I panicked and went to the ladies room. Now I know I had seen Cassie with a different sexy guy on her arm all week, maybe I didn’t put on enough of the secret musk. I got out three drops this time. I placed one between my tits, and one on the back of each knee. There! That had to fix the problem now. I walked out of the ladies room and to my delight all the old smelly guys frowned at me and wandered off. Now I was surrounded by geeky guys! Ick this had to be worse. Although there was the one who was kind of cute! “NO! Be firm girl, you are desperate but you might as well hold out for the sexy rich boys and the jocks! “ The geeks were even beginning to be brave enough to rub against me I made a run for the bathroom again.

I was excited as by now for sure I would find the men of my dreams. Yes I said men! I am going for more than one now. My hands were shaking as I grabbed the bottle from my purse. Three more drops should do it! I’m going to put one on the back of my neck, and maybe one on each of my temples. As I open the bottle it slips from my grasp! I do manage to catch it without too much spilled, so maybe Cassie won’t kill me. But there is a decent sized splash across the front of my blouse! I doubt the stain will ever come out, and now I smell like a three dollar whore! Well maybe the men won’t notice. Maybe I will find mister right.. Maybe mister right has a head cold.

When I walked out of the restroom a hush fell over the whole bar. Suddenly I felt a wall of hate! I looked up and every woman in the joint looked like they had grown claws and fangs. Men were turning their noses up at me as if the smelled a skunk. I’m telling you I feared for my life. The front door was too far away so I made a mad dash for the back door! Luckily there was some old pipes in the alley way I was able to bar the doors with.. I ran down the alley trying to put as much distance between me and the overwrought crowd as possible! I made several turns trying to lose any potential followers, who knew how long they could follow my reeking musk scent. After a while I tired myself out I was panting from all the desperate running barely could catch my breath. I looked around and noticed I had run the wrong direction from my house. A good long walk home awaited me. But there was a problem if I passed people on the street; they all turned into angry mobsters on me. My best bet was to stay in the alley ways.

I am totally exhausted by this point. I’m beginning to think if I run into another mob I will just let them kill me. It would be easier than walking several miles home. Suddenly I hear a noise behind a nearby trash can, and the fight or flight instinct takes over and I’m off and running again. No matter how hard I run I can hear the footsteps behind me. I soon hear a second set of footsteps running with the first, panicked this gives me yet again another burst of speed! My breathing is coming in short gasps there is the beginnings of a cramp in my side when a third set of footsteps fall in behind me. I leave the alleys and head for a wooded area nearby maybe I can lose them in the trees! I can barely jog I’m so exhausted each footstep feels like it weighs a ton. Yet the people following me don’t even sound winded. I reach the tree line and stop. All three sets of footsteps stop too. I lean my head on a tree. “Ok if you must kill me fine just get it over with I can’t run another step!” nothing happens. I turn slowly to see three pairs of eyes watching me intently.

I sigh in relief, it’s just three dogs. “Wow guys you had me scared.” I’m still trying to get my breathing under control. The dogs just stood there watching me with these big silly doggie grins. I’d almost swear they were leering at me like human men! Taking a deep cleansing breath I look around. I’m way out on the edge of town. I will not make it home before sunrise at this rate! I push off of the tree and take a step towards town when the biggest mutt growls. I freeze and look at him. “What? Not you guys too?” I decide my best bet at this point is to take off my blouse and throw it away from me, as it is covered in the musk only some had seeped thru to my skin. When I discard the shirt the Pitt bull dog snatched the shirt growling and shredded it right before my eyes! Thinking it is safe to leave now I again take a step towards town. The big mutt looking dog stops me again, but this time he uses his body to block my way. I try to move around him to look straight into the blue eyes of a husky, licking its lips. I’m beginning to think they mean to eat me. Terribly frightened I try to back away to fall over the Pitt bull as he had inched up behind my legs while my attention was on the other two.

I land with a solid thump in the leaves. My earlier decision to not wear a bra and panties was haunting me now, as I felt the leaves and sticks pushing against my pussy lips. The husky dog started dry humping the air next to my head. Terribly frightened, not sure now if I am to be eaten or not, I roll over away from him and try to scramble to my feet. Before I get my feet under me the pitt bull is running his tongue along my pussy lips I squeak and try to cover myself pushing him away, and losing my forward momentum I fall flat on my stomach in the leaves and debris. I start to try and crawl away to find that the Pitt bull has now wrapped my right arm in his jaws, he gives a firm but yet gentle tug. It hurts but he doesn’t break the skin. He stretches my right arm out straight to my right and holds it in his powerful jaws. If I try to pull it he tightens his teeth and growls. Meanwhile the husky has done the same to my left arm. I am now lying flat on my stomach with my arms extended on either side of me. I turn to look at him. His teeth seem somehow sharper; experimentally I pull on my left arm to be rewarded by the same tightening of teeth and low growl. The husky’s sharp canines puncture my arm shallowly in two places. I can feel a drop of blood form. Time seems to have slowed down, and I wonder to myself if this is what happens when you’re going to die.

Suddenly I wonder what happened to the big male mutt dog I hear a growl behind me. I am lying flat on the ground and he is standing over my calves, growling. I don’t know what they want I’m feeling dazed and confused. Losing patience he reaches down and nips me on the right but cheek. I squeal again and even though my arms and upper body are pinned flat my knees and legs try to run away causing me to raise my ass in the air. I can feel the warm breeze caressing my pussy lips. Trembling I try to get up again to be met by fierce growls from all three dogs. Feeling exposed I try to lay back down flat to again be growled at ferociously from all three sides. I turn to look over my shoulder at the big mutt. He seems to be just staring at my pussy, cocking his head one way then another. It’s almost as if I can feel his eyes moving over my flesh. I start to tingle all over. Man it’s been a long time since any male has looked at me that way. The combination of the warm breeze on my pussy lips, the warm saliva running down both arms and the feeling of being stared at in so primal of a way, all combine to make my pussy juices begin to flow. At this point I know I must be desperate, I start praying for them just to eat me and get it over with.

The big male gives a low growl and moves towards me. The other two dogs give an echoing growl on either side of me. I’m pretty sure they are telling me not to move. At this point I’m so exhausted I couldn’t go anywhere anyhow. So I stay still wondering what they were going to do next. As the big mutt moves closer I can feel his hot breath on my pussy lips, which are to my surprise spread wide and are soaked with my own juices, very inviting to any red blooded male. And I mean any, as the big dog proceeds to give me the best tongue bath I have ever experienced!

His huge tongue presses against my womanhood repeatedly, each long stroke of his tongue brushes right over my extremely swollen clit. I have never known such a feeling before. The fear and exhilaration cause an explosive reaction in my body chemistry and suddenly I’m moaning with each stroke of his tongue. Just when I think I’m going to explode he reaches forward and gently grabs my clit with his front teeth, there is no pain he does it as if he has lots of experience pleasing human females. He gently rolls my nubbin between his teeth and all I can do is moan it is such an exquisite pleasure within just a few short minutes I am cumming so hard I cry out into the pile of leaves. My whole body is shuddering in a massive orgasm. I stay posted with my ass in the air as the last shudders leave my body to feel him again begin to wash my pussy with his most excellent tongue! I now notice that the other two dogs have released me, and are watching the proceedings with lots of interest.

There are no worries about me leaving now the shudders wracking my body are more effective than chains! Suddenly the big mutt dog leaps forward placing his front feet on either side of me. He wraps his paws around my upper torso in a bear hug that I couldn’t have wrestled out of if I had of wanted to. I felt his massive organ press against my swollen labia. Fearful, as I have never been with a human man that big before I braced myself for the pain. There was none. He pushed his dick into my pussy and froze for a minute as if waiting to see if I could take it all. There was no hesitation on my body’s reaction; I have been without sex for so long my pussy was trying to pull the whole dog inside. It started madly pulsing around his hot cock! His dick felt so much hotter in temperature than any human I had ever been with, it just added to the excitement!

Suddenly he started frantically pounding at my pussy. I have never been fucked so hard and so fast in my life. Shockingly this dog was the best lover I had ever had! Just when I was getting into the furious pounding my pussy was getting I could feel him swelling inside me. I started to panic remembering the bitch in heat on my neighbors front lawn stuck together butt to butt with another dog. Before I could react, ‘it’ happened he stopped moving, and I could feel an almost painful pressure feeling building in my vagina. We were well and truly stuck I whimpered about to scream in fear and pain when I felt his hot flood of juices spurting again and again deep into my pussy.

Distracted by the amazing warmth I froze with my mouth hanging open. The pitt took this opportunity to mount my head before I could react he had shoved his dog dick deep into my throat. He used the same technique as the big mutt with his front paws, he wrapped my head in a vice-like grip I couldn’t pull away and I couldn’t close my mouth. Dog dick tasted salty and a little metallic like. I was gagging at first as his thrusts were so quick and strong, I was afraid I would suffocate and not be able to tell anyone what had happened. But it didn’t take him long at all to reach the swelling point of the sex. Although he didn’t have enough of his dick in my mouth to get stuck, he never turned loose of his vice like grip. I was a prisoner to his salty cum shooting down my throat! After the first few panicked seconds I decided I liked the feeling of being held captive so tightly. My pussy was throbbing and cumming in time to both dogs pulsing cocks! The massive orgasm I had earlier to the tongue lashing I got from the big mutt paled in comparison to the throbbing orgasm I was having at this moment! I felt like both my mouth and my pussy was cumming at the same time!

Both dogs came for what seemed like fifteen minutes, before their dicks swelling went down enough for the pitt to release my head and the mutt to finally slip out of my now sore pussy. I collapsed into the dirt and leaves on the floor of the little wooded area we were in. I had forgotten where we were, wait.. Weren’t there three dogs what happened to the last one? Before I could move to look around I felt a warm tongue on my face. The husky was cleaning me up. I was afraid he was going to rape my sore face and mouth too, but he had no interest in that. He just continued to clean my face and neck of all the spilled doggie sperm and human sweat. Then he moved down my body, nudging me onto my back with his nose he thoroughly cleaned each breast of dirt and debris where I had been pressed into the woodland floor. When he felt I was clean enough he turned me over onto my stomach again and proceeded to clean my back. His tongue was warm and moist and soothing, I started to relax under his administrations. He was very thorough so I didn’t even jump when he proceeded to clean my sore worn out pussy, I did flinch a few times as the big mutt was the biggest lover I had ever had, so I was a little sore. Next came my tight little ass. I never thought about my ass being cleaned this way before it was almost erotic. I had never had anal sex before and a passing thought of what it might be like passed thru my mind. I was totally lethargic and relaxed. I had been fucked harder than any time ever in my life, and now it was as if I was getting a nice massage.

In a matter of minutes I began to wonder just what the husky was doing, he was still bathing my ass. I started to tense up and he growled. The other two dogs had been resting nearby jumped to their feet to stand menacingly near me low rumbling growls echoing from their throats! I was shocked! “No!” I shouted I will not be fucked in the ass! “No!” I started to rise to feel three sets of powerful jaws lock onto me in various positions. All three were growling. The husky had a hold of my right butt cheek; he released it to continue washing my ass with his tongue. He began to push deeper with his tongue, pretty soon I could feel the slimy thing moving in and out of my virgin ass hole. I was weeping silently saying no, no, no over, and over. The Pitt and the mutt dog were ruthless in their holding of me. As long as I didn’t struggle I felt no pain as soon as I so much as flinched teeth would tighten down till I would whimper in pain. The husky continued to ass rape me with his tongue and after a few minutes I began to almost enjoy it. It was a very interesting feeling, having his hot wet tongue slipping into and out of my ass. I began to find myself moaning in pleasure. I wondered why the big dogs didn’t release me the way they had earlier when I began to enjoy it.

The tongue lashing stopped as suddenly as it had begun, before I could register the change the husky mounted me, I didn’t even have time to react when I felt the head of his hot dick slam into my now raw bleeding ass. I screamed in pain. Waiting in fear for him to continue. He waited, they all waited, I was frightened, I was hurting and I had a dog dick in my ass. And two dogs with hot drool running down my arms. And still they waited. I tried to move a little, and when I did the husky became the furious pounding fuck machine of nightmares. I didn’t even realize when the other two dogs released me. All I could feel and focus on was the huge dog dick slamming into and out of my ass. Within a few seconds I got into the rhythm, and it started to feel interesting. It wasn’t hurting as much, and his dick started to feel nice. Amazingly I started to feel the building of an orgasm. I did not know you could cum out of your ass. This orgasm was way different than the last two orgasms. It was deeper somehow, more primal. I was at the same time frightened by the intensity of my feelings and I embraced them!

It was wonderful I have never felt this way before! Inside my ass I could feel him swelling the pain was back! I screamed, then I screamed again as he stopped moving, not because he wanted to, but because he had swollen to the point he could not physically move in or out of my ass anymore! I screamed again, at first I tried to crawl away but that made it worse. I froze in place whimpering. He stayed still as well. When I quit screaming and trying to get away the most amazing thing happened he started cumming. This dog was amazing he came buckets full more than the other two dogs. I could feel the hot juices trying to squeeze out of my ass between his dick and me. And yet still he pulsed and came more, before I knew it I was yet again, cumming in my ass! Twice in a row! It was awesome! Exhilarating! And the most wonderful experience of my life. He came so much it quite literally forced his dick out of my ass with an audible pop! There was a waterfall of cum running down my legs! I collapsed again into the leaves. Totally spent and totally happy. These dogs were the best lovers in the world!

Three days later I stole Cassie’s musk when she wasn’t looking. All I could think about was the massive orgasms I had that night, I wanted. No, craved it again, so wish me luck as I splash the musk against my skin and head for the woods!


Three days later I stole Cassie’s musk when she wasn’t looking. All I could think about was the massive orgasms I had that night, I wanted. No, craved it again, so wish me luck as I splash the musk against my skin and head for the woods!

It seemed like hours since I started walking, first I noticed men leering at me and cat calling me. I knew I hadn’t yet applied the right amount of musk. I remember that everyone seemed to hate me and were trying to kill me. So as I hurried along to my secret rendezvous, I opened the bottle and liberally splashed some more musk against my flushed body. Almost as soon as the mystery serum hit my skin, did I notice a change in the air around me? I felt as if I had physically walked into a wall of hate. I became very frightened, as I looked around and noticed that all life had stopped. The old lady watering her begonias looked as if she wanted to wrap the water hose around my neck. The mechanics working on a car in someone’s driveway hefted their various tools as if deciding how much effort it would take to put said tool thru my skull. My heart hammering in fear I began to hurry thru town. Why oh why did I choose midafternoon instead of late night, there were dozens of people around. Children even threw their toys at me as I passed. Hearing a noise behind me I glanced over my shoulder to see several people pacing me carrying various weapons, from a garden shovel to a hammer. Even the children were following like zombies with baseball bats and sticks. Luckily I planned for this and wore my tennis shoes. I took off running at top speed zipping thru alleys making lots of turns I sure didn’t want anybody to follow me and interrupt my friends and I at our visit.

When I finally reached the woods I looked around for the dogs but I didn’t see them anywhere. I was panting and out of breath. I forgot that last time they had followed me here I guess I needed to go back and find them. I walked to the edge of the woods, and stood for a moment catching my breath. I wore a denim mini skirt that would be able to handle the ruff administrations of the dogs, again I wore no panties. I could feel the warm summer breeze wafting gently across my pussy lips; I closed my eyes and spread my legs enjoying the feeling. When I opened my eyes I could see movement in the field. Watching I saw the big mutt and the Pitt approaching with their noses in the wind. My pussy began dripping at the sight of them. Briefly I wondered if the husky would show up too. My first anal experience was something I was desperate to repeat, at least once more in my life. I turned going deeper into the woods, confident their noses would lead them to me. I began to remove my shirt so it wouldn’t get torn up this time, as last time I had to walk home nearly naked. I left on my skirt so I could use the hem to kneel on, the scrapes on my knees were still sore. I found a tree that was pushed over in a past storm, it made the perfect bench to sit on and wait. It was still growing, and came out of the ground at an angle then growing at bench height perpendicular to the ground. Before bushing out and growing back towards the sky. I sat and waited, tensely. The mutt entered my clearing first. I started to rise but was greeted by a low growl from him. I froze remembering they preferred to be in charge I was just their sex toy. I was their slave. From the bushes on the side I heard a rustling noise, and the Pitt appeared beside me. A little surge of fear mixed with adrenaline hit my system as the Pitt suddenly lunged for me catching the hem of my skirt in his teeth. I guess they remembered me trying to escape and were preventing that from the beginning. I had no intention of running I wanted all they had to give plus more. The Pitt dragged me from my seat onto the ground and the mutt chose that moment to pounce. He grabbed my arm hard enough to make me cry out in pain. I felt his sharp teeth puncture my skin in two places. They pulled and growled and pushed me until I was lying on the ground flat on my face. Every time I tried to lift my head to look at them I got snarled at and bit. They both were sniffing me all over. I could feel their hot breath wafting across my skin. One of them began to snuffle deep in my pussy. I moaned, and spread my legs a little wider. The snuffling increased, but to my dismay there was no licking, anything. Still every time I tried to look around I was severely punished, the snarls would increase and I had several minor bite wounds. I finally figured that they wanted me to keep my eyes shut. I tried it, I slowly lifted my head and moved it around with my eyes closed and there was a quick furious licking that started on my pussy. I shuddered in joy and opened my eyes to see who was licking me. Both dogs jumped on me snarling and growling. The Pitt tore my skirt as he viciously shook it to teach me to keep my eyes shut.

Reaching blindly for my shirt I used it as a blindfold. They stood by watching as I tied it around my eyes. “There are you happy?” I asked in frustration. Two paws hit me square in my chest knocking me back onto the ground my head grazed the bench like tree as I fell backwards. I had no idea which dog was pushing me down I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. The other dog began licking my pussy. Long deep slow strokes as if he wanted to lick my whole crack at one time. I raised my hips and moaned, ‘finally I was going to get what I so desperately craved’. The dog licked so slowly, it was agony. I cried out from the sheer torture and still the licking went on. At times the dogs tongue would slip into my slippery wet pussy, at other times it would just lightly flick across my clit. Never enough of either action, to make me orgasm. I felt as if I was in a state of constant arousal. With my eyes covered time seemed to slow and the cunnlingus act seemed to last an eternity. I moaned again and the delicious feeling tongue stopped. I could hear the dogs moving around I had no idea what they were doing. My right wrist was grabbed gently I could feel his teeth as he pulled me over onto my belly again. The other dog gently nipped me on the ass, I squeaked and tried to pull away effectively raising my ass into the air. The dog’s nose entered my pussy lips, he snuffled and snorted deep in my pussy blowing air into my pussy and sucking it back out. It was a very strange feeling. Then his nose became more insisted he would put it under me and raise my hips even farther I was nearly on my toes when he seemed happy. Again I could hear them moving around switching places, I had no idea which dog would touch me next, I had no idea where I would be touched next. I was raised with my ass in the air nearly on my toes hands flat on the ground and I remained that way for some minutes. If I tried to move they both would growl but from different places each time as if they were circling me to just look at my nakedness on view for just them.

Finally I felt the relief of a tongue washing across my pussy and up my ass. I started to sink to my knees but the growls on either side of me kept me in place. The glorious tongue kept working first my clit then my ass. It was insistent and unrelenting I could feel my first orgasm building to the point I wanted to scream, I was too frightened at what they would do to me if I did so I bit my lip and moaned again. Suddenly I was in the throes of one of the greatest orgasms I had ever felt I shuddered hard and still the tongue kept coming and rubbing, I orgasmed again and then again, my clit was getting sore I was too weak to keep my head up much less my ass. I collapsed into the leaves panting in exhaustion. The growls snarls and even bites weren’t enough to make me get back up, I was just too weak. Suddenly I felt both wrists clasped in strong teeth and they pulled me forward to the bench like tree. They placed both my hands on it as I felt a nose nudge my ass to prod me forward onto the bench. Grateful I leaned against it then turned to sit down; in mid motion I heard the snarls and was grabbed and viciously thrown across the tree trunk like a sack of potatoes. My ass was effectively in the air again and I didn’t have to hold it up. “No,” I mumbled, “I need a break, I may pass out if I orgasm again!” My clit was so tingly and sore I couldn’t stand for it to be touched but the tongue started again. I cried out and started wiggling away. Two vicious growls and I was dragged by my sore wrists across the trunk until I was straddling it. My arms were held firmly by two powerful jaws, the trunk sloped downwards to the roots so I had both feet on the ground and my ass in the air again, I effectively couldn’t go anywhere, and the tongue was back I screamed as it washed over my tender clit. Both dogs holding my wrists growled softly as they firmly held me in place.

Suddenly it dawned on me, there was another participant. Who was licking me if both dogs were holding me by my wrists? Now I wished I had never put the blindfold on. I began to struggle against the teeth and the insistent tongue to no avail. My wrists were bloody, and I could feel yet another orgasm building. Then just as I was at the threshold of another orgasm it stopped. There was no sound but the breathing of the two dogs and my own heavy panting. Suddenly I felt a huge weight hit my back I grunted in surprise. I felt something, paws??Hoofs?? On either side of my waist. Again I became panicked I wrestled and struggled. Finally I could feel my blindfold loosen just as I felt a dick press against my anus. I turned and with one eye I could see what was mounting me. It was a huge buck! He had 12 to fifteen points, I didn’t stop to count, I screamed.”NOOOOO!” I felt him thrusting blindly against first my pussy opening then my ass. I tried to struggle but the dogs were too strong. They held me firmly in place against the tree trunk. Finally with one quick thrust he pushed his wiggly dick into my ass. It wasn’t near as big as I feared. He held still for a few moments as if waiting to see if I would accept his dick in my ass. It was as if it was alive. I could feel it wiggling around. He didn’t move but his dick did, it felt like it was corkscrewing my ass. At first I was horrified then the pleasure began to take over I was right at the point of orgasm before he had entered me. As soon as I relaxed slightly he began a fierce thrusting of his dick in and out of me. As if he had to fill me with his cum before another buck could come along. His body pushed me into the trunk of the tree as he pounded and pounded. As quickly as he began he stopped thrusting, I could feel it wiggling inside of me again the intense sensation caused me to start cumming. I moaned as wave after powerful wave of orgasmic sensation washed over my body.

As suddenly as I began cumming he began cumming too, his cum was hot and I felt as if he was blasting it up into my colon. He didn’t thrust anymore just stood there panting as he filled me with his cum. He jumped down and walked away. I lay spent on the tree trunk realizing the dogs no longer held my wrists. I couldn’t move, I was too exhausted. I moaned to myself softly. The Pitt walked over and gently cleaned my entire nether region. Then he lay down beside me, both dogs watched me as I lay exhausted and spent.

After about ten minutes I heard a rustling in the bushes. Afraid of being caught in so compromising of a position, I began to rise, only to be grasped firmly by the dogs and forced back onto the tree trunk. “I can’t take any more, please” I whispered. What had I gotten myself into? I turned my head and watched as the husky came out of the edge of the woods. He turned to look over his shoulder giving a soft woof as if saying wait there I have unfinished business. The pitt jumped up beside my head on the trunk, he grabbed my hair in his teeth, I guess they didn’t want to hurt my wrists anymore, I wasn’t sure. The husky sauntered over to me and growled a warning. He proceeded to lick my ass. Just like before, he washed it the focused strictly on my tiny ass hole. He would force his tongue in and out as if he was trying to retrieve every drop of the bucks cum. I began to wriggle and pant. He definitely knew what I wanted, what I had dreamed about. I so wanted to feel his thick cock buried in my ass and swelling it tightly shut as he filled me with his hot cum. The Pitt half dragged me farther up on the tree trunk so my feet were now dangling on either side. The husky now had a place to mount me from, as he jumped up on the trunk behind me.

I heard the rustling in the bushes again and I turned my head to look. I couldn’t make out what stood there; I just know it was brown so I assumed the buck was watching the proceedings from the bushes. I sure hoped he didn’t want to lick me anymore my clit was so tender every time I moved it would send shudders of mini orgasms thru my body. The husky had now finished his cleaning of me. He began to mount me I felt his dew claws dig into my sides and I raised my head to cry out in agony, as before the Pitt made his move at precisely that moment and mounted my head. Wrapping his powerful front legs around my head, tangling his claws in my hair, and shoving his dick in my mouth. Suddenly I registered the feeling of a dick at my ass and remembering the pain I tensed. But I couldn’t focus on one thing as the Pitt began furiously pounding my mouth. His dick was growing larger and I couldn’t breathe I started to struggle but suddenly my wrists were grabbed and I was held in place I couldn’t look around I couldn’t breathe frantic I gasped for air every time he withdrew a little, I suddenly forgot my need for air as I felt a blinding pain from my ass, man I don’t remember the husky being that big! He slowly forced his big hot dick into my ass, and froze as if enjoying watching me struggle for air, I felt him withdraw a little from my ass and it hurt almost as much as him entering my ass. I moaned which excited the Pitt into even more furious pounding causing me to again temporarily forget the dick in my ass. Suddenly the dick in my ass was rammed home with such force I felt myself slide forward on the tree trunk I felt the Pitts dick bruise the back of my throat. As the furious pounding began in my ass I now forgot about the dick in my mouth, which began cumming, and I nearly drown in the cum, I forgot to swallow as I was focused on the pounding in my ass. I was trying so hard to keep up with all the sensations at once, the suffocating pounding of my face and the blinding pain from my rear, when suddenly Mother Nature took over and I began to orgasm. The waves of pleasure made me forget all pain as I happily swallowed every drop of cum in my throat and mouth. I could feel the Pitts knot pushing against my nose as he desperately tried to force his dick even deeper into my throat. My ass was no longer hurting I was relaxing from my orgasms. (Yes plural) I couldn’t stop orgasming for anything. I felt like I was cumming from my ass and my mouth and my pussy all at once. The dick in my ass quit moving at the same time the Pitts dick began to shrink, I could now focus all on what was going on in my anus. I could feel the blinding pain of a huge dick swelling even more, he couldn’t move anymore as he had swollen to the point I felt as if he would tear me apart. As the Pitts now flaccid dick slipped from my mouth I breathed much needed oxygen into my lungs causing me to collapse forward onto the tree trunk in an intense orgasm, as if my body was just waiting for the right amount of oxygen to power up such a powerful orgasm. I shuddered again and again. Then the dick in my ass chose that moment to release it’s cum, I have never felt so hot of cum before, the husky must be sick or something, cause the cum felt as if it was burning a path to my colon. And still he kept cumming. I weakly raised my head and looked down at the two dogs holding my wrists, right into the eyes of the husky..! Wait! Fearfully I turned my head to look behind me as two sets of teeth tightened on my wrists and four sets of growls told me to stay still, the deepest growl from behind.

I turned and looked into the eyes of a black bear. Who chose that moment to begin pounding my ass again? I squeaked in fear, unable to scream as the huge dick forced its way into and out of my ass. I know he had just finished cumming so the onslaught should end soon. Shouldn’t it?
I didn’t have time to be scared as I felt the massive organ force its way deeper and deeper into my ass. I was starting to get into the rhythm of it and began to move with him. Slowly I was beginning to realize he wasn’t going to eat me, just fuck me to death. He pounded and fucked somehow not crushing me under his massive weight. I didn’t think it was possible to cum again but I did, just as he released another torrent of cum into my sore ass. I came so hard I passed out and the last thing I remember feeling as I slip to the ground was his now limp dick sliding out of my ass.

There is no telling how long I was unconscious but I awoke to my three dogs licking my face and hands. As I moaned and tried to sit up, the husky pushed me back onto a pillow like surface. I looked around I was in a cave, and I was lying on a bed of leaves, which felt very soft under my head. At some point someone had removed my denim skirt and I was now completely naked. The dogs snuggled with me for a while allowing me to rest. I realized I needed to go pee. I stood up and the big mutt stood too. They let me walk out of the cave, I peed behind a tree and the mutt then marked over my pee claiming me as his bitch. They didn’t try to stop me from walking around but I didn’t go far as I realized it was very early in the morning. And I had no idea where I was at. There were no sounds of the town, there was nothing but silence.

I was hungry so I gathered some raspberries and went back to the cave to eat and try and figure out what I was going to do. The Pitt came to me and wined, when I looked at him he had a pile of mushrooms and wild onions, the husky came in dragging a dead rabbit. I found a sharp rock and cleaned the rabbit and using an old technique my deceased father taught me I started a fire by rubbing two sticks together. The three dogs and I had a nice meal and I went and laid down in my leaves too exhausted to care what happened to me, I figured I would figure out how to get home after I slept and regained my strength, that much sex exhausted me… and who knew what these dogs had in store for me next…