(c) 2009 by bilboswild

The Idea borne on desperation

Yanie was a 22 year old Filipina girl, who was down on her luck, and almost considered herself to be a loser, as things never ever seemed to work out for her, and now she was seriously reaching the stage of running out of money. She had been in college trying to further her education, but was under pressure from her parents, to contribute to the family’s income to ensure everyone could live. The only way she could this, to fit in with her schooling was to enrol with one of the studio’s which had girls working in rooms in houses on a cyber sex site. For this type of work where she had to show her body, and perform various sex acts, she got 35 pesos per minute, which equated to just under a $1US, and with an average private being about 10 minutes, you could see she couldn’t earn a lot. Now with the financial meltdown going on through out the world, the whole industry was really beginning to struggle, and it seemed there were more girls than clients.

So her monthly salary was dropping to such an extent, she was finding she didn’t have anything left to send home, was only just able to meet her monthly rent, and had virtually no money left for food, and as each month went by the situation seemed to worsen. She was unable to finish her schooling as money was no longer available to pay the tuition fees or to purchase the required books. She was unable to get any other type of work as she didn’t have the necessary paperwork requirements that were needed in the Phillipines to get a job, as you need NBI clearance, Barrangay clearance to prove you weren’t a criminal, Tin ID along with school confirmation and any educational requirements. This particular month was even more dire, and over the period of 15 months she had been doing the job, her income had dropped from an average of 250 minutes a week to just 30 or 40 minutes.

In this same time she had also built up a few regular clients, and used to chat with them in YM, and for a certain few used to do private shows, providing they sent her money direct using Xoom, Western Union or PayPal, but even this was drying up, and she was now beginning to reach the desperate stage. Anyway she’d been chatting in YM with one of her regulars, and he told her that he’d been watching Japanese TV clips on an internet site, and had seen clips of girls having sex with a dog on TV, and at first it had revolted her. But after thinking about it for a little while, she wondered if there was ways of making it work for her, and re-messaged the guy, asking him to contact her when he was back online. So a couple of days later she received a message saying hello again and how could he help.

She laughed and said money, at which he said at the moment things at tight with me as well, maybe at the end of the month when I get paid again. Ok she conceded that she wasn’t going to get anything from him this time in the way of money. Well can I ask you a few questions, and he replied yes she could. You know the other day when you told me about those clips about Japanese TV and the girl having sex with a dog, yes he replied, well can I ask, did it turn you on? He replied yes in some ways, but not in others, but I have seen other clips and they can make you horny, why? Oh was all she replied, then feeling very nervous and excited at the same time, lets just imagine, would you pay to see someone do a show like that? He replied, it would depend on who it was and very much on how much it was, why? She said, well things are so bad here, was thinking that maybe I might use my YM contacts and see if I could earn a little extra money doing special private shows with a dog, if I can find one locally. He laughed at first, before seeing she was serious, you are serious aren’t you he asked, and she nodded before saying yes, I’m getting desperate for money and need to do something.

He asked if she’d thought this through, and she said not in every detail, but have a basic outline of how I’d do it. Ok he said, talk to me, and explain your plan. Right she said, first I’d need to find somewhere to operate from, along with one or two animals that I could use, then would have to have a good computer with a really good cam, and someone I could trust to assist me. Then I would have 3 levels of charging, why 3? He asked, and she just replied let me finish. Level 1 would be for exclusive shows for one person, and I would do what he asked, providing I was prepared to do it, Level 2 would be slightly lower and one person would have control over what they wanted me to do, but others could watch only, and finally, Level 3 at a lower rate for everyone and they could all chat and request stuff for me to act out. Ok he said, you seem to have thought out the basics, but forget one main point, money in the first place to set it up.

She replied, no I’ve thought about that, whether one of “my friends” would help me, or by chatting with my boss who knows a few people out here. He replied, sorry I couldn’t help you with that sort of money, but think you would be better off chatting to your boss. Because if he knows enough people, then he might know of the perfect location, plus people who have dogs out there, along with already having computers etc. I think the hardest bit is getting enough paying customers, and how you get them, spam emails is probably the best way, but I’m not really sure as I don’t know enough about it, although as I said have watched in on the net, and once in a pub where I used to live one time, and this barmaid, used the pub’s guard dog as her partner. Anyway she promised to let him know if things progressed.

A few days later he was online when she sent a message through, and they began to chat again, going cam to cam as usual, when he asked how’s your plan going? Yanie said ok, my boss is interested and says he will put up the money and will split the fees on 50/50 basis if I will do it, but he has also asked if I can find another girl to work with me, as he said just having only when I worked was not cost effective. But he also wants me to do a show for someone, to see how it works, and if I can do it, so we need someone to act as a member, and I wondered if you would do it, but there is no charge for this first time, coz I’m sure I can do it, but we have someone who has 2 or 3 dogs and is willing to let us use them, if we can make it work, and he is putting word out through his friends and through other girls as well, to see if any of their regulars want a show.

So how about, you will to act as my first customer, on a no fee free show basis, to which I replied of course, but make no mistake I will ask you to do several things you may not like, and told her to visit a particular website, just to see some of the tings the people did on there with various different animals. Then come back and tell me yes or no, and when she wanted to do it.


The test show

Nearly a week went by before I saw her online again, and after exchanging pleasantries we got down to business, and she said yes she’d visited the sites, and although some stuff was gross, others were no more than some of her guests requested her to do to herself, so she had discussed it further with her boss, and told him to set up things for tomorrow night. So I said ok what time you want me to be online then? And she said around 8pm Phil time, which was lunchtime with me, which wasn’t a problem as I wasn’t working any longer. She said I hope you don’t mind, but you will just be a visitor, as my boss has arranged for a business colleague to be my first customer, but you can watch the show for free as my guest and friend. I told her thanks and looked forward to tomorrow.

So I made sure I had done all my jobs, and switched the answer phone on as I didn’t want to be disturbed, and looked forward to my voyeur session, watching Yanie perform with an animal for the first time. I logged into YM and saw her tag was online, and buzzed as she’s requested. I got a brief Hi! And her cam was switched, showing Yanie sat on a leather sofa in just a very short dress, her nipples jutting out through the thin material, which was nothing unusually for her, as she had the most delightful nipples, lovely big long brown ones, with dark matching auralae. Then it began and she was asked to remove the dress, which she quickly pulled over her head, revealing her naked body beneath, no pants either, when she sat back down on the sofa again and began to spread her legs wide apart, as panting could be heard from somewhere out of vision.

Moments later, a lovely black Labrador came into view and moved quickly across to Yanie, being held back by someone, as the dog was still on a lead, but Yanie made a fuss of him, before the handler removed the dogs collar, allowing him to go where he wanted. As he was obviously trained for this he was now licking Yanie’s hands and face, before licking at her thighs and moving towards her opening, she looked at the side and said ok, and lay back on the sofa, drawing her legs further apart, allowing the dog full access to her opening, as a hand moved between the dog, squirting a liquid in and around her opening, making the dog lick her even more determinedly, making Yanie gasp out and say something in Tagalog to whoever was holding the bottle.

I watched with interest, feeling a slight stirring in my own pants at what was on the screen before me, as Yanie edged lower down the sofa letting the dog have access to her groin area completely, so that whenever the dog moved, you could clearly see her pussy and anus, as the dog spread her outer lips every time his large rough tongue rasped upwards between her parted thighs, glancing at her breasts, and again seeing her nipples jutting out rock hard as they normally do when’s she’s either turned on or cold. The a man’s voice said something in Tagalog, and she looked across before she pushed at the dog, and began to move onto her knees, resting her elbows on the sofa, so that you got a really good view of her swollen outer lips, and her gaping pussy, and with that little dark rosebud anus just above it.

No sooner had she turned than the dog was lifting himself astride her back, its paws wrapping quickly around her hips and waist, pulling at her and drawing himself forward as he stabbed at her, trying to find and penetrate her pussy., hearing her gasp out a couple of times, and jerk forward as he obviously hadn’t found the spot, then she cried, oh shit! As the dog had now found something, and was now beginning to pound away at Yanie, gripping her tightly with his paws as he humped and thrust into her body in short fast strokes. Again she said something, unsure of what it was as again it was in Tagalog, but then she spoke again in English, I never realised he’d be this big, wow it feels huge as is pushing deep inside me, seeing her breasts swing in time to the dogs thrusting, rubbing her nipples across the seat swab of the sofa, ensuring they were also being aroused.

This thrust went on for a little longer, when she again said something, oh, he’s stretching me even wider, what’s he doing, as the dog was obviously trying to force his knot inside her to complete the coupling, so I’m sure she hadn’t really taken it in when she viewed the website I’d recommended. Oh he’s going to split me in two she said, then just ohhhhhhhhhhhh! As the know finally slipped inside her lips and into her pussy, before swelling even more to rub against her g-spot as she came for the first time.

Then she was jerking and moaning out again as she experienced her second orgasm of the night, as the dog began to shoot his hot sperm deep into her pussy, pumping what seemed to her as pint after pint, and nearly also making me cum as well from what I’d just watched on the cam, it had also made me incredibly hard and horny as well. For a first time, she’d done pretty well I thought, watching the dog just resting for a few moments astride her back, its paws still wrapped tightly around her body, and so the knelt there for the next 14 minutes, before the dog’ knot began to soften enough for it to pull out of her pussy with a sucking plop noise, seeing the dog’s sperm now seeping from her pussy and down the backs of her legs, as she was told to turn back over and lay back on the sofa again.

I continued to watch, feeling my own hardness throbbing from want of release, when the dog came back into view and began to lap again between Yanie’s spread thighs, licking at the juices seeping from her body, making her quickly become aroused again, as she was still very sensitive, and her clitoris was getting a lot of attention spread this way, until I watched her hips beginning to move and jerk about again as she was nearing her next orgasm, gasping out loudly as it shook her body as that tongue continued licking fiercely at her pussy, until she said no more, please no more as she started to push the dog’s head away from between her legs, her hips still jerking and moving as she pushed him away. Again something was said in Tagalog, and then again in English so others would also understand what was being said.

He wants you to suck the dog off is what I heard, and at first she looked questioningly at the speaker, and than directly at the cam, as although asking me what I thought. I did reply as though I was speaking to her, saying well Yanie, you agreed to this, now you have to do what’s requested, feeling my own cock twitch even more. Watching as she climbed off the sofa and moved around towards the dog’s hind quarters, reaching underneath for his pink cock which was still distended outside his sheath, wrapping her fingers around it and starting to wank him off. Then when she’d got it big enough she leaned forward cautiously moving her face towards it. Extending her tongue first to lick at it, tasting it for the first time, deciding it was too unpleasant, and edged forward again to take the tip between her lips, sucking at him for the first time. She again was surprised at how quickly the dog’s cock began to harden and grow.

I now watched as her head moved backwards and forwards along the length of the dogs cock, wondering if she was enjoying it, of whether she would return back to her normal work as a girl in a cyber sex room. Her chin and mouth was becoming awash with the dog’s pre-cum, as she had quickly got him very hard again, her cheeks swelling out as the dogs cock pushed deep inside her mouth, wondering if she was going to deep throat him, as she seemed to be swallowing him even deep, and my own erection now was pushing uncomfortably against my trousers, so that I had to release it from my own pants, just as she started to gag slightly as the dog was obviously beginning to cum, now pumping his sperm into her mouth, so that she tasted the saltiness of its sperm, until she could swallow no more, pulling her mouth off the cock, seeing the balance shooting across her face and lips, as the dog humped into her hand.

It also tipped me over the edge as well as I also started to pump out my own hot sperm, catching it in my hand as I didn’t want to ruin the carpet, she had been really good, and if this was her first time, she had been really good, she hadn’t really hesitated at any point, she let the dog lick, fuck her, and finally sucked him off and made him cum, me too for that matter, as he watched her stand again before moving to the sofa, and giving the dog a hug, before saying that was the end of this show, at which point the cam went black, as I sat back and thought that I’d better clean myself up, and went through to the bathroom. When I came back my YM had been buzzed and “U There” had appeared in the window, so that I buzzed back and she was quickly online, asking me what I thought and how did it look? I told her it was good, and she said honestly? As though questioning my reply, and laughed and said yes you were really good, you also made me cum as well, let alone the dog. The word really appeared in the screen, and I said yes really, so if you are like that if you do it again, then I think you should get lots of customers. Thanks she said, you don’t think any the less of me, and I said no, who am I to judge or pass judgement. You do what you want to do, but will want to see you again sometime, and with that we said our goodnights, with the final remark lingering on, yes you can watch me again, coz I quite enjoyed myself, even sucking him off.

Good for you Yanie, hope you get some good paydays, to which she replied, tonight earned me as much as a normal month does, so I only have to do one or two shows a week to have a much better living, more food, clothes and money for my family. But I am not going to tell them what I’m doing to earn it though. Anyway take care and goodnight.
