(c) 2011 by Drakon1966

Dana unlocked the front door and led Duke, a brindle and white Great Dane, into her living room and through her house to the back door. She turned him loose in the spacious back yard and watched him for a few moments, loping around, sniffing and marking as he went, then returned to her car for the rest of his things; food, bed, bowls and toys. She had agreed to dog sit for her older brother Dan while he and his wife Kara went on vacation to Hawaii, but she didn’t realize how much stuff that would have to be brought to her place. For a fit twenty five year old, she had to struggle to carry it all in. Dana thought it was strange how Kara made such a big deal about leaving Duke, like he was a child or something. ‘He’s just a dog,’ she thought then putting it out of her mind.

Dana removed her suit coat, placing it over the back of her couch and stepped out of her heels. She unzipped her pencil skirt and removed her blouse, adding them to the pile, and then sat down at her computer to check emails. The week was only half over and she was ready for the weekend to be here. Aside from a couple junk emails she deleted, there wasn’t much to look at. The only one she opened was from her friend Karen who usually sent her unusual things. The subject line read “Eye Candy” and the body had several pictures of a muscular young man in various stages of undress. Dana felt a familiar tingle growing in her loins as she continued to scroll down. In the last three pictures, the man was totally naked and his thick cock stood fully erect in the final one. Her finger made slow circles around her throbbing clit as she massaged it through her rapidly dampening panties and nylons. She was drawing closer and closer to a powerful release when Duke’s thunderous bark broke her concentration.

She pushed back from her desk and looked down the hall toward the back door. Duke sat on the porch with his ears pointed up and starring inside. Dana rolled forward again, hoping if she ignored him that he’d find something else to do. She returned to her nagging clit and quickly regaining the ground she lost from the interruption.

“WOOF!” Duke barked again.

With a heavy sigh, Dana dropped her head and went to let the persistent hound in. When she opened the door, Duke burst in, knocking over her laundry basket and nearly flooring Dana in the process.

“Duke!” she said in a frustrated voice, “Why did you have to go and do that?”

Duke was prancing back and forth around her as she bent over to pick up the scattered clothes. He was sniffing the air then poked his cold nose in between her legs from behind.

“Stop it Duke,” Dana said, pushing his head away with one hand.

She had gathered the last few garments and was about to put them in the basket when Duke’s broad tongue ran up her wet crotch.

“DUKE!” she shouted turning to face him as a shiver ran through her, “What do you think you’re doing? That’s a bad dog!” pointing a finger while she scolded him. His ears dropped and he hung his head and whined. At the sight of this, Dana’s tone softened and she knelt down to rub Duke’s head.

“I’m sorry I shouted at you but that wasn’t very nice.”

She stood and filled one of his bowls with food then headed for her room to get cleaned up, collecting her work clothes on the way. The light on Dana’s answering machine was flashing, so she punched the button as she passed. Karen’s voice sprang from the speakers.

“I thought you’d be home by now. I hope you liked the email I sent you. I’ll be flying in on Friday at 9:30 pm. Don’t forget to pick me up. See ya then.”

Dana was happy to hear that her grade school friend was going to be able to visit her over the week end. They hadn’t seen each other in a long time; about a year or so. It was around the time Dana had broken up with her last boy friend and Karen came to console her in a very intimate way. Dana had her first and only girl/girl experience with Karen during the summer before they went to college, up until that time. Dana had always preferred men but Karen went both ways with equal enthusiasm.

She continued to her room and tossed her clothes on the bed. She stared the shower then removed her bra, panties and hose, leaving them on the floor at the foot of her bed. Thoughts of the muscular hunk were lingering in her mind along with Karen when she stepped into the warm flow of water.


Still toweling herself off, Dana nearly tripped over Duke who was lying on the floor in front of the bathroom chewing on her discarded panties.

“What the hell…,” her words trailed off as she noticed her shredded pantyhose next to him as well, “It’s a good thing for you that these weren’t expensive!”

She yanked the torn panties from his mouth and picked up the ruined hose and threw them in the trash in the bathroom.

“What’s wrong with you?” she asked ushering him out of her room and closing the door.


The remainder of the week passed without incident, and Dana was thankful. The rocky beginning she and Duke had that first night raised her stress level beyond belief, but now the two of them had figured out each others boundaries and were getting along well. Dana even looked forward to Duke’s enthusiastic welcome when she got home from work. He’d roll on his back so she could scratch his chest then race around the room and flop at her feet for more.

Tonight, though they didn’t get a chance to play since Dana wanted to get ready for Karen’s arrival. She sat briefly at her computer and saw a new email from Karen. It was more pictures of the young stud but this time he wasn’t alone. The pictures showed him having sex with a pretty blonde with long hair and big boobs. She was surprised because at a glance, the woman looked a lot like her. Dana scrolled through the pictures of the couple in various positions but when she reached the one with the woman on her hands and knee and the guy stabbing his big cock in her from behind she stopped and starred. Dana envisioned him driving his cock into her and a flood of desire filled her with wanton need. Her hand went to her already wet sex, pushing into the waist bands of her hose and panties, as she fingered her stiff clit with a vengeance.

Duke stood nearby and nudged her arm with his nose. She gave him a quick pat on the head with her free without taking her eyes off the images on the screen. She slouched in her chair a bit, turning sideways so she would have room to stretch out her legs. Dana felt herself drawing nearer to orgasm. Duke nudged her again and moved between her out stretched legs. When Dana briefly removed her hand from her dripping pussy, Duke ran his tongue over the growing wet spot.

“Duke no…Ohhhhh,” Dana started to scold him but her orgasm cut her short.

He lapped at the wetness in her underwear and she wanted him to stop but it just felt too good. Duke continued to lick her crotch through the entire duration of her orgasm but when she began to recover, Dana pushed him away.

‘What have I done? I just let a dog lick my pussy! There must be something wrong with me because I enjoyed it,’ Dana thought to herself. She felt depraved and dirty but the lingering pleasure tempered her disgust. Duke move forward again but she held him back. Dana stood and was about to go get cleaned up when the persistent animal licked her again. His tongue pressed against her throbbing clit and even though it was covered by her underwear, it sent a violent shiver through her. Now her mind was contemplating an even more wicked idea, removing her undergarments and giving him better access. The thought made her shudder but was it from the depravity or the desire to experience it? She wasn’t sure.

Dana’s thumbs went into the waist bands of her hose and panties, pushing them down to her ankles. She untangled herself from the garments and stood before the magnificent beast with her legs spread. She patted her abdomen and Duke stuck his nose right into her wet sex. His tongue cleaved into her moist folds making her toes curl.

“OH my GOD!” she gasped feeling his tongue dragging over her erect clit. On the next pass it snaked inside her and her knees nearly gave out.

Dana looked at the clock on her desk. It read 5:47pm. She needed to leave for the airport by 9:00pm to pick up Karen so she had time to indulge her lustful cravings. Dana led Duke to her bedroom and sat at the foot of the bed with her knees together. She was trembling with excitement. Duke sat before her, his tail thumping on the carpet. She eased her legs open and Duke pushed them wide as he moved in. He rapidly lapped at her pussy, his tongue exploring every inch of her exposed sex, plunging in to scoop out more of her honey or scouring over her sensitive clit. Dana fell back onto the bed gasping and crying out in total ecstasy. In moments she was consumed by a monstrous orgasm. She pinched her nipples and writhed on the bed from his ferocious oral onslaught. As her orgasm subsided she had to push him away from her hyper-sensitive pussy. She was still breathing heavy when she sat up and saw Duke pacing back and forth in front of her. He whimpered then tried to get at her wet valley once more.

She closed her legs tight and pushed him back saying, “I can’t take anymore of your tongue right now.”

He continued to pace then suddenly jumped up, putting his front legs on the bed and almost knocking Dana backward. As she tried to get him off the bed, she felt something hot touch her knee. It was his cock, partially exposed from its sheath pressing against her leg, squirting his warm pre cum on her thighs. Duke jumped down and Dana could see 4” of his inflamed cock as he went back to pacing. She couldn’t believe how big and thick it was and how it was making her pussy burn with desire. It was then her mind came up with the unthinkable, letting Duke fuck her. He whined and she looked back into his eyes. She could see his frustration and it made her melt inside. She took his head in her hands and kissed him between his ears.

“I guess I owe you for what you’ve done for me,” she said as she got onto the floor beside him.

Dana wasn’t sure what to do next. She was afraid his massive bulk would be too much for her to support on her hands and knees so she laid her upper body on the bed and kept her knees on the floor. Duke jumped to his feet and started licking her dripping furrow again. She swayed her hips side to side in hopes he would mount her, which he did. His front legs closed around her waist and he made slow, jerky, probing thrusts, seeking entrance to her inner depths. His cock sprayed pre cum on her and poked at her legs, ass and thighs but he hadn’t found what he was looking for. She was thinking that this wasn’t going to work when the tip of his fiery cock entered her welcoming pussy. Before she could react, Duke pulled her backward as he made rapid powerful thrusts, impaling her fully on his rigid member. Dana’s hands clenched the sheets and her mouth opened as it if to cry out but no sound escaped. The sudden intrusion of eight thick inches of hard dog cock into her tight pussy, took her breathe away, and a bit of pain mixed with a whole lot of pleasure had a hand in her silent scream.

Duke thrust into her with a speed and force that could not be believed by the young woman. It was all she could do to remember to keep breathing. Duke’s head rested on her shoulder as his hammering thrusts continued to drive him deeper into her. A deep guttural groan filled the air as Dana came harder than she ever had in her life. Her eyes rolled back and she was close to passing out when the quaking tremors rumbled through her body. She was aware of something slapping at her flared lips but in the haze of orgasmic rapture, she didn’t seem to care until Duke forced it inside her.

“Uuuuhhh!” she grunted as his knot passed the tight ring of muscles guarding the entrance to her pussy.

It really didn’t hurt do to the overwhelming pleasure she was receiving but she could feel it swelling along with Duke’s massive cock. It was stretching her to her limits and filling her completely. The tip of his cock was pressing into her cervix and the knot felt like a large orange inside her, throbbing against her g spot. A gush of liquid heat sprayed into her womb as Duke began to cum. She came again too! Her shrieks of ecstasy muffled by the sheets she was screaming into. Duke was no longer thrusting, just rocking his hips side to side. He had released his vise like grip on Dana’s waist and stood on the bed with his front legs on either side of her rib cage and his back legs on the floor.

Once again Dana regained her senses and tried to control her breathing. The tugging of Duke’s knot against her opening as he moved kept her in a heightened state of arousal. She expected the enormous amount of dog cum, flowing into her uterus, would be leaking out of her by now but the knot had her sealed up like a cork in a bottle. Minutes passed then Duke turned and stood ass to ass with her, continuing to pump his hot seed into her heavily work pussy. Each time he shifted she had an orgasm. Some were small but when she would touch her aching clit, she would explode.

She looked at the clock on her night stand with blurry vision and could just make out the time; 6:20. She had been tied with Duke for over twenty minutes and he continued cumming. It had diminished in force but she could still feel it squirting into her pussy. Also she could feel his cock and knot gradually shrinking but it was far too large to be pulled out yet. Dana was exhausted but totally satisfied as she lay with her eyes closed basking in the after glow of the most intense sexual experience she ever had. There cam a low rumble from Duke. She felt it more than heard it along with him tugging at her.

“Duke stay!” she said after a sharp gasp but didn’t lift her head, “Good boy…stay.”

A moment later the rumble returned but this time she heard it. Duke had let out a low growl and the tremors carried to her through the union of their bodies and she moaned in pleasure, but when he tugged at her again she turned to look at him. He was starring at the bedroom door. Dana saw to her horror Karen standing in the doorway; eyes wide and mouth a gape.


Karen’s last client cancelled their meeting so she decided to drive straight to the airport and see if she could get an earlier flight to Dana’s neck of the woods. Sure enough, there was several to choose from so she picked the one that flew direct. It would put her in there around a quarter to six. She started to dial Dana’s number but then hung up. ‘I’ll surprise her,’ she thought to herself.

Karen parked her rental car in front of Dana’s house at 6:17pm. Dana’s car was in the drive way so Karen knew she was home. She left her bags in the car and decided to just knock on the door and see her friend’s reaction. She knocked on the door and waited. Nothing. She knocked again and again there was no answer. ‘Maybe she’s in the shower?’ Karen thought. She dug through her purse and found the key that Dana had given her the last time she had visited. She eased the door open and walked in, quietly closing it behind her. Karen heard what she thought were the sounds of passion coming from the bedroom. She was thinking Dana may be having a little fun before she had to pick her up at the airport. The thought of seeing Dana having sex with a hot guy was getting her turned on. She removed her heels and quietly padded down the hall.

When she reached the door to Dana’s room Karen was shocked at the sight she saw. Dana was naked with her upper body lying on the foot of her bed with her knees on the floor. A magnificent Great Dane stood behind her with his ass pressed to hers. They were obviously tied and Dana seemed to be in heaven by the sound of her moans. The big beast was starring at Karen and she wasn’t sure if he was friendly or not. A low growl came from him and he leaned forward, making Dana moan louder.

“Duke stay!” Dana said softly gasping, “Good boy…stay.”

The next time he growled, Dana turned and saw Karen’s mouth hanging open and eyes wide, standing at the doorway. Dana’s whole body blushed as she met her friends shocked gaze.

“OH MY GOD! Karen! What are you doing here?” she said, then buried her face in the sheets.

Dana wanted to run and hide but in her present condition she could do neither. She began to cry. Karen could see her friend wracked with sobs as she hid her face and it snapped Karen back to reality. She felt terrible making Dana cry and tried to sooth her.

“Its ok honey, don’t cry,” she said slowly stepping into the room.

Her soft words made Duke relax and his tail start wagging so she moved to the side of the bed to comfort her friend.

“Ssssshhhhhh…don’t cry honey, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” Karen said stroking Dana’s long blond hair.

“You weren’t supposed to see me like this. You weren’t supposed to know. This is horrible! You must think I’m a terrible, disgusting person…Oooohhhhhhh,” Dana replied still hiding her face as Duke shifted again.

Dana had a small orgasm when Duke turned toward the new female in the room. His head was up and he sniffed the air, watching her every move.

“I don’t think any such thing. You’re beautiful,” Karen said, feeling a wave of arousal wash over her as she watched her friend tremble in pleasure.

Dana stopped sobbing then pushed herself up and looked into Karen’s warm brown eyes.

“What?…What did you say?”

“You look beautiful,” she repeated wiping the tears from Dana’s cheeks.

“Ha…How can that be? I’m laying her naked with a dogs cock stuck in me, and my best friend in the room who caught me like this…,” her words trailed off.

Duke shifted again and Dana was hit by another small climax. Her cheeks reddened even more once she recovered, seeing Karen watching her intently.

“That right there was beautiful…and sexy…and erotic,” Karen said running her hand down Dana’s back to her firm ass.

She inspected the union of her and Duke’s bodies. The knot was causing Dana’s lips to flare outward each time Duke moved. Karen moved her hand under the two of them and felt Duke’s velvety balls then she touched Dana’s inflamed clit and sent her spinning into a new vortex of pleasure. Dana was bucking wildly and crying out in ecstasy. Duke move forward and his deflating knot pulled free of Dana’s clenching pussy. She let out a sharp scream and collapsed onto the bed again. Karen watched as a torrent of cloudy white liquid cascaded out of her friend’s pussy like a miniature Niagara Falls and splashed to the carpet. Duke was there immediately to start licking her clean. She groaned as his tongue lapped at her outer folds and plunged into her depths. When he finished with her and cleaned the carpet too, Duke laid down and cleaned himself.

Karen held Dana’s hand while Duke did his work. She had two more orgasms before he was finished then succumbed to her exhaustion. Karen helped Dana onto the bed and pulled the covers over her groggy friend to let her rest. She kissed her on the fore head then quietly left the room.


Dana awoke disoriented in a darkened room. She was in her bed and under the covers but she felt like something was wrong. ‘Had it been a dream,’ she wondered briefly, and then felt the soreness of her muscles and the tenderness of her pussy. She looked at the clock which read 9:12pm and she panicked. She had to pick up Karen. But wait, she remembered Karen was by her side before she passed out. Dana could hear the TV in the living room. Embarrassment, shame and doubt filled her as she rose and put on her knee length silk robe and walked down the hall. She could see Karen’s long brown hair hanging down over the back of the couch as she approached.

“Mmmmmm…you’re a good boy Duke,” Karen said softly, scratching him on the head.

Dana looked on in amazement at her friend on the couch. Karen had changed out of her business attire and into a tank top and shorts, but the tank top was pulled up over her firm breasts and her shorts lay on the cushion next to her. One of her legs was on the coffee table and the other was on the floor with Duke sitting between them lapping at her exposed pussy.

“KAREN!” Dana exclaimed coming around to face her friend.

Startled, Karen sat up and pushed Duke back.

“Oh…Dana! I uh…I hope I didn’t disturb you? I was just…,” Karen fell silent unable to finish her thought.

Dana wasn’t sure what to feel at that moment. She sat on the other end of the couch from Karen in silence. Neither woman spoke for several moments then Duke thrust his muzzle back into Karen’s wet crotch.

“Duke! No!” she pushed him away then chuckled nervously.

Dana remained silent then Duke tried again to get at her pussy. Karen shoved him back once more.

“Persistent isn’t he?” Dana finally said with a meek smile.

Karen was about to respond when Duke made another attempt.

“DUKE! Enough!” Karen said sternly.

To both their surprise, Duke stepped back and sat down. Dana and Karen looked at one another then back to Duke.

“I guess you have to know the right command,” Karen said, “You’ve trained him well.”

“I didn’t train him,” Dana replied.

“It’s hard to believe he’s a natural at…well, you know. When I saw you two together I just figured you did a good job training your dog.”

“Duke belongs to my brother and I didn’t train him. Karen…about what you saw. I’ve never done anything like that before. It just happened. Things started happening and…well you saw,” Dana said, unable to look Karen in the eye.

Karen didn’t reply.

“Then I find you out here with Duke licking your pussy, what’s up with that?”

“Once I got you into bed, I brought in my stuff and put it in the guest room. I couldn’t get you two out of my head. I was so turned on that my panties were soaked and Duke was pestering me the whole time, trying to get at my pussy. So I changed into some shorts and this tank top and tried to watch TV. I finally gave into Duke’s advances and here I am,” Karen finished by opening her arms and pointing at herself.

They both laughed and Dana leaned over and embraced her friend. Karen reassured Dana that their shared secret would stay just between them. Karen then explained how she had come to be there so early along with other trivial details of her day. They were still holding onto one another when Karen finished. There was a long silence then Dana kissed Karen gently on the lips. Karen pulled her close and returned her kiss and their passing began to grow. Karen’s hand moved under Dana’s robe and found her damp sex. Dana pulled back suddenly in pain, air hissing through clenched teeth.

“I’m still a bit sensitive down there right now,” she said seeing the concerned look on Karen’s face.

“I’m sorry,” Karen replied, “I was thinking we could…”

Duke let out a loud whine and began thumping his tail on the carpet, causing Karen to cut her statement short. They both looked at Duke. His fiery red cock was starting to poke out of its sheath. They looked back at each other again.

“I think he’s ready to play again,” Dana remarked looking to see Karen’s reaction, “How many orgasms did he give you before I interrupted?”

“He was working on my second when you walked in,” Karen smiled then turned to Duke spreading her legs wide and patting her mound, “Come on, big boy.”

Duke was between her legs in a flash, lapping at her moist valley. Karen moaned loudly and gripped Dana’s thigh. Dana took one of Karen’s rock hard nipples into her mouth, sucking and licking while she rolled the other between her fingers. Karen’s body stiffened as her second orgasm took hold of her and shook her violently. Duke furiously devoured the fresh supply of honey that she was producing, making Karen writhe even more. Then without warning, Duke sat back down and whined. She patted her sex again and he licked her briefly then began to pace back and forth. They could both see more of his cock protruding from its sheath.

“I think he wants to do more than just lick you,” Dana said, sitting up.

“I think you’re right.”

“Come on, lets get more comfortable,” Dana said as she stood and pulled Karen up by the hand.

They returned to Dana’s room with Duke following close behind. Dana climbed on the bed to watch what Karen would do.

“I’m gonna do it like you did,” Karen said kneeling at the foot of the bed, “He’s too big for me to hold up.”

She placed her right elbow on the bed and looked over her shoulder at Duke. He was pacing behind her but hadn’t tried to mount or lick her. She patted her ass and Duke moved in and licked her dripping pussy. She moaned long and deep as his tongue prepared her for him. Karen shuddered as a climax began to build but before she could reach her release, Duke mounted her. His powerful front legs closed around her waist and he was making slow probing thrusts with his hips. He was coating her ass and legs with hot pre cum but hadn’t yet found her needy pussy. She lowered her body and arched her back and his thick cock found the target. The tip went in then pulled out but when he felt her wet heat he yanked her backward several inches, stabbing two thirds of his rigid pole into her warm depths.

“HOLY SHIT!” Karen exclaimed as the rapid thrusting began.

Duke pounded into Karen hard and fast, driving home the remainder of his cock into her pussy. His head came to rest on her shoulder like he had done with Dana. Karen screamed as her impending climax crashed over her like a tidal wave. Her deafening cries split the air for the entire length of that orgasm and the next.

“My god…he’s huge…uh…uh…uh…and he’s still growing…uh…uh…AAAHHHHH!” Karen screamed again as Duke shoved his knot into her already stuffed pussy.

His thrusts shortened but speed up while his cock and knot swelled to fill Karen’s vagina to its maximum capacity. She was groaning and quaking from one orgasm after another. Dana watched in total fascination at what was happening to her friend, remembering how just hours earlier it was her in that position. The fire between her legs was burning once again out of control, all moral conflict now gone from her mind.

“OH MY GOD! He’s cumming in me…AAAHHHHHHH,” Karen cried as Duke’s seed flooded into her womb.

Dana was lying on her side in front of Karen mindlessly massaging her own breasts as she watched. Karen pulled Dana to her and hungrily kissed her. Their tongues coiled and twisted in a constant duel only stopping long enough for Karen to cry out in ecstasy from each climax.

Duke eventually released his grip on Karen’s waist, standing with his front paws flanking her sides. He shuffled his stance side to side for a few moments then turned to stand on the floor with his ass pressed to hers. She moaned as his movements tugged at the huge knot inside, pulling it tight against her g spot. Its relentless throb bringing more carnal pleasure with each passing minute as more doggie cum was pumped into her uterus.

“I’m being filled like a human water balloon,” Karen commented, dropping her head as a fresh orgasm rumble through her.

Dana caressed and kissed her friend, squeezing Karen’s tits then her own. They lost count of Karen’s orgasms as Duke tested his union with his bitch from time to time. Dana moved off the bed to look at their coupling and finger Karen’s clit, sending her screaming into a new world of pleasure. Dana returned to her post in front of Karen and they kissed softly for a few minutes before Duke pulled free of Karen’s tight hole. He hadn’t lasted as long with her as he had with Dana but Karen wasn’t complaining. Duke lapped up their combined fluids from her gaping pussy then the carpet and finally himself.

Karen crawled up the bed until she reached the pillows then collapsed and rolled onto her back panting. Dana cuddled up beside her and they caressed each other in silence while Karen basked in the afterglow of her monumental fucking.

“Duke is one amazing lover!” she finally said.

“He rocked my world,” Dana agreed, “And just think, I never considered doing something like this until he licked my pussy while I was looking at those pictures you sent me, but it was the best sex ever!”

“He’s definitely well trained for sex with a woman,” Karen commented.

“How would you know that?” Dana asked turning to look at her friend.

“Because Duke wasn’t my first.”

Dana’s eyes flew wide at Karen’s revelation.


“He’s definitely well trained for sex with a woman,” Karen commented.

“How would you know that?” Dana asked turning to look at her friend.

“Because Duke wasn’t my first.”

Dana’s eyes flew wide at Karen’s revelation. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had known her since grade school but they hadn’t become really good friends until half way through high school. Dana thought she knew everything about Karen but apparently not.

“Well when was your first time?” Dana asked.

Karen didn’t answer immediately. She considered what may happen if her friend new the details of her first encounter with a canine, but then she realized what they had just shared. Why would it matter if she knew?

“Back during the summer before we went to college,” she began, “I was dating Jason Henley, remember?”

“Ya…He was a real jerk. You only were dating him because he was hung like a horse.”

“That’s beside the point. Anyway, his grand father passed away and he and his parents flew back east for the funeral over a weekend. He called me to house sit, so I went over to their house…”

Karen pulled up in front of Jason’s house at just before 9am Friday morning. She could see his dad loading luggage into their BMW. She walked up the sweeping drive to where he was just as he closed the trunk.

“Hi Mr. Henley,” she said giving him a hug, “I’m sorry to hear about your father. I hope you’re doing ok?”

“Thank you for you concern but I’m fine,” he replied, “JASON! Karen’s here.”

Karen continued up the walkway toward the front door and met Linda Henley. They didn’t say anything as they passed because Jason’s mom didn’t like Karen for whatever reason. Jason was at the front door holding some keys and a piece of paper with a somber look on his face.
“Hey baby,” Karen said jumping into his arms and kissing him full on the lips, “I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’m gonna miss you too. Jack’s in the back yard. Here are the instructions on how to take care of him, the birds and fish. The first number is for my aunt’s house where we’ll be staying and the other is my dad’s cell phone. If Jack gets out, the first place to look is down there at the Peterson’s,” Jason pointed down the block toward a big two story home on the corner, “That’s his girl friend’s house.”

“His girl friend?” Karen asked with a funny look on her face.

“Ya…they have a female Shepard that he goes down to visit and they knock it out, but we raised the fence so I don’t think he will be able to get out now.”

“She’s gonna miss his cock,” she said stepping close to Jason and caressing his cock through his jeans, “Like I’m gonna miss yours.”

They kissed passionately until the horn of the car made them stop. Jason jogged to the rear passenger door and waved before climbing in. The Henley’s pulled out of the drive way and headed down the street while Karen watched them go. She was very horny knowing she wouldn’t get any of Jason’s big cock for at least the next three days. She looked at the paper Jason had given her and walked into the house.

The Henley’s were very well off and had a magnificent home. Karen loved being there and would enjoy feeling like this house was hers for the weekend. She went to the back yard to see Jack, their 4 year old black lab and mastiff mix. He was a 145 pound pussy cat around Karen. He never jumped or barked at her and always lavished her with ‘kisses’ when she was over. She scratched his head as she walked around the pool to the shed where the pumps were and turned on the pool heater. She planned on using the facilities to their fullest. She returned to her car, got her bag and put it in Jason’s room, planning to spend every night in his bed rather than the guest room, then began to get undressed.

Karen laid a towel on one of the chase lounges by the pool and stripped off her wrap revealing a very skimpy bikini. She saw Jack lying in the shade, gnawing on a bone she gave him earlier as she walked to the pools edge. She dove into the cool water and made a quick lap before climbing out to catch some rays. Karen kept hearing Jason’s words about Jack and his girl friend and it made her feel funny but she wasn’t sure why. She noticed the warmth in her pussy still lingering after the hasty goodbye she and Jason had. The feel of his cock through his pants in her hand made her very horny. It wasn’t long before her fingers found their way to her pussy and began massaging her erect clit. She bucked her hips and ground her sex against her fingers as a huge orgasm began to build. Karen dipped a finger into her frothing valley, then another. She was about to cry out in pure ecstasy when Jack licked her face.

“Oh Jack! Yuck, you slobbered all over me!”

Her moans had gotten his attention and he had come over to investigate. Karen removed her hand from her bikini bottoms and sat up, wiping his drool from her cheek and neck. She was mad for being interrupted but not really. She loved Jack and his playful nature. She scratched his ears and he laid his head on her stomach.

“This isn’t gonna work Jack. Go lay down,” she told him.

He raised his head then began sniffing the air. He found Karen’s damp fingers intriguing. His tongue shot out to taste the wonderful smelling digits. Karen thought it was cute at first then was fascinated at how his tongue moved over, around and between her fingers. It was very stimulating to her. Once he was satisfied he had gotten all that was on them he searched for more. When his head went to her crotch, she pushed him away. He moved around the end of the lounge and tried again.

“No Jack!” she shouted, pushing him away more forcefully.

His persistence was admirable but she needed to finish what she started or she would go crazy. Karen finally decided she would have to go inside and reached for her wrap. Jack took her momentary distraction to stick his nose in her crotch and have a taste. His broad tongue swept up her bikini covered sex making her jump.

“HEY!” she shouted and stood up quickly, causing the lounge to skid loudly on the concrete.

Her sudden movement startled Jack and he moved back. Karen had shuddered from his sudden unwanted advance. Disgust and embarrassment surged through her along with a strange feeling of arousal. That arousal concerned her. ‘There has got to be something wrong with me. It’s wrong to feel like that from a dog. Why am I thinking about him?’ she thought as she backed away from Jack. He watched her leave but didn’t move to follow.

Karen walked into the air conditioned house and went straight to Jason’s room. She sat on the bed for a moment as her thoughts ran wild. She felt dirty and depraved, horrified and yet aroused all at the same time. Her pussy nagged to be satisfied but her mind grappled with the moral dilemma over her unnatural urge to explore what Jack had done to her. She decided to take a shower in hopes it would clean away more than just the chlorine from the pool.

After drying off, Karen opened her lap top and began to search the internet for more on the subject of sex between humans and dogs. The shower had cleansed her body but not her mind. She quickly found more than she bargained for. Lots of pictures and videos of women engaging in all forms of sexual acts with animals, not just dogs, but she focused on the canine side of this new perversion of hers.

The images assaulted her senses, making her wet and feel repulsed. She found herself seeking the ones with dogs giving women oral satisfaction. The looks of ecstasy on their faces and the cries of pleasure tore down the remnants of her moral resistance, but then Karen saw a video of a woman jacking off a large Shepard before he mounted her and fucked the day lights out of her. The shock she felt was equaled by the flood of arousal. She mindlessly reached for her drenched sex and the moment her finger came in contact with her stiff clit, she came.

The intensity of her orgasm surprised her as she nearly bucked her computer off her lap. The flood of her juices soaked the towel she sat on and the bed spread below. When Karen finally recovered, she felt ashamed but that passed quickly. Now she wanted to see if Jack could please her like she had witnessed other canines doing for the women they were with. She read some ‘How to’ articles on the subject then put on a robe and went down stairs to get Jack. She made a stopped in the kitchen for some peanut butter, just in case, then called Jack to her.

He ran to her call and rushed into the house. Jack was excited to be inside and was jumping around as Karen led him to Jason’s room. He was sniffing the air, following her closely. Once in the room she closed the door as he roamed around the room and eventually zeroed in on the towel on the bed. His sensitive nose took in the powerful aroma and he even licked at the material a few times. Karen removed her robe and sat back down on the towel then leaned back on the bed. Jack licked at her thighs then her wet pussy. She gasped at his warm tongue passing over her moist folds.

“Mmmmmm…that’s a good boy,” she cooed softly.

She spread her legs as wide as she could, holding them open for her four legged lover. She could feel his tongue plunge into her depths then bathe her lips and clit in warm saliva. Karen began to quake with tremors of pleasure as a new orgasm shook her very core.

“OH GOD YES!” she screamed.

Jack continued to lap at the fresh flood of womanly nectar, but soon Karen had to push him away from her over stimulated pussy. She lay panting on the bed for several minutes in the euphoric after glow of her first canine induced orgasm. Jack sat softly whining as if he wanted more. Karen sat up and looked at him. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he panted but the sight of his bright red cock poking out of its sheath captured her attention. It was only out a few inches but she could see how big and thick it was. Karen had always been a bit of a ‘size queen’, that’s why she liked Jason so much. Now she was seeing something even bigger and it was making her uncomfortably horny.

Jack stood and moved closer. She lovingly scratched his head and stroked the soft fur down his body, moving her hands closer to his mighty penis. Once she reached his sheath, her hand closed around the furry cover. The heat of his cock was intense and she slowly stroked him. His hips began to move, turning into violent thrusts. Her wrist and arm were being coated in his hot pre cum. She was beside herself with excitement at the prospect of feeling this huge cock being thrust into her. She released him and got onto the floor. He began to jump around her excitedly as if they were going to play. He pounced and pawed at her, knocking her over a couple times.

Karen finally got on her hands and knees and crawled around like she had seen the women in the videos do. Jack jumped and continued to paw at her playfully. She wantonly displayed her drooling vagina to him and he would lick her but didn’t try to mount her. When he stood beside her, she reached for his cock and gave him a few strokes, making him hump the air vigorously, then turned her backside to him. He mounted her immediately and began humping but dismounted after only a half dozen thrusts. This happened again and again. Karen was getting frustrated and tired trying to support his weight. On the next attempt she reached between her legs to help guide him in. This was more productive. He managed to get the tip in but had trouble maintaining a coupling.

“What am I doing wrong?” she wondered out loud.

Her pussy was hungry for cock and she needed to cum so once again she tempted Jack to mount her. This time when his flaming hot cock pushed into her pussy she dropped her shoulders to the floor. Jack thrust forward and drove about half of his 9” penis into Karen’s creamy hole. His grip tightened and he yanked her backward, impaling her fully on his cock.

“OH GOD!” she cried, “Yes…yes…YES!”

The powerful orgasm, lurking just beyond her grasp, exploded within her. Jack’s thrusts were erratic and he was jerking side to side. Karen could feel his knot slapping at her entrance but he wasn’t able to bury it in her before it was too large to enter. She could feel the scalding hot cum gushing into her convulsing canal. She came hard again. Jack suddenly pulled out and squirted his seed on her thighs, ass and calves. She collapsed to the floor as the flood of cum drained from her opening. She had hoped to feel his knot inside her but they could work on that since it was only Friday afternoon and the Henley’s wouldn’t be back before Sunday evening.


“So did Jack tie with you?” Dana asked, excited to hear more.

“Well not that day. I was a bit sore and tired. He was a BIG dog. I did get his knot in me a couple times before they came home but we never tied. He was just too erratic. I would have loved to have that monster in me, because he was even bigger than Duke here,” she said pointing to the Dane lying on the floor near by, “And that’s how I know Duke is trained. He didn’t need to be told what to do, was very calm in what he was doing and when Jack finished, he gave me a couple quick licks then went to lie down. Where as Duke licked us both clean afterward. Now to the real question. Do you think Kara trained him by herself or did Danny help her? Does he even know?”

Dana couldn’t answer. She sat and stared at Karen who had a cynical look on her face. It was plain that she believed Kara had done the training without Dan’s knowledge.

Dan worked on an off shore drilling rig and he would be gone for two weeks then off for two. That’s a long time to go without sex. She had always struck Dana as a nympho too. She had also been surprised that Dan even let her get a dog as he really wasn’t into pets, saying they made it difficult to go anywhere because you always had to make arrangements for them. It was beginning to look like Karen’s unspoken assessment was right. Kara may have done this herself and Dan doesn’t know of her sexual escapades.

“I just can’t believe it,” Dana finally said with a look of dismay, “I guess if she did do this to fill in the time without Dan, I should be thankful. It’s better than her cheating on him with another man. If she is fucking Duke, how can she take that huge thing? We’re both nearly six feet tall but she’s barely 5’-2” and very petite. I’d think he’d split her in two.”

“I don’t know but she’s no innocent virgin. Maybe she’s a size queen too. Are you gonna confront her over this?” Karen asked.

“I’m not sure. At least we can enjoy Duke’s training for now. They’ll be back a week from today so I’ve got time to think about it.”

They both considered the possibilities for their weekend together with Duke. Dana would have to make a decision at some point and that could make things between her and her sister-in-law very tense.


Dana awoke to the annoying screech of her alarm. It was 6:00 am Monday morning. ‘Where had the weekend gone?’ she wondered. It was a blur of sexual pleasure between her and Karen and Duke. The two women were worn out by the time Sunday evening rolled around when Karen had to depart for the airport. They didn’t do much of what they had originally planned for their time together. Duke seemed to have dominated that time, not that they were complaining. Dana rose up to a sitting position and she could feel every muscle in her lower body protesting. Duke got up from his bed on the floor and eagerly greeted her, poking his nose into her crotch.

“Oh…not this morning big boy, I gotta go to work and my pussy needs some time off,” she said regretfully to her four legged friend, then went to the bathroom to get her morning started.

The work days passed slowly to Dana. Her thoughts were filled with Duke and his incredible cock. She couldn’t believe she was still fantasizing about it even after the debauchery she had been part of over the weekend, yet just the thought of his thick member and massive knot made her wet. The nights on the other hand raced by and it felt as though each morning had come just moments after her eyes had closed. She let Duke have his way with her each night but only once as she was usually very sore afterward and very tired. She still wasn’t sure how she would bring up the subject with Kara about Duke and his ‘training’ but she had some time to work that out.

It would be difficult to take Duke home now that Dana had become accustomed to his company. Dan had called her to let her know that they would be in late Friday night and there was no need to bring Duke home until Saturday. As her Friday work day drew to a close, Dana decided to not have sex with Duke that evening. She would give him a hand job or even a blow job, like she’d seen Karen do over the weekend, but not let him fuck her. She wanted to build up some sexual tension in herself and Duke then on Saturday morning, she would indulge him until they had to leave. That thought of him leaving brought tears to her eyes as she pulled into her driveway. It was then a plan began to form in her mind to allow her to see Duke on a regular basis. She hopped out of her car and went inside to see Duke.

Duke was happy she was home, jumping up and down and running around the yard. His tail was a blur of motion. She let him calm down a bit before even attempting to pet him. He was soon lying at her feet, legs in the air as she scratched his chest and belly. His bright red cock emerged from its sheath and the warm wetness between her legs began to grow as well. It was time for some privacy.

“Come on Duke, lets go inside,” she said in a bubbly tone.

Duke immediately got to his feet and followed her into the house. Dana led the way to her bedroom, slowly removing pieces of her clothing as she went. Once there she was left wearing her panties, nylons and heels. She removed her remaining garments then sat on the bed. Duke wasted no time in burying his face in her fiery sex. His tongue went to work and in minutes she was cumming. Duke continued to lap at her flowing juices, rapidly bringing her to a second orgasm before she had to push him away.

“Now it’s your turn, lover,” Dana purred wetting her fingers with her own fluids and taking his steely shaft in hand.

The rest of the evening was spent with Dana servicing Duke with her hand and mouth with only a brief pause for them to have something to eat. Dana was in dire need of his magnificent member to be plunging in and out of her hungry pussy but she denied herself. She wanted that tension to be peaked in the morning so when she finally did let him have her it would be even more exhilarating. Late that evening, she showered and climbed into bed with Duke lying beside her on the floor.

Dana was awakened by Duke’s warm tongue washing over her face. She opened her eyes, smiling as he continued to lick her cheek and neck. She got up, put on her robe and let him out to take care of his business then started some coffee. She fed him and had a light breakfast before leading him back to her room. She laid out towels on the floor by her bed then turned to Duke and opened her robe, revealing her naked body and standing in a sexy pose; tempting him. Duke just looked at her, thumping his tail on the carpet. Dana ran her hand over her dripping valley, dipping her fingers into the moist folds. She then held her wet fingers out to Duke.

“Here you go big boy. You want some honey?” she asked seductively.

Duke eagerly licked her fingers clean as she sat on the edge of the bed, spreading her legs wide. He found what he was looking for and began to devour her wet pussy. Dana lay back on the bed and fondled her breasts while Duke did his thing between her thighs. Soon she was moaning loudly in ecstasy. She was in the midst of a second orgasm when Duke suddenly stopped and placed his front legs on the bed with his chest pressed against her. He was thrusting forward in search of her wet opening. Dana wanted to flip over to make it easier for him when his rigid cock found its mark.

“Aaaaaaahhhhhh,” she cried in pleasure as he sank home.

His thrusts came fast and furious after that and soon his knot was slapping at her entrance. She hadn’t thought of doing it missionary with him but loved the different sensations this position allowed. Duke then shoved his knot inside her.

“OH GOD!” she screamed as a violent orgasm tore through her.

Duke began swelling and she continued to cry out in orgasmic bliss while he squirted his seed deep into her womb. She rocked her hips as his thrusts diminished. His knot was hitting her g spot and sending tremors of pleasure rumbling through her very soul. Duke stopped thrusting and stood still over her for a few moments then began licking her face and breasts. Every time his soft tongue ran over her throbbing nipples she would spasm in ecstasy. Dana was in heaven, or so she would have liked to believe. Duke eventually turned and stood on the floor with his furry ass pressed to her swollen lips. The fine hairs tickled her labia and clit sending her into yet another earth shattering release.

Duke pumped his scalding cum into his wanton bitch as she clenched his cock and knot with her convulsing pussy. Dana was gasping and screaming and having one orgasm after another from all the new sensations she was feeling in this position. She fingered her clit mercilessly as if trying to scratch an itch she couldn’t reach. She was on the verge of hyperventilating when she finally stopped. She gulped air like a parched desert traveler would guzzle water, feeling her body being wracked by ongoing spasms of pleasure even though Duke was starting to shrink. Minutes passed and she gradually regained control and Duke just stood calmly panting until he was able to pull free of Dana’s cum filled pussy.

An audible pop sounded the end of their tie but Duke quickly began to lick up the flood of liquid pouring from Dana’s body. She jumped with every time his tongue glided over her inflamed clit. She had three more small orgasms before he was finished. She lay unmoving for over twenty minutes, enjoying the radiant after glow of their passionate session. She was gonna miss this.

It was then the plan that had begun to formulate on the drive home Friday became clearer. It was based on the assumption that Dan had no knowledge of what Kara was doing with Duke, but Dana felt confident she was right in this assumption. She sat up and saw Duke lying on the floor watching her. She wanted him again but she thought that if he was completely spent when he got home that Kara might be suspicious and that wouldn’t be good for her plan.

Duke’s home coming was a joyous event for Kara. She was all but crying as he licked her face while she hugged him fiercely. Dan petted him quickly then went to get his laptop to show Dana the pictures and video he had taken on the trip. They all went to the living room and Dan completed the connections to their wide screen TV. As he clicked through the multitude of pictures, Dana kept looking at Kara who never stopped stroking Duke’s fine coat. She seemed to be in another world and that brought a knowing smile to Dana’s lips.

Dana stayed for lunch and enjoyed hearing Dan and Kara both describe the wonderful things they had seen and done on their trip, but when she was leaving she set her plan in motion.

“I’m sorry I forgot your house and mailbox key,” Dana lied, “I’ll try to get them back to you tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Dan replied with a dismissive wave, “Bring them over whenever you get some time. We don’t need them right away.”

He hugged his sister then went to finish getting unpacked and things ready for work on Monday. Kara and Duke walked in from the kitchen to say goodbye. Dana hugged her sister-in-law then knelt before Duke. She scratched his ears and kissed his head. Duke returned her show of affection by licking her cheek. Dana held back a flood of emotion as she drove away, but she’d be back soon. She knew Dan would be leaving for the port around 8 am and Kara would be up to see him off. Then she would work out for about an hour, after that Dana figured she would be free to ‘play’ with Duke. That’s when Dana would catch her, or so she hoped.

Monday morning Dana was up early but not getting ready for work. She had called in sick so she could execute her plan. She arrived at her brother’s house just before 9 am, hoping Kara kept to the same routine that she had while Dana had lived with them a few years back. Dan’s truck was gone; so far so good. Dana went to the door and listened. Sure enough she could hear the thumping rhythm and instructional commands coming from the den. She waited patiently for Kara to shut off the video but it continued to play. She looked at her watch and decided to give it 10 more minutes. After the allotted time had passed and she could still hear the video playing, Dana became concerned that her plan was falling apart, but then there was a shape cry that was just audible over the other sounds. She unlocked the door and quietly entered then tip toed to the den.

Peering around the corner, Dana saw Kara and Duke in the center of the room. Kara was lying on her back on a low bench with her legs wrapped around Duke as he was frantically humping her. Duke blocked her view of Dana and her moans and the video still playing covered any sound Dana had made coming in. A broad smile spread across Dana’s lips as she stepped into the room. Duke made a couple violent thrusts accompanied by Kara’s loud cries and Dana knew Duke had managed to push his knot inside her. It was time to spring the trap.

“I brought your key’s back Kara I hope…OH MY GOD!” Dana shrieked in false surprise, “What…what are you doing?”

“OH Shit! Dana! I…umm…I,” Kara stammered trying to come up with a rational explanation but failing, “I didn’t think you’d be here today!”

Dana continued to act shocked as she moved closer so she could see Kara’s face. Her sister-in-law was blushing as red as a rose while Duke shifted side to side now that he was firmly tied to his bitch and pumping his seed deep into her. Dana knew how Kara must be feeling at that moment since she had been caught in a similar position not long ago.

“Is this what you do while Dan is away?” Dana asked in a mock anger, “Does he know that you’re fucking Duke?”

“Dan doesn’t know and he can’t know. He’d probably kill Duke and me too. Please don’t tell him, Dana. Please!” Kara pleaded.

Dana sat on the sofa a few feet away, “Why did you start having sex with Duke? Didn’t Danny satisfy you?”

“Dan is a great lover but he’s gone for so long and I just can’t…hold out. I need more than a dildo to take away the urges. I’ve never cheated on him and I never would except for this. And I love…Aaahh…Aaahh…AAAHHHHHHHH!” Kara’s words trailed off as a massive orgasm took hold.

Dana watched as Kara bucked her hips against Duke as the powerful orgasm ran its course. Dana’s hand move toward her own wet sex but she caught herself, not wanting to give away how she felt about this until she was sure Kara would do what she wanted. Kara held Duke tight as she rode out the last of the waves of pleasure flowing through her. He just kept shifting his hind legs while his seed continued to be pumped into this tiny woman.

“Oh my God! I’m sorry…I couldn’t help it. It was overwhelming after so long without…,” Kara cut herself off and looked at Dana, “Please don’t tell Dan about this…Please!…I’d…I’ll do anything.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Dana said with a sly grin, “I want to see Duke three times a week. You can bring him over to my place for an hour or two during the week and maybe once on the weekend depending on what we can work out.”

Kara stared at her with a confused look on her face.

“That first Friday after you two left on vacation, Duke showed me his skills as a lover. He caught me at a moment of vulnerability but now I’m hooked. You trained him well.”

“How did you know I trained him?” Kara asked, still looking confused.

“Once he showed off his talents and after a bit of online research it was clear that I wasn’t his first and he was way too disciplined to be just a ‘natural’ at it,” Dana replied, not mentioning Karen gave her most of the information, “So my only question was did Dan know about this and help you. Now that I know the whole story, I don’t think it would be good for him to know. This will be our little secret.”

A relieved look appeared on Kara’s face as Dana moved to her side. Duke began licking her as she knelt next to Kara. He could smell Dana’s dripping womanhood and moved forward. This made his knot put pressure on Kara’s g spot and she convulsed in pleasure as a fresh orgasm exploded within her. Dana needed some relief as well so she slowly moved behind Duke who turned to follow her. He brought his leg over Kara causing her to let go with her legs or be dumped on the floor. The continuous movement kept Kara quivering in ecstasy.

Dana removed her drenched panties and sat on the floor with her legs open and on either side of Duke. He lowered his head to her lush valley and began to lick the dripping nectar. Within seconds Dana came hard. She lay on the carpet and thrust her hips up at Duke who lapped frantically at her abundant flow of juice. Both women were crying out in pure lust. One from Duke’s magnificent cock and knot tugging at her insides while spraying his cum deep in her pussy, the other being assaulted by his broad tongue. After about twenty minutes Duke had shrank enough to pull free of Kara’s tight hole. A flood of milky liquid poured over the bench and onto the floor. Duke stopped licking Dana to clean Kara. She cooed and purred as Duke worked his magic.

“Mmmmm…That’s momma’s good boy…Aaaahhh YES, you’re doing such a good job! Ooohh…Ooohh…OOOOHHHHH!” Kara screamed as Duke gave her another orgasm.

Dana sat and watched the two of them for the next few minutes until Duke had finished, then he went to lay down. Dana was hoping he would finish her off again but she was pleasantly satisfied at the moment. Kara sat up and feeling a little self conscious, put on her robe. Dana was still sitting on the floor with her legs spread wide smiling brightly at Kara.

“So we have an agreement?” she asked.

Kara nodded not wanting to meet Dana’s gaze. “What am I gonna tell Dan when he’s around? He’s gonna wonder where I’m taking Duke all the time.”

“Just tell him you’re taking him to the new dog park over by my place. He doesn’t seem to have much interest in taking care of Duke anyway so he shouldn’t mind,” Dana replied confidently, “Then you can say you stopped by my place since you were so close.”

“That might work,” Kara said as she stood, “Want some coffee? Duke won’t be ready to go again for a little while. I figure you’d be staying for round two.”

“I thought you’d never ask. I’m so horny after watching you two going at it, I’m gonna need some of his big cock,” Dana replied, standing.

“I’m glad to finally be able to share my secret with someone,” Kara admitted as they walked to the kitchen.

Duke had a contented look as he watched his bitches happily chatting, this was gonna be a good arrangement.

The End