(c) 2011 by Big Black Dog

Here is a little something I found on the net. Enjoy!

After ten years of marriage, my wife Sara and I had been talking for some time about pepping up our sex life. We decided we’d try a wife swap one weekend when we found a suitable willing couple.

I broached the subject with Jerry, a married work mate of mine who had hinted once or twice when we were out drinking, that he rather fancied Sara, and that his wife, Tina, rather liked me. Once she’d met Jerry, Sara was more than willing to give it a try so we arranged to go over to Jerry’s place one Saturday evening to see how it worked out.

Sara took her time getting ready that evening. “Do you think this underwear will do?” She asked, posing in front of the bedroom mirror.

I looked over and saw she had put on the split crotch pants and peephole bra I’d bought her for her birthday. “Do? I should think it will drive Jerry crazy. It certainly does that to me.” She slipped on a dress and made herself up to look amazing.

At Jerry and Tina’s place we were invited into the sitting room where we all sat around a low coffee table drinking wine. At first it was a bit heavy going but the wine soon broke the ice and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

I was pleased when I met Tina. She was a pretty girl with small pert breasts and wide hips. I found her very attractive. When she went into the kitchen to get another bottle of wine, she left the door ajar and their dog, a very large Great Dane, bounded into the room. Jerry got up to take the dog out again but his wife told him to leave the animal for the time being. “Come here, Spike.” She called the dog over to her and stroked its back.

Spike however, was much more interested in Sara! He nuzzled her knees apart and stuck his head up her dress. Judging by the way she jumped and the surprised sound she made, I guess he’d pushed his wet nose right into her crotch.

Tina pulled the dog away and apologised.

Sara laughed. “It’s probably my fault for wearing these knickers.” She pulled up her dress to reveal her hairy bush peeping out from the split crotch.

Tina grinned. “He doesn’t need that sort of encouragement I can tell you.” Then she took the dog into the hall and closed the door on him.

With the animal gone, we started the evening’s entertainment. Tina came and sat next to me on the settee and we were soon stripping off and getting acquainted. She had a gorgeous arse and a smooth shaved pussy. My hands were all over her and she soon had my cock out, sucking it to make it rigid.

Jerry sat Sara on his knee, stripped her naked and stroked her tits and crotch. By the way she groaned I knew he had found her clit and she was thoroughly worked up. She undressed Jerry and massaged his cock to make him stiff.

Meanwhile, Tina mounted me on the settee, facing me with her legs well parted. I slipped up her wet pussy easily and started to gently ride her, sucking and massaging her firm tits as we fucked. I took my time, got into a steady rhythm and enjoyed the sensation of a new partner. I wanted it to last as long as possible.

Jerry picked up my wife and placed her face down on the coffee table with a cushion under her belly to raise her bottom. As she knelt on the rug, he parted her legs wide and held them apart by tying her thighs to two of the coffee table legs. He then tied her wrists to the other two legs so she was spread across the table top, helpless and available.

Sara, who had often indulged with me in a little bondage in the past, giggled and pretended to struggle. She wiggled her bottom provocatively showing her hairy pussy, which was by then well parted to reveal her pink vagina. We could all see she was getting excited at being so exposed and helpless.

Tina got off me and turned around to face the table so she could watch her husband service my wife as we fucked. I watched over her shoulder, stroked her clit with my fingers and gently rode her.

Jerry got on his knees between Sara’s legs and mounted her. He started to fuck her hard and within minutes had her groaning with pleasure, but he came off far too quickly, shooting his load into her much too soon. I could tell from Sara’s reaction she had not reached an orgasm and was feeling very frustrated. Jerry blushed and just shook his head with embarrassment, but there was little he could do with a soft cock.

Tina said nothing but she got off me and went to a small cupboard in the corner. She came back with a can of aerosol spray and tube of Delay Cream. I looked at her questioningly. She held a finger to my lips to silence me then handed the can to me and the cream to her husband. “You should use this next time,” she suggested to him.

The label on the aerosol canister read ‘Bitch Spray’. I held the can up to Tina and frowned at her. She bent over and whispered in my ear, “It’s what we lady dog lovers use to excite our dogs to get them in the mood.” Then she handed the can to her husband and gestured towards Sara’s pussy.

Jerry understood immediately and grinned. He rubbed his hand on Sara’s hairy crotch to distract her while he sprayed it with the aerosol. The odour of the spray permeated the room. It was a strong smell, faintly reminiscent of a woman on heat and not at all unpleasant.

Sara was still spread across the table, oblivious to what our friends had done, and I had not yet realised what they had in store for her.

Spike, who was laying in the hall soon got a whiff of the Bitch Spray and became very excited. He scratched noisily at the hall door and whined to be let in.

Jerry let the dog in and led him to where Sara was stretched over the table. He reached down and started to stroke Sara’s pussy, working his fingers into her and sliding them over her clit to work her up. The dog joined in and licked away at her, his rough wet tongue doing a far better job than Jerry’s fingers. Sara, her eyes tightly shut with pleasure, was oblivious to who or what was stroking her. She groaned in ecstasy. It was then I noticed the dog’s cock was showing pink, and I began to guess what our new friends had planned for my wife. I couldn’t resist a wry smile.

Tina turned her face to me, winked wickedly and held her finger to my lips again to silence me. I watched, fascinated by what was happening.

After a few minutes of frantic licking, the dogs cock became hard and totally unsheathed. It hung down between his back legs, long, red and throbbing. He was a big dog. From where I was sitting I could his shaft was a good eight inches long and very thick; then there was the bulge, his knot, which was beginning to grow on it. That bulge added another two inches before his balls, which were large and dangling. He soon started rearing up at the table. It was obvious he was dying to mount Sara.

Tina went to help Spike mount my wife, but first she took the Delay Cream from her husband, and put some on her hands then she gently massaged the whole length of the dog’s cock. After a few minutes waiting for the cream to take effect, she put ankle socks onto the dog’s front paws and lifted them onto the table, one each side of Sara bare back. She placed him so his stiff cock hung level with Sara’s open pussy.

By this time Sara realised something unusual was going on. She glanced back over her shoulder, saw the huge dog standing astride her and tried to raise herself from the table but she was firmly tied down and unable to escape.

Tina guided the dogs erect cock, which was dripping slightly with anticipation, into my wife’s pussy, then held him still while she spoke to Sara. “Hold tight, Sara. You’ll get a proper fuck now. He’s good at this. He’ll definitely get you off.”

With that promise, Tina let go of the dog and he started humping Sara like mad, bucking and thrusting at top speed against her backside. This was no gentle start for my wife, just a constant frantic fuck. Aroused as she was by Jerry’s earlier attempt to fuck her and by the fingering and licking, she pushed hard against the dog to keep him inside her.

We three stopped what we were doing to watch the spectacle. Spike rode her as if he hadn’t had sex for months. Sara soon started to orgasm under the onslaught and screamed with pleasure. The dog kept pushing into her, driven frantic by her tight pussy but unable to come because of the Delay Cream. He shagged her non-stop for a good fifteen minutes. Sara was by this time was coming constantly, sobbing and yelling for him to stop one minute then begging for more the next.

I watched fascinated as the knot on Spike’s cock swelled to the size of a grapefruit. As the effects of the cream wore off, he thrust even harder and forced his whole cock and his knot into her. He slipped in right up to his balls, which were swinging frantically between her legs, hitting against her pussy and banging against her clit.

Suddenly it came to a climax. From the stream of sperm running down her legs I knew he had come inside her. Spike stood still his belly pressed hard against Sara’s pussy and pumped his sperm into her. I’m sure she had at least ten inches of throbbing cock up her at that moment.

I questioned Tina, realising what had happened. “He’s come! His cock’s huge but it’s all gone in, including his knot. Will he tie with her like dogs do with bitches?”

“He usually does with me,” she grinned. “When he comes, his knot swells bigger and fills my pussy. It always brings on a massive orgasm for me.”

Sara, with traces of sperm trickling down her legs, was still pushing against the dog when his knot started to swell inside her. “Oh my God!” She screamed loudly. “His cock’s too big! It’s still growing! It’s red hot! I’m coming again… Oh my God… That’s too much!”

Her whole body shuddered with yet another massive orgasm. Spike, his balls drained, tried to dismount, but he couldn’t; he was tied into her by his swollen cock.

We three sat on the settee and watched the show. I was fascinated but a little concerned for my wife until Tina assured me it was all under control. “He does this regularly with me,” she whispered. “It’s not just his size it’s because her vaginal muscles are clamped firmly around him while she’s still coming. She’s enjoying it, mark my words, she’s fine.”

The dog was whimpering but stuck fast up my wife. He turned off the table and lifted a leg over her, trying to get away but they remained firmly locked together, back to back.

I was getting more concerned at this and questioned Tina again. “How long will this go on? Will she be OK?”

Tina shrugged her shoulders. “It depends how tight your wife is. I had him stuck up me for half an hour when we first tried it.”

“But will she be alright?” I repeated.

“She sound as if she’s fine to me.” Tina repeated her assurance and nodded towards the table.

Sara, aroused like I had never seen her before, kept pushing and bucking her arse against him. From her groans and screams it was clear she was having multiple orgasms. Eventually, after about ten minutes, the dog’s cock slipped out of her. He went into the corner, slumped down on the carpet and licked himself clean. Sara lay panting on the table, completely exhausted.

Jerry, very aroused again by what we had just witnessed, wiped Sara’s pussy with a tissue then fucked her for a second time. This time, thanks to the Delay Cream, he lasted ages and had her coming off continually until she almost lost consciousness. I mounted Tina again and we fucked hard until we both came.

At the end of the evening, when we had all cleaned up and dressed, we thanked our hosts for a very special evening. Sara had to be helped to our car as she could hardly walk and I was a bit apprehensive about what she would say when we were alone. She would certainly let me know if she had enjoyed herself or not, and if she blamed me for allowing it to happen.

“What about that dog then?” I ventured.

“What about him? He can certainly fuck. No disrespect to you, but I’ve never come off that much before.” She eased herself gently into the car seat.

“Shall we do it again some time?” I asked hopefully.

She answered, a faraway sound in her voice. “Tina and Jerry are going away next week and I’ve offered to dog mind for them. It will save them kennel fees and I can get to know Spike much better. I hope you don’t mind.”

In the darkness I grinned to myself. That was a treat I would enjoy watching again and again.