(c) 2007 by neverumind

My wife and I are professionals in our separate fields, and we live in a gated estate in a semi rural setting. We are what you would call DINKS, double income no kids. We are in our late thirties and our combined incomes allow us the luxuries of having what ever we need to live a very satisfying life style. Carol my wife is a very attractive woman and our life style besides our sex life would make many people feel envious.

At Carol’s suggestion we had purchased a pure breed German Shepard Carol named Mark Antony two years previously which we had obedience trained to be company for either one of us if either one of us had to occasionally jet off to another city for a few days on business meetings. One evening I arrived home to find Carol upset about Mark Antony’s attention towards her. Carol had arrived home after a very hectic day at her office and decided to take a nap nude on our matrimonial bed, only to be woken by the pooch sniffing her groans.

“He has to be neutered!” she demanded and unfolded her experience about his attention to her. I replied that may be we could discuss the problem when she felt not so stressed. That evening she wanted my intimate attention and I couldn’t but notice her love making was a little different than usual wanting me to make love to her as she posed on hands and knees doggy style. I guessed that her thoughts may have been fantasizing of me being our pooch having sex with her but I didn’t mention the subject incase her embarrassment made her distressed and I caught a mouth full of criticism about my 6th sense.

The following day I called the local vet John, a friend who cared for Mark Antony’s medical needs and quizzed him about animal and human relationships. He read my mind exclusively, laughed and advised me that he had often been asked this question mainly by single women, but he understood my question well and would hold my thoughts in the strictest of confidence which eased my mind.

“A male dog is similar to a human, it has a penis and testicles and can make a woman feel excited with pleasure and make a man feel great also when involved with such a threesome. A dog’s semen is a great birth control also and mixed with human semen it will destroy the fertility capabilities of you and I,” he reiterated. “Also I must warn you that a few surprises await Carol, including that a female and a dog will stay clinging together after the act for up to half an hour because he will swell at the base of his penis called the knot which is many times the size of his penis and is like a plug sealing the opening of the vagina keeping his semen sealed inside her. Do not try to dislodge them or damage can be caused to both female and animal if you are not careful.

“If you must dislodge them for her comfort have some ice cubes wrapped in a face cloth on hand and apply the ice to the dog’s groins which will reduce the swelling rather quickly to allow dislodgement. Most women I give advise to tell me they enjoy the knot in them as it adds to their stimulation and enjoyment.”

I thanked John for his advice and with this information I braced the subject very diplomatically with Carol that evening and explained that I had spoken to John and he had advised me that there was nothing sinister about what she may have fantasized about and it could be very satisfying for her to have Mark Anthony sexually. As we ate our evening meal, washed down by a spectacular red wine prepared by our house keeper in the late afternoon before she finished her days work, I couldn’t help but notice the stillness in conversation with Carol who didn’t utter a word in reply to my words I tried to enjoy with her.

Finally she stared at me and blurted out, “Well I will try your suggestion only if you are with me and, if I don’t like your proposal you take Mark Antony away from me and our bedroom and never raise the subject again, if this nonsense turns you on. I have to tell you I think you are so low and disgusting with your thoughts wanting me to participate in such a lewd act!”

Carol and I showered and prepared for our bedroom retreat and we made love together very intimately and her response to me was to be rough with her. I began with kissing her neck working my magic down to her loins and suckling on her clit before entering her wanton wet love cave. Carol wrapped her legs around me biting and clawing me until my body hurt with blood oozing from the deep scratches she was inflicting on me as she reached a huge orgasm. I had never known her to come so quickly and I guessed she had been in deep animalistic erotic thought since I had raised the subject of Mark Antony with her over the dinner table.

I cleaned up the mess I had left leaking from with in her wet pussy with a warm water soaked face cloth and we lay embraced together for quite some time. Finally I unfolded my arms from around her and asked, “Honey are you ready for a totally different erotic experience?” “I will try, so let’s get it over with” she snapped in disapproval and with that I went and fetched our loving pet German Shepard enticing him to enter our private abode, where no other male had tread while Carol lay totally naked.

Mark Antony was very timid to follow me as his training of territorial boundaries only allowed him as far as the closed in entertaining area. So I, after returning to the bedroom and covering my hand with Carol’s still oozing mixture of our combined sexual fluids, returned to Mark Antony enticing the pooch to follow my scented fingers into our sacred chamber. He was well trained and his response was rather shy and not sure what was expected of him as he was in unfamiliar surroundings.

He began to lick my groin smelling my spent penis as he could whiff the odor of sexual aroma still wafting through out the room from our earlier love making session. I rubbed his head telling him what a good boy he was and coaxed him to follow my cum soaked fingers towards Carol’s pussy that was still damp from love making. After my hand with it’s aroma coaxed his nose to Carol’s cunt he began making sniffing noises pushing his cold nose against Carol’s pussy, and I noticed suddenly his temperament instantly began to change. Carol shut her eyes not knowing what to expect. The German Shepard soon leapt onto our bed to explore the body of this expectant female waiting his attention.

He began licking her body sniffing and licking right up to her face and then returned to her pussy wagging his tail high in the air as his excitement grew. I was in total surprise at his actions for he sprang off the bed and ran through the house sometimes in circles barking as if telling other dogs he was the leader of a pack and to stay away from his newly found bitch on heat finally returning to the bedroom and springing back onto the bed as if to sweeten up Carol’s approval with more attention.

This time his attention to my wife became more intense as he began to lick Carol’s clit and pussy right to her anal entrance briefly stopping to raise his head and howl like a wolf in the wilds with approval and satisfaction. As I watched with excitement I could see his long rough skinned curving tongue feverishly beginning to explore Carol’s pussy lips and follow the nerve pathway of her love canal deeper and deeper covering his tongue with the remaining white thick fluid I had left behind in Carol earlier. He moaned as he continued and it was almost as if he was cleaning
her for his soon to be domination of her as wild animals will.

His cleaning out any remaining semen from her was akin to freeing her of any seminal fluid from a weaker animal that may have mounted a bitch previously so the reining champion can impregnate this female on heat procreating the strongest of the wilds. The warmth and motion of Mark Antony’s tongue must have tickled Carol’s warm pleasure spot because she began squirming and moaning her satisfaction with every movement of the dog. She screamed out to me “Honey this is so good don’t you dare call him off” Carol was using her hands to rub her tingling body from her tits to her pussy not knowing where to stop as her enjoyment was on a high.

I watched as some juices began to seep out of Carol’s pussy and I wasn’t sure if it was her bodily juices of Mark Antony’s saliva preparing her for his easy mounting. As I watched his pink pointed penis protrude a little from it’s sheath. I was overcome with surprise at the size of this emerging penis. It was as big as mine yet I am not an overly endowed male with 5-3/4 inches in length and around 2-1/2 inches in diameter at the base of my hardened love rod. The canine’s balls were much bigger than mine hanging lower than my ball sacks obviously holding a full load of cum.

Carol’s eyes remained tightly closed as she experienced the unexpected of her first canine fucking and I was beginning to see the enjoyment she was experiencing at this canine’s ceremonial attention of her. My own cock was standing erect and pointing up towards me and aching as I watched learning a few pointers on how to pleasure a woman by this animal as my teacher. I kept thinking this family pet is taking his time savoring Carol. I had to relieve my erection as my cock was hard and aching from watching all of this action shooting cum into my waiting hand. I could have fucked Carol so hard myself from my very erotic thoughts but it was Carol’s time so I wanted her to experience Mark Antony’s full anointing of her.

The next action was even more surprising as our dog placed one paw gently but firmly on Carol’s tummy as if in control of her and bent his head and began licking his now fully erect shaft as if wetting it for easier penetration incase his bitch tried escaping his advances as female dogs will sometimes, if they reject the onslaught of a male animal in breeding season. Carol reached down placed her hands on the dog telling him what a great dog he was and he seemed to show her he loved her by licking her face again.

Suddenly he turns his big body around over the top of her as if seeking her attention, and positions himself so that his butt just happened to be in the right position for his dick to be above Carol’s mouth. She took his queue and reached up taking his slightly projecting penis and kisses it and then begins sucking it bringing it to even a fuller erection. Shit it is bigger than mine I think. Naturally Mark Antony enjoys her attention and feverishly licks her clit, and begins taking the head in his mouth dragging his tongue across it’s hardened little protrusion as he sucks on her. Carol flinches and bites on his engrossed cock to which must have hurt the dog as he yelps and jumps off her to
turn and try to mount her as she lay in the missionary position.

Slowly he made his move and with all paws crawled his way over Carol straddling her body and simultaneously trying to find her love hole to mount her. His enlarged cock could only rub on her upper groins obviously frustrating him. He even sat up and dragged his behind along the bed towards Carol’s pussy trying to find her hot expectant hole and fill it with his hardened pink flesh. He cried with disappointment not understanding why Carol was in her natural missionary position to normally enjoy a sexual interlude.

I could see Carols very erect nipples standing out on her pert breasts oozing a clear fluid. I had never seen Carol excrete any moisture in this way before and it didn’t go unnoticed to our German Shepard who began to take hold of each breast individually ever so gently in his mouth one at a time sucking each with the help of his tongue washing and enjoying her excretion beautifully and erotically make her squirm even more.

Mark Antony had become like a wild animal sensing that Carol was very much a bitch on heat, and when I tried to rub his head to tell him what a good dog he was, he turned, and with bare teeth snarled and snapped at me as if to say keep away from my bitch or I will fight you to the end for her dominance. I decided the best thing for me was just sit back and watch the episode continue to unfold. She expressed later how her mind saw me as the weaker male when Mark Antony snapped at me. Carol automatically obeyed Mark Antony’s movements and became subservient to his demands.

Events frustrated Mark Antony further with Carol lying on her back and his inability to mount her in this position, so he sprang to his feet and nudged her side enticing her to stand like an animal on all fours. Carol automatically obeyed with me quickly trying to push pillows for comfort under her pulsating belly for the arrival of her enjoyment, but she was oblivious to my actions.

She told me later that she even felt like a canine bitch selecting the most dominant male to breed with and it was a huge erotic turn on for her. She had become an animal in the wilds in her fantasizing mind of self expression and dreams. Carols orgasms became more intense as she turned onto her tummy and this canine tried lifting her butt high in the air with his snout for his moment of crowning her expectant pussy, seeding her womb.

The dog reared up with his front paws onto Carol’s back and with one lunge of his fully erect 5-3/4 inch penis wavering in the air struck her anal entrance trying to find it’s mark of entry. His unsuccessful prods soon abandoned this position and he pushed his arching back further directing his dripping cock further up Carol’s flesh finding it’s way to the engrossed pussy and with ease slid so easily and slowly inside her demanding wetness as her cunt muscles helped suck his hardness inside her while his front legs came to rest straddling her back holding her down.

The dog stopped for a second as he made sure he had found the pelvic sex canal and his precum wet her vaginal cavern with a type of aphrodisiac making her quickly become addictive to his sexually provoked mounting of her she told me later. She also told me that if I had tried prizing both her and Mark Antony apart she would have fought me off screaming and trying to scratch me to pieces like a wild animal, so she was glad I just sat and watched enjoying her being fucked as she wouldn’t have been responsible for her actions.

He pushed his huge upper body strongly against her as to hold her and locked his front legs tightly around her upper body preventing her escape in his mind so she couldn’t reject his mounting of her. His hind legs finally began pushing against her groin with hunched back fully filling her pussy cavern with doggy dominance. Carol’s obedience to Mark Antony’s fucking of her made her butt buck as she moved in time with his thrusts, screaming, “Oh Fuck Me! Fuck Me! Oh Fuck Me! I want that cock so much.”

As she drew her legs tighter to her tummy allowing deeper penetration of the dog, his cock knot suddenly began to enlarge engorging the surrounding her pussy lips stretching them to extreme to Carols joy stimulating the inside of her clit even further sending her into uncharted realms of satisfaction and peeked erotica. Carol moved her chest and breasts and shoulders to now lie on the pillows I had previously tried to push under her making her butt more accessible to the dog’s complete fulfillment of her as she still wanted more of this wonderful dick.

Turning her arms back behind her neck and with both hands she grabbed and clenched the dogs hair on his back and pulled with almighty strength but it seemed as if he was oblivious of her cumming to further climax. To the German Shepard it must have seemed she was trying to fight off his fucking of her and he even seemed to try holding her down even more with the weight of his body as she squirmed and bucked. His fucking actions even increased as he pumped Carol’s pussy with his cock faster and harder with his tail hanging down between his legs. His sensitive sexual pleasure nerves seemed in constant contact with his now over working cock and the erotic part of his brain.

Carol commented later that his shaft even seemed to enlarge even more once inside her and she could feel her pelvic muscles surround every inch of his engorged fucking rod as her body naturally sucked on the dog’s sex rod trying to extract every drop of his cum, from the effects of what ever the aphrodisiac was in the precum that the dog first sprayed inside her as he pushed slowly entering her.

I was also sure Carol’s pussy sensations and her brain’s erotic sensitivities were feeling the same sensations as both male dog and female human as they humped each other in unison and kept on humping in what seemed a very long time as both yelped and whined at the stimulation both were feeling fully united with each other. I noticed the canine balls firm up while hardening in preparation for the swirling semen inside these two male containers of fluid to speed up their travel to be shot out at an accelerated rush to get as far into her cervix as possible.

Carol began screaming and crying as her body bucked and pulsated with extreme vibrations from his animalistic thrusts while he almost lost his grip of his hind feet on the slippery sheets from Carol’s thrusting butt lifting his legs momentarily. I hoped she wouldn’t have a heart attack from her increased pulse rate and heightened blood pressure.

Mark Antony was now thrusting even faster and harder against her and his tightened balls slapped hard against her arse trying to push further inside Carol’s receiving love hole, making me aware he was fully engrossed as deep as he could possibly get in Carol’s pussy. He nuzzled her nibbling the wanton flesh on her back while yelping as he began the very important preparation to fertilize the eggs of his bitch.

I then decided to massage his balls hoping this pooch would be too engrossed to attack me which thankfully was the case. This was too much for our German Shepard and I could tell he had began spurting his hot cum filled seed deep inside Carol as she kept yelling for more and his knot became further engrossed to 4-1/2 inches in width pushing deeper tightly sealing her vaginal walls from any escaping seminal fluids locking both canine and human together with one very hard and erect flowing cock spewing his hot cum while keeping the full load of his semen deep inside her with dog hoping he would fertilize his bitches animalistic eggs to bare his off spring.

His palpitations finally subsided with his arched back remaining in his humped position with the knot fully expanded Carol just continued to moan with satisfaction as her palpitations slowly subsided and her cunt walls softly felt the pressured sealing touch of the knot which continued stimulating her inner clitoral walls. She told me later that she could feel his semen moving deep inside like little ants crawling over her and this continued inside her for almost 24 hours keeping her body feeling very stimulated and happy.

I had refrained up until now from explaining to Carol about a Dog’s knot that would lock her to him after his dominant serving, but not a whisper or question came forth as she just allowed herself to lie down on her pillow supported tummy fully exhausted with dog locked inside her following her movement.

I bent over and kissed my wife’s head as I asked, “Honey how was that for you?”

Carol, with a tired voice whispered, “I never realized how wonderful I would feel after being fucked by a dog.”

“Honey,” I replied. “It was beautiful for me watching your enjoyment, and very horny also.”

She didn’t hear my final words as she had fallen into a deep sleep from exhaustion wearing a small quaint smile on her lips. Mark Antony finally lost his erection and his knot deflated so he stood and licked away the left over escaping sperm from Carol’s pussy then looking at me wanting to lick my face in appreciation of having his virginity taken, not caring one little bit that it was a human who did the deed for him.

He soon leaped of the bed and returned to his normal place in the entertainment area settling, lying stretched out and falling fast asleep from his exhaustion. When Carol awoke some hours later, she thanked me for making this happen for her and she also told me that because she was ovulating the idea of mating with a stranger even though it was a dog made the whole experience even more intense for her. Thankfully she was not capable of being seeded by a canine.

She kissed me, showered cleaning herself up and came back to bed to be warmly cuddled in my arms, saying now she would have to think of something sexual and extraordinary to make a special memorable day for me some time in the future as I had done for her…

Our love life is even better these days and as for Carol, well she is more relaxed and copes better at her office and I sometimes wonder when we have great sex if she imagines me as an animal fucking her out in the wilds even though she assures me lovingly that I am still and always will be her dominant loving male, and Mark Antony will only be a lucky dog when I am out of town. Can I believe this? I am not sure.