(c) 2008 by White Tigress

As the bus comes to a stop, a 5’1 blond with an athletic figure gets off. She is dressed in jeans, white blouse and tennis shoes. She is also wearing glasses and have earphones on. She is carrying with her a backpack and a suitcase. She looks around as the bus leaves. How long has it been since she was last here, has it only been three years. It is hard for her to think that so much has happened in the past three years, does the small town look even more deserted than before, or is it her that has changed from the experience of the big city. She has just finished her third year of college and has decided to come home for the holidays.

“Mindy” she snaps out of it. She turns around to see a woman, who seems to be in her late 30’s, in a blue car waving at her. She drags the suitcase to the car. The woman gets out of the car. The woman looks like an older version of the girl she looks about 5’7 but that’s only because of the 3″ shoes she is wearing. She helps Mindy put the suitcase in the boot of the car and hugs the younger woman. “It’s so good to see you I missed you so much. How was your trip?”

“Natalie let’s go home, I’ll tell you all about it when we get there.” Answers Mindy. The two women get into the car with the older driving. As they drive they start a conversation.
“So how’s my sweet little girl?”
“Natalie I am not your little girl, I am a woman.”
“How about you call me Mom?”
“Not going to happen.”
“So how’s my sweet little girl?”
“Natalie I told you already stop calling me this. I am a woman.”

The drive back home is quiet after this. It isn’t simple to be the last daughter and the fact that she turned out to be quite petite compared to her other siblings made it even worse. Karen and Lexy her two older sisters were already married and gone so she is the going to be all alone with Natalie on the Wilson farm. Dad had left a few years back having met another woman, but mother and daughter don’t ever talk about it.

After having spent 7 hours in a bus, the girl wanted to go for a run. That is her thing, she loves to run. Mindy was not your normal girl, she used to be a tomboy when she was in fourth grade, would run around, climb trees and also get in all sort of trouble. She was so much a tomboy that one day her dad decided to bring her camping with his friends. Most of Dad’s friends had brought their sons with them and since Dad only had three daughters, he decided to bring Mindy along.

She remembers it clearly now, how it used to be. Then her body started to change and take a more feminine proportion. The main thing being her breasts growing out and with her C cups it is hard for anyone to think that she is a tomboy. That however doesn’t prevent her from still liking to run. Remembering the camping trip, makes her want to go to the little forest nearby.

The car finally pulls into the driveway. Well first of all I need a shower she thinks to herself. While most women would prefer a bath Mindy liked the showers. After having put her things in her old room, she strips and take a towel and proceeds to the shower. Her hair that used to be short is now long and is usually held in place with a scrunchy. She takes it off and takes a shower making sure to clean every part of her body. She dries herself up and dries her hair. She goes back to her room.

Natalie meets her in the corridor.

“Mindy you can at least wrap a towel around. You can’t walk in the house naked.”
“I thought Joe was gone.” Joe had been one of Natalie’s lovers and was in his 50’s, he helped around the farm but had a drinking problem.
“Well he is, but that’s not the point. You still need to be decent.”
“We are both girls. So it isn’t something that you haven’t seen before.”
“Well then, you could catch a cold.”
“Thanks for worrying Natalie.”
“Why can’t you be more like your other sisters.”
She walks in her room and closes the door.

She opens her suitcase and goes through her stuff looking for her running outfit. She finds them and puts them on. First of all she ties her hair up with another scrunchy. She then proceeds with the purple low rise working out short. She heard of some people wearing underwear under their shorts but she doesn’t like it. She then proceeds with the white seamless sports bra and finally the grey running shoes with pink stripes. She is finally ready to go for a run. She never wear her glasses while running as she finds it more of an inconvenience.

She opens her door and goes downstairs. She meets Natalie again.
“Where do you think you are going?”
“I am going for a run.”
“No you aren’t.”
“Yes I am, I am not a kid anymore.”
“Well you better be back before 7.”
“I warn you young lady if you aren’t back by then I am calling the sheriff.”

She is already out when Natalie says those words.

The first part of the run is to actually get to the little forest. It doesn’t take Mindy more than half an hour to get there. As she steps into the forest she remembers how it used to be, the trees have grown a bit more dense now that nobody comes here anymore and it is a bit creepy also, much to her delight. She starts running, the grass may have gown longer over the years but the paths are still quite distinguishable.

Although it hasn’t changed much, she is still very careful about where she steps. It’s been more than three years since she last went hiking. It is true that in big cities you can go to gyms to exercise but nothing beats the hiking experience, hiking is more like letting go and be in communion with nature not just exercise. She is doing it for about twenty minutes when she feels tired. It might be the bus trip or the long period since she last did it but nevertheless she feels a bit out of breath.

She stops near a tree and decides to rest for a little while. She sits down on the grass resting her back against the tree, her legs spread apart. As she is sitting she feels so good, she could sleep right here and now but then she feels that somehow her short is becoming wet, it could be just perspiration since she has been running for so long. But she feels the wetness increasing she puts her hand between her legs, oh it is the grass that is wet. She feels around but it seems it is only this patch that is wet she decides to move. She gets up.

She realises she is feeling a bit thirsty she remembers a pool where they had set up the camp. However she doesn’t remember the precise location. She decides to walk for now. She walks around until she finds it. It still looks clear. She bends down and bring some of the water to her mouth the cold water contrasts with the warm summer afternoon.

What more can she ask for. Since she perspired a little, she wonders if it would be alright to just take off her clothes and take a dip in the pool, who else will know of it? She looks around to make sure there is nobody around before she actually strips. Satisfied that there is nobody around she bends over to remove her shoes when she hears the sound of something running towards her. She quickly stands straight again and turns around. The thing that jumps out of the undergrowth is a dog.

If there is a thing that Mindy is afraid of in this world, it is dogs. It doesn’t matter the size of the dog or the breed, she is still pretty much afraid of it. She is completely terrified of them. The dog in front of her looks very scary, it is baring its teeth and then barking very loudly. Mindy is so scared that she is sweating profusely. The dog itself is quite big and to Mindy if it was any bigger than a chihuahua she would still be afraid of it.

She knows that if she runs she is done for, the dog will probably run her down and bite her and she doesn’t want to be bitten or worse. She decides to attempt to calm the dog down.
“Nice doggy,” she says while trying to calm herself down. She attempts to back off slowly. The dog is not moving so the further away she is moving the greater the distance between the dog and her. The dog is kind of calming down. It is still barking but less fiercely now.

She continues to retreat, the dog still not moving and calming down. She decides to not test her luck too much and to run for it. As soon as her back is turned the dog starts to bark fiercely again. She runs as fast as she can. She doesn’t know where she is going or in what direction she is running, all she knows is that she needs to put as much distance between the animal and her. She is not thinking of anything except of running away.

She is starting to feel tired again but can still hear the animal barking behind her. She sees a stream, she gets an idea, she heard that dogs cannot follow your trail in water so she runs across the stream and instead of continuing the path she jumps into the undergrowth. A few minutes seconds later the beast comes running and follows the path, she carefully waits until she can’t hear it and then runs back along the path trying to trace back her foot steps.

A few minutes later she is back at the pool. She decides to not waste any time and to run back home. She can hear the barks again. It must have doubled back also. She is running when she tries the trick again. She runs along a path and then hides behind a bush. She can hear the barks getting louder. She waits and prays for it to fall for it yet again. Suddenly the barks stop, she guess it must have got tired of the chase and stopped.

She decides to not waste the opportunity and to run home. She gets away from the bush and back on the path when she feels something jump on her back, she is thrown face down on the ground. She feels a sudden rush of pain. The pain is from her right ankle being sprained. It seems that her foot got caught in a root and when she fell her ankle got sprained. She won’t be able to run until it is healed and the animal is already around her.

The dog is not attacking her. She thinks that it knows that its victim is disabled and trying to savour the moment. She tries to get up but as soon as she gets to her knees she can hear the dog barking at her again. So she goes back on all fours. She is powerless and afraid, there may not be anyone for miles and she is disabled. It will take her more than an hour to get home. She starts to cry, what else can she do. She is completely at the mercy of the animal.

It will probably bite her and eat her she thinks to herself and a few days later people will find her remains. She is so afraid. She tries to look around to see where the beast is. She looks to the right but can’t see it. She looks to the left but still can’t see it. Is it gone? May be it understood that she was afraid of it and left her alone, she is relieved. She attempts to rise again but hears a bark coming from just behind her.

The sudden bark surprises her and she her pees herself. She looks between her legs, first it is hard since she had brought her knees together. She spreads them a little and can see the dribble coming from her short. She can also see legs. She then notice something, the legs are coming towards her. She keeps looking and sees the fore legs are between her own. She can see its head now.

It looks more like a wolf than a dog she thinks to herself. Its long tongue out of its muzzle. It seems to be sniffing her shoes. Well may be its the same fascination that dogs have for shoes she wonders. May be if she takes off her shoes it will go away. The dog suddenly moves away a few couple of yards. It is still there. May be it wants her to give away the shows. This gives her the opportunity to take them off and throw her shoes away.

The dog runs to where the shoes landed. It’s finally over, it can have the shoes if it wants them. She attempts to rise but hears a bark head of her. The same dog comes out of the undergrowth. It comes close to her. It starts sniffing her face its tongue jutting out. It moves to her right still sniffing her up. She follows it with her eyes until it is behind her. She moves her head to the other side to follow it’s movement but it seems to have stopped right behind her.

What can it be doing back there. She looks between her legs again and can see it sniffing the ground where she peed. Oh she gets it it must be something about territory she heard that dogs mark their territory with pee and since she peed, may be she usurped its territory. That could be bad for several different reasons the first of which she doesn’t know how to give the territory back to its rightful owner.

The dog starts rising its head and starts sniffing her legs up to her wet shorts. She can feel the animal’s muzzle pressing on the fabric. The animal retreats once more. Does it want her to remove the shorts just like she did with the shoes. She looks around but can’t see anyone except the dog, should she go along with this and take off the now will shorts or not. She decides to take them off.

Wait a minute, if I take them off how am I going to get back home. She already gave her shoes away that’s no problem its just going to be painful to walk home but trying to make the journey home in just a sports bra will be problematic to say the least. So she isn’t going to take her shorts off for the animal. The animal grows impatient of her inaction. It barks a few times but she still doesn’t comply.

The beast moves back towards her, will it bite her for not having been cooperative. Still she doesn’t flinch, she raises her head back up, she doesn’t want to see what it will do to her. All that she knows is that the animal is between her legs what mischief is it up to is still a mystery for the moment. She can’t feel a thing, did it go away? May be her display of courage changed its mind and it went away.

Still on all fours, she decides to attempt to get up. She then feels something weird, her shorts are being pulled down. She immediately tries to hold it in place with her hands but loses her balance and falls face first on the ground. She is able to hold the shorts though. The dog is tugging on the material she tells it to let go but none of them seems to want to. The stress on the fabric is causing it to become more and more tense.

She lets go of the shorts to prevent them from getting torn. The dog easily pulls the short from its mistress. It runs away with it clasped between its teeth. She waits for a while but the dog doesn’t come back. At least that’s over. There she is face down with her naked butt sticking out. Well at least the ordeal is over she thinks to herself and braces herself against the ground to rise. If she had known she would have given it earlier that would have saved her the trouble.

She wonders how she is going to get home in just a sport bra. She attempts to stand but the pain in the ankle is too much, so she can only crawl like a baby. She starts her long journey home. It is so much harder and slower to crawl than to walk. Her knees and hands are also getting bruised. She is crawling when she hears the dog again. It is back what can it want now. Well she doesn’t want o fight with it again so she takes off the bra and throws it away.

The dog sees the discarded bra and bites it and runs off again. There she is completely naked, how is she going to tell that to her mom and explain what happened. She will think about it when the time comes, for the time being she needs to get back home. She starts crawling again. Looking at her crawling like this with nothing on one would think that she is just a big baby except for the two mounds pulling down from her chest.

With the sports bra gone her breasts are swaying a lot when she is crawling. The crawling is therefore being quite strenuous. She is about to give up when she sees the end of the forest, that means from here on she can take shortcuts and ask for help if someone is coming along the road. How she is going to explain that she is naked that is a completely different matter that she will think about when the time comes.

She suddenly feels something wet against her ass. She freezes. She can feel that something is breathing against her ass. She looks down and sees the legs again. It is back. What does it want now? She can feel something wet brushing against her clitoris. She is so stunned and can’t think of what to do. It isn’t until the third lick that she snaps back to reality.

“Stop this you filthy animal.” It continues its licking without caring about what the nymph is saying.

She tries to wriggle her ass to get him off.

The beast stops its oral attack on the poor girl and backs away. The girl starts crawling away as fast as possible she is only about three feet from the last trees when she is pushed into the ground by a sudden weight on her back. The weight is painful as she feels sharp needles sticking into her back. She wants to cry out for help but she is out of wind from the assault. Although she cannot see the assailant she pretty much knows who it is. The question right now is what does it want.

“Get off me you damn animal” She is able to say when she catches her breath.

She feels something prodding her ass. “What do you think you are doing? Stop that immediately.”

The main problem with Mindy is that because of her youngish looks. It was always hard for her to find a boyfriend as guys always thought she was younger that she actually was and therefore they were afraid of being arrested for statutory rape. So until now her experience of sex was only limited to what she has seen in movies.

Her virginity that has been with her from birth and through puberty was for the first time under serious threat and this time from an animal. She had hoped to meet a guy she liked and have her first time with him, but this is definitely not how she had hoped for her first time to be like.

Wait a minute, she may have been over powered by the dog but that doesn’t mean that she has to accept what is happening to her, she doesn’t want to lose her virginity to an animal. She feels him starting to hump against her outer lips. If she is to do something she must act now. She thinks it through. Firstly she cannot escape and secondly she cannot overpower it so she needs to outsmart it.

The engorged member is slowly spreading her lips apart. She has to do something now as the next thrust is likely to hit home and once it is in she doesn’t think it will let go of her until it has filled her up. So what to do? Then it occurs to her. She lets go of her hands, they weren’t being of much use anyway. She puts them in between her legs and get hold of the throbbing member. It feels quite huge in her tiny hands.

She thinks of hurting it so it will let go of her, but feels the weight of the animal on her and decides it is much safer to not tempt it into attacking her. So she decides to go with her previous idea of giving it exactly what it wants. She aims it towards her hole and start to press it into her. With it having reached its target the dog moves forward for a better position. Its fore paws dig into her upper back and its hind paws move forward.

The new position of the dog puts its turgid member at a much better angle. It starts to hump more violently. She can feel it pushing into her. It is excruciatingly painful. She screams at the top of her lungs and decide to wriggle her ass to dislodge the invader but it is of no use. Instead with her wriggling her ass it is able to enter more easily which causes her to scream even more. She starts cursing it and swearing at it.

However now that two inches of the dog’s penis is in her, it isn’t so bad, it continues to hump trying to get even deeper into her. Since it is already in her, it starts to shift position putting its paws on either side of the girl thus taking more support on the ground than on the poor girl. As it continues to push in her, she can feel her body responding to the invader in a unanticipated fashion.

Instead of her insides trying to force the intruder back, it seems that it is doing the exact opposite and opening up to facilitate the intrusion. She is so ashamed of what is happening but can’t do anything to prevent this. She is starting to enjoy it actually and can feel herself getting wet which is not helping at all. Once the dog is all the way it, it starts to change its movement.

The rapid humping motions are replaced by powerful thrusts. With each thrust she can feel she is being pushed harder into the ground. This motion is causing her sensitive nipples to brush harder against the grass and turning her even more on. She can feel that she is being turned on and can’t prevent from moaning. Something else that she feels is that her already overstretched ass hole is being even more stretched as something even bigger is pushing in.

It is a bit painful but the pleasure she is experiencing is way more intense. She has her first orgasm. The dog howls while she moans. Two naked animals copulating. The girl rocked my several orgasm in sweating a lot. Suddenly it stops and she can feel streams shooting inside of her. She asks it to continue. It doesn’t move. She begs it to. It changes positions so that it is now facing away from her.

She is a bit disappointed. Suddenly it starts to move again but this time it is trying to pull out. The dog is starting to drag her. This is painful but so intense. After a few tries, it stops and seems to wait for something. She waits also. She is so tired. She falls asleep with the dog still buried deep in her ass.

She wakes up. It is not dark yet. She is on her back. She looks around she isn’t in the forest anymore, in fact she is on the farm, behind the barn actually. She is naked, with her clothes and shoes in a pile next to her, next to an envelope held down by a piece of wood the size of a walking stick. She looks around but can’t see anyone. She puts on the clothes and shoes. Her ankle is still sprained she puts the envelope inside her shorts and uses the piece of wood to walk to the porch.

She rings the bell. Natalie answers. She looks angry.

“Do you know what time it is young lady?”
“I’m sorry Mom, I fell and sprained my ankle.” She starts to cry.
“You you …. you called me Mom. Here lean on me.”
“Thanks Mom.”
She helps her to her room and put her on the bed and take off her shoes.
“Here you are, rest a bit. I’ll call Dr. Barns.”

She waits until Natalie is out of sight and opens the envelope. There is something written. She puts on her glasses. It is a web address with a username and password. She goes through her backpack and takes out her laptop. She types in the address and gets a window to fill in the username and password. She accesses the page. She is horrified by what she sees.

There are photos of her being mounted by the dog. She scrolls down the page. The other photos are of her naked with her arms and legs spread out. A few of them showing her mouth open and a dick being put in. The last photo is different, it is of her standing on the porch. Finally there is a note at the bottom of the page.

“So Mindy how did you like Bob? Don’t worry I am sure you will have plenty of opportunities to please him again. Well if you don’t want everyone to see you with Bob I guess you will have to obey my directions. Log in everyday at 7 pm to know what I want you to do. For the time being just rest. Your Master.

PS: To show your obedience I want you to shave your pussy clean and to stay naked all day in the sun tomorrow at the place where I left you, to get a nice tan. Have fun.”