(c) 2008 by line24k9

Part One

It felt almost that Lars had come in to my life to teach my to became “a women” He was very gentle and did not rush anything. After a few weeks he had got all of my clothes of and talked me into letting him lick me, and I had my first orgasm whit a boy. He teaches me every thing about his body and I noticed that he was well equipped. This was my first naked man I did not know that Lars inn fact had a very large dick. Later I found out that it was – 22 cm and 15 cm around. He was always shaved down there (so was I). One evening after a few bear he talk me into sucking him. It was amazing, I felt him grow even bigger and he let of al the good sound. After a few minutes he started to breed a lot heaver and with no warning he shout his hold load in my mouth – gosh that was something…

He had told me that I have to swallow and like the good girl I was I try to pleas him – but it was to much and some of it sip out of my mouth. He told my al the times that I was a good girl (he called me – his little pussycat)

Later he teach me how to get way down on him and after a some weeks I was Abel to take ¾ of him and after yet another weeks I was Abel to take al of him. Later I have been so good at this that he actually could fuck me in my mouth and he press himself al the way in

He used a small dildo on my pussy to make me bigger before he fucked me and he also teach me to take him in my anal.

He was always nice and al the things we did was don slowly and whit no rush. I think that is why I liked it that much that I did.

At the age of 19 he told me that I was well educated and he could not be more pleased whit me. We where doing sex in public place (like in the back of a buss or in the cinema). We once where in the forest having sex. When I was standing on al fours and Lars fucked me from behind. I notice that an older man was staring at us. He had also taken his dick at and he was masturbating him self, and at the point when Lars came and let out him sounds, I could se that the older man also comes. Later I told Lars that it turns me on to be watch.

Some weeks later we went to a club to hear some music. I had on a white top and my half long skirt. Lars was standing behind me and touching my back and I felt his finger pushing onto my pussy. I slowly spread my legs and bending a little forward and let him push 2 fingers in my pussy. He felt that I was very wet. He told me to follow him down to the basement of the building. We went into a small room whit a little light. There was a table there and Lars put med down on it on my back. He put my skirt up (Usually I am naked under whit that skirt). With no delay Lars started to fuck me. I was laying still and enjoyed it. Suddenly I could hear some noise in the room, and someone put on some more light. Then I could se that there where 4 guys sitting in cheers and they where al looking at me, lying there on the table and been fucking by Lars. Lars told me that the guys only will watch. Then I notice that al guys have taken their dicks out and there where masturbating themselves.

I could feel that I really turn me on, to se 4 guys taken care of their dicks. I could hold out any longer and I winked on of the guys over to me. He comes over and I reach out and grab his dick whit one hand. He was standing very still and let me take care of him. I was now very randy and asked one other guy to come over to us. I then take the new guys dick in my other hand and start to masturbating him too. Then I ask the first guy to come a little closer and asked him to put his dick in mouth. Very quickly he did so. It al ends up with that when I was laying there and been fucking by Lars, the 4 guys al was sucked by me and shot there loads in my mouth. Lars was very pleased whit me and called me many good names.

Later we where visiting that club and I did my little show in that basement. I was sucking and fucking strangers for hours. One time I have one dick in my mouth, one I my ass, one in my pussy and one in each hand. Al wile Lars where sitting in a cheer and watching.

That was my introduction to be “a woman” who love sex and did not say now to any action. Later I was teaches do some more kinky stuff.


Part Two

Lars is from Sweden and he liked to show me videos whit lot of sex. Some time he put on a movie white some K9. At first I did not think that was something, but after a few weeks I was more and more curious about it. I think it was after and very sex night white a lot of fucking I sad to my ex boyfriend that I had think a lot of that K9 videos. Lars told me that he had some contacts in Sweden and I might be able to get a dog there.

After a few weeks he told me he had to take a trip to Sweden. Ah; I think, he is going to get a dog. He came back whit a large Rottweiler, He told me that the dog was well trained and he knows what a girl like.

That evening I was in for my first K9 experience. In the beginning the dog licked my shaved pussy. Lars put on some jelly on my pussy and the dog, REX licked my pussy very good. We practise that for about 2 or 3 weeks and REX was a good licker, he could hold on for until 1 hour and I have many orgasms.

The next step in my training was to suck REX. He stood very still when I got under him and stroke his penis, after some time he let his penis out from his sheet. It grows and grows and I think it reach 18 cm. Then I put my tongue out and start to lick him. It was a little different than a man but I was very horny and open my mouth full and get down one him. I started to suck REX like I suck a man, and I hear that REX like it. He let out some good sounds. After some minutes REX started to breed a little heavier and whit no other warning he started to shout in my mouth. It was very much like when a man comes. I try to swallow but it was much more than a man and it started to sip some out of my mouth. I continued to suck him until he stop coming. I think he had come 3 times of what Lars usually comes. After that REX start licking my face. I think he would like to clean up after him.

For the next week my training went on – whit a lot of licking and a lot of sucking. Some times I sucked REX 3 times in the evening. We could se that he liked it and he was very found of me.

On late evening after some licking and sucking Lars sad that it was time for some fucking. Lars told me that REX was well trained and REX had fucked girls before. I was a little sad, I had dream that I would be REX first “lady”. We had se that REX some times when we played had tray to growl on top of my back, so we was pretty sure that REX has been trained.

I put on a thigh black leather jack to protect my slim body. Lars put on socks on REX feet. We have got us a small leather pillow. When I laid down on it, on my stomach my butt was in good possession for REX to mouth me. When REX sees me in that possession he started to lick my pussy. I have my butt high up in the ear and REX has good access to my pussy. REX licked me for some time and I was very wet. Then REX started to get in possession to fuck me. I can feel his tip of penis on my pussy. The he push forward and I start to feel him inside me, and whit on large push he was all in me. It was amazing; I was fucked by a dog. My howl head was spinning around, and REX was pushing me very hard. He fucked like now man ever has fucked me. It felt like I was raped.

Later Lars told me that REX went on for at least 10 minutes and he fucked me like crazy. After this minutes REX start to push his knot inside me. I was prepared for it (I have use a large dildo on me early that evening) But what happened next could I not be prepared for. REX push his knot inside me and the knot started to grow and did not stop until it was very big. It now pressed at my inner pussy and I have multi orgasms. I think I passed a way for some time. I wake up when I feel REX was coming deep inside me, he was pumping me full. Lars had told me that REX now will be locked whit me, and I laid very still on my leather pillow. I could still feel some coming from REX penis, and he kept on pushing his penis in me. I could feel his face in my neck and he was beading very heavy. And after some time REX stood very still him self. The only thing I felt was the knot pressing to my inner pussy.

Later Lars told me that I passed of several time during the act. REX was inside me for 15 minutes before the knot shrink so he can pull out of me. REX the started to lick me, he licked all of his own sperm. And I was all clean again. It was my strongest sexual experience ever.

But I know that more was to come

For the next 6 months REX fucked me 3 to 4 times in the week. We learn something each time and after a wile we where really experts. One night REX fucked me 3 times and I was as tired as ever. It felt like I had run a marathon, and I slept for several hour after that.


Part Three

After the next 6 month with dog-fucking training, 3 to 4 times in the week and REX take me 2 to 3 times at the time, we where really experts. I was able to let REX fuck me whiteout that Lars helped. All I had to do was to lie down on my stomach on my special leather madras. I was then lying with my butt high up in the air and my upper body a little lower. I spread out my legs and I was wide open for REX. He just had to move in between my legs and use his hips and push his erected cock inside me. With 2 or 4 push he was all the way inside me and he started his furious fucking of me. I had never I my life been fucked so fast and with so much power in it, I felt like he was trying to split me in two. After the regular 15 – 20 minutes of fucking REX started to press his small knot inside my pussy and with some extra push the knot went in my pussy and as son as the knot was inside it started to grow and grow.

This happened when REX still was humping my butt with enormous power. The knot grows as big as tennis ball and it felt like I split. That was the time that I usually pass out for some seconds and with some extra hard push REX came deep inside my pussy. I could fell that I was filled up with warm dog cum and then we where locked. During the time we where locked, REX did some small push with his hips. Like he will show me that he still are inside me and I had to lay still. I like to lay still and fell him deep inside me and with the knot pressing at my inner pussy I usually have multi orgasms.

I think it was 6 months after my first fucking with REX that Lars asked if I want to learn more and experience something else. I was then already felling that I had became a dog-bitch and I was eager to try something new. Lars told me that we could visit some of his friends in Sweden. They run a small kennel and where glad to have us as visitors.

Lars told me everything on the trip to Sweden. We travel by car and have good time to talk about all. The deal was that the men who run the kennel should not touch me unless I will. The men at the kennel was 2 brothers and the have run the kennel for 6 year. The breed regular dogs for sale and beside that they have breeding of dog with extra good skills. There where at this kennel that Lars had get REX.

After 4 hours of driving we where at the kennel and we meet Sven and Ole, it was to ordinary men, Sven was 35 and Ole was 45. The kennel was a little place in the woods and I was 15 minutes from the highway. It was one white building, where the men live and a long red building, where the dogs live. I the backyard was the outside place for the dogs, and I could se 6 – 8 dogs running along there. We sat down and have a little talk and some food. They told me that the “boys” was ready, if I was. I told them that Lars has told me everything in the car and I was ready for some fun. They promise to take it a little slow this first day.

Lars showed me to our room and gave me a bag and a note with some instructions for me. Lars went down to the basement and told me to come down there in 15 minutes. I read the note and make myself ready for the basement. In the bag was a silver collar with inscriptions – LINE – DOG – SLUT. I put it on my neck. There where also a tube with lubrication and I was instructed to put some in my pussy. It also was a large dildo formed like a dog cock. I wet my fingers with the lubrication and started to put in on my pussy lips. I use one finger and added one finger to and another finger and at last I have 4 fingers in and out of my pussy. It was no filled with lubricate and I started to use the large dog dildo on me. I trust it hard in and out of me for many minutes meanwhile I was tickling my clitoris and after some minutes I reach my first orgasms that day. I was no wide open and my pussy was well lubricated all the way in.

I was no ready for the basement and went down their. When I came down there in get down on all fours as I was instructed and I bark to the close door. Lars the open the door and he was very pleased to se me there on all fours. He put a silver chain to my collar. He bent over for checking my pussy and he insert one finger in me and he felt how wet and ready I was. He then user more fingers and at the end he use 4 finger in an out of my wide open and wet pussy. He told Sven and Ole that I was ready.

With a little trust in the chain I understand that I was to go in the room behind the door. It was a long corridor with cages on each side, and I could se the dogs inside their cages. It must have been 4 dogs on each side. I was crawling on all four down the corridor and I notice that the floor was of soft linoleum (Lucky for my knees and hands). At the same second that I enter the room the dogs in the cages started to make load bark and they where wandering around in their cages. The dogs were very interested in me and I think it was OK that the cages were locked. How knows what could happen if the doors were open.

At the end of the corridor it was a new door and Sven opened it for me and Lars led me in that room. The room was 10x 10 meters and there where some sofa and cheers there and 2 or 3 low leather madras (like the one I have home). I later found out that Sven and Ole had put some pussy wet from a female dog in the lubrication that I have put on in my pussy. That was a good explanation why the dogs where so in the mode.

I was asked to lye down on one of this madras and since I have donned this before, I did was I was told. I was laying there one my stomach with my legs apart, my butt in the air, my tits sticking out from round holes in the madras and my head hanging free in the air. Then Sven enter the room with a large black Grand Danes. The dog has also a silver collar and the inscription was – HERO – DOG – MASTER.

Sven hold Hero in his chain and I notice that Hero was trying to come over to me and he barked to Sven to let him go free. Sven then let Hero go free. Hero was over to me in a second and he started to sniff all over me and after some sniffing he went over to licking. I was licked all over my body. He licked my face so I was all wet. After some minutes he went for my butt and my wide open pussy. I was give the best lick ever and he kept on licking for 10 – 15 minutes and I have my second orgasms that day. As Hero wondering around me I could se that he started to get horny and his cock started to grow bigger and bigger. I think he had even a bigger cock than what REX has.

It must have been over 20 cm long and 15 – 18 cm around. I was glad that I was well wet and that I have stretched my pussy. Then Hero move in between my legs and I could feel his body against my butt. He started to move his hips and I felt the top of his cock at my pussy. He trusts his hips against me and more and more of his big cock was presses I my wide open and well lubricated pussy. His hips work back and forward and more and more of his cock was presses in my pussy. After a few minutes he was all in me and I have never in my life been so filled up. Then started the wild fucking, Hero moved his hips very fast and his cock went in and out of my pussy in a tempo that I had never experience. Hero fucked me like he will and I was nothing else as his own bitch to fuck. After 5 – 10 minutes of fucking Hero get of me and started to move around me. He came over to my head and started to move so my head came in positions near his cock. You must open you mouth, said Ole and so I did. With a little moving on my head Hero was able to move his cock into my open mouth. Hero start to fuck my mouth with his big cock as it was my pussy he fucked. All I had to do was to open my mouth as much as I could and in and out his cock went. Hero fucked my mouth for 4 – 6 minutes and the he went back between my legs and started to fuck my pussy.

Ole later told me that the have trained the dogs to come up and fuck the women in their mouth as a part of the fucking act. And it seams like the dogs like it. When Hero was back between my legs and fucking my pussy again he kept on that for about 15 minutes. He set up a speed that no man ever can come up against. After these 15 minutes Hero started to press more of his cock inside me and I realise that he was trying to press his knot inside me. After some more press the knot gradually slips in my pussy. The moment the knot was inside my pussy it started to grow. I could feel it on my inner pussy lips and the knot grows even bigger. I think it must have a size of a large tennis ball. I could fell Hero in my neck and he was starting to breathe a lot heavier and it figures that he was ready to shot inside my pussy. With some extra hump with his hips Hero barked out and I could feel his warm dog sperm filling up my pussy. Hero was shivering with his hips and I could fell his knot pulsing inside me as he sends all of his cum deep inside me. I could fell the warm cum inside me and Hero deep breath in my neck. I was lying all still and waiting for Hero’s next move. He realise that he was locked to me and that I was his DOG-SLUT from now on. Hero let him self rest at my body and whit small move with his hips he told me that he still is her and he is knotted to me.

The knot pressed at my inner pussy lips and I have had many orgasms, I have lost count. Lars later told me that I passed out for 10 – 20 seconds, from time to time during the 20 minutes that Hero was knotted to me.

After about 20 minutes I could fell that the knot is going down and Hero started to try to get of me, but he had to wait some more minutes for the knot to shrink so small that he was able to get of me. As son as Hero was of me he turned around and started to lick my pussy from all of his cum. I think he licked me for 5 – 10 minutes and that led to my final multi orgasm. I was all done.

The boys gave me applause for my act and they gave good words to Hero. The boys said that we should stop with that for the first evening. Hero was led to his cave and was give food and water. Lars helped me up to our room and he had to help me to bed. That night I slept for 12 hour. I was all exhausted.

I my dream I dreamt about what should happened in the days to come, her at my visit to the kennel…


Part Four

I have been travel to the kennel in Sweden for some times now and I think I have been there 6 times. Every time is it something new to experience, some new dogs and some new action.

This time I was there for a whole week and Lars and the boys, Sven and Ole, who run the kennel, had put up something special for me.

The first day I was lead into a room in the basement, it was covered with one large rubber madras and in the middle it was a large soft leather pillow. I had preparing myself with a shower and shaved all my hair on my pussy and I have put on some oil so my pussy was clean, soft and ready.

Lars and the boys sat down in a leather sofa and were ready too watch some fun, as they said.

I was command to get on all four and lay on the big pillow. I was no in a very good position for every dog, my butt was high up in the air and my legs was spread and my pussy was started to leak with my juice. My head hang free in the air and my hands was free to use.

One of the boys come inn with Hero. He is a Grand Dane and I have bee fucked by him before. I could almost feel that Hero recognised me and he was pleased to se me again. He came over to me and started to lick me right away. I spread my legs a little more to make it easy for Hero to get access to my pussy. Hero licked like hell and my pussy was getting more and more open and wet. Hero was trying to put his long tongue inside me. Gradually I could feel more and more of his tongue inside my pussy and after awhile I could feel about 5 cm of his tongue inside me. My pussy was way open and ready for some more action.

After some more minutes of licking Hero was ready for some more and I could feel his front paws on my back as he started to mount me. Hero pushed his hips a couple of times and I could feel the top of his cock on my pussy lips. Hero was well trained and with some more push with his hips his cock gradually slides into my wet and open pussy inch by inch until he was all the way in. He was really big today and I could feel that he was filling my pussy completely up. Hero has a very fast rhythm with his hips and he started up on hell of a raise. I was banged like never before.

In and out – in and out – Hero was a really good boy and he knows was a little girl like me was into. I was concentrating on Hero and did not notice that another dog was lead into the room. He was lead up to my face and started to lick it. It was a great Rottweiler named King. King was well trained to and after some licking he started to hump my face and I realised that he was eager that I should suck him. And as that well trained girl I am, I open my mouth way open and let King press his large dog cock in my mouth. King started to hump my mouth like it was a pussy and I had to press my mouth a little together so that Kings was not able to press too much of his cock in.

All that happened while Hero still was fucking me in my pussy. My pussy was wet from my own moister and from the pre cum from Hero. After some more minutes of fucking I could feel that Hero was ready for some knotting. Gradually he presses his cock deeper and deeper inside my way open pussy and with one last push from his hips the knot was inside me. Now I could feel that is was growing, step by step. It grows to a size like a tennis ball and it presses at my inner pussy. Wow there was my first orgasm. My hold body shacked and Hero press just some more cock inside me. Just like he tries to told me that I was his to please.

The knot was growing some more and then it was Hero’s turn to come. He barked a little and I could feel his hips shaking as he sent his loud of dog sperm deep inside my pussy. He was coming and coming and it seam that he will never stop. I must have empty his balls with all he had for me. After a wail Hero was finish coming and he stood still hanging over me breathing heavy in my neck. The press of the knot stopped every drop of cum to leak out of my pussy.

Meanwhile King was humping my mouth like that was the last thing he should do in this world. I could feel his pre cum and understand that it was not long before I had my reward. After some more minutes I could feel some shaking in King’s hips and then he start to shout his dog cum in my way open mouth. I tried as much as I could to swallow but the quantity of his dog cum was too much for me. I could feel that it pores out of my mouth and down my cheek and chin. King was still mouth fucking me while his cock sent load after load of dog sperm in my mouth. My hold face was a mess and some dog sperm actually came out of my nose. I was able to swallow 1/3 I think, but the rest was all over my face and dripping too the floor. When King was ready shooting his load in my mouth he stepped down and started to lick my face. As I said before, he was well trained. He actually cleans up the mess he had put my face in. After King was ready with my face he went over to the corner of the room laid down and started to clean his own cock.

Hero was still locked in me and the pressures of his large knot to my G-point make me have multi orgasms and I think I passed out from time to time. Just for some small second. Always when I am having fun with dogs I lost track of time so I had no idea of how long Hero was knotted to me. Lars later told me that it has lasted for almost 30 minutes.

When I could feel that Hero’s knot was shrinking down he started to try to pull his cock out of me, he had to wait for some more minutes to be able to pull out. At last he pulls out with a Puff and I could feel that his sperm was starting to leak out of my way open pussy. I could feel sperm mixed with my own juice running down both of my inner thighs and down to the floor. Hero turned around and started to lick my open pussy with his big dog tongue. He licked and licked until I was almost clean. Suddenly I think I could feel 2 dog tongue and I had to turn my head to se and there was King also licking my butt and he try to make his way to my pussy. Hero as for now was finish with me let King take his place and Hero lay down beside Lars and started to clean his own dog cock.

King continues to lick my pussy for some minutes but the he decide that my pussy was ready for some more action. He hump my but and put his front paws around my waist and started to press his stiff and ready dog cock against my way open wet pussy. It was a very easy goal for King and with some small push with his hips he was in me. He pressed inch by inch of his large dog cock in my pussy until I could feel his knot against my pussy lips. I could feel that King has a little smaller cock than Hero and good was that because I could feel that my pussy was stretch to it limits.

King kept on banging me for some minutes until I could fell that he was ready for some knotting and with one big push by his hips the knot was in my pussy. That last push made me passes out again. When I was awoke again I could feel that the knot has grow very big and King was stacked in my. All he could do was to move his hips with small pushes. Every push moved me to my orgasm. I actually orgasm when I feel his load of dog sperm was shooting in my pussy. He shoots load after load and I was thinking – will he never stop shooting. Finally he stopped shooting dog sperm and with my last effort I squeeze his last drop out of him by using my pussy muscles. King hang over my back and I could hear him bread in my neck. We laid there as a couple who has run a marathon.

Some minutes later King started to move his hips a little and that was enough for my pussy to have another orgasms. His large knot presses on my g-spot and I have another multi orgasm followed by another passed away for me.

When I was awoke again King still did his small movement of his hips as he was trying to tell me that I was his dog-bitch and he could do what ever he wanted with me.

After 20 – 30 minutes the knot was going down so much that King was able to pull his dog cock out of my very way open and wet pussy. Large amount of dog sperm, both sperm for Hero and King mixed with my own juice pored out of my pussy and down my inner thighs and down to the floor and creates a small “lake” of dog sperm. I was a complete mess and my puss was as open that a man wrist could fit in.

King tries to lick me a little but he was also finish and I was too much for him to lick. The boys actually had to use a water hose to clean me up. They aim it in my pussy and after a few minutes with hot water and some soap I was clean as ever.

Lars and the boys were very pleased with both me and King and Hero. The dogs was feed with something extra and I was put to bed for a rest.