(c) 2008 by jjenn1950

Chapter One

It was about a year and a half after my wife died and I was working the graveyard shift at a local plywood mill as a mill Wright, I was getting my lunch together when the phone rang. Shorty started barking (he was like a backup ringer for the phone) I picked up the phone and said hello and heard my step daughters voice and she sounded like she was crying, I asked if she was all right and she started babbling. I asked her to slow down so I could understand her. She finally took a deep breath and explained that some things had happened and she needed a place to stay for a few days I told her she was more then welcome to stay at the house and asked if she had a way to get here and she said she had her car, I told her I was on my way to work and I would leave the garage door open for her and said I would see her in the morning.

At work that night I started thinking back through the years, my Step daughter Jessica was part of the package when my wife and I married she was half white and half Peruvian with long black hair and sparkling brown eyes and went every where her mom and I went, she got prettier but always complained about being over weight and didn’t have a waist and I would tell her she would grow out of her baby fat.

Which brings us to Shorty, my wife, Jessica and I were out looking at yard sales and one of the sales had a pen with five or six puppies in it and while the wife and I were looking through all the treasures Jessica was playing with the pups and of course and had never had a dog, fell in love with one of them. I had no idea what kind of mix these pups were but the one she picked was gold with a really long body and really short legs (thus the name Shorty) I started to say no and she started in with the usual I’ll clean up after him, I’ll feed him, I’ll walk him, etc. etc. so I told her we would try it and if it didn’t work out we would find him another home. So we had a new family member.

Well as it turned out Shorty was a pretty smart dog and caught on to things pretty fast, he was house broke in no time at all and got along well with every one, as he got older he matured as male dogs do. When my friends would stop by he would check them out and then go and stretch out in the drive way in the sun while we would hang out in the garage, one day one of my friends said hey check out Shorty. He was laying in the drive way licking him self and sporting a nine inch hard on and that didn’t include his knot, after that my friends started calling him Woody.

Shortly after that Jessica found her dream guy and married him then moved to Portland and didn’t have a place for Shorty so he stayed with me and my wife Laura. He seemed kinda lost for the first week or so then he started following Laura every place she went he started sleeping on the rug next to the bed. Laura and I always had a great sex life and there were a couple of things she really liked, one was anal sex with her back towards my chest then after I was in all the way in she would have me lay all the way back and stroke her slowly and massage her C size tits and pinch her nipples. I could feel her cum dripping down on my groin around my balls and between my ass cheeks then I felt something cold on my balls and then something wet and rough then Laura felt the same thing on her labia. We both came to the same conclusion at the same time and both said “Shorty No” and Laura pushed him away and he jumped off the bed and sat on the rug licking himself.

I said that was certainly a surprise and Laura said more of a shock then surprise and I added kinda erotic though and she said his tongue was rough and wet, I slid my fingers over her pussy and called Shorty back up on the bed which he was happy to do, he licked my fingers as I moved them over to Laura’s pussy and he started licking up all her juices even down around my balls and as many times as Laura had licked my balls in the past I never felt anything like that, then he started on Laura’s pussy and her hips started there own involuntary action which felt great on my cock. I asked her to tell me how his tongue felt and she started to moan and then she had a major orgasm that shook her all over and caused her to tighten her rectum on my cock and I knew I was getting close to exploding then she said he licks from your dick all the way to myyya clittt and then into me so deeeeeep and then she was orgasming again and her ass was bucking on my cock.

Then Shorty stopped and I looked at him and patted Laura’s stomach and he moved forward and Laura could feel his hot cock between her legs and said NO! No! but it was to late he pushed forward and hit the mark on the first try and drove all nine inches in on the first try, I guess me being under her put her at the perfect height for Shorty she screamed and arched her back at the same time then moaned as an earth shaking orgasm coursed though her and Shorty just kept on stroking and she kept moaning and her hips kept pumping and I could feel Shorty’s cock rubbing against mine though the vaginal and anal membranes and my cock felt bigger and harder than it ever had and Laura’s anal muscles held it so tight I couldn’t budge it.

Shorty must have been going for over half an hour and he would speed up then slow down now I could feel his leg muscles tighten as he started to push his knot harder against Laura’s pussy and she started saying it was to big and I could feel Shorty’s leg muscles pulling her pussy onto his knot and then it was in and expanding Laura moaned and arched her back again and let out a long deep moan and exploded again and Shorty’s knot was rubbing on my cock and I exploded deep in Laura’s ass and she shook all over as Shorty started shooting his load deep in her womb and all she could do is tighten her back muscles and spasm in ecstasy time after time as he kept shooting cum in her and her ass kept milking cum out of my cock with his knot pulsing against it, then he stopped and just laid on her stomach until he was done Cumming then tried to pull out But I could still feel Laura’s pussy pulsing with orgasm after orgasm each time he tried to with draw and finally she stopped.

After twenty or so minutes Shorty finally pulled out with a plopping sound and cum flowed out all over my balls and cock and he started cleaning Laura’s pussy and my cock, balls and ass and even the inside of my ass then jumped off the bed and onto his rug and cleaned himself, we were all exhausted and fell asleep.

We talked about the night before over coffee the next morning and Laura was telling me how Shorty’s cock felt inside her, it started out about the same length as yours but you never stuff it all in at once in one stroke and his is a lot thicker then yours and then it got longer and thicker I felt it go into my cervix and he kept pumping away until he was in my womb then I felt him pulling me onto his knot and it felt as big as a hard ball, I didn’t think it would fit and it hurt then he tightened his legs around my waist and pulled me onto it then it was in and it got as big as a grapefruit then I was Cumming and after that every thing is a haze then I woke up this morning.


Chapter Two

Over the next few days every time I thought about our little threesome I ended up with a rock hard erection and Laura would say her pussy was still sore but would help me out with a hand job or suck me off. It was about a week and a half before she felt up to f**king me again and Shorty was there to watch but Laura told him he only got to watch this time. It was a few days after that she was ready for Shorty again.

That evening we started off with our usual foreplay but Laura’s pussy was already soaked and draining down between her ass cheeks so I massaged her clit and slid three fingers into her pussy and licked and sucked on her nipples then I felt Shorty’s nose and tongue on my hand and I pulled him away and told Laura to put both our pillows under her, then I let Shorty go and he started licking. This time I got to watch close up and that tongue of his was unbelievable he would ream her rectum then lick all the way to her clit then down to her honey hole his tongue would shoot into her and her hips would rise to let him get in deeper, now her hips were pumping slow at first and then gradually moving faster then he was licking her clit again and she was starting to moan and her ass lifted off the pillows as she had her first massive orgasm and then he was back in her honey hole again and she spread her legs further apart and reached down and pulled her pussy lips apart so Shorty could get in deeper. Then he really went to work on her honey hole, she was moaning louder and shaking all over and she arched her back even further and I didn’t think she could take much more so I pulled Shorty back and I could see her pussy pulsing so I leaned in and ran my tongue around her clit and I had never seen her pussy squirt cum before but she shot out a long stream of cum and Shorty was licking it up.

After Laura settled back down on the pillows I asked if she was ready, she said she was so I let Shorty go and he started licking again and I patted Laura on her stomach and he mounted her and she spread her legs wider, I told her to relax (remember I said earlier that Shorty was pretty smart) Shorty moved forward a little and found his mark and pushed in about four inches of cock and then pulled almost all the way out then pushed back in about eight inches then out again on the third stroke he buried it in all the way to his knot. Laura was Cumming again then he started stroking faster with long strokes his cock had to be eleven inches long to the knot and as thick as a soda can watching that cock going in and out of Laura had my cock aching and watching her hips trying to keep up with every stroke until her climax exploded into another orgasm which excited Shorty even more.

I could see his legs tighten around her hips as he started to push his baseball sized knot against her pussy and she lifted her hips to meet it, then I realized that she hadn’t lifted her hips Shorty was in control of where her pussy was and he was banging his knot on her clit and she was moaning getting ready for another orgasm and her moan got loader and I could see her stomach muscles tighten then Shorty used his leg and shoulder muscles to slowly pull her on to his knot and she exploded as his knot expanded inside her. I saw her legs raise up and she locked her ankles behind his hips trying to pull him deeper inside her and his strokes were shorter but he was still going like a jack hammer.

I figured at least eleven inches of cock and three and half inches of knot and with the knot expanded I figured at least sixteen inches of hot dog cock inside her and she was so hot for cock she wanted him in deeper, then I felt her hand on my cock and I blew my load of cum across her stomach and tits then Shorty started shooting his hot thick cum deep inside her and she arched her back up and pulled him inside her as far as she could and her whole body just hung there in the air for the longest time then she collapsed but her hips kept pumping on Shorty’s cock and she still had her legs locked around his hips and kept moaning.

I had never seen anything so sexually exciting in my life; finally she let him escape after being locked together for nearly an hour with her pussy milking every drop of cum out Shorty that she could get. When Shorty pulled out he licked my cum off her and she moaned again and then he started cleaning his and her cum off her pussy and she climaxed a couple of more times then she looked over at me and my raging hard on and wrapped her hand around it and started stroking and then rolled over and kissed the head of it and slipped her lips over the tip and started slowly working the shaft between her lips.

Laura and I were together for many years and she had never taken me all the way into her throat until that night she just kept sliding up and down sucking and licking until I was all the way in then she slid her tongue out and licked my balls and I exploded in her throat and it seemed like it was the biggest load I had ever let loose.

We had many more enjoyable evenings after that with Shorty but about three months later we found out Laura had cancer and she passed away a few months later.


Chapter Three

Got off work at six thirty and headed for home took about thirty five minutes to get home and parked out in front of the house, Jessica’s car was parked in the driveway looked like an 85 or 86 Honda Accord, I let myself in through the garage so I wouldn’t wake her if she was asleep but she was sitting in the kitchen when I walked in I put my lunch box on the counter and turned and she was standing right there so I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then stood back and looked her over, she had a split lip a slight black eye and a bruise on her left cheek her hair was disheveled.

I hadn’t seen her in a year and a half or so since her mom’s funeral, she had rushed off right after the services were finished and I hadn’t talked to her in all that time either there phone was disconnected or she was not there according to her husband, I asked her what had happened and she said she didn’t want to talk about it so I let it go and asked her if she were hungry she said she wasn’t but I cooked enough sausage, eggs, hash browns and toast for the both of us and put a plate in front of her, filled her coffee cup and mine and sat down and started eating in silence.

I had learned a long time ago not to push she would come around in her own time, as I ate I thought about how different she was from her mother, she stood about five foot six inches tall and looked like she weight about a hundred and forty five pounds, had long black hair hanging loosely around her face and shoulders, her 40 DD breasts stood firm and proud her skin was mocha and the only thing missing was her smile, Laura was fair skinned with shoulder length blond hair with green eyes and weight about a hundred and twelve pounds and firm C cup tits.

I guess the smell of the food finally got to her and she started nibbling at it and in no time at all her plate was clean, I got up from the table and put the dishes in the sink and walked down the hall to the bath room and dug around in the medicine cabinet until I found what I was looking for and walked back to the kitchen I put the pills on the table in front of her and told her I needed to get a couple of hours sleep and that she should take a long hot bath, take two of the pills to help her sleep and I would see her in a few hours and headed for bed.

I woke up around four that afternoon and sat on the side of the bed waiting for the cob webs to go away and then went in and took a long shower, I didn’t have to work tonight so I started thinking about how to spend the evening, after I got dressed I went out to the living room and turned on the TV and was checking out the news and Jessica wandered in and she was still half asleep and wearing a very short and very thin night gown all she had on under it was her panties, her nipples were hard and her areolas were puffy and I found myself getting an erection. She sat down next to me and put her head on my shoulder and she smelled musky and sweet now I was wishing I had put on Levis instead of shorts because now I have a major tent going on and trying to position my leg so she couldn’t see it.

We sat there for a few minutes in silence and then Jessica said when mom was in the hospital we spent a lot of time together and I don’t know if it was the meds they were giving her or if she just wanted me to know you better before she died. She told me an awful lot about you and your sex life together, about how big your cock is and how you enjoyed licking her pussy until she would cum and how much she enjoyed sucking your cock. Then she said I haven’t had an orgasm in over a year and I leaned over and kissed her and she returned my kiss and slid her hand over my leg and squeezed my cock, she pulled away from our kiss and said she wanted to see my cock and I told her I wanted to see her tits so she stood up and dropped her night gown and then slid her panties down her legs and she was beautiful. I stood up and slid my shorts and underwear down then turned to face her and she reached out and squeezed my cock but her fingers didn’t quite reach around it.

She started stroking me nice and slow looking up at me she said she had never had a cock that thick or long in her, I told her we would take it nice and slow and she said OK and bent over and kissed the tip of it then licked around the head and slid her lips over the head all the time watching my face then she pulled it out of her mouth and smiled at me and stood up. I pulled her to me and kissed her and ran my hands down her back and squeezed her ass and she snuggled up close and moved her stomach back and forth rolling my cock in between us.

I started kissing my way down her neck and to her tits and those beautiful nipples and after licking and sucking them for a few minutes she was making little noises in her throat so I slid my hand down to her pussy and she was soaked so I fingered her clit a little and she moaned and nearly collapsed so I slid a finger into her honey hole and she spread her legs further apart so I slid in a second and pushed all the way in and her hips started gyrating and pumping and she was grunting louder and louder and her hips were pumping hard so I slipped in another finger and that put her over the top I could feel her pussy sucking on my fingers and she stood still moaning with her pussy still sucking on my fingers. I stood up and she leaned against me and kissed me and after a few minutes she whispered your turn and pushed me back until I sat on the edge of sofa and she started kissing and licking her way down and stroking my cock with her hand and as her lip finally reached my cock and slid over the head and she spread her legs farther apart to get more comfortable, I had forgotten all about Shorty, her lips came off the head of my dick and she said “What the F**k” No Shorty!

I said I should have put him in the other room, Jessica asked who the hell taught him that that? I looked at her and smiled then said your mom and she was speechless, I told her he really liked pussy juice and he was really good at licking pussy. So I sat back down on the edge of the sofa and told her you just carry on with what you were doing and just ignore Shorty so she started stroking me again and licking up and down my cock and Shorty worked his way back in behind her again and licked her from her anus to her clit and I saw her ass raise a little in shock and then he really went to work on her pussy she moaned and her hips started that involuntary humping motion then she went to work on my cock. I was watching that beautiful face pushing farther and farther down on my cock that was getting ready to explode like a volcano and she squeezed really hard, moaned and shoved the head of my dick into her throat and I blew my load into her and she was shaking all over from her orgasm then we both collapsed.

We fell asleep on the sofa and slept for nearly two hours, after we were both awake we talked more about things that she and her mom talked about at the hospital evidently Laura had told her about everything except Shorty which Jessica was quite amazed with especially his tongue. She hadn’t gotten a good look at his cock yet. We just kind of flopped around the living room for a while then her hand was on my cock again and she was smiling as she straddled my lap and kissed me then she raised up and guided my cock into her pussy and let the head pop in then she pushed herself slowly down my shaft then rose back up until just the head was in her then she started sliding back down again this time she went three quarters of the way down and she was really tight.

She whispered in my ear that is as far as any one had been inside her and she sliding up and then pushed down as hard as she could and buried my cock all the way to my balls and stayed there I could feel her pussy pulsing around my cock and I moaned it felt so good, we stayed that way for a few moments and then her hips started that rocking motion, she was rubbing her clit against my pelvis and her pussy was getting wetter then she was sliding up and back down and then faster and harder she was so snug on my cock I could feel every muscle rippling up and down the inside of her vagina it was amazing then her muscles tightened on my cock and I could feel her cum pumping out as she groaned in my ear, as her muscles loosened inside her I put my arms around her and picked her up and layed her back on the sofa and resumed stroking her with long deep strokes she pulled her knees up higher so I could penetrate deeper then moved them further apart and said harder, harder yes deeper then I put my arms under her legs and put them over my shoulders and the further I leaned forward the deeper into her I got and she wanted more then she was bent in half and I was pounding into her the head of my dick was all the way into her womb and I couldn’t hold off any more I shoved my cock in as far and as hard as I could and shot load after load of cum into her. She screamed in my ear and had a grand maul orgasm and passed out, there was sweat dripping off both of us and I just laid there as my dick went limp, after a few minutes Jessica opened her eyes and kissed me moved her legs off my shoulders and laid there holding me.

That’s where we woke up the next morning, the first thing Jessica said was “my pussy is sore” and I told her I had heard that before, we both laughed then we headed for the shower, we took turns washing each other in detail then got dressed and met in the kitchen and fixed some food and sat and talked while we ate, I’m beginning to see why mom always enjoyed being with and why she talked about you so much in the hospital you were her friend and her lover and you were always there for her, you must miss her terribly and she walked over and hugged me and I told her it gets easier day by day and I have Shorty to keep me company.

We moved out to the sofa and checked to see if there was anything worth watching and out of nowhere Jessica asked who’s idea it was to have anal sex the first time and I told her about a gal that her mom was friends with they went to the movies one night and when she came home that she wanted to try it she really got off on it but it had to be done a certain way and only a couple of times a month, then Jessica said she wanted to try it tonight and I said it’s your pretty little ass. Then we ordered pizza and waited for it to show up I went to the fridge to see if there was any beer and there wasn’t so I drove to the corner market and grabbed a twelve pack and then back to the house.

When I got back the pizza guy was just leaving, I went into the kitchen to put the beer in the fridge and Jessica was standing there smiling wearing a black very see through negligee, I smiled and said you must have made the pizza guys night because you are a vision I kissed her on the way to the fridge, she said I know pizza just isn’t pizza with out beer and we took the pizza and beer out to the living room and ate on the floor, I Drank a couple of beers and Jessica drank four and was getting pretty loose so I stood up and said come in here and headed down the hall to the bedroom.

When Jessica walked in I was sitting naked on the end of the bed she reached out and squeezed my cock and said very nice, and then she straddled my legs, I lifted up a tube of lubricant and put some in her hand and told her to put it on my cock nice and thick then I put some on all my fingers then I reached down and under her pussy and rub the lube into her butt crack and on her anus then stuck my middle finger into her sphincter and pushed in to the first joint and told her to relax her muscles and pushed my finger in all the way then started working my second finger in and started rubbing her nipples with my other hand and working my fingers slowly in and out and added another finger and started cork screwing my fingers in and out until all three were all the way in. She was kissing my neck and shoulders and said in a low voice that it was feeling very good and I kept working my hand in up to my thumb and slowly turned my hand back and forth and her breathing was getting shallower so I slid my fingers out and told her to stand up.

I reached over and grabbed a hand towel off the night stand and wiped the lube off my hand and told Jessica to take off her negligee and turn around I reached out and put my hands on her hips and pulled her back toward me, she reached down between her legs to guide my cock to the target I told her to just work it in at her own pace. She put the tip against her sphincter muscle and pushed and the head popped right in she pushed back harder and slid the shaft about half way in and then pulled all the way back out to the tip then started sliding it slowly back in and kept working her beautiful ass up and down until she was sitting on my lap. I asked how it felt and she said really good I reached around her and started massaging her tits and nipples and she leaned back against me and I brought my legs up and pushed us farther up the bed then I spread my legs apart and she slid down my cock another inch, then I layed back on the bed with her on my chest and ran my hand up and down her stomach until I reached her pussy, I started working my cock in and out of her while I rubbed her nipples and pussy and she moaned this is beyond words, I told her it gets better and I reached over and pulled a string and the bath room door opened.

Shorty came out of the bath room and sniffed the air and looked up on the bed and knew exactly what to do he came around to the end of the bed and jumped up and zeroed right in on Jessica’s wide open pussy he started licking at my balls and licked all the pussy juice he cold find up to her clit then he pushed his tongue up inside her and she shuddered and he pushed it in further and her hips started pumping and saying that’s incredible then he was licking her clit again and cum started flowing out of her and Shorty was licking my dick and balls while she rocked her hips up and down on my cock then she was using her legs to slid more of my cock in and out of her ass now she was letting out a constant moan and she was squeezing her own tits and her ass was moving faster.

I patted Jessica’s stomach and Shorty looked up I patted her stomach again and he moved up with his legs next to her hips then started licking her nipples and she moved her hands and moaned good boy Shorty that feels so good, I don’t think she knew what was coming next but she stopped bouncing up and down on my cock for a split second and Shorty shoved in about five inches of really hard hot dog cock in her and Jessica moaned Dad and I whispered in her ear to relax her mom had always enjoyed this part and by then he was buried up to his knot her pussy was tight on his fat dick and he was stroking in and out at a slower pace but as her honey hole accommodated his thick cock he started pumping faster and she started moaning louder and cum was flowing like a river his and hers and now her ass was pumping up and down on my cock.

Then Shorty’s shoulder muscles tightened up and I new he was ready to put his knot in he started pushing it hard against her pussy and it started to go in and he pulled her hips on to it and held it there until it finally popped in and it started expanding and Jessica’s head was rolling back and forth saying AAA its to biiiiig AAAAAAA and then she was in a constant state of orgasm I could feel her pussy and her sphincter muscles flexing and he was pumping her full, load after load of hot cum and then her legs came up and locked him in, I could see her legs flexing pulling him in as deep as she could and then letting off then pulling him in again time after time, she was milking every drop of cum out of him she could and sliding his knot over her gspot at the same time to keep her own orgasm going, I blew my load up her ass when Shorty pushed his knot into her.

She finally dropped her legs and Shorty backed out with a plop and mixed cum poured all down my groin and Shorty started licking it off and my dick started getting hard again and he kept licking and then the tip of my dick was in Jessica’s pussy so I pushed it in all the way in and Shorty was still licking both of us I pushed her up in a sitting position and that didn’t work well so I stood her up at the end of the bed and bent her over and pounded my cock into her hard and fast and I felt her cum as I blew my load into her and we both fell back on the bed totally spent.


Chapter Four

I woke up Saturday morning all tangled up in blankets and Jessica, I kissed her on her cheek and slid out of bed, went into the bath room and relieved my aching bladder then threw on a robe and went to the kitchen and got the coffee going. Went back to the bath room and soaked in the shower until the hot water ran out. I dried off and got dressed and went back to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table, I was thinking about having to go back to work that night when I heard the shower running.

When I heard the shower stop I got up and poured another cup of coffee and sat it on the table across from me, a couple of minutes later Jessica walked in kissed the back of my head sat down and took a sip of her coffee. She looked at me and said “Don’t expect anything from me today between you and Shorty you worked me over pretty good last night” and you didn’t even give me fair warning about Shorty and that… that fat cock of his!

My God Dad! He could have torn me open and severely hurt me, then she said “That little F**kers front legs are stronger then mine” when he pressed his knot against my pussy I couldn’t pull away and I could feel his knot pulsing against my clit, and every time it would pulse my pussy would expand and he would pull my hips harder until my pussy went over it and all I could see was yellow stars, then his knot expanded against my gspot and his cock got thicker and longer, he was all the way into or past my womb and it hurt but it felt better than anything I had ever felt before, I don’t remember anything after that.

I said that must have been about the time he started shooting his cum into you because you let out a sharp loud moan and you locked your legs around his ass and pulled him in deeper and then you would let off then pull him in again, that went on for a few minutes that’s when I blew my load up your ass, between your contractions and Shorty’s balls bouncing off mine I thought I was going to pass out as well. I didn’t remind her about bending her in half and getting another load off in her pussy. Then I asked her how wet she was right now and she just sat there and looked at me for a while, then she smiled and mumble “You dirty old man” and got up and went to her room to get dressed.

The rest of the morning went by pretty fast and I got a few things done in the garage, and then went in and started fixing some lunch and Jessica wandered in and I asked if she were hungry and she replied yes and sore. We ate lunch quietly and then I started putting dishes in the sink and washing them, I said over my shoulder that I needed to get a couple of hours sleep because I had to be to work at ten tonight, she got up and said she would keep the noise down and would see me before I left and went to her room.

I slept until eight o’clock got up and put my work clothes on and went out to the kitchen to fix my lunch; Jessica was sitting there scratching Shorty’s neck, I asked if she was feeling better she said yes but still pretty sore, then she said she had already fixed my lunch so I could sit down and relax for a while before leaving, I had a feeling she had something on her mind.

Before she could say anything I told her that her mom had the same reaction after the first time with Shorty and it had taken almost two weeks for her to recuperate from it, your vagina is just not used to that big of an object being forced into it but with time gets more pliable and then no soreness then its all pleasure. She looked at me and smiled then said I guess I was worried that he had damaged me inside from stretching me so far, I told her you might be to sore to put anything large in your pussy but think about letting Shorty lick you and your pussy will feel better sooner.

Jessica said she would think about what I had said and gave me a nice deep kiss and a hug and went back to her bedroom, I filled my thermos with coffee, grabbed my lunch box and headed off to work. My shift at the mill was slow and dragged on forever, finally six AM rolled around and I headed for home, traffic was light being Sunday morning so I made pretty good time getting home. When I walked in I could smell coffee being brewed but the kitchen was empty so I put my lunch box and thermos on the counter and walked down the hall and I could see a light under the door so I knocked softly and heard Jessica say come in. I opened the door and she was on the bed naked with Shorty on his back and she was stroking his cock.

She said good morning how was work, but before I could answer. She said she had gone to sleep thinking about what I had told her last night, and Shorty had woke her up a while ago whining at her door so she had got up and let him in and he jumped up on the bed and shoved his cold nose into her crotch and started licking until her panties were soaked with saliva and cum, so she had dropped her panties and let him continue licking until she couldn’t stand it any more, that’s when she looked at the clock and decided to put on some coffee but Shorty was so wound up she thought maybe he would settle down if she gave him a hand job. By now Shorty was humping her hand and spraying precum on her leg, I watched her reach down and wipe it off with her fingers and then put her fingers in her mouth and suck on them while watching Shorty hump her hand. Then she saw the lump in my pants and reached over and unzipped me, reached in and squeezed my throbbing cock I undid my belt and unbuttoned my pants and let them drop and now I was humping her other hand, then she kissed the tip of it then stopped and looked at Shorty, let go of my cock and stretched her lips over the tip of Shorty’s cock and he froze and started pumping hot cum into her mouth and she started squeezing his knot and stroking him, and I was standing there stroking my own cock watching her milk him dry she had cum running out of her mouth and couldn’t swallow it all and then Shorty was done, and just as I was about to blow she turned and grabbed my cock and slid her lips down it as I exploded and my knees went weak so I leaned against her which pushed her further down my cock and I exploded again shooting my cum deep into her throat, she sucked up and down a couple of times and then licked my cock until it was clean. I sat down on the bed next to her and she kissed me and sucked on my tongue and heard a uuummmm noise from her, then she got up and said she really needed a shower and she would be out in a few minutes.

I was sitting in the kitchen sipping my coffee and thinking about Jessica and how much she seemed to enjoy sex and definitely liked the taste of cum, and thinking that it would probably come back to bite me in the ass. Jessica came in and poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down across the table from me, I had never taken a close look at a dogs penis before she said, it is quite different the way it starts off kinda pointy and gets thicker and longer, I don’t know if I will ever be able to get my lips all the way around Shorty’s fat cock, and I thought yours was thick. She asked if I was hungry and I said starved, she cooked up some eggs, bacon, fried potatoes and some toast, then put a plate in front of me and refilled my coffee, I thanked her and asked if she were eating she said she was pretty full already, and then added between you and Shorty I think I swallowed about a half gallon of cum and I guess you could say I had an all protein breakfast.

After breakfast I went out in the garage and did some work on a coffee table that I had started working on a couple of years ago, I spent a couple of hours on that then went in and took a shower, put on a robe and went to tell Jessica I was going to catch a few hours sleep before work, as I got closer to her bedroom I could hear her saying “Yes, Yes, Get that tongue deeper Shorty” I pushed the door open a little and looked inside, Jessica was in a half arch position with the back of her head on the bed and her back was arched and her feet were on the bed with about twenty four inches between her back and the bed, her legs were spread and Shorty was licking her pussy with every thing he could muster and her hips were in over drive and she had her hand wrapped around his cock which he was pumping like a jack hammer and she was dripping cum all over his face, I closed the door slowly and went to my bedroom and masturbated, other wise I would never have gotten to sleep.


Chapter Five

The rest of my week at work went by pretty slow and I didn’t see much of Jessica or Shorty for that matter, I did get a really good blowjob on Tuesday morning when I came in and an occasional kiss on my way out at night. I was OK with that it gave me time to finish my coffee table.

When I came in from work on Thursday morning Jessica was waiting for me and she seemed pretty excited, she said she had taught Shorty a couple of new tricks and had been working with him all week so I dropped my stuff on the counter in the kitchen and followed her to her bedroom and she called Shorty up on her bed and had him role over on his back then turned him around so his feet were against the head board. She took off her robe and climbed on the bed straddling Shorty’s face and he started licking her pussy, she reached forward and started stroking Shorty’s sheath after a couple of inches worked out she bent over and leaned forward sucking the tip into her mouth and he started thrusting forward and using the head board for leverage and he started driving it into her mouth and it was growing fast, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing her lips stretched out around that fat cock and he kept pushing it in deeper, I don’t know how she got her mouth to open that wide to stretch around that cock and he kept licking her pussy deep and she was shaking all over and moaning louder and louder.

Jessica reached out and squeezed his balls and rolled them around then slid both her hands over his huge pistoning knot that was getting very close to her stretched out lips and his knot started expanding and so did her mouth, then he shoved his cock in hard and started shooting his cum down her throat or was it so far down her throat he was pumping right into her stomach, I watched as his knot kept sending load after load and she kept squeezing his knot until there was nothing left and he started pulling out. I watched in awe as he slid out of her throat and her throat got thinner, when the tip came out she was still licking it then she laid over on the bed taking deep breaths and licking cum off her lips and just laid there for a few minutes. I asked if she was alright and she looked at me and stretched her jaw muscle smiled and said she was fine.

Jessica looked at the Bulge in my pants and rubbed it and said I guess I have been ignoring you a little this week I’ve been preoccupied with Shorty, Then she stood in front of me and said I want to suck the cum out of your cock too. I would fuck you but I don’t think you would last very long the way your cock is throbbing. I stood up and she unbuckled, unbuttoned and unzipped me, then pushed me back on the bed and straddled me, she leaned forward and I sucked a nipple between my lips and pinched the other one and she started moving her pussy over my cock, then she whispered we can do that later and slid down between my legs and started licking my cock then sucked the tip between her lips and slid all the way down to my balls, then she started rolling my balls around in her hand and that’s all it took to fill her throat with cum, she sucked all the way back up to the tip and slammed all the way back down and I exploded again, she was getting better with each blowjob and she really enjoyed getting as much cum as she could.

She licked me clean and she looked at me with those dark sparkling eyes, licked her lips and smiled and said now I’ll fix you something to eat and headed for the kitchen.

I sat there for a few minutes after I pulled up my pants thinking about what was going on with Jessica, she was changing pretty rapidly, and she really likes cock. I got up and headed for the kitchen, poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table and Jessica put a plate of food in front of me and I thanked her and began eating, she sat down with her cup of coffee across from me. You seem worried Dad is everything alright? I smiled and said it had been a long week and I had one more project to finish today. She said well get busy so you can get some sleep, so I picked up my coffee cup and headed for the garage and locked the door behind me. I started this coffee table along time ago, about six months before Jessica’s mom died; I was going to surprise her with it but never finished it. When Jessica showed up I pulled it out of the storage shed and started working on it again, I thought she might like to have it, I had resanded it and finish the routing and the only thing left to do is stain and varnish it so I got to work and after three hours it was finally done. I cleaned up and turned on the fans and went in and took a long hot shower and then crawled into bed and found a note that said see you in a few hours Love Jessica, I had a feeling she was up to something.

I felt like there was there was no equilibrium everything was shifting back and forth and then it stopped, I waited for a long time to see if it would start again but it didn’t, but I kept feeling an intense pressure on the tip of my cock then it would stop for a while then start again, then it was gone. This time more pressure then before then it felt like someone had poured warm honey down my cock, and I couldn’t believe how good it felt and could feel my balls getting tense, then it was gone and I waited for that feeling to come back. What was it? Where is it? Then it started again I pushed up to feel it in gulf my whole cock again and it felt like it was dancing around my shaft as I lowered myself back to the bed but my whole cock was still engulfed with this warm sticky tingling sensation, I had never felt anything so intense and then my balls were twitching and exploding and then I woke up looking into Jessica’s smiling face, she kissed me and said I hope you don’t mind me waking you up? I was still Cumming and pulled her down tight against me.

Jessica laid there on top of me until my cock shrunk and rolled off and laid next to me. She started telling me about why she had come home, How her husband had gotten into drugs and eventually lost his job. Then lost there apartment and then he had started smacking her around, but the last straw was when he couldn’t afford his drugs and wanted her to fuck his drug dealer in trade to get his fix and she said no, he beat her up pretty bad. She had called the police and after talking to them she called me and came home. I told her not to worry about him she was safe here, and she started sobbing on my shoulder, I kissed her cheek and told her to go ahead and get it out of her system and she did.

We laid there and talked for a long time then decided to go find something to eat, I started digging through the fridge to see what we had while Jessica took a shower, and I decided to fix a pork stir fry. When Jessica came back into the kitchen she looked gorgeous. She was wearing black tight fitting slacks (with no panties) that showed off her legs, ass and hips, and a snug black blouse with no bra that showed off her tits and especially her nipples, my dick was getting hard again.

All I could say is “Wow” Jessica said she usually didn’t dress like she was but enjoyed dressing for me because it always got me hot, then she giggled. I told her I needed a couple of things from the corner market and asked if she could drive down and get them while I started cooking the other stuff, she said sure so I handed her a list, and some money, she put on a light jacket and headed out the door. After I heard her car pull out of the driveway I went out to the garage and checked to see if the varnish was dry on the coffee table and it was, so I carried it into the living room and put it in front of the couch and made sure it was centered and stood there for a moment admiring my work, then went back to the kitchen and fixing dinner.

Jessica got back a few minute later and put the groceries on the table and asked me about the coffee table, then walked back in to look at it. When she came back into the kitchen, she sat down at the table and said it was beautiful with all the inlaid designs and carved edges and that it must have taken a long time to build, and then asked why it was so short? And why were the cup holders oblong? All I said was it was a multi purpose table that I had started building for her mother and she didn’t ask any more questions.

After I finished cooking I put the food on plates and took them out to the living room and sat them down on place mats on the coffee table, Jessica had followed me out with silverware and a couple of beers, we sat down and Jessica said the table was to low, I reached down and pressed one of the inlayed pieces of wood on the leg and the table slowly rose until the top was about twelve inches from the floor. That’s pretty amazing, what else does your table do, I just smiled and started eating, after a couple of minutes we started talking while we ate. Jessica was really curious about my coffee table and after dinner I showed her some of its features, I lowered it back down to its original height and pressed on the end of the table and a section popped out from the end, then pulled it out to extend the table out eighteen inches and then did the same thing to the other end of the table. Now instead of being a three foot long table, it was six feet long.

Jessica said I was more impressed when you made it taller, I told her to lie down on the table on her back, she stood up and turned around sat down on it and I told her to take off her shoes and she did, then laid out on her back. Then I told her to spread her legs apart and she spread them to the edge of the table, now raise your knees up and she did, I said just a little farther and put your feet on the table and when she did her heels fit right into the oblong cup holders, she looked at me with a huge smile on her face. She said what else, I moved around to the end of the table where her head was and released the extension and pushed it in and the top off her head was on the floor, she ask what good is that? I reached over and pushed the up button and by the time the table reached the full height the tip of my dick was right in front of her lips and I slowly pushed it between them and her tongue started licking. I pushed all the way in and started squeezing her tits and nipples, then I was pumping in and out of her mouth and she put her hands on my hips and kind of pushed and pulled me in and out, it was more like I would pull out and she would slam me back in with that tongue working over time until I couldn’t take any more and exploded into her, she kept swallowing and sucking until I couldn’t take it anymore and pulled out of her mouth.

After a few minutes she sat up and said what else? I told her to put her legs down and I released the other extension and slid it in and went to the other end and pulled it back out and told her to slid forward until her pussy was even with the edge of the table and lie back down, then walked back in front of her and got down on my knees and kissed her crotch then slid up on top of kissing her nipples along the way and then her lips and my crotch was right on top of hers, she said I was wrong you’re not a dirty old man you’re the ultimate dirty old man.

We got up and sat back down on the sofa and finished our beers, Jessica asked if there was any thing else, and I told her after her performance with Shorty’s new tricks this morning I had to make a couple of modifications on the slide outs, I leaned over and released the extension and raised it up and locked it in the upright position then said try it, Jessica said it would be a little more comfortable with cushions on it. I said you are probably right, I leaned over and reached under the sofa and pulled out two vinyl cushions and put one on the table, she got on the table on her knees and leaned forward and her hands matched up perfect with the oblong cup holders, she got off the table and sat on my lap and kissed me with a lot of tongue.


Chapter Six

Jessica stood up and said come take a shower with me, I followed her down the hall taking off clothes as I went, when I got there she was already naked and adjusting the water and then stepped in and pulled me in with her, it took a second for it to register in my brain that the f**king water was really hot! She wouldn’t let me escape and locked her arms around my chest and kissed me and I forgot all about the hot water. She grabbed the body wash and started soaping up my shoulder and then worked her way down my back and to my ass and in between my cheeks, then I felt her finger push against my sphincter and enter then slide farther in this was a first for me, she pushed her finger in as far as it would go and it burned a little then she was sliding it in and out slowly and my cock was hard against her stomach and I could feel her rock hard nipple poking into me she added another finger and pushed them both in all the way and twisted them one way then the other and started working them in and out as she twisted then added a third and worked it in. Jessica felt my dick throbbing against her stomach and slid her face down my chest and sucked the head of my dick into her mouth and I was over the edge and shooting thick ropes of cum into her mouth and she kept sucking and squeezing my balls, then she stood back up and kissed me and said turn around so I did and she soaped down my chest, around my hips and down to my balls, soaped them up and started soaping up my cock until it was hard again and I could feel my balls getting ready to explode again and I told her she had better stop or I would never last the evening so she pulled down the shower head and started rinsing off the soap paying more then enough attention to my balls, cock and ass.

After she finished rinsing me I told her it was my turn to wash her, we were face to face so I pulled her close to me because I loved feeling those Tits against me and I started soaping her back down until I was running my hand up and down her crack, then I started working my fingers into her rectum, she reach down and push my cock between her legs so she could slide her clit over it while I was working three fingers into her ass and she moan. I turned her around and started soaping her breasts and nipples then I reached down and ran my cock up and down between her ass cheeks and when I got to her anus she pushed back and the head popped in, she hesitated for a second and pushed back hard and I was buried all the way in she let out a gasp and put a hand on the shower wall to steady herself then she slid forward on my cock and back again, she started building a slow rhythm back and forth so I slid my hand down to her pussy and got it working to the same motion, then her rhythm picked up the pace and she was making noises in her throat and then moaning, now she had both hands on the shower wall and pushing back on to my cock hard and I could feel my balls starting to boil and with my free hand I was pinching her nipples hard and she exploded with an orgasm that shook her whole body and her rectum started milking my cock and I exploded deep in her ass and if she hadn’t been leaning on the shower wall we would have ended up on the floor, after we recuperated I rinsed all the soap off of her and the front of me. We got out of the shower and dried off and I slid into a robe she said she’d be out in a minute she needed to dry her hair so I went out to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of beers out of the fridge, opened them at sat down at the table, sitting one beer on the table and taking a long drink out of the other.

I sat there thinking it was going to be a crazy night and wondering if I could keep up with Jessica’s twenty year old stamina, she had been plotting tonight all week I knew she had been up to something. When Jessica walked into the kitchen she had her hair pulled back into a pony tail and a black shear robe that clung to every curve on her body and she stuck out her hand and said here take these, I reached out and she dumped a couple of light green pills in my hand and smiled, your going to need them. I asked what they were and she asked if I was on any medications and I told her no, she said trust me “just take them” so I put them in my mouth and washed them down with a swallow of beer and looked at Jessica and she had a really big smile on her face, I asked”What” She said paybacks, I asked paybacks for what? She said “Think about it” I thought for a minute, then she said You and Shorty Reamed me pretty good last weekend and I figure it to be more your fault than his, he’s just a dog following his instincts but you, you’re the one who put him in the bathroom, you’re the one who tied the cord to the door and you pulled the cord and Yes I do remember you bending me over and fucking me like a rag doll, then she said “And don’t drink any more beer tonight” it won’t agree with your stomach.

I asked Jessica again what the pills were, she said a friend of hers had given her bunch of them a while back when it seemed like they were having bedroom problems and her friend said just slip him one about a half hour before going to bed, so she had and she said it gave him an erection that was longer, thicker and harder then anything she had ever felt until last weekend and it lasted about four hours. I stood up and said and you just gave me two of them, She smiled and said “Paybacks are a bitch” I heard you say that yourself many times Daddy. She stood up and said lets go in the living room and started walking that way, I grabbed my beer and followed her about that time Shorty came in through his doggy door wagging his tail and I mumbled were in deep shit tonight stud.

Jessica knelt down and scratched his ears and said there you are, I was looking for you, where have you been? Then she said Dad let the table all the way down, so I let it all the way down and she walked to the end of it and put the extension in the upright position and called Shorty up on the table and told him; on your back and he laid down and rolled over on his back, Jessica stoked his sheath and told him what a good boy he was. Then turned him around and put his rear paws against the upright board still stroking him. I figured I was going to watch her give him a blow job then she said Dad take off your robe and come sit with Shorty’s head between your legs and scratch his ears for a minute so I did and darted out of the room and then back in with some lube which she started rubbing on my starting to grow erection and she kept stroking until it stopped growing. She said “Oh my I guess those pills do work” My cock was aching it wasn’t any thicker and it wasn’t any longer but the tip was huge. She rubbed some of the lube on her rectum and then straddled over me, I reached up and put my hands on her hips and she lowered herself down until the head of my dick touched her anus then she put pressure on it and then a little more and the head slipped in then she reached out and started stroking Shorty again who had already started licking at her pussy but was mostly licking my shaft as she was slowly sliding it into her ass and getting closer to Shorty’s tongue, then she bent her back and leaned down and took the tip of Shorty’s cock in her mouth and sucked it in and he started thrusting his hips forward which finished pushing her down on my cock and she was having her first orgasm.

Then she started sliding her ass up my cock and Shorty was licking his way up my shaft after her pussy, then she started moaning big time as his tongue got back deep into her, then her pace on my cock got faster and she was reaching forward squeezing his knot, I slid my hands up her stomach until I reached her nipples and pinched them and she shook all over moaned and I started shooting cum up her ass and Shorty was shooting load after load of hot cum down her throat, I pinched her nipples harder and she slammed her pussy down hard on my cock and I exploded again and she was still squeezing on his knot and sucking all the cum she could out of him. She finally let go of him and he slid his dick out of her mouth and I was still amazed she could fit that long thick cock in her mouth. Shorty wiggled out and off the table and went to lick himself in the corner, my dick was still in Jessica’s ass and still hard as a F**king rock and after a few minutes she stood up and her ass released it. Then she got down on her knees and cleaned my cock and then slid her lips all the way down to my balls and then back up smiled at me and said she was thirsty reached over and grabbed her beer and took a couple of swallows put a towel down and sat on the coach looked at me and stood up and then sat down on my still hard cock.

Jessica just sat there gently rocking and I could feel her swollen clit rubbing on my pubic hair and the muscles in her vagina working around my shaft and then she said I never thought I would enjoy sex this much and she leaned forward and kissed me and I returned her kiss then she started sliding up and down my cock slowly at first and then a little faster and I layed back and started squeezing and pinching her nipples and enjoying the feeling of her pussy squeezing and sucking on my cock. Then she whispered in my ear “I am going to suck you and F**K you until your dick is sore” and I said OK.

Her hips started moving faster stroking my cock slamming down and then back up and slamming down again time after time, I arched my hips up to meet each thrust and she was making those noises in her throat again and then she was shaking and moaning, her muscle in her vagina clamped on to my cook and I pulled her in tight and rolled over, we rolled off the table and onto the floor and I started driving my cock into her keeping her orgasm going then I was pulling her legs up over my shoulders and driving deeper into her grasping hot pussy that kept sucking harder and harder, her knees were on each side of her face as I drove my cock as far into her as I could deeper then I had before and all I could hear was deep breathing and loud moaning and I exploded inside her like I had never felt before and she screamed and went limp and it seemed like I kept cumming forever and then I let go of her legs and just laid there on top of her listening to her breath. I slid my rock hard dick out of her and laid there catching my breath thinking I should let her sleep, I got up and went and got another beer, when I came back Shorty was licking my cum out of her pussy and she was moving her hips up and down and moaning, then her legs spread farther apart giving Shorty better access to go deeper into her pussy and now she’s really moaning and shaking then shuddered and laid still so I made Shorty lay down.

I went and got a couple of thick wide pillows from the closet and put them on the table and carried Jessica over and laid her on top of them, then sat back down on the sofa and finished my beer, got up to get another beer and told Shorty to stay, went and got a beer and came back, as I sat down Jessica’s eyes opened and she glanced at me with a sheepish grin on her face and said I guess this payback thing isn’t working in my favor and started to sit up and I reached out and helped her then handed her a beer she took a drink and said looks like those pills are still working as she ran her finger down my cock and squeezed my balls and giggled. I said well the funs not over yet I got up and put both extensions out on the table and asked Jessica to lay on the cushions and she did, then told her to put her heels in the oblong cup holders and she did, I put a pillow under her head and told her to get comfortable, she wiggled around a little bit and then laid still, she said OK now what, I walked around to her feet and said perfect, I laid my chest on the table and slid right up between her legs and licked her pussy lips then between them and on to her clit, I ran my tongue around it and sucked it in between my lips and sucked and licked it until her back arced up and then I stopped and got up, Jessica looked at me with disappointment on her face and I smiled and called Shorty, he jumped up on the table and knew exactly what to do his tongue dug right into her ass and worked his way up to her clit and then slipped his tongue deep inside her. I walked to the other end of the table and pressed the up button and slid the extension in and Jessica’s head dropped down, she blinked her eyes a couple of times and then felt the tip if my dick on her lips and she moaned and I slid my dick in a little and pulled back out and she sucked on the tip of it, then I started massaging her tits and licking her nipples.

I slid my dick in half way and it felt like her tongue was all over it, I sucked harder on her nipples and Shorty was licking like hell on her pussy, I pulled my cock back out and she was still sucking and licking then I slid it all the way down her throat and started stroking it in and out, then I patted her stomach and Shorty came up on her stomach, I pushed my cock further in her throat when she moaned and Shorty pushed his cock in about four inches then eight and then right to the knot and stopped, Jessica was really making noise around my cock and then he started pumping I reached down and put my hand on her pussy and I could feel it pulsing then her hips started arcing upward and she was digging her finger nails into my ass and I guess it did something to Shorty.

I slid my cock out and he started slamming against her pussy, she was screaming around my cock and he shoved his knot in and I shoved my cock all the way in and face fucked her as fast and as hard as I could Just like Shorty was doing and Jessica was shaking and shuddering moaning and whimpering. She looked beautiful in the full throws of passion and I blew my load at the same time Shorty did and I pinched her nipples and she screamed and collapsed but her pussy was pulsing on Shorty’s cock and her tongue was still licking my dick, I pulled it out and she was still sucking, Shorty was trying to pull out but her pussy muscle were still holding him, I pulled the extension out and put her head back on the pillow and Shorty finally pulled out with a plop and started cleaning her ass and pussy and she moaned again, then he went off to clean himself.

I sat on the sofa watching her sleep and drinking another beer and glanced at the clock, we had been at it for over eight hours and I still had a hard on. I sat there watching and thinking about what a strange week it had been, I really didn’t know what to expect when she showed up and was surprised when all this began and then found out she enjoyed Shorty as much as her mother had maybe even more then her mother. I still couldn’t believed how beautiful and sexy she was and open to trying new things, I think Shorty and I may have pushed her a little far tonight but that would remain to be seen.

I put a blanket over Jessica as she continued to sleep and went and got another beer, around six AM my erection finally started to fade and I fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up about six PM with Jessica snuggled up next to me and a comforter over us, I kissed her cheek and she opened her eyes and asked with a smile, how long did that erection last and reached over and squeezed my cock and I winched, she said I told you giggled and squeezed again. We both decided we needed a shower and then get something to eat, we were hungrier then horny so we washed each other and agreed on Chinese so while she was drying her hair I called in our order, Shorty came in though his doggy door about the same time that Jessica walked in she bent down and gave his sheath a squeeze and asked how he was, then said his cock was still sticky with cum and I said probably not he probably just took a piss, she licked her hand and said no it was cum, we both looked at him and he was busy licking his cock.

There was a knock at the door so I went to pay for the food, then came back and spread the food out on the table we sat down and started eating, for some reason I couldn’t take my eyes off her tits and I told her next time we had sex I wanted to fuck her tits and she could lick my dick on each stroke, she told me to shut up and eat.

Jessica stayed with Shorty and I for three months, she found a job as a book keeper at a place in town and with me working nights and her working days it slowed our fun down and after a few weeks she met a guy named Doug and they hit it off and started dating, he came by to pick her up one evening and I noticed he had Great Dane and an Alaskan Husky in the back of his truck, I looked down at Shorty and told him “It’s hard to compete with that” and walked back into the garage. It was a couple of days later Jessica and I were eating dinner and she said I know you sleep during the day most of the time but have you ever noticed that Shorty disappears a lot during the day? I told her that I hadn’t paid much attention but now that she mentioned it he did seem to spend a lot of time in the back yard. She had already fixed my lunch so I told her I would check it out in the morning as I gave her a kiss and headed for work.

When I got home the next morning I poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table and took a couple of sips and Jessica came walking in wearing a robe and a towel wrapped around her head and gave me a kiss and said good morning, then poured a cup of coffee and sat down on the other side of the table. She announced that she had the next four days off and Doug was out of town until Sunday and smiled at me, I replied that it might be an interesting weekend. I stood up and walked toward the back door and kissed her on the way and told her I needed to go find out what Shorty was up to in the back yard. When I walked out the door I stopped and looked around and thought I hadn’t been out here in the daylight for a long time, the grass was about a foot and a half tall, the only time I had been out here was to retrieve stuff from the storage shed, so I started walking along the fence and by the time I got back to the door I had counted seven holes dug under the fence, each one leading into someone else’s back yard and I was surprised that nobody had complained. I walked back inside and sat back down at the table and sipped my coffee.

I was thinking about how hard things must be for Shorty since Laura died being there alone most of the time with me working nights and sleeping during the day and then not getting out and doing things on the weekends except mowing the front yard and trimming it every couple of weeks, he was only four or five years old and still had lots of energy, I heard Jessica say “A penny for your thoughts” so I explained and she sat on my lap and kissed me and said I guess you were lost, you and mom were together for a long time and I’m sure it was hard to face the world alone after that long, but your doing better now and things will keep getting better. I pushed her off my lap and told her I had some holes to bury and headed out back I was almost half done when Shorty came out and walked over to where I was filling in a hole and put apiece of plywood over it, he headed toward the other side of the yard and I called him back and put him back in the house. It took another hour to finish and then I went in and took a shower, when I came out Jessica was in my bed. She said she wanted to tuck me in and tuck me in she did, after she sucked me off and kissed me and walked quietly out of the room.

I woke up about six PM and Jessica was snuggled up next to me and Shorty was sleeping on his rug next to the bed I rolled over and put my arm under her neck and said that’s the first time I have seen Shorty sleeping on his rug in over a year, Jessica said probably because he couldn’t get out of the back yard, then there was a knock on the front door, I asked if she had ordered dinner she said no, so I got up and put on a robe and went and opened the door. I was surprised to see a very pretty blonde in her late thirties standing there, she said I’m sorry if I interrupted your shower and I explained I worked graveyard shift at a mill then she thought she had woke me up, I told her I was already awake just to lazy to get up and I asked her if I could help her and she said she was worried about Shorty, she hadn’t seen him that day and wanted to be sure he was alright, I was kind of surprised and asked how she knew he lived here, she said his name and address are on his collar, about that time Jessica walked up behind me she had gotten dressed she said Hi I’m Jessica and this is Jim my dad then she added Shorty is fine, but all of his escape routes from the back yard have been filled in, and then she said her name was Marny and she lived right behind my house. I apologized for any mess Shorty might have made in her yard and offered to repair any damages he caused, she said she would let me know and headed off down the steps, I couldn’t help but watch her walk away then she turn to see if I was watching her walk away and smiled, Jessica whispered in my ear “You Old Horn Dog” you were flirting with her and with me standing right here! I smiled at her and said “Well you have Doug” she kissed my ear and said OK.

We ordered pizza and waited for it to arrive then we pigged out, all through dinner she kept looking at me, I knew something was coming I could always tell by looking in her eyes. She got up and walked down the hall to her room, she returned a few minutes later and said here take this and she handed me one of her green pills and said you may need this, she had on a very thin gown and a smile and I was getting an erection I put the pill in my mouth and took a drink of beer, she whispered in my ear Now let’s see if I can make you forget what Marny’s ass looks like. She had me in her pussy first then she did just Shorty while I face fucked her she sucked and F**ked both of us until four in the morning and when we woke up around noon we showered and ate lunch and she told me she was going to be moving in with Doug on Sunday to see how things worked out between them and didn’t want me to be upset with her. I told I wouldn’t be upset and that she needed to move forward with her life and that she always had a place to come home to even though I would miss having her around.