(c) 2008 by jjenn1950

Chapter One

It was Wednesday afternoon and I was cleaning a bunch of junk out of the garage to take to the dump on Thursday, I was thinking I should have done this a year ago. I turned around and ran into a busty little red head with green eyes or should I say ran over her because I knocked her flat on her ass, I put down my arm load of junk and helped her up and without thinking I brushed off her ass and it was a nice ass and I apologized, and she said for knocking me down or fondling my ass. I went on the offensive and told her I may apologize for knocking a woman down but not for brushing the dust off a nice ass and what are you doing in my garage? She looked at me for a couple of seconds and burst out laughing then replied lets start over, my name is Jenny and I live across the street and I saw you loading junk into your truck and I was wondering if you might have room for a couple more boxes? I told her I would have to see how big of boxes, she said OK follow me and I did, she called over her shoulder “Quit looking at my ass” I told her to turn around then and I won’t be I knew she was smiling, I’m not good at judging women’s age or size but I would guess around forty and five foot one or two, 38-32-34.

We got over to her place and raised her garage door and pointed at a couple of good sized boxes and I told her I could fit them in and would by in the morning and pick them up, she said great and asked if I would like to come in for a beer and I said sure Oh! By the way my name is Jim, nice to meet you Jim. She opened the door going into the house and said go lay down Sam, and then she asked if I was still watching her ass, all I said was “Yup” and she laughed. She walked in and I followed her into the kitchen and she went over and pulled a couple of beers out of the fridge, she set one in front of me and I pulled the other one out of her hand and twisted the top off and handed it back, she said thanks as I twisting the top off mine and put the top between my thumb and fore finger and snapped it into the garbage on the other side of the kitchen then did the same with hers. She sat down in the chair next to where I was sitting and a Rottweiler came around the corner, she said Sam go lay down and I told her it was OK and called him over and headed in my direction and I told her to watch and told her the trick was never take your eyes off of his and I put my hand out and he sniffed it and then licked it and then I was scratching his ears and neck. She said that’s amazing Sam doesn’t like anyone except me that’s why I have him for protection.

We sat there talking and drinking beer and I couldn’t stop looking into those green eyes and the next I knew I’m leaning over and kissing her and massaging one of her tits and she’s rubbing my crotch and she said that feels nice, and she said come on as she grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall to the bedroom and started undressing me and I her, Then we were on the bed and I slid my hand down her stomach to her pussy and started licking and kissing her nipples while rubbing her pussy and she spread her legs then I felt a wet tongue and a cold nose on my hand, and she said “No Sam” and he backed up and I asked if she liked it when he licked her pussy she stuttered and I said the truth and she replied in a low voice “yes” then I said go ahead Sam and he did and she moaned at first contact with his tongue and she said it doesn’t bother you and I said no it makes my dick hard and for the first time she reached down and tried to wrap her fingers around my cock. Then she slid her hand up then down my cock and cupped my balls and squeezed one then the other while I was busy kissing her neck and pinching her nipples, she was a squealer starting out low in her chest and getting higher pitched in her throat she was starting up he scale as I pushed Sam out of he way and slid between her legs and she reached down and guided my cock to her pussy. I pushed the tip against her glory hole and she spread her legs further apart and pushed against my cock head and it popped in and I pushed in a couple of inches getting some cum and dog saliva on it for lubrication and then withdrew and pushed in half way and pulled back then pushed in again and her hips came up to meet my every thrust and she was stroking Sam’s cock at the same time. I was getting in deeper with every thrust but she was getting tighter and then I was hitting her cervix and her tone in her throat was getting louder and she would grunt when I hit her cervix and then I pushed though and was in her womb and buried to my balls and her hips were going like a piston then she twisted to the side and sucked Sam’s cock all the way into her mouth and He stopped humping and started shooting load after load into her throat I could see her swallowing and I kept slamming my cock into her and she started grunting over and over and then her pussy muscles clamped onto my cock and it felt like her pussy muscles milking my cock and sucking on the head of it and my balls exploded in her and her pussy sucked harder and I kept exploding in her until my balls were empty and I groaned and collapsed on top of her, damn her tits felt good pressing into my chest. I kissed her and rolled off and laid next to her and she looked over at and smiled and said I had a great cock, I replied and you have a snug pussy do you ever let Sam bone you and she said about four times a week he’s my saving grace and speaking of Sam he came over and licked my dick clean and then cleaned her pussy then jumped down on the floor and licked himself clean and went to sleep. I told Jenny I had to get going because I had to be to work at ten and needed to shower, eat dinner and make my lunch and she sad Ok and I gave her a long deep kiss told her I would see her in the morning and got dressed scratched Sam’s ears and neck patted his rump and headed for home closing the garage door on my way out.


Chapter Two

They kept me pretty busy at the mill all night with equipment break downs, so the first thing I wanted to do was take a shower when I got home. Shorty was waiting at the door when I walked in and followed me into the kitchen; he had been under foot ever since I blocked his escape from the back yard I put my lunch box and thermos on the counter and bent down and scratched his ears, neck and back. I started a pot of coffee then sat down and started unlacing my boots when the door bell rang, I walked through the living room and opened the door and there was Jenny standing there with two cups of coffee, she said I didn’t know if you drank coffee or not when you got off work since it would be your evening, but I thought you might like some company while you unwind and stood there smiling. I told her to come on in and guided her into the kitchen and she asked what’s your dog’s name? Does he bite? I said no but he likes to lick and she blushed, she sat down at the table an Shorty stuffed his nose in her crotch and I told him to go lay down and apologize to Jenny, she said it was OK and slid a cup of coffee across the table and I said thanks.

We sat there and talked for a while and told a little about ourselves to each other and she finished up her story with yesterday was the first time she had been with am man in over three years and she had gotten Sam about a year and a half ago and a few days later she was lying on her bed masturbating when Sam slid his tongue up her pussy and across her clit and she exploded seeing stars and had never felt any thing that good and she had let him keep licking and that big rough tongue of his kept digging deeper into her, she had put her heels up on the edge of the bed and spread her legs wider and said she couldn’t stop cumming and then he suddenly stopped and before she could even lift her head up he had mounted and was in her, she yelled for him to sop and tried to push him away to no avail he was stronger then her and she could feel the muscles in his legs pulling on her hips as he just kept pounding his cock into me then the pain turned into an orgasm and then another and my body was turning against me and I just tingled all over.

I felt euphoric and ashamed at the same time, I’m being fucked by a dog and I’m enjoying it? He must have been pounding in and out of my pussy for what seemed like half an hour and I kept thinking please stop and yet I didn’t want him to stop then I felt something big slamming against my cunt and I reached down and felt a large lump on his cock and he was trying to stuff it in my pussy and it wasn’t going to fit, but he kept trying and lump kept hitting my clit and the tip of his dick was hitting my cervix and I felt a huge orgasm coming and his legs tightened around my waist and lifted my ass off the bed and he pulled me onto that lump and I screamed as it went in and every thing went fuzzy for a moment and I felt that lump expanding inside me, my hips never stopped pumping and neither did his. I was shaking, sweating, pumping, and screaming when he pushed deep inside me and started shooting scalding hot cum into my womb and he just kept cumming for the longest time I lost track. His huge lump inside me kept throbbing against my gspot with every load of cum he released and every time he throbbed I would cum.

I got up and poured us another cup of coffee and she said nice tent you going camping? I had a major erection from listening to her story, I sat back down and asked her to finish her story and she smiled and went on; I was thinking I had never cum so many times in my life and then Sam started to pull out and it hurt I started to reach for his collar when he turned and tried to step over me and the friction of his lump drove me over the edge again and my pussy kept pulsing around his cock and he was cumming inside me again, I was starting to panic at that time I knew nothing about a dogs knot and how they tied with there bitch’s and I started crying, but after about fifteen minutes of cumming and crying his knot started shrinking and slid out and dog cum and my cum flowed out of my pussy like a river and then Sam started licking cum off my pussy and I chased him away yelling at him “Your not going to do that again” I felt weak and dirty and needed a shower and my pussy hurt severely so I gave it a good examination while I was in the shower and I couldn’t see or feel any apparent damage except it was really tender.

I asked how long it took her to let Sam start licking her again, she said it took her about three weeks before she even let Sam get close to her again then one night she was watching an erotic movie on cable and was laying on the sofa rubbing her pussy through her panties when she felt Sam’s tongue lick across her thigh and hand and was startled when she moved her hand he licked her from anus to clit and she moaned and climaxed he licked again and her legs spread apart and then he was sliding his tongue under her panties and burying his tongue in her pussy and her hips started pumping and she climaxed again and moaned she said that went on for about ten minutes and then Sam tried to mount her and she crossed her leg and told him NO and he backed off and she told him to go lay down and he did. She told me that she felt dirty when she let Sam do that to her so she went on the internet and looked it up and was amazed at how many people enjoyed having sex with their dogs, male and female she said she spent a lot of time reading about it and always ended up horny as hell and thinking about how hard and how many times she had cum while same was fucking her, so a few nights later she had let Sam have another go at her pussy and it didn’t hurt nearly as much and now they fuck all the time and she really enjoys it now.

I told Jenny I needed to take a shower and that she was more then welcome to join me; she replied that I must think of her as being easy and I explained, not at all I think of you as being sexy, hot, beautiful and after that story you just told me if I take a shower by myself it will take at least thirty minutes if you join me I figure fifteen maybe twenty tops and I headed for the shower, stripped off my dirty work clothes, adjusted the water temp and stepped in. Then I heard the bathroom door open then close and I found out I was wrong, it takes nearly an hour to take a shower with Jenny.


Chapter Three

After we got out of the shower we dried off and she headed into the kitchen where she had left her clothes and I went into my bedroom to get some clean clothes, when she walked in I was lacing up my tennis shoes and I reached out and grabbed her by the waist and leaned back pulling her down on top of me, she yelped and then I was kissing her and she was kissing back. I squeezed her ass and pulled her tight against my groin and she wiggled her ass, she pulled her face back from mine and said at this rate you’ll never get to the dump and I said that and you’ll start thinking I’m easy. I rolled her off me and sat up. We headed over to her place I backed up to her garage and she opened the door, I loaded her boxes of stuff on the truck and tied everything down while she watched and I asked if she wanted to ride along but she declined saying she had some things to take care of so I gave her a kiss on the cheek and got in the truck and headed for the dump.

On the way back from the dump I was thinking about Jenny, Sam and Shorty it had been over a week since Jessica had moved out and she had called to say things were going OK and not to worry. I thought yes life moves forward as strange as it may get. I stopped at the market to pick up a few things for dinner; I had been spending some time mowing in the back yard every day until it looked like a yard again. I pulled into my driveway and there was a blonde standing on my porch, she looked to be about five foot eight or nine had on shorts and a halter top maybe a hundred and forty pounds maybe less, as I pulled in she turned around and I could hear Shorty barking inside the house, I noticed that her areola were large and standing out and her nipples were huge and hard and then I looked at her face and recognized Marny the gal that live behind me on the other side of my fence. I grabbed a couple of bags of groceries and got out of the truck and walked toward the porch, I could see she had hazel eyes which I hadn’t noticed before.

She said Hi your hard to get hold of I’ve been over a couple of times this week and no one was home but I could hear Shorty barking and whining inside. I explained that I worked nights and slept during the day until around six PM and then I get ready to go back to work again and the best time to catch me would be on Friday or Saturday. Then I asked her if she would like to come in for minute while I put my groceries away, she asked if she could help and I said sure and handed her the bags I was carrying and unlocked the door and pushed it open and headed back to the truck and grabbed the beer and the rest of the groceries and went inside kicking the door closed behind me, when I walked into the kitchen Shorty was licking her face and she was scratching his ears. She stood up and Shorty tried to hump her leg and I told him to go lay down and he ran off towards the bedroom. I apologized and she said don’t worry about it dogs will be dogs, I offered her a beer and she said no thanks I can only stay a minute, what I actually came over about is the holes in my backyard, you said you would take care of them for me? I told her I would be happy to and asked if next Friday would be all right and she said that would be fine and as she started towards the door she turned and said she wouldn’t mind coming by every few days and walk Shorty for you and I replied he would probably enjoy that but I wouldn’t want to put you out. She asked if I had a leash and I told her by the front door, she called Shorty and he followed her into the living room and she hooked him up and called over her shoulder she would have him back shortly and off they went.

I sat down at the table thinking either this neighborhood had changed or I just haven’t been paying attention, then there was a knock at the door and I thought maybe Marny had forgotten something I walked in and opened the door and there was a brunette standing there, bright blue eyes and an athletic body about five foot five in her mid to late forties and she said Hi I’m Liz I live next door and pointed to the right, I was wondering if Shorty was alright, I hadn’t seen him in awhile then I saw him leave with that lady and had to come over and find out. I told her Shorty was fine and he was just out for a much needed walk and that I had filled in all holes he had dug under the fence in the back yard and if she liked I would come over next Friday and repair the holes he had dug in her yard. She said that she had gotten used to Shorty wondering through and was glad that he was alright and next Friday would be fine and added you can bring Shorty if you like as she turned and walked away.

I walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa, I sat there drinking my beer and thought about how worried these women were about my dog. I finished my beer and went out the front door and down the driveway and over to my other neighbors driveway and walked up to the door and rang the bell, I was just getting ready to turn and leave when the door slowly opened and a small voice said may I help you and I turned back around and I was speechless for a couple of seconds. She was about five feet tall maybe a little taller her eyes were bluish green her hair was back as Cole and went all the way to her perfect hips and she had dark skin maybe Hispanic heritage and perfect breasts for her size and I finally got my thoughts together and said I think my dog may have caused some damage in your back yard and she said I don’t understand! I said I’m sorry first of my name is Jim and I live next door and pointed to the house and my dog Shorty has been digging un and she cut me off and asked if Shorty was OK? I said yes Shorty is fine, that I was going around and repairing his damages and told her that I could come over next Friday and fill in the holes and she asked what time and I told her whenever it is convenient for you and she asked if six PM would be to late and explained she worked nights and slept during the day. I told her that would be fine that I worked the same schedule and she called out as I was walking away that I could bring Shorty if I wanted.

On the way back to the house my dick was about half hard, I rarely had a reaction like that with women, I got back to the house and grabbed another beer and sat at the table thinking maybe I’ll start smoking again. I finished my beer and decided to get a couple hours of sleep and was out in no time. I don’t know how long I was asleep but someone was banging on the door so I though on my robe and ran to answer it and it was Marny and Shorty she said I was afraid to wake you but I have to be over at a friends in about half an hour, I said no problem I needed to get up I have some things I have to do to. She bent over to scratch Shorty’s ears and I noticed the scratches on her hips and she was telling Shorty she would see him in a couple of days and took his lease off and handed it to me I said thanks as she turned and walked away. I looked down at Shorty and said “Well my sawed off stud looks like you got some today” and to top it off there coming to you, I can almost feel the bite marks on my ass now and if this comes back at me I swear I’ll put you and your dick up for adoption.

I was drinking a cup of coffee and wondering how or if she could handle Shorty and I thought about my neighbor not Liz but… I didn’t get her name, but if she were doing Shorty Like I was thinking the rest of them were she was so petite, I couldn’t really see her doing him but who knows, two weeks ago I thought there was only my step daughter doing him. I had a feeling next Friday could be a long day and maybe longer if I took Shorty. I finished my coffee and walked across the street to see what Jenny was doing for dinner, I rang her doorbell and heard Sam barking then heard Jenny yell shut up and go lay down, she opened the door and said Hi, finally back from the dump? I told her I had a few other things to do after I got back plus I had to deal with some neighbors about Shorty’s digging under the fence into there yards. Any way the reason I came over is to see what your doing for dinner and she said “Why are you out of food?” and there was no smile, I said let me start over, I haven’t done this in about twenty years I stopped at the market and picked up some stuff and was wondering if you would like to come over and grill a couple of steaks with me? She looked at me for a couple of seconds and asked if the blond or brunette were going to be there? I mumbled “I’m going to kill that dog” and she said “what” I said that damn dog I’m going to get him neutered, those were my neighbors talking to me about filling there holes… Let me rephrase that, put the dirt back in the holes my dog dug under the fence.

I said never mind I could use a quite evening at home and turned around and walked home and didn’t look back, got home and seasoned up the steaks and chopped the salad, grated some cheese and chopped up some mushrooms and sliced some for the steaks, then went out and fired up the BBQ walked back into the kitchen and heard someone knocking on the front door and went and opened it. Jenny was standing there with a jacket on but it was still pretty warm out and she said Hi, I said “What’s Up?” and she said I’m sorry, I should have talked to you before I passed Judgment, is your offer for dinner still open? And she unzipped her jacket and opened it, she had on a totally see through blouse.

I said that’s bribery and reached out pulled her into me and kissed her and squeezed one of her tits and she pushed up hard against me and then I reached down and squeezed her ass with both hands and said come on in. She followed me into the back yard and I checked the BBQ and it was ready, I told her to make herself comfortable and went in and got the steaks and a couple of beers, put the steaks on the table and opened Jenny a beer and handed it to her then put the steaks on the grill and asked her how she liked her steak and said medium. We were both pretty hungry and ate pretty quick and then went in to the living room and sat on the sofa and I leaned over and kissed her and slid my hand between her legs and she spread them wider and I rubbed harder and she reached over and squeezed my cock and I unbuttoned her see threw blouse and started sucking her nipples and she started making noise in her throat and I undid the button on her shorts and slid my hand into her panties and she lifted her ass and slid her shorts and panties off.

I patted on the front of the sofa and Shorty was there, he sniffed and smelled pussy juice and stuffed his nose in her crotch and she tensed up and then relaxed then Shorty started licking and she slid down on the sofa and spread her legs opened even wider and her hips started thrusting and her head went back and she moaned long and slow. Then she reached over and undid my belt buckle, unbuttoned my Levis and unzipped them and reached in and started stroking my cock and Shorty was licking deeper into her pussy and then she was shaking and then she lifted off the sofa and grunted and collapsed and I told Shorty to go lay down and he did. Jenny was breathing really deep and she said God he has an amazing tongue. It slides in so deep and feels so good why did you stop him? I said because he was ready to mount you and I don’t think your ready for him and she said let me be the judge of that and I said OK and patted the edge of the sofa again and Shorty was back licking and I told her to reach down and stroke him and she did and she said God he is thick but he feels so hot. I reached under the sofa and pulled out the cushions and put them on the table then I stood up and took off my shirt and stepped out of my pants and went and got the other cushions out of the closet and put them on the table and told Shorty to go lay down, then I told her to lay down on the table she dropped her blouse to the sofa and laid stomach down on the table, I told her to roll over on her back she did and said I’ve never taken Sam in this position.

I told her there’s a first time for everything and leaned over her and kissed one of her nipples then the other then slid my hand down and started fingering her pussy she was already wet and her juices were flowing down between her ass cheeks. She spread her legs farther apart and I called Shorty and he jumped up and started licking and she raised her knees and her heels fit right into the oblong cup holders. I reached down and pressed the right spot and the table raised, Shorty was linking her anus with no mercy pushing his tongue in farther with each stroke. She moaned Sam has never done thaaaat as she climaxed and shuddered and lifted her as up higher and then Shorty was back into her vagina.

I was squeezing her tits and nipples and her breath was getting faster and her legs were spread as far apart as she could get them and by the noise she was making I knew she was getting close. I pinched her nipples and that’s all it took she squirted cum all over Shorty’s muzzle and let out a screech and collapsed but her hips kept pumping. I patted Jenny’s tummy and Shorty mounted her and pushed in half of his cock and her mouth came open to scream but no sound came out as Shorty pulled back and pushed in again. I slid the extension on the table in and lowered her head until Jenny’s lips were level with the tip of my cock and when Shorty with drew and shoved his cock in three quarters of the way she opened her mouth and I slid my cock in until I hit the back of her mouth and she grunted and dug her finger nails into my ass which caused me to winch and push the head of my dick into her throat, causing her to gag and push her hips up onto Shorty’s cock in turn causing Shorty to start pumping into her all the way to his knot, I watched as he started pumping in and out slowly and as her pussy got more accustom to his fat dick got looser and slippery with his precum and her own cum mixing together. He started stroking his in and out faster, long stroke after long stroke and at the same time I was stroking my cock into her mouth and with each stroke pushing in a little deeper and deeper and I could feel her tongue licking the shaft on each stroke, she was making all kinds of unrecognizable sounds around my cock which felt really good, then I saw Shorty’s shoulder muscle tighten and his legs get a better grip on her hips which she couldn’t push any higher up in the air. Jenny was pumping her hips trying to meet his every thrust but couldn’t keep up and Shorty was trying to push his knot in and as many times as I seen him tie with Jessica his timing always amazed me. I could tell by the way her mouth on my cock was reacting when she was about ready to orgasm and I guess Shorty could tell to because when she had her orgasm Shorty pulled her pussy onto his knot and just applied pressure while her pussy contracted and expanded until it popped in and I pushed my dick in all the way to my balls and exploded in her throat I saw stars I came so hard and Shorty was pile driving his cock into her. Every muscle in her body had tighten up when Shorty’s knot expanded in her pussy and she made a loud UUUUUUUUG sound around my cock as I finished shooting the last of my cum into her and slid my dick out of her mouth. Then Shorty stopped and she said AAAAAAaaaaaa and he filled her with his cum, and Jenny was shaking all over with her ass still up in the air and all she could say was ung, ung , ung, with every pulse of his knot as he shot load after load and then he was trying to pull out of her but her pussy was still pulsing and sucking cum out of him and that continued for about fifteen minutes and he finally pulled out with plop and then started cleaning her pussy and ass. She shuddered and groaned a couple of times during his cleaning her, then he jumped down and went to clean himself.

Jenny just laid there for a few minutes and I went into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of beers and opened them and returned to the living room and she was sitting up, I handed her a beer and sat on the sofa she took a drink washed it around in her mouth and swallowed, leaned forward and kissed me. That is one hell of a large cock for the size of the dog and it felt amazing, I may be sore for a couple of days but simply amazing. Then she said “Do you think he’s fucking these other Bitches in the neighborhood?” I replied that I didn’t know and left it at that and sat back and took a deep swallow from my beer.


Chapter Four

We went in and took a shower and I was thinking about what she had said about the other bitches in the neighborhood and I knew he was boning Marny. From the scratch marks on her hips and the other two I couldn’t be sure but they were really interested in seeing Shorty again.

My cock was getting hard again and it was pressed against Jenny’s stomach as I washed her back, my hands worked there way down to her ass and started soaping up her anus and she was pressing harder against my erection when I pushed my finger past her sphincter muscle and pressed it into her and then started working it in and out, I didn’t know if she liked anal sex or not but when I added a second finger she was pressing back against it until it was all the way in and she would tighten her anal muscles and then relax them on each stroke. So I added another finger and when it was half way in she leaned against me and moaned and I could feel her rectum sucking on my fingers and it felt amazing. By the time I finished inserting that finger all the way she had cum three more times and I was thinking I could hardly wait to feel those muscles working on my dick. We finished our shower and dried off and I found her a robe to wear and we went back out to the living room and sat on the sofa talking and she was stroking my cock, she asked me if I could move the coffee table? And I said sure and stood up and slid the extended ends in and picked it up and moved it across the room and grabbed one of the thicker cushions and told me to take off my robe and sit on the edge of the sofa, so I did and she dropped down on her knees in front of me and started stroking me again, leaned forward and ran her tongue around the tip of my cock and then kissed it. Then she turned around and put the pillow she brought over between her legs and called Shorty and he came running, then she spread her legs so he could get better access and started licking my cock like a lollipop and Shorty was licking her pussy like he hadn’t eaten in a week and she moaned and started working her lips down my cock gradually working down to my balls and her tongue driving me nuts and I knew I wasn’t going to last long at this rate.

I reached down and patted Jenny’s back and Shorty was ready to mount this new bitch again and I had never seen him mount from the back before, but he didn’t have any problem with it (It was like he had done it before) because he mounted got a firm grip on her hips and thrust his whole cock into her and she screamed around my cock and lunged forward. I thought she was going to swallow my balls, Shorty was in all the way to his knot and he was pounding her pussy hard a she was bouncing up and down my cock and he slammed his knot into her with no mercy and she screamed again and I exploded into throat and pushed her face further down on my cock and emptied my balls into her. She was being pounded severely when he shoved as far as he could get into her and he growled almost like a moan and started shooting his cum inside her and Jenny made another loud noise from deep down in her chest and her whole body started to spasm and shake then she collapsed with her head laying on my limp dick. Her hips were still pumping and Shorty was still squirting cum into her, the muscle in were still contracting around Shorty’s knot and Jenny would moan with each spasm of her muscles, Shorty finally started to with draw but her pussy muscles weren’t letting him go yet, he stepped over her leg and now they were ass to ass and her pussy was still pulsing on his cock and after almost twenty minutes she stopped and Shorty was allowed to escape and he cleaned her up and then went off to clean himself up. Jenny laid there with her head on my lap for a few more minutes and the she raised her head up and said “WOW” I’m going to be sore in the morning. I think I like Shorty better in the missionary position, doing it doggy style brings out the animal in him, I didn’t think he could get that fat dick of his in any deeper but he did and he was brutal, she paused for a second But I liked it and stood up with cum dripping down her leg she headed for the shower. She walked into the kitchen where I was sitting, drinking a beer and she was dressed, and had her see though blouse in her hand and had her jacket on zipped half way up and when she leaned over to kiss me I reached in and squeezed her nipple and she moaned into my mouth as we kissed and then she whispered in my ear she would see me tomorrow and headed for the door.