(c) 2008 by BigDobie

Angie was a shy girl that never had many friends in school. Now that she had graduated she found it even more difficult to make friends. Many nights sitting alone by the fire, Angie would dream of finally losing her virginity. She did not understand why every time she was around a boy she would get all tongue tied while in her head she was imagining him throwing her down and having his way with her.

Angie did not understand how she could have such kinky thoughts that would make her panties wet to the touch, but never have the courage to act on her thoughts. She always assumed it had something to do with the fact her parents where so fanatical about her not getting pregnant. Their constant preaching would be all she could think of when she started to get the courage up to talk to a boy, so she never did. Then heaven forbid a boy talk to her, she would just clam up because of the images of his hard cock driving slowly into her tight little virgin pussy.

This particular night Angie is sitting a little ways off the river walk in her small town. This was her special place where she loved to come to have exotic thoughts, while she let her fingers caress her clit under the stars. Angie noticed the Doberman she had seen a few nights before wondering around. She remembered him since she was worried he was lost and should not be out alone. Angie wanted to go check on him but she had been just about to climax from a really good daydream she had been having. So she decided if he is around when she finishes she will have a look at his collar for contact information.

Angie shuts her eyes to go back to her daydream, so she could feel her cum rushing onto her fingers. As she is rubbing her clit harder, little moans begin to come forth. The moans get louder and louder as she begins to cum. This dream had been extraordinarily good and she had hit her G spot just perfectly, to the point she begins squirting cum around her fingers and lets out a loud moan.

As Angie is imaging the man that had finally taken what she had for so long wanted to give, she is shocked to feel a tongue licking her hand. Because of her shyness Angie is afraid to open her eyes and see what is happening. She lays there a moment hoping she had just imagined the whole thing and when she opens her eyes she would still be alone. In the next instant she feels a very large tongue start licking not her hand but her clit! Angie does not know weather to scream in fright or excitement. This is a feeling she had always dreamed about but had never felt. Now here in a public place she experiences this sensation while her eyes are closed and she is too frightened to move.

The tongue is going faster now and not only has licked her clit but had slipped into her pussy giving Angie her first taste of penetration. As the tongue went into her pussy Angie opens her eyes with a start to see that stray Doberman between her legs licking all the cum she had just squirted, off of her. At first Angie starts to jump up, but right as she starts to move the tongue goes inside her again. Frozen with intensity, Angie feels her body contract as she has a spontaneous orgasm while the tongue is going in and out of pussy. More tasteful juices flow out of her which just encourages the Doberman to lick even faster.

Angie cums again an instant later and is amazed at the reaction her body is having of this dog’s tongue being inside her. She has to stop, she can’t keep letting this happen; so she turns to move away and get her panties that were behind her. As she is turning the Doberman mounts behind her, pushing her to her knees. Mare moments later his cock is pushing inside her. Angie freezes again with the realization that nothing she can do now is going to keep her from losing her virginity to this Doberman.

As the dick punctures her pulsating pussy, she lets out a scream that echoes through the night. She feels the dog penetrating what has never been taken before. The tightness of this pure virgin pussy drives the Doberman wild, he grips her with his paws by the waist and pulls her into him. Ramming his rock hard cock fully into her. The size of this dog must be amazing as she feels he cock deep inside her. It has grown to the point that the pleasure has been mixed with pain. She screams louder, which just encourages the dog more. His cock continues to swell until it has the tiny pussy stretched like Angie never imagined it could be.

The feel of the hot cum gushing into her causes Angie to climax with such force that it threatens to push the cock all the way out of her. As the muscles in her body push the cock backwards, the knot has already grown to big to be released by such a tight virgin pussy. The pain of that push causes Angie to have such an orgasm that she lets out a deafening scream.

Drained by the multiple orgasms Angie slumps down as the Doberman spins around to a more comfortable position. Thinking her ordeal is about over, she feels the hot cum pulsating in her pussy as the knot does not go down but rubs against her g spot. The combination of the hot cum and the rubbing on her g spot causes her to begin to cum even harder this time. Taken in a fit of pleasure, Angie closes her eyes to let the orgasm flow through her whole body.

As Angie is just reaching her hardest climax yet, she opens her mouth to moan. When her mouth opens she feels something press into it. Opening her eyes in shock she sees she has the head of a dick partly in her mouth. Looking up she sees a smiling man holding the dick at her lips but not pushing it in.

This stranger looks down and says “I heard you screaming and thought you maybe hurt, so I came running. When I got here I saw you with Draco and I could not believe my eyes. I waited to say anything as I watched a few moments. The next thing I know, your moans had made my cock throbbing with desire. So I pulled it out, planning to just masturbate while I watched. After seeing you cum so many times though I knew I had to get up the courage to join!.”

Angie, still feeling the orgasm race through her body is too stunned to say anything. After a moment of silence with this dick touching her lips, she decides not to say anything and just forces this huge dick down her throat as far as it will go. Once she is gagging from having so much cock in her mouth, she backs off just a hair and stars caressing the mans balls while she goes up and down on his dick.

Driven to the point of incredible excitement the man pulls his dick out of her mouth and walks around her. Putting his legs over his dog, he begins pushing his cock into Angie’s ass. In utter amazement at the things she is going to experience for her first time, Angie shuts her eyes and arches her back.

The stranger lets his dick slide into Angie’s ass. This takes longer then she would have thought, but assumes it is because the man’s dog, has got to have a monster sized cock. With it penetrating so deep into her, and the knot being fully formed the man finally just has to ram his throbbing dick into her. This makes Angie let out another deafening cry, as she feels the mixture of pleasure and pain drive her into a body shivering orgasm. The feel of her pussy and ass contracting on the man’s dick causes him to shoot an ass filling load into her.

Pulling his dick out of her ass the man watches his cum drip down into her pussy. This cum being just enough lubricant to cause the dog’s knot to pop out of her pussy. Causing cum to run down both her legs. The feel of the knot popping out brings Angie to a point she never imagined, even in her most dark fantasies. Angie lies down on the grass as the dog is cleaning the cum from her ass and pussy. The feel of that tongue causes her orgasm to continue even as she lies there quivering in a pool of cum.

The dog finally loses interest and walks away. Angie’s rolls over staring at the stranger, still unable to speak. After a few awkward moments, the stranger abruptly pulls his pants up and puts the dog on a leash. With one last look at Angie laying on the ground, still having body shakes from the after effects; the man walks off without saying another word. For several hours Angie just laid in the same spot, replaying over and over the events of the night. Finally as she is putting her clothes on, she vows to herself to return to the same spot tomorrow night. Knowing by the amount of cum still filling her ass, that the stranger would be here also.