(c) 2008 by Dragontail

What the hell thought Sarah, her Jag was starting to sputter along the narrow road. Turn left my ass she thought looking at her GPS. The screen was a little weak she thought, and it was fading in and out.

As the car rolled to a quite stop the engine died out and quit. She grabbed her cell phone from the passanger seat and flipped it open. The screen read “No Signal” Just great she thought, no way to contact CAA and have them send help.

She thought about the last house she had past, and knew that it was going to be a heck of a walk, Looking at her shoes she was not happy to remember that she wore heels today and looking at the overcast sky she new the little red dress would not offer a great deal of warmth. Rolling her head back she shook her head, not one for wearing panties she thought of all days to be going commando.

At least she was in excellent shape, wearing little dresses and no panties she was what many in the office consitered a cock tease. She loved to flash a quick shot of her shaved beaver, or bend over just so at the copier. She was pretty sure she was the fantacy jerk off for many of the nerds in her department.

Locking the door she headed back down the road, it was not long until she walked on the side of the road in bare feet as the gravel made it hard to walk in the shoes. Looking at her watch she noted that two hours had passed and she was getting tired.

Looking across a field she was happy to see several apple trees ripe with fruit, she quickly crossed the little ditch and crossed the field to the trees and helped helpself to several of the apples. Sitting against the trunck she was over taken by sleep.

Sarah, started awake not knowing where she was. After a few moments she remembered her plight and looked around in the dark the moon was out but it did not give a great deal of comfort. Slowly standing up she grabbed another handful of apples and turned to the roadway, when she heard deep panting. She stopped and her heart started to beat faster not knowing what was out there. “Hello?” she whispered.

“Crack” a branch broke just out of her vison. She turned quickly towards the noice and was afraid. As she backed away, she ran into something solid, and as it was over knee high she landed sharply on her ass. Legs still in the air, she was looking face to face with a fine looking German Shepard. With a sigh she laughed a little fear being replaced with embaracement, the Shepard sniffed the air and with pointedness his nose speared her sex and parted the folds as his tounge took a deep sensual lick.

“Bad dog” she yelped, it backed away a few feet and the change was frightning, it bared it’s teeth and growled, and advanced a few feet snarling at her. “It’s ok doggy I am not going to hurt you” she whispered. Backing away, the dog started at her and it caused her to trip again. The beast did not waste a second, the pointed nose buried itself into her folds as it tasted her flesh. As the rough tounge slid across her clit she froze and pushed away. Looking at her attacker she was taken aback. The dogs cock had dropped and it was massive, nothing short of a weapon. Quickly she rolled over onto her hands and knees to make a run for it, when she realized her error. The dog was on top of her, his strong paws sinched around her waist as he humped a little towards her prize. She fought to get free and the dog barked and closed it’s jaws on the back of her neck to hold his bitch still. She could only whimper, as she felt the cock head push against her lips and as it squirted on her openning he eased his own path. The dog was not gentle, he rammed his tool deep into his new wet bitch. She stifled a scream as the 9 inches tore into her, still squirting the dog pulled out and rammed in over and over, pounding into her cervix with determination until that barrier parted and swallowed the beasts two final inches.

She whimpered in pain, and then something else. She could feel her insides parting and becoming one with her invader. She tightened and with a gush she came, it was so powerful she gushed and could feel her come coat her legs. This drove the beast on, and the knot started to form. He wanted her and he pushed in deeper, and as her lips swallowed the knot, it expanded closing her off. The fullness pushed against her G-spot and caused her to moan. Then the pounding slowed and then she felt the liquid fire, spray her insides. It was like liquid flame and she screamed “Fuck me, oh my god, fuck me.” Her arms colapsed as she could not hold herself up, the dog waited on top of her until the knot deflated and was pulled out. With it came a torrent of cum and cunt juice.

The beast licked her clean and pushed the tounge into her gaping absued hole. She could not prevent the dog from doing what it was doing. So she lay there, turning her head to the left she could say nothing as she was looking at the legs of the owner of the dog. His eyes were glased over, as he had witnessed the whole event.


Sarah was mortified, used and abused. Doggy cum dripping from her over used pussy and she could do nothing but kneel there, ass still in the air, dress hiked up over her waist. The worst was that there was another that had watched her debacement. Tears stung the corner of her eyes. The stanger did not say anything, but she could see lust in his eyes as well as an obvious bulge in his pants. She did not move a muscle as he dropped his cover alls and kneeled in behind her. She knew what was coming and braced, the stranger with out a word entered her, entered her cum filled tunnel, he gripped her hips and pounded at her. She knew she should resist but somewhere deep inside, her pleasure bloomed.

As her pussy contracted again, the man came inside of her, adding to the hot doggy cum. He stood up and tucked himself back in. He reached down and took her by the arm pulling her to her feet.

Still he said nothing as he moved her towards some place unseen, she was still in shock and could not gather the words or thoughts to excape her situation. Looking down her feet moved of their own volition, she could see steams of cum, making the way down her legs. She was not sure if it was this strangers, the dogs or her own, maybe a combination of both.

After a short while, she saw the outline of a house and barn and was excited at the prospect of getting home and away from this debacement. She tried to resist as he led her to the barn rather than the house. Looking around she was well aware that she could very well be in trouble, there were several dogs now following them , eagerly snifing the air.

“Please” she whispered.

But he paid no mind to her, opening the barn door he pushed her inside. The light was a little dim but she could see many animals in different stalls. He led her over to a wash area, and with out cerimony took off her dress. Dropping it to the floor, how she wanted to resist to fight back as was her nature before being raped by the dog and man.

He adjusted the hose and when was satisfied he hosed her off, taking time between her legs washing away any residue. She moaned a little as he slipped the hose inside of her body to expell the rest of the mixture. She stood before him, nipples hard from her inner tormoil. Turning the hose off her lowered his lips to her nipples and drew them one by one into his mouth, each time drawing a sharp breath from her.

I lowered himself infront of her, and licked at her pussy, the folds and her clit which was hard and painfully errect. She did not complain or fight as he slipped a finger into her, and when his other hand reached back and gently slide into her ass, she did nothing but open her legs to allow him better access.

He lay down on the ground and pulled her down after him, lining her up his tool buried itself deep into her once again. As she bucked a little he held her still and whistled once. She tried to fight him off as the dog from before emerged from the shadows and started to lick his cock as he fucked her. Her pussy grew wetter and wetter as the tounge darted to her ass, soon even that hole was wet and open. He patted her back and the dog mounted. She knew what was coming, as the poker slide into her bowels. She wanted to scream, in pain, in agony and worst of all in deep seated lust. The Shepards cock slide deep into her passage and she had never felt so full. A human cock in her cunt and a canine cock in her ass. They were fucking her and she was loving in. As the knot grew she opened her legs to allow it to enter her, as it pushed through her inner ring, she gasped and came on the cock inside of her. The man gasped as her muscles milked him, and when the dog came she wanted to die from pleasure.

As both cocks softened and slipped out of her, the dog lapped at her pussy and ass. She wanted to move away but was drained, she was rolled over, and she lay there. The stranger, walked away naked ass in the dim light and she was unsure of what was coming next, until she heard the rythmic clop of hooves comeing her way…


Sarah could not believe her eyes and the image in her mind. She had dog cum leaking from her ass as well as some strangers cum deep in her pussy. She had not said one word against this depravity and allowed it to go on. Worse was that she wanted it to go on, to be used in this sick fantacy.

She watched him lead the horse over to a hay bale and began to stroke the beasts rump, his finger darted under the tail and she watched in sick fastination as he slid a couple fingers into the horses ass. The beast liked it, it was obvious as he lifted his tail. The other sign was the giant cock emerging from it’s sheath, she watched in awe as it grew and grew getting harder under the horse.

She crawled along the ground and kneeled under the waiting horse, she could not stop herself from taking a tender lick along the length of the horse. As she approched the pee slit, she nibbled on the soft rubbery flesh. Knowing what had to be done, she took up position under the horse on the haybale, and waited.

She did not wait long, she looked back and saw the man take hold of the penis and hold it against her tight hole. The combination of cum and silivia helped the head penitrate her body, but it was not fully enough, the thickness of it, spread her walls, openned her depths and made her scream into her fists. The horse did not care that this was not a mare, right now it was a recepticle for his seed and he would mount this female. With a steady push the head, moved deeper into her channel, she could feel it move inside of her, she could see it as it moved inside of her a perfect outline against her stomack.

With a groan she openned her legs further, wanting it deeper. The horse could sence the change, as she grew wetter it easied the journey. It giant head pushed up against her cervix and battered against the walls. As it can expand to a large size it normally takes time. This time, pressure and strength openned her inner most passage and seated itself to her deepths. The head of the penis flared, and sealed her chamber. The farmer was amased, never before had he seen a woman take so much of a horse. There was so little cock left out and not buried.

The horse began to shake and he knew what was going to happen, she did not. The hot cum, sprayed her depths, filled her passage. As there was little room, her belly pushed out, distened from so much cum. As the openning was sealed, it could not excape. The cum, flooded her passages and warmed and burned her innards. She screamed in silent extacy.

The beast made her feel more like a woman than ever before. She could not think, as the horse shrank and pulled itself from her worn beaten body. The farmer, pulled her into a seating position. Her pussy over his mouth, as the cum, seeped from her body, he drank. She watched, as he licked and swallowed. The cum flooded and started to pour. She openned her lips to watch him drink from her. Her mind flashed, and she pushed her pussy down. As the last drops of horse cum, dripped from her. She roared and came like a beast herself, she roared. The sweat nectar of her own essance sprayed from her depths.

She fell over, her mind posessed and body drained. She could just barely feel her body being carried to a house. He naked body, was lain down on a bed and soft sheets pulled over her. It took seconds for her to fall sound asleep.

She did not see him walk to the barn, 6 dogs in tow, all panting and sniffing. Putting the horse away he stopped beside a large pen. There inside was a 350 pound boar. The beasts nose was in the air. “Don’t worry Max” the farmer smiled. “You will have your chance to have your sprial cock inside of our new mistress. I am sure your cum, will taste better as I drink it from her beautiful body.”

Walking out of the barn he could not help himself, he needed to cum again. As he walked into the house he knew even if she did not wake up he was going to have that tight beautiful puckered ass. He would lay on top of her and bury himself to the root and fill her before he would sleep. Then in the morning, she would meet Max.

Looking into the room she was sound asleep and laying on her belly. He knew it was a sign. Pulling off the covers, her legs were slightly parted and he could see her lips still open from the horse but that was not his goal. Kneeling over her legs he rubbed his cock over her wettness and pushed the head into her rectom, she moaned a little but did not stir. With only two pushed he was deep inside, her ass was so tight and warm he grunted and pushed a few times before filling her. He smiled as he left himself soften in her and he to slept.


With out opening her eyes, Sarah could tell that she was in a different bed. This one was soft deep and warm. The duvay was think and very well cared for.

She was hoping that the day before was a dream or nightmare depending on her thoughts at the moment. She knew that it was not, she could feel the stickness that had seeped from her bottom as she rested. As well her pussy and ass had a dull ache that was nothing beyond wonderful and erotic.

How she had gone from inosent tease to a beast fucker she could not fathom. The dog was accidental, she was raped by the beast that was certain, but everything that followed by by choice. She had allowed herself be taken many times that last day. The dog had taken her again anally, that was her first time having anal sex and it was with a dog. Then later, used by the horse. Used was the wrong word she had also used the great beast and when it filled her she wanted nothing more than to be filled. The great cock was something she wanted, then when the strange man started to eat the horse creampie from her used pussy, she loved the domination. She had held her lips open and feed it to him and she had loved watching it, loved to experiance it.

She had to get away from this place it was evil and something made her want to continue to be used by the beasts.

Standing up from the bed, she was naked. No where could she find her clothes. Looking around the room there was only nightware. Teddies and other items of that nature. The hair on her neck stood up and she noted she was no longer alone.

Turning quickly she saw the man standing there, as well as a dog she did not recognize. “Good morning” he smiled.

“Ummm, yea” was all she could muster.

“I have a special treat for you this morning, Max has been waiting to meet you all night.”

“I bet, I am sorry but I have to go, where are my clothes?”

“Your clothes?”

“Yes my things, I have to go.”

“Well, I would like to say that is possible but until Max has had his turn I am afraid you have to stay.”

Sarah was angry, “What the hell do you mean I have to stay? I said I am leaving and that is it. I am not having sex with Max or any other beast.”

“Well go if you wish, but if I have to blackmail you I will.”

Sarah stopped as she was hit with a brick. “What do you mean blackmail me?”

“I mean I will post all your sessions with the animals on the web and let it go from there.”

“You taped it? You god damn basterd.”

He just shrugged. “One more session in the barn and you can have all the tapes and be free of this place if that is your choice, but after Max has mated with you I am sure you will not want to leave or at worst you will come back over and over again.” He turned and walked out of the room and headed towards the barn. He did not wait to see if she was following.

“Damn it” she swore following soon after knowing she had no choice. She would fuck this Max and be away from this place for ever, and she would not enjoy it either.

She found the farmer sitting beside a large pen, with two of the dogs sitting my his stool. The horse whinnied as she walked by in greating or offereing she did not know which, only that she turned red at the thought that maybe this horse was Max.

Looking over the side of the pen, she could see a giant boar, even from the side she could see huge testicles hanging from underneath. Her eyes were wide with fear.

“Say hello Max.”

The beast turned towards her and grunted accustom to humans male or female.

“There is no way I am fucking a pig” she said in ernest.

“Well the choice is always yours, but we either have a deal or not, Max is very gentle and I will make sure that you are safe and not hurt. I have a breding cage that will support his wieght and only allow you to feel his skin against yours.” Pointing to the cage in the corner. “Max is gentle and will allow you do to anything to him.”

She looked at the large boar and back to the man, and stepped over the rail and approached him. She ran her hand down it’s flank and thought that he was softer than she had though. The little tail was kinda cute and the ball sack underneath gave way to a lot of promice. She was surprized to note that she had grown wet already. her lips were slightly open as her body was more than willing to be filled.

Gently caressing the sack she reached under and played a little until the cock head poked out. It was as thin as a pencil but was shocked as it spiralled a little as it moved about, and move it did like it had a mind of it’s own.

Openning her mouth she let it explore and was quite overwhealmed as it pushed down deeper than any cock had been. The taste was better than anything she had ever eaten before.

She did not know if she wanted to finish the beast orally or let it have it’s way with her. She did not know but her body did, quickly she moved into the cage and waited. The boar sniffed at her sex and found her to be open and ready. Jumping on to the cage she felt the hairs against her back and the spiral motion of the cock searching for her sex.

She did not have to wait long, the tool found the warmth and dove in deep. It moved inside of her like it was alive. It was searching, searching for her center. The head wormed it’s way into her core, as it breached her cervix she screamed, it threaded and spiraled it;s way into her. Over 2 feet of cock tunneled into her and she tried to get away from it and then back into it wanting more. She suddenly stopped moving deep inside her womanhood she knew something was coming. And cum it did, the boar let loose a torrent of piggy cum, it flooded her insides. Her belly began to swell as cup after cup was deposited into her. She screamed in orgasm. The stark power of the orgasm ripped away her last thoughts, she fought to become one with the beast. To be it’s only mate, she pushed back holding the maleness in her. The cock withdrew a small amount and she felt the beast cum again this time thicker and as the cock pulled from her cervix the thick cum closed off her channel. Holding all the cum inside her, flooding her eggs with sperm.

As the cock pulled out she cried at the shear pleasure, the shear feeling of being made a woman. The farmer helped her stand, her legs were weak. Looking down she looked as if she was 4 months pregnant. Her belly was extended.

After the dog and horse were finished a torrent ran from her, but this time nothing. Only her own wettness was evident.

Seeing the confusion on her face, he added “When boars cum first they spray your insides with about 4 cups of cum, then to make sure that it works he fills you with a think cum, think of it like desolving cement. In about 3 or 4 hours, it will let loose and everything your body did not absorb is going to wash out of you in a gush.”

She looked at her belly and back at him. He was naked and hard as all can be. “Well I guess I am going to be here a while” she knelt down and took him into her mouth, and deep throated him, she drew him in till his balls rested on her chin. Using her fingers, she coated them with saliva and moved a finger back beteen his legs and sought out his opening. He opeened easily and she added another finger. Using mouth and fingers, she could sence it would not be long. She looked towards the two waiting dogs and thought just maybe she wanted to see someone get fucked by an animal.

She smiled at the thought and thought on how to make it happen.


Sarah pulled the farmer to the ground, in offereing of the classic 69 position. She thought back on the few guys she had fucked, not a single one would have thought about going down on her after sex. With condom or without, it was not heard of. Here was a guy a complete stranger, whom already had drank horse cum from her abused pussy and here again was cleaning up after the giant boar seeded her insides. She was amazed and horny, the man’s cock was deep in her mouth as she sucked greadily, two fingers pulsed in and out of his rectom, working towards his prostate. She knew she could mame him cum quick and hard if that was her goal. With one free hand she motioned the collie over to her and reached under and started to stroke the cock out of its sheath. It did not take long until the dog started making humping motions.

Using surpize she hooked her legs over his arms, he could only think she was starting to cum and wanted his mouth closer and deeper over her sex. He obliged, tounge running up and down her slit, it made her job harder. He was very good at what he was doing. She motioned the dog, up and he jumped onto the pressented back, legs pushing towards his goal. The man started in surprize but to her amazement he did not fight the dog off, he was willing to be mounted. She watched in awe as the tapered dog cock penitrated the pucker above her. Never had she seen anything so erotic, nothing made her as lustful as she was at the moment. The cock was pounding him relentlessly, the girth was clutching at his anal walls, pulling the skin out and driving it back it. She was not ready for the amount of precum the dog was flooding his channel with. It leaked out and down his balls, down the cock and directly into her mouth. It was discusting in thought but there was nothing she would have wanted to taste more. The taste was beyond comparrison, metalic but more. Like the sweatest icing, but more. She lost all thought of the tounge, dring into her sex. She wanted to gobble every last drop the two lovers shed.

She watched in awe as the knot started to form, the dog knew what to do and used the extra moisture as lubricant and drove the knot into his waiting body, as it seeted itself it swelled and put pressure on his prostate. It was to much and he fired shot after shot of cum into her waiting mouth. She drank, not a drop was wasted. Then something happened to her, the seal broke and the rush of pig cum broke loose like a dam, it was like she was peeing but so different. The force and pressure and the erotic sight she just witnessed caused her body to convulse, the farmer felt the shift and knew what was happening. Holding her in place he openned his mouth, and drank. It poured from her, coating his face, forming a puddle under her, still he drank. She tried to get away from the intence feeling but was trapped, orgasm after orgasm ripped through her core and she screamed in such fantastic pain and pleasure she blacked out.

It did not take long for the swelling to go down and let the dog go free, he was weak as well from such the sound pounding to his own core but he took her to bed, and nestled in beside her, both covered in cum, in fluids, totally worn out and satisfied.

“You bastard” he heard her whisper “just wait till my girlfriends get a load of this place.” The he felt her drift off and could not wait to see what other bitches would be made whole here at his farm.


Samantha was expected within the hour to come and get her. As her car was broken down it was a good excuse.

She watched sam pull into the yard she walked out of the house and over to her.

“Hey thanks for coming Sam.” She pulled her in and kissed her on the mouth.

Sam did not fight at first then realized what was happening. “Wow Sarah what has gotten into you.” As she held her out at arms length.

“Sam I have a confession to make” pausing for effect. “I guess all those times you cam on to me I was afraid and I guess I know I would like to try to be with you.”

“What you have to be shitting me. What is this place?” she asked looking around.

“A friends place, I am watching his animals and place for him, come inside. Please.”

Samantha looked around causiously, Sarah was not to the best of her knowledge but man what a kiss. She was wet from just that and wtching the little pert ass walking away. Oh well if Sarah wanted to experiment, she would be happy to have a taste of her pretty slit.

As she entered the house, Sarah was in her arms. Kissing and pulling her in close. Their tounges danced over each other, and they moved into the bed room and started undressing. Sam pushed her down on the bed and openned her shirt and licked at her nipples. Soon after they were rock hard she slipped down and removed her panties. She was wet and her lips were open. Taking a sniff she dove in and pushed her tounge into the hilt and drank up her fluid.

Sarah knowing what to do, rolled over on to the floor pulling Sam with her. She pushed her to the ground. “Please Sam let me taste you now.” sam openned her left and when Sarah dove in she moaned at the feeling. She was tasting every inch of her. Then she heard Sarah moan in exclimation. Looking up she could see a dog behind her, and from her view point she could see the long tounge licking her from clit to her budding ass. “Oh my dog Sarah, are you letting that dog lick you?”

“Oh my god, the tounge is so long, you have to let him lick you.” If not watch him as he licks me. She swung over and put her pussy over Sam’s face and then started licking herself. Sam was amazed and very horney watching her friends pussy being licked by a dog. It was so horney. She fought woth the dogs tounge to get a taste herself.

It was then that Sarah rolled over holding her in place now she was on the top and when the dog moved to her cunt she could not really do anything as Sarah had let it happen. It was magical, the dog and Sarah eatting her. She caught herself as she orgasmined on the dogs tounge and moaned.

She thought she heard Sarah say “you have not felt anything yet.” It was then the dog mounted her, and when the thick dog cock speared her open pussy she tried to get it off but was held in place.

“God Sam let him fuck you, it is the best feeling in the world and when he is done I will drink the cum from your pussy. You can sit on my face and watch it drip in.”

She was shocked and could not think, her friend was eatting her cunt as a dog fucked it. She opened her mouth to say something but Sarah lifted her hips to her mouth she started eating pussy again while the dog battered at her openning. It was then that she felt the knot and the long cock slipping into her cervix, she moaned long and loud as it openned her wide. The knot wedged itself into her, and as the beast slowed hot cum drenched her insides. She screamed in pleasure, and ate and ate at Sarah’s dripping cunt. It was after a few minutes then the dog cock slipped out. Sam smiled and swung her hips over and looked into Sarah’s eyes as she lowered her pussy to her waiting mouth. It was covered in dog cum but she dod not hesistate and she lick it all up from the outside. Sam held her lips open and watched as the cum trickled out of her into her friends waiting mouth. She almost died as she came again and once clean fell into her friends arms.

“Oh my god, where the hell did this come from?” Sam asked.

Sarah smiled, “if you thought that was the best sex you have ever had, wait till you have a horse fucking that sexy pussy of yours?”

“You have had a horse fuck you?”

“You bet, it was the best.”

“Bull shit” Sam said.

“You want to see me being taken by a horse?”

“Damn rights” said Sam with eyes wide open.

Taking her by the hand she says “well if I fuck the horse you have to drink the cum from my pussy.”

“Deal” Sam whispers.

“Aww fuck”, whispered the farmer, “that is my favorite part”. Oh well he thought looking at the two beautiful women on the vidoe system. Looking at the record button he knew he would experiance this bitch shortly.


“Sarah you have to be kidding me, there is no way you are going to let a horse have sex with you.”

“Sam a horse does not have sex with you, a horse fucks you. He mounts you and takes you to another place altogether.”

Sam followed Sarah’s lead into the barn totally unaware that camera’s followed and recorded her every movement.

“Ok Sarah I have to ask, I never knew you were gay, bi or whatever, last thing I ever pictured was you having sex with animals.”

“I guess there is a lot you do not know about me” pulling Sam in for a kiss, “now I am sure you want to see what a horse can do to a pussy.”

Sarah glided into the stall and brought out the horse, he was eager to bred again for that was his sole purpose on the farm, he had never actually been ridden but has ridden many a female.

Looking to Sam, Sarah says “I am still new to this so if I need help you might have to take hold of him and line him up for me.”

“Take hold of him?”

“Yes, you will have to guide his massive cock and place it against my pussy.”

Sam could only glup at the thought. She watched Sarah bend over and spred her legs. The horse went in for a deep sniff and then began to tounge the female to see if she was ready. These humans always smelled fertile and ready to mate. Sam gasped as the horses cock slowly slipped out of it’s sheath, it was powerful, it was hard and it was more than she could ever have imagined.

When the horse jumped up she was sure Sarah was going to be crushed but the hooves planted themselves on either side, and then he humped forward. The cock bounced against her ass, then passed underneath missing.

Sarah breathlessly called out, “God sam help him into me, I can’t stand it, I so need it.”

Sam reached under the giant animal and took hold of the cock, it was warmer than she thought it would be, it pulsed with life and with blood. It was powerful and masculine. She placed it at Sarah’s gate and the giant battering ram, openned her doors and drove deep into her unprotected sex. Sam did not even let go as it slipped painfully far into her friend, she held on to it like she was going to fall away from the world.

Sarah screamed in extacy and pain, she felt so wonderfully full almost to the point of breaking but it made her whole it made her feel like a woman conquered. Sam moved in closer and watched the horse thrust into her friend and on each pull out, it seemed to turn Sarah inside out dragging part of her with it.

Sam was soaked, her pussy flowed and moistened wishing it could be on the recieving end of the giant. She ran her hand over the stretched opening and could see the imprint of the tool as it battered it’s way into her most female parts. Then Sarah held her breath and with a final gust. She moaned, “he is comming, he is filling me, fuck, fuck, fuck.” It was like a mantra.

The horse snorted and pulled back, Sam watched as the penis pulled out, a trail of come contected them from the tip of him to her. As the horse dimounted, Sarah rolled to her back and whispered. “God Sam, eat me, taste the seed from me.”

Sam, lowered her head and took a tentitive lick, the pussy before her was wide open, stretched and flowing, Sarah took her head in her hands and pulled her mouth over her opening. That was all that was needed, Sam ate and drank from her body.

When Sarah came again she pulled Sam to her, the lay on top of one another. “Oh my god Sarah, I do not know how you took that, it was, well it was more than I ever could have imagined.”

“To tell the truth Sam you could too, we are able to pass a babied head and be fine after.”

“Yeah but with lots of drugs” sam laughed.

“That cock sliding into you is better than any drug I could imagine.”

Sam looked doubtfully at the horse standing near by waiting.

“Do you think he would fuck me?” Sam asked.

“I think every animal in this barn would want a crack at you, you are beautiful and taste devine. I hope that I get the chance to drink horse cum from you.”

“Will he stop if it hurts to much?” Sam was clearly wanting to try but was afraid.

“Sam, once he starts he won’t stop till he floods your insides.”

Looking scared, “Ok Sarah, I will try. What do I have to do.”

Reaching between her legs, she slips three fingers into her wetness and says “Well I would say lube but you are wet enough.”

“How could I not be after watching that?”

“Ok lay like I was and stay still he knows what to do and don’t worry I will help to place him in you.”

Sam lay on the bale and griped it and waited. The horse did not wait to sniff this new mare, she had the sence to flee and he did not want this one to get away before having a chance to spill his seed deep inside of her. The two hooves pounded down next to her head causing her to stifle a scream. This time the horse did not need to be placed. The cock lined up and glided into the tight pussy, it stretched against the walls and openned her wide.

Sam could not draw breath to scream, it hurt and hurt alot, her walls were torn asunder as the horse drove deeper and deeper with each thrust, but with each thrust came something different the high, the drug, the extacy. Her body burned and called for the quenching liquid from the horse. Her breath studdered and gasped as she was ridden to new hieghts. As the horses cock openned her inner most chamber, it flared and the pressure tore into her G spot and she came, she sprayed, soaking the cock, the clamping of her inner walls make the horse crasy and it pounded in and out of the little mare, which drove her deeper into the orgasm. The horse fired volley after volley into the mare, coating her insides, plastering every surface, he waited inside as he shrank, not wanting to let his fluid excape before making her his. As the cock dropped away, Sarah’s head drove into the vacant spot and greadily drank at the combination of thier fucking. It was devine and she could not stop until Sam pushed her away so she could recover.

The both sat still holding each other, cum seeping around them, pussy battered and sore. Still they were satisfied, and complete. Sam kissed Sarah once on the neck and whispered. “So what animal would you recommmend next?”

Watching from his room, the vidoe replayed the cum dripping from her body, his own come had sprayed from the tip and hung on the side of the desk. “Just wait my little one, soon you will be mine,” as he stared at Sam’s little pussy leaking horse cum.