(c) 2009 by toyya

Chapter One

Tammy sat in her empty house totally exhausted. She has been on the go for a week now since the new owner of her grandparents old historic home wanted to move in as soon as possible. The papers were signed a week ago and she had to sell everything that the new owners didn’t buy with the home. The little bit she kept she had to send on to the small cabin she had bought a few years back. Then she had to buy enough supplies to last the winter through most of the summer so that she could get a garden growing then she hoped that she could can enough to make it till the next year. All she wanted was to be self sufficient and not to have to buy anything but the necesities. She even bought a milk cow and some traps to catch wild rabbits. She had her grandfathers riffle and she figured she could hunt as well.

She was so eager to leave this hated city that she had to make herself sit down to rest and think. Going over every thing in her head that needed to be done before she left this house that had so many horrible memories. The last thing was to go into the den and clear it out. The room terrified her, when she inherited the house 5 years ago and moved in that was the one room she never went into. The door almost pulsing in front of her as she sat there. Knowing it had to be done she got up and turned the knob. The door groaned with years of not being opened, and then swung open.

Pannic hit her as she stepped in and spotted the bear rug in front of the large fire place. Self conciencly she rubbed the burn mark on her side as memories flooded her once again. Blinking back tears she turned to the desk and started to throw papers and books into a box. She then emptied the drawers and then went out to get the boxes for the museum. She very carefully putt the old and rare books that filled one wall into the boxes and set the boxes by the front door. A curator from the museum was due shortly to pick them up. She then took down the painting of her grandfather smiling at the fond memory it evoked. Then on the wall behind where the painting hung was the safe.

She took the numbers her lawyer gave her and opened it. He told her to do this when she first moved in but couldn’t open the door to come in. Reaching inside all she felt was a fat envelope. She looked at it turning it over trying to figure out what it was. On the outside there was just one word TAMMY. She opened it and to her surprise there was a stock certificate and several thousand dollars cash along with a letter. She opened the letter with shaking hands and started to read —My dearest grandaughter I am so sorry for not believing you. You were just so young and I found it hard to believe on of my own sons could do such horrible things. It wasn’t until he had died and I found the pictures did I truly understand how sick he really was. No child should have to go through what he putt you through. I have lived with this knowledge since his death and it has eaten away at me to the point that now I am nothing but a hallow shell sitting here writing this to you. As you already know I will be leaving everything to you. I know this wont make up for past hurts but maybe it will help in some way. Oh and the stock is worth millions so don’t just toss it aside, And it is legally yours you cousin will have no claim to anything since he is legally of no blood to me. I made sure that the lawyer had everything that was needed to prove that your unkle had illegally adopted a young girl to use for his sick needs. Again dear child I am so very sorry and I do love you. Your Grandfather Tom.

Tears were now streaming down as the memories came flooding back. The red hot poker searing her skin when she would fight back. The huge cock being rammed into her in every way possible. His sperm gagging her when he would cumm in her mouth. The threats if she ever told. Being dragged out of bed night after night and always it happened here on this bear rug and he always laughed after saying that is what women really wanted. Then he would drag her back to bed and then she would hear him in the next bedroom with his wife only she would be moaning and yelling out that she wanted more. She wiped her tears away and finished packing away her grandfathers thing then closing the large door she whistled for Lou Lou her female sheppard and only companion.

Lou lou came running in from the kitchen where Tammy had a doggie door putt in for her. Tail wagging she gave Tammy a nudge with her nose wanting itched behind her ears. Tammy was itching away when the door bell rang and Lou lou went stiff waiting to see if the intruder was a friend or foe. Tammy let in the curator and then finally she was able to breath a sigh of relief as he left with the last of the books and she loaded up the few boxes she had into her truck and then both Lou lou and her were finally on their way. No more humans to bother her, no more want-a-be friends, and finally no more men that always wanted something that she was not mentally able to give.

They drove for at least 3 hours when Lou lou decided it was time for a potty break. So Tammy stopped at the next rest stop and let her do her business and gave her some water and food before putting her back into the truck and getting back on the road again. Just another hour away was the small town where she would do what shopping needed done from now on. Then another 30 minutes and she would be starting her new life.

Her cabin was a old hunters cabin up in the mountains. There was a large pond (or small lake) stocked with trout on one side and down a hill behind the cabin was a river that had fish running in it. The cabin sat in a little clearing and there now stood a little red barn not to far from it. She had decided that since she has the money she was going to get a horse from the farmer who sold her the milk cow. He has a male that he had gotten for hunting but since his wife’s illness he has just not had the time or energy to do any hunting yet alone keep up with their small farm. She was thinking of the big brown horse that had a black main and tail when she realized she was almost to the turn off. So turning on her blinker she turned into the farmers driveway.

Pulling up to the house she caught sight of the horse next to the barn and for the first time ever she felt a tingle between her legs from her excitement. Shaking her head she told Lou lou to stay and she headed up to the kitchen door. A elderly man hollered from the barn just as she was about to knock, so she headed over to him. He was smiling at her and asked when she wanted him to deliver the cow. Putting on a forced smile (something she always did when talking to humans) and said as soon as he could then she asked if he was still wanting to sell the horse. His smile faded as he said he was but she could tell it wasn’t easy for him. She said that she would make sure he was well fed and given lots of attention. So after handling the money end of the deal and hand shaking he said that he and a neighbor will bring them both up the following day.

Tammy was now back in her truck and giving the horse one more glance she couldn’t help but notice that he was standing looking her way and sporting one heck of a hard on. Again she was feeling the new feeling in her crotch as she drove of. Lou lou was fidgeting next to Tammy so Tammy told her to lay down. Lou lou obeyed laying her head in Tammy’s lap, and before Tammy could stop her Lou lou had her nose up under Tammy’s short skirt and was sniffing her crotch. Tammy was trying to get the snout from between her legs and stay on the road at the same time. So she had to give up and let her sniff. Then her tongue licked her and Tammy moaned and was spreading her legs open farther but keeping her foot on the gas. She was shocked when she realized what she had done but it was to late now because Lou’s tongue was gaining access to her clit and was sending shivers up Tammy’s body. Tammy was so into the new feeling that she almost missed her driveway. Now she was parked and she wanted to see how far this was going to go. She threw one leg over Lou’s head and laid back against the door. Lou was now digging her tongue in and out of the sweet juicy vagina. Her tongue was rubbing her clit as it dove in and out and this was sending Tammy into her very first orgasm. She decided that Lou needed to feel what she was feeling so she forced herself up and led lou into the cabin.

She crawled up on the bed and patted next to her to let lou know that she could jump up. Lou was trying to nuzzle Tammy between the legs again but Tammy eased her around to where lou’s crotch was over Tammy’s head. Lou was taking no time as her tongue started its way deep into her vagina. Tammy gently took a finger and rubbed Lou’s wet opening. Tammy realized that Lou was in full heat and was pushing her finger up into her. Feeling how soft and warm this juicy crotch was sent the tingle through her own crotch and Lou responded with trying to get her tongue in deeper. Lou was now pushing down on Tammy’s finger as Tammy pushed it in and out getting the hot juices running down into her palm. With out thinking she was rubbing Lou’s juices down on her own crotch trying to open herself wider for the Long tongue. She replaced her wet finger with her other hand and was moaning and pushing her hips up when her world exploded. About the same time Lou stopped her licking and laid down giving Tammy a lick before dozing off. Tammy reached down with her pussy wet hand and wiped the dogs juices on her own crotch.


Chapter Two

Tammy woke up a short time later with her hand still between her legs. She rolled off the bed and adjusted her skirt headed out side to check the storm shelter for all of her supplies. The delivery man was told where to leave things and when to have them here by. She stood in the door looking at everything and decided to arrange it later. She then headed over to the barn to make sure the hay was delivered. She also wanted to make sure there was going to be room for the feed and hay the horse will need. When satisfied she headed down to the pond. She layed down in the soft green grass and stared up at the blue sky. Oh it was so quiet she could hear the frogs on the other side of the pond and she could even hear Lou running up by the cabin. Closing her eyes and thinking of what she had just felt and then her thoughts drifted to the horse and his amazing cock. Her hand was caressing her breasts as she thought of the horse and getting fustrated with her self she went to roll over when she noticed a huge black dog staring at her. Startled she got up on all fours and was getting ready to stand up when the dog pinned her.

He was smelling a bitch in heat and was doing what came naturally when he climbed up on her back and after a couple pokes was inside and pumping away. Tammy yelled out but knew there was no one to hear and then she was feeling something hard hitting her vagina. He was pushing his big cock deeper into her and she then knew what she was feeling he was trying to knot her. Not knowing what to do she tried to wiggle out from under him but he growled and then a new fear hit her this wasn’t just any dog it had to be a wolf. Then she screamed as his knot was pushed through her tight opening. He was swelling to a enormous size and she was now rocking back onto him as his sperm shot deep into her. She forgot about being afraid and was now meeting his thrusts with her own.

He was confused that this female was acting like she was but his desire to mate overran any thing else and he tried to get himself deeper into her as he shot his hot sperm into her womb. Not stopping until his desire was satisfied and she was full of his juices. He then smelled another bitch in heat and his desire grew even stronger. He was ramming her as hard as he could and then the other female was behind him sticking her nose between his back legs and licking the both of them sending him into a renewed fast paced humping. Then something weird happened a memory from his past. Only he didn’t have this body it was more like the one he was ramming his cock into only different. Then as he went to turn to face butt to butt he remembered what he really was.

He landed here last winter and was hurt real bad. A female wolf licked his wounds and fed him until he was better. So he changed himself into a male of her species until someone from his planet came for him. Now he was locked to this female and she was not like the wolf. He tried to speak to her but she didn’t talk like the dogs. He then tried to get into her mind. It has been a while since he had to use this way of talking but rusty or not he had to try. So he pushed his thought in asking her what she called herself.

Tammy jumped when she heard a male voice and looked around for who was talking. Then she heard it again the accent was thick and she could barely make out what was being said. She yelled out “who’s there”. The voice asked again “what are you called”. She was thinking of someone out there watching and seeing her as she was mating with a wolf. Then she heard the voice again “ your not being watched I’m the one that is tied to you now please tell me what are you called”. Tammy had to laugh at that because dogs don’t talk. That is when the wolf that was still tightly wedged and still spurting his hot juices moaned then he turned his head and said “look at me”. Tammy twisted around to see his grey eyes staring at her and she knew it was him but how. The voice said “mind talking is how we first learn a new language. Soon I will be able to talk to you out loud but I may have to change my shape to do so this wolf has limited vocals”. Tammy was thinking that if he wasn’t a wolf then what was he when she heard him say “another world far away many galaxies away”. He then Said “can you send your female inside her scent is making me forget myself with the need to mate”. Tammy then told Lou to go inside and watched as she trotted into the cabin.

The voice then said “ don’t be afraid I’m going to change shape now so I can slide out of you”. Tammy felt a little regret not wanting these new feelings in her to stop. The voice was laughing and then he said “ don’t worry I can make you feel things you never thought possible, but later”. Then before she could blink she was looking at something that looked human all but the arms. He had four arms shaped like the arms of a octopus. He pulled his cock out of her which was thick and had knots or lumps up its length, And as each knot popped out of her she felt his sperm ooz out. Then he opened his mouth and uttered a gurgly hi. His tongue was long and snake like. His face was very nice looking and he had long black hair. He the asked “ how do you manage with just 2 arms, and what are those toes doing on the end of you arms”. Tammy started to tell him what each part of her body was when he stopped her. He asked “if you don’t mind can I scan your mind then I want have to ask any more questions. Tammy was not sure but shook her head yes with out thinking. Then he grabbed her head and staring into her eyes she felt him in her. Not only was he learning from her but she was learning from him too. This shocked him but he let her learn. When he was done she saw a tear under his eye.

She knew all about him and lifting her finger she wiped away the tear. Kane (what he is called not his given name) was looking at her and then he shook his head saying “sorry I didn’t know I would never have done it if I knew if I hurt you I’m sorry”. Tammy smiled as she said that “you being a wolf at the time made it easier and she was glad she can now know what it feels like to be loved”. Then she looked at him and wondered if he would ever see his mate again and when the time came would she be able to let him go! She knew for only a short time but when she scanned his memory she felt his moods and lived through everything he went through as though she was there with him.

His stomach growled and he remembered that was why he was here. He smelled food and when he got here the smell of a female in heat made him forget all else. Tammy jumped up and took one of his arms and smiled as they walked up to the cabin. She fixed them both a sandwich and fed Lou. They ate in silence just looking at each other while Lou watched them both . Kane wiped his mouth looked down at the dog and not taking his eyes off of her he said “ her scent is overwhelming and it took all my strength to sit here to eat”. He grinned as he looked Tammy in the eye and she was up and headed for the bed with him stumbling after her.

She sat at the edge of the bed and watched as he came closer to her. He slowly unbuttoned her shirt then she stood up as he slid her skirt off her hips. She let her blouse fall next to the skirt as he lifted her up and laid her on the bed. He was rubbing her breasts with 2 of his arms while the other 2 roamed the rest of her body getting to know every nook and cranny. She reached up and brought his face down to hers and gave him his very first kiss. His forked tongue wrapped around hers and explored her mouth as she explored his. She reached down and found his hard knotted cock. As she ran her fingers up and down it he moaned deeply he was playing with the hair between her legs purposely hitting her clit every once in a while to get her hot and wet then he pulled her legs apart and slid a arm into her, Now she was moaning as he tickled her insides. He felt her ripe uterus with the cervix tightly closed waiting to be pried open. But now was not the time for that. He explored more and as he touched spots he remembered which ones made her moan the most. Then he hit a spot that made her yell out as she thrust her hips up and he knew he found it. Every being had a spot of supreme delight and in this being it was called a g-spot. He rubbed and tickled it while watching her face knowing that she had never felt pleasure like this before. Her hand had stopped rubbing his cock and she now had her fingers tightly gripping it and was pulling then pushing to where he was almost ready to explode. He took her hand off of him and placed her hand down by her crotch.

Tammy reached down and felt his arm as it was wiggling in her. He was still hitting her g-spot and she was now on the verge of cumming. He said “ now do you feel it are you ready now , that’s it let yourself go”. Then her body exploded and she squirted hitting not only his arm but his chest too with her fluids. He waisted no time and was pushing his cock slowly into her letting her juices wet and lube him up as he slid in. She was so tight and he was woried that she wouldn’t be able to take him but after each knot slid in she would manage to relax to let in another and then he was slowly pumping making sure to keep the knots in until she was use to the size.

She couldn’t wait thinking he was holding back she rammed herself up on him and pulled back feeling 2 of the knots slide out she then pushed her hips back up un him he lost control and was now sliding in and out of her each time he was growing larger in length. The knots were rubbing against her g-spot and she was squirting once more this time he was also starting to fill her with his sperm when he stopped saying “not yet”. He waited and held her hips down then slowly he pushed deeper into her. She felt something trying to enter her cervix. He said “it will only hurt at first do you trust me”. She shook her head yes as the tip of his cock entered her cervix. She relaxed waiting for the pain to end then he was rocking on her moaning as he slid deeper into her then she was moaning wanting to be filled with his babies as he let him self go. He shot his hot sperm deep into her womb and she could feel something wiggling deep in her. Smiling he said “now you will feel something like never before”. She lay there gasping and moaning as something wiggled out of his cock and up into her filling womb. He was still filling her full and was now sending his worm (what he called the thing that was attached to the inside of his cock) in search of a egg.

Tammy was so deep into a orgasm that she could almost feel her eggs being impregnated. Her body was shaking as she arched her body to help him in his search. Then she felt a flash and she knew her egg was fertilized and a wave washed over her as her orgasm came to a head. He was locked into her womb to make sure his seed stays imbedded. Tammy asked if it was like this with the wolf (the only memory she couldn’t scan). He was smiling and shook his head no as he pulled her up against him to roll them both over to where she was now on top laying full on him and loving the feel of his jerking cock inside of her. She knew from his memory that they would only be stuck together shortly but if his cock kept spasming anf jerking like this she was going to get horny all over again.

As if he could read her mind he started to run a arm down her back and getting a hold on her butt started to rock her on top of him. With a loud pop he slid out of her still fully erect all except the tip that swells to hold him in the womb. He rolled her back over but before he could climb on her she grabbed his cock and stuck it in her mouth. Closing his eyes he was wondering why his people never thought of doing anything like this. She sat up and turned herself to where she was under his crotch and she reached up grabbing a arm she pulled him down to where his face was over her crotch. Curious he took a arm and was playing with her vagina as she was taking his cock and sucking the tip while her hand was sliding up and down its length. He could smell his sperm in her and dipped his tongue in to taste. It was more than he expected and he was soon driven like the wolf was driven. He was sticking his forked tongue deep in her lapping up her sweet taste and she was rocking her crotch on to his probing tongue.

His cock was growing longer and she knew he was almost ready to feed her hungry mouth when she felt the weight of Lou jumping onto the bed and laying down next to them. Her smell was strong and his cock grew even longer as he took a arm and was now playing with Lou’s crotch. He was moaning and was thrusting his cock down into Tammy’s mouth as his tongue wrapped around her uterus and then he was rubbing his tongue on her g-spot as he started to fill her mouth full of his cum. The taste was wild and watching the tip of his arm as it was going in and out of Lou’s cunt sent her into a orgasm to which she once more squirted and this time Kane was swallowing it down licking the little that managed to get away from him. Lou was up on all fours taking his arm like a cock and when she finally had enough she laid down and he withdrew his arm. The 3 of them falling asleep not waking for a couple hours to find it dark outside.


Chapter Three

Lou rose first heading outside to relieve herself then Tammy headed for the bathroom to do the same. Kane was curious and wanted to watch so he followed her. In his world they would spit up any waist and so in this world it still amazed him how the different beings expelled their waist. As a wolf he found it most erotic both in watching and feeling it as it passed through the rim of his anus. Then there was the time another male was humping him and slid his cock in him. The memory was causing his own cock to swell as he sat on the floor in front of Tammy. The smell was driving in into a irresistible need and with out thinking he changed back into the large black dog. Tammy was watching him as he stuck his nose between her legs to get a better sniff.

Tammy went to wipe herself but his nose pushed her hand aside. Mentally he told her to get down on her hands and knees. She did and he was behind her with his nose he pushed up her crotch smelling the fresh urine. He started to lick her vagina clean and then not able to wait any longer he ran his tongue up to her anus. Tammy pushed her chest down on the floor and thrust her rear up to open herself up more wanting him to explore some more. He dove his tongue in to her anus which brought a moan from Tammy. As his tongue move in and out tasting her his cock grew almost to a painful state.

He hopped up on her back but she asked him to wait so they could be more comfortable. She rose and headed to the small living room where a thick bear hide was laid out in the middle of the room. She got back down on all four and he jumped back up on her. His probing was looking for entrance as she reached behind to help guide him in, but he mentally told her no. Then with a thrust he was pushing himself into her anus. Tammy yelled out both in pain and lust as his hard cock was stretching her. She remembered when her uncle had done this to her he told her to relax and it wouldn’t hurt so she forced herself to relax and as she grew accustomed to his size the pain did ease. His precum was helping also and he was now pounding in and out of her at a fast pace. Then she felt his knot and he stopped his humping and was now grinding his hips into her trying to seat his knot firmly in her anus.

Tammy pushed herself back as hard as she could and then it was in and growing stretching her to where she thought she was going to rip open. But then he was pumping again pushing himself deeper and deeper. The feeling was like nothing she had ever expected as she rocked back to meet each of his thrusts. His cock seemed to double in size as he moaned and released his seed deeply in her. With each spurt of hot cumm Tammy would yell out in a wild orgasm telling Kane to fill her full.

Then just as quickly it was over he stepped over and was now butt to butt with her. He wasn’t wanting to wait to come dislodged so he turned himself back and with a sucking noise he slid out of Tammy. He Immediately turned back around and was catching his sperm as it rushed out of her anus with his hungry mouth. Lapping every bit he could he then stuck his long forked tongue into her stretched anus to get what he could from there. He then rolled her over and was engrossed with her vagina when she said “ Turn back I would like to taste you as a wolf”.

So positioning him self in a 6-9 position she watched the cock over her as it turned from Kane’s to the wolf’s. She put her mouth around the still wet cock tasting it while thinking not bad she started to run her tongue up and down its length. Kane being in the Dog form again was over taken with the k-9 need to mate and thrust his cock into her open mouth, while his long tongue was searching deeply into her vagina. As he felt her lips around him he went crazy and was now trying to lodge his knot in her mouth temporarily forgetting that it was her mouth and not a pussy. Tammy reached up and got hold of his knot with one hand before he was able to push it in, and as Kane felt a grip around his knot his instincts told him that it was in. He then was humping and Tammy was taking as much of his length as she could when he was shooting his hot load down her throat. Some spilling out the side of her mouth. He was loving the feel of he sucking cum filled mouth a totally new feeling for him and he shoved himself down her throat as her tight lips massaged his pulsing cock.

She let go of his knot as she pushed him down wanting him to enter her. In his confused state she had to roll back on all fours for him to understand and he was up on her trying to find her waiting pussy. She reached under herself and guided him in. He trust hard and had himself fully inserted and was trying to push his already swollen knot into her tight pussy. She cried out in pain as his very hard knot hit up against her and bruising her. Then with a loud pop he was in and was growing to a even larger size. The tip of his cock was so far in her she thought it would come out the other end (if possible). He was pounding her now driving his sperm deep into her. Tammy was moaning and wanted to be tied and feeling his hot come for ever but then he was starting to step over her she yelled “please no stay”. He fought his instinct and stayed up on her back. He was about ready to change back when they heard a cough behind them.

They both looked and Standing in the doorway was the farmer. Tammy not knowing what to do and really not able to do anything anyway just muttered a oh-oh. Kane was mentally sending her a oops. Then the farmer said “sorry for err I mean didn’t mean to um interrupt, I just had some help now so we brought up yer animals“. “I knocked but when you didn’t answer and I heard something well—I’m really sorry I should have waited, But now I see it will be a while before you can come out side being your (giggle) tied up right now”.

Tammy managed a smile and said that she would be able to come out in a few minutes that she was almost done here. With that he walked out with a grin on his face. He hadn’t been that turned on since before his wife illness and he decided he might have to invest in a good dog himself.

Kane Turned back to himself just briefly enough to dislodge himself then was back to being a wolf once more. Tammy ran for her room to throw on some cloths then ran outside. The farmer and another man was over by the barn unloading the milk cow and she headed over there. Lou was sitting next to their truck keeping a eye on them when Kane came running out with his tail wagging happily behind him.

The farmer reached down patting his head saying “ya I’d be happy to there big fella” giving him a knowing wink. He introduced Tammy to his long time friend and the communities vet. Then he disappeared into the barn with the cow leaving her with the vet. The way he was looking at her made her feel uneasy. Then it dawned on her that even though she had gotten dressed she didn’t get washed up so she reached up and ran her had over her cheek to make sure she wasn’t sporting any drying cum on her face. Feeling satisfied she headed for the trailer to get a look at her new horse. His rear was facing her but he had his head turned to her and was staring her in the eye. Tammy headed up the ramp and placing a hand on his rump she eased up next to him. He nuzzled his face into her chest sending a giggle from her.
The vet showed up behind them saying “he does seem to like you a lot” as he was staring down at the horses hard cock. Tammy feeling the now familiar feeling between her legs blushed and played stupid by responding “ya he’s a beauty isn’t he”. The vet then said “ok come on down and I’ll get him out for ya”. She stood there watching the vet ease the horse out of the trailer and when she caught sight of his huge cock she gasped. Kane sent her a thought saying “ya he is hung real well isn’t he, that is a great thought isn’t it”.


Chapter Four

The vet was smiling as he saw the lust on Tammy’s face. He knew when she came out and seen the little bit of cum dripping from under her skirt what she had been up to. Her dogs are a real good lookers too. He has been watching the female since they first drove in thinking of how his own cock would fit in her folds. Now here he is standing next to a huge cock just itching to have a go at this pretty young gal. A idea was forming in his mind as the farmer came out of the barn going up into the trailer and reemerging with the saddle, blanket , bridle and a few other things. He laid those just inside the barn then turning to everyone said “well, guess we intruded enough we best be off”. Then he headed to the front of the cabin. Tammy was confused when the vet said “his car is in the front”. He was smiling and yelled up at the doc. “I just going to get the horse settled in then I have a dog to visit”.

Tammy was not liking the thought of being left alone with this man when Kane rubbed his nose up her skirt. She giggled telling him to stop when he sent her another thought “he wants to watch you and the horse and I kinda would like to watch tooooo, In fact I gave him a thought of helping you so you wont be hurt but you have to act surprised ok” Tammy wasn’t sure she wanted a man watching but she trusted Kane and nodded.

The vet asked where the horse is going to be kept and she pointed to a stall that led into a fenced area. He led the horse over to it but tied him just outside the gate. He then grabbed a couple bails of hay setting them on top of each other next to the horse he then laid the blanket over them. She stood there and finally asked “what are you doing”. He just smiled and grabbing her hand he pulled her over to the bails giving her a little shove she fell over them exposing her rear. She yelled out pretending shock and repeated “what are you doing”. This time he said “some thing I know you wanted when I seen you looking at this here cock”.

He was now standing next to her and was guiding the horse up behind her. Kane was sitting on the other side of her watching every move. The vet said “looks like your male dog there likes to watch to”. Then she felt the horse as he tried to straddle her. His cock was thrust between her legs. He reached under them and pulled a leg to open her up and she then moved her other leg to open even wider. The vet said “ I knew you wanted him” then the cock was again thrusting between her legs. It finally found her wet pussy with the help of the vet and with a lung it was ripping her open. Yelling out in a delightful pain she pushed back unto the huge cock. The horse was pushing farther in and the vet told her to let him know if it was to much. Ignoring him now she wanted it all and was really pushing back on him with as much force as possible. He was also shoving deeper and deeper then her vagina was being flooded with more cum than she would have thought possible.

Then just as fast he was done. The vet then released him in his pen and when he turned he watched as both dogs licked her clean. He released his hard cock from his trousers as they fell to the ground. With his hand firmly around his cock he walked over and sat next to Tammy. She looked up at him and asked “well I take it you liked what you saw”. He was nodding in response when Lou walked over to him and began licking the tip of his cock. He moaned in response and leaned back as she wrapped her tongue around him. Kane had something else in mind and he hopped up on Lou and embedded his cock in her deeply and before the vet could stop him Kane was knotted.

Tammy was surprised but watched, then to her amazement the vet got up and went behind the tied dogs and wetting his cock he slowly stuck it in Kane’s anus. Kane let out a moan then looking over at Tammy he sent her a thought “sorry I had to do something fast before he stuck his cock in Lou. When I seen how smooth and large it was I wanted to feel it in me. I would have rather have you in this 3-some but like I said I had to act fast“.

Smiling Tammy slid herself under Lou and reached her mouth up and suckled Kane’s balls. Again he moaned as he filled Lou with his sperm while the vet was pounding his anus. The vet’s balls was slamming Tammy’s forehead as she worked on getting Kane’s large balls in her mouth. She then took one finger and caressed Lou’s vagina around the knot that held Kane’s cock in place. Lou spammed and pushed back to get more and Tammy reached up and squeezed the vets balls. He let out a loud moan and then yelled out as he shot his own load into Kane’s anus.

Kane quickly turned to himself to release himself from Lou and stuck his knotted cock in Tammy’s mouth. He took one of his arms and reaching behind him stuck it into the vets anus which brought out a yell of surprise from him. But he was still filling Kane’s anus and so into Cumming that he hadn’t caught on to what had happed under him. Now with his own rear being hammered he turned to see what was in him he thought that Tammy was fisting him so he went on to hammer himself farther into Kane’s rear. That is when he noticed that a man was under him and not a dog. He tried to pull himself out but Kane held him firmly in place by driving his arm deeper up into the vet.

Tammy was looking up watching as Kane’s arm slid deeper into the vet. Then the vet yelled out arching his back and his cock slid out of Kane squirting sperm all over Tammy’s face. He was pushing himself down on Kane’s arm each time yelling out “oh yessss”. Smiling Kane withdrew his arm stepping around the vet to replace it with his cock. Tammy was now directly under the vet watching Kane sliding his knotted cock in. Her face still dripping with semen see watched while the vet grabbed his own cock and started to yank on it. He fell over her into a doggie style position to give Kane better access and found Tammy’s crotch. He let go of his cock letting it fall slapping Tammy in the face and was now spreading her vagina with his fingers. She felt a long tongue and knew it was Lou and not the vet’s. She then felt his fingers massaging her clit sending her into a orgasm. She grabbed both set of balls as the vet’s cock pushed down trying to force its way into her mouth.

The vet pinched her clit to get her to open her mouth in protest and before she could close it he shoved himself in. Filling her with his thick smooth cock. He slowly pumped in and out then trying to keep time with the cock that was hammering him he started pushing in and out faster. In her orgasm she forgot that he was human and started to suck trying to open her throat to take all of him. She heard him yell out when he felt something wiggle deep in him but then he was yelling out ‘oh yess” once more. Tammy felt both set of balls swell and tighten as they were getting ready to explode. Then both Kane and the vet yelled out as they released their thick loads. Tammy taking all she could and knowing that Kane’s little “seeker” was still wiggling around looking for a egg to implant.

The vet crashed down on her from exhaustion and Kane took this opportunity to change back to the dog making sure that his knot was seated in the anus. Then he did what was natural and turned butt to butt. He sent Tammy a mental message “act like I have been a dog all along and we may get away with out having to explain”.


Chapter Five

The vet left still real confused. Tammy spent the last ½ hour telling him that she didn’t know what he was talking about. The fact was that only horse 2 dogs and her and then him were the only ones that just been having some fun, she didn’t see any other man. So he finally left thinking he must have been hallucinating or something.

As soon as his truck was out of sight Kane turned back to himself and the 2 of them broke out laughing. Totally exhausted They went in and Tammy fixed something to eat then cleaned up the kitchen before retiring to the living room. There she picked up her book on how to grow and preserve your own food and was about to reread it for the 3rd time (wanting to make sure she remembers everything). She only made it into a couple pages when she fell asleep and Kane picked her up and carried her into bed. He didn’t think to call Lou in as he crawled in next to Tammy and soon was fast asleep too. Lou meanwhile was getting to know a male wolf that has been watching the cabin from the woods and had caught the scent of a dog in heat.

Tammy woke early nearly pushed out of her bed by both Lou and Kane who both was still sound asleep. She took a shower fixed coffee then went out to do the morning chores. First feeding the horse who she decided on calling prince. Then milking the cow and feeding her was more of a challenge but she figured it out and soon had the bucket full and was back in the house straining it when Lou went running past her strait out side to do her morning duty. Kane was right behind her stopping long enough to pinch Tammy on the rear. She stood at the window watching as he threw her a stick then he mentally sent her a message “ Lou is going to be a mom, she met the grey wolf last night”.

Tammy fixed them something to eat and decided that she wanted to go for a ride. So after cleaning the dishes she went out and saddled up Prince. Kane asked where she was going and she just shrugged her shoulders saying she wasn’t sure. He then ran off into the woods with Lou as she mounted and rode off in the other direction. She stopped down by the river to load her riffle putting the safety on she then slid it in a sleeve hanging off the saddle. Prince did great not losing his footing as they crossed the river and they were soon up a trail used recently by deer.

Up ahead she spotted a small clearing she reined Prince in to a stop and slid off leaving his reins hanging she walked carefully on hiding behind a bush she spotted a large buck. Just as she was ready to fire Lou ran in barking and tail wagging and scared the buck off. She turned and ran back the way she came from as Tammy heard “sorry” from Kane as he raced after the buck changing into the wolf once more. Frustrated Tammy turned back for Prince only to find him right behind her looking at her and sporting another hard-on.

Smiling she figured she might as well make someone happy and going into the clearing she removed her jeans and bent over. Prince came up behind her and she moved in under him taking his cock and helping him find her vagina. As soon as he felt her warm wet pussy he started thrusting pushing himself deep into her. She yelled out in pain as she rode his cock, loving the pleasure it was bringing even through the pain. He thrust again and again each time she yelled out then he was filling her with his cum. His cock plugging any escape. She could see her belly expand from the load he was forcing into her. Then just as quick he slid out as a flood of his cum shot out after him.

Tammy was still horny and hoped Kane was close by she hollered for Lou and taking the reins off of Prince to let him eat some grass she laid down to wait. She closed her eyes thinking of her future as she heard prince nicker over by the path. She felt a tongue licking between her legs and she spread her legs farther apart to let it get her pussy not looking to see if it was Lou or Kane the dog. She was moaning and bucking up wanting more and when she couldn’t take it no more she rolled over hoping it was Kane.

She felt the weight as he hopped up on her back but he was having trouble entering her so she reached under her to guide him in. She heard a low growl and laughing she slid him in. He started his rapid humping then she felt him trying to push in his knot. She pushed back trying to help wanting to feel his hot cum shooting deep into her and this time she hoped nothing would interrupt them to where she can keep him tied to her. Then he was in and swelling and as he pumped his knot rubbing on her g-spot sending her into a orgasm. She could feel herself getting ready to squirt when Lou licked her face. She opened her eyes and there in front of her was Lou and Kane both looking at her in amazement.

Reality hit her seconds later as she twisted to see what was on top of her. She looked into the grey eyes of a wolf. She was about to panic when Kane said he told him not to harm her. He then went around behind them and was licking from her clit up to the wolf’s balls. This sent the wolf into a frenzy of humping and then Tammy felt herself give way and squirted. Kane was lapping up as much as he could hitting her clit with his tongue which made her cum some more. By the time she was done her whole body was quivering and then she felt the hot cum filling her. The wolf then stepped over and was butt to butt With her but she wasn’t done yet she rock back onto him feeling him shoot more and more into her. Reaching under herself she started to massage his balls trying to get him to cum once more. Kane barked at him and he stepped back over her.

Kane ran up behind him and was now humping the wolf. The wolf yelped in surprise as Kane’s cock slid into his anus. Slowly he settled down as he got use to the intrusion and once more his cock was moving in her. Then another yelp as Kane’s knot slid in. He obviously liked it because he was once more humping her with new vigor. Hus cock growing even larger this time as Tammy shot out more of her fluids. Lou was whining trying to nose her way under them to lick up the wet mess. Prince slowly made his way over to them not to sure about the new dog but he was interested in what was going on.

He was in front of Tammy and she reached up for his cock. It was slightly hanging but at her touch it slid all the way out. She wrapped her mouth around it as he began to thrust. She used one hand to steady herself and the other she wrapped around his cock above her mouth. Pumping away he nickered and she felt more hot sperm filling her womb, and with one more thrust her mouth was also being filled. The sperm pouring out of her mouth and down her neck then onto her breasts. She could hear Kane moaning as he to was filling the wolf’s anus. The wolf wanted to turn but Kane held him in place. Tammy loved the feel of the cock as it spasmed inside of her. Kane then turned back and slid out of the wolf and he let Lou clean him. When she finished she worked on the wolf’s anus which sent his cock into more spasms once more making Tammy squirt. She was totally spent now and tried to lay down the best she could. The next thing she knew was feeling the pop as his cock finally slid out of her and his sperm running down her legs. He then went to clean her which brought more moans and set her in another orgasm, but she was just to tired to do anything else. She then rolled over onto her back while Lou and the wolf licked her from head to toe sending shivers through her with a occasional bucking motion of her hips.

When she finally rested enough she stood up and putt the bridle back on Prince. Leaving her pants off she also removed her cum drenched top and rolling it up with the jeans she stuck it in a saddle bag and mounted to head home. That is when she noticed the buck laying over by the trail. She whispered thanks to Kane as she went to get some branches to tie together to lay him on and then to tie behind Prince. She knew that when they got to the river she would have to putt the buck on the horse and she would have to wade across but that was ok by her.


Chapter Six

The last 6 months flew by and Tammy was now snowed in with her belly growing larger every day. She knew almost from the beginning of her pregnancy that she was going to have both a boy and a girl. At first it was more of a instinct that told her but as they grew in her she started to hear their thoughts. She was silently talking to them now as she squatted on the stool milking the cow most of which she left out for the wolf’s who now was frequent guests. Lou was over in the corner nursing her 10 pups 7 of them being males. The 3 females took after their mom and only 2 of the males the other 5 were grey like their father.

She new her time was close by what her babies were saying and so she headed for the house to get things ready for the birth. Kane told her that he new what to do but she knew he was saying that to ease her mind. They were stuck out here and if something was to go wrong there was no help. Then there was the fact that they were like their father and that wouldn’t do well if she had to go to a hospital anyway. She fretting over this as she opened the door to the kitchen when the first pain hit. Doubled over as she grabbed the door knob to keep from falling. The pain was ripping through her, sending out a cry of alarm Kane was beside her in seconds and helped her to the bedroom.

Things weren’t ready yet and she started to panic when Kane went and brought out a bag. He was pulling out things one at a time and placing them next to her. She seen scissors and a knife along with a plastic bag and blankets. He then went in and got a basin of water setting it down on the floor next to the bed. He then headed out of the room as another pain hit Tammy she hollered out for him not to leave her but he said he’d be right back. A couple minutes later he came back in carrying a crib like bed that was made from something that she had never seen before. Kane was beaming at her smiling ear to ear saying that he made it for his first born. He then looked down at her belly and laughed saying yes you will be able to sleep in it to. Tammy knew that her little girl asked if she was allowed to sleep in it and laughed just as another pain hit, this time her son cried out in pain to as he moved into the birth canal.

Tammy said he’s coming as Kane kneeled down between her legs . She perched her feet up on his shoulders and was pushing and Kane seen the top of his sons head peeking out but we was having trouble getting through her small opening. Kane reached up and grabbed Tammy’s hands pulling her up he forced her into a squatting position and stepping behind her he reached up under her and felt for the head. Tammy was pushing once more but he just was a little to big. Kane was pushing Tammy down farther to where her bottom almost hit the floor to open her up farther. Then with one more push his head was out. Kane helped Tammy back up on the bed and then another pain hit and with one more push their son was out. Kane held him up and in his language said a few words. Then in English he said “this is my son and first born Tory Heir and prince of Labdainia. Their son cooed as Kane laid him in the crib and turning back to Tammy he helped her pass the placenta so their daughter could make her way out. They heard Tory gurgle as Lou took it upon her self to clean him both of them pleased with how gentle she was with him.

Tammy had a few minutes rest before another pain hit and this time when she bared down to push Their daughter slid right out. Kane once more held up the child and said a few word then repeated them in English he said “ and this is my daughter Mia and sister to Tory the future king of Labdainia”. Shocked at what she just heard Tammy looked up into Kane’s eyes. He smiled down at her as he laid Mia down next to Tory who was now getting cleaned by Lou. Kane told Tammy of how his father still quite young will one day hand over the throne to his heir and since I now have a son it falls to him unless he grows and has his own son before the time comes then it will go to him. Tammy was saddened by this because she now knew that her children would one day leave her to. Then Kane was at her side and giving her a kiss he said he would not leave here with out her. He then helped her pass the placenta and cleaned her up before handing her their son to be nursed. Once he latched on to her nipple he handed her Mia who quickly latched on to the other breast.

Tammy was overwhelmed by emotion as she watched her babies suckling her. A tear slid down her cheek as her breasts were being massaged by 8 tiny arms. Kane sat and watched in silence knowing that this was a moment for the mother to bond to her offspring. He only wished he could get her to quit worrying of when he leaves. Then it dawned on him that in her world mating doesn’t bind a couple together. Only the male asking the female to marry him does it bind them. So kneeling beside who he already considered his life mate he said the words she so desired to hear “ will you marry me”.

She had to laugh because she then realized that in his custom when you share memories you become life mates but hearing him ask her to marry him was what she secretly wanted to hear for months and she began to cry. She looked up at him smiled as tears streaked her face and said yes. He jumped up yelled out in glee as Tammy caught sight of his growing cock she had to giggle. He always got horny when he was happy. Which kept her quite busy the last 6 months. Well he would just have to satisfy himself out side with one of the animals which he was already leading Lou into the other room as she sat there looking down at her still naked twins.


Chapter Seven

Mia and Tory were sound asleep in their bed and Tammy was getting ready to go out on a hunt. Their meat supply has dwindled down and she pumped out enough breast milk for when they woke up. Kane had to stick around the area because it was almost time for a ship to come looking for him. He had hidden the tracking device in a hole under the cabin after he crash landed here a year ago and then hit the self destruct button in the ship after he got out his belongings that he had with him. He had left his home because when the woman he wanted for his own mated his childhood friend he just couldn’t watch them together. So he left hoping that the pain would stay behind. It didn’t at least not till he met this human that could make him laugh and cry at the same time. Now he couldn’t wait for his family to meet her and their offspring.

He could feel them getting closer every day knowing that they were stopping at every planet searching for him. He sent out a SOS when he crashed but they cant trace the tracking machine until they are in this galaxy. But they can feel him as they get closer. He was now out suppose to be getting the horse ready but his nice round anus was distracting him and so now he had to ease his rock hard cock. Tammy was still bleeding but her healing is almost done but he was horny and the animals was getting his full attention quite often. So pulling out his aching cock he first rubbed it on and around the anus spreading his pre cum to ready the anus for his intrusion.

Prince looked back at him almost looking inpatient wanting to feel his anus being hammered once more. But Kane kept up with just rubbing the tip of his cock over his opening. Then he quickly inserted himself in and in one lunge he was fully inserted. He first was grinding himself loving the warmth and enjoying the feel of the horse as his anus muscles was contacting trying to squeeze out the intrusion. Then as the horse relaxed he started to pump and grind and with each grinding motion Prince would push back onto him and moan, almost pushing him off of the stool he was standing on.

His pumping was getting faster as he was swelling and growing longer inside this strong stud. Then he released his seeker as he cummed deeply in him. Prince threw his head up and whinnied his own cock now sliding out of his sheath. Kane then decided that he wanted to be taken by this stud as he reached up under him and felt his hanging cock and he then turned himself into a horse. His now huge horse cock firmly inside Prince surprised the horse as Kane wrapped his front hooves over him to pound himself farther in. He was unloading his massive amount of sperm deeply into prince’s anus. Prince had lowered his head and was grunting with each thrust into him. Then he was done and sliding off he turned around offering his own anus for Prince to invade.

Prince saw the rump facing him with the tail off to the side and was quickly turning around to insect it. It wasn’t a female so he was confused at first but his hanging cock wanted some relief so he mounted the tall black stud before him. It took a couple jabs for Kane to realize that he was almost to tall so squatting down a little and with one more jab the massive cock entered him lubing the way with pre-cum. Cane started to moan as the huge cock slid deeper into him with each thrust. He was grinding his rear back meeting each thrust with a grinding motion to further embed him. Then he felt himself being filled full of cum. Felt like buckets full and it kept Cumming. He nickered throwing his head up and grinding back onto the cock as it jerked and spasmed inside him while filling his hole with his loving juices. Then Prince was backing off and his cock slid out with a plop and his sperm ran out of his anus soaking his legs before pooling on the barn floor to mix in with his own. Changing back to himself he finished saddling Prince then led him up to the cabin all the while grinning from ear to ear.

Tammy came out of the cabin holding 2 bottles and seeing the mess between Kane’s legs she almost forgot that she needed to go. She could feel her desire growing and so handing Kane the bottles she mounted bent down to kiss him and rode off. Her pussy getting hot wanting to be filled with a cock. She knew Kane would not touch her while she was bleeding but she was healed now and needed to be satisfied which is one reason for this hunting trip. She got to the small glen that she had found before and sliding off of Prince she then pulled off a blanket and laid it over the cold dry ground. She then removed her cloths and pulled a small vibrator out of a pocket she laid down and started to masturbate.

Prince was interested in what she was doing and started to nudge her in her crotch when he caught her menstrual scent. When she knew she was wet enough she got up and bent over just as Prince almost knocked her over to mount her. She reached up and guided his cock in her as he thrust fully inserting himself. She yelled out at the pain but was soon rocking back on his now wet cock. With each thrust he dove deeper in her tight pussy and filling her up with his semen that mixed with her blood. The sun was warming now and as he slid out of her and her legs got drenched with the sperm-blood mixture she decided to tap a little nap so she rolled up in the blanket still naked and fell asleep as Prince went off to find the sweetest tasting grass he could.

Tammy was dreaming of the time when Lou first licked her pussy and was moaning in her sleep when she woke up feeling hands pushing her legs apart. She was on her belly so she had a hard time seeing what it was but knew it wasn’t human. She tried to yell only startled when the hands lifted her rump up and placing her knees under her. What ever it was now had its face buried in her crotch lapping up the drying cum-blood that covered it. So thoroughly engrossed in what it was doing it jumped when Tammy moved trying to see what was getting her horny again. She was looking under her but only seen a huge cock hanging from a very hairy body. That is when she moved , She lifted her upper body up off of the ground to twist around and caught sight of more hairy beasts standing near by. Must be at least 8-10 of them she thought. Then she realized what it was. She was getting pleased by a Bigfoot. At first she was scared but as he went back to cleaning her, her fear eased as her desire mounted.

She was now moaning and rocking her hips which made him dive deeper into her crotch rooting his tongue into her folds to dig out her juices. Then quickly he was grabbing her hips as he inserted his cock. She heard a moan from him as his overly large cock slid in. She was now pushing back on him trying to get it all in but he held back. Taking a finger he reached under and was massaging her clit as he slid the tip of his cock in and out. Tammy was going crazy now bucking and trying to get him to shove himself all the way in. Then he reached up and pushed her upper body back down to the ground and with a grunt he hammered it in. The force pushing her head deeper into the ground. She yelled out a ouch but that just got him going more. He was now brutally hammering inside of her each time grunting as he pushed in and moaned as he pulled out.

He reached up and pulling her hair with one hand and pushing down on her back with the other, he forced her head up. Her mouth wide open in pain as a cock was then shoved in. She could hear what sounded like a giggle from behind her as her mouth was now being hammered by another cock. It must has made the on that was screwing her pussy even hornier because he was now pumping at her in a very fast pace while still holding on to her hair. She was once more moaning as his strokes became more genital. The cock in her mouth was strong smelling but she soon got use to it and lifted up one hand to wrap around it as she started to bob her head up and down its length.

He came quickly and another cock was then shoved in her mouth. She could hear the others saying something but she didn’t know the language so she just kept on sucking on cocks as her pussy was being pleased by this enormous Bigfoot. She had the 5th cock in her mouth by the time she felt the cock in her pussy swell and he was moaning loudly now and then he came. His sperm shooting warming her insides and his humping stopped as he pushed to embed himself in her. He let out a howl and then collapsed on top of her breathing hard. He slowly slid out of her as another took his place. The cock in her mouth pulled out before Cumming and the big foot that had just left her pussy was shoved in. She could taste his sperm that was mixed with her blood as he rocked in and out going deeper in to her throat. She looked up into his eyes and saw what looked like a smile.

She couldn’t take her eyes off of him as he shoved his cock down her throat. He was holding her head and she could feel his excitement growing once more as he stared back into her eyes. He was hammering harder and harder almost gagging her as the cock in her pussy exploded. Another taking its place then another till she lost count but the big one in her mouth just kept going he seemed to last forever. She was getting to the point of passing out as yet another cock was inserted into her cum filled pussy.

She felt the cock in her mouth stiffen then he shot his load as he thrust himself in pulling her head down on him to keep her from pulling off of his squirting cock. He was howling once more as she tried to take his load. But he was to deep and she was gagging then everything went black.

When she woke up she was tied down spread eagle style still on her blanket and covered with a smelly fir. She could hear Prince off to the side. Then when she opened her eyes some one lifted her head and poured water down her throat. He then put what tasted like rabbit on her tongue and finding that she was hungry she chewed it up. He fed her until she was satisfied and then left. She fell back to sleep only to be woke back up by the big one as he lifted her head and forced her to drink a sour tasting drink. He then left for a while and she started to feel funny.

Her body seemed to get a mind of its own. She felt tingling and a desire building deep in her. He came back and forced more of the nasty stuff down her then untied her. He then positioned himself between her legs and was ramming himself once more into her pussy. Only this time she wanted it ruff. She was bucking up onto his her desire in full swing now. She was yelling out her excitement as he thrust deeper into her. She was looking around for the others and was saddened that she didn’t see them as she reached up grabbing his buttocks for leverage and wrapping her legs around his waist she was bucking up onto his hard cock. Pulling herself up with force she felt like a wild woman. She then pushed him over which he wasn’t expecting and then before he could react she climbed up on him and once more inserted his cock into her.

She was riding his cock like a bucking bronco which brought a smile to his face and he placed his big hands on her hips to pull her down harder onto his stiff cock. Whatever he forced her to drink was driving her crazy. She couldn’t get enough cock. She was still looking for the others when she spotted one over by Prince. She hollered and he looked their way. She motioned for him to come but he just stood there until the one under her grunted out something. Then he came running he went to putt his cock in her mouth but the big one had said something else which brought a even bigger smile to his face.

He walked around behind her and as she was wondering what he was doing she felt something wet being wiped on her anus. She was then pushed forward as he shoved his cock into her anus. She yelled out in pain but her desire for more took over and she sat still letting the 2 of them hammer her. Then there was cocks being shoved at her face and she grabbed the first one she could get . She couldn’t believe that she was acting like a whore but she didn’t care, she just couldn’t get enough, and just as before when one would cum another would take his place but the big one under her stayed putt out lasting them all. He came over and over but just as he was shrinking inside her he would feel her anus being pumped and the friction through the thin lining between them would get him going again.

He couldn’t believe how she kept up with it all even with the sex brew their females would give out after a couple hours but they have been at it for 4 hours now with no sign of her tiring. That is one reason he wanted her to himself because none of their women have been able to last until he was spent but it looked like he finally found one that could satisfy him even taking on the rest of the tribal men. That alone surprised him for there were 15 others taking turns and they are on round 3 now. His thought were interrupted as he felt yet another one Cumming in her anus and he moaned at the feeling that it gave his cock.

Tammy was physically getting tired now but her desire was still strong as the last cock came in her mouth. She was still being fucked in both her pussy and anus but the rest of the males was now just watching as they tried to get their cocks up one more time. They couldn’t believe that one female could out screw them but it looks like she is, and it was their way that if a female can out last the tribe then she is set free. They were really trying to get themselves hard again not wanting to loose this hairless female but just could not get their cocks up again. Then the one in her rear shot his load and slid out and semen oozed out sliding down onto the big fellow before pooling with the rest under his buttocks leaving her hole open for the first time since this first began.

She then felt a tongue licking her anus and realized it was one of their camp hounds cleaning her up. He was digging his tongue into her stretched anus to dig out what he could then in one swift movement he mounted her and slid his cock in. The men must never have seen a women get had by a dog before because they became very curious at what was going on. One even reached between them to make sure that the dog actually had his cock in her. He was humping her at a very fast pace which made the big fellow under her moan loudly then his pumping slowed as he grew and then was trying to push in his knot. It popped in and immediately swelled to a very large size.

The big fellow under her was now pumping harder and almost yelling out as his cock was being squished by the large cock and huge knot on the other side of the thin lining. He could almost feel the veins on the dogs cock. He only wished that he could watch but this was feeling so good he figured he would watch another time. He was amazed at how large the cock grew once the dog got knotted then he felt the hot sperm filling her and with a final thrust her loaded her womb full of his own sperm one last time.

He lay under her as his cock slowly deflated feeling the dog cock jerking as it kept shooting his hot sperm into her. Then the dog turned still knotted tightly. He could smell the cum that was everywhere and felt her still rocking back onto the dogs cock as he still spurted cum into her. He knew that the cum was all over his face from the few that was so excited that they came before getting their cocks into her mouth. He had to smile knowing that this was their initiation hunt to become men and even though they have well passed manhood it was the hunt that made it possible to buy a mate and that is when the tribe will let them mate and since they had already paid for their women they were able to also have a go at their captive. So this was the first time they mated and got a little to giddy at first but the second and third time round they didn’t make that mistake again.


Chapter Eight

Tammy lay there on top of the big fellow waiting for the dogs knot to go down enough to slide out and the others must have thought she went to sleep because they were very carefully feeling between her and the dog wondering what kept them together like that. The curious ones must never have paid attention when the males got a female or when they cleaned themselves. The big fellow was snoring now along with some of the other males and she was loving the feel of the cock in her that still twitched every now and then. She then felt a finger un in her pussy and giggled. He pulled it out fast but then slowly pushed it back in and what feeling the knot that had her pinned down. He pushed deeper to feel the cock that was now half the size it was earlier as well as the knot. Then with a pop the dog pulled out spilling his doggy cum all over the hand that was inserted in her pussy then down on top of the big fellow to then mix in with the rest. She felt the finger exploring her vagina then felt hot air against her as he lowered his head down.

The big fellow stirred as he too felt the hot air and once more his cock grew. But this time because of the proximity of the mouth he reached down grabbing the head and shoved himself into his mouth. The squeal that managed to escape his mouth woke the other and they sat amazed at what they saw. Never before had a male taken another male in the mouth. Yes they may have gotten the rear when out hunting and had nothing else to use but never the mouth. They closed in to watch and Tammy getting curious too slid off of the big fellow and turned still on her hands and knees to watch. He now had his head in a tight grip pounding it up and down on his enormous cock. While the other one was trying to get a grip on something to gain some control.

Feeling daring Tammy reached under him and kneaded his ball getting his to pounding at a even faster rate. She was so engrossed in what she was doing she didn’t catch sight of a very large dog heading for her rear. She first felt the cold nose on her pussy smelling her blood then there was the long tongue and then she was mounted by a dog that totally engulfed her. Looking up she seen she snout of what looked like a great Dane but larger it seemed. He weighed a ton as he hooked his legs around her waist and drove his erect cock in sending out a ooooooh from Tammy. That is when all eyes went to her. The big fellow had a bird eyes view and it drove in crazy seeing that huge cock sliding in and out of her cunt. He saw the knot as it was being pushed closer to her opening. He pulled the mouth farther down on his own hard cock as he watched forgetting that it was a mouth and gagging the poor fellow.

Tammy saw what was happening and she reached over and grabbed his cock to keep him from suffocating the other one. It helped because he let him go and mad a guttural noise as another come over and sat on him. His wet cock sliding easily into his anus he grabbed his hips and was hammering him up and down on him as he watched the knot pop into their captive. This was more than he could handle and he turned the other around to get him doggy style making sure that his view of the mating dog was not hampered. He now was slamming the anus hard and howling as he watched as she whimpered as the cock in her grew to a enormous size. She knew she could take it because it wasn’t as large as the horse but it was the knot that sent her reeling. It was huge and was pushing and rubbing her g-spot. She was going to squirt but was trying to hold off trying to get as much of a orgasm as possible then She felt the tip of his cock as it pushed into her cervix. Hollering out in pain and lust she came. Squirting every where below her. The other male dogs was whining now from the scent and the men had to grab them to keep a fight from breaking out. On man reached under her and stuck his hand into flow as she squirted then another each taking turns until she stopped.

She looked over at them and seen them rub it on themselves mostly on their cocks and rears reaching back under her and getting some of the goo and rubbing that on them. She then saw a male bend over as another one took him then another until there was just a few left the as one of them bent over a dog was quick and shoved past the other to mount the man before the other big foot could. This brought a oomph from him as the cock slid in too soon for him to get him off. The other one was laughing so hard that as he to bent over from hysterics was not able to fight off a dog that mounted him. They both were now feeling the cocks swell in them as they were being humped at a very fast rate. They were starting to moan when Tammy felt another orgasm hit. Once more she was squirting and the only 2 men that was not being occupied reached under her to scoop up her fluids as she came. Dousing it all over their crotches and anuses.

There was 3 more dogs fighting for the next one to get a opening and smelling her scent on the man made them think that they were next. One was having a nose in his crotch trying to push him away another was humping his leg. So giving up and liking the feel of the warm tongue on his cock he sat back to enjoy. Forgetting that the dog humping his leg will lose his grip and look else where. He leaned back throwing his head back when a dog jumped up from behind and landed over his head locking his legs around his chest and under his arms. His cock was seeking a opening and as he tried to get lose he fell back opened his mouth in pain as the cock hit him in the nose. Then with another quick jab found his mouth.

Tammy was watching this with renewed vigor and was reaching under her to get the large dog balls. Gently squeezing and kneading she coaxed him into full hardness once more and now the tip of his cock slid all the was into her uterus sending her yet into another orgasm. The last man standing was now being mauled by the last male dog who had pushed him down and as he tried to stand he rolled over to get up and the dog took the chance and was on him. Tammy heard the big fellow laugh as he watched and looking over next to her she seen he was still rapidly and brutally thrusting himself into the male below him while his eyes remained on the orgy around him. The dog that was licking the one guys crotch was getting tired of it and wanted his hard dick in a hole but frustrated he sat to lick himself. Tammy called him over But he seemed reluctant to come near the big dog that was yet about to send her into another orgasm.

He finally got close enough that she was able to get hold of his cock then he forgot the other dog and started to hump her hand. She guided him closer and getting him to lay down she pulled him under her just as the orgasm hit and she wrapped her mouth around the cock under her placing one hand down on the ground to keep her balance and the other one he got hold of his knot which swelled immediately as she sucked and glided her mouth up and down the wet cock. Her whole body was spasming this time as the Danes cock was loading her uterus full of his hot juicy sperm. He too was shaking as he came in her thrusting his hips farther into her trying to get his sperm as deep as possible. She was moaning as she sucked the tender cock under her and she knew that the big fellow was watching her every move. She heard him howl as he finally emptied himself into the brutalized male under him.

He then pulled out and rolling over to her he wanted to get a closer look. He slid his head under her (the dog under her was laying sideways) and scooted to where he was directly under her knot locked pussy. He reached up and was massaging her clit with one hand and massaging the dogs balls with the other as she once more went into a orgasm. She couldn’t take to much more of this ahe knew it and so did he but he had to be under her at least once when she squirted. She did hitting him right in the face. He rubbed it in and rubbed some on his now limp cock. He lay there for a long time waiting for the dog to wither and break lose. He thought that he even slept for awhile but he could still hear her slurping as she was still giving the other mutt a mouth job. Wow he was simply amazed at his captives stamina and he thought that she will make him happy for quite some time and forgetting their rule that she will have to be let go.

She had let the dog that was under her go quite awhile ago and was waiting for the Dane to pull out. His knot still firmly implanted in her for what seemed like a hour. She knew Kane would be getting worried about her and hoped he wouldn’t do something stupid. She could hear snoring all around her as all the men slept from being totally worn out all except the big fellow she knew he was still awake because she could feel him touching her every once in awhile. Now his mouth was reaching up and she could feel his hot breath as he licked her still swollen and plugged pussy. She shivered which encouraged him and he was soon noisily slurping as he licked her clit. She knew he must be also licking the part of the dog cock that is between the knot and balls because the dog was now moaning and wiggling around but at least he wasn’t swelling inside her again. He was butt to butt with her now and as he was wiggling he was also pulling and with a very loud pop he slid out almost painfully.

Loads and loads of cum came shooting out of her as he sucked on her small clit. Letting the cum flow down his face and some into his mouth. It had a wild flavor that he seemed to like. He kept up his noisy sucking on her clit as he felt it harden under his tongue. He knew she was getting horny again and figured she had enough of a rest. He drove a finger into her still oozing pussy hooking down to get to the ruff spot that get the female to wet. Now that he knew that the hairless one squirted he couldn’t get enough it is like a drug to them. In no time she was squirming over his mouth as he tortured her with both his finger and tongue. She knew what he wanted but she didn’t think she had any more left to give, that is until he replaced his tongue with his thumb and was now rubbing her clit roughly. She was seeing stars as she came this time, as he clamped his mouth over her vagina but kept a finger rubbing her clit. She heard his gurgling as he swallowed She saw his cock as it slowly hardened stunned at it size.

She was just to tired to go on but he was hard again and after he pulled himself out from under her he sat up and pulled her over onto his lap placing one of her long legs on either side of him. She could feel his hardness under her as he lifted her hips up and slid her down onto him. He leaned back against the tree that they had had her tied to and was slowly rocking her up and down on his cock enjoying the feel of the slimy cum as it tried to ooze out between his cock and her vagina. They both looked down at the blanket that she had been laying on and saw the enormous amounts of sperm that was coating it. She was almost limp in his arms but he didn’t care her pussy was still responding and at that thought he started getting a little rougher then after a while he finally came holding her down on him while grinding up into her. She shuddered then went completely limp.

She woke up some time later with his limp cock still in her and as she listened to the snores in the darkness. She waited listening to see if any of them were awake or not then slowly she slid off. He stirred grabbing her and placing her back over his limp cock. This time she slowly moved her rump onto the ground then using her legs she scooted back until she was able to stand. Creeping over to where she heard Prince she felt his saddle still on and was about to climb up when he head butted her. She patted him on the rump and felt him as he humped down. Knowing he wanted her but she had to get out of here she again tried to mount but he moved over again head butting her.

Not wanting to wake them up she once more tried to climb up but this time he pushed hard enough to knock her over. Giving up she went up next to him and scooted down under him and guided his cock into her sore pussy. He humped down and slid into her still very wet opening and was soon unloading his load in her. He whinnied a few times and she quickly tried to climb into the saddle when the big fellow grabbed her and threw her down with a loud oomph she landed in the horse cum which made the grass slippery and she couldn’t get a grip to get back up.

She was then tied bent over face down over a stump that has been padded for seating next to Prince then she was left there. Prince thinking she was wanting more mounted her and was pouring more of his sperm deep in her as the sun was rising, so all that was awake was able to see this female take the huge horse cock. There was mumbling amongst them and most of them looked at her with fear in their eyes. Not only did she fuck them most of the day yesterday but she even takes the most massive cocks ever. They were starting to think that she was some sort of goddess and to hold a goddess captive was extremely risky.

The big fellow was really having fun with this one and was getting ideas. She was covered head to toe with the scent of sex and what animal can not resist that smell. So he got them all together and sent them on ahead leaving him and the horse behind. They all pretty much ran to get away in case she turned angry at being tied up. The big fellow then took the horse and walked into the woods. Tammy panicked thinking she was left to die but she heard Prince not to far away and realized that they were just out of sight. Then he strolled back alone and of to her side he laid down on his stomach and pulling a thick bear hide over himself to where all she could see was his eyes. He fell asleep and woke when he heard snorting near by. Slowly turning his head he saw what he was waiting for. A huge Kodiak bear was just off to his side sniffing the air. He held his spear tightly as he watched the bear come closer. He first smelled the hide covering him and satisfied that it wasn’t another male he went over to the smell that had attracted him here in the first place. He stuck his nose in her face smelling the drying cum there then raised up to stand in front of her showing his erection.

When she didn’t respond he jutted his cock at her and when she still didn’t respond he took a step closer and jutted once more this time his cock hitting her in the eye. Scared stiff she bit her tongue as not to yell out in pain when he jutted once more and made contact with her mouth. He was real musky but smelled ten times better than the big feet and his pre cum tasted kinda good so she wrapped her mouth over it which shocked him. He squirted some semen into her mouth and now knowing that she was ready he went around and climbing up on her back he was trying to enter her but just couldn’t get it right. He was bruising her with each jab so be tried to lower her butt down to help out then he was in. She didn’t know how bears mated and was sure he would bite down on her neck or something but he was pumping in and out of her.

His cock was almost vibrating as it slid deeper in to her. She felt a hook like thing enter her cervix and she moaned thrusting her rump back to get him in farther. Then he was seated in her inner most self and squirting thick goo into her. She really was feeling wild now and her moans was sounding more like growls. The big fellow was now standing spear in hand and ready to kill but the sight was getting him hard he waited a little longer until he heard her squeal in delight then with one quick motion he slit the throat from ear to ear with one hand while stabbing the spear in his heart with the other. The bear slid off of her and as his penis slid out she yelled in pain only to have it replaced with the big fellows cock. She couldn’t help but wonder when this guy will finally get enough. But this time he came quick and pulling the bear away he once more came back and laid under his bear hide.


Chapter Nine

He had killed 2 more bears this way and several large deer and was waiting for some other animal to come along when he heard his hunters coming. He could hear the fear in their voice as they talked and then he heard a gruff voice barking orders and knew his chief came to check on their progress. Their tribe had ran out of fresh meat a week ago and probably was grumbling at eating fruits and vegetables. He jumped up startling the approaching hunters. Then the chief caught sight of Tammy laying tied to the stump with semen smeared over her lower half. His own cock was starting to swell just smelling her scent. Then the hunters stopped and refused to go any closer. They explained what had happened there all the while the big fellow stood over her with a proud smile on his face. And when they finished he told them of the bears and how he had gotten them.

The chief was shaking his head and making a guttural noise and then asked why she was still a captive. Confused the big fellow tried to say how he caught her. Then the chief asked “didn’t she outlast every man here and a few dogs too”? That is when he remembered the law and he knew he had to let her go but the law was made for their kind not the hairless ones. He tried to explain this but the chief said the law is the law. So he had to untie her and let her go but he wanted one more time with her so as he bent over her he stuck himself into her slippery vagina as he untied her. She was limp under him and all the sperm made it hard for him to get a grip.

He was pushing deeper into her when he was pulled off. The chief was yelling at him angry afraid that he might curse their tribe by not obeying the law. Tammy lay there thinking that this new one was just wanting a go at her to but then they all walked off leaving her laying over the stump. She stood up and realized her muscles ached and her body had bruises everywhere. She fell from exhaustion and then crawled in the direction of where she heard her Prince.

She was almost to the edge of the woods when Lou came running up to her licking her face and barking. Tammy was startled at first thinking that the big feet were coming back for more then relief set in when she realized who it was. Then she heard Kane say that he will be right there and everything went black.

She woke some time later to find out that she had slept for a whole day. Kane had laid their babied next to her one at a time to feed when they needed it because he had used up all her frozen breast milk while she was gone. He told her that she never even budged as they suckled on her nipples. He told her how he had given her a shower holding her up while washing her off. Then laying her in bed to sleep. Tammy now sat up looking down at her bruised thighs and a tear came running down her cheek. Part of her enjoyed what had happened but another part felt disgusted at being forced once again. Then Kane asked how she got the deep scratches on her back and she smiled remembering the vibrating bear cock. She may have been forced into that but it wasn’t the bears fault!

Tammy looked at Kane and asked “who stayed with the kids”. Just then a woman walked in smiling and Kane introduced her to Tammy as “Princess Nebula my mother”. Shocked she looked at the woman as she handed her, her son smiling down at him as she did so. “Our future king is a fiery one he will one day make a great leader and I am proud to be his (she stumbled for the correct word) grandma”. Tammy kissed his cheek and fed him as she got to know her mother in law. She was told how when they landed here Kane was frantic not being able to go for her. Then she had stayed with the babies as the 2 princes went after Tammy.

Tammy jumped at that remark realizing that Kane’s father was here also, And his mother smiled saying no that it is his brother who came to find him! Tammy wondered how they were getting along, if Kane had truly forgiven him for taking the woman he wanted. Then as if in answer she heard the to men laughing in the other room. Then she heard another woman laugh and Kane’s mother told her that Kane’s brother’s mate was here to.

Tammy jumped at that and Tory squawked when he lost suction on his food source. Tammy adjusted him and let him finish eating. She then fed Mia and laying them down for a nap she and Nebula headed out to where the others were talking. Tammy stopped just short of the door to the living room almost afraid of meeting Kane’s first love and realizing that Nebula was watching her she squared her shoulders and walked in. There sitting directly across from her was someone who looked just like Kane and next to him was a female that was wearing something that left nothing to the imagination. Tammy was shocked to see her run a arm over the crotch of the man next to her.

Tammy was ready to say something (totally jealous) until she noticed another man sitting off to the right. That is when she noticed that both brothers looked alike. Looking from one to the other she just ended up with her mouth half open and standing there. Kane looked at his mother and said “ I take it you didn’t tell her”. Nebula smiled shaking her head no in response. She wanted to see how the mother of their future king would handle this flirtatious woman that obviously still wanted her first son. Even though she mated his brother. She was disgusted at how she had been throwing herself at him and how she dressed trying to get him to couple with her. Now she knew that this woman standing next to her would stop all this nonsense and not let this woman take her mate from her.

Tammy walked over to this woman smiling her best smile she told her that she was happy to meet her and she has only one request. Then looking at every one in the room she said this to every one. “We are from different worlds and as long as you are here in mine a would want you to dress properly and keep to you own mate then we will be able to become friends”. Then dropping her smile and looking the young woman directly in the eye she said “and if you don’t think you can handle this request I could make a room for you out in the barn with the other animals!”

The woman stood up shocked and looked at Kane she said “are you going to let her talk to me like this who does she think she is!” Kane then stood up and putt his arm around Tammy and said “she is the mother of your next king and MY MATE and I am very proud of her. I also think that you have not behaved like the princess that you are suppose to be, look at yourself my brother deserves a better mate.” She stood there dumb founded and then turning to her mate she said “you order him to take back what he said how dare you let him say such a thing to me. Kane’s brother smiled and said “he is my brother and might I add also father to the next king and being such he can order me to discard you as my mate for how you have acted since we have arrived.”

She sat fuming not knowing who to turn to next then looking at Nebula she started to open her mouth to say something to her when Nebula cute her off saying “no I will not side with you for I to am disgusted at how you have and are behaving (putting her arm around Tammy) and this woman that had Mated my son IS MOTHER QUEEN. So I will order my youngest son to discard you if you don’t treat her as such”. She was crying now and sobbing no, no as she ran out of the room and then out the door. Kane’s brother went to go after her when Tammy smiled at him and asked if she could go instead. He was startled but nodded yes as Kane was nodding his head too.

Tammy found her down by the lake sobbing. She sat down next to her with out saying anything she putt a arm around her. They sat like that for a while then Teal asked “why did you follow me” Tammy smiled at the woman and said “because like I said I would like to be friends since we are kinda sisters now”. She smiled and replied that she would love that. Then they sat and talked for a while until Kane yelled out at them that the babies needed their mom. At that they got up and headed up to the cabin laughing and acting like they have known each other for ever.

They sat on the bed still talking and laughing as Tammy fed the young ones then Teal holding Mia and Tammy holding Tory they went back into the living room. Kane was in the kitchen fixing them all something to eat and joined them when he got it in the oven. He came in and sitting next to Tammy he said that they were in for a big treat. The hairy men had left them a bear and reading their minds it was for appeasing their Gods for holding one of them captive. He looked at Tammy smiled and said that they will no longer bother her and that when they see her from now on they will even protect her with their own life’s thanks to his putting thought in their brains. Tammy had to laugh at the thought of them not knowing where the voice was coming from.

They sat and talked for the rest of the evening and late into the night then Nebula stood saying that it was time for them to leave and giving her son a kiss she said that they will be back in 6 months to collect them and whatever belongings they wanted to take back with them. Tammy almost panicked not wanting to leave her wolves and Prince but looking in Kane’s eyes she was ok with it. Her and Kane stood by the lake and watched as they disappeared up into the night sky.


Chapter Ten

Kane has been careful not to get Tammy pregnant again so as to make the trip home easier for her. Now after 5 months it was time to get ready to go. First was the animals He called the vet who was more than happy to take them for as long as they needed and Tammy gave him a very large check to pay for any food and shelter they may need for many years. Now she sat with the dogs Lou’s pup now full grown and part wolf she wanted them to go where they wont be fenced or tied up and her first thought was the big feet tribe. Kane went with her and the pups to guide her to them and when they saw her they all stood still heads lowered all except the big fellow who walked up to her his cock throbbing but Kane put a thought in his head and he stopped, unsure what to do. Tammy then kneeled down with the now large pups and using her hand she circled the air over them then pointed to the big fellow. Kane meanwhile was putting the words in his head “these are for you who I think of as a friend”.

He was confused wondering where the voice was coming from so Kane said out loud It was me who talked to you and these are a gift for you our friend. He stepped forward and the pups all sniffed at him as Tammy took his hand to let them know he was friendly. She was soon laughing as he lay on the ground with all the pups licking and nipping him in play. With a tear in her eye she turned and walked away along with Kane.

They got back to the cabin to find the farmer there with his wife. He came to check the place out because he was thinking of renting it out so that his wife could have a smaller place to clean and then he wont have such a large farm to handle either. He then in turn would rent out his farm to someone else, that way when Tammy And Kane returned he would still have his farm to go back to.

They had a legal details worked out and all she had left was to call the lawyer to have him collect the rent (even though she didn’t need the money). She then set up some trusts for certain charities that she felt needed money, And told him that her boy friend was going on a long trip and she was going with him. There would be no way to call, write or contact him in any way for quite some time and don’t worry because she would be ok and very safe.

Now with just a couple weeks left she started to pack what she wanted to keep leaving all her canning supplies and stuff like that. Lou was laying on the bed along with one of the wolf’s who now took to being around most of the time. She had let him mate her and was now thinking of his hot cock as it had swelled in her and gave her so much pleasure. As if he could read her thoughts a pink tip slid out of his sheath showing his willingness for more mating but Tammy had to get her packing done. Soon she had several boxes lined up against the wall in the hall and was now needed to feed her ever growing children. They were old enough to eat ground food now but they needed her milk for naps and bed time.

As Tory lay attached to her boob on one side and Mia on the other Tammy sat and listened as they talked to her mentally so use to their thoughts now she didn’t realize that Tory had stopped sucking and aloud said Mamma. It was Kane who stood in the door mouth agape with a proud daddy look he said “ He said mamma”. Tammy was smiling down at him this time when he smiled back and said it once more then followed it with a dada. Kane was amazed because their children never talked until at least a year old and sometimes two but know he realized even though they look more like him in body they had their mothers genes too.

Then the last 2 weeks was up and the children had several words they could say even though they still mentally talked to them and talking was so hard. Kane came running in saying that the ship will be there that night and the children giggling each said nana and papa and both Kane and Tammy smiled knowing that if either grandparent was on the ship they would have heard it to. Tammy fed Lou and putting the rest of his food in a tub for the long trip she went to double check to make sure that she had everything she needed.

She then put the children down for a nap and after they were sound asleep she undressed and walked into the living room where Kane was sitting. She sat on the floor in front of him and asking how long was the trip he responded about 4 months. She smiled and with out another word ran her tongue up his thigh. He moaned and she could see him swelling under his shorts. She then ran her tongue up his other thigh and he was now almost to large to fit comfortly in his tight trunks. He took her head and said “watch it I may loose control that way”. Tammy smiled and stood up He could smell her ripeness and he helped her pull off his shorts. He was about to grab her hips to set her on his now hard cock but she was to fast and dropped to her knees. She took his cock in her hand and was kissing its tip. He moaned as he slumped back down into the chair. He again reminded her that he could loose control. She ignored his warning and was now pumping her mouth up and down his full length. And soon he had his arms wrapped around her head was pushing his cock into her mouth and down her throat.

She could feel the little seeker as it started to wiggle from the tip of his cock and knew he was now beyond control. She stood up and he slid his arms around her hips to help settle her down onto his waiting cock. His moans matched his thrusts as she rode him. She was also feeling out of control and wanted him to enter her cervix and fill her full. She don’t know how it happened but she now was under him and he was slowing his humping. She felt the tip rubbing her cervix but she could tell he was fighting his self control so he wouldn’t get her pregnant. She whispered in his ear I want it and that was all it took he began growing inside her and he could feel the seeker as it slipped into her cervix. Then his cock followed causing some pain but it was soon replaced with one great orgasm as the seeker started its search. She felt the tip of his cock expand to lock him into her cervix then prolonging his release he let her feel her orgasm to the fullest. Then he shot her full of his seed. Pumping more and more into her until she thought she was going to explode.

They lay together for a while and she could feel his seeker still seeking. He smiled down at her and looked down at her expanding belly. He was able to see her belly moved each time his cock jerked and then release more sperm. He knew this would keep going until his seeker found what it sought.

Tammy knew it was her ovulating time and didn’t understand why it was taking so long this time. The she could feel him starting to rock on her once more. His many knots rubbing her g-spot. She screamed out in passion as she squirted hitting his belly and watching it wet him totally from the waist down. She was now pushing her hips up on his cock to fill her womb even deeper with his cock. He moaned as another jet of his sperm filled her. He slid a arm down under her and tickled her anus sending wave after wave of pleasure through her. Then he felt it happen as his seeker stopped wiggling trying to find a egg. Tammy felt the knowledge of the egg as the seeker held it for fertilization before planting it on the lining of her uterus. She knew that this time the seeker held 2 of her eggs and one of them was splitting in 2 to become identical twin boys and the second egg was going to be a girl. Kane could only feel the 2 eggs not knowing that humans eggs can split and become identical twins. He felt glee as any new parent does when they find out their pregnant.

His seeker slid back into the head of his cock as Kane rocked and grinded in Tammy. She lay under him smiling feeling full of him and so much love exploded from her sheer happiness. He still was rocking in her as the tip of his cock finally dislodged from her cervix so now he was once more moving in and out of her and sending chills of pleasure through her body. He had thought that he would have been going limp after all the sperm that he had filled her with but his body was almost vibrating as he slowly slid in and out of her warm wet vagina. He had never felt a love like he was feeling now for this woman, not even his parents. So now he was watching her face as she responded to his love making.

He knew he loved her before but this love was so overpowering that it made him feel a tenderness like never before. She was also feeling something new happening between them and was in no hurry in their love making now. She had her eyes closed feeling him sliding in and out of her and feeling a shiver go through her as each of his knots rubbed her g-spot . She opened her eyes to see him looking down at her smiling and she smiled back as his mouth enclosed hers.

They had kissed before but this was something that wasn’t done in his world so it was different for him but now as he kissed her he felt a longing overwhelm him. He had forgot all else as he searched her mouth with his tongue . As his longing grew his body started to move faster in and out of Tammy. She was moaning which sent a new desire through Kane as he was covering her face with kisses and moaning himself before once more exploring her mouth with his forked tongue. Then they both were yelling out as their passion grew into another orgasm before they both collapsed.

They fell asleep in each others arms until Tory woke them a little later wanting something to eat.


Chapter Eleven

Tammy had fixed dinner and had the children in their high chairs eating when they heard a knock at the door. Kane opened it and there stood the big fellow holding a bear skin. The bear had been a large Kodiak healthy and shiny. He held it out pointing over at Tammy with a smile on his face. His cock started growing the second he caught sight of her, he so wanted to feel her wet soft folds as he pumped in and out of her. He somehow knew she was leaving and if his tribe knew he had come to the land of the hairless ones he could be flogged if not worse.

He had to take a chance though, She had been on his mind since she had given him the pups, and he wanted to let her know that he thanked her. So here he stood holding his best fir with the risk of extreme pain and maybe even death. Kane was telling Tammy the big fellows thoughts and her heart went out to him she smiled and wiping Tory’s face she stood walked over to the big fellow and kissed him. Kane said thank you in his language and then took the large fir. Oh it was well tanned soft leather on one side and shiny fir on the other. Kane knew he had spent extra time with this one. He sat it down on one of the boxes and picking up Tory as Tammy got Mia they went out side to talk to the big fellow.

Tammy could tell that he was having trouble walking with his swollen cock needing release now and looking at Kane he smiled at her and nodded once then grabbing Mia from her he stood watching as she walked to the tree line and then disappeared into the darkness. Kane sat done to let the kids crawl on the soft grass in the small enclosure he had made for them as he listened to the sounds from the woods.

Tammy lead the big fellow over to a patch of soft moss then kneeling down she took his hard cock into her mouth. He rocked moaning as she suckled him like a calf would it’s mother. Tammy was feeling her virgina get wet as her desire grew. The big fellow reached under her arms and lifted her up. He then bent her over and then kneeling down behind her he tasted her then he grabbed her hips pulling her back on his tongue. He nibbled and licked as her passion grew.

He felt she was ready and rolling her over he wanted to look at her as he took her. He lifted her rump up to meet his throbbing cock as his pre cum mixed with her wetness he slid in surprised once more at her softness. He howled as his cock grew even larger and he began his moving in and out of her. Tammy was moaning and wrapping her legs around his waist she used them to pull him closer to her with each thrust. He then reached down between them and started to massage her clit which brought on the desired effect. Tammy could feel the orgasm starting deep within her and at its crest she squirted and the big fellow pulled himself out of her bent over to catch what he could in his mouth he then sprayed it up in the air to land all over the both of them.

He reached a finger up into her and rubbing her g-spot once more he got her to squirt once more. He then plunged his cock once again deep into her and lay down over her frail body feeling her juices all over her. He took a hand and feeling her soft body he came to her breasts feeling their hardness he knew she was full of milk. He bent his head down and tasted. It was much more sweet than the woman of his tribe and so he suckled taking a drink every once in a while but making sure he left enough for her little ones. He felt him self swelling even larger as he was getting ready to fill her with his seed.

His movements got a little rougher as he climaxed and still not satisfied he rammed in as deep as he could feeling her body shake as she to was climaxing. He knew he wasn’t done yet so he stayed deep in her to let her catch her breath before starting his humping once more. Her vagina quivered around his cock contracting and squeezing him tightly. This drove him into another burst of humping he was ramming himself into her so hard that it almost was to painful for Tammy but her lust had taken over and she was riding his cock like he had never been ridden before. She squeezed her vagina even more to add to the effect and he threw his head back with one final thrust and a howl he let it go. He filled her spurt after spurt of his hot sperm before sliding out of her and then laying next to her on the soft moss.
He was almost purring as he rubbed a finger across one of her nipples. She lay there looking at him and then he stood picking her up with one swoop he hugged her close to him feeling her softness and scent he finally let go and then he was gone.

Tammy walked back out to Kane who was watching the children play and then she went down to the lake and jumped in. She cleaned herself then sliding out of the cold water she went up to the cabin to get dressed. She was soon standing next to Kane hand in hand as they looked up to the sky for the ship.

He could feel them as they got closer but still not to sure how close they were. This was the day they were to arrive but something could have delayed them so now it was only a waiting game. That is when they seen it land. It was larger than the last ship as they stood waiting to see who will emerge from it first. Kane smiled as he watched his father walking towards them. Tammy knew who he was just by looking at him. He was Kane only older and not quite as tall. He was wearing a shiny silky type cloth and she could see his muscles rippling beneath it.

He was smiling as he took his son in his arms before gathering his grandchildren up into his arms. He was swinging them around and had them giggling in no time and was soon getting some aide from their grandmother. Some other men was heading up to the cabin only to go in and emerge back out with arms loaded with boxes.

Then soon she was being ushered up into the ship by several women who where jabbering about every thing they had seen. They then directed her into a room that seemed to large for the ship. Tammy looked at the bed and its soft coverings then over at the wall that was lined with doors these the women were throwing open to expose clothing then they all stopped looking back at Tammy they seemed embarrassed as they looked from her to the cloths. Then it dawned on her The cloths probably had been made with four arms. She smiled at them and walked over to the closets she reached in and took out a silky formal dress. Still smiling she ripped off 2 of the arms then asked for a needle and thread. And in no time she had it looking like it was made for her.

Soon they all were ripping and sewing and giggling and basically having fun getting to know each other. One of the women disappeared and soon she was back grabbing Tammy’s hand she led her into the bathroom where a large tub was filled with soapy water. It was scented and smelled intoxicating. Several more girls came in and undressed her and helped her into the tub. Then they were washing her and totally pampering her. She was really feeling like a princess by the time they were done. They had putt the first dress she had “fixed” and now smelling pretty and looking even better they guided her to where Kane and his family sat.


Chapter Twelv

Lore and Nebula sat next to each other Then Tare and Teal on their left and directly opposite their grandparents was Tory and Mia and Kane was on the right with a empty seat next to him. She took her seat and laid a napkin on her lap all of a sudden she felt shy not knowing how to behave in their environment. It was Teal who broke the ice by saying “so when are the new arrivals expected. Everyone looked at Kane then Tammy as she beamed. Kane had to say “that depends on who they take after Human gestation is 9 months. They all were shocked at that but then Nebula started to laugh. Lore (her mate) asked what was funny and she looked at Kane. “Well it seems that your 3 new children have been keeping a secret from their father“. Kane looked at Tammy as she explained how humans have identical twins.

Wow 2 was a handful to take care of he could only imagine how 3 was going to be but he knew they would have no problem with all the family that will be around to help. Their dinner was being served as they talked quietly and when a plate was sat in front of Tammy she turned white putting her hand on her mouth she got up to run in the direction she came from. Kane went flying after her not knowing what was wrong and worry had impelled him to move faster.

He caught up to her as she stood down the corridor throwing up. He then knew what was wrong and relief hit him as he held her trembling body while she had her first cast of morning sickness only it was evening. A woman came and cleaned her up then told them to go back to the family and she will clean up the rest. Tammy went back in a bit embarrassed but was relieved to see her plate gone. She thought her babies was once more going to take after their father when it hit her. It was the seeker that made the babies grow faster in the womb and not the genes of her mate so that her babies could be like her and still be born in 6 months.

They had talked until it was real late then before she knew it Kane was leading her back to their room. He looked around smiling at the work that had been putt into it when Tammy asked where the children were. He smiled saying they have a nanny now. Tammy shook her head not sure how to tell him that she wanted to take care of them but he was insistent but also telling her that she will be a called if they needed her. They were just in the room next to them so she would hear them mentally when they called for her.

He helped her out of her dress as Lou came running in barking and tongue hanging out panting. She climbed up on the bed as Tammy laughed at her as if she had lived here and owned the place. Kane also was thinking the dog was a little to much at ease when a small child came running in after the dog. Kane’s mouth dropped as he stared at the boy. The boy in turn looked at the man in front of him and smiled yelling out uncle as he threw himself into Kane’s arms. The boy then looked around and asked “why are you in moms room”.

Both Tammy and Kane was shocked by the words. No mention of dad just mom but then Kane did notice that his brother hardly spoke to his wife who acted like she didn’t want to be there. He had to go find out what was going on and told Tammy he would be right back. He was gone for a while and when he returned he told Tammy that his brother putt Teal out on their way to earth. She had yelled out Kane’s name in her sleep and hadn’t let her husband mate with her since their first trip.

He actually felt sorry for her but there was nothing he could do. When they arrive home she will have to move and probably never see her son again. Tammy was shocked at the severity of it and wondered if she would ever make a mistake that would make Kane putt her out. She vowed to her self that she would never let that happen. They talked a bit more then she slept dreaming of a new life with her husband and family.

They did live happily ever after visiting earth every 5 years or so. Tammy had 4 more children and after that they grew up they had their own children. Now days you can walk in their world and see people who have 5 fingers on the end of their 4 arms and those you know to be of royal blood direct decedents of King Tory and Queen Sara (a human Tory met as a teen), who ruled from the time he reached his 20th birthday to his death some 70 + years later then his great grandson took over. Princess Tammy watched her great grandson get born and almost got to see a great, great get born when her husband-mate took her body home to be buried and on the way to earth he to had passed away. Their King-son buried them both in the small glen where people for miles away could hear the cry of something inhumane, Only Tory knew that it was the big fellow who once loved his mother and now mourned her passing.