(c) 2010 by lovnbowser

Part One

The italicized portion below is a modified excerpt from the novel titled “Couples Only”. The portion below is used to set the stage and scene for the fictional story that has evolved from this excerpt.

“It is a dog!” Natalie quipped. “So that’s Sam, that’s what Bess has been hollering for all evening? Natalie remarked.

“You ever tried doggy fucking?” Kathleen countered.


Suzy broke in, “Sam’s got the longest, thickest, hottest, slickest dick you ever saw baby. I don’t go for him like Bess does, but it’s kind of nice for a change. If he’s able to after his true love gets done with him, I might get on my hands and knees tonight. The way Sam wraps those front legs around you and hangs on while that long thick dick bangs in and out of a girls pussy like flashing lightning … Mmm-humm! But that’s not the best part, not by a long shot. You know anything about how dogs come?”

Natalie shook her head. Suzy’s defense of woman-dog intercourse surprised Natalie. Suzy was so clean, so neat. It was hard to believe she would do it with an animal.

“Well,” said Suzy, putting down her drink but not taking her eyes off Bess and Sam. “When the male dog comes, he slips his nuts right up into your vagina. I mean, that’s what they call it. His dick swells up and gets a knot way up inside you, that’s what really happens. Whether it’s actually his nuts or not, I don’t know.”

“You’re puttin’ me on,” Natalie accused.

“No, baby, no. Haven’t you ever seen two dogs hung up and yelping like hell about it?”

Natalie recalled that she had seen that more than once. She squinted her eyes and nodded at Suzy. “Yeah, since you mention it. I have.”

“Well, that’s what happens. The male dog’s dick had that knot puffed out on it, and he couldn’t pull it out of the female.”

“That’s terrible!”

“No it’s not. That’s the way they come. Their juice doesn’t squirt out like a man’s does. The juice is what makes the knot on the dog’s dick. It’s nature’s way of making sure that the female conceives. They keep trying to pull apart, and little by little the come drains out and the knot disappears. It’s simple, really.”

“I don’t wanna be hung up with no damned dog,” Natalie said emphatically.

“It doesn’t work that way in a woman’s vagina. The pussy is too loose to hold the knot like that. Feels great, though, like a small balloon swelling up inside you. Shit. I better shut up or I’ll talk myself into it,” Suzy moaned, as if it was getting too personal and exciting for her to talk about.

“Just watch Bess and see if it doesn’t look good to you.”

“I just can’t believe it,” Natalie insisted. “I’ve heard about this kind of thing going on, but I thought it was a figment of some crackpot’s imagination.”

The bestial scene on the couch grew progressively hotter and hotter. Bess’ hands hovered above the dog’s head, trembling and jerking, with fingers outstretched and spread. It was plain that she wanted to touch her lover, to caress his head and pull his muzzle farther into her widespread pussy. The pink tongue flashed out like a spear, jabbing deeply into her slit, staying imbedded and licking at the weeping walls of her vagina.

“Christ … oh Christ,” Bess sighed longingly.

Sam kept at her. Sometimes he lapped at the depths of her pussy, sometimes withdrawing his long, drooling tongue to lick both her ass and saliva-drenched pussy lips. The dog’s oral work was getting too good for Bess to endure much longer. A constant stream of sighs, groans, and moans issued forth from her open mouth as her body writhed about in its slumped position on the couch.

The tip of Sam’s dick began peeking out of its hairy sheath beneath his body. It looked like something painfully irritated, fiery red, pointed and dripping secretion onto the floor while glittering wetly. Another inch of blood-red dog dick emerged forth out into the light. Sam’s dog dick resembled the tip of a prehistoric wooden spear that had been tapered over a fire and then rubbed smooth.

Dancing about on his hind paws, Sam kept licking at Bess’ vulva and working his back end over to her dangling thigh. One hind leg straddled the woman’s thigh, and Sam brought his slick and rapidly elongating organ into contact with her skin. At once the dog began hunching his dick up and down her thigh, his back arching and straightening furiously. “Sam … Sam … darling Sam,” Bess wailed, contorting herself to reach down and take his peter into her eager hand.

Lapping at Bess’ pussy no longer held any interest for Sam. Up came his head, looking about with half-closed eyes as he fucked Bess’ tightly gripping hand.

“No, darling,” Bess protested, jerking away her hand and slapping the couch where she wanted him to be.

Obediently Sam leaped up onto the couch and let Bess lay him down and roll him over onto his back. He lay there not moving a muscle, his legs bent and sticking up in the air. Bess shifted about and knelt facing the couch, with her knees resting on the floor. Then, lowering and turning her face to best advantage, she opened her mouth and sank it down around the dog’s organ.

Her lips tightened down around the pointed tip of his dick, then moved slowly toward its base, taking more and more of the still emerging penis into her mouth. The dog’s copious sex juice caught on the outer surfaces of Bess’ lips, pooling and spreading as she took the shiny red organ deeper into her oral cavity.

When she had all the dick her mouth could take, with that hot, pointed tip bent and poking at the back of her throat, Bess sucked down harshly and held, her cheeks hollowing in obscenely and quivering as her tongue licked frantically at Sam’s heated shaft. For perhaps a half minute neither she nor the dog made any movement. Then, a groan coming up from the depths of her chest, Bess opened her mouth around the dick. She sucked the dog’s secretions into her maw before she clamped down again and slowly drew her clinging and protruding lips out to the end of his dick.

After swallowing loudly and smacking her lips with satisfaction, Bess crawled up onto the couch and assumed a knee-to-chest position, offering her vulnerable ass to the dog as she laid her head down on a cushion and grinned toward the table of onlookers.

“Get it, boy. Come on, Sam. Get it, Get mama’s pussy boy,” Bess coaxed, in a voice quavering with lust. She reached back between her parted legs and fingered open her pussy. “Come on Baby. Here it is. Here is Mama’s hot wet pussy for her big dick boy. Here, Sam. Fuck it, boy. Fuck it.”

The rasping command brought Sam’s ears up to a standing position. His head tilted to the side, resembling the trade mark of the dog hearing his owner’s voice. Sam needed no other encouragement. The play was quite familiar to him, and even though he’d portrayed this part many times, he was eager to do it again. Bess had called out his cue. Sam took it confidently from there on.

Quickly jumping to all fours, Sam took his place between Bess’ protruding feet. He looked up into her held-apart red pussy and barked once, then reared up and put his front paws on her hips. Both front and back paws moving jerkily, he walked up Bess until his dick was nudging her genitals.

“Big Boy, OHHH you darling Big Big Boy!” Bess moaned, her fingers encircling and guiding the dog’s thick dick into her seething pussy.

Whining and licking his chops, Sam hunched forward and drove the full length of his long, slim penis into Bess. Then, holding in and grinding against her, he dropped the front of his body and clasped his front legs around Bess’ torso. Sam’s paws almost disappeared into her breasts as he clamped down and hugged tightly to hang on. If Bess felt any pain because of his ill-placed paws, she didn’t show it. Her hand flattened over the bottom part of her stomach and moved till her middle finger was busily flicking her clitoris back and forth. The fingers on her other hand, resting on the couch above her head, clenched down into a fist so tight that her knuckles turned white. Bess heaved a sigh of deep satisfaction and dreamily closed her eyes.

Natalie’s voice burst forth in a hoarse whisper, “Good Lord!”

“What’s the matter, baby?” asked Kathleen, grinning. “Gettin’ to ya?”

“That’s the nastiest thing I ever saw,” she said, then added in a faint whisper, “But damn … is it also the HOTTEST and MOST EXCITING thing I ever saw!”

Kathleen looked at Natalie and hissed, “Wanna try it?”

Natalie gulped, and instantly answered, “Oh no, Kathleen! I couldn’t!”

“Some afternoon?” Kathleen cooed. “Just you and me and Sam?”

Natalie quickly glanced around to see if any of the others were looking at her. When she was certain that everyone except she and Kathleen were intently focused on Sam and Bess, she turned back to Kathleen. Natalie looked hungrily into Kathleen’s smiling eyes and firmly nodded her head while muttering, “YES, OH YES, SOME AFTERNOON. JUST YOU, ME and SAM!”

Each day after the swinging party, Natalie had seen her neighbor Kathleen. Each day, Kathleen waved and called to Natalie, inquiring about her and her husband, but never inviting the young girl over for a chat. Natalie wondered if she or her husband had somehow insulted Kathleen and/or her husband Dirk.

On Thursday morning around 10, Kathleen called to invite Natalie for lunch. Kathleen explained that she had an appointment in town, and they would lunch there at a quiet place Kathleen liked very much. Natalie agreed and the two girls concurred they would meet at Kathleen’s car at 10:15.

Natalie waited while Kathleen attended to her appointment in town. After leaving the appointment, the girls retrieved Kathleen’s car and drove to a small restaurant and grill. The interior of the grill was dark, with but a few tables just at the entry. Numerous booths lined 2 long walls and other booths formed 2 perpendicular aisles in the center of the room. The booths in the center acted as visual barriers to prevent the patrons in booths along the wall from espying patrons in other booths along the opposite wall.

Kathleen greeted the maitre’d by name. The maitre’d responded by name to Kathleen, calling her Ms. Boyd. He led Kathleen and Natalie to a dark plush booth tucked in the most distant corner of the building.

As the waitress approached, Kathleen spoke to her and called her by name. She ordered 2 gimlets; and the Greek salad for 2 with lump crab and shrimp. Kathleen told the waitress that a well chilled half bottle of Beaulieu Sauterne should accompany the salad. The waitress smiled and nodded she comprehended Kathleen to the fullest extent.

Within moments the gimlets arrived. Kathleen raised her glass and proposed a toast to a long friendship among the 5 couples at the swing party as well as to many more wonderful weekend swing parties. Natalie giggled and concurred raising her glass and taking a long sip from the gimlet glass.

Kathleen told Natalie the waitress was a friend named Kimberly, but was affectionately known as Brenda. Kathleen told Natalie that Brenda had been over to the house on a number of occasions. Kathleen said that she, Brenda, Suzy, and Bess had all played together. Natalie blushed at Kathleen’s bold statements.

“Don’t blush girl,” Kathleen cooed at Natalie. “You were sucking Suzy’s hot wet black pussy like tomorrow would never get here last Saturday night. And your fine ass and hips were rocking like a rowboat as Suzy ate you and finger fucked you to a frazzle before Buck sank that huge black 11” dick of his to the hilt in your sweet cunt.”

Natalie blushed even more and “sushed” Kathleen. Kathleen only smiled. Looking up, Kathleen saw Brenda approaching the table and said to her, “Brenda, tell this little whore with me what fun you have had at m house.” Brenda smiled and said, “well, I can honestly say, I have never had my pussy eaten so well or fucked so well as I have at your house, Ms. Kathleen. Your assortment of dildo’s and vibrator’s will make any girl cum so hard she ma faint!”

Kathleen smiled at Brenda and blew her a kiss. Turning to look at Natalie, Kathleen noted the younger girl’s gimlet was gone. Brenda had brought the opened bottle of wine to the table, and Kathleen poured a glass for Natalie. Kathleen silently encouraged Natalie to sip the wine and as though Kathleen has super thought projection, Natalie picked up the wine glass and took a long sip.

Without hesitation, Kathleen moved closer to Natalie. She leaned into the younger girl and looked into her eyes. Slowly, Kathleen raised her hand and clutched a handful of Natalie’s hair. Slowly twisting the hair, Kathleen pulled Natalie closer to her. Kathleen planted a long sensuous kiss on Natalie’s pouty lips.

Kathleen’s tongue invaded Natalie’s mouth, and after a moment’s hesitation, Natalie opened her mouth and began to perform a tongue duel with Kathleen. The two women remained locked in a passionate embrace and kiss. Brenda returned with the salad makings and proceeded to assemble the salad. Kathleen broke the kiss with Natalie and turned to speak to Brenda.

“Once you finish assembling that salad, crawl under the table on your hands and knees, and warm up this hot pussy bitch. She and I have something very very special planned for this afternoon.”

Brenda smiled knowingly at Kathleen and asked in quiet voice, “Is this something special the same something you introduced me too a few months ago?”

Kathleen did not answer Brenda immediately, she instead turned to Natalie. Kathleen slid her hands under the table cloth and pulled/pushed Natalie’s skirt up and over her hips.

Kathleen cooed softly to Natalie, “We have to get your hot little pussy all lathered up Baby.”

Natalie stared wide eyed and began to squirm. Kathleen reached in with her hand and grasped one of Natalie’s nipples. Even though the sensitive flesh was covered by fabric and a bra, Kathleen pinched the hard nipple between her thumb and forefinger. She twisted Natalie’s nipple and hissed,

“I own your fine fucking ass. Spread those long pretty legs for my restaurant slut. Her mouth, tongue, and fingers will have your sweet cunt frothing like a Starbucks frappacino. And Sweet Pussy Mama, your hot little cunt needs to be soaking, sopping wet for your surprise package.”

Natalie could only nod her head. She lay back in the booth, the wine and salad all forgotten. Brenda crawled beneath the table and delicately pulled Natalie’s thong panties down to her ankles. Brenda lifted each foot and guided the thong over Natalie’s shoes and heels. After headily sniffing the crotch of the panties, Brenda stuffed them in her jacket pocket. Brenda then pushed Natalie’s legs apart and open. Natalie’s panty-less bald mound glistened in the darkened space. Brenda closed her eyes and took a long inhaling sniff of Natalie’s most intimate secretions.

Using the soft pads on her thumbs, Brenda softly spread Natalie’s cunt open and commenced to suckle, lick, nibble, bite, suck hard, and finger fuck the young beauty. In moments, Natalie was completely engulfed in the overwhelming tummy clenching, nipple hardening, clitoris swelling sensations she felt from Brenda expert manipulations. Brenda brought Natalie the cusp of orgasmic explosion time and time again. Once, twice, three, four, five, six times, and each next instance a progressive build up from the one that preceded it,. Brenda had Natalie ready to burst. Kathleen lent into Natalie’s neck and ears and spewed a stream of naughty, nasty talk. Between the verbal assault on her psyche and mind, and the oral-digital assault on her ass, pussy, and clit, Natalie was ready to scream and beg for release and gratification.

Finally, Kathleen ordered Brenda to cease. Natalie was sobbing, moaning, and weeping in the booth. Her cunt juices had come forth from her fuck tunnel like ocean waves breaking over a coral reef. The leather seat of the booth had an enormous puddle of pussy cream on it and under Natalie’s ass and thighs. The hem of Natalie’s dress fairly dripped with her vaginal sauces.

Without a word, Kathleen pulled Natalie from the booth. Kathleen tossed a few bills on the table. Her hand firmly gripped Natalie’s arm and she walked toward the front entry.

“Come along sweet pussy girl,” Kathleen whispered. “You have a date with a huge red dicked cum loaded lover. He has a tongue that will curl and unfurl inside your hot cunt making you squeal like a school girl. When I begin to feed his enormous hot dick into your scorched twat, you may faint. But do not fear little pussy girl, this will be the best penis you will ever get.”


Part Two

Kathleen led Natalie out of the restaurant. The valet had her car waiting. As Kathleen helped Natalie into the car she said, “I know Brenda took your panties you little whore. Sit down and pull your skirt up over your fine ass and hips. Sit in the seat and spread your legs while I attach your seat belt.” The valet smiled and refused the tip Kathleen offered. The show was worth more than the money.

During the short drive back to Kathleen’s home, Kathleen ordered Natalie to play with her pussy. Natalie did as she was told and she brought herself to the brink of orgasm and just as in the restaurant, Kathleen would slap her clit, or slap her hands and make her cease before she could cum. Natalie was a whimpering little girl by the time they reached Kathleen’s home.

Kathleen pulled into the garage and closed the garage door. She helped Natalie from the car and lead her into the house to the spa/playroom. As they walked along the hallway, Kathleen whispered to Natalie.

“Is that pretty little pussy hot and wet Baby? Does Mommy;s little whore girl need a huge big cum loaded dick to fuck her hot pussy and make it cum and cum and cum? Tell Mommy what your little pussy wants. Tell me what your pussy NEEDS little Fuck toy!” Kathleen hissed at Natalie.

“Do you want Sam to fuck you?” Kathleen asked. Natalie hesitated a moment. This wasn’t something she could just spout out. She gulped, and then slowly nodded. “Oh, good,” Kathleen said, delighted. “I was a virgin the first time Sam fucked me. You’ll love it. He’s very good at fucking girls. He’s better than very good. You’ll just love it. Sam has the best penis in the neighborhood.” “I… I hope so,” Natalie stammered quietly. Kathleen took Natalie into the playroom. She turned Natalie and slowly began to unbutton the young girl’s blouse. Removing the blouse and tossing it aside, Kathleen slide the skirt zip downward. The rasp of the zipper coincided with the rasp of Kathleen’s fingernail over Natalie’s nipple encased in her lacy bra. The skirt fell to the floor to be stepped out of and kicked aside. Kathleen pinched Natalie’s nipples and then pushed to bra straps down Natalie’s arms. The bra unhooked from the front and it joined the skirt and blouse. Sam was sitting at the edge of the doorway, watching the two women, his tail swishing back and forth rapidly. When Natalie looked at him, his front legs began dancing on the floor. He stood up, and his huge doggie dick dangled from the thick furry sheath between the animal’s powerful thighs. Natalie stared with her eyes agape. She stared at Sam. Her heart began pounding harder. Her tits rose and fell rapidly. “You want him now? You want that huge red doggy dick deep in your hot pussy?” Kathleen whispered, close to Natalie’s ear. Natalie could only nod her head slightly. Sam could sense the excitement that coursed through the bodies of the two soon to be naked women. He knew what was coming. He knew what he was going to get. He was eager, ready, waiting. Kathleen took Natalie’s upper arm and walked her toward the center of the room and a padded bench. Sam followed along, His hot panting breath scorched Natalie’s tight swaying ass as she walked. “Oh, God,” Natalie whispered, her voice holding a hint of fear. “Don’t be afraid, honey,” Kathleen whispered. “I’ve been through this a hundred times or more. You’ll love it. Just let Sam do his thing, baby, and everything will be wonderful for you.” Natalie didn’t respond. Her eyes were wide, as she looked back behind her. Her haze locked on the wicked red tip of the fat prong of doggy dick that stuck out from under Sam’s belly. His dick looked gigantic. Bigger than anything she could possibly take inside her tight young pussy. Kathleen felt the girl holding back. She pushed Natalie forward. Natalie let herself be led to the bench. “Hi, Sam, boy,” Kathleen whispered to the huge Great Dane.

The bench was 20 inches wide and about 7 feet long. Pad eye hooks were fitted to floor about 18” from each end of the bench. Kathleen lead Natalie to bench and slowly pushed the girl to her knees.

“Sam is going to work your little pussy soooo good Baby,” Kathleen cooed. “His tongue is going to bathe your hot cunt. The way he can curl it and then unfurl it inside your sopping wet pussy as he savors your cunt cum will make you shudder and squeal. When I place his hot huge dick in your hand before I lash you down, you heart will pound and your mouth will water. This dog is going to fuck you like you have never been fucked. He is going to ruin your pussy for every man, just as he ruined mine.” Sam pranced and danced merrily, thrust his head forward so that his mistress could scratch his long snout. The dog sneezed gratefully, and then backed away as Kathleen draped Natalie over the bench. “Don’t worry, Natalie. I’ll show you just what to do.” Natalie was in a daze. She couldn’t think. She didn’t want to think.

She just wanted to feel a huge dick inside her tight young pussy, opening her cunt as it had never been opened, reaching deeper and farther inside her soaking wet pussy than any probe had ever reached. Natalie wanted to be filled with a doggy dick? Sam’s dick. Natalie wanted to be fucked by a dog. She wanted a dog to pound her and pump her cunt full of his cum. She felt herself moving beside Kathleen.

She felt herself being arranged over the bench. “Lean over the bench, honey,” Kathleen said softly in Natalie’s ear. Natalie bent forward over the padded bench seat. Her body was wet from excitement and nervous sweat. She was naked. Even so, the room was pleasantly warm. “Over the bench like this?” Natalie asked. “That’s right, honey,” Kathleen said, helping the girl. Natalie was surprised at the comfort of her position. She was bent over the leather-padded seat at the waist, her head down near the floor. She could see her bare legs and feet on the other side of the seat. “Here, Natalie,” Kathleen said. The girl took Natalie’s ankle in her hand, and drew her leg to the side. She helped Natalie place her foot in a loose stirrup that was attached to one of the pad eye rings in the floor. Natalie wasn’t bound in place, but the loop of soft leather gave her something to pull against, something to help hold her legs wide apart without straining her thighs or back. Natalie found the other leather loop herself, and she slipped her delicate foot into it.

She twisted her ankle slightly so the leather band shifted up higher. Now the lovely girl was bent over the bench, her legs spread wide. She found two more leather straps attached to the flooring in front of her. These were for her hands. She stretched but and slipped her wrists through the loops, and gripped the pliant leather tightly in her fists. “Well, you certainly seem ready, Natalie,” Kathleen said lightly. She took a brief moment to touch Natalie’s bare back. The girl’s spine was stretched full length, and the skin of her back was pulled taut by her bent-over position. Natalie felt the older woman pet her back and ass cheeks for a moment, learning to enjoy the touch of another girl. She did enjoy it. She wondered what it would be like when Kathleen took her. She knew that she and Kathleen would eventually try some sucking and fucking. As Kathleen stroked her bare taut ass cheeks, Natalie began feeling warmer and warmer. She felt her body responding. Her belly tightened against the bench. Her legs began twitching slightly.

Her pussy hole began dripping, getting ready for the massive dick of the huge Great Dane. “Ready, honey?” Kathleen asked. Her warm palm rested firmly against Natalie’s ass, her long slim fingers curled around the ball of muscle and pressed lightly down into the deep crack between Natalie’s ass cheeks. “Yes,” Natalie said. Looking between her spread legs, Natalie could see Kathleen kneel down onto the floor. Kathleen lifted a padded box from under the bench and placed it on the floor directly between Natalie’s widespread legs. Then she patted it, and called for the dog. “Here, Sam, come here fella. Here, Sam. Come get some pussy big boy. Natalie has some hot hot pussy for Sam, doesn’t she? Yes she does big boy. Pussy for Sam. Pussy, pussy, pussy. Come on, big boy. Thataboy,” Kathleen laughed as Sam leaped up onto the box his tail swishing back and forth rapidly. “She’s all yours, and that pussy is yours you sweet big dicked doggie.” Kathleen walked over to a comfortable couch and lay down on it. She lifted one leg up over the back, and let the other leg trail off onto the floor. She shifted until she was perfectly comfortable, then dropped one hand down between her thighs and cupped her own moist pussy mound.

Her other hand gently cupped the underside of her tit and began slowly kneading the meaty mound. Her nipple sprang to life, tingling with pleasure as Kathleen watched Sam nudging his nose into the tight deep crack of Natalie’s wiggling ass. Natalie couldn’t keep still. Her bare ass wagged as wildly as Sam’s tail. Every nerve in her body was alive, on fire. Her tits jiggled, and her nipples itched. Her tummy was hard and tensed against the padded bench. Her thighs tightened. Her pussy hole oozed her fresh creamy fuck juice. Sam butted his nose into the girl’s ass, and then slurped his long thick wet tongue out, driving it against Natalie’s precious pussy mound. The wide wet tongue slapped into her pussy and sent shivers of pleasure racing through her body. Sam licked the warm down-covered mound of Natalie’s young barely used pussy. He twisted his huge head, pushed his snout hard into the firm smooth lips of her pussy. He snorted loudly against her pussy. Then he slopped his tongue between her pussy lips, and fucked his tongue inside her pussy tube.

The rough tongue rubbed over Natalie’s sensitive clit, making it bloat up hard and hot. She began trembling all over. In the already-warm room, she began sweating. She found it hard to breathe in her upside-down position. She began panting. She licked her lips over and over. “Fuck me, damn you,” Natalie whispered urgently. She felt like a slow flame was burning beneath her, slowly roasting her. The salty sweat began pouring from her skin, basting her flesh in the heat of her rising lust. “Oh, Sam you wonderful doggie,” she whispered to the animal. “Please do it to me. Give me your big dick. Do it now, baby. Get on top of me, and stick that big red dick of yours into my pussy.”

Sam had the same idea. He nuzzled the girl’s bare pussy with the tip of his nose, grinding his snout into her wet warm pussy. His tongue lashed her pussy hole, fucked deep, slurped out the fresh young fuck fluids that flooded her tight young barely used pussy channel. Then he pulled his head back. His snout was smeared with the young girl’s fuck juices. He leaped up onto the padded box and jumped his forelegs up onto Natalie’s bare back. She took the heavy weight with a soft grunt. “Oh, doggie. Please be careful of my pussy. I’m tight and my husband doesn’t have much of a dick. Don’t hurt me too bad. But hurry up and fuck me, sexy Sam.” Natalie gasped and whimpered through gritted teeth. She was frightened and excited at the same time. Frightened that the big dog’s immense prick would really split her open, ruin her as a woman for life; excited that her first real big dick fuck was taking place with a giant handsome dog, in front of a beautiful young girl. Kathleen watched, toying with her own clit.

Her finger touched and stroked and rubbed her hard little clitty faster and faster as Sam did his work. Her hand at her tit was pulling and pinching her nipple, stretching it far out from the lust plump globe of her tit. She felt the rising warmth in her belly. She parted her lips and began panting lightly, quietly as she watched Sam fuck Natalie’s young pussy. Sam kneaded Natalie’s taut back muscles with his feet and claws, getting his body balanced on top of her. “Fuck me, honey,” Natalie said quietly. “Please, doggie. Hurry up and stick your prick inside me. I need to feel it. Oh, honey, fuck my pussy.” Natalie was hanging over the leather-padded bench, gripping the leather straps tightly. Her long legs trembled. Her ankles pulled at the leather bands.

She tensed, tightened every muscle in her young body, getting ready to feel the first hard deep thrust of the animal’s magnificent prick. “Hurry, doggie. Hurry.” Her ass wagged and jerked as she thrust her body back and forth on the bar. Natalie needed dick badly now. Her brain was fogged and flooded with desire. Her pussy clenched and spasmed, trying to gulp down the prick that wasn’t there yet. Her belly spasmed hard. Her head lashed from side to side, dragging her long blonde hair back and forth across the carpet of the platform. “Fuck me, you bastard doggie,” she commanded. Sam danced his front legs on the girl’s bare back. She whined at the sharp pains as the dog’s giant claws scratched over her soft sweaty skin. “Now, damn you!” Sam pushed his ass forward.

The tip of his massive red prong of doggie dick bumped into Natalie’s pussy, and the girl gagged on her pleasure. “Yes, yes, yes,” she gasped, gulping in little swallows. Sam’s dick stiffened almost to the limit. He butted the head of his pointed prick against the girl’s bare slick pussy mound. He wiggled his ass, and his dick jerked back and forth across her sensitive pussy lips. At last, the head of his dick pressed between Natalie’s pussy lips. “Ooooo, yeah. Fuck it into my belly, you great big dog,” Natalie growled. She jerked her belly against the bar, worked her pussy lips open around the fat head of the dog’s prick. She pushed her pussy back as far as she could and felt the dog’s thick prick fuck a little farther into her pussy hole. Then something pinched, and sent a very sharp pain deep into her guts. “Oh, my God,” Natalie whimpered in frustration. She could feel the dog’s dick pushing against the thin little skin of her cherry. It hurt like hell. The pain was tiny, but very sharp, as though she was being stabbed down there with a hot needle. Natalie gritted her teeth harder and shut her pretty blue eyes tight. “Do it, damn you to fucking hell. Fuck your big dick into my pussy, dog!” Natalie demanded.

Sam fucked his huge thick dick deeper into the girl’s tight pussy slit. He felt the slight resistance of her fuck hole entry muscles. He encountered this same kind of sensation when he had fucked his dick into Kathleen’s pussy. His dick went harder. His gave a sudden hard jerk of his strong thighs, and his prick burst through Natalie’s drenched pussy entry, driving the tip of his red dick deeply into her fuck-hole. Natalie’s body arched hard and taut. Her head came up. Her mouth flew wide open. A terrible shriek of agony wailed from the stretched young throat. Then the pain was fading quickly.

Sam’s gigantic doggie prick sank smoothly into Natalie’s pussy sliding all the way into her belly through the tight cream-filled tube of her young pussy. The dick filled her belly, her tight tummy expanded slightly with the huge size of the animal’s fat prick. “Ohhhh,” the young teen moaned, long and loud, the cry of pleasure escaping from her throat as she lowered her head back down toward the floor of the platform. “Ohhhh, that feels sooo good, doggie.” Her thighs quivered as her legs tried to clamp down tightly around the dog’s dick. But the leather straps kept her legs apart. Her hands gripped the leather loops in front of her so tightly that her knuckles were white. Sweat popped out all over her naked body. Her tight pussy tube quickly adjusted to the filling rod of doggie dick. Her clit pressed firmly against the animal’s dick. Natalie could even feel the massive black sac of Sam’s hard balls mashed into he wet drooling pussy mound. She gulped over and over, panting hard between gulps. Her nipples were tight and hard and swollen huge. They itched badly, longed to be pulled and pinched. Her guts churned with lust. Her pussy walls spasmed and clenched Sam’s hard hot dick.

They squeezed the fat dick firmly. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” the young teenager grunted again and again, her voice barely audible. Her head bobbed and swayed limply from her shoulders, her hair swished back and forth on the floor. Her eyes drooped partly closed, but she could see from her upside-down position the thick furry thighs of her lover, his huge balls rammed firmly into her pussy lips. She could see how her pussy lips were split wide open around the base of the animal’s thick prick. She could see her own creamy fuck fluids rolling slowly down the base of Sam’s dick and wetting the black fur of his thick dick-sheath.

She moaned in lusty pleasure as she watched Sam start to withdraw his dick from her split pussy. She felt his prick deep inside her pussy. She felt the sliding dick pulling out of her pussy, rubbing slowly over her swollen sensitive clit. The sensation was overpowering. Natalie groaned loudly. The dog’s dick pulled out of her pussy very slowly. Sam had been well-trained — go slowly when fucking a human girl. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. His huge dick slid out of her tight pussy tube, until only the pointed head of his dick was still inside her. Natalie could see her pussy lips kissing the thick red prick-meat. Sam’s dick looked almost like a fat huge sausage stuffed between her pussy lips. Her pussy was wet with fuck fluid, and Sam’s dick glistened with her gooey pussy cream. “Oh, honey,” the girl whispered weakly, watching closely as Sam started fucking his prick back up into her pussy. Her pussy lips parted wider as the thick dick fucked back into her. She gasped as his prick filled her. She felt like his dick was going to jab into the back of her throat or pop out her mouth. His prick was so long and thick. She felt like someone was shoving a fist and arm all the way up into her hot wet pussy. She felt the head of Sam’s prick bang against the end of her pussy, then pop through into her womb.

She felt the tissue of her womb stretched as the dog’s long dick kept fucking deeper and deeper into her hard young pussy. “Ohhhhh, doggie. You’re so fucking huge. Ohhhh, I can feel your dick so deep inside me. It feels so good, baby. Yes. Fuck me good and hard. Fuck me slow, honey,” Natalie moaned and whispered urgently, her mind filled with foggy lust. Sam fucked his dick all the way into her pussy hole, then slowly pulled out again. His dick glistened with the girl’s creamy fuck juices. As his prick got wetter and wetter, his dick fucked in and out of her belly faster and faster. His prick rode harder and harder over the girl’s button. Natalie was being driven crazy with lust and rising pleasure. Her clit was a tiny point of fire that burned hot pleasure deep into her loins.

Her belly was hard with spasms of lust. Her tits jumped and jerked as her whole body bucked. Sam began fucking the girl’s pussy hard and fast, fucking his long thick prick in and out of her pussy slit in rapid doggie thrusts. His forepaws danced on Natalie’s firm bare back, slipping and sliding in the salty sweat that gushed from her skin, scratching long red welts into her flesh. Natalie moaned, feeling the heavy doggie weight on her back. Sam’s balls were drenched with Natalie’s hot juices. The furry sheath of his prick was soaked, matted. His balls mashed into her drooling pussy lips again and again, parting them further around the base of his punishing prong of dick-meat. He fucked her hard. He yawned and panted rapidly as he fucked her.

Doggie drool spilled from his lips and fell in long thick strands onto the girl’s back, mixing with her slippery sweat. His loins pumped hard and fast against her ass and thighs. His dick fucked wildly in and out of her wet young pussy. Natalie was gasping loudly, her whole body on fire with desire, need, lust and pleasure. Her muscles spasmed continuously, as she fought the strain of her bent-over position, fought the need to clamp her thighs around the dog’s body and hug him to her and fuck his prick in and out of her clutching pussy hole. “Oh, God,” Natalie cried, “Oh, Jesus. Fuck me, doggie. Fuck me harder. Fuck me faster. Oh, yeah. Fuck me forever.” Natalie was going mad with her lust. She felt like she was nothing but a huge sucking pussy and two flopping tits. Every nerve was stretched taut, tingling, burning. “Ohhhhh, do it, do it, do it,” she groaned. Sam hunched over the girl’s bare ass cheeks and fucked her wildly.

His balls felt heavier than ever, felt full of lead. His ass jammed forward in rapid bursts. His dick fucked deep into her pussy, pulled out, sucking loudly and wetly. His prick fucked back into the virgin teen’s tight wet pussy hole. His prick slipped back out, sliding smoothly, hotly over her burning clit. Natalie bucked hard over the bench. Her ass wiggled madly against the dog’s big balls and furry thighs. She was completely mad with her lust. “Fuck me, damn you. Fuck me as hard as you can, you fucking bastard doggie. Fuck me, fuck me,” she growled through tightly gritted grinding teeth. She watched as her pussy split again. The dog’s dick fucked into her pussy, spreading her pussy lips wide. Fuck juices squirted out around the base of his prick, spattering the dog’s black fur with white fuck cream, splashing against the black sac of balls. She grunted and groaned as she felt her pleasure rising up higher and higher. It was close, now. She could feel it coming. Her body tensed hard. Her belly tightened against the leather bar. Her tits seemed to bloat into huge heavy balloons. Her nipples sizzled with itchy fire. Sam pulled his prick all the way back, only the pointed red head of his dick still between Natalie’s soft pussy lips. His balls gave a violent spasm. He threw his head back, his mouth wide open. And he fucked his prick, in one long smooth motion, all the way into Natalie’s guts. And Natalie felt the final lifting.

She rose up high on the first hard wave of her first fucking-induced come. Sam’s balls squeezed hard, and he jammed his furry thighs against Natalie’s ass. His balls blasted hot thick gouts of doggie come deep into Natalie’s womb, flooding her pussy full. Natalie’s pussy walls spasmed tightly around the dog’s dick. Her body arched and bucked wildly, uncontrollably. She yanked at the leather bands, pulled and tugged hard with her legs. Her belly slammed up and down against the bar. Her pussy gushed hot creamy pussy come. “Oh, uh, oh, Jesus,” the girl grunted weakly, her head flopping wildly. Her body bucked and jumped on the bench. Her mind exploded with pleasure. Her body shuddered and jerked over the padded bench, sliding from side to side or rising off the bench only to slam back down against it. Her pussy clutched hard at the doggie dick within her. She gushed her gooey come against the pussy-filling cylinder of prick-meat. Her body thrashed madly in the lusty throes of her violent climax. “God, God, oh Jesus, oh, oh,” she gasped with each buck and thrust and jerk of her ass. Sam’s balls ground tight against her gushing pussy lips.

They smeared the girl’s fuck juices all over her pussy and jerking thighs. On her bare wet back, his paws gouged deep red welts into her glistening skin. Natalie’s nipples felt like they were about to burst open with pleasure. Her perky tits jumped and bounced as her body bucked. Her belly ground hard against the bar. Natalie’s thighs clenched and tightened. The muscles in her thighs jumped and spasmed. Her clit burned and gushed and itched and tormented the young girl with overpowering pleasure. Her pussy spewed thick gouts of creamy cum. Sam’s prick was jammed tight and deep in her pussy. Her pussy walls squeezed the long thick prong of doggie dick hard, forcing every drop of Sam’s hot come from his balls.

The dog whimpered and cried softly as Nalalie’s young cunt squeezed every drop of cum from Sam’s dick and swollen knot. Sam pulled back slightly and surged forward again resealing his thick dick in Natalie’s spasming pussy slit. He drooped over her back, his long pink tongue licking her spine, neck, and ears. Natalie was still coming. She jerked violently, held on to the leather bands tightly, and felt her pussy blasting come like water from a hose. She felt her own hot come, mixed with Sam’s thick gouts of doggie come, running down her thighs. Her body bucked against the bench, jumping up, slamming down. She pulled her head up. She was panting violently, sweat gushing from every inch of her wet skin. She grunted, cried out. “Oh Jesus, Jesus, my pussy. My pussy. Oh, my fucking pussy!” she screamed. Kathleen leaped off the couch and rushed up to Natalie. She dropped instantly to her knees and stoked the young girl’s throbbing swollen clitoris.

“Oh, God, yes!” Natalie shouted, feeling Kathleen’s fingers tweak and pinch her clit. Kathleen thrust her finger deep into the girl’s sizzling hot pussy channel. She scooped her finger around the rapidly shrinking doggy dick. Kathleen scooped out a mixture of thick gooey cream. She swallowed it down and got more. She fed this glob to Natalie. Kathleen pushed her fingers back into the wet creamy nest of Natalie’s pussy. Her other hand lashed the kid’s clit, bringing her even higher. Natalie felt her second violent climax rise up high and crash down over her. Her whole body went into another bout of hard bucking. Kathleen wrapped her arms around Natalie’s wet thighs, and held on tightly. Her fingers clawed at Natalie’s hard spasming belly. “My tits,” Natalie cried. “Oh, please. My nipples.” Kathleen pulled her arm from beneath the girl’s legs, and reached up between them.

She cupped Natalie’s wet bouncing tits in her hands, found the hard pulsing nipples. She worked the sensitive nubs between her fingers and thumbs, and then suddenly squeezed hard, twisted, rolled and rubbed the rigid buds of her nips painfully. Natalie groaned, went limp with pleasure. But her body jerked her violently against the bar. She ground her pussy back hard against Kathleen’s fucking fingers. Kathleen clawed at Natalie’s tits and nipples. As Sam slowly removed his huge dick Kathleen got behind Natalie and sucked at the girl’s flowing pussy, sucking the fuck juices from Natalie’s slit as quickly as she could, gulping the delicious sweet fuck fluid down. She tongued the girl’s hot little clit, swirled her tongue around the little button, sucked it between her lovely teeth and nipped and gnawed delicately. Kathleen was driving Natalie berserk with lust and pure mad pleasure.

She’d never felt anything so intense, so overpowering, so satisfying. Natalie humped Kathleen’s face even as her violent bucking climax slowly faded. She began fucking Kathleen’s lips slower and slower. She sighed deeply, and her body slowly went limp over the leather-padded bench. She hung there, totally exhausted, but still moving her pussy lips gently against Kathleen’s kissing loving sucking lips. Kathleen began purring as she lapped and licked and gently nuzzled the girl’s drenched pussy. Kathleen scooped thick creamy come from the girl’s tight pussy slit. She nosed the crease open, and let the come drop slowly onto her tongue.

She swallowed it. She sighed and began slowly cleaning Natalie’s pussy of fuck cream. Kathleen’s hands gently cupped the younger girl’s big tits. She felt Natalie’s nipples very slowly soften against her palms. She squeezed the girl’s lush tits lovingly, then let go. She brought her hands to Natalie’s wet thighs, and she let her fingers rove lightly up and down the backs of the girl’s long legs. Natalie sighed heavily. Natalie slipped her wrists from the leather bands. She pushed her upper body upward and stretched. “Oh, God, do I feel great,” Natalie said quietly. Kathleen gave Natalie’s pussy a final little kiss, and then sat back on the box. “You taste great, too,” she said. “My legs are like limp rags, Kathleen. Help me out of these stirrups, will you.” “Sure, honey.” Kathleen slipped the loops from Natalie’s bare feet.

She helped the girl straighten up, then step back away from the bar. Kathleen hugged Natalie tightly. She pulled Natalie to her and kissed her lightly on her forehead. Natalie took the initiative and pressed her own lips up against Kathleen’s mouth. The older girl thrust her tongue against Natalie’s lips, forcing them apart. Her tongue pushed deep into Natalie’s hot little mouth, darting everywhere, exploring the delicious mouth. Finally, the two naked girls broke their loving kiss. “Let’s get in the tub, honey.” Natalie nodded. Kathleen lead her to the sunken tub in a corner of the spa room.. Sam was resting contentedly at the edge of the tub, his big handsome head resting on his forelegs, his deep dark eyes watching the two young girls. “Jesus, that dog is something, isn’t he?” Natalie said to Kathleen in awe. “He’s the best there is, baby,” Kathleen told her “I told you he was the best penis in the neighborhood!”. Sam lifted his head and yawned.


Part Three  – The Finale

Her internal mechanism waking her up moments before the alarm was due to ring, lovely, petite Natalie opened her eyes and stared at the clock resting on the night stand beside her half of the bed. She watched as the second hand made another sweep, using the minute to bring herself to full consciousness before she drew one naked arm from the loving warmth of her blankets and pushed in the button, making sure that her husband, sleeping next to her was not disturbed.

She shivered slightly as she brought her arm back under the blankets, her fingers brushing lightly first against her satin-smooth flesh, and then against the muscular hardness of Mark’s powerful body. She turned over lightly, making sure that he did not waken because of her movements, and allowed her eyes to fix on his handsome, rugged face. She couldn’t hold back a face-splitting smile of total, unfettered love as she stared at him, watching him with his mouth slightly open, his breath rasping in a half snore, half hiss. A tear of happiness came to her eyes, and she bit on her lower lip, her pussy already seeping its warm lubrication as she anticipated the pleasures he would be bringing her in just a short time.

The delicious pleasure of having her vagina filled with the searing hardness of his dick until she was certain it would split at the seams… the indescribable bliss of feeling his mammoth shaft of lust-engorged flesh dragging across the throbbing little bud of her quivering excited clitoris… the amazement she experienced as she felt Mark’s ballooned-dick swelling even more right before he flooded her pussy channel with the scalding river of his thick, creamy semen at the precise moment she washed her own cum juices around his deeply implanted dick.

She thought passionately as she rested her gaze on Mark’s handsome face. As long as she lived, she knew she would be bathing in the sensuous after glow of the first time her fucked her. Now, after their swinging experiences with their neighbors, she wondered how she would tell her husband she loved being fucked by a dog! Natalie was a human sexual dynamo and Mark would have to accept this new facet in her character. BUT, how would she tell him?

And then a moaning from her husband brought her to the real world again. She opened her eyes with a start, feeling as though she had drifted off to sleep and relived the passionate experience of the night before. Uuuuuuuuuummmmmm… she could still feel her husband’s hard-driving penis fucking in and out of her pussy.

Then it dawned on her that it was not her husband’s penis she was feeling, but her own fingers. While she had been dreaming about the night before, she had unconsciously moved her hand down along her naked belly.

Slowly, softly, she removed her finger from her wetly seething pussy and brought it out from under the blankets to lightly brush her hand over husband’s forehead. “Time to wake up, darling,” she said in a loving voice. As his eyes opened and then reclosed, she made a hasty glance at the clock. Hardly any time had elapsed while she had been reliving that wonderful fucking session. Less than a minute of real time had gone by! She smiled as she returned her gaze at her husband, who was making a valiant effort to wake up.

“Good morning,” she said, looking lovingly into his eyes. “Uuuuuuummmm… go’ morning,” he mumbled.

“What time is it?”

“About seven-thirty.” As she said that, Mark suddenly snapped into being totally awake.

“SEVEN-THIRTY!” he exclaimed. “Why the hell aren’t you fixing breakfast?”

“Ooooohhh… we have plenty of time for that,” she said coyly.

Mark bolted to a sitting position, the blanket dropping from his chest to reveal the hairy wash of dark hair there.

“Plenty of time for what?” he said with an icy tone that Natalie had never heard him use before. “I have to be at work in an hour and a half.”

“You’ll make it,” she soothed, running her fingers lightly across his chest. “I thought you might like to start the day out right.”

Mark ignored her. Tossing the blanket to one side, he slithered out of bed and nakedly walked across the room to their closet.

“I’d love to,” he said in a hurried voice, “but I just don’t have the time.” He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked quickly to the bathroom, leaving Natalie looking bewildered. He acted almost as though he was afraid of her touching him. She remembered that as he had walked across the room, he didn’t have an erection.

Was it possible that, for the first time since they were married, he wasn’t going to fuck her in the morning? It certainly looked that way, but Natalie wasn’t willing to believe that. Not yet at least.

Slipping from her side of the bed, she wrapped a skimpy, sheer bathrobe around her excited flesh. As she walked from the bedroom to the bathroom, she noticed that her pussy lips were moist and sensitive. Her dreaming had made her really excited and aroused, and she wasn’t going to let her husband get away with out fucking her… at least not without a fight!

She stood in the open doorway, watching him covering his face with a thick coat of shaving lather. “Don’t just stand there,” he said as though he were scolding her like a child. “I want something to eat before I go to work. I have to make a good impression on them. The company hired me on good faith, and I don’t want to disappoint them.”

“Why… well… what about me?” Natalie asked, trying to keep her voice under control. “I’m your wife…”

“And the honeymoon is over,” he interrupted her. “Have you forgotten that that trip took just about all our savings?”

Natalie’s mouth dropped to the floor and her shoulders slumped. Mark had never been so inconsiderate before. As she stared at him, she saw that his shaving motions stopped, and he was looking at his reflection in the steam-covered mirror.

“Look,” he said softly. “There is nothing I would like better than to start the day out right. I really want to fuck you, but the hard cold fact of the matter is, we aren’t in college any more, and we aren’t on vacation. I have to get to work. Unless you want to live in a tent somewhere.” “Don’t be ridiculous,” Natalie snapped.

“Don’t you be ridiculous,” he retorted. “Living in this world costs money. The rent on this place is going to be due in another month. Where are we going to get the money to pay that? And the electric bill… and the gas and the heat…”

“All right,” she snapped, spinning around and walking away from him. “I’ll have your damn breakfast ready.”

Mark started to say something after her, but he thought the better of it. He wondered if they were about to have their first fight. He had heard that things like that were inevitable, but he would like to postpone it for as long as possible.

Then he shrugged his shoulders. Surely she could see that he loved her. After all, he was willing to put off a little pleasure so he could make ends meet. Maybe when she got a job of her own, she would understand. Hell… by then they might have enough money so that he could afford to take a morning off… or at least be a little late.

As she casually listened to the sound of running water in the bathroom, Natalie went about her task with a seething expression on her face. Her lips were pursed, and she wanted to break the dishes she was setting out for him. Not even the pleasing aroma of frying bacon and eggs and perking coffee made her feel better. All she knew was the frustrated tingling in her vagina. She poured a cup of coffee for Mark just as he entered the kitchen, fully dressed and looking as though he was ready to take on the world in his new job.

“Honey… I’m sorry I snapped at you a while ago,” he said, determined that he would swallow his pride for the sake of his marriage. “You just have to remember that I feel a little… well… I’m responsible for the two of us. At least for a while, and I’m sort of feeling my way.”

“You don’t have to explain anything,” Natalie said in a voice that was so cold and detached that Mark actually shivered. “The fucking all mighty dollar is more important to you than I am.”

“The fucking… Honey, are you serious? Because if you really think I believe that…”

But Natalie wasn’t looking at him. She picked up her own coffee cup and was staring into it. Then she turned her body to one side, wondering if Mark was noticing the way her full, rounded breasts jutted from the sheerness of the nearly transparent cloth of her robe. She knew her nipples were hard, and if Mark was looking at her, there was no way he could not notice that fact. He had hurt her, and she wasn’t going to let him get away with that.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you,” Mark snapped, feeling himself losing control. When she failed to turn and face him, he decided that he would just go on with what he had to say. “I think you’re being childish about this whole thing. There’s more to life than fucking, you know.”

“Oooooohhhhh… are we going to bring that up?” she asked, spinning around, causing her generous breasts to jiggle slightly, sensuously under the thinness of her robe. “I have always been ready for you when you wanted to vent yourself. Damn! You would think that you hadn’t had any pussy in your whole life. You sure had fun at the part the past two weekends. And now that I want to have a little here at home with you, you’re too busy.”

“Honey…” “Go on… just get out of here. And don’t worry about all this food going to waste,” she snapped as she stood up and looked directly into his eyes over the table. “I’ll just store it in the freezer. That way, you can have a prepared breakfast tomorrow with no fear of being late.” Mark’s jaw worked, as though he were trying to think of something to say. He thought the better of it, though, and with a flourish, he grabbed his jacket and walked out the door. Natalie stood at the table glowering at him. When the door slammed loudly behind him, she reached for the closest thing she could find… a salt shaker, and threw it at the door after him. She missed the door, and the glass object fell silently onto the carpeted floor.

Next door, Kathleen was wake and her husband Tom remained sleeping.

Kathleen looked at Sam, their huge dog and said, “Oh Sam, are you hungry boy?”

“Uuuuuuuummmmmmm… I thought you were going to sleep late this morning,” Tom said in a still sleepy voice as Kathleen hovered in the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. Of all the women Tom had spent any time with, Kathleen had to be the most totally unabashed. She took a deep thrill just from being naked with him or anyone else for that matter. “Uuhh-Huhh, I was,” she answered. “But that little spat next door woke me up.”

Tom’s dick twitched under the coverlet. He’d give himself a little time to wake up before he fucked her. They’d had quite a session last night, and he was not quite recovered from it. A cup of coffee, a little conversation, and he would be ready to go.

He rested his head in his hands, staring long and hard at the sensually swelling mounds of Kathleen’s unfettered breasts, already shimmering with mounting passion. “What the fuck’s the matter with them anyway?” Tom asked. “Shit… it sounded like he didn’t want to fuck his wife.”

“That’s exactly what it was all about,” Kathleen answered. “He didn’t think there was enough time. He said something about how he had to get to work, and she was always horny.”

“I’ve never heard of a man who doesn’t want to fuck his wife as often as he could,” Tom commented thoughtfully.

“There are men like that,” Kathleen told him. “I’ve seen them. Some guy has a real nice piece of ass and all he wants to do is look at her.”

“I can’t imagine anything better than fucking,” Tom said in a voice that let Kathleen know he was becoming more and more awake.

“And neither can Natalie,” she said. “That young girl wants her husband’s dick so bad she can taste it. You were half-sleeping and half-awake, but I was listening to them. She was so pissed at him for not fucking her that she threw something at him.”

“Nice way to begin the day.” “Yeah, but it is a poor way to end a day.”

Kathleen smiled over the top of her coffee cup. She noticed Tom’s eyes were roaming over her lush nakedness, stopping here and there, but lingering long and hard on the generous swell of her fully rounded breasts. She knew he loved her breasts almost as much as he loved her pussy. She could still remember the first time he had planted the full length of his massive dick in the soft sensual valley they formed, stroking back and forth until his scalding semen spilled out from the bulbous, mushroom-shaped head, forming a warm, friendly pool between her chin and her pliant globes. It had been an experience she never thought she would enjoy as much as she had. She could actually see, as well as feel, his dick exploding his love-juice, and while he had used both his hands to push her breasts tightly together, sandwiching his penis, she had fingered her seething pussy, cumming at the same time as Tom had. It was things like that, Tom’s ability to deviate from what people considered normal, that really excited Kathleen.

“You got something special in mind for fucking me?” she asked, finishing her coffee and slowly coming to a standing position. Tom regarded her for a long moment letting his eyes roam freely over her shamelessly exposed body. When he let them focus on the bare pouty mound of flesh of her pussy, already glistening slightly with her mounting sexual excitement, he smiled, picturing in his mind what he was going to do. “Yeah… I got a little something I think you might like,” he said, climbing out of the bed.

“Stay right there in the door way until I return,” he said.

Tom hurried to the bathroom to quickly was his face, wash his genitals, clean his teeth and splash a little cologne on his chest.

Returning to Kathleen, he dropped slowly to his knees, he began to lick the warm smooth flesh of her inner thighs, starting near her knees, and moving slowly upward toward the pink, curl-framed lips of her rapidly moistening pussy.

His liquid brown eyes glittered lustfully as they fixed on the narrow pink slit where a tiny dew drop of moisture glistened from the lovely Kathleen’s eager passionate response. Reaching the already quivering lips of her vagina, the lusting young wanderer flicked out his warm tongue tip, licking the pungent nectar from Kathleen’s palpitating pussy.

Then he slid his tongue into the depths of the moist valley between Kathleen’s thighs, lightly tracing the thin coral line separating the vaginal lips upward to the swelling bud of her pink clitoris, grinning knowingly as he heard the beautiful woman gasp with her rapidly mounting excitement.

“Uuuuuuuummmmmmm… I love the way you lick my pussy,” she said, her voice dreamy and languid.

With his thumbs, the crouching man spread apart the moistly clinging flesh of Kathleen’s pussy lips, until the budding throbbing clitoris was completely exposed to his view. He dipped his face forward and eagerly began to suck on the sensitive area as the lovely woman swayed back and forth and sighed in growing abandon. Tom pressed her backwards toward her chair while Sam, aware that something wonderful was going to happen, sat patiently, his ears perked for the command he had been trained to wait for.

Kathleen was already feeling sensually giddy. When her knees caught on the edge of the chair, she collapsed limply back on the seat. She allowed the passionate sensations to sweep through her, and she was only vaguely aware of Tom’s strong, caressing hands pressing her beautifully shaped legs up and back, pushing them until her knees were pressed against her breasts. She lifted her head to watch, her mind reeling with the storm of lust sweeping through her, as Tom deliberately buried his face into her upturned loins to lick and suck at her moist hot pussy with lascivious fury and hunger.

Tom’s own dick was getting harder and more painfully swollen, but he tried not to think about it. He loved licking pussy, and he liked sucking at Kathleen’s pussy more than any other he had found. There was something about this young wanton that fate had provided him that excited him more than he would have thought possible. She was certainly as eager to learn all about life as he was!

As Tom’s pleasure-giving tongue darted out, slicing up through her straining throbbing pussy like a knife through soft butter, Kathleen surrendered to the shocks of pleasure rippling delightfully through her body. She moaned softly, delighting in the sensations his tongue was sparking in her vagina, and she opened her eyes just enough to see Sam sitting impatiently beside Tom, eagerly looking at her seething vagina, waiting for his turn to make her squeal and moan. It was all she could do not to beg Tom to allow the wonderful dog to fuck her then and there, but she knew that if she allowed Tom to move at his own speed, she would derive still more pleasure than if she allowed her whims to carry her.

Her rational thought began slipping quickly from her mind as her body responded more and more to the skillful tonguing she was receiving. Tom’s oral manipulations of her sex-inflamed, quivering vagina were beginning to drive her insane. Her cream-white flanks began jerking forward, burying Tom’s flicking tongue in her up to its roots.

Nothing mattered to her by this point… nothing but the reality of the probing tongue that crept so sensually up into her hot steaming vaginal furrow. Her soft smooth buttocks began to squirm desperately in the seat of the chair as the searing hot lashes of passion licked maddeningly at her nakedly quivering body. Arching her back wildly, she thrust her pelvis upward, frantically grinding her seething wet pussy up tightly into Tom’s face. She writhed her trembling ass in tight frenzied circles, struggling for the release that was now so close.

But then, suddenly, Tom stopped his wonderful licking motions and raised his head with difficulty from between the vice-like grip of Kathleen’s thighs.

“Oooohhh… GOD! Why’d you stop? I was just about to cum… Don’t stop licking my pussy… don’t stop…”

She opened her eyes and looked at her lover with a frustration-contorted face.

“Don’t worry,” Tom said, coming to a standing position. “That was just a little warm up… something to make sure that you really like what’s going to happen to you next.”

He reached down and pulled her up from the chair. Her lust-weakened body was like a rag doll, and she swayed dizzily as she gained her footing on the floor. For a moment, she was totally confused, but her lust-glazed eyes brightened as she watched him open his jeans and pull them down off his body, revealing the massive expanse of his fully erect penis, throbbing and pulsing with the excitement he had brought upon himself with his pussy licking. Her mouth dropped open at the sight of the thing, and suddenly her mouth was watering. It was huge and thick and so delicious looking. She had only a hazy idea of what he was going to do, but as long as it involved that wonderful-looking penis, she was all set.

Tom placed his hands on the softness of her shoulders and spun her around. Then he took her seat on the chair and opened his muscular thighs, spreading them as far apart as he could. “Now… suppose you get down and suck this dick of mine. Sam will take care of your hot pussy for you.” Not thinking of anything else but the fiery passion that was blazing like a forest fire in her loins, Kathleen did as she was asked, scrambling down on her hands and knees with her head positioned between her lover’s thighs. Tom’s incredible tonguing of her anxious pussy had completely destroyed her thought process, and she wanted nothing but to quench the fire of passion ripping through her itching, burning pussy.

She sighed and quivered in rapture as she stared hungrily at the impossibly huge rod of lust-hardened flesh that rose like a tree from Tom’s dark pubic thatch. She had sucked his penis several times before, but this time it looked so large… so mammoth. Uuuuuuuuummmmmmm… the whole length of his dick was mapped with blue pulsing veins. She mumbled in her hunger and poised her head so that her lips were barely touching the bulbous, blunt end of his visibly throbbing penis. Now it was her turn to tease him!

“Come on… that pussy licking I gave you really filled my balls with a load of cum. I’m gonna flood your belly…”

“Ssssshhhhh…” she said. She bent her face just a little lower, letting her lips finally touch the shining, rubbery head. She pursed her lips ever so slightly, planting a light, lust-provoking kiss on the slit at the head of the glans, and she smiled when Tom shuddered and stiffened his entire body. She knew she was really getting to him. She felt his hands automatically come up to grip the sides of her face, his fingers tangling in her long, thick blonde hair. Smiling to herself, she used one hand to skin back the loose foreskin of his penis, fully exposing the swollen head. She stared at it, as though its majesty hypnotized her.

Then, she pursed her lips into an oval and took as much of his dick into her mouth as she could, pulling up on the throbbing shaft as she lowered her head. She nearly choked in her haste, as she pressed the head of his penis against the back of her throat. The full length of the towering rod of flesh disappeared into her oval mouth all the way to the hilt, causing Tom to moan out in his surprised bliss.

It took the powerful man a second or two, but he managed to re-gain control over himself, and he began fucking his long thick dick in and out of Kathleen’s thin-stretched lips, always leaving the hot swollen tip half an inch inside her mouth as he began to guide her head with his fingers wrapped tightly in her hair.

Not that he needed to give her any help. Kathleen loved sucking his penis almost as much as she loved having it fucking up into her pussy, and she moaned passionately as he speeded up his deep, inward thrusts. His heavy, cum-swollen balls swung up and slapped against her chin, the thick, coarse fuzz covering them tickled like a light airy feather, and she fought to keep her breath, catching small gulps of air on each outstroke.

Tom gleefully watched the puffing out of her cheeks beneath him as her head bobbed on the end of his skewering penis. He knew that she loved doing this to him. His grin widened with each deep thrust he made into her willing face, and her moan of arousal drove him on to even deeper fucking motions.

Then he heard Sam whine, and for a moment, his attention was arrested. Hell… there was no reason why the dog shouldn’t be getting his jollies as well. “All right, Sam… fuck her. Mommy’s ready for your dick!”

Both Kathleen and the massive dog stiffened at the words, and Sam hurried to claim his reward of patience. For a moment, Kathleen removed her mouth from her husband’s dick as she waited for her wonderful dog to mount her. She shivered sensually as she felt his cold wet nose exploringly brush up her tingling pussy lips. She waggled her rounded buttocks invitingly back toward Sam’s huge furry head to meet his long pink tongue as it suddenly snaked out and licked wetly up and down in the valley between her ivory white, upraised ass-cheeks.

“Unnnnhhhhh,” came the long exhaling breath from Kathleen’s lips. Again she felt the long length of hot wet flesh touch her. She felt Sam beginning to lap greedily at the opened tight fissure between her wide-spread thighs. He ran his tongue wetly through her sex-drenched loins, from the tip of her puckered little anus up over the fluted edges of her vaginal opening, sometimes reaching below to the swollen jerking bud of her clitoris. His skillful thick tongue cut moistly through the soft, fleshy pussy lips like a keen blade. It laved relentlessly between her quivering thighs, pausing occasionally to dart and plunge deeply into her.

Kathleen knew that this was definitely the proper way to start the day, and if that ass-hole next door was too simple-minded to understand that, than he deserved the worst that could happen to him. Damn! He actually thought he was punishing his wife by leaving her alone. Like Natalie would remain alone. Suddenly all coherent thought faded in a blinding flash of excitement as Sam’s ceaselessly exploring tongue shot out and up into the moist channel of her naked pussy, deeper than any human tongue could possibly venture. As her whole body tensed and quivered wildly from the glorious sensation, she sucked harder on the huge fleshy penis in her mouth, reaching up with one hand to cradle the sperm-heavy testicles that slapped against her saliva-coated chin.

Tom sat back, feeling completely at ease as Kathleen began to put her heart and soul into the sucking of his dick, running her pink tongue around and around the swollen head, flicking her tongue-tip inquisitively into the tiny open slit of the moist dick-head to taste the sweet lubricating fluids that were oozing out there. As Sam’s thick wet tongue lashed teasingly up through the open furrow of her tight wet pussy all the way to her clenching rectum, Kathleen knew that she was fast losing all reason.

She began to lick and suck madly like a demon at the thick, hardened shaft imbedded in her mouth, her lips slimy from the mixture of his pre-cum and her saliva. The thin tensile rim of her mouth clung to his shaft as though held there by some unseen force as he fucked with long deep strokes. The mere thought of his huge dick in her mouth suddenly exploding, squirting its white, thick sperm into her throat had already begun to make her wild with anticipation.

Then suddenly, she heard Tom’s passion-rasped voice command, “Fuck, Sam. Come on Boy, let’s fuck her together!”

Again, both Kathleen and the powerful dog shivered with ecstasy. The three of them had become a team… like three perfectly working parts of a machine. Kathleen loved the thought of being fucked from behind by her amazing dog while she sucked and slavered on the dick of her human lover. She felt the great animal move forward at the command.

Immediately the huge Great Dane rose on his hind legs, mounting Kathleen with his forepaws wrapped around her full, undulating hips. His powerful hindquarters moved in close between her soft, spread thighs, at the same time shoving forward with his long tapering dick.

Kathleen jerked forward as a reflex, and sensing that she would, Tom thrust up again, impaling her mouth deeper on his tremendously hard dick. She gagged slightly at the choking entry, struggling to keep her breath. It came as a great rasping sound as she sucked in a gulp of air from the sensation of her loving dog’s scarlet penis jabbing out from its furry sheath and slipping wetly into the hot damp slit of her inflamed pussy lips. Kathleen groaned blissfully as she realized that she had to have as much dick as possible. She wanted the totality of Tom’s penis in her mouth, while at that same time taking as much of Sam’s long, beveled penis into the seething chamber of her pussy as she could. Knowing that her dog would need help, she reached behind her and circled her fingers down through her wide-spread, ivory-fleshed thighs to grasp the slippery length of the rigid animal dick.

Sam half growled and half whimpered as her fingers gripped on the throbbing length of his flesh, trying desperately to place the pointed red tip at the mouth of her passion-saturated vaginal opening. In her bewildered, passion-distorted daze, she didn’t know if she would be successful or not until the great beast shot up into her steaming passage, his muscular rump driving forward in rapid, jack-hammer thrusts, spreading her moist, burning pussy open wider and wider with every jolting lunge he made into her.

“Uuuuuuuhhhhhh… uuuuuuummmmm… uuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm…!”

Kathleen moaned sensually around the big fleshy dick fucking ceaselessly into her mouth as she felt her naked pussy being filled by the long, hard dog penis spearing into the depths of her belly. She could feel her beloved dog’s silky hair brushing lightly against her writhing, milky white buttocks as Sam piston pumped his enormous tapered shaft into her tightly contracting pussy. She was impaled to the fullest on the Great Dane’s wonderful animal-dick and her mouth was filled completely by her lover’s immense human penis.

Tom looked down, savoring the sight of his towering thickly veined shaft buried in his beautiful lover’s lust-contorted face. He felt Kathleen’s hands greedily massaging the skin of his balls as she sucked rhythmically up and down the rock-hard flesh of his dick all the way from the smooth rubbery head to the velvety flesh at its thick base. Her whole supple satiny body quivered from the powerful jolts of Sam’s plunging dick smashing into her tight clinging pussy from behind.

At the same time, the warm softness of her tongue twirled maddeningly over Tom’s throbbing dick-head at the apex of each withdrawal. Tom flexed his buttocks fiendishly up and down, following his every movement while she simultaneously worked her naked globular buttocks in little gyrating circles to match the machine-like hammering of the dog’s still swelling dick up inside her seething vagina.

Kathleen was a writhing mass of sweating, lust-deranged female flesh that begged to have the dicks in her fill her to the brim with their sperm. She ground her buttocks hard back against Sam’s hairy battering body and felt the tiny rivulets of moisture building up in the crevice between her ass-cheeks, trailing down the backs of her straining white thighs while the mounting pressure in her belly and loins signaled that her rising climax was close to exploding throughout her sharpened nerves.

Oh God! She inwardly moaned, relishing every deep fuck of the two rigid dicks in her stretched mouth and pussy. This was heaven. This had to be heaven. She was getting all of the dick she could possibly handle. Her whole life had been empty and hollow before she had bumped into Tom and started living with him. Even though she had been fucked by two men before this, neither one of them had allowed her to be totally free… and it was that freedom that made this fucking all the more enjoyable. God only knew how long it would last, but she was going to make the most of it while she had it.

She closed her eyes in utter abandon as Tom and Sam pressured her back and forth between them, using her willing, lust-weakened body an exciting receptacle into which they would pump their hot, sticky sperm. Her mind began to whirl in a maze of delicious blending colors, flashing on and off with the galvanic shocks that were jolting like lightening through her lush white body to the very center of her being. Sam’s tongue hung loosely from his mouth as he pounded into her waving buttocks, and saliva dribbled from his long, narrow mouth onto the light film of sweat coating her arching back.

Tom heard his own strangling noises forcing their way up from his lungs through the lust-constricted passage of his throat. Shit! He was going to cum! He didn’t want to. He wanted to hold back the scalding flood of his semen as long as he could, but there is a point beyond which no human can endure, and Tom had reached it. His body strained to bury the pulsing rod of his penis deep into the hot narrow throat of his girl-friend!

“Oooohhh… suck it! Suck it, Baby! I’m cumming! You are such a fine Bitch girl, ” he rasped down at her as his hips jerked up tightly into her face. His fingers, completely devoid of his control as waves of passion spilled over him, tangled tightly in her hair, pressing her head down harder onto his long, thick penis.

Kathleen fought frantically for breath as the creamy hot fluid suddenly flowed into the warm wet interior of her desperately sucking mouth, rushing into her throat like a river of boiling water. Her cheeks expanded like a balloon as she gulped on the nectar washing into her, determined that she would swallow every precious drop. As she sucked and swallowed in lust-crazed hunger, she fastened her lips like a tight elastic ring around the jerking penis, fearful that she would lose some of the fluid pumping into her.

It was no use, though. Some thin white droplets dribbled from the corners of her lips as his slowly deflating penis oozed from between her still-sucking lips. Thin viscous strings of cum hanging from her moist chin connected her with the long limp organ as Tom’s sinewy hips collapsed back on the chair.

As her lover’s hands managed to untangle themselves from her hair, Kathleen’s trembling shoulders dropped to the floor so that her firm sleek buttocks were sticking even higher into the air. The great rutting animal behind her could now fuck her at will. She felt completely adrift in her mounting passion, and nothing mattered to her at all, save the great animal penis hammering and fucking her from behind, filling her pussy to near-bursting. She ground her blazing loins back mindlessly against Sam’s forward-jerking flanks as she felt the scarlet pointed dick throb into a hugeness that could only mean one thing. He was going to cum!

She suddenly felt her pale thighs and buttocks being swept wider apart in one last crushing lunge as the dog’s powerful haunches smashed against her up-thrust ass-cheeks, shoving his dick’s fully expanded length up into her wide-stretched pussy. In her mind, she could see it sinking still deeper into the pink gaping mouth of her clasping pussy from behind, a relentless steaming shaft of glistening red flesh tunneling ceaselessly into her. She felt the great beast’s furry forepaws tightening around her heaving ribs and his body jerking convulsively over her arching back. Then Kathleen screamed, gasping confused incoherent sounds that blended with the dog’s panting whines as she felt the first hot waves of scalding dog-sperm spewing into the deepest reaches of her vagina.

“Oooohhh… oh… oh… oh… GOD! Fuck me! FUCK MEEEEEE!! AAMAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH…Fill me with your beautiful dog-cum!” she screamed in her delirious excitement.

Feeling some of his strength return, Tom inched a little closer to get a better look at the thick animal semen that was oozing from the wide-spread lips of his girl-friend’s pussy lips, running in rivulets down the ivory columns of her soft, inner thighs. He saw her mouth pop open in a muffled scream as she began to toss her head wildly from side to side, her long blonde hair flailing and whipping around her shoulders as Sam fucked hard into her waving ass from behind. Every muscle in her body contracted as she rose up and nearly fell to the side in a near epileptic attack of quivering. Her tiny hairless asshole clenched and relaxed in sympathetic spasms with the dog’s lunging, squirting dick.

Her smooth ivory backside gleamed in the lights of the room as the great beast’s dick began to deflate and gradually lost its strength, finally slipping out of her with a wet slurping sound. Kathleen lay motionless on the floor, too weary to even lift her head.

The panting coming from between her half-parted lips was the only sound in the kitchen, and as Tom watched her struggling to catch her breath, a thought implanted itself in his mind… and once planted, would not leave it. To be sure, it was only the germ of an idea, and it would need a little working on, but in his imaginative, free-thinking mind, he could see it taking shape.

“Uuuuuuummmmm… oooooohhhhh… that was wonderful, lover,” Kathleen cooed, when she finally found enough strength to say something.

“Yeah… wonderful,” Tom said, his voice revealing that he was lost in thought.

“Is something the matter, Darling?” Kathleen asked. She hadn’t realized it until just this moment, but she could feel herself becoming very dependent on him. He had shown her a way of living that she had never thought she would ever be able to find, and while she knew that the time would come when he would be moving on, she wanted to put off that time as long as possible.

“Matter…? ohhh… I was just thinking about the people next door. We are going to get Natalie over here again with you and Sam. And some how we have to arrange for Mark to see how completely wanton his young pretty wife has become.”

“WOW!” Kathleen had never thought of such an idea. She knew that getting Natalie over for another Sam session would be dead easy. What caused her alarm was how Mark would react when he saw the scene and his adorable little wife squealing and screwing back on the huge red doggie dick that filled her cunt to the max. She knew that Tom had a fertile imagination. He had been to college… he had seen so many things she had not seen.

“That’s right,” Tom said, coming to a standing position. “Like I say, I’m not sure about the details, and I need just a little more information. We’ll listen tonight and see if we can learn what is driving each of them.”


Part Four – The Finale

“I’m home,” Mark said, making his voice sound as tired as he felt. If there was anything he didn’t want at the moment, it was a recurrence of the argument he had had with Natalie in the morning.

“Well… it’s about time,” Natalie said, coming, out of the kitchen drying her hands. “I expected you home over an hour ago.”

“Honey… the boss was really bending my ear. I couldn’t get away from him,” Mark told her, silently praying for a little understanding. “Not even to call me and tell me you would be late?” She raised her eye brows, and Mark could see that he was headed for a confrontation.

“Come on, Natalie, have a heart. He’s the boss.”

“And he’s more important than I am, right?” she said. Her voice was cold, low and almost threatening. Mark regarded her as though he were looking at a total stranger. She was staring back at him, looking at him right in the eyes, her own lovely gray pools seething with an anger she had been developing all day. “I tried to call you at the office, but some woman kept telling me that you were busy.”

The secretary that had been assigned to me, Mark thought. An efficient lady, and all business, but Mark didn’t even remember her name.

“How about a drink before we have dinner?” Mark suggested, hoping that by changing the subject he could calm her down.

But Natalie was pissed. She had been sleeping all day. The way Mark had just walked out on her like that had really set her off, and she was not about to be appeased by the fact that he had such an old hat excuse as a hard day at the office.

“Dinner is ruined,” she said, never taking her eyes off his. “And we don’t have anything to drink in the house. Besides, you smell as though you’ve had plenty to drink all ready.”

“Just a couple, honest honey; my boss was really putting them down. I was just pretending to hold my own against him.”

“You mean… you mean you were spent the entire afternoon drinking?” Natalie shrieked. “I don’t believe it. You were drinking all afternoon, and you couldn’t even slip away to give me a call. That’s all I wanted. Just a phone call to let me know you remembered I’m alive.”

“I told you… I couldn’t get away,” Mark said. He was feeling desperate now. He had never seen his wife acting like this. Right from the day he had met her, she had been warm and understanding. He couldn’t believe that one day after their honeymoon, she was turning into some kind of a whining bitch, trying to bend him to her own will.

“You could have gotten away if you wanted,” Natalie said, determined that she would hold her ground. “You just didn’t want to get away. Why won’t you admit it?”

They stared at each other, each thinking that a terrible mistake had been made in their getting married. “I don’t have to stand here and take this, that’s for sure,” Mark said, picking his coat up from the table next to the door where he had set it down. “I put up with an incredible amount of shit at the office. I don’t have to put up with it here.”

After giving her a steely gaze, he spun around and walked out the door, slamming it behind him in a repeat performance of the morning. Natalie opened and closed her fists, staring at the door as though she expected that Mark would just come right back in.

She couldn’t believe what had happened. She had been pissed all day, and she was convinced that she was justified at being angry at her husband. All she wanted was what any normal woman wanted. She had become very aroused in the morning, and Mark had failed to even attempt to satisfy her. She had wanted to finger her vagina all day, but she held off, preferring to wait until Mark came home and let him take care of her. As the day had worn on, she had become more and more frustrated with just thinking about his long thick dick. And when he hadn’t called, she had felt even worse.

And now this! She wanted to cry. This wasn’t what she had wanted at all, but the mounting of her sexual passion had put her nerves on edge, until she had to lash out at someone. Mark had just been there… the very person she didn’t want to make angry.

But if Natalie was angry, both Kathleen and Tom were feeling on the top of the world. Tom had explained as much as he could to Kathleen, and he was pleasantly surprised to learn that she shared in his excitement for adventure. Things had been getting pretty dull she told him. This idea of Tom’s might liven up the atmosphere around the neighborhood. When Mark came home that evening, they were outside on their enclosed deck in order to hear everything the house next door. Tom and Kat smiled and were ready to pounce when Mark stormed out of the apartment.

“Okay, love,” Tom said, putting the leash on Sam. “I think he’s about as ready as you are. Go out and get him. Just play it cool.”

“Don’t worry about me,” Kathleen said as she slipped into a light jacket. “I just hope he doesn’t wander all over town.”

“He won’t. I’ve seen things like this before. He’ll head straight to the nearest bar. He should be easy pickings for you.” He gave her a little wink as she opened the door. Giving her a little time to leave the hall, he looked at Sam.

“Well, friend, looks like you and me are going for a little walk. Would you like that?”

Sam perked up his ears. He had been a little confused when Kathleen walked out of the apartment without him, and while he liked Tom, he wasn’t sure what was happening.

Taking the dog’s leash, Tom led him down the walk and over to the house next to his. He knocked on the door and waited patiently, not certain about what would happen, but knowing that as long as he played things by ear, everything would turn out. Sam was his ace of trump!

Natalie opened the door with a beaming face, hoping that it was her husband. When she saw that it wasn’t, her expression fell.

“Ooohhh… hello,” she said, gazing long and hard into Tom’s dark eyes. Then, feeling something rubbing against her leg, she looked down to see the huge Great Dane.

“Hi,” Tom said, smiling in as friendly a manner as he could. “Sam and I were out for a walk and thought we would drop in and say Hi to you and Mark.”

At first Natalie thought of telling him that she just wanted to be alone, but she thought the better of that. She really didn’t want to be alone. “Tom is not home yet,” she said, “however, I expect he will be along after a while.” “Come in,” she said, smiling sweetly… innocently. “And how is Sam today?”

Tom entered the apartment and looked around automatiTom. Sam found a place in the middle of the floor and sat there eyeing the woman. His keen nose told him something that even Tom, with all his experience in dealing with women, didn’t notice. This woman was aroused, and Sam began thinking that he had been brought here to again lick the vagina of this lady. He liked her right away from the first time, but he knew that he would have to wait until he was told before he could sniff her pussy.

“I’d offer you something to drink, but we don’t have anything at the moment. I haven’t had time to get anything but Coke.”

“Coke is fine,” Tom said casually, watching her as she entered the kitchen. He knew right away that he and Kathleen had hit gold with this one. She was really friendly, and she was actually acting as though she didn’t want him to think she was married.

And the way she walked was also encouraging. She was deliberately swaying her lush, firm ass back and forth, the tight skirt she was wearing clinging to the fleshy orbs of her buttocks, showing him the outline of her ass. She was really a lovely woman… more so than hearing her voice through the wall would have indicated, and he could feel his dick growing in his pants. As she stood in front of the refrigerator, she offered him a profile of her ripe body, and Tom’s eyes went from the graceful swell of her hips to the generous out-thrusting of her breasts.

He could tell that she was not wearing a bra, and her breasts were both large and firm, their nipples strangely swollen and straining against the thin cloth of her white cotton blouse. He loved the way her bright blonde hair fell lushly to her softly rounded shoulders and bounced as she walked from the kitchen back to the dining room. Her breasts jiggled as she walked as well, and she took a seat at the other end of the couch from him, turning full to him as she offered him an opened can of Coke.

“I like to think that someone has to make the first move on things tha occur in the neighborhood. Kie when someone new moves in, or if one of our close couples is having problems,” Tom said casually, taking a drink from the can and resting his eyes on her melon-shaped breasts. Uuuummmm… they were really nice looking, and it was all the young man could do to keep from reaching out and squeezing them right then and there. He knew that if he just held off a little, he would be getting his dick into her soon enough. No point in rushing things. He’d learned long ago that playing a hand too early can be worse than disastrous.

“I think that’s a very nice idea,” she told him, her eyes sparkling. As she took a sip of her own drink, she caught herself doing something she never thought she would ever do in her own home. She was actually flirting with Tom. She couldn’t believe it, but as she thought about it, she was puzzled by the fact that it really didn’t bother her. But what really startled her was that she was all but going out of her way to let him think she was available and ready for fucking! This thought really confused her, and she turned away from him to face front, looking at the dog still sitting in the middle of the room.

There was something about Sam, the dog… something strange and exciting. If she didn’t know better, she would have sworn that the dog, Sam, she reminded herself, was actually trying to look up her skirt. Even though she believed that was silly, she remembered how the dog had acted with Bess at the swinging party and how he acted when she was over with Kathleen just a day or so ago. That Sam was some kind of lover, but Natalie wasn’t sure she wanted Tom to know what she had done with Sam.

“So tell me,” she said, once again facing the rather handsome young man sitting on the other end of the couch. “Where is Kathleen?”

“Oooohhh, she is out looking for something. I am not sure where she went or when she will be back. I’m not concerned though, she is a big girl,” Tom said in an off-handed manner. “She and I sort of come and go as we please. I have a great deal of freedom, and I allow Kathleen all the freedom she desires. We both meet some interesting people. I learn a great deal from people. More than I ever did from books.”

“Were you a student?”

“Oh yes, an engineering graduate. I was a very good student too, but the whole college thing really bored me. After I got my degree, I worked with a friend and we collaborated on an invention that has done well. Now, I consult to others on applications of our invention but in truth, I wanted to be free and see as many things as I could.”

“You’re something of a romantic,” Natalie remarked, smiling and making her eyes twinkle. She had heard a lot about people who traveled about, but she had never met one of them. To her, the whole idea sounded very nice.

“That I am,” Tom said, noting that she had turned herself in a rather seductive manner. The young man was pretty certain that what she was doing was purely sub-conscious, but she was definitely coming on him. “And you? What do you do? I did not ask at the parties, but of course, we had another agenda for those.” Both laughed at the lack of social amenities at the swinging parties hosted by Tom and Kathleen.

“Oooohhh… uh… nothing at the moment. I’m looking for a job.”

“Is that so?” Tom said, raising his eye brows. “A pretty girl like you should find herself a line of work she enjoys rather than a line of work just to stay busy.” Tom said, giving her a side long glance.

“That’s a thought,” Natalie said, still smiling. God! She thought. What the hell am I doing? I’m all but throwing myself at Tom, and Mark could come home at any moment. What’s the matter with me?

She decided that she was playing the game just a little too seriously, but after the way Mark had walked out on her twice in the same day, she really didn’t feel all that guilty. The tingling she had felt in her vagina since the morning was really getting to her, and she found that every time she moved, the tingling increased. Occasionally, as she and Tom made small talk, she dropped her eyes to his muscular-looking loins. She noticed that he had a semi-erection, and she began to feel a little bad that she was leading him on. The anger Mark had infused in her was being re-channeled into overt flirtation toward Tom.

As they continued to make small talk, Natalie tried to be not so seductive. Sam moved back and forth padding his great forepaws on the rug. His keen sense of smell noticed an increasing of the woman’s arousal. He wondered why he was being made to sit and submit himself to this torture. Her feminine odor was wafting against his nostrils, and he wanted nothing more than to press his long nose tightly against her aromatic pussy. He made a little impatient whine, which went unnoticed by both Tom and Natalie and his ears drooped. He knew he had to wait for the signal before he did anything, but there was an aching in his animal loins that would not go away. It was getting stronger. For some reason, his master was just talking to this pretty woman. At least if her clothes were off, he would know that sooner or later, he would get a chance to drive his long thick tongue deeply into the seething sluice of her pussy. But neither man nor woman appeared to notice him.

Finally, Sam could stand it no longer. The dog knew that no command had been issued, but all his discipline and training was fast fading. He had to act and act fast! Getting to his feet, he slowly walked over to where Natalie was sitting on the couch and stood up on his hind legs, his strong forepaws pressing tightly against her swollen breasts for support. Then he lashed out with his tongue, swiping it in a friendly manner.

“Ooooooohhhhh…” Natalie said, at first startled, and then, realizing that the dog was just being friendly, relieved and playful. Sam gave her smooth, flawless face several laps with his thick damp tongue. Natalie set her can of Coke down on the small end table. She took his great, furry head between her hands and scratched him behind his ears.

“Sam!” Tom said in a mock scolding voice. He knew that the dog had been going through sheer hell, and that it was only a matter of time before he would make a move. Tom had been counting on something like this. He made only a feeble effort to pull the huge dog away from Natalie. The weight of the dog pressing against her caused Natalie to sit back, and her legs reflexively opened to maintain her balance. The aroused dog was not going to be stopped merely by the voice of his master. He lowered himself to the floor and, seeing that the pretty woman’s legs were now spread, he inched his face forward.

Everything seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. His long tongue shot out as far as he could make it go at the heat he could sense emanating from the crevice between her thighs. Sam felt some relief, but also some frustration as his fleshy, wet tongue pressed tightly up against her panties. He tasted that they were soaked with the flowing juices of the desire he had smelled rising from her, and he stabbed at the cloth covering her crotch as though his life depended on it. The effect on Natalie was as if she had been touched there by an electric live wire.

Every thought in her mind seemed to come to a sudden halt. She couldn’t have been more surprised if Tom had just lunged for her. She also couldn’t have been more aroused if her own husband had placed his hand on the cum-soaked nylon of her skimpy panties. She stiffened in amazement and drew in a sharp, hissing breath, momentarily forgetting that Tom was sitting in the room with her as the dog’s insistent tongue, in its desperate desire to enter her pussy, actually slipped up under one elastic leg band and came into direct contact with her passion-flushed vaginal lips.

Her hazel eyes sprang wide open in complete shock. She was not certain that Kathleen had not told Tom of the afternoon rendezvous she, Sam and Kathleen had a couple of days back. Natalie looked down, stunned at the intensity of her reaction. She hoped more than anything that allowing Sam to fuck her a few days ago was not information Tom had learned. If Tom knew, then mark would soon know. Natalie would die of embarrassment. Her own control over her body was slipping away from her as she felt Sam’s tongue again slip under a panty leg-band and slither hotly, wetly, into her pussy sluice!

“AAAAAAHHHHHHH…” she gasped as all her breath left her body in one mighty rush. She tried to clamp her legs shut to prevent the dog from continuing.

“SAM… TOM…!!” Natalie turned a passion-flushed face to the man who was sitting on the other end of the couch, wanting him to pull the great dog away from her, yet actually wishing and hoping that he wouldn’t. The thought of having Sam lick her pussy, between her legs, was bad to her, but not as bad as having another man watch the dog doing it.

“No… no… no…” she gasped, trying to find the strength to do what she knew she had to do.

Natalie was further shocked to see that Tom was merely smiling at her. When he spoke to her, his voice sounded as though he were a million miles away.

“Sam really likes you, Natalie. And it looks like you really like him. And from what he is doing, I have the feeling you and he are better acquainted than most people know!”

She couldn’t believe he’d said that, but again, Sam made a stab with his tongue against her wet, seething pussy under her skirt, and her mind was completely washed clean of any rational thought.

“I… I… I…” she stammered, trying to think of something to say, and failing completely. Her shame was that of having Tom watching her while this dog licked desperately at her vagina. She wanted to scream! Both in ecstasy and shame; she wanted to reach down and remove Sam’s head from between her thighs. But she couldn’t! Each keening stab he made with his hot, wet, semi-rough tongue against her needing pussy drained her strength and will. Natalie was so horny, she was helpless to move.

Taking his can of Coke with him, Tom came to a standing position. “I think you’ll just have to let Sam have his way,” he said in a calm rational voice. Inwardly, he was jumping for glee. In no time, Natalie would be ripping her clothes off and letting Sam get at her pussy with no abandon. And after Sam was done with her, Tom was going to take a turn! Things were working out pretty nicely.

Natalie pulled her hips back, breaking the contact the dog’s tongue made with her pussy. She felt a bit of her strength returning to her, and she tried to regain her sense of composure.

“You mean… I… I should… I should just strip and let… let this dog… AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH…!” she wailed out again as Sam moved into position and again shot his tongue out against Natalie’s passion-flooded pussy lips. That was the final straw. The frustration she felt from her husband’s neglect had finally reached the breaking point. Sam’s long thick tongue shot out, this time to bury itself well inside her soft vaginal opening. The texture of the dog’s tongue seemed to send a million tiny fire-tipped needles searing through her aroused body. Natalie knew that she couldn’t help herself. It would serve Mark right if he came home and found her being licked by the dog while their neighbor watched. In fact, the whole idea of Mark actually seeing her like that would probably teach him a lesson.

Somehow, with her mind now made up, she found the strength to tear her blouse from her chest, popping all the buttons in her haste to get naked. She didn’t care that a near stranger was watching her doing this. She didn’t care that a dog was giving her such incredible pleasure. All that mattered was the pleasure itself, and she was going to take full advantage of it. Come what may!

Her full, sensuous breasts spilled to either side as they were freed from their confining garment. Before she could find the side zipper of her skirt the dog’s darting pink tongue flickered over her still-covered loins, again taking the breath from her lungs. She drew her legs up and spread them, letting the bottom hem of her skirt ride all the way up to her waist, completely exposing her panty-covered pussy to the dog’s skillfully lashing tongue. Was this actually happening, Natalie thought to herself? Could this be real? Was this just a strange dream? Again and again she thought that the very least she could do was ask Tom to leave.

But her body would not listen to the reasoning of her mind. This was the pleasure that had been denied her all day… the pleasure she had so desperately wanted, that had been so cruelly withheld from her by her husband. What difference did it make that Tom would see her?

By the time these thoughts had sorted themselves out in her mind, she had found the zipper of her skirt, and she pulled it down, spreading the garment out beneath her, panting as though she had just broken the world record for running the mile. And even though Sam’s body was in the way, she still managed to hoist her firm buttocks up off the couch cushions.

“Aaaaaaahhhhhhh…” she moaned in soul-satisfying relief as she stretched her now completely naked body out on the couch, letting the curling, dipping, thrusting tongue take total control over her body, lapping molten fire into her pussy with each loving stroke. Yes! Yes! Why bother to fight it she finally thought? She had wanted something like this all day. She had even prevented herself from fingering her body so that she would be all the more ready for her husband, and he had just walked out. And Tom certainly didn’t seem like the kind of person who thought this was wrong or depraved.

“Oooohhhh… ooohhh…” she heard her voice moan, “Ohhhhhh Sam, do it! Do me! Lick me! Lick my pussy… my pussy… Oooohhh… make me cum…!”

The last of her resistance gone, Natalie’s hips started a slow grinding up toward the dog’s pleasure-giving tongue. She thrust her steaming pussy tightly against his long snout, her heels digging into the couch beneath to give her more leverage. Out and in, out and in, the long thick tongue flashed wetly. Natalie lifted her head and watched with passion-glazed eyes as Sam licked her skillfully. The Dane started at her tiny little anus, gliding hotly over the quivering mouth of her vagina, splaying aside her fever-pink pussy-lips and slicing through the soft moist flesh to finally rasp maddeningly across her erect, budding clitoris.

Tom smiled and watched as Sam licked tirelessly, happily at the soft bare mound of treasures spread so wantonly before him. Tom knew that Sam was savoring the hot musky taste and odor, and was trying to slip his tongue as far as possible up into Natalie’s fluttering pussy cavern. The handsome animal looked and acted happy, and even though he had broken training, Tom would not reprimand the dog for this transgression.

Natalie seemed to have gone crazy beneath the slavering animal. Continuous choking mewls of abandoned pleasure streamed from her half-parted lips and her buttocks churned wildly on the couch. Her pussy was lashed to frenzy by the long tongue slicing deep into her most secret parts. Flailing, thrashing, moaning, the completely conquered woman twisted beneath the animal-lover in wanton acceptance. She welcomed his long pink tongue in her innermost depths, totally lost in the ecstasy which was washing away the frustration her husband had caused her.

“Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh… aaaaaaaahhhhhhaaahhhhh…” she chanted mindlessly, each moaning utterance matching a burning swipe of Sam’s wildly flicking tongue. She knew that she was going to cum. She knew that nothing could hold her back. A throbbing force had taken possession of her belly, just waiting for the moment when it would sweep over her entire body, making her a helpless puppet, pulled by the age-old strings of culminating passion. She remembered an identical feeling just days ago and she admitted to Kathleen then, she had never known anything like this… not even with her husband! This was so wonderful… so totally, wickedly wonderful…!

The gasping young wife’s eyes opened to stare at the ceiling, and she felt as though she were floating up to it. The force inside her belly was growing relentlessly, stretching itself thinner and thinner with each wonderful swipe Sam made with his glorious tongue, seeming to fill her belly with a shuddering tension that would have to burst or split her wide open.

Then suddenly, the orgasm that had been denied her by her husband exploded through her like fireworks searing her insides with white-hot bolts of pure energy, and pure unfettered passion! A long low wailing moan hissed from her throat and her screaming loins thrust upward one last time as her legs held her whole body rigid in an attitude of shuddering tension.

She couldn’t move beyond that. She remained rigidly in place. The cords in her slender neck stood out sharply against translucent white skin while the incredible explosion went on deep up inside her spasming body. It was an endless moment of climaxing for the young woman, without time or special reference, just an on-going internal silent explosion that swept away every thought from her mind.

When it was finally over, Natalie’s whole body went limp as if someone had cut her strings. She rolled off the couch onto the floor in a gasping heap. She lay on her belly for what seemed like an eternity, letting the pleasant little after-shocks of her orgasm ripple through her. It was a long time before she could even begin to think.

Sam looked at her. He liked licking her seething little pussy. It had been moist and hot and very, very sweet, and he wondered if something was wrong with the woman as she lay moaning softly on the floor. He lowered his furry head and sniffed the air, trying to pick up the scent of something wrong. There was nothing but the heady aroma of her passion fluids still dripping from her quivering vaginal lips. He whined once, and then looked to Tom, waiting for further instructions. While he had been licking Natalie, his long thick animal penis had emerged from its furry sheath, and he could feel a dull ache in his dog-balls, letting him know that, if everything was all right, he wanted to fuck the lovely lady.

Natalie was besieged with conflicting emotions and sensations. On one hand, she felt as if she were being torn to shreds by the hot, drilling doggie tongue that reamed her vaginal cove. But on the other hand, she found that as long as she yielded to the sensations streaming through her body, it was delightful… more than delightful.

Sam began to grow more and more impatient. The scent of young woman filled the room. It was all he could do to control himself. He leaped down from the couch where he had been patiently waiting and snuggled up tight against Natalie.

“Well… looks like we have someone here who would like another round,” the young blonde girl said with glee.

“He’s such an amazing little pussy licker… Did Kathleen train him?” Natalie asked with admiration.

“Uh huh,” Tom answered. He told the young pretty wife the same story Kathleen had told him on how she started with dogs. She had run away from home and was picked up by the police. Since her parents didn’t want her back, she had been put in a home for runaways. One of the women matrons there had a dog and the woman introduced Kathleen to girl/girl sex as well as doggy/girl sex. “So when Kathleen and I got together, she had me get Sam for her.”

“Ooooooohhhhhh… that is really hot. I would like to hear the whole story about that,” Natalie cooed.

“Kathleen will have to tell you,” said Tom. “It isn’t my story to tell.”
Natalie’s respect and admiration for the man instantly went up a few notches.

“I think Sam has plans for you,” Tom said. “And you would be the person who would like to direct Sam and I,” Natalie said pleasantly. “You’re quite a bright man.”

Tom beamed. He had known all along what he was going to do at this point. “Suppose the three of us go into the bedroom and you take care of Sam. I’m certain I will have some pretty interesting ideas in that department.”

Natalie’s nostrils flared and her eyelashes fluttered. Everything seemed so right to her. She walked to the bedroom and sank down on the bed. Tom was so intent on watching Natalie and Sam that he remained standing in the doorway. Natalie instinctively squeezed her thighs together over Sam’s furry head as she felt his cold wet nose pressed again silky plump pussy. Her pussy began to tingle with desire and her heart beat furiously.

She glanced at Tome in the doorway. The dog’s big dick had nearly reached its full length and he had inclined his head — his eyes locked tightly on the firm bodied young woman. The soft wet slap of his moist pink tongue sounded against her pussy lips like a ripe watermelon bursting as it fell from a truck to the sidewalk. THAA-WAAP.

Tom could hear Natalie gasping for air as she watched Kathleen’s dog lick her again. Sam’s head and tongue moved in slow, calculating movements. He would wrap his tongue hotly over her pussy and as he drug his head upward, the flat tongue would separate and part Natalie’s hot soaking cunt lips. Sam would continue to drag his tongue upward until its rough texture would rasp over Natalie’s swollen throbbing clit. Each long slow stroking lick of the dog’s tongue would result in a long low mewl like wail from Natalie.

The young girl had never felt anything like this. She could feel the flow of a warm heavy liquid secreting from her own heated loins. The liquid washed down through her vagina and out between the moist outer lips of her trembling pussy. It seemed to flow like a river, and before she knew what was happening, her belly was clenching and unclenching as if in lewd desire for a long thick penis to fill her hungry depths.

A sharp pang of excitement flashed through Tom’s burning loins as Sam whimpered and then endeavored to slide his tongue deeply inside Natalie’s gushing pussy. Tom gasped as Sam’s tongue and nose worked furiously between Natalie’s thighs. The moisture from her tingling pussy lips had become a virtual torrent. Desire swam in her belly like a raging forest fire, and Sam’s instinctual whimpers from between her splayed thighs only seemed to encourage the excitement that was making her pussy boil.

Then Tom’s eyes opened wide as she saw Natalie roll to her hands and knees. She moved on all fours toward Sam. The big dog jerked up his head, removing his tongue from her drenched pussy.

The dog watched her dangling breasts dance whitely beneath her body as she moved across the bed. Her nipples were hard and grazing the sheet from moment to moment as she crawled. The big dog shifted as his penis emerged still farther, pulsing with blood. The beautiful girl’s mouth was watering hungrily, filling with saliva, and she gazed raptly and with ardent unconcealed desire at Sam’s massive canine dick.

Then, uttering a sigh of complete enchantment and happiness, Natalie’s head fell forward as her fingers gripped the base of the Great Dane’s hotly throbbing shaft, her long wavy blonde hair fanning out on each side. Her open mouth moved forward to capture his glistening red animal penis. Her warm moist mouth made an oval shape like a bitch’s pussy over his burning hot dick. Natalie closed her lips in a soft wet pressure around it. The dog’s sharp teeth clattered in his head as Natalie began ardently to suck. Whimpers and groans of pleasure escaped Sam’s throat in chorus with the sighs and mewls issuing happily from Natalie’s lips around his pulsating rod of flesh. Tom watched spellbound from the doorway.

Natalie was sucking with fervor on the lust-engorged shaft of the huge dog Sam, and for the beautiful blonde there was nothing in the world that could hold a candle to a dog’s dick for pure pleasure. No matter that she had not done this kind of thing very many times, it was overwhelmingly exciting for her. With her tongue and mouth laving Sam’s penis to death, she felt as if she were growing dizzy and in another moment would swoon dead away from sensual happiness. As her lips and tongue moved over his slippery rigidity, feeling every last lurid pulsation and blood-swollen ridge, her pussy moistened hopelessly and her dick-hungry belly felt as if it were full of butterflies. This warm animal penis was well worth worshiping… dog dick in her mouth was the most incredible sensation in the world. Tom’s nostrils flared as he watched his neighbor’s obscene display.

Tom couldn’t repress a shudder. His eyes glazed over and he panted helplessly, watching this amazing display of unspeakable lewdness. By now, Natalie has engulfed most the length of the long thick dog dick into her mouth. Sam slowly rocked his powerful hips to and fro as thought he were fucking her mouth.

Then abruptly, Sam lifted his nose as Natalie turned on the bed. Looking to her right, she spied the low bench seat that matched her vanity table. She crawled off the bed and pulled the bench from under the table. Sam followed her nudging her hips forward and upward with his huge head. Once Natalie had the bench in place, she draped her body over it using the seat to support her tummy. Her pussy raised up, and Sam’s immense head lowered again and his thick pink tongue slithered far up into the exposed cleft between the groaning woman’s buttocks.

Tom was breathless from the incomparable performance, but even more so from the rhythmic tongue-fucking she was getting along her vaginal furrow from Sam. Natalie gasped and made small, hoarse groans, gripping the legs of the bench with clenched fists.

Now Natalie reached back in order to spread her creamy white ass cheeks open like a curtain from her delicately throbbing anus, giving the dog’s tongue plenty of room as it worked on her burning hot crevice with increasing urgency.

“Ah… oh… oh… that… that’s it… daaaaaarling… oh my God… my God!” the mournful sobbing cries of pure lust tumbled from her sensually parted lips.

Watching this licentious depravity, Tom could feel the flame escalating in his own belly. The aching hunger spread from his abdomen down into his raging hard dick. He labored gasping for breath, while Natalie arched her pelvis in order to push her pussy tighter into Sam’s wildly lapping face.

Natalie knelt up, elevating her white alluring buttocks, bending farther over the bench before her furry master in willing surrender. His long, relentless tongue was driving her totally wild. She was on all fours now and the huge dog mounted her smoothly spread ass-cheeks, his forepaws gripping her sleek, sweat slicked back, his curling lips dripping saliva all over her naked flesh. His glistening scarlet penis had slipped about 10 inches out of its furry sheath. The beginning swell of the dog dick knot was visible. The dog dick was dripping milk-white animal pre-cum from its pointed tip. The tapered end of it slipped and danced in the hot, damp crevice of Natalie’s loins as the dog trembled and jerked, trying to locate the girl’s soft puffy pussy.

The decadent blonde looked behind her, shifting her upraised buttocks in order to capture the dog’s rapidly lengthening dick. She strove desperately to scabbard the long, pinkly glistening organ in her voraciously grasping pussy mouth, but the dog’s penis kept slipping up to rub maddeningly against her clitoris, the throbbing redness of his penis contrasting starkly with the woman’s glistening pink pussy.

Tom, still watching incredulous from the doorway was hopelessly awash with lust. The depraved reality of Natalie’s hunger for Sam forced Tom to release his massive erect dick from his trousers. Walking to the front of the bench, Tom waved his flagstaff in front of Natalie’s face. Just as Natalie’s experienced cunt captured Sam’s slippery dick into her hot wet pussy, Tom slide his dick into her opening mouth.

Natalie’s attention was riveted on her pussy and the dog dick as Sam suddenly found his footing and buried his hot red dick with a lurch up inside the blonde’s upturned vagina. It slithered forward with a wet rush until it was sunk to the hilt in her quivering white belly, the animal’s sperm-filled testicles swinging below to smack heavily into the woman’s wetly dripping vaginal lips. A moan of relief broke from her lust-contorted lips and she moved rhythmically forward on Tom’s dick in her throat.

His forelegs wrapped snugly around her smoothly curved hips, and she undulated her body in small lewd circles, abandoning herself to this delicious, searing animal-fucking of her hot little pussy. Her face turned sidewise and Tom could see the delighted rapture that had spread across it, her long red hair spilling over her cheeks and fanning out on the ground. Her desire-swollen breasts swayed this way and that beneath her sensuously writhing torso, dancing in time to the skewering dog-dick as it slid upward into her welcoming vagina, a relentless hot poker of glistening hardness burying itself deeply and thrillingly within her yearning pussy.

By now Tom’s breath was coming in tight, frantic gasps and the burning sensation bubbling in his belly was almost too much to endure. He felt as if his eyes would explode right out of his head. Of course Kathleen had told him a complete detailed account of the afternoon she and Natalie had with Sam a couple of days ago, but Tom never imagined Natalie could be so wild so soon and without any inhibitors in her. Tom’s body perspired feverishly as he watched the hottest thing he had ever seen play out before him.

And just before him not three feet away, Natalie was now clearly out of her mind and was shouting lewd encouragement to the dumb beast through desperately clenched teeth.

“Oh! Fuck me harder! Oh God! Oh Sam! I want to feel all of it! Blow your hot cum in to my belly, Sam! HURRY!”

Natalie seemed no longer human, but rather a part of the dog, an extension of his bestiality, a trembling mass of yelping and squealing lust-deranged flesh pleading to be mercilessly fucked by the dog, its heavily veined dick moving like a piston swiftly in and out of her tender young vaginal passage. She was reveling in her abandoned lust, grinding her buttocks salaciously back against his furry form.

The pressure was building volcanically in Tom’s loins too, as Sam continued to fuck ravenously into Natalie’s drenched cunt. Occasionally, like an attentive lover, the dog would lick Natalie’s back and neck causing her squirming ass to dance more fervidly on Sam’s rigid red 13” dick.

Tom’s breathing was coming in ardent, ragged gasps. He watched the obscene display occurring in front of him. Suddenly there was a long, wailing moan from his lust-possessed neighbor. Natalie thrashed madly, as the sound one of pure unbearable pleasure broke from her delicate throat. Clearly, the blonde was hurtling through a soul shattering orgasm, working her pussy greedily up and down the dog’s huge dick almost as fast as he pummeled her with it. The Great Dane’s tongue lolled wetly out of his jaws as he fucked her with ferocious abandon, his saliva dripping into a pool that formed in the milky smooth estuary of her back.


Natalie sobbed uncontrollably. Sam jerked forward, his massive grapefruit sized knot burying in Natalie’s soaked pussy. The intrusion of such a huge bit of flesh past such firm and tight muscles caused Natalie to scream. After the initial shock and once her sweet cunt had closed around the dog dick shaft behind the knot, Natalie felt the same sensation as she had felt a few days before when she was with Sam. That knot rubbed against something inside Natalie’s pussy.

The rubbing and pressure of that knot against the something inside Natalie’s pussy resulted in earth quake like waves of strong sensations and feelings originating in her tummy and radiating outward toward her pussy and clitoris. Natalie felt an uncontrollable urge to pee. Sam was shuddering from head to foot, and began yelping a series of lengthy, drawn-out whimpers as he sank his heavy penis in Natalie and began to jack-hammer short rapid and powerful strokes into Natalie’s pussy. Sam’s dick commenced spitting sperm in deep, hot spurts up into her greedy womb.

Natalie’s smooth round buttocks contracted uncontrollably, signaling the orgiastic upheaval in her wildly fluttering belly. Thick white liquid seeped back out from their tightly locked connection, spreading out over her sensuously quivering ass-cheeks… with trails of sticky wetness that ran down the ivory columns of her thighs. Her buttocks shone in the light, displaying her cum-soaked pubic hair and below that her sated pink pussy flesh. Finally the blonde pitched forward, sobbing with happiness, onto her face, her entire body bathed in perspiration from her feverish, mind-shattering climax. The dog’s rapidly deflating penis slid slowly from her semen flooded passage with a soft lewd sucking noise. And then in one final move of obscene depravity, the beast dropped his head to her still warm and widespread pussy and licked at the hot white moisture seeping from her open oval flesh.

It was this last licentious act as much as anything which brought Tom flying shudderingly upward towards her own magnificent climax. She could feel every last nerve and sinew in her body begin to shake and sputter, and she closed her eyes tightly, muttering heatedly:

“Oh no… stop… get away… oh… oh… don’t stop… oh God… I’m going to… oh no… no… oooooohhhhhh…” She jerked her pelvis forward as her entire body began shuddering mindlessly from head to foot. A deep, rasping gurgle of happiness seemed to be ripping her throat apart, and her lungs and belly with it. She wanted to cry out for happiness, to scream, to leap up into the air. The great happy feeling in her churning loins was like nothing she had ever experienced in her entire life. Her loins seemed to open up like a flower under the heat of a tropic sun. It was as if there was a small sun inside her going nova, and she groaned lavishly devoured by pleasure.

Tom completely lost touch with the world for several long moments as Natalie mewled and sobbed with uncontrollable happiness as Sam licked her to completion. Her pelvis shuddered upward to his face and the tides of her orgasm threatened to carry her off.

As her exhausted and happy flesh quivered downward from the majestic heights of her climax, she found herself panting for breath, a delirious relaxed and happy smile plastered across her face. When she opened her eyes and rejoined the world, Natalie was no longer ashamed or embarrassed with her act with Sam. For a moment, Tom wondered if Natalie was in shock because Natalie had let his dog Sam fuck her! And worse, Natalie had allowed him to watch. Slowly, the beautiful blonde girl relaxed her muscles. Her clenching pussy no longer clamped onto Sam’s huge hard dick. Having blown nearly a quart of puppy cum into the pretty young girl, Sam’s dick knot subsided. With a loud and audible “PLOP” the massive doggy dick withdrew from Natalie’s fantastic pussy.

Tom had now learned that Natalie was more wanton than any women he had ever known. Tom knew Natalie would demand Mark to get her a huge male dog. Natalie would explain to him that Kathleen had introduced her to Sam and huge cum filled red doggie dick. Natalie would make her young husband see she was determined to own her own dog. Natalie would demand that Mark buy her one… just to keep her happy when Mark wasn’t around. Tom didn’t care because he never seemed to tire of watching Natalie and Sam go at it. The thing she had for that dog was something Mark would have to witness rather than hear about in whispers,. Tom was glad he was able to see it first hand.