(c) 2004 by katmando

It was a clear crisp fall day when Hillary awoke to the sound of leaves rustling outside her window. The sun was shining brightly and there was the aroma of burning leaves in the air. Suddenly Hillary realized what day it was. It was Saturday the day her parents were to leave for a trip that would take them away from home for several days. Hillary was to remain to care for the house and animals on their farm. She was very excited about this, since she had never had this responsibility before. She had always gone with her parents or been left at home with her older brothers, who were now off to college. Hillary being just eighteen thought this was a good way to show her parents that she was now an adult and could Handle things.

Hillary jumped from bed and pulled on her blue jeans and a sweater. She ran to the bathroom and in between pulled on her socks and shoes. She was dressed now and ran down stairs to see her parents stacking their luggage near the front door. They too were rushing around like mad to get everything ready for their trip. Hillary said good morning and walked into the kitchen pouring herself a cup of coffee. She sat at the kitchen table and glanced at the news paper as she peered out the window towards the barn yard.

Her mother and father then came into the kitchen and began to discuss their upcoming plans. Her father wanted to go over all their plans and instructions one last time with Hillary. He began to read off notes and instructions for feeding the animals and numbers where he could be reached etc. Hillary smiled and said, “Dad! We’ve been over this and over this. It’s going to be ok. I know how to care for the animals. Relax and enjoy your trip.” Suddenly her father realized that Hillary was right. She was going to handle things while he was away. Hillary and her parents discussed the last details of the trip while they finished their coffee. With the coffee being finished Hillary’s parents kissed her goodbye and loaded their luggage into the car.

After loading their luggage in the car her parents headed off down the lane leaving the small farm. Hillary knew that she was going to enjoy this week without her parents because she had big plans. But first she had to feed the animals and get things done before she could enjoy herself. She walked to the barn where she fed their registered stallion. He was about 16 hands high and coal black. He was very gentle as far as stallion’s go, Hillary could do anything with him without any fear of being injured. She went into his stall and fed him his grain and hay and then opened his door allowing him to run in the open barn yard.

Next Hillary walked over to the pen where she kept her ram, sheep, and goats in. They too were friendly towards Hillary and nuzzled her as she entered their pen. She bedded them with new straw and fed them hay and grain. Hillary then went outside and around to the hog shed where she kept her prize winning boar, Big. Hillary had in the past entered him into the school fair and won first place. He was white with black spots and very attentive towards Hillary. She fed him his grain and made sure that all was ok with the other hogs in their respective pens.

Hillary continued to feed and care for the animals in the barn and their pens nearby. Suddenly she realized that she had in all the excitement nearly forgotten about her German Shepherd named, LC. She walked over to his kennel and let him out for his daily run around the yard as she fed and watered him. LC was a large male shepherd with a beautiful black and tan coat. LC weighed at about 110 pounds and was friendly towards everyone. Hillary, after caring for LC had finished her chores and headed towards the house with LC tagging right behind her. LC was not usually allowed in the house but this was special, her parents were gone and who’d ever know. So Hillary entered the house with LC at her heals.

Hillary ran upstairs to her room and laid down across her bed thinking about what to do first. She decided to call her friend Sarah and chat for a while. She laid on the bed and picked up her phone dialing Sarah. Sarah answered, she and Hillary engaged in a conversation for quite some time. LC was right there taking it all in. Suddenly she and Sarah began to chat about a local boy and discussed their fantasies about having sex with him. Hillary soon found herself rubbing the outside of her jeans as she spoke to Sarah. Hillary was now wet and horny and she told Sarah that she wished that she could have a boy spend the entire week with her. She and Sarah continued to chat and Hillary got more excited by the minute. After about an hour she and Sarah terminated their conversation.

Hillary just laid there on the bed rubbing her crotch area wishing she had someone to help her with her burning desire for sex. Hillary now being so involved in her fantasy, unbuttoned and pulled off her pants and underpants, laying on the bed fingering her pussy. She thought about being fucked by a man, any man and was oblivious to what was taking place around her. Suddenly she felt LC’s cold nose sniffing at her pussy. She jumped back and told him NO! She had in the past thought about him as a sex partner but was initially repulsed at the idea, forgetting about it.

But LC had other ideas, he stepped up onto the bed and stuffed his nose right into her hot steamy pussy. Hillary gave LC one big shove and slapped him saying NO! He had other ideas as he turned and showed his teeth and growled snapping at her. Hillary was frightened as she had never seen LC act like this. She tried to slide away from him and as she did his teeth shown and he growled at her every movement. LC lurched forward again sticking his nose into her pussy and he began to lick.

Hillary being afraid of being bitten tried to close her legs and slide away. Again LC snapped as if to say, “Don’t move!” Hillary was terrified and froze not knowing what to do. LC on the other hand knew exactly what to do. He began to lick and rub his snout into Hillary’s pussy as she tried to keep her legs tightly closed. As LC grow more impatient with Hillary he became more aggressive nipping at her legs in an attempt to get her to spread wider. Hillary had no choice but to comply and surrender to LC.

LC continued to lick and Hillary relaxed hoping he’d quit and let her up. He did not and continued to lick and berry his snout in her ever widening pussy. Hillary came to the realization that he wasn’t gonna stop and that she was now his slave until he decided otherwise. As LC licked, Hillary began to enjoy the felling of his tongue as it brushed against the folds of her cunt lips. With each lick she relaxed and spread her legs further. She began to fantasize about LC being the local boy that she had been dreaming about. Suddenly she was over come with lust and totally spread her legs open as LC began to lick and grow even more excited. Hillary laid back and let LC continue to please her. She had surrendered to LC and was enjoying it.

Hillary began to look towards LC and noticed that his cock was now extending from it’s sheath dripping a little pre-cum as he licked. LC suddenly stopped licking and began to hump into the air as if there were a bitch under him. Hillary not knowing much about dogs just kind of laughed and thought now is my time to get away from him. Hillary rolled over and got to her hands and knees as she was about to get up and off the bed. Suddenly she felt the weight of LC on her back and his legs began to wrap around her waist.

Hillary screamed, “Oh No! You son of a bitch your gonna let me go!” With that LC growled and bit Hillary on the back of the neck as to say, “Hold still bitch!” Hillary was terrified and froze not knowing what to do. Suddenly with one lurch forward LC placed his cock at the entrance to Hillary’s pussy lips. Her lips were soaking and longed for relief as she felt the tip of his cock rubbing against her. She tried to crawl away and LC bit harder and held on to her tighter. He again lurched forward and his cock found it’s hole. He slammed his hips forward until Hillary could feel his balls against her pussy and his cock inside.

Hillary struggled to get free but with each movement LC growled and bit her. LC then began to hump as his cock hit it’s mark with each trust. Hillary screamed out as she could feel his cock inside her pussy. With each trust Hillary’s ass would be bounced against LC’s ball sack. Suddenly LC began to hump as fast as he could and Hillary could do no more then relax and let him fuck her. She was at his mercy and could do nothing to free herself. Hillary now tried to imagine that LC was the neighbor boy on her.

Hillary’s cunt was now feeling the hot pre-cum that LC had lubed her with as he drove into her. He continued to ram his cock in and out as a frenzy that Hillary had never felt before. She was now enjoying this feeling as she began to grunt with each thrust that LC delivered into her. His saliva was running down her back and his pre-cum was leaking down the inside of her legs.

Suddenly LC lurched as hard as he could and Hillary felt a knob enter her pussy. She had never felt this before and it made her feel fuller then she ever had. Before she could decide what to do next the knot began to swell inside her pussy. She struggled to get free but LC had his power legs wrapped around her waist keeping her from getting out from under. LC began to grunt and his cock swelled inside Hillary causing her to gasp with excitement. She began to moan as she could feel his cum begin to spurt into the wall of her vagina. Hillary unable to control it now began to push back into LC and cry out, “Oh fuck me! Fuck me stud!” She was caught in a moment of orgasm that she had never felt before.

Hillary could feel the hot cum leaking from her vagina as she tightened her grasp on LC’s spurting cock. They were tied in a moment of orgasm and Hillary was enjoying it. She began to cum as she had never before enjoying every pump of LC’s cock. Her box was now filled and she knew it. She was his bitch at his mercy and she was enjoying it. She could do nothing but stand there and let LC fuck away until he was through.

LC then tried to dismount and turned ass to ass with Hillary. She wondered what the hell was wrong as he tried to get his cock from her pussy. Then she came to another realization that she was tied with him and could do nothing but let him cum in her until his knot subsided. LC began to walk around on the bed and Hillary followed unwillingly with her ass to his. This went on for what seem like an hour to Hillary. But during this time she too had achieved several more orgasms, coming more then she ever had while fucking a man. Suddenly LC’s cock slid out with a pop and his cum ran down her legs onto her bed. Hillary had been dog fucked and was not fighting it anymore. She had been his bitch in heat and took all he had to give her. She collapsed exhausted and lay there with LC licking her pussy of all he had deposited. While LC licked, Hillary fell asleep with him cleaning her up.

Hillary slept for several hours and as she did she dreamt of being with dogs. She dreamt that she was a dog in heat and that she was running with a pack or wild dogs with each of them taking his turn breeding her. When she awoke, LC was sleeping next to her. Hillary began to remember what she had been dreaming about and she initially thought that the entire day was a dream. Suddenly she looked down and saw her naked bottom and felt the wet seats and realized that she had been fucked by LC and that it was no dream.

It was now about 3:00 P.M. and she realized that most of the day had passed. She got up and began to walk around the house with LC sniffing at her pussy again. With each step she’d take LC would try and get a lick in. Hillary thought this was great and began to act like a bitch in heat stopping just long enough to give LC a good tease and then running off.

Hillary then decided that it was time to get some thing done around the barn that she had wanted to do while her parents were gone. She walked to the barn and entered the pen area where the ram and goats had been kept. They were friendly and were always following her as she did chores around the barn. She let them out and began to clean up the area around their pen. The billy goat stood nearby looking at her in a puzzled manner, sniffing at her back as she walked past and knelt down to pickup hay.

Hillary noticed that the goat was getting excited as he sniffed her and that his cock was slightly extending out of it’s sheath. Hillary assumed that the smell of dog cum was turning this goat onto her.

Hillary was not becoming amused at the sight of this goat and his cock and balls. She was fantasizing about him and her fucking like she had seen goats do around the farm. Hillary’s pussy now grew wetter as she thought about this goat breeding her. She was giving into her animal desires once again. She continued to do her work and when she was finished, she gave into those desires.

Hillary stripped off her pants and panties and grabbed a nearby bail of hay. Hillary took the bail and laid across it with her ass high in the air as if she were a goat ready to be bread. The billy walked up sniffed her pussy and took a couple of licks. He stood there for a few minuets and did nothing. Hillary was disappointed and thought that something was wrong. Suddenly, when she was not ready as the goat mounted her. She felt the tip of his cock poking around the checks of her ass and pussy lips.

The goat was squirting pre-cum around her ass and pussy. Hillary shifted position and the goat found the hole. He lurched into her pussy and with a gasp Hillary took his cock all the way into her hot box. She was well lubed as he reamed in a little further and began to bounce his white balls off her. As the goat humped forward his balls would fly ahead and slap at her legs and Hillary would reach back and fondle them. The goat was now breeding her with a ferry as she took all the cock she could.

Goat sperm began to run about her pussy and down her legs, as he let go inside the wall of her vagina. Hillary was now getting goat fucked and loving every moment of it. She began to rock with his thrusts and her pussy began to contract upon his slippery cock as he sank in as far as he could go. Just as quickly as he had mounted he shot his load into her waiting cunt and dismounted leaving Hillary in a worked up frenzy wanting more.

Hillary looks around and there stood her ram with his big black balls hanging down to the floor. Hillary now not caring what kind of cock she had in her, got down on all fours and crawled over to the ram. Hillary acted if she were a ewe and stuffed her ass up into her ram’s face. The ram bellowed and mounted immediately. His black cock found it’s mark and he rammed it home with one large lurch, almost knocking Hillary off her hands and knees. Hillary took it all the way to his balls and gave herself completely to the ram. She knew that she was now a sheep in heat, with this big ram fucking her. Hillary pushed back as the ram reamed his cock and forth in her pussy.

Hillary was in such a sexual frenzy that she was oblivious to everything around her. She just wanted cock and cum shot in her pussy. She moaned with pleasure as the ram pumped and humped away. The ram bellowed and gave one hard last lurch knocking Hillary off balance as he ream her for all he was worth. Hillary had hit her sexual peak, feeling completely fulfilled as the ram let the hot load of sheep cum go inside her.

Hillary just held still as the ram shot off and pulled out. Hillary’s cunt now leaked with sheep, goat and dog cum. Hillary now knew what it was like to be a farm slut and loved every moment of it. She knew that her animal desires would be fulfilled and that she was the breeding bitch of the farm.

Hillary had fulfilled her hidden fantasies as she waked bowlegged towards the house to get cleaned up. Hillary knew that tomorrow would bring another day and that she hadn’t even looked at her horse or her pigs. She knew that she had found a sexual satisfaction that no man could ever come close to, after all who could fill her with as much cum as she had taken today. She also knew that the week would go too quickly and that she must enjoy every moment of it.