(c) 2010 by zorgman

Cybil was a housewife in the countryside. She was 28 years old and her husband Tom was 36 years old. Tom was a salesman and travelling a lot around the country and abroad. He was tall and handsome and seemed always to be passionate lover at home, but he was all too much away from home. They had no children and they preferred it this way at the moment. Cy, as everyone called Cybil, loved sex with her husband and she was graving him badly during his long journeys.

Cy was almost six feet and she had trim body with firm breasts and nicely rounded pelvis. She had almost black hair and her face was nice. She smiled a lot and everybody loved her company. But she loved her husband and avoided all tricky situations with other men.

Luckily she had a dog to give her company, when Tom was away. He was Fred, now three years old collie. He was always around when she was alone. Maybe that’s why there was no men sneaking around for their chances. Fred followed her even fishing from the boat on the lake which was quite near their house. They had their own boat on their own shore.

Sometimes Fred was horny and tried to hump her leg or tried to push his snout under her skirt when he was in the mood. And sometimes when she had been horny she had difficulties to keep him away from her crotch.

She had thought many times how would it feel to let Fred lick and fuck her, but she didn’t dare to do it. Once when Fred was horny and he didn’t stop chasing her, she took him into the bathroom and she did wank him until he orgasmed on the floor. She had wondered the warmth of his cock and how much sperm he sprayed.

Fred’s cock was quite small, only five inches and its thickness was about the same as her husband’s forefinger. But there was a knot which was at least one inch diameter. Especially after that experience she had thought many times his dog making love to her and she had often wet dreams of it. She wanted try at least sometimes and she began planning how to do it, because she didn’t want to do it in her husband’s home and she didn’t want anyone seeing or even guessing her doing it with her dog.

It was summer when she found out her plan. Tom left home for a week and the weather was hot as the sun was shining day after day from the clear sky. There wasn’t even wind to cool a little. Cy had done everything she had planned in two days and she wanted to cool her in the water of the lake. As she was swimming she looked at the little islands further away.

There was one little island if it could be called island with only 50 feet diameter and low bushes. In the middle of it there was quite flat rock and it was far from the shore and far from other bigger islands. She hadn’t ever seen someone near that little island so she decided to try that place for her playing with Fred.

She took her dog and the things she thought she would need in the island for example tanning lotion, some oils, blanket, some fishing equipments and sandwiches and soft drinks to her cold box. When she got all her things on the boat she asked Fred to jump on and pushed their boat to the water. The air was much cooler at the lake and she rowed slowly towards the island. She was glad there was no wind, because she would hear all the boats within a mile if someone should row the same direction.

It took almost an hour before they were on the island, but she wanted to row so slowly she wouldn’t get tired or all sweaty. She pulled the boat to the shore and tied it to one bigger bush. Then she examined the island to see if she could make her plan through. The place was great in this weather. There were those waist high bushes all around the flat rock. She took her blanket and other things to there and Fred followed her eagerly all the time.

It was like he would have guessed what to expect to happen soon. Maybe her scent was coming through her bikini and jeans so strong that he couldn’t wait in peace as she was walking around and carried or arranged her things there.

Cy put her blanket on the rock and drank some soft drink. Then she undressed her bikini and went to swim first. As she walked carefully to the deeper water and swam there for a while, Fred stood waiting and drank some water to cool him. The water felt quite cold and refreshing so far from the shore.

When she was back sitting on her blanket again, she undressed her and covered herself carefully with tanning oil to prevent burning in the sun. When she sat there she could barely see to every direction, but she was covered from the sight of some possibly observing eyes and she would easily hear if someone would try to come too close the island. She felt totally safe now.

Fred was walking around her sniffing and waiting something she knew would happen soon. She was still wet and she started rubbing her clit and parted her legs to let Fred lick her bare pussy for the first time. Even the thought got her all hornier.

Fred found his way between her parted legs soon and he was eagerly sniffing her pussy and tried to push his snout to her pussy to lick her. Cy took her hands away from her pussy and leaned back against her hands. As soon as Fred’s tongue touched her pussy lips, she had to moan in pleasure. Fred’s tongue took some taste first before he started licking like the best delicacy.

That was incredible as the feeling flashed thorough her like an ocean wave. Her hands started shaking and she had to lie down on her blanket. At the same time she parted her legs more to feel even more of that great doggy tongue. It was raspy and hot and his saliva moistened her crotch more and more. She knew already that she would have her first orgasm sooner than she had thought possible.

Just there and then she wouldn’t have heard if a big motor boat had crashed against the island. She was dizzy and the shivers that spread from her pussy through her body made her shake and jerk her head up eyes wide open. She forgot her goal to let Fred hump her. She could only enjoy the sensations that his tongue gave her. The tongue sank only a little in but it rubbed her clit almost all the time. She was in heaven now when her first orgasm flashed through her.

She closed her legs tight together and Fred had to back away. She almost fainted in her ecstasy. She had to stay down for a while before she could sit and check if there was any traffic on the lake. Everything was silent and she stumbled to swim a little. She couldn’t dress her bikini and she swam naked. That was refreshing and she was soon ready to go on.

Fred was waiting her and his cock was still slightly out to be seen. It tempted her so much she decided to play with it first. She sat on her legs on the blanket and called Fred beside her. He obeyed and turned to his side revealing his member to her straight away. Cy touched it first lightly and then she started to rub it. Fred enjoyed it laying still and panting eyes closed.

She was still very curious how he might taste and she leaned closer to lick slightly his cock. His taste was salty and a bit strange first, but after she had licked a couple of times, it tasted quite nice actually. Soon she dared to take it in her mouth and she rolled her tongue around it and sucked it once and a while. Soon Fred sprayed his precum into her mouth and she had to decide if she would swallow it or spit it out. The taste wasn’t worse than his cock’s, so she swallowed it and continued her sucking eagerly.

She had to repeat swallowing now and then, as she decided to suck him until he would cum into her mouth. His knot had swelled already and she knew his orgasm had to near so she sucked more powerfully and Fred was panting all more. Suddenly it felt like his cock would have swelled nearly double and then he shot his load forcefully into her mouth. Yelp escaped his throat as he pumped his first loads of sperm and Cy swallowed what she could, but much sperm flowed also out to her chin and dropped to the blanket before he was ready to calm down.

After she had rested a little beside Fred she took some sandwiches and shared them with him. When they had satisfied their hunger on food they drank water and soda. Nice swimming refreshed her again and now she thought it would be the time for her experiment with his cock in her pussy. But first she put some sun lotion again to protect her skin from the sun. She observed the lake again to be sure no interrupts occurred.

Fred wasn’t prepared to her next attack, but when she had rubbed his stealth for a while he started to get excited. She lied down on her back and parted her legs keeping knees up. Then she pulled him on her so she could lick a little his cock and he could push his snout to her pussy and lick her still hotter. And it was just what he did when he could do it. His tongue felt so great and she got horny and wet really fast.

She stopped him before he got her to another orgasm and then she rose up standing and commanded him on his back. When he got down she had to turn him on his back and she got on him aiming her pussy towards his cock. Then she guided it to her pussy lips and forced it slowly in. It slid in easily, because it was quit thin and she was wet like ever.

When it was all in she took her hand to support her and found better position to start pumping her pussy up and down at his shaft. She started slowly and she was amazed how hot and great his cock felt. She put some more speed to her moving and leaned her tits near his snout. Fred proved to be a smart dog and licked he nipples at the same time as she rocked on him faster and faster. It lasted long and felt so great. Her orgasm was build slowly and she got higher and higher panting eventually like a steam locomotive. Fred was panting too in his lust. Soon she knew she couldn’t last longer and she screamed a little as she orgasmed strongly. Her pussy squeezed Fred’s cock tightly, but he didn’t cum yet.

Cy stopped there and shook and shivered in her ecstasy trying to keep her up and enjoying her hot waves for a while before calming down. Fred’s cock felt so nice during her orgasm. She rested there his cock in her pussy some and then she turned around putting her knees beside his head so that it was between them. She grabbed his cock in her hand and licked it a little hoping him to lick her pussy hot again.

Again Fred showed her she was clever creature and started to lick her pussy. She was wet already, but now she got higher again to get some more experiences she had been dreaming of. She sucked and licked carefully his cock trying to avoid his climax until she was ready for it.

It didn’t last long before she was ready, wet and willing to take his cock again in her. She stood up and looked quickly around again before she got on her all fours and asked Fred to fuck her. Fred stood up and went straight behind her. He jumped on her back and grabbed around her slender waist to mount her. She was very glad as she parted her legs more to make him find his way in her pussy easier.

And he found his mark at once. His thin cock started to hump in and out of her pussy incredibly fast. That felt wonderful and his knot started to swell soon. First it sank in and slipped out really easy rubbing her clit fantastic way. She couldn’t stay in his pace so she had to stay put and enjoy this frantic hammering as well as she could. And she really did enjoy it like never before. As the knot grew bigger it rubbed more and more and it filled the entrance of her pussy so well now.

She was nearing her next orgasm fast now and she felt so possessed. Fred had to be quite near also as he was panting on her back now and a lot of his saliva dropped on her back and on her neck. His long fur tickled her nicely as he moved fast back and forth. Cy was panting as fast as his dog and she felt like it was taking her breath away soon.

She climaxed and felt how her pussy squeezed really hard on his cock and knot. The knot was in and stuck there for a while. That was a signal for Fred to shoot his sperm in her. He yelped and pushed as deep as he could squeezing her against him so tight as he could. Then his loads erupted one after another until he had emptied his balls in her hot pussy.

Cy’s climax lasted long and she didn’t even know if she had passed out or not when she noticed the world around her again. Fred was also ready and having rested a while he pulled his knot and cock easily out of her pussy and licked her pussy clean before cleaning himself.

Cybil was satisfied now. She looked around and went again swimming. Then he dried her with towel and put new sun lotion before she started to collect her things back to boat. When Fred was on the boat again she could untie it and push it on the water again. Rowing home was fun as she thought her experiences of the day.

Now she knew this wouldn’t be the last time.

The end