(c) 2010 by rodnmeye

Chapter 1: The Return

“It had been a long day at work, the office is just not the place for a wild-child such as myself.”

It was just your typical Friday, up at 6, shower, shave, cup of coffee and out the door to the normal 30 min commute to the office. I got there about 20 min early to check my email, still nothing about anyone having a party or even so much as a poker game. 8 long hours typing code for some medical website, and home again at 6. Like I said typical.

Arriving home was a treat to see that my baby sister was there to great me, fresh into her freshman year of college, home for the weekend.

“Let me explain, I am the oldest of 5 siblings, all female, but none of my siblings got along as well as Kristen and I (my youngest). I have always been a little overprotective of her. To the fact that was remains a virgin and I will slit the throat of whoever changes that.”

“Hey, baby-girl. What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Had the weekend off and thought of no other place to go to spend it.” she replied.

“Well let’s get you settled in and then we’ll go grab a bite to eat.” I said.

As we walked in the door, we were immediately greeted by our childhood dog Sam, who immediately tackled Kristen when she walked through the door. “Good boy, you get bigger everytime I see you” she said. “What are you feeding him?” she asked me.

“The kids down the street who can’t seem to remember to stay out of the yard.” I replied, with a wide smile.

Kristen took off for the spare room to unpack, and I walked to the backdoor to let Sam out. This house had been our parents before they died in the plane crash that hit the World Trade Center on that fateful day. Our parents weren’t well off, but we had a comfortable life in this 2 story 4 bedroom abode.

I crossed the kitchen and headed to my room to change. This was where the weekend went from quiet to crazy.
Having no one but Sam around for months, I didn’t think anything about closing the door to my room to change. Besides it shouldn’t matter if Kristen saw me in my boxers, she’s seen that quite a few times anyway. But nonetheless I forgot to shut my door. As I stand there, pulling my pants up, I notice a sweet little face staring at me in the corner of the mirror. I could tell from her expression that it was not impatience that was holding her there, it was lust. She hadn’t taken her eyes off my ass since I noticed her. I decided I would teach her for peeping, so I crossed the room to my dresser, where the mirror happened to be. I noticed that as I moved she ducked a little more hidden, obviously confirming that she was peeping. I wasn’t sure if she had seen a penis before, except when we sat down to watch Wild Things a few summers back.

I reached into my top drawer and pulled out a fresh pair of boxers and grabbed a towel from the closet. Standing in the middle of the room, I eyed the mirror as I grabbed the elastic of my boxers and began to pull them to the floor. I could have sworn I heard a gasp from the doorway and never took my eye off of her standing there watching me. I stood up admiring myself and at this angle, was exposed from about mid-thigh to my neck, and watched her mouth drop open. Now I had never thought of her this way, but I admit that I was slightly aroused by her staring. Afterall she was a beautiful woman. I found myself looking at her in a way I never thought I would. Instead of seeing my beautiful baby-sister I was kinda seeing this stranger in a new light. I wrapped the towel around myself and walked off toward my master bathroom.

Starting the shower, I immediately and purposefully left the door open about 2 inches, ya know just in case. I let the towel drop, hitting the ground I noticed the door shift ever so slightly, smiling I got into the shower.
As I lathered the soap in my hands, I started picturing Kristen taking a shower with me. Now I haven’t seen her naked since she was 15 and she got sand in her suit at the beach and had to strip out of it and shower off, so my images were kinda fuzzy and exagerated. That’s a funny story in itself how that happened. More my mistake walking in on her than anything else.

“I will let you imagine for yourself. She is 5’6″ probably no more than 120lbs. Legs as long as war and peace, ass-perfectly shaped to her body, petite little waist, and full, round 36B breasts. She is a natural brunette head to toe.”

I notice my penis is fully-erect so, I begin stroking it with the soap, making sure to twist and pull until it is so hard it hurts. Its at this point that I hear a tiny noise. I look up and see my sisters face staring at me from behind the shower curtain. “I get it” she says. “Masturbation is normal, but hurry up and get it over with, so we can eat””I’m hungry” she says, smiling ear to ear at the shock on my face.

Teasingly I state “Well than why don’t you get in here and eat this,” while holding tightly to my penis, pointing it at her.

“I would, but that little thing would never fill me up” she teases back. At this point I am caught, so I just pull the shower curtain back and laugh and she takes off.

I’ll never know if she wants me to follow, b/c my heart is hammering in my chest and I decide that it would be best to just get dressed and go out to eat.

Finally dressed I meet her down in the kitchen chewing on a couple doritos waiting for me. “Now that your monster is securely put away in your pants, shall we head out?”. she asks, grinning.

“Go let Sam in while I go start the truck” I reply.

She heads for the backdoor as I head for keys and the front door. As we pass, as if we were reading each others mind, or the playfully banter remains, we both give each other a gentle pat on the ass. I feel my penis twitch as her electricity flows through me from the spot she smacks. Smiling, I grab the keys and my phone, and head out the front door. Minutes later we are headed for this cozy little diner down the street.

“Dinner was completely uneventful, caught up about how she was doing in school, and if she had a boyfriend and if I needed to kill anyone, etc. She listened to me drone on about work and my lack of female companionship. In which she stated that with a “dick as big as mine” she was surprised they weren’t lined up at the door.”

Friday night passed with little to tell about, got home we snuggled up on the couch so some sappy chick-flick on the TV. Sam slept on his bed by the fireplace. About 1am, we both kinda stretched and headed for our separate rooms.
Saturday morning, about 8am, I woke to some noises from the kitchen, assuming she was up getting breakfast ready like she usually does on her visits. This morning was a little different. It was like a whole new atmosphere in the house. Sam was already out the half-open door, that I could have sworn I closed this time before I hit the bed in a heap and passed out last night. I got up, morning pee, brushed my teeth and threw on some sweat pants, and headed for the smell of bacon.

As I entered the kitchen it was to see a short pair of cotton shorts, fully showering about half of the ass I had dreamed about the night before. Kristen was getting so biscuits out of the oven, and her sweet little ass was hanging out the bottom of some skimpy shorts she must have slept in. “Good morning, hope you are hungry.” she says as I must have been making noise, b/c she didn’t even move as she said it.

Finally standing up, she turned to me. What a tease she is, she must know something. Here is my sister standing here in skimpy pink cotton shorts and a thin white t-shirt, no bra smiling at me. “Oh, I.. yes, I am now” I stuttered out.

She giggled and set the plate of food done for me, just as my cell went off. It was the guys asking about a poker game tonight. “The guys wanna play poker tonight, I’ll tell them next weekend” I stated, as she eyed me curiously.

“Its ok, I may I play too?” she replied.

So I sent the text to have the guys over at 8 tonight and that Kristen was playing too. I guess they didn’t have a problem with her being there cause ok was the only reply I got. I really think the guys have a thing for her, it is usually strictly guys only. Maybe they were making an exception b/c she is visiting.


Chapter 2: The Poker Game

“Would you like some juice?” she asks.

“Sure” I replied.

She stalks off to the refrigerator and I can’t help watching her breasts bounce as she walks, and hope she is going to bend over again. Opening the refrigerator, I get my wish as she bends over to pull the orange juice off the bottom shelf of the door. Thinking to myself, I am almost positive I left it on the top shelf. I’m not sure what she was examining, but she must have been bent over for about 30 seconds, wiggling her ass in my direction. Finally she stands back up carrying a couple apples and the orange juice back to the table. It is now that I realize what her plan was. As she sits down, she offers me and apple and pours my juice. I am no longer focused on the apple as I drop it clearly to the floor as she dumps it into my hand. She must have set the temperature in the refrigerator down a few notches, b/c clear as day, her erect nipples were pressed in a hard defined shape against her t-shirt. I hadn’t noticed that the shirt was see-thru but I had a front row seat to the most beautiful breasts pressed tight to the fabric of the shirt. Just as I looked away, she focuses her gaze from the timer of the oven to me and handed me my glass of juice. It took every ounce of my being not to continue to stare through my eggs and bacon.

Just then Sam came in the room, obviously off exploring Kristens room, getting into mischief, b/c he had firmly locked in his teeth the pair of baby blue boy shorts she had been wearing the night before. Kristen, not the least embarrassed, snatched them back, almost tearing them on Sams bottom teeth. She held them at an arms length and admired how wet they were before turning to Sam. “Did that taste good boy?””You left them soggy, you bad dog.” she scolded.

Sam sat, tail wagging, as if she was gonna give them back. I let a chuckle and her eyes darted to me in shock, as if I wasn’t supposed to find it funny at all. “Come on” I said. Its not everyday he gets to smell that smell in this house. Her anger seemed to deminish, and she shrugged and tossed them back to him with an approving “Here you go boy, have at ’em”. Shocked I went back to my potatoes. Sam having no desire to be scolded, left the panties on the floor and started begging for my scraps. I threw a couple pieces of potato on the floor, just as the timer went off for the biscuits.

Sam sat patiently by my side as we both watched Kristen get up and go to the oven to retrieve them. I noticed Sam was not eatting his potatoes so I gave him a nudge and he got up and stalked across the kitchen, completely ignoring them. As Kristen bent over to get the biscuits, I got a full glimpse of her ass again, only this time her shorts must have shifted. As I was watching her, she repositioned her feet, spreading her legs ever so slightly, exposing her pussy to Sam to I. This time there was no denying the rise in my sweats as my penis began its accent to full erection. Sam on the other hand had other ideas. Kristen swinging her ass just as she had done in the refrigerator had no idea Sam was on the move. She took an incredibly long time to stand up this time and it didn’t happen until Sam slid his tongue up the right side of her pussy, tasting the pussy I had been fantasizing for the last minute or so. Time seemed to speed up at this point and this time an embarrassed Kristen jumped to her feet and stood fully erect and turned on Sam. “What do you think you are doing, Sam?” she demanded. Sam continued to stare at her and wag his tail as he taken up a seat right where he stood.

“I didn’t give you my panties to lick, so you could sneak up on me and find out where it came from.””GET OUT” she yelled.

This time it got my attention and I quickly got up, not remembering my throbbing member making a large tent in my sweats, and grabbed him, tugging him toward the backdoor. “You must have been enjoying yourself” she stated, as I took my seat again.

It was then that I remembered my penis. “Oh that, it wasn’t from that” I said, meeting her accusing gaze. “It was from you bending over to get the biscuits” my voice slipped out before my brain could register what I was saying. “I mean, nevermind, I am gonna go shower.” “I need to pick up some alcohol and snacks for the game tonight.”

I raced from the room before she could get a word in, hopefully post-poning the scolding that I was sure was coming for my comment. I continued to repeat what I said in disbelief all the way to my room, where I stripped down, grabbed the towel from last night and headed for the shower.

It was about 5 min and my hair washed later that I felt a cool breeze on my back while I rinsed the soap off my face. Brushing the water out of my eyes I turned to face Kristen standing in the shower with me. “Does the offer still stand?” she asked, forcing me to jump in shock.

“What offer?” I asked, clearly taken aback from this moment.

“The offer you made last night” she reminded as she reached out and ran her fingers from my chest to my belly button, before dropping her eyes on my still erect, and now throbbing penis. I could not make my voice work and she took that as a yes, as her hand closed around my shaft. My eyes closed and my head tilted back, as she began a slow pulling and twisting on my hard cock. The stroking became more intense as I neared what was bound to be an explosion when I would cum. I quickly changed my thoughts and the explosion subsided slightly, allowing me to control this moment. I thought I had completely control until I felt the tip of her tongue flick my head. I opened my eyes and met her wanting eyes as she took 4 inches of me into her mouth. The moan that escaped my lips shocked even me, as my control was failing. The lust her eyes and the way she used my dick as her popsicle, lollipop, whatever technique it was, had no comparison. My balls tensed and she knew it was coming, she knew my seed was about to be released to her wanting mouth. I couldn’t hold back any longer as I grabbed the curtain, the rail, anything my hands could get to and shot my load straight down her throat. She didn’t choke for one second, and as my orgasm subsided I noticed she still had me in her mouth. Finally she released me and stood up to kiss me on my neck. The shock of what happened wore off quickly and the only thing I could say was “What?”

“Just remember you offered” she reminded me, quickly escaping the shower and grabbing my towel. This time I darted after her, tackling her onto my bed. I turned her towards me and she smiled. “I have been waiting to do that since I was 15” she said, grinning as if nothing was wrong with happened. “Ever since you caught me naked, masturbating in the shower.” “I have been dreaming of the day I would finish what I started”.

Speechless I let her up. I crossed the room and got my clothes ready all the while remembering this beautiful woman sitting on bed, towel around her waist staring at me. “Did I do something wrong?” she asked. “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it” she scolded.

“Not until last night I didn’t” I retorted.

“Well now that the awkwardness is over, its my turn” she said grinning while she unwrapped the towel from around her waist, exposing her neatly trimmed pussy.

“You want what?” I exclaimed.

“I want you to eat the pussy that you have been eyeing all morning and probably dreamed about last night” she begged.

Still unsure of why, I dropped my boxers and decided to fulfill her wishes. I crossed the room in 2 steps and dropped to my knees. Cradling her legs around my shoulders, I pressed my tongue to her clit, tasting her sweet pussy for the first time. It was right of Sam to want to taste this. It was like tasting water after a week in the desert. Her perfectly shaped and fluffy lips parted gently around my tonguw as I explored every inch of. A moan escaped her lips with each flick of my tongue and I targeted my attack on her clit once more. After seconds, her hips bucked and she thrusted her sweetness into my mouth as she exploded into what I would find out later her first orgasm a man had given her.

As she lay there, lips glistening in my saliva and her cum, I couldn’t help but want to shove my penis deep into her and take her cherry. I just wasn’t sure if she was still a virgin and my vow still remained. “Thank you” she finally managed to force out. “I wanted my first orgasm to be from you” “My last boyfriend, was a good guy, and respected my need to remain a virgin.” “He just never knew that I was remaining a virgin for you” she explained.

Shocked I got to my feet and began dressing. She appear beside me as I buttoning my jeans and put her arms around me, kissing my back. “I love you” she said. “You can do what you want with me, whenever you want to.” “I am yours to control, just say the word.”

At this point in time, a little ashamed at what I had done, the only thing I could say was “Get dressed if you want to come with me to the store.”

After dressing, we met up in the kitchen. I was the first to appear, letting Sam back into the house, where he began eatting the potatoes and biscuits that had been dropped on the floor. As Kristen walked into the room wearing nothing more than a summer dress, which clearly showed off her perfect breasts, Sam immediately stuck his nose in the air toward, looking for the source of the smell he so desired to taste again.

Kristen walked across the kitchen and made sure as she picked up the biscuit that Sam had forgotten, that I would know that she did not have panties on under her dress. My shame quickly faded to lust once more, calming me. She wiggled her ass once more, but this time Sam was faster than she was and jumped on her back, knocking her to her hands and knees.

Before I had a chance to grab him, his thrusting cock found its mark and burst through Kristens hymen in one swift motion. She screamed out in pain, but by the time I got to Sam to pull him off, her wimper turned to moans. I grabbed his collar and pulled him clean out of her, just as her orgasm came on, and she gushed her cum out onto the floor at my feet. She turned her head to meet my gaze and I noticed a smile on her face. She dropped her eyes yet again to the tent my penis made in my jeans and smiled wider. I grabbed her under her left arm and pulled her to her shaky feet, where she hobbled to a chair and sat down. Her legs were slightly spread and I could see her pussy leaking what I could only assume was her cum onto the chair.

We decided that we wouldn’t speak about what happened for the afternoon as we finally made our way home from the liquor store. Kristen needed about 10 min to get her head and rinsed her pussy off, but to no avail, the scent of her pussy was stronger than it had been with my tongue on it.

“My god, that felt soo good, I came soo hard!” she said finally discussing what had happened.

“I’m so sorry Kristen” I choked out, feeling shameful again, that this petite little woman was subjected to this type of sexual fetish.

“Oh don’t apologize its not your fault.” “I should have known he would try that after what he did this morning.” “I forgot he was in the room” she explained.

“He will stay in the backyard until you leave” I said.

“Nonsense” she said. “It won’t change what happened, its not that big a deal”

“Did you enjoy it?” I asked.

“At first it hurt, but after a few thrusts, it felt really good.” she replied. “Either way, let’s just keep this to ourselves, please?” she pleaded, hands folded as if praying.

“Sure thing” I said, smiling at the thought of her doing it again, only this time letting Sam have her.


Chapter 3

As we reached the driveway, she turned to me smiling. “I love you, you know that right?” she grinned weaving her fingers into mine.

“I do and you know I love you too” I replied.

She smiled as she leaned over and kissed me full on the lips, pressing her tongue through the void of my half open mouth. Ours tongues curled around each other for the smallest fraction of time before I had to push her back. “Stop, we don’t need the neighbors seeing” I explained.

“Ok ok, let’s get this stuff inside. I need a shower” she said.

“I thought you took a shower.” “If you didn’t shower before we left, what took soo long?” I asked.

“I masturbated” she grinned. “All the things happening this morning got me so horny.”

I just smiled, thinking back on the shower and breakfast. My mind started drifting, just as I felt a swift kick on my ass.

“Hey man, thought I would come over early and give you a hand with the setup” came the voice from the mysterious kick.

“Tom” I exclaimed. “Your too early, its barely 1.”

“Yea well I came over to help” he explained as he stole a case of beer out of my arms. “Hey beautiful” he spit out towards Kristen who appeared in the doorway.

Obviously a little disappointed, she shot him a fake smile and said “Hey Tom, long time no see.”

As she bent over to grab the last of the bags out of the car, I managed to catch a glimpse of her sweet ass peeking out from under the dress. A gasp from Tom, meant he had seen it too.

We walked without words in the house, following Kristen up the front steps and into the kitchen. Tom and I sat and talked while Kristen unloaded the groceries and alcohol into the cabinets and refrigerator. We continued talking about nothing, while watching Kristen startegically place the beer onto the bottom shelf. At this angle, she wasn’t as bent over, but would overcompensate for the case on the floor, flashing her ass to Tom and I everytime she bent over.

Most of the afternoon went without event as we sat around catching up. Tom was entirely to interested in Kristen’s major and how she had been at school. Other than Kristen we talked about the movie from the night before, purposely leaving out the details of the shower and definately the recent sexual activities. It was shortly after dinner that Tom started on about his wife, who from what he says never puts out.

“I hate the bitch” Tom shouted calling my attention back to the conversation and off of the shower with Kristen.

“What’s wrong now?” I asked.

“Ya know she wanted to bitch at me for wanting to come over and play tonight” he began explaining. “She was all like, you spend so much time over there why don’t you move in”

“You come over 1 or 2 nights a week for a couple hours” I stated

“Ya I know, she is fucking crazy” he spat.

As he continued on about his wife, I felt a foot slide up my inner thigh, coming to rest on the crotch of my jeans. I averted my eyes toward Kristen who sat perfectly still eyeing me out of the corner of her eye, while clearly trying to pretend to care as I was about Toms problems. She grinned her little seduction across the table toward me and began sliding her toes up and down the seam on my jeans, making my penis twitch each time she froze to change position.

“Oh poor Sam is still outside” I said grinning at Kristen who froze momentarily with her rubbing. I smiled at her “Would you mind getting him inside” “He may not want to, but you have to make him come” I teased.

Her face flushed softly pink, as she got to her feet and headed for the backdoor. “Sure” she choked out as she rose from the table.

Tom eyed me curiously as if he had missed something. I simply shook my head, but clearly he was not going to forget this early.

Reaching the door, Kristen noticed that Sam was not in the backyard. “He’s not out there” she said turning toward me.

“He’s probably gotten into the garage again” I said, getting to my feet.

“No, I’ll get him” she said smiling toward me. And with the twist of a dancer, she spun and disappeared out the door leaving me to take my seat again.

Tom and I continued our conversation about the game and work. After about 20 min, Tom kinda glanced toward the door. “Maybe she got lost” he noted.

“I’ll go find her, could you call for the pizza?”. “The guys should be on their way now, its 7:20” I stated headed for the backdoor.

Out in the backyard, my penis twitched to think that Sam and Kristen were engaged in some activity in the garage. As I slowly crept into the slightly open garage door, it was to the sweetest, softest moans of my baby sister. I tiptoed to the edge of the shelves and got a glimpse of the sexiest sight I have ever seen. Kristen was lying on her back on some old boxes and Sam was clearly giving her a great orgasm. Or orgasms as I noticed the damp floor and her feet. I stood in the shadows watching for about 2 minutes as Sams tongues would dart about 3 inches inside Kristens moist pink slit, pulling her juices into his waiting mouth. It was then that I noticed Sams cock was out about 8 inches and was flopping back and forth as he thrust his tongue in and out of Kristen’s glistening hole. Kristen had her dress pulled up to her neck, exposing her nakedness to Sam who eagerly continued to suck ever drop of her cum from her swollen lips. Kristen was piching and pulling her fully erect nipples, clearly enjoying the tongue bath she was receiving.

I figured I would have about another mintue before Tom would come find us, and a thought occured to me. I looked around the shelves quietly till I found Toms old lease and collar and some clothesline definately left over from when our mother would hang the clothes out in the yard to dry. Shoving them in the back pocket of my jeans, I grabbed a bucket as I slowed walked to the door and disappeared, headed for the backdoor. I entered and said “She is in the garage playing with Sam, she said she will be right in” I said clearly aware of his curious glare. “Would you take the beer into the game room please?” I asked handing him the bucket I grabbed from the garage.

He dumped the ice from the freezer into the bucket and loaded the bucket with beer. “Oh man that won’t be big enough” I stated watching the bucket fill quickly.” “I think I have another one out there” “Be right back” I explained.

As he disappeared toward the gameroom, I dumped the lease, collar, and clothesline into a drawer and headed for the garage.

I entered the garage to the not so subtle moans of another orgasm, smiling I walked right out into the open and stood waiting for her orgasm to subside and notice me standing there. As soon as Sam noticed I was there, he startled and headed for the backyard, knowing he is not supposed to be in the garage. Without Sam’s tongue she recovered quickly. As her eyes open, she smiled and began to explain, “Well, he kept going for it, and it felt so good last time, I decided to give him a taste.”

“You have been out here, giving him a taste for the last half hour” I stated.

“Wow” she said clearly trying to gather her thoughts.

Dropping her dress down, she stood up on shaky legs and grinned. My smile gave her assurance I was not mad at her. Little did she know of my plan, and she would soon find out.

After composing herself, Sam, her, and I headed for the house. As we walked through the door, its was to the sound of 3 voices chattering from the gameroom and the sound laughter. I took a good glance at Kristen, who was still glowing, and I could clearly make out the smell of her sex as we headed for the gameroom to join the rest of the guys. “Sorry, we don’t have another bucket.” “We’ll have to make due with refilling it when its empty.” I said pointing toward the bucket of beer by the table.

“Hey Charlie” I said nodding towards the blonde haired man. “Bill” I nodded again. “We ready to play?” “Everyone remember Kristen?” I asked pointing toward her.

She smiled and raised a shaky hand in hello. “Hey guys, thanks for letting me play” she stated.

“No thanks needed, glad to have you” was the concensis from the group.

She smiled taking the seat opposite me at the table.

The chips were divided, the cards were dealt and the game commenced. Kristen clearly had no idea how to play judging from her overbetting of poor hands and underbetting the good ones. And she couldn’t bluff with the grin she constantly had when she had a hand. She was quickly running out of chips, my plan was definately in place and running smoothly toward the finish I was anticipating.

As her last hand approached despite her teasing and receiving various handouts from the guys, she decided to go all-in on a pair of Jacks. Holding a pair of queens, I smiled calling, and laying my winning hand to the table. She smiled and admitted to her never playing the game herself, just watching it. I smiled at as she asked to get some chips and continue playing. The others were about to agree, until I spoke up. “Well, it will cost you something” I began to say.

Her eyes wide in my direction, she asked “What?” “What will it take to get more chips so I don’t have to watch you all play?”

“Well that is up to the guys.” I said grinning at her.

“Ok” she said turning toward the guys. “Is there anything I can do for you guys to get back in the game?” she asked smiling.

“Well there is one thing, but… no nevermind ” Tom started.

“What?” I asked grinning towards Tom.

Tom returned my grin, as he turned to toward the other guys, clearly looking for approval. They all grinned and turned their attention to Kristens waiting gaze. “We’ll buy the dress for $200 worth of chips” he said.

He looked up at me, as Kristen did. Clearly beaten, she got to her feet and wished us all a good game as she headed for the kitchen. I smiled towards the guys, told them I was stepping out a few hands and walked for the kitchen.

Kristen met my eyes as I entered the room. “Its not fair.” “I want to play, but I don’t want them seeing me naked” she whined.

“Well I have a better idea.” I began as I made my way toward one of the drawers in the microwave. “As punishment for what you did in the garage…” I continued.

“Punishment?” she interrupted taken aback with shock and a little fear. “But you said you liked it” she coughed out.

“I did like it.” I began again. “But you did it without me there and therefore should be punished” I explained.
I watched a tear fall from her eye and travel down her pink cheeks. “What are you going to do?” “Fuck me in front of your friends?” She sobbed.

“No, better than that” I said as I turned toward her with the lease and collar in my hand. “Put this on and take off your dress” I commanded.

Another tear fell from her face as the shame of what was to come came over her. “But you said you loved me.” “I would never do anything to hurt you” she said, tears flowing freely now.

“I am not doing this to hurt you babe” I smiled. “I am doing this as a lesson to you.” I explained. “Trust me, you will love what is coming for you” I tried, feeling slightly guilty about myself.

“No, and you can’t make me” she started as I dashed across the kitchen and with one quick pull ripped her dress from her body.

I slipped the collar around her neck, attaching the lease in place. “Get on your hands and knees my pet” I said glaring into her wet eyes.

Slowly she decended to the ground, getting into position, sliding her ass to rest on her feet.

“Now my pet, I will show you off, and you are not to utter a word” I said. “Understand?”

She remained speechless and nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes and taking a deep breath.


Chapter 4

As I stood there admiring my pet attached and the end of the lease, she continued to calm herself.

“Hey man, you coming back or what?” Tom yelled from the gameroom.

“We’ll be right there” I hollared back.

I looked Kristen in her eyes, meeting her disapproving gaze and led her out of the kitchen on her hands and knees.

Sam was the first to notice the difference from 2 sets of footsteps, and it wasn’t until Tom looked up as we entered the room that anyone else noticed anything different. Tom got to his feet, face-red and open and closed his mouth several times before sitting back down in his chair, clearly speechless.

“Hey guys, meet my new pet” I said grinning slyly as I made my way towing Kristen, who kept her eyes to the floor, to the table.

“What is this all about?” Charlie asked, seemly the only man still standing as Bill already took his seat again, as if he had seen this before.

“Well, she must be punished for an indiscretion, that shall remain between the 2 of us” I explained. “As you have all not taken your eyes of her since we came in, don’t tell me no one wants to pet her!” I exclaimed.
With a glance around the table, Charlie walked slowly to where I was standing and bent down taking a good look into Kristen eyes. At this distance he could smell her sex and knew she was aroused, though she didn’t express it. His eyes met mine and I nudged forward expressing my approval.

Slowly, while Tom and Bill watched from a now standing position again, Charlie reached forward and ran his fingers from her neck to her nipples. Her mouth parted softly and his fingers curled around her erect nipples. A soft sigh escaped her lips. At this point, Tom and Bill, made their way to where Kristen and I were. Kristen sitting on her feet, hunched over eyed them wearily as they advanced on her. I snapped the leash slightly and she met my gaze. “Up” I commanded.

She met my eyes with a tear filling her left eye, as she hopped up on her hands and knees. Tom was the first to make his way to her rear and gazed at the heavenly shape of her ass and the pink glistening slit, that only an hour before was filled with Sams tongue. Without hesitation he reached out sliding his middle finger between her lips from her clit to her puckered asshole.

Bill knelt down next to her and began fondling her right breast as Charlie played with the left. I watched with a slight smile as Kristens body began trebbling under the touch of my 3 friends. Another sound met my ears as I heard Sam making his way towards us. “Sit” I commanded him. “You will have you turn” I said grinning.

At that all 3 men and Kristen herself looked toward me. “What did you say?” Bill asked, clearly speeking for all 3 men.

“I said he will have his chance” I repeated.

Kristen eyes welled and she knew what was coming this night. A tear dripped from her chin, onto Charlies hand, he looked at her and lust took over. He no longer was sympathetic for this beautiful woman. Now his wild hunger to fill her with his seed and witness everyone else including the pet dog fill her as well took over.

“I’m sorry Kristen” Tom choked out as he released his erect cock and pressed it to her moist folds.

She closed her eyes, and her moan was the next sound as he thrust his cock inside her pussy. He began with slow thrusts which climbed to a dull pounding. At first the only sound in the room was Sam’s panting and the sound of Tom balls slapping hard on Kristens clit. Then it came in a slow low tempo. Kristen was nearing an orgasm, her first from a human cock. Her mouth opened and her lust creeped from deep inside her. Her pussy dripped her cum as her orgasm came, throwing her body into spasms.

I put my hand on Toms shoulder and his eyes met mine. “You will not cum in her” was the words that escaped my lips. Kristen smiled softly, knowing that she did not have too much to worry about when it came to getting pregnant, at least the only worry would be hus precum. Tom nearing his own orgasm, quickly pulled his cock free of her and managed to make it around to her face. Holding his orgasm as long as he could he whispered “Open your mouth”.

Kristen locked her jaw shut tight. I pulled gently on her leash and her mouth opened, catching Toms seed. She did not swallow however, she managed to spit out when he was done. Managed b/c shortly after finishing, he thrusy hips lips forward burying his cock in her mouth. Choking, Kristen gagged on his cock, and he immediately pull it out of her mouth as she gasped for a breath. He put the tip of his cock to her mouth, knowing she had no choice, she opened her mouth and bowed her head over his manhood, taking about half of it inside.

As she began sucking Toms semi-hard member, Bill took his place behind her sliding his cock up and down her slit. Bending down he lid his tongue into her sweet mound, tasting her cum on his lips. Moaning Kristen continued to suck Tom, until it was evident that he would not get hard, and removed his cock from her mouth ans greedily reached for Charlie. Charlie stood up and took Toms place at her mouth allowing Kristen to take his penis into her mouth.

Bill didn’t last nearly as long as Tom would have and was satisfied just shooting his load on her ass, while she hungrily sucked Charlie and took his seed into her mouth. Spitting she turned to me. Her eyes trailed from mine to my cock, clearly pleading to feel it inside her for the first time. I bent low over her shoulder and reminded her she was being punished and therefore would not have the pleasure of my cock this night. She sighed and turned to face the 3 men that had been pleasured by either her pussy or mouth. No longer were the tears in her eyes from shame or pain, she was now tearing b/c she craved a dick inside her dripping pussy.

I removed my shirt, sliding it down her back and across her ass, between her thighs and across her slit, wiping all residue of cum from her body. She thrust back on my hand as my finger slid, clothed in the shirt, across her clit. A small wimper escaped her lips and she purred out as I smacked her pussy with my bare hand.

Clearly my plan of her punishment was not going as planned as she had become a whore to the situation at hand. I removed my belt and laid it gently across her ass, causing her to start and turn her head in my direction. I withdrew the belt and laid it across her ass once more, this time a little more forceful. The red strip across her ass claimed the force I had put into her spanking. She moaned out her approval, as the next one landed right on the same strip. Clearly this was not working, so I brought the next one down a little harder and clearly a little closer to her thighs. She jumped on this one, but the moan came again. 3 more smacks and I had finally found the level of force I was searching for. As the last of the 3 blows came crashing down on her thighs, claiming her moist lips as well. This blow came with a yelp vice a moan. I laid 5 more on the same strip, as it redden almost to the point of splitting the skin, her tears were flowing freely yet again.

“Have you fulfilled your punishment now?” I asked.

She turned her wet eyes on me, clearly spent on the evening and nodded her head. “I’m sorry” she blurted out.

“Apparently you have misunderstood my moment of weakness my love” I said, now with a deep tone to my voice.

Remembering she was not to talk, she bowed her head and whimpered the next 5 blows to her pussy. A thin line of blood dribbled from her swollen clit. It was at this point that I grabbed a beer and pressed it tight to her pussy, cooling the burn of the blows she just received. Her whimpering and tears slowly subsided, and I allowed her to her feet to go wash up.

As she left the room I was immediately reminded that Sam had not had his turn. Looking down at Sam he was clearly in need of some of Kristens sweet nectar as his penis was fully extended from his shealth. All 8 inches of his thick red swollen cock was just lying on the floor between his legs. Looking toward the kitchen, I called out “Aren’t you going to please Sam as you have pleased the rest of us?” There was no response. I called out again, to hear a faint reply. “Why don’t you get one of your friends to please” came the reply.

I crossed the room to the kitchen to find Kristen sitting at the table with the bottle still between her legs, clearly crying and cursing me under her breath. She did not hear me enter the room and continued her cursing and sobbing as I opened the drawer and withdrew the clothesline. I slipped up behind and made 2 loops which I quickly placed over each hand. Her initial reaction was to lift her hands away, allowing me to slip the knot around her wrist and pull it tight enough that she could not break it free. Struggling against me I pulled her by the rope into the gameroom and secured the rope under the table and pulled her arms out from her body. Securing this line, I took one leg at a time and tied them to the far legs of the tables, forcing her legs apart. Her cursing became very vocal at this point, so I took the shirt and shoved it into her mouth to drown out the obscinities escaping her lips. Now she was tied, ass high in the air, and pussy exposed to us all once again.

I gave her a gentle pat on the ass, and ran my fingers between her lips. Her struggling subsided ever soo slightly, but began quickly as I brought the beer bottle in my other hand up to meet the flesh of her folds. Sliding the bottle between her lips I flipped it horizontal and slid the open end into her folds, pressing it past her lips and deep into her pussy. She gasped as the cold beer folded her canal and her body trembled. I began with a slow even thrusting and gradually began increasing the thrusting until the beer was squirting past the bottle, out her pussy, onto the floor. I looked to Tom and said “Find me something else to fuck her pussy with.”

He grabbed the half-smoked cigar he had allowed to go out as they took advantage of her leashed on the floor. Now that she was securely tied to the table, the second winds were clearly visible as no one seemed to put themselves away. Charlie disappeared to the kitchen, while Bill grasped the TV remote tight in his hand. We all took turns fucking her pussy with whatever we could grab and put inside her. She had only 2 or 3 orgasms as I would stop the fucking when she would get close. Her moaning was no longer controlled as her screams came and went just as fast as the item fucking her sweet pussy. Cum dribled down her leg and Sam was there to lick it off her thighs.

Finally I stepped back and allowed Sam to have his bitch. He began with a little licking of her thighs, slowly making his way up to her mound. He slid his tongue up and down her slit, smacking his lips as he withdrew his tongue taking her juices in. Tom, Charlie, Bill, and I sat back and watched as Sam slid his tongue deep into her unwilling pussy. Her moans only masked her tears ever so slightly as she was torn by being forced to have Sam lick her pussy in front of my friends. Tears ran down her face as she continued to moan and push against Sams tongue. We watched as Sam sucked her pussy for 5 or so minutes, which to Kristen must have felt like hours.

Finally I stood and brought Sam around the table to Kristens face. Her tear filled eyes met mine and a grin appeared on my face. She only continued to gaze into my face as I held Sams front paws and placed them on the table behind her arms, placing Sams cock inches from her face. I bent down kissed her on her nose and told her to just enjoy it. “This is what you have been craving since he fucked you this morning” I reminded her.

She grinned back her seductive grin and I knew things were going to be better now. She opened her mouth as I pressed Sams hips toward her waiting mouth. She maintained her smile as she greedily sucked on his thick red cock. All the men came to join me on the this side of the table and watch Kristen take Sams cock down her throat.

After a few thrusts of her mouth, Sam began pushing his cock down her throat. She gagged only once before allowing him to press his cock down her throat. Sams cock began to grow starting at the base and moving forward, till his knot was full and he was close to cumming. He slammed his knot tight to her lips, and Kristen continued to try to take it into her mouth but was unable to open her mouth wide enough. She could taste his precum coming in spurts into her mouth and throat. She clamped her mouth tighter against his cock making it tighter while he thrust into her mouth. His thrusting began to slow and Kristen began flicking the tip of his cock as she withdrew her mouth from his cock enough to allow more room for his seed. With one last thrust and a squeal from Sam he burst his seed into her mouth. A drop of his cum dripped from her lip as she began swallowing as much of his cum as could. She moaned out loudly as she had her own orgasm, gushing her own cum out onto the floor. I greedily ran to her pussy pressing my lips tight to her lips and sucked as much of her cum as I could. She came once more with my tongue deep inside her folds, as Sam withdrew and joined me on my side of the table. At this point she remembered the other men in the room and buried her face in the table and her sobbing began again.

As I finished sucking her sweet nectar, or as much as I could anyway, I stepped back to allow Sam to have her. He did not need help at this point and hopped up placing his legs on either side of Kristens waist. I reached down to his sheath and pulled on it gently, forcing Sam to begin humping my hand. His cock had withdrawn a few inches from cumming in Kristens mouth. Now his cock was fully erect once more and I guided it to her waiting pussy. “You ready babe” I asked teasing both of them as I slid his cock across her lips.

“Please don’t” she sobbed.

I smiled, looking at the guys I placed his cock to her dripping hole. Feeling the warmth of her pussy he thrusts forward burying all 8 inches in one thrust. Having never had a cock this big in her, she screams out in pain. I only assume Sam hit the wall of her cervix before pressing right through. He didn’t even wait till she was calmed before he started hammering his cock into her pussy. Her tears of pain turned to moans of pleasure not 10 seconds after this assault began. Sam continued to hammer his hot cock into her wet pussy forcing her first orgasm. She screamed out from the pleasure she felt of his thick cock filling her fully. She had never been so full, and imagined that not all 3 of the mens cocks in the room that were being thrust in her face and they hammered their cocks in unison with Sams hammering, could fill her the same. I slowly loosened the ropes holding her legs and she lifted her hips to take more of him inside her. Sams knot started to swell, causing a slight popping noise each time it was pulled from her pussy.

Feeling the change Kristen began pushing against Sams thrust, to keep his knot inside her. The popping ended as his knot grew too large to exit her hungry pussy. She was sent over the edge and began the longest steady orgasm she had ever had. Sam continued to thrust his cock inside her, slowing down as he neared his own orgasm. Kristen bit down hard on her lip, causing it to bleed as she continued to scream out in ecstasy. After 30 seconds Sam came to a stop and she cried out as he filled her full of his cum. She continued to push against his standstill causing Sam to whine slightly. Sending her orgasm to a new height. Her body convulsed and she pulled against her binds trying to free her hands. I could see the burns in her wrist as I jumped up on the table to hold her from hurting herself. Sam spun and turned butt to butt to Kristen and tried to free himself. This only caused Kristen to struggle more as did not want Sam to stop. Her orgasm finally subsided, giving me the ability to release her. As I did the other 3 guys blew up onto her face and back. Spent they fell into the chairs and I released her bonds. She pressed up against Sam holding his cock tight inside her. She turned her face to me, red swollen eyes met mine as she wiped her face with the shirt I retrieved for her, she simply smiled at me. “How did that feel?” I teased.

She grinned her grin and said “I love you so much” “I may not be able to leave tomorrow”