(c) 2010 by dogandhorsecum

Part One

Clare is like many 19 year old girls. She has just finished high school and looking for a job to do this summer. Being of Puerto Rican descent (her mother is a native, her father, an upper middle class american entrepreneur, met her when he was on holiday in Puerto Rico and immediately fell in love with her and took her with him to Miami), 5’7” tall, having blonde hair, a tan and firm C cup breasts, she’s fairly popular in school.

Clare is an avid horse rider since she was just 6 years old. When she was 8 she got her first horse, a large Arabian female. At the end of last year the horse died of old age. Since then Clare had been helping out at the local stables whilst she was thinking about what to do after high school.

For this summer she wanted some time alone and decided to look online if there where any jobs she likes to do. After a few hours she found something she’d like, a horse stable in Arizona looking for an intern to help train horses in show riding, racing and breeding. The pay was good and hospitality was offered on site. Immediately she replied enthusiastically.

At the end of the day she got a call from a man named Fred, who introduced himself as the owner of the stables. She was informed that she could start as soon as she could as their last intern fell ill a week ago. Clare would finish her final exams in 3 days and was quick to book a ticket to Arizona.

3 days later she arrived and was greeted at the airport by a kind looking, but large man. He again introduced himself as Fred. On the way to the farm the two got talking and they hit it off nicely. Fred lived together with his wive who used to be a jockey and show rider. They had no kids but considered their horses and dogs as family.

After just over an hour they turned of the highway and after about 20 minutes driving through the middle of nowhere, suddenly a beautiful Spanish style house was there with stables added to it, and a huge amount of land. After they got out of the car Fred showed her round the house and stables. They had 7 horses, 2 of which stallions and 2 dogs, a German shepherd of average size and a truly massive Great Dane. Last on the tour was the apartment where Clare would be staying. It was attached to the stables and about 100 yards from the main home. It was spacious, had its own kitchen and a large TV. Clare’s family had a good living but she absolutely fell in love with this house, and her own apartment was a very nice addition to give her some much needed privacy.

It was getting dark and they walked to the main house again. Fred’s wive, who introduced herself as Anna, had been preparing a welcome meal. She was a very warm woman and even at 48, she was still looking very good. She wasn’t tall, only 5’2” compared to Fred’s 6’4” frame she was dwarfed, but her dark hair, green eyes and large breasts made Clare think she must have been stunning 20 years ago.

After the meal Clare went of to her apartment. She unpacked her bags and prepared a bath, meanwhile she called her parents to tell them she arrived and that the farm was great. Clare took of her shirt and quickly her jeans followed. She was now standing in her G string and bra and admired herself in the mirror. She’s not a virgin anymore, having lost it 2 years ago to her first boyfriend and since then she was addicted to sex. She hasn’t necessarily bedded many guys, only 4 so far, but more or less fucked on a daily basis. The day before she left, knowing that she probably wouldn’t have a guy so satisfy her needs immediately, she went to buy a couple of sex toys. She got a medium sized vibrator, a large dildo and a pair of vibrating panties. These panties have a small battery in them which vibrate occasionally stimulating her vagina.

She walked to her bag and grabbed her dildo and got it out of the packaging. At 12” it was a good 2” larger than the biggest cock she’s had. She unclipped her bra and got out of her string and lowered herself in the bath. Clare slid the dildo down in her pussy and began pumping slowly. She moaned softly each time she went a little deeper. She closed her eyes and imagined she was being fucked by a black guy she met and had a one night stand with a few weeks ago. This went on for 5 minutes and she was now pumping the dildo quicker inside her pussy, all the way in right now. She was moaning louder and felt she was about to cum. She tickled her favourite spot with her free hand and seconds later she reached the moment of ecstasy. With this she was satisfied and got out of the bath.

She put a small towel round her waist which barely covered her vagina and nipples. Clare walked out of the bathroom and saw the German Shepperd sitting in front of her bed. ”hey you, what are you doing here” she said to the dog. She kneeled next to him to look at his collar, his name turned out to be Sam. Sam looked at her and started happily licking her face. Being a friend to the animals, Clare didn’t really mind and cuddled the dog and stroked his head. At this point Sam put his paw on her back and her towel fell off. Being alone now Clare didn’t mind, but she got up anyways to put the towel back on. Sam had other plans and enthusiastically started licking her pussy. ”Hey stop it!” Clare blurted out. She pushed his head away and put the towel on again. At the same time she was thinking that it actually felt really nice, for the second it lasted, briefly considered letting Sam getting on with it, but then said to herself ”No, you just played with yourself and your pussy is just a bit sensitive still, get it out of your head!”.

A good choice this was because moments later Fred knocked on the door. He came to tell her that the dogs know how to get into the apartment and often sleep there at night. If she didn’t want the dogs to stay in she could just lock the door but sometimes Sam and Max (as the Great Dane turned out to be called) would scratch on the doors for a long time. Clare replied she didn’t mind it, she had a dog herself back in New Jersey who sometimes slept in her room if it was cold outside. With this Fred told her that she could start work tomorrow at 10 instead of 9, because of the exhausting day she had today and left, Sam following suit.

Clare settled down on the sofa and turned on the TV. 10 minutes ago the movie Hitch started so she went on to watch that. Back at home her parents are out a lot so she spends a lot of her time naked. She doesn’t know if Fred might walk in again so for now she keeps on just the towel. Nearing the end of the movie Sam walks in again and went to sit in front of her. She leaned forward to tickle him under his chin and stroking his head. This went on until the end of the movie when she got up to brush her teeth. Sam quickly followed her, Clare just assumed he liked the stroking so she stroked his head a bit more and then went to the bedroom, and again Sam followed. Having slept naked since losing her virginity she can’t imagine sleeping with anything on anymore so she lost the towel and crawled onto the bed. Sam sat next to the bed looking at Clare now, tilting his head, weeping a little bug wagging his tail. Clare figured he probably wanted to sleep on the bed and she signaled he could come on up. Sam immediately did so and started licking her face again. After a few minutes Clare decided it was enough so she set the alarm for 9am and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night Clare suddenly woke up. Her bed sheets where partly moved and Sam was franticly enjoying Clare’s pussy. She was about to push Sam’s head away and kick him of the bed, she lent forward and her legs opened a little and Sam found her G spot. Clare has never felt this way before, no man has ever come remotely close to make her feel this good. She knew it was wrong but out of spontaneity and the amazing feeling she let the dog do his thing. Clare lent back on her elbows tilted her head back and moaned. This feeling was amazing, she had a man find her G spot before but none of them can lick so fanatically, and have such an amazing tongue. Clare felt she was about to cum, and moments later her juices started flowing. Sam eagerly licked all of it up, and Clare’s pussy now being on her most sensitive time had to put in amazing effort not to scream. After this ordeal was over, Clare started stroking Sam behind the ears and now pulled him away from her pussy. She loved him licking there but she was so sensitive right now she would literally scream and feared Fred might hear.

Clare hugged Sam who was standing over her, panting away and dribbling a bit. By now she was curious and looked under his belly to find a small red tip sticking out of his sheath. It was different than a human penis, it was tapered down to the tip. She was also massively disappointed in the size but figured it may get bigger. For a moment she thought about returning the favour. Slowly she reached towards his sheath and started rubbing. ‘’Oh my god’’, she thought to herself ‘’I’m not actually going to do this right? This is so wrong! What if Fred walks in and sees all this?’’. But she ignored her thoughts and touched his sheath. She felt incredibly dirty but it turned her on. By now she was slowly masturbating the dog and saw his red cock growing. By now his cock was at least 9’’ long. She felt a ball like thing in her hands inside the sheath but she didn’t think too much of it. All of a sudden she heard a loud noise outside. Scared to death it might be Fred who heard her after all, she pushed Sam away a little, pulled the sheets over her and pretended to sleep…


Part Two

5 minutes passed but she heard no more. With this she decided it was enough for tonight. Slowly but surely she fell asleep, Sam beside her. At 9am, her alarm went off. Her first thoughts were what happened during the night. Sam wasn’t there…was it all a dream? She knew she was up to try a lot of things in bed but did she really get licked by a dog, and masturbated him? She put her hand down to her pussy and it was incredibly wet by just thinking about what happened, dream or not. Clare got out of bed and went in the shower. She used coconut body wash, her favourite. Clare slowly went with her hands all over her body, and again stuck her hand down her pussy. She slowly started to masturbate when she realized she does have to work today so she better hurry up. She got out of the shower and looked at her bed. There were definitely some dog hairs there. She confirmed it must have happened, showing a naughty smile thinking to herself if she could take this further.

She put on a cute, tight, light blue top, jeans, beige boots and a beige hat, with her long hair in a pony tail through the gap. With her boobs being so firm she needn’t to wear a bra and as she didn’t like wearing them that much anyways, she didn’t use one today. She had a quick breakfast and met with Fred at quarter to 10 at the stables. He explained to her that today she had to first clean out all the stables and after that, 2 mares had to be trained for show riding. After that she was to do free as she likes, go out to the small town a few miles up the road, or go for a swim in the pool.

Clare began with cleaning out the stables of the mares and familiarize herself with all the horses. It’s hard work, but it keeps her body in great condition. Besides, back in NJ she had to do 10 mare stables 5 days a week, but with the much hotter climate in Arizona it was much harder work. Nearing midday she arrived at the stallion stables. The first one was a brown stallion named Arrow. He has a black face and was formally a race horse. Clare happily introduced herself ‘hello boy, My name is Clare and I’ll be cleaning your stable out this summer’. She stroked him on his nose and continued to clean his stable, gave him fresh water and hay and kissed him goodbye.

Next was Fred’s prized possession, a beautiful, huge black stallion named Ramses. Clare stood still and admired the beast. Ramses was used primarily for breeding, and he is allegedly worth a lot of money. He was incredibly beautiful, his muscles clearly showing. Fred has explained to her that he may look scary but in reality is a sweetheart instead. Again Clare introduced herself, cleaned the stables, fed him and gave him water. After this she just stared at him for a while and admired him. She thought about what happened during the night and found herself getting wet again. Being curious, she quickly looked underneath Ramses and saw his huge balls. She looked around and saw no one and quickly cupped one of the balls. ‘’Wow, they are heavy’’ she thought to herself, and let go. ‘What is happening to me? Last night a dog licks me and I’m disgusted, I wake up at night and find the same dog licking me and I let him, let alone that I was thinking of returning the favour…and now I’m voluntarily stroking a horses balls?’. With that thought she finds herself getting even wetter. She cups the horse again but now massages his balls a little. As if she pushed a button, his huge cock falls out of his sheath. Clare is shocked. Despite having been around horses most of her life, she’s never actually seen a horse in action. She observes his cock for a moment and grabs it. She’s a bit disappointed, it doesn’t feel stiff and it’s just hanging there. She massages Ramses’ balls again and she’s amazed the cock grows even larger, and now starts to get hard. Moments later, Ramses breezes and snorts loudly and his amazing cock hits his belly. Shocked that once again Fred or Anna might have heard she lets go and quickly leaves for lunch.

After her lunch she goes to train two horses. Unfortunately for her these are mares but at least she could take her mind of things for a while, so she thought. While training she just couldn’t take her mind of Ramses’ huge cock and the way Sam licked in bed. She wanted to try Ramses again but decided to play it safe and wait till she’s alone; it was bound to happen she thought to herself. Sam, on the other hand, if she was lucky he would stay in her apartment tonight.

After she was finished with her day she decided to check out the town and get some food supplies. The town was very small, only a handful of shops and very few people. Most of the people around were older. She went into a mini mart and got some chocolate and coke for tonight. ‘’Hey are you new in town?’’ asked the guy behind the counter. He was of similar age as Clare and looked cute hot she thought. ‘yes I am, I arrived yesterday’. ‘’would you like to go out with me tonight?’’ the guy cheekily asked. Totally opposed of what she’d normally say to a charming, good looking guy, she declined. The guy looked at her if she was some sort of freak. Obviously he rarely gets declined. ‘’If only you knew why’’ she thought and left.

When she was at the farm again it was still quite hot. She went in the apartment and grabbed her bikini to go for a quick swim to cool off. On her way to the pool she sees Max and Sam playing. Sam was of normal size for a dog, she thought, but Max was actually huge. He was almost half as large as Sam was! The dogs where playing in the distance though, so she couldn’t get a good look at the size of him. ‘’Wow, I’m hooked. All I want is having animalistic sex.’’ She thought to herself. She took a dive in the pool and looked around. She was alone. She couldn’t resist and put two fingers down her bikini and started masturbating. Not a minute later however Fred came round the corner. Luckily he couldn’t see what she was doing. ‘’Are you coming for supper with us?’’ he asked. ‘’yes I will, what time does dinner start?’’ ‘’Well if you come out of the pool in 5 minutes or so and start getting ready you’ll be alright’’. With that Fred left again. Clare lifted herself out of the pool and dried herself off and changed in the apartment.

At dinner Clare, Fred and Anna where talking about how the whole horse breeding/training farm came to fruition. It turned out that Fred made a lot of money back in the 90s and met Anna, who at the time was winning national show riding championships and raced as a jockey. When Anna retired from horse racing she still wanted to work with the horses but keep in manageable, so they bought the farm and transformed it into what it is now. They bought Ramses after his owner died shortly after getting him and his family didn’t want to put up with the costs of a horse and almost had him put down. Not wanting to let a horse die they bought him cheaply when a former friend acquaintance approached them and asked if they bred with the horse. Since then every now and then someone comes and pays a lot of money just so they can get their horse to breed with Ramses, and occasionally they collect and sell is sperm. ‘’how does that work then?’’ Clare asked. ‘’Well, we’re having dinner now sweetie but sometime next week we actually have to collect so we can show you if you like.’’ Clare replied that would be nice and soon after she left to the apartment again.

Back in her apartment Clare waited until around 9. Last night, shortly after warning Clare of the dogs, Fred left in to his house and quickly the lights went off. With a bit of luck this was their routine for the every day. Just before 9pm Sam walked in again. He greeted her like he did yesterday, licking all over her face. This time, Clare stuck her tongue out so they were practically French kissing. After this Clare stood up and went into her shower. She didn’t actually know why, perhaps just to kill time and to wash some of the pool water of her. She was confident about tonight. She was so close last night and even though it looked weird, Sam’s cock looked appealing and she was wondering about that ball in his sheath. She checked through the small window and the lights at the main house where off. She got out of the shower, put on the small towel again and went to sit down on the sofa. She was aching for Sam’s tongue but she wanted to wait until she knew everyone was vast asleep.

Meanwhile she was entertained by the TV shows. Sam was sleeping at the moment, but she still couldn’t keep her mind of it. She grabbed her laptop and searched for ‘having sex with dogs’. She saw there where a huge amount of results and the search engine even wanted to improve her search to ‘having sex with dogs tutorial’! She came on a website which described how to have sex with all sorts of animals. Since dogs were order of the day she went on to read it. Soon she discovered that the ‘ball’ she felt was actually part of his penis and would eventually came stuck inside her. While if the knot is to big it may hurt, it can by some girls feel great, and the dog will keep cumming until he pulls out. Feeling greatly excited by all this she checked the time….still an hour to kill before she considered it save.

After CSI was finished Clare stood up and woke up Sam. ‘’come on boy, we’re going to finish what we started…’’ Sam quickly followed her into the bedroom. Clare invited Sam on the bed and took the towel off. She patted on her pussy but Sam immediately knew what was going to happen. He immediately started licking her pussy, Clare quickly opened her legs and started to moan. She read on the internet that she may need to use peanut butter to get the dog interested but it was obvious that Sam liked her juicy pussy. She moaned softly. It was obviously worth the wait, if anything, it was feeling even better than last night! Perhaps that she longed for it all day had something to do with it. She opened her legs a little more and now Sam was licking her ass a little bit as well, it was a very tickling sensation. Clare stuck two fingers down her pussy and licked her juices and Sam’s saliva. Sam found her G spot again and now it was just moments away from happening, she just knew it. She rubbed her clit a little and within moments she came again. Sam was eager to lick her juices as much as he possibly can. Clare smeared as much as she could at all the places she’d like to get licked. Sam licked it all religiously. When he was finished Clare took him by his collar, pulled him over so that they where face to face , smiled and whispered ‘this is our secret boy’.

She grabbed him by his head and started to massage behind his ears, and slowly over his body. Sam stood there panting away, whilst Clare slowly moved away from underneath him. She told him to sit and then, with a small push, Sam rolled over. ‘Now it’s your turn’ she said to him. She grabbed his sheath again and slowly started pulling. Within moments, the tip of his cock started showing. Clare kept pulling and massaging his balls with her other hand. His cock was now almost completely out, it was at the same as it was yesterday when she was interrupted. She now tugged a little harder and his knot was coming out. Clare admired it for a while and then, starting at the tip of the penis, she started licking it. Very slowly she went from the tip to his knot, and slowly she went back down again. So far it’s a nice taste; she thought to herself whilst she went up towards is knot again. She stopped, and now kissed his knot, like you would do on an apple without biting on it. Her lips around the knot, she now went back down again. At the tip, she formed her mouth around it and first started to circle it with her tongue. Slowly she went deeper and she was now giving him a full on blowjob. Each time she tried to go a bit further, the knot was her goal. Suddenly a bit of precum came out; Clare tasted it and then swallowed. It wasn’t very nice but maybe she had to get used to it she thought. More and more cum came out now and Clare was wondering if he was actually cumming now or if it all was precum. By now she reached her goal and got all the way to his knot, but almost choked in the process. Deep throating clearly needs some working on, she said to herself. A bit of cum dripped from the side of her mouth down her chin. She brought it up to her mouth again with her finger and swallowed the last bit.

Clare decided to go further. She went on all fours and Sam immediately knew what to do. He climbed on her back and started humping he missed a few times so Clare guided his cock inside her dripping pussy. Sam started pumping hard now. This was much quicker than Clare had expected but it was nice, by now her soft moaning turned into short gaps of air. She could feel his knot almost entering her pussy. She wanted it in her so she started rhythmically pumping back. After a few quick pumps by Sam he was now in. Clare tried to be as quite as she could but couldn’t help but let out a slightly muffled scream. Sam was pumping even quicker now and Clare couldn’t remotely keep up so she left him at it. His knot felt amazing, it was tight but for some reason it felt right. Sam wept a little and quickly thereafter Clare felt his knot expand. She bit on her lip as Sam stopped pumping as he was cumming deep inside her. This lasted for a couple of minutes. Clare read that at this time they would be stuck together until his knot started to shrink again. After a few more minutes his knot indeed started to shrink and slowly he came out of Clare. Clare felt his cum dripping out of her; she held her hand underneath her pussy for a few moments to catch some and taste it again. This time it was much nicer and she put her hand down for some more. Sam on the other hand went to the other side of the bed and started to lick himself clean. Clare was satisfied. She just had her best sex by far exceeding what any human male has done to her. She was hooked. With this feeling she crawled under the sheets and went to sleep.


Part Three

The next morning Clare woke to find Sam already gone. A bit disappointed, she set her alarm 30 minutes early for a quick oral session. She got up and walked naked through her apartment checking if maybe Sam was around. To her surprise she found not Sam but Max in her living room. Max immediately stood up as soon as he saw the naked Clare walking towards him, the great Dane wagging his tail as he stretched out and happily walked towards Clare. He greeted her by a lick over her pussy –which was still full of Sam’s juice from the night before- ‘oh, seems you’re such a friendly boy too huh?’ as she walked towards her bed again, and lay down near the edge. She asked Max over and he did so immediately, again knowing exactly what to do. Clare opened her legs and Max slobbered all over her pussy. He was a bit messier, with lots of saliva all around her. He may not be as good as Sam but it was still a massive improvement over a guy. Max slobbered all over her which Clare found a bit funny and she chuckled a little; this big brute eating her out and leaving his mess everywhere, there was saliva up to her belly button already.

Suddenly Max jumped up and immediately his cock was in her; a good aim and obviously Max was more sexually aroused by licking Clare’s pussy than Sam is. It was a bit of a shock for Clare, she hasn’t seen his cock yet but it felt bigger than Sam’s…and he wasn’t even fully in yet! Max pumped slower than Sam, but he used his weapon to the max, getting almost completely out of her before ramming his massive cock straight back in again. Already Max started to pre-cum all over Clare, Clare knew that max was about to go in deep and possibly knot. She had to get ready for work in less than 15 minutes, and if Max knots for a long time she might have trouble explaining to Fred why she is tied to his dog….what would he think!? Clare got up and pushed Max away a little so she could slide down and put her head in the position where her pussy was moments before. She now faced Max’s cock, it was incredibly big. Of course not as big as Ramses’, but this was at least 14’’ from the end of the knot to the tip, she estimated. The knot was a fair amount larger than a tennis ball, it was that big. Clare quickly opened her mouth and started sucking, but Max had other plans. He started pumping again. Clare just opened her mouth as wide as she could while she was being fucked in her face. Although it was rough, she enjoyed this experience. Max’s pre cum had a nicer taste than Sam’s; not that she could taste much of it because most of it was being sprayed all over her face. Clare grabbed his cock just before the knot because she couldn’t possibly fit that in her mouth. A few moments later Max started thrusting faster but much shorter spurts, possibly thinking he was now knotted in her. Clare felt a load coming through his cock and Max came in her mouth. It was a huge amount but again it tasted nicer than Sam’s, which she actually already liked/ Eagerly Clare swallowed as much as she possibly could, but some of it did over flowed and dripped down the side of her mouth. With Max a little relaxed now, Clare tried to get the last bit of off him by sucking hard on his cock. A few more drops came but it really was the last. Clare let go of his cock and with Max satisfied, he left. Clare sat for a few more minutes enjoying the taste of max’s cum before having a shower and some breakfast.

After her breakfast she went to the stables to start the daily cleaning routine. Half way through her work, Fred came over to tell her there’s a family emergency down in Houston, and he and Anna where likely to be away for 4 days if not longer. He said that tomorrow the previous intern would come over to help out with a few things and stay until Fred and Anna are back. He left some extra cash for Clare and with that, Fred and Anna left. After Clare finished the last of the mares’ stables, she went over to the stallions. She first greeted Arrow and quickly cleaned his stable; she could no longer wait to see Ramses again. The fact that Arrow probably has a more or less the same weapon, she wanted to be with Ramses more. Yesterday she felt she really connected with him.

As she popped over to Ramses stable, she first cuddled him for a long time, stroking his neck and kissing him. After cleaning his stables, she left out the food and water for now. She went down on her knees and looked up to see his huge balls. She grabbed and started massaging them like she did the day before. It didn’t take long for Ramses’ cock to flop out of his sheath, almost hitting Clare in the face in the process. With one hand she grabbed his cock and the other she kept massaging the huge and heavy balls. Moments later his cock was like yesterday, hard as a diamond. Clare grabbed the cock with two hands and started masturbating him. Ramses’ started thrusting, not very hard, he was actually pretty gentle. Clare kept rubbing his huge cock but now slowly grabbed the courage to give him a blowjob. She started at the head, which required a lot of work. It was huge, almost as large as Max’s knot this morning, but softer. She slowly went up his shaft, licking down the side of it all the way to his base. Clare slowly went down to the head again whilst she kept stimulating his cock, moving her head rhythmically with Ramses’ gentle thrusts. She tried to fit as much of the cock in her mouth but she couldn’t manage much past the head. Clare just sucked hard on his cock whilst pressurizing Ramses’ cock. She must have been doing it right because without warning, the head started to swell. A bit scared, Clare backed off a bit but kept sucking. Ramses breezed, swept his tail and blew a load straight in her mouth. Clare expected it to come but was shocked by the amount of it. Her mouth was already full and as a reflex she swallowed some. Ramses kept cumming so Clare had to move her mouth away from his cock, still busy with his first shot. Another shot came all over her face this time. His juices where thick, but she enjoyed the taste. As she licked her lips for more Ramses wouldn’t stop ejaculating. His cum was all over her shirt. Some of it went between her breasts. Ramses stopped cumming and after Clare got most of it of her face, she took her clothes of, despite most of it covered in cum. Ramses’ cock slowly went inside his sheath again whilst Clare was cuddling him. After a few more minutes of cuddling she decided she should get back to work. Clare looked at her clothes but decided that for the rest of the day, she would wear nothing but her boots she was wearing now. It wasn’t as if anyone would see her, the farm being in the middle of nowhere, and if someone would come she could see him coming from miles away because of the dust.

As Clare walked away from Ramses’ stables, feeling a slight breeze between her pussy she felt dirty. Not because of the fact she just sucked of a horse and swallowed his juices, but the good kind of dirty, already the need for more hot, animalistic sex.

As she went up to one of the mares she had to train she decided to bareback. She used to ride bareback on her own horse sometimes and she loved the feeling of it. She led the mare to the riding ring and climbed on her, bare naked beside her leather boots. As the mare trotted around the ring, her breasts where bouncing around. Clare looked down and still saw some of Ramses’ cum. With her finger she grabbed and swallowed it. After nearly 2 hours of training the horses Clare was finished. She loved the naked bare back riding, especially in the hot temperatures of Arizona. After finishing up Clare went down to the pool to cool of a little and perhaps work on her tan.


Part Four

The following day Clare woke up early. She hoped Sam would be here again for a good morning fuck, but neither Sam nor Max where there. Disappointed she went to have a shower. Today the previous intern would help her out. During breakfast she started wondering why the dogs and Ramses where so ‘used’ to have sex with a human. Had they done it before? Did Anna have sex with the horses? Or even the previous intern? No; they must just think its natural and the dogs licking her pussy so good is just because they enjoyed her juices so much. After her breakfast she decided to get on with her job.

After cleaning out both the mares’ stables and Arrows’ stable, she got busy with Ramses’ stable. For a moment she wanted to suck his cock again, but decided against it. She had no idea what time the previous intern would come and wouldn’t want to risk coming out of the stables drenched in cum, or even worse, while she was sucking him off.

It was a good bet. 5 minutes after finishing of Ramses’ stable, she heard a car coming. Clare walked outside and saw a girl driving a Hummer. Clare waved and the girl parked close to where Clare was standing. She got out of the car and with a big smile a gorgeous girl introduced herself as Maria. Maria was a Korean girl, with a black father. A great combination because she was slightly more tanned than most Korean girls. She was about 5’6’’ tall, only an inch shorter than Clare. She was a year older than Clare. Maria had large lips, straight hair with blonde highlights and with her high heels, sweet smelling perfume, hoopy earrings she actually looked like an incredibly high paid escort. ‘’I’m sorry I’m so late’’, Maria said to Clare. ‘’Oh it doesn’t matter really, Fred was gone so quickly he didn’t even mention at what time you would come!’’ Clare replied. Maria and Clare chatted away while walking towards the apartment so they could get their riding clothes. They walked straight to the bedroom where Clare’s riding clothes where. As Clare was getting her riding clothes out, Maria started undressing. Clare turned around and by now Maria was only wearing her underwear. ‘’oh sorry’’, Maria said. ‘’You don’t mind do you?’’ ‘’not at all’’, Clare replied. ‘’it’s just that I lived over here for over a year and only left 3 weeks ago, I’ve just gotten so used to being naked here I didn’t even think about it!’’. Clare briefly stared at Maria’s body, eying her up from her perfect legs, her perfect chest and resting on her great boobs, which were larger than Clare’s which she didn’t expect from an asian girl. ‘’They’re implants’’ Maria said. ‘’excuse me?’’ replied Clare, still staring at Maria’s breasts. ‘’My tits, they’re implants. I saw you staring and was sort of expecting the question’’ Maria said. Clare started blushing and apologized. ‘’oh it’s no bother really, I mean I got them so I could enjoy them and others to, right?’’ Maria said. Clare nodded and now started undressing too. This girl clearly didn’t mind some nakedness, which Clare greatly appreciated and she took a likening to Maria. As they both finished up and were in gear they walked towards the stables. Maria looked at the main house and asked Clare if Fred gave her a key. ‘’Fred probably forgot in his hurry, is there anything you need from there?’’ Clare replied. ‘’oh no, it’s just that then I had a place to sleep for tonight. I live in LA so it’s not exactly a quick drive to my home to drive for this week!’’ ‘’oh we can share my bedroom right? The bed is huge…’’ Clare blurted out, instantly regretting it since she now realized she couldn’t get busy with either Max or Sam. ‘’you know what, you’re right!’’ Maria replied. Great, Clare thought…

After they finished riding they went to the pool to cool off. They chatted some more and it turned out that Maria stopped working at the stables because she became a model and wanted to act in movies. ‘’oh, you’d have no problem with that! You’re gorgeous!’’ Clare said. ‘’thanks, I actually had trouble getting a job at first because there were a few girls a bit like me so I’ve decided to go fully nude, softcore style modeling. It earns well and I had 3 shoots in the last week alone. It also helps for my acting career.’’ Maria replied. ‘’how will it help with your acting career, are you doing porn or something?’’ Clare asked. Clare liked that she could be so open with Maria. ‘’I am actually, I think I’m starting off with girl on girl first and if there’s enough demand perhaps main stream porn’’ Maria said. ‘’wow, I’d love a job like that but my parents would never approve!’’. ‘’I’m not sure mine do either, but they have to learn with it, and what I do sexually is pretty much none of their business’’, Soon after they finished chatting they started to sun bathe and Clare nodded off. Her last fuck with Max last night went on for a long time after Max tied with her for over half an hour.

About an hour later Clare woke up. She heard Maria whisper ‘not now boy! What if Clare wakes up?’ Clare wanted to turn around but decided listen what was going on. She definitely heard one of the dogs tongue licking. A very soft moan from Maria was all she needed. Clare turned round and saw Maria with her legs a little open and Max licking the cloth of her bikini. She saw Maria’s shocked face who quickly pushed Max away. Clare smiled and said ‘’He does that sometimes, huh?’’ ‘’’It happened to you too?’’ Maria asked. ‘’Yeah, it was actually Sam who started it the first night I was here’’ ‘’then what happened?’’ Maria said. Clare heard Maria’s voice change a little. She put the question as if she was very interested but also as if she knew more. She sounded hornier too. ‘’Well, I was actually standing there in this small towel, and he just stuck his snout up by pussy and licked! I pushed him away but he tried again… He stopped after the third try though. But later that night…’’ Clare stopped. ‘’what happened then?’’ Maria asked. ‘’nothing’’. ‘’Oh come on, you said later that night and you just stopped! It was just getting interesting…’’ Maria replied. ‘’ok…well Sam sorta slept in my bed and obviously somehow got the sheets off. He woke me up whilst licking my pussy. At first I wanted to stop but I couldn’t push him away, and to be honest it felt good so I let him finish’’. Clare answered. ‘’I’ve got to be honest; when I first got here I was bored out of my mind. Back in LA I erm, had ‘good fun’ with a few guys and over here there were none. I kind of strolled upon a website after 2 months here where this girl was being licked by her dog. I hadn’t had sex for 2 full months so out of desperation I started to teach Sam how to do it, using quite a lot of peanut butter at first but none was needed after a while really.’’ Maria said. Clare was surprised with Maria’s honesty but was somehow still too shy to tell her about her encounters with Max and Ramses, and that much more happened with Sam. Clare didn’t follow up on it , somehow scared that she had to elaborate about her encounters.

For dinner Maria invited Clare to eat at a small restaurant in town. They chatted about usual girl things during dinner, obviously not about the bestiality encounters. Maria was a bit shy now because she told Clare that she actually taught Sam how to pleasure her but in Clare’s case it was Sam that overpowered Clare. On the way back they rented a movie to watch for the night and a big bowl of Ben and Jerry’s.

Back at the apartment they popped in the DVD. Maria wasn’t used to being shy so she got above it and said ‘’Clare, should we just watch this movie in our pajamas with the bed sheet over us, and the Ben and jerry’s bowl? You know, like we girls normally watch a sad movie…’’. ‘’Erm, I actually don’t have a pajama…I normally sleep naked’’ Clare replied. ‘’that makes two of us.’’ Maria got out of all her clothes whilst walking towards the bedroom. Clare was attracted to Maria and quickly got out of all her clothes too. Maria came back with the bed sheet and the ice cream. They giggled like little school girls sharing the bowl of strawberry ice cream.

Halfway through the movie Sam walked into the living room. He noticed Clare’s g string on the floor and started sniffing it. ‘’look’’ Clare said to Maria. ‘’Seems like he can smell me’’. Maria crawled over Clare, pressing their breasts against each other. Maria giggled and said ‘’hopefully that’s not all he needs tonight’’, looking into Clare’s eyes for a reaction. Clare immediately got wet at just the thought of having both Maria and Sam. ‘’I hope not…’’Clare replied. Maria cuddled up Clare and they finished watching the movie like this.

After the movie finished Maria was first to get up. Completely naked she walked towards the bedroom, and after opening the door she turned around and asked Clare ‘’you coming?’’. Clare stood up, grabbed the bed sheet and quickly followed Maria in the bedroom. ‘’what side do you sleep on?’’ Maria asked Clare. ‘’the right side’’ ‘’that’s a pity…I slept on that side as well’’ Maria replied. ‘’maybe we should share the same side’…’ She added. Clare Chuckled and got in on the left side. ‘’Am I winning that easily?’’ Maria hinted. ‘’I guess not’’ Clare said and she rolled over and she now sat on top of Maria, both completely naked. ‘’Have you ever had sex with a girl?’’ Maria asked. ‘’no…but I guess there’s a first time for everything’’ Clare replied as the bended down and passionately kissed Maria. Maria kissed her back. Clare felt Maria’s soft skin. She liked rough sex but this had a nice romantic touch to it. Maria’s skin was silky smooth. Slowly Clare, who was still on top, kissed Maria’s neck and kept going lower. Now at her breasts, she took Maria’s left nipple in her mouth and started playing with it. She first kissed it, then went round it with her tongue. Maria enjoyed Clare playing with her nipples but she softly pushed Clare in the direction she had the most need now. Clare got the hint and licked down her belly and ended up at Maria’s waxed pussy. She teased Maria more, knowing that she desperately wanted to get licked by kissing around her pussy. After a minute of doing this Clare herself couldn’t resist any longer and started to lick Maria’s pink pussy. Maria had a wonderful taste, not as bitter as Sam’s, Max’s or Ramses’ cum. It was very sweet tasting. Eagerly Clare licked up all of Maria’s juices. Maria’s beautiful body twisted of sexual ecstasy. Suddenly Clare got up and walked to her dresser. She got out her 12’’ dildo. ‘’no’’ Maria said. For a moment Clare was surprised. ‘’I’ve got a better idea’’. Maria got up and walked to the living room. ‘’come on boy’’ Maria said to Sam. ‘’I’ve been waiting 3 weeks for this’’ She said.

Maria invited Sam on the bed. Sam jumped on immediately. He looked at both girls but as Maria padded on her pussy he started licking her. Maria moaned loudly. Clare was leaning on one hand and looking at the ordeal. She was slowly masturbating herself. Sam was clearly enjoying himself because the tip of his cock was out a little. Maria invited Clare so she could return the favour. Clare went to sit on top of Maria’s face. She had a magical tongue, obviously not as well as Sam’s, or Max’s torrent for that matter, but she definitely knew what she was doing. ‘’uuh….MMmm…That porn star thing you where thinking about baby…you could definitely make uuh…it big…uuh…’’ Clare moaned. Maria’s body starting twisting again. ‘’uhh….I’m cumming. Turn around you can catch some’’. Clare quickly turned round and Sam was still licking Maria. She put her head down near Maria’s pussy and waited for Sam to finish up. Maria continued licking Clare’s wet pussy whilst she was cumming. Clare desperately wanted some so she put her head next to Sam’s and began licking with her tongue. Sam and Clare now basically licked Maria’s pussy whilst also licking each others tongues. Clare raised her head and looked down the side of Sam. His cock was hanging out now but his knot was still inside his sheath. Clare climbed off Maria and grabbed his sheath. She massaged his knot and moments later it came out as well. She moved her head closer and licked the tip of his red, vainy cock with her tongue. Clare put her lips round his cock and started to move up and down, all the way to his knot and back down to the tip, where she teased him by licking just the tip with her tongue. After the second time Sam started to hump her mouth and releasing pre cum. After swallowing this load, Clare held her hand under his cock and told Maria to go on all fours. Maria obeyed and Sam immediately jumped on her back, and trying to stick his cock in her pussy. He missed a couple of times so Clare helped him getting inside Maria. Clare was lying underneath Maria and Sam, holding his cock so that he wouldn’t knot Maria. Sam was quickly pumping his precum inside Maria. Clare had some of his cum still on her hands and smeared a little over her breasts. Maria rested her head on the cushion whilst with one hand she started masturbating. She moaned loudly whilst Sam was pumping. Suddenly Sam wept and his knot swells up a little. He stopped pumping and Clare pulled his cock out of Maria’s pussy and put it in her mouth. Her mouth quickly filled up with Sam’s cum and Maria turned around and put her head next to Clare’s. She took over Sam’s cock and put it in her mouth, during this process some cum spattered on both their faces. Sam sprayed his last cum in Maria’s mouth, who swallowed gracefully. Sam jumped off the bed and Maria rolled on her back. Clare climbed on top of her and kissed her, swapping Sam’s cum with Maria, keeping some for herself which she swallowed. Maria swallowed the cum Clare kindly gave over and they rested in each others arms. ‘’Mmm, we should do this again babe’’ said Maria. ‘’defininitely’’, replied Clare. As they laid on their sides, face to face, they pulled the sheets over them and shared one kiss before slowly falling asleep.


Part  Five

The next morning Clare woke up by the sound of the shower. Clare got up and found that Maria was showering. Quickly, Clare opened the door and Maria greeted her with a kiss. Clare kissed her back and put her hand on Maria’s pussy. Slowly she fingered and teased Maria whilst Maria returned the favor, all the time kissing each other. Their breasts touching each other, the soft skin and the water made it a great experience. It wasn’t full on sex like the night before with Sam but it was only early morning…

At breakfast Maria asked Clare what they would do today ‘’oh…I’ve got something in mind hun. Anna and Fred won’t be back for a while I guess so I think we should take full advantage of each other and the animals.’’ Clare replied. ‘’Have you thought about the stallions yet?’’ Maria asked. ‘’Mmm its as if you can read my mind baby’’.

As they got up, both still completely naked bar their leather boots, they walked towards the stables. As usual, they first cleaned out the mares stables. Today was exceptionally hot so they worked up quite a sweat. Coming up at the last stable Maria put her fingers between Clare’s lips. ‘’Mmm seems like your wet already’’. Maria walked towards the mare, named Suzie, and stuck her hand down Suzie’s pussy as well. ‘’what are you doing, checking if she’s wet too?’’ Clare jokingly said. ‘’no, Suzie’s in heat so I’m smearing her juices on me…Trust me, Ramses and Arrow will go nuts!’’ Maria said, walking up to Clare and putting some over Clare as well. ‘’How do you know all of this?’’ Clare asked. ‘’experience hun’’ As they finished off the mares they walked towards Ramses and Arrows. ‘’Which one should we do first?’’ Maria boldly asked. ‘’I’ve only been with Ramses, he’s so beautiful’’ Clare said. ‘’Yes he is, but for a beginner I actually recommend Arrow. His cock isn’t as thick as Ramses and the head really doesn’t flare too much…besides, if anything, he cums ever more than Ramses!’’. ‘’ok then’’ Clare replied. As they walked into Arrows’ stable, Suzies’ juice seemed to have a great effect. Arrow immediately got a massive erection and he breezed loudly. ‘’don’t be afraid of him, he’s so gentle’’. Clare approached Arrow and huddled down. Instinctively, she grabbed his cock and began sucking immediately. ‘’hey wait for me’’ Maria joked. Maria got down opposite Clare and grabbed his cock a little higher but sucked right next to where Clare was sucking. Occasionally their tongues touched. ‘’he tastes good doesn’t he?’’ Maria asked. ‘’he does, but he just won’t cum!’’ Clare replied as she was now massaging his huge balls. They must have been the size of large pears. ‘’Arrow doesn’t cum by just being sucked on…’’. ‘’so…we have to fuck him?’’ Maria nodded. ‘’how is THAT going to work?!’’ Clare said, slightly shocked. ‘’I’ll show you. Keep sucking him, I’ll be right back!’’ Maria ran off. Clare obliged and kept sucking, but a little worried now that she was probably going to get fucking by this massive cock. She was happy that Ramses didn’t need this treatment as he would never fit! Arrows’ cock wasn’t nearly as thick as Ramses’ cock. Clare could fit the head completely in her mouth and with some effort, push it fairly deep she thought.

Maria came back. She had a wheel barrow with some hay barrels on it, a towel and two glass bowls. Clare ignored the bowls and helped Maria with the hay barrels. They put the towel over the barrels and Maria asked if she could go first. ‘’I think that’s better’’ Clare replied. Maria laid down with her back on the barrel and Clare assisted her with handing Maria Arrow’s cock. It went in perfectly. Maria talked to Arrow and padded him on his side. ‘’It’s me baby, be careful now’’ As if Arrow could understand her, he pushed in Maria. ‘’Mmm…come on boy, give it to me’’ Maria said, all the time padding his side. Clare looked at the ordeal and got incredibly wet. ‘’Come on, a bit more effort’’ Again, as if Arrow understood, he now began pushing harder, but not going deeper at all. ‘’Uuh…uhh…that’s it boy give it to me!’’ Maria said. ‘Mmm….oh yeah….come on big boy!’’ ‘’Clare, get one of the bowls ready, he’s about to cum!’’ Clare obliged and quickly grabbed a bowl and held it near Maria’s pussy. It was right on time because once more Arrow breezed loudly and wagged his tail from side to side. Arrow came. Clare could clearly here his cum gushing into Maria. Maria quickly filled up and Clare cached pretty much all of his cum inside the bowl. It was an incredibly load, almost a cup full at least…and there was still some inside Maria. Clare put the bowl aside and grabbed Arrows’ cock out of Maria’s pussy. His cock rested on Clare shoulder whilst Clare was now franticly licking and sucking Maria’s horse cum drained pussy. Arrows’ cum was bitter and sour at the same time much the same as Ramses’, a fantastic taste Clare thought. After Clare finished Maria off, she asked Maria how it was. ‘’oh…it’s fantastic. You definitely have to try it tomorrow. We’ll leave him be for now so he can recover for tomorrow.’’ Clare and Maria moved the hay barrels. ‘’what do we do with the bowl?’’ Clare asked. ‘’Oh, maybe for later…but for now it’s Ramses’ turn!’’

The girls moved on to Ramses stable. Ramses was already hanging out, his cock so huge it was almost level with his knees. ‘’hey big boy, missed me?’’ Maria asked. She kissed him on the nose and looked at his cock. ‘’well, seems like you did’’. Clare was already on her knees and grabbed his cock. Maria came over with the bowl and put it in between them. Clare was sucking on the head whilst Maria licked and sucked up and down the side of Ramses monster cock. They both massaged one of his incredible balls, which as usual where hard as steel. Ramses’ pushed softly. Maria now put her head next to Clare and began sucking on his huge head as well. Suddenly, Ramses swept with his tail and blasted Clare and Maria in the face, mostly covering Clare. Maria quickly grabbed the bowl and poured as much as she could in it. It was quite a bit more than yesterday, at least a cup and a half where in the bowl now, the rest covered their faces and some Clare swallowed as a reflex. Maria turned to Clare and kissed her once, before licking Ramses’ cum of Clare’s face. To Clare’s amazement, Maria spat the cum in the bowl. ‘’what are you doing? Don’t you like it?’’ ‘’Quite the contrary…We’re saving it for tonight….’’Maria replied. ‘’ok then’’ Clare said and did the same to Maria, cheekily swallowing a bit.

As they finished up they walked back to the apartment. ‘’what are we doing with the cum then?’’ ‘’For now, we’ll put it in the fridge. I’m an excellent cook’’ Maria replied. Which reminds me, even with the two bowls we may need a little more…


Part Six

Maria is standing in the kitchen with just an apron on. Clare looks at her perfectly shaped ass as she walks towards her. She stands behind Maria and smells her. She smells of vanilla, one of Clare’s favourites. Clare starts feeling horny again by just the look and smell of Maria and puts her hands on Maria’s ass. She squeezes the perfect tight bum as Maria smiles. She turns around and looks at Clare. She’s wearing a tiny white tight top without a bra, her nipples are clearly visible sticking through her top. Her tanned tummy is exposed. She’s wearing a tiny checkered mini skirt, just barely covering her ass. She’s wearing huge leather 5’’ heel boots coming up to her knees. ‘’wow…you look so stunning right now ‘‘ Says Maria as she kisses her softly on the lips. ‘’Thanks hun…what sort of food are you making here? It smells delicious!’’ Clare replied. ‘’as a starter we have a simple garlic bread, followed by a special prawn cocktail with some off the sauce from early…and right now I’m finishing up the mix for our desert…Which will be a secret! So of you go and watch some TV, I’m going to get myself ready just now! Clare does as ordered and watches some TV. Some 15 minutes later Maria walks the bedroom and closes the door behind her, so Clare can’t see what she’ll be wearing.

A little while later Maria comes out again. Clare looks at her and her jaw drops. Maria is wearing a beautiful black dress, showing of all her assets perfectly. Her boobs are pushed up a little, her hair curled and she’s wearing beautiful heels. She looks like an actress, a celebrity. Just perfect. ‘’shall we eat?’’ she asks Clare, who hasn’t been able to utter a word. ‘’um, uh…yeah..wow!’’ is all Clare could bring out. Maria smiles at her and asks her if she would like to sit. Clare obliges and sits down, whilst Maria puts out a couple of candles, turns off the light and gets the garlic bread and prawn cocktail. After a few bites of the garlic bread, Clare goes for the prawns. Maria really went to town with this; she put all sorts of spices and oils in, together with a good few table spoons of Ramses’ cum. Clare take a bite of a prawn, and takes in the time tasting the sensation. Immediately she tastes the unmistakable taste of horse cum, albeit together with a lemony sensation to it. That’ll be the good work of Maria’s cooking then! ‘’Verdict?’’ Maria hopefully asks. ‘’Maria…oh my god! You truly outdid yourself this time! This is delicious!’’ Maria now has to try some for herself. She takes a prawn, makes sure she has lots of ‘’sauce’’ on it and puts it in her mouth. ‘’Mmm! You’re right! This is good! This is going right in my ‘special’ cookbook! As they both finish up their prawns, Maria gets up to get the desert. Clare watches Maria as she’s busy in the kitchen; dinner clearly worked as an aphrodisiac as she can barely contain herself. Maria returns and puts down the desert. It looks like a simple ice cream in a wine glass, but knowing Maria Clare knows something else is in there. ‘’this is a Dom Pedro, or as I like to call it, a Dom Arrow! It’s vanilla ice cream, with a shot of Kalua added, as well as two shots of Arrows’ juices!’’ Maria grabs a spoonful and feeds it to Clare. ‘’Oh my…dear god!’’ Clare exclaims. She returns the favour to Maria and feeds her as well. Arrow’s cum, the kahlua and of course the vanilla ice cream turned out to be a winning combination. The taste is fantastic and they finished desert in no time. ‘’wow Maria, you truly are a great cook and certainly know how to make a great setting too! No guy has ever put so much effort in a meal for me’’ Clare said, as she leans forward and deeply kisses Maria. Maria strokes Clare’s face and slowly moves down, letting her nails softly run over Clare’s breasts down to her tummy and now reaches her thighs. ‘’I’ve been wondering about this all night…’’ She softly exclaims. She moves her hand inside Clares skirt and touches her drenching pussy. ‘’I thought so…’’ Maria said with a smile. ‘’Shall we move this to the bedroom?’’ Clare nods.

Maria takes Clare by her hand and leads her to the bedroom. Rose petals cover the bed. Maria lays Clare down on the bed and softly kisses her again. She kisses her down by her neck as she moves her hands up Clare’s arm. ‘’Turn around’’ she seductively says to Clare. Clare obliges and turns around. She now sees a pair of handcuffs in front of her. ‘’Are you going to tie me up?’’ Clare asks. Maria doesn’t say anything, she softly grabs Clare’s wrist and ties her down. Clare lets Maria do as she pleases as her second hand is tied down. Maria kisses Clare on her back, momentarily spending some extra time on her pussy. She kisses Clare’s freshly shaven soft pussy and then ties her ankles. Next she gets a silk blindfold. Shotly before putting it on she asks: ‘’You’re going to have to trust me tonight’’. ‘’Ok’’ Clare replied. Maria puts on the blindfold, gets up and walks out. A few minutes pass. Clare knows what’s about to come and she can barely contain herself. Clare hears footsteps, clearly one of the dogs is coming. ‘’Look how wet Clare is for you boy! A puddle has already formed in the short time I was away! Sam barks loudly. Maria pats on the bed and he jumps up. ‘’go on…do what you do best!’’ Maria says to Sam. Sam sniffs at Clares dripping pussy. His warm breath makes Clare crazy; she wiggles her bump a little and gives him words of encouragement. It’s all the Sam needs. He starts licking franticly, every drop he catches. His tongue slides inside Clare’s pussy. She begins moaning. His tongue occasionally slips her ass. Suddenly he jumps up and rams his massive cock straight into Clare. Clare screams out loud, nothing is holding her back. He fucks her deep and quick, his knot is rubbing against her g spot. It only takes moments; Clare cums loudly ‘’Oh my god! Mmm!!’’ she screams. Her orgasm seems to last for ages. Sam continues on fucking her, now making shorter spurts. ‘’Ooh I can feel his cum inside me already! Fill me up baby!’’ she says. In all her excitement, Clare hasn’t even noticed Maria left as soon as Sam was inside her. She can feel each and every drop sam puts inside her. Suddenly he yelps and Clare feels his knot grow and a huge amount of cum shoots deep inside her vagina. Sam stops and is resting on top of her. A sea of his and her cum is sloshing inside of Clare. ‘’Maria’’ Clare said ‘’That was fantastic! Now it’s your turn…’’. No answer. ‘’Maria?’’ no answer again. A minute or two pass, when Maria comes inside again. ‘’how was that baby…did you enjoy yourself?’’ ‘’Maria…that was the greatest I’ve had so far I think. Where did you go?’’ Clare said. ‘’I got you another desert…come Max!”

Max jumps up onto the bed. Sam is still knotted inside Clare as Maria starts to massage Sam behind the ears to get him to relax. Max knows what’s going to happen and exitedly walks around on the bed, his tip already sticking out. Clare sticks her hand out and softly strokes Max’s shaft. His big red veiny cock dominantly starts showing. A few more minutes pass and Sam’s knot slowly starts shrinking. Suddenly a plopping noise and his cock falls out, along with some of his cum. Maria is quick to the action and puts her mouth on Clare’s pussy and sucks a little out. She calls Max over and signals him to mount clare. He does so immediately, and with a little guidance from Maria his cock slides right into Clare’s cum filled vagina. Immediately he start thrusting his cock inside her. Clare moans. Her emotions are driving her wild; never has she enjoyed sex as much as with Maria and the dogs. It all becomes to much for her and she cums for a second time. Max fucks his bitch harder and deeper with every single thrust. MAria watches the ordeal. The look of pure pleasure on Clare’s face says it all. Suddenly, Max yelps and with one last throb cums deep inside Clare. He rests his body on top of her for the next 20 minutes whilst Clare recovers. When he finally rolls of he lays down on the other side of the bed, Clare rolls onto her back. She smiles at Maria who dives straight for her girlfriends pussy and starts sucking it, collecting as much of the delicious juices from the dog orgy in her mouth and swallows it. When she’s finished she gets a bit higher and intensely Kisses Clare on the mouth. They lie down next to each other and fall asleep.


Part Seven

The next morning Clare woke up. She looked around but Maria was already up and showered. Clare gets out of bed and straight into the shower. She was thinking of the night before and how it made her feel, both about her sexuality and her aparent feelings for Maria. She had never thought about being in a relationship with the fairer sex, although she has always appreciated girls and their curves. But she never thought she would actually be in love with a woman. As she’s adding everything up she gets horny again and as she’s applying body wash she starts masturbating herself slowly. She can’t take Maria out of her mind: Her stunning hair, perfect shaped body, her piercing brown eyes and her pretty pink, delicious pussy. And the stuff she gets up to blows her mind! Clare realizes she’s absolutely in love with her new friend and cums as her thoughts go wild.

She gets out of the shower and dresses herself: A skirt and white tank top will do…no point in underwear really, she thinks to herself. She walks to the kitchen and Maria has prepared breakfast. ”Hello beautiful” Maria greets her and kisses her intently. ”Sit down baby…” Clare goes and sit at the table and a beautiful prepared breakfast greets her. There’s scrambled egg, bacon, toast and a delicious looking fruitshake. Clare has a suspicion of what’s in the fruitshake…But she digs into her bacon and eggs first, anticipating the best for last. ”Clare…I think we have to talk”, a slightly down sounding Maria tells her. ”why…what’s wrong hun?” Clare asks, shocked at a potential bombshell and she already gets a lump in her throat. ”I’ve been in contact with a woman over the last few weeks. She owns a legit farm in Australia, but also runs a small dog breeding program there. we got in contact and she now wants me to join her doing private shows and making videos and sell them. I’m flying out there next week…”. Clare gets teary eyed ”But what about us? Does she know about me? And the animals…are you sure they’re not there purely for money?” ”Clare…relax, let me explain” Maria says, in a calming voice. ”Obviously what has happened over the last few days never anticipated. I think we both have a wonderful connection, and I had the same worries as you have: Are the animals there for money and abused or is it like we do? I had a long conversation with her over skype a while back and she showed me the farm, the animals. They all look stunning, and she has her private animals she does the shows and videos with, and they all look wonderful, happy and well fed. I have no concerns there, they all seem to love each other. I’ve seen her private videos and she does it out of love for her babies. Anyhow, I spoke to her during the night when you where sleeping and I’ve told her about you and me. Long story short, she is very keen for you to come over also, if you so wanted. She told me to talk it over with you and you can make your…” Maria can’t finish her sentence, as Clare blurts out an assuring and exited ”YES!!!” Maria jumps up and hugs and kisses her girlfriend ”Oh my god! I’m so happy! I had my doubts if you would come! Let me phone Kelly, oh I’m so excited!” Maria walks to her laptop and immediately skypes Kelly, the woman in Australia.

After all is done and dusted, they get back to finish their breakfast and the delicious looking fruitshake Maria made. ”So…what’s in the shake?” ”Guess baby” Clare takes a big gulp of the thick fruitshake and savours it. ”Hmm…I can definitely taste strawberrys, banana orange…and I’m sure that’ll be a generous amount of horse cum!!”. ”Ah, close baby…but you missed the shot of Max’s love juice and Kiwi’s!” Maria says. ”In any case…it’s absolutely delicious” Clare replies and they both drink their protein away. They’ve barely finished it or the phone starts ringing. Clare gets up and answers. It’s Fred and he’s saying they’re on their way back and should be back ”at some point that day”. Clare tells Maria, and they both have the same plan: To the stables!! Before they’re out of the apartments door, Maria is only wearing her G string and nothing else. Without thinking, Clare drops her clothes and runs after her.

They both arrive at the stables and Maria dives into Ramses side. She kisses him on the nose and caresses his neck. ”I think this’ll be our last time again baby…Fred is coming home so that means I’ll be going soon”. Ramses reacts by breezing and as maria checks under his belly, she sees his massive cock flopping down. She kisses him once more and slides underneath him. She cups one of his huge balls and his cock reacts. Instantly blood rushes in it and the penis slams against his belly. With her free hand Maria grabs the top of his penis and starts massaging him. Clare walks around the other side and gets on her knees. She kisses Ramses’ shaft and licks to the top. She softly caresses the two big nuts with the tips of her fingers and softly kisses them. Maria started to focus on the head and wraps her lips around it, for as much as she could. She licks around the head and teases Ramses with the tip of her tongue. It didn’t take long, a clear liquid starts to flow out of his cock. Maria takes it in her mouth and spits it around the head and a bit of the shaft. She gets up and Clare immediately goes to the front of the big veiny cock and starts sucking up the pre cum. ”don’t swallow it…use it as lube baby” Maria advises her. Clare complies and lubes the big cock up. Maria pushes a straw bale underneath Ramses and Clare moves up. She grabs a towel and Maria lays down. Clare assists her and grabs Ramses’ massive cock. She sucks on it once more and gets a bit more precum out. She spits it on Maria’s wet pussy and then slowly guides it in. ”yes..aaah…Mmmm…that’s it” Maria moans. Ramses pushes forwards as Maria strokes his belly on both sides. Clare observes the ordeal as Ramses kindly moves up and down, pushing that huge cock deep inside Maria. As Maria moans deeply and passionately, Clare goes back to softly kissing Ramses’ heavy nuts, and caresses one with her finger tips.

It’s all a bit too much for Ramses as he suddenly breezes loudly, just as his big cock falls out of Maria’s pussy. Clare just grabbed the cock as she sees the head flare up. She knows what will happen. The head flared up and Clare could feel the cum shoot through the cock as it blasts all over Maria’s pussy, tummy and even got as far as falling all over hear face and hair! Clare immediately moves forward and starts sucking on the head, trying to get the last of the cum out of his huge balls. She gets about half a mouth full and kindly swallows it. She looks over to Maria, who is in absolute ecstasy. She grabs her by her hips and starts licking the cum from her belly button, moving down towards her pussy. She sucked some of the cum out of Maria’s velvet love cave. It took mere seconds and Maria’s gushed out. Clare gladly licked the combined juices of Ramses and Maria, thoroughly enjoying it.

”It’s your turn, lets go to Arrow!” Maria suddenly said. Clare gets up, and walks straight to Arrows’ stable. He must’ve been smelling the sex in the air, as he has a massive erection already. Clare strokes him on the neck as Maria prepares another bale and pushes it underneath Arrow. Clare kisses Arrow and moves down underneath him. Maria gets some cum from her face and wets Clare’s vagina. She grabs Arrow’s weapon and strokes his shaft, gently sucking on the head. Moments later, the horny horse starts precumming and Maria guides the big cock to Clare’s pussy. She pulls a few times hard on his cock to get more cum on Clares pussy and then pushes it in. ‘Aah…Hmm…oh god this feels so good!” Clare screams it out. Maria masturbates the horse and manages the cocks rhythm. Clare moans loudly and Arrow loudly responds by whinnying loudly. She feels his throbbing cock against the wall of her vagina. She can’t hold it any longer and cums loudly, screaming it out. Maria smiles at her beautiful girlfriend and now starts pulling harder on the cock, trying to get the loudly breezing and occasionally whinnying Arrow to cum.

”WHAT THE FUCK!!!” Suddenly it’s all over. A fiercely angry Fred is standing at the end of the barn, looking at the cum covered Maria, holding the cock of his horse, and Clare, with the horse buried deep inside her. Their hearts sank. They’ve been found out. The both became pale and couldn’t say a word. ”WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO!? HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON?!” The girls daren’t reply. ”I WANT YOU TO GET AWAY FROM MY ANIMALS, AND OF MY FARM IN 5 MINUTES, BEFORE THE COPS ARRIVE!!!”. Fred turns around and angrily walks away. Maria is the first to stand up, shaking from fright. She stands like this for a few seconds, and then takes Clare by her arm. ”We have to go. NOW!” She says to her hastily. The stark naked girls get away from the stables, one last look at the two big stallions they’ve been enjoying, and quickly walk across to the apartment. ‘Lets just grab our stuff and get the hell out of here. If he’s called the cops we’re done!” Maria says to Clare. They get inside the apartment, and throw all their stuff in their bags. In seconds, all of their stuff is thrown in the back of Maria’s car. They quickly put some clothes on and jump in the car. Maria starts the engine and floors it. Minutes later, the farm in Arizona is a spec in their rear view mirror. They reach the town and find the highway as quickly as possible.

A good 20 minutes on the highway and they pull over to put gas in their car. Maria still has cum in her hair and a bit over her face. Her shirt has see through spots from the cum. ”Fuck” Maria says, breaking the silence. ”That was scary as hell. We need to get out of Arizona ASAP”. We’ve got the whole day to travel, we’ll probably make my house by midnight. From there, I’ll contact Kelly and we should get out of here for a while”. Clare nods in agreement.