(c) 2010 by jackdog327

Mackenzie was 24 years old and single. College degree’d and single, living in New York City, she enjoyed her independence and had no desire to settle down, get married and have kids.

She has a nice flat overlooking Central Park that she had paid dearly for, but her successful career made it possible, along with the dance and gym membership that kept her 5ft frame in superb physical condition. Blessed with genetics that made her a stunning young female, Mackenzie was always fending off advances from amorous male suitors. She dated infrequently, had some experience with sex, was reluctant to have one nightstands, but did not want to exert the energy to have a long-term relationship.

Because of this she felt lacking sexually, she used her “toys” and did achieve a measure of pleasure, but it was not a dick fucking her and this was the one area of Mackenzie’s life she felt less than fulfilled in.

On a Friday night she shared a taxi ride with her girlfriend after a few drinks at the bar. The 2 giggled and laughed, and the taxi driver gave no indication of caring when Mackenzie’s girlfriend lit up a joint in the back of the taxi. “Geeze Lori, roll down a window”, Mackenzie said as the back of the cab filled with the pungent aroma of green and very strong cannabis. The two continued to giggle for another 2 blocks and Mackenzie could tell that even without having taken a direct hit from Lori’s joint she was a little buzzed from all the smoke. Lori gave Mackenzie a hard time for not dating saying,” Mac you say you love the feel of a big dick inside you, I don’t understand why you just don’t get a man”.

“I don’t want the complications Lori, they are all so needy, I love the feel of a dick, but I don’t want all the drama”.

Mackenzie got out of the cab in front of her complex, waved farewell to Lori and walked to the entrance of her complex. She was stunning in her tight blue jeans, high heels and red blouse, all fitting perfectly to show off her 34-24-34 figure, with her long auburn hair flowing off her shoulders voluptuously.

She entered her flat and was greeted eagerly by Max her 2 year old male Rottweiler. Max led a pampered life with his own dog walker, who led him a daily walks through Central Park, took him to a weekly groomer and made sure he was fed and had his vet check ups. In spite of all his needs being met by his walker, Max was very fond of Mackenzie, and always had one eye on her whenever she was home with him. He was possessive of her, but protective, and always respectful.

Mackenzie gave him an absent ear scratch as she shut the door and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of wine. “Whew”, she thought, “Lori has to watch smoking that stuff around people, I got buzzed just sitting in a car with her”. She opened a bottle of Merlot and poured a glass as Max followed her into the kitchen. Mackenzie gave him another scratch on the ears, a little harder this time and told him he was a good boy as she made her way towards the couch.

She knew it was the pot that made her horny, but Mackenzie didn’t really care as she got her little box of “toys” out. It wasn’t a dick, but then again she could put them away when she was through. She flipped off her high heels and peeled off her jeans, then unbuttoned her blouse and removed her bra, revealing perfect 34 D cup breasts. As she slouched onto the couch, she removed her panties to reveal just a small unshaven line of auburn pubic hair. Her hand pressed against her pubic mound and she pressed a middle finger into her slit as she closed her eyes, getting lost in touching herself.

Mackenzie continued masturbating for about 5 minutes with her eyes closed, when her bliss was interrupted by the sound of Max panting a mere foot from her. She opened her eyes and saw that Max was standing near to her, just watching, but panting. “Max, can’t you do that somewhere else?” Pant pant, pant, was Max’s answer. She reached over to scratch his ear and Max caught the delicious aroma of pussy on her finger and moved his head so that his tongue could intercept the wet finger. “Max!” she said as his big tongue slurped warmly on her middle finger. No you can’t have that honey, she said dreamily as she noticed how warm his tongue felt and the tingle in her pussy at it’s warmth.

She looked at the dog’s large body standing parallel to the couch. He was tall enough that she could see the underside of his body and her eyes focused in on the large sheath his Rottweiler penis was resting in. On impulse and with the effect of the wine kicking in alongside buzz from Lori’s joint lowering her inhibitions, Mackenzie slid along the couch, laying down, with her had in easy reach of Max’s penis. She reached out dreamily and gingerly touched the side of his sheath, feeling the warmth. “Oh I really could use a man’s dick tonight”. “If only they would fuck me and then just leave me be Max” she said in a wistful voice as she took her hand and wrapped it firmly around his sheath. Mackenzie then started to jack the dog off as she would a man. She could hardly believe she was doing this as the dog’s cock got harder in her hand and protruded from the sheath, revealing a massive red and purple pole long enough to fill her entire vagina and poke at her uterus.

Mackenzie’s whole pubic region now buzzed in stimulation at the forbidden act she herself could not believe she was engaging in. “Damm Lori” she muttered as her hand continued to stroke Max’s now fully exposed 9 inch cock. Max rocked his hips enthusiastically, fucking Mackenzie’s hand with his cock.

Suddenly Max tried to climb up onto the couch on top of her and Mackenzie knew what his intentions were. Max was trying to take this further than Mackenzie had any intentions to.

Wine and pot dreaminess cast aside, with clarity, she scrambled upright as the 150-pound dog muscled up next to her, once again trying to get on top of her. She slid off the couch onto the floor on her butt with a thump, but Max was there again on top of her. Mackenzie felt a little trapped as the couch was against her back, Max on top of her with his legs on each side of her. She couldn’t slide under him, nor could she move to the side. She had never seen him act so aggressively before. Mackenzie tried to slide back up the couch, but that only raised her body closer to his and she could feel his hot cock brush against her stomach. In panic she slid further up the couch, but now his cock was touching her pussy lips. Max felt the wet warmth of the bitch’s hole and he tightened his grip on her waist and frantically thrust forward, momentarily gaining an inch of hot Mackenzie pussy.

Mackenzie, at the feel of his cock, panicked even further and rolled in an effort to get his cock away from her pussy. She lay on her side for a minute with the dog on top of her before his weight toppled her body not onto her side again but onto her stomach, her knees thumping onto the floor in front of the couch, her breasts smashed into the couch by the dog’s weight…

Either by luck or skill, Max now had the position he needed to mate this bitch. He tightened his forelegs around her slim little waist and Mackenzie could feel his cock probing urgently on her buttocks for her pussy. She struggled vainly to extricate herself from the predicament she had created, but only succeeded in positioning her pussy, in all of her movement, for a perfect shot straight up her pussy by Max’s probing Rottweiler cock.

She exhaled in shock at the sudden penetration of her pussy by the long hard cock, and not just any cock, but her pet Rottweiler’s cock. The young dog brutally fucked her, literally moving the couch across the wood floor with his thrusts, knocking it away from Mackenzie and forcing her onto her hands and knees doggy style.

Mackenzie felt her pussy getting wetter and despite her repulsion at the forbidden act happening to her, found herself going to that place only a woman who is getting fucked hard and fast can go.

She moaned and relented her futile resistance. She rocked her hips into the 9-inch cock filling her tight pussy. She could feel his rhythm slowing somewhat, but at the same time felt his cock swelling larger inside of her.

She marveled at the size and hotness, and at his aggressive thrusts into her womanhood. Mackenzie moaned at the blissful feelings that overcame her.

Within a minute Max’s knot was swelling and aided by Mackenzie desire to have her pussy filled with dick, she pushed against him and his knot swelled inside of her. She was a little frightened at the massive pressing on her pussy, but her lust overruled her and she relaxed and allowed his knot to slip even further inside her pussy. She could feel the tip of his hard massive cock against the entrance to her uterus.

Soon Mackenzie felt another sensation as her pussy was quickly becoming filled with dog cum. She could feel the spurts of jets shooting far up inside her and the tightening and untightening of his balls against her ass.

Mackenzie could feel the wet cum leaking out of her pussy, running down her legs and she momentarily blacked out as an orgasm so massive and intense rocked her body as never before.

The lusty couple, beautiful young human female and young male Rottweiler remained coupled together quietly for 30 minutes.

Finally the Rottweiler’s cock had shrunk sufficiently for him to dismount and as he pulled his 9-inch cock out of Mackenzie’s pussy a half-cup of dog cum followed gravity to the floor of Mackenzie’s New York flat.

She rolled over and onto the couch naked and sexually fulfilled.

Mackenzie decided she could have her independence and a dick after all.

And this dick fucked her hard and didn’t complicate her life.