(c) 2010 by jsv2005

Well I just got back from a very wonderful and eventful week of staying at my sisters house for the last week as they were on vacation. My sister lives up in the mountains and has a pretty nice place on about 50 acres of land. It sets back on a pretty long road of its own and is very private. We were talking one evening and I told her I needed to get out of town for a bit of a break, and she suggested coming up to her place, as she and her family were going to be out of town for a week, and if I wanted to house sit and ranch sit I could.

I call it a ranch because she has several animals there, some horses, donkey (lol) why she had the donkey, I will never know. some goats, and the usual chickens and such. Plus 2 of the biggest strongest rottweilers you have ever seen. These dogs are solid, but couple of big baby’s (well I thought). Well I arrived on friday morning and met with my sister, she showed me where everything was and a few hours later they were on their way and I was alone to relax.

Well I did have other plans too. One was to check out the boys, Max and Bob (yes she named one dog “Bob” lol), well the dogs are about 3 years old, both intact as she provides stud services for other Rottie owners. I have been a zoo, since my younger farm days and have had experiences with including my basset hound Fred. They have a finished basement that actually opens to the outside, as the house is on a hillside, so I went down stairs and got a couple old moving blankest from her garage and spread them out, got a pillow and well went ahead and stripped naked.

I went to the door called to the dogs and let both in, they were very excited, and were sniffing me like crazy, running and jumping, so I got them a little snack and waited for them to settle down some, they finally did tone down quite a bit and I soon got off the couch and went over to the blankets, where I went ahead nad got on all fours and presented myself to them. Both got up and came over and began to sniff and move about, licking my face, balls and ass. I petted and rubbed them, and eventually worked my way to Max’s cock, it was only poking out a little bit, and I went under him and gave him a lick, he kind of froze and then a bit more of his cock appeared, and he began to leak precum, I began to suck on his cock some. it was very nice. Bob attempted to get into the act, but Max growled and he backed off. obviously Max was the one in charge of things, and was soon to show me.

He seemed to like having me suck his cock and little more and more appeared, red and purple, with a more blunt than pointed tip, and spurting little jets of precum as I sucked, well I finally got the nerve and stopped sucking and turned and presented myself to him and kind of started to move away, well he knew it was his que, and in no time, jumped up on my back wrapping his legs around me and thrusting and scooting more forward, first couple try’s missed and the force hurt quite a bit, but the fourth time hit the mark.

Damn!!! did it hit the mark, and he lunged forward with a driving force, it knocked the wind out of me a little, and he was able to move and adjust his grip, and he was like a dog possessed. I thought I had prepared myself enough for what they might be like, but I have to admit I was totally surprised, at the shear animal pounding I was receiving, fast and hard, and growing deeper by the moment. I have been with a few larger breed dogs in the past, labs and retrievers, but for power, this was it. it did hurt some at first and he was fucking at a furious pace, his cock was growing longer and fatter, god I was loving this, just being really fucked like a bitch in heat, well in essence I was. I was wanting to have them fuck me for some time, and was now getting my chance.

Well I was suddenly jolted into reality as I felt his knot pop in and out. I had used a little lube on my ass before I started, to ease any pain, but I forgot to block the moment, another pop in and out, but before I could reach back, he lunged and in it went, this time my ass betraying me and closing around his knot and once he felt this, he drove the fact that I was now his bitch by gripping tighter and several hard short thrusts, and then I felt the flowing, god, this dog was cumming like a champ. I have to admit, sometime I can feel the dog cum, sometimes it is just the warmth, but I could feel the jets, I mean hard jets of sperm, I could truly feel myself being filled, and it began to leak past his knot, oh god the knot, I felt like there was a softball inside me, it was painful but at the same time pleasurable, a good pain. Soon he just held on and lay on top of me, I could feel his cock throbbing and pumping for what seemed forever. Lucky for me it gave me time to recover some and prepare for his turn, which he did, I was able to grab a leg and hold on, as he tugged once and I though it would kill me. Well we stayed tied for 45 min, before he finally was able to slip free without too much discomfort, there was a sloppy pop when he came out and a large amount of cum flowed out onto the blanket.

Well needless to say while I was tied Bob was eagerly looking on, but I thought to myself, one was going to be enough, and had conceded myself that ol Bob would have to wait till later for his turn, I was already a bit dizzy from the whole thing. well when Max pulled out I took my eyes off ol Bob and wanted to see Max’s cock, still on my elbows, I looked to max and my god, he was eaisly 8+ inches of angry purple and red cock, well he was not angry, but damn that cock was incredible. My mistake, because in the moments it took me to see Max’s instrument of my breeding, Bob was on me, and in me, there was no hit or mis, first shot and he was in. Oh my god I thought Max was a beast, Bob, probably because he had to wait, was not going to be out done, and he was going to make sure his seed got deeper than his brothers, not sure why, but he seemed to be much more agressive too, growling if I moved and such, at this point a just totally gave myself to him, as he fucked harder and faster than his brother, literally climbing up on top of me to push deeper, his knot entered and exited a few times and then he made his tie with me, as he had finally swelled and would not come out, where Max eased up at this time, Bob, kept fucking hard, short strokes, and I felt him getting fatter and was in very deep, hell I thought he was going to be up in my chest at anytime.

I was feeling him cum over and over and soon he was setteling down on top of me, his cock just pulsing and throbbing inside me, I was truly a bread bitch, and very very tired, he eventually did turn and I was able to hold him too, even with his ass too me he was still cumming, and about 30 min. later he was able to slip out safely and cum just poured out my not stretched and sore ass. I was smarter this time and rolled over on my back quickly, just in time too as Max had gotten back up and was heading my way. I looked at Bob’s cock, it was about the same lenght as Max, but my god he looked as fat as a pop bottle, and his cock just hung down almost touching the floor. Max came over and started to sniff and lick my ass, but I kept myself in a position not allowing him to mount again, I think it would have killed me, I was spent for the time being.


Well the next morning I awoke early and had my coffee and ventured out to the animals pens to make sure they were fed and had water and such, the boys tagged along jumping and sniffing at me, but I told them they would have to wait till later to play some more, hell I was still little sore from the previous encounter. Well I went about my business taking care of her zoo, thinking to myself, man I have a whole week to delve into many of my fantasies and such, it was like a kid being in a candy store and with the privacy, I did not have to be concerned about getting caught with my hand in the jar.

Well my next opportunity came and presented itself as I was cleaning up the stalls for the horses and the donkey, they have a barn with open doors into the pasture area I guess you would call it, it is just a fenced area about 2 acres, hills, trees and such, well the horses and such were out, I went in and cleaned up the stalls and threw down fresh hay, and as I was doing the donkey stall, he came in and nudged me, guess he just wanted some attention, so I just petted him, he was very friendly, so I got the brush and started to brush him down, hell I think we all like a little stiff bristly brush now and then to hit all the itchy spots (LOL). Well I brushed him all over and went to brushing his stomach, and he began to let his cock distend from its hiding place, I watched it grow to about 15 inches or so, it really hung down, I have always wanted to play with a horse cock and such since I was younger, having only touched some when given the opportunity on our ranch. But here was my chance to take my time with him. I went into the barn and came back with some warm soapy water and soft cloth and proceeded to wash him up some, he definitely enjoyed this and after a short bit I had him nice and clean and to my surprise, he did not retract. Well I began to touch him, admiring the length of his cock and the thickness, just gently stroking and rubbing his ball sack, I found that when I rubbed and squeezed the base of his cock at the sac, he would stiffing some, and during my stroking he would flex himself, becoming rigid then relaxing again.

Well I got up the nerve to get under him, feeling he did not have any fear of me. Hey growing up on a arm, I have been stepped on and kicked by a few horses and mules and such, and you learn to be real careful. Well he just stood there and enjoyed the attention, snorting once in a while and doing little rear hoof stomp, but not the aggressive or frightened manner. I was truly amazed at his cock and finally began to kiss and lick the heat of his cock, I was actually able to fit the head in my mouth too, I did not try to take in too much, and he did not try to thrust forward, but he did stiffen and flare his head quite a few times as I licked and rolled my tongue around it. I spent about 45 min enjoying this, just stroking licking and sucking when he was not like fully flared. I did notice that his breathing had changed quite a bit, and he was starting to stomp his foot a bit more, and began to stay a bit stiffer, I was hoping I was going to be able to make him cum, so I started to concentrate on his piss hole, right in the flare and licking and sucking and stroking, telling him, come on boy, let me see what you got.

I just went to town playing and slobbering on his head, sucking and just enjoying myself, and I do believe he was too, it was then as I was getting my mouth over the head more that he went very stiff, and began to snort and huff, he stomped like 3 time, and then I felt the surge and his cock throb, and the head fully flare up, and that was when the first big stream of cum shot from his cock, filling my mouth, which I attempted to swallow, this was followed by another big burst and another, the third hit me smack in the forehead (lmao) the fourth and fifth about my face and neck, there was quite a bit, but it was not like you see in them porn shots, it was thinner, slightly tinny tasting would be my word for it, little salty too, I was able to catch the last two spurts in my mouth too. All in all he shot like 7 times, and then some very small spurts after that, and I cleaned him up and he began to withdraw and he turned and walked out, talk about your blow and go’s…LOL. But I did it, I finally got to actually experience playing with a cock of such size and let alone get him to cum, and it was not too bad, fuck it was hella fun, and I planned to do it a few more times before I was done with my house sitting. Oh and the thought had crossed my mind of possibly lubing up and trying to place myself in a position to see if I could get fucked, although the thought was extremely tempting. I am not nuts.


Well after the experience with the donkey, I will say I was a bit of a mess, and needed to be cleaned up a bit. I decided to see if the boys would like to do that for me, so I exited the stall to find the boys eagerly waiting outside, so I grabbed a blanket and removed the rest of my clothes and got down on the blanket.

They were more than happy to lick my face and chest and neck clean. I was laying on my back and letting then go to town cleaning everything off me and letting them lick my cock and balls when Max moved and stood over me. I was looking right up at his sheath and his balls, and what a nice set they were. I reached up and cupped then and began to massage them, and run my hand over his sheath, his cock appeared and was beginning to drip some pre-cum, so I lifted my head and began to suck his cock some. Well he went or tried to go right into hump mode, so I tried to lay him down to stroke and suck his cock. He was not having that, he did not want to lay down, he wanted to fuck, but I wanted to suck his cock, and then the little light in my head went off.

You know the one that you are not supposed to listen to, the one that always gets your ass in trouble, yes that one!!! Ok to start, I have had the opportunity to suck dog cock on quite a few occasions and I do enjoy it, since many dogs have varied reactions to it. Some stand there, some will lay down, some on their backs, I never ever try to force a dog or any animal to do anything, even female dogs and such I have played with.

Ok well I digress. Ok so the thought goes through my head, I want to suck, Max wants to fuck, so I looked around for something that could bring me more to his level and support me, Bingo, a couple mattresses in the corner, padded and just about the right height. I knew from experience that I could not get him excited and have him mount me face first, well I could, I have tried it with a German Sheppard, don’t, dog almost broke my neck. Oh yes you can turn your head and jack and suck them that does work as most folks do know, but hell we all learn things by trial and error.

Ok back to my plan. Well the plan was good, but you probably should know it is not something to really do alone. I threw the blanket on the mattresses and laid on the mattresses with my head over the edge, just enough so it still supported my head and neck, and I called to Max. He came over and began to lick my face and such and I reached under him and began to stroke his cock, well he got the idea and jumped up over me and his pink cock came in contact with my mouth, I braced his back legs, because when he felt this, he lunged forward and started fucking. The angle was good and a first I let him push his cock in all the way, it went to the back of my throat, and his balls slapped my nose and face, as he began to swell I held him back, it was a lot of work, as he was very strong and determined, hell I was just surprised I had gotten him to fuck my mouth.

When his cock was small it was easy to let him push all the way into my mouth and throat, but now he was pretty much to full size, and I did lose my grip once, and needless to say he gave me his full cock up to the knot, thank god it was too big to get in my mouth, as I already choked on his huge cock, and was just trying to push him back a bit, which I was finally able to do. And just in time, as I got him back to a manageable position, I was given the first burst of his seed, then another and another, I did my best to swallow (Note: This angle is not the best for swallowing), but it was much more than I had anticipated, soon it was flowing out my mouth, I choked again a little and actually had cum shoot out my nose (now that is a sensation all in its own) and at that point I had to say enough was enough and push him back and off, which was easier said than done, as he was not quite done and really did not want to stop. I did get him off his cock hanging down, still squirting cum on my face and in my hair, and not thinking I rolled off the mattresses onto all fours, shit Max was on me in a heartbeat, hell he was not done yet and was going to show me, and after 3 very painful stabs, he hit my ass and was driving home, I just screamed out, and yes screamed out… Oh fuck, as his fully expanded and extended cock was driving into my ass without any regard for my comfort, hell that is how it is with dogs, they are going to get theirs, you just got to be ready to take it, as once they have you, you are their bitch, and as their bitch, you are there for their pleasure. It is definitely one thing to take a dog when he is first starting out and not so fucking huge, and another to have his full size cock bust ya open, and it was another surprise to find that he still had that much energy and need to fuck still in him. Well he did his best to try to tie me, but his knot was just too big and he had to settle for finally empting the rest of his cum in me as he was on my back, and soon he climbed off and went to the corner to clean himself.

Although quite painful at first, I did enjoy it very much by the time he was done and now was horny as hell, Bob was outside the door making quite a racket, so I just went to the door, opened it up and let him in, he was jumping about, and I walked over to the blanket, threw it on the floor and just got down and assumed the position. He did not need any coaxing and was on me in an instant. God you just have to love the way dogs fuck, no fuss, no muss, no small talk, they just jump up and fuck, pure animal lust and power. I think that is what turns me on the most, just the raw animal sex. Well Bob was wasting no time as he was fucking me with all he could muster, hard and fast, and I wanted it, god I wanted it, I reached back and grabbed my ass and pulled myself open and pushed back, to get his Knot, and I got what I wanted and clamped down and held him in. He continued to thrust and I continued to feel him swelling up, knowing I would soon have my reward, and he did, he let out a low growl, and soon I was feeling the warm sensation of him cumming, and he came and came and came, god did he cum, soon it was seeping past his knot and down my balls, as I jacked myself off to an incredible orgasm myself.

He soon settled down and attempted his turn, I was able to grab his hair and hold on to keep him in, and he was cool and stood there for some time panting and just happy as hell. Then my tranquil moment was shattered, as I heard a voice say “Damn that was fucking hot” and I looked up and there stood this gentleman in jeans and a T-Shirt at the door, he was an older gentleman, and it took me a moment to gain some composure, what little I could, there in the garage, tied to a dog. He just introduced himself as Steve, on of my sister and her husband’s friends, and he indicated that she had asked him to pop by to make sure I was getting along ok. I tried to mumble some sort of explanation (yeah, you there on the floor with a dog tied to your ass, how do you really explain that), and then I noticed he was standing there, his pants undone, and he had his cock out, and he approached me and said, looks like you are a little busy there, and kicked off his shoes, pulled off his pants and boxers, knelt down in front of my face and presented his cock to me, so here I was, holding the dog with one hand, supporting myself with the other, and facing a 7+” fat, and it was pretty fat and engorged cock, he just looked at me, and without any other words, fed me his cock, and began to thrust it back and forth and tell me how hot it was to see the dog fucking me, and then telling me I must be a pretty good bitch, I could not really say much with a fat cock in my mouth. He just kept talking and pumping, when Bob was shrunk enough to pop out and I let him go. He gave me a couple licks and went off to the corner, Steve however, immediately pulled from my mouth, pushed me over to the mattresses and had me bent over them as he slammed his cock in my cum filled and let out a big groan and said how good it felt, and that I was indeed a great bitch, as he grabbed the mattress and pulled himself into me a deep and as hard as he could.

Although well fucked by the dogs, his cock felt great, and the curve to it was fantastic, he must have fucked me for 15 min, before he finally let out a huge groan and deposited his seed in my ass too, he just stayed bent over me, inside as long as he could, telling me it was so fucking hot, and asking how long I would be there. Well after he finally pulled out and I was able to barely stand myself up, I invited him in and tidied up a bit, offered him a beer, and we sat down and began to have a long discussion about the whole thing and the dogs, the other animals, and that he had 3 male hounds for hunting, that needed to breed, and would I possibly be interested, and more.


Well after having a couple of beers and talking with Steve about some of our experiences, yes I found out he had had some experiences of his own, but that will come later. After letting Steve have me once again before he left, I was now horny as hell and I needed some relief of my own. Being the only one there now, and back in secluded quiet, I took off my clothes and went outside to the barn and the pens. I needed some pussy now and I had just the female in mind. Sa I said my sister has quite a few animals there, and of them were 4 large female goats and a larger male, I say large goats because they are not the little pigmy variety, I believe they were dairy goats.

Well I went into their pen and just kind of mingled around, they were quite friendly and not afraid of me at all, the male paid me a little attention, but I threw him some food and he was happy with that. I set my eye on the larger of the females, her hind quarters not too much lower than my waist, and I approached her and began petting and rubbing her. She seemed to like this, as she did not walk away, and I slowly proceeded to make my way to her pussy. I slowly started to rub her pussy and finger her a little, she did not try to move away and stood there actually pushing back a little bit and letting out some low bleats and so I went behind her and decided to see what it would be like to eat her pussy, I got behind her and got close, it was a little musky but not bad or anything, I then proceeded to lick her a little. Well her tail went right up and she actually backed up against my tongue, I continued to enjoy this for about 15 min or so and she was actually quite wet, not sure if from me or her own juices, or both, and I decided it was now time to have this little lady and I moved up and got my cock into position having added a little spit to the head, just to make sure.

Well I rubbed my head back and forth a bit and found my spot and began to slide in, she shifted a bit, I guess trying to adjust to my size, I am only about 7.5” but fairly thick, so I pulled out a little and then pushed back in. OMG the feeling was fantastic, hot and wet and tight, soon I had my entire dick buried in her and I was slowly pumping her pussy, gaining a little speed and power with each thrust, she was great, it felt wonderful, and she began to bleat more, which I did not notice at first caught the attention of the male and he came over to investigate. He came around and just walked around observing what was going on, and I was not going to let him spoil my moment as my orgasm was building and I was going to breed this Doe, it was soon to much for me to hold back and I came hard and deep in her pussy, it felt so good, I did not want to pull from her, so I just stayed hunched over her a little, as she did not even try to move away, and I do believe she was enjoying my cock insider her as much as I was.

It was then at this moment that that I received a rather weighted surprise, as I felt the male goat jump up onto my back and begin thrusting to get some of his own. There I was slightly hunched over, my legs spread just a bit sort of squatting in this goat, and it gave him the perfect position, and two quick thrusts and he found my ass. I was not sure what to expect, but it did not last long. He was on me and his cock slid right in, it was not all that big, about maybe the size of my middle finger, about 5”-6” long (later I would get to see it up close), well he thrust maybe three good hard thrusts, paused for a moment and just hopped off. Boy talk about your quick fucks, think this has to be a record. I know why the Doe must have stayed with me for so long. Jack…. That is my nick name for him as in “Jack Be Quick” lol. But what I soon found out was that he made up for duration by quantity of times he would fuck, because no sooner was he off, he turned and jumped up and gave me another quick fucking, well I withdrew from the Doe and she scampered off waving her tail and actually I swear she had a little hop and or skip to her step.

Well I grabbed the pen railing and kept myself bent over at about the same level, to see what he would do, well sure enough he came back and jumped up on my back again, and again gave me a quick, but this time a bit harder fucking, jumped off and came back, the next few times he was a bit harder in his thrusts and he even stayed on a bit longer. Well after about 8 times he finally figured he had completed his work and went back to eating, and I was surprised to have quite a bit of cum running down my leg. Jack also makes up in quantity of cum from those massive balls too, which I must mention felt incredible as the slapped against my balls when he was fucking.

Well having got mine and Jack having got his I went back to the house, where the boys were more than happy to clean me up, let me get a shower, I fixed dinner, hell even cooked them a steak, and we settled on the couch to watch a movie and just relax for a bit contemplating what would be next and getting a chance to go over to Steve’s.