(c) 2010 by Hornygirl20

I opened the car door and stepped out onto the street with my duffel bag on my shoulder. Closing the car door with the help of the hill my car was parked on, I quickly made my way to the front door. As I fumbled with the keys they had given me, I heard dog nails scamper on the floor to the door as loud and excited barks erupted from within.


“Hold on! Hold on!”



“Stop that! STOP!!”

The damn bastard was scratching at the wooden door! I frantically stuck the right key in the door, as barking gives me headaches, turned the knob and saw his black nose pushing into the crack of the door. The door flipped open and out came a huge, adolescent, black dog with amber eyes.

His name: Thor. He was a mix between a black lab and a newfie. His owners were close family friends who had recently brought him home from a breeder. They needed me to take care of him and their house plants for a week while they were on vacation and I happily agreed because I would get food and money.

A little about me: I’m 18. I’m 5’7″, Caucasian, have long brown hair, an athletic body, a round bubble butt and B cup breasts. I’m just beginning my first summer out of high school and I’m about to go to college. I also just broke up with my boyfriend. He’s going to a different college and he’s super clingy. Not that I don’t enjoy cuddling, I just get easily annoyed by whiny boys who don’t want to be men. I’m pretty happy but I’m pretty horny. I’ve never had sex before, maybe that’s why my boyfriend whined so much, but I’m not gonna give it up to just anyone.

Anyways, back to the story.

“Hi boy! Hi!”

I scratched him on his head as he happily sniffed me and wagged his large, whip-like tail. I led him back inside, threw my duffel bag on the ground near the door and went left and into the kitchen, with him following close behind. Then I got him a big, bone-shaped doggy biscuit from the box by the window.

“Here you go, boy!”

I dangled it in front of him and watched as his excitement doubled. He quickly snatched it out of my hands, and gobbled it down. And looked at me for more.

“All right. All right. You’re a good big boy!”

I grabbed him another one but this time tossed it at him. He caught it perfectly in his mouth and once again gobbled it down. He looked at me for another one but this time I ignored him. I don’t want the big bastard to get fat!

Then I grabbed a granola bar from off the kitchen counter, unwrapped it, grabbed a cold root beer soda out of the fridge and headed into the living room. I placed my bar and drink on the coffee table in front of the sofa and then jumped onto the couch. I grabbed the remote, flipped on the tube and began watching a movie which I really didn’t care too much about. And then I drifted off into sleep.

I dreamed about my now ex-boyfriend. Sure he was whiny, but I missed him. What I especially missed about him though was his dick. Though we never went all the way, I still enjoyed rubbing up against him and thinking about what it would be like if he slammed his rod into me. And my dream followed along the same lines. I pictured me on all fours with him plummeting his cock in and out of me while grabbing my breasts like he couldn’t get enough….

I awoke to find myself wet, frustrated and horny.

I said quietly to myself, “God dammit.”

The channel I had been watching had moved on to another stupid movie. My tummy grumbled. Not only was I now horny but I was beginning to get hungry too. I looked on the coffee table for my granola bar and only found a wrapper. I knew immediately what had happened. Thor had eaten it. I lowered my head and looked under the coffee table, where he was laying guiltlessly. I thought to myself, stupid dog.

Then I decided to take a shower. Dinner could wait. I took off my white ankle socks, chucked them at my duffel bag and then slipped into the bathroom. I then turned on the shower to warm it up and so it could steam up the bathroom. I pulled off my pants, my underwear, my shirt and my bra. Then I realized, I forgot to grab my shampoo and conditioner from out of my duffel bag. I walked out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around me and saw Thor sniffing my bag.

“Whatcha smelling there, silly?”

He glanced at me and then trotted over with his tongue hanging out one side of his mouth. I patted him on the head, continued over to my bag and dug through my clothes to find my shampoo and conditioner bottles in the bottom. I grabbed them and began walking back to the bathroom with Thor following closely behind. I opened the bathroom door, walked in and began to quickly shut the door (to keep the steam in), except Thor had stuck his nose in.

“Thor, no!”

I tried to push back his nose with my free hand and close the door but he pushed his way into the bathroom. I sighed and decided to let him stay in the bathroom with me.

“Okay, you can stay in here. But if it gets too hot for you, you are just going to have to suffer through it ’till I’m done.”

Thor glanced at me and then began sniffing around and licking the dirty bathroom floor. I briefly paused and thought about how gross that was. Then I dropped the conditioner bottle and the top broke.


What a stupid bottle. Thor trotted over, smelled the spilled conditioner and began to lick it up.

“Stop it, you dumb shit! Stop!”

I put down the shampoo bottle and tried to pull him back by his collar but he strained forward and continued licking up the conditioner. I quickly grabbed some toilet paper, bent over and began sopping up the mess.

“You stupid dog! Stupid, stupid dog!”

Then I accidentally slipped on the conditioner, my towel flew off and I fell flat on my face.


Thor stopped licking up the conditioner and he quickly came over to me to see if I was all right. I rolled over onto my back and laid there with my eyes closed in pain and shock. He licked my face and I pushed his big head away.

“Stop it!”

The last thing I wanted was a stupid dog in my face. I sat there angrily and in pain. Then I felt his tongue lick my still wet vagina.

“Holy crap!”

Then he licked again and I sat straight up and tried to push him away. He licked again. And again. And again. And I couldn’t stop him. His tongue flicked from my tight hole to just above my clitoris again and again. Overtaken by the sensation I lay back on the nasty, conditionered bathroom floor. He licked again and again and my toes curled. I scooted my cunt closer to him and spread my knees for him. He licked again and this time he reached inside of my vagina. He licked again and again. And then I realized what was going on.


He did stop and looked at me in confusion. While I had the chance I quickly and carefully scrambled up and grabbed my towel. Thor stared at me and then whined. He cautiously walked over to me as his nails clacked on the tile floor. He knew what he wanted.

“No Thor, no! Bad dog!”

He came closer and I tried to push him away but I ended up be pushed instead into a corner of the bathroom. He pushed his head between my thighs and he began licking again.


He didn’t stop. And I couldn’t stop him. Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick. I couldn’t handle it anymore and I began to push back into him.


I moaned… I pushed again and again into his amazing tongue. The pressure began building up and I moaned again.


I was gripping the sides of Thor’s head.

“Ah yes… Mmmm!”

Then I came…


My pussy contracted again and again and I couldn’t take it anymore. I pushed his head sharply away as reality dawned on me. I just let the damn bastard eat me out!

I quickly walked towards the shower but I slid on the conditioner and fell on my knees. Thor had followed me and now began licking my vagina again. I couldn’t help myself. I began pushing back into his tongue again.

“Mmmmm….. Ahh yesss…”

He was licking faster and faster I began to feeling myself reaching the point again when suddenly he stopped. In a daze I sat there stupidly for a minute. Then I felt his heavy, furry body on my back.


He dug his front paws into my hips and I felt his doggy cock slam against my inner right thigh. I tried to crawl away but he was on top of me and gripping me. He growled and gripped the back of my neck with his teeth. He tried slamming into me again and he barely missed. I wanted him off of me but at the same time I wanted him inside of me. I wanted him to take me. I wanted to be his bitch. He slammed again and hit the mark. His huge cock plunged into my tight pussy.


I wailed in shock. He began to slam his cock in and out of me. I couldn’t escape. His claws dug deeper into my hips pulling me into him. Slam, slam, slam. I felt his doggy breathe on my neck and his drool. He slammed in and out of me, again and again and again. My boobs dangled back and forth underneath me. I began to push back into him.

“Mmmm…. Ahhhhh….”

He began to get faster and I began to push back into him more and more. He slammed harder and harder into me.

“Fuck me!”

His doggy cock began to slam into me more and more. His balls were slapping against me.

“Ahhh…. yesssss…”

Slam slam slam. Thor pulled back and then slammed something huge into my pussy.


My head was swirling and my pussy was clenching rythmatically on his rod.


I felt something squirting inside of me. His breathe was in my ear. I pushed my ass into him and felt my pussy once again bring me over the top. My head was still swirling like the steam in the bathroom. I didn’t know where I was.

After what seemed like a few minutes his cock plopped out of me and he jumped off of me. I felt something streaming down my leg and I looked back to see his cum streaming out of my hole. He then took a couple of licks at my vagina and then walked to the door.

I stood up in a daze and let him out. Then I finally took a shower and began realizing what had just taken place.

After finishing my shower, I cleaned up the conditioner, dressed in pj’s, ate buttered toast and went into the bedroom making sure I closed the door behind me…