This is my 26th story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. You can find details about this series in my other posts. Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter One

Karyn couldn’t believe what she was doing. She was buck naked, and having intercourse with a stallion on her Daughter’s wedding day just minutes before the ceremony was about to begin. Worse yet, her Daughter wouldn’t let her back out of her terrible decision. “NO MOM! You’re NOT backing out now! I’m not un-tying you, and I’m not going to let anyone else untie you either. It’s too late now. You’re going to go out there and fuck a horse in front of God and everyone. Now shut up.” “But honey…” “Don’t but honey me. It’s my wedding day, and I’m tired of your bullshit. Now you’re going to ride your naked ass out there stuck on that horse dick so everyone can get a good look at what a dumb slut you really are.”

Karyn’s story had really all started many years before when Karyn first heard about belly riding from her Grandmother. It had stewed in Karyn’s brain for nearly two decades, until she couldn’t bottle it up any longer. Her curiosity had turned into an obsession and lust made her nearly insane and she realized she had just waited too long. She slowly began to fantasize about it all the time. Gradually she decided that she needed to try it no matter who it hurt in the process. She just hadn’t realized how much it would hurt in the process.

The night before her Daughter’s wedding Karyn decided to take her newly engaged daughter Tiffany and her new fiance Lyle out for dinner. She had something very important to ask them and she didn’t want her husband to be around when she did. Karyn was 36 years old, but she still looked like she was in her twenties. She was curvy, and bubbly. She had gotten married and gotten pregnant with Tiffany far too young, a path that it appeared Tiffany was ready to duplicate. Tiffany was barely 18 years old and Lyle was only twenty. It seemed silly for two kids to get married, even though she had done the same thing herself.

But it wasn’t this that Karyn had wanted to talk about over dinner. Karyn had other motives entirely. It was the night before the wedding and Karyn had insisted that they have dinner together, just the three of them, much to the chagrin of the rest of the family and friends who were in town. But Tiffany was a Mommy’s girl and agreed. Butterflies were in Karyn’s stomach throughout dinner, and for good reason she couldn’t bring herself to say what she had meant to say. Karyn asked if they could go back to Tiffany and Lyle’s apartment and pop some wine by the fire and chat a little. Karyn’s head spun as she said she wanted to talk about the wedding a little, which had been her excuse as to why Hank, her husband wouldn’t be interested in the entire evening as a whole and why he should stay home.

Hank was in his mid forties, having just retired a few years earlier. He had been an orphan child, and instead of going down the path of crime and drugs he became a stock broker and made millions. They were very well off, living in an old Victorian home that Karyn had fallen in love with and renovated. Hank liked the fact that Karyn worked because it kept her out of the house and out of trouble. So Karyn was a receptionist in a Dental office, even though they had absolutely no need for money any more. Hank was smart but not one for details though, leaving such things to Karyn, which is how Karyn had managed to get away to talk to her Daughter and Tiffany’s new fiance about wedding details.

The three sat by the fire, laughing about light-hearted topics. The three kept drinking to the point that Karyn was beginning to get drunk. Karyn swallowed her nerves and finally got the courage together to broach the topic that had been on her mind in one form or another for years, “Okay, now, let’s talk about the wedding.” “Okay!” Tiffany was all smiles. “No, well, this isn’t about the cake or design or anything. I actually have a very important question to ask. I know the wedding bills are adding up so your Father and I aren’t going to just give you half like we had originally agreed to. We would like to just pay for the whole thing.” Tiffany clapped, “Oh God, yes Mom, that would be great! Thank you so much! That would be such a load off. I know I chose the right maid of honor!”

Tiffany loved her Mother and wanted her to be right by her side on her wedding day. It’s something she had wanted all her life. Lyle smiled too, “Oh yeah, no doubt. Thanks, Mrs. P. That’s a huge load off!” Tiffany and Lyle’s reaction was eating at Karyn’s resolve but she tried to hold it together, “I’d love to pay for it and I’m so glad you chose me to be your maid of honor… But I have a serious question to ask. And I don’t want you to answer too quickly. I want you to hear me out. It’s important to me.” Tiffany frowned, sensing the seriousness of her Mother’s tone, “What’s up, Mom?”

Karyn took a deep breath, contemplating whether she really wanted to go through with this or not. She took a big gulp of wine and forced herself to say, “This is really hard for me to ask. I know you’ll be upset…” “No, Mom, whatever it is, I promise I’ll stay calm. What is it?” “Well… I have this… thing… that I’ve wanted to do forever.” “What is it?” “It will probably sound completely out of left field, and I hope you won’t think less of me…” “Just tell me, Mom.” Karyn looked at Lyle, “Promise you two won’t get upset?” “We promise.” Lyle nodded, “Yeah, I won’t be upset.”

Karyn felt her vagina heating up and her stomach in knots as she finally got the nerves together. With a deep sigh she said, “Okay… Well… I’d like to belly ride during your wedding ceremony.” Tiffany frowned, “Belly ride? What is that?” “Well… To put it plainly… Oh god, you’re going to think I’m crazy…” Lyle shook his head, “No we won’t.” Karyn wasn’t reassured, but she took a deep breath, “Okay, here goes… I guess… I’d like to get naked, and be tied to a stallion so I can’t move or get away… and… well… have sex with it. In front of everyone.”

Both Lyle and Tiffany’s face changed from confused to shocked instantly. Tiffany shook her head in disbelief, “What?!” “Yeah, and… uhm… I’d like you to force me to stay naked and… well… impaled… that until the reception is over. No matter how much I ask to be let down. I want you to force me to go through with it.” “What the hell are you asking?!” Lyle looked like he had too much to drink and might be sick, but he let Tiffany do the interrogation. “I know it sounds ridiculous, but I’ve wanted to try it for years, and I’ve never had the guts. I was always too ashamed. Your Great Grandmother Lizzy tried to get me to do it on my wedding day, but I didn’t follow through. It’s been years since she’s passed away, but I’ve always wondered what it would be like. I got pregnant with you shortly after and then never really had a good excuse.”

Tiffany was shocked, “You should be ashamed. And for good reason! That kind of thing might have been okay where Great Grandma Lizzy was from in Brazil, what… eighty years ago? But not here and not now!” “Please, baby, you promised you would be open minded.” Lyle had to step in, “Tomorrow is our wedding day. Why our wedding day? Why not next week?” “That’s a good question. I wish I had a good answer, Lyle. I guess, because…. I knew you think I’m crazy… But… I need to know what it’s like to be a real belly rider. Real belly riders ride in front of everyone they know. And your wedding is the perfect excuse because I can tell everyone that I’m doing it because of our family tradition.”

Tiffany was confused, “So wait, it’s really not?” Karyn smirked, “Well, I mean… it is. But no, honey. I’m actually just dying to… I know it sounds disgusting but… I’m dying to feel what it’s like to have a stallion inside me. I really want to feel what it’s like to have a horse ejaculate into me, and I want everyone to watch. It’s all I can think about these days.” Tiffany wrinkled her nose, “Gross, Mom!” Lyle took a big gulp of wine, “Forgive me, but… Isn’t that a little… perverted?” Karyn sighed heavily, she knew this conversation wouldn’t be easy, “I know how it must seem, and you know that normally I’m straight and narrow, prim and proper, sugar and spice. But… I really need an excuse, and family tradition is the best one I can come up with. Please, I desperately need your help. Both of you.”

Lyle shook his head, “Why don’t you just go find a horse and fuck him behind a barn somewhere if you need it that bad?” Tiffany nodded, “No doubt. Why do you want everyone to know?” “Well? Uhm… God this is embarrassing. But, it’s best you know, I guess. Part of my fantasy is to be completely humiliated, honey.” Tiffany straightened up, “Oh.” That seemed to make perfect sense to Karyn’s daughter. Karyn was vaguely amused that her Daughter seemed to understand humiliation. Sensing an opening Karyn pushed on, “Right, and so… If you’re willing, you can force me to go through with it. Otherwise I know I’ll be too afraid to go through with it. I’m such a wimp some times. You can force me to just long enough to make sure I don’t chicken out. I know me, and if I have to do this alone, I won’t go through with it.”

Tiffany shook her head, “Are you sure you really want to do this? I mean, God, Mom! Fucking a horse? Are you sure that’s even safe?” “I don’t care if it is or isn’t, honey. Unfortunately, I need to do this. But your Great Grandmother used to do it, or so she told me and she lived into her 90’s. And yes, I’m quite sure that I want to go through with it.” Lyle said, “Who fucks horses, seriously? That’s disgusting.” Karyn sighed, “It’s a family tradition, Lyle. A family, I might add that you are now joining. Tiffany’s Great Grandmother made love to horses. I’m sure she’d look down on us tomorrow and give her blessing. If it’s good enough for her, it’s good enough for me.”

Lyle took another gulp of wine and sat back on the couch, looking at Tiffany, as if to ask for backup. Tiffany said, “So there’s no talking you out of this?” Karyn said, “Nope.” Karyn bit her lip, not knowing what to do. After a long pause, Tiffany said, “Okay, I mean, fine. Do whatever you want.” Karyn smiled ear to ear and sighed a deep breath of relief, “Oh my God! Really? Thank you, honey! This means more to me than anything! I took care of all of the arrangements, so we should be good to go tomorrow.” “Which arrangements?” Karyn laughed and with a mischievious smile she said, “You’ll see.”

Tiffany smiled, trying to decipher her Mother’s kinky mind, “Okay…?” Karyn paused, “Oh, and one more thing. Please don’t tell anyone else? Okay? Can we keep it just between the three of us until the wedding?” Tiffany asked, “Wait, so Dad doesn’t even know?” “No, and I’d like to keep it that way.” Tiffany shrugged, “Okay, I guess. But you should probably tell him. What do you think he’d say? Won’t he be pissed?” “Maybe. He’d probably try to stop me. I have to do this so I probably won’t tell him. So please, don’t tell him or anyone else, okay?” Tiffany nodded, but Karyn was firm, “Promise. You too, Lyle.” They both promised to keep Karyn’s plan a secret to which Karyn was overjoyed and stood up to give them both big hugs of congratulations on their wedding.

With that they wrapped things up and Karyn left. Lyle turned to Tiffany, “What the fuck!?” “Don’t worry. My Mom has all kinds of crazy ideas. She once tried to open a tee-shirt store and stopped within a few days of talking to the bank. Then she wanted to move us to Alaska. That only lasted a few days too. Don’t worry, this will wear off too.” Lyle hugged his wife, “I hope so. I mean… what the fuck?” Tiffany hugged her fiance back, “I know. My Mom’s crazy. But I think she was just drunk. She’s kind of a lightweight. Let’s just drop it okay? I bet in the morning she’s mortified and she’ll wish she just called us instead.”

Lyle nodded, “Ah, okay, yeah, that makes more sense. She did seem a little wasted. I hope she’s okay to drive. I was going to say… Can you imagine?” “Don’t worry.” Tiffany and Lyle themselves had both had too much to drink and the conversation and it’s grotesque nature seemed too fantastic to dwell on, even if the wedding was only a few short hours away. Karyn on the other hand had to pull the car over twice on the way home to pull up her skirt and put her fingers down her panties to masturbate. This was the most erotic thing she had ever considered doing and now she was hours away of making her fantasy a reality.


Chapter Two

Karyn woke up bright and early, taking an aspirin and drinking lots of water to shrug off the mild headache she had from drinking so much the night before. Karyn had a brief meeting with the videographer and the photographer first thing in the morning, “I want every photograph of the bride and the groom to include me in it as well. If you take a picture without me in it, I want you to throw the picture away. Pictures of other people is fine, but if there’s going to be a picture of the bride and groom together, I want to be in it with them. Any other family portraits that include the bride and groom without me are to be lost. Got it? And all of the video, 100% of it, should have me in it. You can video other things, but I want anything that doesn’t include me in it to be discarded in the final edit, okay? Even if I’m only off in the far corner of the frame, that’s okay. I just want to make sure I’m in every second of the video, okay? I don’t want any questions, I just want those terms to be met.” The photographer and videographer were both used to a certain level of narcissism, so they agreed. They had no idea what they were agreeing to, but they agreed and that’s all that mattered to Karyn.

In this way, she had essentially assured that all the documented memories of the wedding would include her bestiality. She wasn’t doing it just because she was interested in seeing herself, although that was certainly a part of it. She was doing it to force herself to go through with it. The second meeting of the morning would be far the hardest though. It was with the priest who was to marry her Daughter and Lyle together in just a few short hours. She sat the priest down in his office. She wore a short skirt which showed her sexy legs. She crossed them and put her hands into her lap like an innocent schoolgirl. She had picked the Church for a few reasons. It was central to downtown, it was beautiful, it had enough space for a stallion to walk around comfortably down the isle. And on the outside of the building it said something that caught her eye.

“You’ll be delighted to know that I think we’re all ready for your Daughter’s wedding, so, how else may I help you, Mrs. Peterson?” “That’s great, but, well…. You know how the sign on the outside said ‘all inclusive’?” “Yes, my dear, we don’t discriminate against anyone here. Why?” “So any kind of sinner… a murderer, or a rapist… anyone is allowed in here.” “Of course. I’m not one to judge. Is there someone like that coming to the wedding?” “No, not quite like that. I’m glad to hear you say that. Today’s wedding is going to be non-traditional in one way that I thought I should bring to your attention. The bride and groom would like things to be normal, but I would like to do something a little different, and I’d like to make sure you’re okay with it first.”

“As long as it’s legal, I don’t see why not.” “Well, in this state it is…” The priest winced a little, “What do you have in mind?” He really had no idea. She felt butterflies in her stomach again as she prepared herself to tell her deepest darkest secret to a holy man, “You must promise not to tell anyone.” “Alright?” “Okay, well… I would like to strap myself under a stallion, and have sex with it during the ceremony.” The priest’s eyes opened wide, “Oh my!” Karyn quickly said, “It’s an ancient family tradition.”

“Still though, why on earth…?” “Because, it’s as simple as… well… I want to. I’ve desperately wanted to for years now, and I’ve decided today is going to be the day. I know it’s filthy and entirely unsavory but I need to know what it’s like.” “I don’t know if we can do that here. Are you sure it’s not illegal.” “I’m positive, I looked up the state laws myself. I talked with the reception hall, and they don’t care. They’ve had strippers before. My Daughter and fiance have agreed. So the only person standing in my way now is you. Please? I’m begging you, Father.” “What about Mr. Peterson? What does he say about his wife having intercourse with a horse at his Daughter’s wedding?” “I haven’t told him yet. I’m my own woman, I don’t need his permission. He’ll just try to stop me.” “I know this might be a foreign concept to you, since you don’t attend Church, but this is supposed to be an institution of God.”

Karyn was getting upset, but she knew how to handle these kinds of people. “How much are we paying for the wedding again?” “Thirty thousand.” “What if I paid double?” The priest eyed her, trying to gauge her, “Uh… money shouldn’t be a consideration… Mrs. Peterson.” “What if I paid you thirty thousand for your time, and sixty thousand to the Church? It’s only a few hours of your life, Father. And it would make me very happy.” The priest stood up and walked over to the window. A light dusting of snow was falling on the ground. He paused for a long while, deep in thought. He attempted to change the subject, “Christmas was really nice this year, wasn’t it? It’s too bad it’s over.” She didn’t answer, as she awaited his decision. He paused, thinking silently for almost a full minute before saying, “I guess if anyone asks we can say we did it to prove that we were in fact, completely inclusive, even to a fault.”

“Oh my God! Thank you so much Father! This is the best belated Christmas gift I’ve ever received!” “Yes, yes, but please don’t use the lord’s name in vain.” “Oh, I’m sorry. Of course. Thank you!” She ran over and gave him a big hug. He laughed a little and hugged her back, “I’m glad I could make your day.” “You definitely did!” “You know, we could also talk about therapy at some point. Maybe this is a mental state you’d like to be cured of?” “Not today, Father, you gave me all I want.” “Well thank you for asking me, instead of just showing up with the horse! That must have taken a lot of courage.” “You can’t imagine how much courage it took to ask my own Daughter if she’d let me have sex with a horse on the most important day of her life. You were easy in comparison!”

“I simply can’t imagine.” “But please, Father, we mustn’t tell anyone.” “I think we’ll both have quite a bit of explaining to do, you and I. We should probably talk about how we do that.” Karyn let go of the priest and stood back smiling and biting her lip mischievously, “I had some thoughts about that… I have a box papers that I’d like to put on the pews of the Church today, if you’re okay with that…” “Okay…?


Chapter Three

Everything was set. The flowers were arriving at the reception hall. The cake was out for delivery. Karyn drove over from the Church to meet the brides maids, Susan and Inna. The women were getting their hair and makeup done at the hotel that Karyn had rented just to stage the girls. Everything was in order and on schedule. All the girls wanted their hair with sexy curls in them.

Tiffany noticed her Mother was in her short skirt and a sweater. “Don’t want to get the dress dirty, huh?” Karyn smiled at the joke, “Haha, right…” Tiffany wasn’t sure what that laugh meant, but she smiled anyway, hoping her Mother had just put the maid of honor dress in her car. There were too many people around to ask if her Mother was really going to go through with her perverted belly riding or not. Karyn on the other hand thought her Daughter and her were sharing a secret. Tiffany said hopefully, “Well, you’ll want to change soon.” Karyn smiled, “Now stop worrying about me. We have to head over to the Church in a few minutes and I’ll get ready there. Now let’s get your dress on.”

Now Tiffany had butterflies. She was about the marry the man of her dreams and she wasn’t sure if she was going to have to explain her Mother and an unfathomable act of bestiality. Meanwhile Karyn had her own butterflies. Karyn was about to have sex with a horse in front of everyone. She was so distracted that she barely had any emotion about her own Daughter’s wedding at this point. She was just trying to keep herself from running away. No, she had to go through with it now. It was her mission. Karyn busied herself by helping her Daughter get into her dress. Tiffany looked absolutely stunning. Karyn barely had time to tell her so before she said she’d meet her Daughter at the Church. Karyn had some very important last minute details to attend to.

By the time Karyn arrived at the Church the trailer with the stallion had arrived. Karyn had spent weeks calling around, researching and driving out to meet various people who had stallions for sale. Finally she found a perfect potential mate and he was cheap. $10,000 plus an extra $5,000 for the trailer was easy to part with. She knew her husband’s truck could haul it, easily. She had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the wedding. She planned to enjoy it – deeply. The saddle was in her trunk. It had belonged to her Great Grandmother and had been passed down through the years, although it hadn’t seen action in many years.

Karyn had treated the leather of the saddle several times through the years, so it was still in good shape. She had never known what to do with it when she was first married, but gradually it became one of her most prized possessions, hidden in the attic with the winter clothes where her husband and Tiffany wouldn’t look. The only thing that she had been missing was the shots that her research had uncovered was a modern necessity for belly riders. The man selling the stallion had many shots on hand that they used for mating the stallions to mares, so he threw in a case of shots for free with the sale. Karyn amused herself by asking for the shots in using double speak, “I’m want the stallion for mating…”

The delivery man was told to put the trailer in the back of the Church parking lot where it was less conspicuous. She signed the paperwork and the delivery man helped her pull the horse out of the back of the trailer. She thanked him and told him he was free to go. He unhooked the trailer and left her alone. She petted the stallion’s muzzle as a few light snow flakes fell around her. She thought and said out loud, “What should we name you? Huh? How about, Titan? Do you like that? You look like a Titan. Okay, Titan it is. Do you feel like having sex with me?” Titan raised his head almost as if he was nodding on cue, which made Karyn laugh out loud, “Good! Me too. Let’s go.”

There were several rooms in the back of the Church, and she managed to sneak the stallion in through the double doors in the back of the Church. One of the rooms was for the groom, the groomsmen and the bride’s maids, and one was for the Bride and her Father. The Priest noticed her walking around with the stallion, pulling him by his bridle. “Ah, I thought that clip-clopping was you, Mrs. Peterson. So you’re really going through with this?” “Yes, Father, I am.” He smiled and helped her navigate the huge horse through the hallways and into the back of the Church where the Bride’s maids were expected to get dressed. The guests weren’t expected for another half hour or so.

The priest watched as Karyn closed the door behind them, locking the horse in the small room with her. She went out back to where her husband’s truck was that she had borrowed and brought the big box she had left in the back into the Church. She fished the saddle out of a cardboard box she had brought with her out of the cardboard box. She began saddling the stallion as best she could. It was awkward as she had never done anything like this before. But quickly she figured out all the straps and in relatively short order the horse was ready. Karyn stood back while the Priest sighed, “Are you quite certain you really want to do this Karyn? Once you do this you can’t take it back. Have you considered the ramifications?”

“I know Father. I doubt this will end well for me. But I have to. If I don’t, I’ll always wonder and regret. I wish I didn’t want to do this, and I’m scared of what will happen, but I need to know.” “Okay, well, in that case, can I at least help you get situated?” “Oh that would be so great! Thank you!” “No problem. So what do we do?” Karyn sighed, “Well, I guess I should undress first, huh?” “Shall I turn around?” Karyn put her hands on her hips, feeling her stomach begin to knot up again with butterflies. She was suddenly very nervous. She shook her head, “No need, here.” She pulled her sweater over her head and tossed it to the Priest who caught it with a smile. He began folding it for her. She stood there in her bra and skirt. It wasn’t so bad, she thought, so she removed her heels that she had planned to wear and then unbuttoned her skirt.

She slowly wiggled herself out of her tight fitting skirt and stepped out of it. She picked it up and tossed it to the Priest too. He diligently folded them too. Karyn took a deep breath and unhooked her bra and tossed it. Then she slipped her thumbs under the elastic of her thin panties and slipped them over her hips and dropped them to the floor. She stood there completely naked in front of the man of God. Her hairy pussy was already very moist. She had been thinking about this for years. Karyn’s areolas tightened in the cool air of the Church and she instinctively rubbed her breasts a little to acclimate them to the temperature change.

The Priest smiled, “You’re lucky that I’m a man of God, Mrs. Peterson.” “Oh, is that so?” “Yes, or I would be very tempted to talk you out of having sex with a horse in favor of myself.” She was sincerely flattered, “Thank you.” He couldn’t help but comment, “It’s unusual for women to have pubic hair these days, isn’t it? I wouldn’t know, I haven’t seen many naked women in the last decade or so, but I was under the impression shaving and waxing was in vogue.” Karyn looked down at her neatly trimmed pubic hair, “Well, I did trim. I hope it’s not too offensive!” “No, not at all. That’s not what I meant.” Karyn smiled as the Priest tried to back out of his comment. She came to his rescue, “You’re right, it isn’t that common these days. But I read online that it makes sex feel better. I wanted to do everything I could to enjoy this.”

“Oh, I see.” He blushed a little at his ignorance. She smiled, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.” “No, not at all. Well, shall we get to it? What’s next?” “I guess I get into the saddle now.” Karyn put her leg through the hole that the sling made underneath Titan’s huge chest and stepped through it, using the straps on either side to get herself into place. She wiggled around in the leather saddle, which felt cold on her back until she found the right angle, “Okay, that’s perfect, I think. Here…” She reached down and began massaging the horse’s sheath. Moments later the horse’s body sprang to life and his phallus extended right into Karyn’s warm hand. It felt like sparks going off as she finally felt a horse penis for the very first time. It was rubbery and warm and it was growing quickly.

Karyn was aroused and excited by what she was doing. She massaged the horse’s flesh until it extended far enough to graze across her pubic hair. She stiffened, and then kept massaging. The horse’s penis felt extremely strong and muscular in her hand, except she knew it was just engorged with blood. Still though she began to fear what such a strong hard penis might do to her. Then it glanced across her labia and she stiffened again. She knew she could cum at any second and she hadn’t even had sex with him yet. She was just so aroused that anything could set her off. Her curiosity drove her on. Then the horse penis grazed her clitoris. Karyn shuddered as a very small orgasm overcame her. “Oh my God, Father, this will feel so good.” He nodded, seemingly a lot less distressed by her use of the lord’s name being used in vain.

Soon the horse’s penile head was pressing against Karyn’s neatly trimmed vulva. Because she wasn’t yet tied into place she managed to evade the thick horse head that was probing forward inch by inch until she realized she had nowhere left to squirm. She decided it was time to go forward with her plan. She began to push downward towards the throbbing horse cock. The thick horse head was pushing hard against her. She worked her fingers over her labia trying to open herself up. She was so embarrassed by what she was doing as the Priest watched in amazement. She wanted to send him away, but she needed someone to tie her up when she was finished, and she knew he would see her during the ceremony anyway.

She pushed down hard and gritted her teeth until finally the thick rubbery penis pushed passed her vaginal opening. She gasped, “OH!” It hurt having something so big in her. Titan was far larger than her Husband’s penis. She took a deep breath and sunk her hips down further, driving the huge phallus deeper into her loins. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, but inch after inch slowly entered her until she had nearly 8 inches pushing into her. She blushed as she realized the Priest could easily see how horny she was. Her vaginal lips were distended and fleshy. She could feel them wrapped taught around the horse’s thick member. Her pussy was extremely wet and her clitoris stood on end. She stiffened trying to get accustomed to the pain as the horse’s penis pressed hard against her cervix. “Oh, ow, geez! He’s gigantic!”

The Priest tried to be helpful, “He looks like he’s quite deep, Mrs Peterson. Are you okay?” “Yes, I think. Ow. It’s just… that… he’s very big. How far inside me do you think he is?” “8 inches? Isn’t that the whole point?” “Yes, but… it might take me a few minutes to get used to him.” “I see.” She shuddered, “Okay, please take the small box out of the cardboard box. I need you to give the stallion a shot.” The Priest did as he was told, as she directed him on how to deliver the virility shot.

He then followed her instructions and began to bind her wrists and ankles. She felt so naked all of a sudden. Her legs were wide open and she was very on display. Her breasts were still pretty even after having had a baby, but she knew that they did sag a little. Still though, she was gorgeous and she knew it. She was one of those women who didn’t just look pretty when she was naked – she looked completely pornographic. Even without the sight of her impaled on horse dick she would make any man’s pants tent and become uncomfortable. She was getting more and more aroused as she became totally incapacitated. Once the Priest had finished she tugged at her limbs. Sure enough she was tightly coupled, and couldn’t free herself, but she did notice that as she pulled her arms or pushed with her legs the sling would swing back and forth, pushing the horse’s penis hard against her cervix or pulling it out a few inches.

The Priest stood back and marveled, “Well, Mrs. Peterson, I believe you are well situated. Now I need to go prepare. Are you alright on your own?” Karyn bit her lip, not wanting to be left alone suddenly. The fear of being caught by the better part of the wedding party when they arrived was almost too much for Karyn to bear. But she forced herself to nod with butterflies in her stomach, “I’ll be fine. Thank you so much Father. You have been so nice.” The Priest checked his watch, “My pleasure, Mrs. Peterson. The ceremony beings in a half hour. I will see you then.”


Chapter Four

The thick phallus in her trembled with each breath the horse tool. Karyn had been trying to stay still for what she could only guess was a few minutes. She really didn’t want to move and the longer she waited the more she began to second guess herself. She wanted to cumm badly, but she was afraid of getting caught. Then she realized she was going to orgasm either way, so she should get it done sooner than later, and perhaps save herself from some embarrassment. She wished she knew what time it was. She began to move her hips tentatively. Her pussy was extremely wet so even though the horse’s penis was a tight fit it slid easily back and forth in her. Karyn felt so dirty as she began to work her hips back and forth, as the sling gently swayed. It was awkward but she didn’t care. She was living her dream – to have sex with a horse on her Daughter’s wedding day. Nothing could possibly be more erotic to her in that moment.

Her engorged pussy tensed as she imagined what it must look like being wrapped around the horse’s soft skin. She worked up and down and she felt herself about to orgasm. She knew she was already close even before she started, so it didn’t take much effort. She began to moan softly and her legs began to quiver. She couldn’t take much more of this. She was just about to orgasm when suddenly the door burst open, and Inna, Susan and Tiffany entered the room. Karyn nearly squealed in terror, somehow forgetting that it was just a matter of time before they walked in. She was terrified, and embarrassed. Their jaws dropped open, and Inna immediately put her hand over her mouth as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Karyn’s breath was short and her chest was flush. Her hips were a full inch off of the saddle below and her stomach was taught. Karyn’s perky nipples were jiggling as Karyn tried to catch her breath and stop herself from having an orgasm.

Susan was first to say, “Oh my God!” Inna said, “What are you doing?!” Tiffany looked at her Mother and after the immediate shock wore off she scowled. Karyn tried to lower her hips without the three girls noticing, but it was quite clear that she had been working her hips up and down as her legs shook. Karyn was just a single thrust away from an orgasm, but she tried to calm herself by saying, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” Susan and Inna looked at Tiffany who shook her head, “Do you want to explain yourself, Mom, or shall I?” Karyn bit her hip and tried to remain motionless as to not make herself cumm.

Tiffany noticed her Mother’s sudden silence and said, “Fine, Mom wanted to fuck a horse on my wedding day, because apparently it’s some dumb family tradition or something.” Inna squinted, “Huh?” Tiffany sighed, “My Great Grandmother used to do it, in Brazil, I guess. My Mother wanted to re-live that family tradition, on my wedding day of all things.” Susan shook her head, “Wow, Mrs. P, I never would have guessed.” Karyn tried say something smart and at the same time she attempted to pull away from the horse as if the straps had suddenly come undone, forgetting that the was nearly completely immobilized. As she did so she forced herself hard down on the horse’s cock which accidentally sent her over the edge. She hoped the girls wouldn’t notice her orgasm, but it didn’t work, “This is a big deal for our family trad…! OH GOD…. ohhhhh… ohhhhh oh god…. It’s just that… ohhh I’m… it’s that…. oh… oh… trying to…. ohhhhhhhh…. he’s just… oh God, I’m sorry, Tiffany… I’m just… I love… you!”

Tiffany scowled at her Mother again, “Did you just cumm?” Karyn tried to hide it but her whole body was quivering. She knew her pussy and anus were clenching hard, trying to massage the sperm out of her new lover. She was shaking and trying to catch her breath. Susan laughed, “She did! Wow!” Inna laughed too, “Wow, Mrs. P. You look… happy.” Karyn was anything but happy. Suddenly she was horrified by her behavior. What had she done? She had just orgasmed on a horse’s dick in front of her Daughter and her Daughter’s friends on her wedding day. This was just sick. She was mortified.

“Oh God, Honey, I’m so sorry. You were right, this is a huge mistake.” Tiffany looked pissed standing there in her beautiful white gown. She had been dreaming of this day her whole life and her horny Mother was effectively ruining it for her. That’s when the three groomsmen and Tiffany’s Father began to knock on the door. Lyle was waiting at the end of the church. It was time. Karyn began to panic, “No don’t let them in, let me down.” Tiffany shook her head like she could kill her Mother and she went to the door and to Karyn’s horror, Tiffany opened the door wide to let them in.

The three groomsmen, Ed, Sam and Jason all looked like they had seen a ghost. Their eyes looked like they might pop out of their heads. But it was Hank’s expression, as he looked at his wife, engaged in sex with a stallion that took the cake. He took several steps into the room as the groomsmen followed to get a better look. Hank couldn’t believe it, “What the fuck, Karyn?! What are you doing?” Tiffany was first to say, “She’s going to be belly riding through the ceremony. It was her idea to fuck a horse and let everyone watch her. I tried to stop her but she wouldn’t have any of it. Now she’s trying to get out of it at the last minute. Frankly I’m fed up with her bullshit.”

Hank seemed to be on his Wife’s side on this one, “Oh my god. Karyn, that’s just disgusting. Someone help me get her down. She can’t go out like this!” Tiffany got in her Father’s way and said, “No. We’re not letting her down.” “We aren’t? Why not?” The wedding party seemed to be equally confused. Karyn was getting more and more embarrassed by the minute. She wished she could cover up. She had never felt so exposed in her life as the boys eyed her impaled pussy and soft breasts. “Because, it’s my wedding day, and I’m tired of her crap. She wanted to go through with it, and now we’re going to punish her for being so inconsiderate. No one is letting her down.”

Karyn began to protest, “No, honey, this will ruin my reputation.” “You should have thought of that sooner, you whore.” Hank said, “Tiffany, don’t talk to your Mother like that.” “I’ll do what I want on my wedding day, Dad. This was her idea, now she’s going to have to deal with it.” Karyn was really beginning to panic. Why had she insisted that the Priest tie her up? At least she could have let herself down. She protested further, “Honey, please, be reasonable.”

Tiffany wasn’t about to let her Mother get out of it now, “NO MOM! You’re NOT backing out now! I’m not un-tying you, and I’m not going to let anyone else untie you either. It’s too late now. You’re going to go out there and fuck a horse in front of God and everyone. Now shut up.” “But honey…” “Don’t but honey me. It’s my wedding day, and I’m tired of your bullshit. Now you’re going to ride your naked ass out there stuck on that horse dick so everyone can get a good look at what a dumb slut you really are.”

Karyn pleaded, “Honey, please…” “Shut up. Now, Ed, please take Susan out, then Sam, you’ll take Inna out, and Jason, you’ll take my Mother and her horse out. Got it?” They all sensed that Tiffany was now in control so they nodded. Karyn couldn’t help but be aroused by her own Daughter’s dominance over her. She lifted her hips up and down a few times instinctively as the wedding party began to organize in the room. Karyn tried to be stealthy about it but knowing that two hundred people would soon see her, naked and committing an act of bestiality was almost too much for her. Even though she had just orgasmed she now wanted another one. The other couples were trying to make small talk to avoid the obvious topic of Tiffany’s perverted Mother. Hank bent down, “What’s gotten into you? Did someone put you up to this?” “I don’t know, honey. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done this, I know. It was irresponsible.” He stood up, looking pissed off and he walked over to Tiffany. He was just going to try to ignore the problem. She could sense he was probably thinking through the call to a divorce lawyer even as he stood there.

She couldn’t help but be turned on even still. She began to rock her hips ever so slowly, as Jason looked down at her. She was embarrassed by the good looking young man staring at her. He flashed her a smile and said, “You look really pretty today, Mrs. Peterson.” “Thanks, Jason.” “I, for one, like this outfit a lot better than the one you wore at the rehearsal dinner.” She blushed at the nice comment. Their musical cue from the organ alerted them to get the ceremony started. Ed and Susan left the room. A bit later Sam and Inna left together to head down the isle. That meant that Karyn and Jason would be next.

The butterflies in her stomach were driving her out of control. She desperately wanted to stop this whole thing from going down, but before she could say another word Jason took the horse by the reins and began to lead her out of the room, The horse’s footsteps felt wonderful inside of her. The thick penis jostled her and pressed hard against her insides. She knew Jason wasn’t watching as he was trying to lead the horse so she took that moment to thrust her hips wildly up and down as they walked the short hallway to where light from the church poured in. She couldn’t help herself, as she let out a grunt and thrusted harder and harder. She knew she didn’t want to have an orgasm, and she knew she was about to suffer one of the greatest humiliations of her life. But strangely she was totally irrational and aroused beyond belief at the same time.

The world felt very strange being upside down, but she loved this feeling. She felt strangely connected to her Grandmother in that moment, now knowing why she had wanted Karyn to ride on her own wedding day. The horse’s testicles began to raise up, but Karyn was far too turned on to even realize what that meant. She was in another place.

Karyn closed her eyes, as if the horror of an audience that was about to see her might go away if she couldn’t see it. She continued to move her hips though, feeling the slippery thick cock sliding back and forth between the folds of her labia. She felt the horse change directions and she knew, without opening her eyes that she was now walking up the aisle. She continued to thrust her hips wildly, hearing the clipping and clopping of the horse’s hoofs, and the squeaking of the leather saddle, and the hundreds of people who’s eyes were trying to adjust to what it was that was suddenly walking down the aisle.

That’s when the first gasp rang out, then a man’s voice, “Oh my GOD!” and suddenly there was a roar of sound as the entire audience figured out what was happening. Karyn opened her eyes and sure enough, the entire audience of 200 people were looking in shock, horror and amusement at her nude body. She was mortified as the horse continued to be lead down the long aisle. That’s when the worst thing she could possibly imagine happened. The stallion began to prance erratically. Her embarrassment couldn’t get higher, but then she realized what was going to happen and she began to panic and tried to free herself. She twisted and tried to pull herself free but it was too late and all she succeeded in doing was giving even more pleasure to the horse’s tender phallus. Karyn knew very well what was about to happen to her now.

The stallion stopped right in the middle of the aisle, and began to pump Karyn’s pussy hard with it’s huge penis. The whole audience gasped. The huge animal dwarfed poor Karyn as her body received the sexual assault of a lifetime. She desperately looked around for help, for someone to save her. She felt like she was being raped, and that no one would come to rescue her, but truthfully, no one dared approach. The animal fiercely bucked and shoved it’s throbbing penis hard deep into Karyn’s tender nether regions. The horse’s huge penis head hit hard against her cervix over and over, and she did her best to hang on and take the assault. Then she suddenly got a mental image of herself, and what she must look like. Her hairy cunt now had nine inches of horse meat working back and forth into it. Her big breasts were swaying and jiggling like crazy. Her legs, butt and stomach were all tensing as she tried to protect herself, but to no avail.

It was all her Daughter’s fault, she suddenly decided. She had made her do this, but clearly her own perversion had gotten her into this mess. She floated between being furious, embarrassed and turned on all within a second as her mind raced. She couldn’t help how aroused she was and her hips bucked almost completely without her thinking. She was trying to defend herself but to everyone else in the room it looked like she was actively bucking her hips in time with the massive stallion’s thrusting hips and huge cock as it drove deep into her body. Then the horse’s penis began to flare up inside of her. She felt like she was being torn in half. The horse began to thrust even harder with determination.

That’s when Lyle’s parents Todd and Kate parents rushed down the aisle and exclaimed, “What is the meaning of this?!” Karyn was in no state to answer as the horse drove hard into her. She held her breath and held on for dear life until finally Titan began to make a loud coughing sound. Karyn knew the horse was ready to climax and for some reason that even years later she couldn’t explain she decided to try to help him cumm. She bucked her hips hard and squeezed her vulva as tight as she could, giving the stallion as much enjoyment as she could as her whole body flushed with embarrassment. What was she doing?! She couldn’t stop herself as she let out a huge moan. Was she really going to let herself climax right then and there in front of everyone? It was one thing to have a horse penis in her, but quite another to let it ejaculate inside of her while she was cumming.

Even as she tried to make sense of it the horse made up her mind for her by thrusting one last time harder than all the previous thrusts as he began to spray a torrent of hot ejaculate deep into her. The huge throbbing cock erupting inside of her was just too much for Karyn and she lifted her hips hight into the air above the saddle, and with a loud moan she too began to cumm. Her butt and legs tensed hard as she massaged the horse’s penis as it continued to have a massive eruption in her pussy.

Suddenly it was clear to everyone in the room that the two, woman and stallion, were cumming together. Everyone was completely shocked by all of this, but only a handful of eyes were averted in the entire audience. The vast majority of people continued to watch the spectacle with a mixed bag of emotions and reactions. The stallion continued to ejaculate into Karyn as she bucked wildly. This was the moment she had been fantasizing about for years now. She had never thought it would actually happen, and now it was. Here and now in front of two hundred people she was encouraging an animal to continue to cumm in her pussy. Rope after rope shot against her cervix, and her body did the best it could to lap up all of the stallion’s seed.

Karyn had never been an overtly sexual woman, but suddenly she was a wanton whore. Her whole body became a sperm receptacle. She wanted the stallion to continue to cumm forever, but slowly and surely the stallion began to calm down. Karyn’s embarrassment began to return. As if to add insult to injury the stallion’s semen began to burst free from the confines of her tight vulva, and spray out around the opening, sticking to her vulva, her pubic hair and her butt as it drooled down onto the tile floor. The wedding party abandoned their post and walked down to where the chaos was unfolding just as Kate began to yell at Karyn, “What on earth as gotten into you!” Todd finally found his tongue again, “Yes! This is our Son’s wedding day, have you no shame?!”

The Priest finally chimed in from the podium. “Excuse me everyone, excuse me. Please, I have something to say. In this Church we have a strict vow to allow anyone of any background access to our Church. Mrs. Peterson politely asked ahead of time if her family’s tradition could be honored. In her family, as you’ll find in the program under your seats, the women come from a long line of belly riders in Brazil.” People began to shuffle under their seats, pulling out the history of belly riding. For the few people who had found the programs ahead of time but had no idea what belly riding was, it suddenly had much more meaning.

The Priest went on, “I understand it’s unconventional, but Mrs. Peterson has asked that you all allow her tradition to be fulfilled during today’s proceedings. Mrs. Peterson wants to be mated to a stallion today. So I ask you all to please return to your seats so that we can continue.” Karyn wished the Priest hadn’t said the word ‘mated’ but most people did as they were told. Todd, however, wasn’t having any of it, “I’m not going to sit here until I get an explanation about why Mrs. Peterson is having sex with a horse on my Son’s wedding day.” Karyn was at a loss for words. She was suddenly so ashamed. Why had she thought it would be any different than this? Of course people were going to be upset with her. She felt so dumb as she tried to catch her breath. The photographer and videographer were getting as many angles of her as they could, which embarrassed her even more.

Inna shot back, “She just had an orgasm in front of God and everyone, Mr. Smith. Jesus, give her a minute to think. Do you have any idea how hard it is to think coherently after you’ve had a huge dick in you? And she’s just been fucked by a stallion of all things.” Susan nodded, “Yeah, just calm down, Mr. Smith. Why don’t you sit down and we’ll just get through this. Don’t blame Karyn too much either. Tiffany told us we weren’t allowed to let her down.” Karyn was really thankful that Inna and Susan had come to her rescue.

He shook his head, “This isn’t over, but for the sake of my Son, I’ll let it drop for now. Let’s just get this over with.” Karyn noticed that Lyle hadn’t left his position aside the Priest. No doubt he was feeling guilty, because he had been aware of the possibility of this happening. Yet he did nothing. So as the wedding party returned to their post, Jason whispered, “Are you okay? Can we go now?” She realized he was probably just as embarrassed as she was, “Yes, thank you, Jason.” Karyn said out loud, “I’m deeply sorry about that, everyone.” No one said anything back, which just made Karyn feel worse.

When Karyn was finally lead into her position in the front of the church she had to walk up several steps to get to the right height along side the wedding party. In doing so it forced her body even further down the horse’s slippery semen coated penis, which made her wince in pain. But finally the walk was over. Her pussy was a mess. Her neatly trimmed hair was now coated in horse sperm. Her butt and pussy were on display as they faced the audience. There was no mistaking the huge cock that was still buried 9 inches into her hole.

Karyn wished everyone would stop looking at her and her cummy hole. She finally caught her breath and tried to remain perfectly still. With that the wedding march music began again. Tiffany appeared, looking beautiful and elegant. Hank was trying not to look pissed off, but he clearly was. They slowly made their way up to the aisle. Then suddenly Tiffany slipped and fell. The whole audience gasped. Thankfully Hank caught her so that she didn’t actually hurt herself but she did land on the tile. Tiffany looked at her hand as if she had landed in something. That’s when Karyn realized she must have slipped in the horse’s sperm. Karyn was mortified. Tiffany got up with semen on her dress and her hand. Semen that had been in her Mother’s pussy only moments before. Tiffany recovered and continued to walk down the aisle. Neither Tiffany nor Hank would look at Karyn. She was completely miserable.


Chapter Five

The ceremony was underway. Karyn couldn’t really think about anything but her own predicament. What had she done? She had almost instantaneously ruined her reputation with everyone in both her family and Lyle’s. And for what? So that she could get off? A vibrator would have been much less expensive to her reputation, but no. She had to go through with this disgusting spectacle. Now she was being forced to engage in sex with the horse because her family wouldn’t let her down. A serious sense of self loathing came over her. She was so conflicted, because on the other hand, she had never been more sexually excited in her life.

She knew people were looking down on her, but at the same time, there were so many eyes piercing her. Even though it had been just ten minutes or so since her last orgasm in the aisle, she was already horny again. She felt the horse stamp his foot a few times and breath heavily which sent shock waves through her body and made her ache for another orgasm. It was hard enough laying there with cumm drooling from her pussy, but having a hard horse cock in her was driving her insane. Her Grandmother had told her that women sometimes worked while strapped to their stallions. Karyn had been too young and grossed out by the idea at the time to ask how they could possibly manage that. Now more than ever she couldn’t picture how anyone could think and work while impaled. But it was a sexy thought.

Karyn shifted her weight in the saddle a little by lifting her hips, which inadvertently made the horse cock move slightly in her body. It felt wonderful and no one had seemed to notice. She then acted like she was clearing her throat a little and gently lifted her hips as if she were just adjusting. It felt so wonderful. The semen drooling out of her cunt was almost too much for her. She wished she could see it. She was dying to watch the video of her and look at the photos. Some of the extended family couldn’t make it, and there were some friends of the family that hadn’t been able to travel across the country to see the ceremony. Karyn began to plot sending them all videos and lots of pictures of her, so that no one would miss out on her perversion. She couldn’t explain, even to herself, why she wanted people to see her doing this, but she definitely did.

Thinking about it made her squirm a little more. Still, no one seemed to notice, or they had begun ignoring her. Either way, she felt a little surge of empowerment. Had she become invisible? Why hadn’t people lead her away? It astounded her. She couldn’t believe she was really doing this. Her hole was slick and her womb was full of horse cumm, but she wasn’t done. She tensed her pelvic muscles several times hoping to get herself off that way but she really wanted to feel the huge penis slipping back and forth inside of her. So she sighed heavily again and lifted her butt a few inches off the saddle again, and then wiggled her butt a few times, and still no one seemed to call her out on it.

She did it again, and then again, and soon she was slowly but deliberately lifting her hips and squeezing her butt at the same time. She was doing it as slowly as she could. She really didn’t want to raise anyone’s suspicion. She thought her display before in the aisle was quite enough humility for one day. She still wanted to enjoy herself though. Her body was forcing her to continue even though she knew it was a terrible idea. Her brain wandered as she imagined how slutty everyone must think she is. She loved the fact that her own Daughter had forced her into it, even though she really wished that she could have saved herself this anguish of humility.

She began to get a rhythm with her sling as she began to use her arms ever so slightly to let herself swing gently back and forth. She felt her stomach tensing and her breath was getting a little more ragged as the intense feeling mounted inside her. That’s when the photographer snuck up close and began snapping pictures of her even closer. She looked over at the rest of the bridal party and sure enough Inna and Susan were staring at her. Karyn realized the creaking of the leather saddle was giving her away, not to mention maybe her butt moving up and down wasn’t nearly as subtle as she had thought it was. In fact, as she looked around she realized many more people were looking at her than she had originally thought.

She whispered to Inna and Susan, “I’m sorry.” That caught Tiffany’s ear, who looked extremely pissed off, “Excuse me, Father, can we stop for a minute?” “Uh, sure.” “I’m sorry, but my Mother seems to want to interrupt the wedding.” Karyn stammered, “No… I… no…” Karyn asked, “What did you just say then?” “I was just… nothing… I didn’t say anything.” Susan chimed in, “She was just saying she was sorry.” “Sorry about what?” Karyn looked sheepish, “Nothing.” Inna was quick to say, “Your Mom was just having a little more fun, I think.” “You seem to want all the attention today. So why don’t you get it out of your system?” “Huh?”

Tiffany turned to the audience, “I’m really sorry for my Mother’s behavior everyone. Apparently she thinks she can keep fucking this horse during the ceremony and no one will notice.” Karyn blushed immediately as Tiffany continued, “My Mother told me yesterday that she was planning on having sex with a horse. She waited all my life to tell me that my Great Grandmother used to have sex with horses and then she sprung on us that she wanted to do it during the wedding. I thought she was just drunk. Imagine my surprise today when I walk in and she’s orgasming right in the back of the church on a horse’s dick.” Karyn wanted to crawl up into a ball and die. She was totally humiliated.

Tiffany was on a roll though, “But here’s the kicker. The reason she wanted to do it now is so that she could have an excuse. She’s using my Great Grandmother as an excuse to let a horse fuck her. So I ask her why she wants to do it today of all days and she tells me. She wanted everyone to look at her because, unfortunately for all of us, she wants to get herself off while we all watch. She likes being humiliated.” Karyn was mortified as she looked around at all the angry faces. She was using them for her own sexual gratification, it was true, but she didn’t think her own Daughter would sell her out.

Tiffany said, “Now I’m not condoning my Mother’s disgusting behavior, but I don’t see how I can exclude her from today’s ceremony either. I love her even if she is disgusting. So if you’re all willing, I say we just let her have her fun, so we can get back to the ceremony without any more interruptions from her.” Lyle said, “Have her fun how?” Tiffany glared at her fiance, “I want her to make the horse cumm again. Maybe that will shut her up long enough for us to get through the ceremony.” Karyn said, “No really, we don’t have to…” Tiffany said, “Shut up, Mother. It’s not up to you anymore. I’ll have Jason parade you around until you do if you don’t just do it.” Karyn tried to play dumb, “Do… what?” “You know very well what. You want him to ejaculate in you again. It wasn’t enough that you left a trail of cumm on the floor for me to nearly break my neck on, so just get to it. Let’s just get it over with.”

Karyn was horrified, “I don’t think I can…” “You did before. I’m thinking the only reason you want to do it again is because you think someone might have missed it the last time. You want to make sure everyone sees. So here we all are. Everyone’s waiting, Mother. Get started. We’d all like to get on with the wedding. So please don’t keep us waiting any more.” Karyn looked around and Inna and Susan nodded. She looked over at the Groomsmen and Jason shrugged. She looked at the audience who was glaring at her for interrupting the wedding. She didn’t have a single person on her side now. Karyn pleaded once more, “Please, honey, don’t make me…” “You’re the one who got yourself into this situation, now act like a mare you wish you were and get him to breed with you again so everyone can see this time.” Tiffany crossed her arms and glared at her Mother. After a few seconds of Karyn being motionless Tiffany yelled at her, “NOW!”

Karyn almost started crying but she managed to keep her emotions in and silently began to lift her hips at her Daughter’s command. Despite how horrible she felt she still thought it felt great. She knew her pussy was still full of horse semen because of the loud squishing sounds her labia was making as the horse’s penis moved back and forth inside her. She wasn’t exactly sure how to get the horse to cumm again, this being her first time trying it, but she figured that if the stallion were anything like her Husband, it was best for her to move as much as possible. So in an effort to speed things up she began to rock back and forth, taking as much of the horse’s penis in her and withdrawing as far as she could on each stroke. Time seemed to drag on.

Minutes passed, of loud squishing sounds and Karyn’s heavy breathing. The leather creaked and Titan stamped his hoofs several times but Karyn was beginning to wonder if she couldn’t make this work a second time. Karyn, on the other hand, was getting more and more turned on by the minute. She began to distance herself from her situation. She wanted to orgasm again, but she also wanted to make sure that the horse came first. She was still totally embarrassed as her legs were still spread apart and everyone in the audience had a great view of his huge penis buried three quarters of a foot in her. Her Husband looked annoyed, as did Lyle’s parents. Karyn wanted desperately to please them but it wasn’t going to happen.

It seemed that all she was going to be able to do was to get herself off at the expense of every relationship she had ever tried to foster. She was glad her parents weren’t alive to see this. Karyn began to get more relaxed in an odd way. She knew it was her hormones taking over, but for some reason she felt more empowered. She was stark naked, impaled on a horse’s dick with a cunt full of his seed. She was having full blown intercourse with a stallion in front of everyone and they had actually stopped the ceremony to watch her. This had been her fantasy all along. Why should she not enjoy it? She realized she was being stupid. This is exactly what she had wanted since she first started masturbating while dreaming about it.

She decided that if this was the last sex she ever had with a stallion she had better make it count. Maybe she could have such a mind blowing orgasm that she’d never want it again. It would be out of her system completely. She finally thought to herself, screw it. Who cares what other people thought? This was the happiest day of her life in many ways. She suddenly felt more exposed and free than she ever had in her whole life. It was an amazing feeling. Her whole body suddenly came alive and she began humping her hips upwards with more gusto. She was in love with Titan’s penis, and she wanted him to fill her up with his hot cumm while her Husband, and her whole family watched. She lovingly squeezed his penis with her pelvic muscles and let out a soft moan.

This was the most erotic thing she had ever done in her life. Her whole body was fucking the 2000 pound animal’s three foot long dick, or at least the 9 or 10 inches she had managed to shove into her body. How a body as small as hers could sexually satisfy such a massive creature’s sexual urges was beyond her, but she desired to please him more than anything in the world. She needed to feel his strength climaxing again. It was so sensual. Her slippery pussy stroked the animal’s penis lovingly and the stallion whinnied loudly in approval as he humped his massive hips into Karyn over and over, slamming his engorged penis against her sensitive insides. His testicles began to raise up letting Karyn and everyone else know the contents of his prostate were about to be pumped deep into the Mother of the Bride.

Karyn moaned over and over again loudly as she slid her pussy up and down her lover’s rigid pole making grotesque squishing and sucking sounds. Here breasts swayed back and forth violently. Finally, to Karyn’s relief and delight Titan’s huge penis began to grow even larger inside her as he prepared to inseminate his willing mate. Karyn had no pride left as she humped upwards, fully enjoying how huge the stallion felt as it grew and filled her up. She was giving as much stimulation to herself as her tight pussy was to the big animal. Karyn prepared herself as much as she could for the punishment but nothing could prepare her for when Titan began to rear up on his back legs as if he were mounting a big mare.

Karyn screamed out in a mix of pleasure and pain as she was driven even further down the horny horse’s dick. She grit her teeth and held on as tight as she could with both her arms and legs, but the pain was still intense. A gasp was heard through the crowd as people feared for her life suddenly. The huge animal thrusted much harder than before. Karyn screamed again, fearing for her life, but also because to her shock she was starting to cumm harder than she had ever climaxed before. Her whole body began to shake and writhe. Suddenly as the stallion continued to buck and thrust into poor Karyn’s climaxing body he made a loud snorting sound followed by several loud coughing sounds. Karyn was too far gone to even think about what was happening to her or what she must look like. The audience however, was getting a clear view of her increasingly grotesque looking cunt. Her pubic hair was matted down, and a white froth of semen covered the horse’s penis and the area between her lips and her anus.

Finally deep within the stallion’s muscular body the his prostate began to tighten and shoot forth a huge stream of seminal fluids. Following a path down the rigid veiny penis the horse tensed hard and with one last thrust a giant jet of fresh horse semen shot hard deep into Karyn’s fertile, orgasmic pussy. Karyn was completely lost in her climax. Her stomach, legs and butt were rock hard as she held herself perfectly in place, letting the enormous animal ejaculate hard against her cervix as it pulsated hard. Her body was sucking up as much of the fresh semen as it could. It was if her body was lapping up water after having been in a desert. She never wanted it to end as her anus and pussy pulsated in unison. Her body deliberately milked the stallion’s spurting dick.

Finally had been orgasmic for almost a minute but she couldn’t help herself. It felt too good to stop. A hot flash of horse sperm spurted out of the edge of her pussy lips. She was so turned on by the thought of overflowing with horse cumm that she instinctively began bucking her hips again as she moaned and writhed. The two were orgasmic in unison. As the Mother of the Bride took a pussy full of virile animal sperm the audience was a mix of horrified and awestruck. It was the most amazing thing most of these people had ever seen. The men were shifting uncomfortably in their seats, and the women where shaking their heads disapprovingly, or even looking away.

Still though, Karyn’s engorged pussy was hungry for more. Small orgasm after small orgasm ripped through her flushed body. She rocked back and forth for what turned into minutes, moaning and shaking, as hot horse cumm continued to drool from her pussy lips down onto the tile of the church. Her pussy was a complete tear-down. No one in the room had ever seen such a filthy sight, and Karyn couldn’t seem to get enough. Titan had finished inseminating Karyn for minutes at that point, as Karyn embarrassingly continued to pleasure herself. One last huge orgasm erupted deep inside of her. She arched her back and lifted herself high off the saddle. She didn’t make a single sound for almost thirty seconds, but everyone knew that she was doing everything in her power to impregnate herself on the stallion’s dick. The only movement she made was the intense pulsations deep inside her.

Finally Karyn collapsed with a loud gasp as she fought for air. Her whole body was sweaty and flushed. She was a disgusting mess. Suddenly Karyn’s sensibilities hit her like a ton of bricks. Karyn became insanely embarrassed. But to make matters worse, Tiffany said, “Now that my Mother is done mating with a horse, shall we begin again? What do you say, Mother? Are you done showing everyone what a pervert you are?”

Karyn wished she were anywhere else in the world but she looked at the video camera and the photographer who were both recording the scene, and she suddenly got the tinest bit of courage, “I’m sorry everyone. I know this did go too far and I can’t say how terrible I feel right now. What was once a stupid fantasy has just gotten out of control. My Grandmother, Tiffany’s Great Grandmother put this idea into my head that letting a horse breed with me would be the most amazing thing ever and instead of fighting the urge, I did everything I did everything I could to out myself in the most public way possible. So yes, I admit, I did want to feel a horse dick in me. But I also wanted my Daughter and Husband to be proud of me. Despite what you might think, it took a lot of courage to do this.”

The Priest nodded, “I’m sure it did, Karyn. You certainly look happy together.” Karyn was still horny as she turned to her side, inadvertently lifting her hips slightly, feeling the sloppy sperm oozing from her vaginal lips. “Yes, he’s a great lover.” That was it for Hank. He stood up and said loudly, “I’m not going to be a cuckold to a horse, Karyn. I want a divorce.” He then turned and walked out of the church in a huff. Karyn felt terrible but she couldn’t do anything. She didn’t know how to steer the horse, and there was no stopping Hank now. Tiffany turned to her Mother in her pretty white gown, “Are you happy now? Thanks for ruining everything. Can I get Married now, or do you want to fuck any other animals while you’re at it? Maybe you want to marry the stallion now that you’re single again? You sure look like you belong down there.”

Karyn was speechless. Her stomach muscles hurt from having so many orgasms in such a short period of time. She managed to relax as her Daughter shook her head and turned around and said, “Let’s get on with this.” Karyn looked around the audience who were still in shock by the whole scene. Inna and Susan both smiled at her in what looked like a pity smile. They knew as well as she did that her life was irreparably changed. Nothing would ever be the same for her. She’d always be the woman who fucked a horse on her Daughter’s wedding day. For the rest of her life her vagina would be on display in countless photo albums after the photographer sent the pictures out. Her sexual deviance would be in countless video libraries when the videographer sent the video out to the whole family.

No, Karyn’s life as she knew it was over. She was starting a new life. And as her Daughter proceeded with tying herself to the man of her dreams, Karyn was tying herself to an animal. She made a decision right then and there. If her life was ruined she might as well enjoy it. She knew she could get a healthy settlement in the divorce. Maybe she’d take the money and move to Brazil, and settle down outside of Rio. Maybe she’d find someone to take care of her, so that she could let the stallion have her every day. Her family would never speak to her again, it was clear. But maybe all she needed was 9 inches of horse penis to make her happy. She lifted her butt several more times as aftershocks rippled through her nude body. She smiled and shook gently as she thought about her new future. Lyle placed a ring on Tiffany’s hand while her Mother’s anus and pussy continued to visibly pulsate next to her.


Chapter Six

After the wedding Karyn asked Jason to help load her into the back of the trailer she had bought and take her across town to the reception. He seemed wary of the idea, but he complied. She was still the Bride’s Mother, even if she was a pervert. As he loaded her stallion, with her still impaled on it into the back of the trailer her asked, “So, that was quite the wedding huh? You were really going for it back there.” “What do you mean?” “I mean, you were going at it for more than fifteen minutes straight.” “Fifteen minutes?” “Yeah, at least. You were screwing him for more than fifteen minutes while we all waited. I looked at my watch and it said 2:04 after you had been doing it for a while. I looked at my watch just before you finished and it said 2:20, so it was probably more like twenty minutes. I didn’t think it would ever end.” Karyn blushed furiously. She had no idea it had been that long. She though it had been only five minutes at most.

“Oh. Sorry about that.” “No, it’s no big deal. Well, I mean, I guess it kinda is. You kinda were really disrupting the whole thing. I just couldn’t figure out why… I guess.” He tried to find the words for a moment before continuing, “Why didn’t you just do it in the privacy of your own back yard or something?” Karyn blushed again. She was such a slut. She had become the persona non grata of the wedding even though she should have been one of the most honored guests. “I don’t know Jason. I know better, I do. I just couldn’t help myself. Do you think everyone hates me?” “I couldn’t say. But I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you. Everyone looked pretty pissed off. Maybe you should let me untie you.”

Karyn thought about it for a moment, “No, Jason, I think it would just add more questions to the whole thing. Like why did I suddenly get a conscious? Or why didn’t I pick the reception to belly ride instead of the wedding? And if I ever want to do it again…” “Do you?!” Jason looked somewhat shocked. “I don’t know. This has been both the best and worst day of my life, to be honest.” “But if there were no consequences then you would?” “Oh yes, definitely.” Karyn suddenly got turned on again as she admitted a very dark secret to Jason, who was very likely to tell everyone else. It was bad enough that she was fucking a horse, but admitting that she loved it and that she’d do it again if she could was even worse.

Jason blushed a little as Karyn lifted her hips slightly. Her clit felt like it was engorged as he looked at her. She wanted him to look as much as he wanted too. He was a handsome young man, and her sloppy pussy was already on display. She had nothing left to hide. Jason said, “Well, I know everyone else might not think so, but I thought you were really sexy looking.” “Really?” “Sure. I mean, not in the traditional sense, I guess, but yeah. I just never knew a woman could really mate with a horse like that. I thought the whole donkey show thing was just an urban legend. I mean, not like you’re a Mexican whore under a donkey or something… but you know what I mean.”

She took his awkwardness as a compliment. “Thanks, Jason! You’re very sweet. I’ll be sure to send you the video of the ceremony.” “Oh, yeah, please do!” She didn’t want to admit that she would be sending it to all of the attendees. He seemed thankful enough that she didn’t want to ruin it. She wanted to stay there and have sex with the horse more while Jason watched, but she knew she had a reception to attend and the bitter winder cold was beginning to bite at her flesh. The cold drive over to the reception would certainly be a tough one for her too. The night was only half over. “So, Jason, how about you get me and Titan into this trailer? It’s cold out here, and we have a reception to get to.”

He shook off what seemed to be a haze that was clouding over his mind. She wondered what he was thinking, but he seemed embarrassed as he pants appeared to be tightening. She felt giddy, like she was doing something innocent but yet a little naughty. This was fun for her, as he helped the horse up into the back of the trailer. In doing so her body slid down the huge erection in her pussy again. It was painful, but this time she caught herself with her arms and legs so it wasn’t quite as bad.

Jason patted her on the butt playfully as she held on for dear life, “Hang in there.” She laughed, enjoying the first physical human kindness she had received since this ordeal began. She wished he would just stick his fingers in her ass or feel her up, but she just said, “Careful, you might turn me on again.” He smiled, “Well, we wouldn’t want that. Next you’ll ask me to drop you off at the pound so you can screw your way through the entire stock of animals they’ve got there.” “You never know!” This playful flirting was fun but it sadly had to end as he sealed up the trailer.


Chapter Seven

The trip over was worse than Karyn had anticipated. It was cold enough as it was, but with wind chill from the drive, it was nearly unbearable. She managed to get some warmth from the stallion, of course, but the cold semen oozing out of her was bone chilling. Her nipples were taught, and all she could do was start thrusting her hips wildly to try to stay warm. She came twice on the drive over. When Jason stopped and started pulling her out of the trailer, she was flushed and her teeth were chattering, “Oh man, Jason, that was cold!” “Maybe you should wear some clothes the next time you decide to have sex with a horse in the dead of winter, huh, Mrs. Peterson?” “Where’s the fun in that? At least this way, I had an excuse to have a few more orgasms on the way over?”

She couldn’t believe she had admitted that to Jason. For some reason she felt suddenly very close to Jason. He was suddenly her partner in crime. He didn’t mind that she was fucking a horse – it actually seemed to turn him on, or at least her body did. Either way, she would probably end up divorced over the whole thing, and she wasn’t sure her family or most of her friends would ever talk to her again, so it was nice to know she had at least one friend in Jason. He smiled, “Well, shall I escort you into the reception before you freeze to death?” “Yes, please!”

He led the stallion in. It was really awkward getting the stallion through the double doors, that didn’t want to stay open, but with some help from a few guests, Karyn embarrassingly entered the room. She really wished her entrance had been a little more elegant, or at least drawn less attention, but she was, after all, having sex with a horse at her Daughter’s reception. The warm air felt wonderful on her cold skin and she immediately felt better.

No one seemed to want to talk with her, and Jason disappeared to go talk with the other groomsmen, so she was left alone. Then Kate, Lyle’s Mother, with Todd, his Father, decided to confront her. Kate, with her hands on her hips said, “So what was this bullshit about, exactly?” Karyn tried to remain cool as she played coy, “What bullshit?” “The bullshit with the horse, Karyn? Don’t you think you should have told us that you were going to be screwing an animal during the ceremony? Don’t you think that would have been a nice thing to let the rest of us in on during the rehearsal dinner, maybe?”

“Honestly, I didn’t know if I was really going through with it or not until I talked it over with Tiffany and Lyle the night before. It was a really tough decision, as you might imagine.” “Tough decision? To ruin our children’s wedding day? I should hope so!” “Well, I know you’re upset, and yes, I should have told you. But honestly, would anything really be different if I had?” “Maybe we could have talked you out of it, or at least prepared the guests for what they were going to see, maybe?”

Karyn wished this wasn’t hurting to hear, but Kate was absolutely right. And if someone had pulled a similar stunt and Karyn was the one who didn’t know about it, she would have been just as angry in Kate’s shoes. “I know. And honestly, it wouldn’t have been hard to talk me out of it. That’s precisely why I didn’t tell you. But more importantly, I didn’t even tell Hank.” “Right, and now he’s going to leave you. How is that any better?” “I don’t know. But everything happens for a reason. If he’s not okay with my choices, well, maybe that’s for the best.” “Are you really saying you’re not going to try to get him back? You’d really chose a horse over your own husband?”

“I don’t think I have a choice. Hank’s going to leave me either way. So I might as well enjoy life, don’t you think?” Kate looked exasperated as she turned to Todd and said audibly, “I hope Tiffany doesn’t turn into a slut like her Mother when she gets to be Karyn’s age, for Lyle’s sake.” “Tiffany had nothing to do with this.” Kate shook her head and looked back down at Karyn’s nude body with disgust, “You just told me that she agreed to your filthy act.” “Both Tiffany and Lyle did, yes. But now, I’m getting the feeling that they didn’t really mean it, or didn’t know I was serious.” Lyle and Tiffany overheard the conversation and walked over from the crowd.

The camera man and videographer were essentially on a break, and only Karyn knew why. Until they were in frame with Karyn they weren’t to take any pictures or video of the bride and groom. Karyn wanted to make absolutely certain that all the pictures and video of the happy couple had her bestiality documented in it too. She saw them start to take pictures, which was incredibly embarrassing, especially because she was in the process of being scolded. But at the same time she wanted to look sexy for the pictures. She tried to smile and stick out her breasts even more than they already were.

She tried to make peace, “Look, let’s just get through tonight, okay, Kate. I know you’re upset, and I wish I hadn’t done this, but it’s too late now, and I don’t see a point in stopping, now that everyone knows and has seen me.” Lyle of all people tried to calm his Mother down too, “Look, Mom, it’s only a few more hours. Just don’t talk to her, okay?” Todd put his arm around Kate and for the first time spoke, “Karyn, I think you’re very brave. Maybe a little over the top for a wedding, but I respect your family’s traditions. I for one, am glad you’re a part of our family now.” Kate turned, “What?!” Todd said, “Let’s go get a drink, honey.” And with that the Mother and Father of the groom turned to go bicker in the corner.

Karyn took a deep breath, “Thanks, Lyle. I appreciate you stepping in there.” “Well, it’s the least I could do. We don’t need world war three in the middle of the reception.” Karyn felt terrible, “I’m sorry you two. I don’t know what got into me.” “It’s okay, Mom.” Tiffany winked. Karyn’s eyebrows raised. Did Tiffany actually throw that massive fit on stage during the ceremony on purpose? Karyn looked at her Daughter suspiciously. Tiffany knew this whole thing was a huge turn on for her, so maybe she had intentionally put a stop to the ceremony and forced her Mother to have an orgasm in front of everyone while they waited. But why? Suddenly, Karyn was really enjoying being nude again.

Karyn felt emboldened as the music started, drawing the newlywed couple out onto the stage for the first dance. Karyn’s mind was all flustered. She had been convinced that her Daughter now hated her. But maybe she was really just being a friend to her Mother, who was in desperate need of a friend. Karyn felt suddenly much better as she looked around the room. Maybe not as many people hated her as she originally thought. Todd seemed to be thankful to have her as part of the family. Jason would bend her over and have sex with her in a heartbeat, she mused. Tiffany was on her side, at least as much as she could be without making it seem like she was into the idea. Karyn was suddenly extremely turned on.

Then it was her turn as the Mother of the bride to go dance with her Daughter, since Hank was nowhere to be found. It was extremely awkward, and Tiffany pretended to put up with it, but really the two women were whispering the whole time. Karyn started, “Did you do that whole thing at the front of the church on purpose?” “What do you think?” “You did!” “Maybe. You looked like you needed a little egging on.” “Oh my God, you brat!” “So you’re saying you didn’t enjoy yourself? Because from what I saw, Great Grandma would be proud!” Karyn stifled a laugh, “Don’t tell anyone, but I was so turned on! I have never had such a good orgasm.” “Okay okay, too much information, Mom.” “I’m sorry, but really, I was so horny.” “I know, I could kind of tell. I think the whole Church could tell.”

The women continued to whisper to each other, and Tiffany and Karyn both were trying to maintain straight faces as they circled around one another. The gentle strokes of the horse’s huge penis as he moved felt great in Karyn, and she knew she wanted one more orgasm before the night was done. But before then she had to tell her Daughter, “Thank you honey. You looked beautiful today, and I was glad I could be there to see you and Lyle get married together. And thank you so much for allowing me to have my fun. It meant the world to me.” “No problem. I’m sorry that Dad didn’t take it as well.” “It’s okay, you’re grown up now. Us being together isn’t as big a deal as it used to be. Besides, I think I found something that I enjoy far more.” Tiffany smiled, “As long as you’re happy, consider it my gift to you on my wedding day.”

Finally the song ended, and the dance floor opened up for everyone else. Karyn was suddenly surrounded by dancing people, who were all stealing glances, with various intentions and interest in her brazen and depraved sexuality. She decided this was her moment. She began working her hips openly the crowd swarmed around her and the wedding party. The stallion was already very excited by all of the moving bodies and loud music, and he began to thrust into her almost immediately. The two, woman and stallion, began to move as one. The huge penis pummeled her insides deliciously. She couldn’t help it, she was so turned on that she felt her climax begin to hit her almost immediately. She arched her back and began to orgasm.

Soon the stallion was spraying her insides with a fresh coat of his seed. His dick poured out fertile semen as he desperately tried to impregnate her. Karyn screamed and moaned loudly, but she could barely be heard over the loud music. She realized in that moment, that she had finally lived her Grandmother’s dream and that she now too could say that she was a proud belly rider to all that ask. Karyn gently milked her new mate’s penis for the rest of the night, despite the fact that she was ignored and ridiculed by nearly everyone at the reception for the remainder of the evening.

She let Jason let her down at the end of the evening. She knew he wanted to watch all of the semen gush out of her cavernous hole as the horse’s cock sprang free, spraying droplets all over her stomach and chest. They both laughed at what a mess she was. After he helped Karyn load the horse, Karyn, who was still nude at the time gave him a huge kiss on the cheek for being so sweet. Nothing ever came of their flirting, but she genuinely appreciated his kindness.

Karyn drove home to an angry house and soon after began an angry divorce proceedings. But she still managed to get out of the relationship with half of Hank’s money, and with that she bought a new house and new barn for Titan. She quit her job, and hired a ranch hand to help her get saddled each and every day. It was a great life. Shortly after she got copies of the video and pictures of the wedding and reception. Just as she had demanded the camera man and videographer were true to their word. She felt butterflies in her throat as she picked up the phone and called them and put them on speaker phone, “I saw the movie and the pictures. They’re perfect. Now please blow the photographs up a little bigger and send them along with a copies of the video out to all the guests…” That was it. They’d all have proof of her depravity. She had cemented her place as a belly rider. Her new life was well on it’s way.
