This is my 27th story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. You can find details about this series in my other posts. Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter One

Cindy and Mandy were identical twins living in their lavish home with their parents, Mike and Alice, with their nice little barn with several horses. Cindy and Mandy were identical in every way, but they wore distinct outfits and Cindy had darkened her naturally blonde hair a bit. They didn’t like being too similar – it was a game that had become boring many years earlier, so they did what they could to be distinct, given that their faces and bodies were mirror images of one another.

Both Cindy and Mandy had turned 18 and were thinking about college options, but both had decided they had wanted to take a year off while they were still young. Their parents were both wealthy enough that there was no need to force their children to go to school. Besides, both of the girls were gorgeous and the chances that they’d need to work was slim. They would surely find men who would take care of them and they could live a life of luxury. The very same kind of life, incidentally, that the sisters had come to expect.

Cindy and Mandy’s sexuality had begun to peak over the summer as the weather warmed up and they found themselves out by the pool in their bikinis more and more often, especially as their parents were off doing errands or at work. Cindy was the first to suggest that it might be fun to skinny dip. Neither of them ever had before, but it was fun and turned them both on to be a little naughty. They had seen each other naked a thousand times before, so it was no big deal, but it still made both of them horny. Cindy and Mandy looked identical in every way. The same was true when they were nude, except for the fact that Cindy noticed that Mandy had taken to shaving her pubic hair off completely, while Cindy’s bush had only been trimmed to not stick out past her bikini line. Mandy had apparently just started shaving herself, because Cindy had never seen her sister’s labia so clearly before.

It was a new game for the girls. They would splash around and play in the pool naked. They’d get dressed before their parents got home though. Neither of them wanted to explain why they liked being naked to their rather conservative parents. One day late in the evening when their parents were home their Father asked them to go feed the horses in the stable. The girls protested, because their favorite show was on TV, but he said, “If you’re going to stay home you can at least do a few chores around here.” They both sighed and agreed. As they went outside Mandy got an idea. They should strip naked and do their chores naked. Their parents would never know and it would make it so much more fun. And indeed it was. They both stripped out of their jeans, tee-shirts and underwear. They put their shoes back on and giggled to themselves as they did their chores. They both agreed these chores were a lot of fun.

Before long it was kind of a game to see how much of their day they could stay naked without their parents finding out. They would sleep naked, dress for breakfast until their parents left the house, and then strip down. Then they’d stay naked until their parents returned home. When they had to do their chores, like feeding the horses in the stables they’d wait until it was dark out, strip naked and do all their chores naked, before returning back to the house, getting dressed again and then strip down again for bed. They got more and more daring, as they would shower in the evening and stay naked upstairs in their rooms for most of the evening. That way they had an excuse why they were both running around naked.

Meanwhile Cindy and Mandy’s parents were none the wiser. The girls started spending more time doing their chores, finding whatever reason they could come up with to be naked outside while their parents were home. Soon they were spending an hour or or so at a time nude, separated by quite a distance from their clothes in the barn. It was Mandy who first took it to the next level by sitting on one of the benches in the tack room and spreading her legs apart. She wasn’t so much showing off to Cindy as just feeling horny, and was visibly resisting an urge to touch herself. But Cindy noticed instantly. Cindy smiled, “Horny?” Mandy blushed a little, “Yeah.” Cindy knew that Mandy wanted to masturbate, because Cindy did too.

Cindy gently encouraged Mandy, “Go ahead. I don’t mind.” Mandy nodded, needing little encouragement. She dipped her finger between her legs and spread her perfectly shaven labia apart before finding her clitoris. Within 30 seconds of rubbing herself Mandy began to shudder. Apparently it didn’t take much to get Mandy off, Cindy noticed. Cindy had the same parts and looked pretty much the same in every way, but Cindy liked things to take a little longer than Mandy did. Or at least, under normal circumstances Cindy did. But Cindy had never masturbated in front of her twin sister before either so she couldn’t be sure.

Mandy smiled and brought her legs together, blushing. Cindy just smiled back and said, “I don’t mind if you want to do it again. You don’t need to ask.” Mandy nodded without saying a word. Secretly Cindy wanted to shove two fingers in her pussy right then and there, but she refrained. This was all new to the girls and neither of them were sure of themselves.


Chapter Two

Things went on like that for a few weeks. Mandy liked masturbating in front of Cindy they both realized. Mandy was cautious about it at first, only doing it in the evening and in the same place in the tack room. But slowly, Mandy began to experiment by masturbating around the pool while Cindy was swimming. Then Mandy started masturbating after her shower in the hallway upstairs where they knew their parents would never go unless they needed something. It was daring but fun. Cindy just pretended like it wasn’t happening the whole time, or would give her subtle warm gestures of encouragement, like, “You look beautiful, Mandy.”

Mandy was getting more and more brazen, and even hiked her skirt up at breakfast and started masturbating while their parents were pre-occupied with their newspapers. Cindy’s eyes were wide, as Mandy put one foot up on her chair and rubbed her clit quietly. Again Mandy came quickly and then lowered her leg, smoothing her skirt and quietly giggled a little at how dirty she felt. Cindy was realizing that Mandy was getting to the point where she was almost out of control.

Mandy had taken to talking a little dirty to Cindy to get herself horny before she started masturbating. That night was no different, as Mandy and Cindy fed the horses, stark naked as usual. Mandy was telling Cindy how much she wanted a big penis, and how she missed her ex boyfriend, Craig. Cindy suddenly got a perverted thought, “If you want a big dick, you should suck one of the horses off!” Mandy laughed, “No way!” “Come on, it’ll be fun. Why not?”

“Because it’s gross,” Mandy shook her head again. “No it’s not, just try it once. Or are you chicken?” Cindy knew that Mandy never liked backing down from a challenge. Mandy shook her head but then paused and said, “Fine, just this once.” Cindy’s eyes lit up, “Oh my God, this will be so funny! Here, let’s get one ready.” They picked Ghost, because he was pure white and looked like a likely candidate for having a big penis. Neither of them wanted to admit they had both eyed his penis several times out of girly curiosity and they both knew full well that Ghost was well endowed.

Cindy tied him up and said, “Okay, go for it.” Mandy sighed and squatted an arms length away from Ghost’s sheath. She was far enough away that she could barely reach Ghost and her fingers barely grazed his sheathed penis when Cindy laughed. Mandy nearly jumped when Cindy laughed. She had barely gotten the nerve up to do this in the first place without being laughed at. Cindy smiled, “You might want to get a little closer, like, close enough to put your mouth around his cock…?” Mandy nodded. Clearly Mandy felt a little stupid, but this was her first time.

Mandy scooted forward, feeling more naked than usual. She rubbed Ghost’s sheath a few more times and suddenly he began sporting a huge and rapidly growing erection. Mandy hesitated a bit before she finally reached out and grasped the horse’s erection in her gentle hand. She smiled, “Wow, it’s warm.” Cindy was intrigued. Of course it was warm, but it was still interesting to her Mandy talk. Mandy reached her other arm over and grasped it in both hands, squeezing it as it grew in her hands. This was definitely the first time either girl had grasped a horse cock and both were suddenly entranced.

Mandy gently craned her neck forward and licked the head of the horse’s penis gently. It was such a strange sensation to feel the warm horse flesh against her tongue, but it also excited her. She licked it again. She was somehow surprised that nothing had happened. No one had yelled at her, and nothing negative at all had occurred. Mandy smiled up at Cindy and then turned again and almost in a carnivorous way began to devour the horse’s huge member. She reached her lips as wide as she could and pushed her head as far as she could around the tip of the horse’s head. It wasn’t easy at all as he was massive but she began sucking him off.

Cindy was absolutely amazed and watched with wide eyes as Mandy luxuriously licked and stroked and kissed the horse’s throbbing cock. It seemed to last a long time but not long enough for Cindy as she waited, barely breathing. The horse’s testicles began to tighten, Cindy noticed as she bent down to get a better look. Mandy was apparently doing a good job, despite the size of the animal’s phallus because it was only a few minutes later that the stallion began to stamp his back foot. Mandy was a little worried about being kicked but the horse’s thrust turned out to be a much bigger problem. The stallion humped his back legs forward and shoved his cock roughly deep into the back of Mandy’s mouth, knocking her off balance and into the dirt.

Cindy was a little worried that Mandy was hurt but Mandy laughed it off. Mandy got up and squatted again under the stallion as she braced herself. The stallion thrust again and again. Mandy diligently sucked the stallion’s penis as it flared up. Suddenly with a loud coughing sound the horse’s shoved his cock hard into Mandy’s mouth but this time she also was surprised by an explosion of semen spraying the back of her throat. Mandy coughed instinctively, gagging on the fire hose of ejaculate. She dropped her head down, trying to catch her breath as the horse continued to erupt all over the top of her head, in her hair as it splattered all over her and drooled down her forehead.

Mandy managed to catch her breath, swallowing a huge amount of semen that was still stuck to the insides of her mouth as she looked up again just in time for another sticky stream of hot semen to splash across her forehead, left eyebrow, and her cheek, before she finally clamped her mouth around the horse’s orgasmic cock. Cindy’s eyes were huge. She had never seen that much semen before, and surely, Mandy hadn’t either. Cindy watched her sister as Mandy continued to accept the content’s of the horse’s gushing prostate for several more long seconds, until the stallion finally began to relax.

Mandy finally let the horse’s huge cock free of her firm grasp and it slowly began to withdraw and Mandy stood up on wobbly feet. Mandy was a complete mess. She was dirty from falling in the dirt, she had cumm all over her hair, her mascara was melting down her face and she was flushed. Semen drooled down off her cheek and lips and gently fell on her breasts. Cindy had never seen her sister look so wanton. Mandy touched to top of her head and laughed, withdrawing her fingers, and rubbing the semen between them. “I’m a complete mess, huh?” “Yeah, totally.” Mandy rubbed her slick forehead and looked at her fingers. Her hair and face were just totally covered in sperm.

Mandy walked over to a wood bench and sat down, putting one leg up. Cindy asked, “Did that turn you on?” Mandy simply nodded and said, “Mhmmm!” Mandy dipped her fingers down between her labia and began to work her fingers deep in her pussy. Cindy had never seen her sister put her fingers in her pussy before. Every time before she had just played with her clit. Then Cindy realized that Mandy’s fingers were still covered in the horse’s semen. Mandy was fucking fresh horse cumm deep into her pussy. It was the most perverted thing Cindy had ever seen in her life, but she couldn’t look away.

Mandy continued to work her slick fingers as deep as she could push them until after a few minutes she shook hard and began to gasp as her orgasm ripped through her body. Her PC muscles clasped her fingers rhythmically as Mandy breathed hard. Cindy waited until Mandy withdrew her fingers and asked, “You realize you had horse cumm all over your fingers don’t you?” Mandy looked up at her sister and innocently said, “I did?” “Yes, and now it’s all up in you.” “Oh, whoops! Well, it’s not like it didn’t go everywhere else, I guess, right? No big deal.”

Cindy eyed her sister. Mandy was a terrible liar, and Cindy knew that Mandy was lying about being unaware of the semen on her fingers, but she let it be, “Yeah, I guess. No biggie. Did you have fun?” “Yeah, that was a lot of fun.” Cindy smiled, “We should do it again tomorrow.” “Yeah, definitely. Next time I’ll know what I’m in for.” Cindy smiled and nodded at her perverted sister. They tried to wipe as much of the semen off of Mandy as they could before going back to the back side of the house where they had left their clothes in a heap. They both giggled over slipping past their parents, with Mandy’s hair still wet with cumm.


Chapter Three

The next few days played out almost the same, except that Mandy had increased her proficiency in aiming the fire hose of semen from Ghost’s huge cock. Rather than aiming it at her head she aimed it down towards her body. She seemed to like being bathed in semen. It ran in a thick sheen from her neck down over her left breast and the center of her chest, down to her stomach and between her legs. She was intentionally sloppy, Cindy thought, although Cindy never called Mandy out on it.

But Mandy seemed to enjoy herself and thoroughly enjoyed all of the horse semen between her legs as she sloppily rubbed around her labia and then back deep inside her pussy over and over and over again, as if trying to create a path for the semen. Mandy came spectacularly each time as Cindy watched patiently. Each evening they would have to clean Mandy up before she could go back inside. It was beginning to become a ritual, but Cindy wasn’t satisfied.

After watching this play out over several nights, Cindy was convinced that Mandy should have sex with the stallion. She clearly had no aversion to horse sperm in her pussy, and it wasn’t like Cindy hadn’t seen it all already, so Cindy was encouraged. Finally on the fourth night, Cindy just asked, “Have you ever thought about having sex with Ghost?” Mandy’s eyes went wide, “Uh… no.” Cindy couldn’t tell if Mandy was lying or not, but it didn’t matter. Cindy smiled, “Oh, well, never mind then.” “Why?” “Never mind, I said.”

Mandy was curious and demanded to know why her sister would ask, “No, why? Tell me what you were thinking.” Cindy smiled, wondering if Mandy wanted to be talked into it, “Well I was just thinking, you should try it.” “What? Why?” “Because, I think it would be fun. You’ve already gone this far. You’ve already had his cumm in you… It’s no big deal. We can pull the bench over, and throw a towel down so you don’t get splinters. Then you can just spread your legs and Ghost will do the rest.” “I can’t…” “Why not?” “I dunno…” Mandy had no good reason to offer her sister.

Cindy got a sneaking suspicion that she was right and that Mandy did want to be talked into it. Cindy said, “I’m telling you, just try it once, and if you don’t like it you don’t have to do it again. I won’t tell anyone, it’ll just be this once.” Cindy waited with bated breath as Mandy thought it over. Mandy said, “I don’t know…” Cindy wondered if she would have to play hardball, “I’ll tell Craig that you sucked off a horse if you don’t.” Mandy’s eyes went wide, “You wouldn’t!” “Yes, I would.” “He’d never believe you.” “I have proof, he doesn’t need to believe anything.” “What kind of proof.” “I’m not telling you, or you’ll try to destroy it. But I have proof.” Cindy had no substantial proof whatsoever, aside from some horse cumm stained clothing of Mandy’s that hadn’t yet made the wash. But even that would probably be good enough.

Mandy winced, “So if I do this you won’t tell Craig about anything?” Cindy didn’t see why her threats would work. Craig wasn’t even dating Mandy anymore, and Cindy had no idea how to get a hold of him. But if this is what it took to make Mandy do it, Cindy was going to play her bluff through. “I promise I won’t. Now help me with the bench. Cindy and Mandy dragged the little wooden bench over and Mandy put a towel over it. It seemed to work well as Mandy laid down on it and scooted down to where her butt was near the horse’s member. Even though she was laying crooked under Ghost, it was sure to work.

Mandy sighed and began to slide her arm up under Ghost to massage his sheath. Soon, as the girls predicted, Ghost began to get aroused and extended his phallus into her hand. Mandy guided the stallion down to her pussy lips and began to rub the phallus against it. Cindy couldn’t believe how quickly Mandy had become okay with this whole idea. Mandy seemed to be ready to take Ghost’s penis and it had only been a few seconds. Mandy began to push the giant phallus into her as it grew. Cindy could see a pained expression on Mandy’s face but Mandy wasn’t about to stop.

Finally after several long seconds of pushing Mandy gasped and her body instinctively straightened, “OW! Holy shit! He’s in!” Cindy’s eyes were wide as she realized she was watching her sister mate with a stallion for the first time. It was incredible. Mandy rubbed her clitoris gently with her right hand as she pulled the horse’s member deeper and deeper. Mandy put both her feet on either side of the end of the bench and tried to lift her butt up gently. It was an awkward angle, as the bench was too low but Mandy didn’t seem to notice.

Mandy continued to hump her hips upward as she guided the still expanding cock deep into her hole. Cindy was impressed. She had no idea her sister could fit such a huge cock inside of her. That meant that Cindy probably could too, she realized. Suddenly Mandy winced, “OW OW!” Cindy was concerned for her sister, “What’s the matter?” “He’s huge! He’s pressing against my cervix.” “Oh… Do you want to stop?” Mandy looked up at Cindy with a weird expression on her face. It looked like a cross between fear, pain and embarrassment. Cindy had no idea what Mandy was thinking in that moment.

Mandy shook her head, “Not yet.” Cindy realized that Mandy was actually enjoying this, at least a little bit. Maybe Cindy hadn’t been the only one thinking about having sex with a horse. Maybe Mandy had been thinking about this for days now. Maybe she had wanted to do this all along and was just looking for an excuse. Now that Mandy had an excuse she wanted to see this through, Cindy guessed. Mandy was playing out some bizarre fantasy, and Cindy suddenly felt superior to her sister. Although both girls were naked, Cindy was still demure, where Mandy had sucked off a horse, and now even fucked one.

It was clear that Cindy had suggested it in the first place, but Mandy was the one who was doing it. Cindy watched as Mandy continued to rub her clitoris, when it occurred to Cindy that normally Mandy would have cumm by now. But she was holding out. She wanted the horse to ejaculate too, Cindy thought. Now it was just a matter of time. Mandy continued to hump her hips up and down as the huge cock slipped back and forth between her wet lips. Mandy’s breasts jiggled gently each time she bucked her hips upwards.

Soon the stallion’s testicles began to lift up again. Cindy noticed but didn’t say anything. Cindy was pretty sure that meant her Sister would soon have a pussy full of sperm if she wasn’t careful and it didn’t look like Mandy had any intention of being careful. Cindy still couldn’t believe Mandy was really going to let a horse inseminate her. Sure enough after another minute or two of Mandy’s hips working up and down, the stallion’s penis began to thicken. Mandy’s eyes shot open, “Holy shit, he’s growing even bigger!” Cindy’s eyes were wide. Cindy’s identical sister was about to get ejaculated into by a stallion right in front of her.

Suddenly, as if the horse could read Cindy’s mind he began to thrust hard. Mandy’s whole body tightened and she winced. Cindy knew that Mandy was in terrible pain as she grit her teeth. Cindy wasn’t sure what to do – there was no way to stop the stallion and Mandy wasn’t trying to get away, so Cindy just stood there in awe. Each thrust pushed Mandy a little further up the bench and Mandy lifted her legs and put them on each side of the horse trying to lift herself up and keep her legs out of the way at the same time. Each thrust hit her hard and Mandy began to shake, “OH MY GOD!!! CINDY! I’M CUMMING!” Cindy couldn’t believe her sister could orgasm like this. She looked like she was in terrible pain as the horse continued to batter her insides with each hard thrust. But just as Cindy thought that the stallion began to cough and Cindy’s eyes flew open, “HE’S CUMMING TOO!!! HOLY SHIT!!! OHHHHHHHH!!!”

Cindy has never seen anything so amazing in her whole life. As Cindy watched the giant animal began to ejaculate deep into her twin Sister. Mandy’s whole body was completely rigid as the animal continued to pump large quantities of semen into her. Mandy’s stomach and butt were completely tense to the point that they were quivering. Cindy watched in complete amazement as thrust after thrust of the horse’s huge member delivered huge quantities of semen into Cindy’s lustful Sister’s body. Suddenly Mandy’s slick hairless pussy erupted in a torrent of gooey semen as she was finally filled beyond her capacity.

Mandy was quivering and shaking as she lowered her legs to the bench and pushed herself off of the horse’s huge cock. It sprang free, spraying little droplets of semen all Mandy’s body but Mandy didn’t seem to care. More semen gushed from her gaping hole, down her butt and onto the towel, soaking it. Mandy just put her hand over her vagina, feeling herself and panting. Cindy could tell that Mandy was still orgasmic. Mandy finally came down after another minute or so of heavy breathing and the horse’s member slowly retracted. Cindy handed Mandy another towel and smiled, “You might want to clean up before we go back inside.” Mandy nodded, still panting. The girls didn’t say another word about it, but giggled to themselves a lot the rest of the night.


Chapter Four

The next day Cindy started reading any sites she could on horses having sex with women and naturally she came across a number of articles explaining how belly riding worked. Cindy found that belly riding was a Brazilian cultural phenomenon where young women would strip naked and be tied to leather saddles under a horse’s belly. There they would stay for hours or even in certain circumstances days, all the while having sex the entire time with their horses.

Apparently these women would sometimes end up taking their horses instead of male companions and living their life this way, mated to a horse for nearly every hour of every day. Some even took jobs and earned money while being inseminated. The thought was amazing. Cindy had never heard of belly riding before, but before long she had found a few sites that specialized in belly riding equipment. With some help from an online translation service she was able to translate from Portuguese to English.

She found out that she could order a saddle and a large box of shots to keep the horses erect for about the same money as what Cindy might throw away on a nice pair of shoes. Cindy thought long and hard about it. She wanted to see Mandy mated to Ghost for hours on end, not just a few minutes. The bench was fine for now, but it wasn’t ideal at all. Plus, Cindy liked the idea of restraining Mandy during the act.

Their parents had given both Cindy and Mandy credit cards for their birthday, so Cindy charged it and marked it priority without telling Mandy about her plan. It was set to arrive in two separate packages, one from their US pharmaceuticals partner for some shots to aid the stallion in keeping an erection and the saddle direct from Brazil, which made it easier to get through customs. It was all set to arrive next day by air. All told the shipping was more than the saddle and the shots.

In the mean-time Cindy decided she was going to start wearing clothes again. It had been fun to be naked, but it was even more fun being clothed around Mandy, who was always naked and masturbating. Mandy didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact she seemed to like it even better. The act of being naked around her clothed sister seemed to revitalize her sexuality. Well, it was either that or having had sex with a horse the night before, Cindy decided. Either way, Mandy was insatiable and was masturbating most of the day around the pool while their parents were off at work. Cindy was in her bikini and pretended not to notice as Mandy rubbed her clit for the better part of the afternoon.

Cindy coaxed Mandy into having sex with the stallion again that evening. Mandy was reluctant at first but Cindy was quick to say, “Look you already did it once, what’s the harm in doing it twice? Besides, I’m sure it will be easier the next time.” Mandy semi-reluctantly agreed, but at the last second, Cindy realized it would be better to wait for the saddle to arrive and said, “You know what, let’s wait until tomorrow.” Mandy was curious, “Why tomorrow?” “Because, we should give it a day, so you know… you get a chance to think about it tonight. It’ll be better that way.” Cindy smiled, innocently, not wanting to tell Mandy that she had a present en route for her. Mandy shrugged, and said with the tiniest amount of disappointment in her voice, “Sure, I guess.” Cindy noticed that Mandy wanted to do it again, but Cindy didn’t want to give away the surprise.

The next day two packages arrived in the afternoon. Cindy played it off like it was a dress and a bracelet she had bought a few months earlier that had finally arrived on back order. Mandy barely cared – she barely wore clothes anymore. Cindy suggested that Mandy made some drinks for the pool while Cindy got in her bikini. Mandy agreed. But while Mandy was getting drinks, Cindy went out to the stable with her two boxes and quickly opened them and inspected them. Sure enough, one large box of 100 shots, and a huge box that was full of leather straps and buckles that seemed to be all interconnected in one giant web. Cindy was so excited but she managed to keep her tongue.

She raced back inside and caught Mandy who was apparently looking for her, “Why were you outside?” Cindy shrugged, “I was just checking the weather to figure out which bikini I should wear.” Mandy smiled, “Ah.” Cindy was glad her lie had held up, as she went upstairs, and stripped down, putting on the first bikini she could find. It didn’t matter, Cindy had set up her present for later that day perfectly. Meanwhile Mandy started to think about the second half of her plan. She wanted Mandy to stay under the stallion for a while so she thought of how she could manage to pull that off. She realized that she needed to get her hair bleached back to it’s original color, and fast.

After a few minutes at the pool Cindy said that she wanted to turn her hair back into it’s original color again. Mandy thought that sounded like fun, so together they went to the sink and got the bleaching kit out and got her hair back to almost exactly the same color as Mandy’s was naturally. They looked in the mirror and they were identical again, excepting of course that Mandy was nude and Cindy was in her bikini. But they loved it, and hugged each other.

Their parents were slightly shocked by Cindy’s new look when they got home, but they got over it quickly and both said they liked it. It wasn’t a big deal for the girls to go through phases, but they liked her hair blond anyway because it was more natural looking. All through dinner neither girl could sit still. They were both so excited to go outside. Mandy was expecting to get fucked by a horse again, and Cindy was expecting to tie Mandy up in a sling and force her to fuck a horse all night long instead of just once, like Mandy was expecting. It was going to be so much fun and her plan was starting to fall into place.

After dinner the girls excused themselves to go out to do their chores with the horses. This time it was only Mandy who stripped down outside as they went to the barn. After doing their chores Cindy said, “I have a surprise for you.” “Oh yeah?” “Yep, check it out.” Cindy walked Mandy over to where the two boxes were waiting. Mandy looked at the boxes confused, “What are they?” “Well, this box of shots helps the horse stay hard for hours.” “Hours?” “Yep, 6 to 12 hours it says, depending on how much we give him.” “Whoa, that’s a long time!” “Yep. It’s meant for horses that are breeding, and I figure you’re trying to breed with a horse, right?” Mandy laughed and nodded.

Mandy swallowed and looked at the straps holding one up, “And what are these?” “That’s a saddle. A belly riding saddle actually. It’s meant for women to strap themselves under a stallion and ride them around while impaled.” “No shit? Where did you find this?” “It was a little leather smith in Brazil. I guess it’s pretty common there. Lots of women do it.” “Lots?” “Yeah, I guess a lot of women actually spend most of their day under their stallions. Crazy, huh?” “Yeah. I had no idea.” Mandy didn’t seem to think it was that crazy, but she obviously had doubts about how she could use this, when they never spent more than an hour or so doing their chores in the stable.

But Mandy didn’t say anything, she just stared at the straps and felt one of them in her hand slowly, as if to get a feel for what it would be to be slung by the straps under Ghost. Cindy said, “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s try to figure out these instructions.” The instructions thankfully had little pictures drawn to make it easier, because neither girl spoke a word of Portuguese. Within a few minutes they had figured out how to saddle the stallion and Cindy was already commanding her sister. “Okay, get in the saddle and I’ll get the shot ready.” Mandy nodded, almost hypnotized. She barely knew what she was doing, she was just following orders at this point. This was all so foreign.

Cindy figured out how to administer the shot as Mandy began to wiggle into place under the horse. The angle of the saddle was much better, Cindy could tell already. It would be much easier to mate her Sister to the stallion in this position and keep her like that. It would make sense, Cindy thought, this was, after all, used by women all over Brazil for just this purpose. Mandy was already starting to reach down and massage Ghost’s sheath. Cindy turned with the needle and found the place that the English instructions told her to deliver the shot. Sure enough it went in and both girls were relieved that Ghost didn’t even flinch. He only gently swatted his tail as if a fly were there. As Mandy continued to rub the stallion’s cock and it continued to extend into her hand, Cindy began to tie her sister’s ankles up.

Cindy was surprised that Mandy wasn’t protesting at all. But they had a type of sisterly bond where they knew that they could always trust each other with things like this, or at least most of the time. Soon Mandy was beginning to rub the horse’s member across her labia and eventually she began to push it inside. It seemed to go in a little easier this time, Cindy noticed. Mandy seemed more wet this time – maybe because she had had two days to think about it. Mandy tensed as the thick head of the horse’s phallus worked past her vaginal ring and began to slide into her. After both girls were satisfied that it was a few inches in, Cindy took her Sister’s wrists and tied them up as well.

Cindy stood back and looked at her handiwork. Mandy was tied up, with a horse’s expanding cock gently pushing deeper and deeper into her moist canal. She had successfully mated her sister to a stallion for the second time in three days. Mandy’s eyes were only slightly open until they flung open as she said, “Okay! He’s against my cervix again. God, he’s huge!” Cindy smiled, “Great, you look really pretty, Mandy. And Happy.” Mandy looked at her sister from under the giant animal and smiled, “I am, actually. For the first time in years, I’m happier than I can even explain.” Mandy began to rock her hips upwards gently as she said it. There was almost a tear in her eye of thankfulness.

Cindy smiled, “So you like your gifts?” “Yeah, I love them!” “Good…” Cindy paused, “Well, you’re going to like the next gift even more, I think.” Mandy looked up at Cindy again and then looked around the room for any other boxes that may be hidden about, “What gift?” Cindy smiled, “I’m going to leave you out here all night.” Mandy’s eyes opened wide, “WHAT?!” “Yep, I think you two need some serious alone time. I’ll come and get you in the morning.” “Wait, no, what?! Mom and Dad will wonder where I’m at and come out here.”

“No they won’t, I got it all figured out. You left your clothes outside. I’ll go in first and say you’re right behind me. Then I’ll open the window in my bedroom, go out onto the room and jump down. Then I’ll put on your clothes and come in pretending to be you. Now that we have the same hair color they won’t notice. Especially if I walk quickly. We never see them at night when we go upstairs anyway. I’ll set my alarm for 5AM and come down and let you go in the morning. That’s…” Cindy looked at her watch, “…9 hours from now. That should give you plenty of time with Ghost. The shot should last until then.”

Mandy looked panicked, “Wait, what if I need you?” “I’ll leave my bedroom window open. If you need something just yell, and I’ll come out and get you.” “But Mom and Dad will hear if I do!” “No they won’t. They sleep soundly and with their windows shut. They’ll never hear you.” Mandy said, “No wait, please don’t go.” Cindy smiled, “Don’t worry, just have fun. I want to see you full of cumm and smiling bright and early, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.” With Mandy’s protests behind her, Cindy shut off the light, closed the door to the barn and walked back to the house. Cindy walked past Mandy’s clothes and into the house saying, “Mandy’s right behind me. She’ll be in in a few minutes. I’m going to jump in the shower and go to bed. Night guys!”

Cindy’s Mom waved, “Night sweetheart. Sweet dreams.” Her Dad barely looked up, “Night!” Cindy raced upstairs and turned on the shower. She then went into her bedroom, stripped down naked, opened the window, removed the screen and got out onto the roof of the garage which was right below her bedroom window. She had never done this before but she assumed it would be easy. The tiles on the roof were still warm on her feet from the sun, even though it had set an hour before. Being naked on the roof was the craziest thing she had ever done, and she was glad it was dark, because she was sure she’d be easily seen by the neighbors if they were looking out their windows in the day time. She jumped down to the grass below.

Cindy walked around, found her sister’s clothes and put them on. Cindy listened carefully for a moment and heard a faint moan coming from the barn. Cindy smiled to herself as she headed inside. She slipped past her parents saying, “Night guys.” They both said goodnight without realizing that they were saying goodnight to Cindy who had already walked past them. The change of clothes and Cindy’s new hairstyle had been enough to slip past her parents under the guise of her sister. It was thrilling. Cindy stripped naked, and threw Mandy’s clothes in Mandy’s room and slipped into the shower to quickly freshen up.

She then waited a few minutes and then turned on the shower again and took another shower, so that her parents would hear the water run twice. Then she closed both Mandy’s door as well as her own so that they would hear the doors close and assume both of the girls were in bed for the night. Cindy turned off her lights and crawled into bed. It was fun listening to her sister’s faint moaning in the barn when she listened closely. Cindy flopped on her back and began to rub her own clitoris, thinking about it. It wasn’t long before Cindy heard Mandy groaning louder and then the night was punctuated by the sound of a horse ejaculating into Cindy’s sister.

Cindy rubbed her clit hard before she climaxed. While she was orgasmic all she could think about was what she had made her sister go through, and that hot cumm that must be in her sister’s womb. Cindy barely slept. She masturbated three more times that night, and by the sound of it, Mandy and Ghost were really getting to know each other intimately.


Chapter Five

The alarm went off at 5AM, and Cindy shut it off immediately, putting on her clothes and quietly going down the stairs. She opened the back door as quietly as she could and walked on tiptoes until she was outside of what she thought was audible range of her parent’s room. Even though the door to their room was shut and the windows were closed, Cindy didn’t want to risk it. She went to the barn and quietly opened the big wooden door and poked her head inside, “Good morning, sunshine!”

Mandy had been asleep and Cindy startled her, “Oh, shit! Hey. What time is it?” Cindy smiled, “Just after 5. We should get you out of the saddle and back into the house.” “Okay, yeah. Holy shit, I’m exhausted.” Cindy flipped on the lights to the barn, which made Mandy have to close her eyes for a minutes and said, “I bet you are!” Cindy was impressed how much semen had collected under Mandy’s butt on the ground. It was all wet, and Mandy’s pussy, butt and the inside of her legs were completely covered in both wet and dried horse semen. Mandy was a complete mess.

Cindy began unbuckled all four of her sister’s straps that held her to the stallion as she asked, “So? How was it?” Mandy struggled to pull herself off of the still erect Ghost. It mad a loud sucking sound followed by a pop as the horse’s stiff cock was freed from her cumm-slathered opening and sprayed little droplets all over Mandy’s hips and stomach. She didn’t mind as she slithered out of the sling and Cindy began to unbuckle it so they could put it away in case anyone came into the barn during the day.

Mandy finally stood up on extremely stiff legs and said, “It was amazing. But I’m so sore and tired now. Ow. My legs, and stomach and back… I’m going to be in great shape if I keep doing this every night. But I feel like I need a nap. I barely just got to sleep when you walked in.” Cindy smiled to herself. She hadn’t even mentioned Mandy doing this again, but Mandy had already decided that this was going to be an every night thing apparently. “Every night, huh?” Mandy blushed and said, “Well, no, I meant… you know, if I did this all the time.” Cindy nodded, “I see. Well I think you should do it again tonight. I mean, we have plenty of shots left. We should at least go through them all. It would be a waste not to, right? It cost a lot” It had barely cost anything but Cindy wasn’t about to let them go to waste.

Both Cindy and Mandy knew that the huge box of shots was enough to last months. In fact, it could probably last six months or more at this rate. But Mandy said, “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. It’s wasteful.” “Right.” Cindy smiled, knowing her sister was really getting off on this. Mandy had loved fucking the horse all night, Cindy could tell by the expression on her face. Mandy had fallen asleep with horse cock in her pussy and a cunt full of his cumm which was now drooling out of her body and down her legs, and now she was hooked.

Cindy smiled, “Well, we had better get your naked butt back inside, hadn’t we?” Mandy nodded feeling her wet pussy gently. They put the sling and the shots away where they wouldn’t be easily found and walked back to the house just as the sky was beginning to brighten up. Mandy whispered as they approached the house, “Where are my clothes?” Cindy said, “I brought them inside last night when I impersonated you.” Mandy nodded, “Oh, okay.” They snuck quietly inside the house and upstairs, dripping semen in little droplets along the way.

Later over breakfast, Mandy was gently massaging her legs. Her Mom asked, “Something wrong with your legs, honey?” Mandy shook her head, “Oh, nothing, they’re just a little sore.” Her Father said, “Must be all those laps you girls do around the pool.” Her Mother smiled and said, “Yeah, must be. Whatever it is that you’re doing, keep it up, honey. It’s good for you.” Mandy looked at Cindy and smiled mischievously, “Oh, I will, Mom. Every day!”


Chapter Six

Mandy and Cindy repeated their new ritual again and again night after night. It began to be as natural as swimming by the pool used to be. Mandy would fuck a horse all night, and Cindy would masturbate while thinking about it and listening in. Then Cindy would come and get Mandy in the morning bright and early. It was starting to wear on both of the girls after a while. They both started spontaneously napping at odd hours, because their sleeping cycles had been messed up so bad. Cindy tended to get a little more sleep than Mandy because she didn’t have an animal’s penis thrusting inside her all night, but still, they were both exhausted a lot of the time. Mandy was getting into great shape though. Her legs, stomach, butt, back and arms were all toned from all of the sex she was having.

Cindy was starting to feel really left out. It got worse when Mandy suggested that they take advantage of their days alone. Cindy wasn’t sure what Mandy meant at first, but it became clear that Mandy didn’t just want to have sex with Ghost all night, but she wanted to have sex with him in the day time too. Cindy began to feel like her lot in life was to help Mandy commit obscene acts all day and night. Sure it had been Cindy’s idea and it had been fun for a while but now Mandy was starting to act like a spoiled brat. Everything seemed to revolve around the horse’s cock and Mandy’s enjoyment of it.

There were a lot of close calls too. One day they had spent a little too much time with their chores because Cindy had wanted to watch Ghost cumm in Mandy once before she went back inside. Her Father came out and yelled at them, “Hey, what are you two doing out there?!” Both Cindy and Mandy were alarmed but he couldn’t yet see inside, but he easily could if he walked a few dozen feet towards the barn. Cindy responded, “Cleaning out Ghost’s stall. He made a bit of a mess.” “Okay, well come inside soon, it’s getting late and you guys have both been really tired lately. You should get some sleep. I don’t want you out there fucking with the horses all night.” Cindy almost burst out laughing at her Father’s choice of words but managed to say, “Okay, Daddy, we will!”

They had lucked out in a number of ways. Their Father could have easily spotted Mandy’s clothes by the door, or could have just walked out to say hi. Little did he know that his pretty 18 year old Daughter Mandy had 8 inches of horse dick inside her and was egging the horse to ejaculate into her so that her twin sister Cindy could watch. Both of the girls laughed a lot over this, but then made a promise to be more careful. Mandy would hide her clothes a bit better, and Cindy wouldn’t spend so much time watching.

Another time their Mother came home early while Mandy was out in the back yard. The girls had decided to try to learn how to navigate the horse while Mandy was impaled on it’s cock. That very same day, their Mother had returned home early because she had a headache. Cindy managed to cover for Mandy who was easily visible out the back window, naked with semen drooling out of her pussy, by saying that Mandy had laid down for a nap. Cindy’s Mother nodded, “That sounds like a good idea. I’m going to take a nap too and see if I can’t get rid of this headache.” Cindy managed to unhook Mandy, put the stallion away and clean up before their Mother woke up.

Mandy chastised Cindy for not being more careful about where she let Mandy roam while she was learning how to walk the stallion. As Cindy listened to Mandy being upset about almost being caught, Cindy got more and more upset. That was it. Cindy was pissed. She had put up with enough of her sister’s BS and now that she was having to cover for her and was still getting yelled at, it was time to put an end to this. Cindy began to formulate a plan how she could make Mandy pay and bring her down a peg. Mandy was most reluctant about the idea that someone could catch her. That always seemed to worry her the most. Cindy began to formulate a way to use that against her.

Cindy began to really loath her Sister’s actions as she further thought through her idea. She finally put her plan into action the next night when her Father went to bed a little early, and Cindy walked back into the house. Cindy smiled at her Mother and said, “Hey, Ma, Mandy is right behind me and will be in in a few minutes but we were talking and we thought it would be really fun to throw a little surprise party for Dad this Friday. If you can convince him to come home around 3 instead of 5, we’ll get some of his friends to show up. His Birthday is in a few weeks so he’ll have no idea. Won’t that be fun?”

Alice nodded, “That’s a great idea, Cindy – you two are so thoughtful.” “Great, let’s just not talk about it again. I don’t want Dad to know. I’ll deal with calling the friends, Mandy will do the decorations and you can make sure he’s home by 3. Okay?” Alice agreed, “That sounds great.” “Cool, well, I’m off to take a shower. Night, Mom.” “Sounds good, sweetheart. Night!” Cindy raced upstairs, stripped naked, turned on the shower, went into her room, opened the window, went out onto the roof, dropped down to the ground, put on Mandy’s clothes that were waiting there and walked back into the house.

Cindy smiled and said in her most convincing impersonation of her Sister, “Did Cindy already talk to you about the party?” “Yeah, she did.” “Great, we probably shouldn’t talk about it any more then. Don’t want to risk it.” “Right.” “Okay, I’m off to bed. Night Mom.” “Goodnight, honey.” Cindy went upstairs, stripped off Mandy’s clothes and put them in Mandy’s room and hopped in the shower. Her plan was set, now she had a lot of work to do.


Chapter Seven

Over the next few days every hour that Mandy was out in the barn during the day impaled on horse dick, Cindy was inside making phone calls to her Father’s friends inviting them over to the surprise party on Friday at 3. Mandy was totally unaware that this party was happening and she blissfully took Cindy for granted. When Friday finally rolled around Alice had left a box of decorations in front of Mandy’s door the night before. Thankfully she hadn’t knocked on the door, Cindy thought, because Mandy wasn’t in her room – she was still in the barn with a pussy full of horse ejaculate. Cindy dragged the decorations into her room and quietly snuck down at 5AM to unhook Mandy from her nightly ritual. Like every day Mandy didn’t even say thank you and she didn’t seem to appreciate what Cindy had done.

Later, after Mandy cleaned up, they had breakfast and Cindy decided although it was still in her power to change things she wasn’t going to. She was going to go through with outing her twin sister’s bestiality. Mandy had taken to taking showers after their parents left for work, since she had been missing her nightly showers. After she was out of the shower, Cindy helped her get situated in her saddle again, just like she did every day after their parents left for work. Cindy knew it was only a few hours before both their parents would return. Alice had planned that she was going to fake that the girls had found a water leak in the house and that he needed to come home right away at 3PM.

Cindy sat idly by as the hours slowly ticked by. As the clock stuck two Cindy realized there was only moments to go before guests started arriving and at that point there would be no way to help her sister. Just then Cindy realized it was a bad idea and started thinking through the consequences for her sister. She began to panic. She stood up and started rushing towards the back door when the doorbell rang. It was too late. The guests had started to arrive. Cindy went to the front door and saw one of her Father’s friends, Joe and his wife, Sarah. They were all smiles as Cindy went to fetch them some drinks.

They of course asked after Mandy, but Cindy just shrugged and said, “I don’t know. She’s around here somewhere. She’s supposed to put up some decorations, I think.” They both nodded. They chatted for a bit before more guests started arriving. Cindy’s aunt, her husband and their 20 year old son arrived next. Then one of her Father’s college buddies showed up. Then Cindy’s god mother and her husband who were both friends of the family showed up. More people started showing up. All told after a few minutes the living room was filled with nearly twenty people. Then Alice showed up, with a big cake in her hand. She was too busy hugging people and saying hello to notice that the house wasn’t decorated and Mandy was nowhere to be seen. Her only comment was, “Okay, everyone get ready. I called Mike on my way home to make it sound more convincing. He should be here any minute.”

Everyone began to hide. Cindy hid next to her Mother. Alice finally had a moment to look around and whispered to Cindy, “Where’s Mandy, and why aren’t the decorations up?” Cindy said flatly, “I’ll show you in a few minutes. She’s outside. I’ll get her after Dad arrives.” Alice gave her a weird look as if to ask, “What the hell are you saying?” But Cindy just said, “I’ll show you in a minute. You’ll have to see it to believe it.” “Oookay?” Cindy wasn’t sure if her Mother understood that it was a bad thing, because she looked semi-relieved. Maybe her Mother thought that Mandy was putting up extra special decorations outside. She was bound to be disappointed, Cindy thought.

Suddenly the front door opened as Mike said, “What the hell’s up with all those cars out front, honey?” Everyone stood up at the same time and yelled, “SURPRISE!” Mike jumped. Then his brief look of shock turned into complete amusement. He realized right away when he saw everyone and the big cake laying on the coffee table that he had been had and this was an early surprise birthday party. Everyone started congratulating him and hugging him. Cindy took that moment of confusion to slip out the back door of the house and walk over to the stable. Mandy had a weird look on her face, “It sounds like a lot of cars are driving around up front. What’s going on?” Fresh semen was drooling from her Sister’s labia – perfect, Cindy thought.

Cindy quietly untied Ghost’s reins and began leading him out of the barn without saying a word, “Hey, where are we going?” Cindy said, “You know how you’ve been kinda bitchy lately? Telling me what to do, never thanking me, and in fact kinda yelling at me even when I’m trying to help you?” “Huh?” Mandy was beginning to get worried. She knew that Cindy had a mean streak sometimes. Cindy said, “Well, it turns out that you forgot today is Dad’s surprise birthday party and you were so consumed with this whole bestiality thing that you didn’t even get around to decorating, which you agreed to do.” “What?! What birthday party? What decorating?” Mandy was confused and rightfully so, since she had never heard of any of this.

Cindy walked Ghost towards the house and tied his reins to a railing next to the few steps up to the house. Cindy said, “Well, maybe you should have been more thankful.” Mandy could tell Cindy was going to leave her there and walk back inside, “No… WAIT! Please! Stop!!!” It was too late for that, and both Cindy and Mandy knew it now. Cindy walked back inside and said, “Hello! Attention everyone! Can I have your attention? EVERYONE? Thank you! I just wanted to congratulate my Father for turning another year older. We all love you very much. And I’m sorry for the ruse, the house is just fine.”

Everyone chuckled at her nice speech but she continued, “Also, I have something else I’d like to announce on another not-so-good note. Mandy has been up to no good lately, and has taken up a rather disgusting fetish. She would have decorated the house but her fetish has gotten in the way of everything else. If you will all please come outside? I’d like to show you what Mandy has been up to.” Everyone had weird expressions on their faces, as Cindy walked back outside as if to lead the way. Slowly people began to follow her out the back and one by one their faces turned to shock as they saw Mandy.

Mandy had a look of horror on her face, but her cheeks and chest were flushed from sex and blushing of embarrassment. Her nipples were taught and perky. Her labia was red and swollen and drooling semen and Ghost’s huge cock was buried as deep as it could go into her tiny body. Her butt and anus were visible and slick with horse ejaculate. Mandy struggled to get away, but the fact that her wrists and ankles were tied quickly convinced everyone and Mandy herself that she wasn’t going anywhere. Each movement just made the horse’s cock squish in and out of her taut hole crudely. Cindy said, “See? I wish you all didn’t have to see this, but I thought you should know.”

Mike sternly asked, “What do you think you’re doing young lady?!” Mandy fearfully said nothing. She was totally ashamed. She had never been in trouble and this was a big one to get in trouble for. Mandy looked at all of the faces. She spotted her Mother and blushed even more. Mandy’s naked body was completely on display and there was nothing she could do about it. Mike asked her again, “Well?! Don’t just sit there not saying anything. What do you have to say for yourself? Why would you do this at my party?!” Alice was the voice of reason, “Honey, can’t you see? She’s embarrassed. Everyone can you please go back inside so we can deal with this. I’m terrible sorry about this, everyone. Please, just go back inside? Please stop looking, Joe – just go inside. Please… Thank you…”

Everyone including a few who were a little begrudging having to leave this amazing sight, including their 20 year old cousin, went back inside. Once the door was shut Alice said, “Okay, honey, now would you mind telling us why you’re having sex with a horse?” Mandy still couldn’t manage to open her mouth and make anything good come out. Cindy chimed in, “She has been doing this for almost a month now. About 12 hours a day. 5 or 6 hours during the day and 8 or 9 hours at night while we’re all sleeping. She’s had me helping her the whole time.”

Mandy looked at Cindy, furious, “You’re the one who told me to do it!” “Only because you wanted to already. I just wasn’t about to stop you. But now it’s gone too far.” Mike said, “You’re damned right it’s gone too far. This is just disgusting.” Alice tried to calm Mike down, “Now, Mike, yelling at her isn’t going to help anything. Just calm down. Now, look, Mandy, do you realize that bestiality isn’t exactly thought of very highly? Most people think it’s actually perverted.”

Mandy nodded, “I know.” “Okay, good, but you still did it anyway?” Mandy’s voice raised in her defense, “Yeah, because Cindy told me to!” Alice calmed her down too, “Now, Mandy, you know your sister didn’t tell you to have sex with him for a month, that’s just silly. And if you didn’t want to you would have said no. Right?” Mandy swallowed. She wanted to say that Cindy had indeed told Mandy to continue to have sex with the horse until the shots ran out which was more like six months, but she held her tongue. She was caught by her Mother’s reason, “Yeah, I guess.” “Right. So why don’t you come clean?” Mandy felt dumb but she wasn’t actually sure what her Mother was asking, “With what?” “With the fact that you like having intercourse with stallions.”

Mandy looked up at her sister for some sort of reprieve but there was none waiting for her. Cindy was still upset. Mandy tried to smooth things over in the best way that she knew how, “First let me say that I’m sorry to Cindy. I used Cindy and I think she’s really upset about that, and I never meant to upset her. I mean that. I love you Cindy, and I appreciate everything you’ve ever done for me. I’m sorry if I didn’t say it enough, but I thought you knew.” Cindy felt suddenly like a huge jerk. She loved her sister too. They had always been inseparable. Cindy just didn’t like that Mandy was abusing her lust. Or was that it? Cindy suddenly realized that really Cindy had mostly been jealous. Cindy wanted to be the one under the stallion.

Cindy looked down at Mandy’s body and realized she was looking at quite literally a mirror image of what she would look like if she were the one laying there. Cindy frowned, “I’m sorry too Mandy. I love you. I’m so sorry I betrayed your trust.” Mandy felt a tear welling up, but Mike hadn’t cooled down yet. “Are you kidding me?” Alice put her hand on his shoulder as she took over the conversation. “Look, neither your Father, nor I particularly like this whole horse thing, I think can safely say. But that said, we both love you very much Mandy, and if this is something you want to do… well… I for one, am not going to stand in your way.”

Cindy and Mandy both said at the same time, “What?!” Mike was shocked too, “Wait a minute.” Alice said, “No, Mike, I made up my mind. We don’t have to encourage her, but she’s our Daughter, and if this is what makes her happy, then… well, I think we should embrace her, no matter what she decided to do. No matter how disgusting.” Mandy felt encouraged, “Do you mean that, Mom?” “Yes, I do, sweetheart.” Mandy didn’t want to push the issue but she had to ask, “So, I’m allowed to keep belly riding?” “Is that what you call it? Belly Riding?” “Yes. Cindy read about it online.” Alice looked at Cindy who blushed a little, “I see… Well, in that case, yes. You can continue to Belly Ride.”

Mandy’s eyes were huge. “So wait, I can belly ride whenever I want?” “Well, I guess if you want… Yes.” “Even today at Dad’s party?” “Uh… well… If you must. I guess everyone has already seen everything… so… it’s up to them if they want to come out or not. I have no idea if they’ll want to or not. I’ll have to talk to everyone first, of course, and I can’t promise they’ll be anywhere near as forgiving as I am, but if that makes you happy… I guess… well… sure, I suppose.” Mandy couldn’t believe what she was hearing, “Oh my God! Really?” “Sure, honey, if that’s what you really want.” Mike said, “Are you crazy, Alice?” Alice said, “No, and I’m not going to change my mind on this. Now let’s go back inside and explain it to everyone.” Mike pouted, shaking his head and said, “Happy fucking birthday to me, I guess.”

When they were finally alone, Cindy turned to Mandy and said, “Oh my God, Mandy, I’m so so sorry.” Mandy shrugged, “Hey, don’t worry about it. I think it all worked out.” “No really, I mean that could have gone a completely different way. That could have turned out terrible for you. It still could.” “Yeah, but if I get to ride around the house fucking Ghost all day, I don’t really care what anyone else thinks. That idea is so sexy!” Cindy said, “I just want you to know, that the reason I did this wasn’t just for spite. I definitely thought it was at first, but now I realize that I also just wanted to try it too.”

Mandy smiled, “Really? Well why didn’t you just say so?” “I dunno. It’s embarrassing, I guess.” “You don’t need to be embarrassed around me, Cindy. You should know that! I’m your Sister! I don’t care. Hell, I’ve been the one having sex with the horse for the last month, it’s not like I couldn’t relate! We’ll do it tomorrow. We’ll put you in the sling and I’ll let you try it.” They were cut short and Cindy didn’t have a chance to agree before people started pouring out of the house again. Apparently whatever their Mother had told them had worked and they seemed pleasant and happy to see Mandy.

She of course had to answer lots of questions, like how long she had been having sex with a horse. How she had gotten started. Did she actually orgasm like that. Did she realize that she can’t actually give birth to a horse. How many times did Ghost ejaculate inside her per day. Lots of silly questions like that ensued, but no one said a bad word. The men all just stared stupidly. They apparently liked looking at her naked body. Most of the women complemented Mandy on how pretty she looked. Cindy felt a little left out but she knew her day would come, tomorrow. Mandy was brazen and open, and even began to lift her hips at one point. The stallion was enjoying her movements, and despite the fact that Mandy was already filled with cumm the horse seemed happy to ready another supply as his testicles tightened and lifted visibly enough that Sarah mentioned it, “Uh, oh, looks like Mandy is about to get some love from her horsey.”

Alice said semi-disapprovingly, “Honey, do you really think you should be doing that right now?” Mandy complained, “But Mom, you just said you’re okay with this, didn’t you?” “Yes, but… I meant the riding part. I didn’t mean actively humping him in front of your family…” “But this is part of it. A big part of it. Please, Mom?” “I dunno…” “Please!” Alice sighed, “Okay, okay… sorry about this again everyone. Apparently my lovely Daughter here feels compelled to get inseminated. I apologize for her behavior. You know how kids can be.” No one seemed to pass too much judgement other than their Father who was red in the face. Others just waved it off as if it were nothing more than a coughing fit, or the hiccups, however, it was anything but that.

Mandy smiled and thanked her Mother with a huge smile. Mandy continued answering questions and being social, all while she was impaled. She was talking happily with everyone as she continued to grind her hips openly. She was quickly overcoming her embarrassment, or at least she was pretending to. Cindy was impressed. The horse began to thrust hard into Mandy as the visitors watched in disbelief. Her tiny body worked up and down the massive cock with stunning precision and ability. She was no stranger to horse penis, this much was clear. No one had any illusions – she was anything but a virgin to this animal’s penis. No, she was very adept at having intercourse with a stallion. Her body knew what to do, even if she was holding a conversation. Her breath was shortening, however, and she was clearly getting flustered as her conversational abilities diminished quickly.

Soon the stallion’s thrusts became much harder and Cindy and the rest of the onlookers could tell that Mandy’s cervix was getting pummeled. Hard wet sounding thrusts bottomed out hard with Mandy’s hard sharp breaths. She lifted her hips high into the air, giving the stallion as much leverage as he wanted. Sarah commented, “Wow, look how in-shape she’s gotten! You look great, girl!” Cindy noticed too. She was incredibly strong to hold herself up like that while being fucked by a horse. Every muscle in her body seemed to pop. Cindy realized that Mandy wasn’t just having sex, she was in love with Ghost. Her whole body was wrapped around him and she lovingly squeezed his cock to entice him.

They weren’t having sex anymore. Mandy was now making passionate love to her mate. Finally the stallion’s penis began to flare up and he began to stamp his foot. He even tried to rear up a little but thankfully Cindy had tied him rather rightly to the banister. Suddenly sperm started to gush out of Mandy’s impaled hole as she too began to orgasm. Mandy began to writhe and moan. Her whole body exploded as she let the horse inseminate her for the third time that day alone. Mandy’s cervix lapped up as much semen as it could, but to no avail. The excess ejaculate jetted out around her labia lewdly, for everyone to see as Mandy cried out, “FILL… ME… UP!!!!”


Chapter Eight

That night no one spoke about what Mandy had done over the dinner table, and Mandy didn’t go out and fuck Ghost. Mandy had never slept with Ghost on Friday or Saturday nights because their Parent’s schedules were too unpredictable on Saturday and Sunday Mornings, so it wasn’t a big deal. But the next day Mandy woke up early and bounded into Cindy’s room saying, “Okay, let’s go, today is your first day. You gotta eat a big breakfast. You’ll be hungry if you don’t.” Cindy was tired and it was nice to get some sleep so she tried to wave Mandy off but Mandy would have none of it. Mandy was almost more excited than Cindy was for Cindy to try having sex with a horse for the first time.

After breakfast Cindy said to her parents, “I’m going to go tie Mandy up to a horse for a while, guys. I’ll be back in a bit.” Cindy couldn’t tell her parents, so she decided to make it seem like Mandy would be the one riding. Mandy just shrugged it off. Mike covered his ears and just said flatly, “I don’t want to hear any more. Go.” Alice smiled and said, “Have a good time, Mandy.” When they were in the barn Cindy said, “Okay, put on my clothes, so when you go back inside they’ll think you’re me.” Mandy smirked, “Okay. Is this how you convinced them that I had agreed to do the decorations?” Cindy bit her lip, “Yeah… I’m so sorry about that.” “Hey, no problem, I know you were upset. Just don’t do it again, okay?”

Cindy nodded, “Okay, I promise.” They were partners in crime again. Both Cindy and Mandy stripped out of their clothes, and Cindy gave her set of clothes to Mandy to put on. As Mandy got dressed Cindy walked over and found Nightfall, the other stallion they had. Cindy had always liked him better. He had a sweeter disposition and was slightly taller than Ghost – not to mention he had a pretty black coat. Cindy began to tie the saddle up and was already wiggling into place by the time Mandy was dressed in Cindy’s clothes. Mandy had never given a shot before so Cindy had to coach her on where to deliver it. Meanwhile, Cindy had never had sex with a horse before, so Mandy had to talk her through it.

“Nightfall is a bigger horse so you might have to reach down a bit further but you need to massage his sheath. Yeah, there you go. Let me tie your legs up so it’s less awkward.” Mandy tied Cindy up as Nightfall began to extend his giant phallus into her hand. It was warm, but it was also soft and smooth to the touch. It felt warm and wonderful. It was an instant turn-on. As it grew in her hand she began to rub it against her labia, like she had seen her twin sister do a thousand times before. She also rubbed it against her pubic hair where it left little drops of pre-cumm mixed with her own juices. She was really turned on as she began to press the giant horse head into her body.

At first it felt like there was no way she could make it work, but then she remembered how Mandy had done it so quickly, and she was determined to do the same. She pressed the growing cock into her as hard as she could and wiggled her butt slightly. With a few hard pushes it still hadn’t gone in but she was determined. Finally one one hard pull with both hands it finally popped past her tight muscles. She winced – it wasn’t anywhere as easy as she had thought it would be. Mandy had been a real trooper for not crying out in pain, because that’s what Cindy felt like doing. But she held her breath and tried to relax. Mandy did this all the time, and if Mandy could do this, so could Cindy. She had the same equipment, she figured. Mandy stooped down to give Nightfall the customary shot, although Cindy couldn’t see the point, this was only going to last a few hours before she had to go back inside.

She pushed her hips upwards as Mandy took her wrists and tied them up. Slowly but surely, Cindy could feel the giant phallus pushing deeper and deeper inside her loins. It was almost unbearable at first but it was already starting to feel better. Mandy said, “Congratulations, Cindy. You did it.” Cindy looked down and sure enough, Mandy was right. Cindy had become the second girl in their family to successfully mate herself to a stallion. It was amazing that two species could fit together like this, even if it did take some ingenuity and sheer perverse determination.

Cindy gently lifted her hips and felt the giant horse head as it slipped further and further until she felt a sharp pinch deep inside her when she realized the stallion’s cock was pressing against her cervix. She felt like someone had punched her in the stomach at first. It was hard to deal with the sheer length and girth. She felt like she was being stretched out beyond her limits, and there was no way she could take any more of Nightfall’s huge dick without risking injury. She sighed in relief. She never thought she would really be doing this, but here she was, with a horse penis inside her, with her best friend and sister standing by watching with a big smile on her face.

Cindy said, “I think he’s as far in as he’s going to go.” “Yep, at least for now… when he starts thrusting though, it can go deeper. It’s hard to imagine, but you could probably fit another inch or two in you.” “No way, he’s already against my cervix!” “Trust me.” Mandy smiled mischievously. Cindy gently moved her hips. It was awkward at first, being tied up, but she gradually got the idea and used her legs to help swing and lift her hips. Cindy wanted to try walking around, like Mandy did sometimes, but she knew it was too early and she was too inexperienced.

Suddenly they saw a shadow’s silhouette at the door. Cindy immediately panicked and tried to get away, but her strength and fear were no match for the thick leather bonds around her wrists and ankles. Suddenly they both saw their Mother entering the barn with a big smile on her face. “Why hello there. I hope you don’t mind, I thought I’d just come in and say hi.” Mandy smiled and her best Cindy impersonation said, “Oh no problem, come on it. Mandy was just getting saddled up.” “Good!” Alice sat down on the bench, so that she was at eye level and had a perfect view of Cindy’s butt, vulva and the huge dick 6 inches deep inside her Daughter’s body.

Alice smiled, “Well, go ahead, Mandy, no reason to be shy now, it’s not like I didn’t see it all yesterday, right?” Cindy was blushing hard, but at the same time she realized that she could still impersonate Mandy and lay the blame on her, while the whole while her own image could stay intact. She was hopeful. “Yeah, you’re right, sorry, still a bit nervous, I guess.” “I can see that, go ahead, sweetheart.” “Oh, okay.” Cindy wasn’t quite sure what she should be doing, but she tried to use her instincts and lifted her butt up and down a few times, feeling it out. She knew she was very wet and the slippery film she left on the horse’s huge penis made a strange sound each time she lifted her butt.

Mandy sat down next to Alice on the bench so they could both watch Cindy’s perverted act. It was the most embarrassing thing Cindy had ever done in her life. She had never exposed herself intentionally to anyone other than Mandy, but yet at the same time it was really turning her on. Cindy knew that her pussy was starting to get engorged with blood and that she could cumm at any minute, but she tried to wait, while her Mother and Sister watched her anus tensing with each thrust. Cindy knew they could both tell she was really turned on by this. She had never had sex with a horse before, so it was understandable. Nightfall has never had sex with a woman before either and he clearly began to really enjoy himself as his testicles began to retract.

Then there was another silhouette at the door as Mike entered the barn, “Is this where everyone’s at? Is this the new place we hang out?” Alice hushed him, “Shush – Mandy here was just getting going, weren’t you, Mandy?” It was weird responding to that name, but Cindy nodded, “Yeah, Daddy, please watch?” Mike stood at the doorway with his arms crossed without saying a word. That’s when the stallion began to thrust. Cindy’s eyes flew open. She had never felt anything that powerful in her life. She suddenly realized it’s really not safe having sex with a thousand pound animal that’s mostly muscle.

Cindy felt the first thrust like someone was hitting her with a baseball bat. It was excruciating as the giant animal thrust against her sensitive cervix. Then it happened again and again. But with each successive thrust the pain dulled and her excitement increased. Alice smiled as she watched her Daughter’s pussy being pummeled by the giant animal openly in front of her and said, “You know, something’s been bothering me since I sat down.” Both girls were curious, but Cindy asked first between thrusts, “Ow… What… Ow… Mom… Ohh… Uhhhh?”

Alice squinted again and said, “I might be wrong, but wasn’t your vagina hairless yesterday?” Both Mandy and Cindy’s eyes opened wide but neither of them said anything. Mike squinted too and said, “Oh, yeah, how about that… Wait… what?” He was confused but Alice had clearly already figured it out, “You see, I took the opportunity to look at Mandy’s vagina yesterday, which was a little hard to miss, as I’m sure you all would agree. And I don’t recall seeing a single pubic hair. Our little girl decided to shave it all off. But today, suddenly, there’s a lot of pubic hair on our little girl. That doesn’t seem possible to grow that much hair so quickly. Care to explain that, girls?”

Mandy looked over at Cindy’s hairy pussy, which had little droplets of pre-cumm in it. Cindy was getting pummeled and she could barely think straight as it was as the horse fucked her harder and harder. Alice continued, “And no offense, but you seemed in much better shape yesterday… almost as if… you had done this a lot yesterday, but today, not so much. To me, it seems like you-yesterday and you-today are almost different people. Am I warm?” Mandy was the first to crack, “Yes, I’m sorry, Mom, I’m actually Mandy. That’s Cindy.”

Cindy’s eyes were wide, but she had no excuse to give. Cindy was about the have the most explosive orgasm of her life and her parents were looking at her for answers. That’s when, almost unexpectedly for Cindy, the horse decided to erupt inside of her pussy, shooting hot sticky white ropes of seed all over her cervix. Cindy couldn’t speak, her whole body was rigid. Her butt was flexing, her stomach was in knots and she was holding on for dear life as the horse inseminated her in front of her family. Cindy couldn’t hold it in anymore, she came.

Cindy’s legs quivered and she tensed her whole body as she groaned loudly, “UNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!” She couldn’t help herself. Her pussy convulsed hard as she involuntarily milked the stallion’s erupting cock. Her cervix tensed and sucked up the stallion’s seed into her womb. Her anus pulsated hard, rhythmically. Her whole body from her jiggling breasts, tipped with her perky pink nipples to her flexed toes was climaxing harder than it had in her whole life. Cindy couldn’t help herself as she bucked her hips hard only feet away from her Mother’s disapproving face.

Her orgasm seemed to last forever. She was cumming and cumming and cumming. Her whole body felt like it was electric. She had never experienced anything so erotic in her life and her cervix was sucking up ounce after ounce of the animal’s virile seed. Her body was intentionally trying to impregnate itself. In that brief moment, all Cindy’s crazy horny brain could think was that she wished the horse was actually impregnating her while her own Mother watched.

Then, as if to make matters worse, as the stallion continued to pump her full of cumm she finally overflowed and semen began to appear around the edges of her engorged lips, sticking to her and her pubic hair as she felt it oozing down between her butt, around her anus and down to the ground. Cindy had officially mated with a horse and it had inseminated her right in front of her family, and there was simply no denying it now. They had all seen it. She was no longer an innocent little girl in her Parent’s eyes.

After nearly two full minutes of intensely embarrassing orgasm, Cindy collapsed back into the belly riding saddle and huffed hard. Her anus was still pulsating and her pussy was still sucking at the horse’s huge cock, as if she was intentionally draining it completely of it’s warm semen. She had never been so turned on in her life, but embarrassment was quickly overcoming her enjoyment. She caught her breath as Alice said, “Are you finished now, sweetheart?” Cindy nodded and swallowed, “Yes, I’m sorry.” “Why did you two lie to us?” Mandy stepped in, “This was Cindy’s first time. She said she always wanted to try it.” Cindy could have killed Mandy for saying that. She didn’t want to sound like a complete horse slut, even if, at least mentally, she had wanted to be. But the reality of being caught was wearing on her fantasy quickly as she looked over at her Father.

Mike shook his head, “See what happens? You let one of them fuck a horse and now they’re both doing it! God damnit…” Mike left without saying another word. Alice smiled and said, “Cindy, I want you to know that we’ll still love you no matter what. And if you want to have sex with horses, that’s your choice.” Cindy moved her hips gently, feeling the slippery cock in her cumm filled hole. This was a huge decision for her. She could renounce horses forever right now and no one would hold this whole thing against her. Or Cindy could, like her Sister, admit that she enjoyed it and risk the consequences.

Cindy breathed heavily, “Thank you, Mom, I love you too. And I thought about it a lot. I’m not sure what I want.” Alice frowned, “Cindy, now is the time to be completely honest with me. Do you want to keep having sex with horses? I think you need to decide right here and now.” Cindy thought it was bad timing, since her pussy was still oozing horse cumm visibly, but she didn’t take this conversation lightly. Cindy made a long pause and said, “I don’t know why, but I really enjoyed this. It was my first time, but I want to try it again. I just don’t want you or Dad to be upset.”

Alice smiled, “It’s okay, sweetheart. I know how it was to be young and in love.” Cindy swallowed hard, was she actually in love? It was a word she had never attributed to having sex with an animal. But in the same thought, Cindy’s mind opened up. This was the best she had ever felt, and she had never spent so much time thinking about anything else. Maybe she wasn’t in love with Nightfall specifically, but she was definitely in love with how he made her feel. Cindy just nodded. Alice reached over and touched Cindy’s pussy which surprised both girls. Alice withdrew her hand and looked at the girls who were both shocked and laughed, “Sorry, there was just this huge strand of semen that was bugging me.” She held up her fingers and indeed, there was a large dollop of semen on her fingers. She wiped it on her skirt which turned Cindy on even more.

Alice nodded, “Alright then, don’t worry, I’ll talk with your Father for you. This isn’t either of our cup of tea, but I think I can convince him to put up with it for the sake of his Daughter’s happiness. He’ll come to terms with this one way or another. Okay, then it’s settled. Do you need anything from me?” Cindy shook her head as if to say no, but Mandy chimed in, “We need another belly riding saddle. Right now we only have one.” Alice said, “Oh!” Mandy asked, “Will you buy us another one?”

Alice smiled, “Sure, just tell me where you got it and I’ll get another one for you girls to use. Okay? Just promise me that you will stop lying and impersonating each other, okay?” The girls promised, feeling like their hearts might pump right out of their chests. They had never anticipated this could happen. Could they really live like this? Alice stood up and walked out, but before she left she turned and said, “You and Nightfall look very happy together, Cindy. You make a beautiful couple.” Cindy blushed hard at that as her Mother walked out, the streak of semen still visible on the side of Alice’s skirt.


Chapter Nine

The girls started being much more open about their fetish after that. They took turns for a few days until the belly riding saddle arrived from Brazil that their Mother had ordered for them. Cindy and Mandy knew that their Father wasn’t okay with any of this, and heard their Parents arguing about it a number of times, especially once the belly riding saddle arrived in the mail. He was extremely upset that Alice was enabling her children to fuck horses by buying them a saddle. Alice tried to calmly explain that it wasn’t up to them to decide who their children could chose to mate with. But these were tense times. Alice was happy to see both her Daughters saddled and mated to their stallions for the firs time, and took the opportunity to snap some pictures for the family photo album. Mike was thoroughly disgusted.

Meanwhile the girls were learning how to live under their horses. They spent most of their waking hours and all of their evening hours under their stallions. They’d let the stallions paint their insides with semen for hours on end, moaning and writhing in ecstasy. They were living in a dream world. Their sexuality had finally come of age and their were now no longer girls. They were women, who had chosen stallions as their primary passion. And the stallions greeted them with cup after cup of semen until their bodies overflowed.

The girls learned how to help saddle each other with their fingertips while they were themselves saddled, so they needed no help from anyone else. They were autonomous and would visit with their family members, naked and orgasmic without a care in the world. And this is how things went for months as Cindy caught up and quickly learned how to navigate the stallion around while swinging underneath it. They even tempted fate and walked down and around the street late at night a once when they were sure no one was awake, enjoying the freedom of their new found love, until their Father found the trail of semen on the driveway the next morning and nearly blew up. Cindy thought it was funny that her Father could pick out horse sperm from any other random fluids because there was so much of it draining out of the girls, around the house after they dismounted. But their Father was not amused.

The next day the girls heard a car drive up to the house. They weren’t expecting company, so they waited patiently. They had taken to being very quiet when a car drove up, lest they surprise the mail man, or some traveling salesman with their perversion. They waited and suddenly a man walked out of the back door with their Father and Mother. They had never seen the man before but their Father said, “Hank – these are the stallions, and the girls I was talking about.” The man nodded, “Ah yes, I see…” Mike nodded, “And now you also see my problem too.” The man nodded, “I do, yes, Mike… that’s a real pickle you’ve got there.”

The girls were somewhat worried. They had no idea what their Father was up to or who this man was. Mandy asked first feeling extremely naked all of a sudden, “Who is this?” Alice looked a little worried but tried to calm her Daughter, “Don’t worry, Sweetheart. Your Father is just upset. Your Father is thinking about selling the horses… and you.” Both the girls’ eyes opened wide and they said at the same time, “WHAT?!” Alice sighed, “Your Father thinks, and I agree, that you don’t belong here anymore. You’ve given yourselves to those animals. Hank here offered to take you off our hands.” Cindy too wished she could cover up suddenly. Her cunt was slathered with fresh horse semen, and matted her pubic hair down. Normally Cindy loved how disgusting she looked, but now she wanted to cower and hide.

Hank looked at Mike “Yeah, them females seem to be awful attached to them stallions. I’m not planning on riding them stallions neither, so it’s not like they couldn’t handle the weight if I were to purchase them females with them.” Mike squinted, “Why do you want the females?” “Well… I figure it’ll make for a pretty sight out there on the range. They can keep the horses from hurting each other while the horses graze off that land a little. It’s an awful big fire hazard the way it is now, Mike. Like I said, I ain’t buying them horses to ride.”

Alice stepped in, “Let me get this straight, you’re not going to mistreat our Daughters, right?” Hank shrugged, “Nah, I figure why not give them a good home, right? And they’s the problem anyway, the way I recon, not the horses. You sell me them horses and they’ll be over at my place fuckin’ them in no time anyhow. Might as well sell them all to me as a package and be done with it. They seem to like them horses an awful lot, and I don’t mind feeding them and hosing them off once in a while when they’re dirty. I’ll give them their shots an everythin’. They should be fine to stay out there while them horses graze for a day or more. I’ll have one of my ranch hands take care and make sure they have food and water when they need it. I have a good for nothing dog I keep too – I’m a sucker for them big puppy eyes. Kinda like them females you’ve got tied up there. They’re real pretty to look at, but damned useless.”

Alice asked, “Will you make sure that they’re cleaned once a day, with soap and water. The water can be from a hose if you want, but you definitely need to use soap.” “Sure.” “And fed at and watered at least once a day?” “Sure, no problem.” Alice frowned, “And they really like those horses. Will you make sure they’ve always got a horse to have sex with, even if it’s not these two?” “Of course. I’ve got a few more stallions back at the ranch that I can’t ride neither that I took off a guy on the west side of town for a few bucks because he needed cash. I just need a few more horses or cattle to graze off that land. I’ll keep them females mated to my whole stock – I don’t care. It’s just a meal or two a day is all it costs me to take them females off your hands, and I’m sure the ranch hands would appreciate the view.” Mandy lifted her butt up into the air as if she were getting turned on by this conversation.

Mike looked at Mandy and as if that were the last straw turned to him and said, “Sounds like a plan to me. $1000 for each pair.” The girls’ eyes were wide. They were literally being sold to some stranger, and their Father was negotiating the deal. Cindy said, “No Daddy, please, don’t! We like it here.” Mandy began to hump her hips up and down. Cindy was amazed that Mandy was still turned on, even now as they were being sold as livestock. Mike didn’t say a word to them but Hank responded, “$300 for both the stallions and $100 for the females.” “$500 for each pair.” Hank thought for a minute, “$600 total and that’s my final offer.” Mike paused, looked at his two girls who’s pussies were both drooling sperm visibly so that shimmery strands of semen sparkled in the afternoon sun and nodded, “If you can take them away today, you’ve got yourself a deal.”

Alice interjected, “But we want to be able to see them whenever we want….” Mandy was really starting to moan now. She was getting close to an orgasm. Hank smiled a toothy smile and said, “Come on over whenever you want. I’m going to put them stallions out on that back pasture that’s all overgrown. You can drive around the house and find them there any time. I don’t plan on bringing them in at night, so you should see those females there near any time, day or night, unless we’re hosing them off or something. But if they’re mine, I get to discipline them in whatever way I want. And I’m going to keep `em on them horses every day, just like I found `em. I’ll probably swap them out and make them pleasure some of our other stallions though. Now that I think about it, it’s probably not a bad idea. I’ll make them fuck those other wild stallions I picked up. Maybe that’ll calm them down a bit.” Alice smiled, “That’ll be just fine with us.”

Cindy and Mandy realized that they literally had no name anymore. Hank didn’t know their name and didn’t want to know it. He just saw two sexy blonde twins, and decided he wanted to own them. He would put them out on his pasture and force them to fuck horses every day for the rest of their lives. They’d be nothing more to him than livestock – an oddity to amuse his roughneck employees. The twins’ pussies would be filled with horse cock from that point on. They wouldn’t go to college, see their friends, or know any human comforts. They’d be separated from their clothes permanently – hell their parents would probably sell all their clothes. Mandy was getting closer to her orgasm as she thrust her hips hard, “Unnnnnnnnn!!!”

No, Cindy and Mandy were being put out to pasture where they belonged. And there they’d lay, on their backs, with more than a half foot of rigid horse flesh fucking their bodies. They’d be allowed to scream out in ecstasy in the pasture where no one would hear them or care. They were nothing to Hank except a receptacle for horse sperm. Their bodies weren’t theirs anymore – they belonged to the farm Hank owned. And in that moment, both girls realized that they really had received the perfect gift from their parents, even if they didn’t realize it. They couldn’t be happier. Their life would never be the same, and they’d never be separated. Things were simply perfect.

Mike said with disgust, “It’s a deal Hank. Now, haul them away.” Hank and Mike shook on it as Mandy began to orgasm, “OH GOD, YESSSSSS!!!!” As little semen ran out of her orgasmic twin sister Cindy realized things were going to be just fine in their new life. The twins had years ahead of them, swinging from livestock in bliss. Cindy followed in her Sister’s footsteps and fucked Nightfall’s huge cumm slathered penis up and down lewdly between her sloppy pussy lips, which was matted down with sticky cumm soaked pubic hair while looking her Father right in the eye and in a sexy voice she said, “Thank you, Daddy!” Mandy cried out, in an orgasmic haze, “YES!!! THANK YOU!!!! UHNNNNNNNNN!!”
