(c) 2011 by Janice

Part One

Charles and I met when we were in college at a university in west Texas. I was raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Charles is from El Paso, Texas. Charles got his degree in Electrical Engineering and I recieved a degree in English literature.

We married shortly after I graduated, and we proceeded to raise a family in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Charles got a job with a startup electronics firm, and since he is so outgoing they quickly made him the outside technical salesman. It meant a lot of travel; however, he succeeded beyond all expectations, and very rapidly was making a very good living for us.

Although I had always entertained the thought of working, the birth of our first daughter kept me so busyI didn’t have time to think much of a career in my field of study. We bought a 35 acre farm south of Albuquerque, mostly because we wanted to live away from a large city; however, we wanted to retain the advantages a big city offers. We had our second daughter after we moved to the farm.

When our oldest daughter (Nicole) was five, we bought three quarter horse stallions, with the plan of entering them in the quarter horse races which are a big thing here in New Mexico. It turned out the horses were very gentle, and we decided to use them strictly for riding purposes, since the girls were rapidly growing up, and we thought having riding horses would be good for them.

Life settled down to a good routine and we were going through life as a happy and very much in love couple. However, unknown to me there was a dark cloud hanging over us. Our second daughter was quite large at birth, and I had a rather difficult time because of her size. I know I stretched quite a bit and actuallytore a little during childbirth. The doctor noticed it too and had mentioned that, if I so desired, a tuck operation was available which would take me back to a more normal size. I did not see my size as a problem and Charles did not seem overly concerned about it either, so I did not undergo the operation. And life settled back down into it’s blissful busy routine.

We bacame active in our community, pta, socializing with neighbors, and church duties. We are well adjusted to our community and them to us, and life is good. It seems like I am always on the go with fund raisers, school, and community duties. Keeping my family life and Charles happy has become my one goal in life and the girls and Charles seem to appreciate it.

One night after a very passionate session of love making, Charles asked me, “Jan, are you happy and do you get satisfaction out of our sex life?”. I responded with, “Oh honey, didn’t you just notice how happy Iwas with what we just did?” He said, “Of course I did, but since Annmarie was born you have been very large and I have wondered if I was satisfying you the way I used to.” I said, “Oh Charles, the doctor told us I had stretched out quite a bit, but he said he could fix it. Do you want me to go back and get the operation to tighten me up?” He said, “Well, I thought about that; however, it would mean pain for you, and I’m not sure whether you really wanted to do it or not.” “But Charles, I will do anything to make sure you are happy. I love you very much.”, I said. He said, “I know that; that is why I had thought of something else. Have you ever thought of doing it with the horses?”

I gasped when he said that, not because it was so ridiculous, since I had been around horses all my life and knew very well what he was asking, but because he would actually mention that I could try it if I wanted to. Maybe he had seen me looking at them when we groom them, and believe me I do look and admire, but that is all I would do. I said, “Charles, I do think you are kinky and perverted.” and I laughed when I said that. He put on a silly and hurt look and then he started laughing also. I then took on a horrified look and measured with my hands the approximate size, I let my tongue hang out. We laughed and carried on for awhile and he hugged and kissed me, and then he slipped his forearm between my legs. Oh my god I said as I clamped my legs around his forearm, and he pumped it back and forth, and I remembered what he had just told me about the horses. He said, “Does that feel good?” I just sighed and said, “It’s wonderful.” But, I said, “I still think you are kinky, and I don’t know if I could do anything with the horses, but the feel of his forearm between my legs was sending perverted images of me with a horse through my mind, but I just smiled and I gave him a coy smile.

Well we didn’t mention it again; however, I started paying more and more attention to their equipment when I would groom them, and slowly but surely, I worked myself into thinking it might not be a bad idea. The clincher came when I was grooming them, and of course, they show all their glory when I groom them, and I knelt down and looked at the huge penis up close. I don’t know if he sensed my need because all of a sudden he started slapping his stomach with the huge erect penis. He did that for awhile and when he calmed down, and it was just hanging there, I reached out and touched it with my fingers. It twitched a little and then it settled down again, and we played that game for awhile. Finally I just grabbed it with my hand and it was so thick I could not put my hand all the way around it. I felt him stiffen, and I jerked him up and down awhile. Then I guess I got a little ashamed by what I was doing, and I finished grooming him and left.

The thought of the thickness and the heaviness of it stayed with me. I just couldn’t get the feeling out of my mind. Every time I thought about it, my hand would automatically go down between my legs, and I would have to squeeze my legs together just as hard as I could. I was going crazy thinking about it. It got to where it didn’t matter where I was. The image would come into my mind and I would have to squeeze my legs together and fantasize about what I had done.

One night after we had a good sexual encounter, I turned to Charles and said, “Honey, can I ask you something?” He responded with, “Of course, you know you can ask me anything.” Well, and I put on my most coyish face and said, “Do you remember when you asked me if I would like to try the horses?” He said, “Yes, I do, and I just know you would like it.” I said, “Are you really serious?” He smiled and said, “Jan, I have never been so serious in my life. I know that you need a very large penis, and I don’t want you to get to the point where you will start looking at other men to satisfy your need.” I said, “You are so silly. You know I would never do it with another man. But I have been thinking of the horses ever since you mentioned it, and maybe if you want me to I will do it. But can you handle it. You know how big they are, and what if I end up liking it a lot.” Charles said, “Jan, I would never get jealous, and I expect you to like it because you have gotten quite large. When do you want to try it?” I just said, “Anytime you want.” He said, “NOW” and I said “OK”

We got out of bed, the girls being already asleep, and I could see him trembling with…I don’t know waht, but he was visibly shaken. We got to the barn, and he immediately went and got Lightning out of his stall and tied him to the grooming post. Then he surprised me, He went over to the corner and got a small bench and came and placed it next to Lightning. I had never seen the bench before, which told me Charles had been planning for some time to get me under the horse. He looked at me, and with trembling lips, he said, “Ok Jan, get him hard and let’s try this.”

I sat down on the bench and stroked his sheath, and it only took two strokes and he was right in front of me showing all his glory. I was somewhat apprehensive by this time, but when Charles said lay back, I did not hesitate at all. I lay on my back and let my legs hang over the sides of the bench and held on to his forelegs. Charles got Lightning’s penis and rubbed it between my legs and I could feel every time my labia opened up to allow the penis to move up to my clitoris. After a few times Charles positioned Lightning’s penis right on my vagina and pushed on it. I could feel it pushing my labia into my vagina, but it would not go in. Charles tried a few times and Lightning also pushed a few times, but it would not go in. I was getting terribly frustrated and pushed up against him but it would not enter. Charles then said, “Just a minute.” and he went over to some shelves and got a tube of K-Y jelly. He applied it very liberally to me and Lightning and then he got Lightning’s penis and placed it against my vagina. Lightning gave a little push and the head slipped right in. My god the feeling I got was incredible and I had an orgasm immediately. Lightning gave another push and he pushed all the way to my cervix, and the pain was horrendous. I slipped up on the bench to pull it away from my cervix and it helped a little but he pushed right in again, and again the pain came. I groaned and Charles asked me, “Jan, are you OK?”. I caught my breath and said, “Yes, but let me adjust for awhile.” “Charles, I said,” don’t let him go too deep. I laid still for awhile and just lay there with the feeling of having being violated by a monster. After awhile I said, “Charles, hold him while I try to finish up.” He said, “Alright, Jan, let me know if he is hurting you?”

I started to slowly push against him; however. he was right there next to my cervix, and every time I pushed I could feel him push against it, and it would hurt a little bit. After doing this a bit, I noticed that the pain had become a numbness so I started pushing against him harder and harder. Then I felt like my womb was trying to open up to allow him to go in even further. I thought, my god, is he going to be able to go in even further. It might have opened up however I started feeling him getting larger, and it seemed like his penis was forming a cup and wrapping around my womb. My womb started pushing violently against the swelling head of his penis, and it even felt like it was moving against him, I describe it as my womb trying to dance on the head of his penis. Then after he swelled to where I felt I couldn’t take anymore I felt him come. He just came and came and came. It felt like a large portion of it went right into my womb, and during all this time I was having a constant unbearable orgasm. Finally he finished and pulled out. The head of his penis was still swollen and I could feel my labia being stretched to the limit as the head of his penis passed through. I glance over and saw the largest penis I had ever seen, and my hips pushed again as I looked.

I just lay there with my hips pushing up and my legs squeezing together for about five minutes. When I opened my eyes, Charles was already leading Lightning to his stall. I was all sticky with horse come splattered all over me, and Charles got the hose and cleaned off the bench and the surrounding area. He turned off the hose and came and picked me up, cradling me in his arms and carried me back to the house. My hips were tired from all the pushing and my cervix was still numb from the abuse it had received. Charles ran a tub full of warm water and placed me in the tub and told me to soak and relax, which I did. I saw him pick up a towel on his way out of the bathroom and as I looked into the bedroom from my bath I saw him masturbate vigorously into the towel.

After soaping down and feeling clean and relaxed again, I got out of the bath and went to bed, where Charles was waiting for me. I told him, “You’re naughty. I saw you masturbating just like a little boy.” He smiled and said, “Oh Jan, you are the greatest woman in the world, and watching your face as Lightning fucked you would drive any man crazy. What you just did was good not only for you, but I enjoyed it tremendously also.” With that thought and after a few kisses and hugs we went to sleep.

The next morning I was still sore from the tremendous beating my cervix had taken. However, the many orgasams I had and the feeling of the huge penis inside of me more than offset the numbness in my cervix. It is impossible to describe the feeling when the penis swells up and he comes. The opening (or apparent opening of my womb) is something I had never experienced, and again the feeling cannot be described. My womb pushing against his penis (dancing on his penis) has to be experienced to be believed; however it is the most erotic feeling I have ever had.

When Charles came home from work, he immediately wanted to know if I was alright, and I had to tell him about fifty times that night that everything was fine. We hugged and kissed that night and both of us had a very good nights sleep.

The following day every thing was back to normal. All the numbness was gone and the only thing that I could think about was the emptiness in my vagina. I pranced around all day in excellent spirits and thought of nothing but Lightning. When Charles came home I greeting him with a great hug and a long sensual kiss and pushed my hips wantonly against him. He said, “My it looks like you are mighty sexy tonight my dear.” I looked at him coyly and said, “I feel sexy, and very much in need.”, and I spread my hands apart to indicate the approximate length of Lightning’s penis. His lower lip trembled and he said, “Again.” I pouted and put my index finger on my lower lip and lowered my eyes and said, “YES”


Part Two

We then embraced want only, and that was just about the time the girls came running up to greet their daddy and get their daily hugs and kisses. I feel so good when I see how much the girls love their daddy, and I love Charles more than words can express. He is very considerate of my needs, as can be seen by my experience in chapter one, and I also try to make him as happy as I can. I must admit that eventhough viewing the horses up close had excited me, never-the-less the idea of making Charles happy was always on my mind. He had indicated he wanted me to try the horses and that desire also influenced me in deciding to do it.

After the hugs and kisses were dispensed with, I said, “Well, lets get all those hungry tummys full.” I turned and walked into the kitchen where I had prepared a small roast. “You make the salad.” I told Charles, “while I heat some frozen vegetables.” I could see Charles was once again excited, and his hands trembled as he made the salad. I was afraid he was going to cut himself, as he sliced the lettuce and tomatoes. But everything went well, we had a lovely supper, and then went into the family room to watch the news, and the girls went into the den and put on their cartoon channel. We made small talk as we watched the news, and Charles told me how he had closed two contracts, which would bring in about $100k into the company, on a yearly basis. He also told me he had opened negotiations with a national firm to provide electronic control boards, and if he could make it happen it would mean quite a lot to the company. I hugged him and said, “I think that deserves at least a cup of coffee. Would you care for one?” He answered with a yes nod and I went in the kitchen to prepare the coffee.

I put the ingredients in the coffee maker and got two cups ready. I had not noticed, but the cups we use for coffee are thinner than normal coffee cups and made of smooth stoneware. The base of the cup flares out not unlike the head of a horses’ penis and is somewhat large. I had noticed the cups were shaped like that that morning when I had my coffee. It could be because of the experience I had had.

I went back to the family room and Charles and I made small talk about what they were saying on the newscast. It took about ten minutes for the coffee to brew, and I went in the kitchen and filled two cups and took them back to the family room, where I gave one to Charles, and I sat on the couch and we proceeded to drink our coffee.

I was wearing a thin summer dress, somewhat short and I crossed my legs when I sat down. I held the cup by the handle with my right hand, and I started to run my hand around the base of the cup and squeezing the cup. I was doing this only for his enjoyment, but I was getting turned on also. I noticed him watching me as I played with the cup and he sort of hid his eyes and pretended he was watching the news, but I could tell he was watching me. I played with the cup for a few minutes just running my hand around the base of it, and Charles was obviously getting excited. I then made some kind of comment on the news being presented and let the cup rest on my mons. He really got excited now and I pushed on the cup so he could see I was putting pressure on my mons with the cup. I did this for while all the time runing my hand around the cup and pushing it down with more pressure. I pushed by hips up but only enough to be noticable, and I did this for awhile also. During all this time he just pretended he was watching TV but I could tell he couldn’t take his eyes off of me. I slowly uncrossed my legs and placed the cup between them, over my dress of course, and barely pushed my hips up against the cup. The base of the cup was now hidden completely between my legs and I opened and closed my legs just enough so it would be noticable.

Charles watched me for awhile and then came over and sat next to me, on the floor, with his arm over the arm rest. He let he hand rest on my knee. I left the cup between my legs, and then I placed my hand on his forearm and squeezed it. He flexed his arm and I could feel his forearm muscles flex and getting larger in my hand. I let him flex his forearm for awhile and then I moved my hand up and down his forearm. He moved his arm closer to between my legs and kept flexing his arm muscles. I bent over and placed the cup on the coffee table, and as I was easing back into the couch I let my hand rub against my leg and pull my dress up. He moved his arm closer to being between my legs and I rubbed his forearm and squeezed it and gently placed it between my legs and resting on my mons. He pushed his arm so it would put pressure on my mons. He looked at me and said, “Oh Jan, you really like the feeling of a large one, don’t you?”

I squeezed his arm and said, “Oh Charles, let’s put the girls to bed and go out and play.” We both laughed and he said, “It’s kind of early for the girls to go to bed, you know.” Then I replied, “Well, let’s do the dishes then because I jsut have to get my mind off what I am feeling.” We cleaned up the kitchen and he hugged and kissed me all the time we wering cleaning up. It was still somewhat early when we finished up, We normally go to bed about 9PM since Charles has about an hour drive to get to work, and early morning is a good time for me to feed the horses and read the paper. We get up at about 5:30 AM.

Well the girls came into the family room and started to cuddle up at about 8PM and Annmarie cuddled up with Charles, and Nicole cuddled up to me. We talked to them about what they did all day, and about 8:30PM Annmarie was alsleep andshortly thereafter Nicole was in dreamland also. We took them to their rooms, and we met in the hall and fell into along sensual kiss and a lot of hip rubbing. I went in the bedroom and put on a gown and surprisingly Charles put on his robe also. We joined hands and after looking in on the girls one more time walked out to the barn.

Charles went straight to Lightning’s stall and brought him over and tied him to the grooming post. He looked at me and asked me in a very sweet voice, “Are you ready?” I responded with, “I’ll be ready soon but first I want to take in everthing around me. When I did it the first time, I was so anxious I didn’t get a chance to really feel everything.”

Charles said, “I understand, just take your time and let me know when you need my help.”

I removed my gown and took a deep breath. I could smell the hay and I could also smell the horse pee. The smell did not really permeate the barn, because Charles keeps it very clean, but the smell is there and hard to ignore. I walked over to Lightning and rubbed his ears and put my face right next to his. I kissed his lower lip and I could smell the hay he had been eating as well as a faint smell of what I call horse breath. I put both my hands on both sides ofhis head and kissed him again long and a little hard. His lower lip twitched when I did that. I then rubbed my hands on his neck and the feeling of the hair, which is sort of hard and short, felt very erotic to me. I worked my way to his flank and rubbed my upper body against it, and once again the feeling of his hair against my stomach and breasts was very erotic. I pushed my breasts hard against his flank and I could feel my nipples getting hard, and they also hurt a little because they got very hard. I do not have large breasts, 33 A cup, and my pouting nipples became very large. They pushed out and were about half the size of my breast. I had never had my breasts and nipples get that hard. Charles had been watching me all this time, and he had removed his robe and was rubbing his penis.

I told him. “I am almost ready, but I want to try something first. Will you help me?” He nodded yes and I lay down on the bench and scooted up so my stomach was right under his chest. I opened my legs and placed my feet up on the bench so that Lightning was right above me and I opened my legs so Lightning was right above me and my open legs. I then pushed up, there are about three inches between me and his chest, and let his chest make contact with my stomach and breasts. The feel of the fur, the smell of horse and, my arousal all contributed to the feeling of contentment and lust that I felt. I think that is the first time I really felt sexual lust. I rubbed on him and pressed my mons against his fur and it felt very erotic. Then I asked Charles, “Has he dropped it yet?” Charles said no which is what I had wanted to happen. I scooted down on the bench and pushed my hips up and my mons pressed against his stomach, and I had a small orgasm when that happened. I told Charles to hold him and I scooted down further until my thighs touched his legs. Then I pushed up and scooted down until his sheath make contact with my labia. I rubbed my labia against his sheath and very soon I felt his penis pushing against me. He was of course trying to drop it. I pushed against him and his penis just would not be denied. It pushed against me and I had to scoot forward a little and it went between my legs and dropped all the way out. I heard Charles gasp when that happened. I pushed hard against him and could feel the hugeness of his upper penis pushing against my labia. It filled up my entire crotch area and it felt wonderful. I just sighed and settled back on the bench.

Charles then asked me, “Are you ready now?” I said, “Not yet, and I got up and filled a bucket with water. I went to the shelf where I had put a bottle of baby shampoo and came back to Lightning. I took his penis and after wetting my hands in the water I got his penis all wet. I then took the bottle of shampoo and used the shampoo to clean off his penis. He got very turned on when I did that and beat his stomach with his penis as I cleaned him. I rinsed him off and lay back on the bench.

I opened my legs and asked Charles to lubricate both me and Lightning. Charles was quick to respond. I then told Charles, “Take hold of his penis and don’t let him try to push it all in me. Let him push in some of it and then I will work it in so it will not hurt me.” He said, “OK” and grabbed Lightning’s penis with both hands and placed him against my labia. lightning gave a push and he went in immediately. But Charles held him and he did not go all the way to my cervix. I just relaxed and squeezed my vagina as his penis throbbed in me.

I then slowly started to push against his penis until it just touched my cervix. Surprisingly it did not hurt anymore. I got braver and pushed harder against him and even though he was firmly against my cervix it did not hurt like before. It was a little uncomfortable, but the pain was not there. I told Charles to let him push in me and as if on cue, Lightning pushed against my cervix as he tried to get more of it in me. I told Charles to not let him go in any further, and I layed and enjoyed the huge penis which was taking all my concentration.

Then it happened. His penis started swelling and my womb started to dance against his penis. The feeling is one of complete abandonment to the sex act and the womb must open up to accept the sperm. Once again he came and came and came. I told Charles, “Don’t let him pull out too fast.” When he started to pull back Charles held him and the feelingof the slow withdrawal of the huge flared head drove me into a state of delerium. I felt like I was having a baby but without the pain. Oh I am so glad I am a woman. And after this session with Lightning I know that I had become a horsewoman for good and forever.


Part Three

The next morning I slept until 9 AM. When I went into the kitchen, Charles had already made breakfast, and him and the girls had already eaten. He asked me if I was hungry and I told him I was hungry enough to eat a horse, which made him laugh hilarously. He fried some eggs for me and we made small talk as I ate breakfast. After breakfast, we cleaned the house (made the beds, washed dishes, etc.), and then we sat down and talked about the previous night.

He started off with, “Gee Jan, you really like to do this, don’t you? You really surprised me when you were able to take Bulit as well as you did. Tell me how it feels.”

With that as my prompt, I said, “Well, Charles, the feeling is very intense when they first go in. Especially when Bulit was able to put it in. The head is so big it feels like when I had the girls, but without the pain. There is a spot near the opening where he seems to have to really push to get past it, but once it goes past that point, I just feel very full. The feeling when they push against my cervix is very intense, but when the head starts to flare I lose track of everything and can only concentrate on the extreme feeling of fullness that I feel. Thank you very much for telling me I could do this with them. I love you very much, and you know me better than I know myself. I did not know I would like this and I have to admit that when you mentioned it, I thought it was very perverted. Thank you for noticing that my vagina had gotten quite large and that I needed more to satisfy me.”

He said, “Jan, I haven’t told you but I knew you needed a large penis. Before I asked you to do this I had started to place my forearm between your legs, while you were sleeping, and you would squeeze my arm and push against it. I would also make my hand into a fist and place it on your mound and in your sleep youwould push my fist down between your legs and push against it. I don’t know if you had noticed but when we would go out walking you started to hold my forearm instead of my hand. This started after I had started putting it between your legs when you were sleeping. You also started to play with my hand more, and you would absent mindedly roll it into a fist and rub your hand over it.”

I replied, “Oh Charles, I always liked your arms and hands and I thought I just did it to show my love for you. I think you are just a wee bit perverted.”

We both laughed and he said, “Jan, I just love you very much and I am always looking for ways to please you and for ways you may get more pleasure out of life. I know that when Annmarie was born you had a difficult time, and your vagina never did go back to normal size. Remember I can tell because I am in it all the time.” And we both broke into a good hard laugh.

I told him, “Charles, I really did like what Bulit did to me, but I am afraid he will hurt me. He is terribly wild and pushes way too hard. But I almost passed out when his huge penis stiffened and he flared. His flare got so large and it felt so good I almost died.”

“I know.” said Charles, “I saw it when he pulled out. The head of his cock is just absolutely huge. Your pussy pulled out about two inches when it was coming out. Did you feel that?”

“Oh yes.” I said. “That stretching was the greatest feeling I have ever had in my vagina. It is impossible for me to describe; however, I know I want to feel it again. But, I am afraid he will hurt me.”

Then Charles surprised me by saying, “Why don’t you take the time to train him to be calm.”

“Oh Charles, could I?”

“Yes you can, and we need to discuss how you will do this.”

Thus started my next great experience with getting horses to mate with a woman.

We decided that getting Bulit to stop getting in a position to kick was the first thing we needed to do. Charles said that if we would put some sort of binder (shackles) to hold his back legs together would be something we could try. He was also concerned that he might rear up and hurt me with one of his front hoofs, so we decided to tie his front legs together also. It took him a week before he got all the equipment together, and I spent a lot of time grooming Bulit during this period.

The day came to try our methods and we went to the stable one evening after the girls had been tucked into bed and were asleep. Charles put the restraints on him and tied him to the grooming post. I pulled the bench over and took off my dress and laid down on the bench. Once I was in position, Charles stroked his sheath a few time and there he was, just as proud as can be. He was somewhat jittery and was neighing quite a bit. Charles placed him against my mons and I pushed gentle against him. He started hunching like there was no tomorrow and Charles had to move his penis away from me.

It was terribly frustrating for me and I reached down between my legs and pulled Bulit’s penis so that itwas between him and my body. I was amazed by how large he was, and my excitement at being next to such a large penis made me have an intense orgasm. I slowly stroked it and I could feel him stiffen it each timeI ran my hands down the shaft. I did this for a while and then I felt him tense up and I looked down between my breasts, where I had positioned his penis, and I saw the head of his penis start to flare. My god it got so large I could not even conceive of getting it into me; however, I knew I could do it because he had already been deep in me a week ago. I couldn’t stop having an orgasm and my legs where slapping together like a butterfly’s wings. It must have been very erotic because I noticed Charles masturbating like a little boy. And, I supposed that compared to what I had in my hands, he was a little boy. I was drenched in his come, and the thought of calming him down and letting him ravish me made me smile happily.

I felt unsatisfied, and my legs were still closing and opening with my desire. I said, “Charles sweetheart, get Lightning and bring him over here along with the strap for my legs.” He was quick at getting Lightning and slung the strap over his back, and he tied him the the grooming post next to Bulit. He gave me the tube of K-Y jelly and I liberally spread it all over my mons and inside my vagina. I placed my legs in the strap and pulled myself up against his sheath and pressed my labia against it. I felt his sheath tighten and his penis started to push out and it immediately went into me. I pushed against it until I had all I could take in me, and then I slid down as more of his penis pushed out of the sheath. I was so turned on that I started pumping up against his stomach and pushing it into me as far as I could. The act takes about three minutes and I made good use of the time. I felt his penis stiffen and then the marvelous feeling of his growing flare overwhelmed me. I couldn’t stop pushing up to meet him and I could feel my womb trying to open as it danced on his flare. I came and came and came. I was the happiest woman in the world at that instant and a great sigh escaped from my lips. Charles just stood there mesmerized by what I did. A woman is the greatest creation in the world because she can satisfy any male. At that instant I felt like I could do any creature on the earth. It is oh so wonderful.

When I came back to earth I looked over at Bulit and he had a huge hardon. Evidently having Lightning dome so close to him had aroused him. I now knew that everytime I satisfied Lightning I would have Bulit right next to us. Perhaps this way he would learn to calm down.

In the weeks that followed I continued to place the hobbles on Bulit and I would masturbate him everyday. It got to the point where he would drop as soon as I entered the stable, but that was a way, or at leastI thought it was, of telling me he was happy to see me. He got to the point where he would no longer try to lift his hind leg when I started to masturbate him; but, he would still push wildly as I ran my hands over his penis. I was in no hurry. I knew that he would have me sooner rather than later.

The next two months passed very quickly. He got to where he would be calm as I masturbated him, and he would no longer raise his hind legs. I thought it might be time to try. I told Charles how I felt, and he told me we would try it that Saturday.

I walked on air during the next three days, and I was always cupping my mons when I got a chance, which was all the time. I spent the nights with Charles’s forearm between my legs and rubbed up and down on his arm most of the night. I was living in a world of lust as I had never known before. I longed for that huge penis, and the thought of the huge head pushing past my labia would never leave me. I sometimes thought I was in love with Bulit; however, I know now that the intensity of unsatisfied lust will feel like love.

Saturday finally came. I spent the day in a daze, and I couldn’t even carry on a decent conversation with Charles or the girls. I must have gone out to the stable at least fifteen times that day to look at himand most of the time he was exhibiting his glory. I could hardly stand it. We tucked the girls into bed a little earlier than usual that night, and we were alone. For some unknown reason I put on a tight slinky dress which clings to my body and took off my underwear. I felt somewhat slutty.

In the stable, Charles immediately went and brought Bulit over, and he tied him to the grooming post. He put in the hobbles and then moved the bench under Bulit. I smiled at him and he gave me a sheepish grin and I slowly started to take my dress off. Charles was hard almost immediately and Bulit had dropped and was just looking at me with those wonderful large eyes. I was completely undressed and went and laid on the bench. Charles handed me the K-Y jelly and I rubbed it all over my labia and on Bulit’s penis. He jerked strongly when I rubbed the jelly all over his penis. I placed my legs in the strap and asked Charlesto help him get in me. Charles took the huge penis and rubbed it through my labia a few times and I orgasamed as soon as Bulit’s penis touched me. Charles then positioned Bulit’s penis right at the entrance to my vagina and pushed it a little. I could feel my labia push into my vagina as Charles pushed Bulit’s penis against me. I pushed back and I could feel that my vagina spread eagarly to accept the huge penis. I pushed harder and then Bulit gave a push and he was in me all the way to my cervix. Oh the joy. I could feel my vagina trying to clamp around his penis, but he was so large I don’t really know if if could squeeze hard enough to make him feel it. I pulled up with my legs and he seemed to go even deeper as my legs and vagina opened up even more. I pumped on him for about two minutes and then his penis stiffened, and the huge head started to flare. I thought it would never stop. My womb was pushing hard against him and I could feel it opening up. My entire insides were pushing against him and then he came and came and came.After a few seconds he started to subside and was pulling out, but, I had not had enough yet. I pushed back toward his sheath so it would not come out and just enjoyed the feeling of him inside me. He calmed down after awhile and his penis never really pulled back up into his sheath. All of a sudden I felt his penis twitch.

I pushed against him and I could feel him growing in me. I was a fantastic feeling. I pushed against himas hard as I could and once again he was as far in me as he could go. This time I just lay there and he twitched his penis, like they do out in the field when they masturbate, and I could feel the pressure pulling me toward his stomach everytime he did it. However, I was in heaven and completely his. I just lay there trying to squeeze my vagina and feeling wonderful. Then he started to flare again, and my orgasm got even more intense. I felt my stomach and I could feel it bulging out right about where his penis was flaring. I love my horse, Bulit. He makes me feel like a real woman.

We cleaned up after it was over and had a good nights rest. We settled down to a peaceful existence withfrequent moments of intense pleasure for me whenever Charles would invite me out to the stable.

Three years later at a horse show, I saw a beautiful draught horse that made me feel my mons as I peered ove the fence at him. Charles said, “Janice, people are watching you.” I blushed and had to fantasize by squeezing my legs together.


Part Four

We settled into a very happy and fullfilling life style, and my encounters with the horses were limited to when Charles would request that we go and visit the horses, or he would jokingly say “Let’s go get the horses ready for bed.” Fasternabulit became my favorite lover; however, I did not neglect servicing Lightning periodically. JetAway was still as frisky as ever and I did not trust him; however, I continued to try to train him to be calm. He was getting better, but not enough for me to trust him completely.

We taught the girls how to ride and they loved the horses, as little girls always do, and we would reserve the weekends for riding along the river. Nicole rode Bulit, Charles would ride JetAway, and AnnMarie and I would ride Lightning. It became apparent that we would need a new horse very soon for AnnMarie.

Charles and I would go to the horse shows and look for calm looking horses that might be suitable for a little girl; however, we were not having much luck at finding one which we felt would be adquate.

About three years after I had completed training Bulit, Charles and I went to a horse show in Santa Fe, New Mexico. These shows are usually put on so that individuals can find buyers for their horse, or in some cases they are used by horse owners to show off their horses. Near the end of the show, and most of the people had left already, this older man brought out a beautiful draught horse. He had groomed the horse extremely well and had even braided it’s tail. He was a beautiful chestnut color with white hair covering his back legs and white hair extending from his shoulders to his front legs. He was powerfully built, as draught horses are, but he seemed remarkably calm. I was mesmerized by such a large horse, and then he turned sideways and I saw his sheath. It was HUGE and I could only imagine what it was hiding. My hand involuntarily rose to my stomach and I unconciously pressed my hand around my lower stomach. I was wearing a light summer dress and I’m sure my hand motions must have lifted my dress somewhat. My hand then slipped over my mons and I gasped. Charles turned and looked at me and smiled. He said, “Jan, people are watching and you are getting a lot of smiles.” I blushed and got my emotions back together and watched the old man walk the beautiful horse around the arena. He was such a beautiful sight that I think I fell in love immediately. I said, “Oh Charles, let’s buy him.” I gave him my biggest smile and hugged him tightly as I said this. Charles said, “But Jan, he is not for sale. They announced he was only being shown. Anyway you saw the size of his sheath, and he is way too big.” He gave me a huge smile when he said that. I said, “Oh honey, how do you know what I can do. I just have to see how big he is.” Charles said, “Ok Jan, I will go talk to the old man about whether he would consider selling him.” I squeezed him as hard as I could and said, “Charles, I love you.”

I stayed there at the fence and worked my way over to a vertical fence post. I curled my arm round it and pushed ever so gently against it with my lower body. I made sure I didn’t make large motions as I did this, and I watched the gorgeous horse parade around the arena. After a short while I heard a voice next to me say, “He is a beautiful horse, isn’t he?” I turned and this beautiful older woman was standing next to me also watching the horse walk around the arena.

She said, “My name is Claire and I am a veterinarian. I have taken care of him since he was born and he has certainly developed into a beautiful horse. I guess I noticed that you were impressed by him also.”

“Oh yes, I have never seen such a beautiful animal in my life and, I asked my husband to go ask the ownerif he would consider selling him.”

“The owners name is Tom Hendricks and the horse is a gift he gave to his wife seven years ago. Molly just loved him and was always talking about her beutiful horse and she nicknamed him Hans. They hired me as their vet when they found out I had been with him ever since he was born.”

“Is he a healthy horse?”, I asked her.

“Yes he is. He has had two bouts with pneumonia since he was born; however, he has always responded very well to treatment. Other than that he has been very healthy.” She said, and she gave me a very broad and nice smile.

I looked closely at her and saw she was in her late forties, but she was still very attractive. She was about 5′ 9″ tall and quite slender. She was wearing tight slacks and the most striking thing about her were her very broad hips. Although she was slender and her stomac was very flat, her hips were very full and her buttocks were well formed. I usually do not notice women that much; however, this lady was very attractive and in a strange way very sensual.

She moved over to the fence and placed her foot on the lower rung and pushed out her hip as she did this. The look she presented and the way her body curved and her large hips accentuated her lower body was a sight to behold. I had never seen such a sensual lady, and she obviously knew she had a profound effect on all the people that were watching her. She was very assured of her sensuality and obviously wanted others to see her for what she was.

“I could talk to Tom about letting you buy Hans, if you really want him.” she said.

“I would love to have him, And I would give him a wonderful home.” I said.

“Molly died three months ago from an anuerism, and I know that Tom is wanting to go live near his children just outside of Chicago.” she said. “I could tell him you are very interested in buying him, and that you have assured me you would give him a good home.”

“Would you please do that for me.” I pleaded. “And you can continue to be his vet for us.” I told her.

“I would really like that.”, she said, “I will talk to you later, and here is my card.”

I thanked her again, and I watched as she walked over to the owners shed. Her wide hips swayed as she walked and I could see all the men watching her as she went by.

I kept watching the horse show, as Hans paraded around the arena. Tom the owner was obviously pleased with the applause he got, and he smiled broadly at the crowd. I noticed that quite a few women were intently watching him and in particular a young couple were watching intently. She had her hand between her legs and I could see her cup her mons periodically.

The display of Hans ended and a round of applause was accorded him as he paraded out of the arena. I sawCharles and Claire follow Tom into the stall area, and I settle down to watch the rest of the show. About half an hour later Charles and Claire emerged, followed by Tom and they all shook hands, and my heart skipped a beat thinking that something had been accomplished.

Charles and Claire walked up and sat next to me and Charles said, “Well Jan, I told you he was not for sale; however, Tom told me about his wife passing away and that he was considering moving so he could be closer to his children. He told me we would be first on the list if he decided to make the move. Claire convinced him that we would give him a good home, and that you had said Claire could continue to be his vet.He liked that and I believe that is what encouraged him to put us first on the list.”

We chatted for awhile and then prepared to leave. I told Claire I would call her and let her know if Tom told us we could buy Hans. I also asked her if she would like to be our vet for the other horses and she agreed to provide us with her services. She told me she would call me as soon as she could find some free time. We all shook hands and I couldn’t help but notice that she gave me an extra squeeze on my hand as we said goodby. It was barely noticeable but it felt like an electric shock to me.

On the way home Charles asked me if I would really like to do this and I just smiled and placed my arm between my legs. He chuckled and that night we had a great session of sex, and during the whole time I dreamed of Hans as Charles tried to stimulate me. Sigh, he just isn’t big enough, but I love him dearly

Monday of the following week, I received a call from Claire saying she would be out on Thurday to make an initial evaluation of the horses. I agreed, and for some reason got very excited that she was coming over. That night I told Charles she had called and he asked me if I wanted him to take a day off and be here for her visit. I told him it was an initial evaluation and that it should not be necessary for him to take a day off from work. He agreed and later that night he told me it was time to go get the horses ready for bed. I smiled at him and hugged him long and hard and I walked on air until we put the girls to bed, and made sure they were asleep.

Bulit was especially ready for me that night and the session we had was memorable. I was not satisfied and had Charles get Lightning ready. He is so willing to do everything I want when I am with the horses. I believe he must think I am like a sex goddess when I do this. It was kind of erotic seeing Charles use the baby shampoo and warm water to clean up Lightning’s penis, but he didn’t seem to mind. When he finished he brought Lightning over and as soon as Lightning’s penis touched my labia I opened my legs as wide as they would go and he was in and buried all the way to my cervix in one swift movement. He took my breath away and I immediately started bucking on his penis. His flare came very soon as well as my orgasm, and even though he is not as large as Bulit, he still satisfies me and gives me tremendous orgasms.

I was very giddy until Thursday and it is hard to describe the feeling I felt about Claire. She is tremendously sensual and I was strangely attracted to her. Not what I would describe as a sexual feeling but more like a daughter would feel toward a mother. Her way of walking and swinging her hips was probably the thing that turned me on about her. She exudes a feeling of awareness and confidence in being a woman. Everyone that sees her is attracted to this quality about her. And on top off all this she is very intelligent and aware of all aspects of her proffession, and she is keenly aware of all current events. She is just a pleasure to be with, but she could be somewhat intimidating to a weak person.

She arrived at 10:30AM and was wearing tight cotton pants and a white cotton blouse. She was dressed for summer and her wonderful hips were displayed favorably by her slacks. She said hello to me and then I was surprised when she gave me a big hug. I hugged her back and we smiled at each other and broke contact with each other; however, her hand went over my hip and my buttock as she turned to walk toward the barn. I did feel sort of an electric shock when she did that, but, I turned and walked with her toward the barn.the horses were grazing just outside the barn and she said, “My Jan, they are beautiful animals.” I told her me and the girls groomed them a lot, and that Charles kept the barn very clean for them. She said, “Well let’s go in the barn and we will bring them in one at a time and I will examine them.”

As we entered the barn she looked around and then walked over to the stalls and examined them. She told me it was the cleanest barn she had ever seen, and then she walked around and looked at the equipment we had in the barn. She commented that having a pole to tie them while we groomed them was a good idea. She like the fact we had cold and hot water in the barn and that everything was laid out nice and neat. She went over and examined my leg straps which were hanging on the wall, and just looked and looked and didn’t make any comments about them. She went over and picked up the tube of K-Y jelly on the shelve and noticed we had quite a few tubes stored there. Again, she did not comment on the tubes. Then she said, “Ok, let’s look at the first one.”

I went out and brought in JetAway and we tied him to the grooming post. She looked at his teeth and examined his head very well. She got some instruments, thermometer, a device to look in their ears and nostrils, and a stethoscope. She took his temperature, used a small light to look in his eyes, and looked inside his nose and ears. She examined his body all over and felt his stomach and listened to his heart and his stomach as she pressed on it. She then reached under him and felt all the way aroung his sheath and his testicles. Whe laughed when she cupped his testicles and Claire said, “You like that don’t you JetAway?”He acknowledged with a snort and he then displayed all his glory. Claire said, “My you did like it didn’t you!”

She then filled a bucket with warm water and asked me if I had some mild soap. I told her all I had was the baby shampoo on the shelve, and she said, “That will be excellent.” She then make a soapy solution inthe bucket and proceeded to clean off JetAway’s penis. After she was done she inspected it very closely for any kind of small cuts and small blisters. JetAway passed his exam with flying colors, but I did notice that she held his penis longer than I thought was necessary to do her job.

She went through the same procedure with Lightning and Bulit and remarked on their penis size by saying they would make excellent stud horses. When she was finished she washed off her hands and came over and sat next to me on the small bench and said, “Have you been having sex with them for a long time?” I was completely caught off guard and stammered something and sort of looked down and I know I blushed.

Claire said, “Dear Jan, don’t be ashamed. A lot of women do it, and most of my clients wives are into sex with horses. Molly, Tom’s wife was having sex with Hans, and I helped her to train Hans to be gentle and not get overly aggressive when they had sex. She just loved him so much and she would always do it with Hans. For some reason Hans always seemed ready and eager to satisfy her.”

I looked at her and asked her, “But how did you know I did it also?”

She told me, “There are a lot of indicators for a person willing to see them. My suspicions were raised when I saw you at the horse show. Most women when they see a horse will giggle and act silly. If you remember, your reaction was one where you placed your hand against your lower belly and rubbed and pressed it. Only a woman who has had a horse penis in her and has had the experience of a horse ‘flaring’ in her knows the wonderful feeling it leaves in you lower stomach. The tubes of K-Y jelly which you keep in here also indicate a sexual relationship with the horses. Although the horse can push his penis in without the jelly, it is much more pleasurable for the woman if she uses a lubricant. The small bench was also a giveaway. Stools in a barn are normal equipment, but a small bench is only used when a woman wants to get in a comfortable position. Another thing which happens to horses when they have sex with women is that they will drop whenever a woman is around them. All of your horses do that. Also the straps, I don’t know how they work, but they are not normal equipment which I find in most barns. And last of all, I also like horse sex and I guess I feel attracted to other women who do the same thing.”

“Oh Claire, you amaze me. Can you tell me which one I like the most?”

“You like Bulit the most. He is the largest and his penis has been used more. I noticed he had a few bruises on his penis, but it was not serious, and were the kind of bruises they get after intercourse. I like him the best also because of his large penis and his calmness. Do you think we could try them out today?”

I said, “Yes, which one do you want?”

I knew before she answered it would be Bulit and he was already clean and tied to the grooming post. She took off her blouse revealing beautiful breasts and then she slipped out of her slacks. She placed then on a hanger on the wall and her beautiful hips amazed me as she put the slacks and blouse on the hanger. She turned around and slipped out of her panties and walked over to the bench which I had already placed under Bulit. She sat on it and asked me for the K-Y jelly and liberally applied it on herself and on Bulit. He looked so majestic with his HUGE penis cupped in her hands. She then leaned back on the bench and held Bulit with both hands and spread her legs as wide as she could and placed his penis next to her pussy. Bulit gave a push and he was in quite a ways and she just gasped. She kept her hands around Bulit’s penis and pushed him in her as he pushed on her. It was an amazing sight and now I knew why Charles was so mesmerized when he would watch me. She just kept on trying to push him in further and got him in so far that the ring around his penis disappeared into her gaping vagina. She pushed and pushed and pushed and then she screamed and I knew he was “flaring” in her. Then he yanked it out and the head of his penis was grotequely HUGE.

I now know why Charles is amazed when Bulit does this with me. It is impossible to describe how big it is and the spray of cum that occurs when it comes out. I looked at Claire and her wonderfully wide hips were moving up and down and she was just gasping for breath.

After a few minutes and everyone had caught their breath she looked at me and said, “Now you must show mewhat the straps are for.” I just nodded yes and went out and brought Lightning into the barn.

I untied Bulit and replaced him with Lightning at the grooming post and took the straps off of the wall and draped them over Lightnings rump. I waited until his erection had subsided and pulled back into his sheath. I then removed my clothes and pushed the bench under Lightning. I looked at Claire and said, “I like to feel his sheath on my labia before he goes in, that is why I had Charles make the straps. I then slipped my feet into the straps and pulled myself up until my vagina was touching his sheath. I pushed hard against it and felt the stirrings of his penis as it started to get hard and push out of the sheath. I suddenly remembered I had not lubricated myself. But it was too late, the pressure on my vagina increased and then I felt my labia opening up like a blossom and a feeling of wantonness came over me. I opened my legs as far as I could and he bottomed out and started to twitch like a giant’s penis . Oh my joy was immeasurable. I pushed and pushed and all of a sudden the flare started and my orgasm made my body tingle all over. I knew my whole body was blushing but I felt like a princess.

He started to subside, but I still needed more. I followed his shrinking penis and held it tightly in my vagina. He soon stopped pulling it into his sheath and I started moving my hips up and down. Then just as always, after a few minutes he started growing again. He felt so wonderful and big. My womb was pressed tightly against his penis and soon my womb started pushing and twitching around the head of his penis. I couldn’t help myself, I let out a large gasp and pushed with all my might, and almost immediately his flare started to form. Oh the joy of it all. I just had orgasm after orgasm as he filled me with his sperm. Then he pulled out and I just lay there with my legs open in a wanton position and Claire looking at me with a huge smile on her face.

“Jan you are wonderful.” she said. I just smiled and we just looked at each other as our desires ebbed and our fulfillment played in our minds. Claire said, “Jan, have you ever made love to a woman before?” I said, “No, I love Charles too much and would never think of cheating on him. It is just something I would never do.”

She said, “I understand, but, if you ever want to, I am here.”

I said, “I like you alot, Claire, and if I ever do it with any woman, it will be you.”

We cleaned up, and she told me, “Jan, you would be surprised how many women do this. Some of them tell their husbands, others keep it a secret. I have help many of them get started and one of these days I will tell you about some of the things I have seen.

I asked her if it would be alright to tell Charles. She said to wait until she got to know him better and that ended our afternoon session. She told me she would come by every two months to check out the horses. I felt great and said bye to her and went back to my daily life.


Part Five

Once again life settled down to a normal experience, with the exception that Claire now came over and checked out the horses every two months. Those days were full of excitement for me because we would ravish the horses, and she worked with JetAway to calm him down. She is succeeding slowly but surely, and he is becoming a very able and accommadating lover. It turns out that he needed more cuddling and soft whispers to calm him down. Even though he is the smallest of the horses, he is quite large compared to the human penis and can satisfy any woman he has intercourse with.

After our sessions with the horses, Claire would tell me stories of women she knew who made love to their horses. She only knows one who has not had any children; however, she was able to accommadate a small horse after a couple of sessions. She has not told her husband she makes love to the horse.

Claire was very impressed with the harness Charles had fabricated. She asked Charles if he could have them made in quantity. Charles agreed to do it and they have sold quite a few of them to ladies that are into horse love. I have to admit that the harness makes it easier for us to get the full satisfaction and control we need for this type of sex.

About eight months after I met Claire she informed me that Tom was indeed going to move and he had mentioned he was goint to call us to see if we still wanted to give Hans a good home. My heart skipped a beat when she said this. We had not heard anything from Tom and I had just assumed he was going to stay in New Mexico. I know that my thighs involuntarily squeezed together, and Claire just smiled at me and said “Isn’t it just wonderful?” I just laughed and said, “Oh Claire, I am such a happy woman right now. I can hardly wait to see how big he is.” Claire said, “Jan, you will not be disappointed. Molly was the happiest woman I have ever known, and I am quite happy with Hans also.”

Two weeks later, Tom, called and asked Charles if we were still interested in buying Hans. Charles told him we were and asked him if we could come out and see him before committing to a price, and Tom said we could come over that Saturday.

On Saturday we dropped the girls off at Mom’s house and rode out to Tom’s spread. I kept crossing and uncrossing my legs, and finally Charles said, “Jan come sit over here next to me. I unfastened my seat belt and scooted over next to him and he pulled my dress up and placed his forearm right on my vagina. I went insane with lust and just squeezed until I was all wet and just panting for air.

We drove up Tom’s driveway and parked next to his pickup. Tom came out of the house as we drove up with a large smile and said, “Howdy, folks.” We greeted him warmly and then he said, “Let’s go over the the barn, Hans is in his stall.” I could barely walk from the lust I was feeling and my thighs were very wet from the masturbating I had done on Charles’s arm. My heart was beating like a trip hammer. Tom said, “You folks wait here while I get him out of his stall.”

In a few seconds, Tom came out leading Hans, who is the most beautiful horse in the world. I was amazed at his size as I stood next to him. He had to be a little over seventeen hands tall and very powerfully built. I went over to him and ran my hands over his shoulders and down his side. He quivered a little when I did that and snorted softly. I went up and put my arms around his neck and smelled his hair and he had a wonderful smell of horse to him. He moved his head up and down when I did that and snorted softly and I could feel him quivering.

All this time Tom was watching me and he finally said, “He needs to get tender loving care from a woman. I think he misses Molly alot, and I have never had the time to devote to him like she had. I said, “Oh Charles, let’s take him and give him a good home.” Charles looked at me and winked and said, “Are you sure you can take care of such a large animal.” I said, “Oh Charles you know I can, and I will especially take very good care of Hans.” Tom said to Charles, “Let me show you my spread while Jan and Hans get to know each other.”

As soon as they left I looked at his essentials. His testicles are very large and they are soft and covered with a short soft fur. It felt so good to feel them after having dreamed about it for so long. I put my hand on his sheath and stroked it a few time and there he was. He let it out slowly and the size was everything I knew it would be. It was finally all out and the head of his penis was just beautiful. It was quite larger than Bullit’s and the length of his penis was also much longer than Bullit. I put my hand on his penis and it jerked up and slapped his stomach, and he let out a soft snorting sound. I watched for awhile, completely mesmerized by his size, as he slapped his stomach. I was so turned on by all the fantazing I had done about him, that I finally reached down and picked his penis up and pulled it over toward me. One of the things I noticed immediately was the heaviness of it. It was very heavy and very noticable when it was picked up. I had noticed that in Bullit also, but Bullit did not compare with the sheer immensity of the weight of Hans’s penis. I pulled it over and lifted up my dress and pressed my mons against the huge head of his penis. It was truly immense and it completely covered up my entire mons area. I felt myself tremble as I had a small orgasm. I just stood there and pressed against him until I heard the guys coming back. I quickly composed myself as best I could and they walked in the barn.

Of course Hans still was in a state of excitement and his penis was still showing proudly and majestically. Tom looked and smiled and said, “Well, it looks like you two are getting to know each other.” I just blushed and Charles smiled broadly. Then Charles said, “Ok Tom, you got a deal. Do you want to deliver him or should we pick him up.” Tom said, “Charles, I have my trailer loaned out to a neighbor, and he will not be back for a week. Do you want to wait until them.” I said immediately, “Charles, let’s come and get him tomorrow.” And Charles said, “OK Tom, we will come and get him tomorrow morning.” We all shook hands and as we left the barn I glanced back and Hans was still showing all his glory and I thought he was saying, “Don’t stay away too long.”

The following morning Charles hitched up the trailer and we drove over to Tom’s spread, and we backed up the trailer to the gate. Tom was already waiting for us, and he had Hans ready to be loaded. Hans looked so beautiful standing in the morning sun and his coat glistened healthily as we walked up to him. I hugged his neck, and then Charles and Tom opened up the trailer and pulled and pushed Hans into it. Hans did not put up any resistance, and it seemed to me like he was ready to go with us. I know that my mind was playing tricks on me because of the fantasizing I had done about him but I couldn’t help it. I felt like I loved him and somehow felt like he was also facinated by me.

We said our good byes and we started the trip home. I slid over on the seat next to Charles and he had his arm between my legs all the way home. I just squirmed and squeezed and pushed up on his arm all the way home. I had numerous orgasms on the way.

We unloaded Hans and took him in the barn. I tied him up to the grooming post and got the brush and brushed him off to get the dust of the road off of him. I couldn’t resist brushing his underside and as soon as I started to brush it, there he was, just as proud as can be. I said, “Oh Charles, look at him. He is so beautiful.” Charles replied with, “Jan that is a HUGE horse cock.” I just smiled at him and said, “Isn’t it big and beautiful. Oh Charles let me try him now. We don’t have to get the girls from mom’s until later. I’m sure we have plenty of time.” Charles looked at me in awe and said, “Jan, are you sure you want to do this. He is very big.” I said with a coy smile, “Well I can try it and if I have troublbe with him we can try it again tonight.” Charles just smiled and said, “Jan you are a real hussy.”

I got some warm water and shampoo and soaped his penis real good. It is extremely large and as I rubbed it the tingling between my thighs got to where it was burning me up. I got the K-Y and applied it libeally to both myself and Hans and laid down on the bench. His penis was fully erect and the head of his penis was already very large. I told Charles to hold his penis and position it while I held my labia open with my hands. Charles place the head of Han’s penis against my labia and it completely covered my crotch area. I was in a panic because it was so large, and I felt terribly frustrated because I wanted him in me so bad. I told Charles to push it and it wouldn’t even try to go in. I told Charles to place it against my labia and when he did that, I used my fingers to push the head into my vagina. I pushed all around the head and soon it was in me. It felt so good and so immensely large. Then I said, “OK Charles now you can push him in.” I was dying as as the huge fat penis moved slowly into my vagina. It didn’t take long and he was pressed against my cervix and I was pumping hard against him. I had never felt so full in my entire life. He pushed against me and then he started to flare. He grew and just kept on growing. I was having an immense orgasm. Then I started to panic because it seemed like he was never going to stop flaring. I was completely full and he was still getting larger. It started to hurt, and then he came and came and came. Some spilled out but most of it I could feel in me. Then he started to pull out. It felt like I was having a baby. He pulled me back and along with him as he pulled and Charles said, “Oh my god Jan, are you OK.” I just moaned as he kept pulling and then he plopped out and the size of the head of his penis was impossible to imagine as having been in me. I just looked at it and then I had another huge orgasm. The amount of come that splattered over everything was also hard to imagine, and it just oozed out of me as I lay there and gazed at his penis.

I lay back with my legs spread and hanging over the sides of the bench. My vagina would not stop contracting and my hips were involuntarily pushing up and down. Charles came over and said, “Jan, are you OK. His penis is so immense I thought he was going to hurt you.” I sobbed a little and said, “Oh Charles, he did hurt me a little bit, but he is so wonderfully big that I almost died from the pleasure he gave me. When he flared he almost ripped me open. It felt like when I was pregnant with the girls. When he pulled out I thought I was having a baby.” He told me, “I could tell he was flaring because your lower stomach pushed out and I could see the bulge move as he pushed in and out. Did you like it?” I said, “Oh Charles I love you and I am happy you have made me a horse woman. They have the most beautiful penis’s in the whole world. All women should experience what it is like to be with a horse.” Charles laughed and said, “And if they did that, where would we be?” I said, “Charles we love our men but like to have sex with the horses. That isn’t so bad is it?” He just pouted and said, “I guess not.”

I lay on the bench for about ten minutes and finally sat up. My vagina was still contracting as if it was squeezing the huge penis. I looked at Hans I could have sworn he was smiling, but of course horses don’t do that, but my imagination was going a mile a minute. Charles helped me up and I dressed and he helped back to house. I just plopped down on the couch in a wanton position, with my legs wide open, and let my vagina convulse as I thought of the largesy penis in the world. I told Charles, “You will have to go and get the girls. I don’t think I am up to a trip right now, and I need to compose myself.”

Charles went for the girls and I just stayed where I was. I couldn’t help but rub myself and I even put four fingers ans then my whole hand in my vagina. It was still very loose, but I was also very content with the feelings which were flashing through my body. My lower stomach felt especially different and I supposed it was from the huge penis which had just violated me. But I was happy and I was in love.

My vagina was still throbbing when Charles and the girls returned and it was still not back to normal when I went to bed that night. Charles hugged and kissed me but other than massage my legs he did not do anything which was sexual.

The following morning when I got up to fix Charles his breakfast my vagina was still contracting; however the contractions were not as intense. I go him off to work and got about my house work; but, all the time I could not get my mind off of the intense feelings Hans had given me. The girls got up and I fixed them breakfast and got them ready for a swimming trip they were going on with one of their friends. It was Lattichas mother’s turn to take them and she would pick up the girls at eleven that morning.

After I had gotten the girls ready we all went out to feed the horses. My knees got weak when I say Hans and as soon as we got to the fence, the horny horse dropped it. I almost died when I saw it. I must have gasped because Nicole said, “Mom, what’s wrong.” I just said, “He is a beautiful horse, Nicole, and we have to take good care of him.” She said, “We will, Mom.”

Promptly at eleven Latticha and her mom arrived. I told the girls to be careful and they took off for the afternoon. I started to go back in the house and I noticed that Hans was at the fence looking at me. My knees got weak and I just stood there and looked at him, and I heard him snort softly. He turned sideways to be against the fence and my mouth went dry when I saw his penis. All I can say is that is is huge and beautiful. I walked over to the fence and rubbed his forehead as he gently moved his head up and down. He put his head over the fence and I kissed him fully on the lips. And then I kissed him again and again. I suddenly realized I was out in the open, and everthough the neighbors are a way off I realized they might still be able to see me.

I walked along the fence and Hans followed me. I then went into the barn and he went around to the barn doors and I just stood at the grooming post and looked at him. He just looked at me and then he strolled over to where I was standing and placed his head on my shoulder. I hugged him and then moved around and started to kiss him again as I hugged him around the neck. He was very quiet and seemed to enjoy it very much. I then started stroking his shoulders and his forelegs. Then I heard the slap and moved away to his side and looked under him. He was slapping his penis on his stomach and I knew he wanted to have sex with me again. I was in love again.

I pulled the bench over and got the K-Y and sat down to lubricate him. I then lubricated myself and lay down on the bench with my legs spread as far as they would go. When I was comfortable I pushed my hips up against him and I could feel him searching for my vagina as his penis bounced up and down. I spread my labia with my hands and let him search for me. He would find my vagina every other stroke but when he pushed it would not go in. I was getting frustrated, and I waiting for him to get it positioned right one more time, and then I pushed against him with all my might. This time he pushed and I pushed and I could feel my labia being pushed right into my vagina as the huge head tried to go in. I pulled my labia further apart and then it started to slowly go in. I could feel the huge head opening my vagina and pushing it back. It then pushed in past the entrance and I had a vagina full of horse penis. He pushed hard and it was firmly wedged against my cervix, and my hips started to move uncontrallably up to meet his huge penis. This time he lasted longer than the first time and I was able to enjoy the fullness he gave me. Then it started to flare and once again it seemed like it would never stop growing. When he came I could feel every pulse his penis made and then he started to pull out. It was heavenly but it did hurt. He had to try about four times before he was able to get it out.

I was completely overcome with emotion, lust, pain, and an emptiness in my vagina. I knew I could not do this every day because he did hurt, but I vowed to to it as often as I could. At some point I was able to get up and clean everything off. I then went to call Claire because she had requested I give her a call as soon as we got Hans, so she could do a checkup on him.


Part Six

I walked back to the house and called up Claire to tell her we had brought Hans to the house on Sunday. She was very happy and told me she would come out on Wednesday to check him out. She sounded very excited and I knew that more than a physical was in store for Hans.

I called mom, and I asked her if she could watch the girls on Wednesday because a friend was coming over and she wanted me to take her to Santa Fe. I hated to lie to mom, but I couldn’t very well tell her I was having a friend over and we were going to make love to the horses. She of course loves to have the girls over, and she promptly agreed to watch them for the day.

Wednesday arrived and I got Charles of to work and dressed and fed the girls. We then jumped in the SUV and we talked and giggled all the way to mom’s house. I was tremendously turned on, and I could hardly wait until Claire came over. I sped back to the house after I dropped off the girls and quickly changed into a short summer dress. I stood in front of the mirror and admired myself. I was in heaven because I was going to see my lover. I pushed out my hips and my hips showed nicely under my dress. I ran my hands down my hips and thighs and pulled the dress up and admired my lust-filled vagina. It stuck out proudly as I pushed my hips forward. I played my hands all over my body and got myself worked up for the coming session.

Claire arrived at 10AM. I ran out to meet her and gave her a huge hug. She was wearing thin cotton slacks which displayed her beautiful wide hips and long legs. Her mons pushed against the slacks and looked very large and eager. She smiled and said, “Well let’s go see the big boy.”

We walked into the barn and I opened the horse door to allow the horses easy access to the inside area. I walked out and ran my hands over Hans’s neck and led him back to the barn. Claire was getting her instruments out of her bag and as soon as Hans came in and I tied him to the grooming post, she started her examination. She listened to his heart and lungs and then ran her hands over his body as she checked him for scratches and abrasions. She then looked at his eyes and mouth and forced his mouth open so she could examine his teeth and throat. She smiled and said he was very healthy. Then she said, “Jan, I have to check his penis and make sure he hasn’t picked up an infection or something. I just smiled at her as she ran her hands over his sheath and his balls. Needless to say he dropped it as soon as she touched him. She reached down and pulled it up and looked at it carefully and smiled and said, “It looks perfect and in good health. It also looks nice and big, Jan.” I just smiled as his penis jerked up in her hands. She then went over and hugged his neck and gave him a big kiss as he softly snorted.

“Jan, Molly and I used to make love to Hans every chance we got. Would you let me make love to him now?”, and she smiled brightly as she said it. I said, “Claire, I fully expect us to have a good time with all the horses today. That is why I took the girls over to mom’s house.” She lauged and said, “I think you and I would have been fantastic mares. I’ll get ready.” With that she took off her blouse and slipped out of her slacks. Her wide hips looked beautiful and her panties seemed to be glued on her. Her flat stomach was gorgeous and her mons stood out proudly.

She brought the bench over and placed it under Hans, and then she laid on it and I noticed that she intentionally pushed her stomach against him as she eased herself on the bench. Hans’s penis jerked as she was positioning herself under him. She put her feet on the bench and pushed herself up to make contact with his stomach, and Hans jerked his penis as she did it, and it wedged between her mons and his stomach. I quickly got the k-y jelly and applied it liberally to Hans and Claire. He wouldn’t stop jerking his penis up and down. Once I had finished Claire said, “Ok, Jan, now let him find it by himself.” With that she pushed up and then eased down and then slowly eased herself up again. Hans jerked his penis up and pushed agains her labia, and it pushed right up and lodged between her stomach and his stomach. Clair eased down again and again Hans jerked up and down as he searched for her vagina. He kept missing, but I think Claire was just playing with him as she moved up and down. She did this for awhile and then all of a sudden he pushed and wedged himself against her labia right at the entrance to her vagina. Hans must have felt her vagina give a little because he stopped jerking and pushed hard against her with his penis. I could see her labia push in as the huge head tried to open up her vagina and give him give him access to her wetness. Claire moaned and said in a gruff voice, “Push you son-of-a-bitch!”, and she pushed hard against his penis. Suddenly the huge head was engulfed by her vagina as she let out a low growl. She said, rather loudly, “Oh it’s been so long.” Hans was in her and she was smacking her legs against his stomach as she pushed against his huge penis. She then started to slowly move up and down. His penis would come out about three inches and then he would push it back in and she would just moan. They did this for about three minutes and then she just sighed and moaned and I could visibly see her flat stomach start forming a bulge right above her mons. She yelled, “Oh god, Hans you are so big.” Her mouth then open as she gasped for air and Hans just snorted as he started to deliver his sperm deep in her. She smashed her stomach against his and then he started to pull out. I was mesmerized by the sight. Her labia opened up and he slowly started pulling his penis out of her vagina. I couldn’t believe she would stretch that much; however, Hans slowly pulled it out and the largest thing I have ever seen in a woman plopped out of her vagina. His flare was just immense and she just let out her breath and said, “Thank you, thank you. I love you Hans.”

I was so turned on. I quickly went out and brought in Bulit. Claire smiled at me as I brought him in and prepared him for a love session. Needless to say he performed admirably and I was left very contented but I still had a longing for more. Now Claire went out and brought in JetAway and Lightning. We each took one of then and had more sex. After we were done, I looked over at Hans and he had a raging hardon. I looked at Claire and said, “Now it is my turn.”

I asked her to get the harness as I prepared me and Hans for a session. Claire came and put the harness across his haunches and I lay on the bench and put my feet in the harness loops. I asked Claire to put him in me. She guided his penis to my vagina and pulled it up and down through my labia a few times and then placed it right on my vagina. I pushed and so did Hans. This time it went in rather easy and I was full to the brim immediately. My womb found the place where his flare makes a little cup and I could feel my womb dance around his flare. It was so wonderfully large. I pushed up and down with the help of the harness, and all of a sudden the tightning of my canal began as he started growing. My womb never stopped pushing against his penis, and as he swelled I couold feel myself starting to blush all over. Then he started to come and I started to swell even more. I was having a never ending orgasm. Then he pulled out and I could feel my labia stretch to allow him to exit, and my orgasm was complete. I just lay there and panted as come oozed out of my vagina. Oh how I wished I was a mare, but I really had the best of both worlds. I could let a horse love me and I could remain a sexy lady. Oh the joy of it.

Claire and I were in the barn for about five hours with the horses that day. Needless to say everybody was happy and sated. The horses, just like men, went out and started grazing, I like to think of it as the equivalent of a man lighting up a cigarette, and Claire and I cleaned up the mess we had made.

We made a promise to do this as often as possible, and up until now we have been true to our word.


Part Seven

I met John and Ellen during the spring of 2004. John operated his own company fabricating control units for the manufacturing industries. He met Charles at an electronic show where Charles was demonstrating the type of boards which the company could provide to end users. John was very successful in his business and him and Charles became friends almost immediately. I suppose there is something to the saying that birds of a feather flock together. Since Charles was very successful I suppose him and John just saw eye to eye.

Ellen is Johns wife, and she is just like me in that she stays home and looks after John. Their two boys are grown up and one is through college and the other is still in college. John and Ellen are about fifteen years older than we are, and I suppose you could say we might be too young for them. However, Ellen at 51 still has a great shape, and John apparently works out because he is a very good looking man and very trim. He is large, as is Ellen. John is about 6’4″ and Ellen is about 5’11”. Ellen is slim with large hips and ample breasts, and she has very long legs. She is taller than Claire, but other than that they are very similar. The wide hips make both of them very attractive ladies.

Charles invited them over for a visit one Saturday, and we had a barbeque and a few beers, and just chatted and got to know each other. About five that afternoon, I decided to show Ellen the farm and all the things I did to keep myself occupied. We walk all over the farm just talking and I pointed out how I was planning to set up my garden and how we had grass planted in various fields for the horses. We finally got over to where the horses were grazing, and Hans trotted over and put his head over the fence as if to greet us. Ellen was visibly trembling as she rubbed his forehead and talked to him. Hans just whinnied and moved his head up and down. Ellen finished rubbing his head and we walked off a few steps and Hans snorted and we turned around to look at him. He was fully erect and jerking his penis up and down as he beat on his stomach with his beautiful penis. Ellen gasped quietly and her hand went to her stomach and she rubbed her stomach slowly. she said, “My god Janice he is HUGE.” I just looked at her and said, “Yes he is Ellen, and it looks like he is happy to see you.” I smiled and she just giggled and held her hand to her stomach. We walked back to where the guys were and Ellen was visibly shaken and her voice quiverd as she said, “Oh John, the horses are just beautiful.

“Well, let’s go take a look”, said John. The horses were still grazing and again Hans came over to the fence as soon as we approached. He put his head over the fence and whinnied softly. Ellen stood off toward the back, and very soon Hans started to drop, and Ellen just gasped. John looked over at her and saw that she was looking at his penis intently. “Well, what do we have here?”, John said as he noticed what Ellen was doing. “I would say that he finds you atrractive, Honey.”, and he laughed when he said it. Ellen said in a quivering voice, “Oh John, isn’t he magnificent?” John just laughed and said, “Easy girl, there is no way I can compete with that.” Both Charles and I smiled and John looked at us with a strange look, as if he knew that we knew something he didn’t

Well we went back to our conversations, and it was obvious Ellen was flustered with the whole thing. She kept glancing at the horses and crossing and uncrossing her legs. The conversation turned to sex, and John told us how Ellen had told him she was very turned on with large ones. Ellen just laughed and said something like, “You really don’t know how big I like them sweetheard.” John just smiled and said, “I know you like them larger than my equipment; however, you know I try.”

Then John and Ellen told us how toys had managed to keep Ellen happy. They described the ones they had and I have to admit that the descriptions of their toys were somewhat of a turn-on for me. However, neither I nor Charles mentioned the horses and how they had been able to fill my needs. The conversation aroused me and I got to where I could hardly wait for them to leave so I could have Charles help me with one of my frequent sessions. Finally at 10:00 PM they said their goodbys, and the girls were in bed and asleep. I went up to the bedroom and hastily stripped off my clothes and slipped into a summer robe. I came out with a coy smile and Charles said, “Damn Jan, I could hardly wait for them to leave so we could go and have some of our own fun. I just reached out and got his hand and pulled him out the door and we walked (almost ran) to the stable. Charles led Hans out of his stall and positioned the bench under him after he had tied Hans to the grooming post. He went over and grabbed a tube of K-Y jelly and liberally put it all over Hans’s penis. I got out of my robe and layed down on the bench. All this was done with no conversation. Each of us knew what we had to do and Charles finished just as I lay back and spread my legs. I just let them hang over the sides of the bench and Charles pulled that HUGE penis over next to my vagina and rubbed it up and down. Hans started bobbing it up and down and pushing as the penis swung between my legs and pushing when his penis touched my labia. All of a sudden he pushed and wedged right on my vagina and my labia spread to accommadate the huge head. I just gasped and he gave a push and he was in right up to my cervix. I let on a load moan as he penetrated me and pushed back with all my might. I was his and he was mine. We had become one, and the thing that connected us was a very large and sexual instrument of love called a “horse penis”.

He pushed in and out of me gently and I opened my legs and took all he was giving me willingly. We were two lovers in the throes of passion. My vagina was wet with he pre-come and slippery with the K-Y jelly, and so lubricated there was no sensation of pain or no resistance offered by my vagina to his probing penis. Then suddenlly I felt the head flaring and the feeling is just impossible to describe. My womb pushed against the head of his penis and started making love to it. It felt like it was trying to open up to accept the huge head but it just pushed against it and Hans pushed harder into me until I was filled to my limits. Then he came and came and came. My legs spread to the maximum and my hips uncontrollably pushed against his stomach. I fell back on the bench and he pulled out and I could feel my labia pulling out with him and suddenly he was gone. I just moaned and continued to enjoy my orgasm that wouldn’t quit. I lay there for about five minutes, then Charles gently helped me up and cleaned off the bench and carried me back to the house. I bathed and climbed into bed and slept like a baby all night

The following Monday I got a call from Ellen. She asked me if she could come over and if we could go horseback riding. She explained how she thought the horses were beautiful and how she wanted to see them agian. I told her it would be best if she came on Wednesday because I would be washing and grooming the horses and if she wanted to she could help me. She thought it was a great idea and said she would come out. I told her to wear jeans or something she wouldn’t mind getting wet, because she was sure to get soaked. We made the date and I went about my business.

I told Charles about what Ellen had told me over the telephone. He smiled and said John had told him that Ellen was very orgasmic and loved the feeling of being stretched to her limit. He told me he was not surprised over what she wanted to do and told me he was sure she wanted to have sex with the horses. I was somewhat taken aback by what he told me. Not because of what Ellen wanted to do, but because he and John apparently talked about sex quite openly. I looked at him and smiled knowing that he had probably told John that I was having sex with the horses. Just the thought made me feel quite kinky and I told Charles that when we went to bed I wanted to feel his arm between my legs. He just smiled and said, “Well, let’s get these girls in bed, and see if we can’t do the same.”

Ellen arrived at 10AM on Wednesday morning. She had on loose shorts and a sweat shirt that she had cut the sleeves off of. I could tell she did not have her bra on and I was also surprised at how prominent her mons was even though she was wearing loose fitting shorts. I said, “Oh Ellen, you look gorgeous in your horse grooming outfit.” She laughed and said, “Well, you told me it was a messy job, and that is exactly what I came prepare for. At least one of the things I came prepare for.” She laughed but I could tell she was full of anticipation and her hands were trembling slightly.

“Well, let’s get started.”, I said and went to Hans’s stall and led him out. Oh but he looked gorgeous that morning. He was frisky and full of good natured play as he pushed my back with his head. I noticed Ellen just looking at us with her mouth slightly open and her hands on her hips. I could see her pushing her hips out very slightly as Hans walk through the barn toward the grooming post. She asked me, “Is he always this gently?” I responded with, “Of course he is Ellen, somehow he know how to treat a lady.”. Her mouth open slightly and she said, “Oh Jan, any lady would love to be courted by him. Just look at what he has to offer.” She laughed and as she laughed she pushed her hips forward in a wanton manner. She was sort of saying come and get me big boy. Then she stepped over to Hans and placed her hand on his flank and rubbed him softly. He turned to look at her and whinnied softly. Then she asked me, “How do we groom him?”

I told her we had to tie him to the grooming post so he would not walk away as we washed him. I tied him up to the post and told her to help me get all the cleaning equipment ready. I told her that first we needed to get him all wet and I hooked up the hose and adjusted the knobs so that the water was just slightly luke warm. Then I adjusted the flow so it would not be too strong, and handed her the hose and told her she had to get him wet all over. She took the hose and started by getting his neck nice and wet. Then she proceeded to his back and rubbed his fur as he got wet. She then sprayed some water on his stomach and paid particular attention to his penis, which was now beginning to drop. She exclaimed in a girlish manner, “Oh Jan, look at him. He likes the warm water down there and just look at how magnificent he is.” I just smiled and said, “Ellen he is visibly attracted to you, and I can tell you are attracted to him also.” “Oh Jan, he is such a majestic animal. I have never been this excited in my life. And you are right, I am very attracted to him. Do you thing a woman can do it with a horse? I think I could but I have never tried. Have you ever tried it, Jan.” I just smiled and let her continue in her explorations. After Hans was completely wet she went over and gave him a huge hug around his neck. Hans just lowered his head and pushed her gently by placing his head just above her stomach and between her breasts. She then went around to his side and pushed her breasts hard against him and ran her hands all over his side. After awhile her hands drifted to his stomach and she rubbed him vigorously as she pushed against him.Her breath was coming in short gasps and her hips were pushing forward as she continued to rub him.

After awhile of this foreplay she pulled away from him and told me in a trembling voice, “Oh Jan, I’m all wet.” I looked at her and smiled as I said, “Ellen, do what you must.” She stepped back and pulled the sweat shirt off. My eyes opened wide when I saw how swollen her nipples were. I had never seen anything like that. They just jutted out from her breasts and they even seemed to have a luster to them. I just knew she was aroused to a state I didn’t even know existed. She was visibly trembling as she pulled off her shorts and exposed her beautiful large hips.

She then stepped up next to Hans again hugged his neck and then she gave him a big kiss. It was time to get her under the horse, but, I guess I wanted to make her suffer, so I said, “Ok Ellen, it is time to soap him up and get him clean. I gave her a bottle of liquid soap and I took another. Then she soaped up one side while I did the other. She got to his stomach and was going to start soaping his sheath. I said, “Ellen don’t use that kind of soap down there because it might irritate him.” When he was soaped up I told her to take the hose and rinse him off. Sweet Ellen did exactly as she was told and she could hardly contain herself, she was trembling almost uncontrollably. When she was finished I took a bucket and gave her along with a bottle of baby shampoo. I told her, “Ellen wash his genitals with the baby shampoo. Make sure you wash his sheath and balls very good.” I smiled as I said it and she gasped as her trembling hands opened the bottle of shampoo. She open the bottle and poured an ample amount into her left hand and reached up and started rubbing his sheath and getting it good and soapy. She moved over to his testicles and gently rubbed her hands on them and they also got good and soapy. I then told her to rinse him off and clean his penis. She just gasped as she took the hose and genly sprayed water on him to remove all the soap on his sheath and testicles. Hans must have been in heaven because his great magnificent penis was swaying gently as she cleaned him off. Then Ellen filled her left hand with shampoo and rubbed her hand on his huge penis. She gasped and said, “Oh Jan, it is so heavy.” I smiled and said, “That is because he is so gorgeously huge, Ellen.” She then wrapped her fingers around the enormous penis and brought her right hand up and grasped him with that hand also. Then she gently started to rub him up and down with both hands. She continued doing this for quite awhile and I could sense that Hans was getting ready to let go, so I told her, “OK Ellen, now you can rinse him off.”

She dutifully rinsed him off, and then she did something I did not expect. She got up from her kneeling position and pulled his penis over to the side and pushed her mons against the head of his penis. Then she looked at me and said, “Oh Jan, I wish there was some way I could let him try to make love to me.” I said, “Oh Ellen, there is always a way if you want something bad enough.” With that I went over and pulled the bench over and placed it under Hans.

I got a tube of K-y jelly and told her to put it all over his penis. Hans’s penis glistened when she was done, and then she lay back on the bench and let her long legs spread out on both sides of the bench. Hans needed no further invitation and he stepped up and started swinging his penis up and down and looking for the hole. Suddenly he found a spot on her labia where his penis held for an instant and Ellen pushed at the same time he made contact. He snorted and pushed and Ellen pushed and his penis bent and would not go in. Hans pulled back and then stepped forward again swinging that immense penis. Again it wedged against Ellens labia and again it bent as they both pushed. He stepped back again and came swaying back until he wedged again. This time he must have pushed harder because suddenly his penis pushed into her vagina and she let out a scream. He had pushed her labia into her vagina with his huge penis and a lot of her pubic hair had gone in with the labia, and this was the reason she screamed so loudly. Only a woman knows the pain of having pubic hair wedged in her vagina along with a large penis. Ellen pulled back and quickly placed her hands on her vagina and pulled out the hair. Hans gave another push and this time he bottomed out as Ellen held her vagina open. Then she pushed up and his penis bent again but this time it bent further up and he quickly pulled back a little and pushed it in again. Ellen just moaned and gasped, “Oh my darling, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” Everytime she said it she pushed hard with her hips and mashed her stomach against his stomach. And everytime he would push in just past the large bulge half way up his penis. Then Ellen screamed, “Oh my god, he is getting bigger. Oh god, oh god he’s going to kill me.” Then she pushed up hard and I could tell she was feeling his come as it gushed out of his penis. She just lay there and let him drain himself deep inside of her. Then he started to pull out. Ellen’s eyes opened wide as she gasped, “Oh, oh, oh, oh.” Then her labia started to pull out and there was the enormous head of his flared penis disfiguring her beautiful vagina. Then it plopped out and a huge spray of horse come went all over the bench and over Ellen. Ellen just grunted and fell back on the bench, and Hans’s penis just swung between her legs with that huge distended head. I took Hans back to his stall as Ellen lay on the bench breathing very hard and moving her hips up and down.

After about ten minutes on the bench she got up and I cleaned off the bench and we went back to the house. She kept telling me how wonderful it was and if she could come over and groom Hans all the time. I agreed she could do that and she couldn’t stop thanking me.

Then she asked me if John and her could come over that Saturday so she could show John what she was able to do. I agreed she could do that and we parted company until Saturday.