(c) 2009 by Candy

My husband, Pete, has 2 dogs, Germanicus and Tiberius. The first time that he let them fuck me was 2 and a half years ago on my 20th birthday. I had been acting bitchy all morning because I wanted him to take me out that night, but he had just returned from 3 weeks on the road and wanted to relax for a couple of days. Pete doesn’t put up with me at all when I get like that.

Before I even knew what was happening, he had pulled me out of the house, and I found myself naked, on my knees and forearms, in the back yard. With a 2 foot chain attached to my new dog collar, (actually it was just new to me… it was one of the dogs’ old ones that he found in the barn), and the other end locked to a cork screw steel stake, I couldn’t even sit up, let alone stand.

He then called up his brother Tony, their cousins, Steve and Jed, and 4 of their friends;

Corky (my boss), Dan, Byron, and Dennis. Corky was at the bar when Pete called so he brought 2 of the guys that were there with him. In all, there were 10 guys there. I guess the other thing I should mention is that they are all a lot older than me. Pete and Corky are 45 and Tony is 43. I know that probably sounds weird but ever since I lost my virginity at 13 to our next door neighbor, Mr. Sanders, I have been attracted to older guys.

They spent most of the afternoon playing cards and drinking beer on the back porch. Whenever they would feel like it, one or more of them would cum out to the oak tree where I was, pull the handle of my paddle out of my pussy, (or ass, it depended on where the last guy had left it), give me a few birthday spanks, and fuck me.

Now don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t complaining. I LOVE it when Pete lets his friends gangbang me. I think it was probably the main reason I fell in love with him in the first place. But this was the first time in the 3 years that I had been with him that he had chained me to a stake in the back yard like that. Somehow, just the thought that some stranger or neighbor might show up and see me out there, had me so hot that I was literally gushing. (No, I’m not dysfunctional, two of the guys there were strangers, or at best, casual friends from the bar, and I was getting off on the possibility that someone I didn’t know would see me?)

They were all laughing at me and calling me names for loving it all sooooo much, and that only made it worse. I couldn’t stop cumming, and whenever they weren’t fucking me, I was so horny that I just couldn’t keep my fingers still, or stop myself from begging them to pleeeeese cum out and use me some more.

I have to admit, that even for me, I was pretty crazy. Eventually though, the beer took its toll. By 7 o’clock they were all too wasted to stumble out to where I was and fuck me again, even though I was still begging for it. I remember that I was in the middle of a really good cum when I felt my paddle being yanked out of my ass and crashing into my butt. It was Pete.

I guess that I had been cumming so hard that I hadn’t heard him walk up. My hair was a mess. The guys had all been hosing me when they came, so that no one would have to get sloppy seconds, and a lot of it had landed in my hair. So when I turned to look up at him I had to brush it out of the way first. So much of it was matted and stuck to my face that I could hardly focus on him. And that’s when I realized that the rest of them were there too.

Pete made me admit in front of them that I was a little cum slut who would do anything to get a cock in me. He kept making me repeat it, and each time I did he would give me another spank with the paddle and ask me if I was sure. I don’t know how many times he did that, but he didn’t stop until he had me cumming in front of them all, just from getting paddled. That, and having to tell them all that “YES, SIR, I AM JUST A LITTLE CUMSLUT THAT WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET A COCK IN ME,” as loud as I could, didn’t exactly do anything to calm my aching pussy either.

As you can probably guess by now, being humiliated sexually in front of other men like that turns me into cum gushing mess. God, I LOVE it when he does that to me! And what a gusher that one was. I was on my knees, with my right cheek against the grass and both hands between my legs just trying to hang on to my exploding pussy, when I felt Pete grab both my arms and pull them back in front of me. It didn’t slow my orgasm down though.

As soon as I heard him ask, “anything…?”, (in that way he has of letting me know that I am really in for it now,) it only got stronger. I vaguely remember shouting, “YES, ANYTHING,” about as loud as I could. I say vaguely, because I really don’t remember much about that point, I was cumming too hard. But I’ve seen the video enough times since then to know that yes, I really did shout it. And I know me, when I get like that I really WILL do ANYTHING to get a cock in me.

Pete let go of my hands then, and I collapsed on my belly in the grass, but only for a second. Another smack of the paddle and the command to get back into “position” had me on my knees and forearms with my right cheek pressed against the grass in no time at all. When they all started laughing I thought it was just because of how fast I made myself ready for him.

When Pete tells me to get into position, I move. If I don’t, I know I’m going to get 10 strokes of the paddle for every second it takes me. But instead of a cock in my pussy, what I got was a long wet tongue licking it. That, and the shock of my life when I pushed up and looked back through my legs to see that the tongue belonged to Germanicus.

I know I should be embarrassed to admit it, but the thought of “no” never crossed my mind. Instead, I started to gush again as soon as I realized what they had in store for me. To the sound of their howls and laughter I actually spread my knees apart even wider and arched up to give him easier access. Not only that, but when he mounted me, I was the one that reached back to guide his fat cock into my hole. As the guys began to chant, “dogslut,” Germanicus let me have it in a way that left no doubt in my mind that I was now his “bitch.”

God, it felt sooooo nasty getting dog fucked like that in front of all those guys. I was cumming sooooo hard! And it only got worse when Tony made Tiberius lie down in front me so I could suck him while his brother hammered into me from behind.

We got tied of course. I didn’t know what to expect, and when he slammed that huge knot of his into me I instinctively clamped down on it. All I could do was take it as he hunkered down, pushed his cock past my cervix and then hosed my poor womb with what felt like a gallon of hot dog cum. I didn’t know that I needed to keep him on my back till his knot went down so we could get released more easily. So of course we got tied butt to butt for what seemed like forever. As the guys and Germanicus howled, I continued to cum harder then ever from his knot pressing against the inside of my pussy like a red hot tennis ball.

I know I am a slut, I can’t help it. I just LOVE to get fucked and used by men. I’ve been like this since I was 13, so I guess I’m not going to change, but even I still get red when I see how nasty I look in that video; cumming like a whore on Germanicus’ knot, and bumping my ass back and forth against him as I tried desperately to swallow his brother’s cock. And then looking directly at Pete, who was holding the camera, and begging for more as soon as Germanicus finally popped free, his cum pouring out of me and down my thighs. Just writing about it has me wet all over again.

After Tiberius was through fucking me, they left me there like that, chained to my stake, and went into town. They said they were going to find a horse for me to fuck but they didn’t. I didn’t really care, and probably would have fucked one at that point, I was so far gone.

It was well after dark when Pete and Tony came back. I didn’t hear them drive in, and didn’t even know that they were there until they turned the porch spotlight on me and caught me getting ass-fucked by Tiberius (he had missed the target and it wasn’t like there was anything I could have done to stop him even if I had wanted to). And since I had cum dripping out of my pussy they knew that Germanicus had just had me again too.

They didn’t say a word. They just stood there grinning at each other and then went back inside. Tiberius was just pulling out of me when they came back out with our food and water bowls. I knew better than to even think about using my hands. God, I felt like such a skank eating that wet mush with them, but I can’t deny how much I loved feeling like that, and still do.

My mind might try to deny what I am sometimes, but my body always gives me away. The way my pussy was gushing that night as I ate that dog food, with dog cum leaking out of my holes and down my legs, there was no way I could deny that I LOVED being a dogslut.

A while later Pete came outside again with an old blanket and tossed it at me. Then he wished me a Happy Birthday and went back inside. It wasn’t until I heard the screen door slam that his words finally registered, and I realized for the first time that I was going to spend my 20th Birthday chained to a stake in the backyard with 2 horny dogs fucking me all night long.

As it turned out they didn?t fuck me at all that night and I did manage to get more sleep than I thought I would. I think it must have been around 8am when they woke me up because the sun was up. I opened my eyes to find Germanicus staring intently at me as he nipped and tongued at my pussy. I know I should be ashamed to admit it but I just couldn’t help it. Within minutes of waking up I was back on my knees and forearms, sucking on Tiberius, as his brother slammed into my gushing pussy from behind. It wasn’t until Tiberius had cum in my mouth that I discovered I had an audience again.

The sound of Tony’s laughter, just as the first splash of ice-cold water from the garden hose hit my side, brought me back to reality. All I could do was take it of course. I was still chained to the stake and tied with Germanicus. When Germanicus finally pulled out of me Tony washed the dog cum out of me and rinsed the man cum, dog cum, and food from my face and hair. Then he unscrewed the stake and led me on my hands and knees around to the other side of the tree, out of the sun, but still very visible from the back porch.

He filled our water and food bowls. Then he used one of the old snow shovels to scrape up the poop I had left on the other side of the tree during the night when I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. As soon as he did that, I started to cream from the embarrassment, and ended up bringing myself off with 3 fingers buried in me and my thumb doing a pirouette on my happy spot. I think it was the fact that the whole time he was cleaning me up, he never said anything directly to me, and refused to even acknowledge my questions, that set me off. He treated me just like a little bitch dog that had been getting bred all night, and was going to get some more as long as she was in heat; just to make sure it “took.” I came hard.

After I calmed down I tried to pull my wet hair back and braid it into a ponytail. I guess I was trying to somehow regain a little of my humanity. But it was no use, it was just too matted and snarled and I had to let it dry the way it was. I think that’s when I finally accepted the fact that for as long as they wanted to keep me out there, chained to that stake, I was a bitch. And as long as Germanicus and Tiberius were out there with me I was going to be their bitch, their dogslut.

It wasn’t Germanicus’ licking me that woke me up a couple of hours later; it was the sound of him snarling. I had fallen asleep on my back with my hair over my face, so I couldn’t see where he was until I rolled over on my side and followed the sound over to the back porch. Pete, Tony, Jed and Steve were on the porch and below them were the rest of their dogs. They are all mutts, but they are big mutts. Helmut and Gunther are mostly German Sheppard’s, I guess, at least Tony says that is what their mom looked like.

Nitshke and Butkus are some kind of yellow lab/hound mix that Jed uses for goose hunting. And I don’t think any of us will ever know what Steve’s dog Jake is. All I know is that he is big and gray and has a cock that is almost as big as Germanicus’.

At first none of them even took notice of me. It seemed to take them forever to sort themselves out. Just when it looked like they had all agreed on a pecking order it would flare up again, all to the amusement of my once again beer drinking husband, his beer drinking brother, and their 2 beer drinking cousins.

It was Jake who first noticed me, but he didn’t get very far. As soon as Germanicus saw him heading my way he cut him off and chased him all the way to the back fence before Jake rolled over and submitted. I was still lying on my side when he came trotting back up to me. I swear the look he gave me would have scared anybody.

There certainly was no doubt in my mind what he wanted and I didn’t waste any time giving it to him. As soon as I was on my knees and forearms again he was in me and fucking me as hard as he could. I can?t prove it, but I am pretty sure that it was his way of giving notice to the others that I was his bitch.

Other than Tiberius laying down in front of me the rest of them kept their distance. But they didn’t stay that way for long. As soon as one of them would pull out the next one would mount me. The thing was though, I just couldn’t figure out how to keep their knots out of me. Even though I was cumming and moaning like crazy I could feel when their cocks would start to swell up and I knew that they were getting close.

But no matter how hard I tried to pull away or push back at them with my hand they would just snarl or nip at me until I relented and let them hammer those nasssty things into me. It always hurt like hell at first, but then my horny pussy would just seem to open up and close around it, and I would end up moaning, “oh god, oh god, oh god!!!”, as they hosed my insides with their hot dog cum.

By the time Butkus and Nitshke got to me though, I was just too tender to take another pounding. By that time I had dog cum just pouring out of me and all over my legs. So even though I knew the guys were watching and taping me, I reached back and started working as much of it into my third hole as I could. I then helped guide each of them in turn into my ass. But at least they couldn’t get their knots into me. Not that it changed anything for me. I LOVE having cock deep in my ass. Somehow it always makes me feel twice as slutty when men fuck me there. Like I am completely filled and owned by cock.

Sometimes I think I cum harder from getting ass-fucked, especially in public, then from anything else. Getting doggy ass-fucked, in front of the guys and that camera, completely blew me over the edge. I was gushing so hard I don’t even remember when Nitshke pulled out of me.

I must have passed out. Because the next thing I do remember was Jed pushing the hose into me and my insides bloating up to my second ice-cold enema of the day. I don’t think I would have had the muscle strength at that point to hold it in, even if he had ordered me to. Jed didn’t care. He just wanted me cleaned out so he could fuck me. After rinsing out my pussy he let me have it in both holes, till I was begging him to please just leave it in one or the other and let me cum. He didn’t of course.

He just used my holes until he was ready and then pulled out and hosed me. Tony and Steve were next. They must have been pretty worked up from watching the dogs fuck me because neither one lasted very long. As soon as Tony pulled out and started hosing me Steve was pounding my pussy senseless and I swear he started to cum before Tony even finished. Neither one of them said a word to me. Why should they? I was a bitch, a dogslut, for them and their dogs.

I still hadn’t cum, but as soon as Pete started on me with that paddle I did. I don’t think he had even reached 10 before I was gushing like the little slut I am again. But that one was nothing like the one I had after Pete dumped his load in my ass and then pulled out just in time for the other 3 to start hosing my face with their pee. God, I was soooo bad. I rolled over on my back, opened my mouth, spread my legs, pulled my lips apart with my fingers and begged them to give it to me. They did. Then they left for their softball game.

No, they didn’t take their dogs with them. Before they had even climbed into their trucks I was already getting back into position for a growling and very adamant, Gunther. I’m not sure when they finally all left me alone. Like the guys had the day before, whenever one of them would get the urge they would just trot over, snarl at me to get into position, and then fuck me almost senseless. Eventually, one of them did.

When I woke up, the guys were still gone. But they must have come back sometime during the afternoon, because my chain was unlocked from the stake. I guess that is when I realized how much I really did LOVE being a dogslut. Any other girl would have gotten up at that point and gone inside. I crawled around to the shady side of the tree where Jake was snoozing and started to suck his cock. By the time the guys got back that evening all 7 of them had fucked me again and Butkus and I were tied together out by the back fence. He had literally dragged me back there by his knot after he came because I was too tired and weak to stop him.

I know I should be ashamed to admit it but I just couldn’t stop. I loved getting dog fucked like that, even when the guys weren’t watching. Pete came out to me when Butkus finally pulled out and told me that as soon as I wanted to stop being a bitch I could come back inside. I started to cream just from the grin he gave me when I crawled back through the yard on my hands and knees to my stake. I’ve seen that grin a lot since then.

Love you all, your little fuckslut, cockslut, cumslut, alleyslut, dogslut, and urinal slut, Candy.