This is my 28th story posted to this site about Belly Riding as a way of life. You can find details about this series in my other posts. Almost of my stories have some length to them because they have to describe the entire set-up each time. So they aren’t quick to conceive, write or edit. The themes are pretty much always around the catharsis of women learning to love sexual intercourse with stallions and the men as a secondary backdrop to the real exhibitionism/voyeuristic bestiality story line. Each story is particularly detailed and errs on the side of grotesque detail. I do greatly appreciate your feedback. Without further ado:


Chapter One

Fiona was literally being lead out towards the wonderful wedding party who awaited her, naked, except for her veil, her white shoes, her white stockings and gloves and a strand of pearls. Most notably she was strapped under a stallion with his huge penis forced almost 10 inches up into her slippery vagina. There were so many expectant people, but she was ready to cry, and had a pussy full of horse ejaculate. Worst of all, it was all her own fault. She was being paraded by the man who had betrayed her so that everyone could see her disgrace. Fiona begged and pleaded, but it was no use. Charles barked at her, “This is what you get for being a huge slut, Fiona. You knew better. You knew that Dan wouldn’t be okay with this but you did it anyway. You knew you were getting married to him today, and you did it anyway.”

She continued to plead, “No Charles, please, don’t! I’ll do anything you want, please! Don’t make me go out there.” Charles continued to lead the stallion towards the wedding party, with Fiona strapped under it, impaled on his rigid cock. A gentle stream of semen oozed out of her with each step, “You chose to fuck a horse, not just once, but dozens of times, Fiona. I gave you plenty of chances to stop but no. Now you’re going to have to live with it. So shut up and sit still, I want Dan and everyone else to see your cunt full of horse cumm. No one will have any doubts about who and what you are now. Stop struggling.” Fiona knew he was absolutely right. This was all her own doing and she had no one to blame but herself.

Fiona thought back about how she had gotten herself into this terrible situation on her own wedding day. It had all started six months earlier. Fiona had met Dan, who was her dream man. He was sexy, sophisticated, wealthy and fun in almost every way a girl could want. That meant she didn’t have to work and was allowed to explore some writing and scrap-booking and other things she hadn’t caught up on. He had been engaged a few times before but Dan didn’t like talking about the past – he only wanted to talk about the future and only with her. She loved the way he thought and never pressed him. There was only one odd thing about him. For some reason he had an extremely outwardly violent disposition when it came to the concept of bestiality. Normally Fiona wouldn’t have even thought twice about bestiality or care, but after a few months of dating he kept bringing it up over and over again, making her promise him that she would never have sex with his horses.

Dan had a stable of horses out back that Fiona had never really explored. He owned lots of property and even after months she hadn’t explored it all. But she knew he had horses because she could see them from the house. It was honestly something that had never crossed her mind even once. But even after he proposed after the third month of dating he kept bringing it up. It was really beginning to annoy Fiona, but she wasn’t about to say so to Dan, because she loved him and was willing to put up with just about anything to marry him.

But gradually, month after month went by and at least once a week he would bring up something he saw in the news about bestiality and how those people should be hung out to dry. Or he would find some way to work it into a conversation when he’d hear someone say things like “hung like a horse” or “donkey show” even if they were completely joking, or even if it were on TV or the radio. He would go on and on about it and how gross it was. Then he would invariably say something like, “Thank God you’d never think of doing something like that. I love you.”

Their wedding was only a few months off at this point when one day Fiona’s curiosity got to her and after a particularly long tirade from Dan, Fiona asked, “Why are you so against bestiality anyway?” Dan paused and looked at Fiona. Fiona quickly said, “Not that I want to do it or anything, I’m just curious.” Dan said, “My best friend Charles, you remember Charles? Well, anyway, he’s gotten a few girls to do it, and I just think it’s fucking revolting. The thought of those women humping away on some animal’s dick… it’s just fucking horrible. It makes me sick to my stomach to even think about it.”

Fiona’s eyes were wide. She had never visualized what it must be like to have sex with an animal before but Dan was so descriptive that she was starting to get the idea. She knew Charles well. In fact she owed him a call about some of the wedding plans. Fiona just nodded, “I see. Well, I’m surprised you’re still friends with Charles after that.” Dan nodded and muttered something about the world going to hell, and then kicked the wall before leaving the room.

Fiona’s curiosity was piqued. It was one thing hearing about a theoretical act of bestiality on the news or as a joke. It was quite another to know someone who had actually helped girls mate with animals. Fiona wondered what it would be like. She shook her head. No it was too disgusting, and Dan hated the whole idea with a passion. Fiona stood up from her chair, smoothed her skirt out and tried to forget the whole thing as she did some dishes. But the thought kept coming back in her head.

A few days later Fiona called Charles to make sure he was taking care of his duties as a best man. He was well on schedule for the bachelor party and associated fun. During a pause in the conversation Fiona paused, and felt butterflies in her stomach. She knew she had to ask Charles about it. After almost 5 seconds of complete silence she finally said, “Hey, Charles. I heard something funny about you.” “Oh, yeah? What’s that? Dan been telling you crazy stories about me?” “Yes, actually. He said something about you and some women, and getting them to do some crazy stuff…” Charles laughed over the phone, “Fiona, no offense, but you’re going to have to be more specific than that. I have been single a very long time now. I’ve done plenty of crazy things with girls in my time.”

Fiona laughed, “I’m sure you have. But this was involving animals.” Charles paused, “Oh. Yeah. That. What did he tell you exactly?” “Nothing, just that you had gotten some girls to try it… That’s all.” “I see. And… why are you asking me about that, Fiona?” “I dunno… I just thought it was funny, that’s all.” “I see.” There was a long pause before Fiona said, “I just thought there was probably more to that story.” Charles paused and said, “There is. There’s a lot more. Look, I can’t give you the names of the girls for obvious reasons…” Fiona laughed, “…obviously!” “Right… but…. Look… is Dan going to be around later? This is a better conversation to have in person. But he probably wouldn’t want to hear this.”

Fiona bit her lip and thought about it. She really was intrigued. She was pretty busy with getting things ready for the wedding and she really didn’t have time to be talking about sex with animals, but this was just too interesting to pass up. She knew Dan was going to be late due to some work related thing anyway, so this was perfect. “Can you be here at 4? Dan doesn’t get home until 7.” “That works for me. See you then.” Fiona felt her heart racing. She had no idea what was in store for her but she liked the danger for some strange reason.


Chapter Two

Fiona gave Charles a scotch and he sat down in one of Dan’s big over sized leather chairs next to the fire. It was unseasonably cool even though it was early fall, but it was plenty warm next to the fire. The leaves had started to turn and it constantly seemed like it was threatening rain outside. Charles shivered a little as he warmed up next to the fire, “Thanks for having me over, this is just one of those conversations that… you know… it’s better in person.” “I understand completely. So tell me about it.”

Charles sat back in the chair and took a sip of the scotch and looked at the fire thoughtfully, “Have you ever been to Brazil, Fiona?” “No. Why?” “Well, In Brazil the women there are very… open minded… about such things.” “Oh?” “Yeah, in fact, it’s kind of part of their culture.” “How’s that?” “Well, the way I understand it, the legend goes a long long time ago some woman was upset by her husband’s infidelity. To show him that she didn’t need him anymore, she took a horse, stripped naked and had sex with him in front of their house.” Fiona laughed a little. It all seemed so silly.

She asked, “So it’s better to degrade yourself with a horse after your husband fucks around, huh?” He shrugged, “Look, I didn’t make it up. Who knows if it’s even true. It doesn’t matter. Anyway, I guess after generations it became more of a tradition to celebrate women’s independence. Eventually they invented a saddle that could be strapped to the stallion and allow them to hang underneath it, facing up, which also allowed them to steer the stallions. It tied their ankles and their wrists to the stallion so they couldn’t move or get away, and they would let themselves be paraded through the streets of Rio in broad daylight.” “Wow,” Fiona was sincerely impressed, “Why haven’t I ever heard of this before?”

Charles shrugged again, “Who knows? I think the government wanted to shut it down, so they made it illegal. You know how it is – some old guy’s wife gets upset or jealous or whatever and one thing leads to another and no more belly riding. The girls stopped being quite so public in response, and ultimately it went at least somewhat into the back yards of all these women’s homes instead of on the street where it once lived. Either way, it’s still very much a big part of the Brazilian culture, it’s just not talked about. Occasionally you can still find a Belly Rider in public in downtown Rio, but it’s less common these days, the way I understand it and definitely not in the parades.”

Fiona shook her head, “Why do they still do it if it’s illegal?” “Well, you have to remember it’s a big part of their culture and history. But if you ask me, I think they just really really enjoy the sexual thrill.” Fiona blushed hearing Charles talk so frankly. She actually liked it, “Why’s that?” “Can you imagine, having a thousand pound animal forcing his gigantic cock into you as hard as he can, and then trying to impregnate you? Let’s just say, these women fall head over heels for their horses. They even often hold down jobs that allow them to belly ride all day long so they can feed their families but without giving up their daily dose of horse cock. It’s their life. They do it all day, every day.”

Fiona swallowed. She had no idea how sexy this all could be. She was intrigued and wanted to learn more. Fiona nodded, “So, what does this all have to do with you?” Charles nodded, “Ah, you want me to get to the point. The point is, I’ve done a lot of research on it over the years and I learned how to get the belly riding saddle and the shots that the women use to keep their horses erect for hours on end.” Fiona thought for a moment, “And so you help your female friends to try it?” “Sure.” “And what’s in it for you?” “Nothing… I just like helping people out.”

Fiona smiled, “Annnnd you like to watch too, don’t you?” He looked up from his glass and without smiling he said, “Something like that.” Fiona sighed heavily, sat up straight, pushing her breasts out and forward. She looked around the room as if there was something that might distract her but there was nothing, “So where do we go from here?” She wasn’t sure what she was even asking Charles, but it seemed like the only safe thing to ask. Charles looked at her and said, “Check your email tonight. I’ll email you some websites to look at and some stories to read. Once you’re done, we can talk more and you can tell me what you want to do.”

Fiona meekly said, “Okay.” She really had no idea why she was agreeing to read whatever disgusting thing that Charles intended to send over to her, or why there should be any next steps from this perverse conversation but her pussy was warm and she felt the need to explore this a bit more. It wouldn’t hurt anyone to read some literature, she figured. Charles swallowed the last of his scotch, set it on the side table and stood up, straightening out his sweater, “It was nice talking with you, Fiona. I’ll be in touch.” He gave her a warm hug goodbye and then left the house.

Later that night when Dan was home watching TV, Fiona snuck into the computer room and checked her email. Sure enough there was an email from Charles with the subject matter, “Thoughts for your perusal.” She looked over her shoulder to make sure Dan was still watching TV. Satisfied that she could get away with it she clicked on the email and found several dozen links. She clicked on the first link and it was to a website with a grainy home-made movie of a girl giving a horse a blow job and getting ejaculated on by a horse. The sound on her computer was up, which scared her. She immediately turned it off and looked over her shoulder. Thankfully Dan hadn’t heard it.

She turned down her speakers and started looking some more. Some of the links were to women having intercourse with horses. Some were stories of bestiality in Brazil. Others were simple websites explaining the mechanics of inter species sexual intercourse. It was a lot of reading material and things to look at. All Fiona knew was this was a primer for having sex with animals and it wasn’t revolting to her at all. Quite the opposite. She was wet and excited. Every word she read and every video and picture she saw just made her want to try it for herself.

Fiona spent over an hour grazing through the pictures and reading bits and pieces of the stories before hitting reply on the email to Charles and in one sentence she summed up her reaction, “When can we go to the stable?” She felt her heart beating as she hit send. She shut down her computer and walked past her fiance, Dan, who was engrossed in a world war two documentary saying, “Hey baby, I’m headed upstairs to take a bath.” “Okay, have fun.” He waved. She kissed him on the head and went upstairs to masturbate.


Chapter Three

Charles met Fiona a few weeks later when she was absolutely sure Dan was going to have an after work party, giving them more than 10 hours alone. Normally Dan’s schedule was pretty unpredictable because he owned the company, and he was free to come and go as he pleased. She had to hide this from her Fiance, because she knew how much he hated this. She had been a nervous wreck the whole two weeks as she waited for the day to come, reading and re-reading all the links that Charles had sent over. Thankfully Charles was retired after selling his own software company, so he had a lot of free time on his hands. She contemplating going out and trying it herself without Charles, but she was too afraid to even go near the barn without him. Her stomach was a mess and her heart was beating super fast when she heard Charles’ truck drive up. She met him outside and smiled, “There she is!”

Although Fiona was a city girl she looked like she was dressed for the stables. Fiona was wearing jeans, cute cowboy boots, with a flannel shirt tied below her breasts. Her long blond hair looked pretty against the overcast cool fall sky. She felt cold already as she stepped out of the warm house, but she hoped she would warm up fast. He put his hands on a big box and asked, “You sure you want to go through with this, Fiona? Now’s the time to back out if you want to.” Fiona shook her head, “No, I want to.” “You sure? There’s still time to re-think it.” Fiona shook her head again, “I’ve been thinking about this for weeks now. I can’t stop thinking about it, actually! I have to do this or I’ll always wonder why all those women want it so bad.”

Charles shrugged, “Suit yourself. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Charles pulled a big box out of the back of his truck and he said, “Okay, all set – let’s go.” She was surprised it was happening so quickly. She had envisioned it being more awkward, or him trying to talk her out of it more. But now they were off, walking towards the barn, that she had only ever been inside once before when Dan was first showing her around the property. She knew that some ranch hands came by once a week and fed the horses, groomed them and made sure their stables were clean. The ranch hands always came on a Monday, and it was Tuesday, so she felt safe that no one was around and that it was neat and orderly.

The stable was clean, as she expected, and Charles walked out the back with a bridle to catch one of the stallions. They kept the mares in a separate part of the stable. The horses were allowed to roam around but not intermingle. Soon Charles returned with a beautiful and powerful looking stallion. Fiona petted his muzzle and asked, “And what is your name?” Charles shrugged, “I have no idea and I bet he doesn’t either.” “That’s a shame, I don’t normally have sex with someone without knowing their name first.” It felt so kinky to admit out loud that she intended to have sex with an animal. Charles tied up the stallion to one of the poles that held up the stable while saying, “I’m guessing you don’t engage in a lot of bestiality either. Today will be filled with firsts for you.”

Fiona laughed, “You’re right!” Charles seemed a little distant, but Fiona chalked it up to her own nerves. He was probably normal and she was overly excited. Who could blame her though? He said, “You should probably get those clothes off, huh?” “Oh, yeah, right… Hah!” She felt embarrassed. Of course she was going to have to strip in front of Charles. How else was this going to work? She untied her shirt, revealing a pretty black lace bra that hinted at her C cup breasts beneath. She then kicked off her boots, and her socks. Then she unbuckled her jeans and pushed and wiggled out of them. They were very tight and they looked great on her, but she thought she looked even better in her panties, and most men would agree.

Charles busied himself with the straps to the belly riding sling that he removed from the box. Inside that box was another smaller box with the shots in it which he sat aside for later. She unhooked her bra in the back and let it drop to her feet. She looked at Charles who stole a few glances. She liked that Charles thought she was attractive. Not that she liked Charles in that way, but it was nice to be wanted. And she was feeling extremely aroused by this whole thing. Her nipples hardened quickly and Fiona decided to call it out, “Wow, I guess you can tell I’m cold, huh?”

Charles looked over at Fiona, who was standing there, naked except for her black lace panties. Fiona was holding her breasts and pointing her taut, pink, perky nipples at him. He smiled despite himself and looked away, simply saying, “Yeah, it is cold. Fall is definitely here and winter is definitely coming.” Despite the temperature, Fiona was actually pretty warm. She hooked her thumbs under the elastic of her panties and gently pulled them over and down her buttocks and then stepped out of them, feeling the cold air against her warm labia. She noticed that her panties were sticky and damp in the crotch. She decided to tease Charles by rubbing of the sticky film between her fingers and saying, “Wow, look at the inside of my panties? They’re all wet. I must be turned on, huh? Who knew that a horse could do this to a lady!”

Charles glanced over at the panties and then got a full good look at Fiona, who stood there, completely naked from head to toe, and being anything but a lady. She looked absolutely stunning. Her perfect face, her dark tangle of pubic hair and her perky nipples all took his breath away visibly. But his shook his head and continued to fasten the last of the leather straps of the belly riding saddle. He held his composure as best as possible by saying, “Yeah, well, I hope you saved some lubrication for this guy. He’s going to be a rough ride. You’ll need all the lube you’ve got.”

Fiona loved teasing Charles but she didn’t know why. She had never been naked in front of anyone that she hadn’t intending on having sex with before. It was thrilling. Charles was finally done and said, “Okay, now get into the sling with your head facing the front of the horse. Yep, that’s it, now wiggle into place, and put your legs around his abdomen.” Fiona found it extremely awkward at first but gradually she rotated her body into position and figured out how to get situated. The leather straps were cold on her back but they warmed quickly. Thankfully the horse was warm too against her legs and arms.

He began to strap her legs into place leaving her arms free, “I’ll leave your arms available so you can guide him in – especially because this is your first time.” Fiona saw Charles stealing glances at her spread pussy. She knew he liked what he saw. She was a fox, and no man would be upset to see her naked. She remembered what she had read and reached down between her legs to touch the horse’s sheath with her left hand. It was warm and furry. She massaged it gently and within a few seconds the stallion began to react and slowly his penis began to emerge into her waiting hand.

She was amazed how warm and soft the stallion’s penis was to the touch. She grasped it and held it, getting a feel for it as it grew. Fiona realized that Charles was still watching. It was really sexy having an onlooker. She looked over at Charles and said, “You sure you’re not going to tell Dan?” Charles nodded, “I won’t tell him anything.” She reached down with her right hand and began to massage her pussy, smearing her wetness around, preparing her for what she believed would easily be a massive insertion.

She was careful not to touch her clit too much, as she was already very turned on and she didn’t want to cumm. Or at least not yet. But she probed her hole with both fingers a few times to prepare herself and to entice Charles who looked like he was about to salivate while Fiona masturbated slowly. She decided it was time and placed the head of the growing stallion’s penis against her labia and while holding the folds of her labia open she gently pressed the warm head of the horse’s cock into her.

It turned out to be more difficult than she had pictured it to be. Yes, the women in the videos always had a hard time getting the horse inside themselves, but Fiona was convinced she could do it. She used her fingers to smear her vaginal lubrication around the stallion’s head. She continued to press the horse’s huge member inside of her. There were a few mishaps where the stallion’s penis slid off of her wet hole, smearing vaginal lubrication and precum all over her pubic hair before she got control again. It was a little comical as Fiona asked, “Did the other girls have this much trouble?” He nodded, “Every one of them – at least the first time.”

That was encouraging. At least Fiona wasn’t the first girl who couldn’t get a horse inside her vagina. Fiona re-doubled her efforts and pulled and pulled while gently lifting her hips using her legs. Finally with one last hard pull the horse’s giant head popped past the taut ring of her vaginal opening causing her to gasp loudly, “OH GOD!” He winced, “Are you okay?” “Yes, but OW! He’s absolutely huge! I’m not sure I can do this.” Charles nodded, “Yes you can, and actually, you already are. If you just relax, it’ll stop hurting.”

Fiona nodded. Charles of all people would know, she figured. She tried to relax and gently pulled the horse’s cock in, ever so slowly. Centimeter at a time the horse entered her. It was a painstaking process but slowly and surely she was learning how to have sex with a horse. This was no small accomplishment, she thought. She was surprised she could do it. And to Charles’ credit, he was right – it had stopped hurting. Charles said, “Okay, let’s get your wrists tied up now.” She nodded and let him strap her wrists into place as the huge horse cock continued to slide deeper and deeper into her.”

Fiona had never felt anything so massive in her life and as she looked down past her precum soaked pubic hair she saw at least another foot of horse cock. There was no way she could ever run out of horse dick. No matter how hard she pressed or pulled, there would always be more dick waiting for her. It was exciting and she was extremely turned on. Just then Fiona’s eyes flew open again as she felt the horse’s penis bottom out against her cervix. She gritted her teeth, “Ow!” Charles nodded, “He’s in, isn’t he?” “Yeah, all the way.” Charles nodded, “Well you did good. You have almost 7 inches inside you. That’s better than most girls can do!”

“How far can belly riders go?” “Well, after months of training, some have been known to take 10 full inches. Their organs literally move around to accommodate it after a while.” “I wonder if I could take all of his dick some day?” Charles laughed, “A foot and a half? I don’t think so. Even if you rode him every day for years, and spent the entire time bottomed out and pressing him as hard as you can without causing damage… I bet you couldn’t do more than a foot.” Charles walked over and got a shot out and delivered it to the stallion while Fiona contemplated what it would mean to bottom out and have a horse shoved all the way inside of her. Of course it was stupid to think about and Charles was right, there was no medical way to make that happen, but still.

Fiona looked down her body and tried to imagine a foot of penis inside of her. It would reach the bottom of her ribcage. She was so turned on that she inadvertently humped her hips upwards hard, taking a full inch more as it pressed hard against her cervix. She looked at him without moving and trying not to breath she asked, “How far is he in me now?” His eyes were wide, “Well, never mind, you’re up to about 8 inches is my guess. Maybe you could do it. Who knows!” Fiona relaxed, letting an inch out of her vagina as she lowered her hips and in a silky voice she said, “It would be fun to try, wouldn’t it?” She had never been so full in her whole life. She had an erect animal pressed hard against her cervix and she was just realizing what that meant.

Charles ignored her girlish fantasies, “We’ll see… Anyway, the next step is to show you how to navigate around like a real Belly Rider.” Fiona’s eyes lit up, “Yeah, I read about this. I can actually ride around and tell him where to go, right?” “Yes, you’ll be able to ride him, just like you were horseback riding, except, of course, you’ll be underneath and fairly incapacitated. So it’s more of a safety thing. You’ll need to learn how to control him in case he gets loose and starts wandering off.” She nodded and a flirty way she made fun of how serious he was being by winking and saying, “Safety first!”

Charles untied the stallion’s bridle from the pole and navigated him outside and into the four acre lot that was set aside just for the stallions, and was adjacent to the four acre lot for the mares. Fiona found the sudden movement very perplexing. She was seeing the world upside down, and her long hair was dragging gently along the dirt as they walked. She felt the deep shock wave of the stallion’s penis bottoming out against her cervix with each footfall of his long, thin, hoofed legs. It felt wonderful, but she couldn’t stop thinking about her hair. She asked Charles to stop and go back and get her hair tie out of her jeans.

He nodded and while he was gone, Fiona began to lift her hips gently, exploring the length and girth of her new lover. He was absolutely massive. The stallion slid gently inside her wet hole so nicely that Fiona couldn’t believe she was really doing it. It still hadn’t sunk in. After a few seconds Charles returned and she asked him to tie up her hair the best he could. He did as he was asked and then graciously tied her hair up as best he could so her hair wouldn’t get stepped on or pulled by some bush. She already knew she’d have to wash it since it had been hanging in the dirt, but she didn’t care. This was the most dangerous and thrilling thing she had ever done in her life. She could live with a little filth.

Charles stood up and looked her body over, “Okay, all set. You sure you want to do this still?” Fiona nodded slowly, “Yeah, I think so.” “You sure? You don’t sound certain. We could turn around right now and forget this all happened. I don’t want anything coming between you and Dan.” “It won’t – he won’t ever find out, right?” Charles sighed, “I can’t promise that he won’t find out, and you should prepare yourself for that possibility.” She thought for a moment. This was the most amazing thing she had ever done. She still hadn’t felt the stallion orgasm and she desperately wanted to. She had to go on. Something deep inside her animalistic brain compelled her, “I want to do this, Charles.”

He nodded, “Okay. Well. In that case, let’s show you how to steer the stallion.” Fiona nodded, “I’ve actually never ridden a horse before. I mean, not even horseback. This is my first time on a horse. I’m a little nervous.” “Well, don’t be. It’s easy. See these reins here in your hand? Yes, those. Grab them. Now pull one. Yes, see how he turns his head. Now if you pull a little harder he’ll walk around in a circle.” Fiona began to understand as she turned the horse one way and then the other. It was so bizarre being upside down with a huge dick inside of you and learning how to ride a horse for the first time. She wasn’t accustom at all to how a horse moves and it was strange at first, especially because she was having a really hard time ignoring the 7 inches of penis jabbing deep against her cervix with each step the stallion took as she swung helplessly beneath him.

Charles continued his instructions. She then learned if she pulled both reigns at once the stallion would back up, which he said was important if the stallion were ever to try to walk over something that wasn’t safe, or if her hair ever got caught on something. She nodded and diligently followed his instructions. Then she learned that by squeezing her legs together she could make the stallion move forward. She also learned at the same time that as she squeezed her legs together it rocked her hips gently, and that with each step she could feel the giant stallion’s penis retracting and pushing forward deep into her over and over again. And as she got more accustomed to it she could gently squeeze her legs together and lift her hips at the same time, much like she would if she were cantering, except instead of posting elegantly with each step, she was taking a huge horse cock.

She was getting more and more aroused with each step. It was really hard to concentrate and honestly, she felt a little confused about where she was going because she was upside down, but it didn’t matter much. She rocked her hips hard several times and finally came hard. Her stomach tensed and so did her butt as she quivered and shook. She was a few dozen yards away from Charles so she wasn’t sure he saw, and she was quiet enough that maybe he didn’t notice. She caught her breath and turned the horse around and rode him back to Charles, pulling the reins up so that the stallion would stop.

Here eyes were a little glassy and her chest was flushed from her orgasm and she knew her butt and pussy were still gently pulsing as she looked up at Charles with a huge smile, “I did it!” He nodded, “Yep, you know the basics now. You can start, stop, turn and make the stallion walk backwards. That’s pretty much everything you need to know.” She was really horny still, even though she had just orgasmed. She was already ready for another when she said, “I’m still a little uncomfortable with turning while we’re walking. Can I try that again?” He nodded, “Of course.”

She smiled, somewhat mischievously. She wasn’t having any problems, in fact, for her first time on a horse, let alone while impaled on it’s penis, she was proving to be a natural. She might have felt almost elegant, if she also didn’t feel so perverted at the same time. Her real mission was to get the stallion to inseminate her while Charles watched. She began to walk around in circles and then figure-eights while lifting her hips up and down with each step. Her cervix no longer felt battered – she loved the sensation of pressing up hard against the stallion’s cock, as she ground her hips around in circles with each step, enticing her animal lover.

She knew at this point that it must be obvious to Charles what she was up to. She had been walking in circles, and grinding her hips for almost ten minutes straight and every time he’d try to give her a compliment as if she had gotten it she would protest and say, “Just a few more circles.” She wasn’t ready to stop yet, even if Charles thought she had completed her introductory training. The lifted her hips harder and faster. She knew that Charles could see what she was doing. It was obvious. She was fucking and bucking her hips to meet each thrust the stallion made and she was being as blatant as could be.

She had never felt this kind of girth inside of her, but suddenly she felt like it was growing even bigger. She looked down and saw that the horse’s testicles has begun to retract and lift up close to his body. She was encouraged and continued to lift her hips higher and harder. She even said out loud, “Come on, boy. Come on!” She was encouraging him in front of Charles. She knew she should be totally ashamed of herself and her behavior but for some reason she couldn’t stop herself, “Come on boy! You can do it!”

Suddenly the stallion started walking in a totally unpredictable pattern. Even though Fiona was trying to guide him in a big perfect circle he was more like trotting sideways. Then she felt something she had never felt in her life. The stallion stopped dead in his tracks, and thrust his huge penis as hard as he could into Fiona’s tiny body. The shock of the blow almost knocked the wind out of Fiona as her eyes opened wide. The pain was immense, and she had no idea what to do about it. Then there was another, second blow, just as hard as the first one. She began to panic. She wasn’t sure she could survive this.

Blow after blow landed hard as the giant phallus jabbed into her and grew thicker all at the same time. She began to curse herself. This horse would probably kill her. He was 1000 pounds, muscular and intent on seeing this through. Even if she wanted to stop there was no way she could get free in time. She used her legs to push away and give her a little room, but it barely mattered. She began to think about Dan and how stupid she felt. Why had she done this to herself? Even if the horse didn’t kill her, surely her vagina would be a useless hole that Dan would get no pleasure from. But just as she was thinking the worst, suddenly the intense pain was slowly dulled and replaced by pleasure.

She hadn’t expected to possibly overcome the intense pain, but her body reacted to it and she began to enjoy it tremendously. She stopped pushing off with her legs and let herself swing freely. The thrusts were still unimaginably powerful and hurt a little but she couldn’t help but be extremely aroused at the same time. Within a few more thrusts she actually began to angle her hips upwards to give the stallion better leverage to fuck as deep as he wanted. Then she began to realize the stallion’s penis was actually flaring up inside her. She knew the stallion was close, and so was she.

Fiona picked up the pace and began lifting her hips to meet each thrust, letting the huge animal bottom out deep inside her wet hole as it made loud squishing and sucking sounds on each thrust. Fiona could feel her clit and how big it was, aching to be touched. She was on the verge of a very powerful orgasm and she couldn’t help herself. She decided to go for broke. With both her arms and both her legs she pulled herself as far down the rigid horse flesh as she could as she yelled to Charles, “HOW FAR INSIDE ME IS HE NOW??!”

Charles took a few steps closer and looked closely, “Wow! Uh… probably… 8 or 8 and 1/2 inches?” Fiona gritted her teeth as she realized she was about to cumm harder than she had ever cumm in her whole life. She prepared herself by spreading her legs as far apart as she could given that her ankles were tied to the stallion. Her hairy pussy gaped open and as if they had timed it together, suddenly Fiona and the stallion began to orgasm in unison. As Fiona held her cervix firmly against the horse’s huge flaring head, the stallion shot a long sticky rope of semen down the length of his cock. It ran the long length of the animals spasmodic penis deep into the very back of Fiona’s quivering pussy where it shot out, past Fiona’s cervical hole and right into the deepest recesses of Fiona’s womb.

Fiona, again with all her strength pulled with her arms and legs and forced her body down as far as she could before screaming out, “HOLY FUCK!!!! I’M CUMMMMMMMMMINNNNNNGGGGG!!!!” She couldn’t believe how hard her body convulsed. Her whole body was doing nothing but trying to stimulate a horse cock to ejaculate more fluids into her uterus. Her cervix was pulsing hard and sucking every drop of ejaculate that the stallion shot into her. She had never wanted someone or something’s semen so bad. She wanted his semen in her womb. She wanted the stallion’s sperm swimming around her tubes. She wanted it to find an egg. She even wanted to get impregnated. She screamed again, holding on as hard as she could.

She had never had such perverted thoughts in her life. She had never wanted something so disgusting, but now she couldn’t get enough. If the stallion could keep cumming for hours on end she would have patiently waited and let it pour into her. Her body would have soaked up every drop it could. She wanted his semen and she wanted to stay impaled on his giant, slippery masculine cock, riding it for as long as possible. She knew she had to dry this again and she was still orgasmic. She felt a little warm flash around her labia, and she realized the horse’s sperm was overflowing out of her.

Charles cleared his throat, “Wow.” She was still panting and groaning, as her orgasm was still washing over her, “Wow? Uhnnnnn…” “Yeah, you took closer to 9 inches at the end there. I’ve never seen anything like it… you really like horse dick, don’t you, Fiona?” Fiona blushed hard. She had never had to verbalize anything so grotesque sounding before, so she meekly said, “I guess… mmmmmmm!” He squinted and said, “And…” She was curious, “And what?” “And, well… I’ve seen a lot of belly riders and normally the first time they have sex with a horse they suck a lot more semen up, compared to the subsequent orgasms they may have throughout the day… but…”

The horse finally settled down but Fiona’s butt and pussy were still convulsing visibly. The sperm stuck in little semi-translucent droplets to her pubic hair around her labia as Fiona’s curiosity took over, “But what?!” “But almost no sperm came out of you. Some did… but… Not much…” Fiona frowned, trying to catch her breath, “What does that mean?” “Well… It means that your body naturally sucked up a lot more of his seed than most girls do. It means that you’re really trying to get pregnant.”

Fiona’s eyes were wide. She had never been more embarrassed in her whole life. That was a secret fantasy, and a secret that she had not expected her body to betray. She blushed hard and looked anywhere but at Charles’s face. She didn’t know what to say. Charles just shook his head, “Look, it’s no big deal. I mean, it’s fine. So you wanted to sire his offspring. That’s your choice. You two successfully mated, that’s a big deal. And at least while he was inseminating you your emotions got away from you and you tried to let him impregnate you. I can’t say I completely understand, but it’s understandable.” Fiona wanted to die. She had talked a mean game, and she had had a lot of fun, but she was starting to really re-think this whole thing all of a sudden.

Maybe it was that her reason was finally back after the horse fucked her girlish horny ideas out of her. But whatever the cause, she wanted to be let down. She realized in that moment that she was freezing cold and she began to shiver, “Charles, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Can you just let me down now?” He nodded and began to unfasten her straps. It took a while for Fiona to gently extract the huge horse penis from her loins, but gradually as she pulled it eventually sprang free, spraying tiny droplets of semen all over her as she felt a gush of ejaculate oozing out of her gaping hole.

Fiona grabbed her pussy, feeling her cummy labia and pubic hair with her fingers and hoping her vagina would return to it’s natural tight self as semen ran into her hand. Fiona was totally ashamed and without saying anything to Charles she rushed back into the barn and quickly grabbed her clothes. Of course there was sperm all over her hand, between her legs, her buttocks, and little droplets all over her stomach and chest. Sperm soaked through in little droplets all over her body as she quickly got dressed.

She could feel semen draining into her panties as she put on her jeans. Charles slowly walked back into the barn with the stallion in tow. The stallion’s penis was still hard and wet. And sure enough the wetness could be measured about 9 inches up, where Fiona’s pussy had engulfed it. She was even more embarrassed as she put her socks and shoes on, looking as the stallion’s huge cock as it drooled a small amount of semen onto the ground. As Charles unsaddled the stallion Fiona said, “Thanks for this Charles. I appreciate all your help. You can find your own way out right?” He nodded and Fiona literally ran back to the house. She was cold, confused, scared and embarrassed.


Chapter Four

That night, Fiona tried to forget the whole thing had happened. It was hard though, because even after her shower semen continued to drain out of her pussy all night long. Dan was starting to get annoyed at one point as they were sitting on the couch by the fire watching television as Fiona got up again, “Didn’t you just go pee like 5 minutes ago?” Fiona was a little nervous but just shrugged, “I drank a lot of water today.” He laughed, “Remind me to not let you drink water before we take any road trips, okay?” She kissed him on the forehead. She was somewhat relieved that he hadn’t noticed anything else. She was worried he may have horse slut radar or something.

The only other hint that anything was wrong was when he said, “Oh, hey, why didn’t you answer the phone today when I called?” “Oh, you called?” She was a little worried, “Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you knew that I was going to have to go into the office every day for probably the next few months. I gotta start putting in a full day at the office again because of that big marketing push we’re doing. It sets a good example for the troops.” Fiona thought for a second about what that might mean for her and her budding fetish “Oh, well… that’s too bad. But anyway, yeah, I had to head to the store for a bit. I wanted to see what they charge for wedding invitations or if there was a way I could get cheaper card stock. Sorry, hon.” “Oh, no problem.” She sighed… she had plenty to do all day, so she had plenty of lies to tell. Getting married was a good cover.

That evening she checked her email and got a very nice email from Charles that said he hoped she was doing okay, and if there was anything she needed, to please let him know. He also said he understood if she never wanted to try it again and that she shouldn’t be too upset. “Everyone has to do something dangerous and stupid once in their life, I’ll chalk this up to a gigantic mistake.” Fiona read and re-read that email at least a half dozen times before going to bed. She couldn’t sleep at all though. All she could think about was holding her cervix up as close as she could against the stallion’s penis so that it could shoot right past her cervix and into her uterus. She kept thinking about how she had managed to get 9 whole inches inside of her. She tossed and turned until Dan finally said, “Stop it, you keep waking me up.”

Fiona said, “Sorry baby, I’m all awake. I’ll just go downstairs and make myself some tea. Maybe that’ll relax me.” He buried his head in the pillow as Fiona put on one of his over sized tee-shirts and headed downstairs. She flipped on her computer again and read Charles’ email one more time. Was that really how she felt? She didn’t think it was. She clicked “Reply” and started typing. She explained that she was just confused because she had never felt anything so wonderful in her whole life. She wrote that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to do it again or not, but she wanted some time to think. She wrote what her feelings were, how she was so nervous before hand and excited during. She wrote how big his penis felt and how wonderful his sperm felt even as it drained out of her while she was typing that very email.

She looked at the length of the email which had turned into pages, and she shook her head. No, this was ridiculous. She was a grown woman and she liked having a horse dick spray her insides with semen. She made up her mind. She was going to try it again. She erased the two pages of text she had written and replaced it with, “I was just being silly. I definitely want to do that again. Come over at 10 tomorrow morning, and don’t forget the saddle or the shots, mister.” She snuggled back into bed with Dan, happy and excited for the next morning. When she woke up, Dan was getting ready for work. Fiona stood up and yawned and looked out the window. It was getting really cold outside, and it was still a little dark. It looked a little blustery and it made her cold even thinking about going outside naked.

That made Fiona ask, “Hey, Dan, what’s the black horse’s name?” He looked out the window, “Which one?” “The stallion over there near the fence.” “Oh, Buck is his name, why?” “Buck?” “Yeah, I didn’t name him. Why?” “Oh, I just saw him and wondered if he had a name or not.” “Yup, Buck.” “Gotcha.” She smiled and kissed him softly. She felt really relaxed and yet still excited. Dan left early and Fiona jumped in the shower, put on her makeup, ate breakfast and waited patiently for Charles.

That second day, Fiona roamed around and got a feel for the size of the large fenced in area, while she desperately humped Buck over and over. For the first time she had multiple ejaculations in her and she loved it. Charles stayed nearby that second day, reading a book, while Fiona got used to it. From that day on, Fiona continued to ride Buck. Regardless if Dan were going to be late or not, Fiona rode every day, except Monday because that’s when the ranch hands would show up and the weekend. Charles started to just show up to saddle her, and unsaddle her at the end of the day, leaving her alone to have sex with the stallion in peace.

Fiona asked the ranch hands to start showing up on Sunday too, so she got five days a week to fuck Buck’s huge stallion cock for sometimes up to 6 or 7 hours a day while Dan was obliviously working at the office. Occasionally Dan would need to stay late and Fiona would get upwards of ten hours of intense orgasms all to herself. At the end of every day Charles would tell her in a nice way as he untied her wrists and ankles, “You know Dan probably wouldn’t be okay with this.” She would hump her sloppy wet semen soaked pussy with matted pubic hair sticking to her labia up and down Buck’s cock and smile, “I know, I want to.” Charles would shrug and say, “Okay, if you want to…”

After Charles would release her, Fiona would get dressed quickly and do all of her day’s worth of work preparing for the wedding in just a few hours. That meant she had to make some snap decisions, including deciding to have the wedding on the ranch itself way in the back where a dirt road went to this wide open field that overlooked a really pretty canyon. She called her neighbor who agreed to let everyone drive in through his property, so that made things a lot easier. She also settled on plates, food, and all sorts of other things. Her mind just wasn’t into the wedding ceremony itself. It seemed like all her thoughts were wrapped up in swinging underneath Buck’s abdomen, milking his cock for more seed. And that’s exactly what she continued to do for the weeks leading up the the ceremony itself. She enjoyed countless orgasms and still managed to keep it all a secret from Dan.


Chapter Five

The day of the wedding had been looming closer and closer. The bachelorette party had been tame, and the rehearsal dinner had been dull, but Fiona smiled and was a gracious host. Charles was at the rehearsal dinner. Fiona hadn’t had time to ride Buck once in the last three days because of all the family in town. It was the longest she had gone without having sex with a horse since she started two months earlier. Charles waited until Fiona was relatively alone and he walked up and said, “Fiona, I’ll be over in the morning. I’m going to rent a carriage to take you from the house to the wedding ceremony. You can play with the horse before that, of course.”

Fiona had been a huge slut in front of Charles for two months now, but she still blushed, “It’s my wedding day though!” She actually didn’t think it was a bad idea, but she couldn’t wrap her mind around how it would actually come to pass that she could have sex with a stallion before she walked out to marry Dan. Charles nodded, “Yes, it is. I’ll be there at 10. The ceremony starts at 11. That’ll give you just enough time. Just make sure your family stays away from the house.” Fiona did some quick math in her head. If she had sex with Buck quickly and put on her dress in the carriage on the way over it could work and she could reasonably make everyone stay over by the field where the ceremony was to take place for an hour without any complaints.

She whispered, “Okay.” She was all smiles from that point on. She was so glad she’d get one last chance to have sex with Buck before she walked down the aisle. It was a relief because she had been pretty pent up the last few days with all the family and friends nearby. She was distracted for the rest of the dress rehearsal, but pleasantly so. Everyone assumed she was just tipsy, but she was actually really just very aroused and in sweet anticipation.

The next day she woke up early. Both Dan and Fiona’s parents were staying at the rather large house. Fiona’s Mother and Dan’s Mother and sister all helped her get her makeup ready, and helped her put on her stockings, veil, gloves, and of course her thin silk slip that she was going to wear under her dress. She told them she wanted to wait until the last minute to put on the dress because she was afraid of getting something on it. The girls understood. Dan’s Mother was really nice and gave her a very old but beautiful pearl necklace that Fiona loved. Her own Mother let her borrow a blue garter which she immediately put on. Dan’s sister gave Fiona a brand new pair of pretty pearl earrings to match the necklace. And with that, Fiona felt elated. She was all set.

Fiona noticed the time was getting close so she told the ladies, “You should probably start driving over now. You’ll want to greet everyone and get things organized. It takes about 5 minutes in the truck to get over there so you’ll be there a bit early, but you should get going. It will take me a while to get into the dress and it’ll take some time to take the carriage over. So you ladies should get going.” They agreed with her reasoning and all gave her big hugs goodbye. They all left the room. Fiona looked out her bedroom window and saw Charles busying himself with the carriage. He had brought it over in a horse trailer that he had modified to allow it to fit either horses or a carriage.

Fiona noticed he was already getting Buck saddled up as her Parents, Dan, Dan’s Parents and his Sister all began to slowly pile into Dan’s truck. It was taking them forever to leave, and Fiona was getting anxious as she looked at the clock. She only had a little under 45 minutes, and that wasn’t much time to do everything she needed to do. Finally the big truck roared to life and they left on down the road, leaving Charles in the driveway to saddle up the stallion. Fiona pulled her slip over her head, grabbed it along with her dress and shoes and headed downstairs. She opened the door and Charles turned. She was stunning.

Fiona gently laid the dress, her slip and her shoes down on the chair on the deck, which she knew had been cleaned for company saying, “Okay, we need to load this into the carriage before we take off, so I can get dressed on the ride over.” Charles eyed her. She was standing there in white thigh high stockings, elbow length white satin gloves, a pearl necklace with matching earrings and a white veil. The only thing that stood out other than the fact that her breasts and pussy were on display was the blue garter. She looked extremely sexy as she skipped down the steps onto the driveway. She hugged Charles and said, “Alone at last with my favorite man of honor! Nice carriage!”

He smiled, “Thanks, I just had it laying around if you can believe that.” She laughed at what she assumed was a joke but she didn’t have time for humor, “Okay, we had better get the show on the road. We don’t have much time.” He nodded. Charles quickly put on the belly riding saddle on top of the carriage straps that secured Buck to the carriage. It was a little awkward but Charles got it all situated. He asked Fiona, “Well, since today is the big day, do you want me to tighten the straps a little?”

Fiona knew exactly what he was saying. Every day that Fiona rode the stallion she kept trying to go deeper and deeper. Call it a sick fantasy, but she wanted to feel his entire length inside of her, even if that wasn’t actually possible without injury. But after two months of practice she had already made Charles pull in the saddle by one full notch of the leather that governed how much pressure her body would naturally put against the horse’s penis without any movements from either horse or rider. She could now take 9 and 1/2 inches and had been able to for weeks. What Charles was suggesting, Fiona realized, was that she should try for 10 full inches. Fiona shivered in the cold.

She looked up the dirt path to where her future husband and their families waited, and she looked at Buck and thought about it. She knew she didn’t have much time, but could she really do it? This was going to be the biggest feat of her life if she pulled it off. Women who belly ride for years could only sometimes get to 10 inches. Could she really pull it off after only two months? She thought she might be able to but she was nervous. There was a cold breeze in the Fall air too, which made it harder to think. She could feel her sensitive nipples tightening to hard points as the wind whipped around her.

Her hot wet pussy was cooling quickly in the breeze. She shivered again. She finally said, “Okay, let’s try it. Why not?” He shrugged and tightened the last strap by one full notch before saying, “Okay, climb in the saddle.” She did so quickly, worming her way up through the mess of straps of both the belly riding saddle and the carriage. It was a little awkward but she didn’t mind. Charles waited for Fiona to massage the stallion, get it erect and get it inside of her before he began to tie her up. It was a ritual they had gone though dozens of times before. Fiona sighed and waited for Charles to fasten all four of her bonds around her ankles and wrists. It was fun wearing stockings and gloves, she realized. And a bit warmer than usual even though it was colder that day than it had been in a few weeks.

She knew that once she started moving she would warm up. Charles finished fastening her straps when he excused himself for a minute. She began to hump her hips upwards. Dan returned with a shot and before Fiona could think he had given it to Buck to keep him erect for hours. Fiona shook her head, “Wait, no…” but it was too late, he had already given the stallion the shot. Charles asked, “What?” “Well… now he’s going to be hard for hours… People will ask questions.” Charles shook his head, “I doubt it.” Fiona thought for a moment, “Yeah, maybe you’re right. They’ll just think he smelled a mare in heat or something. Oh well, no biggie!”

Charles left again, excusing himself and Fiona began to hump her hips upwards. She was so horny she could hardly stand herself. She knew her clit and her vulva were engorged with blood. She was extremely wet and it felt wonderful to have a stallion inside her again. She could already tell that the pressure from the extra tight saddle was adding a lot more pressure on her insides. She was probably already at 8 inches deep and she was barely pulling. She liked to warm up slowly. Suddenly Charles returned with a camera phone that he clearly intended to use to record her.

Fiona’s eyes were wide, “What the fuck!?” Charles said, “It’s for posterity.” “No way, put it away.” Charles sighed, “Look, Fiona, it’s not like I don’t see it just about every day. But you never have. This is your wedding day and I know you’re going to want to remember this forever. This video is a record of at least two amazing things. It’ll be the first day you take 10 inches of horse penis, and the day of your wedding. Those are two amazing things, right.” Fiona nodded, “Right.” In actuality she was very interested in seeing what she looked like, and he was right, it was something she would cherish forever.

Fiona said, “Okay, but I want you to send it right away when you’re done and don’t keep a copy on your phone.” He nodded, “You got it.” She sighed. She was really horny still but now she had more of an audience than she usually did. She was really excited to see what she looked like. She knew her hair and makeup were perfect, and her body was in great shape from having sex for hours and hours every day. Charles hit record. She thought she probably looked gorgeous. She said, “Get some closeups of my pussy!” He did as he was told and stood only a few feet away taking extreme closeups as Fiona lifted her hips.

She began thrusting hard with her hips. She was having a blast and she was moaning and bucking. She rotated her hips and spread her legs as wide as she could while still being firmly attached to the belly riding saddle so that Charles could video tape her ass and vagina. She wanted it to be as graphic as possible and Charles could tell. He began to interview her, “Do you like having sex with horses, Fiona?” “Oh GOD yes! I love it! I love it more than anything!” “More than Dan?” In the heat of the moment she blurted out, “Oh God yes!” She wasn’t even sure she meant that, but she said it.

Charles asked, “How many times have you had sex with a stallion, Fiona?” “Four times a day, every week day. And it’s been two months, so… a LOT!” Charles did some math in his head, “That’s 80 times, does that sound right?” Fiona moaned, “It’s not enough!” “So you want to keep doing this?” “YES!” “For how long?” “Until I die! I want to keep fucking his big dick until I die!” “And what are you trying to do today?” “I’m trying to fuck ten inches of this stallion’s dick. I’ve never done it before, but I want to try! I’ve only gotten up to 9 and 1/2 inches so far!” She was starting to quivver as her orgasm started to approach.

Charles continued his interview, “And is that where you’ll stop? 10 inches?” “No! I want it all! I want to keep going! Maybe I can get a foot! Or more!” Charles asked, “What do you like about having sex with horses, Fiona?” She felt like she was about to cumm any minute but she tried to continue the Interview, “Uhnnn… I like… his big cock… and how much he cumms… in my… pussy… oh God! He cumms so much!” The horse was starting to feel the same way Fiona did as he whinnied loudly and stamped his foot. Fiona could feel his penis thickening inside her. Charles asked, “And what do you like best about his sperm?”

Fiona moaned, “I LIKE… WHEN… uhhhhhhh it fills me UP… and… I… mmmmm… am dripping all over… the house… afterwards… God! I want his semen so bad!” The horse began to thrust hard. Fiona’s eyes flew open. She looked down and saw that the horse’s testicles had risen up already. He was getting ready. The intense pressure inside of her was overwhelming. The pain came and went quickly with each thrust. She knew she wasn’t quite there so she gritted her teeth and pulled her body hard down the horse’s slippery flaring cock. Charles asked, “And why do you want his sperm inside of you?”

Fiona cried out, “BECAUSE I WANT HIS BABIES!!!!! OH GOOOOOODD! CHARLES! HE’S SO DEEP! OH GOD!!!” The intense thrusts were beyond what she could take. Her whole body was shaking and holding on with whatever strength she could muster. Finally the stallion began to make a loud coughing sound as he began to climax. Charles asked one final question, “Would he make a better father than Dan?” Her orgasm hit her right when he asked that question. She couldn’t answer. Her mouth was wide open, mimicking her full pussy, which had almost 10 full inches of horse penis spraying her cunt with hot seed. She couldn’t say a word, she couldn’t scream, she couldn’t think. She just whimpered and nodded her head.

She came hard, but instead of working her butt up and down she just continued to pull with all her strength, impaling her body far down the mighty animal’s erupting cock. Her cervix pulsated and sucked her lover’s penis, while her pussy milked it begging for more of his hot semen. The lovely bride to be was almost completely motionless. There was almost no sound as the stallion stood there hunched forward emptying himself into Fiona, who was pulsing and shaking as her body drank from her lover’s cock desperately trying to impregnate itself with horse semen on her wedding day.

Charles broke the silence, “Congratulations. You made it to 10 inches, Fiona.” Fiona finally gasped for air, “OH MY GOD!” Her whole body writhed and spasmed. She couldn’t believe she had actually done it. She was still cumming hard as her body rippled. Her labia and anus began to feel warm as the stallion’s ejaculate overflowed her taught hole. Fiona was overjoyed by her accomplishment. She felt like crying and laughing at the same time. Her pussy and anus were still convulsing wildly as she lovingly milked the horse’s penis from within. She was completely out of breath and sweaty despite the cold Fall air.

Charles got one more last closeup shot of semen drooling out of Fiona as he stood up and stopped recording and hit some buttons. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath. Charles said, “Okay, I sent it and deleted it from my phone. We should probably get going.” Fiona nodded but didn’t seem to have the energy to even lift her head. She had never been so tired and relaxed in her life and she was also still going to mild orgasmic aftershocks. He said, “Look we only have about 15 minutes before the ceremony, so I’m going to get in the carriage and we can ride over there and you can stay underneath.” Fiona barely had the energy to protest but she hadn’t completely lost her wits either, “Wait, they can’t see me like this though.”

Charles said, “I can always stop along the way. Besides, you accomplished a pretty amazing goal today and you deserve to be pampered a little.” She was so tired that it actually sounded like a good idea. Plus it was a ten minute walk over there. She needed some time to rest. She could throw on her slip and her dress in two or three minutes and get her shoes on in no time. She might be one or two minutes late, but that was no big deal. The carriage left the house and they ambled slowly down the road. Each step sent little shocks through her body as the stallion’s penis slipped back and forth.

Fiona smiled and said, “I don’t know why exactly… but I feel a little like a queen right now.” “Why’s that?” “Because, I’m being treated so well. I have everything I want, and I’ve got the biggest scepter in the land shoved up inside of me.” Charles nodded, “I see.” “No, but really, I have never been happier in my life. I wish I could tell everyone. I feel such a huge sense of relief, as if I’ve really found myself, 10 inches down Buck’s penis. I feel so relaxed. Like this the way it should always be. Like I should really be marrying him instead of Dan. I know that’s stupid and silly, but you’ll have to forgive a girl when she’s drowning in horse ejaculate.”

Charles nodded without saying a word. Fiona didn’t have a great view of Charles from her position under the stallion, even though he had a great view of her pussy and ass from his position. A few minutes slipped quietly past and Fiona was starting to think they had probably gotten close enough by now. She paused for a moment shivering from the cold Fall air and the dark skies that threatened rain. Suddenly she had a thought, “Hey, Charles, did you remember my dress?” Charles sighed and didn’t say anything.

She repeated herself, “Hey, CHARLES! Did you remember my dress, my slip and my shoes? I left them on the porch.” He was still quiet, “CHARLES!” He said, “I heard you Fiona, and no, I didn’t forget them. I actually intentionally left them behind.” Fiona’s eyes were wide, “You did what?! Why? We need to go back and get them! And quick!” “No… we don’t.” “Yes we do, Charles! I can’t go out naked on my wedding day!” She was sure he was just being obtuse.

That’s when Charles finally came clean, “Do you remember every day for the last two months when I said that Dan wouldn’t want you to do this but you said you didn’t want to stop?” Fiona paused, feeling like this conversation was taking a strange turn, “Uh… I guess?” “Well, today you’re going to come clean to him.” “WHAT?!” Fiona’s eyes were huge. She couldn’t believe it. Was Charles kidding? “No, Charles, seriously, stop the carriage. What are you talking about?” “I’m talking about the fact that you knew exactly how bad this was going to hurt him and yet you still did it. And worse yet, you couldn’t help yourself. You decided you had to do it on his wedding day.”

“Charles, stop, please. You’re scaring me.” Charles shook his head, “You should have quit while you were ahead.” “You said you’d never tell him.” “I’m not going to tell him. I never lie. But he’s going to put two and two together when he sees you like this, I’m guessing.” “No, Charles, STOP! Please! You can’t do this to me! Fuck you!” Charles was starting to get upset, “Stop swearing, it won’t help your cause. You knew better. Now you’re going to sit there and wait for your punishment.”

Fiona was freaking out. She had never had any intention on letting Dan find out. She had always been so careful. But now Charles was totally betraying her trust. Granted, she shouldn’t have ever trusted him in the first place. Charles had been Dan’s friend far longer than Fiona had known Dan. Of course Charles’ loyalty would be to his friend, but still. She was naked on her wedding day with a horse sperm and horse cock filled pussy. There was no rebounding from this. Her life would be over.

They rounded the corner and wound down towards the flat area, around some trees where the wedding ceremony was to take place. Charles barked at her, “This is what you get for being a huge slut, Fiona. You knew better. You knew that Dan wouldn’t be okay with this but you did it anyway. You knew you were getting married to him today, and you did it anyway.” She pleaded again, “No Charles, please, don’t! I’ll do anything you want, please! Don’t make me go out there.” Charles continued, “You chose to fuck a horse, not just once, but dozens of times, Fiona. I gave you plenty of chances to stop but no. Now you’re going to have to live with it. So shut up and sit still, I want Dan and everyone else to see your cunt full of horse cumm. No one will have any doubts about who and what you are now. Stop struggling.”

They rounded the corner and there was the entire wedding party and the entire audience. They’re eyes were huge. There was almost an instant gasp from the crowd as they all realized what they were looking at all at once. Charles rode the carriage around and next to the chairs that were set up so she was right along side where her Mother and friends were sitting. But it was Dan who was the first to react, “WHAT THE FUCK!? NO, SERIOUSLY! WHAT… THE… FUCK!”

Fiona froze. She had nothing to hide from anyone now. They could all see her. Fiona’s Mother got angry with Charles, “What did you make my little girl do?” He didn’t say a word to her as she berated him telling him what an asshole he was. Fiona’s Father was just solemnly shaking his head as he walked up from the rear of the chairs, where he had expected to be walking his Daughter from. The wedding party descended into chaos almost instantly as people started trying to blame Charles, even though he sat there, completely stoic. Fiona couldn’t talk over all the people who began to swarm around her, and all the yelling. Suddenly they heard a beep. Then another beep with a vibrating sound. Then several beeps and several more vibrating sounds. Suddenly the entire wedding party realized their phones were buzzing and beeping all at once.

They all began to pull their smart phones out. That’s when Fiona’s heart really dropped. Fiona began to hear her own voice come from some of the phones, “Get some closeups of my pussy!” She realized that Charles had sent the video he had just made to every person in the wedding party. It had taken several minutes to send because it was such a long video. But now each and every one of them would know not just in what way she was visibly perverted but how she wanted 10 inches of horse penis, and how she wanted to get impregnated by the stallion. The wedding party just exploded into anger and cursing and obscenities. Charles had totally betrayed her. And with that he clicked the reins and began to drive Fiona away from the wedding party. Fiona couldn’t make out much of what people were saying because of all the yelling and shouting but the one thing she heard distinctly was Dan yelling, “IT’S OVER, YOU HEAR ME YOU WHORE? IT’S FUCKING OVER!”

Fiona was too in shock to cry. Her life was ruined and Charles was nonchalantly driving her and the stallion back to the house. “WHY! WHY DID YOU DO THIS,” she yelled at Charles as they got out of earshot of the angry wedding party. Charles said, “Because Dan is my friend, and he doesn’t want to live with a girl who likes animals the way you do. But Fiona, I want to be clear. I don’t hate you. I actually understand you perfectly well. I know you don’t have anywhere else to go, and you won’t want to go home. So, how about I take you ove to my place. I want to show you something that I think you need to see.”

Fiona fought a tear, “Sure, whatever. It’s like you said – I don’t have anywhere else to go! Thanks to YOU, asshole!!” He nodded, understanding that they weren’t really on speaking terms at this point and quietly walked her back to the house. He unstrapped the carriage and left it there in the driveway, but drove Fiona, still naked and impaled on Buck’s huge penis, into the back of Charles’ horse trailer. She had to hold herself up as he did so so that she wouldn’t be skewered by his huge penis due to the angle as the stallion walked up the steps. Charles closed the back. This was all very new and strange to Fiona. She had never driven while having sex with a stallion. Despite the fact that her stomach was in knots over her ex-fiance’s reaction and the fact that her family probably had all disowned her all at once, she was still a little excited to drive around town.


Chapter Six

They arrived at Charles’ house ten minutes later. Fiona was shivering pretty hard by this point. It was cold and windy in the back of the trailer. It was fun looking out of the holes in the side and seeing cars drive by. They simply had no idea there was a naked girl wearing a veil, white stockings and white gloves with an engorged horse cock buried inside her only feet away. She had no idea what was in store for her, and she was very tempted to tell Charles to let her down but it felt like the damage was already done at this point. There was literally almost nothing he could possibly do to her to make things worse, she decided.

He unlocked the back of the trailer and walked the stallion backwards down the ramp. Against Fiona felt like was being stabbed as she used her legs and arms to hold her up. The angle was really dangerous, especially because the stallion was already 10 inches inside of her at that point. He quietly gathered her reins and lead her out past his house, which Fiona thought was beautiful. She had no idea Charles’ house was so nice. He had a beautiful manicured lawn, which was fenced in and seemed to go for at least half a mile back into a wooded area. He lead her into the fenced in area and opened the gate to let her and the stallion through.

A bit beyond there Fiona saw something funny. It took her a moment to realize what she was looking at. There were two more horses with two girls strapped underneath them. Fiona was dressed like a slutty bride-to-be, but these girls were dressed quite differently. The first girl had huge breasts, and wore a thick wool ski sweater, a wool hat covering dark and somewhat long auburn hair, wool mittens and mukluk. Her pussy was wide open and clearly full of cock and clearly the stallion had inseminated her in the last few hours.

The second girl had smaller breasts also hidden under a sweater, but it was a thinner red sweater. She had no hat, or gloves or shoes of any kind, but her reddish brown hair was only to her shoulders. But her vagina was equally filled with horse penis and actively drooling fresh semen. In fact her face was flushed and she looked like she was shaking. Fiona could tell that she had just orgasmed and was still milking the horse’s huge penis as her pussy drained the excess.

Fiona couldn’t help but be aroused when she looked at the two girls. They faces were pretty and their bodies were sexy. Fiona had to ask Charles as they walked closer, “Who are they?” “Well, why don’t I introduce you? Fiona, this is Cindy in the brown hat there and Jade in the red cashmere sweater.” The girls both smiled and said hello, except for Jade seemed to have a harder time saying it as her stomach and butt tensed in post orgasmic pulses. Cindy smiled, “You’ll have to forgive Jade here, she just got a big load full right before you walked up.” Jade huffed and visibly squeezed her butt and PC muscles as she milked her stallion’s cock, “Sorry! Uhhh… Sorry!”

Fiona was wide eyed, “It’s okay!” She totally understood as she looked at Jade’s pussy and how extremely messy it looked. Her pubic hair was all matted down and sticky, and her labia and clit were puffy, engorged and a dark red color. She thought Jade looked somehow gorgeous, even though she looked completely disgusting at the same time, as the stallion’s ejaculate drooled out of Jade and onto the green grass. Charles said, “Fiona, Jade is Dan’s ex-fiance.” “OH!” Fiona looked at Jade in a whole new light. She suddenly realized that this is probably why Dan hated bestiality so much. Charles continued, “And Cindy here, is also Dan’s ex-fiance. His second.”

Fiona’s mind was blown, “WHAT?!” They both nodded. Cindy said, “Yep. Nice to meet you. Nice veil by the way. And I love those pearls.” Charles went on, “I think I should give you the background now. Dan never wanted to tell you, but I think you have a right to know now. Dan had a girlfriend in college that he caught having sex with a dog one night after some frat party. He was obviously really distraught over the whole thing. Five or six years ago he met Jade here. He kept going on and on about bestiality and how much he hated the whole idea. She didn’t seem as disgusted as he would have expected. So he called me up and got me to test her. He bought some horses, and convinced me to try and see if she were really a closeted animal lover. So I went over one day and let a printout of a story fall out of my briefcase for her to find. Well, as it turns out it didn’t take much and sure enough, Jade turned out to not just want to try it, but she fell in love with horse sex.”

Jade shuddered, “Oh God yes!” She was still orgasmic, clearly as she humped her hips hard against the stallion’s penis. Charles said, “Then he met Cindy a few years later. He thought ht was ready to try again but he wanted it to be different. Unfortunately for Dan, she wanted to know about his ex-fiance – Jade here. After prying for months she finally got Dan to break and found out all the dirty details about Jade and why they broke up. He told her about the horse sex and that I had helped her. He didn’t explain that it was more of a test than anything – he left out that detail. So then Cindy got in touch with me. She wanted to try it too. Even though she knew that Dan had found out about it after Jade had sex with a horse with my help, she still wanted to go through with it. She was willing to risk her entire relationship to try it.”

Cindy smiled brightly, “I don’t know why, I just had to.” Charles said, “She spent almost a year under that horse there. That’s when I sold my company and retired so I could spend more time coming over to their house and helping. She kept it up for a long time. She was getting more and more daring and stupid. Eventually when I was sure that Cindy had no intention of stopping I told Dan. He had a right to know. Later I found out she actually wanted to get caught by Dan, and let him eat her out with horse sperm still inside her a few times, hoping he might notice… so it all worked out.”

Cindy blushed hard and rocked her hips. Clearly she liked being introduced as a complete slut and this conversation turned her on even though she was embarrassed by it. Cindy bit her lip, “Yeah, I kinda did. I worried that he’d catch me months earlier, but it was so much fun, I couldn’t help myself. I guess I kinda wanted him to see me. He finally did, I guess.” Charles nodded, “Yeah, I brought him into the barn one day after he had been on a business trip. She had almost 24 hours of horse sperm in her at that point.” Cindy blushed harder and rocked her hips faster as she listened to the story, clearly remembering it fondly, “Yeah, I orgasmed for almost 20 minutes straight while he yelled at me. He was pissed!”

Charles turned to Fiona and said, “And with you… well, Dan told me that he didn’t want me to test you. He thought that that was the reason why Jade had fallen. And he decided not to talk about his past with you because he thought that was the reason Cindy had gone to the stallions. He made me promise not to bring it up with you. So when you called me out of the blue and started asking questions… well. I took it upon myself to see if you really loved him or you really loved the stallions. It really seemed like you wanted to before we even hung up the phone for the first time. And in the end, it looks like I was right. I’m glad I did. But I couldn’t let you marry him.”

Fiona nodded, “I guess you were right to call me a slut and show him what I was up to. It wasn’t right of me to have sex with a horse on the day of my wedding. I don’t deserve to wear white. I’m sorry I hurt Dan and I’m sorry I was so angry at you.” He smiled gently at her honest apology. Jade was just coming down from her orgasm as she took a deep breath, calming herself before saying, “Whew, sorry about that. I was so horny! I could have kept cumming for a while but I didn’t want to be rude. Anyway, yeah, we were both pretty pissed at Charles here at first, like you were, but both of us got over it pretty quick. It turned out better in the end anyway.” Charles said, “And this is Fiona, ladies, she’s the girl who was aspiring to take 10 full inches that I was telling you about. And you’ll be surprised to hear, she actually did it today of all days – on her wedding day!”

Cindy’s eyes were wide, “Wow!” They both smiled and congratulated her. Jade said, “You should be proud of yourself. That only took a few months, huh? I’ve been doing this for five years and I’ve only made it up to 8 inches. Oh, wow, it’s still 10 inches deep inside of you isn’t it? I just noticed! Your pussy must be huge!” Fiona blushed hard. She didn’t want to be known as the girl with the big pussy. But at the same time she liked being the best at something. Fiona managed to say, “I am hoping to go deeper.” Jade said, “Wow! Very impressive! And by the way, I just wanted to say, you make a gorgeous bride.”

Fiona smiled at the thoughtful remark. Charles said the obvious, “As you could have probably guessed, the marriage didn’t happen.” Jade said, “Don’t worry, it was better this way, honey. Trust us.” Charles turned to Fiona, “I made them both the same offer, I’m making you, Fiona.” She looked at Charles and then the girls, “What’s the offer?” Charles said, “I’m a very wealthy man and have been for years. I told the ladies that if they want to stay on my ranch and ride every day, I’d pay for it. I’d help them get saddled and unsaddled, give the horses their shots and make sure the grounds were nice for them to wander around on.”

Fiona looked around. It was absolutely beautiful. It smelled like fresh cut grass and even though it was bitterly cold, a frigid wind and there were dark clouds, it was also gorgeous landscaping. And for the first time in months, Fiona didn’t feel like a freak next to the two girls. Clearly their families had given up on them too, and left them here to hump horses for the rest of their days. They were all orphans, and all married to their horse’s huge cocks. Fiona asked, “So what’s in it for you, Charles?” He smiled, “I think you three are beautiful, in your own special way. I like to own beautiful things…”

Fiona got it. He liked belly riders. He liked having them nearby. That made Fiona feel so much better. She liked being an object of sexual desire, even if she was repulsive to her ex fiance. Fiona liked being sexually attractive, even if she was decidedly discgraceful and vile to most people. Fiona smiled and there was a brief pause. Charles took a deep breath and clapped his hands together somewhat nervously as he said, “Well, the offer is there. I’ll let you ladies discuss it. I’ll be back in 5 hours or so to unsaddle you for dinner. Think about it until then and then you can give me your answer.”

Fiona just nodded as Charles turned and went back into the house. Jade said, “Come on, Fiona, it’ll be fun, you totally should. It would be nice to have another girl to talk to around here. Charles told us that you had been trying to get those ten inches inside of you since you started. He talks about you a lot. He may not seem like it, but he cares for you a lot. He cares a lot for all of us. Even if he totally screwed things up, in a way he also fixed them. If you stay here we can help you go further than you ever have. Maybe we can get 12 inches up into your pussy! Who knows! We’ll only find out if you stay.”

Cindy humped her hips upwards hard as she began to breath harder. Clearly Cindy was extremely aroused and her pussy was making crude squishing sounds. Fiona loved the idea of trying to work an entire foot of horse flesh up into her pussy. She bit her lip and asked, “What’s it like here?” Jade said, “Well, we wake up in the morning after belly riding all night long. Charles unsaddles us and we eat, shower, use the restroom and get back into the saddle. The whole process is pretty quick – an hour or so. We have fun though. Sometimes one of us will play a practical joke on the other and drain our pussies onto each other’s food before they get out of the shower and make them eat it. It’s so funny. We call it, ‘adding jam.’ It’s kinda kinky. But just don’t do it to Charles. He gets upset. He can’t take a joke at all.”

Fiona wrinkled her nose at first when she heard that, but as she looked at Jade’s pussy and all the thin strand of semen that was still pouring out of it she realized that she actually kind of liked the idea of eating horse cumm that had been squeezed out of a horse’s penis, lovingly by Jade’s pussy. She actually kind of wanted to taste Jade’s vagina right then and there, and definitely would have if Jade offered. Fiona didn’t at all consider herself a lesbian, but her hormones were raging. The sloppier and more horse cumm in Jades’ uterus that Fiona would have to diligently lick out the better. Fiona groaned and lifted her hips as her brain went wild. She was suddenly turned on again thinking about it, but she managed to calm herself.

Jade just smiled and continued, unaware of Fiona’s perverted thoughts, “At night, we repeat the same process. Oh, except we don’t shower again at night in the Fall and Winter months because it takes too long for your hair to dry. That’s why I cut my hair a little shorter. Cindy opted for the hat, since it’s been so cold here lately. She’s a warm weather girl.” Fiona noticed how stunningly beautiful both girls were. Jade had bright green eyes and reddish brown hair. She was strikingly pretty. Cindy had softer facial features but dark brown hair and blue eyes. Most notably, Cindy’s breasts were magnificent and Fiona wanted to see them without the sweater. Fiona always knew she was a pretty girl, but these two women could be models. And now here they all were, three beautiful girls with cunts overflowing with horse cumm.

Fiona asked, “So he lets you wear clothes then?” She wasn’t sure why she wanted to know that but she felt the slightest bit of modesty. Jade nodded, “Yeah, there aren’t too many rules here, if any… you can wear whatever you want or come and go as you please, but honestly, I haven’t left in years and I don’t see a point to wear more than a sweater. I don’t actually own any other clothes other than a few sweaters. I think Charles sold everything a few years ago. I know Cindy arrived a lot like you did – no clothes to speak of.” Fiona asked, “What about going to the doctor or dentist? You can’t walk around town naked, right?”

Jade smiled, “No, Charles hires a doctor and dentist to come and check up on us twice a year, so we don’t have to dismount. The doctor does make us temporarily dismount so he can check us out inside but it’s only for a few minutes and then we get re-saddled again. We keep getting clean bills of health. It turns out belly riding is great cardio! Who knew that rough horse sex would lower my blood pressure!” Fiona giggled.

Jade continued, “Anyway, back to the clothes question – Charles picked Cindy up some sweaters and hats and gloves but other than that, she doesn’t have any clothes either. You can borrow one of Cindy’s wool sweaters. You look a little chilly – your nipples look like they could cut someone they’re so hard. I stay warm enough with just my sweater. Cindy gets cold easy, so she wears the mittens, hat and the mukluk too. But she’s only been here a few years. After a while the seasons don’t seem as cold. I do wear a hat sometimes during the coldest winter months. But I don’t recommend wearing pants or crotchless panties or anything of the sort though. I made that mistake early on, never again.” Fiona looked at her nipples and sure enough, they were rock hard from the cold. She felt a little embarrassed to be the only girl with her breasts hanging out, but she didn’t say anything.

Fiona was curious, “Why shouldn’t I wear pants? That sounds like a good idea actually… in case someone comes by…” “Well, when I first arrived here and for the first year or so I mistakenly thought that Dan might come and try to rescue me or take me back. Stupid me! So I wore cute skirts with crotchless panties, or jeans with a hole cut in the crotch, but two things happened. First, Dan never showed up. Not for me, and not for Cindy when she showed up. Second, my ass was always soggy and frozen in the Fall and Winter months because the semen just soaked into my clothes. So after the first year, I gave up on that entirely and I stuck to being bottomless. I see that you have some pubic hair too – that’s good. That’ll help keep you a little warmer too. If you get cold, put on a hat or mittens or boots, like Cindy.”

Fiona was a little upset that there didn’t look like any hope to reconcile with Dan but she was still worried about her standing with her friends and family. Fiona asked, “Did your Family come to visit you guys?” Jade nodded, “Cindy’s family came once, and my Dad came twice. That was early on. I was more excited to cumm while my Dad was watching than talk about the prospect of joining society again. It was a mess, I just kept fucking my horse harder and harder. He came back a few years later around Christmas to check on me. It wasn’t much better, because I got so horny thinking about fucking a horse on Christmas day while my Dad was watching. He hasn’t been back since. I just can’t get over the fact that my Dad was watching me. It turned me on so much that I couldn’t think straight.”

Jade smiled and looked over at Cindy who was lifting her butt high off the saddle, taking as much of the horse’s girth as she could as Jade said, “And as for Cindy here, I think she pretty much scared her whole family off the one time they visited because a week before she started experimenting with anal belly riding. Her family was just horrified by the fact that their Daughter was getting off on having a horse sodomize her… and so they left pretty much right away. She had no intention of reconciling though or giving up her life as a belly rider, let’s be honest. I don’t think I was helping much either though, to be honest. I was pretty turned on by watching the whole thing. Plus, Cindy’s brother is hot and he was watching me. You’d probably think he’s hot too. He looks a little like Dan, actually.”

Fiona looked at Cindy who was bucking her hips with her eyes closed tight. Cindy’s stallion was beginning to prance around. Fiona looked at Jade and at Cindy, thinking through whether she really wanted to stay here in this place for the rest of her days. There she stood, as one of three girls, all of whom had given up their life so that they could have horse ejaculate sprayed into their wombs. Each of them had given up a life with a perfect man to be put out to pasture with a huge dick shoved up inside of them. Fiona looked over at Cindy who was getting a huge stallion’s dick thrust into her.

Cindy’s pussy was already overflowing and the stallion hadn’t even orgasmed yet. Her pubic hair was, matted, and disgusting looking. But Cindy was in absolute heaven. Her big breasts swayed under her sweater and she was moaning and writhing. Fiona had never seen anyone as beautiful as Cindy do anything so perverted in her life. Cindy arched her back just as the giant animal began to fuck a massive torrent of hot semen into her hot cunt. Fiona smiled and made up her mind as she watched Cindy’s depravity play out, “You know what, screw it. I love it here and I’d love to live out my days fucking horses next to you both. I already like you both and I think we can have a lot of fun together. Count me in as the newest belly riding refugee.”

Jade said, “Oh, really? Yay! Welcome! You’ll look so cute in this light blue cashmere sweater that Cindy has. It’s thin, so you’ll still be able to make out your nipples, I promise. It’ll go so great with your blond hair, too! Oh my God, this will be so fun! Think of all the trouble we could get into! Aren’t you excited, Cindy?” Cindy welcomed Fiona in her own way, by screaming out in ecstasy as her pussy was pumped so full of horse semen that it began to pour out around her labia, sticking to her pubic hair and drooling down her anus to the ground below. Fiona smiled, wondering what it would be like to taste semen that had been inside Cindy’s uterus. She couldn’t wait for someone to ‘add jam’ to her breakfast. Fiona knew that she was home and this was her new family.

The End