Another small yet ugly argument had occurred between Robert and Brenda. He said; she said and the irony of the situation is both are correct. Brenda works 6:00 to 4:00 4 days a week and 6:00 to noon on Fri. She banks the 6 hours on Friday for comp time.

Robert works 7:00 PM till 4:00 AM Monday through Friday. Sure, it was premium pay for Robert to work nights. He and Brenda had discussed his making the request for permanent night shift at least 4 times before they each concurred it was the best thing for them. After all, sacrifices had to be borne if they intended to get that condo on South Beach.

Neither Robert nor Brenda considered how much a strain this passing each other in the ahll or the nparking lot would place on their relationship. In the 2 years Robert had workednight shift, he culated that the frequency of sexual intercourse between he and Brenda had fallen from an average of 5 times a week to once every 5 weeks! He knew because as a joke and a manner to save money, he and Brenda agreed Robert would place a $20 bill in the jewelry box each time Brenda gave up some pussy, and a $10 bill for each blow job. Half and half as well as anal were $50 fines to Robert.

Brenda wanted Robert home this evening. No special reason, but she was lonely and felt that she had become the lowest priority in his life. Robert told her that he had to work. He told her that their goal was out in front of them. He commented that she could work more and instead of comp time, take the time as OT for the money. Brenda said that money was the single most importsant thing on Robert’s mind, and Robert said that all Brenda ever considered was herself and what she wanted.

Robert stormed out, Brenda slamed the door behind him and flipped him the bird as he drove away from the townhouse. “Bastard,” she thought. “He is going to waste another couple of hard-ons tonite ‘cause there ain’t no pussy at work for him.” Brenda fumed silently. She returned to the interior of the townhouse to prepare her dinner. She was getting really fed up with Robert and his John D. Rockefeller mind set.

Robert arrived at work and parked his car. As he trod through the gate to the control room, one of the security guards told him he wouldn’t be here long as the entire facilty internet system was down as a result of some technical glitch at the ISP office. Robert thought that the security guy was probably wrong, and contined to walk.

In the control room, Robert learned that the guard was correct. Some hacker had gotten through the ISP fire walls and placed a virus that was eating hard drive files. The ISP techies caught it, but they isolate, exterminate, and repair of the files woulf take the rest of the night and into the late morning tomorrow.

Back at the townhouse, the bell rang. Brenda went the door in a less than good mood. It was her friend and neighbor Lezley. Brenda nearly snapped at Lezley as she opened the door. Lezley tooka step back and said, “Duhh, WOOOAH Girlfriend! I am not the one that is boycotting your pussy! In fact honey, I am the one that has been trying to get to your pussy for the past 3 years.”

Brenda couldn’t help but smile. “Hey girl, I am sorry for that sharp tude. I am just so frustrated with Robert and how he depriortizes me. I tell you, I am seriously considering giving pussy away to other men. I be damned if I am going to let cobwebs be spun at my fuck hole entry, or if I will allow my lubricating squirt glands to dry up, just so the Senor can move our asses to South Beach.”

“No need for all that, and you can politely avoid my passes too,” said Lezley.
“And how is that possible,” Brenda asked.

Looking at her friend for a long moment Lezley said, “By having an affair with Chuck. He is always looking for some strange, and I have seen how he notices you when you are over at my place. He gets so fucking horny he walks around with a rigid dick for hours after you leave.”

Brenda nearly choked at hearing this. Chuck wasn’t a husband or a boufriend, Chuck was Lezley’s Great Dane. Damn dog was the size of a miniture pony. Brenda sniggered and said, “Uh, I don’t think so.”

Lezley said, “And why not? Not 1 minute ago, you were threatening to go out tonite and give away some pussy. You were going to get some strange dick. And I am offering you strang dick right here in yur home. And girl, you know the first rule of single girl fucking, ‘we like to fuck in our own bed.’ Chucky Boy is here. You can remain in your bed. He has a package that will put 98% of all men to shame, and although I hate to admit this, Chuck is the best pussy licker in the world. I never thought I would say to a pretty sexy woman that there was a more talented pussy licker than me.”

Brenda laughed, but saw that Lezley was serious. “Then go get his sorry male ass,” Brenda said. Lezley literally jumped from the chair and raced out the door. In less than 2 minutes she was back with the massived brindle Great Dane named Chuck on a leash.

Lezley secured Chuck’s leash to a door knob. She sat next to Brenda and said, “Keep an open mind to things. I know it all seems strange and very kinky to you now. All I can tell you with any authority is that from the dawn of time, women have taken dogs as lovers. In fact, according to the most recent clinical surveys and studies, over 14% of today’s world of women engages in some form of animal sex. That percentage is higher in developed nations.”

Lezley reached across the gap between she and Brenda to begin removing Brenda’s top. Brenda slapped Lezley’s hand and said, “I can do this alone, thank you very much.” Lezley laughed and replied, well, you can’t blame a dyke for trying.”

Lezley stood and removed her running shorts. She wore a sheer pale blue thong panty. She peeled her tube top off revealing medium size firm rosy nippled tits. Lezley squeezed her tits with one hand while the fingers of her other hand played softly over the panty covered prominant folds of her pussy. “My camel-toe is in full bloom,” thought Lezley to her self.

Chuck is an immense Great Dane. His shoulder came up to Lezley’s hip. He pranced from fore paw to fore paw in excitement. His keen sense of smell alerted him to horny sex seeking pussy in the immediate area.

Lezley, crawled to Chuck. She rubbed and played with him a bit. She ran her hand along her chest and under his belly. She located his fully packed sheath and slowly stroked the sheath and the massive dagger it concealed. The girl let the dog nuzzle at her beck and tits frantically for a moment. Chuck stood upright placing his front paws over her shoulders. This brought his sheath to the level of Lezley’s mouth.

Brenda watched in fascination as Lezley whispered and cooed to the massive Great Dane.

“Ooohh, Chucky, I want you to eat my pussy. You are such a pussy-loving bastard! You have to show Bren what you can do!” the girl murmured softly. “Get her real hot and then you can pop your wad! Yeah, she will get so fucking hot for you. Your huge hard dick will melt once you get it shoved up her sweet pussy!”
Brenda bushed at hearing these words, yet her pussy quivered at each word Lezley muttered.

“Oooohh, that’s good big dog. You stay there,” Lezley chanted softly, “That’s so good, Chuck. You are such a good good dog. Stay sweetheart, don’t move. Mmmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she panted in a sing song whisper, “You stay still like a good boy. That’s my good dog. Don’t move Chucky. I’ve gotta have it now. Lezley is gonna make you so happy, baby.” Lezley continued slowly stroking the dog’s sheath.

“You like that, huh big boy,” Lezley whispered hoarsely. “You dig my hand on your dick. Well, I’ve got an idea you’ll like a lot more. Just take it easy, big boy, and we’ll see if Lezley can make you feel even better.”

Lezley’s breath caught in her throat as the animal’s hot dick pulsed in her fingers while she stroked slowly over his sheath. “That’s a good dog, Chucky,” Lezley murmured with a chuckle, fondling the big dog’s fuzzy balls, “spread your legs wider now, baby, you know how you have to do it. Spread, now still, good boy, stand still.”

Responding to the woman’s panting encouragement the delighted Great Dane extended his hind legs, growling in satisfaction as the girl’s hand slid across his twitching belly and down to his dick, massaging his entire crotch. Chuck whined and quivered but remained absolutely still for Lezley while the fascinated girl dallied tantalizingly with his dick. Slowly the immense pink throbbing dog dick emerged.

First the pointy tip of dog dick presented itself. This was followed by 4 or 5 inches of thick solid flesh. Easily yet with confidence gained from experience, Lezley coaxed more and more of Chucky full length dick from his sheath. All the way to the beginning bulge of his knot the girl got the doggy dick to come forth like a new star. At least 8 inches of dick had appeared.

“My God, he’s hung just like a donkey!” Brenda thought.

When the big dog was panting hard and shivering under her right hand, Lezley slipped her left hand back to cuddle his throbbing nuts. She wrapped her right hand softly around his dick and began pumping him solidly, milking his dick as he shivered in her grip. Sitting in her thong in front of her best friend and playing with her canine lover, Lezley groaned at each the thrust of the Great Dane’s pulsing hips which slid his dick though her hand.

Robert arrived back at his home and noticed the front entry light. It was not on when he left an hour ago, and as far as he knew Brenda was not expecting any company. Robert went to the front entry and peered though the glass panel to the side of the door. He could make out 2 bare feet and nothing more. Robert crept around the town house to the rear. He got down to his hands and knees and used the outdoor furniture as cover. He nearly flipped when he saw what was happening in his home!

Brenda, his wife had stripped to her vivid red thong. Lezley, Brenda’s dyke friend, also wore a thong, but Lezley had her right hand wrapped around her pet Great Dane Chuck’s dick. Lezley was slowly stroking the dog’s huge dick. Robert got an immediate and throbbing hard on. He saw Lezley’s lips move and then Brenda’s moved. He had to hear what was going on.

Robert went back to his truck. He removed some graphite from a small tool kit. He placed a little graphite on his house key grooves and cuttings. He squirted a tad into the lock and slowly inserted the key into the tumbler mechanism. The key went in as silently as cigarettes kill a smoker.

Robert eased the lock to the right and pushed down on the door handle. Opening the door an inch or so, he squirted some graphite on each door hinge. He pulled the door closed and opened it again a bit wider. Close, open, close, open Robert worked the door until he could slip in the house and it never made a squeak. He removed his shoes, pants, shirt, and under wear kept his socks on to negate his bare feet on the bare tile floor.

Robert crept to the entry into the living area and stopped. He was analyzing how he would peer around the corner and not be seen. Looking around for anything that may helpful, Robert scanned the foyer. He saw the framed wall mirror that hung on his right. He slipped the 4’ tall and 30” wide mirror off its support. He slowly placed the mirror onto the floor. Robert carried the mirror to the edge of the entry way into his living area. With patience born only to a cat burglar or a saint, Robert used the door corner to support the standing mirror.

Robert was rewarded with the sexiest and most erotic vision he had ever seen. Lesley sat on the floor. Her dog’s fore paws were draped over her shoulders. His wife Brenda sat on the floor aside from Lezley. Brenda’s eyes were glued to the huge dog dick being stroked by Lezley. Robert made a last final turn of adjustment to the mirror. He then sat back and watched the show.

The big dog turned again to stare at Lezley in delight as he felt her rapidly stroking his dick. Brenda was entranced and leaned closer to the massive Great Dane, staring in fascination at his dick as Lezley jacked him off.

“Oh yeah, that’s a good big dog,” Lezley whispered, rubbing the Great Dane delicately behind the balls, “I just love stroking your big dick. That’s so good, Chucky, go on baby, and give it up to Lezley. Shoot your hot pre-cum lover boy. Oh, yes, yes, yes, give it me darling. Slow, big dog, go slow for Lezley,” the avid woman commanded as she began working up a consistent rhythm, “Go slow for your good girl lover. Make it last. You want Lezley’s tongue on that sweet dick before you finish, big boy.”

“Now here we go, big boy, that’s right,” Lezley crooned, stroking the animal’s bristly dick sheath in a slow rhythm. “Just stand still and let Lezley make you all hard and happy, okay? Oooh, that’s a terrific hard-on you have for your girls, sweetheart.” Lezley chuckled as the Great Dane’s shaft pulsed under her fingers, “what a good boy you are, Chucky, getting it up so hard for us.” Chucky nearly howled in satisfaction as he heard the enthusiastic cooing Lezley spewed in praise of his erect animal penis.

The aroused Great Dane’s dick was rock hard and grew hotter in her hand as Lezley jacked him off in enthralled satisfaction. The pink shaft of the dog’s dick was fully extended and turned dull red. Brenda felt like her mind was paralyzed, locked in a tangle of shock and wonderment, with a horrible undercurrent of lust, desire and attraction while Lezley’s hands toyed with the Great Dane’s stiff dick.

“You want to try it?” Lezley asked with a laugh, “Don’t bother denying it; your eyes tell me everything. So tell me Bren, just how long have you thought about sweet Chucky licking your pussy?”

“I do. I do want him to lick my twat, you bitch,” the blushing woman answered cautiously. So yes, girlfriend, I want to give it up for him,” Brenda admitted looking Lezley straight in the eye.

“I sure want him to lick me, but I am not so sure about sucking his dick.”

“Not yet, you mean,” Lezley said with a chuckle, “but don’t worry sweetheart; I didn’t start giving him head right away either. You’ll be surprised how persuasive his fine tongue can be,” Lezley continued. “You won’t hold out long. After you come long enough, you’re gonna want to pay the good boy back. Tell you what, girl,” Lezley added in a dare, “you let me know when you’re ready to suck him off, it’ll be my turn to watch. And we’ll flip a coin to see who gets to fuck him first and who gets to watch.”

Brenda was petrified with confusion and astonishment as Lezley suddenly pulled her into a close embrace with the big dog panting at their ankles. Lezley caught Brenda by the wrist, and turned Brenda’s face toward her. She gave the stunned woman a long and thorough kiss. Surprised, Brenda froze in shock feeling Lezley’s warm mouth against her own. Brenda started to pull away, but Lezley instantly leaned forward, keeping her lips pressed deliberately against her best friend’s mouth to prolong their kiss.

Brenda closed her eyes and gasped in surprise as Lezley’s tongue darted into her mouth. Lezley held the Brenda in place for a long minute, working her hot wet tongue between Brenda’s lips. Before the confused Brenda could react, Lezley put her arms around her and pulled her close. Lezley’s tits pressed tightly against the Brenda’s breasts. Chucky lounged silently at their feet, watching in delight as Lezley held her astonished neighbor in place with a passionate French kiss.
Robert nearly gave himself away from the excitement that grew in his dick. He could not believe this was hi wife doing these things. Robert leaned back and began to jack off in earnest.

Lezley kept Brenda locked motionless with the kiss as she trailed her fingers slowly down Brenda’s cheek and over her collarbone. Brenda’s eyes flew open as she felt Lezley gently rubbing her nipples. Lezley’s green eyes locked on Brenda’s and she held the woman’s gaze watching the look in her eyes while she casually fondled her friend’s left breast. Robert stared in at the mirror in fascination as Lezley deliberately squeezed and mauled Brenda’s tit.

Brenda couldn’t look away from Lezley’s stare. The slim neighbor dyke winked at her as she felt Brenda’s nipples stiffening under her fingers. Brenda gave a tiny moan and Lezley chuckled deep in her throat, while her tongue squirmed in the Brenda’s mouth. Lezley reached up to stroke the woman’s right nipple; her soft fingertips circled the sensitive areola, spreading warmth and prickly sensations over the tips until they began to stand up against her touch.

Lezley rubbed and stroked Brenda’s stiffening nipples until Brenda shivered and broke out in goose bumps. Her face flushed red with embarrassment. Lezley kept rolling the woman’s stiff areola between thumb and forefinger until they were hard and fully erect. Brenda’s nipples stood out sharply against her taut breasts.
Brenda was breathing hard and her forehead began to bead with sweat. Robert stared with enjoyment as her tongue twitched and then moved hesitantly against Lezley’s, responding to the passionate kiss.

Lezley broke off the steamy kiss the moment she felt the woman’s reaction. Leaning back with a satisfied laugh, Lezley left Brenda flushed and panting with her nipples swollen hard. Lezley gave a soft sigh of contentment and stared directly into Brenda’s eyes.

“My God, Lezley, I didn’t—I mean—that was…” Brenda stuttered in embarrassment. Her cute best friend reached up and put her soft fingers over the girl’s lips before she could continue.

“That was beautiful, Brenda,” Lezley whispered huskily, “it was sweet and wonderful. Don’t say anything or you’ll spoil it.” She took her hand off the woman’s mouth and pressed her fingers to her own lips, kissing where Brenda’s lips had touched.

“You know, we women should stick together, girl,” she added softly, looking Brenda straight in the face, “It’s silly for us to argue about anything when we have so much in common. You keep my secrets, and I’ll keep yours, baby. This big dog has enough dick for both of us. We can share the pretty boy. We can both have him whenever we have the time, and maybe we’ll take turns watching.”

Robert nearly fainted. As much as he imagined and thought about the things occurring before him, he could not help but think he was dreaming. This could not be happening in his very home. He wanted this so much, yet he had been afraid to talk with Brenda about his fantasies.

Lezley dropped her eyes from Brenda’s bewildered stare and quickly rose to give the dog and his new playmate more room. While Brenda watched her friend sit beside the sofa, Chucky got to his feet and placed his cold nose between Brenda’s legs right onto her clit. Brenda gasped as Chucky’s long rough tongue made a long swipe over the crotch area of her thong.

The big dog stepped forward soundlessly between Brenda’s spread legs. He lay down directly in front of her. His long tongue snaked out and swabbed over the panty clad pussy again. He sniffed at Brenda’s bare mound becoming slick with her juices and his saliva. The Great Dane’s hot panting huffed over Brenda’s crotch, steaming against her thighs and snatch. Brenda moaned softly and shivered, her sleek tan thighs spreading wider as she shifted on the floor while Lezley watched eagerly.

Robert sat quietly stroking his dick as he watched this huge animal lick his wife’s swollen pussy. Having been married for more than 10 years, Robert had this comfortable and familiar intimacy with Brenda and he knew her body and how it responded when it was aroused.

Chucky had his dripping muzzle inches away from the woman’s spread legs. He snorted softly and panted furnace-hot breath over her snatch. When the acquiescent brunette remained motionless, Lezley whispered in approval and the big Great Dane leaned slightly forward and licked delicately again between the girl’s legs. Brenda’s breath caught in her throat as the sweltering dog-tongue washed over her snatch.

Chucky started a slow steady lapping at her pussy with his tail wagging, and his jaws drooling on the woman’s sodden red panty. The massive dog panted and slavered over the woman’s warm snatch, and her cheeks flushed as aroused doggie saliva saturated her crotch.

Lezley came forward again, and while Chucky was licking she reached to Brenda’s hips and clutched the thong strings. Lezley tugged and Brenda, without thought or hesitation, lifted her full hips and fine ass up so Lezley could remove her doggie saliva drenched thong.

Within seconds, Brenda began breathing faster and her nipples stood up stiff. Her stomach twitched and her pulse hammered in her increasingly steamy pussy. When her quivering pussy began dripping Chucky began licking harder and faster at the delicious crotch spread open in front of him. Brenda stared in confusion as Lezley left her chair again and knelt down beside the big dog.
Lezley looked at Brenda with a smile while she reached back between the Great Dane’s legs. The apprehensive brunette gasped in disbelief as Lezley’s fingers closed around the animal’s bristly dick. Lezley started slowly stroking the dog’s dick.

“I’ll just give the pretty boy a little more incentive, baby,” Lezley whispered softly, pumping the Great Dane’s stiffening dick deliberately, “This will keep him motivated to do a real good job for you.”

Robert sat and tugged his dick with fervor. He stiffened at Lezley’s words, and dribbles of pre-cum oozed from his dick. He could not believe what he saw, and yet, he believed it too much. Brenda actually was super aroused and turned on from this beast’s tongue. She was covered with sweat and panting for breath as the Great Dane’s tongue lathered over her pussy lips.

The tongue would flatten and spread Brenda’s pussy lips apart. With a quick tight curl to his tongue, the huge dog would slip 4-5 inches of tongue in Brenda’s pussy. She squealed as Chucky’s tongue would gather her interior honey and drag it out of her pussy in one long slow lap. Brenda’s belly shivered and she would squeal again as Chucky then licked up her slit and over her throbbing swollen clitoris.
Lezley gripped the Great Dane’s erection and slowly milked the animal’s dick while he lapped steadily at Brenda’s spread slit. The spread-legged brunette made a soft whimper and shivers raced from her pulsing snatch over her belly. Her rock hard nipples were standing up and her tits were covered with goose bumps. She sat back submissively while Lezley continued masturbating the big dog. Chucky kept up the maddening lapping. His tail kept wagging contentedly as he slurped the sweet juices from Brenda’s beautiful pussy.

“That’s right, good girl, take it easy,” Lezley said with a smile, “you let Chucky make you happy. Be a good girl for him. He loves you Bren. And he has the best penis you will ever get in your pretty sweet hot pussy.”

The big dog continued loudly lapping, slurping, and snuffling over the ensnared woman’s steaming pussy. The dog’s inescapable eager tongue swarmed over her bare pussy mound making the brunette shiver with desire. Lezley’s domination kept the guiltily aroused Brenda obediently still on the floor. The sweating woman sat gasping and speechless with the excited Great Dane crouched between her trembling thighs. Brenda was panting for breath so hard she couldn’t even try to talk with Lezley. She realized with shock that Lezley had started fingering her own clitoris with one hand while the other clutched at the animal’s swollen dick.

“Now, you want to spread your legs real wide for him, little girl,” Lezley commanded in a hoarse whisper, “open up and give him some room. Spread those legs and Chucky will spread that pussy of yours. There you go. OHH, you are such a good girl.”

The hapless woman submissively spread her long legs wide apart and nearly screamed when the big Great Dane lunged forward again and his slavering tongue stroked over her totally exposed pussy. Chucky’s skillful lapping parted the brunette’s drool-soaked lips leaving her delicate pink inner flesh and throbbing clitoris completely open to his slippery probing doggy tongue. Brenda wriggled frantically on the floor as the Great Dane’s hot tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her sensitive lips deliciously and skating over her clit like oiled silk.

Chucky slavered over Brenda’s wet pussy, his senses reeling from the mingled smell of perfume and the two eager girls’ dripping pussies. The big dog gave a contented rumble deep in his throat and wagged his tail faster as Lezley stroked gleefully at his throbbing erection. Moaning and shaking, Brenda dropped her head and wept silently as the eager Great Dane lapped delicately at her melting pussy.

Sensing Brenda’s humiliated capitulation, Chucky remained on the floor wedged between her shaking thighs and started lapping her open pussy as fast as he could lick. In seconds, the over-stimulated woman was panting for breath and arching up off the floor, the continuous licking at her clitoris making her writhe against his tongue.

Lezley chuckled with satisfaction as she watched her friend writhing forward for the big dog’s tongue. She stroked the Great Dane’s dick with one hand and fingered her throbbing clitoris with the other. Brenda’s crinkled nipples were now achingly hard. The overwhelmed brunette gave up her last shred of resistance, raised her knees, wedged her heels on the floor as she got hotter and hotter from the unrelenting doggie licking.

“Oh shit, all right, big boy,” Brenda gasped hoarsely, spreading her legs wider for the eager Great Dane while Lezley smiled at her in satisfaction.

“I can’t stop it and I can’t stand it, go ahead and do whatever you want, do it to me, good boy.” ‘And maybe that’s really the truth,’ Brenda thought in confusion, ‘I can’t stand it, but I don’t stop him either. Lezley says she knows I want it, nobody can make you do things you don’t want to, so maybe this is the way I really am, maybe I do really want it.’

“Oooohh, Jesus, that’s good, that’s really good, Chucky boy! Go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, oh, mmmmmm, yes, yes, yes!” Brenda hissed through clenched teeth, feeling the orgasm building in her aching snatch.

“Do it now, Chucky! Oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big boy. If you keep going I’m gonna cream all over you!”

Lezley took her hand off her dripping slit and reached up to rub the woman’s shivering thighs on either side of the big dog’s head, then moved her hand up to caress Brenda’s swelling breasts with snatch-slippery fingers. Brenda’s mouth was dry and her breath came fast as Lezley fondled the firm globes and rolled the gasping girl’s swollen nipples between thumb and forefinger.

Straightening bolt upright, Brenda dropped her head back and panted for air, swiveling her hips in lingering circles over the continuous doggie blowjob as Lezley kept playing with her tits.

The Great Dane made delighted whining noises between the shuddering brunette’s legs as he continued tonguing her eager pussy toward meltdown. The horny wife whined in delight as he felt the pulse hammering in the writhing brunette’s saturated pussy. Brenda thought her hypersensitive pussy was about to light up and glow. She felt the first flickers of pre-orgasm throbbing like heat-lightning in her furnace-hot snatch. The big Great Dane lowered his head and lapped furiously at her spread slit.

Moaning and shaking, Brenda clenched her fists and dropped her head back crying in silence as the eager dog lapped maddeningly at her melting pussy while Lezley leaned forward to lick her aching nipples. Brenda knew it turned her friend on that she was totally submissive, controlled by the enthusiastic animal licking eagerly between her legs. The woman thought that she couldn’t be more mortified, wretched and ashamed, but Lezley’s next order made her understand that her friend had other plans.

“You need to come and lie down here with him, Brenda,” Lezely said with a smile, “it’s time you got on your back for the big dog, sweetheart.” She held onto the Great Dane’s pulsing dick while she motioned the quivering woman to lie down adjacent to he dog.

The shivering brunette lay down right where Lezley pointed. She held her legs wide and pussy spread to the eager dog. Lezley gently pulled the excited Great Dane’s dick to back him away from the brunette’s drool-soaked pussy while the girl lay down for the big dog. As her snatch dropped lower and closer to the carpet, Chucky craned his neck and finally lay down amicably between her spread legs, never breaking the maddening tongue performance on her dripping twat.

Brenda leaned back onto her hands and lowered her ass. She tipped back and watched the big dog lapping enthusiastically between her thighs. Crying in mortified ecstasy, the helpless wife collapsed flat on her back while Lezley rubbed her sensitive nipples between thumb and fingers, listening to the animal’s sticky lapping noises at her slit.

Chucky gave a contented growl as he realized her ass was now also wide open for his eager licking; tits heaving as she panted for breath, Brenda groaned aloud as the Great Dane’s broad velvet tongue spread the cheeks of her ass and flicked softly over the sensitive ring muscle. Her nipples were achingly hard and her belly muscles locked as she got closer and closer to coming on the intent dog’s incessant licking.

“I want you to talk some more for us, baby,” Lezley commanded, “Like you watched Lezley talking to sexy Chuck while he was being so nice before. Talk nice to the pretty boy while he licks you off, and keep talking to him. Speak, good girl.”

“Oooohh, Jesus Lezley, you know this is awful, you bitch; don’t stop now Chucky, go on baby, do it all over me, don’t stop good dog. Aaahhh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” Brenda hissed through gritted teeth, feeling the approaching orgasm surging in her dripping snatch, “do it now, lover dog, mmmmmm, unnh, I can’t stand it, Lezley, I’m gonna cream all over him…”

Brenda felt like her pussy was being slowly dissolved under the determined animal’s tongue; slow-motion lightning roared from her yearning clit and shot up her spine, exploding inside her brain. Chucky whined in delight as Lezley stroked his throbbing animal dick while the shuddering woman’s clit pulsed under his tongue.

Back and belly muscles rock hard, thighs and calves spasming, and the moaning brunette lay back squirming in urgent ecstasy on the sun-warmed cement while the enthusiastic Great Dane panted and lapped at her melting bronze-bushed pussy. Rubbing her stiff nipples with both hands, the frenzied girl wailed through clenched teeth as Chucky used his heavy forepaws to restrain her, holding her spread pussy and electrified clitoris rigidly in place for his flawless awesome licking.

“I want you to put your hands on his dick now, angel,” Lezley breathed huskily in Brenda’s ear, “and I want you to feel his dick like big friend showed you. Feel, good girl.”

Watching the big dog cautiously, the brunette slowly wriggled and curled around till she could reach the animal’s crotch and slid her hands closer and closer to the quivering doggie erection. Chucky obligingly raised the big dog’s heavy paws off the obedient cheerleader’s thigh to give her access to his throbbing dick. Chucky whined softly and licked a bit faster as Brenda’s fingers slid slowly over the length of his dickhead; Brenda’s eyes widened when she felt the hot slippery dick twitch against her palm.

The Great Dane never stopped lapping her crotch as she gently rubbed her thumb along the length of exposed dick. After a little careful maneuvering, she was able to stroke the big dog’s erection easily with either hand, and Chucky obligingly lapped her clit in exact rhythm with her motion. After a few minutes, the big dog’s hot red dick was standing out full-length from the sheath. Lezley giggled as he wriggled sideways and opened his back legs to give Brenda better access to his pulsing hard-on.

“You like that, huh big boy,” the college girl whispered hoarsely, “you dig that on your dick, yeah. Well I’ve got an idea you’ll like a lot more; just take it easy, big boy, and we’ll see if we can’t make Brenda do it even better.”

At Lezley’s whispered instruction, the overwhelmed brunette raised one leg, rolled sideways and spun around on her hip before the excited Chucky had a chance to growl. She wound up arranged end-for-end parallel to the big dog, crotch still spread to his velvet tongue, now able to easily reach his belly and haunches with both hands. The woman swallowed hard as the big dog’s dick throbbed and twitched between her fingers, and she closed her eyes as Lezley moved her fingers to grip the animal’s genitals.

“Now here we go, big boy, that’s right,” Lezley crooned, using Brenda’s hand to stroke the animal’s bristly dick sheath in a slow rhythm. “Just lie still and let Brenda make you all hard and happy, okay? Oooh, that’s a terrific hard-on for our good girl, sweetheart,” she chuckled as the Great Dane’s shaft stiffened under the gasping brunette’s fingers, “what a good boy you are, Chucky, getting it up for her already. You can take over now, lover,” she added, “pump it for him, pump good girl.”

Brenda gently fondled the Great Dane at Lezley’s quiet command, hands sliding over the big dog’s taut belly, fingers teasing the red-pink erection at each whispered instruction. Chucky whined enthusiastically and thumped his tail as he felt the teen’s teasing hands stroking his stiff dick; Brenda obediently followed Lezley’s murmured advice, and the big dog licked eagerly at the girl’s humming clitoris as he felt her feather-light touch on his throbbing hard-on.

Flushed with guilty excitement, the entranced brunette reached down to stroke her saturated bush and then wrapped her slippery fingers around the dog’s hot dick. The Great Dane spread his legs wider when he felt Brenda’s wet grip on his dick and the woman’s breath hissed between clenched teeth as she stroked precisely up and down the pulsing red shaft.

Beside the brunette, Lezley watched with wide-eyed delight while the big dog’s flanks shivered as Brenda grew engrossed in jacking him off. The brunette was morbidly fascinated with the feel of hot smooth dick in her hand and tried varying rhythms at Lezley’s cadence while Chucky whined over her pussy; the Great Dane’s eager licking and slavering at her pussy left no doubt he was elated at her attention. The dog growled approvingly as Brenda tightened her grip and pumped harder at his slippery dick; sitting cross-legged at her side, Lezley snickered when the wiry hair of his dick sheath prickled the panting woman’s fingers at every stroke.

Brenda pulled her hands off the Great Dane’s dick and mindlessly rubbed her stiff nipples, tanned body heaving under the big dog’s relentless licking. While she clutched at her sticky tits, Chucky gave another sideways wiggle until his slow-wagging tail was actually brushing in her hair. Brenda opened her eyes to find the big dog laying right beside her with hind legs spread wide, his enormous red-pink erection only inches away from her quivering lips.

Still lapping maddeningly at her dripping pussy, the massive dog affected another quick sideways twitch, whining excitedly as he felt her gasping breath warm on his exposed doggie dick. Half-insane from his insistent tonguing, Brenda reached and ran her hands up the Great Dane’s thighs while Lezley whispered perverse suggestions in her ear. Cuddling the big dog’s dick and balls in both hands, the overwhelmed teen leaned forward and huffed hot breath on his quivering dick; Chucky yelped encouragingly and curled sideways at her face, tonguing urgently at her spasming snatch.

“Go ahead and try it now, angel,” Lezley murmured softly, “I want you to put a little tongue on it for him, Brenda. You can’t cop out on us now, baby; go ahead and lick that big dog dick. Lick it now sweetheart. Lick it really good for him. Ohhh, you are such a good girl.”

“Okay big boy, I get the idea,” Brenda whispered hoarsely, fingers dancing on the animal’s slippery dick, “I guess either I come across for you or Lezley just keeps going until you drive me totally crazy right here, is that the story? All right, you merciless fucker, you already got me too hot to quit now, there’s no getting out of it.”

The panting brunette carefully leaned over the hot doggie hard-on, wetting her lips as she fondled the animal’s pulsing balls. “I don’t think fucking Lezley needs to watch this part;” she sighed softly, “well get ready for it, lover pup, it’s Brenda’s turn now…”

Mesmerized and shivering with forbidden fantasies, the frenzied brunette woman slowly leaned forward and ran her tongue hesitantly down the length of the animal’s quivering dick. Lezley gave a low moan of satisfaction as she saw the pretty woman’s tongue slide over his dick. Brenda gasped as the slick warm shaft twitched against her lips. Saliva flooded her tongue and she licked her lips again and again while the excited Great Dane’s growling wavered in her ears; she leaned over the dog’s glowing erection, lowering her head and slavering down onto the exposed dick.

Brenda smelled the musky fragrance of men’s cologne, mingled with the rich aroma of clean fur; she suddenly knew that Lezley must have perfumed the big dog before she brought him over. Her friend must have anticipated she would wind up sucking the Great Dane’s dick and put on the cologne to add extra enjoyment to her first blowjob. Glistening drool dripped from her lips over the whining animal’s dick and the backs of her lightly-clasping fingers, trailing back onto his bristly dick sheath and over his furry balls.

The entranced brunette dropped her head until her mouth was barely an inch from Chucky’s animal genitals. She closed her eyes. She salivated over the pulsating dick, panting hot breath over the shaft. Drool soaked the dog’s organ and Brenda used her own lubrication to masturbate him even faster. With gentle rabbit-quick flicks of her circling slippery fingers, Chucky was humping in delight. Brenda panted furnace-hot bursts of breath over the big dick, dripping her spit in a thin stream as she whipped his glowing red-pink dick.

Chucky whined at the immense feeling he was getting in his dick. Brenda rocked slowly, rhythmically squeezing her pussy and ass muscles and thus her clit. She drooled up and down the Great Dane’s throbbing genitals, panted on his dick, and jacked the dog off until Chucky was yowling continuously in ecstasy. The groaning woman was only seconds away from coming herself.

“That’s perfect baby, you’re doing wonderfully,” Lezley crooned approvingly, “you’re doing him just right, Brenda. It’s good to see you enjoying yourself with my pretty boy. And now it’s time for the final part of your lesson, angel. I want you to put that dog’s dick into your mouth now, sweetheart. Suck him off pretty for me, good girl. Suck it now, Brenda, suck.”

Captivated by the silk-smooth warmth of the animal dick, Brenda gently kissed up and down the length of the dog’s red-pink dick, pulling back the bristly sheath to display every inch of Chucky’s pulsing hard-on. Brenda wriggled further around till she settled to the perfect comfortable position to suck off the waiting animal. Her lips poised over his expectant erection. The Great Dane’s taut abdomen shivered as Brenda put tantalizing quick licks and kisses on his dick, cradling his fuzzy nuts in one hand while jacking him off elegantly against her slippery tongue.

“Oh, Chuck, you are such a sweetheart. This is really good,” Brenda sighed, drawing her head back, panting on the animal’s long pink erection, “Lezley really got us started on something wonderful, you know that? I never thought it would be this good, but I think this might really be the best thing that ever happened to me. Let’s go real slow lover. I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you!”

Brenda cradled the Great Dane’s rump in both hands, sucking continuously on his twitching dick as he whined and writhed beside her. Brenda felt like her snatch was disintegrating. It was like slow-motion electricity delicately shocking her clit and streaming uninterrupted through her pulsing asshole and right up her spine. Brenda clamped her ass tight under Chucky’s questing tongue, she settled on her side with a gratified sigh and tenderly sucked the full length of animal dick into her trembling lips.

Chucky gave a low growl of animal satisfaction as the girl’s mouth closed over his throbbing dick. Lezley smiled with delight as she fingered her dripping slit. Robert watched the action from his hidey-hole while slowly jacking his dick in time to Brenda’s head and hand movements. With eyes closed and both hands full of doggy genitals, Brenda drifted into a sexual trance. She sucked luxuriously at the slippery doggie dick. Chucky laid his head on Brenda’s quivering thigh and made long slow deep licks into her sodden pussy. His ears perked to Lezley’s whispered suggestions as Brenda sucked his swollen dick.

The brunette’s brain surged into a red-hot cloud of approaching orgasm as Chucky’s animal tongue lapped between her sensitive cheeks, sending maddening pulses inside her dripping pussy. The Great Dane gave an occasional brief lick at her melting twat as Brenda fell into an orgasmic frenzy of sucking, moaning softly with her drooling mouth sliding on the big dog’s dick. Tears slid down her face, rolling down her tits and over her rigid nipples as the frenzied brunette writhed into the mind-boggling orgasm.

Chucky thrust the big dog’s tongue deep into the squirming brunette’s hot slit as Brenda’s pulsing snatch gushed juices into his jaws. Brenda’s orgasm so intense it seemed to block out everything around her. She went through mind-blowing sensations of coming and sucking and coming as the incredible animal tongue slithered up her throbbing ass.

Chucky’s hot breath pulsated on her snatch as she milked his dick with her mouth. She giggled around the throbbing hard-on when she felt the swollen knot at the base of his dick sheath jamming against her lips. Lezley watched eagerly as the lovely brunette began rolling her head slowly back and forth, wrapping her tongue lovingly around Chucky’s hot animal dick. Brenda’s back and belly muscles were rock-hard, her thighs and calves cramped, as she lay paralyzed beside the squirming animal. Her pelvis writhed on the magical dog tongue dancing in her crotch.

Brenda roused at last when Chucky began writhing on the carpet whining anxiously between her legs. He emitted an eager low growling while lapping feverishly at her dripping clit. She felt the big dog’s fuzzy balls throbbing and the swelling under her hand at the base of his dick. Brenda recognized the signs. She pulled the Great Dane’s long dick from her lips and saw how deep and dark red the flesh had become. Chucky gave one thunderous bark, his haunches heaved and the massive come-load surged down the length of his dick. Chucky gave a low wavering groan as the come surged to the tip of his animal dick; Brenda lunged back too late from the dog’s pulsing dick, catching the first explosive spurt across her parted lips.

She instantly plunged back to the animal’s pulsing dick, then started into eager rapid sucking at his pumping dick, taking the next gushing jet straight in her open mouth. Lezley put a hand on the back of Brenda’s neck and jammed the dog’s squirting erection full-length into her friend’s wet mouth. Brenda was moaning on the long slick hard-on as warm animal come splashed down her throat. The feel of hot canine semen gushing into her throat triggered the brunette’s long-delayed orgasm, and she sobbed with delight as her pounding pussy exploded into throbbing of ecstasy. Chucky thrashed and bucked convulsively as she sucked him, fur standing up along the length of his back. Lezley kept the pressure on the back of Brenda’s neck as Chucky’s scalding hot seed sprayed in jet surges across her lower lip and into her open mouth.

The moaning woman leaned forward on Chucky’s doggie erection, keeping her lips wide around the squirting organ, come splashing each time the Great Dane spurted against her twitching tongue. The ecstatic brunette giggled hysterically on the dog’s dick, swallowing squirt after hot squirt while Chucky thrashed and rolled beside her.

Brenda couldn’t gulp the spurting come as fast as the Great Dane could pump, and trickles oozed from the corners of her mouth, dripping off his bristly dick sheath. She laid her cheek on the dog’s taut belly and closed her lips around the base of the pumping shaft; swallowing the mouthful of warm semen, the woman curled her tongue around Chucky’s spasming dick and sucked avidly, fondling his throbbing balls and drinking hot come as he gushed it into her lips.

Her frenzied clitoris kept shooting lightning up her spine and the brunette used her own orgasm to prolong the animal’s creaming, nursing his dick in rhythm to her own mounting ecstasy, moaning with pleasure and sucking spurt after hot spurt of sticky dog semen. Lezley reached down with her other hand and milked the dog’s erection jacking him off onto Brenda’s lips and tongue, urging the groaning brunette to curl her tongue on the point of his dick to coax the last spurts from the panting beast.

The gasping brunette and the shivering Great Dane lay side by side after the volcanic orgasms, panting hot breath on each other’s genitals as they recovered from the frenzied coming. When she stopped panting, Brenda leaned over and lazily kissed the animal’s glistening dick, chuckling as the doggie hard-on twitched against her lips. Chucky raised his head from her sweating thigh and stared as the greedy brunette again licked slowly up and down his dripping erection, fondling his hot furry balls with one hand. Lezley glanced down at the panting Great Dane and casually stroked his slippery dick between thumb and forefinger as she murmured endearments to the big dog.


Robert was gasping for breath as he watched Brenda give the huge dog a real full blow job. Robert jacked his dick and his cum shot forward splattering the wall and floor. Robert kicked his heels and prayed he was not noisy and that the women would not hear him.

Brenda and Chucky lay panting. The huge Dane rose and began to lick his exposed dick. Brenda watched in fascination. The tip of the dog’s dick nearly touched the floor. Lezley noticed Brenda’s eyes and what they were watching.

“It is huge isn’t it?” Lezley cooed. “This dog has the most wonderful and biggest dick you will ever have sunk in your sweet hot pussy. Haven’t I been telling you that dog dick is better than man dick and without any baggage of worry?”

Chucky however was not finished with this woman. The horny beast was more excited than ever by the taste of her cum. When Brenda rolled to her hands and knees to rise he scrambled onto her. He curled his forelegs around her waist and began humping at once, even though his dick was nowhere near her pussy.

Brenda was roused from her lethargy by this sudden assault. She squirmed about in an effort to get the animal’s prick properly placed. She could feel the naked, warm prong rubbing the top of her slit running over her clit., but she could not lift herself high enough to get it into her fuck hole.

Brenda pressed her right hand down between their bodies and grasped Chucky’s dick. He emitted a gulping whine when he felt her fingers closing around the sensitive rod. Pushing him back with one hand and using her other hand to guide his prick to her pussy, she succeeded in arousing them both even more frantically. The dog’s dick was already dribbling more warm streams of cum. It felt wetter than Robert’s and not quite as thick, but she welcomed it nevertheless as a sign of the dog’s overwhelming passion. She finally got the pointed tip of his prick aimed into the mouth of her pussy.

Chucky lunged forward again when she released him. His dick speared deep into the tender, throbbing slit she had opened up for him. Robert’s sturdy pussy-stretcher could not begin to compare with the dick Chucky possessed. Brenda thrilled at the penetration. She loved the sensation of being fucked by a warm, vibrant, living piece of aroused masculinity. This appealed greatly to her, and she began fucking back with greater enthusiasm.

More and more of Chucky’s dick speared into her pussy and she felt her womb again knotting up into that familiar ball of tingling sexual tension. Several inches of this doggy fuck tool were already well into Brenda’s pussy before she remembered the ferocious-looking knot. Would Chucky’s try to insert his knot, too she wondered? The way Chucky was humping her, lunging forward and very obviously showing his desire to shove all his dick into her hot, wet pussy, left no doubt that he intended to truly breed his new bitch.

Brenda surrendered to the inevitable. Just as she reached that conclusion, she felt the knot bump up against the mouth of her pussy. The sensation sent a thrill of delight rushing through her body.

“Ooohh, fuck me!” she whimpered weakly. “Harder! Do it harder!”
“Unngghhh!” the girl sighed, driving upward with her hips and holding onto the dog’s back with her hands. “Now fuck, you big bastard! Fuck my pussy off!”

Chucky humped against her more strongly, sensing the extra effort which would be required if he were going to succeed in planting his dick completely. She could feel the raw, brutal power gathering in the dog’s body as he prepared to launch the final assault against her waiting pussy; she knew then that nothing she could do would be enough to get him off her. Once he was mounted, she concluded, he would fuck her to the finish, and she would have to accept it as best she could.

Chucky’s dick had been spurting out steady jets of cum all the while he had had his tool in her pussy. She could feel the hot juice squirting against the walls of her tunnel as he drove deeper; evidently, she decided, dogs did not reach a sudden, explosive climax as did humans. The continual spurting aroused her quite as fully, however, and she could feel her body mounting toward another fluttering peak of sexual delirium.

Chucky’s stubborn bullish insistence on lodging all of his prick, even the grotesque knot, in her pussy paid off after several powerful lunges. Her pussy muscles relented at last and admitted the ferocious lump into her box. Once the largest part of his dick was lodged in her pussy, Chucky began fucking with renewed intensity. His back arched into a curve and he grasped her flanks even more strongly with his forefeet as he drove that big tool deeper into her passively waiting pussy. She tried to move against him, as though he were a man, but found that it was much more difficult to generate a satisfactory fucking action when there were no legs around which she could wrap her own. What with the unsatisfactory nature of the position and the dog’s urgent insistence on continuing his own fucking motion, she could do little more than lie there quietly and feel that bizarre dick being shoved deeper into her pussy.

As the big knot in the dog’s swollen prick worked deeper into her pussy, stretching the ways to a greater degree than she would have believed possible, she felt her body growing more and more strained with sexual feeling. Suddenly the bands of knotted tension burst within her womb and an all-enveloping, lusty red fog of orgiastic pleasure spread rapidly throughout her aunt, then expanded further to cover all her body.

Grunting, screaming, sobbing, she lay there and quivered as her climax mounted to a peak, ebbed slightly and then rose to another, even more powerful crescendo of delirious joy. Again and again her pussy throbbed powerfully as her climax mounted higher and higher. Chucky was humping faster than ever, working his monstrous dick back and forth in her pussy, and he, too, was approaching some kind of climax.

Brenda felt him stop suddenly and tremble mightily. She waited for the quick spurt of semen, the blasting rocket of hot cum which would signify the peak of his pleasure, but found that his dick only vibrated heavily within her pussy and that the flow of sperm was no stronger than it had ever been.

The lack of a strong, definite culmination frustrated her slightly, though her climax had been intense enough to make it only a momentary irritation. She heaved a great sigh of relief and lay back, relaxing as Chucky’s body slowly lost its rigidity. The dog collapsed on her, weakening every second; she could feel his prick losing its iron-hard quality and growing smaller within her pussy.

The big dog humped away until he had completely exhausted himself. When he finally slumped down off the girl and slunk away, his step had lost all its vibrant, lively bounce and he was the very picture of the exhausted lover. Brenda continued to squirm in post orgasmic bliss. Her desires were far from depleted.

Robert jacked his dick a second time cumming again with a ferocity equal to the first. As he watched the show in his living area, he rose and entered the room.

Lezley’s eyes bugged and she uttered a loud gasp. Brenda turned and stuttered, “it…it’s….it isn’t wha..what you th…thin….think, Baby.”

“Sure it is,” Robert said with a grin, “and it is the fucking hottest thing I ever saw!” He fell to his knees and kissed his beautiful wife with passion.

“I can’t wait for the dog to recover, and then watch him work Lezley’s pussy and your pussy again. Why I bet Chucky can go all night long.”

Brenda smiled and said, “and I am sure we can get another load or two from you!”