Chapter One

This is the sequel to “Fiona gets a job”. After getting a housekeeping job with the Waldens, Fiona meets their dog and becomes his bitch. Both Mr and Mrs Walden also enjoy her. They then offer her a job in their company office but with the promise that her expertise with dogs will not be wasted.

I found the role of receptionist quite easy. I had a *********** and it was just a matter of knowing who the caller wanted to speak to and flicking a switch. Not exactly rocket science. I did miss my daily romps with Goldie, the Walden’s dog but Mrs Walden did promise that there would be some “extra duties” along the way. It had been nearly two weeks when she called me into her office. “Fiona on Saturday afternoon I have arranged a task for you. Can you get away dear?” I nodded vigorously. “Well we will meet a couple who want a show with you and Goldie. They want you naked but I have told them you will wear a mask. I will collect you at 2pm at your house. Just make up a story for your parents”.

I went back to the desk shaking. I wasn’t concerned about Goldie mounting me but I was a little nervous about doing it in public. Lying the mum and dad also was worry. I had to think of some logical reason to be out on a Saturday afternoon with my boss. I decide I would tell them that the company sometimes ran seminars and I was needed to take notes and entertain. Well that was half right anyway. I was certainly going to entertain. The rest of the week flew by. I found it hard to concentrate. My mind was already locked on Saturday and mating with my darling Goldie. Patrick and Teena had seemed to become friendly after being nasty at first. Things were looking up.

I told mum and dad about going to a seminar. Mum said it sounded very official. Dad, well he just said “is it extra money Fiona. Don’t let them take advantage”. I assumed him I would get paid for Saturdays. Right on time Mrs Walden picked me up. “Have you got your mask” she asked. I patted my bag. “Good girl. This will be strange I know” Mrs Walden said, stating the obvious “Taking Goldie in front of strangers will be nerve wracking but don’t worry. I will be there to make sure nothing happens”. I assured her I was fine but I had butterflies the size of eagles in my stomach. We pulled into the driveway of this old house. We went inside. There was lounge chairs in the main room and a bench in the middle of the room. “We bought this house last year for the express purpose of using it for shows” she said “the chairs for our clients and the bench for you. There is a bedroom down the hall for you to change and there is an ensuite for afterwards. There is a robe on the bed. You can put that on and remove it when the time comes. The clients will be here in about 10 minutes. Wait in the bedroom and I will call you when we are ready. This will so good honey. Goldie is already here in another room”.

I went into the bedroom and got undressed. The robe was lovely. It was heavily embroided and on the back was a huge dog. I smiled and thought “I bet you would be fun”. I sat on the bed and heard voices. I got the mask out of my bag and put it on. It covered most of my face with holes for my eyes and ended just under my nose leaving my mouth uncovered. I guessed that was intentional. A couple of minutes later Mrs Walden called me. “Come you honey. Goldie wants his bitch”. I chuckled and thought “yes and this bitch wants her master”.

I walked into the room to find a couple, man and wife I assumed, sitting in the chairs. I guessed they were in their mid-30s. “Now this young lady is a fully trained bitch who loves her dog, as you will see” said Mrs Walden. I walked up to Goldie, bent down and kissed him on the nose. Even with the mask he recognised me and began to wag his tail. I moved over, opened my robe and patted him on the head. Immediately he pushed his nose and began to lick my pussy. I didn’t have to act. I hadn’t been pleasured by him for a week and I was so horny. “Yes” I gasped “my good doggy. You know I love your tongue in my pussy”. I heard the woman moan softly. If she was loving watching I was loving being licked 10 times more.

“Oh yes darling. Make me cum” I moaned and squealed as he pushed me over the edge. I quickly shed my robe and got another moan from the woman. I looked over and her husband had his hand up her dress. I smiled, well as much as I could in my mask, and dropped to my knees. The bench was about the same height as the couch in the Walden’s lounge room. As soon as Goldie saw me in that position he mounted me. He only took a few seconds to find the target and I squealed as he thrust into me as his cock grew larger. He began to pound me furiously. “My God, look at him go” I heard the guy say “he is really fucking her”. He was and I was loving it. Moaning and squealing I took his knot and then his cum. It was like old times.

It took him several minutes and several attempts to separate from me. I decided to give the audience a bit more. I rolled Goldie on his back in front of them and began to lick and suck his still erect cock. I looked up at one point and the guy still had his hand up his wife’s dress and his other hand stroking his cock. I had a mind to leave Goldie and suck him but resisted. His wife would not be happy. I heard her groan and I assumed his fingers had gotten her off. I stood up and she applauded. Her husband still had his hands full. I bowed, picked up my robe and headed back to the bedroom with doggy juice leaking down my thighs. It had been a great introduction to my new role.

I took a shower and came out to find Mrs Walden sitting on the bed. “That was amazing darling” she said “you were terrific. I know you love Goldie but the effect it had on that couple was incredible. Wait ‘till I tell hubby about this. I think we will be busy every Saturday from now on. That couple is bound to tell their friends. Shit, we might have to get another dog”. “Well there is always Hunter” I said, remembering her sister’s dog with fondness. “Well maybe but I am not sure. Perhaps we need to get a bigger dog. How do you feel about that?” “Well I think it sounds great but let’s see if you get other bookings. Why do they book?” I asked. “Some people are into dog sex but don’t actually have a dog or they can’t have one. That is our market darling” she replied “now get on the bed because I want to taste that delicious pussy of yours.

It was maybe an hour later when we finally got dressed having both had multiple orgasms. Mrs Walden drove me home and handed me an envelope. This is for today honey. I have a feeling there will be many more envelopes. I will see you Monday” and she drove off. Mum wanted to know how it went. “Fine mum. Very successful” I told her “I think it will be a regular thing. Good for my bank account”. I went into the bedroom and opened the envelope. Nice crispy $100 notes. I smiled. Now I was being fucked by a dog AND getting paid to do it. So good.


Chapter Two

I found it strange to turn up to work on Monday being back to be the receptionist. I would have been happy to have my “shows” as my permanent job. Still it had been a wonderful introduction to my “second” job. “Good weekend?” said Teena. “Oh yes very good” I said “I always enjoy weekends”. “Do you have a boyfriend?” she asked. “No not really” I replied “I never found a guy who I enjoyed being with”. She smiled and I wondered why she was asking. Being friendly? I wasn’t sure. The week was pretty normal but on Friday Mrs Walden called me into the office. “We have another booking honey” she said “a woman contacted me and said she was thinking about dog sex and wanted to know what it was all about. Are you right for tomorrow?” I quickly said yes.

Back home I told mum and dad there was to be a follow up seminar. Mum got excited and said “wow you must be doing a good job”. Dad just grunted with his nose buried in his newspaper. After dinner I had my shower and ended up masturbating. I was so excited at the thought of having Goldie again. I hoped he was excited as I was. Mrs Walden arrived and picked me up after lunch. We chatted on the way to the house. She seemed as excited as me. We got to the house and, as the previous Saturday, I went to the bedroom, undressed, put on the robe and mask and waited. Right on 3pm the woman arrived. I heard Mrs Walden talking to her and a minute or two later I got the call.

I walked into the room and saw a woman, maybe Mrs Walden’s age, sitting in a lounge chair. “This is our bitch, honey” Mrs Walden said to the guest “she is very happy to show you how to enjoy a dog”. She then opened the door and let Goldie into the room. “This is Goldie” she continued “he is fully trained to mate with human bitches, as you will see”. I cuddled Goldie and looked up at the guest. I didn’t know her name. It really didn’t matter. I had my Goldie and that was enough. After Goldie and I muzzled I sat on the bench, opened my robe and my legs. I didn’t need to pat him on the head anymore as he knew instinctively what I wanted. He pushed his nose into my crotch and began to lick me. I moaned and the guest gasped. I looked at her smiled. “He is a wonderful pussy licker” I said “he always makes me cum”. The woman licked her lips in anticipation of what was to follow. Goldie’s tongue had worked its magic and I orgasmed. Time to get some serious doggy cock.

I quickly knelt down and Goldie was eager to mate with his bitch. I looked up at our guest and she was staring intently. Goldie was more than ready and mounted me. I felt him stab at me, find my pussy and thrust into me. I squealed as I felt his cock growing. He began to pound me as nature intended. “Is he really inside her?” the guest asked Mrs Walden. I assumed she thought I couldn’t answer. “Oh yes he is well and truly inside her and ready to tie with her” was the answer. Meanwhile I was urging Goldie on. “Good boy. Fuck your horny bitch” I moaned as I felt his knot swelling. A couple of growls and he succeeded in tying with me. “Oh yes Goldie you darling dog” I moaned as his cock twitched to signal he was cumming. I looked up and our guest was sitting there, her eyes wide and her mouth open.

It was several minutes of effort before he finally pulled away causing to groan as I felt his cumming start to ooze out of my tortured pussy. He gave me the customary licks before lying down on the floor. Our guest gave another moan as she obviously saw how big he was. “Oh my God” she exclaimed “he is so big. I never thought his thing would be THAT big”. I sensed that she was turned on by what she had seen. Perhaps, as Mrs Walden said, she was thinking about dog sex, the time might be right to introduce her to the delights that she could enjoy.

I stood up and walked over to her. “Would you like to feel what his tongue feels like?” I asked. She blushed but her eyes betrayed her. “Take your panties off” I said. “I am not sure” she replied. “Don’t be afraid” I said “unless you are not really curious”. I am sure she took that as a challenge, stood up and dropped her knickers. “Come on boy. Here is a nice tasty pussy for you to try” I said and Goldie immediately got up and came over. “Pat his head. He likes that” I said and smiled. She patted his head and immediately he pushed his nose between her legs. She let out a shriek as he began to lick away. Her shriek soon changed to a moan as she spread her legs wider. “This is so much better than my husband” she said. “Oh a dog is so better at oral than any man could be” was my reply.

Goldie was enjoying himself. His tail was wagging and he was grunting. I had a feeling he was ready to mount her but she probably wasn’t ready for that the first time. By this time she had moved her bum right on the edge on the lounge chair and her legs were spread. “I want his cock” she said gasping. “Well he can’t tie like this unless you want him too” I said. “I don’t care” she moaned “I want him”. “Pull up your dress and pat your chest” I said. She did and Goldie got very excited. He mounted her missionary style. His cock was already engorged and spraying pre-cum as he attempted to enter her. She screamed as he found the target and began to hump her. I was jealous as she moaned and groaned. “Oh God he is so big” she said, her voice was more of a whisper “I never knew it could be so good”. I hadn’t told her about Mrs Walden’s and my trick and he struggled to tie with her. His knot obviously rubbed against her clit and even I was surprised when she announced she was having an orgasm. He didn’t completely tie but enough to cum which caused more delight.

He pulled away and gave her licks began lying on the floor. “Thank you darling” she sighed “that was so unexpected and so good” I told her to come to the bedroom. “Take off your clothes and have a shower” I suggested. She became shy. I chucked and took off my mask. “Come on. You can’t go home to your husband with a pussy full of dog cum” I said. Reluctantly she agreed and undressed. “I will just take a quick one” she said. She got into the shower. I waited for a minute of two and joined her. “What are you doing” she cried. I smiled “Well we doggy bitches have to stick together”. “I have never….” She began but I was already rubbing her pussy. I kissed her and she stopped resisting. “Today is so unreal” she whispered “first I have watched you mate with a dog, then I did and now this”. “This what?” I whispered back. “Making out with you” she replied and seconds later she came again.

I was tempted to give her the full treatment but didn’t. I had a feeling there would another opportunity. We got out of the shower. She dressed, paid Mrs Walden and left with a promise to come again. Mrs Walden came into the bedroom and immediately began to undress. “You are such a slut” she said grinning “I loved watching you manipulate that woman. Now I want to manipulate you darling and for nearly an hour we pleasured each other. Driving me home Mrs Walden handed me an envelope. “There is extra in there honey. We got a big tip today. You earned it. I am sure she will be back again for Goldie and also for you”. She dropped me home and I went inside. “Go well love?” asked mum. “Oh very well” I said “the audience was very attentive”. Well I didn’t lie did I?


Chapter Three

I got to work and again Teena asked how my weekend was. She asked whether I had a date Saturday night. Of course I couldn’t tell her what I was doing and, no, I didn’t have a date. She said she hadn’t had a date also and said weekends were so boring. I just took it as office banter. Later in morning Mrs Walden called me into her office. “Saturday was so wild” she said “our guest was glowing when she left. You outdid yourself honey”. I smiled “well I enjoyed it too” I said “I hope she comes again”. Mrs Walden continued “the place I got Goldie from has rung me and we talked. The man in charge, Adrian, asked if I was interested in joining forces. He read my ad and wants a meeting. If you are interested I would like you to join us”. I said I would so she arranged for him to come to the office on Wednesday.

Wednesday arrived at Adrian arrived at 2pm. He went into the meeting room with Mr and Mrs Walden. I followed. We sat around the table with coffee while Mrs Walden and Adrian did most of the talking. I studied Adrian. He was quite tall, handsome with longish hair. He spoke very well so he was articulate. His business, I learned, was dog breeding but I soon realised he had a side business. That was providing trained dogs for a very *********** cliental. Mrs Walden had already told me she got Goldie from him. At one point Mrs Walden told him that I was well versed in dog intimacy. He looked at me and smiled broadly. “I am sure she would be a valuable asset” he said of me.

After the meeting broke up Mrs Walden again called me into her office. “Adrian wants to join forces and put on shows with us” she said “he has several dogs in training and we would audition the dogs for prospective clients. If you are ok with that I can tell him we will attend his business on Saturday. He even mentioned offering you a part-time job at weekends, if you are interested”. I immediately said yes. I back to my desk and Teena come up. “He was nice looking” she said “what was that all about”. Of course I wasn’t about to tell her. “Oh just a new client checking out the company. I was just there to take notes” I said, lying through my teeth.

On Friday Teena was again being friendly. “Doing anything tonight?” she asked. “No, same old same old” I said “having dinner and watching TV”. “Sounds pretty boring” she replied “we could go out for a drink tonight if you like”. I hesitated. “Or tomorrow night” she added. As Saturday wasn’t convenient, for obvious reasons, I said “no, tonight will be fine. I just have to ring home”. I rang mum and said I was going out for a drink with a workmate after work. “That is great honey. I am glad you are making friends. I will put your dinner aside and you can heat it up when you get home”. The company always knocked off right on 5pm and Teena said she knew just the place to go. We walked down the street to this little bar and went inside. “Hello Teena, what would and your girlfriend like to drink?” I was shocked. Not only because the waitress knew Teena but also she thought I was her girlfriend. It suddenly struck me. Teena was gay and she trying to find out if I was too.

“Sorry Fiona” she said, obviously embarrassed. “About what?” I asked her. “About that girlfriend comments” she said, her face now bright red. I laughed. “I wasn’t upset” I said “I haven’t been called a girlfriend for years”. She looked at me and then she laughed too. Situation defused. I looked around and there only women in the place. It was obviously a gay place. Strangely I felt fine. I guess those sessions with Mrs Walden were having an effect. We sat and chatted about work and life in general. I realised that she was fun to be with. I made a note that if I ever found myself getting lesbian urges I would be up for some time with Teena. “Thank you for inviting me out” I said “we should do it again sometime”. Teena looked a little surprised. “Yes, I guess we could” she said. Back home wanted to know how it went. “She is very nice” I said “we had a drink or two and talked”. I didn’t mention about the rest of it. Mum would have fainted.

Saturday morning I told mum that I might have a part-time job helping a client of the company who had a dog breeding operation. “The usual helper on Saturdays had resigned” I said. “That’s nice dear” she said “just don’t get bitten. Dogs can be unpredictable”. I told her not to worry. The guy said his dogs are very well trained. I smiled at my little joke. I said I was going to get the bus and headed off. I was actually meeting Mrs Walden in the next street. She had told me to bring both masks. I wondered, was she going to join me for the performance. Surely not.

We reached the place and Adrian met us. “I am expected several clients today. Some just want to see the dogs perform before buying them and some just want to look. He took us into the house and we had a coffee while he told us the day’s events. “I have a small barn set up that is usually used for people to bring their bitches to be impregnated” he exclaimed “of course it is also used for your show today. There is a small room to the side where you can change. You can go in there from the outside, unseen, and wait until we are ready”. He seemed to be talking to both Mrs Walden and me. So she was going to be part of the show. It was going to be so exciting. Maybe she and I could also put of a show later, after the dogs had had their way with us.

We heard a car enter the drive. “Quick” he said “disappear while I stall these people”. Mrs Walden and I headed for the small room he had mentioned. I noticed Mrs Walden knew exactly where to go. She had obviously been here before when she got Goldie. But maybe more times? I was curious. We went into the room. There was a wardrobe to hang our clothes and a small bathroom with a shower. It was a very good set up. Mrs Walden showed me the main room with benches for our “audience” to sit and a couple of low benches with small mattresses in front of each one. It had a dirt floor so mattresses to kneel on were very welcome. We went back into the small room and waited. We could hear voices. We quickly undresses and I gave Mrs Walden the cat mask. I put my dog mask on. Mrs Walden and I looked at each other. We embraced. “This will be so much fun” she said.

A couple of minutes later Mrs Walden and I walked out into the main room. I looked around to see two couples and one guy on his own. “These ladies are going to show how well trained my dogs are” Adrian said “I think you will see that these ladies are so happy to play bitches and show you the joys of dog sex”. Three dogs were in the room and they began to circle us. There was a black Labrador, a Rottweiler and a Great Dane. “I want the Great Dane honey” Mrs Walden whispered “I have had him before and loved it”. I looked at the Lab and figured he was trained just like Goldie. I patted him on the head and he immediately went for my crutch. I stood with my legs spread wide. The fun had begun.


Chapter Four

I had thought of faking some moaning and groaning for the crowd but immediately the Lab’s hit my pussy I wasn’t faking. “Yes boy. Lick me” I moaned and I heard Mrs Walden say something similar. I looked over and the Great Dane had him nose hard against her. “Come on you lovely dog. Come and get your reward” I said and dropped to my knees in front of the bench. He didn’t need any encouragement and quickly mounted me. I squeal as he found my pussy and began to hump me wildly. “Yes my darling. Give me your cock” I cried and moaned and grunted as he ripped into me. I felt his knot and braced myself. I heard Mrs Walden yell as the Great Dane did his work. Then my dog buried his knot in me and stopped moving. His cock was sort of twitching and he started to cum.

He laid on top of me for maybe 5 minutes, several times trying to disengage. When he finally succeeded I moaned, reached down and rubbed my clit which was covered in doggy juice. I wanted to cum but the next minute the Rottie mounted me. He had no trouble sliding into my soaked pussy. I moaned again as he began to fuck me furiously. “As you can see these dogs don’t need much encouragement” said Adrian “they see the target and go for it”. He was so right. I heard Mrs Walden yelp as the Great Dane pulled out. “Oh baby you are so big” she groaned. I heard that and wanted him but right now the Rottie was working his knot into me.

The Rottie finally pulled out and his and the Lab’s cum was oozing out of me. “Well ladies and gentlemen you have seen with your own eyes how well my dogs are trained. Please go to the office and either buy one of the dogs or put your name down for more information. Claire is there and she will take care of you. I wanted the Great Dane and I hoped he had recovered. The audience left, or I thought they had. I wiggled my bum at the Dane and he got the message. I looked at his still erect cock and gasped. He was so big. “Come and take me boy” I said “come and get this bitch”. I am not sure if he heard the urgency in my voice or just operated on instinct but whatever it was he was on top of me and thrusting away until he found his target. I squealed as his huge cock thrust into me. “Oh shit” I said as I felt his cock actually opening me up like never before.

I had thought everyone had left and this was just enjoying pleasure. The two couples had indeed left but suddenly the solo guy was kneeling in front of me with his pants pulled down and his cock inches from my face. “Suck my cock” he demanded “suck it you doggy slut”. I opened my mouth and while the Great Dane fucked me and then tied the guy face fucked me. I was passed complaining and sucked that guy until he filled my mouth with cum. While this was happening I could hear Mrs Walden moaning. I thought she was getting dog cock but I glanced over to see Adrian pleasuring her. No doubt they had done this before as Mrs Walden was moaning and yelling at him to fuck her harder. He was certainly doing his best to satisfy her.

The Great Dane finally untied with me and I pleased the guy I was sucking by swallowed all he had to give. Adrian also withdrew and Adrian led the dogs away. The guy stood up, pulled up his pants and complimented me on my oral skills. Mrs Walden and I went back in to the side room and then pleased each other under the shower. “Don’t tell my husband about what you saw” she said “he just thinks I am here to supervise. I love the Dane and Adrian certainly knows how to please. I am sure you will find out in the future”. Having enjoyed each other under the shower and on the floor of the side room we headed up to the office. “This is Claire, my wife” said Adrian “she tells me that we have sold the Lab and the Rottie. Well done both of you. Fiona, are you right for Saturdays?” I nodded and he smiled.

Adrian walked us out to the car and kissed us both. We headed back to where Mrs Walden had picked me up. “Did you enjoy your night out with Teena” she asked. I surprised she knew about it. “You know she is a lesbian, right?” she said. “I gathered that. But she is very nice” I said. “Just be careful honey” she went on to say “I don’t want any hassles in the office. I would go with her myself if she didn’t work for me. But I had you before you worked for me so that is ok”. I smiled. She was making rules to suit herself. Of course I didn’t mind as I always enjoyed our little trysts. She dropped my off and I walked around the corner and home as if I had caught the bus. “So how was it” mum said as I walked in the door. “Good mum. I got to take care of the dogs and the boss and his wife seem nice” I said. Up in my room I sat on the bed, my mind still buzzing. I was glad the Great Dane wasn’t sold. I wanted to enjoy him again.

Back at work and Teena kept chatting away. I guess because I was put off the first time she might have thought she would keep trying. It was either Wednesday or Thursday she cornered me in the lunch room. I decided to set the record straight. “I know you are gay Teena” I said “I sometimes enjoy it too but I am bisexual. Also I am worried that if we get to together it might make problems here at work. I hope you understand”. Teena apologised and said she didn’t mean to make any problems. I instantly felt sorry for her. “I am happy to join you in a drink or two though” I said “there is no reason we can’t be friends”. She smiled “I would like that” she said.

I had already committed to going to Adrian’s breeding farm on Saturdays. I would help him train the dogs and also put on a show for any client or clients who wanted to know what happened. They would usually be couples or solo women who were into bestiality. Mrs Walden had not spoken to me about it and so I assumed I was to find my own way. I caught a bus and it stopped just near his place. I only had to walk about 20 yards from the bus stop to the front gate. Adrian was all smile but Claire seemed a bit stand offish. I wondered whether she thought Adrian was going to get a piece of me. “Your wife seems down” I said, as we walked towards the barn. “Yes” he said “she had something lined up tonight and it fell though”. “Oh a party?” I asked. He laughed “something like that honey. Come into the barn and I will tell you what we will do today”.

We walked into the barn and I smiled. There was the Great Dane. “What is his name” I asked. “I don’t give the dogs names” he replied “I let the clients who buy them give them names. I don’t get attached to them that way”. I chuckled “I like being attached to them” and he laughed “I think that was very obvious last Saturday honey. You like dogs don’t you?” he said “do you like men too and maybe women. You and Lisa, Mrs Walden, certainly had fun after the show last week”. I wondered how on earth he knew. Not that I was bothered. I could hardly feign indignation after he had seen me giving myself to his three dogs.


Chapter Five

Adrian led me down to the pens. “Claire has begun to train two more dogs and they are almost ready” he said. So his wife was the trainer. “What you need to do is just work them and get them used to someone else. Maybe you can start with the Great Dane. There is no-one booked today so you don’t have to rush”. I smiled and headed for the pen holding the Great Dane. “Hello boy. I am so glad to see you” I said “we are going to have so much fun”. I let him out of the pen and let him follow me into the barn. “Let me know if you need any help” Adrian said as he walked back to the house. “We won’t need help will we boy?” I said. Slipped off my knickers I leaned again one of the benches. He came up and I patted his head and then squealed as he pushed his nose into my crotch.

His tongue brushed over my pussy and clit. After a week with just my own fingers to excite me it felt so good. “Yes boy, just like that. So good” I whispered “make this bitch cum. Make me nice and wet so I can take that lovely big cock of yours”. I keep patting his head and he kept licking until I came with a rush. I quickly dropped to my knees and he mounted me. He pushed into me and his cock was growing longer with each thrust. “Oh shit” I cried as he opened me up “fuck you are big” and then squealed as I felt his knot swelling and rubbing against my already pleasured clit. I came the same time as he tied with me. My whole body shook and I screamed. It was so amazing.

He lay on top of me and began to pump his doggy cum deep inside me. I don’t know how many times he squirted but his knot was so large nothing was leaking out. I felt so full. After several attempts he succeeded and his cum oozed out and down my thighs. I always felt like a total slut every time that happened. I loved the feeling. I returned the Great Dane to his pen and looked at the next one. There was a Golden Labrador sitting there looking at me. Memories of Goldie flashed in my brain. “Hello gorgeous fella” I said and he wagged his tail. “Come on boy. Let’s see what you have learned” I said and let him out and we went to the barn. I patted his head and he looked at me. I figured he was wondering who I was. I patted him again and he poked his nose under my shirt. Smelling me he suddenly got excited and began to lick my thighs and pussy. “You like that do you boy” I said “I promise you I like it”.

Kneeling down I presents myself to him. Again he was unsure. I patted my back and he again licked me. I wriggled my bum and he got the message. Mounting me he tried several times but eventual found his target. Once he entered me his instinct took over and he being to pound me. “Good boy” I squeal “that is how to do it” and he settled in to first fucking me and then knotting with me. While I moaned my appreciation he growled his accomplishment of having serviced his bitch. He finally withdrew and stood behind me. Was he admiring his work? I took him back to his pen and saw the next pen had a dog I had never seen before. He was like a Lab but not like any other. He was very powerful looking and eyed me in such a way that made me nervous. “Hello boy” I said “just what sort of dog are you?” “He is part Labrador and part Fox Hound”. I turned to see Adrian and Claire standing there. “We found him roaming in the back paddock” said Claire “he is still a bit wild but responding to my training. Perhaps you might give him a miss today. He is very strong”.

I looked back at him and he had his head tilted to the side staring at me. It was obvious he could smell my pussy that had been pleasured both by the Great Dane and the Lab. “You want me don’t you boy” I said “look at how he is looking at me”. Claire came up beside me. “I think he swells a bitch and wants a piece” she said “if you are sure I will help you. He still has trouble finding my pussy”. “Yes I want him” I said. “I thought you would. We doggy sluts can never get enough. Every dog is a challenge aren’t they pet”. I had to agree with her. I opened the pen and he cautiously approached us. “Come on boy. Come with me and get some pussy” said Claire.

We went into the barn and I patted his head. He certainly knew what that meant and began to lick my soaked pussy. I was eager to have him mount me and I dropped to my knees. He did try to mount me but his trusts were nowhere near my pussy. Claire moved in and guided his cock to where it was supposed to go. The minute he felt his cock entering me he took charge. And, wow, did he. I could see he was powerful but he exceeded my expectation. He ravaged me, growling and grunting as he thumped into me. My squeals and shouts were testament to his vigour. “Oh fuck Claire he is so wild” I moaned and then he pushed his knot inside me and I squealed with delight. By the time he pulled out I was a wreck.

Claire stood there and actually applauded. “My God honey I didn’t think you could take him. That was incredible. YOU are incredible. You are a true bitch and no mistake. I smiled at her and thanked her for the compliment. “Lisa (Mrs Walden) said you were special. She was right. What do you think Adrian?” she said. “I think she is great” he said. “I bet you want to fuck her too, you horny bastard” she said “well you will have to wait my dear because we have a late booking. Her name is Lois and she wants to see a woman take a dog. Are you OK honey? she asked me. “I am fine Claire. I will put on the mask and entertain your guest with the Dane”. Claire laughed “I thought you would say that. He is big isn’t he? I love time with him”.

I went into the side room and stripped off. I had a quick shower and put on my mask. I heard Adrian talking to who I assumed was Lois. “Are you ready” he called out and I walked out into the barn. “OK Lois” he continued “this fine bitch is going to be mated by our Great Dane. So sit comfortably and enjoy the show”. Claire led the dog into the barn. “Wow he is big” Lois said “very big”. “Don’t be concerned. Our bitch is more than ready to take his huge cock”. I looked over at Lois and her eyes were wide and fixed on the dog. I got on my knees in front of the bench. The dog broke away from Claire and rushed up and over me. He was so keen to have his way with me. He mounted me and immediately tried to enter me. He succeeded. “Is his cock inside you?” Lois asked “is he big?” I looked across and she was on the edge of her seat. “Is he doing it?” she asked again. I could tell she was into verbalising what was happening. I moaned “yes his big cock is inside me. It is still growing. Oh my, he is so big” I wailing. She moaned as if it her being fucked.

I continued to give a running commentary on what was happening. “I can feel his knot swelling Lois. It is so big. I want it inside me. I want him to cum inside me” I moaned. I watched her getting more and more excited. Suddenly she lifted her dress and slipped her panties down and started to rub herself. I knew how she felt. “Oh Lois” I continued “I feel his knot inside me. My God it is so big. Stretching me. Ooh he is cumming. My doggy lover is cumming in his bitch”. I glance at Adrian and Claire. They were standing there agog at what was happening. “Lois rub you pussy honey. Think about all that doggy cum flowing into my pussy. Won’t you love it to be in you?” She was nodded madly and squealed. The site of me with the dog and my de***********ion of what was happening had got her off. By the time The Great Dane pulled out she had regained her composure and pulled her panties up. But her eyes were still sparkling and her face was red.

I stood up and showed her the cum that was trickling from my pussy. “That was so good” she said “you are something else”. She wandered off with Claire to pay for the show. “She is right honey” said Adrian “YOU are fantastic. You had that poor woman shaking all over. I would offer you a full time job but Lois (Mrs Walden) would slit my throat. I just I will have to be satisfied with just Saturdays. Got and pick up your pay from Claire and thank you for an awesome show”. I took a shower and half expected Adrian to join me but he didn’t – damn it. I went into the house and Claire paid me. “You are a natural honey” she said “I don’t think I have ever seen someone so into dogs. What else are you into?” I just said this and that. “Well I know you like men’s cock and I suspect you like pussy, knowing Lisa as I do” she said. “I think that is about right” I said. “Well” she said “maybe we will investigate your abilities another time”. I left and caught the bus. I mused over what Claire had said. Was she suggesting she wanted me? Did Adrian want me? So many questions.


Chapter Six

Fronting up to the office was a jolt to the system after my adventures with dogs. It kept me grounded. I even welcomed the friendship of Teena who I knew wanted to make out with me. A possibility that was becoming more attractive. I decided to flirt a little bit to see what happened. Of course my other interest, being a K9 bitch, I had to keep secret. Teena was hard at work and I came up to her. “How was your weekend honey” I asked. Teena was surprised and just said “it was ok”. “Did you visit your bar at all?” I then asked. “Oh it isn’t much fun going alone” Teena replied. “Well maybe I could join you one night this week” I said. Teena was surprised and delighted “sure Fiona, that would be nice” she said.

The rest of the week whizzed by. Me and Teena had a drink on Thursday night and Teena got a little bit tipsy. She kissed me and then apologised. “Oh don’t apologise Teena. It was nice” said I and kissed her back. “Perhaps we better stop now” I said “I am feeling excited and I think maybe we should just think about it. Friday Teena came to work late, still looking a little worse for wear. At lunch she cornered me. “I am so embarrassed Fiona” she said “I got drunk and we both said things we didn’t mean. “Did we? I said and smiled. Teena was even more confused.

Saturday I got the bus to the dog farm. I had noticed that Claire seemed rather down in the dumps. This day was a complete opposite. “Hi Fiona” she called out as I walked to the front door. She was in the garden. “Isn’t it a lovely day” she added. “Hi Claire” I said “you sound happy today”. “I am” she said “we got a couple of dogs from a breeding farm that has gone bust. They are trained, if you know what I mean. That now makes 5 dogs for your show today”. I smiled broadly “good dogs are they?” I asked. “Yes honey. Very good. I have already tested them. You will love them. We have arranged a special show today”. My pussy tingled. It was going to be epic.

“No time for coffee today Fiona. You must get ready as one lot of clients are booked for half an hour from now” she said. “It doesn’t take look Claire” I replied “I will be ready”. “Adrian’s already in the barn” she called out as I headed off. I walked into the barn to find Adrian just makes the final checks. “Big day today Fiona” he said “five dogs ready to go. Are YOU ready to go?” I chuckled “you know I am Adrian” and I meant it. I slipped into the back room and got undressed. Got my mask and put it on. I checked myself in the mirror. My nipples were already hard. The thought of five dogs had my pussy buzzing. I heard voices and then Adrian knocked on the door.

I walked out into the barn to see a man and woman together and two women also together. Adrian did his usual talk. “This is our resident bitch ladies and gentleman. She will demonstrate that these dogs are highly trained and ready to serve you ladies as they serve our bitch. The first dog is a Black Labrador. He is a beautiful dog and well equipped to satisfy”. Claire led the dog into the barn and took off his leash. “Come on boy” I said clapping my hands together “come to me”. He trotted over and I patted his head. I spread my legs and he pushed his nose into my crotch. I moaned as I felt his tongue lick my pussy. “Oh yes. Good boy. You like pussy don’t you” I said as looked at the clients. They were a picture of shock as they watch him lick away.

I knelt down and Adrian said “now it is time to mate with this bitch. Watch how fast he humps her” and he wasn’t wrong. A couple of misfires and then he thrust into me. I squealed as I felt him inside me, his cock growing with each thrust. “Oh yes you sweet doggy” I cried as he attempted and then succeeded to jam his knot into my pussy and tie us together. I continued to moan as he slowed and then stopped fucking me. 4 or 5 minutes later he succeeded in pulling out and his cum oozed out. There was just time to take a breath when Adrian said “this dog is our star performer. He is a Great Dane and really only suitable for an experienced dog lover. You will see why later”.

My favourite dog mounted me and found my soaked pussy quickly. He began pounding me and his cock grew and grew. “Oh yes my darling. Fuck your bitch. Show me how much you love me” I moaned as he ravaged me. His knot always stretched to my limit. “Oh God you are so big” I groaned as he successfully tied with me, sealing me tight. There were a few murmurs but loud yelps when he finally pulled out. “Look at his cock” someone yelled “it is so big” said another “how did she take all that” said another. Adrian pipped up “I told you that you would be amazed. Only an experienced dog lover could accommodate him.

Just then another couple arrived. “You missed it Ray” I heard someone say “you should have seen the size of the Great Dane’s equipment. “Claire bring his back” said Adrian. She led him back but of course his cock had slid back in his sheath. “Oh you missed it” someone said. I decided to take action. I squatted down and began to run my hand over the sheath. Slowly at first and quickly his cock grew until the full length was visible. Adrian said “for our late comers you can see our bitch has revealed why she loves this dog. His equipment is huge. Thank you my dear”. I stared at that huge cock and started to stroke it. I then pushed him over on to his back and began to lick and suck that huge cock. Adrian was speechless and our audience was silent. After a couple of minutes I looked over at them and said “as you can see he is a big softy who loves having his cock sucked. Suddenly the two women started clapping and the others joined in. “Well wasn’t that something” said Adrian.

I took the other three dogs, one after another included the stray that Claire had found. When I finished I walked back into the side room. Cum was literally flowing down my thighs. I grabbed a towel and wiped myself. I heard Adrian tell everyone to see Claire in the house if they wanted to purchase any of the dogs. I took my mask off and was about to have a shower when Adrian walked in. “My God Fiona that was amazing. I have never seen someone suck a dog live before. You had that audience spellbound. You had Claire shocked and me horny wishing you were sucking me”. “All you have to do is ask nicely Adrian” I said. He looked to see if I laughed. If I was making a joke. “Ask nicely Adrian” I said. “Would you please suck my cock like you sucked that dog sweetheart?”

I walked up and unhooked his belt, undid his pants and pulled them and his underpants down to his knees. His cock was a nice size, both length and girth. “Claire must be happy with that” I said and started to stroke it. “Please darling, suck it. I want you to suck my cock”. I squatted down and proceeded to give him a blow job. He moaned and groaned as he began to face fuck me. “Oh God Fiona that is so good” he mumbled “yes honey I want to cum. Make me cum” and a couple of minutes later I took his full load. “Oh shit you are amazing” he said gasping. “Yes” I said “I am your bitch and I fuck and suck dogs and naughty old men”. “I am not old and I am not naughty” he said and then corrected himself “just mature”. I laughed and headed for the shower.

Later I walked into the house to collect my pay. “You really got them going today honey” she said “poor Adrian couldn’t wait for you to suck his cock”. I was gobsmacked. Had he told her? Surely not. “You are wondering how I know” she said “I have a camera hidden in the barn and in that side room. I watched you suck him off. I also saw you with Lois (Mrs Walden). Next Saturday I will expect you to service me”. I smiled “I thought you would never ask and I kissed her. “Don’t tell Adrian you know about him” I suggested “let him catch us and see what he does”. She laughed “You are evil darling and I love it”. I got home and told mum the day was excellent. I was in charge of 5 dogs now. “Oh that is so good. The owners must be pleased” I said “they are overjoyed”. Not as overjoyed as I will be next Saturday.


Chapter Seven

All week I thought about Claire and her hidden cameras. She had watched me with Mrs Walden and Adrian, her husband. I could hardly pretend to be just a dog slut. Teena at work had become a little more attentive as well and I decided that it wouldn’t be long before we got together. Saturday morning arrived and I was really excited. I liked Claire and I wondered if she would be dominant or submissive. Either way I would enjoy her – but after the dogs.

I fronted up at the breeding farm as usual and I found both Claire and Adrian strangely excited. I just put it down to the fact that I was there. A quick cup of coffee and down to the barn to prepare. “We have some special guests today” Claire said “you may recognise some so your complete discretion is required”. I said it was fine. I undressed and fitted a mask on and waited to be called. Soon enough I heard Adrian announce me. “Please, let me present our sweet bitch who is going to entertain us with several dogs. We will see the dogs are well trained as is our bitch”. Claire had already told me that last week they had sold three of the dogs so only the stray and the Great Dane were left.

Claire let the stray in first. His demeanor hadn’t changed and he rushed me. “Oh yes you are a horny boy aren’t you” I said as her nosed my pussy. I looked at the group watching. Claire was right, I did recognise several of the audience. High profile guys with their token young wives. All with their eyes glued to me. “Come on boy. I am so horny. Would you like to have your bitch?” I said and knelt down with my body over the bench. He immediately mounted me and after several false starts found my opening and drove his cock hard into me. I squealed with delight as he went to town, pounding me and growling his pleasure. Well, I guess it was pleasant. It certainly was for me.

There were murmurs from the audience as he tied with me. “Is he cumming?” I heard someone ask. “Yes” said Adrian “he is just doing what dogs do. Impregnating his bitch”. My moans re-enforced what he was saying. After about five minutes and several attempts he managed to withdraw and everyone could see his cock swinging below his stomach. More murmurs. I stayed bent over the bench as I knew the Great Dane was coming. Sure enough he padded up to me and wasted no time mounting me. “As you can see this big dog knows what this bitch needs” said Adrian “later you will be amazed”. I knew what he meant.

A couple of stabs and he was inside me, his cock growing bigger with each thrust. I squealed as I felt him deep inside me. “Good doggy” I moaned “drive that big cock hard”. More murmurs as he fucked my furiously. He was grunting and I was moaning. I could feel his knot starting to swell and it rubbed my clit causing me to cum. It must have been obvious as I heard someone mention it. He then grew impatient and rammed extra hard. I squealed again as he sealed me up. He pumped his doggy juice into me and after several attempts he pulled out. My pussy oozed cum out and down my thighs. I also loved that feeling.

I stood up and my cum-covered thighs were plain to see. I thought that was it, sadly. But Adrian told the audience “we have a special attraction for you today ladies and gentlemen. The dog show was merely the first act. My wife Claire has bought a new addition which I sure you will enjoy. I watched as Claire entered leading a pony. I was shocked. She hadn’t mentioned anything about it. I had seen videos of horses and ponies but now I was looking at one for real. Claire smiled at me. The sort of smile I would describe as lecherous. “Our residence bitch will now show her versatility by engaging with this handsome beast for your enjoyment and I am sure hers”.

Claire whispered “run his sheath like you do with a dog”. I squatted down opposite the audience so they could see what I was doing. I had barely touched his and his cock started to appear. I grinned but as it got bigger and bigger my grin became a lustful smile. I started to stroke his cock which was now maybe 15” long. “My God” I thought “are you trained to fuck?” “Wow look at the size of him” someone said. The end of his cock was flared, obviously to sort of hold him into a mare while he orgasmed. I couldn’t resist and started to lick around the head and then sucked this huge cock.

“Look at that” again a voice said and I began to rub my clit. I was now oblivious to everything except the pony’s cock and my need to orgasm. I came with a muffled yell. I wanted that cock in me. I looked up at Claire. It was as if she had read my mind. She moved the bench into position and I laid down on it. I grabbed that enormous cock and began to force it into my pussy. Failure at first but then success as I feed over half of it inside me. The pony stamped his front hoofs and snorted. He began to move forward, pushed more of his cock into me. I moaned and groaned as I took more of that beautiful appendage. “Yes. Fuck me” I screamed and then he came. Boy did he cum. He was like a fire hose. I squealed my delight as he pulled out and my pussy gushed. The audience sat there stunned as I looked over and smiled at them. Then they began to clap. It was awesome.

I sort of waddled into the back room and into the shower. The water felt nice washing over me. I leaned against the wall and touched my pussy. It was a bit tender. My clit seemed enlarged and very sensitive. It made it easy to get myself off. I dried myself and got dressed. I walked up to the house and found Claire just totalling the money. “I have sold our stray honey” she said “but your darling is still here. I guess I had better get busy and grab one or two of the breeding dogs and train them”. It was my turn to smile. “Where is Adrian?” I asked. “He is putting the pony away” she replied. I walked up to her and kissed her. “We are all alone honey. You promised something last week” I said.

I kissed Claire again and this time she reciprocated. We headed into the bedroom arm in arm. Quickly we undressed and fell on to the bed. “Adrian will back soon” she sighed. “Well we had been get settled then” I replied, and swinging around we were having a very delightful 69 when I heard Adrian come into the house. “Are you here Claire?” he called out and walked into the bedroom. “What’s happening here then?” he said surprised at what he saw. Claire looked up and said “I am getting some of the licking you got last week sweetheart. Why don’t you stand and watch while get some enjoyment”. He did stand there for several minutes before he got undressed and joined us. The three of us spent the next hour and a half enjoying each other.


Chapter Eight

I told mum that Adrian and Claire had gotten a pony. “Oh that’s nice dear. Something else for you to take care of” she said. I chuckled as I went to me room. “I took care of him alright” I mused.

Monday and life resumed as normal. Teena was very keen to know about my weekend. “Oh the usual” I said. But she kept answer for more detail. I suppose I could have told her that I let two dogs fuck me and then took a pony but perhaps I would skip that part. It was getting close to knock off time when she came up and asked me if I would to go for a drink. There was no doubt that I was become rather fond of her but kept remembering Mrs Walden’s warning about mixing work and pleasure. I was sure she could see Teena was wanting to be more than a workmate.

I said ok, I was up for a drink. We went into the pub down the road. “Sit over here” she said. It was at the back in the corner. There was only a couple of people in at that time so the corner was well away for the bar. We ordered drinks and then Teena touched my thigh. “I want to ask you a question” she said “have you really had sex with our bosses? Both of them?” I was stunned. “I know you have” she said “they were in the office and had left the intercom on. I heard them talking about you”. I couldn’t speak. “Don’t worry Fiona. I won’t tell anyone” she added. “Thank you” was all I could get out. She leaned out and whispered “will you make love to me darling?” I turned to look at her and she kissed me. Judgement went out of the window. I kissed her back. “Let’s get out of here and go back to me place” she said and I said ok.

She had a small apartment a couple of minutes’ drive from work. I was trembling by the time we got into her apartment. Partly because I was fearful about being intimate with a workmate and partly because I was so excited. As soon as she shut the front door she embraced me and we kissed passionately. “What am I doing” I thought “this is so dangerous” but as our clothes came off all sense of foreboding disappeared. We fell on to the bed and for the next hour we explored every inch of each other. It was the most intense sex I had ever experienced. We laid hugging each other in a state of sexual bliss. Then she shocked me to the core. “Do you really have sex with dogs?” Apparently my activities with Mr and Mrs Walden were not the only thing they discussed.

It was no need trying to deny it. She had heard what I did in my spare time. I just nodded. “That is so crazy darling” she said and kissed me “I can’t imagine how that would feel. Having an animal fuck you. Are they brutal? Do they, you know, cum as well?” It was obvious that she was fascinated by the concept. I gave her a complete picture of what it was like to be a dog slut. Her mouth was quivering as I explained the knot and how they came several times. “Oh my God” she exclaimed “I would like to see that”. “Really?” I said “I can arrange it if you want”. She didn’t even hesitate. “Yes Fiona I want to see” she said and we started to kiss again. Her pussy was soaked. She was so excited.

The rest of the week was a blur. Each night I would go to her apartment, we would have sex and then she would drive me home. Mum thought it was great that I had a friend. I thought it was great because she opened a bedside table draw and introduced me to a huge range of sex toys. Each night she would drop me off making me promise to take her to the breeding farm on Saturday. And every night I would kiss her goodnight and promise.

Saturday arrived and Teena arrived just after lunch. She came to the door and Mum invited her inside. “What are you doing today” Mum asked her. “Fiona is going to show me where she works on Saturdays” Teena said. “Oh that is nice. Yes Fiona really enjoys working with the animals, don’t you dear?” Mum said. I nodded and we headed for the farm. Adrian came out to meet us. “Oh you brought a friend” he said, checking her out. I gave a little chuckle. “No good check her because she isn’t interested in men” I thought but didn’t say.

I took Teena into the barn and showed where the “guests” sat. “You mean this is like a live sex show?” she said looking confused. “Just sit there honey and all be revealed” I said and disappeared into the back room. Several minutes later I could hear voices. Goodness only knows what Teena was thinking. I stripped and put on the mask. I waited and sure enough I heard Adrian begin his speech. “Welcome ladies and gentlemen” he began and I walked out into the barn “this is our resident dog slut who will show you how well our dogs are trained”. I looked over at Teena who was sitting there with mouth open and eyes wide. Claire led in my darling Dane who first licked me and then, with me on my knees, he mounted me. As he humped wildly and I moaned constantly I looked at Teena who was sitting licking her lips. I wondered if she would like my darling doggy.

True to her word Claire had worked with two more dogs, each a little under trained but enough to know where to stick their cocks. After the three of them had humped me I went out into the back room. About to get into the shower Teena came in all excited. “Fuck that was amazing” she said “I had heard about bestiality and seen videos but I didn’t think it was real. You are amazing” and hugged and kissed me. Adrian appeared. “You girls have started without me” he said, leering at us. I had to set him straight. “Sorry but Teena isn’t interested” I said, trying to defuse the situation. He didn’t seem to understand. Teena sensed his confusion. “I am a dyke my dear” she said and she and I laughed. Adrian turned and left.

Teena got undressed and got in the shower with me. After our shower I led her into the back room and we made out. It was even more exciting knowing that Claire was probably watching us. I went and got my pay from Claire. Her smile and wink told me she had been watching. We went back to Teena apartment and I explained every detail of what dog sex was like while we played with some of her toys. I rang Mum and said that Teena had invited me to stay overnight. “Oh that is so nice of her” Mum said “you are become good friends”. We were indeed. Teena took out a strap-on dildo. “I used to use this on a girlfriend years ago. Put it on darling and show me what a dog does” she said. I put on the dog mask and down on all fours I had her pat my head and I licked her. Then I got her on all fours and mounted her. She loved it. “I am not sure I could really do it” she said. “Well there is one way to find out honey. And I know just the dog to initiate you” I said.


Chapter Nine

Teena was showing more than a passing interest in dog sex. I didn’t want to involve her any further in my performances at the farm but it was obvious she wanted to go further. Me, pretending to be a dog and fucking her with a strap-on, had only made her more curious. Having given her all the facts and she taking it all in I decided to see just how interested she was. Sunday morning I rang Mrs Walden. “Can I come and see you please?” I asked. She laughed “see me or see Goldie?” she replied. “Both really” I said. “Well my husband is going off playing gold and I am alone so come over. Make at 2pm” she said. When I told Teena she was very concerned. “I don’t want her to know about anything” she complained. “Well darling” I said “she knows you are a lesbian and she knows you have the hots for me”. She looked at me totally shocked. “It will be fine honey” I said “trust me”.

We have lunch on the way and arrived at exactly 2pm. Teena was still worried and asked why we were going there. “You will see” I said “trust me” I told her. We rang the bell and Mrs Walden opened the door. She smiled but the smile disappeared when she saw that Teena was with me. “Can we come in?” I asked. She stepped aside and Teena and I went into the lounge and sat on the couch. Mrs Walden sat down opposite us. There was a silent pause before I began. “Teena knows everything” I said “she heard you and Mr Walden in the office. You had left your intercom on. She knows about me and you both and also about my love of dogs”. Mrs Walden looked at me and then Teena. “Oh I am so embarrassed Fiona” she said. “Don’t be Mrs Walden” Teena said “I also know you know about my, umm, sexual orientation”.

I continued “Teena came with me to the farm yesterday and I have told her about dog sex. She has expressed an interest. I thought Goldie might be a perfect first experience”. Now BOTH Teena and Mrs Walden looked at me. Teena in shock and Mrs Walden in surprise. “I know you told me not to get involved with Teena but her overhearing you and Mr Walden talking about me sort of negates that does it?” I said. “I guess you are right” Mrs Walden said “wait here and I will get him”. Moments later she appeared with Goldie. He saw me and his tail began to wag. “You remember me boy” I said “I have someone new for you today” and looked over at Teena. “He is a lovely dog” I said to her “just let him lick you honey. Pat his head”. Goldie seemed confused so I called him over the pushed him towards Teena. Despite her misgivings she patted his head and he immediately pushed his nose under her skirt, seeking her sweet pussy.

Teena squealed and then laughed. “He is licking me” she gasped. “Pull your knickers to one side” I said and she did and squealed again. That was soon replaced with a moan. “Oh wow. It feels so good” she whispered “I love it”. I could see she did as she head was thrown back and her eyes were closed. “Yes lick me” she groaned and announced she was cumming. “Do you want to do all the way?” I asked but the question was mute. “Yes” she said “yes I want to”. She stood up and took off her knickers. As I had described to her she took up position, on her knees in front of the couch. Goldie was more than ready and immediately mounted her. With no outside help he located her pussy and began to pound her. “Oh yes. God he is so big” she groaned and mumbled as he enjoyed her virgin pussy. I had warned her about the knot but she hadn’t fully understood and as Goldie rammed it home she learned what it was like to be sealed tight and then filled with doggy cum.

By the time Goldie had completed his mission and withdrawn Teena was totally limp. “Fiona that was so…..oh God I am such a slut” she moaned. “Yes darling, a dog slut just like me” I said “and me chimed in Mrs Walden. Teena stood on shaky legs. Cum oozing from her pleasured pussy. “Come let’s have a shower” I said and led her to the bathroom where we both got naked and under the water. She clung to me reliving her experience. “It was so weird” she said “I never thought it would feel so disgustingly wonderful”. “A good de***********ion” I said. We got out of the shower, dried each other and stepped into the bedroom. Teena squealed and I smiled. Sitting on the bed was a very naked Mrs Walden.

She smiled at us. “You didn’t think Goldie was the only one who wanted you did you Teena? She said. Standing up she embraced us both and we all fell onto the bed. For someone who told me not to get involved with a workmate she sure enjoyed Teena’s pussy. The three of us rolled around that bed in a sexual frenzy. At one point Mrs Walden told Teena she had always wanted her. Then admitted she wanted both of us. She looked up at the bedside clock. “We better stop now. My husband will be home soon. I know you won’t want him catching you naked Teena. We got off the bed and dressed. Passionate kisses all ‘round and Teena and I left.

Halfway home Teena stopped the car. Thank you Fiona” she said “I had a wonderful time today. The whole weekend actually. At that farm, you and I together and then today. Thank you for introducing your pleasure to me. I know now why you are into dogs. I don’t know if I will do it again but thank you for today” We then headed for my house and she dropped me off. “Isn’t she coming in?” Mum said. “No Mum, she has to get home and feed her cat” I said, lying because she didn’t have a cat. “Oh ok then. Maybe next time” Mum said. I said hello to Dad on the way past the lounge. “Have a good time?” he asked. “Yes” I said “we listened to music and talked”. “Sounds pretty boring love” Dad said. “Anything but boring” I said under my breath as I went into my room.

All this was some months ago. My relationship with Teena didn’t cause any problems at work. In fact it probably made things a little easier. Our relationship with Mrs Walden didn’t cause problems either. I moved in with Teena soon after our first “adventure”. Mum was a bit put out but Dad said it was good that I was branching out. What started out as sex soon became love and we are now engaged. I continued with my Saturday “job” entertained Adrian and Claire’s guests. I always take Teena along and she sits and enjoys watching me. Several times she has had my Great Dane after everyone has left. I know Claire would like to join us. It will happen I am sure.

We often visit Mrs Walden when her husband is off golfing. It starts with Goldie pleasuring Teena but always ends with the three of us in bed together. I don’t mind as I know I will get to taste Teena’s sweet pussy every day of the week. Also her toy draw as well. I love that strap-on so much.