(c) 2020 by Just24Fun

These were the days!

Both Al and Mia were now at a time in their lives where things became a lot easier. Established careers with above comfortable incomes, children out of college and doing well, the start to being grandparents, and retirement looking better and better every day. Yes, they had done well for their family and themselves. And they had started at an early age so now in the upper 40’s, it gave them more time to finally relax and really enjoy life.

Al loved his sports; golf, tennis, fishing and hunting, and traveling to exotic places. Mia was the same. They shared the same passions, even down to hunting the occasional quail or pheasant.

They were truly a great pair and couple. And still madly in love, just as they were when they met in college years ago.

And now, being able to travel, excursions around the world were at their fingertips. Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean became some of the favorite destinations.

Even though they now had the ‘empty nest’ syndrome at home with the two children out on their own, getting away to an exotic land became a way to express a more open and sensual sex life. So each of their vacations became a new sexual experience and boundaries were expanded to keep marriage and an already active love life adventurous.

Role playing had become a big part of their love making. It was a way to express themselves within the privacy of the bedroom with zero exterior drama or consequences. And the internet had opened up an array of new experiences and fantasies to pursue.

Some of the favorite ‘games’ they played included interracial, girl-on-girl, masturbation with different toys and martial aids, and dominance. All the scenarios included large cocks or dildoes that Mia became to enjoy immensely. She loved the feeling of being stretched open. And being more on the submissive side, Al was more than accommodating in her quest to fill her pussy with a new toy or object. Indeed, things were going very well for the sexy couple.

Packing for another well deserved trip, Mia thought about the items she needed to pack. It had been almost a year since the last vacation to the Caribbean. And now they were headed to the Netherlands where they had never been before. They had a flat rented for a week in Amsterdam, the city of debauchery. All they knew about the destination was the assorted information had they looked up on the internet. Al and Mia knew the sky would be the limit when it came to new sexual adventures abroad.

The Netherlands, and especially Amsterdam, had a very open sexual atmosphere, and almost everything was practiced and permitted within the law. It would appear the only thing holding their sexual adventure at bay were their imaginations. Different ‘games’ and scenarios filled their minds with an adventurous kick.

Back to her packing, Mia pondered the wardrobe she planned to pack. With her rather small frame and slim body, clothing to fit her was easy to find. Sometimes she even shopped in the juniors department. The younger generation had much sexier outfits to choose from it seemed.

Mia was only 5’ tall. And being of a cultural mix of Asian and African American with a little Swede thrown in, it made for a very interesting and sexy outcome. Her butt was probably her best asset. Perfectly shaped like a heart, with the toned cheeks naturally parting into a deep crevice where her pussy and anus peeked through the twin globes. That part was due to her African heritage. Her long blonde hair and deep blue eyes attributed to the Swede gene, and her young appearance and small frame came the Asian side. She could easily pass for 15 years younger than her true age. Her slim frame weighed no more than 90 pounds, the years of being active and sports minded kept her body in perfect condition. Her years of yoga and gymnastics helped her remain toned and very flexible. The only thing Mia thought she needed were bigger breasts. At a decent B+, she always wondered if D’s would suit her frame better. But her hubby Al disagreed. He loved the smaller breasts, especially because of the eraser sized nipples she had. He always exclaimed; ‘More than a mouthful was a waste’.

Looking into the full length mirror, Mia gazed over her tiny body. Her muscled legs and thighs, flat toned tummy, firm ass and button cute face was really a beautiful package. And now that her had been tanning for the past month, her small untanned bikini shaped white triangle made her look even sexier. Her blonde pubic hair was trimmed into a small heart just above her sweet pussy. Al loved her pussy! The soft lips covering her tunnel were long enough to always grasp his adequate 7” cock as he plowed in and out of her love hole. He never liked the totally shaved pussy look saying it reminded him too much of his daughter when he used to change her diapers. Besides, it was fun to dye her hair, top and bottom, for role playing.

Al, on the other hand, was ruggedly handsome. At 6’ tall and 185 pounds, his broad shoulders and dark brown hair plus his years of contact sports kept him in shape too. As a couple, their bodies, and minds matched perfectly.

They were finally in Amsterdam! It seemed to take forever to arrive from the small southwestern town in Texas they called home. On the way to the rented flat, the American couple gazed through the taxi’s windows at the main street’s store fronts. It was very obvious that this was the City of Sex. Sex stores with martial aids proudly displayed their wares to the public. Women, and men, stood around selling different fantasies to all open minded customers. It seemed there was a venue for whatever ticked your fancy available right out in the open. Mia and Al held hands tightly as the taxi made its way through the fantasy city. They had found the perfect place to fulfill whatever they dreamed of.

As they unpacked, the excited couple began to discuss the many options that became available to them. They had experimented with a variety of fantasies in other travels including a trip to Vegas where Mia fucked a large black man in front of Al. They had also purchased through the years a variety of sexual toys, where now the collection included almost every item imaginable. Butt plugs, penis extensions which gave Al a 10” cock, dildoes shaped like dogs and horses, nipple and pussy clamps, restraints, and even a sex swing. Watching movies on the internet gave the sex-starved couple many ideas and fantasies to play out.

But this trip had to be different. They had to indulge in fantasies that were not possible back home, And in this city, there was no better place to go wild.

They had decided to take a walk through the heart of the city, the sex shops pulling them into a world they had only dreamed about.

Dressed in a very short black skirt, white lace panties just barely visible under her short hem, matching black stockings, a tight see-through tube top and 4” stiletto heels, Mia came out of the bathroom. Her waste long blonde hair flowed like a mane behind her as she presented herself to Al’s astonished look. She looked like a high class hooker. Even in Vegas, Mia had never worn such an outfit into the public. But here in Amsterdam, she would fit in perfectly.

Al was a little surprised in her sexual attire, especially with her very shy nature. She usually dressed very conservative back home. Padded bras, below the knee dresses, very little makeup, and never any cleavage showing. Guess the few drinks they had consumed brought out a little more of the wild side in the small blonde.

Since Mia was the diamond in the couples look, Al dressed very casual in dress jeans and a white shirt. She would get all the attention, not him.

Hand in hand, the sexy couple made their way through the crowded streets. One by one, they visited the many sexual shops. Each shop had a different venue to intrigue their fantasies. Sex toys of every shape and size were displayed as casually as goods would be in a grocery store. Sex ‘excursions’ were advertised everywhere. Places you could go to for whatever fantasy imaginable. Sex ranches where women or men catered to the customers wishes, stages or theaters where clients could watch performers and even participate in the acts, and even shops where a client could get a ‘quickie’ right on the spot. The whole street screamed sex! And all of it totally legal.

One of the businesses had really gone beyond any fantasy Al and Mia had really put much thought into. Beastiality!

The couple remained silent as they walked through the shop hand in hand. Pictures and flyers and animal shaped rubber toys pulled them into a totally different world. All sorts of animals or pets were displayed in a sexual debauchery the couple had only dabbled in through the internet searches they’ve done. Sure, they had a dog shaped penis and horse cock they used on occasion. But the dog penis had a ball on the base that Mia loved her pussy to be stretched around, and the horse cock was only about a foot long and fairly thin. She loved the way it hit her cervix when used deep in her wet pussy.

But now, right before their bewildered stares, the true sexual act of fucking an animal lay before them. And they had actual ranches people went to and engaged with trained beasts in whatever turned them on.

Speechless, the couple left the store and wandered into the next shop on the street. They did not discuss the unbelievable acts they saw, instead gazing with distracted interest in the basically normal wares before them.

Later, once back in their hotel room, Al tried to bring up the subject of the beastiality shop. He was not sure how Mia felt towards the experience, and bringing it up had to be well thought out.

As they discussed the different shops they had visited, Al finally brought up the animal shop, after a few drinks that is. He had to make sure Mia was somewhat out of her shy shell just in case she was totally discussed with the notion.

As he brought up the touchy subject, Al was surprised by Mia’s interest. They discussed the different animals role in fucking a human. The dogs cock seemed comparable in size to the dildoe they had at home. But the way they drove into a woman’s body was like a crazed frenzy. The speed their flanks pumped was lightening fast. And sometimes they seemed to get stuck to the woman often turning butt to butt for several minutes. They figured the woman was just holding the dogs cock in until the recipient climaxed.

The horse on the other hand was quite a bit different. The obvious difference was in the size of the animals penis. In some of the pics or movies, the horses cock appeared to be well over a foot long, and even closer to two feet depending on the breed. But complete penetration was never achieved by any of the women. And the amount of cum the horse shot out was well over a cup in their determination.

Al and Mia discussed if the movies or pictures were actually real. In these days, dubbing a pic or film was very possible, especially to add to the sensual act itself. Did people really have sex with a real horse or dog? It was obvious they had many questions, and few answers. Further research was definitely needed.

Al was really surprised how his shy wife had so much interest in the beastiality acts. And once they hit the bed, his assurance was very obvious when his hand roamed between her wet thighs. She was leaking like a firehose! He had never seen her so wet before, the nectar pouring from her pussy like a small stream. His fingers easily sunk into her well lubed hole which seemed to be especially larger, having expanded to almost take his whole fist! She was so turned on by the notion of fucking such a massive cock, her pussy adapted to fulfill her fantasy.

The sex charged couple had one of the best nights making love of all time. By the time they had finished they were totally wiped out and fell asleep in each others arms.

The next morning, Al thought more about the previous days adventures. Especially the beastiality shop. Fantasy and reality can be worlds apart. And though Mia was turned on immensely over the acts of sexual behavior with a dog or horse, reality pulled Al back. But the thought played through his head. After all, they had tried other fantasy scenarios. Many role playing acts, Mia fucking a black man in Vegas, and other risky stuff. And where else in the world would this type of behavior ever happen, if not here? And be totally legal and secrete?

It was a beautiful day in Amsterdam, temps in the upper 80’s and not a cloud in sight. Mia wanted to lay out in the sun by the pool and work on her tan. Al had noticed his shy wife looking over the basket of fresh fruits and vegetables during breakfast. There was an unusually large cucumber and zucchini in the basket Mia could not stop looking at. And Al pretended not to notice her interest with the huge veggies. He knew his wife pretty well, and thought if she actually wanted the alone time to ‘play’. So, he decided to hit the golf course, leaving her to herself.

Off Al went, as Mia changed into her skimpy white bikini.

He was glad Mia wanted to stay back at the hotel. And golf was the furthest thing from his mind. It gave him the opportunity to check out the animal shop in more detail. He had so many unanswered questions.

About 1/2 hour later, Al strolled into the seedy beastly shop. As he wandered through the shop, he took the time to read and educate himself on the acts of beastiality.

It did not take long for him to learn quite a bit. There were ranches just outside the city limits with dogs and horses. Even pigs at some of them. From the ads, it also seemed the price to actually have sex with an animal was extremely cheap. Maybe because of the unnatural act of fucking an animal was not very common, the prices were low to lure in customers. In either case, Al was still learning a lot.

As he lingered over a large advertising poster, he was approached by an older man. He turned out to be the owner of the store and had a ranch a few miles from town. Al began to rattle of his numerous questions in a flurry until the owner stopped him.

“Slow down sonny, you’re going way too fast”, he laughed. His laughter helped calm Al down and put him more at ease. In the next hour or so, Al was now fully knowledgeable in the art of ‘beastly love’, as the owner called it.

As he left the store, Al went over the brochures and information the shop owner relayed to him.

He found out many things which cleared up all his questions.

Such as:

Cleanliness and disease:

Animals did not carry or contract things humans did. Their saliva and DNA did not support all the crud humans could pass to other humans.

Being harmed by the animal as it got excited:

The dogs and horses the owner had were well groomed and trained solely for sexual pleasure. Cages could be used to protect the human from a horses hooves and weight. For a canine encounter, a normal shirt could be worn, and the dogs feet could be covered in socks or fitted special doggie shoes.

And finally, a humans acceptance of an animals sexual organ;

With a dog, their penis was about the same size of a mans except for the knot or ball that forms at the base just before the dog ejaculates. The size of the ‘knot’ depends on the size and breed of dog used. Al thought about the fake rubber dog cock they had at home. Now he knew the reason for the knot or ball at the base. But Mia, after a lot of foreplay and fucking the penis part, was able to take the full knot into her accommodating pussy with ease. But Al was not sure what breed the dog dildo they had represented. It was about 7” long, and the knot was a good 3” across. Total length was a good 10” long, easily accepted within Mia’s folds once she was really turned on. She was even able to take it totally within her ass on one drunken bout! Al began to get hard with that thought.

As far as the horse penis, the rubber one they had at home obviously represented a miniature pony based upon the cocks he saw from the thoroughbreds. Their rubber cock was about 12” long. But the huge stallions cocks were anywhere from 16” to 20” in length. And much wider. There was no way his little 5’ tall Mia could even begin to accommodate such a tool. It would tear her apart.

But the shop owner reassured him, that if she wanted to try one out, she could start with the smaller shetland ponies. And if his wife wanted to try a larger one, precautions were in place to prevent harm to the host. The last thing these shops needed was a lawsuit for damages and injuries. He explained the strong steel cages used to keep the heavy weight of a horse off a potential client. Plus, once secure in the cage, total penetration could easily be measured by how much the client backed into the animals penis. Also, he had pigs. He explained the penis of a pig was like a very thin corkscrew, skewering deep into the vagina of a female, right into their cervix. The main attraction to a pig seemed to be the depth achieved and the amount of sperm deposited within the vagina, which could run more than a quart.

The owner had all the answers. It had really put Al’s mind at ease, just in case his shy submissive wife even had the slightest notion to fuck an animal. The owner also said he had all three animals available. Including a variety of dog breeds to choose from. Being discreet was the main issue for Al, and the owner assured him that Al and Mia would have the whole barn to themselves, after some instructions of use and care.

Al strode back to the hotel, thinking of ways to break the information with Mia. He had to be delicate, and decided to spring the info on her tonight after a few drinks.

When he got back almost three hours later, Mia was not in the pool anymore. Walking past the bowl of veggies, he noticed the cucumber and zucchini were gone. A smile swept over his face as he went into the bedroom. There was Mia with both vegetables buried deep within her small frame as she bounced up and down onto them. She did not know he was there, deep within the strong climax that swept over her heaving body. Al watched for a few minutes until she quit moving and collapsed on the bed. Her sweating ass stuck up into the air as the green cocks began to slide out of her ass and pussy. Amazed, Al watched as the wide cucumber slide from her grasping pussy lips. It was a good 9” long and quite wide. Interesting to Al was that his small wife had taken the larger vegetable in her anal opening instead of her pussy. Sure, they had anal sex before, but had never experimented with any toys or objects, only Al’s 7” cock. Except for that one time she took the rubber dog cock in her ass when she was totally wasted. But now, the long zucchini began to slither from her bowels, seemingly to never end. At last the pointed end popped free, leaving her once small anal ring slightly stretched open. The ‘cock’ was well over a foot long, and the widest part as huge as the cucumber! His cock instantly became as stiff as stone, making a large tent in his pants. He suddenly remembered the shop owners comments that a woman can actually accommodate a much larger insertion into her anus than a vagina. Made sense since 12” would put a penis well into Mia’s stomach. Maybe her cervix might accept a pointed cock into her womb, but not more than a foot of length tops.

With his hard cock in hand, Al crept out of the bedroom. He did not want to embarrass his masturbating wife, especially with the plans he now looked to try on her. Reaching the front door, he pretended to come in, making enough noise to bring Mia back to reality. He gave her a few minutes to get dressed, claiming hw was hungry and made noise shuffling through the contents in the fridge. Mia emerged a few minutes later with a glow all about her. She must have spent some time out at the pool since her tan had darkened conciderably.

Soon drinks were being poured to start the night out towards the adventures ahead.

As the loving couple settled into the high sexed city they became more at ease. Al did not want to spring his plans too quickly onto Mia for fear of rejection, ruining the rest of the trip. Instead they strolled almost every night through the sex shops looking at various toys and looking for new ways to experiment with each other. It had been a few days since they had visited the beastiality shop, but Al knew Mia was thinking about it too. Especially when she began showing interest and shopping for larger rubber horse and dog cocks. One that she decided on was a large rubber horse cock that injected a ‘cum-like’ fluid into the woman’s pussy. The head was a good 3” wide and flared slightly and totaled about 14” long. Al thought her eyes were bigger than her pussy, so to speak. But he loved her enthusiasm. The pointed tipped dog cock she brought up to the counter was at least 11” long with a knot a good 3 1/2” around at the base. Also most likely way too big for her tiny frame, but Al’s growing cock could not argue with her purchase. Both cocks looked and felt about as real as expected in their inexperienced minds.

With plenty of lube, the excited couple headed back to their hotel.

After a light meal, and plenty of wine, the excited couple retired to the bedroom. Mia took some time in the bathroom getting ready. Al knew she was turned on, but also apprehensive on the large toys they would be trying out on her tiny frame. She had taken the half filled bottle of wine into the bathroom with her as she prepared herself.

About 45 minutes later she opened the door to a jaw-dropping Al. He gazed over his sexy wife as she stood before him. Mia was obviously drunk, and held onto the doorway for support. She was dressed in a white lace teddy, black thigh high stockings, very low cut white lace panties and topped off in stiletto heels. Her long blonde hair flowed behind her like a mane, almost touching her great ass. Her breasts seemed to pop out of the tight teddy and seemed a lot larger than normal. But the most alluring sight Al saw was the sultry look in Mia’s bright blue eyes. She spewed sexual lust and was rubbing her legs together in anticipation of the nights adventures.

Al’s stiff cock was in for a real treat tonight and sprang to attention.

Soon, Mia was sprawled out on the bed, as Al brought the new toys over to her. In no time, she had the pointed tip of the dog dildo pushing past her red lips into her throat. Al just sat back and let the show develop before him.

Mia worked over the dog cock like a pro. In no time the soft rubber penis was slipping in and out of her soft lips right down to the large knot. She was coating the cock with her saliva, as one of her hands traveled down between her thighs. Her fingers slipped under the lacy waistband of the low cut panties until they reached her moist pussy. Once there, Mia began to shove fingers into her cunt one by one. Soon she had all four fingers deep within the soft pink pedals for her pussy.

When Mia worked up a light later of her juices into her small palm, she applied them to the dog cock. In one motion, she bounced up on her knees, the 11” sex organ poised at the entrance to her pussy, just past the lacy panties. There she played for a few minutes, rubbing the pointed tip across her covered lips.

Al could see the wetness covering her panty crotch as her juices flowed between her toned thighs. All at once, Mia pulled the thin lace aside and began to sink down onto the pointed dog cock. In no time, her pussy engulfed the whole 8” of canine cock to rest on the big knot. There she ground her pussy lips around in small circles pushing downwards onto the wide ball.

“It’s hitting my cervix”, Mia cried out as she pushed down over the long shaft.

Al figured this was as far as Mia would go. After all, the huge 3 1/3” knot would never fit into her tiny framed pussy. He had never seen anything as wide ever attempt to enter his small wife. If fact, he was never even close to being able to fist Mia, and this knot was probably even bigger than his fist anyway.

But Mia had other plans. In her drunken aroused state, her body had become slightly numb from all the wine she had consumed. She began to grind down even harder onto the huge knot, the juices from her pussy now coating the large bulb. Mia grabbed the horse cock with her dainty hands and began to lick the bulbous head. She needed to get more turned on to do what she had planned ever since they brought the toys home. And that was to enjoy every last inch of rubber cock she could muster.

Al watched with open eyes and a stiff cock as Mia began to gain on the large knot. She purred like a kitten, her beautiful face showing pure enjoyment as she ground her hips downward. Slowly, her pussy spread open more and more to pull the ball within her hungry hole. It seemed to take forever, but eventually her pussy lips folded around the huge knot. The massive ball sunk into her pussy quickly once the largest part of the knot passed threw. Al’s tiny wife had taken 11” of dog cock into her once small pussy! The look on her face turned from slight pain to pure joy as she settled down onto the dildo.

“Ooooohhhhh, it’s deep in my womb now”, she screamed.

Al’s attention switched to where Mia had been working on the horse cock. She had taken a good 6” of the huge rubber head well into her mouth. Below, her hips began to move up and down on the lodged dog cock. Little by little her pussy became used to the huge knot and spread wide enough so it began to move within her overstuffed walls. Eventually, Mia could dislodge the whole knot, riding only on the shaft itself. But soon, began to sink up and down onto the knot again. In and out the dogs cock and knot worked through Mia’s cunt, the pace building until her as became a blur. She rode the entire dog cock in brutal thrusts, the knot now popping in and out of her ravaged pussy hole in lightening speed. The soft lips of her pussy clung to the wide ball pulling apart with every thrust.

Al knew she was headed to a massive climax. Her toes began to curl and her mouth stayed glued onto the horse cock as the wave hit her body. Mia shook as her pussy exploded. Her nectar ran from her abused hole over the pistoning knot coating the sheets below her. With a soft scream, Mia collapsed fully onto the dog cock. almost pushing the suction cupped base into her needy cunt too. She sucked in every inch possible as the 11” canine cock reached the furthest recesses of her womb never touched before. She held fast for a minute as the wave washed over her until finally falling over on her side.

Al looked between his wife’s thighs. Her juices ran out of her abused pussy making a small puddle on the sheets. But what really amazed him was the way her once small pussy stayed open as the large knot fell from her wide hole. He could see well into her canal past the swollen pink pedals of her vagina. Her pussy spasmed in aftershocks, closing and opening as to still be milking the rubber dog cock. Even her small anal opening seemed to be open and pulsating in rhythm with her pussy hole. He had never seen her anus do that before. He could probably push his thumb into her wrinkled nether opening without even touching the sides of her once tight ring. He guessed the large dog cock had more of an effect on her than he imagined.

Once Mia settled down for a few minutes, she began to stir again. Al knew his pretty wife could go on for hours and climax many times once she ‘broke the seal’, so to speak. Her lacy panties were pulled almost completely over her one ass cheek, and Mia slowly stripped the white fabric from her toned legs. She once more got up on her knees taking the huge horse cock in her tiny hands. Turning away from Al, she handed him the massive penis.

“You have to hold this for me baby”, she cooed back at him. It was obvious with her small height, any sort of play needed help.

Al held the 14” flared horse cock in his trembling hands, anxious for the plans his tiny wife had with the tool. Taking one of the large bottles of lube, she began to coat the lengthy organ with the slimy goo. Her tiny hands did not even reach around the thick dildo as she ran them up and down. He knew plenty of oil would be needed for any type of penetration, if possible at all. After she poured even more onto the flared head, Mia spun around, her great ass facing Al.

“Pour some oil over my ass too babe”, Mia gave instructions.

Al was not sure where she intended to put this massive horse cock, but obeyed her commands with shaking hands. Surely the wide flared head might fit past her pussy lips, especially now since fucking the wide dog knot. But any real penetration would be very limited, especially past her cervix which was reachable within about 8” deep.

The oil now covered her twin globes as it ran between her parted ass cheeks. Her wrinkled anal opening was still pulsating with her pussy, which had closed up more.

“Hold it still baby”, Mia ordered as she back up into the huge phallus. She began to slide up and down over the huge horse cock, the wide flared head slipping through her ass pushing the globes wide apart. Harder and firmer she worked the heavy cock between her as cheeks.

Reaching below between her spread thighs, Mia took ahold of the thick shaft. It easily slid through her tiny hands as she pulled it deeper between her widening globes. In Al’s amazement, Mia concentrated the flared head at the entrance to her small anal opening. There was no way she could ever accommodate such a weapon within her small frame, let alone her asshole! But Mia was determined to make progress. Taking the used dog cock, she brought it up to her lips and began sucking feverishly on the wet shaft taking the wide length all the down to the wide knot. Once lodged deep within her sucking throat, she once again returned to the task behind her.

In a lust Al had never seen before, Mia pulled the wide horse cocks head between her oiled asscheeks. As he looked on, his shaking hands held the wide base firmly. Slowly, her tight anal ring began to widen out as the flared head pressed into her cheeks. Little by little, the 3” cock’s rim began to slide past her anal opening. In a hard push, Mia moaned out loud as the flared head sunk into her asshole.

“Aaaahhhhhh…” she cried in excitement. Her husband could not believe his eyes. Before him, his tiny 5’ wife had taken the massive head of a horse cock into her tight anus!

But once the wide flared head pushed past her once wrinkled ass, the rest followed with little resistance. Even though the rubber penis had a wide girth, it did not compare to the flared heads width. At least not until the very wide base that Al still had a firm grip on.

Mia began to work up and down on the huge horse shaft, sucking more and more of the cock into her tiny body. He watched as a good 8” of cock now worked in and out of her widening anus. She was working over half of the horse cock within her body, and still gaining in depth.

Pulling the base away from Al, Mia was now able to sit up more and brought her knees off the mattress. She was now in complete control, squatting down on the horse cock as she held onto the bed board in front of her for balance.

In this new position, she was able to slide up and down, using her body weight to impale her ass onto the rubber phallus. In and out the massive horse cock pummeled her widening asshole. Each downward thrust took in more of the now widening base of the 14” cock. Al figured at about 10” or so, his small wife would reach her limit. And she was about there now. Only 4” of the thickest part of the horse cock remained below her heaving asscheeks. Al estimated the widest lower third of the fake horse cock had to be close to 4” thick. No way in hell could his petite wife consume such an object into her body, especially her anus.

But Mia was still trying to prove him wrong and continued to work up and down onto the thickest part of the horse cock. Her asscheeks flared obscenely wide and began to widen out to the sides even more as she bounced on the massive cock. He had never seen her ass globes spread so wide before, even when she showed him her gymnastic moves. But she was still making surprising progress on the brutal horse cock beneath her.

All poured more oil between her spread cheeks, the slippery fluid coating her anus and the plunging horse cock. Her legs began to shake and wobble while Mia increased her strokes onto the massive pole. Up and down she flew until just the flared head stuck within her abused asshole’s rim. Only to fall downwards again to pull even more horse cock into her full body.

Slowly, Al watched as now only 3” remained outside her stretching anal opening. With her eyes closed tightly shut, Mia worked feverishly on the task below her. She did not want to know how much cock her body had taken, or how much remained before total insertion. All she concentrated on was the completely full feeling her ass had and her building climax that warmed her bowels. She was so close, and the wider her asshole stretched, the closer she got. Onward Mia worked up and down, her release building even harder as she took in more of the cock beneath her.

By her estimates, she had taken about 6” within her tight asshole. A new personal best, most likely never to be reached again. Just an inch more is all she needed to have her first anal orgasm! With all her weight, Mia flew down onto the horse penis. She could feel her anal ring widening out even more as she began to cum.

“Aaaaaahhhhggggggg…” Mia cried out in ecstasy. The waves flowing through her battered anus rocked every nerve between her heaving thighs. With a final thrust, Mia pushed down as hard as she could at the top of her climax.

Behind her, Al watched in shock while his tiny wife engulfed every inch of the massive horse cock, right down to the very wide 4” base. She had taken every inch of the 14” phallus into her small framed body. Her asscheeks flared wide apart as the tiny blonde sat fully onto the horse cock. There she sat for a few minutes, her anus stretched to its max over the unbelievably wide organ.

As just like before, Mia collapsed onto her side once her orgasm subsided. But this time, the massive horse cock remained embedded within her wide asscheeks. Al had to grab onto the base, which was also half hidden within her anus before her ass gobbled up the whole dildo. Gently, he began to pull the reluctant phallus from her wrecked asshole. It seemed to never end, the once tight anal ring of her anus grasping firmly onto the sides of the cock. Finally, there was only the flared head remaining between her abused hole. With a loud “pop”, all 14” of horse cock pulled from the open gaping hole that once used to be her tight anal ring. Along with it came a flood of gooey fluid. Al had forgotten about the fake horse cum that injected into his wife during her wild fuck.

In amazement, Al watched her anus pulse with aftershocks, opening and closing, trying to grasp the massive object that had been pulled from her heaving body. Her asshole stayed open, spread obscenely wide. Al figured he could pass a coke can into her bowels with ease, and she may not even feel it. But slowly, her anus began to shrink down again.

Al cleaned up his passed out wife and put all the toys and lube away. Tomorrow, he will discuss the nights activities. He knew Mia usually forgot a lot when she drank too much. But for now, his rigid cock needed release. And as long as Mia was on her side, his chosen path was her asshole. His 7” cock easily slid into her wrecked hole with ease. He grabbed the dog cock and inserted it, penis and knot, alongside his hard cock helping with the friction. The cum substance from the horse cock gave his insertion a slippery path. The fake cum flowed from her abused hole coating the dog dildo and his cock. Mia began to moan as they climaxed together. Sleep quickly overtook the couple as Al thought of the animal farms.

Waking before Mia, Al began his day. His sultry wife took longer to wake due to the alcohol she consumed the night before. But neither he or his tiny wife ever had lasting hangovers and he knew she’d be back to normal after a few hours and some strong coffee. Besides, he needed time digest the obvious next step by doing a visit to the sex shops in town again. Especially recalling last nights sex romp with Mia and the dildo’s. Bringing her a cup of coffee to her bedside, Al began to feel out his wife’s reactions to the events unfolding on this fantasy trip. Would she actually want to visit an animal farm and experience a real dog or even horse fucking her? Looking back on last nights show, he still could not believe his 5’, 90 pound wife had taken such huge dildo’s into her dainty body. Her anal fuck of the 14” horse cock really had him baffled. That massive cock had to reach areas in her body totally unheard of. Yet, he recalled a few porn film actresses taking dildo’s of over two feet into their assholes. Surely, a human woman could never take such a size within her vagina. The insertion would surely be well into her ribs and lung area. But anally, there seemed to almost be no limits.

And inspecting Mia’s anus and pussy before he got out of bed, assured him there seemed to be zero aftereffects. Her pussy and anus showed no sign of the brutal stretching she endured about 8 hours before. She looked totally normal again where he expected her holes to be gaping recesses. The only thing he noticed was Mia’s asshole seemed to be slightly open still. Not enough to accept his finger, but not the tight closed ring it used to be. Actually, it gave her ass a more sexy look.

He felt for reactions when he pressed her with the animal dildo’s and shops associated with the beastiality farms. Though she seemed apprehensive, she did not totally rule them out. Her concerns were about the same as her husbands; Safety, discreetness, cost, and disease. Al told her what the shop owner had disclosed to him. All the bases were covered and Mia seemed more at ease. At least enough to visit the the sex shop again herself. It was settled. After a few hours of recovery, Mia and Al would go to the animal sex shop together that early afternoon.

Al gave Mia some time to recoup needing a good jog to release some hormones. His mind and thoughts were going non-stop. He wanted to distinguish fantasy from reality, noting that the two may be worlds apart in real life. After all, Mia was an average woman, not a cartoon or seasoned porn actress. Maybe her limits were what happened last night.

Putting some running shorts on, Al set off for a run through the countryside. He could easily go for a good 10 mile run, having being a runner for years. It kept him in excellent shape. He left Mia at the kitchen table sipping on a cup of coffee as her body came back to life.

Al had been gone for a good two hours before he returned, sweaty and winded from his run. Mia was dressing in the bathroom, singing lightly as he came into the bedroom. His 10 mile run had actually done little to settle his minds thoughts about the sexual games that may play out ahead of the couple. Reaching into the drawer, he needed to once again see the dildo’s his tiny wife had fucked the night before. As though they were not really as massive as the night before. But there they were in all their glory. Thick, menacing, and massive by all means. But Al also noticed the light film of oil on both of the rubber toys. He knew he had thoroughly cleaned them last night before putting them back in the original boxes they came in. But here they lay, unpackaged, and shoved under Mia’s panties in disarray. Had she used them while he was out? It sure looked obvious as they lay there, glistening in the mornings sunlight.

He quickly closed the drawer as his beautiful wife came out of the bathroom. He knew that afterglow. And the way her ass moved, usually after a good fuck. She had used the dildo’s again! He was positive of it now. But, Al decided not to let his chipper wife know his discovery. In fact, it only gave him more encouragement to proceed with visiting the animal farm. Especially since her pussy and ass had more than likely endured another good stretching out. If this were ever the time to continue with her debauchery, this was it!

After a light lunch, the excited couple left for the city shops. Al knew there at least three shops that offered a beastiality venue. As they began touring the different sex shops, soon Mia took over the questioning. She had more concern than Al, and he happily obliged her forwardness. It seemed the more she asked, the better she understood the process and how easy it was to have an animalistic experience. They both decided on an established farm that had been around for years. They not only had scores of animals to choose from, but seemed the best kept. And Al noticed the pricing between all three farms were all in line with the competition. The owner explained that the pricing had to be kept low to attract the sparse clientele this type of fantasy catered to.

It was all settled. Al and Mia picked the best farm out of all three, and it was just a few miles out of town. Everything was set for earlier tonight to Al’s relief. With a small deposit, it was booked. The owner explained the routine, letting them know they would be the only clients and would have to farm to themselves. Safety concerns were established, and final instructions would be given when they arrived tonight. They left excited, clutching onto the various pamphlets the store owner gave them to read over. Mia’s excitement was almost overwhelming as they made their way back to the hotel. Al knew she would need a few drinks to help her settle down before the journey started.

As soon as the couple entered the hotel, Mia poured herself a glass of wine. Al knew he would have to monitor her alcohol intake or she might be way too blasted to make the trip later.

As they went over the different brochures, the more excited the lovely couple became. Each animal was described in detail. Pigs, dogs, and horses. Below each description there were numbers, which Al told Mia were pricing for that particular animal.

Boar: *18 – 22 / 1 / Q+

Canine: *6 – 9 / 5 / P

Pony or Horse: *12 – 22 / 4 1/2 / 2P

Mia asked Al about the pricing and how the numbers worked out. He knew exactly from his solitary trip the other day, but felt Mia would better off not knowing. He told her for example the canines ran from $8 to $12 and the letters represented the separate cages they occupied. And Mia believed his simple answer, especially when he reassured her the English translation may have been off a little. But factually, the numbers meant something very differently.

The first set of numbers represented each animals basic penis size. So, as with the canine, the cocks according to each breed went from 8” to 12”. The second number was the average width of that particular animals cock. So, again with the dog, its knot would be up to 5” across in size. And the last letter represented the amount of sperm or pre-cum combination each animal would eject. The canine was at a pint. The horse, depending on breed was an astonishing12” to 22” in length with a 4 1/2” base and came about 2 pints.

Al knew each enclosure on every animal had its personal detailed information on a plaque describing that particular beast. It made picking out an animal much easier than getting into something that could injure the host or be totally unprepared to handle. This also assured Al his tiny wife would not be harmed in the process too.

Their ‘appointment’ was set at 7pm sharp. This gave them plenty of time to relax, prepare, and have a light dinner before venturing over to the farm.

Al kept a close eye on Mia’s wine intake. He knew exactly how much she needed to ‘get in the mood’, and what would ruin the evening. But she seemed to stay well within her means, sipping on a glass of red wine in moderation. It took Mia a lot longer to get ready than Al expected. Maybe it was her nerves, or she wanted to be just perfect once she came out of the bathroom. Either way, she finally exited the steamy room, dressed to kill.

Mia wore a very short skirt that just barely covered her perfect ass. Her top was an elastic tube-type that just barely covered her beautiful breasts. The diamond hard, eraser shaped nipples strained at the form fitting fabric. She also wore black thigh high stockings that were just inches below her short skirt. Lifting her black skirt, Mia displayed the white lacy thong that stopped just short of her curly blonde manicured bush. Once again the 4” stiletto heels, and her long flowing blonde hair topped off her ensemble. Mia’s excited blue eyes looked for Al’s approval. No words were spoken, it was clear from the tent in his slacks he approved immensely. His tiny wife radiated pure sexual lust. Her red lips pursed a little kiss from her beautiful face in his direction. “Perfect! Just perfect”, Al mumbled.

With a fresh bottle of wine, they were on their way. The 20 minute trip seemed to take forever in the Uber, until it dropped them off at a beautiful victorian styled farm house. The couple glanced over the well kelp grounds. miles from other neighbors. The barn was a couple hundred yards away, set close to a heavily wooded area with ample privacy. Instantly they were set at ease knowing their choice of farms had been the right one. The owner greeted them with a friendly smile. The experience seemed so natural for him that it helped settle their nerves even more. Plus the empty bottle of wine Mia guzzled help too of course. He brought them over in a covered golf cart. The fresh country air and warm 80 degree temps made for an excellent night. As the owner opened the locked barn doors, Mia held tightly onto Al’s hand for assurance. The office was neat and clean. They noticed the fresh smell of hay and how quiet the inside of the building was. It was obviously well insulated. He explained the layout of the barn giving them a quick but very informative tour. The animals were all very well cared for, and well groomed. The individual pens were extremely clean, and a plaque described each animal in detail. They were also surprised how quiet all the beasts were. No obscene barking dogs or restless hooves banging into stall doors. They were all very well disciplined creatures.

To assure privacy, the doors could be locked from the inside, and all the windows were made of filtered glass that emitted light, but could not be seen through. Shades were pulled down for them to also assure discreetness. Music piped through the barn could easily be adjusted to fit their preference too. Everything was more than expected, and the couple felt more at ease than ever before.

Last minute questions were answered, and the owner finally retired, leaving them to do whatever their desires demanded. He even had another bottle of wine for them to enjoy as they toured the different caged animals.

Visiting each enclosure, Mia made note to Al of the different animals she had interest in. She picked out two different dogs. One a German Sheppard, the other a large Great Dane. Both excellently groomed. Al paid attention to the placards at each dogs enclosure. The sheppard’s numbers were 8” by 3”, and the Danes were 9” and 4 1/2”. He noted he would make sure the sheppard was first to warm her up before trying the largest breed there.

On to the horses. She picked out a beautiful multi-colored shetland pony and a magnificent huge quarter horse. Al had to hold back his shock when he looked over the stats on each beast. The shetland was labeled at 16” by 4” and 1 1/2 pints. The huge quarter horse was an impressive 22+ by 5” and 2 pints. Definitely more than Mia realized. If she actually wanted to mate with the larger beast, Al would have to really keep a close eye on her. Especially now by the way she began making a huge dent in the owners bottle of strong wine.

As they went by the boars cages, Mia stopped to admire how clean the animal was. They were not complete strangers to a pigs anatomy, having watched a few piggy porn movies. They knew the cock on a boar was like a very thin corkscrew that obviously tickled the woman’s vagina like no other warm blooded creature. But they really never knew the length of its penis. This boar’s stats showed 20” by 1” and a full quart of cum! Al was sure the penis total insertion might be possible, but his cock had to bend and rotate in the woman’s pussy. He believed the thin diameter penetrated past the cervix into the womb where it would deposit its massive load of cum. It sure would make the sex with the other animals a lot easier once Mia’s holes were well lubricated.

“I think I want to try him too, just to complete the experience”, Mia told Al with a soft purr.

As they looked over the different benches, tables, and equipment used for the actual mating, their minds were made up. First the boar, followed by the dogs, then, if Mia still wanted to proceed, the pony and finally the horse.

Mia pleaded to her excited husband that whenever she wanted to stop, or if he knew she had bitten off more than she could humanly take, he would step in to save her. They even selected a ‘safe word’, that would help in that decision. It would be “Amsterdam”. It was all settled between them and Mia began to mentally ready herself for the experience of her life. And Al’s too!

It was all set!

And by the way Mia’s nipples strained against her tube top, she was well on her way. Al even noticed her walk was getting a little wobbly, and her speech slurred too. But most of all was the expression of lust she had written all over her face. His little wife was ready to take on the beasts, her shyness still present, but the submissive side starting to shine through like a beacon. Al knew he would have to help her into certain positions and use proper lube to help facilitate his tiny wife’s growing passion.

Since the boar would be first, Al got Mia ready under the big barrel that would protect her from the 800 pound boar as he tried to mount her. As she slipped off her panties, Al saw just how wet she had become. Her pussy was coated with her love juice, and began to coat her shaking thighs. As Mia crawled under the drum, Al went to get the boar. The drum was layered with a fake furry covering to resemble a female pig.

Each animal had a sheet describing some tips on fucking the beast. The boar was pretty easy. Just position the host under the barrel, and lead the boar to them. There was also a generic spray bottle that could be used on all the animals which contained a liquid estrus scent that would help excite every animal. So Al grabbed the bottle too.

When he returned to Mia, she was already under the barrel, her ass stuck up in the air, waiting for her very first beastial experience. Her pussy seemed to already be wet enough for the boars cock, and the tiny blonde just whimpered under the barrel, waiting to be bred.

Al led the boar to his wife’s upturned ass. After a few quick sniffs, the boar jumped up onto the steel barrel. The animal instantly began to hump forward, his belly getting closer to Mia’s pale ass. Al curiously looked at the boars penis. It was spotted and pale pink in color. It also appeared to be slightly under an inch in width, but total length was hard to determine. Mia began to squeal as contact began against her soft ass cheeks. Al had to look to see exactly where the pigs cock was hitting. Peering under the huge 800 pound boar he could see the cork screw type penis snaking out to slap between her upraised globes. Mia reached back and spread her fleshy cheeks wide apart giving the thrusting cock more of a valley to guide him. As Al looked on, the pigs cock washed over her anus and pussy in a blur. The pink thin shaft had a curly-cue shaped tip that jabbed deep into both her holes at random. First a few jabs into her pussy, then deep past her anal ring. Al estimated his cock was a good 2 feet long according to the placard by its pen. He was sure the long, thin 1” wide penis passed through her cervix into her womb where it battered the back of her ovaries and curled up inside her. And when he entered her puckered anus, he most likely reached never before touched areas of her anal tube. All the while Mia cooed with excitement. The boars cock seemed to send an endless stream of cum deep within her widening holes. Al also read he would empty almost a quart of his seed into his wife’s body. Harder and harder the boar thrust into the tiny blonde. But she held her ground, taking everything the huge pig gave her. Cum began to run out of her pussy and asshole in a steady river, forming a sticky puddle beneath her.

“I can feel him way up in my tummy”!, she cried out as the pig slammed forward into the kneeling woman. Mia began to cum herself, the waves of beastiality love washing over her mated torso. But, the boar had already emptied his sperm into the offered holes of the small framed blonde and his cock began to shrink back into his big tummy.

Though the copulation seemed to only last a few minutes, Al noticed the boar had been fucking Mia for over 20 minutes already.

As the huge pig dismounted the barrel, cum sprayed from Mia’s used holes. Her asshole was slightly gaped open, same as her inflamed pussy. He put the beast back into its pen and quickly went to fetch the sheppard.

Mia had already crawled out from the barrel, and Al instructed her to lay over the padded bench not far away.

The shepard was a beautiful dog, and weighed at least 90 pounds, and followed Al like he was his owner for years. The dog obviously knew what was in store for the evening. On his chart, Al saw his stats: 9” by 4” and one pint.

Mia lay over the bench, the black skirt now on a chair besides her. The small blondes ass was once again at the perfect level for fucking the dog. With only a few licks between her cum dripping asscheeks, the dog wasted no time mounting the anxious woman. As he jabbed forward, his front legs wrapped tightly around the thin waist below his larger body. Mia offered her backside to the large dog as her legs spread wider apart. The red tapered cock began to slide from its furry sheath aimed right between her open asscheeks.

She wanted to see what exactly her sexy body would be taking on, so the tiny blonde bent over further to see the canine cock as it slapped between her twin globes. The dark red heavy veined cock still grew from the fur tipped sheath. Over 4” now jabbed into her white valley.

But Mia had dropped too low, and now her tiny cum soaked anus was at the perfect angle. Grabbing onto her waist in a tighter grip, the strong shepard thrust forward. His widening cock easily slid into her puckered anus with a low scream from the small woman. In seconds, the dogs cock had grown to over 8” long, and still widening out her anal walls. She was not prepared to take on the dog with her asshole. At least not this early in the game. But by now the shepard was in too deep, and he jabbed into the blonde with no intentions of pulling out.

So Mia relaxed and gave in to the thrusting canine. Her anal tube easily stretched to accommodate the dogs hot penis. But she had forgotten about his knot which began to balloon out rapidly.

Al noticed the change in his wife’s breathing as the 4” knot began to inflate. The canine’s cock had to be at its final length of 7”, and now with another 4” of knot, Mia’s poor asshole was getting stretched out even more.

But to Al’s surprise, the small blonde seemed to keep up with the thrusting dog, pulling in his knot with little difficulty.

He reached under her heaving chest and pulled hard on her eraser sized nipples helping her reach her first orgasm. She was getting close to her first beastial climax. By now the shepard was fully inflated within Mia’s tight asshole. The hard knot pushed the walls of her anal tunnel out as the spewing cock spat his doggie seed deep into her bowels.

It was just enough for her to feel the much warmer canine seed jet into her body to release her floodgates.

“Aaaaaahhhhhhhgggggg … she cried in orgasmist release.

The shepard, done with the human, tried to jump off her back. But his knot held them stuck together momentarily. With a few quick jerks, the huge bulb popped from the confines of her anus. Al looked at the gaping hole left behind by the huge knot. Her poor anal ring hung open just as it had last night. Cum flowed from the ravaged tunnel coating the ground beneath her in a white puddle.

Mia stayed on her knees, her body still shaking from the hard fuck delivered by the shepard.

Looking back, Al returned the shepard to its pen, grabbing the Great Dane as quickly as possible. He did not want to let his excited wife to cool down between bouts. Her body was as ready as ever for the next animal.

The dane’s stats were impressive, and Al wondered if Mia was up to the act. With a 9” cock, backed by a massive 4 1/2” knot, she would be subject to his foot long weapon. He was sure the ‘safe word’ would be used, and took note to keep an eye on the tiny blonde.

Mia had sat up onto the bench as he approached with the dane. Her legs automatically spread wide offering her pussy to the dogs hanging tongue. Her painted fingers dug within the soft pedals of her labia, pulling the seedy mixture out for the large dog to taste. The dane quickly lapped up the offered nectar from her trembling fingers.

The great dane towered over the small blonde and outweighed her by at least 50 pounds. His back was higher than Mia’s waist and her frame seemed to shrink by his side. Mia slid down to the carpeted floor wanting to inspect the danes equipment before proceeding. As the huge head of the canine lapped between her outstretched thighs, Mia began to pet the dogs underside inching closer and closer to his large sheath. His red tipped cock had not even begun to peer past the fur covered sheath. But Al could see his cock beneath was well above his measly 7”.

Her small fingers wrapped around the furry sheath feeling the heat within. As she began to squeeze and caress the organ, the red tip finally began to emerge to Mia’s delight. In no time, there was a good 4” of deep red cock staring right into the bewildered woman’s face. Closer she bent towards the dripping cock.

“Look, he’s already cumming”!, she exclaimed with joy. But Al knew it was only the constant flow of the canines pre-cum.

Surprised, he watched as his small wife began to get even closer to the spurting penis. She was now rubbing the red veined shaft between her small hands, trying to bring more of the cock out. The short spurts began to hit her soft pursed lips, tasting the salty fluid.

In a move that gave Al an instant hardon, Mia took the tapered head of the dogs cock into her open mouth! In and out she pulled the hot poker sucking the pre-cum from his shaft. The dogs cock began to grow even more, and now had to be at least 6” long. And getting thicker by the minute. Al became concerned if she sucked on his cock too long, it could reach its maximum size which would deter her away from fucking it. But these were trained animals, and he quickly figured out the dog needed total insertion between her thighs to reach his full potential. For now he was content to her sucking his hot penis as he lapped hungrily at her sopping wet pussy hole. And as it turned out, it was just what she needed. Her poor anus needed a rest, and by the way her pussy began to respond to the dogs rough tongue, she was getting even more turned on. The walls of her cunt opened up like a flower. Wider and wider her tunnel naturally gaped to allow penetration once they began to fuck. And the canines saliva also helped coat her pussy as it mixed with the boars and her own cum.

Mia worked over the tapered cock as though she would be graded in her efforts. All 6” of canine cock pushed past her pursed lips partly into her throat where she drank down his pre-cum. The dog’s hips began to thrust into her face, his motions pushing even more dog cock into her open mouth. But she had no intentions of sucking the dog off. This animalist foreplay drove the sultry blonde forward, and her hips also began to grind up and down in the mating ritual.

Turning quickly, Mia bent over the padded bench once more, her dripping pussy needing to be filled with the dogs canine cock. Well trained, the dane wasted to time in jumping onto the small woman’s back. Al was relieved the dogs cock had not gotten any larger. At his present 7” length, he should easily reach her upraised ass. He was not sure which hole Mia planned for the dane to attack, but he was soon answered by his wife’s low groan as the hot tipped cock drove into her open pussy. The first lunge sent all 7” deep into her vagina, with more beginning to emerge from the furry sheath.

Al could almost tell with every added inch which soared into the tiny blonde. With lightening fast jabs, the canine cock rocketed forward. Within ten minutes, Mia had already come 3 times, and each orgasm built from the previous. Al could not tell how big the canine’s cock had grown, but his wife’s once flat tummy began to show the bump of the dogs thick cock as it banged in and out of her tiny body.

Mia became the huge dogs rag doll as he tightened his grip on the tiny blondes thin waist. The animal towered over the small blonde, completely covering her small frame with his immense size. She looked like a little girl beneath his mass and his powerful haunched drove his crimson cock into her with brute strength.

Mia began to whimper as the dane seemed to reach its maximum size. Her pussy had expanded to an unbelievable size to accommodate his tapered cock.

Al recalled the Great Danes stats; 9” and 4 1/2”. It was hard to believe the total length Mia had to endure would be over an astonishing 13” into her petite frame. But looking at his small wife, she seemed to love the danes size. Mia began to fuck backwards onto the danes huge red cock. She even came off her knees a little to allow the huge beast more penetration into her tiny body. And the rutting dog above her took advantage of her upraised ass, jabbing into her widening pussy with even harder thrusts. In and out the canine penis flew, turning her soft pussy into a wrecked abyss.

Mia began to breath in short deep breaths now, her body taking everything the mutt threw at her. He was completely buried in her sloppy pussy right up to his furry belly. His huge balls slapped against her clit below sending the small blonde into yet another orgasm. She was constantly cumming now, and just relaxed and gave the beast above her full use of her battered pussy.

Al watched her taunt belly as the knot began to expand within her. The bulge began to grow, making it look like Mia was pregnant. Her small waist was clamped in the vice-like grip of the danes front legs and any escape was fruitless.

His beautiful wife’s face began to contort into a grueling look of anguish. The inside of her pussy began to swell painfully wide to accept the massive 4 1/2” ballooned knot. Al looked for any sign of Mia throwing in the towel, but by the reaction to her thighs spreading wider apart, he saw the tiny blonde trying to make as much room as possible for the massive ball within her. She threw her ass up hard into the danes stomach, wanting every last inch of his huge cock and knot. Expanded to his fullest size, the dane began to unleash his seed deep within her womb past her once tight cervix. Over 13” of throbbing canine cock spat out his seed into the tiny woman. And Mia took every inch and could feel the hot spray of his doggie cum coating her insides.

All Al could do was sit back and enjoy the show. His dainty wife had taken the massive danes cock, every last bit of it in his total astonishment. And she enjoyed it! By the way her ass kept pushing back at the now unmoving dogs tummy, she still wanted more. But Al knew he had reached his goal. His sperm shot into his bitch from the depths of his furry balls releasing every last drop into the tight blondes pussy.

Full penetration only lasted a few minutes until the danes knot began to deflate. Soon, he began to pull away from the tiny blonde, dragging her limp body off the bench. His massive knot still had to shrink down more to escape the tight confines of her small hole. Soon Mia’s upper body fell to the carpeted floor. Her head lay on the floor, her ass still being attached to the beasts tummy. Her knees were held off the ground by his massive size, waiting for his pulsating cock to release her. The pulling of his knot sent Mia into another orgasm as the pressure on her clit increased.

Thankfully, when she orgasmed, the small woman’s pussy expanded even more. Finally, the great danes cock and knot popped free of the clutches of the tiny blondes tortured body.

Al gasped when he saw the danes cock and knot. He was all of the noted stats at 9” and 4 1/4”. And he had to have shrunk some to release from her ravaged pussy! Just how big he had truly gotten must have been unreal. And by the looks of Mia’s gapping pussy, she had taken a lot more than thought. Her abused hole hung open, doggie cum flowing from the red cavern like a river coating her shaking thighs with its sticky fluids.

Al peered into her once tiny vagina. He would have no problems fisting her gaping hole, maybe even being to take both his hands into her abused body. But Mia was still deep in the afterglow of orgasmic bliss. Laying there with her ass still pointed at the ceiling, Al inspected her all over. The dainty small woman still looked unharmed. Minus her ravaged pussy and still partially open asshole that is.

“I need something to drink”, Mia finally spoke.

Al quickly brought the dane back to its pen as he looked for refreshment for his kneeling wife. All he could see was another bottle of chilled wine. Realizing she might still want to fuck the horses, Al figured she would need more liquid courage to complete her fantasy. He quickly returned to Mia who was now sitting peacefully on the padded bench. He did not even bring her a glass, and allowed her to just guzzle the fruity wine right from the bottle.

Her face was glowing, still in the aftermath of many orgasms. He had lost count, but by the amount of goo that ran from her spread thighs down the side of the bench, he figured she had been pumped full of over 1/2 gallon of animal sperm. Still in her black thigh highs, heels, and tube top, Mia still looked like a high class hooker. Her blonde hair cascaded down her sweaty back and the eraser sized nipples strained at the tight tube top.

Al began to ask her how she was. He figured she had fulfilled her beastial fantasy and had had enough.

But to his surprise, the tiny blonde began to ask more detail on the horses, taking another gulp from the now half empty bottle. At least if she wanted to continue, the wine would help her relax more he figured. She would need the encouragement going forward. Al noted he now had to really look after the safety of his small wife. The next animals on the list were going to test the very soul of his tiny wife.

Al told Mia to just sit there and rest as he went to get the next animal. Maybe by seeing the true size of a horse next to her small frame, she would realize she had gone far enough.

As Al went to the stall of the smaller shetland pony, he noticed the steel cage that was used for mating with the large horses. It was about four feet in height as to easily fit under the belly of a large horse. The bars protected the host from accidental kicks. The inside length was a good six feet long. It was designed to allow the host to move forwards or backwards, or closer to the horses cock if wanted. Inside there was a very nicely padded place for the host to kneel. The cage eased Al’s mind greatly. He did not need his tiny wife trampled by a 1200 pound beast. And also noted in the shetlands instructions was the use of the barrel again to keep its weight off the host. Because of its smaller size, the boars barrel would put Mia in the perfect position again. And if she did not want to be penetrated by its huge foot long shaft, all she had to do was move further inside the protection of the barrel.

There was also a bottle of estrus spray that could be used to help excite the pony and horse. Instructions said to just spray the fine mist a few feet away from the animal. The pungent smell will waft to the them and “bring out the beast”, according to the notes. Grabbing the spray bottle and leading the pony over to Mia, Ål recalled the pony’s stats. He was obviously smaller than the big horses, standing only about 3 1/2 feet tall at its back. The pretty red, black, and white short coat felt very smooth to his touch as he petted the docile animal. His equipment noted an impressive 14” by 3 1/2 thick base. Actually seeming quite large for such a small pony. He shuttered when he thought about the purebred 1200 pound horse, trying to imagine its cock size.

Up to this point, Al was amazed at how his tiny wife’s body adapted so easily to the massive cocks that battered her petite body. She had taken the huge dildo’s back at the hotel, and now three cocks of the beasts that ravaged her. At only 5’ tall and hardly weighing 90 pounds, her pussy and asshole had opened up with a remarkable ease, in Al’s mind, to accommodate immense cocks. And she still seemed to want more!

But now, this ‘little guy’ would have to do. And just might be the end of the show.

Mia’s eyes lit up as he approached her with the beautiful pony. She was still seated on the bench, but quickly went to her knees to be at ground level with his soft snout. She hugged its thick neck giving it a kiss on the forehead. The pony, well trained, dipped it head directly between her thighs, forcing them wider apart. He could smell the pungent aroma of heated pussy, and sent his long tongue right into her puffy cunt.

Mia cooed with delight as she opened her knees further giving the small pony better access to her steaming cunt. As she continued petting the multi-colored pony, Al watched as her small hands began to wander down towards his underbelly. The pony’s cock was still enclosed within its wide sheath with just the wide head peeking out.

Al quickly pumped some of the estrus out away from the two, careful not to let the pony get too close to the arousing potion. As the strong smell waifed towards the small horse, he watched his penis begin to drop. Mia squealed in delight as the flaccid cock grew just inches from her curious face. The pink and light brown cock grew, its weight pulling it towards the floor. In no time, it had grown to an impressive 14”, with the base at least 3 1/2 across!

It was the biggest cock Al had ever seen. And his tiny wife now seemed like a small child next to its immense size. How such a small woman could ever even attempt to take such a weapon into her body was a mystery. But Mia had totally surprised Al with her accomplishments up to this point, and now he believed almost anything was possible. Besides, once she was safely within the strong cage, she could control the fate of her own actions. And hopefully, the wine she had consumed did not numb her body too much. The empty bottle, her second within 2 hours, lay on the padded bench. And Al could see the red eyes and awkward movements of his tiny wife in tell tale signs she was totally blasted from the strong drink. Her inhibitions and fears of getting fucked by such a huge organ were not present in her drunken state. Al would certainly keep a watchful eye on her actions going forward.

By now Mia’s hands were beginning to roam near the base of the pony’s erect cock. Slowly she began to slide her tiny hands along the massive shaft, too large to even attempt to encircle its immense girth. The pony reacted with a soft snort, its cock beginning to bounce upwards to smack against its belly.

He was fully engorged, nostrils flaring, and ready to fuck the tiny blonde. It was now or never Al thought. He began helping Mia crawl into the barrel once more. Its low profile would help align her pussy with the small pony, plus protect her from its weight, just as with the boar earlier. Also, she could easily back into or retreat from the huge penis keeping he from being skewered with the powerful cock.

Once completely within the safety of the padded barrel, Al coaxed the pony onto the drum. He needed little help. After all, the pony had learned what was in store for him.

Mia held her ass up near the end of the barrel, offering her sweet backside to the aroused beast. Al did not know which hole she intended to let the pony fuck, but as the engorged cock began to bounce into her upraised ass cheeks, he would soon find out.

Either of her orifice would be an unbelievable feat as he examined his turgid animal cock in detail. The pony’s cock head was slightly flared to about 2 1/2”, which would expand another inch when the small pony came. The shaft was all of 14”, and at the smallest part near the head was about 2” and closer to the base a good 3 1/2”. Surely complete insertion would be impossible given Mia’s small frame. But thinking back, she did fuck the foot long dildo at the hotel just yesterday.

Mia’s anus and pussy still dripped with the previous animals cum making the holes adequately lubed for penetration. And by the way each orifice still gaped open, getting the huge cock head started should be fairly easy.

The pony lurched forward, his massive cock bouncing between her fleshy cheeks. The first thrust glided over both her clit and anus sending shivers up the blondes spine. This continued as the pony slapped his hard cock in and out of her ass cheeks as Mia swayed from side to side trying to align him with one of her sloppy holes.

But soon he finally hit his mark sending his huge cock half way into her grasping pussy. In a single thrust, the pony’s cock was buried within her pussy a good 7”. With a small withdrawal, the pony lunged forward again. The second jab sunk over 3/4 of his thick cock deep into her inviting hole.

Alternating between Mia’s contorted face and the penetration behind her, Al watched the progress. She was in complete bliss, loving every inch the pony drove into her. But Al knew her body’s limitations, especially within her shallow pussy. The massive pony cock was slamming into virgin territory now, most likely entering her womb past her cervix. And he was trying to push even more into the tiny blonde. But Mia held her ground, offering her pussy to the beast instead of crawling forward to lessen its depth. In fact, to Al’s surprise, the small blonde began to push back at the growing thrusts into her ravaged pussy. She was trying to get more of his pony cock into her widening pussy! The walls of her cunt flew apart as the beasts penis slithered into her wet hole. In and out the small horse bucked eager to send his seed as deep as possible into the bitch below him. Soon his thrusts were getting longer and longer to where only his flared cock head remained within the clutches of her slick pussy. He was brutally impaling the tiny blonde again almost to his cock’s wide base. And she loved and accepted every barrage into her excited hole with glee.

Mia was on the brink of yet another of many uncountable orgasms. She began to rock her small body back and forth into the beasts rocketing penis.

Suddenly, the cock head popped free from the confines of her wide pussy. And on the next thrust, with Mia backing up and the pony driving forward, his flared cock slammed right up her asshole! In an instant, she had taken a foot of the ponies hard cock deep into the walls of her anus. Her fleshy ass cheeks flared out from the sheer width of his weapon. Al was afraid his tiny wife was torn apart by the sudden penetration as Mia screamed out. The insertion only lasted a few seconds because of the rapid thrusts they were fucking at, but the second inward lunge pushed every inch deep into the tiny blondes asshole right up to the wide base. In seconds, the beast had fucked the whole length and girth into her poor ass over and over.

But Mia, after the first few penetrations had become used to the massive cock. And as Al looked on, she started to buck backwards into the pony’s cock once again. It all happened so quickly, Al was astonished his small framed wife recovered so quickly. And now she was actually fucking back into the pony, her body accepting every blow the horse threw into her. Her ass cheeks flattened out as the pony’s belly smacked into her, driving his 14” shaft totally within her abused anus.

Mia began to cum on the immense cock reaming out her asshole. She froze, her ass raised as high as she could get it, offering total surrender to the beast above her. And the beast took advantage of her offering. With new energy, the pony came to life and began to lunge at the prone woman with brutal thrusts. His cum-laden balls slapped loudly into her sputtering pussy and clit, seconds away from emptying his sperm into the stretching hole beneath him. Mia’s body shook and flew forward with every lunge, but she kept pace with the huge beast, keeping her ass in perfect position to take everything the pony threw at her.

Both Mia and the small horse came together, each releasing cries in confirmation. The pony whinnied loudly as his seed burst into her cavernous asshole. And the tiny blonde yelled through pursed lips as an intense orgasm curled her toes; “Aaaaaaggggghhhhh… !”, she cried out, holding her ass cheeks open wide with her hands. She took every last inch of the pony’s massive cock and felt his hot sperm spraying the walls of her anal tunnel.

Mia slumped forward as her orgasm shook her body. The massive beasts cock began to slither from the depths of her abused asshole.

Al watched as inch after brutal inch withdrew from his small wife’s gaping anus. In seconds, the quickly shrinking phallus popped from her hole, releasing a river of cum from her depths. In less than a minute, his once immense cock was now just a bump on his tummy. The pony crawled off the barrel, completely spent from fucking the tiny human.

Al checked on his blonde wife, who was still crouched under the barrel. She smiled back up at him in reassurance of being OK.

With relief, he grabbed the pony and brought it back to its stall. He figured Mia had enough, and decided not to bring the thoroughbred over to her. He did not think her battered body could take any more punishment. She had basically been fucking several animals for the past 3 hours now. She had to be finished. He had to check her condition for himself before even trying anything more.

When he returned, Mia was once again sitting up on the bench. Her flowing blonde hair was now messed up a little, and her thigh highs had a few runs in them. But overall, she looked in pretty good condition given what she had gone through. And bending over to inspect her lower body, he was shocked at the amount of cum that poured from her obscenely wide holes. Her pussy gaped open, the dark red lips still fully engorged and excited. But what shocked him the most was her once tiny anal ring. The once small wrinkled opening was now stretched to an unbelievable size. He could have easily put his whole fist into her bowels with no resistance. And both her mangled holes still pulsated with the abused fucking she had endured. Surely she was done, especially the feared size of what they had planned for her to fuck next.

“Wheres my next horsey”?, Mia asked a shocked Al.

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough baby”?, he pleaded with her.

But Mia was still very curious about the largest horse there. She wanted to at least just see the magnificent beast. And her concerned husband figured there was no harm is just looking. He would keep a very close eye on his obviously very drunk wife and protect her. He felt if she were either in, or very close to the steel cage, it would give him a better peace of mind going forward.

Al led his sexy wife over to the cage. She sat her down on the small stool as he went to get the next horse. Al thought about the beastiality films he had seen. He had not remembered a single one that the actress had taken all of a shetlands cock as far as his tiny wife had. He knew porn stars could take much more in their assholes than pussy though. There were even a few actresses that could take well over two feet of dildos into their wrecked anal cavities. But his tiny wife was not a professional, and was able to take a whole 14” pony cock into her small body. Plus, on all the movies he had watched, the horses had always fucked and cum so quickly, usually within 30 seconds of total erection. These animals had obviously been very well trained indeed. The pony had easily fucked his wife for over half an hour. With half excitement and fear, he brought the huge thoroughbred out of its stall. He quickly grabbed a card which had helpful information into the handling and act of screwing the massive beast. His eyes focussed on its unbelievable stats; 20” by 4 1/2 base, plus two pints of cum! He could not even imagine his tiny wife even trying to have sex with this beast.

As he approached Mia, she quickly stood on shaky legs. Cum flowed from her used holes to run down the insides of her muscular toned thighs. She was still very drunk, and swayed softly from side to side. Her bright blue eyes opened wide as she took in the beauty of the magnificent horse. His dark brown coat shined in the dimly lit barn. The only white on the docile animal were its white booted ankles and a small triangle upon its forehead. His back was far higher than Mia’s 5’ height, and the pure size of him made her look even smaller.

But Mia had no fear and hugged the huge neck of the friendly horse. The massive animal was very well trained and calmly stood as the tiny blonde took in his beauty. Meanwhile, Ål stood ready if needed to save her.

As Mia pet the huge horse, she kept looking under his belly at the large penis bump and large furry balls. They were obvious filled with over 2 pints of his hot sperm as they swung with the weight. Her dainty hands glided over his short brown hair, his shiny well groomed coat professionally cleaned.

Further down his flanks the small woman brought her trembling hands. Her eyes stayed glued to the head of its cock as it began to slowly emerge from the wide sheath.

Al grabbed the spray bottle of estrus and sprayed a cloud of the strong scent in front of the still horse. Quickly, his nose flared as he pulled the arousing aroma into his lungs. The animals huge cock jumped out in an ever lengthening mass. Though he continued to stand perfectly still, his enormous penis dropped from the underbelly of the beast. In less than a minute, the huge horses cock had grown to an impressive full 20”! Al had to step back to take in the full glory of the massive organ before his unbelieving eyes. With awe he gazed at the penis, from the massive 3” wide flared head down the long shaft to a 4 1/2” thick base. Even he doubted his large hands could encircle its wide girth. The large flared head was a light pink with light brown markings, and the long thick shaft changed thickness and color closer to the base where it turned a solid black. The last 6” or so of the beasts cock widened out with a ring-type start and continued to get wider until it reached the base which was just over 4 1/2” thick. All in all, quite the most impressive penis Al had ever seen, even more-so from the movies he’d watched.

Any type of penetration into his tiny blonde wife was out of the question with this beastly weapon. He would tear her body apart!

But at the moment, his tiny wife was mesmerized by the magnificent penis just inches from her flushed face. Reaching out cautiously, she brought her trembling fingers up to the beasts cock. As she began to feel its power, Mia’s pussy automatically started to weep. Her hole flowed with juices, preparing for the act of fucking such an animal. And Al noticed it too. Her knees widened out allowing Al to look directly into her previously ravaged holes. Yes, it was very obvious. Mia’s body was preparing to fuck the massive horses penis. Her pussy began to open up along with her anal ring. They spasmed in unison, widening out and coating the walls with her body’s natural lubricants as Mia got more and more excited. But under the knowing eyes of her husband, even as her holes gaped open wide, it was still unimaginable the act would ever be possible, in either hole.

“Help me get in the cage”, Mia pleaded.

Al was surprised by his wife’s reactions. But looking once more at the size of the beasts cock, and the safety of the secure cage, he knew she would be ok. Even with the length of the horses cock, there was still enough room within the cage for her to stay away from any penetration. He figured all she wanted to do was rub the massive flared head across her pussy to have an orgasm.

Al guided his tiny wife into the steel cage. Kneeling on the very soft padded bottom, she was able to hold onto the bars in front of her for support. Mia’s ass was raised high making the fleshy globes of her ass widen out exposing both of her gaping holes to the horse. The beast knew the bitch caged before him was ready to be bred, and Al noticed a slight change in his calm stature. He was easily led over the protective cage which just barely fit under his immense size.

Mia was totally safe from an accidental kick or the weight of the horse above her. She appeared to be a doll under the beasts giant size. The horse outweighed the tiny woman by well over 1000 pounds. And now his sexual weapon pointed right at his excited wife’s tiny body. She was still far enough inside the cage where even his full length did not touch her inviting ass cheeks. The opening in the back of the cage easily matched up with the horses huge cock, and it harmlessly bobbed a few inches from her well fucked holes.

But the excited blonde began to shuffle backwards closing the gap between them. Soon the bloated pink head of the horses cock touched the crack of her upraised ass. Immediately, the huge horse cock began to bounce up and down slapping the top of the steel cage with a rattle. As it smashed down between the soft cheeks of the tiny blonde, the flared head hit Mia’s wet pussy and asshole. Shivers went up the small woman’s spine as her leaking holes coated the massive head with the escaping fluids.

Mia suddenly reached back with both hands and grabbed the flailing weapon. She held the bloated head between her widening ass cheeks rubbing it across her messy holes. As she held it steady, the horse began to pump forward. Confined to small jabs, his flared head just pushed harmlessly against the opening to Mia’s excited pussy. But it was enough to get her climax started within the small blondes aroused body. As her pussy began to release yet another countless orgasm, Mia began to push back at the massive penis. With the help of the horses small jabs, it was enough for the flared head to slip just inside the tiny blondes pussy hole.

Amazed, Al watched the thick 3” head enter his wife’s body. Surely there was no way on earth his petite wife could ever attempt to fuck much more of the 20” pulsating beasts cock.

Mia was already showing signs of pain as her body began to involuntarily fuck back at the massive weapon. The look on her grimaced face was very evident as a few more inches of the horse cock slid into her pussy. But Mia stood firm, and kept the enormous cock embedded within her forgiving vagina.

As the beast above her felt the tight hole wrap around his bloated cock, and he began to increase his strokes in and out. The pained friction began to change into lust as Mia became used to the massive organ between her shaking thighs. Her well used pussy opened up even wider to make more room for the huge horse cock. Soon she began to move in unison with the fucking horse, allowing more of its massive size to enter her sloppy cunt. In strokes that were gaining depth, Mia was now taking almost 8” of the beasts thick cock within her small pussy.

But thats where the penetration stopped. The massive bloated and flared head of the full grown horse had reached the end of her vagina, and entry through her cervix was just not possible, no matter how well she had been fucked earlier. But it was more than enough to send her into yet another toe-curling climax, throwing her wide pussy back onto the thrusting horse cock.

With her climax subsiding, Mia needed to have another release, as the waves began through her small body. Her asshole was on fire, having been fucked so many times in the past few days. The nerves within her anal ring had been awakened, and now beckoned to the sweating blonde.

Pulling the wide cock head from her abused pussy with a loud pop, Mia placed the flared penis at the entrance to her anus. Al noticed she had not moved up further within the safety of the cage, and the first lunge from the huge horse sent his bloated cock deep within the tiny blondes asshole.

Mia screamed out in pain as 8” of solid horse cock flew into her anal passageway.

“Aaarrgggggg… !”, she wailed.

“His cock is way too big!”, she continued.

But as Al began to move in to help his wife, he noticed Mia spreading her ass cheeks wide apart, and actually moving back into the massive cock! She could have easily dislodged herself from the beasts penis, but chose to pull even more of its immense size into her asshole.

Stepping back, Al watched as his tiny wife began to fuck the horse in earnest. She appeared to have everything under control, letting the huge horse pump his meaty shaft in and out of her widening ass in perfect rhythm.

Mia had released her ass cheeks, and put her head down on the padded floor as the beast continued to fuck into her on his own pace. With her blonde hair cascading around her small shoulders, this new position made a straight line and the perfect angle for easy penetration. In and out the horses cock slid, going even deeper with every thrust. Within a few minutes, Mia had accepted over a foot of the fucking horses massive cock. As he withdrew his thick shaft, her asshole clung onto the deep veined pole, almost turning her anal ring inside out. And pushing back into her upraised ass sent even more of his mammoth cock into her small frame.

Al watched as Mia began to slide further and further backwards in the cage, giving the horse more of her bowels to fill. Though they had been fucking now for over 20 minutes, the time had seemed much shorter. Especially looking at how quickly the tiny blonde had taken so much of the horse into her anal hole.

The thoroughbred was almost up to the wider black ring on his cock. The rest of his enormous penis widened out a lot more from this point on. At well over 4 1/2” wide, it would test even the loosest of seasoned whores. And Mia had never been up to this point in her life. Besides, she already had 14” of the 20” cock reaming her asshole out. There was obviously no more room within the tiny woman’s body.

“More … I need more … FUCK ME HARDER!”, she cried out in vain as the cock seemed to be stuck against the black horses thicker ring.

Now, also caught in the excitement of seeing his tiny blonde wife taking on such a massive horse cock, Al quickly grabbed the bottle of estrus. He sprayed three times right into the horses face, the pungent smell running straight into his nostrils.

The horses nostrils flared open wide as the scent triggered his body. With a lunge that took Mia totally by surprise, the massive horse cock smashed into the small woman’s asshole. Al was concerned she had been seriously hurt by the powerful jab.

But, once again Mia surprised Al. As the huge horse thrust forward, the small blonde pushed back with a loud grunt. The horses thicker black ringed cock passed into her ruined asshole! It was hardly an inch, but he had broken new ground within the confines of her widening anus.

The horse whined his approval, and began to buck harder into the bitch under him. Al had read that she was now riding the most sensitive portion of the beasts cock with her tight anal ring.

The horse continued trying to push even more into the tiny blonde beneath him. But Al figured Mia’s asshole had found its limit and the elasticity in the wrecked ring had reached its maximum point. She had taken all but 6” of horse cock in her small body. A feat for any human.

Al did not know what to do. Mia’s body was now impaled upon the horses thick cock, and the horse began to drag her limp body back and forth with his jabs. As the huge horse tried to withdraw, her tiny body was pulled tightly to the rear of the cage. Mia’s ass smashed into the small opening of the sturdy cage, unable to be drug off the massive wedged pole. The two of them were glued together. Looking around, Al searched for anything that might possibly help. Seeing a thick barn broom, he had an idea. Al pushed the strong wooden handle between the sturdy bars of the cage, hoping the handle would help hold Mia in place as the horse withdrew his swollen cock from her bowels. But he misjudged the fast thrusts, and the brooms handle went in just in front of Mia’s hips when her ass was up against the rear of the cage.

There was nowhere now for Mia to go now! The thick handled broom stick lodged up against Mia’s toned thighs. Her ass was glued to the rear of the steel cage with no room to move forward and control the horses hard advances. The next thrust forward held the tiny blonde tight against the wooden handle. There was no way she could keep the 1200 pound beast from pushing into her weak body. The horse realized the bitch beneath him was held tight, and rammed forward with a mighty lunge.

Mia screamed as three inches of the most thickest part of the horses cock ripped into her abused asshole. She had no choice but to accept the onslaught of the horses sexual urges.

And now all Al could do was watch in horror as his tiny wife took on the monstrous beast. In and out the huge animal pistoned his mighty cock sending all but the base into Mia’s open asshole. She became a rag doll, her body taking the full onslaught of the rutting horse’s 20” cock into her widening anal tract.

Looking back at the blonde haired woman thinking Mia would be passed out, or even dead, Al fell back on his knees in disbelief. Mia was in ecstasy! Her face glowed with excitement as she took every thrust from the beast with joy.

“Yesssss … I want all of it … Fuck meeeeee…”she cried out in bliss.

And the horse fulfilled her wish, bucking forwards in heavy jabs that actually moved the cage forward with every lunge. As the horse pounded forward, his strokes also lengthened. Over 14” of solid horse cock slammed in and out of the tiny blondes asshole. Her twin globes shook and widened out with every stroke. Mia’s belly bulged with the massive size of the horses cock as it flew in and out of her bowels.

Finally, in the last brutal thrusts, the horse had completely buried his 20” cock within the humans asshole beneath him. The massive balls slapped into her pussy with every stroke as he emptied his hot seed into her ruined anal hole. Mia pushed back as hard as she could as the beast flooded her insides. She wanted every drop from his furry sacks. Total penetration only lasted a minute or so as the horse spat his sperm into the woman.

Finally, he began to step away from the caged blonde. His mighty cock slowly slipped from the confines of the ruined asshole below him. Inch by massive inch, the horses phallus pulled out of the ravaged asshole.

With a loud pop and gush of fluids he was freed from her cavernous hole.

Before Al removed the broom handle, he examined his tiny wife’s anus. She was completely widened out like he’d never seen a woman’s pussy or asshole before, even in the raunchiest movies. Her once tiny puckered anal ring was now a heaving gaping hole, the once wrinkled opening turned into a smooth rim. He looked into the anal abyss, seeing far into her wide anal tract over a foot deep. How could a woman, even as small as his 90 pound wife take such an enormous weapon? Would her pussy and asshole ever return to normal?

Mia was totally spent as a river of horse cum ran out of her open asshole.

Helping Mia out of the cage, Al returned the spent horse to its cage and called for the Uber. Once back at the hotel, Mia passed out in exhaustion. She slept for over 12 hours that night. Later the next day, Al wanted to examine his wife’s asshole and pussy. He expected the worst. But upon his discovery, Mia had all but returned to normal. Her pussy and anus seemed to be a little more easily pried open and flexible, but overall she was unharmed. And of course, Mia could not remember everything that had happened the night before. Someday Al would tell her all the details.

Later that morning Al fucked his tiny blonde wife. He wanted to test the waters, so to speak. Even though her holes had closed up almost to normal, he was surprised how easily his 7” cock had entered her used pussy. He was even able to insert the dogs 11” rubber cock and knot into her widening cavity with his cock. And as Mia became aroused, she even grabbed the 14” horse cock and pushed it deep into her anus. Mia seemed very surprised just how easily she was able to take all three sexual organs deep into her small holes.

Yes, Al had to have a talk with his unknowing wife.