Part Un

I was a 19 year old junior with a modicum of talent. During the summer program, the assistant AD of women’s athletics approached me about sharing a room and somewhat mentoring an incoming freshman hot shot swimmer. We had finished 2nd in the NCAA women’s swimming championships, and this new frosh was supposed to be the answer for us to climb to the pinnacle.

I wasn’t a swimmer. I played basketball. But, I was acknowledged as one who could adapt and get along with almost anyone, and more over, I made others feel comfortable and relaxed. Therefore, the reason presented to me for my being the mentor for this new frosh was she was a foreign national politically connected in her homeland. She knew no one in the US.

It would not be in the best interest of the university, the athletic department, or women’s sports to have a disgruntled foreign national return to her home country and denounce our nation, our state, our state’s flagship university, our female athletes across the country, women’s athletics in general, and our school’s women and women athletics in particular. Enter Kathleen to ease the transition of Ms. Mai Lin Chou from Oriental whiz kid to US college girl and athlete.

August arrived and with it Frosh orientation. A couple of days before orientation began, this entourage of vehicles and folks appeared at the female athletic dorm. I was in a ground floor suite, 2 bedrooms, single bath, and common area. A knock on the door and I opened it find a petite, slim, boyish looking girl. With her were at least 4 people carrying travel cases. I bade them all to enter, pointed to a bedroom, and watched as the 4 people with 6 cases entered and began to put away the girl’s things.

I asked her in slow English to sit. She did and in perfect Queen’s English shyly pronounced she was Mai Lin Chou, she was just turned 18 years old, and please call her Lin. I introduced myself and explained that I was to be her mentor for the year. Lin blushed softly and lowering her eyes and face she stated that she was honored to have me as her guide and mentor. I told her I would be with her during orientation and registration in order to be certain she would get classes that would allow her to practice with the swim team as well as allow her time to study and learn.

Lin explained that her Father was British but born in HK. He was a member of the British foreign service. Her Father’s family and that of her Mother had lived in Hong Kong for over 200 years. Her mom was of course ethnic Chinese. Lin stated that her family’s male members had all been educated in the UK. Public schools such as Eton or perhaps one of the school boy military academies, and then Oxford, never Cambridge, had been the fare for the males. Lin had chosen to attend university in the US, and although her family in general wasn’t thrilled with this idea, her father, who doted on her, allowed her to pursue her path.

Lin explained that she had offers to attend Stanford, the University of Florida, UCLA, Southern Cal, Georgia, both NC and NC State, Virginia, Maryland, and others. She chose us because of the climate, the size of the school, the school’s commitment to swimming, and mostly because it was away from both the west coast and Washington, DC. Her family was not around to harangue her about every little thing.

I was up bright and early the next morning. Lin was soundly sleeping in her room. I made noise while brewing coffee and hot water for tea. No stirring in Lin’s room, so I stuck my head in the door and called to her. I told her it was time to get up as she was due at her first orientation meeting in a little less than an hour. Lin mumbled and I walked back to the alcove to pour my coffee.
After 8-10 minutes, I heard no movement, so I looked in again to see the tiny girl still sleeping. I walked over to her, threw back the sheet covering her, to find her sleeping face down and nude. I swatted her tiny but well curved ass with a medium amount of force and told her to get her British Chinese ass in gear. Lin turned every shade of red from pink to deep crimson.

Lin scrambled out of the bed and into the bath. She hung her head as she wobbled into the bathroom. I saw her shame and how she followed orders. A thought struck me! This lithe pretty tiny BC (British Chinese) girl was accustomed to being ordered about and she loved it. I suspected Lin being naturally submissive, but I had to be certain in order for my ideas to ferment and grow.

I followed Lin into the bath and watched her as she began her preparation routine to face the public. I noticed that like all swimmers, her pussy hair was trimmed neatly. It was coal black and silky. The stubble was non existent. Her small tits had the loveliest long dark nipples. Although Lin made an effort to preserve modesty, I did not. I swatted her ass again as she bent over the lavatory to rinse from brushing her teeth. Lin squealed and hopped as I said, “get it together and in gear girl. I will not be chastised because you are fucking late. This is US time and not British or HK time. So move with a purpose!”

Lin applied a quick amount of makeup. Some eye liner, lip gloss and small amount of facial coloring was it. She scrambled by me as I swatted her ass again. I moved with her to watch her don a thong, and lacy bra, a pair of short shorts and a pull over short sleeve top. All quite casual but all very chic and name brand stuff. As Lin finished slipping into a cute pair of flat sandels, I commented that she was a pretty whore. Her face went 9 shades of red!
For the rest of the day through the orientation process, I would issue small orders and directives to Lin. Walk faster, stand over there, unbutton a button on your top, smile, wiggle your butt when you walk, and I would compliment her in an odd manner. “you are a pretty whore. How many members of your Mama’s family sold pussy back in HK? I bet your Mom thought about turning your fine ass out to sell pussy? And you could have gotten top dollar from some old British fart. Maybe even more from some old rhino horn Chinese slum lord.”

Lin blushed furiously and hung her head lower. When lunch time came, I took Lin to the SU to the food court. Like me, she was a junk food addict. Because of her swimming and y B’ball, combined with youth and muscle tone, neither she nor I exhibited an ounce of loose skin baggage. No way I could pinch a quarter inch on her or her on me.

As we were in line, I asked Lin what she intended to have for lunch. She answered that she was dying for a true American burger with fries and she wanted a malt. I looked sternly at her and aid, “you are a tad chubby. I think you should have the garden salad with the smoked salmon. You stand beside me, I will order for you.

A barely perceptible murmur came forth, “yes Kathleen.” I smiled inwardly, and nonchalantly patted Lin’s cute ass. Lin blushed and made a motion with her hand as if to brush mine away. I leaned to her and said sotto voce, “you hot pussy bitch! Don’t you dare make an attempt to remove my hand form your ass. That is my ass bitch. And I can do any damn thing I please with it.”

Lin remained silent. I pinched her ass and told her to answer me. Again in that same little girl murmur she said, “yes Kathleen.”

I am sure others saw my actions and Lin’s demure response, but not a word was said by anyone. It was lunch and with all that going on before classes started, it is possible that no one was actually paying that much attention to two more girls in the food court. I thought that I would heighten things though, I said to Lin, “others see what I do and they will soon see you as I do. As a pretty chink whore creaming her panties in hopes of having her ass spanked and her pussy fucked!”

Lin gasped and seemed to shrivel in her clothes. She squirmed and I had to nudge her forward in the line. I knew the girl ahead of us, and so too further humiliate Lin, I whispered loud enough for the girl in front to hear me say, “your training will begin after we return to the dorm room. I am certain that your fine ass is no stranger to a good spanking!’ Lin moaned softly and the girl in front turned and smiled like a cat viewing a mouse.

After we finished eating, I motioned to Lin to pick up both trays and service ware. I pointed to the stacking area for the china and the bin for the silverware. I told Lin to go place our trays, china and silverware in the allotted places and return to the table. Like an obedient child Lin did as bade. I stood as Lin approached the table on her return.

I caught her arm and turned her toward the toilets. I led Lin to the toilets and as we passed the table where the girl who was in line in front of us sat, I nodded to her. She smiled again and rose from her seat. Lin did not notice as I marched her along to the loo. We entered the bathroom and I pushed Lin toward a stall. It was one in the middle of a row of 7 stalls. I pushed the door open and pushed Lin in the stall.

“Take off your bra and give it to me,” I ordered her. Lin’s jaw dropped yet no words came forth. I gave her a slight slap and said, “come on bitch, we don’t have all day.” The girl from the line came in the bathroom and stood in the open door of the stall.

“Is your slut giving you problems?” she inquired.

“Not at all,” I responded. “This hot pussy whore will do all I instruct her to do, or she will not be able to sit for a week.”

Lin’s mouth gaped open. Her brain could not process what was happening to her. I slapped her again and then kissed her soft ripe red lips. She moaned again, and my fingers found her nipples and I pinched and twisted them. “bra off and in my hand bitch!” I restated.

Lin reached under her top and pulled one strap down her arm. She unhooked the lacy bra from the front eye hook and pulled it out of the other arm hole of the top she wore. Lowering her eyes she handed me the bra. I placed it in her bag with one of the cups peeking out over the top of the bag.

“Now, remove your shorts and give me your slut pussy thong.” Lin looked at me and then over my shoulder at the girl standing behind me. Tears welled in her liquid brown eyes. Her mouth moved but she couldn’t talk. I kissed her again and while sucking her tongue, I pinched her nipples and stroked her pussy over the top of her shorts. I slapped her thighs lightly and Lin spread her legs wider to provide me better access to her hot cunt.

When I broke the kiss, I whispered to Lin. “Get used to it. This is my pussy. Now get than thong off and hand it to me.” Tears rolled down Lin’s cheeks as she pushed her shorts down her toned legs. She stepped out them and then she pushed her thong down her thighs and wiggled her butt as she did so. Lin bent and picked up her thong from the tile floor and handed it to me. I sniffed it and then leaned as though to kiss Lin again. As Lin opened her mouth, I pushed her thong panty into her gob.

I then stroked her pussy again, and allowed my fore and middle fingers to part her labia and slide deep onto her drenched slit. I made sure my fingers would come up over her hardening clit. I would spread my fingers into a slight V so one would slide along each side of Lin’s fleshy clit hood. I would be sure to push the hood back exposing the pearly head of her lit and the then pull the hood forward completely covering the clit head. Lin bucked her hips simulating being fucked as I did this.

I looked into her semi-closed almond shaped eyes, and asked her, “Is this my pussy Lin? Do I own this pussy?” Lin nodded her head moaning with her panty thong in her mouth. I removed the thong with one hand as I slid 2 fingers from the other into her sopping wet pussy.

“Answer me Lin,” I repeated with some quiet menace. “Who owns this pussy?”

“You do Kathleen. It is your pussy.” Lin whispered.

“Louder,” I commanded. “Who owns this pussy.”

Sobbing and weeping, Lin wailed, “You do. You own this pussy.”

I sat on the toilet pulling the young nubile girl over my knee. I started out easily, spanking her ass cheeks one at a time. When I had placed 5 swats on each cheek I smacked her ass harder. Another 5 or 6 on each cheek. Sobbing and moaning, Lin spread her legs wider over my lap. I fingered her clit and she nearly exploded. I swatted her ass again and again even harder.

“You want me to spank that naughty pussy, don’t you bitch?” I asked her. Lin groaned she wanted her pussy whipped. I laughed and pushed her off my lap. Lin fell to the floor with her legs spread. I jammed 3 fingers in her soaking wet cunt. The little chink whore squealed like a 2 week old shoat.

“Put your shorts on,” I told her. Lin followed my order. Once her shorts were on and in place, I patted her pussy until a huge wet spot appeared in the crotch of her shorts. I pushed Lin out of the stall and told the girl standing behind me.

“Pass the word, the new Chinese swim whore is going to put on a show tonight. Room 17 in the female athletic dorm.”

Lin wailed again.


Part Deux

For the balance of the afternoon orientation, I did a number of little things to keep Lin wet and on edge. Mind play as well as physical play is the key to training a new subbie. I would pat or spank her ass. I would pinch and twist her nipples. I would talk to her telling her that once back in the dorm, I was going to shave her hot pussy, finger fuck and stretch her pussy, whip her pussy and ass, place the suction cups from the vacuum pump on her tits, nipples, clit and labia. I promised her the most fabulous of orgasms if SHE pleased me. I promised her a harsh spanking if she displeased me.

During the course of the 4 and half hour afternoon, not only did I maintain the wet spot in the crotch of Lin’s shorts, I actually caused the spot to increase in diameter. I can only imagine how the seam of the shorts rubbed her clit and slit making her want to cum so badly she would have fucked a snake if I held it.

As the last orientation session ended, and appropriately the topic was maintaining a good dorm room relationship, I took Mai Lin’s hand and marched her back to our dorm. Docilely she came along, making only small mewing sounds, never uttering a word. Of course, as we walked I maintained my continual spout of nasty talk as well as my fondling of her. On a campus of 40,000 I was not at all concerned what others saw or thought. Female jocks were considered to be lez and my fondling of Lin as we walked was tame when compared to the antics of some frat guys with their sorority dates. Heck, a couple of couples actually fucked on the lawn of the frat or sorority house. After dark sure, but it was bare ass naked fucking none the less.

Upon reaching our room and closing the door to indicate privacy, I sat Lin down in chair. I stopped the nasty banter and asked her about her early life. Lin explained that her parents always engaged or employed an amah. In the Orient, particularly in China and India, an amah or ayah in Hindi, is a girl or woman employed by a family to clean and look after children. It is a domestic servant role which combines functions of maid and nanny. The term, resembling the pronunciation for “mother”, is considered as polite and respectful in Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese as the term ‘aya’ which is Mother.

Lin explained that her Amah was a woman named Chang. Chang was new as she had not been the maid/nanny or amah for Lin’s older siblings. Chang came with a younger apprentice. A girl in her late teens named Ming San. Ming San was just under 20, and Chang was in her early 40’s. Lin explained that when alone, both Chang and Ming played with her breasts and pussy. Either one or the other would spank her and make her wet, speaking harshly and nastily to her in their Chinese dialect. Chang and Ming San became Mai Lin’s sexual partners and teachers.

Lin stated that when I swatted her on the ass when she was late in arising from the bed this morning, that act triggered many old but not at all forgotten feelings for her. She said the feelings grew as my actions during the day and especially those in the loo made her feel whole and desired again. Lin explained that her parents were not the type who displayed affection, so most of he life experience with love, affection, praise, discipline, correction, etc. had come from Chang and Ling.

I listened attentively and patiently as Lin went through her past. From her open confessions, I gleaned the following nuggets: Lin was no doubt a true submissive. Lin had been taught to associate pain with pleasure. Lin was extremely receptive to suggestion, command, and direction. Lin’s mind structure was such that any statements directed to her that were either vulgar or profane struck the nerve center linked between Lin’s hot little pussy and her frontal cortex lobe. The nastier one spoke to Lin the wetter she got. The nastier one spoke to her while spanking her ass the wetter than wetter she became.

“Are you a hot pussy squirter, little horny bitch?” I asked Lin. The freshman girl blushed crazily and slowly nodded her head. “Yes, I have squirted in the past. Both Chang and Ming made me squirt. Ming first, and she told Chang who had to make me squirt too. They were competitive with one another when it came to me and how many times or in how many different ways they could make me cum.”

Although Lin did not offer any more definitive detail regarding her earlier experiences with the Amah and her junior Amah, I knew there was much more to learn about how things actually went in the home. Many things that I could use perversely, suggestively, or lovingly, depending how well Lin pleased or vexed me.

I looked and Lin and told her that she was my bitch. I told her that when in our room she was to be naked at all times. I told her that at times I would leave the door open, and that was not her concern if people saw her tiny tit long nipple silky pussy hair chink body. I told her that if she disappointed me, or if she disobeyed me, I would spank her ass so hard she would have to take her meals for a week while standing.

I watched as Lin’s breath became ragged while I spoke. Her legs opened and her thighs parted. Her nipples were long and hard poking prominently under her blouse. Her head hung low, as I explained to her that I was going to fuck her silly daily and multiple times on weekends. I told her about the twin dick strap on and how I was going to have her ass and pussy gaping. I told her that she had to maintain her grades to remain eligible as she was a key component on our swim team’s National Championship hopes. Lin was panting and I leaned over to pinch her long hard nipple.

“Horny little pussy whore, you want that strap-on dick right now, don’t you?” Lin moaned softly and squealed ass I pinched her pussy and clit through the shorts she wore. “You hot little pussy is ready to cum right now! You are such a fucking slut whore sweet cunt Lin.”

I told Lin, “get your whore ass up and go open the door for your audience.”

Lin sprang to her feet and did as I bade. Opening the door, Lin faced a small gathering of about 3 other female dorm residents. One was another domme accompanied by her subbie, and one girl that was a ‘tweener’.

I introduced Leslie as the other domme, her pet and slave Brenda, and Susi the ‘tweener.’ As they all found places to stand or sit with an unobstructed view, I order Lin to strip. Her head hung and small tears started to well in her eyes. I stepped forward and gave her a good swat across her firm tight butt.

“Now bitch,” I hissed her. Lin jumped into action.

I looked at Leslie and said, “send your whore Brenda into the bedroom. In the closet on the left, hanging on the door she will see 4 or 5 strap-ons. Tell her to bring me the brown colored one. Not the black one, but the brown colored one.” Lin nearly tripped on her thong as she heard me speaking with Leslie.

Leslie snapped her fingers and pointed. Brenda jumped up and shot into the bedroom to do as she was ordered. Brenda returned in moments with the correct implement I sought. I pointed to the floor at a place beside the chair that I had positioned when the girls entered our suite.

“Listen to me, Lin,” I said in a low voice. “You will receive two spankings. In between, we will talk about how you are feeling and your past. Do you understand?” Lin nodded. “Now, open your mouth. Lin did so and I deposited her thong panty in her mouth. “Taste your hot cunt, little Chink whore.”

“Lin, over my knees,” I ordered. Lin lay down draped over my lap. Her pubic bone lay atop my thigh and she could feel the fabric of my jeans pressing up through her silken pussy hair.

I started softly and gently rubbing Lin’s taut curved ass with my bare hand. Without warning, I raised my right hand and delivered a sharp semi-hard blow to Lin’s ass cheek. Then in rapid succession, I poured 5 more blows to her ass. Two more swats to the initial right cheek and 3 to the left cheek. Little hot pussy Lin squealed and muffled a scream. I rubbed her ass more as though I were instilling the surface heat to penetrate her skin like the mental aspect penetrated her brain.

Again with no warning, I rained 12 more really hard swats on Lin’s ass. Stopping, I rubbed her hot ass. I could swear the little cunt was purring between her sobs. I pointed at a rubber flip flop and Leslie handed it to me. I spanked Mia Lin’s ass cheeks another 8 times each with the flip-flop. She was bawling and wailing like a child.

The blows were hard and relentless. Starting out, they sparked a small pain, but like a brushfire erupted into great torrents of flaming pain. At first Lin’s tears flowed slowly, but after a few minutes she was sobbing, which set in motion a steady stream and flow of juices from her hot pussy.

After the flip-flop spanking, I rubbed Mai Lin’s ass and grazed my finger tips along her pussy lips which seemed swollen to my slight touch. Lin’s gasps and tears slowly abated. When I thought she could hear me I said, “your ass is almost as red as a stop sign.” Lin was beyond embarrassment. Although she continued to blush, I believe her flushed face was more due to the spanking and excitement rather than the humiliation. I ordered Lin to “Sit beside me. We should talk now.”

“How does your ass feel?”

“It hurts,” Lin said, “it hurts like hell.”

“Then kneel on the floor in front of me with you hands folded and in the small of your back.”
“Yes, please.”

Lin knelt and placed her hand behind her.

“How did you feel about the spanking you received?”

“It was strange; you spanking me in front of the others. It made me feel better. It was like it washed the slate clean. I was proud that I had taken it.”

“Didn’t Chang and Ming San spank you in front of others?”

“Ohhh no!! only in front of each other. They were careful not to do things in the presence of my family. However, when at the park, or some other place where I was alone with one or both of them, they would humiliate me in public. Sometimes I would become so wet and horny, Chang would bring me in the loo and frig me until I squirted. Ming San would giggle and laugh”

“What do you mean, washed the slate clean?”

“I don’t know. It was kind of, um, like the spanking was like penance. As though I had to pay for the things I’d fucked up.”

“Do you think you fuck up a lot?” It was a little strange to hear Lin say, “fucked up.” Especially in her accent.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“When was the last time you gave your pussy to a guy?”

“Never! I have never had sex with a boy. I have been fucked, by fingers, veggies, vibes, and dildos but never by a flesh and blood dick!”

“Did Chang and Ming San fuck you good with the dildo?”

“Oh yes Miss. They would fuck me and make my pussy squirt until I was exhausted!”

“Yes, Mai Lin,” Kathleen said, “we all knew you were a chink whore, and we intended to fuck you silly. Once I learned you were a submissive whore, I decided you would become my bitch. You will fuck who and what I tell you to fuck, when I tell you to fuck it and where I tell you to fuck it. And little hot pussy bitch, you will cum ONLY when I command you or give you permission to cum.”

Kathleen looked at Leslie and said, “send Brenda to fetch the Initiator.”

Leslie looked back and said, “are you sure that is wise?”

Kathleen smiled and said, “don’t worry, I am positive this whore hasn’t told us everything. And the Initiator is just the tool to make both her voice and her pussy sing for us.”

Lin opened her mouth to speak, and Kathleen pushed Lin’s wet thong back into her maw. “Suck silk bitch.” Kathleen said.

Moments later, Brenda rushed in with a paddle in her hand. It was molded like an oversized table tennis bat. The rounded surface was about 9 inches across. One side of the rounded surface had a rubber grit mat glued to it and the other side had piled soft velvet that was stapled to it. The handle was the most unusual part of the paddle. It was shaped like a phallus, but it had a bulge about the size of a small orange about 3 inches from where the handle joined the round surface. From the center of bulge to the tip end of the handle was another 7 inches or so. If necessary, the bat could be held and swung using 2 hands.

Kathleen took the paddle from Leslie’s pet and held it in front of Mai Lin. Although Kathleen couldn’t see to be certain, she was sure Mai Lin’s opened wide at the site of the implement before her. Mai Lin gulped audibly.

Kathleen leaned down and began to speak softly into Mai Lin’s ear.

“My pretty pussy Chinese whore, you will love the Initiator. The rubber surface will produce the most exquisite sting to your beautifully curved ass. Your hot ass will burn like molten rock. The heat will spread through you as I rub your as with the velvet side of the Initiator. Your cunt will bloom like a flower. Your pussy lips, swollen with hot blood pumped from your racing heart, will open like petals from an orchid seeking the morning sun. Your pretty clit will push out and expose itself to the world. You will beg. You will scream, You will squirm. You will curse. You will sob and weep. And in the end my Beautiful Chink whore, you will fuck anything I bring to you. You will be that hot and that horny. Your lust will have no limits. All because I know what you are darling Lin. You are a whore. Pure and simple. Change and Ming San made you a whore and you love it. Protest if you will, but you and I know what you are and how you love it. Now tell the girls what you are. TELL THEM LIN!! Tell the girls what you are!”

“I…. I’m… I am a chink whore” came the reply muffled by the thong in Lin mouth. The girls giggled and Lin’s whole body turned red as the rubber on the paddle. Lin’s eyes tried to follow the paddle as Kathleen pulled it out Lin’s view. Lin clenched her butt cheeks as she knew what would inevitably come.

“SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL;AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL;AAT; SPL-AT; SPL-AAT.” The paddle rose and fell 7 times to each lovely curved globe of Mai Lin’s ass. She squealed, she squirmed, she cursed, she sobbed, she wept openly and her tears fell from her eyes. Her cunt leaked fragrant juices as though it had a broken pipe.

Kathleen turned the paddle to the velvet side and slowly made long slow circles over Lin’s ass. Ass she rubbed the Chinses girl’s butt, she spoke to her again in that sing-song manner interspersed with an occasional HISS. Lin’s body shook and her sobbing was ebbing. Truly, the intense heat on the surface of her ass was indeed spreading like an out of control prairie fire through her loins and her lower tummy.

“Spit out the thong darling. I want you to speak clearly.” Kathleen hissed. With effort, Lin got the saliva and pussy juice soaked thong out of her mouth.

“Your hot pussy is dripping sweet juices all over my leg and onto the floor. The girls all see how your sweet cunt leaks. They know what you are Darling Lin. You cannot conceal what you are my love. Your hot pussy and your flaming red ass give you away in an instant. They way you blush and try to hide your face and eyes, but your nipples stand up and out like twin beacons. You are a submissive slut whose whore ass and cunt belong to the one spanking you. Isn’t that right you hot chink whore?”

Lin nodded. As she began to move her head up and down, Kathleen turned the paddle and quickly “SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT”, 2 quick strikes to each ass cheek assailed Lin’s butt. Lin squealed and began to sob again.

“You have a tongue and you can speak bitch. You answer questions with words and preferably in full sentences. If I wanted a fucking dummy, I would have that slut Brenda over my knee.”

Leslie laughed, Brenda hung her head and blushed, and Susi sat open mouthed. In the open door to the suite stood another 6 or 7 girls, who had gathered to witness what was happening.

“Now, let’s start again,” Kathleen said as she turned the paddle to use the velvet side to rub Mai Lin’s ass.

“How often did Chang and Ming San play with your hot cunt?” Kathleen asked.

“Every day,” Lin answered softly. Sometimes 4-5-6 times a day. At times they would tie me into a chair with arms. They would pull my butt to the edge of the cushion and tie my feet and knees to the legs of the chair. They would sit in front of me and spank my pussy until I squirted. They would finger fuck me and use spoon handles or vegetables to fuck me. They would place clothes pegs on my nipples. They would torment me until I begged them to allow me to cum.”

“Chang seemed to know exactly when I was close to cumming and she would stop or do something to distract me and I would not cum. She could and would keep this up all day and into the night. When she finally brought me over the edge, I would cum with such intensity that I would often go into a semi unconscious state. I would awake so weakened that Chang would lead me to bed and I would sleep in a dreamless sleep so hard and deep that I would be in a stupor for a day or so.”

As Lin spoke, Kathleen rubbed her ass with the paddle. Slowly and easily as Lin spoke, Kathleen inverted the paddle such that the penis like handle was trailing between the crack of Lin’s red spanked ass.


Part Trois

“As Lin spoke, Kathleen rubbed her ass with the velvet side of paddle. Lin spoke slowly, and Kathleen inverted the paddle such that the penis like handle was grazing between in the crack of Lin’s red spanked ass and through the swampy trough of her swollen pussy slit.”

Lin arched her back in an attempt to get some penetration from the object into her hot wet pussy. The gathered audience giggled after Kathleen said, “this little whore really wants some dick. Look at her move that this hot pussy and her fine ass!” Lin blushed again as the nasty words assaulted her brain and inflamed her core.

Kathleen spoke to Leslie. “Reach into that middle drawer and hand me the owner’s symbol. Leslie grinned, opened the drawer and extracted a small leather collar with a heart hanging from a ring. She handed the collar to Kathleen. Kathleen placed the collar in front of Mai Lin’s lips and told her to kiss it. Lin did so. Kathleen told Lin that from now own, as long as Lin attended this university, Kathleen owned her. Lin was as red as a Santa Claus suit. Kathleen opened the collar clasp and placed the collar around Lin’s neck. Moving Lin’s black hair aside, Kathleen buckled the clasp.

Quickly, Kathleen swatted Lin’s red ass another 4 times on each ass cheek; one blow for each word of instruction. “Never Remove This Collar” Lin squealed with each smack of her ass, murmuring and promising she would never remove the collar. Kathleen turned the paddle and again using the velvet side rubbed slow circles on the red flesh of Lin’s ass cheeks. As Lin calmed and began to roll her ass and hips, Kathleen pushed her to the floor.

“Assume the position bitch,” Kathleen ordered. Lin scrambled to her hands and knees. Kathleen used the paddle again on Lin’s ass. “SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT; SPL-AAT! The rubber covered side made Lin’s fin ass revert to the bright crimson color of the earlier spanking.

“Eff-Dau, Eff-Dau,” Kathleen hissed. “Eff-Dau, same as that mama-san Chang taught you. I know that chink wench would have taught you Eff-Dau. It would have been one of the first things she taught a blossoming subbie like you.”

“I….I… am sorry Ma’am,” Lin squawked. I don’t know what Eff-Dau is. I truly don’t!”

Kathleen stopped and using her pointer finger and Lin’s tears, she wrote FDAU on the wooden floor.
“Eff-Dau!” Face Down-Ass Up. F-D-A-U!!! Eff-Dau!. Face Down-Ass Up. That is your position whenever you are in this room and not studying or servicing me. Naked, on you hands and knees, with your face down and your ass up.” Lin immediately altered her position to Kathleen’s instruction.

She held her ass arched up as Kathleen massaged her ass. Rhythmic rubbing of Lin’s ass cheeks, ass crack, and pussy slit had the lithe Chinese girl purring. Kathleen used one hand to rub and massage Lin’s ass and the other moved to her neck. Kathleen’s strong hands kneaded Lin’s neck muscles and tendons. She worked the tension knots in Lin’s back muscles.

“You are tense Baby Girl. I am your new Mommy. Just Relax.”

Lin’s muscles loosened as tension melted away. The gathering of on lookers were of no bother to Lin as Kathleen massaged and rubbed her ass, pussy lips, back and neck. Kathleen’s hand moved back and forth rigorously making Lin’s cheeks jiggle. Lin spread her legs a little wider. Kathleen began to rub Lin’s inner thighs. With each stroke, Kathleen’s hand neared Lin’s hot sex hole.
Lin felt good. Kathleen knew how to get the tightness and tension in Lin’s muscles to release.

To Lin, Kathleen’s hands were everywhere. Kathleen reached under Lin and found the girl’s long hard nipples. Kathleen began to pull and pinch Lin’s long rock hard nipples. Lin felt her face hot and flushed. Kathleen’s pulling and pinching her nipples caused a slight painful but ohhh so pleasant ache in them. Lin Kathleen’s knuckles graze her asshole and through her swollen pussy lips. Without realizing her own bodily reactions, Lin began to rock her ass forward and back and roll her hips. The motions looked eerily like an out of the water butterfly swim stroke.

Lin was moaning, her ass and pussy were in vain trying to fuck Kathleen’s fingers as she stimulated Lin’s nipples at the same time. Lin’s pussy was juicing so much that the Kathleen’s hand got wet. Lin felt wickedly dirty being massaged and semi-masturbated like this. For this to al be done in view of an audience made Lin all the hotter and wetter. Lin was aware of her hot, wet and swollen slit.

Kathleen pushed Lin’s shoulders and neck down onto the floor. “Face down, Ass Up! little pussy girl,” Kathleen whispered. As Kathleen worked on her ass, thighs, and back, Lin felt the tingle she felt when she played with her pussy. It sent a shiver through her.

“Your muscles; gluts, thigh, back, and delts are so tight little hot pussy bitch. We need to release that pent up energy.”

Kathleen picked up the paddle and started to spank Lin’s ass once again.


“I know you want to cum, but don’t you dare cum yet,” Kathleen said. Looking up and around as she rested her hand and arm, Kathleen saw the sheen of sweat on the lip and forehead of each girl watching this total domination.

“You new friends and dorm mates are sooo envious at how your pretty pussy drips and leaks it cum. God damn girl, look at the puddle you have made on the floor. You are such a sweet whore. Now for more of what your Amah Chang did to you. Answer so all can hear your responses.” Kathleen ordered.

“Yea…yes Mommy.” Lin sobbed. The fire on her ass cheeks was again spreading its way inward through her core and her pussy. Her tummy tightened, and the ache in her nipples became even more pronounced. A flood of juices ebbed from her pussy.

“What did Chang do most? Did she finger fuck and fist fuck your hot sweet pussy or did she use a big dick dildo to fuck it?” Kathleen spread Lin’s hot pussy lips as she probed for the answer. Her fingers found Lin’s hard swollen clit. Kathleen pushed the fore skin covering Lin’s clit down in order to expose the pull bead. Then she would pull the fore skin up covering Lin’s hot pearl of sex sensations. Lin moaned and squealed as Kathleen pushed and pulled the fore skin covering Lin’s clit.

“Come on baby pussy bitch. Answer Mommy!”

“She…. She liked to use the strap-on dildo to fuck me. She had 2 or 3 different dildos that she would interchange on the same harness. Sometime she would fuck my ass first and not allow me to cum. The she would fuck my pussy and when she allowed me to eventually cum, I would squirt on the dildo, the harness and her.”

“Was Ming a strap-on queen like Chang? Or was she a fisting freak?”

“She was a fisting freak Mommy. She would open me up slowly. First one finger, then two, then two from each hand, slowly pulling my kegel muscle so it expanded. While she did this she would kiss me and twirl my clit, or pull on my nipples. She would tell me that Chang was going to bring me to a lesbian club in Kowloon and sell me to the highest bidder. I would get so hot I would beg her to fist fuck me and let me cum.”

“So, both Chang and Ming would make you beg to cum? And like the hot pussied whore you are, you would squeal, screech, beg and plead for them to make your hot pussy cum line a broken water faucet.”

Kathleen has slipped 3 fingers to the first knuckle in Lin’s hot pussy when she asked ‘what did Chang do most’. When she asked if both Chang and Ming would make Lin beg to cum, Kathleen was finger fucking Lin deep, hard, and fast. As Lin panted and moaned, her pussy was clenching Kathleen’s fingers. Kathleen sensed Lin was close to cumming. With a fast pull out of her 4 fingers, Kathleen slapped Lin’s pussy as hard as she could. She then pinched and twisted Lin’s hard clit.

“Oh no hot pussy bitch! You don’t get to cum so quickly. The girls want their money’s worth and I intend to see they get it. You are going to cum many many times today, but only when I permit you to cum. Do you understand pretty pussy girl?” Kathleen the smacked Lin’s ass cheeks as hard as she could with the paddle.

“EEEE-OOWWW,” Lin wailed. “Yes, Yes, Yes, Mommy. I wait for your permission before I cumming. I promise. I ask first Mommy. But please play with my pussy. Please Mommy. Your new whore begs you to play with her pussy.”

Kathleen used one hand to hold Lin’s neck pressed toward the floor. Lin felt so submissive as she was held this way. She felt like all control had been taken from her. Kathleen grinned at Lin’s situation. She could see Lin’s pussy lips glistened the light. Lin felt her face redden. It was so humiliating and embarrassing to be in this position in front of strangers.

“Your sweet pussy is as smooth as the day you were born,” whispered Kathleen.

“Her pussy is perfect,” croaked Leslie. The excitement of what was happening had stripped the other domme of her voice.

“I want you to talk like the nasty little girl you really are,” Kathleen hissed. She was placing more emphasis on becoming the consummate pussy-teaser.

“I want you to use real words like pussy, fuck and dick,” Kathleen purred.

“F-Fuck me, Kathleen,” Lin stammered. “Finger fuck my… pussy. And use that handle of that paddle to fuck me. Fuck that long dick like handle into my hot wet virgin pussy. Make me be a whore in public just like the whore I am in private. Show these girls what a slut really is and whose slut I am.”

“Alright. You asked for it,” Kathleen said, pushing two fingers slowly into Lin’s tight quivering quim.

“OH!” Lin cried, as she was penetrated.

Kathleen was getting really hot hearing her new conquest moan. She pushed more fingers in Lin’s pussy, while at the same time she rubbed the Chinese girl’s flat tummy. Kathleen stopped the tummy rubbing to pull Lin’s hair. As she did this, she added a third finger to Lin’s drenched pussy and began ramming Lin as deep as she could with all three fingers. Lin fell into rhythm with Kathleen’s finger thrusts and pushed her fine curved ass back on Kathleen’s long slim digits that plunged in and out of her slippery fuck hole.

Kathleen then pulled her fingers out and added a fourth finger before thrusting then back firmly into Lin’s wet pussy.

The pretty Chinese girl squealed as four fingers worked her sweet pussy to a foaming froth of pussy juices. Kathleen started fucking Lin with her fingers pushing and pulling all four until Lin was squealing and squalling like a mindless person in an asylum. Each thrust pushed Kathleen’s long fingers into Lin’s hot fuck hole to unexplored depths.

“OHH MORE Mommy. My pussy wants more. My pussy loves your fingers. My pussy loves to be fucked.”

Kathleen kept ramming her four fingers in and out of Lin’s hot pussy. Kathleen reciprocated the nasty chat the two girls were exchanging. “I’m going to work this pussy better than ever girl. I ant that pussy of yours drained of all the squirt cum you have. I want it as dry as a desert. You just think you had strong cums for Chang and Ming, but Honey, you are going to cum for Mommy harder and stronger than you ever have in your life. I have to get you ready for Oscar.”

Kathleen looked around and noticed the gathering of spectators were all grinning and nodding. A few were in awe that the lithe slim Chinese girl could take such a hard deep four finger pounding in her pussy. A few licked their lips as though wishing they were the ones being finger fucked to oblivion, or wishing they were doing the finger fucking.

Kathleen slowed her pummeling of Lin’s soaking wet pussy. As Kathleen withdrew her fingers from Lin’s pussy, Lin’s pussy juices seeped from Lin’s open and swollen pussy lips. Trickling down Lin’s thighs and coating Kathleen’s hand and fingers, the heady aroma of a bitch pussy in heat permeated the room. Kathleen placed her fingers in front of Lin’s panting mouth and ordered, “suck my fingers slut. Suck your hot pussy sauce from my fingers little girl.” Lin eagerly began licking and sucking Kathleen’s cum covered fingers.

Kathleen pulled her saliva coated fingers from Lin’s mouth. Using her spit coated fingers, Kathleen rubbed up and down the shaft of the dildo that Leslie’s sub had fetched and brought. Kathleen strapped the harness around her waist. She pulled the cinches on each side of the harness tight. Walking in her knees, Kathleen came to Lin’s head. She sat and spread her legs so she could scoot right up to Lin’s face.

“Like it Little Whore Girl?” Kathleen asked Lin.

“It’s really big,” Lin said. Kathleen laughed as she gently pushed the dildo forward toward Lin’s ruby lips. Kathleen held her four fingers next to the head of the dildo dick.

“You’ve already had bigger,” the domme said, smiling when Lin blushed a deep crimson. Kathleen stroked the monster dick fondly and eyed Lin. She had used this particular dildo on previous partners. Most of the girls had been afraid of it, but Kathleen felt once she used it on Lin, the slim Chinese swimmer would love it. The leggy Chinese girl was absolutely gorgeous and had the most wonderful personality. Kathleen wanted her and with very few exceptions Kathleen got what she wanted.

“Suck my dick pretty whore. Show Mommy and these bitches how a real whore sucks dick. Come on baby, get my dick super slick. I want to watch this dick glide into your hot wet pussy. Mommy has to open that pussy for Oscar. You will love Oscar after Mommy preps you. Believe me and trust me!”

Lin’s eyes widened and she pulled her head back form the dildo in her mouth. Stammering and stuttering, she whined, “Mommy, I…I have…have never been fucked by a boy. I don’t want a boy dick and I a scared to get pregnant. Please don’t make me give a boy some pussy. Please Mommy, I don’t want this boy Oscar fucking me.”

Kathleen chucked and said, “Darling Pretty Lin. I am not going to bring a boy here for you to fuck. Don’t be silly darling. If you ever fuck a boy or a man, that is far in the future and the circumstances would have to be extraordinary. And darling Baby girl, Oscar is not a boy or a man. Oscar is just a pet name.” As Kathleen pushed the 10” long dildo back into Lin’s mouth she muttered, “As if I would want some boy sticking his ugly dick into your gorgeous pretty pussy.”

Satisfied the dildo was slick and coated with Lin’s spit, Kathleen rose back to her knees and knee walked back to Lin’s upraised ass. Lin had her head turned back still staring in fascination at the long thick phallus. It was larger than any dildo Chang or Ming has used on her. Kathleen placed her hands on the Lin’s shoulders. Lin looked back apprehensively, but Kathleen just smiled and gently stroked the cheeks of her ass.

“You’ve got the most incredible body,” Kathleen said softly. Lin smiled and blushed, but her eyes never left the big dick as it drooped under its own weight. Kathleen leaned over and began to kiss and nibble Lin’s neck and her hand gently cupped the pretty girl’s pussy. Lin was incredibly wet from the foreplay that had occurred. Kathleen couldn’t believe how perfect Lin was.

Kathleen rubbed the big dick with a hand full of Lin’s pussy juices. Even with Lin’s generous lubrication Kathleen knew the slim bitch would struggle initially taking the massive dildo dick. The dick glistened menacingly and Kathleen took it in both hands to bring it to Lin’s wet pussy. Lin’s lips gapped open Kathleen smirked as she settled the big dildo head between them. She rubbed the big dick dildo up and down Lin’s slick pink pussy slit. This elicited a soft moan from Lin.

“You want it don’t you? You want my dick don’t you bitch?” Kathleen said harshly.

Lin nodded and lowered her upper body even flatter forcing her ass up higher. She couldn’t believe how hot she was, or how Kathleen’s words could send shiver’s of desire through her.

“That’s a good girl,” Kathleen said as she stopped the up and down rubbing settling the bulbous head at the opening of Lin’s fuck hole. Holding the mighty dong with both hands Kathleen pressed forward with her hips. There seemed to be no movement as the ring of muscle at Lin’s pussy refused to budge. Kathleen kept up the steady pressure, not forcing her way in, but watching in fascination as the tip of the head began to disappear into Lin’s delicate pink pussy.

Lin had never felt anything like it; even her Amah’s fist hadn’t felt so large. She tried to force herself to relax, but her muscles wouldn’t obey. Slowly, almost grudgingly they began to expand as the relentless pressure continued. There was a quick stab of pain followed by an uncomfortable fullness. Lin cried out, but even as she did she felt the huge head slide past her entrance and utterly fill her pussy. The pain lessened to a dull ache that mingled with the thrilling sensation of being so full.

Kathleen was smiling as she watched the muscles in Lin’s ass and thighs quiver. She loved the way Lin’s pussy had clamped down on the thick veiny shaft of the dildo. Kathleen still held the shaft with one hand while placing her other on Lin’s hip. Her fingers dug into the flesh and she pressed forward again. Lin groaned as the head expanded the walls of her pussy and a couple of inches of the shaft disappeared into her.

“Please,” she gasped.

“Please what baby? Fuck you good? Feed your starving cunt my big dick? Please what baby Girl?” Kathleen asked, as she stopped pressing forward.

“Go slow,” the Chinese swimmer managed to whisper. Kathleen exulted then. She had thought Lin would beg her to take it out or to stop, but no, she just wanted her to go slower. Kathleen could do that; she had all day with this lovely creature.

“Don’t worry Hot Chink Pussy. I’ll be gentle, just relax,” Kathleen said. She grasped Lin’s hips again and pressed forward.

Lin groaned again as the huge intruder nosed deeper into her pussy. This groan however, sounded different. It was a cross between a groan and a moan. The dildo dick was starting to feel good, really good and Lin was getting into it now. The flash of pain was a distant memory and the dull ache was totally eclipsed by the pleasure the huge dick was giving her. She even found herself pushing back, trying to help her lover bury the whole thing. She wanted it all, even though she knew it was impossible to take the whole thing.

Kathleen knew differently. For all its impressive girth, the dildo was only ten inches long. She was confident Lin was that deep and more. Looking down she had to wonder though, she only had a little more than five inches inside the new girl’s pussy and Kathleen had to actually use the muscles of her hips to push it deeper. She smiled when she noticed Lin was pressing back on the big dildo.

“You like that big dick, don’t you Baby?” Kathleen said as she forced another inch into Lin’s gapping pussy. The black tress Chinese didn’t reply, but that was all right with Kathleen, the way she was moaning and pushing back on the big dildo was more eloquent than words. The little butch was aching to be fucked and fucked hard and deep.

Kathleen gripped Lin’s hips tightly and pulled back just a bit, watching as the inner lips of Lin’s pussy were pulled outward by the huge dick. When a small bit of the big dildo head, slick with Lin’s juices remained seated in Lin’s pussy hole, Kathleen pushed back in. The visual effect of such stimulation was so erotic that Kathleen felt like giving way and cumming.

Her plan was to fuck Lin like she had never been fucked before. She had thought this out carefully all afternoon in the orientation sessions. Kathleen planned to fuck the slender Chinese girl to exhaustion. Nothing made an impression on a woman like being fucked till she passed out. Kathleen felt she had a lot to offer Lin as the object of her affection, but at this point in time sex was Kathleen’s only inroad and she intended to make the most of that. These thoughts and others raced through the dominant girl’s mind as she continued to slowly work the big dong into Lin’s tight pussy.

“Owww!” Lin exclaimed as the dildo head bumped her cervix. Kathleen immediately pulled back.

“I think that’s as much as I can take,” Lin said ruefully.

“No baby. You’re just not hot enough yet.” Kathleen pronounced. “Your hot cunt needs a little stretching girlfriend. We have to dilate your cervix for Oscar’s tip. The big butch pulled the huge dildo from Lin’s pussy with an obscene popping noise. Lin moaned in frustration at suddenly being so empty. That frustration was replaced with wild bliss when she felt a cool piece of flesh and a tongue lapping at her pussy lips. Lin sighed and relaxed.

Kathleen said to Leslie, “Have that bitch Brenda bring Oscar here.”

Kathleen gently tongued Lin’s pussy. She teased and caressed Lin’s pussy lips and around Lin’s entry hole for a while before zeroing in on Lin’s straining swollen clit. Slow lingering licks with the flat of her tongue drove Lin wild and she began to babble as her orgasm approached. Kathleen carried her to the edge, but pulled back when Lin began to quiver. The Chinese girl screamed in frustration, but the sound caught in her throat when she felt the huge head of the dildo at her entrance again.

This time entry was not painful, although she was still uncomfortably full at first. That quickly gave way to feeling wonderful as Kathleen tightened her hold on Lin’s hips and began to work the monster dick deeper. Lin had never felt this full or anything this deep. Even Chang’s fist didn’t seem to fill her like this. She panted and moaned louder as Kathleen pushed deeper. Lin was caught off guard when the larger girl’s hips bumped lightly against her ass.

“It is In baby! You got every inch of the dick in that hot pussy!” Kathleen said triumphantly. Lin managed to look back between her legs to see only the thick balls hanging down; none of the thick shaft was visible.

“Now girl, I’m going to fuck you like you deserve,” Kathleen said in a throaty whisper. Lin felt the huge dick stir within her, drawing back a short distance then shooting forward. The lunge actually forced the breath from her lungs. With each thrust Kathleen withdrew a little more, slowly working up to long, deep, penetrating strokes. She was taking it slow, but Lin was becoming wild, forcing herself back on the big dick. Smiling Kathleen moved to a faster pace, stroking most of the length of the big dildo in and out of her pliant lover.

Lin had never experienced anything like it. She felt like a skyrocket whose fuse was alight and was moments away from blast off. Her mind struggled with the flood of sensations, but when the first mighty contraction hit she simply lost contact with reality. Pleasure, thick and heady waves of indescribable pleasure ripped through her system. Lin felt her senses pushed this way and that by the euphoric waves that washed over her. She was neither riding them nor wholly sunk into them, but was at their mercy nonetheless. Her first impression when the most violent part of her orgasm began to subside was that of tingly pleasure still coming from her pussy. Kathleen had not slowed and continued to fuck her with long even strokes.

After orgasm shock rippled though Lin’s body. This caused her pussy to contract tightly on the huge dick which in turn caused it’s movements to be highlighted. Like a pebble falling off a cliff starting an avalanche, the clamp which heightened the sensation of the long shaft as it plowed in and out of her cunt started Lin’s second orgasm in less than a minute. This one was different, not as powerful or mind blowing, but still exquisitely pleasurable. She kept her head through it, feeling the even plunging of the dildo in and out. She tried to regain her breath and calm her racing heartbeat, but even as she began to get some control she felt a twinge deep in her pussy.

“Noooo.. Oh.. GOD!” She groaned as another mind shattering orgasm ripped into her. As powerful if not more so than the first it carried her away on another fantastic voyage of orgasmic bliss. Again she found herself coming back to the even strokes. Kathleen hadn’t slowed at all, but was now driving into her with powerful and relentless strokes. The rhythmic slap of the girl’s thighs against her ass was hypnotic and Lin’s next orgasm caught her by surprise. This one wasn’t as powerful, almost like a strong aftershock, but the continued minor contractions that followed let her know it was more than that.

Kathleen had a grimly determined look on her face as she continued to fuck the Chinese beauty. Even when Lin howled through another orgasm Kathleen continued to pound into her. Lin was whimpering now, making tiny noises that were not like anything Kathleen had ever heard before. They drove her on and she started to rotate her hips with each thrust. Lin groaned and stirred, but seemed incapable of doing more than rocking her hips back to meet the continued thrusts. She continued to thrust into Lin in an almost mechanical way, totally outside her consciousness. She couldn’t keep watching or listening to Lin, the black haired beauty was so incredibly hot that Kathleen was afraid she would loose her concentration and that just couldn’t happen.

Lin’s pussy was throbbing with pleasure, sending waves of pure bliss into her system. Her whole body seemed to be screaming with pleasure and that big dick kept slamming into her. She had lost count of the orgasms and of time. Nothing mattered anymore. As long as that wonderful dick kept sending her into shrieking orgasms the rest of the world was as remote as Mars. She felt another orgasm building, but there was something different. It was almost like her mind was misfiring, sensations were distorted and she felt out of sync with her body. When the orgasm came she heard her own feral scream of pleasure. Her vision swam and everything seemed to be viewed through a red haze. As the powerful pulses of pleasure overwhelmed her the red faded to black.

When Lin came to she found her head in Kathleen’s lap. Kathleen was gently stroking her hair and singing softly to her. Lin’s eyes fluttered open and she shook her head.

“What happened?” she asked groggily.

“You came so hard you passed out,” Kathleen said.

“Mmmmmm” Lin hummed, her whole body felt wonderfully relaxed and she was so content. Kathleen’s hand moved to Lin’s breast. She pulled and rolled Lin’s long nipples.

“Ready for more?” Kathleen asked with a grin.

“You’ve got to be kidding?” Lin said. She didn’t know how much more she could take.

“We haven’t even started yet,” Kathleen said smiling and tweaking the distended nipple.
“Get back over the hassock. I want that fine chink ass as high in the air as you can get it. I want you to present yourself as the whore slut you are.” Lin giggled as Kathleen smacked her ass playfully. She scrambled to position herself over the hassock for what she thought was going to be round 2 with the bid dildo dick.

Kathleen got Lin draped and positioned as she wanted her to be. She got the warm oil and drizzled some on Lin’s back and ass cheeks and a little into her palms. Slowly in circles that were ever widening, Kathleen massaged Lin’s back and ass. Now and again, a pair of slick fingers would reach under Lin and pull on a long hard nipple.

Lin held her ass arched up as Kathleen fingered her asshole. Kathleen would push slightly and press a bit without actually penetrating Lin’s tight anal ring. Lin was totally into Kathleen ass fondling. She rocked her hips and ass to signal Kathleen to finger fuck her ass. Chang and Ming had done it to her and Lin found she could cum easily and hard from such penetrations.

Lin felt Kathleen reach under her chest to clutch a nipple in her other hand. Kathleen began to pinch and pull them. Lin finally felt the Kathleen’s knuckle against her ass. The older girl twisted and turned her oiled finger an inch or so into Lin’s fine butt. Kathleen felt how hot and tight she was inside, her muscles clenching and squeezing her finger. Lin was moaning as her ass fucked back on Kathleen’s finger while Kathleen stimulated her nipples at the same time.

Kathleen forced her finger even deeper into Lin’s rectum. Lin’s pussy was juicing so much that Kathleen’s hand got wet. Lin felt wickedly dirty being masturbated like this. It was like a fantasy. The situation was so hot for Lin, that she found the sheer degradation and humiliation of being masturbated and fucked in the presence of others so intoxicating. Lin ached to release the sexual demons inside her loins. She wanted Kathleen’s fingers in her pussy too and she hoped that Kathleen would do that now.

But Kathleen forced a second finger into her ass. Lin felt stretched.
‘God that feels huge inside me’, she thought to herself.

She couldn’t do anything but take a deep breath and accommodate the two fingers inside her rectum. Kathleen slid her other hand from Lin’s tits to touch her clitoris, pee-hole and pussy opening. Lin moaned and groaned in pleasure, as her asshole involuntarily tightened on Kathleen’s fingers. Kathleen teased Lin’s pussy all the more.

As Kathleen began stoking the raging inferno in Lin’s hot pussy and her tummy, she began to talk in a low sexy voice to her new submissive.

Kathleen told her that in China, over many centuries, herbalists and doctors had discovered that many female complaints could be remedied by a woman taking a dog sexually. Kathleen said that male dogs and human females were sexually very compatible. Kathleen spoke of diagrams and statistics.

“Dog cum is very good. Good for your health. It is excellent for female health. You may use dog cum internally and externally. Men cannot compete with a dog in giving a woman sexual pleasure. You have a very high energy pussy. Your cunt gets very wet. Your female organs are easily stimulated. You squirt all the time. But you still have tension in your hips and stomach. Dog sex would be very good for you.”

At the mention of her squirting ejaculations, Lin grinned guiltily.

Kathleen continued speaking softly, “Your super hot pussy needs very little stimulation. Just touch a certain spot or two in your pussy and you flow pussy cream like river. Plus, you are really tight. This makes a man cum quickly. Your hot pussy temperature and the friction your cunt causes on a man’s dick when he pumps your cunt makes him cum in a just a few strokes. With a dog, he is locked in you. His dick swells and swells inside you. Your tight pussy clamps over his doggy dick and he cums deep in your pussy. And dog cum is about 6-8 degrees hotter than man cum. That hot cum inside your womb will make the volcano in your gut and pussy erupts in sex orgasms that will run up your spine to your brain. Your pussy and womb will spurt your love juice. You will feel the greatest sex pleasure and total peace of mind. It will be the most beautiful moment for you. The dog dick is big. You will feel so full in your hot sex hole. His dick will stimulate your nerves with extra heat. This is why women like dog dick”.

While pushing Lin toward her inevitable ending, Kathleen had pushed Lin’s labia aside to slide her fingers along her wet pink slit and especially up and down and all around her clitoris. Kathleen played with Lin’s clitoris. She pushed it back and forth still covered by its hood. She would mash it against Lin’s pubic bone. Kathleen found a pattern that Lin responded to and kept at it. She kept the two fingers sawing in and out of Lin’s asshole.

Kathleen’s fingers swirled Lin’s clit and slide down her foaming wet pussy lips to her still gaped fuck hole. Kathleen eased 3 fingers into Lin’s pussy and began to twist them to and fro by pronating her wrist. She wanted Lin to experience a huge orgasm with her rectum and pussy penetrated. A DP cum for Lin would glue her to Kathleen and anything Kathleen ordered her to do. Kathleen knew that connecting the two hot zones, her cunt and her ass, would render Lin like putty.

Round and round in Lin’s asshole and in an out of Lin’s pussy Kathleen’s slick slim fingers brought the Chinese girl up the ladder to an explosive cumming. Kathleen looked at asshole she took her fingers out of the open hole. Lin’s asshole was reddened from penetration and open, like a toothless mouth.

Kathleen continued with her soft voice extolling the benefits to be derived by giving a dog some pussy.

“Pretty Baby Lin,” Kathleen cooed to the pretty girl, “when a dog cums deep in your pussy the dog’s hormones stimulate your womb. They will cause a reaction staring with powerful contractions. Dog cum makes for a very intense, and deep vaginal orgasm because of hormones and heat. You will not believe how big the dog dick swells and fills your sweet pussy. A doggy dick will fill up your pussy. That red dick will spurt scalding cum in the deep pockets of your womb. You are going to give our boy some pussy. Do you understand? You have too much female pussy energy. You need an equal amount of dick energy to offset the imbalance. You need a dick locked in your steaming cunt spewing his cum. You need doggy dick baby. He will make you cum soo good, and you will be totally relaxed. Puppy dick cream is great for your hair and skin. Your skin will glow and your hair will shine..”

At first, Lin was shocked by the idea of fucking a dog. But the more Kathleen talked while finger fucking her, and the idea of this happening with people watching Lin be humiliated and subjected to such degradation, fueled Lin’s psyche such that she was nodding her head and panting ,’AHH-HAA after every sentence Kathleen uttered. When Kathleen said, ‘You are going to give our boy some pussy’, Lin’s tummy and pussy did a flip.

Lin was not fighting the wonderful feelings as Kathleen’s fingers were giving her. Lin felt her pussy lips spread open obscenely and juices oozed from her pussy. Humiliated that she was showing the other girls that were present how aroused she was, her pussy glistened with her juices, Lin whimpered and began pleading with Kathleen to masturbate her and make her cum.

Lin’s clit peeked out from under its hood. The pearly button was hard and red. Kathleen played with Lin’s pussy, sliding up and down her slit with ease. Lin was suddenly filled with four fingers, feeling her pussy gripping them possessively.

“OOOHHH,” she moaned in pleasure as she finally felt filled.

Kathleen began to finger- fuck her hard. Kathleen’s fingers inside her pussy felt so good. Her pussy clenched onto them as Kathleen began to twist and turn them inside her, searching for the spots that were most sensitive: Lin’s G-spot, her urethral sponge and the epicenter of Lin’s vaginal orgasms. Kathleen teased Lin’s anus making her clench her cheeks tight and grip the fingers inside her ass and pussy.

Lin’s pussy was stretched as Kathleen spread her 4 fingers inside Lin’s cunt. Lin cried out as she began to work her and hiss at her new completely debased submissive.
“You going to fuck my boy, bitch? You going to give him that hot chink pussy? Swallow his huge red doggy dick? Feel his super charged hot cum blasting your pussy, painting your cunt walls with sweet puppy cream?”

Kathleen felt Lin’s insides resisting her fingers as she spoke so nastily. She forced her fingers deeper inside Lin’s ass and pussy until she felt Lin’s pussy and anal muscles both the fingers on both her hands. Kathleen turned her fingers, massaging Lin’s insides along her urethral sponge.

Lin’s breasts wobbled on her chest. She was lost in a maze of hot feelings. Her sex hole and ass were stuffed and she was getting ready to cum again. The stuffed feeling combined with Kathleen’s hissing order to take the doggy dick pushed Lin closer and closer to cumming. Her pussy clenched on the four fingers that impaled her.

Kathleen leashed another burst of commands. “You will be Oscar’s bitch! When Oscar buries that long thick red doggy dick in your dripping drooling fuck hole, you will scream. You hot fine ass is going to fuck back on that big dick. Your pussy is going to squeeze and clench his dick to milk the cum from him until he is drained and whimpering.”

Lin began to grunt and cry out, “OHHHH…OHH…OH…OH GOD…OH GOD…OH GOD!!!”
Kathleen was ruthless with her fingers in Lin’s pussy and ass. She rubbed the girl’s g-spot, the fingers fucking in and out sloppily. Lin began cumming and cumming and screaming and screaming….

Lin tightened her pussy onto the fingers inside her, gripping them so tightly that she could barely move, as Kathleen sent her over the edge. Lin’s orgasm hit her like a train. It raced from her pussy down her thighs and up into her belly all the way to her nipples. Every pleasure zone shuddered from the stimulation. Lin wailed as her cunt spewed her squirt juices and she drenched Kathleen’s hand soaking everything.


She almost passed out again, but Kathleen kept her awake and aware. Kathleen grinned at the on lookers. “You whores haven’t seen anything yet. Watch what she does when I feed her starved cunt Oscar’s huge red dick. This bitch and her sweet pussy will sing in 5 or 6 different languages.”

Lin nodded her head as Kathleen spoke. She couldn’t believe she had cum so hard and squirted again. She was exhausted and to think this was just the beginning of new sexual experiences for Lin at Kathleen’s hands.

Kathleen snapped her fingers and pointed at the door. Brenda, Leslie’s bottom went outside and returned with Oscar on a leash. Kathleen told Lin that Oscar was trained. That he had fucked every girl in this room and had never been mated to a gyp. Kathleen told Lin that the reason she was to be naked and on her hands and knees when in the suite of rooms was because Oscar was going to live in the rooms with them. Kathleen told Lin that when Oscar wanted some pussy, Lin was going to ready, wet, and open to give her doggy master some pussy.

Lin was rolling on high as Kathleen mandated new instructions in front of the gathered girls. Oscar was large, a Rottweiler-mastiff mix. Kathleen got Oscar behind Lin and the dog began to lick Lin’s cunt. Kathleen knew this was important as Oscar had a huge dick, and dogs are not known for their gentle mating. Kathleen wanted most of Oscar’s dick in Lin’s pussy in order to customize Lin to Oscar’s dick length and girth.

Kathleen told Lin that male dogs do not make love; they fuck. Lin needed to be fully open inside before entry, because a dog’s penetration was always hard and fast. Kathleen wanted Lin to the point that she was begging for dick. Kathleen had Oscar licking Lin’s pussy, asshole and crack. Lin was totally aroused by this. Oscar’s tongue was soft, yet somewhat raspy. He was strong and wet.

With her legs spread open, the dog put its cold nose on her asshole and snuffed. Lin jerked. Oscar forced its muzzle in Lin’s ass as he long tongue spread between her pussy lips. The dog sniffed, and then his big, wet tongue began lapping every fold and crevice of Lin’s pussy. Oscar licked from her clitoris thru her labia to her pussy and then onto and over her asshole.

Between the dog’s copious saliva, and Lin’s secretions, Lin’s pussy was soon a swampy mess. Her silken pubic pussy hair became soaked, and the dog made her wriggle and moan when it thrust its big pink tongue in her pussy. Lin felt herself being pushed to cum as the dog had its way with her. With her legs open, she was totally vulnerable. Whimpering, grunting, moaning and screaming Lin could not control herself, as the dog licked her like a machine. Never in her life had she ever had anyone eaten her pussy like this. Oscar’s tongue was at her anus, warm and wet. And its tongue explored every crevice and fold of her pussy like no woman or girl ever had.

To have this happen in front of Kathleen and her friends opened a floodgate in Lin’s mind. To be made to cum by a dog was a new degradation. The most humiliating yet…The dog’s big, sloppy tongue pushed her into another space. Lin could hear Kathleen and the others talking, but the dog’s tongue totally dominated. She whimpered, grunted, moaned, groaned, and then came. Kathleen let the dog lick Lin for about ten minutes, making her climax and flow, wetting everything. Lin was very horny and flowing, soaking the floor beside the hassock. Oscar’s licking got Lin’s pussy well prepared. Soon, Lin was literally begging to be fucked.
Kathleen intended to control Oscar’s entry into Lin’s pussy. Oscar’s doggy dick measured 11½” from the tip to bit exposed beyond his knot. The knot was 3 1/2” across, not around. I was shaped like a flat hamburger onion. Kathleen knew the trick was getting Lin’s pussy to swallow Oscar’s knot before it was completely swollen and thus too big. Kathleen had also taken steps to ensure that the dog delivered a huge load of cum to Lin’s pussy. Kathleen knew from experience that if Oscar was “teased” over and over again, but not allowed to mount that would stimulate his nuts to produce more cum.

This teasing – this “false mounting” technique would increase the amount of semen in the dog’s balls. So, when the dog started to mount her, Kathleen pulled the beast off before his dick penetrated Lin’s pussy. Kathleen did that for four times before she allowed the dog enter Lin’s cunt. This really got the Oscar pussy crazy, which pre-loaded more hot cum into his balls. Kathleen had made sure that Lin was prepared, because she was going to get fucked with a rape-like intensity. Using this technique, the dog would ejaculate three quarter a cup of hot semen into her pussy. Lin was going to have many orgasms.

As Oscar was positioned behind her hips again, this time Kathleen guided the dog’s big dick to Lin’s dripping pussy. The huge animal growled and pranced forward on Lin’s back. Its front legs and paws covered with custom made stockings were wrapped around Lin’s ribcage. Oscar’s hips began humping. The big dog tried mightily to get his dick in her hole. The dog’s knot, at the base of the shaft, as it emerged, looked big and most of the girl onlookers were sure that Lin’s pussy could not take it. But, as soon as the dog found her warm, wet hole with the tip of its dick – BAM – it shoved it in deep and fast.

The animal then drove it in and out like a demon. The beast used its front paws to pull Lin closer and he drooled on her back as he fucked her. He never stopped. The obscene sight of the dog fucking a human female had the onlookers playing with their pussy. They watched as poor Lin had no time to catch her breath, as the dog fucked her without mercy. Lin was soon dripping with sweat. It dripped from her face, neck and underarms – even her back was wet.

Lin could feel the beast’s dick thrusting in and out and the knot crowding her hole. She looked down between her legs and saw the knot right at her pussy opening. Kathleen and the other girls had moved in closer on each side to watch as the knot pressed the opening to Lin’s sex-hole. The knot was huge now and the animal kept pushing to get it inside her. The dog wouldn’t be denied. The knot began stretching the pussy sphincter open. Lin grunted, feeling the pressure.

Brenda clapped her hands and went, “oh…look…look…it’s going in.”

When it popped inside, Lin howled with a mixture of pleasure and pain as the mouth of her pussy was stretched more than it had ever been before.

She began screaming, “it’s too big…too big!”

Her hole had been stretched open like she was giving birth. One second Oscar’s hairy knot was outside her hairy pussy, then, it was inside her. Those onlookers who thought Lin’s pussy wouldn’t take the dog’s knot watched in stunned surprise.

‘I can’t believe it. She took the whole thing’, some of them murmured aloud. The dog’s dick was fully buried in Lin’s pussy. Lin soon began screaming as the tip of the beast’s dick was way pushing her cervix causing it to dilate open. Oscar’s slick pointy dick tip was stretching the end of Lin’s pussy. The nerve endings in that part of her sex-hole, when stretched, would push her towards a huge uterine orgasm. Lin soon began babbling. Filthy words tumbled out of her mouth. The knot, now fully inside, throbbed, and the tip of Oscar’s dick was spurting as the shaft pulsed and vibrated. The dog had stopped humping. It just held itself inside her and kept spurting and vibrating inside her pussy. Lin’s whole world had become her sex-hole.

She had become the dog’s bitch. She soon felt herself approaching a “doggy” pussy orgasm. As the dog’s dick vibrated and spurted, she felt her whole pelvis bear down. Her stomach muscles tightened and, as when they did so, her pussy muscles convulsed against the dog’s dick and she came HARD! Her brain seemed to explode as she shook.

When she relaxed her pussy, the other girls that had gathered could see the knot trying to come out. But it was too big, so it did not quite make it. And when Lin contracted her muscles, the knot was pulled deeper inside. This made the huge knot massage Lin’s G-Spot and the front of her pussy. This also forced the dog’s dick head deeper into her cervix and womb.

Kathleen said to Lin, “You see. When you contract and relax your hole, it moves the knot in and out a little. You slut, you are fucking yourself when you do that. YOU FUCKING LOVE IT!!”

Lin smiled and nodded. The result was all too plain. Lin was having one body quaking orgasm after another. She felt the animal spurting hot cum DEEP in her hole. She felt it spurting and spurting…hosing her with hot, watery, beast cum. The doggy dick throbbed and felt hotter than a man’s. It spurted and jetted inside her for a long time. Throbbing and spurting…it just kept pushing her into multiple orgasms.

Not only was the dog’s dick hotter, but the heat had turned Lin’s sex hole into a volcano. The big knot acted as a plug that held most of the hot doggy cum inside her. The hot cum coated everything and helped transfer the heat from the beast’s dick and knot directly into her stretched pussy. The big knot had compressed and stretched the front of her pussy, so that heat flowed into her urethral sponge as well. The result was that she came convulsively over and over again.

The effect of all that hot cum right into that nerve-rich “hot pocket” drove her wild. And unlike a man, a dog spurted continuously. The knot kept the animal locked inside her pussy. She had continuous orgasms during the 16 minute session. Two were total body shakers. Kathleen had to steady her after the second of those as she almost fainted. She had Lin contract her pussy muscles as hard as she could and hold it for 5 seconds, then relax the muscle for 10 seconds before starting again. She had her do this until the muscle was totally fatigued.

At that point, Lin rested for a few minutes with the dog’s dick still buried inside her. Then, Kathleen had her start the alternating contraction/relaxation over again. One thing is for sure, the dog enjoyed feel of Lin’s hot pussy rhythmically clamping its dick. It seems to spur the animal to stay hard longer and do a better job draining its big balls.

With the dog’s knot, the heat and pressure evenly distributed on all the walls of her pussy, the big dog remained locked in her pussy. This was plenty of time to completely fatigue Lin’s pussy muscles. Added heat from all the semen that the dog pumped into her pussy did the rest.
In short, Lin’s pussy muscles got a total workout. Seeing her facial expressions, listening to her moans and screaming uncontrollably and seeing all of her juices and the dog’s cum flowing out of her was just amazing. The insides of her thighs got soaked.
Lin had been thoroughly fucked. She slowly came back to her senses when the animal wanted off. She felt the animal pulling back and it hurt as the knot was deeply embedded in her hole, just behind her pubic bone. But when the knot shrank, it finally popped out. There was so much pressure – then nothing. The animal’s dick was still somewhat erect. The other girls marveled at the size of it. The dog stood there for a moment, then bent down and licked itself. Kathleen then motioned to Brenda to lead the animal out.

Still on her elbows and knees, Lin panted. She felt and looked like she had run a race. She was wet and sloppy everywhere from her belly down to her mound -her thighs and her butt. A sloppy mess of doggy cum and her secretions oozed from her hole and ran down her thighs. Her hole was stretched open, red and swollen.

Kathleen helped Lin up and kissed her. She told her to lie and rest, because Oscar would want some more pussy in 30 minutes or so. Lin smiled and nodded because her pussy wanted some more Oscar dick. Kathleen grinned knowing she had a subbie for life.