(c) 2020 by Just24Fun

It was a beautiful day for the four hour drive south to her parents home out in the country. It was spring break, and Ann was looking forward to a very relaxing week all by herself. Her parents were out on a Caribbean cruise and would not be back for another week and a half. The country ranch would be hers alone for the whole time too. As she drove down the mile long gravel driveway, Ann reminisced about her past few years at the ‘ranch’. A huge 400 acre sprawling estate nestled within the tree covered foothills of Texas. All the homes in this area were on massive acreage plots, each miles apart giving the sense of real country living. They had no pets or livestock on the ranch, preferring to enjoy the peaceful tranquility without the hassles of animal chores. Besides, her parents were city folk. Born and raised in the concrete jungle of New York. Her fathers transfer brought them out to this land when Ann was 16 years old. Even with 5 years of living within the grand foot-hills of Texas, Ann still marveled at the vastness lay of the land.

College was fun for Ann. She was always an ‘A’ student, and had earned a full ride to college. She had always wanted to be an engineer and inventor. And her schooling was going great. The ‘spring break’ away from the hectic school days were a blessing to her. And Ann had the whole place to herself, ‘house-sitting’ for the next two weeks. She looked forward to winding down all by herself.

As she entered the huge 4 bedroom ranch-styled home, Ann found the note her parents had left for her on the marble countertop. It was a welcome home note, complete with instructions on the chores for the house, and a credit card for incidentals. She walked through the mansion, checking all the doors and windows, alarm system, and spacious back yard and pool area. The fridge was stocked with all types of goodies, and as usual, so was the wine and booze cabinet.

Everything was perfect!

First on the menu was a little wine out by the spacious pool, unwinding from the long drive, and restricting school schedule she followed the past 9 months.

Ann had her suitcase unpacked and put away in no time. As she fumbled through her swimsuits, she picked out a pretty white bikini suit she had not worn yet. It bared much more than the shy girl would ever show off around her friends or family. But being alone, she thought ‘what the hell’!

Stripped down to her birthday suit, Ann studied her tiny frame in the full length mirror. She really was a small girl weighing just shy of 80 pounds soaking wet. She got her small 4’9” height from her mother who was only 5’2” tall. And being of part Asian and German decent, with just a hint of African decent thrown in, all her nationalities could clearly be seen within her dainty frame. Her thin flat tummy, ‘B’ cup perky breasts and shortness was truly part Asian. The longer thick blonde hair and muscled legs were that of German heritage. And her beautiful full butt obviously that of an African queen. Her butt cheeks were shaped of a long distance runner. The globes actually splaying apart slightly as though each cheek worked independently of the other.

Ann was often embarrassed when undressing in gym class and always kept her backside away from others stares. Standing perfectly straight, her ass cheeks actually fell open naturally, showing off her full crease right into the soft puckered anus deep within her globes. It actually appeared as if there were an invisible pair of hands pulling her cheeks apart.

But now, in the privacy of her Texan home, Ann actually did not care. She knew deep down her tiny slim body and full ass was a true man-killer. She knew how men looked at her. A ‘spinner’ one had called her. What-ever that meant.

Slipping into the small white bikini, Ann tied the small strings of the bottom half onto her lower hips. The same with the upper bra top. The tiny triangles barely covered up her perky breasts, the hard nipples sticking out like erasers, poking into the white form fitting suit. The bottom half also did not cover much of the tiny blonde. The small patch between her legs just barely covered the sparse blonde pubic hair underneath. The backside covered her full ass cheeks nicely though. She hated it when her panties worked into her ass cheeks. And she obviously never wore thong panties either. Even still, she constantly had to pull the panty fabric out of her crack, even with ‘granny’ panties. It was just how her butt worked them into her.

Grabbing some tanning oil and a chilled bottle of wine, Ann finally stepped out onto the pool patio. The hot sun was at high noon, burning brightly down on the tiny girls frame. She applied plenty of dark tanning oil to her whole body. Being hidden and alone, she could liberally apply oil to every visible part of her body. And being of German decent, she tanned quickly to a golden brown. In only a few hours, Ann’s body turned a beautiful bronze color. And the bottle of wine kept her feeling better than she had in months!

Her thoughts turned sexual as she laid out in her tiny revealing suit. She was still a virgin. Only been to first base with a boy in college. Though she had lost her hymen the first year out here at the ranch riding the neighbors horse. She remembers a slight pain, then wetness as she bounced roughly in the saddle. The saddle horn had hit her square enough to tear out her cherry. She was lucky it was with another girl and she had worn thick jeans. No one was the wiser.

But she quickly found out a few nights later as she masturbated with her usual ‘toy’, a 6” carrot. As usual, Ann always buried the length in her tight pussy as far as it could go right up to her hymen. But this time, instead of only taking less than half of the orange dildo, the whole thing easily slipped deep into her open pussy. She actually lost the full length within her orgasming hole! It had slipped from her fingers deeply into her depths, only her fingertips barely making contact with the 6” long carrot. From that day, Ann had always wondered just how deep her pussy really was. She had slowly graduated from the 6” carrot to a 9” thicker cucumber. Though she rarely found any privacy within the dorm, in the past half dozen times she was able to experiment, Ann had taken every advancement easily within her hungry pussy with ease. Just what her limits were, the tiny girl never knew yet. But just thinking about her sweet pussy now, with her tiny bikini working its way into her butt cheeks, Ann began to get that longing once again.

Her pussy needed to be stretched once more! It had been over 9 months since her last experiment when she took the 9” thick cucumber easily. She quickly tried to remember what vegetable or object there might be around the ranch she could possibly use. The wine bottle? Way too thick. The small cucumbers in the fridge? All under 8”. Same with the carrots. But, what about the ears of fresh corn on the cob? They were at least 9” long, and actually thicker than a regular cucumber too. Plus the kernels would feel good running across her sensitive clit.

It was settled then. Ann quickly got up from the chase lounge and made her way to the fridge. She realized the effects from the wine hit her as she wobbled to and from the kitchen. With two of the largest ears proudly in hand, Ann settled back down on the lounge. Once the ears were peeled and shucked, she saw the true size of her pussy intruders. The smaller ear was a good 8” long by her standards. And the larger one was at least a couple inches longer and much thicker!

Ann decided to use the smaller 8” ear first. Taking a quick look around at her private pool, she slowly eased her bottoms off. Pulling on the strings holding the small patch of material matted to her already seeping pussy, in seconds her toned thighs lay spread wide open. Even in the few hours in the suns hot rays, her tan had taken on a golden color. The pure white triangle outlined her puffy blonde mound. Her pussy was inflamed, clearly flooded with her excitement.

Ann applied plenty of the nearby oil, running the slippery fluid over her pussy and down into her ass crack below. She gingerly took ahold of the apparatus and laid the yellow head against her opening pussy hole. With a slight inward pressure, she felt the ear slowly pushing her pedals apart. Adding small in-and-out movements, Ann could feel the ear making progress into her welcoming hole. She kept her eyes closed tightly, not wanting to see the progress, rather feel its progression instead. The sight just might also be too much for the small girl anyway. So what her eyes did not see, the better for her tiny body.

Ann worked the big yellow ear in and out of her ever loosening pussy with an unexpected ease. From the feelings within her sloppy pussy, she knew the girth was not an issue, and the length had to be almost fully within her. Sure enough, in the next few strokes, her nimble fingertips made contact with her outer pussy lips. She had easily taken the whole 8” ear with ease. It was not that surprising since her last episode with the similar sized cucumber months ago.

Plus, with the private surroundings, wine, and much needed vacation, it made sense her body reacted as such. But now she looked at the much bigger ear of corn with a heightened sense of urgency. This would clearly be another test of her body’s acceptance. Could this be her final challenge? At a good 10” plus length, and much thicker diameter, the golden ear would bring her pussy to a whole new level. How such a small 4’9” frame could accept such a length was beyond her.

But the turned on girl was now determined to find the true bottom of her hungry pussy. The timing was right, her mood was right, and from the look of her open pussy hole, her body was ready too.

Ann applied more oil to her glistening pussy. She felt a majority of the cool oil make its way into her open hole, coating the path for her next ‘boyfriend’.

Taking the much bigger ear in her trembling hands, Ann set the pointed tip against her spasming hole. Her hands hardly fit around the larger ear. She thought briefly of turning back, but the wine took over and she began to slowly move the huge intruder in and out of her slippery hole.

Once again with her eyes closed tightly, Ann worked the dildo into her with determination. She could feel its advancement into her shaking body, the extra girth very noticeable now as it burrowed deeper. She was not sure of its depth yet, but knew she had reached a new mark for width. There was a slight pain, but still bearable. Ever so slowly, Ann pushed the ear deeper into her welcoming body. She guessed she had at least half of the 10” length buried within her pussy. Her hands tight grasp on the end of the yellow ear had not touched her pussy yet, so there was still much more to go.

The feelings within the walls of her pussy were unbelievable. Her hole stretched tightly around the bumpy ear of corn, each kernel grinding against her swollen clit making her own juices flow between her out stretched thighs. Ann spread her legs even further apart, bringing her knees up onto her heaving chest forcing her pussy to open even further. As she did so, the ear seemed to fall even deeper into her cunt by another full 2 inches!

Ann gasped as her tight walls opened up even further to accept the extra length with a greed she had never known before. It was as if she had been taken over by her own pussy. Her arms now commanded by her inner thighs for the onslaught her pussy demanded. She opened her eyes as her hands tried to force the remaining 3” mercilessly into her depths. As if in another body, Ann simply looked on as the Demon within her took over. She watched as if in a trance as her helpless body succumbed to its inner rage.

In one smooth and swift move, Ann was now squatting over the huge ear of corn as the end lay against the hard fabric of the chase lounge. The useable length was actually much longer this way, as Ann was not previously adding in the extra length where the stalk was cut off. She had only measured the yellow ears kernel length. The stalk had added much more length, more that Ann was afraid to actually gauge as she peered between her spread trembling thighs.

Grabbing the frame of the chase lounge, Ann watched as her body betrayed her. Slowly, her hips began to swivel in small circles, her ass cheeks wide open as she began to slide downwards onto the yellow fuck stick. The lounge had very little give, and the rough cut end of the ear of corn dug into the sturdy fabric preventing it from sliding away. A hope Ann realized would not happen as she began to pump even more of the huge stalk into her already full pussy. Yes! Was she at her limit now? Would her body quit pulling the massive yellow ear into her small frame?

The tightness began to really be felt now as she ground onto the dildoe. Ann decided to just close her eyes for fear she could not take the sight between her open thighs. She concentrated on just the full feeling between her pussy lips. With her eyes closed, the scared onslaught and fear of the unenviable pain went away. All she now felt was a fullness she had never felt before. Easing down in more rapid fucking motions, Ann began to get turned on more and more. The pain was now only a dull reminder of the girth and length she bore down on. An impressive size that now began to work on the tiny girls sexual feelings. Her full pussy began to vibrate as the yellow ear made its way in and out of her tight body. She spread her thighs even wider, making as much room as possible for the intruder. She made a guess there was still at least 2” of yellow corn still to go, not including the stalk below that.

Once again her body took over. Ann soon found her feet up on the edge of the lounges frame. Reaching up, she grabbed ahold of the solid backrest of the lounge securely. In this new position, she found herself squatting over the huge ear of corn. She was now poised for full penetration. Ann knew her body could only take so much, and her senses would not betray or harm her either. So, she just let her body take over at its own will.

In this new position, Ann was able to use her strong thighs to raise and lower her body onto the protruding object with ease. Spreading her thighs as wide as possible once again, she began to fuck herself in earnest. Up and down the tiny girl slid, taking just a little bit more with each stroke downwards.

Ann began to feel another new sensation as the end of the ear of corn hit the entrance to her cervix. She still kept her eyes closed tightly, not wanting to see exactly how much she had allowed into her small pussy, or how much there was left before it had hit bottom. As the end of the cob continued to bang against her tight cervix opening, something began to give way. The pain was very slight, giving way to a new fullness she had never felt before. She was aware of the large girth spreading her pussy walls apart. But this was a totally new sensation she began to beg for.

Reaching back and grabbing the cheeks of her ass, Ann pulled the soft globes apart as far as possible. She just had to make as much room as possible for the huge ear of corn. Slowly, the ear began to disappear even more into her widening pussy hole. Ann put more and more of her weight into her thrusts, pushing the ear even deeper into her small frame. Soon, her feet were no longer even touching the framing of the lounge, as she hung there, only supported by the huge ear of corn.

With a rush, surprising to even little Ann, she sunk fully onto the ear of corn! Stalk and all!

Anns ass came to rest flat onto the lounge, the entire length of ear plus stalk fully embedded within her small body. It was a fullness she could not describe. Looking down, she saw the bulge in her once flat tummy giving proof the ear of corn was fully immersed within her tight body. She began to estimate its full size now that she had taken its entire length and girth. She figured the ear plus stalk had to be 10” plus another good 3” of stalk. That was a good 13” of cock buried within her petite frame. How was it possible? Was this her limit? She had not even began to actually fuck the apparatus yet. She just took in the extreme full feeling for a few minutes as her body got used to the massive tool.

Finally, she began to pull herself off the lengthy object. Looking between her spread thighs, Ann could just barely see the end of the stalk coming out of her enflamed pussy. It seemed to stay embedded within her, not dropping out at all as she stood up on her feet. Maybe it was the tightness of the hole leading through her cervix that held the cob so well.

Feeling a little scared, Ann decided to get into the house. She knew where her mother had a pliers type of instrument which she could use to help pull the ear out.

Walking into the house brought on new sensations as the huge ear moved from side to side within her stuffed pussy with every step. Finding the instrument, Ann was more at ease knowing she’d be able to retrieve the object.

Retiring to her bedroom, Ann decided to take advantage to her predicament. She was so close to an earth shattering orgasm, so why stop now?

Kneeling by the full length mirror, Ann began to move her hips up and down against a folded pillow she had put on the floor. Her pussy was on fire! The huge ear stayed deep within her cervix, widening the once small hole into her womb out to an unbelievable width. Soon she could feel the huge length begin to move within her loosening up body. Slowly her efforts made the long ear slide up and down within her widening orifices. Inch by inch, the ear began to saw in and out of the tiny girls womb. As she made progress, the horny little girl began to thrust down harder and faster onto the ear of corn. Ann pulled sharply at her hard nipples, pulling the tips out to a good inch of diamond hardness. She worked feverishly to reach an orgasm she needed for months. Up and down little Ann fell against the huge length, its travels made much easier now from her own fluids and the widening out of her pussy walls and stretched out cervix hole deep within the girls tunnel.

Looking between her spread thighs, Ann saw the huge length move in and out of her once small pussy in ever growing strokes. In lengths now of over 8”, the phallas burrowed deeper into the tiny girls hole. Smashing her ass down harder and harder onto the rolled up pillow, Ann forced the corn stalk into her depths as deep as possible. The green stalk end completely disappeared within her sucking pussy walls, needing even more! Ann grabbed the end of the stalk with her strong fingers, and held onto it forcing it even deeper within her walls. Her hand began to follow the yellow fucker, almost completely buried within her pulsating pussy.

Finally, Ann began the rise to her climax. Her whole body shook as the corn cob forced its way deep into her cervix. Her body froze up, tense as wave after wave washed over her tiny frame. She let go of the ear of corn as she ground her clit hard into the pillow, her orgasm taking over her small frame completely.

She lie there, too weak to move right away as her body shook uncontrollably from the aftershocks. Slowly, Ann looked between her sloppy pussy. The pillow was soaked with her nectar. But there was no sign of her yellow friend to be seen. Reaching gingerly between her spreed thighs, Ann could not feel the stalk anywhere. Deeper she shoved her hand, finally touching the stalks end. Surprisingly, with a little push, the long ear of corn began to come out of her. Inch by inch, and to Ann’s amazement, the ear pushed out. It was coated in her milky cum, still running like a river from her loins. She had to raise up off the soaked pillow, giving the ear plenty of room for the full length to escape her pussy’s grasp. Finally, the ear fell over between her thighs. Its true girth and length in plain sight for the tiny girl to estimate its true size. She figured its girth at the widest point being about 2 1/2” across. The length with ear and stalk had to be a good 13” long. She figured her cervix and womb had swallowed at least 4 “ of the fuck rod when fully inserted.

Ann tried to stand on wobbly legs as the cum ran from her open pussy. Looking back at the mirror, she could see her once tiny pussy hole now hung open like a cave. Her hand easily burrowed into her cunt with ease. It brought on new feelings as her already overwhelmed clit vibrated with renewed energy. ‘Later my friend”, Ann mumbled to her little button.

The hot shower felt wonderful as the water washed away all her aches and pains of the days ordeal. Toweling off, Ann took another good look at her abused pussy. Unbelievably, her once loose pussy hole had closed up completely. Even the dull ache she had just had in her lower belly seemed to subside. She could almost feel her widened out cervix had also shrunken back to normal. A woman’s body was more adaptable than she imagined.

Ann tucked herself into bed, falling into a sound sleep dreaming of more adventures coming to push her pussy to even higher limits.


Ann Takes a Walk in the Woods

The next morning Ann awoke to a rainy day. It was the type of rain that lasted all morning, but since she had homework and house chores to do, she made good time of staying indoors today.

Her pussy had also returned to normal. The slight knowledge that she had fucked herself silly the day before was reduced to a mere memory. The small tickle deep within her tummy, close to her cervix reminded her though. Her little clit became hard as she reminisced about the fun day.

But Ann was a a good girl today. The chores were done, and homework finished too. It was nice to relax all alone.

The following morning was much nicer. The full sun shined brightly into her bedroom window bringing new life into the tiny girl. She jumped out of bed ready for whatever the warm breezes brought. She loved keeping in shape, so a long walk and run combo was in the cards for the day.

Being she would not run into anyone out in the woods behind the ranch, Ann decided to wear a short sun dress with her sneakers. The flowery top and lacy bottom resembled a pair of running shorts anyways. Besides it gave less friction between her legs for the long run she planned. As the small 80 pound, 4’9” girl dressed, she looked over her petite body in the full length mirror. The sun she had gotten the other day really highlighted her figure. Her skin had turned to a golden glow, and the pure white patches where her tiny suit had covered up her utmost private parts were in deep contrast to her figure. She was not sure if it was because of the fucking she gave herself the other day, or just the time to relax. But something was definitely happening to the tiny girls womanly charms. Her small ‘B’ breasts seemed perkier with her 1/2” nipples almost constantly at attention now. And her pussy lips seemed much fuller than before. She giggled noting that was obviously from the corn cob fucking. She could even feel the walls to her small vagina appeared much wetter the past couple days since then. And the unmistakable tickle deep within her womb gave way to the fact she had been fucked very well indeed! Her skin seemed to glow too along with her thick hair that seemed much fuller too. Yes, she was turning to a mature woman. With all the charms of a ripe whore she added proudly. As she slipped the sun dress on, she thought about another outfit to wear. The dress was obviously from years ago. The hem was much shorter than she remembered. And the top made her little kitties push upwards as though she had a push-up bra on. But it was all her. She opted out of any bra today. The dress held her breasts just fine in its halter type grip. It was perfect for her anticipated run. As she bent over to tie her tennis shoes on, she giggled as the round globes of her ass stuck out from under the short hem. Well then, yes, panties would be a nice touch she thought. Ann picked out a nice lacy pair with a very low cut crotch area. Of course, her ass was mostly covered. But she knew she’d be picking the garment out of her full ass cheeks constantly. It was just how it was! With her long blonde hair streaming behind her, Ann was ready!

She started out from the back yard through a path she’d taken many times before. She would cover nearly 10 miles never crossing a road or coming close to another branch as she ran.

With a bottle of water, Ann began her outing. As her favorite music blared through her ear buds, she quickly found herself far from home. After about 5 miles or so, Ann decided to take a short breather and drink some water. The woods were very peaceful with birds chirping and squirrels darting about. She had even seen a few deer as she ran through the forest. It was actually quite noisy once she pulled the ear buds out. The woods were alive!

Now, sitting on a fallen tree, Ann began to think of the fucking she had out by the pool the other day. Her dirty little mind was more aware of her sexual urges, and it seemed her pussy was more alive than it had been for years. And the proof was her hard clit and the dampness forming at her panty covered crotch. Looking under the short hem, she saw how the pedals of her cunt smashed against the tight fabric as the dew from her tunnel coated the white lace with a wet spot. “Oh my god”!, she thought. It amazed her how easily she got excited these days. She could almost smell the heat coming up from her lust filled thighs.

Like a small wailing, Ann brought her head up to the distant sounds. What was it? Far in the distance. There it was again, drifting with the slight breeze. It sounded like dogs barking, way in the distance. Ann then remembered her parents mentioning that family dogs were being let to run free.

They posed no problems, except scaring the local farm animals. And once darkness fell, the domesticated bunch always found their way home to food and shelter. No one complaint, mostly because of the guilt in letting their own dogs run free. Besides they all felt because they were in the country, it was all ok.

Ann listened to what sounded like a small pack get closer and closer to her. Not wanting a bunch of slap-happy dogs at her feet, Ann hid within a thick bush, sitting on a log as they passed by. She finally saw them approach her. There were at least 6-8 dogs of different breeds. Some average sized, a few very big. She figured a small poodle or the type could not keep up with the big breeds anyway. She did not know all her breeds, but recognized a few from friends or family pets. She saw a german shepherd, great dane, a golden and black lab, and Rottweiler too. A few she had no idea. Maybe a mix breed type. One of the mixed dogs were actually quite large. Almost like a small horse. But all of them seemed to be quite happy running free through the woods.

As she sat there watching, it seemed the others were quite interested with the smaller yellow lab. The larger dogs were sniffing her backside, and seemed to be trying to tackle it. Were they just playing? But soon the rottweiler jumped upon the yellow labs back, grabbing the labs torso tightly with his front legs. He seemed to be pushing his back legs into the smaller dogs butt.

Now Ann was not that dumb, and her face flushed deep red as she realized just what was happening there in front of her. The yellow lab was obviously in heat, and the other male dogs were trying to mate with it. She watched intently as the bigger Rottweiler ground his flanks into the accepting females rump. With a sharp yelp, Ann realized he had made his mark. For about a full minute, the larger dog humped faster than she had ever seen. The smaller lab just stood there, whimpering softly as the brute above her mated with her. After his frenzied thrusting, the larger dog just stood there until he swung his legs over her back. They were stuck like that now, neither of them moving. Locked together for some reason, both dogs just stood there as a few of the other larger dogs still tried to hump her. Jumping on her back, she guessed there was just not enough room for another doggie cock to penetrate.

Ann was shocked! She had just witnessed two dogs fucking. Pure natural, hardcore fucking in the wild. It was actually quite stimulating as she peered on. So much, that she soon found her hand under her short skirt rubbing the tight panties against her throbbing pussy. The dampness was undeniable as her nectar seeped onto the lace between her open thighs. She almost longed to be that golden lab herself. Getting her tiny pussy fucked by the larger brute.

But as she looked on, the other dogs had caught her scent. Slowly they approached the bush she was hidden in. Their noses sniffing the mornings brisk air, looking for the sweet smell of fresh pussy. Ann knew exactly what they were smelling. Hell, she could smell the heat she put out herself. Raw excited pussy!

It did not take the dogs long to find their way into the dense bush. She had nowhere to run, and simply sat there, legs still open wide, too scared to make a quick move. She did not want to scare them either. What if they became mean? They were not wild dogs, she thought. Most had collars and name tags on them for petes sake. These were domesticated breeds that were well fed and belonged to happy homes and owners.

So she simply let them sniff away at her exposed arms and legs. Maybe they’ll get bored and leave soon, she thought. But as the dogs got closer, that was not on their minds. The german shepherd was the first to poke his big head under her short skirt. She could feel his warm breath as he pulled in her musky fragrance. By instinct, Ann opened her legs wider giving the big dog better access to her damp pussy. There was no need to make things worst with the huge animals that now circled her. As she glanced around, her tiny frame actually shrunk in comparison to the large beasts. Sitting on the log, she could not even see over the backs of the larger breeds.

But, Ann was not afraid anymore, her natural sexual animal urges surprising her as she became turned on by the dogs advances. Finally, there it was. A huge swipe from the dogs meaty tongue fully across her pouting pussy lips. Ann reeled at the the hot tongues power. She gulped for air, her legs splaying out even further as the big dog began to lick at her swollen pussy with vigor.

She was aware of the other dogs around her. Damp noses pushed into all parts of her body, looking for her nectar. She was getting turned on from all the male attention.

But wait! This was not right! She had to break free from this unnatural act.

Turning quickly on the log, Ann tried to make a run for it. But she did not get far as her feet got tangled up within the underbrush, and she soon found herself bent over the fallen log. She was stuck there now. She could not of offered her body any better than the way she was at this very moment. Her blonde haired head now lay looking down at the dirt and leaves on the forest floor, her pantied covered ass high in the air for the dogs enjoyment. She waited for the worst. Maybe they would tire and resume their fun with the golden lab.

But soon she could feel the shepards rough tongue back between her legs. With her legs pulled apart, he had full access to her pantied pussy. Soon Ann could feel yet another dogs tongue within her thighs. Looking back she saw the great dane with his even larger snout buried within her folds.

But they were working together, and the heat Ann put out by instinct drove them on. Soon her tight panties were dripping with the dogs saliva mixed with her own pussy juice.

The pure animalism took over Anns body. She realized she was pushing her ass back into the two tongues. The fire building within her belly was undeniable. She needed to cum!

Reaching back, Ann pulled the soaking panties off the globes of her parted ass cheeks and down her toned thighs offering an unobstructed assess into her womanly goods. Throwing caution into the wind, Ann’s only thought now was the dull ache deep within the walls of her cunt. She squealed as the dogs went wild on her pussy. Soon there was a rough tongue driving well into her sopping cunt. Another rough tongue worked on the tiny blondes asshole. The wrinkled opening easily gave away to the long intruder as it snaked into her guts. Ann had never had anal sex, but had used the small carrot on her rosebud many times. And now, between the dogs saliva and her own juices, both of her well greased holes welcomed the onslaught they were getting.

With her soaked panties now around one ankle, they had full access to her greedy pussy and asshole. Ann reached back pulling the cheeks of her ass wide apart for them. With renewed vigor, the dogs dug even deeper into the tiny blondes splayed charms … Both her holes were filled with the dogs slippery tongues. She could not believe how easily her asshole opened up for the slimy digit as it raced into her bowels. The once wrinkled ring expanding quickly to accommodate the thick tongue. Sensations ran through her, folding her mind with wicked sexual urges. There was no mistake! Ann was on fire! The two dogs attacked her openings as though her holes bore the gift of life. She was quickly approaching another deep orgasm, holding her ass cheeks wide open for them.

But suddenly, there was a great weight upon her back. She thought one of the other dogs surrounding her was trying to get to her hot pussy from in front of her. As she opened her eyes, she could see the huge bodies of the bother dogs fighting for her open thighs.

“Theres plenty of pussy to go around boys!”, she wailed as the weight shifted wildly on her back. Her short skirt was roughly puled up high onto her back exposing her thin waist and tiny frame to the whole pack. But then she could feel something much different probing her ass cheeks. It was much hotter than the two tongues had been. And it began to poke around wildly, looking for her pussy hole. She imagined the third dog had pushed the other two out of the way, and one of them was trying desperately to get their tongue back into her sweet nectar. So Ann began to try and steer her pussy into the wandering tongue as it skipped wildly between her open ass cheeks. She moved her ass from side to side, following the darting object until it finally hit her open pussy hole.

But instead of just poking around just inside her loose hole, the heated point darted much deeper into the folds of her cunt. As soon as the dogs hairy paws and forearms wrapped around her thin waist, Ann knew exactly what the darting object was! But it was too late! The big dogs legs wrapped around her thin waist even tighter, pulling the tiny girl backwards onto his growing red cock. In a few hard jabs, the big dog buried his poker deep within her inviting pussy hole. Looking up now as the brutes head hovered above hers, Ann realized the Shepard had mounted her. And her body betrayed her, actually pushing back onto the jabbing canines hot cock like a true bitch in heat. Just as she had watched the yellow get fucked, the larger Shepard rocketed into her pussy in a speed she could not fathom for a good couple minutes or so. His pistoning doggie cock burrowed deeper and deeper into the recesses of her inviting folds. Ann looked down between her spread legs, her flat tummy starting to show the signs of the canines large cock burrowing up within her small body. Her pussy mound was soaked with the hot jets of cum that had mixed with her own juices and the saliva from the two rough tongues. Her soft blonde pubic hair just barely covering her pussy was matted against her puffy mound making the untanned triangle seem even smaller. To Ann’s amazement, she was easily able to take the brutes hot cock as she felt it slide deep into her cunt. She was glad she had fucked the corn cob the other day which had to help widen her pussy walls out. But then the huge dog held her fast as the cock began to grow. He was not thrusting into her anymore, but his pecker was undeniably growing larger within her. As he held her against his furry loins, his cock began to surge, pumping loads of pre-cum into her insides. Ann thought the dog was cumming as the pressure built from the copious load he continued to pump into her guts.

But this ordeal was just beginning for the naive young girl. Thicker and longer the canines prick grew. In no time, the hot tip was pushing through her once tight cervix. And a ball shaped plug began to grow just inside her pussy lips. It was a sensation she had never felt before in her life. Surely the dogs cock would stop growing, right? But it still became larger within the confines of her pussy walls. He was now clearly well into her womb, her cervix expanding to take the width of his doggie cock. And the bulb just within her pussy still grew to an amazing size. Her vagina lips clung wetly to the base of the beasts veined rod as the pressure built within her stretching pussy. Ann had to spread her legs even further apart giving the dog more room to expand his cock within her. And the pain of being nearly split in two from the huge embedded cock was almost too much to bear. Added pressure from the dogs cum filling every nook and canny of her abused pussy kept the young girl wondering if she had truly met her match. She had to have finally reached her pussy’s limit! There was no more room for anything within her sloppy walls. Finally the dogs cock stopped growing, the excruciating pressure within her walls seemed unbearable. Tears welled up in the girls blue eyes as she held the cheeks of her ass open widely to help relieve some of the pain. But slowly, the pain subsided. And out of the depths of the tiny girls tummy came that familiar feeling once again. She was actually turned on by the dogs assault on her body. As he lay there above her, his furry body covering her up like a rag doll, she could still feel his cock pulsating deep within her. He continued to pump her insides with his warm seed.

All of a sudden in one quick move, the huge dog threw his leg over her back so that they were now locked butt to butt. Just as the other dogs she had seen earlier do.

She was now their bitch in heat, locked with a dogs huge cock buried deep within her hungry pussy hole. Her knees just barely reached the ground as she hung there, stuck with the huge brute. But the sensations grew as her clit rubbed sharply on the animals hard ball within her. She was almost cumming constantly in a never-ending orgasm. It seemed like well over 1/2 hour before the ball within her greedy pussy shrunk enough to finally pull free with a loud pop! Ann looked back at the dogs cock and ball that had just come out of her open pussy. His cock was well over 8” long, and the ball a good 3” around. No wonder he got got stuck within her small pussy.

But before she could catch her breath she felt the weight of yet another large dog jump upon her back. She had no time to prepare for the next doggie cock to fuck into her wide open slit. Looking back at the jabbing haunches, Ann saw the bigger great dane desperately trying to insert his hot prick into her gash. It did not take but a few quick jabs and his cock found her wide open hole. He easily fucked forward burying the full length of his doggie cock within her pussy. With the added cum from the Shepard and her own nectar, it was easier than ever to plow forward into the stretched out vagina. She felt the slimy cock burrow deep within her womb, passing through her cervix like it never existed. And his jarring thrusts kept pounding his cock in and out of her well oiled hole with ease. Even as he grew thicker and longer, it took some time before he was just too big inside her to move anymore. Thats when he just stopped and pulled her small framed ass back hard into his loins. There he held her tightly as his cock also expanded as the shepherds cock had also done. But the great dane was a much larger dog, and his cock was also much larger. Ann began to panic as the ball once again swelled just inside the walls of her vagina. The hot pointed cock also grew deeper into her cervix. The walls of her womb ballooned out as the dogs pick expanded into her tiny pussy. His red veined cock touched the most rear portion of her womb, even further than the ear of corn had gone a few days before. And the ballooned ball just inside her pussy lips still grew to an amazing size. Ann felt as though a grapefruit had been shoved into her gash. Surely he had to stop growing! She thought she was going to pass out from the swelling pain within her small frame. Finally he seemed to quit growing. His cock completely filled her womb and cervix, much more than the past doggie had. And once again she was butt to butt with the great dane. Stuck on his pulsating ball as he pumped his seed deep within her walls. This time they stayed locked for almost 40 minutes. As she hung there helpless, Ann pulled another dog over to her. It was the black lab. In her frenzied state of excitement, Ann wanted to see just what a dogs cock looked like. She grabbed under the dogs belly, soon finding his semi-erect penis. It was very hot to the touch, and seemingly very large in her petite hands. She began to stroke the happy lab, his red veined cock poking out further and further from his fur covered sheath. He soon began to shoot cum from the pointed tip. Some of the warm liquid landed upon her face. She could smell the beasts musk as the dogs seed dripped closer to her blushed lips. She had never tasted cum before, but given the circumstance she was in, it seemed the natural thing to do. Easing her tongue out, Ann lapped cautiously at the clear fluid now on her upper lips. The pungent taste was actually not that bad. It was warm, a bit salty, and had a somewhat wild flavor to it. As she held the labs cock in her tight grasp, she noticed the almost constant squirting of his doggie fluids. His red hot pecker also grew much larger within her petite quivering hands. She was really getting an up close look at the anatomy of a canines cock. The deep red veined prick grew both in length and width as she squeezed it between her tiny hands. And the bulb at its base also grew larger. It was about the size of a small orange now, and very hard. This was obviously why she had gotten stuck to the others dogs cocks as their balls had expanded within her tight pussy walls.

This brought her thoughts back to the beast still locked within her poor pussy. She had guessed by mere size, the great danes cock and ball had to be even larger than the smaller labs she held in her hands. She estimated the labs cock to be at least 7” long and added another 3” to his bloated ball. She could only imagine the size of the much larger dane stuck in her at the moment. Weight wise, the dane had to be about 90 pounds. Just about her own weight in her birthday suit. And the black lab was easily about 60 pounds she guessed.

As her pussy continued to milk the seed from the danes spurting cock, Ann brought the labs cock to her sweet mouth. As he sprayed his clear cum over her lips, Ann took the next slutty step and pulled the hot cock deeper into her mouth. The texture was somewhat rough, but smooth as the deep veins pumped the engorged cock full of blood. Ann allowed the lab to start fucking forward and back, using her open mouth as another cunt. Deeper and deeper the canines prick went until her lips met the large ball at its base. She had never sucked a cock before, and actually liked the power she held in her hands. She could finally control a part of this beastly rape herself. Grabbing the labs cock just behind the large ball, Ann pushed the doggie cock in and out of her sucking mouth. She allowed the pecker to delve deeper over her tongue as he sprayed his seed constantly into her open throat. Sucking the dogs cock brought Ann to a another level of perversion. Her pussy vibrated its approval as she sucked in earnest at the hard cock thrusting down her throat. She tried her best to satisfy the beast as it pumped his seed into her belly. Her mouth tried to suck the large ball into her mouth too, but it was way too big to get past her open lips. But the black lab was getting an “A” for efforts as he now smashed his doggie prick harder and harder into the little girls warm orifice. Ann began to try her best to accommodate the frenzied brutes hard lunges at her throat. Even surprising her, Anns throat began to open even wider. The ball actually began to slowly pass through her over-stretched lips allowing the hot cock to travel deeper within her sucking throat. As she sucked as hard as possible, the ball finally entered her stuffed mouth!

The full penetration only lasted a few seconds, luckily for the tiny girl as she gasped for air. But once again her body had gone to new heights taking an unimaginable feat square on and being victorious. It was all the lab needed, and began to cum in an amount that surprised the small girl. She was amazed at the copious spurts of cum that flowed freely down her welcoming throat. She drank it all in. Sperm flooded into the tiny girl from both ends now as her pussy also sucked the remaining jets of seed from the danes cock still embedded deep within her womb.

Suddenly, she felt the weight of yet another brute upon her small back. This time it was some sort of mixed breed, even bigger than than the great dane stuck within her sucking pussy. But being bent over, and the globes of her ass spread wide by her grasping hands, she had presented her ass to the beast with an open invitation. Ann felt the hard slimy beasts cock thrusting between her spreads wide ass cheeks. There was no room for the beast to enter her already stuffed pussy, but she loved the friction between her bouncing white globes of her ass. The pointed prick danced through her wet crack, brushing hotly against her wrinkled anus ring. Surely she could not take such an object within her virgin asshole. But the big brute continued to jab within her ass cheeks. Every once and a while the veined pointed cock hit her anus square on, actually entering her nether opening just an inch or so. Though Ann figured there was just not enough room for two huge dog cocks within her tiny frame, she still enjoyed the sexy jabbing a lot. She could feel the desperation in the big dogs advances trying to bury his hot poker within the small bitch beneath him. Harder and faster the beast thrust forward, his pre-cum now coating her wrinkled anus and the canines cock with plenty of lubrication. Ann had no where to go being locked tightly with the danes cock lodged firmly within her grasping pussy. All she could do was hope the great beast above her tired with his attempts and dismounted her tiny body. But her body and asshole began to betray her once again. She could feel her tight anus open up slightly to the ever hardening pokes from the jabbing prick. The canines cock noticed the winkled star’s yielding flesh as he doubled his efforts to get inside her small body. Soon Ann could feel the hot poker making small advances into her widening ass. Inch by inch the great cock made progress. Her once tight anal opening stretched out wide to take almost 4” of the beasts hot cock. Surprising to even the already stuffed Ann, she felt no pain with the intruder. In fact she realized her ass had also lifted upwards trying to get the doggie cock deeper into her bowels. She could not control the heated bitch within her and practically begged to be fucked by the great beast. “Yessss!!!”, she wailed as the hot thick cock stretched the walls of her asshole wider and wider. “Oh fuck me deeper with your doggie cock!”, she whimpered, lost in another deep climax. And as though the brute understood her, his efforts to bury his massive cock within her 4’9” body intensified. Ann could feel the two cocks within her used body rubbing together between the thin membrane between her pussy and asshole. The mutts ball banged into her stretched out anal opening trying to gain entrance into her stuffed hole. But there was simply no room for the huge grapefruit sized ball to go in. He had to settler with his relentless jabbing forward spewing the cum from his balls deep into the tiny blondes anal tract. Ann felt the rush of hot seed pouring into her bowels making her anus clamp down on the huge tool ravaging her asshole. Her climax shattered her own mind as her pussy in sync clamped down on the danes huge cock still buried within her weeping pussy hole. She wanted the feelings to last forever, but the mutt was finished with the bitch below him. His balls had emptied everything he had deep within the rear passageway of the blondes anal cavity. In a quick jump, he was off her leaving her asshole gaping wide open, still grasping for the canines cock. Ann took a quick glance at the brutes cock and almost fainted! It was massive! It was almost as thick as a coke can, and at least 10” long! How could her near-virgin asshole accommodate such a weapon? Ann quickly examined her open anus, confirming the rough fucking it had just endured. Her poor ass hung open, easily taking three of her finger right down to her palm. The sperm flowed out of her mixing with the weeping cum still flowing out of her stuffed pussy. But she felt no lasting damage, no tearing or what she thought might be a bleeding asshole. In fact, her once wrinkled anus actually grabbed her fingers in a tight after-shock of her climax. She was happy though her first anal experience did not include the beasts huge ball stuck within her virgin asshole. She could only imagine the length of time that would take to come back out after the swelling went down.

Finally after about 40 minutes, the danes cock shrunk enough to pull free of the small girls wide open pussy. In a torrent of mixed cum from herself and the great danes constant pumping of doggie seed into her vagina, the fluids ran out of the tiny girls wide open pussy in a gush! Ann felt the air rush in filling the vacuumed void where the massive doggie prick had been. She tried to glance over her back to get a look at the beasts cock, but he had already escaped into the brush. Looking around, the entire pack had suddenly vanished into the woods leaving her bent over the log, her ass still up in the air, open for whatever wanted to take advantage of her vulnerable position. But all the beasts had all disappeared. She was almost saddened by the thought her pussy would not be ravaged again. She still felt the cum pouring out of her open gash, ready for yet another canines hot cock to continue her constant orgasms. She was afraid to think just how stretched out her wide open pussy was. Her ass cheeks were even somewhat sore from her efforts to widen her pussy out for the beasts rape of her tiny body. Gingerly feeling between her sopping thighs, Ann was astonished she was not as wide open as she thought. Miraculously her pussy walls were already restricting back to a smaller size. Her pussy lips hung open, puffy from the abrasion they underwent with the furry dogs shafts. Even though her fingers easily went deep into her open cunt, she could feel no pain or damage from the rough rape of her tiny body.

Standing on shaky legs, Ann peeled the cum soaked skirt off her back and began the long walk back home. The further she walked, the better she felt physically. The attack from the pack of dogs began to wear off her limber stout frame. She was simply amazed at the way her abused body recovered after the three doggie rapes. Obviously nature compensated for her size allowing her body to accommodate a much larger cock within her tiny frame. That had to be it Ann guessed. Natures way of evening things out. Still the young girl wondered just where her limits were. Her pussy and asshole had now been used and abused beyond her wildest dreams, and yet no lasting damage to her petite frame. Ann skipped the remaining way home, cum still running from both her orifices coating her sleek toned thighs with the gooey mixture. Once home, a nice warm bath would heal her body even more, washing away the days event from her sexually awakened body.


Little Ann Prepares for Her Next Encounter

As Ann continued to relax at the ranch, her thoughts kept coming back to the past days events. Her sexual appetite had soared from the gang type rape endured by the dog pack. Her pussy and asshole seemed alive with a new realization of her body’s needs. She loved fucking! But not just by anyone, but the raw savage animal instinct she had out in the woods. It was pure fucking at its best. No wining and dining. No drama or the nasty rumors she had heard of so much in school of the girls who gave their pussy’s away in regret of the aftermath. And no guilt between a supposed lover and then the need to cling onto someone simply because she had given her charms away.

No, this was a perfect way to not only satisfy a deep need within her blossoming body, but walk away with no unwanted fallout.

As she reminisced about the triple dog fucking she a few days ago, Ann realized she had only serviced three of the eight or so dogs there. The long tie between the two dogs had taken way too much time, and the dogs got restless and left. She did not feel the blow job counted because she had not actually fucked the black lab. And actually the larger mutt had not fully penetrated her asshole enough to qualify for a full fuck. She had not taken the dogs huge ball into her body. Even though her reasoning seemed weak, Ann still knew there was plenty of cum and cock she had missed out on. She had to find a way to accommodate every one of her canine studs. The only way possible she thought, was to eliminate the long tie period giving yet another mutt to fuck her too. And if she could just let the dogs fuck her and cum, and be able to pull their swollen balls from her tight pussy, it could be done.

She began to study the internet of the aspects of the canine body. She found out the ball as she called it was actually referred to a knot. And as the canine embedded his cock into the female bitch, the knot at the base of his cock expanded to lock the pair together as he emptied his sperm deep into her womb. She also found out the amount of a dogs ejaculation was far more than she had thought. The ‘pre-cum’ which acted as a natural lubricant spurted constantly from the sensitive tip all during the time the dog had an erection. His final cumming of his animal sperm was just like a mans, shooting deeply into the recesses of the bitches cunt. Only a canines cum was much more in volume than a human male. That would account for the steady flow of fluids from her pussy and ass, during and after she had mated with the dogs.

Furthermore, the size of the canines cock resembled the overall size of the animal. Larger the dog, the bigger cock should be. Thinking back, Ann had the largest dog, the mutt, fuck her asshole. She knew there was a few of the dogs which might be bigger than the mutt, but did not recognize the breed. According to the internet, some of the largest breeds were Mastiff, Great Dane, Newfoundland, and Irish Wolfhound. Ann had recognized some of these breeds that day in the woods. But she had not gotten close enough to them to really see their true size. From the pictures on the internet, they would like full grown horses next to her small 4’9” frame. She could only imagine the true sizes of their cocks with a shudder. That thought brought chills down her spine trying to imagine a cock that had to be well over a foot in length and a knot the size of a grapefruit embedded with her tiny body. Surely her limits would be far from accepting such a fuck tool.

But the thought intrigued the small girls sexual appetite. If she were to actually believe she could accommodate such an organ, she would have to plan a way to open her pussy up and experiment to see exactly where and how she could do such a task. Plus then every one of the beasts should be able to fuck her at least once eliminating the long tie times.

Ann’s mind wandered, her schooling kicking in as she relied on her engineering skills. She decided a trip into town was in the planning. Besides she needed some other supplies anyway and the drive would be good for her.

As she wandered through the grocery store, Ann’s mind wandered. The shape of the canine sex organ appeared within her brain as she scoured over the vegetables. Obviously a cucumber was the closest to the dogs actually penis. Plus there were many different sixes to choose from. Ann picked three. From an 8” cute to an impressive 12” thick one. Her hands actually shook as she placed the huge phallus’ into her cart. Of course she also threw in a head of lettuce, carrots, and the such as to not make her choices so obvious. Next she looked for something to resemble the huge canine knots. A rutabaga had the best shape for her experiment. There were different sizes too. Trying to match up her cucumbers, Ann picked three of various circumferences. The smallest one was at least 3” across. The next one a solid 4”, and the third well over 5” across. Her tummy sucked in as she held the largest of the vegetables in her tiny hand. Combined with the largest 12” cucumber, the total length would be close to 17” of animal cock. Ann’s pussy began to dampen at the thought of such a combination embedded within her tiny body. She knew the thought of such a feat was impossible, but the way her body reacted was well worth the dream.

Ann gathered the rest of her supplies making her way through the self-checkout line to prevent any embarrassing contact. From some of the gossip she overheard from some of the towns people, the stray pack had grown slightly. One woman claimed there were well over a dozen dogs now gallivanting across the countryside. And she expected the pack to grow since all the neighbors felt it was OK to let the dogs have some freedom. It was not harming anyone anyways, so who cared? Ann sucked in her breath. She cared, thats for sure. She knew the wealthy people living in these mansions all wanted huge breeds to ‘protect’ themselves. And since some of the much larger breeds sold for thousands of dollars, she was nestled in the right place to have the best fun.

She could hardly wait to get home to go through her supplies. But a quick stop at the hardware store and drug store were is store. A roll of duct take at the hardware store. No issues concerning its use. It was a household staple object. The drug store was a little tricker. She looked for the massive condoms used in this horse country to collect stud sperm. They were also a must for any rancher, and did not need explanation for its purchase. Besides, how in the world could such a tiny girl ever take the size of a horse cock? Or even an average mans cock for that matter. But the tiny blonde knew better, and rushed home with her goodies.

Once home Ann’s mind went to work with her devious plans. Laying the three large cucumbers out matching them up with their rutabaga counterparts put a glow in the young girls face. This was going to work out perfectly.

She took each rutabagas and with a sharp knife carved out a matching shallow hole where the cucumber would fit snuggly together. Next she wrapped a small washcloth around the base so that the transition would not be as huge between each vegetable. Next a little duct tape to assure they would stay together, plus she added a loop of sorts to the bottom end. Just in case she had to pull the combination out of her slutty holes. When she thought each combination was solid enough, she covered each one with a triple condom making sure everything would stay together and feel smooth to the touch. Her engineering skills lay before the proud girl as she looked over the artificial canine doggie cocks. Jus to know exactly what she would encounter, Ann began to measure each peals for a correct size.

The smaller combination’s base was just a hair over 3” across. Adding the cucumber’s length of about 8” for a total length of 11”. Something Ann felt would be a great ice-breaker when she began.

The next size up was a combination of the 4” rutabaga and a 10” cuke. Its total length was an impressive 14”. She had her doubts on this one, but then maybe it would be her limit finally.

The last combo actually looked more like a joke. The obscenely shaped ‘cock’ was a good 5 1/4” across at the base. And adding the 11 1/2 “ cute made an overall length of just under 17”! How a living human could accommodate such a thing was beyond her minds thoughts. But the excitement of its size still gave a familiar tickle to her pussy. At least maybe she could fuck the top half of the cucumber anyways. The girth on the larger cuke was well over 3” across. In any effort, it would be quite the accomplishment to be able to take any part, of the three huge beastly organs.

Ann gathered her new toys up, adding the three bottles of lube she had also purchased, setting them aside until evening. She had to also prepare herself mentally for her deed.

Some more sun out by the pool in her tiny white bikini was just what she needed. Combined with a perfect bottle of wine should set the mood perfectly.

In no time, the small blonde was rocking out to the music. Her tight suit was just barely covering her private parts, and the sun soaked into her skin giving her a deeper golden bronze look. And of course, the wine took its toll on the tiny girl. It did not take much for her to feel its effects. Usually 1 1/2 glasses was her limit. But the bottle was drawn down in a two hour window with its contents of a full 7 glasses gulped down her hungry gullet.

The sun was starting to set. The bottle was empty, and the small 4’9” girl was in perfect shape to start her ordeal. On wobbly legs, she made her way into the large bedroom. She was thankful she had already put down a few sheets over a large piece of plastic. She did not need to clean up a mess that showed any signs of her mischievous bout.

Pulling her top and bottoms of the white bikini from her golden body, Ann looked over her tiny 4’9” frame once again in the full length mirror. She was a goddess! The small triangles on each breast and nestled between her shapely thighs accented her perfect figure. The long blonde hair was now bleached out to an almost platinum hue adding to her dark tan. As she turned her shapely ass towards the mirror, she lifted each globe in her small hands. As usual they spread wide apart showing her pouting pussy lips hanging between her thighs, and the wrinkled little star of her anus. Spreading her cheeks further apart, she remembered the dogs cock that had fucked her asshole just a few days ago. As if in acknowledgement, her little brown hole began to pulsate a little, opening and closing just a bit. The dark little hole was soon as large as a small marble giving a little glimpse into her asshole’s cavity. Next she pulled her hands through her shapely thighs, running her fingertips through the swollen lips of her blonde pussy hair. The lips parted slightly showing off her engorged clit as her excitement grew. She was an 80 pound ball of dynamite!

The tiny blonde finally fell to the floor adjusting the mirror behind her so that she was still the center of its long length. Taking one of the bottles of lube, she coated her firm breasts with the gooey substance as it ran downwards across her flat toned tummy. Reaching her pussy mound, Ann worked the oil deeper into the folds of her pussy. Her body became alive! The sexual urge she longed for was close at hand as she glanced over the canine cocks she had made. They would be perfect for her. Even the largest one gave her chills as she imagined it penetrating her small body. The fear she had before had washed away with the bottle of wine and a day in the hot sun.

It was time. Her body longed for the feeling of being stretched out once again. The sensitivity between her legs was undeniable. Her body throbbed in anticipation of what she would force through the silky pedals of her pussy. She could wait no longer.

Taking hold of the smallest cock of 11”, Ann began to rub the cocks head against her swollen pussy lips. As the curtains parted she looked into the widening hole ready for the canine cock. With just the friction of the dildo against her clit, her pussy walls expanded in preparation of the huge tool. The hole grew larger and larger as she worked the prick up and down along her clit. It was clearly large enough now to easily accommodate the first cock. Looking in the mirror before her, Ann easily pushed the 8” length deep into her pussy in one quick thrust. She gasped as the end of the 8” cucumber banged up against her cervix. She loved the full feeling the fake cock gave her. The walls of her pussy grasped at the intruder, trying to pull more of its length into her womb.

Ann rocked back on her haunches, the canine object poised upon the folded pillow below her wide ass cheeks. As she looked on in the mirror, Ann watched as she ground down onto the larger knot portion of the cock. Slowly, as she eased down with a little weight, the 3” knot began to spread the walls of her pussy apart. The stretching tunnel began to accept the larger knob, slowly disappearing through her pussy lips. Ann watched in amazement as the entire cock and knot was fully engulfed into her tiny body. Her once flat toned tummy had a distinct bulge now confirming the big round knot. She could also feel her cervix as it expanded to allow the passage of the cuke into her womb.

With pride, Ann blushed from how quickly her tiny body had accommodated this huge fuck toy. Her pussy began to drip with her expected orgasm that was building deep within her womb. She rocked back and forth on the embedded penis feeling it move within her welcoming tiny body. But she did not want to cum too quickly just yet. She wanted her climax to build even more as she progressed with the bother two cocks.

So, slowly she reached between her milky thighs and began to pull on the hoop on the bottom of the 3” knot. As she pulled the pecker free from her engorged slit, the walls of her pussy seemed to stay open, hardly closing up at all. She could clearly see into the depths of her wet vagina almost to the opening of her cervix inside. Her pussy vibrated its emptiness now void of the nice cock and knot.

Not wanting her pussy to close up too fast, Ann took advantage of her loose hole and grabbed the next larger size of her imitation canine cock.

After applying more oil liberally to her silky pussy, Ann held the next cock in her trembling hands. There was a very distinct jump in size from the smallest canine cock to the next level she examined in her tiny hands. The cock length was a good 10” long. It rivaled the ear of corn she had fucked earlier this week out by the pool. The width of the cock was a little wider too than the last prick she had just pulled from her open pussy. But the huge ball on the bottom was impressive. Measuring a good 4” across, little Ann wondered just how her tiny body could fit such a monstrosity. Looking back at the dogs cocks that had fucked her, she wondered if the size she held in her small hands was an accurate comparison.

Not wanting to waste too much time, Ann rose above the pillow and placed the huge knot on the soft cushion. The long cock pointed straight upwards a staggering 14” poised ready to violate her tiny pussy. Adding extra oil to the blunt tip, Ann began to work the cock past the lips of her cunt. She had to practically stand just to get the first couple inches into her belly. But as she looked on, she slowly began the tedious downward journey onto the canine cock. She could feel the walls of her vagina stretch around the intruder as she ground down harder onto the slippery shaft. In amazement she had a good 5” of the shaft now buried deep with her wet walls. She knew she could not just bludgeon her pussy down in an assault with this larger object. So she took her time.

Rocking back and forth, Ann began to ride up and down onto the phallas working it naturally into her forgiving orifice. With her eyes closed tightly, Ann only wanted to feel the giant apparatus as it worked deeper and deeper with her small frame. As she fucked the tool, she could feel her body opening up more and more. Finally she felt the tip of the cucumber reach the opening to her cervix. Without looking, Ann knew she had a full 8” of cock stuck within her body. The rest would be a true challenge since not only did she have to widen out the ring to her cervix more, but the much wider 4” knot still had not even begun to make contact with her trembling torso.

But she was determined to go further. Much further until her full potential was reached. Her pussy would heal if needed, but in her mind the journey she was on only had one outcome. And that was to totally open up her pussy as far as possible tonight. With renewed vigor, Ann pressed onward.

Keeping her eyes closed tightly, Ann continued to grind down on the huge canine prick. She could feel the wide tip finally push through her cervix as her ass settled down onto the massive knot. Back and forth Ann rocked onto the huge knot letting her clit grind on the slick texture. She felt her pussy hole begin to open too, trying to desperately engulf the huge knot into her guts. But time was on her side this time, and whatever it took, Ann was prepared to keep at it. For a good 20 minutes Ann ground her ass down onto the huge bulb. Little by little she gained upon its unforgiving girth. Her thighs trembled and shook as she crept up to the half way point of the huge bulb, the thickest part of the knot. With determination she plowed forward, the pressure building within her loins as her gaping pussy still stretched to an insane width to accommodate the knot. She was almost there … so close … so much pressure … so deep…

With a final push, Ann cried as the huge ball slowly disappeared within her over-stretched pussy. She watched, almost in slow motion as the knot followed the cock deep within her hungry cunt. The pressure on her cervix had lessened as the cock made its way deep within her womb. She could feel the pressure now in the back of her womb as all 14” of cock and knot descended totally within her tiny body. She had never felt such an object in her body anywhere near the size of this enormous canine cock. The very distinct bulge in her flat tummy gave proof of the massive knot now tucked securely with the young girls pussy walls.

Ann just froze, fully taking in the incredible feat she had just overcome as her body began to adjust to the huge canine cock. She did not want this moment to pass too quickly and let the appendage settle within her tiny frame. For some reason, Ann thought about having another drink to celebrate her new level of achievement. She remembered the other bottle of chilled wine in the fridge, and slowly got up on shaky legs to fetch it. Every step moved the hard knot against her excited clit and the blunt tip of the cock banged into the very top of her womb. What a stuffed feeling! Her orgasm had been held off for now, hovering in the deeper parts of the tiny girls pit waiting to explode at will. She did not even bring a glass opting out to drink directly from the bottle. Deep down little Ann knew she would need the extra courage to even attempt the next sized concoction she had manufactured to fuck her. Glancing over at the largest canine cock she had put together, a scene of lewd whorish thoughts came to her dirty mind. Where on earth was there anything, man or animal that possessed such a weapon to fuck a female? But here it was. In her bedroom. Ready to fuck the tiny little girls pussy harder than ever.

She needed the strong words and filthy comparisons to help her proceed with the task at hand. And the added booze also helped her stay the course. By now, the huge 14” canine cock still stretching the walls of her pussy apart was not causing anymore discomfort. In fact that familiar old feeling began to creep into her gut from the tips of her painted toes shooting right through her womanly thighs. It zeroed in on the dripping cunt between her legs.

Ann grabbed between her thighs and took hold of the strap secured to the 4” knot shoved within her pussy. Slowly she began to pull against the embedded object as the bulb began to spread her wide tunnel to the max again to make room for its large diameter. With a slight pain, the 4” knot began to come out of her open gash. With a rush of air it finally popped out followed by the 10” cock. Ann gasped at the wide open hole left by the huge tool. Surely she would never be the same again. She laid back with her tanned legs raised in the air and spread her thighs open as far as possible. Her poor pussy hung open like a small cavern. She could even see the dark holed opening past her cervix deep into her womb. The 14” cock and knot had really opened up the tiny girls walls to a new level.

Looking over at the next canine cock, it was now or never. She knew total penetration was not anywhere close to possible, but the longer 11 1/2” cucumber would fill her up very nicely just the same.

But for this feat, she needed more props. Grabbing the gallon can of paint from her plans, Ann secured the massive 17” cock and knot to the top of the paint can. It hovered like a skyscraper in front of her as she looked on through the mirror.

Standing up, her tiny 4’9” frame just barely fit above the huge pallas as it nestled within her wet thighs. It was quite a sight looking through at the mirror as the colossal canine cock rose up to her small trim body. How on earth was such a feat possible, she did not know. Her muscled thighs shook with anticipation as she breathed deeply in preparation. She had the notion to record the worthy event, but did not want to take the chance of the scene getting out somehow. No witnesses, no aftermath.

Grabbing another gulp of wine for courage and the bottle of oil, she lathered the cock up as she emptied the remaining cup or so from the bottle. The slick oil ran in a river over her taunt tummy again right through the fine blonde hair on her mound reaching its final resting spot at the entrance to her open pussy lips. With her other hand, Ann empty the second bottle of fruity wine down her gullet. She could really feel the booze now making her head spin. She hoped she had not drank too much where as she’d pass out. That would certainly not help in her plans going forward. But she had drank just enough to kill any concerning thoughts of backing out. Plus the added buzz would help with any pain she would encounter as she tried to fuck the massive cock.

It was time. Now or never.

Holding herself steady with the solid mirror in front of her, Ann began to rotate her wide hips on top of the blunt prick. The extra width of this new cock was felt by every nerve within the small girls fleshy tunnel. The coke can sized cock began its long journey into the little girls pussy. She had been stretched out so much in the past hour or so, the larger sized cock seemed to encounter little resistance as it burrowed deeper into her once tiny cunt. But it soon bottomed out as it banged into her cervix. This new width was going to be a challenge as she worked her ass harder onto the prick. Of the 11 1’2”, there was still a good 4” left to fuck into her womb.

Maybe it was the booze, or maybe the sexual frenzy around her, but Ann soon found herself in the same trance she had experienced when she had fucked the extra long corn cob out at the pool. Her body began to betray her and take on its own will leaving her standing to the side. She looked onward at the small blonde trying to fuck the enormous canine cock before her. It was not her anymore fucking the apparatus, but a tiny 4’9” tanned blonde with a perfectly shaped ass. The massive structure was 1/4 the size of the petite girl poised to split the poor child in half.

Ann cheered the tiny girl on, trying to help her engulf the cock she ground down against.

The tiny blonde closed her eyes as Ann looked on. The look of determination shown on her pretty face. Slowly she ground down upon the thick cock. Swaying her full asscheeks from side to side. It appeared as though the tiny woman were dancing a seductive tango. Her knees flexed up and down as the massive cock cursed within her. The small lump on her taut tummy showed the signs of an enormous appendage within her tiny body.

The blonde began to ground down harder onto the thick pole as the large end of the cucumber began to open up her cervix. Each fraction of an inch forced the tiny hole open wider as even more of the cock made its way deeper into her thin frame.

Ann gasped as the small girl began to sink further onto the giant tool. How could such a petite girl take such a monstrosity? But Ann continued to cheer her up. “You can do it”!, she talked to the girl.

The sight was so nasty looking. Sexual tensions built around the whole scene pulling Ann into the middle of it. Her own pussy throbbed with a distant dull ache that was indescribable. Looking on, the tiny blondes whole body widened out making room for the intruder. It was nothing shy of pure sex and the fucking this young woman longed for.

“Fuck the doggie cock, you whore!”, Ann wailed at the sultry blonde. ‘Stretch that tiny pussy out good!”, she added through clenched white teeth.

The young girl began to listen to Ann and started to move up and down in a faster pace. She pushed harder onto the huge phallus as it made its way deeper within her gasping body. Her pussy walls spread wide apart trying to accommodate the massive organ. Lucky for all the oil, progress was slow, but she continued to gain on the canine cock steadily. Looking down between the blondes tanned legs, she could see there was only a few inches left of the massive cock before she rested on the gargantuan knot.

“Fuck his doggie cock you bitch!”, Ann screamed at the panting girl. “Take it all, now! Push harder you slut!”, Ann urged her on.

With her mouth closed tightly, the tiny girl pushed down as hard as she could as a small whimper came from her pursed lips. “Aaaaawwwwwww”, the tiny blonde cried as she fell onto the massive knot! The whole 11 1/2” phallus was embedded to the hilt within her stretched out pussy. There was a good 4” of cock planted firmly past her cervix into the small girls womb. The wide tip of the cucumber smashed hard against the top of her stuffed womb, no more room for a single fraction of an inch. She had reached her limit within the tiny walls of her vagina!

Ann saw the angelic glow the small woman put out. She had taken the whole cock’s shaft within her tiny frame. Almost a full foot length of solid organ had disappeared into her tiny frame! How she did it, Ann did not know. But Ann revealed in her glow too. Her own body on fire with the unnatural scene before her. Her own pussy spat the pre-orgasm nectar onto her swollen pussy lips. Her clit ground down hard onto a solid object poised just at the entranceway into her full pussy hole.

Ann’s orgasm built with the sexual urges of the impaulled blonde before her. But she waited patiently for the small girls orgasm to hit too.

Now that the tiny blonde had the massive cock embedded within her slim torso, she was now able to simply sit upon the gargantuan ‘knot’ nestled within her flared out ass cheeks. Her knees rested on the floor of her bedroom. She raised her knees up slightly off the floor. The blondes legs began to swing open and closed like a butterfly as she sat upon the huge bulb.

Ann looked on as the small girl rode the massive knot as though she were in a horses saddle. Swaying forwards and back in tune with her swinging thighs. There was plenty of oil dripping from her swollen pussy mound. Her sparse blonde cunt hair matted to the child’s mound. Looking into the mirror, Ann saw as the tiny girls ass cheeks were forced apart obscenely on top of the 5 1/4” wide knot. She knew there was no way possible this petite girl could ever take such an object into her already over-stuffed pussy hole. It simple was not humanly possible! But the scene that lay before her was totally out of this world. It screamed sex and pure fucking. She wanted the young girl to get fucked with it all. Yes, she dreamed wickedly. She wanted to see the tiny blonde take it all! Get her tiny pussy stretched out to inhumanly proportions! She did not know where the 17” cock and knot would go within her slim body, but she needed to see it happen!

Looking at the determined expression on the young blondes face, Ann knew she also wanted to get fucked by the massive canine cock. But she knew without her help, she would most likely fail. She had to take control of the little girls actions.

Grabbing the swaying hips of the shapely girl, Ann began to push her downwards onto the huge ball stuck at her pussy’s entranceway. Her ass cheeks flared out even wider as the knot began to make progress. Reaching behind the rocking blonde, Ann pulled the fleshy white globes of her ass as wide apart as possible. She could see the tiny puckered anal opening also open up as she pulled even harder apart. She made a mental note to have that little anus fucked good too before the day was over.

Ann watched as the little girl whimpered as the massive knot began its tedious journey into her stuffed cunt. The walls of the small woman’s pussy opened up wider and wider as the ball began to deepen within her passageway.

Ann knew this was going to be a very slow process indeed. But her engineering skills had the right tools and planing way in advance. She had tied ropes onto the sturdy mirror, knowing they might come in handy. Ann brought each muscular leg of the cooperative girl up each side of the mirror and placed each foot within the soft but sturdy loops. Looking at her handiwork, Ann had the small girl now sitting full weight onto the monstrous knot. With her legs forced high into the air, it caused her thighs even wider apart opening up her fleshy abused canal for the onslaught that would be forced onto the poor little woman.

Ann could see the fear and doubts now welling up in the girls blue eyes. But there was no turning back now. She was going to get fucked by the 17” canine cock and there was nothing the little girl could do to stop it now.

“Fuck your big doggie cock you whore”!, Ann spat at the sharking blonde. “You’re poor pussy is going to get stretched out further than you think, you little cunt!”

Grabbing the thin waist of the small girl, Ann began to push her full weight down on the gyrating blondes body. Watching in the mirror, to Ann’s amazement, she was making progress! The scared little whore was almost at the halfway mark on the massive knot.

“Work it deeper you cunt. Take it all”! Ann continued her degradation of the shaking tiny girl. She had to be way past her bodies limit, but Ann did not care. She would not be satisfied until every last centimeter was buried deep within the cunts tiny pussy.

Ann’s own pussy seemed to become numb. The fullness she felt herself was undeniable. Pressure built within her womb as the walls of her pussy stretched out wider than humanly possible. Her once tiny opening through her cervix had widened out to the width of a pop can. And she could feel the walls of her pussy encompass the massive canine cock as it stretched her cunt out as never before.

“No, you fucking doggie bitch!”, Ann leered at the withering blonde. “It’s your turn to get your little pussy fucked good. Get ready for your doggie’s knot you whore!”

With that, Ann put all her weight on the small blondes open thighs. Pushing downwards, she watched the mirror as the massive knot began to pass the widest 5 1’4” mark.

The tiny girl began to wail, tears flowing down her face as her pussy began to swallow up the gigantic knot. Her trembling ass cheeks began to close the gap between the top of the paint can.

With a final push and huge grunt, Ann smashed the screaming girl down as hard as she could until her ass rested on top of the paint can.

Her tiny slim body and done it! She had taken every inch of the 11 1/2” cock and 5 1/4” knot. Almost 17” of pure canine cock lay nestled within the poor girls wrecked orifice. The massive bulge on her once flat tummy bore the shape of the huge knot. lost touching the bottom of her slim rib cage, the distant end of the cock was clearly visible as it worked deep into her trembling body. The cheeks of the small girls ass flared out wide as the knot forced her cheeks apart. But the most impressive sight was the once small opening into her pussy which was now obscenely stretched wide open. Her soft engorged pussy lips could not close around the massive knot. Instead, her pussy was still forced open, unable to close completely around the huge knot.

That was when Ann began to cum. Her orgasm took over her body washing through every pore of her slim frame. She pulled on the perky tits, taking each nipple between her strong fingers and pulled as hard a she could. The hard tips butted out almost a full inch as she spilled her love juices between her pulsating thighs. The pressure within her tiny body was overwhelming. It felt as though a telephone pole had been forced deep within the walls of her poor pussy!

Thats when everything went black!

It must have been hours since Ann had passed out. But as she awoke, the dull gorged feeling within her body began to grow. It was now dark out. And little Ann tried to regain her composure. The days events came flooding back into her soggy brain. The pressure was still noticeable within her body as she lay there on her tummy. But it was a dull ache, not any pain. She remembered the three huge canine cocks she had made the day before. Looking around the room, she saw the smallest one on top of the soaked sheets. The other obviously larger one was still mostly covered up by the white cum stained fabric.

“Oh my god”, she gasped. At lease she had not tried the largest cock and knot. Looking back into the mirror behind her, Ann focused on her poor pussy. She spread her shapely legs further apart. It was only slightly open, her swollen lips covering up the stuffed cavern beyond her opening. She could feel the slight pressures of the cock head as it pushed against the top walls of her womb. She had taken the whole 14” middle canine cock within her tiny frame. She finally agreed she had indeed been tested, and her poor pussy had endured its full potential and her limit was notably achieved. A sense of pride washed over the young woman. She had done it!

But now, she had to remove the cock and knot from her wide cunt. Her arms were still too weak to simply pull the obstruction from her body.

But she had also thought of that. Crawling back towards the study and heavy king sized bed, Ann grabbed the rope she had already tied to the bedpost. Securing it to the loop at the base of the massive knot embedded within her, Ann began to crawl away from the bed, tightening the rope between her pussy and the bed.

She slowly eased forward, feeling the massive tool begin to move within her. The friction on her clit turned the small girl on. Her excitement helped the removal of the 14” canine cock. Little by little, Ann squirmed against the rope. She raised her ass high into the air spreading her legs out wide to make room for its passage. Now on her knees, Ann began in earnest to dislodge the penis from her gullet. Looking back into the mirror, she saw her pussy open up wider and wider as the knot began to pull out. It seemed her pussy hole would never stop opening up. Wider and wider she spread, and still no sign of the big knot.

Putting more weight into it, Ann tugged harder at the rope. She swayed her ass back and forth trying to help stretch her pussy was further apart. The bed frame began to creak a little as her weight pulled on the sturdy rope. In awe, Ann watched as her tunnel opened to an enormous size!

Spreading her legs as far apart as she could, Ann reached back and grabbed the full white cheeks of her ass and pulled the globes apart as hard as she could. With her head now on the floor, she watched in total surprise as the massive knot began to immerse from her gaping hole. Little by little the gargantuan object forced her pussy walls apart. Her poor little clit rubbed hard on the ball as it passed through her tunnel. Finally the widest part breached through. With only a slight painful pinch, the massive knot quickly fell from her ruined hole. She gasped at the immense size!

Looking over at the hidden canine cock under the sheets, Ann ripped the sheets away. It was the middle sized combination staring back at the bewildered girl! Looking back into the mirror, she realized she had indeed taken the largest cock and knot completely within her tiny body. Almost 17” of cock and knot had been forced deep within her slim body. It could not be possible!

But she watched in amazement as she began to crawl further away from the bedpost. Slowly the rest of the canine cock pulled from her sloppy hole. Almost counting each inch as it appeared from her body, Ann squirmed as the full 11 1/2” of cock finally dropped from her wide open pussy!

The combination lay there between her thighs, so huge that Ann began to shake with an uncontrollable urge to cum. The phallus had turned the girl on so much, and she had yet to cum from her experiments as of yet.

Gazing back at her widely splayed cunt in the mirror, Ann could see clearly well into her womb. Her once tiny pussy had been stretched out to an immense size. And her tiny cervix hung open from the coke can sized penis that had opened her up.

Frantically she grabbed at the middle sized combination besides her. She just had to cum, and the 14” canine cock was just what the little girl needed! Placing the 4” bulb on the paint can, Ann held the 10” rod upwards straddling the massive object. She looked on in the mirror as her pussy began to descend onto the cock. Because of her abused open pussy, it, took little effort to plow the massive prick into her ready body. In one quick thrust, the whole 10” cock rammed deep within her small frame easily passing through the widened out cervix into her womb. Ann bounced down onto the 4” knot, her erect clit banging into the solid ball. As she rocked up and down upon the knot, her wide pussy began to swallow up the knot also. Soon the smaller cock and knot was buried deep within her grasping cunt. Bouncing wildly upon the canine cock, Ann desperately needed to cum! Her pussy walls pulled the fake cock deep into her womb, the huge knot completely disappearing within her loose walls.

Looking around for any ideas, Ann spots the much smaller cock and knot. It was only 8” long with an added 3” knot. Perfect to help the frenzied girl along. Grabbing the canine cock by the 3” knot, Ann forced the 8” prick against her wrinkled asshole. Her sensitive anus welcomed the blunt head and began to slowly open up to accept its girth. Placing the smaller canine cock on the paint can, Ann hovered once again above the combination. The larger cock and knot was securely embedded within her stuffed pussy, too tight to fall out. Pointing the smaller cock at her asshole, Ann defended upon its girth. Her small anus opened up to accept the intruder with ease. She could feel the cock as it moved alongside the big knot stuck within her pussy. The thin membrane was extremely sensitive adding to her sexual high. Soon she found herself up to the 3” knot. She had never taken such an object within her anus, and began to wonder just how much her tight asshole could endure. Pushing down hard on the paint can, the 3” knot began to stretch out the wrinkled opening wider and wider. As Anns excitement rose, her climax began deep within her tiny body. The pit of her tummy heaved in and out as she took the two massive cocks deep within her tiny frame. In a last ditched effort, with her orgasm at the breaking point, Ann smashed her full weight down over the last few inches of the widest part of the knot into her asshole. Her asshole gobbled up the knot in greed as the 11” canine cock and knot settled in besides the larger prick.

She had done it! She had two extremely massive canine cocks deeply embedded within her petite body. Her tummy bulged out tremendously from the two knots. And her asscheeks flared out widely from the huge knot stuck within her bowels.

Her body shook with her impending orgasm. She had to cross over into the realm her body needed so badly. She was on the brink of the hardest climaxes she had ever known.

So close. So devious. So hot!

Reaching down between her splayed thighs, Ann took ahold of the strap leading to the larger knot in her convulsing pussy. Pulling hard on the stuck knot, Ann forced the ball from her gaping pussy. The air sucked into her cavernous cunt filling the empty void. But before her loose pussy could react, Ann sat down hard onto the knot again. The rush was ecstatic, adding to her ordeal. This was pure hard core fucking, and the determined little girl only had one thing on her perverted mind. And that was to fuck the daylights out of her tiny body.

She imagined two massive beasts plowing deep into her willing body as she pulled the larger 4” knot back out from her gasping pussy. In and out she plowed the huge knot deep within the widening walls of her pussy. She never magic her cunt the time to adjust to its girth before pulling the knot back out once again. In a fever, the tiny woman raped her pussy with a savage force she was demanded to accept. She had no choice but to endure the rapid fucking of the large knot smashing in and out of her gaping pussy.

‘Oooohhhhhh”!, the young woman cried as her insides ripped apart from the relentless fucking she endured. Her climax built like a freight train from the very pit of her existence. So close! Almost there, she wailed as her hand moved like lightening between her shaking thighs.

All of a sudden, she stiffened up. She slammed her ass down hard on the paint can as both canine cocks lunged even deeper into her slim body. Her pussy and asshole vibrated as one, each grabbing tightly onto the cocks buried to the hilt within her stretched out tunnels.

‘Aaaaaawwwwwww”, Ann screamed as a wave of pure pleasure rocked her very soul. Her toes curled up and her fingers pulled hard on her sensitive rock hard nipples as her climax hit her.

Wave after wave of pure bliss washed over the tiny girl as her orgasm seemed to last forever.

Finally the glowing blonde came down from the rapture of sexual high she had needed for such a long time. She lay there in the afterglow of the whole experience. So happy she could finally push her tiny body to its limits. She thought about the fucking the dogs had given her a few days earlier. It hardly compared to the savage animalistic fuck she had just endured.

Laying on her side, Ann looked back in the mirror at her accomplishments. Neither knot was visible to her amazed stare between her widely spread asscheeks. They were still lodged deep within her gyrating torso. Taking hold of the larger knot in her pussy, Ann began to pull on the strap. With ease, her pussy blossomed open allowing the 4” knot and 10” shaft to pull freely from her gaping pussy. The walls of her pussy hung open momentarily as her body adjusted to the empty void. Slowly her pussy began to shrink down, all but closing the wide gap just past her inflamed pussy lips. She planed the large cock and knot next to the largest combination, marveling in their impressive sizes.

Next she grabbed ahold of the smallest cock and knot still wedged deep within her anus. To help pull the large knot past the large globes of her ass, Ann got on her knees looking back at the mirror. She wanted to see every inch as it pulled from her asshole. Gripping the loop once again, Ann tugged at the appendage. She could feel the knot pull against the inside ring of her asshole. With a little more effort, the knot began to open her anus up more and more. The wrinkled star began to stretch apart and became much smoother as the widest part of the knot began to pass through the expanding opening. With a loud pop, the knot sprung free from her grasping anus. Still inside the little girl was the 8” cock buried well into her anal passageway.

But Ann was intrigued. This was the first time she had actually fucked her back hole, besides using a small carrot, and she wanted the feeling to last just a little longer. So with a little effort, Ann pushed back on the slimy knot forcing it back into her asshole. The way her anus grasped the 3” knot and sucked it in deep within her bowels turned the small girl on. So she began to fuck herself with the knot, shoving the hard ball in and out of her anus at a faster and faster pace. Her loose asshole began to stretch out from the constant barrage of the big knot. Ann watched as her poor asshole seemed up open up even wider than the 3” knot. It yearned to be fucked as hard as the little girl could. The walls of her anus hung obscenely open now, hardly touching the wide knot at all. Her ass wanted more! Frantically reaching for the next largest combination, Ann grasped the 4” knot and 10” shaft in her trembling hands. She had no intentions of inserting the long cock, but instead swung the combination around and placed the massive 4” knot at the quivering opening into her wide asshole. Just inside Ann could see the much smaller knot just beyond her stretched out anus. Lining up the large knot, she pushed hard against her ass. She could feel her sphincter opening up as the huge knot tried to force its way through the tight opening. Placing the long cock downwards on the floor, Ann reached back and spread her asscheeks wider apart. She could feel her anus begin to open up even more as she bore down against the tight opening. Slowly as she lightly bounced up and down, as the massive ball began to enter her open asshole. As Ann realized the unbelievable insertion was possible, it gave her renewed stamina. She intensified her thrusts pushing harder and harder against the 4” knot. Looking in the mirror, she saw the knot close in on the most widest part of the ball. She was so close now! Pulling her asscheeks apart as far as she possibly could. Finally, her anus opened up to engulf the last full width of the massive knot. Her ass sucked the knot in as it pushed the bother canine cock and knot even deeper into her bowels. Her stretched out anus closed tightly upon the wide 10” shaft locking the knot in her bowels.

Ann was once again amazed at the way her tiny body adapted to the rape she bore upon it.

Reaching back she grabbed ahold of the thick shaft and began to slowly fuck the massive knot between her overstuffed asscheeks. In and out she worked the knot, still unable to pull it completely from the clutches of her greedy anus. But she knew in time, the huge knot would loosen up the stubborn ring making it widen out more to easily pass through. And as expected, in about a dozen or so thrusts, the small anal ring began to give way. Bit by bit, the 4” knot began to come further and further out of the confines of her grasping anus. Until, in a final hard pull, the knot broke free! Ann’s anal tunnel hung obscenely open, the bother smaller knot just barely visible within her bowels. But the little girl did not give her abused anus any rest before plunging the massive knot back into her ass in one big thrust. The sudden opening and closing of her asshole had an unbelievable effect on the little girl. Just like the smaller knot, Ann began to force the much larger 4” knot in and out of her abused asshole. In quickening thrusts, Ann plunged the knot in and out of her ass until, just like the smaller ball, her anus began to stay open. Soon the walls of her greedy asshole gaped open, unable to close around the massive knot anymore. The once wrinkled ring was now as smooth as a baby’s behind having been widened out by the ungodly knot.

Ann saw the once tight anal opening now blossom open obscenely, and just like the smaller knot, began to barely touch the ball that was being forced in and out of her backside at an amazing pace.

She was lost in the moment, her abused body screamed out for release and fulfillment. Looking around Ann saw the largest of the canine cocks laying besides her. Her body shook with just the notion of the massive 5 1/4” knot trying to enter her tiny frame. But her body was on fire. Sweat poured from every pore in her excited inflamed body. With a second thought, Ann threw the 4” knot aside and grasped the much larger ball in her trembling little hands. What she imagined was the impossible. But the fleeting caution went out the window as the tiny girl poised the much larger knot at the entrance to her spasming asshole. From the way her ass gaped open, Ann knew it was now or never!

The massive knot split her asscheeks wide apart as she settled down onto the gargantuan knot. Sitting on top of the 17” appendage, she looked like she was sitting on a chair. But as she squirmed downwards, her ass flared out even more. The pressure was almost unbearable as she gyrated onto the massive knot. facing the mirror, she grabbed hold of the sturdy frame as she worked her thin hips in small circular motions. But progress was very slow. Too slow for the enflamed girls needs. She started to bounce up and down onto the huge ball feeling the smaller one embedded deep within her bowels also move in and out with her tiny thrusts. This added to her excitement and urged the tiny girls onward. She closed her eyes tightly. She did not want to see the progress, good or bad either way. She concentrated on the dull ache deep within her body as her orgasm built within her. Reaching between her thighs, she found her pussy. The once gaping hole had all but returned to its normal size as she explored its warm folds. She found her excited hard clit and began to pull and pinch the button to help bring her body to accept the massive knot banging at the entranceway to her ass. As she pinched her engorged clit, Ann began to bounce once again onto the massive knot wedged securely between the globes of her shapely ass.

With harder thrusts of her ass, Ann began to feel a little give in her anal ring. A dull ache began to numb her whole ass as she bounced even harder onto the huge knot. She knew the way her body was reacting, progress must be happening. She continued with the attention her aroused swollen clit demanded as she stepped up the onslaught between her widening ass globes.

She was in desperation mode now. She just had to prove her tiny body could take the abuse she gave it. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck me you nasty beast” she blurted out at the imaginary canine trying to rape her poor asshole. She was now slamming her ass down as hard as she could onto the massive knot, her feet coming off the ground with every jump. In a final effort, Ann reached behind her spread ass and grabbed the fleshy globes in each hand. Firmly and with all her might, Ann pulled the flesh apart as far as she could while at the same time bringing the full weight of her tiny body completely onto the 5 1/4” knot!

“OH MY GOD”!!! Ann squealed as the immense knot sank past her final anal ring deep into her bowels. The fulness took her breath away as the massive knot settled within her gaping anal tunnel. She froze as her tiny body tried to adjust to the massive size. But the pain began to come through the longer she sat on the gargantuan knot. falling to her side, Ann reached for the 11 1/2” cock still sticking out of her abused anus. Pulling easily on the shaft, she panicked as the knot began to slide even deeper into her anal cavity. Grabbing the rope, she quickly tied it to the cock and crawled away from the bed tightening up the slack. At least she had stopped its advancement any deeper into her small body. But she knew the first smaller 11” canine was still beyond the larger knot and possible headed in the wrong direction too. Putting pressure on the rope, Ann began to pull the knot from her body. It seemed to come out a lot easier now that it was tied securely. But the widest part still had to pass through her anal ring. With more pressure, the knot began to open up the tiny girls anus. Slowly her asshole opened up to allow the immense girth of the knot to start through the abused anal ring. She looked back at the unbelievable stretched out anal opening. There were no more wrinkles to be seen. Her anus was as smooth as ever, and large enough to force her fleshy globes far apart. But eventually, the widest part of the knot broke through her gaping hole. With a loud ‘pop’, it fell harmlessly on the floor between her trembling thighs. Looking back, she could see the smaller dildo begin to also come out. It was sucked out by the larger knot and practically fell out on its own.

With a gasp, Ann examined the abused asshole she had forced to take on the massive canine cocks. It seemed to pulsate on its own. Trying to grasp at the thin air looking to be filled again with the animals cock.She felt the wide open hole as it continued to shrink around her fingers. She could have easily inserted her entire hand into her depths, but that was for another day.

After another long hot shower, Ann inspected the true damage she had brought against her slim body. Upon final examination, her anal cavity had all but closed up. The small marble sized hole actually looked sexy as she stared at the spayed white globes. She actually hoped the hole remained open for a while. It was like a little dark window into her fleshy ass cheeks.

As far as her pussy went. Her cunt also seemed none the worst considering the abuse it had also taken the past couple days. As she pushed her small fingers into her folds, she seemed to open up much easier than ever before. And the seemly constant lubrication of the walls in her pussy, and also her ass added to her bodies own development.The elasticity of both her asshole and pussy were very evident. Overall, she felt the last couple days had little effect on her resilient tiny body.

But in the back of her mind, the tiny girl still wondered if she had indeed tapped out within her true body’s limits…


Ann Meets Up With Her Friends in the Woods

Ann had slept a lot later than she had expected the next morning. As she awoke, the sun was getting high in the sky already. Glancing at the alarm clock she saw it was already 11:00! But then remembering the days events last night, plus the two bottles of wine, she had every right to sleep in. Besides reminiscing about the ordeal she placed upon her little frame, she needed the healing time too. She felt a little stiff as she rose from the warm covers. Glancing over at the full length mirror, she gazed at her nimble body. Her tan had noticeably darkened considerably making the areas where her bikini covered her body pure white. The triangles patches over her small ‘B’ tits made them appear much bigger now, more like larger ‘C’s. Plus she could not help noticed her extended nipples. They were now a good 3/4” long! She remembered how hard she had pulled on the pointy digits the past couple days and undressed why they had doubled in length.

More importantly she wondered about her lower body parts. Gingerly she began to investigate between her soft thighs. As her fingers found the opening to her vagina, there was a little tingle to the parting lips. Her curtains were much fuller than before, and an unmistakable dampness coming from within her pussy. Inserting a few fingers into her cunt, Ann found the silky tunnel a lot more forgiving. She was still considered tight, but her cunt easily gave way to yet another added finger into her depths. She stopped just short of her aroused clit, not wanting to start anything at this time.

She pulled her sweet smelling damp fingers from her warm pussy and reached behind her to check out her anal cavity. Turning so she could see the big fleshy globes in the mirror, Ann began to pull her ass cheeks softly apart. As she almost expected, and was delighted to see, her little rosebud had all but returned to normal. Except for the small pencil sized hole that stayed open peering into her anus. It actually made her ass look more natural she thought. As she let her ass cheeks fall back to their normal place, as always the globes stayed slightly apart. But now, right in the center there was a small black ‘eye’ peering back at her. She absolutely loved the new look!

Diminishing any ideas of further play, Ann had errands to to today. She remembered the neighbor had left instructions to feed their puppy today since they were out of town for a few days. They were a very nice older retired couple Ann rarely saw. And their new puppy was left behind for now.

How simple would it be she thought?

Because of the long distance, Ann drove over to the next ranch house. This property, just all the rest were more like hidden mansions on hundreds of acres. She vowed this would be a very quick chore, so she had just thrown on a pair of silky lace panties and running shorts with a halter top.

Out the door she went spinning her car around in the huge driveway and headed for the neighbors house. Once there she unlocked the front door with the code they had left her. A small note read:

“Thank you for checking on our puppy. PLEASE do NOT, under any circumstances let her out of the house”

Ann knew beforehand the puppy would be secure in the oversized garage at the rear of the house. All she had to do was water and feed the dog, then be on her way. Upon opening the garage door she encountered the ‘puppy”. Their so=called puppy was a full grown chocolate lab! And such a beautiful dog at that. The dog seemed very shy but friendly. Thoughts of the mutts in the woods came streaming back to her perverted mind in a rush. But as the dog walked about, she could see this lab was a female. And then she noticed the small drops of liquid spattered here and there on the garage floor. From the articles she had read on the internet, it was very obvious. She was in heat! Thats why the owners were so concerned about her getting out. She would practically get raped by the pack if they found her wandering around the woods.

Ann’s wicked mind suddenly had a brilliant idea. What better way to attract the pack than the fresh smell of pussy in heat? Thinking quickly, Ann went back into the kitchen in search of a zip-lock baggie. Rummaging through the drawers, she soon found a gallon sized bag that would be perfect.

She quickly returned to the windowless garage and began to strip down pulling the lacy bikini panties from her shaking body. She threw her running shorts back on and called the dog over to her. Taking the small panties in her hand, Ann began to swab the unsuspecting female labs pussy area. The lab actually liked the attention and let Ann rub the panties all over her swollen dog pussy as much as she wanted. Ann believed the poor pup was actually getting turned on. The lab began to hump the air a little. Ann wanted to get the panties flavored as much as possible while she had the chance, and began to try to insert the fabric into the willing labs pussy a little. Her finger had actually penetrated the labs pussy a little. In doing so, a thick stream of her juices flooded over her panties. The strong musky smell filled her nostrils with the strong pungent oder. Her panties were practically soaked from the labs secretions now. This had to be enough!

Tucking her wet white panties into the zip-lock, Ann finished up feeding and watering the lab. She locked up and headed home with her unexpected bag of charms.

All the way home, Ann could smell the heat from the lab. The smell filled her nostrils, even after she had washed her hands throughly. The lewd thoughts of the others dogs reaction was priceless and Anns cunt began to seep her fine nectar imagining the fucking she would get from the aroused beasts. Her excitement was hard to control, as she started making plans for tomorrows jog into the woods.

Bright and early the next morning Ann awoke well before her alarm clock. How could she sleep knowing what was in store for the little girl today. As she thought about all the possibilities her plans encompassed, deep down she knew it could all be just a pipe dream. After all, a lot needed to fall into place for this to work. And there was also the danger aspect. The fear of being caught, the dogs being too rough, or getting out of hand. And what if the labs heat brought in any other animals? All things Ann needed to consider and prepare for.

But looking into the full length mirror at her luscious body, the little woman could only think of the good possibilities her body would endure. Her nipples stuck out like 3/4” erasers with excitement. She seemed to glow from head to toe! Now to her plans…

Running around in just a silky top and lacy panties, Ann began to gather her supplies. Being dressed like a cheap whore as she scooted through the house added to her excitement.

She went through her checklist in detail;

large quilt, small pillow, bottle of water based lube, two large bottles of drinking water, two energy bars, bar of soap, wash cloth and towel, pepper spray, quick change of clothes, sneakers, short black wrap-around skirt, and tube top. And of course the soiled scented pair of panties in the baggie. She had kept the baggie in the freezer hoping it would preserve the raw oder of the labs scent. Plus, she had cut a silver dollar sized hole right over the opening to her pussy, just in case.

That should be all of it, as she loaded up her backpack.

For her trek out to the middle of the woods, Ann planned to wear a pair of running shorts and t-shirt with her sneakers.

It didn’t take long for her to gather up all her items.

Once dressed and ready to go, Ann opted out of the water she planned to drink on the way out. Instead she swapped it for a bottle of wine. She figured she would probably need a little liquid courage for her quest.

It was only 9:00am as she headed out. She knew most of the neighbors were early risers, and most if not all of the pack should be running around by then. Plus she figured her walk would take some time too.

It was a gorgeous sunny day with temps in the low 80’s. A light breeze rustled through the forest trees bringing the birds to life.

Half way out, Ann took out the scented panties. As she pulled them from the baggie, she was overwhelmed with the pungent oder. Overnight they had plenty of time to ferment and grow stronger. She swapped the panties with the ones she had worn out into the woods.

“These are so strong, they’ll pull in every male stud from the county”, she saiid to herself. The musky smell really was strong, filling her nostrils with the pungent oder. And the panties were still damp with the labs secretions. Her hopes were lifted as she continued her trek.

Soon she reached a somewhat denser area in the forest. Years ago some of the bigger trees were harvested allowing the underbrush to flourish. The brush had grown well over 6’ high, but she could not see more than a few feet in every direction. She carefully made her way into the middle of the huge brushy area looking for a comfortable spot.

Soon she found the perfect area. The brush had given way to a small grassy area. And right in the middle was the stump of a very large tree that was cut years ago. The stump was a good five feet across and covered with thick moss. Almost like a bed.There could not be a more perfect spot!

Ann tossed the now empty bottle of wine into her backpack and began to get her things ready. She covered the mossy stump with the thick quilt and threw the pillow on top. Next she changed into the wrap around skirt and tube top. Items that could easily be discarded if need be. She placed the bottle of lube where it was within reach if needed. Once settled in, Ann’s emotions began to blossom. Her heart beat faster and her pussy began to flutter in anticipation of what the day would bring. This was it! All her planing the past week all led to todays events. The tiny girls body shook with sexual anxiety.

Ann lay down on the comfortable stump and began to run her hands up and down her small body. She pretended she were putting on a show for her canine studs. She spread her legs wide apart allowing more of the scent to drift on the warm breeze. Ann quickly found the top of her elastic panty. Reaching deeper down her flat tummy she began to caress her silky blonde hair just under the hem of the tiny briefs. Further down her hands wandered through the silver dollar hole baring her damp pussy. Her legs shook as her hands began to softly pull at her pussy lips. The folds were already flush and full with her excitement. Her little clit now popped out like a ridged soldier at attention. Ann flicked the button with her trembling fingers sending a shock through her tiny body. Even further down, the small girl probed within her fleshy ass cheeks. She quickly found her little brown wrinkled hole, which was fluttering open and shut in anticipation. Her rosebud was spayed open as it had been the other day. She easily stuck two fingers through the forgiving hole deep into the fleshy tunnel which gasped at the digits. Thoughts of her ass taking a big canine cock had the little girl squirming on the soft stump. With her other hand, she reached under the tight tank top to pull on her erect nipples. In her excitement they were rock hard little erasers. She pulled on each nipple, making them point outwards almost a full inch. As she let each one spring back to her heaving chest, they remained 3/4” out from her ‘B’ tits. Her body was primed for the unnatural sex act she hoped would happen.

Because her eyes were closed tight, the excited little girl did not notice the glowing eyes staring through the brush at the playful hands that wandered over the tight figure. Slowly the dark forms took shape as they emerged from the thickets.

Suddenly, Ann jumped as she heard the huge dogs emerge from the underbrush. They had been so quiet, she never knew they were so close.

Ever so slowly the big dogs came into the clearing. She could see there were at least six animals around her. Looking about, she began to remember the different breeds she had recalled from the internet. The same great dane, german shephard, and rottweiler had returned. And a few newer dogs. She saw a massive Newfoundlander, Mastiff, and Irish wolfhound which was as gigantic as the Mastiff. They were absolutely huge! They resembled miniature horses, and in comparison to her small 4’9” thin body normal sized horses! They all easily outweighed her by a good 100 pounds. Looking past the giant breeds, she could make out a few smaller dogs too, like a cocker spaniel and the black lab beginning to come into the clearing.

The soiled panties had worked! They sniffed the air, hesitant to come any closer to this strange being that smelled like ripe pussy. Looking under each beast, Ann noticed the red pokers of the excited dogs beginning to emerge from their sheaths. Glancing from one beast to the other, Ann gasped at the flaccid furry coverings that a few possessed that were well over 8” soft.

Had she bitten off more than she could chew?

To prevent being hurt by one of the larger breeds, she wanted to work her way up by starting out with a smaller breed. Ann began to call to the black lab. He had met her already, and was not as shy. The lab came forward, nose in the air, his deep red cock beginning to extend with every step he made. Gingerly he began to sniff up the girls toned legs towards her steaming pussy. Once his nose met her damp crotch, his flanks began to buck forward and back. Ann looked in surprise as the lab fucked forward between her widening thighs. Gently she grabbed the dogs collar and eased the gyrating male closer into her spread legs. She knew from the internet dogs could fuck in the missionary style too.

Ann just laid back on the soft blanket as the lab crawled over her. She knew she had to get the panties out of the way sooner or later, but for now the silver dollar sized hole she had made at the center of the crotch should suffice.

As the furry beasts belly came over her torso, Ann began to pull her knees up higher alongside the labs body, trapping him solidly between her thighs. Her black short dress began to drag up over her waist as the humping dog advanced. His forward jerking movements began to settle into her crotch. His veined doggie cock got closer and closer to her weeping pussy hole.

Finally she felt ‘it’, banging wildly against her steaming pussy. Looking between them, she watched the 6” pointed red cock jab wildly at her pussy, but not hitting the mark just yet. She knew sooner or later as the dog narrowed the gap between them, contact was inevitable. She waited patiently as the labs big black head hovered higher above her blonde hair as the brute settled between her toned thighs.

“Oh god!”, she wailed. He was in! In a hard swift jab, the lab began to pound into the tiny blonde like a freight train going a thousand miles per hour. Her poor pussy was forced open to take the pistoning cock into her widening tunnel. There was no way she could possibly keep up to the frenzied dogs pace as he hammered into her. In no time he was buried right up to his furry balls. All the tiny girl could do was hold her legs up as high as possible as the lab jackhammered away at her with no mercy.

Then she felt the beginning of his knot as it started to swell up inside her. The constant pre-cum coated her pussy with its greasy clear fluids making the connection slide smoothly in and out. His knot was forming, but he could pull it freely in and out of her widening pussy hole. At the peak of his girth, the knot stayed in for only a few seconds as he shot his seed deep into her cunt.

Quickly he dismounted. Just like that he was done. Less than a minute had passed, and the next doggie began move towards her open legs.

Coming forward, the german shepherd took the place of the black lab crawling between her outstretched legs. His bucking movements mirrored the labs as the larger dog took his place. The shepherd was a little bigger than the lab in size, as Ann looked up into his thick neck above her.

Jab, jab, jab, the beast moved in closer to her open pussy.

On first contact, the shepard sunk his cock into the startled girl in one huge lunge. She had no time to adjust as his hot prick skewered into her body. The rutting beast jack hammered into the tiny blonde shoving her forwards on the blanket. There was no mercy in the fucking he gave her. It was pure animal instinct in survival mode. Also as if on cue, Ann felt the swelling knot begin to slow down the beasts movements within her. More pressure built than the lab’s knot had, and soon Ann’s pussy ballooned out from the large knot stuck within her belly. Spurt after warm spurt the dogs seed traveled into her welcoming hole. For a wonderful few minutes, the shepherd shot his hot seed into the swooning blonde. And just like that, with a slight pull, and distant ‘pop’ he was done.

Ann looked around at the dogs standing around ready to fuck her. It was like a feeding frenzy.

Reaching down between her splayed thighs, her fingers found her pussy wide open and already dripping with the two beasts sperm. The once small hole in her panties was now larger than an orange from the two dogs big knots. Pulling the soiled panties down one leg, Ann wore the pungent lacy garment like a garter belt on her muscular thigh. She was now ready for more, a lot more!

Calling the huge mastiff over, Ann rolled onto her knees with her flat belly lying on the soft blanket. Her ass rose higher in the air presenting her cheeks to the much larger breed. Reaching behind her, Ann pulled the black skirt up over her white ass cheeks. She was ready for her third canine cock is less than 5 minutes.

The huge mastiff did not need much coaxing to jump onto the small blonde. With strong forearms, the beast gripped the thin waist of the doll sized girl. Looking between her spread thighs, Ann saw the beasts huge cock. By far it was the largest one she had ever seen measuring well over 9” with the knot still deflated! And it was poised in line with her gaping pussy.

In an almost brutal lunge the massive mutt surged forward splitting her pussy in two. Ann screamed by the sudden widening out of her silky tunnel. The first two hounds had luckily deposited a good deal of cum within her pussy preventing real damage. But the mastiff did not care and virtually began to rape the tiny blonde with his growing tool. As like the other two beasts, the mastiff followed suit and blazed forward at lightening speed fucking the cunt below him in a frenzied burst of energy. Ann felt the larger canine cock rip further into her welcoming hole like a dagger. The beasts cock was well over 10” long now and began to see-saw in and out of her widening cervix. Ann began to raise her ass higher in the air giving the beast a better direct line into the deepest recesses of her tiny body. The massive beast hung over the young girl, completely covering up her tiny frame with his beastly size. With his flanks jabbing forward with all his strength, the huge animal fucked forward, his hairy balls smacking loudly into the girls spread ass.

Ann’s tiny body slid ahead as the beast advanced into her. Her hips were now pinned solidly against the edge of the stump stopping her forward movements. There was no more cushion to buffer his savage jabs. She was forced to take every inch the huge beast forced into her open body.

Ann’s pussy was on fire. The walls of her cunt opened further for the massive canine cock that mercilessly sank into her. He was already past the stretched out hole of her cervix, pounding at the end of her womb. Soon she felt the knot starting to form within the walls of her pussy. Looking down her thin torso, Ann watched as her flat tummy began to expand taking the beasts knot in her gaping cunt. The mastiff was by far the biggest animal she had fucked yet. His cock rivaled the largest 5 1/4” rutabagas she had forced into her pussy a few days ago. Ann squealed as her pussy widened out to take the massive knot. She forced her legs apart even wider and shoved her ass upwards, hard into the jabbing cock in an attempt to make as much room as possible for the immense cock. She felt her pussy balloon out more than ever as the great beast settled into the depths of her stretched out cunt. From the new sensations running through her stuffed pussy hole, Ann knew his knot was just as big, if not bigger than the largest vegetable she had used at home. Her knees left the ground as the mastiff’s cock reached its final size. There she hung, stuck on the canines massive knot. His hot seed poured into her womb, sealed by the tight fit. She felt the pressure build within the pit of her belly as the immense cock spat load after hot load into her tiny body. Soon, she could feel his huge knot stop squirting. He had emptied his doggie cum deep into her womb satisfying his lust. The huge beast soon began to get restless, and tried to back off the small blonde. Ann had to grab hold of the stump to prevent the huge dog from dragging her away with him. The pressure built at the entrance of her abused pussy. The stuck knot pulled hard against the walls of her tiny pussy. With a hard pull, Ann yanked her pussy off the massive knot dislodging herself from his canine cock. With a loud ‘pop’ and gush of air, the huge dog broke free of the tiny girl. Doggie cum poured from her wide open pussy hole like a river. The pressure released from her womb as the white sticky fluids ran down her shaking legs. Glancing back, Ann almost fainted at the sight of the great mastiff’s cock. It was absolutely massive! Well over 15” long including the 5” solid knot. But her pussy and body survived the grueling attack.

But before she could survey the damage, yet another furry creature mounted her from behind.

She was not sure which breed it was, but it appeared to be the size of a horse that easily stepped over her tiny body all but covering up the prone girl. The grayish coat made her think it was the Irish wolfhound.

Little Ann just lie there as the large beast worked its haunches up her sweating torso. The little girl raised her ass high in the air anticipating the hot dagger that was surely aimed at her wide open pussy. Dropping her blonde head down, Ann prepared her body for the rough advances of yet another hard canine cock. This breed was even bigger than the mastiff, and she reached behind her upraised ass and pulled her asscheeks far apart making as much room as possible for an obvious massive canine cock. She did not even want to look at the beasts cock for fear of backing out. But she figured it had to be bigger than the last one for sure.

It seemed to take forever for the lengthy beast to crawl onto her upraised ass cheeks. All the small blonde could see was a huge barrel chest above her head as the aroused animal closed in.

jab, jab, jab, the mutt banged away at her fleshy globes, missing the mark on every try.

Ann tried to adjust her stance, and in doing so, her spread cheeks moved down slightly.

The massive mutt pierced forwards at just the right angle, skewering the surprised girl.

“Oh no, you’re too big for my little ass!”, Ann cried. ‘Please nooooo!”

But the rutting beast had no intentions of backing out of the warm tight tunnel his cock became wedged into. Grabbing her skinny waist in his vice-like grip, the beast surged forward with unforgiving jabs. His canine cock started to make progress into her widening anal ring. Pinning the small girls thighs against the edge of the stump with no where to go, he hammered forward roughly.

Everything went black as the tiny woman bore the direct uncushioned blows from the 200 pound creature. She was faintly aware of the enormous mutt above her, but her body only felt the dull rocking back and forth as the massive dog barreled into her.

Suddenly, just as before, little Ann was watching the whole scene from a few feet away. She looked on at the furry mutt as it covered up the tiny blonde underneath him. She watched as it powered forward, his flanks smashing into the little whore beneath his huge body.

“Yes, fuck the bitch”!, Ann called out. “Stretch out that tight assed cunt”!, she added.

Ann watched the tiny blonde as she took every blunt jab from the beast. Her ass cheeks flared out by the mere size of its gargantuan canine cock. Her face was contorted in agony as the beast crowded further into her stuck body. From Ann’s viewpoint, the colossal cock pounding into the tiny girl was way too big for such a small frame. But Ann did not care how the poor blonde felt. She deserved the fucking she was going to get from teasing these doggies.

‘Spread your ass apart dog bitch. Make room for your canine cock”, she yelled at the frightened little blonde.

Watching the panting blonde, Ann cheered her on as her hands began to pull the white globes of flesh apart. Whining through her teeth, the girl pulled even harder apart as her legs shot out to either side of her body. As if a gymnastic doing the complete splits, the blonds legs actually began to move towards her shoulders. Ann had never seen such a flexible girl like this before.

But the efforts were not unnoticed by the massive brute behind the tiny girl. He surged forward, the once tight canal opening up even more for his mighty canine cock. Deeper and deeper he thrust as a good foot of cock churned the girls bowels apart. But there was more to follow as the knot, though only about 3” in dimeter now, began to work its way into the wrinkled passage.

“Give him all of your asshole you cunt”! Ann screamed at the blonde. And on cue, the filthy girl shoved back hard, sucking the big knot into her bowels. He was totally in! Ann gasped at the sight before her. The massive mutt began to fuck into the small framed girl like a rag doll. Her whole body shook forwards and back with his every movement. She watched as her flat belly began to swell out as though she were pregnant from the huge knot. Wider and wider her insides stretched to accommodate the beasts canine knot. She was at her breaking point! Damage had to be happening within her bowels to take what seemed like a 6” knot inside her. The poor girls ass cheeks flared out to the side, her once small anal ring now a taunt shiny circle spreed by the massive ball stuck within her. She could feel the tip of the cock at the end of her ribcage as it danced within her wretched body.

Ann wanted to humiliate the blonde cunt even more. She ushered the Newfoundlander over to the stump forcing the small blonde’s face between its rear legs. Hanging down at least 8” was the deep purple veined cock of the 200 pound animal. Ann took ahold of the base of the filthy cock and forced it through the pursed lips of the crayons blonde.

‘Suck the cum from his balls you bitch!”, she demanded.

The scared girl began to suck the pointed cock through her oval lips. As soon as the beast felt her warm out encompass his cock, the beast surged forward. Over 4” of stiff prick flew into her wet mouth. Ann watched as the frightened girl sucked more and more of the thick cock through her white teeth. She actually thought she enjoyed sucking the mutts slimy cock.

As she continued sucking the purple prick, Ann looked back at the tiny girls ass. The massive dog was really pounding away at the petite girl now. His flanks battered roughly into her asscheeks flattening them wide to each side as he jackhammered his gargantuan cock into her in brutal thrusts. And by now, the small framed woman was actually fucking back onto the beasts cock. She was not sure how big the canine cock and knot were, but the distinct lump banging into her ribs had to nearly 18” in length! How the girl could take such a monstrosity was beyond her. But she urged the beast on; ‘Fuck you’re little bitch boy. Rip that asshole wide open!”

Looking back at the blondes face, she gasped as all the Newfoundlanders cock slid in and out of her choking throat. The beast was constantly cumming down her gullet as he jabbed forward roughly. Soon the huge knot began to appear at the base of the mighty cock. There was no way she could take its massive knot into her mouth, not even with the devils help. All the excited mutt could do was smash his furry balls against her dripping chin.

The mutt seemed to shoot over a cup of sperm down her throat, but she never spilled a single drop. Satisfied, he simple walked away as the blond licked her lips clean of the gooey clear seed.

Meanwhile, the cock in the girls ass began to shoot its semen deep into her bowels. Jet after jet shot like a cannon into her over-stretched bowels. Lucky for the small girl, the pungent seed greased the walls of her anus. The beast locked in her asshole began to pull his massive cock and knot from her warm tunnel. Ann watched as the girls tiny brown hole pulled backwards, the tight ring holding onto the massive knot. Was it going to come out? The fleshy globes widened out, trying to dislodge the huge knot. Finally in a powerful lunge, the beast pulled free, bragging the poor woman backwards a few feet. Ann looked in awe at the tiny woman gaping anus. It was hanging open, cum dripping from deep inside the dark tunnel. Glancing over at the mutts cock and knot, she almost fainted. It was absolutely frightening! The cock was as big as a bat, and the knot like a watermelon! Maybe a bit exaggerated, but by comparison to the other dogs, he was by far the biggest!

Both holes of the small woman gapped open, the elasticity completely gone for now. They were like small caves, each dripping with enough doggie cum to impregnate half the continent.

Ann watched as the little girl crawled back onto the stump. Once there, she laid her chest down on the soft blanket and spread her legs apart waiting for the next willing canine lover to take her.

For the next hour, Ann took every beasts cock thrust into either of her well used orifices. She was so stretched out, the dogs simple had to fuck and cum in her receptive holes. Over and over the dogs took advantage of the prone girl. Even the largest breeds were able to drop their loads and pull their inflated knots out for the next canine cock to fuck her. All the small girl felt was the repeated jarring against her ravaged body as each animal bore into her exposed holes. Doggie sperm flowed from her body like small rivers making a large puddle between her spread thighs.

At one point, three animals tried to mount her all at once. While two gripped the girls tiny waist, the other rose above her head, his pointed spear jabbing at her blonde hair. The slutty girl turned to the side as his spurting canine cock swung into her face. Ann grabbed ahold of the red poker and pulled it to her lips. The beast thrust forward pushing his veined cock deep down her throat. At the same time another animal had won one of her open holes behind her. She felt the hard cock burrow deep into her asshole, never stopping until the dog was buried to his full balls. He began to fuck the girl relentlessly and she tried to keep the other canine cock in her mouth. Soon she was being pumped full of doggie semen from both ends, filling more of the tiny blonde up with the beasts musty seed.

Ann must have passed out. When she awoke, all the dogs had vanished leaving her alone laying on her tummy. Even though the dull tingle cursed through her loins, Ann still had not actually cum yet. She had allowed every animal that wanted to, to fuck her like a rag doll. Cum was everywhere, coating the insides of her shapely thighs, and running from both her wrecked holes through the crack in her ass below into a messy puddle. But she was OK. There was no bleeding, which she was received about. She had taken every beast full on, and survived every canine cock and knot forced into her tiny body.

She had survived the fantasy which came true for the tiny blonde girl. Her body was alive! And, quite possibly found her body’s limits, finally! With a sexual after glow, the small girl reveled in her thoughts of how she got to this point. She dreamed about the past events, staring up into the trees, gently blowing in the warm summer air.


Ann’s escapades continue as she walks back home from the woods

Ann finally realized she had been laying there till almost noon. The whole ordeal was over within a few hours. But her body still screamed for release. She had held her orgasm back so long, to keep her little body receptive to all the fucking, that now she yearned for a true climax. But how could she achieve it now with all the beasts gone? She thought about her manufactured cock and knot veggies back at home, but that would take too long of a walk. Then she thought about the empty wine bottle in her pack. A week ago she would not even attempt such a feat. But now, her body screamed to be filled once more.

Pulling the bottle from her pack, she examined the big glass object. The neck quickly flared out to a nice 4” width, perfect to pound into her young pussy. Ann set the bottle upside down onto the stump and crawled over the thick end. She placed the end of the bottle at her sopping cunt, and began to slowly lower her gaping pussy down the smooth shaft. In no time she had the foot long bottle completely buried within her grasping cunt. Up and down the little girl moved. In vain she tried to get off on the slick bottle. But the smooth sides just did not have the texture she needed to arouse her stretched pussy walls. Even though she loved the way the bottle opened her tunnel up, it did noting to get her any closer to an orgasm.

With disappointment, she began to pack up her supplies. Maybe once home the vegetables would get her off. She decided to wear the short black skirt and tube top home. It would hopefully keep her in the sexy mood, plus she was still dripping out gobs of doggie cum. Her running shorts would be completely soaked by the time she got home. She did decide to go without any panties. The warm breezes would help dry out her hot pussy and ass a little.

As Ann walked the way back home, she decided to take a little longer way. She figured the longer walk would help take some of the stiffness out of her joints. Plus she had not taken this way home since last years run in the woods.

As she walked along, she came upon a another ranch. Looking through the fence, she saw what appears to be some sort of animal. Upon closer inspection she recognized the neighbors small shetland pony grazing by the rear corner of the pasture. She was still over a mile from the ranch and out of its sight. The miniature pony was hardly four feet high with a beautiful long mane which hung almost to the ground. It was a beautiful animal showing the owners took great care of its wellbeing. Its brown coat shined in the bright sunlight.

As she approached the pony, its head suddenly went up from grazing. The small horse began to sniff the air, turning its head from side to follow the musky scent. Ann was simply trying to approach the beautiful animal wanting to pet its head. She loved horses, and had not been this close to a miniature before. But she realized the fence was electrified, so putting her hands through it would certainly get her zapped. But she wanted so badly to pet the friendly creature. She looked down the fence line and saw a small gate. Maybe she could get in through it. Sure enough, the gate had a simple latch which she could easily open. She gingerly slipped through the gate as the pony approached her. She did not know the temperament of the small pony, and was prepared to retreat if needed. But the shetland pony easily came up to her, sniffing away at her.

Once close enough to the pony, Ann realized even the small horse standing next to her seemed perfectly sized for her to ride it. At 4’9”, the pony’s head and hers were about the same height. Slowly Ann began to pet the beautiful animal. The pony seemed to warm up to her very quickly as it began to circle around her tiny body. Every now and then, it’s huge head sniffed towards her black skirt. Ann noticed the pony becoming a little more active, bumping its cold snout more and more into her exposed thighs.

Then it suddenly hit her. With all the canine cum dripping out of her, some which had dried in globs between her tan legs, the pony could smell the musky semen. With curiosity, she bent over a little to check if it were male or female.

With a startled gaze, she instantly saw he was all male! No wonder he was so friendly she thought. In fascination she bent over further to inspect the pony’s cock as it began to fall from its underbelly. She had never seen a horses cock before. And even though the pony was just a little bit larger than one of the massive dogs from this morning, its growing cock was well out of proportion by comparison. As she gazed down, the thick appendage kept dropping down lower and lower. The pony’s belly was only about two feet off the ground, but its cock was now almost touching the grass beneath him. Ann knelt down for a better look, keeping her ass towards the shetlands head. She wanted to keep her used musky pussy near his flared nostrils keeping him excited, and hard.

As she crouched closer to the beast, she began to reach out to the inflated cock. Taking the massive organ in her hands, she was in awe of its size and power as it pulsated in her shaking hands. She began to softly stroke the thick cock seeing if it would get any bigger. It was already an impressive 18” long and thicker than a pop can. The mushroomed head was a little smaller in circumference, and began to seep a clear liquid. With faster strokes, Ann ran her hands up and down the wide penis as the pony suddenly licked between her thighs. Giving the big head more room into her crotch, she spreads her knees further apart. Her bare pussy began to grip more doggie cum from the abused holes. Even though her canals had closed up conciderably, she could still feel the warm breath of the pony blow into both of her open holes. With a big swipe from the pony’s rough tongue right across her whole pussy and anus, Ann nearly fell over. Her pussy was immediately alive again with a need to be filled.

Without even thinking about the danger of mounting such an organ, Ann slid under the belly of the pony in one smooth move. Taking the beasts hard cock within her shaking hands, she pointed the mushy head at the aroused opening to her welcoming pussy. She wanted to move fast before she changed her mind. And more importantly before the small horse lost its erection.

Ann began to thrust backwards into the pony’s hard cock. Her tiny body fit snuggly under the horse causing her ass to be at the perfect height.

It did not take long for the pony to feel his cock wrapped in her soft flesh. He began to neigh and buck his flanks forward to the little girls delight. As the pony lurched forward, more and more of his huge cock made it way into her wide pussy. Ann felt the walls of her cunt swelll open to take the beasts massive cock. She began to push backwards, pushing against the pony’s front legs as leverage. Further and further the pony’s cock sank into her depths. Looking betweenez her upraised asscheeks, Ann saw the full nut sacks close the gap towards her ass with every thrust. She had a good foot of cock buried deep within her pussy when he finally hit her cervix. She was a little surprised it took that much cock to reach her little interior hole. But realizing the huge cocks she had taken that morning, she realized her vagina must have stretched out some. Either way, it did not take long for the shetland to burst through her cervix and sink deeper into her womb. Picking up speed, the pony slammed into her open thighs, pounding this thickening cock into her with no mercy. But little Ann held fast. Her body was finally reacting to the animistic fucking, her loins beginning to shake as her climax built. The pony’s cock was in all the way! His cum laden balls smashed into her wide open asscheeks as his might cock dug into her abused pussy. The walls of her cunt greedily grasped the thick monster tightly as her curtains drug on the sides of the slick cock.

In hard jabs, the pony bucked forward pushing the small girl roughly across the grass on her spread knees. In jarring thrusts the shetland fucked into her widening cunt as his balls unloaded within her womb. Ann instantly felt the horses releasee. It seemed like gallons of its hot seed poured into her tight hole unable to escape from the tight bond.

And just like that, the pony was spent. As the small woman knelt there, his once massive cock began to shrink rapidly.

“No, please fuck me”, she wailed. She was so close. But there was nothing she could do as the flaccid cock pulled from her open hole. In a gush of fluids, his sperm spat out of her cunt onto the grass. The pony simply walked away, his cock already hidden within its sheath. He had his fuck, and wandered off quickly.

Almost in tears, little Ann watched him retreat back into the field to graze. Sadly she began to get up to leave. But from the corner of her eye she saw another horse approach her from way down the fence line. She watched as the horse approached her his nose in the air sniffing away. As it came closer, she realized this was a much larger horse. And the closer it got, the big it became. She thought of running to the gate, but it was closer to it than she was. Looking for possible cover, she saw a bale of hay a couple yards away. Quickly she put the bale between her and the approaching beast. She still did not know if this horse had a good or bad temperament. She could have easily been trampled if it were mean.

But as the massive horse came closer, it still snorted loudly, its nose following the pungent smell of fresh sex. She looked the huge animal over. It was beautiful! Jet black with white feet. Obviously a well taken care of animal. And absolutely massive! His shoulders had to be six feet high and rippled from the strong muscled legs it stood on. With curiosity, Ann just had to look under its belly. Sure enough, it also male. Its dark sheath very visible as it stood at attention just on the other side mom the bale of hay. With caution, Ann pushed her hand towards the horses huge head. Reaching out, the beast’s long tongue licked at the welcomed palm.

Watching the beasts sheath, Ann wiped her pussy with her other hand and offered it to the horse. With enthusiasm, he licked at the clear honey from her open pussy. Suddenly its sheath began to drop. He was getting turned on! Little Ann kept alternating from one hand to the bother, running her fingers into her sloppy hole pulling more of the goo from her ravaged body. Each time the beast licked her fingers clean as his cock dropped further down.

It’s length seemed to never stop growing! 6”… 10”… !4”… 16”… 20” … Ann’s body shook as the humongous cock dropped to an amazing length and girth below it sleek belly. It seemed to stop just over about 20” and began to now thicken. His spotted cock seemed to have two sections to it. The first half was pick and white spotted. The rear portion was much thicker, a solid brown, and had a little hair on it. It was totally magnificent!

Suddenly his cock began to bounce up and down, the shaft smacking hard against its underbelly. His massive balls seemed to be growing as they filled with his seed.

Little Ann knew this was the time, if any, to finally get her small body totally fucked to its limit. Surely there was no other creature capable of filling her toned body as the massive horse cock in front of her. Quickly she made a plan before the opportunity was lost forever.

Cautiously she slid onto the bale of hay, her knees scraping against the sharp edges. Pulling her skirt down her shaking thighs, she knelt on the protective fabric. Her blonde hair blew softly over her shoulders as she coaxed the beast forwards.

Would he get the hint? Would he trample her instead? Would his incredible cock destroy her?

Ann swooned by the possibilities before her, still encouraging the beast closer.

As if on cue, the huge horse walked over the bale of hay following her musky hand as bait. She watched its huge head now over hers advance further ahead. The horse was massive above her. His body towered above hers like a mountain. Looking back the tiny girl saw the telephone sized cock getting closer to her spreading legs. Soon his cock was there, still slapping against his belly. A few more inches…

BAM! BAM! His mighty cock slapped up between her thighs hitting her pussy full on. She felt the raw power as his massive cock slapped her cunt so hard she actually bounced up from the force.

She suddenly began to doubt her decision. This was NOT going to work. How could an 80 pound, 4’9” little girl take a 20+” long, 3 1/2” thick cock into her depths? The math did not compute such a union. She had to abort the situation and get this beast off her before it was too late.

Ann began to crawl away from the beast, but his massive head stopped her forwards movements. And now, those precious few inches gave the beast’s more room to once again bang upwards against his belly. The tip slid roughly through her spread ass stopping midways as it banged into her wide cheeks. His huge cock began to slap directly into her dripping pussy now, its giant mushroomed tip becoming slick from the pony’s cum. Harder and harder it slapped into her pussy lips, the warm pedals enticing the beast to push forward.

“Oh no, please don’t hurt me”, Ann pleaded.

But the beast had found the heat his cock demanded, and slowly took another step forward. Ann squealed as the cocked pushed into her tiny cunt. Even with the pony’s cum coating the grown horses massive shaft, the fit was very tight.

There was nothing Ann could do, but try to accommodate the area beast as it began to fuck forwards in powerful strokes. Maybe he would cum quickly just like the pony she prayed.

But unknown to little Ann, this purebred was the ranchers prized stud. He was used multiple times to mate with many mares at one time. His sperm was copious, and his stamina relentless. He was bred to fuck mares, nothing more. And the tight mare beneath him spurred him forward.

Ann tried to prepare herself for the fucking of her life. All the preparation was nothing compared to what was trying to rut into her pussy right now. nShe braced herself as the beast’s flanks bucked forward with a power she had never felt before. Her tiny petite body was bombarded with the huge horse shaft above her. Looking between her spread thighs, she watched as inch by thick inch pounded into her small pussy hole!

She had to try one last time to escape the massive tool that would eventually tear her apart.

In a swift sideways lunge, Ann’s pussy popped off the horses thick cock with a loud squishy sound. She hit the ground running towards the closed gait, her skirt falling on the grass behind her.

But as she pushed on the gate, it would not open! Panic took over as the tiny girl saw the horse following her, his mighty cock swinging wildly from side to side. Quickly she tried to slip through the slated boards in an attempt to get out. But her wider hips caught on the sturdy boards. There she hung, her exposed ass high in the air, half way through the gate, her toned legs flailing behind her as the aroused horse closed in on her. She tried to back out, but she had worked herself too deep into the gate.

She was stuck, presented to the massive beast and unable to protect herself.

She watched on in horror as the mighty beast mounted the sturdy gate. His heavy 1200 pound weight crashed down onto the top rung as he surged forward with his hard cock pointed at the little girl. His flanks crowded into her as she once again felt the huge cock head slap against her open pussy.

Once again, Ann’s defensive nature took over. She suddenly found herself looking on as the powerful beast began to rape the tiny blonde before her. She’d seen the small woman before. Her flowing blonde hair, flat toned tummy, beautiful breasts topped off with big aroused nipples, and her shapely ass cheeks. How could she forget the untanned white globes as they now caught the persistent jabs from the mighty horses cock. And the well fucked asshole and pussy of the little girl. So stretched out from all the cocks she had fucked today. The lubricating cum still flowed from her holes, begging for more and larger cock.

And the wicked little Ann was just going to make sure the cunt would get the fucking of her life! She started this quest to stretch her holes out, and thats exactly what she’ll get.

“Get that ass up you slut”, she yelled at the crying woman. Reaching forward, Ann helped the huge horse align his cock with the small girls pussy. The power in his massive cock was periling, ready to surge into the depths of the stuck little girl.

In a few missed thrusts, the huge head smashed into her pussy lips coating his cock for the next push forward.

“UNGGHHHHH”, the girl wailed as the beasts cock broke into her tight tunnel. He forced his way forward to Ann’s delight, sinking more and more of his 3 1/2” wide cock into her. Her pussy was stretched tight around the huge prick now in over 8” deep.

‘Open up cunt, there’s a lot more cock to go”, Ann spat at the numb woman. She watched as the small girls ass cheeks flared wide making room for more of the beasts cock.

Bang, bang, bang … the wooden gate shuttered from the force the huge horse bucked against it. Still the huge horse made forward progress sinking more of his prick into the blonde. A solid 12” was now sliding in and out of the dangling girl unable to stop his mighty advances. Ann watched as the horses flanks bucked forward and back driving his phallus deeper into the small hole presented to him. But he always made forward progress, his cum laden balls swung ever closer to the small woman’s fleshy globes.

“Fuck her good you beast. Get that cock into her. She wants all of it”, Ann wailed at the animal. Faster and faster the beast plunged forward, his cock now savagely burrowing into the woman without mercy. Deeper and deeper he forged forward. His balls now began to smack against the girls white ass, well in over 18”. The stuck girl whined in pain as the cock flew into her wide pussy and smashed threw her cervix.

Almost there, only a few inches to go … Ann’s mind went numb as she watched the little blonde take the entire horses cock into her tiny pussy. As Ann watched, the little blonde reached back and pulled her ass cheeks wide apart lifting her butt even higher. This new angle was perfectly inline for the horse to make maximum penetration. The walls of her cunt split open wider than ever before taking every inch the horse had. Harder and faster the horse rocked forward. His flanks almost became a blur as he fucked the tiny girl harder than he had ever fucked a mare before. The deep wet pussy wrapped around his massive cock began to suck the seed from his balls. It was the tightest cunt he had ever fucked and tore into the whore with no mercy. His seed boiled within his laden balls. In thrusts that almost brought the gate down, the steed forced his massive cock into the girl as deep as possible. His sperm shot from his flared cock head in a relentless gusher filling her womb with the white seed. His huge sacks spat every drop into her gripping tunnel milking the liquid from his very soul. The well used hole clutched hard onto the horses cock as it emptied all its seed into her gaping tunnel.

Slowly, his cock began to pull back, shrinking back into his sheath. The river of cum followed, pouring out of her open pussy onto the grass below. The gate shuttered as the spent horse slid off, his cock now completely sheathed.

Little Ann lay there, unable to move. Her pussy was on fire, fucked by a beast’s 20” thick cock. And she had survived to take everything he could give her. A little pride washed over the young girl. She had conquered what the beasts had thrown at her, and won!

She realized though, she was still stuck within the tight boards on the gate, unable to move. Especially now since the huge horse had jackhammered her small torso even harder betweenez the thinly spaced boards. Looking around in ways to free herself, Ann saw another form approach her from the rear. Looking under between her splayed legs, she saw the humongous bull approach her. He was absolutely massive weighing well over a ton! And looking under its huge belly she almost fainted. His cock looked like a furry telephone pole, well over two feet in length! And he was approaching her quickly. But she was held fast. The gate was too solid for her small body to break free. Her ass stuck out at the excited bull, fully open in an invitation to whatever he wished.

The gate creaked with his awesome weight as he lurched towards her open holes. From the back of her mind she felt her asshole being forced open, stretching painfully around the warm beasts cock as it drove forward…

The End