(c) 2007 by M. Lobo

Part I

Kate was possibly the happiest woman in the world at the moment. She was in Fiji, on a small plane and headed to one of the smaller islands with the love of her life. She had kept herself for one man and she had found him. He was handsome, sensitive and gallant. He wasn’t pushy as most of the others had been but he listened to her. She told him she wanted to wait to lose her virginity until she was sure that he love her and now was that time. She was absolutely certain that he was going to ask her to marry him and she was ready to give herself to him.

She had seen the brochure for their island getaway and it was just like the “Swiss Family Robinsons.” Their room was a tree house with an excellent view of the beach, but that is where most of the comparison ended. Everything from there it was modern and furnished with anything they could possibly want. Their nearest neighbor was at least two hundred yards away on all sides. There was a twenty six foot cabin cruiser for them to use at any time, and two smaller personal watercraft that they could speed about on. All right at the dock on their own personal beach. They could also go across the island to the marina in their dune buggy and take one of the sport fishers there and go deep sea fishing or scuba diving; whatever they desired.

Kate glanced at Carl out of the corner of her eye for the umpteenth time and smiled. He was everything she had ever hoped for and then some. Besides the good looks he was also knew how to fly a plane and was wealthy; and the latter she hadn’t known until she had been dating him for more than a month. She reached over and caressed his arm before turning and looking out the window at the beautiful scenery below. The grandeur of the moment was interrupted as the plane’s engine sputtered, then caught and sputtered again. Five seconds later the engine quit all together, leaving very little time for decision making because they hadn’t been flying very high.

Carl was caught totally off guard. He had prided himself in his flying abilities but he was woefully inept. He didn’t even think about calling for help on the radio and it took him several minutes to decide what to do and by then he had already lost all the best options. All he could do was aim for the closest island and hope for the best. He no longer had the altitude to land in the open area at the center of the island or even along the beach. All he could do was hope to ditch the plane just before the beach in the shallow waters and even that he failed. The water slid by him and a huge tree loomed before him. He tried to avoid it but wasn’t able to even steer away from it. His last words were a curse toward the rental agency from which he had leased the craft.

Kate awoke with a groan, surprised to awaken at all. She looked over to her boyfriend and was about to shake him when she saw blood and noticed a piece of metal sticking out from under his right arm. She knew immediately that the sharp metal shard had pierced him through and through; from left to right. His body wouldn’t even fall forward because he was totally transfixed.

The young blonde managed to get out of her undamaged door and threw up shortly after falling to her knees on the sandy soil. She then rolled onto her back and stayed there for at least thirty minutes until the nausea passed. She eventually managed to get to a sitting position and began crying. Some of her crying was for herself but most of it was for Carl.

After her crying jag was over she decided she had better snap out of it or she would probably lose her life too. She took several deep breaths and then arose to survey the entire situation. For the most part the damage was minimal. The left wing was folded neatly back along that side of the plane; but in the process one of the struts had snapped: it had been slammed through the door and right into Carl.

Kate tried to think about nothing but getting all the usable equipment and suitcases out of the plane. She moved the items to a spot just behind the plane but well above the high tide mark. She found a small amount of canned food and a little bit of water in the emergency kit but that was it when it came to edible items. She also found a flair gun with two cartridges; she would keep this handy so that when she saw a boat or search plane that she would be able to signal it.

Her next task was to gather wood for a signal fire. She had a fair amount of it gathered before she heard barking. She looked southward along the beach and saw three Great Danes loping her way. She chuckled at the sight of them but wondered where they had come from. The short amount of time that they had been airborne after the engine died had given her just enough time to see the island; no buildings of any kind had been visible.

The island was roughly two miles long by one mile wide. It was uninhabited except by animals because there was no natural water source available and no one had wanted to invest in making it habitable yet; It’s day would come eventually but that wasn’t about to help Kate at the moment.

Kate welcomed the dogs playfully and they returned her enthusiasm. She even named them. The largest she called Saturn and the next was Mars; the smallest one she called Pluto. It looked to her as though they were brothers. It was several minutes before their antics changed and before she could do anything about it the biggest of the animals, Saturn, had grabbed her blouse and ripped it completely from her body. The smaller of the dogs, Pluto, was next and he snagged her shorts. The heavier material lasted longer than the blouse but it too eventually gave way and she was soon down to her panties and bra.

“Okay, this stops right her!” She yelled; but before she could prevent anything the middle sized dog, Mars, was at her. He knocked her to her knees and had her underwear mid-thigh. She felt him mount her and was stunned until she felt his hot shaft searching for her pussy. She shrieked and tried to buck him off of her but he was too strong. She felt him nudge himself up to her and tried one more time to dislodge him but it failed.

The huge animal on her back had her. She felt him peeing on her and then she felt him enter her. She was surprised at his gentleness but she didn’t want what she was about to receive. “Get off me you Bastard. Get off me or so help me I’ll kill you when I get the chance. I don’t know how, but I’ll find a way somehow. You better learn how to sleep with one eye open…”

All further promises were lost at the moment as the Dane’s huge cock penetrated her virgin territory and claimed her cherry forever. “God damn you…” She managed to hiss through the pain of his hot shaft breaking through her hymen. She felt him bottom out within her and she gasped. She didn’t know what to expect next but she suddenly found herself on her side and Mars’ cock ripped from her vagina as Saturn hit them and bowled them over.

The dogs fought for a moment and then Mars was vanquished; it was as though he had usurped Saturn’s rights. Kate laughed momentarily but then realized that she may not have gotten off the hook. She used that moment to try and run away but she didn’t get far; the slightly larger dog was on her quickly. He stood over her like he was her master and managed to lift her into position; scratching her as he did so. It wasn’t long before she felt his cock searching for her.

She groaned as she felt him peeing on her and then she moaned displeasingly as he entered her. The only consolation to the whole thing was that Saturn’s cock was smaller than Mars’ had been. The animal began fucking her as fast as he could and she began yelling at him as she had his brother. “You better sleep as lightly as your brother you asshole, because I’m going to find a way to kill you if it’s the last thing that I do.” She cried.

Her ordeal with Saturn lasted a total of five minutes and he didn’t even lock his knot into her; this being the first experience for the dogs and herself she didn’t even realize what she had been spared. The large dog dismounted and when she was freed she tried to get away again. For her troubles, Pluto jumped on her and nipped her. After that she reluctantly positioned herself for another round. She promised Pluto a swift death also as soon as she found the means to do it.

Pluto sprayed her just like the others had; she didn’t realize that they were lubricating her. He entered her and fucked her as swiftly as his brother had. He managed to last a total of six minutes and he didn’t lock with her either. He pulled from her easily and was soon walking away, licking himself as he went.

Kate started to rise but the saw Mars standing there. She didn’t want to be bitten again so she settled back into the mating stance. “Go ahead and get it over with you Bastard!” She hissed. “I’ll get my revenge, you’ll see.”

Mars licked the girl’s cheek but she shied away from him. He remounted her and gently sought her vagina with his hot shaft. He found her easily and nudged himself into her slowly. Bit by bit he sank himself deeper and deeper into her warmth. His cock opened her like nothing before. His brothers may have been Alpha, Bata to his Omega demeanor but he towered over them both in length and girth when it concerned their male equipment.

Kate sighed softly as Mars bottomed out within her feminine channel. She wasn’t even aware that she had done it. The animal within her began moving but it was totally different from his brothers. His actions seemed to draw her feelings to the surface. It became evident that he was not just fucking her and using her for his own pleasure; but for hers also. Each thrust seemed to caress her from the inside out.

Kate may not have wanted what was happening to her but her body began to respond. She had never felt this way before. “Damn you Son-of-a-bitch! I’m supposed to be making love to my fiancé right now, not you. I hate what you are doing to me. You may make me… Ohhh… God… no… not with a dog. I don’t want a dog to have made me come the first time.”

Kate continued to shudder through her first orgasm cause by someone other than herself. She could actually feel herself clamp down on Mars’ shaft as though trying to squeeze his essence from him; it disgusted her. It was as though her body knew something that her mind did not.

Mars began thrusting again; as soon as her contractions diminished. Now that she had orgasmed once he began to step up the pace a bit. His cock filled her completely but he knew that he had to fill her even more. He heard her panting and sensed that she was very close to cumming again. He began to slow his thrusts but increase his forward pressure.

Kate’s panting took on an urgency about it; she tried to get away from the assaulting bulge but Mars’ Legs at the top of her shoulders had her trapped. Three hard thrusts hit her one after the other and the dog’s knot set itself. She had no idea what giving birth felt like but this had to akin to it somehow; even if this bulge was entering instead of exiting.

Once Mars felt his knot enter the female his thrusts became nearly nonexistent. A shallow surge was all he allowed himself. He felt his mate begin her second orgasm and he allowed it to coax the life giving fluid from him. His sperm entered her and although it wasn’t the first she had received that night it was at least the deepest and it washed the others completely away.

Kate shuddered as her climax hit her and she felt Mars shoot his seed into her. It was unlike the others as his sperm seemed to intensify everything she was experiencing at the moment. She still cursed him but now it was with mixed feelings.

Mars and Kate stayed coupled for fifteen minutes more before he gently pulled his cock out of her pussy. He kissed her cheek again and she shied away as before but not as far. As he moved away from her she was able to see his cock swinging beneath him. She gasped when she saw it; hardly able to believe that the huge piece of flesh had been within her only moments ago.

Kate pulled her panties up to her waist where they belonged and then searched for the blanket that had been in the emergency kit. She wrapped the woven material around her and lay next to the suitcases. It was getting dark. She hadn’t even realized how late it was; she had missed her first sunset in Fiji.

The night passed swiftly despite the ordeal she had suffered; or possibly… because of it. She had been sore and exhausted but she had also experienced a relief that she had never had before; she was somehow content.

When Kate unwrapped herself from the blanket and sat up to surveyed her surroundings. Saturn and Pluto were way down the beach but Mars was right there. She looked around for a weapon and her eyes fell upon the flair gun. She moved cautiously toward it and picked it up. She pulled one of the cartridges from the container and loaded it into the pistol. She was about to aim it at the dog when she noticed that he was gone; and so were his brothers. “Damn it!” She swore and then she noticed the boat that was approaching her position. She was about to fire the flair when she remembered that she was almost naked. She grabbed a blouse and shorts and quickly donned them.

Once clothed, Kate picked up the gun again but then realized that it was unnecessary; the boat was still headed her way. The rescue squad had somehow found her. She wasn’t sure they could see her very well but she waved anyway; they probably had binoculars.

The men on the boat had indeed seen her and they considered themselves very fortunate. They knew that a plane had gone down in the area but they knew very few of the details; they hoped for a reward and possibly more. They anchored their forty six foot vessel about a hundred yards from the beach; just beyond the shallow reef that would tear the bottom out of their craft if they dared to enter any further.

Capt. Rahoul Sanja and his second in command launched the Zodiac type tender into the water. They were soon pushing themselves away from their ship and motoring toward the beach and the sweetest looking girl they had seen in a long time. They could hardly keep their eyes off her and were almost drooling as the hit the beach at considerable speed. Rahoul cut the engine with practiced ease and the small boat slid out of the water leaving several feet of sand between the transom and the water; they didn’t even have to put an anchor out.

Kate was watching as the men drew closer and as they came ashore she began to have second thoughts about the whole situation. Each of the men was armed with an AK-47, a pistol, a bandolier of rifle clips and several knives. She recognized the weapons because she was the only daughter of a gun enthusiast. He had made it a point to train his girl about such things. She hadn’t particular liked her introduction to guns at first but she did love being with her father and eventually she became quite proficient with them.

Rahoul saw the girl looking at his guns. “There be pirates in these waters Missy.” He intoned to her unasked question. “One can never be too careful.” He then motioned toward the plane. “Where are the rest of ya?”

Kate relaxed a bit. “I’m the only one. My fiancé died when we crashed and he’s still in the plane. I couldn’t get him out.” She saw the man nod to his companion as though giving an unvoiced command and the guy responded immediately. She noted that the second man had his hand on the butt of his pistol as he went to check out her story.

It took only a moment for the man to look and he gave an immediate report. “There’s a body here Captain and from the looks of it I’d say that he’s dead and she’s alone. Also, there are only two suitcases at the back of the plane.”

“Okay, Missy. Let’s get the rest of your stuff and we’ll get out of here.” Said the swarthy looking Captain that wasn’t much taller than herself. He grabbed her elbow and began steering her toward the jungle.

“I… I don’t have anything in here.” She exclaimed in confusion as they entered a small clearing about twenty feet from the beach. She was then grabbed roughly and thrown to the ground. She felt her blouse being ripped from her just before she hit the sandy soil with considerable force. Stunned, she oriented herself on her back and looked up at the men as they began stripping their weaponry and clothes off. She would have tried to scramble away but she saw that the Captain already had a knife in his hand and was waving it threateningly.

“I told you there were pirates in these waters. Now, we are going to have some fun here Missy and if you are smart you’ll cooperate. I promise that you will be unhurt if you give us what we want. But, if you force us to take you… well, I’ll let you fill in the blanks.”

Kate began to look around for some way to escape but found none. The Captain began to move closer to her with his knife leading the way. He knelt, straddling her legs, and allowed the blade to find its way into the leg opening of her shorts. “Don’t move or the knife might slip and cut you.” He teased.

Rahoul managed to slit her pants from her expertly. He licked his lips as he saw the creamy panties below, but he wondered about the dried discharge that he saw there. He was just about to slice her underwear from her next when he heard a muffled scream from behind him. He also saw a strange look cross the blonde’s face. He finally looked behind him and what he saw made him leap for his AK-47.

Mars had not run far. If the men had taken his new mate to the boat immediately he would have been thwarted in doing anything about it. However, when they went into the brush, and laid aside their guns, they became fair game. He rushed the man closest to him first and his target did him the favor of turning right into his attack. His jaws closed on the man’s throat accurately, allowing little more than a muffled squawk. His teeth did what they were made to do; they ripped and tore flesh quickly. The man’s throat was ravaged and he bled out freely. Unable to do anything but fall to the ground and expire.

The huge Dane’s attack lasted about fifteen seconds and as he landed after releasing the first man he sprang toward his next victim. The Captain’s leap was inaccurate; he landed squarely on top of his rifle and was unable to bring it into play easily. Mars’ aim was different, he landed astride the man and his teeth found exactly what he wanted.

The Captain managed to accidentally squeeze off several rounds from his gun that was set on auto. The expelled shells burned his chest until the rifle jammed. By that time, Mars had the man’s neck and was picking him from the ground. He shook him like he would a bully rag, causing the pirate’s neck to give off an audible snap that ended all resistance.

Kate watched the entire scene as though it was played in slow motion. She jerked reflexively as one of the fired rounds buried itself in the sand just inches from her face. The other shots entered the brush above her. She watched as the Dane shook the life from the man and she heard the snap of the villain’s neck. She had no idea that Mars was so strong.

She didn’t snap back to real time until she heard a bull horn from the pirate ship call to the men on shore. She had no idea what was said because it was not in English. She looked around quickly and found the rifle that had not been fired yet. She grabbed it and crept to the Jungle’s edge, hiding behind the tree that the plane had crashed into. It was excellent cover.

Kate checked the rifle as best she could and then peered toward the cruiser. To her it looked as though they were trying to launch another Zodiac. She aimed at the boat in general and opened fire. She wasn’t entirely ready for the kick back but with thirty hot rounds headed toward the target she didn’t do too badly.

The shore tender they were trying to launch was hit by several bullets. Wooden splinters and glass shards left bleeding cuts on all of them. The third man in command was the unluckiest. He tried to hide behind the wooden boat rail and took a shot right to the back of his head. They didn’t even know that he had been hit until he was still sitting there after they had hastily fled the area.

Kate cautiously moved out onto the beach and watched as the remaining pirates sped away in the cruiser. She had no idea the amount of havoc she had caused. For the most part she was simply relieved to see them go but she also had the feeling that they would be back. She sighed but then quickly spun around as she heard movement behind her. The gun was leveled and in firing position despite the fact that it was empty. She gasped when she saw that it was Mars and swiftly pulled the muzzle of the gun upward but it was too late. She saw the animal instantly leap into the woods and disappear.

“Damn.” She exclaimed. She hadn’t meant to do that. Mars and his brothers may have raped her the previous night but they were just animals; not humans that should have known better. He had save her from a lot worse. She leaned the weapon against the plane and went in search of the Dane. She entered the clearing and called his name even though it was one she had given him only hours before. She turned slowly, scanning the jungle as she went. It was her second time around that she found him and he was right at her side. If he had wanted he could have had her throat in a trice.

Kate continued her turn and didn’t stop until she was facing him completely. She lifted her empty hands slowly and brought them to his nose and then his cheeks. “I’m sorry Mars; I promise I won’t hurt you. “ She said softly. “I know what I said last night but I don’t mean it anymore. You saved me from far worse than what you did. I do wish your brothers had helped out though. I’m still a little mad at them.”

Mars pulled away from her and walked close to where she had be lying when the bullet had almost hit her. An unexpected chill passed over her as she moved to where he stood. She looked into the brush and sighed sadly. Saturn and Pluto had been there. They were about to get into the fray themselves when the AK-47 had sprayed their position. Both animals had been killed instantly.

Kate slipped to her knees and hugged the dog. “I’m sorry Mars. I’m truly sorry.” She cooed softly as she began to caress him. She held the animal several minutes before she released him and stood to her feet. She patted him on the head and then carefully began gathering all the weapons. She even picked up the guns but as she did she talked to the dog and was cautious to keep the firearms pointed away from him.

After Kate had stashed the weapons in what she hoped was a safe location she took stock of herself. All she had on was a bra and panties and with the weather the way it was she was very comfortable. It was actually like wearing a very thin swimsuit. On her last trip to the small clearing she looked at the bodies that lay there and decided that she had to do something with them; she couldn’t let them lay there.

Kate walked to the Zodiac and grabbed one of the small oars. She used it to begin digging a grave and Mars helped in his limited way. She tried to stay to one side of the opening and after several hours of hard work she was able to excavate a hole deep enough to put all four bodies into it and then cover it up; she could have sworn that the dog knew exactly what was happening.

From there, Kate went to the beach and washed herself in the crystalline waters. It would have been paradise if she could change a few of the factors that made up her life at the moment. Mars joined her on the beach and he would have licked her if it hadn’t been for the excessive amount of saltwater on her at the moment. He watched her as she dried her skin on some of the clothing from the suitcases. He saw her pick up a book from Carl’s bag but then put it down; she was looking for anything edible at the moment but found nothing.

Carl’s journal caught her attention again as she was about to close his suitcase. She took it and began to page through it. She saw her name mentioned and couldn’t resist seeing what her deceased fiancé had written about her.

‘Found this hot Babe named Kate. Tried to score but found out that she was a virgin. I’ve got to have her. I have decided to see if I can get her to fall in love with me and steal her cherry from her; what a prig.’ A chill shot through Kate as though someone had cut her open and poured ice into her. She felt sick but she continued reading. ‘Kate has really given me a case of blue balls so I told her I had to go on a business trip. I went to Las Vegas instead. I fucked four women there, two of them at the same time before I was satisfied.’

Kate looked toward the plane and felt sicker yet. She had almost given herself to him; she read to the end of the journal. ‘I’m taking Kate to Fiji. It’s now or never. I told her that I have something very important that I want to ask her and I’m sure she thinks I’m going to ask her to marry me. Actually, I’m going to try and fuck her and then leave her at the end of the week. If she won’t put out for me on the first night I’m going to leave her ass there and let her find her own way home.’ Kate wretched, but there was nothing in her stomach to throw up. How could she have been so blind? Every man she had met so far wanted only one thing; fuck her and then leave her. Only one male had truly been with her and then stayed; even risking his life to save her.

Kate threw the journal into the bag and then closed it. Hunger gripped her once more so she went to the emergency bag and got another can of food from it; she was utterly famished and could hardly remember when she’d eaten last. After this, half of her rations would be gone. Even so, she shared her food with Mars.

After their extravagant meal Kate walked over to the Zodiac and sat on the end tube. She lay back and enjoyed the feel of the sun on her body. She was jolted out of her daze by something wet brushing against the crotch of her panties. “Oh you Lech.” She exclaimed when she realized that it was Mars’ tongue that had touched her so intimately. She thought she would feel more incensed about what had just happened but she wasn’t. “You still hungry?” She asked as she pulled her underwear off completely. “Have yourself a feast.” She offered as she lay back and spread her legs for him.

Kate felt the Dane’s tongue slide over her vaginal lips and clit and enjoyed the sensation. She sighed pleasurable as his tongue delved deeper into her interior; she had no idea that an animal would do such a thing. He was actually touching her G-spot at times. She found herself beginning to rock into his tongue thrusts and after several minutes she felt her first orgasm sweep over her. She grabbed his head and held him there until her spasms ended.

Kate sat up and hugged Mars. The post orgasmic euphoria was so sweet. He kissed her and she actually tasted herself; it wasn’t bad. It was then that she saw his cock and remembered how she felt when he was in her before. She hadn’t really wanted it then but things had changed. She was just about to get off of the boat and get on her knees; offering herself to him when he gently pushed her back to a lying position. He covered her and the height of the air tubes she was on had her placed just right. His cock began nudging her vaginal slit immediately.

Kate sighed as she felt his huge cock begin entering her. Each thrust moved him deeper and deeper within her and it was all she could do to remain still and allow him to control the entry process. Once he had bottomed out inside of her though, she began her own movement. She lifted her legs and put them behind his haunches. She pulled with her leg muscles and forced herself on to his shaft and his shaft deeper into her. She felt the bulge opening her pussy lips but not quite enough to set it. Her whole insides seemed to make way for the animal’s huge battering ram and she loved it.

Mars fucked her slowly; feeling each time his cock head distended her tube by at least an inch. He kept moving this way until he felt her slip over the top once more and then he stopped and rode out the storm that he had inspired. He couldn’t move an inch or he would have triggered his own orgasm and he didn’t want that just yet.

When the shudders ceased Kate could feel her lover shift within her and then push forward again. She gasped as she felt his cock tip push its way into virgin territory. She knew her anatomy and she knew exactly where he was sliding his hot shaft. Her cervix opened as though bidding him entry and then her uterus made way for him as well. She felt the familiar bulge at her vaginal lips again only this time her back vaginal wall didn’t hinder its progress. The knot popped into her and settled against her G-spot sending wave after wave of pleasure through her very being. She began panting.

Mars looked at his new mate and loved her. He looked into her eyes when they were open and he read her well. He knew he was giving her pleasure. It wasn’t like the first time he had been with her; that had been confusing but this was different. He could actually feel her as she felt him. He was entering her while she was drawing him. They were melting together as one.

As Mars began gently thrusting into her she added her own movement. Her legs, her abdominals, every muscle she could think to draw on worked in unison to pull him even deeper into her. “Oh god, you make me feel so good. I had heard of this kind of thing but I never thought I’d ever do it. I’m so glad that you were the one to take my virginity last night. fuck me honey, I’m all yours. I don’t know how I’m going to do it yet, but if I ever leave this island you are going with me. I think… I’m falling in love with you.”

Mars could feel his climax approaching so he increased his pace. It garnered the desired results. His mate began to enter the throes of her passion as he entered his. Hot sperm jetted into her uterus and entered her tubs quickly. She could feel each and every pulse of his cock as he force-fed her his life giving essence. All that came from her lips were murmurs of intense pleasure. They stayed locked together for nearly twenty minutes and neither of them even cared. They were oblivious to everything except each other.

As Kate slowly emerged from her blissful state she realized that she was kissing Mars and enjoying it. She caressed as much of him as she could reach and even thrust herself at him repeatedly so that she could feel his cock move within her a few more times before they uncoupled. “My god!” She exclaimed as she felt him slide out of her. “I could sure get addicted to this. I’m going to risk it Darling. Any time you want me, if it is at all possible, I’m going to let you have me.” And she sealed it with a kiss.


Part II

Kate and Mars spent the rest of the day searching for food over various parts of the island, but she didn’t leave the crash site without going fully armed. She had an AK-47, a bandolier of thirty round clips, a 45 caliber pistol slung on her hips with fifty rounds of ammo and a sharp Bowie knife. A sweeter looking guerrilla fighter had never been seen anywhere in the world.

The pair of them ran across several different types of palm trees and other trees as well that together comprised the island’s finite jungle. Kate did find several coconut palms and with the use of the knife she wore was able to cut the nut open and extract not only the juice but some of the meat as well. She ate and drank form the coconut sparingly because she remembered hearing that the juice and meat were slightly diuretic if you consumed too much at one time.

Just before sunset the adventurers returned to their beginning. The island was exactly as she had feared. There were no clean pools of water; if it rained they would have to find a way to collect it for future use. The animal life was nearly non-existent also. The few rodents and lizards that she managed to get a glimpse of seemed to be it when it came to wildlife. She would have to be extremely hungry to eat any of those. The whole island rose above high tide by only ten feet in places; she didn’t even want to think what a storm would be like on this small heap of sand.

Kate would have loved to start a fire but with the pirates out there she didn’t dare. There was no reason in pinpointing her location for them, even if it meant making it harder for legitimate search teams to find her.

Eventually Kate sat on the beach near the Zodiac and watched the coming sunset. She had tried to move the small craft but it had proved to be too heavy for her. She was able to move it a bit but the exertion it had taken in her weakened condition wasn’t worth it.

Mars approached her and sat next to her as though trying to enjoy the sunset also. After a few moments he reached over and kissed her and she chuckled. “I know what you want.” She whispered. She arose and began removing the few clothes she had on. Her weapons were already off and stacked near the baggage so she was standing naked before him in moments. She began to kneel where she was but then moved to the boat and put her elbows on tube with her knees on the sand and spread wide. She even wiggled her very sweet ass as though she had a tail.

Mars wasted no time but went to her immediately. He licked her into her first orgasm in minutes and before her climax had faded he was on her and his cock was nudging her vaginal lips for entry. “That’s it Darling, give it to me. I want to feel your hot shaft in me for as long as we can. I want to watch the sunset with you caressing my interior and driving me over the top.”

Kate felt every inch of Mars’ sweet cock as he fed it into her. It was as though she could describe each and every vein and ridge that comprised the makeup of his swollen member. The heat of it alone was fantastic and she reveled in it. The warmth of his shaft radiated outward from him and ignited her core also. “Give it to me Sweetheart; I want as much of you as possible and I know that you have a lot more to give me because I can feel it knocking at my pussy lips for entry.”

Mars didn’t try to lock with her yet but he did begin to step up the pace of his thrusting. He knew that she was well lubricated so he set his hip motion into rapid. A quick intake of breath from her informed him that he had accomplished what he wanted.

Kate was in a state of bliss and she wondered if it could ever get any better. Almost every nerve within her was tingling. Beside what she was feeling as her lover fucked her royally was added the sight of the most colorful sunset she had ever witnessed. Then to, the clean scent of the sea air, the feel of Mars’ hair brushing her back and ass. It all added up to sheer ecstasy.

Kate was swept away moments later as her second orgasm slammed her almost unexpectedly. They both held still. She to enjoy the blissful shudders without interruption and he to keep from cumming in his mate too soon. Her rippling vaginal passage was doing its utmost to suck his sperm from him and he wasn’t ready just yet.

“Oh Mars, it keeps getting better and better. You’re such a good lover and mate to me.”

Mars licked Kate’s neck lovingly and then clamped down on it gently with his teeth. He repositioned himself and then thrust forward like a laser guided missile. The tip of his cock entered her cervix and lodged itself deeply into her uterus. At almost the same time his knot entered her vaginal lips and caressed her G-spot. The total sum of his actions spurred a distinct reaction from his mate.

Kate screamed, but it was a howl of utter bliss. Her grunts and groans were interspersed with words of encouragement to Mars. “Oh my gawd. Oh Darling. A few minutes ago I didn’t think it could get any better but you sure are proving me wrong. You are in me so deep and I wish I could keep you there and have this feeling forever, but then that wouldn’t be very practical. So, I guess you will have to fuck me every day and hopefully even more than that at times.

The mated couple could only move an inch or so as they thrust at each other but it was more than enough to accomplish nature’s task. Kate orgasmed and her muscles clamped over and over again in an effort to draw his essence from him. Mars on the other hand was ready also and as her vaginal contractions tried to coax his sperm from him his muscles responded also and shot load after load of his life giving fluid into her deepest parts.

“Oh Mars, I can feel your sperm gushing into my fallopian tubes. Oh… your puppy juice is going to swarm my eggs that are ready to be fertilized. Wow, what if… what if you make me pregnant? I know it doesn’t seem possible but what if? Yes… make me pregnant Darling. fuck me and give me a baby, your baby.” She corrected.

For emphasis Kate ground her ass back at him and felt his cock burro itself just a little deeper. His sheath was now rubbing her vaginal lips also and the fine hairs there add to everything else that they were feeling. They stayed tied together until the sun was truly set and Kate knew that she would remember this night forever. She knew that there would be other wonderful times but this one would always remain special.

Later that evening after watching the stars and marveling at their brilliance Kate grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around herself again. As she was about to lye back she suddenly found Mars there and acting as a pillow for her comfort. She petted him lovingly and then availed herself of his kindness; she slept well that night: even better than before. Pleasurable feelings still radiated from her vagina.

Being on the western shore of the island kept them in the shade far longer than anywhere else on the small spit of land. When they awoke and took care of their morning needs and then ambled over to their food supplies. Kate picked up the two cans that sat there and read them. “Well Darling, what shall we have? I’ll leave the choice up to you. In this hand I have Spam and in this one I have… Spam.” She added with a lackluster voice. “I’d sure like to get my hands on the person that put that emergency kit together.” Kate chuckled when Mars nosed the can in her left hand; it was the one that was least dented.

After their lavish breakfast Kate buried the can and was about to go down to the water and wash up when Mars became alert. He woofed softly to get her attention and she knew immediately what was happening; she grabbed her weapons, strapped them on, and then followed where he led.

Mars moved into the jungle but as he trotted through the brush he rarely made a sound. They went southward for a hundred yards before he went to ground behind a dense bush. Kate followed suit and they remained there for almost a minute before the Dane moved again. When his mate tried to follow he placed his foot on her and held her still. He repeated the process twice before she got the idea. “Okay, I get it.” She whispered. “You don’t want me to follow.”

Mars arose and headed several yards west before turning south again; Kate watched him closely. So closely that she almost missed the pirate that had come from behind a tree and took aim at him. “Oh gawd, no!” She hissed, but even as she took aim at the man he ceased aiming at the dog. He had wanted to shoot the animal but he didn’t want to give away his location at the moment either.

Kate lost sight of Mars but continued to watch the pirate. He began moving closer to her hiding place and she was tempted to shoot him but opted to wait. With only a hundred and fifty feet to go she saw him turn at the approach of something behind him. Before the man could barely react her mate had him by the throat. It was almost a repeat of the first man he had downed. The pirate was dead in seconds and the shock of it all kept him from doing anything but fall to the ground.

Mars stood over the body until Kate arrived and then backed away a bit. “Wow,” She whispered in awe at how lethal and sly the Dane really was. She caressed his head and then moved to the body. She took his weapon, stripped the clip and chambered round from it and then buried it as best possible. She took his bandolier next, noticing the grenades that he had attached to it. She added it to her growing repertoire of weapons and then stood. “What’s next?” She asked the dog softly.

The Dane led her northward moving swiftly at first but then slowing. He ducked down and began crawling and Kate followed suit. There was a clearing ahead and they were behind the boll of a fair sized tree right at its edge. This time Mars did not move and it became apparent why within seconds.

Kate heard voices and then watched as five men emerged into the opening. They formed a rough circle about eight feet in diameter as they moved into the very center of the glade. Barely think about what she was doing she stripped two grenades from the bandolier; putting one on the ground next to her and the other in her right hand. She heard them talking about splitting up so she grabbed the pin ring and pulled; hoping that the devise worked as she had seen in movies.

The pin was stubborn at first and the grenade fell out of her hand and landed next to her. She squawked when she realized that the pin was in her left hand and she hastily grabbed the grenade and launched it toward where the men stood.

The pirates stopped as soon as they heard a noise coming from a few feet in front of them. Their guns were immediately leveled in that direction but they totally missed the explosive that had been tossed their way in a high arc. The grenade blew and shrapnel caught all of them by surprise.

Three of the men died instantly, two with metal shards in their head and the other with metal in his heart. The remaining two were hurt severely but still able to fight. One of them sprayed the far wall of brush indiscriminately with his AK-47 while the other tried to get a grenade of his own into play.

Kate managed to peep around the tree and saw the man with the grenade. She aimed her own rifle at him and pulled the trigger. Lead flew all around him as he raised the explosive to throw it and one of the bullets caught him in the wrist; the device dropped right between the two pirates.

The man with the gun heard the plop of the grenade as it hit the ground but he was too late to do anything about it. He saw a bright light and the pain he felt was intense for a moment but then darkness took over and he ceased feeling at all.

Kate had rolled behind the tree and next to Mars after seeing the grenade fall to the ground. After it exploded she just lay there, trying to gather her wits about her. Mars licked her gently and then arose to be sure that there would be no more opposition. His actions were moot. All that remained of the pirates were five shrapnel riddled bodies.

After this last battle, Mars led Kate to the eastern shore of the island. His actions were no longer one of stealth but playful exuberance. To her it meant only one thing; there were no more pirates on the island at the moment. She wondered how many more she would have to face?

As they walked along the beach she once again wished that the circumstances were different. She wanted so much to be able to walk about freely without worry of being attacked. The one thing that she wouldn’t change though was her relationship with Mars. He was an integral part of her life now. She lifted her head from the shell strewn beach and looked ocean ward; she stopped as her eye fell upon the pirate vessel anchored just beyond the coral reef.

Mars saw where she was looking and began to bark loudly. She tried to quiet him but he wouldn’t stop. In fear she lifted the rifle to her shoulder and aimed at the cruiser. She would shoot at anything that moved.

Minutes passed but nothing stirred aboard the boat so Kate lowered her weapon. She knew now what Mars had known all along; all of the pirates had come ashore and all of them had perished. “I wish I had your hearing and sense of smell.” She intoned. “Maybe if you fuck me enough you’ll pass some of your abilities on to me. That, I would very much appreciate.”

Kate saw some marks in the sand just north of where she stood and walked to them. They were drag marks and she was sure that it had been caused by the men as they pulled their landing craft off the beach and into the woods; she followed them and found the second Zodiac.

The young blonde approached the front of the landing craft and tried to move it. The Zodiac budged but it was hard. She shook her head and was about to give up when Mars grabbed the front anchor rope and began pulling it himself. The unit swung about sharply and trailed behind the animal as he walked toward the water.

Kate added her weight to the effort of getting the boat waterborne and very soon she was standing in two foot of water. She patted the interior of the Zodiac and was pleased as Mars leapt into it. She hopped aboard next; noticing the bullet holes in the air bladders that had been patched. She seated herself at the controls, turned the key and was soon motoring her way toward the pirate’s main craft.

At the back of the cruiser there was an opening that made it easy for Mars to jump aboard the larger boat. Kate followed after tying the anchor line securely to one of the aft cleats. Even though everything indicated that they were safe she never let go of her vigilance.

Kate spent hours on the vessel going through everything that she could find. All the weapons she threw overboard. But the money, jewelry, food, water and other things she deemed valuable she tossed into the Zodiac. When she was below decks she also found the bilge plug and pulled it out of its hole and the cruiser began to slowly take on water. Her last act aboard the boat was to cut the anchor line and watch as the ship begin to drift outward into deeper waters; no one would ever use this craft as a pirate vessel ever again. She boarded her small craft, untied the line, started the engine and motored southward; she was going to have to go all the way around the southern tip of the island to get to the western shore.

By the time Kate and Mars came within sight of their selected beach the Zodiac they were in was nearly out of gas; it was the one thing that she had neglected to search for but then she hadn’t noticed any extra gas cans lying about either. All In all she still felt safer on this island that motoring around the ocean looking for an inhabitated one.

Once the pair was ashore and Kate had unloaded the items that she had taken, she turned the Zodiac loose as she had the cruiser; she wouldn’t need it any more. The first landing craft would be enough and it had a full tank of gas aboard it.

For the late afternoon meal Kate really splurged, opening two cans of food and a container of water. It would still leave their new stockpile with well over a hundred cans in it and an ample water supply. She ate slowly but Mars wolfed his bits of meat down quickly.

After they had eaten and she had disposed of the dishes in the customary way Kate sat on the tail end of the Zodiac again. She wasn’t surprised when Mars drew closer and kissed her. She smiled and then stood and disrobed. “I wondered when you would come around again.” She said softly. “I was ready for you hours ago Darling so don’t disappoint me.” She added as she reseated herself and spread her legs in open invitation.

Mars didn’t lick her this time. He could smell that she was ready. He covered her and sought out her vaginal slot with his hot shaft. Kate felt the familiar wetness that preceded her lover’s entry and knew now that he was only lubricating her. “Give it to me Darling, I want you so much. The last time we made love you fucked me from behind and it was beautiful but this time I want to watch you as you enter me. Ohhh… yes, that’s it, ohhh… shove it all the way to the bottom.” And she grunted pleasurably as he did just that.

Kate lifted her legs and locked them behind his haunches so that she would be able to fuck him as he fucked her. She could feel his cock head beating against the end of her tunnel and tried with all her fight to push him even deeper. “Ughhh, ughhh, ughhh… we definitely need more practice if we’re ever going to fit all of you in me this way.” She managed to gasp between thrusts. “And I for one am definitely willing to go all out to attain that goal.”

Mars could feel his new mate trying to lock them together but he resisted. Whatever it was within him he knew that she wasn’t quite ready yet; soon though, very soon. With Kate’s legs holding him so tight he was unable to move as fast as he wanted so he settled for his knot entering her at least half way. Everything about her was cloying. He loved her smell and the taste of her mouth. He loved the salty essence of her breasts, especially her nipples. He also loved the sounds she made as he thrust deeply into her. He had no idea what she was saying but her tone of voice was unmistakable; he was giving her pleasure and that was all that mattered.

Kate was beginning to think that she would never be able to speak in anything but broken sentences while Mars was fucking her. Every time his hot shaft impacted against the back wall of her pussy there was nothing she could do but grunt; it simply took her breath away. “Ahhh… ahhh… Ohhh Yesss…” She murmured as her first orgasm claimed her.

She hadn’t experienced too many orgasms with Mars yet, but this was the first time that the initial climax slammed her so hard. It was all she could do to hang on to her lover and keep from rolling off the tube she was on. She had to lower her feet to the sand quickly and stabilize herself or they might have slipped apart. All in all it might have been something to laugh at some day but there was no way she wanted to lose contact with him if she could help it; she loved the feel of his cock in her.

Mars felt his mate drop her legs but he waited until the spasms within her pussy had diminished before he began to move again. Then, free to move, he began pounding her harder and faster than ever before. Each thrust buried his knot beyond the half way point but it didn’t hold; the stiff resilient back wall wouldn’t conform just yet and bounced his knot out of the grasp of her vaginal lips every time.

In a way it was a good thing that they were the only ones on the island because as he fucked her this time she was far from quiet. Kate was aware of her pleasured shrieks she simply didn’t realize how loud she was. “Oh gawd, oh gawd… fuck me Mars, I’m all yours Darling. Oh Gawd…” And her second orgasm washed over her. Even with her feet on the ground and her leg muscles almost cramping with exertion she thrust her vagina at her lover’s cock and managed to impale herself on him just a little more. It kept her spasms rolling through her for several minutes.

Mars remained still in order to keep from cumming and almost had to do what he didn’t want to do; pull out of her completely. He reached down and kissed her lips and then moved to her neck. He licked her breasts and swiped his tongue across her pert pink nipples and that is when he began to get a response from her again as she grabbed his face and kissed him. “Sorry Darling, they’re just a little too sensitive at the moment.” She cooed.

Kate watched Mars and she could have sworn he nodded in understanding. She then felt him shift within her and tried to relax; she knew what was about to happen and she wasn’t disappointed. “Yesss…” She hissed as his hot cock found her cervix opening and burrowed into it. They were looking into each other’s eyes as the rest of the act was consummated. He slid his knot into her and they were locked together.

Another pleasured groan escaped her lips and her eyes widened almost as though by doing so it would help Mars’ cock bulge enter her body. She lifted her legs into position and locked her feet into his haunches anew; it gave her the leverage she wanted to thrust back at her lover as he thrust at her. “Now Darling, I have you where I really want you. I love it when you pump yourself into me Sweetheart and I’m pleased that you can fuck me as long as you do; but I really love it when we’re locked together. Not only that, but I think it’s time you feed my hungry eggs again and see if we can’t break all the known physical laws. Shoot your sperm into me and make me pregnant.”

Mars rocked into her and she pushed back at him at the same time. His knot rubbed her G-spot and speared into her uterus over an inch each time. The feelings that passed between them were beyond description. Time ceased to be a factor and all that mattered was the union that they shared. He kissed her and it completed the circle of love. She orgasmed with an intensity that coursed through every fiber of her being and when she felt Mars’ hot life-giving fluid gush into her she floated away into oblivion.

Mars felt his mate go limp and held her. He began to worry even though she was breathing regularly. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her but she still refused to respond and he gave a worried whine. Inadvertently, his movements caused his cock to move within her and she groaned pleasurably. Her hands moved to his sides and back and caressed him.

“Oh Mars, that was so wonderful. I really do love you.” She whispered while looking into his eyes. “I truly hope that we can have a baby together. I would love nothing more than to present you with a son or daughter. I would really love to be walking down the street with you and have my bulging tummy sticking out for all to see and have guys wishing that it was theirs.” She cooed and then kissed him.

The lovers stayed locked together for several more minutes and as they parted it was definitely with reluctance. Kate waited a bit and then washed off in the warm Fijian surf. She smiled as she realized that she hadn’t lost as much of her lovers sperm as she had at other times.

When Kate came out of the water she dried off and pulled some fresh clothes from her suitcase. She set them aside so that she could get to them in a hurry if she needed but then remained naked. The sun felt good on her skin, especially this late in the afternoon.

Kate watched as the sun sank lower in the western sky. She grabbed the Frisbee that she had rescued from the pirate ship presented it to Mars. “Let’s see how smart you are sweetie.” And then faked tossing the saucer shaped toy. She was pleased to see him move as though he would chase it if she had released it. “Okay, this one is for real. Fetch it Darling.” And she launched it down the beach.

Mars was off in a flash and before the spinning disk had even begun to drop he had it in his mouth. “Wow.” She exclaimed as he caught the object and then returned it to her. She repeated to whole process four more times before his tactics changed a bit. He brought the disk back after the fifth toss but as she tried to reach for it he pulled it away with a quick turn of his head.

Kate chuckled and then reached for the Frisbee again but got the same results. “Oh, think you’re smart do ya?” The young blonde put a little more effort into it but before she knew it she was lying in the sand and Mars was several feet away with the saucer in his teeth and wagging his tail. She got up and with renewed determination went after him again.

Mars didn’t just run away down the beach, he zigged and zagged to keep the toy away from his mate. When he saw that she was tiring he walked over to the boat and dropped it inside. Kate chuckled and then went to retrieve the disk. As she bent over the air bladder she got the surprise of her life when he quickly pounced on her and pinned her down.

Before Kate knew it she was on her knees and feeling her lover’s hot shaft searching for her again. “Oh Sweetheart.” She gasped as he entered her equally hot tunnel. “You can surprise me like this anytime you want. I sure wish I knew what brought this on because I’d be sure to do it more often.”

In actuality, there were several catalysts to this round of lovemaking. The first was the fact that she was naked. The second was she was playing with him. And the third was that she was ovulating; and he smelled the change in her chemical makeup.

Mars pounded her hard and fast; it was all she could do to breathe. By the time her first orgasm hit her she could do nothing but pant. She was being fucked royally and she loved it. Every time they made love it seemed different in one degree or another.

Kate was barely through the halfway point of her initial climax when she felt Mars shift and enter her cervix again. His knot followed and as it seated itself against her G-spot it reset everything; her orgasm started all over again with even greater intensity. “Oh Honey, what are you doing to me?” She exclaimed as he grabbed the back of her neck and started rutting into her with renewed vigor.

There was nothing that Kate could do but accept the pounding that Mars was giving her. She tingled all over and it was pure bliss she was experiencing as she felt him making love to her. A second orgasm slammed her but he didn’t stop fucking her. He pistoned into her like a locomotive with a full head of steam and didn’t stop until her third climax and then he added his orgasm to it.

The young blonde felt Mars pump his sperm into her and could imagine exactly what was happening to her internally. Her vaginal muscles were going into overtime as they worked to milk every single ounce of his life-giving fluids from his cock. And his hot shaft was buried so deeply within her that there was absolutely no place for his essence to go but into her fallopian tubes and flood her ovaries. She could almost see billions of his sweet little wigglers mug at least one egg and overcome all the defenses that nature had given it. One sperm… that’s all it would take and they would have accomplished their task. She could almost feel that one little ovum give up in surrender and allow itself to be fertilized and she gasped. “Oh my gawd… I think we did it. I think you just fucked me so good that we’re pregnant. Oh, Honey… I’m going to have your baby. YOU are going to be a Daddy!”

Kate could hardly believe what she was feeling. She didn’t want to doubt for even a second that what she had just experienced was anything but what she thought it was. She wanted this to happen. She wanted his baby and she was afraid that if she allowed any doubts to enter her thought process at this time that the events of this night would somehow fail; and she would lose what they had just created. “Thank you Darling.” She cooed softly, completely drained of energy. “I honestly hope that I am pregnant and I can carry your baby within my womb.” She gazed at the beautiful sunset through heavy eyelids and then fell asleep draped over the Zodiac.

Mars continued to cover her and give her warmth for half an hour before his knot was deflated enough for him to pull out safely. He licked her neck lovingly and then retrieved the blanket she had used the nights before. He managed to drape it over her fairly well and then laid himself at her feet.

It was several hours before Kate stirred and when she realized where she was and that she was covered by the blanket she marveled at her lover’s thoughtfulness. She wrapped the cloth around herself a little better and then snuggled closer to her mate. After wiggling a bit to get the contour of the sand to conform to her shape she fell back asleep and slept until morning.

When Kate awoke she remembered the previous night vividly and all the euphoric feelings that had flooded her senses were still there. She placed her hands on her flat stomach and caressed her lower abdomen; from her neatly trimmed pubic hairs to her small innie bellybutton. She then hugged Mars and kissed him several times before getting up and ambling into the brush to take care of her morning needs.

After washing up a bit she prepared their food and they ate lavishly and drank freely. She kept the blanket draped around her because it was still cool in the shadow of the trees. She walked to the edge of the water and tested its temperature and was pleased with what she found and opted for a morning swim. She walked to the Zodiac and was about to toss the blanket into it when she saw the Frisbee and pleasant Goosebumps coursed over her at the visual reminder of how her mate has taken her so completely.

Kate lay the blanket aside and walked into the crystalline water. Except for its saltiness she loved it; she still preferred fresh water to swim in at the moment. She lay back in about three foot of water and was amazed at how easily she floated. She knew it was due to the salt in the water making her more buoyant. She felt totally relaxed until she heard Mars barking and splashing in her direction.

Kate flinched and she ended up sitting on the sandy bottom as Mars flew over the top of her. She shrieked playfully and wondered what he was up until he surfaced. In his mouth was a fair sized fish and it was doing everything it could to evade it’s captor; but failed. “Oh my god!” She exclaimed in amazement. I guess that answers the question of how you stayed alive on the island; you had sushi.

Kate swam around a little more and noticed that Mars did likewise. When she came ashore there were two fish there; she hadn’t even seen him catch the second one. He picked one of them up and placed it at her feet. “I hope you don’t expect me to clean them for you.” She said jokingly but then it dawned on her; this one wasn’t for him it was for her and he was providing her with food. “Oh… you Sweetheart.” She cooed and then bent to pick it up. She wasn’t sure exactly what to do and she wasn’t very hungry at the moment but she wasn’t going to let his efforts go to waste.

Going to the weapons stash she got one of the knives. The blade was almost razor sharp. She had to admit one thing, the pirates were more than likely miserable murderers and scallywags but they did seem to keep their equipment in good shape. With a bit of effort she was able to fillet both the fish and then wash up in the ocean again. She then gave Mars his portion without the skin and bones on it this time.

With a little more effort she even started a small fire with the wood she had already gathered and the matches she had taken from the boat; the skillet she had also procured from the cruiser came in handy also. She managed to cook the fish without burning it and even though it was a bit dry it wasn’t too bad. It had been many years since she had last cooked over an open flame like this and it was another thing she owed to her father’s adventurous camping spirit.

Kate was just about to clean the pan when Mars began barking for attention. It didn’t take her long to see what had excited him. There was a boat approaching her position; it was coming out of the south. She scrambled for her clothes and then loaded the bandoliers on her small frame next. “Here we go again.” She sighed heavily.

With practiced ease she moved into the jungle and positioned herself next to the base of a tree. She wasn’t sure where Mars was at the moment but she hoped that he was some place safe. She made sure that the rifle was ready and then use her confiscated binoculars to see who her guests were. When she focused in on the craft she was somewhat relieved to see that the boat bore the Fijian flag on it and it was anchoring just beyond the reef.

Kate continued to watch and within five minutes they had a small shore tended launched and motoring directly toward the crash site. She waited patiently for the two men to come ashore before she hailed them. “Please do not come any closer.” She shouted. “Who are you?”

Both men stopped immediately; the woman’s voice came from their right and it didn’t sound too friendly. “We are the Fijian Coast Guard. We are looking for a missing plane. Are you Kate Mathers and Carl Emory?”

The fact that these men knew their names was enough to assure her that they were legitimate. She sighed deeply. “I’m coming out.” She yelled and then worked her way to the path that would lead her to the crash site. She chuckled as Mars joined her; she hadn’t even seen where he had come from.

When the men saw the young blonde and huge dog emerge from the brush they both reached for their guns but didn’t pull them. “You uh… expect a little trouble, Maam?”

“Yeah, you could say that.” She responded and then she began filling them in on all that she had gone through since the crash. She started with Carl’s death and ended with the present moment. The only thing that she left out was her intimacy with Mars.

“We found the boat that you set adrift. We caught it just before it could sink. It had drifted nearly twenty miles, and past several other small islands; that’s why we didn’t find you until now. How many pirates did you say you to eliminate?”

Kate did some quick figuring. “There were at least nine of them. Some of them are still out there.” She nodded toward the jungle. “I didn’t bury all of them.”

“Well, gather your things and we’ll get you out of here. We can send a crew to clean this up later.”

Kate grabbed her suitcase, the money and jewelry, and called Mars to her side.

“We don’t have room for all that, Maam. And you are safe now; you can leave the guns and grenades here with us.”

Kate grabbed her passport and Carl’s journal from her suitcase. She threw them in with the money and jewelry. She stripped the weaponry off, put it in the Zodiac, and then led Mars to the C/G landing craft. One of the men started to say something about the dog but she stopped him. “He saved my life several times. Go get a bigger boat if you have to because I’m not leaving this island without him!”

Both men made wry faces but then relented. They were soon on their way back to the main craft with the girl and the dog.

It took a bit of time from there, but by early evening Kate and Mars were in Suva and she making arrangements for the large Dane to be shipped back to the U.S. All in all she thought thing were going quite well for them. What she didn’t know was that the pirate band that she had annihilated was responsible for the deaths of at least thirty people; and those were only the ones that the Fijian officials knew about.

The small island government didn’t make a big deal of what had happened as there were many relatives to the men that had been killed; and the officials chose to protect her. They allowed her to keep the money and jewelry she had found and then assisted her in getting the dog and herself out of the country as quickly as possible.

While Kate was waiting for all the paperwork to clear a man approached her. “You are Kate Mathers?”

Kate looked at the man, he looked vaguely familiar. “Yes, I’m Kate, do I know you?”

“Possibly, I’m Carl’s father.”

Kate saw the resemblance then and was tempted to tell the man exactly what she thought of his son, but held back. Only nodding her head in acceptance, wondering how much the man really knew about his boy.

“I feel as though I need to apologize for my son’s behavior. I already know what happened, and what was going to happen; though the last part I didn’t find out about until just yesterday. The Fijian government has already given me custody of my boy’s body and suitcase and I see that the journal that he kept is missing. Do you know where it is?”

Kate nodded. “I have it.” She said guardedly. “I found it shortly after we crashed; and I read it.”

Carl’s father sighed heavily. “I do not condone what my son did. I would however appreciate it if you would allow me to buy it back from you for one million dollars, and I will pay the taxes. I will have the money deposited to whatever bank you desire.”

Kate looked at the man seriously. “Why are you doing this? What’s the catch?”

“I do not wish for my family’s name to be dragged through the mud with scandal after scandal. Which is what would happen if one of the tabloids ever got a hold of it. And as for the catch… I would simply ask for your word that you would never speak of what he planned to do concerning you to anyone. Just leave it with the fact that he died before he could do anything.”

Kate looked at the man and pitied him. She then went against what most people would have done and trusted him. She reached into her bag and pulled out the journal. She then looked him square in the eye. “I hope you are more honorable than your son was.” She exclaimed as she handed him the document.

The man smiled. “There will be a limousine waiting for you at the airport when you land in the States. The driver will give you an envelope and in it will be a bank book with your million dollar deposit. There will also be a tax receipt in your name showing that the required taxes were paid for. After that, the driver will take you anywhere you want to go. That is my word, and I have never broken it yet and I don’t intend to start now. Thank you Miss Mathers, I do wish you all the best.

Kate watched as Mr. Emory walked away; there was something about the man that exuded trust. It was something she realized that she had never really sensed in Carl and she wondered why she had missed it when it seemed so obvious now. Her reverie was interrupted as a very distinguished gentleman approached her. “Miss Mathers, your animal is already aboard your plane and here is all of the paperwork that you will need. You are seated in first class and after takeoff you can see the dog; just ask one of the stewardesses. We wish you well and have a nice flight.”

Kate was led to the plane’s ramp and was soon seated in the first class section. One of the youngest attendants there asked her if she wanted a drink and she opted for orange juice. When the young lady delivered the drink she opened up a conversation with her. “Is that your Great Dane they have in the hold?”

“Yes, why.” Replied Kate with concern in her voice.

The young woman smiled. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to frighten you. Everything is fine; I just wanted to know what it was like to have such a huge animal. I’m thinking of getting one.”

Kate smiled at the girl. “I love having Mars and I don’t know what I’d do without him. But, if you are thinking of getting a dog as big as he is you better be able to give him more than a few minutes attention each day or it won’t work out.”

“Thank you.” Returned the attendant, I’ll keep that in mind.

Kate relaxed then and began making plans for her and Mars. She could hardly wait until they could but together again, especially in a place where they could have privacy and she could strip naked.