(c) 2013 by Marduk

Bill Watts was not that keen on being on the development board for the local administration; he had been appointed when the chap who held the post resigned for personal reasons. It wasn’t as though there was a lot of work and it did interfere with his own interests, but it did pay a sort of pocket money, which was more of a nuisance than a real benefit. However, it had some perks – like a monthly dinner and the occasion to visit other administrations, which sometimes although not regularly enough meant meeting up with either a secretary or a woman that was with another administration. This was one perk that he did appreciate for it could lead to a long decent fuck, or an absolute ‘blow job’, both were appreciated. However, this morning he was sitting in the coffee shop that he frequented, without any agenda circulating in his mind, he was just enjoying a cup of coffee.

The woman was attractive, a little plump, but certainly not fat. She had a decent set on her, he loved a woman with tits and she was well endowed. He didn’t take any further notice of her until she approached his table and asked if she could sit. Surprised for she was attractive and his association with ‘attractive’ women was very erratic. He certainly wasn’t going to say ‘no’. She sat and smiling started the conversation. “You are Bill Watts? I believe you are on the development board for the local administration?”

“That’s right”, he replied. The fact that she knew him wouldn’t have been a surprise, especially if you read the local paper for the board and its members had been in the news lately in association with a major redevelopment that was to be voted on in a week’s time. “I represent the developer who wants to pull down the old Stalin type of buildings just across the river from the main shopping complex and replace the space with ‘up market’ units and town houses”, she said.

“Yes! And it is causing arguments because those old housing types are now accommodating the influx of black refugees that the ‘rights’ people say should be given priority over any development”, he replied.

The woman smiled and pushed a closed newspaper towards him and softly said. “It would be in your interests to help the developer here, for it would certainly create jobs and replace a dilapidated area with modern and attractive buildings”. Bill slightly opened the paper, inside was a considerable bundle of bank notes, all of one hundred dollar in value. He closed the paper and pushed it back. “I gather you know”, he said. “The vote on the development of that area must be at least 80 per cent in favour either way. I gather by your suggestion that you and your employer would like my vote to assist the developer?” The woman smiled and gave a slight nod. Bill leaned back and studied the woman.

She certainly was a heck better than the women he had, had association with for a long time. He knew by the size of the bribe that his vote was urgently needed; he gave a sigh and then said. “I’m not interest in the money but as you have offered it, you need me on your side”. He paused as the woman gave a sweet smile and a nod. “Ok!” he said. “I have a condition and it is this, the vote is in five days time well for each day, prior to the vote I fuck you up the arse, only you. I’m not interested in any other woman”. The woman turned pale, her lips trembled as he got up. “I come here each day around this time; if my desire is met you can tell me tomorrow, if you don’t arrive I gather your developer is not that serious in getting my vote. I gather he has approached others on the committee, you will need a majority to alter that ground for the ‘rights’ people will do their utmost to keep the status-que”. She was still sitting in shock when he left.

All that day she struggled with ‘the condition’. She knew that on the salary that she got when it was announced meant she would be obliged to ‘entertain’, using a nice word instead of saying ‘fuck’ and she had already spread her legs and sucked cock quite a few times on selected customers, but never had she been asked or even suggested that she take a cock up the arse. What to do? She knew she couldn’t refuse for although the thought did turn her white, she wasn’t prepared to forego the salary she obtained, but she had to do something to find out what a ‘cock up the bum’ would feel like. As she expected her employer told her that the development was a million dollar investment and if to obtain an extra vote she had to fore-fill a required specification, then she would do it.

The woman she eventually went too was an old hand at sexual entertainment who listened with amusement. “My only advice my dear”, she said. “Make sure his cock is well lubricated, either give it a good suck or cover it in lubricant. As you haven’t had it before the first few thrusts are going to be something you will remember and as your bum will be receiving its first ‘fuck’ he will ram it home, not in the first or even the second thrust, he has to open you up and that will be on the third thrust, once in don’t for a moment think he will pull out, no matter what you do. I have had men tell me that there is no better fuck than up the arse of a woman. Grin and bare it my dear”, she concluded. All the young woman could then do was to get a nice lubricant.

Bill had almost finished his coffee and was thinking that the woman was not going to make it, when she entered the shop. He thought she must have been up all night, for the attractive piece of yesterday was now a woman who had other things on her mind that took preference over her attire. She sat down and accepted a coffee and then, with a tone of despair said. “I and the developer accept your condition”. Bill smiled and waited till she finished her coffee before saying “Well let’s go”. He took her to an office just down the road from the coffee shop.

He unlocked the door. “This is one of the offices that we use”, he said as he stood aside for her to enter. He led her through the main office to a small one and after closing the door said. “You can fully strip or just drop your panties. There is this lubricant or you can give my cock a good suck, after that just bend over”.

“I’ll … I’ll suck you but I don’t want to undress”, she said

“That’s fine”, Bill said. “As long as your bum is bare for that is what is on the agenda, just a fuck up the bum. Now you can suck”, he said as he dropped his trousers, revealing a hard and erect cock. Silently she gave a moan but then did what she could do quite excellently, began to suck. For a number of minutes he enjoyed her mouth, but then the time came for what he wanted. He lifted her up, turned her around, bent her over and in those few seconds, covered his prick with lubricant, before aiming that cock head between the cheeks of that very attractive arse. He didn’t ask if she was ready, he just thrust and she bucked and gave a gasp of sheer surprise. That gasp and shudder was mild to what was to follow as he drove his cock in thrust after thrust up that lovely bum.

As he opened her up she was almost lifted off the ground, her whole being vibrated so that even the table shuddered; her cry was more of a screech as he rammed her. In and out that cock went and while he moaned in pleasure she ached. Finally he gave the thrust that emptied his balls and the one that made her whole being vibrate like an unset jelly.

He didn’t pull out right away, just let it stay, buried up her bum till every drop of cum was squeezed from him, then he pulled out with a smiling comment. “Your bum was fantastic, the best bum fuck I have ever had.” As for her she felt as though a lamp post was shoved up her and although he helped her, it was awkward but finally she could manage. He said goodbye and departed with “Till tomorrow then”. It was later that morning before she fronted for work. She was lucky only two of the developers knew what she had done and all they did was smirk and the one comment that nearly made her quit was “How is your bum?”

Bill had just ordered when she entered. He gave a gasp of surprise for she was dressed as though she was going to a club or similar institution, it was not the office dress she had on yesterday. Her hair fell over her shoulders and the floral dress was pulled in at the waste with a wide but decorated belt; the dress was held up by two thin shoelace straps, it was obvious she was braless for not only was there no bra strap on display but the cleavage was so low that if she bent forward there was a good chance her tits would fall out. She sat with a smile. He didn’t ask how she felt, he wasn’t interested. He ordered a drink for her and the only words spoken was when it was time to leave and he was surprised at the contents. “Well let’s go and satisfy your cock by having it shoved up my bum”.

This time she totally stripped, the first time he could really appreciate her. “You are very lovely”, he said as he followed her example and removed all his clothes. “I love women with big tits and a forest of hair around their cunts. Many women now shave themselves, I hate that”, he concluded as she began to lick and then suck his hardened cock. “If I didn’t want your arse I would let you suck me totally”, he said as he lifted her up and bent her over. He again covered his cock in lubricant although she had smothered it in saliva. As he positioned himself behind her, aiming the cock head between the cheeks, she turned and snapped. “Well come on, shove your fucking cock in and ravish my arse”. A request that he willing undertook, he shoved it in.

This time although she vibrated as he pumped, it was more in rhyme, her gasps matched his moans. He held off as long as possible and then gave the thrust that emptied his balls and she lifted herself up, her tits bounced and her cry was not one of pain but pleasure. She turned saliva draining from her mouth as he finally pulled out and wiped his cum covered cock over her bum. “That was better than yesterday, I could almost say I enjoyed it”, she said as she straightened up.

He didn’t get a chance to say “till tomorrow’ for she asked even before she had fully dressed. “Are you going to take me to lunch or is it just my bum your interested in?”

“I … I thought you had to go to work”, he said as he finished dressing.

“Not today”, she replied with a smile. “The heads of the company are interstate, they flew out last night and I hold a high enough position to make a few decision on my own, and the decision for today is not to go in. So where do we go for lunch?”

“There are some nice eating places up in the hills, where all the arty crafts and hippie types live. How does that sound?” he asked. She smiled and clutching him they walked towards the door.

They sat outside; it was a cool but lovely day. Native birds flew and screeched around them. They ate in silence till finally she smiling asked. “If it has been another woman would you have offered the same condition?”

“Pretty much so”, he replied. A woman would have to be absolutely ugly and I have never met a woman in that category; she would have to have no tits and pretty well no bum. You certainly have the advantage of being attractive, in fact very much so, but you also have a full figure, but if your employer had sent another woman, unless she was like I have explained, I would have wanted to fuck her bum.” The woman smiled and then with a slight hesitation said. “I … I have a friend who works in the office, no real title, very plain but when I told her what you wanted and how I was responding she gave a moan and said. “I would love a fuck of any kind and if I had to sacrifice my bum to get it, my bum would be laid bare. Marie I just want to be fucked but no man has ever taken an interest in me”.

Bill let seconds pass and then asked her if Marie was her name, for up to that point he hadn’t even considered asking her, her name. “I have a friend who wouldn’t knock back any woman, as long as they have a cunt; an arse and a mouth that can suck. I bet he would ravish your friend”, he said as he finished his drink.

The next day after he had again serviced her backside, which was now opening on the second thrust and wriggling and vibrating in rhyme to his thrusts, she stammered amid her moans and grunts of appreciation that her friend would really like to meet his, the man who would service any woman. After dressing Bill asked what time they both finished work and asked if he could arrange it with his mate Harry, would the friend and even she be interested? There was no other word to describe the response ‘Absolutely, Fantastically – YES’. Bill picked up both women. Marie was right the other woman who he was introduced to as Beryl was plain and he could see why she didn’t attract men, she just wasn’t attractive enough. He even wondered if Harry would accommodate her, despite his reputation. They arrived at Harry’s. “Don’t mind a bit of gear scattered around”, Bill said as they made their way up the drive. “Harry collects things”. The door opened even before he knocked. Harry beamed. “Come in, come in”, he excitingly said.

As they finished off the cool drinks and put the glasses on the coffee table, Marie turned to Beryl and said. “Well you know what to do”. Beryl gave an awkward smile but removed her blouse; she then lifted her dress. This time Harry did react; he gave as gasp for before him was one of the hairiest groins he had come across. No further hesitation was needed, in mere minutes much to Bill and Marie’s amusement Harry was between those rather plump and white legs driving his cock up to his balls in that hairy cunt.

Little did he know that he was the first man that had mounted her yet she wasn’t a virgin; in fact her fuckers were not men but animals. As Harry thrust away, Beryl responded the way he wanted but her mind was elsewhere in a barn on a relative’s farm with a pet donkey named ‘Carl’.

It hadn’t been her desire to mate with an animal. She took the opportunity to holiday on her cousin’s farm for she was rather fed up of being alone. She was nearly thirty and she was still a virgin. No man took any notice of her and she longed to have a man, to enjoy the sensation that other women often talked about, either in the canteen or the toilets of the company she worked for. She secretly wanted to experience what other women had enjoyed; she wanted to be able to say. ‘I have never been fucked like I was last night, his cock was enormous’. However, these were just dreams for no man took the slightest interest in her.

Her cousin showed her over the place, especially the spa that was fitted out in the barn. He explained the position was deliberately chosen for while enjoying the spa, one could look out over the forest and mountains that surrounded the property and it was the spa that Beryl was immediately attracted to. “I have to go into town”, he told her. “You have an idea where everything is, so I’ll leave it to you. I should be back late this afternoon”. No sooner had his vehicle disappeared than she removed her clothes and sank into the spa and just let the bubbles perform their magic. She didn’t dry herself but just lied down on a bale of hay and let the sun do its job.

It was the tingling sensation that woke her. For seconds she didn’t know what was on top of her. She pushed herself up on her elbows and realised that she was under the donkey that she had noticed in the barn, it was busy eating the very bale she was resting on, but that wasn’t what woke her it was his cock that was rubbing up against her hair covered crack. Every slight movement of that monster sent a tingle through her entire being so that not only was saliva beginning to dribble from her mouth but her nipples were hardening and increasing in length. ‘Fuck!’ she muttered to herself. ‘Why not; who the fuck is going to know?” She reached down and gripped that length and pushed the head into her now throbbing cunt, “Come on you stupid beast, shove it in, fuck me”. She gave the cock an extra hard pull. The donkey gave a shudder and thrust.

Her backside lifted off the bale as though it was a rocket, her tits bounced as though they were on a trampoline and her cry ‘Ahhhhhh!’ echoed through the barn, scattering two doves on the rafters above and startling the donkey so that it thrust again. Now in its primitive mind it clicked to what it was doing – now the real fucking began and for Beryl she was beyond caring. Her head rolled from side to side. Her tongue flipped in and out of her mouth. Her tits bounced so much they were but a blur and in between her cries of delight she managed to gasp ‘It’s enormous’ for occasionally that great cock would hover like a tree trunk over her very hairy cunt, before thrusting again and sending her through orgasm after orgasm. How long the donkey fucked, she had no idea for as he gave the thrust that emptied his balls, she passed out.

She awoke; the donkey was gone. She slowly raised herself and gave a gasp for her entire stomach was covered in a grey, yellow fluid as was the inside of her thighs. She fell off the bale and crawled to the shower and there the essence of the donkey’s nuts poured out and ran down her legs like a waterfall. She spent ages in the shower before again sinking in the spa and letting the bubbles bring her back to some form of normality. When asked how she had enjoyed her first day her only reply was that she enjoyed the spa and was surprised to find a donkey in the barn. She was told the donkey was a working pet but was a bit lonely because it didn’t have a mate. She smiled to herself as her thought was ‘he does now’.

She stayed for a week and without her cousin having any idea of her activities spend much time around the barn and slowly encouraged the donkey to take her doggie style. It didn’t take long for it to fix his erection on that hairy covered crack and ram it home as Beryl would hang onto the wooden frame around its stall and be transported onto cloud nine. Now as Harry banged her away she let her mind drift off to the barn and the pet donkey but when he blew his balls she did respond for although he never penetrated her cunt like ‘Carl’ did, he gave her his best shot and she showed her appreciation.

They fucked all that afternoon, changing partners more than once and then both women were fucked up the arse. They sucked cocks than fucked some more, till totally exhausted they just fell onto each other. It was then that Harry got up, removing himself from between Marie’s legs. She asked where he was going. “I have to have a piss”, he replied. Immediately Marie stirred Beryl. “Wake up to randy slut”, she said. “Bill wants to piss so why not give us the golden shower”. Beryl was puzzled but as Bill now echoed Harry’s desire she positioned herself beside Marie and let the men shower them. As the fluid sprayed over their tits and stomach and as the women squirmed in enjoyment both men uttered together. “What an ending to one very enjoyable afternoon”. The women missed work for the remainder of the week, they had other things on their minds, how to satisfy hungry cunts, and throbbing bums.

Finally the vote was taken. It was a foregone conclusion. No one wanted the niggers in town. Marie got a large reward for her efforts, plus an understanding that she bares her bum at the regular get togethers at Harry’s. Beryl got her hearts desire, she is just fucked and fucked some more as for Bill well he had to give up his committee position; he was just too busy – fucking the arse off Marie.