(c) 2004 by Clvfan

36-year-old Catherine Bell, beautiful co-star of the popular TV series J.A.G. was flat on her back in her bed, legs spread wide, and heels hooked behind her husband Adam Beson’s ass as he pumped his hard cock in her tight wet pussy, he was propped on his arms over her watching her beautiful face flushed with desire as she built towards her climax, they both shone with a sheen of sweat from the sexual exertions they had already been though. Slorp, slap, slursh, his shiny cock going in and out of her slick channel making wet sounds. Adam loved to see his wife when she had an orgasm, she looked so damn sexy, eyes, wide open, mouth in a little O of ecstasy when the feelings swept over her, he could tell she was almost there.

The feeling of his firm cock riding in and out of her pussy, his hairy ass thrusting between her legs sent Catherine into her orgasm and she pulled his head down to hers mashing her full lips to his in a passionate kiss as she milked his cock with her hot sleeve, coating him with her woman juice. Adam fell on her jamming his cock in deep and starting to unload in his wife’s squeezing cunt and jamming his tongue in her mouth while she whimpered her pleasure around it. They stayed locked together until their passion past and Adam rolled to her side, both laying on their backs enjoying the afterglow of lovemaking.

An interested spectator in all this was Leo, an Italian Greyhound, he was one of two Catherine had, the other being a female named Zoe. Zoe had been fixed so there never was any sexual interest for him on her part and since she never came in heat he didn’t think much about her that way either. Now usually they weren’t present when Catherine and Adam made love but they got so caught up in trying to make time while their daughter Gemma was asleep that they didn’t put the dogs out. Leo could smell Catherine’s excitement and was pacing around the bed, when he saw that both people were just lying there he jumped up on the bed. Now an Italian Greyhound is really a miniature Greyhound, they only go about 14 inches high at the shoulder and weigh around 12 to 15 pounds. They look just like their bigger brethren with the deep chest and lean flanks but the resemblance ends there. Another feature that makes them such good pets is they are practically odorless.

Leo’s light weight didn’t make much of an impression when he jumped up on the bed. The first evidence Catherine had was a wet tongue licking the inside of her thigh where her’s and Adams cum had leaked out.

“Hey,” she looked down her body to see Leo standing outside of her right leg and licking the inside of her left leg about six inches below her glistening pussy.

“Leo quit that” she scolded him. He rolled his eyes to look at her but didn’t stop. His rough tongue did feel pretty good on her leg. She was about to shoo him off when Adam raised up on one elbow. “He knows a sweet pussy when he tastes one” he laughed “looks like he is enjoying himself.”

Leo was working his way up Catherine’s inner thigh, his fast lapping tongue beginning to send shivers through her. “So you don’t care if he eats your wife” she asked, she hoped he didn’t because Leo’s wet tongue was getting close to her hole and his tongue was going a mile a minute. Adam just grinned “maybe I can get a few pointers on how to use my tongue.” he replied.

Hearing this Catherine put a pillow under her head so she could watch and opened her legs so Leo could get to her better. Leo took his cue, as she moved her left leg out he jumped in between hers. Leo evidently liked the taste he was getting, he worked his way up till he was lapping at her dark hair covered mound, cleaning all her hair of that good tasting stuff, then he went to work on where all that nectar seemed to be coming from. He started lapping at her clitoris, his wet rough tongue making Catherine gasp in surprise at how good it felt, Leo started swiping her entire slit from top right on down to her asshole where all that cum had run. After cleaning her outside he went right to the source running his tongue in her slick hole as far as he could and wiggling it around to get all her juice.

“Ohhhh, Adam his tongue is so quick, its good Ummmm.” Catherine groaned.

Adam looked into his wife’s eyes, they reflected the lust that was coming over her as Leo’s tongue ravaged her pussy. He laid one hand on her breast and started rolling a hardening nipple between his fingers. His cock was beginning to swell again at the sight of his wife being turned on by the lapping dog between her legs. The more Leo licked seemed like the more tasty stuff there was, he had his narrow muzzle between her opened pussy lips, his nose rooting against her clitoris.

“Ummm yes baby, make momma cum” Catherine was gasping now as Leo’s rapid tongue and her husband’s fingers teasing her nipples drove a wave of feeling all through her body. Adam was watching Leo, it looked like he was trying to get his nose right up into his wife’s cunt.

Catherine spread her legs farther and lifted her fine ass up off the bed trying to get more of that active tongue inside her hot slick cave. “Oh yeah”… Uhhh baby… Here it comes” she moaned as her cunt started contracting and she bathed Leo’s tongue in her flowing honey. Adam leaned over and sucked her hard nipple into his mouth, pulling and scraping his teeth lightly over the swollen nub. Leo was startled when Catherine’s channel clamped his tongue and he jumped but he wasn’t leaving this good tasting place till he got it all, his still rapid licking keeping Catherine’s ass and legs quivering.

Adam was so turned on by the sight of his beautiful wife humping her pussy in the air and moaning he pushed Leo out of the way and crawled between her legs, taking a shapely calf in each hand he shoved her legs back towards her head and settled his cock at her wet entrance sinking fully into her heat.

Catherine was still in the throes of her orgasm as her husband slid in and started pumping hard. It didn’t take him long to shoot he was so turned on and when she felt his hot cum coating her inside she had another climax. Adam continued to grind his groin around on her till he softened, Pulling out he kissed her full lips.

“That really turned me on for some reason” he said trying to catch his breath as he plopped back down beside his satisfied wife. “It sure was different” she agreed, “so you think you want to watch Leo eat his mamma’s pussy again” she looked over to him. He just smiled and nodded. She looked over on the floor.

Poor Leo didn’t get to finish his meal and her sexy smell had his pointed pink dick hanging out of its sheath. Catherine could see it was about four or five inches long. Poor baby she thought, next time I will have to do something for him.

It became a sort of weekend ritual when they were home to have Leo lick Catherine to a climax and Adam to fuck her hard while she was still cumming.

After the second time Catherine said they needed to do something for poor Leo, he got all worked up and no relief. They talked it over, Adam said he was to small to actually fuck her and he didn’t want her sucking him off so they decided she would give him a hand job after they fucked.

The third time she let Leo eat her and after she and Adam had got their rocks off. She called Leo back up on the bed. He jumped up there eagerly, he wanted some more honey. Catherine lay back and spread her legs and Leo went right to work, Adam lay beside his wife slowly stroking his soft cock, as he watched.

Leo’s cock emerged hanging down under his lean belly, seeing this Catherine pulled him up across her body till he was standing by her side. She took his hanging pink meat in one hand just about completely covering it. Grasping him firmly she started to masturbate him. Both could tell he liked it a lot, his back legs started quivering and he crouched down hunching into Catherine’s pumping hand. She made him lay down on his back and started jacking him off the way you would a man. Going faster and faster, Leo’s back legs were kicking in the air and he was whimpering in pleasure. Precum squirting out on every upstroke, lubricating Catherine’s flashing hand and his pink dick.

Adam was almost hard again, the sight of his wife’s soft hand skinning up and down her dog’s dick and his stroking of himself had the desired effect on him.

Suddenly Leo’s hips started bucking and thin streams of doggy cum shot up in the air, four, five long streams before it dropped back to a trickle, Catherine kept up her pumping, the sight of his pink cock shooting those long streams giving her a thrill.

She felt her husband pulling at her arm and she let go of Leo’s dick who promptly turned on his side and started licking his receding cock. She saw her husband slowly stroking his dick and pulling her face down towards his hardness.

It looked delicious to her and she took him fully in her mouth tightening her lips around the base of his dick and drawing back up till just the head was in and sliding back down again. She drew back till she was sucking on just the head and started jacking him with her hand, both were so caught up in the moment they didn’t realize this was the same hand she had just jacked Leo off with. When Catherine slid her lips down his hard pole again she tasted dog cum for the first time. At first she didn’t realize what it was, it was just a strange taste, salty, a little tangy but not bad, then it dawned on her what it was.

Okay that’s not bad she thought as she continued to suck her husband to another orgasm swallowing every drop of his cum.

That was the pattern that was set, they brought Leo in usually about three times a month. However after getting a taste of Leo’s cum Catherine figured maybe Leo needed a little different relief than just a hand job and she wasn’t so sure he was to little to fuck her.

The next time Adam was gone for a couple of days on business Catherine took Leo in the bedroom the first night. She removed her clothes and set on the bed, hefting her big breasts and massaging them a little, she loved to go without a top letting her round globes ride high on her chest, Looking down she knew she had gained almost a full size when she had her baby. She knew they turned Adam on even more now and she liked that. Scooting to the middle of the bed she lay back and spread her legs, one hand sliding down through her dark pubic hair to spread her pussy lips. “Come on Leo, come lick momma’s pussy, I have a treat for you tonight” she called. Leo was on the bed instantly he was ready to clean out her good tasting fountain. He went to work immediately fast tongue working the outside of her lips then delving in, running up her channel sending shivers of pleasure through her cunt. His fast lapping had her ready to orgasm in no time but she had other plans.

Moving her head to the side she could see Leo’s pink cock hanging down as he slurped up her pussy juice. She reached down and pulled on his head bringing him up between her legs, using one hand she shoved a pillow under her ass, when Leo’s front paws were laying on her flat stomach she used them to pull him forward till his hard dick touched her inner thigh, Leo had never breed anything but when his cock touched that warm soft skin he instinctively started humping.

The pillow under her ass put her at just the right height and after the first hump shot his dick down her tight ass crease and the second sent it skittering up through her pubic hair bumping her clit on the way causing her to jump and moan, his third try hit dead center and he buried his five inches all the way in her saliva slicked hole. He started jack hammering his lean flanks as hard as he could. He had never felt anything this tight and warm around him before.

His dick wasn’t big enough to really stretch Catherine’s pussy much. She could feel it good because she kept those pussy muscles in fine shape, a hundred kegel exercises a day when she had the chance made an already tight hole even tighter.

She squeezed down on Leo’s flying dick. His size wasn’t much but the lightening friction between his speeding dick and her tight channel felt really good to her. His little legs were dancing on the bed trying to shove everything he had in this wonderful place. The sheath of his cock was entering her on every thrust, tickling her pussy lips sending extra thrills through her. She thought he looked so cute, his forepaws trying to grasp her hips, they weren’t wide enough, his fine head was laying on her belly, ears flat to his head as he humped as fast as he could. He was squirting precum on every thrust and her pussy was very slick now. Catherine felt something bigger running in and out of her and she realized this must be his knot, although it made the base of his cock almost twice as big she had no trouble taking it in. As a matter of fact the angle he had on her made his cock rub her clit constantly and when he swelled it was like a big slick bump battering her clit. She felt her climax coming fast. “Come on baby fuck momma, yeah baby that’s it.” she encouraged.

She was almost there when Leo stopped pumping and held himself in her dancing on his hind legs as his balls pumped ropes of cum in Catherine’s hot pussy. The feel of those shots of cum drenching her inside brought on her on climax,

“ohhhhh baby you made momma feel good” she sighed as her pussy clenched and contracted around his twitching cock. As soon as Leo quit Cumming he scrambled off Catherine and lay down beside her licking his receding cock. “Not one of those lovers who like to cuddle huh” she laughed. It felt pretty good to her especially how fast he went, that really felt good. All in all she figured she would give Leo a little now and then. She went and took a good bubble bath using that strawberry flavored douche Adam liked so much, just in case he came home early and wanted to eat her like usual.

While on the set of J.A.G. one day she was talking to Zoe McLellan who plays petty officer Coates on the show. Zoe is a dark eyed young beauty that has become a major part of the show. There was no jealousy on Catherine’s part she knew she was a knockout and why most of the men in America loved the show. They were talking about their dogs, Catherine had brought Leo and Zoe with her and they were laughing over the fact the Catherine had a dog named Zoe.

Zoe told Catherine she had told her new husband, well they have been married less than a year so he was still new to her. Anyway she had told him how much she liked Catherine’s greyhounds and being a loving husband he had went out and got her a greyhound, not an Italian but a full-grown greyhound. A eggshell colored male named Thor. Zoe laughed “I forgot to say Italian and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings so I didn’t correct him, but he is very well mannered, I just love him.”

Catherine told her she should bring him to the set tomorrow, she would love to see him. The following day Zoe brought Thor with her, like Catherine’s dogs he was housebroke and was perfectly happy to stay in the dressing room while they were shooting. His head was about waist high to Zoe, he was a big dog. On seeing him the thought went through Catherine’s mind, Gosh he is about four times as big as Leo. I wonder how big a cock he has, and right then she started planning on finding out.

Catherine started talking to Zoe more between scenes, they became good buddies.

After a week or so they were sitting in Zoe’s dressing room talking about their husbands and Catherine eased the talk into sex, they both agreed their husbands were great lovers. Catherine asked Zoe if her husband was good at oral sex. Zoe kind of blushed and said he made her cum that way every time. Catherine said Adam was great at it, almost as good as Leo, she gave Zoe a sideways glance to see if she caught what she said.

Zoe raised her eyebrows “You mean Leo your dog?”

“Yeah, he’s great” she said and proceeded to tell Zoe how it all came about.

“Didn’t you feel kind of weird letting a dog lick you?” Zoe asked.

“Well at first I did but then when he got that agile tongue in me it felt so good I didn’t care whose tongue it was” she told her, “You should try it, I am sure Leo would be glad to show you his technique.”

“Oh I couldn’t do that.” Zoe answered. Catherine left it at that and they went on talking about other things. In the days that followed Catherine kept up the pressure telling Zoe how good Leo and her husband had did the night before or just how Leo took care of her while Adam was away. When Zoe asked her one day just how much different it was than a man Catherine knew she had her hooked. She suggested that she come over the next day, it being Saturday and they weren’t shooting any episodes. Adam was going to be gone for about three days on business, she would take Gemma to her mom’s house and they would have the place to themselves. Zoe sort of hesitated, “Aw come on you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to” Catherine coxed.

“Okay I will be over about nine then” Zoe agreed.

Catherine had everything carefully planned when Zoe arrived the next morning, they chatted for a while and Catherine fixed a brunch with some wine, they set around talking and she made sure Zoe’s glass stayed full. She could tell Zoe was getting a little buzz so she thought the time was about right. She turned the talk to sex and soon they were giggling like schoolgirls, Catherine making sure Zoe kept sipping her wine.

“Come on in the bedroom I’ll show you Leo’s skills”, Catherine said as she got up and took Zoe’s hand pulling her along. “Okay but I am just going to watch.”

Zoe snickered. When they got there Catherine set Zoe in a chair and removed her shorts and top going to lay on the bed so Zoe had a side view.

Wow Zoe thought, she had seen Catherine in a bikini on some of the episodes on J.A.G. but in the nude she was magnificent. Long shapely legs, neatly trimmed dark hair at the juncture of her thighs, flat belly and big upstanding breasts, beautiful face, yep Zoe thought, no wonder all the men tune in to watch her.

Catherine ran her hand down between her legs fingering her clit to get the juices flowing, she knew that jump-started Leo. “Come boy, show Zoe what you can do for momma.”

Hearing his name and smelling Catherine’s quickening arousal Leo jumped up on the bed and went directly to his meal. By now he was an expert and he ran his snout up and down her pussy before working his tongue between her tight lips and proceeded to work his magic. Catherine didn’t have to pretend much, most of her moans of pleasure were real but she threw in some more to make sure Zoe knew this was great stuff.

Zoe was fascinated as she watched Leo’s head moving between Catherine’s spread thighs, she could see the flush coming over her face and the way her legs moved to spread farther giving him better access, Zoe knew he was making Catherine feel good. She wasn’t even aware of getting up and going over to stand by the bed where she could see better. The view she got was Leo’s long snout buried in Catherine’s pubic hair working up and down and around as he lapped her sweet pussy. Her gaze moving up Catherine’s body she saw Catherine had both hands on her breasts rolling and pulling her nipples, little gasps of delight escaping her lips. Zoe could feel her own juices begin to flow watching this sexy woman get pleasured.

Catherine could feel her orgasm approaching and she lifted her taut ass up off the bed giving Leo a better angle to get his flashing tongue farther up her flowing channel. When her climax hit she clamped his flashing tongue with her pussy coating his tongue and muzzle with pussy juice, and old experienced hand by now he never slowed down just kept on lapping sending little after tremors through Catherine.

Zoe watched Catherine have a tremendous climax unaware that she was rubbing her pussy through her shorts. Leo’ didn’t stop till Catherine pushed him away almost exhausted from his constant attack on her sensitive cunt. Usually she just lay back and relaxed for a while but today she had other plans, Rolling over to where Zoe was standing she started tugging Zoe’s shorts down. “You see how good it is, come on its your turn to feel that wonderful tongue” Zoe a little drunk and a little turned on now allowed Catherine to remove her shorts and lay her down on the bed. Catherine called Leo immediately she didn’t want to give Zoe a chance to change her mind.

Leo was always up to eating some more of that good tasting stuff, he jumped up between Zoe’s legs and started licking around her dark haired pussy. Catherine put a hand on each of Zoe’s knees and spread her legs wider. She really has a killer body Catherine thought. Zoe was trying to think about what was happening and was about to say stop when Leo’s warm rough tongue ran over her clitoris.

“Wait I”. Ohhh.” was all she got out before Leo was ravaging the inside of her hot cave with his so agile tongue. “Ummmm… Ohh” Zoe was moaning, she had never felt anything like this quick flashing wriggling twisting muscle teasing the inside of her pussy.

This was a little different taste for Leo but he liked it just as well and the more she produced the harder the worked to get it. Zoe remembering seeing Catherine playing with her nipples and she squeezed her breasts together rubbing the sides before rolling her nipples and sending that tingle of desire down through her body. Leo had her on the verge and his muzzle rooting around between her tight lips rubbing against her clit sent her into her climax, her gushing cunt rippling along Leo’s working tongue, he liked this fresh supply of syrup and redoubled his efforts making Zoe groan with renewed orgasms. She had never felt anything this good before.

Catherine watched all this with a pleased smile, looked like the first part of her plan had worked. When Zoe was just a quivering mass of feelings Catherine pulled Leo off her, he knew the drill by now and went to lay down till he was called again. She sat down by Zoe. “Well didn’t I tell you he could eat some pussy” she grinned. Zoe still breathing hard replied “Whew that tongue, must go a mile a minute, that was fantastic”.

Catherine had another glass of wine ready, “why don’t you take off that top and get comfortable, Leo is good for as long as you want him.” she helped Zoe off with her top, Zoe’s perky handfuls bouncing delightfully as they were freed from their confinement. Each one got off twice more that afternoon and Catherine showed Zoe how she jacked off Leo, after all he needed some relief also. Zoe got so turned on at watching Catherine’s hand flashing up and down Leo’s pink pointed cock and the ropes of dog cum he shot out, had to have Leo eat her one more time before she went home. For the next few weeks Zoe or Catherine made excuses to go to one another’s house when their husbands were busy and Leo’s tongue got a hell of a workout.

The last few episodes of the season were to be shot on location in New Orleans, the only cast members that would be in those scenes were their co-star who played Commander Harmon Rabb, David James Elliot along with Catherine and Zoe. Catherine knew this was coming up, it was part of her plan. She told Zoe she needed to bring Thor with her, she knew the Hotel they were being put up in wouldn’t mind, they were used to catering to the rich and their pets. They would be there at least two weeks Catherine figured that would be plenty of time.

They arrived in New Orleans and got set up in their Hotel, all three actors went out and enjoyed a good meal before retiring for the night. They had the top floor that consisted of four three room suites, the studio paid for all four so their stars would have some privacy. David went on to his room to watch some TV but Zoe took Thor and went to Catherine’s suite.

Catherine had already gotten undressed and was just in a thin robe that clung to her curvy body. She was making over Thor petting him and caressing him telling him what a pretty boy he was. Thor was eating this up his tail going ninety miles an hour. Catherine sat on her bed and lay back with her feet on the floor and her legs spread, she started fingering her pussy, rubbing her clit getting her juices flowing. Zoe had brought Thor to stand between Catherine’s legs, the sight of Catherine with her fingers running in and out of her dark thatched pussy was making Zoe a little wet herself. Thor didn’t know what was going on but he was starting to get a whiff of something that smelled like a female in heat. He started sniffing and getting closer to Catherine’s seeping pussy, she moved her hand and he snuffled around the inside of her thighs finally taking a big swipe right up between her legs.

“Ohhhhhh Yeah” Catherine jumped, his big tongue covered her whole crotch area, the soft roughness sending a thrill through her, it was so much bigger then Leo’s. Thor liked the taste he found and he started working to get more, seemed like it was coming from this hot little hole and he worked his big tongue right in there, twisting and wiggling to lap up this good cream. “Ohhhhh””Ummmm yes Oh baby his tongue is as big as a cock” Catherine cried, she spread her legs wider and shoved up to his bobbing muzzle. Thor reached back into her pussy about five inches and he didn’t miss a centimeter with that lapping muscle. Catherine’s legs were jerking and she was breathing heavy her hands clenching a handful of bedspread as Thor’s big tongue drove her quickly up to a climax.

Zoe could see how good it was making Catherine feel and she stripped out of her skirt and top quickly, she wanted to be ready when Thor was done with Catherine.

TV star and recognized beauty the world over Catherine Bell was having the orgasm of her life as Thor’s long thick tongue felt like it was reaching every part of her pussy, her ass was lifted off the bed her toes and calves straining to get her pussy up to Thor’s flashing tongue, that was no problem Thor was trying to get his muzzle into her tight hole to make sure he got all she had to offer.

Catherine’s pussy was clenching his stabbing tongue rippling all up and down her channel as feelings of pure pleasure and lust ran through her body “oohhhh yeah,… Goood doggy, ummmm what a tongue” she was moaning. She finally had to push him away, his tongue in her extremely sensitive pussy was just too much, she didn’t know how many times she had come, it was definitely several.

Zoe was ready, she lay down beside Catherine and spread her legs. “Come on boy, time to do momma now” she coaxed. Thor could smell her, slightly different but just as good, he moved over to stand between her legs. He knew now where the good stuff was and he went right to work. The first time his tongue shot about four inches up into Zoe’s pussy she almost passed out from the sheer pleasure of it. In no time he had her whole body shaking with the lustful pleasure he was providing.

Catherine lay there and watched her dark haired beautiful co-star, her legs held up in the air and knees bent, Zoe had reached down and grabbed her legs behind the knees and pulled them back so Thor could get even farther in her slick hot sleeve. Catherine could see Thor’s cock dropping down from its sheath, she couldn’t believe how big it looked and it wasn’t even fully hard, had to be 7 inches now. She knew before this shoot was over she was going to have that monster in her cunt and her mouth.

Zoe’s body was quivering with passion now and she had a gut-straining climax, shooting her cum over Thor’s tongue and squirting out around his muzzle causing him to huff a sneeze, but he never missed a beat with that flashing tongue. He lapped up every drop from her spasming cunt till she to had to push him away.

She lay there with spread legs, her cum and dog slobber coating her dark pussy hair.

Thor lay down and started licking his cock that was still hanging out of his sheath. Catherine got off the bed telling Zoe “We have got to do something for Thor after all he sure pleased us.” Zoe rolled over on her side to see what Catherine would do.

Catherine got on her knees beside Thor and reached down to take his cock in her hand, running up and down the slick hot shaft. Thor just lay there and watched her. As her soft hand jerked him off Thor’s cock started extending till it reached about 8 1/2 inches. Catherine knew she had to have this monster in her before they went home, tomorrow if she could swing it. Thor was squirting out pre cum now almost constantly.

Zoe was absently rubbing her pussy again as the erotic sight of Catherine Bell on her knees jacking off a dog made her little pussy tingle again.

Thor was getting to that good place, he lay down stretched out his back legs straightening out as Catherine’s hand raced up and down his pink shaft, it was very slick now, she would run her hand down past the tip catching his precum and coating his shaft on the way back to his furry sheath. He started to whine as the first long milky rope of cum shot out over the carpet, followed by about 7 more before tapering off to dribbles. Catherine slowed down squeezing his cock tightly on the up stroke milking his balls empty. She licked her hand clean. Zoe watching felt a sharp tingle right in her pussy when she saw Catherine do that.

Both girls were tired so they said their good nights and Zoe took Thor and left.

Catherine got a wet towel and blotted up Thor’s cum, no since having the help talking about the cum stains on the floor.

The next days shooting went well and the stars were back in their hotel by five in the evening. Zoe got Thor and went straight to Catherine’s room. Catherine was ready once again by the time they arrived. Catherine being a good host told Zoe she should go first tonight so the younger beauty got in the position she was in last night. Thor could smell her excitement and once again he moved between her legs, his long tongue delving into her hot honey hole.

David was going to get some dinner and he thought he would ask the women to go with him. First he knocked on Zoe’s door but no answer, he figured she must have already gone. He was about to knock on Catherine’s door when he heard

“Ohhhh Thor your tongue feels so good.”

That sounded like Zoe and Thor was her dog. He stood there for a second hand still raised to knock, then he had an idea, if this is what I think I have got to see this. He ran to the elevator and down to the main lobby, walking quickly up to the desk he told the clerk Catherine had locked her self out of her room and since he was going down anyway he told her he would get her another key. He assured the clerk he would bring it back before the night was over. The clerk knew all his famous guests and this was not an unusual request so he gave an extra key card to David.

David tried not to walk to fast back to the elevator but once it reached the top floor he hurried to his room and got his digital camera and moved quickly to Catherine’s door.

Thor had Zoe in another zone, Catherine was standing beside them and when she saw Zoe getting ready to climax she would pull Thor away till Zoe’s breathing calmed down, she wanted her to have a super orgasm.

David listened outside the door waiting till her heard Zoe’s voice rise in passion “Ohhhhhhh baby eat my pussy with your wonderful tongue”.

He used the key and slipped inside, he could see the bedroom door was almost closed and that was where the sounds came from, he eased over and just slowly opened the door till he could see in. The sight he saw made his eyes widen and he brought the camera up to take a picture. It was one of the expensive ones and low light was almost as good as a flash. The first picture he got was the standing back view of Catherine Bell, her smooth back and round fleshy ass curving out over those long luscious legs was captivating but also in the picture was the fantastic body of Zoe her legs sticking straight up in the air as she orgasmed around the lapping tongue of her dog. David could feel his cock swelling. He could see the long pink organ hanging down between the lean flanks of Thor. Hell of a prick on him David thought. He took some more pictures as Catherine pulled Thor back from Zoe, he got one of her spread shapely legs, cunt lips slightly open, pubic hair and lips glistening with dog spit and cunt juice.

He moved back where they couldn’t see him as Catherine took her place. He peeked around just as Catherine opened her legs and he got a picture of her long spread legs and that tight slit surrounded by dark curly hair. Then Thor was between her legs and his view was blocked as Thor drove his seeking tongue deep into Catherine’s wet hole.

The next ten minutes past with Catherine’s moans and little cries of passion as Thor drove her to a tremendous climax, he got pictures of it all. He got some of Zoe from the back her white shapely ass, spread legs and hand working her pussy while she watched her dog pleasure Catherine. After Catherine had her shuddering climax he was getting ready to retreat before they caught him when he heard Zoe say. “I will take care of him tonight, you just rest.”.

Thor was standing beside her, she knelt down and hesitantly wrapped her hand around his hot shaft. She had thought about Catherine doing this all night and she wanted to know what it felt like. It was hot and slightly slick. She started jacking him off.

David was getting more pictures of this. Once she got over her reluctance she was doing a good jobs, her hot little hand had Thor squirting his precum quickly, like she saw Catherine do she ran her hand down past the tip and coated his shaft on the upstroke. Thor was whining softly now his lean flanks hunching down as he tried to fuck her hand. David got several shots of Thor’s long ropes of cum shooting out the pink tip of his cock. He also got a shot of Zoe slowly bringing her hand to her mouth and taking a small lick before cleaning her whole hand with her tongue.

He slipped back out the door and returned the camera to his room before taking the key card back. When he got back to his room he got his laptop computer out and moved the pictures to it. He made a slide show out of them and watched it over and over as he pumped his hard cock till he shot a load of cum out over the sheets. Now he had a beautiful wife who was a great lover, Nanci.

She was on the show as Lt. Singer for two years, but he couldn’t pass up this opportunity to have the beautiful Catherine Bell and the almost as lovely Zoe McLellan. He went to sleep working on a plan to make this happen.

After shooting the next day David hurried to his room and got his laptop set up in the living room, he was waiting when Catherine and Zoe got off the elevator.

He grinned at them “Ladies I want you to come in a minute I have something I think you will want to see. As they were all friends the girls said sure and followed him in. He closed the door and walked over to the laptop typing in some commands. “Have a seat there where you can see” he told them and they sat on the couch, he moved around behind them hands on the back of the couch and a smile on his face.

When the first image came up it took both girls a moment to recognize what and who it was, when the second came up they knew and a small gasp escaped Zoe’s mouth, Catherine’s eyes widened, she knew there would be a price to pay for this.

David talked as the images flashed on the screen, “As you can see they are very good pictures and I am very envious of Thor getting such good attention from two beautiful ladies as yourselves. I propose a deal. While we are here I would like you two to fuck me and when we go back home I will give you the disk these pictures are on.” He moved around to where he could see their faces. Zoe looked frightened but Catherine had a calculating look. She was thinking, you have to make the best of a bad situation and David was a hunky guy. She had quite a few men before she got married and since it was going to happen she might as well enjoy it.

“Ok David, how do we know you will keep your end” she asked.

He thought for a minute. “How about I let Zoe take pictures of me making love to you.”

Catherine figured that would be fair, Zoe agreed because she figured she didn’t have a choice.

“Well now we have that settled how about I take you lovely ladies to dinner before the fun begins. Catherine was all for that, now that it had been decided she was looking forward to it. Zoe wasn’t having as easy a time convincing herself but she did feel a little tingle thinking about David’s big body on hers.

The women went and showered and changed meeting David in the lobby, he escorted them to the door and they went to one of the recommended restaurants that served authentic Cajun food. When they returned they went to David’s room and he handed Zoe the camera before stepping over and taking Catherine in his arms and kissing her passionately running his tongue in her mouth, along the roof of her mouth and dueling with hers, she gave herself up to the moment and returned his kiss just as hard. He ran his hands down the smooth dress and over her curvy ass squeezing those succulent globes pulling her against him. He brought his hands up to the straps of her black dress and moved them down off her shoulders caressing her soft skin before working her dress down over her firm breasts.

He was still kissing her his lips locked on hers as their tongues danced.

Her fine mounds bounced slightly as they came free from her dress and David encircled one with his wide open hand rubbing her smooth skin, it felt silky smooth to him. Catherine had put her arms around his neck and now she let one glide down along his side and moved in between them turning her palm out she cupped his hardening cock and squeezed. Ummm she thought, he has a pretty good package.

Zoe hadn’t taken any pictures yet she was waiting for the main event but she could tell from the heavier breathing that they both were enjoying the proceedings so far. David picked Catherine up and walked toward the bedroom laying her on the bed he at last broke from her kiss swollen lips and worked her dress off her legs. She had on a black thong and mid thigh elastic top stockings. David slipped the thong off and knelt between her sleek legs running his hands along the outside of them he loved the feel of the stockings and then the satiny smoothness of her upper thigh. Her perfumed hair framed pussy lips were just beneath his mouth and he stuck his tongue out just lightly licking the top of her slit where her clit was, a couple of licks and it made its appearance at the top, he took it in his mouth and sucked as Catherine gave a soft moan and opened her legs wider, he ran one big finger up her deep ass crease and into her hot cavern bringing another little moan from Catherine.

Zoe was using the camera now catching David’s tongue action between Catherine’s spread legs, her pussy was beginning to moisten more as she watched. David was finger fucking her with first one then two fingers as he worked her clit over with tongue and lips her curly brown hair tickling his nose. Catherine was feeling the tingling sensations that told her she was building to an orgasm. He eased his thumb in her wet pussy to lubricate it and started working it in her tight asshole. His wiggling thumb sent her over the edge and she clamped down on his fingers as her clenched ass shot up off the bed trying to bury his face in her seething cunt. “Oohhhh Cummming, I love it.” she cried. David glued his mouth to her flowing entrance and licked up all she gave him.

When she unclenched that fine ass and eased it back down on the bed David crawled slowly up her body, running his tongue through her dark hair, licking her heaving stomach, teasing her belly button and licking up between those round soft mounds of pleasure. Catherine’s dark nipples were standing out like little erasers. He took one in his mouth wetting it before moving to its sister and doing the same, the one he wetted he started rolling between his fingers and pulling it up. His actions bringing little “Ohhhs” and “Ahhs” from her.

Zoe was snapping it all, watching David’s mouth work on Catherine’s tits making a growing wet spot on her panties. David loved on Catherine’s breasts till she was squirming on the bed.

“Yessss suck my tits baby, oh yeah pull my nipples.” she was directing him.

When he had both nipples standing tall and her tits glistening with his saliva he kissed his way over the upper slope of one and up her neck to capture her mouth with his, probing her lips with his tongue, she opened them quickly to let his wet tongue invade her mouth. Their tongues dueled as she raised her legs and spread them and he seated his cock head at the entrance to her hot haven and slowly sank in till his balls lay against her ass.

Catherine could feel the tingles of pleasure shoot all over her body as his cock opened her welcoming channel, he was maybe a little bigger than Adam, a little wider and it was so good.

Zoe had taken her dress off now trying to keep snapping pictures as the lovemaking progressed. She was now down to her lacy black bra and matching panties and black thigh high elastic top stockings.

David was in another world, he was fucking one of the most desired women in the world and she was so tight around his cock. He raised his hips till just the head lay in her warm cavern then giving his hips a twist he sank fully into her, every time he did this she moaned around his tongue. The fact that he was giving her pleasure made his that much more exciting. She was holding her legs up straight but as he increased his pace she wrapped them around his moving hips, the feel of her stockings rubbing against his ass sent shivers of lust through him. They hadn’t broken their kiss and Catherine was running her hands over his back, as the feeling of her climax approached she hooked her arms under his, her hands clutching his shoulder blades and hugged him to her. He loved the feel of her big breasts rolling around against his chest. David was driving hard now, not long strokes but short fast hammerings, his balls bouncing on her upraised ass cheeks. They were breathing hard into each other’s mouths tongues running from his mouth to hers and back. Her back arched and then her ass clenched once again rising from the bed trying to get every little bit of him inside as she squeezed his pistoning cock, clamping and contracting around him. The exquisite feeling of her tightly gripping channel bathing him with her cum made his balls churn and start pumping his sperm deep inside her pussy. They stayed locked together David rolling his hips around gently till Catherine relaxed her tightly clenched ass and dropped back down to the bed.

Breathing hard David took his lips from hers, looking down into her flushed satisfied face he grinned “Woman you are one sexy incredible fuck.” She grinned back at him. “You do a pretty good job of making a woman go crazy yourself.”

He started pushing himself up off her his softening cock sliding from her cum filled pussy. As he stood up he thought that was one of the sexiest sights he had ever seen. Catherine Bell, one beauty that is every horny boys and mans dreams laying there before him with that fresh fucked look on her face and his cum making a wet trail down into her firm ass crease.

Zoe had taken all the pictures she could. She didn’t know what she wanted. She certainly never would have made love to David under normal circumstances but he was so good looking and watching the two of them fuck had really turned her on.

She wanted to take her bra and panties off and offer herself to him but was scared to.

David drank in the sight of Catherine for a few seconds then turned to see Zoe in her bra and panties. She is almost as beautiful as Catherine he thought, and oh so sexy looking standing there like that. His eyes traveling down her shapely body till he got to her panties and even though they were black he could see the wet patch. He grinned at her and crooked his finger motioning her to come to him.

Well what could she do Zoe thought, she had to do it. So she walked over to him right up against him, the difference in their heights made his cock rub her belly just above her panties. The feel of her skin against his cock started the blood to pump into it once more.

He kissed the top of her head reaching around behind her to unfasten her bra and slip it off her arms dropping it to the floor, he filled his hands with her perky tits cupping his hands under them and pinching her pink nipples with his thumb and forefinger. This action sending a tingle from each nipple right through her pussy and a soft “ummmm” from her throat.

David using his hold on her nipples backed up to the bed bringing her with him, he sat down pulling her between his legs. Her upstanding breasts were about level with his mouth and he drew one in, opening wide and taking as much in as possible before swabbing every inch in his mouth with his tongue. He worked over both her breasts as she put her arms around his neck pulling him closer. Her panties were soaked now.

David gave one last suck on each nipple, then taking her upper arms in his hands he started to gently pull her down. She knew what he wanted and now she was ready and wanting that also.

Zoe went down to her knees between his hairy legs and lifted his half hard cock to her mouth. Licking the big head before taking it in her mouth. She tasted his cum and Catherine’s juice. She found that both had a salty slightly tangy flavor, not bad at all. Tightening her lips she ran her mouth down his shaft taking in as much as she could before reversing her travels. Her head bobbing up and down and her flicking tongue on the underside of his shaft had him fully hard in no time. He stopped her before it was to late and he shot off again. He wanted to be inside that hairy haven between her legs. She looked up at him with lust filled eyes.

“Why don’t you get rid of those wet panties and come sit on my face” he grinned.

She smiled back, that sure sounded like a good idea to her. David lay back on the bed Catherine scooting over to watch the proceedings. Zoe stripped her panties off and climbed up David’s body her inner thigh in those black stockings rubbing his dick on the way up shooting a bolt of pleasure to David’s balls. Zoe crawled up his body till her stocking clad legs had his head between them, David reached up clutching a handful of firm ass in each hand and pulled her pussy to his face, her wetness smearing his lips as he drove his tongue into her warm cunt. He sucked her clit and tongued her hot hole while she moved her ass around a little grinding her pussy into his face.

Catherine was watching all this and cupping a hand over her sperm filled cunt, running a finger in and out, she saw David’s hard cock start to soften a little since he was concentrating on eating Zoe, she figured she might as well help out so she moved to where her head was about even with Zoe’s squirming thigh and reached one hand over running it up and down David’s dick, not enough to make him cum just keeps the old blood flowing and making it hard.

David felt Catherine’s hand and smiled into Zoe’s wet pussy, it sure felt good around his cock. He intensified his efforts to get Zoe off with his mouth and it wasn’t long before she flooded his chin and tongue with her hot cream, little moans and whimpers coming from her throat as she climaxed on his face. He lifted Zoe up and slid his head out from under her, Catherine quit jacking him off when she saw him moving. He put Zoe on her hands and knees at the edge of the bed and stepping behind her he admired that firm ass sticking out at him, her glistening pussy lips framed by her shapely thighs. Taking his cock in his hand he placed the head at her wet entrance and stepping forward seated his cock fully in her hot channel. Zoe gave a little grunt “uhhhh” as his cock opened her up. He enjoyed watching his wet dick emerge from between her tight ass cheeks and then disappear as he shoved back in.

Catherine moved around where she could watch his dick piston in and out of her sexy co-star. David reached under Zoe and started fondling her hanging tits, working her pink nipples till they were hard little nubs. She was pushing her ass back against him now, soft “ummmms” coming from her when his groin smacked her ass. David increased his pace as the desire to cum started rising in him.

Pretty soon he was pounding his dick into her, Thwack, Thwack, Thwack, his groin slamming into her quivering ass making her grunt with pleasure on each thrust.

His hard thrusts driving Zoe quickly to the brink as she shoved back against him.

“Ahhhhhhh yes, its gooood” she cried as she coated his cock with her hot liquid, squeezing his dick hard with her muscled channel. Contracting and milking his cock, she felt the first blast of scalding sperm coat the back of her spasming pussy and he jammed it in so hard she felt like it went another inch deeper. Ohh so damn good she thought.

Catherine could see the two lovers as they both strained through their orgasm, she saw the milky liquid flow out of Zoe’s twitching pussy lips to coat David’s hairy balls and drip onto the bed. It was all so erotic. She knew she was going to enjoy the rest of the week, even if she was being blackmailed. David finally pulled his softening cock out of Zoe releasing more fluid. She fell forward on the bed a satisfied little grin on her face. David lay down beside her giving her a hard kiss on the mouth before turning to Catherine and giving her the same.

“Ladies you have to be two of the sexiest women around and man can you both fuck.” How about tomorrow we all meet in Zoe’s room after dinner, I’m buying for the rest of the time we are here.” he looked from one to the other for their answer.

“Sounds good to me, you know I like to eat” Catherine winked at David, she had already made up her mind to enjoy it to the fullest.

“Sure, that will work” Zoe said. She wanted to feel used and distressed but after that good fucking she knew she was going to enjoy this time also.

They had become comfortable with the situation now and they sat around and talked about how the shooting was going as the women redressed. They each gave him a warm kiss goodnight before leaving. David gave a happy sigh as he went to take a shower before bed. This was going to be a good week or so.

After dinner the next night David knocked on Catherine’s door giving her a warm kiss when she opened it and they went into Zoe’s room, all Catherine had on was her robe and David just had a pair of boxer shorts on. David took Zoe in his arms and kissed her soundly before patting her on her firm ass. “You ready to get the show on the road good looking.” She smiled and nodded. About that time Thor came trotting out of the bedroom. David smiled “looks like he is ready for some action.” both girls were surprised, they thought he would want to just fuck them not see them with Thor.

David went over and made sure the deadbolt was closed, he didn’t want anybody coming in like he did before. “Zoe baby why don’t you lay back on the couch there and spread your legs, I’m sure Thor would like to eat that sweet pussy”.

David directed her. He took Catherine’s hand and walked over to a easy chair facing the couch. He slipped Catherine’s robe off her shoulders and let it fall, the sight of her beautiful full breasts making his cock twitch, they were definitely bigger after her child. He sat down and pulled her down in the chair beside him.

Zoe was kind of nervous; it was one thing to do this with Catherine but to have a man watch her she wasn’t sure about. She also only had on a robe and dropped it by the couch, turning she sit down and spread her legs. The feel of Catherine’s smooth body snuggled against him and the sight of Zoe’s spread shapely legs leading up to her hairy cunt made David’s cock fill with blood and start rising. Catherine seeing this reached in the front of his boxers fishing him out and started slowly working him up and down.

Zoe called to Thor, he knew what to do, he padded over and started licking the inside of her thigh moving up quickly till he made that big swipe from asshole to clit. From that first electric feel of his rough tongue on her clit Zoe didn’t care who was watching. She spread her legs wider so Thor could have better access her hands caressing his ears as he used that big tongue way up inside her moistening pussy. “Ohhhhh yes boy that’s the way to eat momma” she cooed.

David had one arm around Catherine, under hers and was kneading a round globe with his hand as she jacked him off, both were getting excited watching Thor’s head work between Zoe’s thighs. They could see how excited she was getting, her face flushing, eyes closed enjoying the feelings Thor’s agile tongue was giving her. He gave Catherine a passionate kiss probing his tongue in her willing mouth before saying. “Your hand feels great but I would like something warmer surrounding me, your tongue would feel so good”. Catherine smiled and slipped down off the chair grabbing his shorts she stripped them off him when he raised his ass to help. She moved between his hairy legs running her tongue around his balls and up the underside of his cock before taking his big head in. Looking up at him she smiled around his hardness. He grinned back. “But don’t you make me cum, I have plans for where you are going to take my load.” She lightly nipped his cock with her teeth before swallowing him down to the base bringing a pleased “ummmm” from him.

While Catherine was beginning her blowjob on David Zoe was rising quickly to her climax. Thor only knew one speed and that was to get all that good stuff as it was manufactured, the more she produced the faster he lapped and the faster he lapped the more she produced. She was squirming her ass around now rubbing it all over his soft muzzle. “Yess baby, soo good, ummmm you’re the best baby” she was whispering. David and Catherine could hear the Thalop, slurp, thalop sound of Thor’s tongue working in Zoe’s wet cavern. Catherine had David hard as a rock, she had one hand on his balls and when she felt them start to draw up she would quit sucking and squeeze the base of his cock till he got over the urge to cum.

Catherine could hear Zoe’s voice rising as Thor worked her to her orgasm so she took David’s slick cock in her hand and turned to watch Zoe get off. “Ummm here it cums baby take it all Ohhhhh” she cried as her cunt flooded Thor’s wet muscle. Thor just kept working away wanting to get every drop.

David and Catherine could see Thor’s big pink dick hanging down between his lean flanks. David leaned over and whispered something in Catherine’s ear, her eyes widened before she nodded her head and smiled. They got up and went over to Zoe, she was pushing Thor away from her sensitive pussy. David leaned over and kissed her hard on the mouth running his tongue in and caressing hers. “I bet you would like a hard dick now wouldn’t you babe” he breathed into her mouth, she murmured

“yes”. He motioned Catherine while continuing to kiss Zoe passionately, she was so caught in the sensuousness of his kiss she didn’t notice that Catherine had maneuvered Thor between her still widespread legs lifting his forepaws up on the couch on each side of Zoe. David felt his hot breath in his ear when Thor’s head was right behind his. He continued to heatedly kiss Zoe. Catherine reached under Thor taking his long dick in her hand and shoving on his tail she guided his dick to Zoe’s slick pussy.

Zoe felt something hot touch her entrance, she thought it was Catherine. When Thor felt her hot channel on the head of his pointed cock he instinctively drove forward filling her with 8 1/2 inches of hot dog meat.

Zoe’s whole body stiffened and she groaned into David’s mouth, she felt like a hot slick poker had slammed into her. Thor with the single mindedness of his species started hammering this tight hole as hard and as fast as he could. The rapture Zoe felt from his fast fucking and long cock had her huffing little grunts of pleasure. David backed off, he could see she didn’t even know he was gone. When he moved Thor tightened his front legs around Zoe’s hips pulling her forward as he drove deep in her cunt. David motioned for Catherine to come over and put her on her hands and knees on the couch beside Zoe running the head of his cock up and down her slippery lips a few times to get it wet he drove it in with one shove bringing a grunt from Catherine as she felt her channel parted suddenly by his big cock head. She had a great view of Thor’s pink dick rapidly fucking Zoe. That erotic sight and David’s cock slamming into her hard making her round ass shake had her passion rising quickly. David was fucking hard, he couldn’t match Thor’s speed but he was trying.

Zoe was in another world, she had no control, and all her world was centered in that hard pounding pussy pleasing hard dog cock that was fucking her silly. His precum was flowing constantly now making her passage incredibility slick for his hard fucking dog bone.

David slowed down a little so he could reach around under Catherine and enjoy her big hanging breasts with his hands pulling on her brown nipples and squeezing them till she moaned with the pleasure of it. The fucking and the watching got David and Catherine quickly to the peak of ecstasy Catherine clamping down on his cock and pushing back against him. Her contracting pussy drawing his cum from his balls as he shoved in and exploded his sperm into the milking hot sleeve of her pussy. They stayed that way as they watched Thor’s big knot trying to get in Zoe’s opening, he couldn’t get it in far but it opened her entrance wider as he jammed in dancing on his hind legs and shot a big rope of dog sperm against the back of her pussy.

That scalding hot liquid making Zoe cry out with pleasure “Yesssssssss so hot” as her pleased cunt tried to strangle Thor’s twitching dick, he shot four or five big wads before tapering off, her tight slick passage rippling and throbbing around him.

David and Catherine watched Thor’s cum leak out around his knot that held Zoe’s pussy lips wide. David was grinding his groin around on Catherine’s ass his cock still hard from what he was seeing. Thor danced on his hind legs keeping his twitching dick in Zoe till his balls were empty then abruptly pulled out and jumped down to lay by the couch, licking his still hard dick. David and Catherine watched Zoe as she tried to catch her breath, her legs still spread wide and her cum mixed with Thor’s dog sperm seeping out of her slowly closing pussy lips. David eased his cock out of its tight wet haven, leaned down and kissed Catherine on each magnificent cheek before going around to Zoe, taking her head in his hands he kissed her lips with again rising passion. Moving back slightly he looked into her satisfied eyes. “Was that enough hard dick for you?” he grinned. She gave him a weak smile and nodded. He kissed her gently on the lips again before getting up. “I think we all need a drink after that” he laughed, both women agreed with that. He moved over to pour them a good stiff drink.

They sat around catching their breath. Catherine wanted to know how it felt. Zoe said she couldn’t describe it, he went so fast she just hung on for the ride.

David asked Catherine if she wanted to know how it felt. She quickly agreed, he told her to get on her hands and knees beside the couch. When she complied he tided her robe around her waist covering her from just under her hanging tits to the swell of her shapely hips then he had Zoe call Thor over.

Thor’s nose was full of the aroma of hot cunt from both women and his cock had never really receded fully back in its sheath. He saw Catherine presenting her ass to him and he walked up behind her running his tongue straight in her cum slick passage. “Ohh yeah baby that’s good” she moaned. David sat down on the couch where he had a good view sort of the back and side. “Come here Zoe I think I would like your mouth around me” he grinned. He had a nice dick so she sure didn’t mind. Settling down between his legs she took one hairy ball in her mouth rolling it around with her tongue while sliding her soft hand up and down his cock.

Thor had Catherine’s passion rising with his quick tongue but he suddenly mounted her jabbing his lean flanks at her ass trying to find that warm home for his prick. He missed several times and David thought he was going to have to help him when he zeroed in on the next thrust and filled Catherine with his whole cock in one quick jab. Like Zoe he drove a grunt of surprise and pleasure from her with the sudden intrusion. Thor locked his paws around Catherine’s waist and pulled her back to him as he started his jack hammering fucking. She was receiving too much pleasure to think about it now but later she would thank David for wrapping her robe around her.

Zoe’s was sucking his cock all the way in now using her tongue on the sensitive underside of his big head on the up stroke and tightening her lips making a sensuous slick tight feeling as she took him fully in, her nose pressed to his hairy groin. He was leaking precum helping her slid wetly up and down his dick.

She thought he tasted really good, sort of sweet and salty. She was rolling his balls around with her hand.

Thor was hammering Catherine hard his knot beginning to try and force its way in. David could see her big breasts swinging quickly back and forth with the forceful fucking she was getting, he grinned when he saw how big and hard her swinging nipples were. With Zoe sucking his cock so damn good he was glad he had already cum once, but the sight before him and her hot wet mouth was going to make him cum again pretty soon.

Catherine’s head was hanging down her short hair bouncing with each blow of Thor’s flying hips, her eyes where closed in pure ecstasy as his long pink dick opened her channel farther than it had ever been. Soft grunts “huh,… huh… huhmm” being driven from her chest. Thor succeeded in getting his knot in her wide spread lips and dancing quickly on his hind legs and pulling back hard with his front legs managed to stuff half of it in sealing her tight with his meat. She threw her head up a sound of pain and pleasure coming from her, “ahhhhh so damn big.” Thor had quit pumping and was just shoving forward as he shot the first big rope of dog cum deep in Catherine’s hungry pussy. Her whole body shook

“Huuuuhhmmmm” she cried, when the second hot stream flooded her plugged pussy it clamped Thor’s dick and knot so hard he yelped, her spasming pussy went crazy around his shooting dick, the hot channel milking his cock so good he was whining in pleasure.

The hot sight of Catherine’s tremendous orgasm while Thor was draped over her back dancing and jerking her backward with his paws, along with Zoe’s very talented mouth seeking to pull the cum from his balls was to much for David, he shoved upwards with his hips when her mouth was going down on him, he had his dick so far in her mouth her lower lip was starting to take his balls in. he shot the first two streams directly into her throat before she backed off keeping just the head in her tight lips and jacking him quickly with her hand, milking every bit she could get from his pumping balls.

When Thor ‘s balls were empty he jumped down pulling his knot out of Catherine’s pussy. She gave a soft “humph” as the knot was jerked out and crawled over to the couch laying her head and shoulders on it. Thor’s dog cum and hers flowing out of her slowly closing lips and running down both sleek thighs. David Leaned over to lay along the couch his head reaching hers, Zoe was still sucking on his softening cock as he kissed Catherine’s panting lips. “Ole Thor give you a good workout did he” he smiled. She gave him a weak grin back “you better believe it.” Zoe let his soft cock slip from her mouth with a last lick at the head to get any cum she had missed, she lay her head on his knee and smiled at the other two. David knew they had about all they could take tonight and he was already planning tomorrow night.

He unwrapped Catherine’s robe from around her and helped her on with it. She kissed him with open mouth and thanked him for keeping her from getting all scratched up. He helped Zoe up and took her to her bed laying her down and kissing her, gently probing her swollen lips with his tongue. “You sucked my cock better than anybody ever has” he whispered to her, she gave him a thank you smile. David escorted Catherine back to her room, he took her robe off pulling her to him and kissing her hard, running his hands over her big breasts. “I am tempted to take you in the shower, get you clean and fuck the shit out of you” he grinned “but you look beat so I will see you in the morning for breakfast”.

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek, “you would be loving a woman who was asleep if you did, see you tomorrow” he hefted one magnificent globe kissing the brown nipple before leaving.

When they went to dinner the following night David stopped at a pharmacy, said he needed some aspirin. They went to their own rooms to get ready, David put on a robe and went to Catherine’s room first, he wanted to talk to her before going to Zoe’s room. Catherine he knew was more adventurous, Zoe had to be led into things. He told her what his plans were and she agreed. They went to Zoe’s room, she hadn’t even bothered to put anything back on. David smiled and walked over taking her in his arms, she came willingly, they kissed exploring each other’s mouth. Catherine had gone over to get Thor. David maneuvered Zoe over to the couch and set her down kissing down her neck and out the slope of one perky tit before taking the pink tip in his mouth and sucking hard. She had her hands over his shoulders enjoying the pleasant feeling he was sending through her body.

Catherine sat down on the couch beside them pulling Thor between her legs, he started tonguing her immediately. David had worked his way down Zoe’s smooth stomach and through her dark soft hair to run his tongue down her slit forcing his tongue into her sweet hole on the up stroke. While he was doing that Catherine was getting close to an orgasm on Thor’s flashing tongue, she knew David wasn’t ready yet so she pushed him reluctantly away, till she calmed down.

Thor was whining at losing his meal.

David had Zoe very wet now and he sat down beside Catherine and pulled Zoe to his lap facing away from him. She knew what he wanted and placed the head of his hard dick at the sopping entrance of her hot cave. She slid down till he was fully buried in her, Catherine looking over could see David’s balls nestled right below her hairy mound. She let Thor back at his meal, it didn’t take near as long to build up this time.

David loved the feel of Zoe’s slick channel as she slid up and down on him, he reached in his pocket and got out the jar of KY jelly, opening it he dipped two fingers in and slid his hand down under Zoe’s ass when she raised up to the head of his dick. When she came down he inserted his middle finger in her ass causing her to gasp at the sudden intrusion. She didn’t stop moving though, it felt pretty good, a couple of more strokes and he had two fingers in greasing up her asshole. She figured he wanted to fuck her ass and although she had never done that the idea kind of appealed to her. His hard dick running up in her was giving her a good glow.

Catherine had to stop Thor once more before his tongue got her off. She watched as David stopped Zoe when she raised up and had her pull off his wet dick. He smeared his cock with KY Jelly and then pulled her back down slowly positioning his head at her asshole. The generous amount of jelly allowed his big head to pop inside her tight hole quickly making Zoe’s body tense, a loud “uhhhh” driven from her. David didn’t move till he felt she had gotten used to his cock.

Catherine let Thor back to his meal. she watched as David slowly pulled Zoe down on his cock till once again her firm ass was against his thighs. He stroked a few times then nodded to Catherine, she knew in a few minutes what he wanted but she was going to get her jollies from Thor first. It wouldn’t take long he had that big tongue stuck way back in her pussy his nose rooting around on her clit.

It hit her suddenly her pussy snapping closed around his working tongue coating him with her cream. She had to push him away or she wouldn’t be able to do what David wanted.

Catherine dropped down to her knees and moved Thor over to stand in front of Zoe. She had her eyes closed enjoying the feel of a hard cock running in and out of her ass, after the initial shock it felt really good. Catherine saw Thor’s cock wasn’t fully hard yet, she started to jack him off but then David couldn’t see what she was doing and Zoe had her eye closed. She got on her back and scooted under Thor using one hand to hold his cock as she took the tip in her mouth and slid up till the pointed tip hit the back of her Throat She sucked him till he was fully hard and she could taste his precum before crawling out from under him, neither of the two fucking even knew what happened She peeked around Zoe’s body and gave David a nod.

He lay back as far as he could on the couch pulling Zoe’s body back on his. She just gave a little “ummm” as the angle of his cock changed, he was just working a few inches back and forth now. Catherine placed Zoe’s legs on top of David’s spread ones then guided Thor up between them, he knew what to do by now and hopped up placing his legs on each side of the two bodies, Catherine reached under him guiding his dick to Zoe’s pussy.

Zoe felt the couch shift and felt the belly hair of Thor slid up her stomach.

She opened her eyes just as he surged forward drilling her full of hot dog meat.

“Gahhhhhh mummmmmm” she cried. Thor was hammering away. David was mostly holding still, the feel of that flashing dog dick with only the thin membrane of skin separating their cocks was very stimulating. He reached around Zoe and got a handful of tit in each hand squeezing and kneading, playing with her hard pink nipples.

Zoe was stuffed full of cock she had never felt so full in her life. It didn’t take long before she had an orgasm creaming Thor’s flashing dick, he didn’t slow down, her cum and his precum flowing out of her extremely wet channel he was trying to jam his knot in her now his big balls smacking against David’s. He succeeded in getting her lips spread enough to get about half of it in there then started his dancing routine trying to shove as much in as possible Zoe climaxed again, “ohhhh yes baby fuck momma’s pussy, Ummm my ass is so full” she was lost in the throes of ecstasy, her feelings were all centered around those two cocks filling her full. Catherine was sitting by David’s knee running a finger around her clit and in her pussy as she watched this big pink dog cock and hard man meat pleasure Zoe. Thor was cumming now straining his hind legs to get as far in this hot tight hole as he could shooting five big ropes of hot dog cum, filling Zoe’s blocked passage full, she helped as she had her third orgasm.

David could feel every throb of Thor’s prick as he unloaded his balls into Zoe.

David thought he was harder then he ever remembered.

Thor finished squirting his cum in Zoe’s tight hole and pulled out causing another bolt of sensation to fire through Zoe’s pussy, she was so exhausted she just grunted a little. David felt Thor’s dick leave and Thor jumped off the couch. David raised up bringing Zoe up with him, he kept going forward causing Zoe to drop to the floor on her hands and knees. Getting his knees between her wide spread legs he started slamming his dick into her super tight asshole as hard as he could, her long dark hair brushing the floor as he rocked her body back and forth. Her round ass was shuddering under each blow of his thrusting body.

Smack, smack smack smack. He could feel the cum boiling out of his balls and flowing through his dick to fire deep into her bowels. He kept his hairy ass clenched tight against her as he bathed her insides with all the cum he had in his straining balls. When there wasn’t any thing left he pulled his cock from her tight grip. Zoe just collapsed on the floor in a satisfied stupor.

He turned to Catherine, she raised up on her knees and he took her in his arms and kissed her his tongue dueling with hers first in her mouth then his. David looked into her shining eyes, “I am going to get cleaned up, then we will put Zoe to bed, by then I should be recovered enough to do you some good. You don’t think I saw what you did but I know, so how about I fuck your tight ass and you suck Thor off.” Catherine smiled “so you saw me huh and you kissed me anyway, you are a hell of a man David.” He just laughed, “hey he didn’t cum in your mouth, now when he does we will probably have to wash that down with a good stiff drink before I kiss that sweet mouth again.” They helped Zoe up and took her into the bedroom laying her on the bed moving her to lay along the top of the bed, she just gave them a tired grin and said thanks.

David took a handful of Catherine’s fine ass squeezing it before saying “wait here I will be right back.”

He went into the other room and got the jelly and Thor, positioning Catherine on her back her head hanging over the edge of the bed laying her robe across her stomach right under her breasts and tucking it under her on each side he got Thor up on his hind legs and with his front legs on either side of her waist.

Catherine had her knees up in the air and spread, her heels flat on the bed.

Thor seeing that dark hair covered hole he liked so well dipped his head and started licking her mound. Catherine was massaging his sheath, she had the end in her mouth the hair tickling the inside of her lips, when she felt the slick tip emerge she ran her tongue all around it. Thor quickly filled her mouth with hot dog dick from the good feelings she was giving him. He was trying to get to her honey producing hole but the best his big tongue could do was slide down her slit. He was giving her clit a good working over though. David got a pillow and put it under her ass bringing her brown little asshole up to a good angle for him. This also allowed Thor to get the tip of his tongue in her seeping pussy and he worked hard at getting every little bit of cream he could.

Catherine had her mouth full of dog cock, the pointed tip sliding down into her throat, he was already squirting Precum, she was holding his lean flanks off with her hands, he wanted to start humping but she wouldn’t let him, she was going to control the action this time. His belly fur rubbing against her breasts as he tried to get into her pussy was sending good sensations through her tits.

She moved her head up and down his slick shaft lips closed tight tongue, flicking and swallowing his almost constant stream of precum. This was almost as tight as her cunt to Thor and her tongue was driving him wild, he wanted to hammer this hot hole but she was holding him back. He quit trying to hump and just let her suck him.

David’s cock was hard again watching this bestial 69. He had a sudden thought, he picked Catherine’s legs up by the calves and spread them, moving forward on his knees he got the head of his cock lodged in her dark hair fringed pussy and sank in to the hilt. Thor didn’t miss a beat he was licking cunt and cock.

Catherine gave a moan around Thor’s mouthful of dick as David slid into her depths. To David her tight hot cunt and Thor’s flicking tongue felt so good, but that wasn’t where he wanted to be, he just couldn’t resist being in her pretty pussy for a minute.

Zoe was watching this through tired eyes but the hot sight of Catherine’s full lips sliding up and down Thor’s pink shaft and his big chest laying on her tits while his head was buried between her legs had her with her hands between her legs rubbing her cum filled pussy. Seeing David on his knees his muscular hairy ass clenching and unclenching as he pumped between Catherine’s wide spread legs heightened her rising passion. She saw him looking around and knew he wanted the jelly, she scooted down and picked up the jar sitting on the edge of the bed.

David seeing what she was doing drew his cock out of its hot wet sheath.

Zoe scooped a big gob of jelly out and reaching between one of Catherine’s’ smooth legs coated David’s cock all up and down the shaft, she got another gob and put it on the end of his dick, looking around his side she guided the big head down to Catherine’s brown puckered ass holding it steady as David pushed forward opening Catherine’s ass in a big O around his invading cock. Zoe stayed where she was so she could watch his cock fucking Catherine’s ass, she ran a hand around under his hairy ass and started fondling his balls.

Catherine gave a big groan vibrating Thor’s cock and bringing a little whine from him. Her ass felt so full as David slid down till his balls were laying against her ass crease. Thor’s knot was swelling and she couldn’t get him full in her mouth now her lips opening wide enough to get about half of it in as she washed his knot with her Tongue. David was pumping at a steady pace her super tight hole squeezing his cock hard and Zoe’s hands on his ball making his lust rise fast now.

Catherine was into a whole new world of passion. Thor’s leaking cock fucking her mouth and his big tongue working her clit while her ass was full of pumping cock had her ready to explode, when Thor’s dick started jerking and shot hot dog sperm down her throat she started climaxing, her pussy contracting around nothing. David saw those saliva-covered lips pulsing and let go of one leg to stick three fingers in for her to clamp on, Zoe held her leg up and out wide for him. He could feel her pussy pulsing as he started fucking her ass harder.

Catherine was moaning around Thor’s shooting cock, trying to swallow and moan at the same time. She couldn’t swallow it all and it leaked out around the corners of her mouth.

David could feel the cum rising in his balls, Zoe was rolling them around in her hand and Catherine’s hot tight ass felt so good surrounding his cock he was about to go. Thor having emptied his balls in the wet sucking mouth under him backed off pulling his cum covered cock out, as it left her open mouth a big string of dog cum hung on to the end of his dick running into her mouth for about four inches before it broke.

That hot sight made David’s balls start pumping his cum deep in Catherine’s ass.

When she felt his hot liquid coating the inside of her ass she had another little orgasm, he stayed glued to her ass grinding his hips till there was no more cum to shoot, Zoe made sure of that as she kept gently squeezing his balls.

She got off the bed going to the bathroom and getting a warm washcloth. When David pulled his cock from Catherine’s sucking ass she washed it for him.

Kissing him softly on the mouth she went in the other room and fixed them all a stiff drink.

Catherine eased her head back up on the bed, David thought she looked like sex itself with cum streaks on her lips and cheeks and legs still spread as cum ran down from her asshole. He leaned over her running a hand down the inside of her leg and pushing the heel of his hand against her pussy lips while running his fingers through her saliva matted pubic hair.

Zoe brought the drinks in handing one to each as Catherine swung around to sit on the bed. David took the bedspread and wiped Catherine’s lips and cheeks, she smiled and took a long drink. Zoe leaned over and kissed David again running her tongue in his mouth before laying down on the bed, she was exhausted.

David took another drink then pulled Catherine to him mashing his open mouth to her open mouth, their tongues caressing each other. He held the kiss for a long time finally releasing her tongue from his sucking mouth. He grinned at her, she smiled at him “like I said, you are a hell of a man David James Elliot.”

They got their robes and left quietly, Zoe was already asleep and went back to their rooms Catherine kissing the corner of his mouth and slapping him on the ass before going into her room.

The next morning at breakfast Zoe gave David a stern look, “my ass is sore thanks to you.” she scolded. Catherine laughed “tell me about it”. Zoe broke into a grin “thanks, I probably would never have tried that on my own and it felt so good.” David leaned over and whispered “you are going to suck Thor’s big dick tonight.”

Zoe missed her lines twice during the shoot because she was thinking about having Thor’s dick in her mouth.

When they met in her room that night David had it all planned out. He had Zoe lay on the couch, Catherine sitting on the back of the couch, he had a couple of pillows to help him with Zoe. He got Thor with his front legs on the couch bringing his lean hips up over the edge of the couch. Thor was getting to be an old hand at this now and he started immediately running his tongue down Catherine’s spread legs and into her waiting pussy. Zoe was massaging Thor’s hairy sheath that was hanging right in front of her face, when she saw the pink tip emerge she raised her head and sucked it into her mouth.

David seeing that things were going according to his plan put the pillows under Zoe’s pretty ass and spread her legs, dipping his head down in the V made by her raised knees her mashed his lips to her pussy lips, running his tongue in as far as he could, he only sucked her sweet pussy long enough to get her juices flowing and her channel wet for his cock. He laid one long leg over the back of the couch and held the other out as he fit his cockhead in her slick opening and shoved in, her tight channel opening before his big cockhead. His dick absorbing the sensation of her gripping sleeve as flesh slid into flesh was so sexual. He was watching Zoe’s mouth working on Thor’s cock, it was very exciting to see the pink spear appearing out of her mouth then slowly being engulfed again.

Catherine had a perfect view to watch David fuck Zoe, his hard flesh widening her dark hair fringed lips, she had started kneading her round globes, and Thor was doing his usual good job of running his big tongue way back in her flowing pussy. Zoe’s sucking efforts had Thor’s precum flowing and he started to hump her mouth, the first couple of thrusts slamming her head into the couch before she got her hands up to push against his hips.

The hot slick feel of Zoe’s fabulous pussy had David’s passion rising quickly, he moved smoothly in and out of her upturned cunt. Zoe was trying to take Thor’s swelling knot into her mouth but could only get some of it in her lips flicking her tongue over it before sliding back down to the tip and teasing it with the tip of her tongue, Thor was flooding her mouth with precum. She reached over and took his hairy swinging balls in her hand making Thor whine into Catherine’s pussy. David used his free hand to start fondling one of Zoe’s upstanding tits, pinching the hard pink nipple lightly.

Catherine was the first to cum, Thor’s rapid tongue rolling in and out of her cunt washing her clit on every swipe, her legs trembling she had her climax flooding Thor’s tongue, he loved that and lapped even harder making her have another orgasm. Thor was fast approaching his own orgasm now his neck straining forward he lay his head on Catherine’s knee, little whines coming from him. Zoe was rolling his balls around and he was doing his dance trying to shove his meat deep into her mouth. She felt his balls jump and then the first scalding shot went down her throat she backed off to the tip and quickly ran a hand up and down his saliva slick shaft pumping all that hot dog cum from him.

The wonderful fucking David was giving her pussy and the taste of Thor set Zoe off and she clamped David’s thick invader tightly as she hummed around Thor’s shooting cock “Ummmmmmmmm” was all she could get out. Zoe’s squeezing cunt and the sight of her trying to swallow all that dog cum had David’s balls jumping and he started pumping his cum in her welcoming channel.

When Thor’s balls quit pumping he pulled back his dick leaving Zoe’s sucking mouth with a pop. Catherine swung over the back of the couch and went to fix three drinks. David didn’t want to take his dick out of Zoe’s warm wet pussy and he just kept grinding his hips around moving his shaft in a circle within that tight glove. Zoe was in a pleasant afterglow and she was satisfied to stay there and let David’s cock send nice little jolts of pleasure through her cunt.

Catherine came over with the drinks and smiling at David gave him a wink, he laughed and slowly pulled his half hard dick out of the dark haired cave that had treated it so well. Zoe drew her leg off the back of the couch and sit up taking her drink. Catherine took the hem of her robe and wiped Thor’s cum from the corners of her lips and cheek. Zoe smiled and all three drank the strong liquid. David winking at Catherine pulled Zoe into his arms and took her mouth with his darting his tongue into her mouth to caress her own. He held the kiss a long time before backing off and giving her a big smile. “Hell of a man” said Catherine.

The evening finished up with Catherine on all fours before the couch Thor mounted on her and fucking the shit out of her, her short dark hair was bouncing as well as her big hanging tits from the force of his hammering hips. David was sitting on the couch and Zoe was between his knees sucking his hairy balls and then taking him fully in her mouth her tight lips riding up and down his cock making the blood sing all through his body.

Catherine thought she was going to pass out from the pleasure of Thor’s hard fucking with his knot stuffed into the entrance of her cunt, his dancing legs shoving forward as his jerking twitching cock shot five big ropes of scalding hot dog cum deep in her had her legs trembling and little squeals of delight escaping her full lips.” Ehhhhh” “Ouuuu””Yeee” She wasn’t even aware of it as her pussy went wild around Thor’s pumping dick squeezing, releasing, contracting, milking, it was soooo goood. Zoe looking up into David’s grinning face sucked every bit of cum from his balls, not letting a drop escape… They were three exhausted people when they went to bed.

For the rest of the shoot David and Thor fucked the two beauties in every position possible. This was a time that none of the three would ever forget. As they were packing to leave the next morning David got Zoe and went over to Catherine’s, he had the disk the pictures were on. He was going to give them back. Both Catherine and Zoe told him to keep them if he wanted, they knew he wouldn’t do anything to expose them. He laughed “these are very tame after all we have done, I don’t need these to remind me, and this couple of weeks will be in my mind for the rest of my life.

They went on the summer break the next week and David didn’t see them till time for the next season shooting to start. The remembrance of those nights stayed fresh in his mind and he was contemplating getting a greyhound or maybe a shepherd for his wife Nanci, maybe he could ease her into it.

The second day on the set he saw Catherine going into her dressing room a large Great Dane by her side, huge monster, his head came almost up to her shoulder.

He went over and knocked on her door, she opened it and smiling told him to come on in.

“New dog” he asked? She laughed “I had a hell of a time convincing Adam I wanted a big dog.”

“Does he know about Thor.” David asked.

“No” she grinned “he still thinks our fun with Leo is the only dog for me.”

“That’s a pretty big fella you got there.” David laughed. She held out her hands about 10 inches apart. “You don’t know the half of it.” she giggled. His name’s Brutus, Zoe and I along with Thor and Brutus try to get together at least a couple of times a month, very intense.”

David laughed again “I’m sure”.

Catherine kissed him hard running her tongue into his willing mouth.

“I thought I would bring him along on our next location shoot.” she smiled.

When David left her dressing room he hurried to the producer to see when the next location shoot was going to be, he could hardly wait.

The End