(c) 2018 by Donna The Dog Lover

“Someone help me
Help me please
Is the answer, is it up above?
How can I
Oh…” Paul Anka, Lyric for They Call it Puppy Love

Sally held the little puppy in her arms and hugged it so tightly that her Daddy thought she might smother it with love. Sally was a loving girl. She was a loveable girl. She loved to be loved and she loved hugging and kissing and licking just like her new puppy Duke.

Duke was tiny and loveable now but he was a purebred Great Dane and those familiar with the breed knew that one day little Duke would be bigger than his mistress and his sheer weight could pin her down motionless for his pleasure if he was the kind of dog that wanted to control rather than take orders. Fortunately for Sally, Duke liked taking her orders and he did his best to follow her every command even if he didn’t agree with it.

The first two years passed quickly and then all of a sudden Duke was double the weight of Sally and he could press her to the carpet with one paw on the back of her pretty little neck.

Two things happened that changed things between them at this point in a way that spelled trouble for Sally and a lot of fun for the huge Great Dane with the impressive doggy dong that hung down like a donkey’s shaft when he was excited by a need to mate. The first thing was that Sally passed that point in puberty that allowed her to have her monthly appointments with nature and caused Duke to pay a lot of attention to licking her smiley face panties both front and back because of the tempting scents beneath just out of view. The second thing was that she started to go to bed at night with no panties and would often sleep on her tummy like some common girl with flawed up-bringing by irresponsible nannies.

The fact that Duke slept at the foot of her bed meant that Sally was often licked in her sleep by the overly tempted Great Dane with the magical long wet tongue. Generally, she simply stirred in her sleep, opened her legs wider and just sighed in her sleep letting her precious drops of female juices fall on the inquisitive Great Dane’s thirsty tongue.

The time came when Duke was scheduled to mount the Blue Ribbon female Great Dane bitch called Queenie when she fell ill from eating too much of cook’s beef stew after it had fallen accidentally from the stove during preparation for the festivities. They had sold almost five hundred tickets to the breeding event and the best of the dog loving world was waiting expectantly for Duke to do his duty and poke the huge female purebred in front of dozens of witnesses for the certification of any puppies issued as a result.

Duke was sniffing the air inside the huge estate with increasing frustration waiting for his turn at the Blue Ribbon haunches of the stately huge bitch. His nervousness translated out to his frantic sniffing and licking with uncommon aggressiveness between Sally’s soft teenaged girl legs looking for that sweet spot with the sticky essence of the young girl’s female juices. He was suddenly eager to show the five hundred spectators how a real Great Dane does it to a properly certified bitch made to take his huge ten inch pure bred doggy dick up in her welcoming cave of doggy heaven.

He was ready to pound that huge Great Dane bitch right down into the dirt of the mating circle and seed her up inside where the sun didn’t shine. Duke hoped that he might be able to stuff his knob up inside the bitch’s private parts so deeply that they would get “hung up” and he could make the silly bitch dance to his tune in front of all the witnesses. It was a dirty business but he knew it would pull out the best reserves of his puppy-making sperm and in the scheme of things it was warranted under the circumstances.

The huge dog was in a state of extreme agitation when he accidently heard the serving wenches describe Queenie’s condition and the fact that it was unlikely she would be able to mate with the “Big Dog” the following evening.

He was crushed and gave his now limp penis a final lick of sad rejection.

There was no juicy Great Dane bitch to hump in front of all those puny humans. He could have gone down into the stables and looked for Sue the mongrel bitch with the wide hindquarters and always ready to take a randy male dog on her back for a quick hump in the dark and no whining about it afterwards. He had mounted Sue more than once and had even given her a nice litter of half pure bred puppies that were the spitting image of him only a year after his last escapade.

He felt badly that Sally knew of his promiscuity by just looking at the cute little puppies and then back at him standing innocently at the foot of her bed. He thought for a moment she might cut him off from his pussy-licking duties but she lifted her skirts to him at the first opportunity.

That night of not being able to mount his preordained bitch was a torment for poor Duke.

He was reclining on Sally’s bed with his one paw on her inner leg watching her silently hump the toy teddy bear like it was a real lover with a need to taste her sweet female scent. He watched her human ass cheeks clenching like a pretty bitch’s hindquarters giving her loving to the inanimate toy with absolutely no living feeling about the connection.

“Enough of that foolishness!” was Duke’s thought as he nuzzled his mistresses bottom from below and tried to push her weak human legs up into a raised position so he could show her what a pure bred Great Dane cock could do to make her feel like a real female bitch.

At first, Sally was uncertain what her constant companion Duke wanted but she was certain it was something other than the lovely licking that he did so secretly and so well in the nocturnal hours when there was nobody to see their unnatural sins behind her closed bedroom door.

She didn’t mind the dog’s cold nose pushing into her ass crack because he usually did that just before he licked her tiny brown eye with Great Dane intensity. She loved his tongue on her back door entryway because it made her think about a knight in shining armor kissing and licking her the exact same way with heated desire. That thought was usually enough to trigger her teenaged twat to flood the bedsheets and she hoped the maids would think her to be merely a dirty girl with a bladder problem rather than a perverted female with her ass and pussy ready to receive a dog’s happy tongue up deep inside.

Duke’s determined nuzzling caused Sally to raise her hips up off the bed and Duke took the silly inanimate teddy bear in his teeth and flung it into the dark corner far away from his bed-mate’s private parts and juicy emissions.

Slowly, he slid up the bed with his head between the teenaged girl’s fresh virgin legs.

His tongue was the inquisitive scouting party that encouraged her to open her legs wider and wider until she was spread out like a Great Dane bitch ready to do her duty to make him a true king in command of her hindquarters and in full control of her clutching pussy ready for some puppy love she would remember the rest of her life.

The first touch of Duke’s huge dong on her tender, defenseless vaginal entryway made her open her eyes wide and look over her shoulder at the huge fearsome dog on top of her. She wanted Duke more than anything in the whole, wide world but she was afraid that his ten inch penis would stretch her virginal twat so drastically that she would be forced to beg and plead with her beloved pet to take it out and show her mercy. That would be embarrassing to her and she hoped that he would obey her commands even when his instincts told him that his penis was in charge.

The thick doggy dong slid inside Sally easily because she was absolutely saturated with pussy juice and the wet saliva from Duke’s long tongue. He was up inside her about halfway in the area of five or six inches of Dog dick when she felt her hymen fall apart under his demanding pressure. Then, with absolute certainty, his entire ten inch doggy dick bounced off her back vaginal wall with the vibrant sound of a Great Dane taking full possession of a willing cunt.

Sally tried to say something but her words could not come out of her mouth. All she could do was moan and whimper like a little puppy dog getting a taste of puppy love for the very first time.

Duke wrapped his huge paws around Sally’s slender waist and walked her over to the window so they could both look out at all the guests and visitors moving around down in the courtyard. He was so deep inside her now that his gigantic knob was knocking on her door inside and she knew she was in danger of getting “hung up” and being unable to recover her internal privacy for at least fifteen minutes and possibly up to a half hour of sheer torment for her tortured twat. The Great Dane’s rough hair was rubbing up against her tiny puckered rear entry and she had a sudden thought that he might even be considering poking his huge doggy business up her rear portal like she had seen the groom do to the upstairs maid when they were in the pantry fooling around with the maid’s skirts all askelter and his hefty hard-on pounding her pretty bum like a battering ram of sheer unadulterated lust.

That thought caused her orgasm to sweep over her and she sprayed Duke with her teenaged girl vaginal juices in a way that he found absolutely delightful.

His lubricated knob slid inside Sally with a loud pop and the both knew they had a connection that would not be severed until all of his reserve sperm was deposited deep inside her gut. The girl knew there was no scientific way she could give birth to a litter of Great Danes but she was terrified about being caught during the period when they could not disengage without doing damage to their reproductive organs in the haste to hide their unnatural sins. Of course, Duke was not concerned with that at all, but he sensed it was a time of danger because of unintended consequences and he was usually a cautious dog not given to taking unnecessary risks.

Her head was bobbing in the window now and she hoped the people down below would not suspect she was taking her favorite pet Great Dane’s full ten inches up her pretty pussy and that his thick apple sized knob and an additional five inches of doggy penis was inside her slowly draining oodles of doggy sperm that should have been inside the Blue Ribbon doggy cunt of the pure bred Great Dane bitch called Queenie.

Duke was pulling out gingerly now, one inch at a time. She felt his knob disengage and her pussy was slowly coming back to normal. When her puppy love was fully out, she looked up at him and he licked her face all over as if in apology for causing her such great distress. It was impossible for her to express all her churned up feelings but the cream sliding down the insides of her long teenaged legs reminded her that she was the one that had invited her favorite puppy to show her just how puppy love really worked behind closed doors and no witnesses.

She saw some droplets of cream still on his shrinking doggy dick and without the slightest hesitation; she turned her chin up and licked him clean with her delicate teenaged tongue.

Duke was content now because he knew his Sally would be bending over and giving up her hindquarters to him with gusto whenever he had an urge to mate with a happy passageway of tight comforting bitch-like pleasure.

The End