(c) 2007 by “Mr. Special” aka “The Lord”

Cheyenne wildly approached his mare which had been tied between two small wooden walls, allowing access only on the front and back end. His prick went from soft and fleshy to a steely hot spear within a second. As his mare waited full of hot and wet hopes, he jumped up her desperate back and began stabbing his prick in search for her deep hole. The mare was sure not to be disappointed, for Cheyenne was well known to produce nearly four times as much cum as any normal horse would have done. The only thing she couldn’t understand was why Carey was waiting hidden directly under her, completely naked, her eyes fixedly staring at Cheyennes prick.

She was a young, blonde and very good looking girl, who owned the stables and most of the animals that were kept within them. Now she sat under one of her mares, desperately awaiting the beginning of the great show in which she had invested so much work. First thing this morning she had spent Cheyenne a very long visit, in which she had performed her very own invention, a procedure to make horses produce great amounts of cum for a later shot. No one knew of this procedure for it contained a few… well… special steps which you wouldn’t admit to even know about, in public.

She had begun by playing with the hot mares pussy, rubbing it with her hand until it began production of a clear, strongly smelling saliva which she had collected in a leather bag and tied to Cheyennes head. How his prick had immediately begun to become hard like rock… Because it had never hurt, she had then spent 20 minutes sucking Cheyennes fleshy prick, always watching not to make him cum and rubbing her clit until she was nearly there. For the final step she had pulled up a chair right behind Cheyennes hinds, sat up, and inserted her special horse prostrate massaging tool deep inside Cheyennes back. This normally doubled the amount of cum the final shot would give. Finally, she had squashed the horses already very big and hot balls inside her own, very wet pussy, followed by a hand full of small vibrating eggs. She had made the experience that every time she did that, her horses cum had been much thicker and stickier. She nearly hadn’t been able to withstand her hunger…

After one hour of massaging the horses prostrate and keeping his hot, swelling balls inside her pussy, she had gotten up, licked Cheyennes balls clean, given him one last blow on his still very hard prick and returned to her house. “Poor Cheyenne” she had thought. “That must have been a real torture to him. I know how much he enjoyed it, he always does. But not letting him give me what he so desperately wanted to give me… Well, he will give it to me in the end… and much better than he can now imagine.”

It had been Careys turn to prepare herself, then. She had not been having breakfast, well, not in that way of sense, anyway. So she had gone to the bathroom and put off her clothes. The hose hanging from the wall right next to the basin was what she had needed then. After having spit a good amount of saliva inside her palm and having rubbed in her tiny asshole, she had opened the taps to almost their full extent, starting a fast stream of warm, almost hot water splashing into the basin. Her pussy had tingled with excitement as she had totally relaxed and prepared for the highlight that was to come. With one move Carey had rammed the tip of the hose into her waiting asshole, filling it so immediately with the strong pressure of the hot water that she had burst out into a long, passionate moan, while the water had started to extend its pressure throughout her deepest insides. How good it had felt. She loved the feeling of pressure inside her hole. But water had been no use in giving her any sensation of sex, of a liquid produced out of pure lust. In fact, the water had served only one real purpose.

After her insides had been completely empty again, she had had a long and hot shower, in which she had spent nearly half an hour massaging her breasts, pussy and asshole. The juices that sticked to her fingers every time she had pulled them out of one of her holes and that she had licked off them in greed made her senses fade. After cumming twice in a row and moaning loudly for several minutes, she had felt ready to continue with preparations.

She had left the shower and dried herself up until her short, blond hair had stopped sticking to her head. Not bothering about redressing, she had gone to the workshop, where she had kept a newly invented, very promising tool which in fact only consisted of a tube, barely big enough to contain a cucumber. The tube was lined with a soft but very strong cloth and three hoses led out at one end. Two were rather short, not longer than half a meter. Each of them ended in a ball nearly the size of a fist. The third however had nearly two meters in length and ended in a big rubber dildo, mimicing the tip of a horse prick. “This needs to be nice and warm when we’re going to start” she had though. So she had sat down on the floor, starting to suck the rubber prick and covering it with her saliva. Then she had spread her legs wide and moved her hips forward to give herself free access to her ass. Laying back she had then pushed the dildo deep inside her asshole. She had had to hold her breath and bite her lips for it was so very huge. But after a minute the prick had completely disappeared between Careys buttocks. Taking the tube and the two remaining hoses, she had gone to the bedroom where she threw on her bathrobe, hiding her invention. The dildo still kept warm and safe inside her Carey had then left the house, heading directly to the stables. Cheyenne had had to get what she had promised him.

Having arrived in the stables, Carey had been happy to see that Cheyennes prick had not yet completely shrunk back and the balls were still hanging inches below its shaft. Unable to withstand she had thrown off her bathrobe and bagun to feast herself one last time on her horses tasty balls, for she had known that they wouldn’t be that firm much longer. Bending under the mighty stallions body made the dildo in her ass move and twitch. Breathing hard, Carey had stopped. It had been time for the final step.

After pulling the dildo out of her ass, which had given her a wonderful wave of releave and forced her to another soft, deep moan she stuffed it as deep as possible inside her hungry mouth, forcing her to breath though her nose. It was entirely warm and wet. Pausing for a minute she had enjoyed the sensation of horse prick inside her mouth. But then she had taken the two short hoses and put their ends inside her ass and pussy.

Taking the end of the rope that tied Cheyenne to the wall she had climbed under the mare that stood between the two small wodden walls. Holding the tube in one hand, pointing its end at Cheyenne, she had pulled on the rope so that, finally, now, she was sitting under the mare, watching Cheyenne attempting to do what he had desperately wished to do all morning.

His prick became a steely and hot spear. He jumped up on the mares back and began to stab his prick at her hinds, trying to find a place where he could releave himself from the litres of hot, thick and sticky cum. Careys heart beat fast. She was prefectly sure where this place would be. She held it in hands. As Cheyenne made another desperate stab, Carey seized his prick and stuck it deep inside the tube. Now there was no turning back. The size of the tube was well chosen for it fit perfectly. There would be no way of removing it until this was over. Turning around, Carey closed her eyes. “I’m a mare.” she thought. “And the wild and strong stallion is about to fill me up with his tasty cum. Please! Cheyenne. Give me all your cum.” Carey was sure that Cheyenne would not be able to stop until at least 6 litres of his juice would have left his body and entered one of her many greedy holes.

As soon as his prick had entered the tube Cheyenne had seized his chance. His balls exploded and his prostrate began to squeeze as it pressed all its content through the horses huge prick from which it shot like a storm tide. Carey opened her eyes. A huge stream of air left the dildo that was still tightly stuffed into Careys mouth, which she breathed in in shock. In the door stood a girl. “Dana!” she thought, paralyzed.

Suddenly, both her pussy and asshole were pumped up with steaming, thick cream. She lost her breath, as a warm and trickling sensation filled her body. Dana was watching her! This came so quickly, so unexpectedly. She was not yet sure how to react.

Carey fixed her with her eyes. Dana was young. Maybe 25. She had brown hair, that fell over her shoulder and back, and a pretty face with green eyes that fixed her in surprise. She was very beautiful.

Then, Cheyennes cum shot out of the dildo into Careys throat. She swallowed, swallowed again. It would never stop. Still she fixed her eyes on Dana. Then she came like an explosion. Cum shot into her pussy, her ass, into her mouth and she couldn’t stop looking at Dana with her firm tits that pressed through her top. “Mhm, mhm, mhm”. Carey couldn’t think. She came and came as more cum gushed down her throat and into her holes.

“Was Dana coming closer?”. The thought of Dana watching her doing this made her even hotter… And Cheyennes cum tasted so great. She came again. “Mhm, mhm”. Suddenly, she felt the dildo in her mouth being pulled out. She was too busy coming to interfere. Next thing she saw was Dana, with one hand between her hips, with the other, stuffing the dildo into her mouth. Carey swallowed as she watched Dana drinking as much of Cheyennes cum as she could master. “Oh my god” Carey breathed as she came harder than ever. She returned to reality as she felt two lips pressing on her own and a toung enter her mouth, bringing with it another wave of cum taste. Dana and Carey kissed deeply. “Mhhmmmhm”. Dana began to moan as first waves of lust shot through her body. Carey saw that she had stuffed the dildo, which was still shooting cum, deep inside her pussy, and they both came, kissing and caressing their lips and cheeks. “Oh Carey!” Dana moaned… but Carey couldn’t help. Both of her holes were completely filled up with litres of white, steamy cream and still there was no end. Watching Dana she saw that she too was hovering somewhere far from reality, completely dazed by the sensation of huge loads of cum filling her hungry cunt. The two girls simply knelt on the floor, letting themselves be pumped up by Cheyennes giant prick.

But then, slowly, the spurts of cum became weaker… and weaker… An unexpected sound from behind made Carey jump. The pipe had slipped off Cheyennes prick which already started to shrink but still squirted moderat amounts of cream. The girls gasped. Suddenly Dana jumped up, ripping the Dildo out of her pussy and rounding the mare. “Wait!”, Dana said in her soft voice as she grasped Cheyennes fleshy cock and stuffed it into her greedily opened mouth. Careys eyes became wide as she watched Dana. There she stood, naked and more beautiful than ever, fucking Cheyennes cock with her throat. She really swallowed the horses soft flesh so deep, that her nose touched Cheyennes body. Small gurgling noises told Carey that the last few squirts of cum had just been securely deposited inside Danas tummy.

Feeling completely relaxed, Cheyenne started to climb of his mares back, pulling out his cock of what he thought had finally become a very warm and wet horse pussy. “Hugh”, Dana gasped, as her fleshy meal escaped her throat. Carey, who had watched Dana with growing lust, now got up from under the mare where she had experienced such a great sensations.

Now the girls stood in the stables, looking at each other. Carey wasn’t sure if she should say something. But then, she stepped slowly forward. Her eyes fixed on Danas firm breasts, she started to touch them. They were all warm and soft, almost like velvet. Looking up she saw that Dana had closed her eyes, breathing softly through her nose as if she wanted to take in Careys scent as deeply as she could. Carey felt Danas hands taking hold of her hips. She put her arms around Dana, pulling her body close. They kissed. Long and tenderly. With one hand, Dana grasped Careys head and dug through her short, blonde hair. They kissed harder, sucking and biting on there lips. “Ohhh!” Carey gasped, as Dana had suddenly ripped out one of the hoses still sticking in her ass. A gush of cum immediately errupted out of her cream stuffed hole, but she controlled herself and the flow stopped. Slowly, they licked the hoses cream covered, warm ball end. “You didn’t get enough of Cheyennes cream for breakfast, did you?” Carey whispered. Dana smiled. “Did you?” simply was her answer. Carey pulled out the second hose from pussy, ejecting another deep moan that made Dana smile. Licking its ball end, she smiled. “There’s still loads of it. And it tastes even better now that we have spiced it up with our own special taste…”

Kissing each other, breathing hard in impatience, they slowly got down to the floor. Dana lay down, with her back comfortably cushioned by fresh hay. Carey turned, moved one leg over Danas head and excitedly lay down on Danas velvety skinned body. Lowering her hips, she gave Dana full access to her so tightly cum stuffed love hole, as she moved her mouth slowly towards Danas. How good it looked… all red and tight, soaked in sweet smelling juicy and showing traces of Cheyennes cum, slowly drippling out of its tight entrance. Danas hands had grasped Careys buttocks and immediately she felt her warm lips caressing her clit. “Mhm, oh…” Carey exclaimed. It felt wonderful. Her juices already began to flow, but she felt that much thicker and more tasty liquids began to leave her wet pussy. She heard Dana, starting to swallow what sounded like huge amounts of juice, “Hm…gh… oh… hm…gh…” It felt wonderful. Danas toung dug deep inside her hole, trying to procure as much cum out of Careys pussy as she could possibly get. “Take your timhme… there’s s.. still loads of it.” Carey moaned. Then she lowered her head, kissing Danas pussy slowly and deeply. Her toung dug through its slut, taking up every bit of juice it could get. Wonderful. It tasted so wunderful. Carey swallowed. She began to suck Danas pussy as hard as she could, trying to milk it for Cheyennes sweet cream. Dana gasped. She obviously liked that. Carey sucked and dug, sticking her toung as deep as possible into the love hole. But still no cum. Greed grew up in her throat. She needed cum. “Hm…gh… hm…gh…gh”. Dana seemed to nearly drown as even more cum and love juice left Careys pussy. But she didn’t seem to want to stop, more likely she wanted even more. Closing her legs tightly around Danas body, Carey rolled over, simply taking Dana with her in one, short roll. Taken by surprise, Danas hip immediately fell down on Careys head, pushing its pussy tightly on her mouth. What a pleasant surprise, Carey thought. Grasping Danas buttocks and holding them close, there was no escaping. Before Dana had even understood, her juices had already begun to flow downwards, directly into Careys waiting throat. They moaned. The first gush of spicy cum juice almost filled her mouth. “Mh…gh”. But as soon as she had swallowed there was the next gush. The creamy semen washed around her teeth and toung, leaving a nutty taste as it too disappeared in Careys throat. Dana meanwhile had started licking Careys pussy again, trying to continue feasting on its tasty insides. Carey felt how her pussy was sucked very deeply. It felt wonderful, how Danas brown hair fell onto Careys hips and pussy and mixed with her juices. But then, a disappointed “hey…” from Dana told her, that she had understood.

Five seconds later, Carey lay on top of Dana again. They giggled. Turning around, Carey gave Dana another passionate kiss. They stroked each others hair and caressed their bodies, exchanging looks of deep affection. Taking it in turns, they fed each other with all the remaining juice from out of their pussies. Then, they simply lay down in the hay, cuddling, and it was late in the afternoon when they finally left the stables, hand in hand.