(c) 2005 by Clvfan

Jennifer Aniston stretched her lithe body when she woke. She gave a little sigh, life turns out strange sometimes but she shouldn’t have been too surprised.

She got up to head to the bathroom stopping in front of the full length mirror, she stopped to see if she could see if something was the matter with her appearance.

What she saw was a 5′ 6″ 34C-23-35 1⁄2 gorgeous body encased in a light sleeping shirt that clung to every curve, coming down to about midthigh and revealing long shapely legs. Her proud breasts were tenting the top with sleepy nipples just barely tenting the white fabric. Her pretty face framed by bed tousled hair that gave her a sexy rumpled look.

Shaking her head she continued on into the bathroom to do her morning business wondering why it was that Brad felt he had to run around on her. She loved sex and their sexual life was really great she thought so why did he feel the need for other women. Oh she knew the temptations of a Hollywood life. There were always people that wanted a piece of you figuratively and literally. But she thought she had found the love of her life in Brad. The first two years were just like she imagined, even when work took them apart they were constantly in touch but for some reason it changed, she first heard rumors that she discounted because the media was always trying to start something.

Still thinking about her marriage problems she came back to the bedroom to get ready for a meeting with the director and producer of the film she was to start work on next month.

It was when Troy was being filmed she knew in her heart that he was cheating. She loved the way he had bulked up for that film, their lovemaking was even more exciting and wonderful but he didn’t seem as loving, oh he was as passionate as ever but that loving tenderness didn’t seem to come through anymore. Now the rumors of Angelina Jolie and him on his last film were running rampant. She had to laugh; the media had it all wrong. It wasn’t Angelina Jolie he was fucking; it was that trampy blonde hairdresser with the 40d fake tits. She had hired a private detective and had the pictures to prove it. Jennifer was basically a normal woman, at least as normal as you can be in the entertainment business and she hated to let her marriage fail but she wasn’t going to live with his cheating. For now they were just separated but she knew in her heart they would be divorced eventually.

As she was putting her white lace thong on the bedroom door was pushed open, glancing over she saw it was Bruiser Chris’s big male Chow. She smiled at the irony of the situation. She was staying with Chris McMillan her hairdresser while she sorted her life out. Chris was already gone for the day; he had many famous clients and was pretty busy. Bruiser was one of two dogs he had, he was a big male Chow, about 110 pounds of fluffy orange fur. He looked more like a lion than a dog. The other was a gigantic Great Dane that looked as big as a pony. His name was Brute and he was gray covered in small black spots except for a large black area over one eye and ear.

She appreciated the fact that Chris gave her a place to stay out of the public spotlight; they had become friends over the years. Most people thought he was gay because he was a hairdresser but she knew better, he just didn’t dissuade anyone from thinking that about him.

She went to the closet and bent over to find the shoes she wanted to wear when a cold wet nose pressed against her exposed ass causing her to jump. “Hey Bruiser quit that, your nose is cold.” She reached down and petted his huge head. He liked to be petted and messed with, he had sort of adopted her when she moved in and stayed pretty close. “Come on big boy let me get dressed.”

He went and lay by the door watching her while she finished dressing. Since she already had the part Jennifer didn’t dress up for this meeting, a pair of form fitting slacks and pullover short sleeve knit blouse with her white tennis shoes comprised her outfit. Brushing out her lustrous brown hair she put it in a ponytail and headed out the door. She stooped and gave Bruiser a pat on the head “See ya later boy.”

He got up and followed her to the door. Brute hearing them moving came into the foyer to greet them. He was so big his head was almost level with Jennifer’s breasts. He came forward and licked her on the arm tail going a mile a minute. She laughed and took his big jowls in her hands shaking his head back and forth lightly, “Okay boy you take care of the place, see you later.” She set the alarm and went out thinking Chris didn’t really need an alarm with those two monsters around.

Bruiser whined after her at the door. He liked the new female that was living with them, he wanted to protect her but couldn’t when she wouldn’t take him with her. Brute liked her also but once she was out of sight he promptly forgot about her and went about his business.

Jennifer got home around 5:00 and kicked off her shoes to relax a little, it had been a hectic day, after the meeting there were interviews and she was tired of fielding questions about her and Brad. She got a glass of wine and sat down outside on the patio. Bruiser came to sit beside her nudging her arm until she put it around his furry mane and started stroking him. She wanted to take a nap but it was time for her workout. She didn’t get this body by just wishing for it. Chris had a workout room and she went put on her white leotard, got a towel and headed into the Chris’s gym. She usually didn’t wear this one but her other’s were dirty and the maid didn’t do the laundry until tomorrow. She worked with the light to medium weights for a while, she wanted to stay in shape but not get bulky. Bruiser was lying in a corner just watching. While she was running on the tread mill Chris came in. He was in his workout shorts and gym shoes.

She gave him a grin and a wave that he returned and went over to the weight machine putting a lot more weight on it then she had. They talked as they both worked out, she enjoyed talking with him, he was so easy to talk with, that’s why they became friends she figured.

As they worked out together she gradually became aware that she was stealing glances at his body while he worked on the weights. He was in great shape, hard well defined muscles but not the gigantic bulging musclemen type. It had been almost two months since she had sex last with her husband and her body Was telling her that a desirable male was close by. With a sigh she went back to concentrating on her running she didn’t want to do anything to ruin their friendship.

Little did she know but Chris was having similar thoughts. The white leotard she had on was becoming more transparent the wetter it got as she sweated. Chris could see those magnificent breasts bouncing with her stride and the aureole and nipple clearly defined. He wasn’t desperate for sex; he got plenty and didn’t plan on getting married, to many beauties that wanted a romp in the hay with a famous hairdresser. But he had to admit Jennifer’s gorgeous body parading around the house with not much on sometimes was getting to him. When she stopped running and stepped off the treadmill he could see that dark patch of hair setting at the top of her thighs showing through. His cock already starting to fill out from watching those breasts bounce gave another upward lurch.

Wiping her face off with her towel she turned to Chris, he had stopped working and was watching her. “How about I get a shower and fix us something to eat “she said. It was then she noticed the bulge in his shorts. “That looks pretty good” she thought.

“Uhh sure Jen that sounds nice.” He stammered.

She gave him a smile and headed for her bedroom with Bruiser right behind her, as she passed the mirror on the way into the bathroom she caught a glimpse of herself and stopped, a little grin spread over her face. No wonder Chris had a hardon; she saw the wet fabric clinging to her body showing her pink nipples and dark bush clearly. Well at least she knew he was interested in her that way. Bruiser laid down right outside the bathroom door his nose flaring taking in the sweating scent of the female. It did something to him, she smelled good, he liked it when she went to that special room, and her scent was always so much stronger when she left.

Jennifer showered and went to the kitchen and fixed some grilled chicken salads for them. Chris came in about the time she was done fresh from his shower just wearing a pair of cotton shorts. She had put on a pair of shorts and a half top that just came down below her breasts, those outstanding beauties keeping the bottom from even touching her stomach.

While they ate they talked about the days activities for both. Finally Chris said “Come on let’s get some wine and watch some movies, take your mind off everything. Jennifer readily agreed and they took a chilled bottle of wine and went to the den. They both liked the old movies and Chris put in one that was a comedy with Gary Grant and Doris Day. They sat together on the couch sipping wine and just relaxing.

She had been staying there for a while but as she sat on the couch next to him Chris was very aware for the first time of how magnificent her body was. Out of the corner of his eye he looked her over; long sexy legs reveled by her shorts. That top pushed out by those firm breasts, a pointed tent right at the end. Her hair was loose and soft about her face. Once again his cock started to fill with blood. He was afraid to make a move on her because she was his friend.

Jennifer could feel the heat of his gaze roving over her body and it thrilled her. Ever since she saw his hardon in the gym she was thinking about making love to him. Her body was ripe and her mind was also. If Brad could fuck a hairdresser then she could fuck hers. Seemingly innocent she scooted closer and laid her head on his shoulder. She had already had two glasses of wine and was working on a third. She figured if she was sorry in the morning she would blame it on the wine.

Chris moved his arm and put it around her shoulder. She took his hand and placed it lightly on her breast.

Chris’s heart beat a little faster, did she actually want him to make love to her. He looked down at her and those big eyes were looking back steadily. He brought his head down to let his lips gently touch hers, they kissed gently for a few seconds then with more passion and heat.

Jennifer turned sideways her breasts pressing into his side, his hard muscled body mashing against them sending a warm thrill through her body. For Chris it was like a hot poker sticking into his side. He groaned into her mouth and let his tongue force open her lips to play with her eager oral appendage.

She had her outside hand on his shoulder running up along his neck and into his hair to pull his face closer to hers. Chris let his hand slide up under her top to cup the bottom of a pointed breast.

She murmured pleasure sounds in his mouth as his hands caressed her. He teased those pink nippled breasts until her nipples were standing out about a quarter of an inch, thick rubbery tips of delight. He loved rolling and pulling on them with his fingers and she loved having them rolled and pulled on.

Both were breathing a little heavier now Chris’s cock a hardening bar in his shorts. Chris moved to settle back on the couch on his back and Jennifer slid to lie fully on him.

Their passionate kiss only deepened when they both felt his cock trapped between their bodies rubbing along her flat little belly. She dropped one hand back to delve under his shorts to rub and caress that soft hard shaft making him grunt with the pleasure of her soft hand around him.

They stopped for just a moment to let Chris strip her top from her and then both quickly shed their shorts. Their naked bodies came back together quickly the feel of warm silken flesh made Chris’s cock twitch as Jennifer writhed around on top of him. He kissed her hard then raised her up so he could get one of those long hanging breasts in his mouth. He worked over a pink nipple with tongue and teeth and lips, she tasted delicious and he went from one to the other making them shine with his saliva. Jennifer’s body was singing with the heated tingles he was causing her breasts. Her brown bush was grinding around on his loins pressing against the round pleasure pole throbbing beneath her.

It had been so long for her and he was so hard and sexy, neither wanted to wait for any more foreplay. Chris quickly flipped her over on her back and settled between her long raised legs. His cock finding her already sopping entrance he pushed into her hot tightness until his balls lay pressed into the crease of her shapely ass.

Both groaned with the pleasure of his cock filling her wanting cunt. There was only the need for physical relief for both of them and Chris thrust into her welcoming wetness in a steady manner, their mouths were glued together in a kiss of pure lust, Chris’s hands tweaking and pulling on her pointed breasts. Jennifer’s hands were running all over his body, up his arms, fingers digging into his back then sliding down to clutch his flexing ass. Her legs were held up in a wide V bent at the knees and pointing straight back, jerking with each hard thrust of his iron cock.

The heat rose quickly in both working bodies and after only five minutes or so of exquisite fucking Jennifer saw that red haze envelope her vision and the anticipatory goose bumps cover her heated flesh as she readied for that wonderful burst of ecstasy she wanted so much.

Chris’s cock was throbbing with the frictoned slickness he was sliding back and forth in. His body took over and he started hammering between those muscled thighs racing towards completion.

His hard charging thrusts made her body sing even more, little whimpers of delight coming from her and her legs rising to point at the ceiling. She exploded in bursts of pure ecstasy her pussy squeezing and rippling around his now jerking spurting cock. He jammed in with a grunt and filled her slick passage with the full contents of his balls.

Bruiser was lying in his favorite place along the wall and Brute was on the other side of the room in his spot. Bruiser’s nose was picking up a wonderful scent coming from his master and the female on the couch It was a sexual smell, not as exciting as the female of his species but enough to make him whine a little and his pointy cock start to emerge. Brute also was sniffing the air and taking in that delicious smell, he like Bruiser thought it was like an excited female.

Jennifer and Chris slowly came down from their high. Jennifer dropped her legs to curl around the back of his calves. Their heated kiss slowed to gently pecks along each others neck.

Both were afraid now that it was over that the other would think of them different. That was quickly dispelled when Jennifer kissed him on the ear and whispered with a giggly little laugh “Thanks I needed that baby.”

Chris’s raised up to kiss her on her cute little nose. “No more than I did, you have been driving me crazy, especially in that white leotard.” His cock slowly softened and he slid back out of her still gently throbbing channel sending a shiver through both people.

They cuddled and finished watching the movie but the ice had been broken and before each retired to their own bed Jennifer had knelt between his muscular legs and lovingly licked and sucked his cock. She was working his balls with lips tongue and hands before driving him to cum, her hot mouth sliding up and down his cock, tongue flicking and lips tight.

He returned the favor sitting her on the edge of the couch and eating her sweet brown haired snatch. He drove her up that ladder of desire with his flicking tongue and probing fingers, finally sucking her clit hard while working two fingers in her dripping snatch. She flooded his face with her clear liquid, her head thrown back in an ecstatic fever her long legs locked at the heels over his back.

Chris’s cock was fully hard from the erotic sight and taste of Jennifer Ansiton’s pussy and even while she was still cumming he positioned her on her knees in front of the couch and drove his hard bar into the welcoming throbbing muscle between her legs.

It was a beautiful erotic sight to see Jennifer Aniston on her knees before him, hot curvy ass wiggling back at him, he quickly brought the head of his dick to her seeping entrance and buried himself balls deep in her tightness, Ummm she felt so good, her hot wet muscle gripping his cock in a tender vise while he rode in and out. Oh yeah it was good.

Jennifer was still in the throes of her orgasm and his hard cock shooting into her still throbbing channel sent a red haze of lust shooting back through her body. His hard thighs felt good to her slamming into her quivering ass. Holding herself off the couch with one arm she used the other hand to tease one long hanging breast, the other being jostled back and forth with Chris’s hard strokes. She was quickly building to another climax.

Chris had her firm hips tightly gripped in his hands pulling her back against him when he flexed forward, her heated sleeve sending waves of pleasure through the stimulated nerves in his cock. They were sending those come on boys lets cum messages to his swinging balls. “Oh yeah” he was thinking she may be the best fuck he had ever had.

With a strangled “HUHHHHH” his clenched ass shoved as hard as he could into her firm ass and he started firing cum in her tight channel, it immediately got slicker and easier to move with all the extra lubrication.

Jennifer’s cunt felt every stroke and when she felt the head swell and that first hot shot coat her inside, her body exploded into another climax while she shoved and pushed back against him.

Bruiser was getting excited more and more as the delicious aroma of thoroughly aroused female filled his nostrils, He was standing now pacing a little his scarlet cock starting to drop down out of its sheath.

Chris watched his semi hard cock emerging from the warm haven it had been in, appearing from beneath that luscious ass crease before him. “Ummmm Jen baby you were wonderful.” He sighed.

He sat on the floor beside her gently caressing that firm curve of ass.

Jennifer turned and eased down beside him, her pussy leaking their combined mixture of cum out on the floor. She gave him a sweaty kiss on the mouth. “You wore me out baby, I’ll sleep well tonight.”

They cuddled for a few more minutes then each went to sleep a satisfied tired sleep. Jennifer was a little unsteady on her feet and Chris helped her to her room. She had drunk more wine than she usually did and she felt a little woozy now that her sexual high was wearing off.

She crawled into bed and lay face down almost immediately falling asleep; she didn’t even notice that Bruiser had come in with her before she closed the door.

Bruiser lay down in his usual spot but he was to excited to go to sleep, that tantalizing aroma was still filling his nostrils. He laid there for about an hour but couldn’t stand it any longer, quietly getting up he walked over to the bed, the smell was stronger here, his nose high and quivering he jumped up on the bed.

The movement didn’t bother Jennifer she was out like a light.

The big Chow’s black twitching nose followed that hot scent to the source. That wet leaking hole between the female’s legs.

Jennifer was on her stomach head to the side, arms stretched out and slightly forward, her long legs were spread slightly as she snored away.

Bruiser took a tentative lick along one ass cheek; it tasted pretty good so he swiped down the valley of those fleshy mounds. Ahh there was that good stuff. His wide tongue started cleaning the combined cum from Jennifer’s ass and worked on down to where it seemed to be coming from. His short snout was buried in her ass separating those globes and tickling the sensitive skin with his nose fur.

Jennifer’s wine fogged brain registered the fact that her ass and pussy were being wetly attacked but it made her dream that Chris was eating her again. Only this time he was doing something special that tickled her ass and his tongue seemed so big.

The big Chow was really into it now big tongue running up and down her crack and into her pussy as far as he could get it. He whined a little, there was more he just couldn’t reach. He used his nose and big head to start shoving up from under her ass making it rise a little but falling back down when he lowered his head.

He kept at it and in Jennifer’s dream world she felt Chris raising her ass so he could get at it better, on the next shove she helped him by pulling her knees up presenting him with all the access he should need.

She smiled in her sleep when she felt his big tongue wiggling inside her now seeping pussy.

Bruiser was in horny doggy heaven now, that delicious hole was right in front of his snout and he attacked it with vigor. He had her brown patch of hair matted with his flashing tongue, he cleaned the whole area around that wonderful hole, his big tongue had her pussy creaming again.

By now his scarlet cock was fully extended, it was hard to tell with all that thick fur but the sharply pointed tip was beginning to squirt his precum. Although she wasn’t one of his kind he knew a hot pussy when he smelled one and he wanted to bury himself deep inside. He mounted her ass but with her back sloped down he couldn’t get mounted right, he hunched quickly but his jerking cock only hit her legs or slid down over the top of her mound. Whining he jumped off and went back to tonguing that seeping hole.

To Jennifer it was like Chris had quit eating her and laid a tickly furry rug over her ass and then started jabbing her with his finger before going back to eating her.

Bruiser lapped rapidly for a few seconds then attempted to mount her again but once again she wasn’t in the right position for him to seat that pointed scarlet cock and he ineffectually jabbed the air and hit her leg below her wet hole.

Jennifer once again dreamed he was laying a fur covering over her and poking her with his finger. Her fogged mind was finally waking up and she was trying to make sense of what was happening, had Chris come in to continue their loving. She tried rising up but there was a weight on her hips, she rose up on her arms making her on her hands and knees.

That was just what Bruiser needed, her raised back gave him a purchase with his front legs and her lowered ass was just right to line up the next jab. His pointed cock slithered through her wet vulva and when he felt the hot flesh surround his cock he surged forward on his back legs and locked his front legs around her waist driving his full length her wet channel. The sudden invasion of her pussy woke Jennifer up quickly; she was being driven forward with hammer blows to her ass. She was driven up against the headboard of the bed, she couldn’t go any farther. Her mind was confused, she was being fucked hard but she couldn’t figure out what Chris was wearing, some kind of furry coat that was delightfully tickling her inner thighs, ass and back. It wasn’t until she heard the little whine that she realized it was Bruiser that was mounted on her back and jack hammering away.

“NO STOP, GET DOWN” she cried. She tried to pull forward but his tightly locked legs held her in place.

Bruiser knew by the tone of voice he was doing something wrong but his flashing cock felt so good he was beyond obeying.

By now Jennifer was fully awake, she started to shout louder but then she didn’t want Chris to come running in and see her being fucked by his dog. Also the Big Chows rapidly fucking cock was creating a very good feeling in her ravaged pussy. She was still saying “STOP” but not as loud, still struggling to pull his legs from around her waist but not as hard.

Bruiser was going strong now furry hips bucking, back legs shoving, his cock surrounded by tight wet flesh that felt so good. His precum was squirting about every third stroke making it easier to work. He felt the female quit trying to pull away and her tone of voice was changing from anger to soothing.

Jennifer’s body was responding to the slithering scarlet cock, her pussy sending out that heated wave of pleasure she got from a good fucking. His soft hair caressing and tickling her legs, ass and back added to the forbidden thrill she was beginning to experience. Her protestations had changed to gasping “Oh… Ohh… Ohhh” sounds. It felt so good his rapid thrusts had her body flushing with pleasure. Jennifer’s swollen vulva was receiving the added stimulation of the furry sheath every time he thrust forward. Her mind wanted him to stop but her body loved it. She could feel that little jerk of his cock and squirt of liquid, which increased her forbidden pleasure even more. She rationalized it by saying to herself she didn’t want Chris to see her like this and the only thing to do was to let him finish quietly.

Bruiser was having the time of his life, the quivering pleasure the hot female pussy was bringing him had him straining to fuck even harder. Now his squirting pre cum was almost constant. His knot was swelling now, like two walnuts expanding on each side of his cock about a 1⁄2 inch up from the base and he worked hard at trying to jam it in the hot hole he was breeding.

Jennifer felt those two lumps banging into her wet lips, by now she was creaming like crazy coating the pointed cock with her love juice. She knew about dog knots and wondered if he got it in would they be tied together. She only worried about that for a second; he was pounding her pussy to good to think about anything else.

Bruiser kept thrusting hard and finally managed to get one side started in her swollen red pussy. When he did he quit fucking and started shoving hard trying to force the rest of it in.

Jennifer felt her well lubed channel being stretched around the invading knot her vulva and labia full of hot dog knot now. Bruiser was dancing on his hind legs just little hard shoving hunches that caused a jolt of pleasure for Jennifer.

Bruiser’s doggy lips were pulled back in a grin of doggy lust. He had the female where he wanted her now, her juicy hole was plugged and he could fill her with his sperm, none could leak out so he should breed her good. The tight fit around his hunching knot and her palpating channel squeezing his cock was quickly making his black balls ready to empty their load.

Jennifer was already at that plane of pure pleasure, his animal cock twitching and jerking, the full knot stretching her opening where most of the sexual nerves are had her legs quivering and low moans issuing from her throat.

Bruiser gave a low whine and his scarlet rod started bucking inside the tight sleeve as squirt after squirt of scalding dog cum filled her pussy.

Jennifer gave a loud groan at the hot feel of his cum and she clamped his squirting dick hard with her climax milking his balls of their entire animal load.

The big Chow was in a state of bliss as the female squeezed and rippled around him clamping his knot oh so deliciously. His pumping balls emptied his full load of cum and when his scarlet rod quit spitting its contents he stayed connected to make sure she got the full effect of his breeding. When that quivering heated feeling passed he pulled back, there was a resistance as his knot was clamped hard in her wet opening but he persisted and with only a little pain he popped out. When his cum coated cock emerged it brought a load of doggy and woman cum with it to run down her legs and on the sheets. He was through with her for now and jumped down to go lay down and lick his cock of all the delicious juice as it slowly receded back into his sheath.

Jennifer was in a place she had never been while his hot cum shot into her. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. When he pulled his swollen knot out the friction at her sensitive opening gave her another little climax. She could feel the slick liquid running down her legs, when Bruiser jumped off the bed she let her legs slide down to lay on her stomach as her ragged breathing slowed to normal. Her well fucked muscle continued to throb and twitch for several minutes.

When she finally got control of herself she eased off her bed and went to take a long hot bath. At first as she soaked she was disgusted at what had happened. But she knew it felt oh so damn good. Then she thought well that’s over with, nobody knows and I will make sure he doesn’t sleep my room again.

Having decided she cleaned up and went back out, putting Bruiser out of the room and closing the door fully. When she got back in bed she made sure she avoided the big wet spot.

She was woken to the aroma of coffee when Chris stuck his head in the door to tell her he was leaving for the day. A quick grin at the tousled head sticking out from under the covers. “Thanks for a wonderful evening Jen, see you later.”

She gave him a sleepy smile and wave and he was gone. He didn’t close the door though and a big fur ball bounded in and up on the bed to lick her with a wide tongue.

Pushing him away she had to laugh, she couldn’t be mad at him. “Quit that you bad boy, don’t try and make up now.” Laughing she said “you’re supposed to kiss before the act not just after.”

She got up and went to the bathroom then just putting a short robe on she went to fix her some breakfast. The maid would be in today to straighten up and do the laundry. She looked at the clock it was a good thing Chris had woken her up, she had an appointment with the real estate agent. She was trying to buy back the house she had before her marriage. She was only staying with Chris until she could find another place.

Getting ready quickly she was heading for the door with Bruiser right behind her and Brute coming to see her off from the other room. She gave them both some petting and loving before heading out. Once again she gently admonished the big Chow. “You were a bad boy last night; I hope you enjoyed it because you aren’t doing it again.”

She was out all day, after meeting the real estate agent she met Courtney Cox for lunch and they went shopping then had dinner before Courtney went home to her husband David. She hoped their marriage worked out better then hers and she was a little envious.

The maid had already left when she got back and there was a message on the answering machine from Chris telling her he had been asked to do a job for one of the production companies on location. He would be gone a couple of days.

Both dogs were dancing around her, she knew they weren’t hungry the maid would have feed them before she left. She figured they needed to go out so she let them out in the fenced in property in the back.

She didn’t have to do anything tomorrow and she had no plans for tonight so she undressed, put on her short robe and went out back to enjoy the stars and a quiet evening. She didn’t see the dogs but there were several acres of landscaped property so she knew they were roaming somewhere. The night was peaceful and she drifted off to sleep. She didn’t know how long but she was woken by a wet nose against her knee.

Opening one eye she saw Bruiser nudging her leg. “Oh no buddy, you caught me off guard last night but not now.” She patted his huge head. He licked her arm. Lying on the lounge she thought back to last night, she had more sex than she had in a long time, first a wonderful session with Chris and then the forbidden coupling with Bruiser that gave her such and intense orgasm. She was curious, Bruiser’s cock felt so different than any that she had before.

Well no one was around and wouldn’t be for a while she decided to satisfy her curiosity, she didn’t think Bruiser would mind. She called the dogs and went in closing all the blinds and making sure the alarms were set. It sure wouldn’t do to have the paparazzi get a picture of her looking a dog’s cock.

Setting on the floor in front of the couch she called Bruiser over, Brute went to lie down in his usual place.

She rolled the Chow over on his back and started rubbing his belly, he loved that she usually did it at least once a day. Now she had a different agenda, while she rubbed she studied his sheath and black balls that lay at the back of his legs. The sheath didn’t look like much, about as long her finger and maybe a little thicker. It sure felt bigger than that last night. She let her hand run down the soft fur to run her palm over the furry sheath, she gave it a little squeeze and could feel a harder tube roll around inside.

Jennifer started rubbing the sheath and squeezing gently.

Bruiser didn’t smell any excited female and wasn’t the least bit horny but the female was making his cock begin to swell with her rubbing and squeezing. He lay on his back, front legs up in the air with paws bent towards his belly, his back legs were spread wide and his tongue hung out of the side of his black dog lips enjoying the rubbing teasing of the female sitting beside him.

Jennifer saw the scarlet tip emerge from the sheath, just about a 1⁄2 inch of wet pointed muscle. It looked so strange to her. She kept up her massaging of his sheath and now let her finger and thumb gently squeeze the emerging tip. As more scarlet shaft emerged from the sheath she got a good look at what had fucked her so well last night. It was about six or six and a half inches long and not quite as big around as the men she had been with. But it tapered down to an extremely pointed tip that curved down the last 1⁄2 inch or so. She wrapped her hand around the shaft to see what it felt like. A hard rubbery feel that was slick and smooth.

Bruiser gave a little whine, something was enclosing his cock and that felt really good. Now even without the arousing smell of heated female he wanted to bury his bone in something.

Jennifer had seen what she wanted but instead of taking her hand away for some reason she started running it up and down slowly along the shaft. Bruiser felt the warm pleasant sensations run over his body as his cock was being stroked and the first little squirt of precum shot out. His back legs were beginning to twitch a little now.

Jennifer saw that clear quick shot and her breath quickened; she remembered how it felt squirting in her heated loins. Another squirt that she caught as her palm rolled over the sharp tip of his cock and it lubricated the shaft as she continued to stroke. Her thoughts were on last night and what this cock had done to her, her eyes were glued fascinated by the strange shaped red cock she was jacking. Her gaze wandered back to the black pair of balls lying behind the sheath. She got up on her knees and cupped them with her other hand. By now the forbidden thrill of what she was doing was making her pussy moisten and heat up.

Bruiser loved it and when she cupped his balls he gave a pleased whine, it was the first time anything had ever enclosed his balls and it felt so good. He wanted to jump up and mount her again, her arousal now wafting into his nostrils. But what she was doing felt so good he didn’t move other then pump his hind legs some.

Jennifer was caught up in what she was doing now timing her strokes to catch his squirting precum in her palm and grease that scarlet shaft with its slickness. She wondered what it would taste like. Chris kept his dogs clean, they were bathed several times a week and they hardly ever had a strong dog smell, mostly they smelled of the perfumed soap they were bathed in.

Bending forward she stopped stroking for a second and let her tongue touch the sharp tip, just as she did another squirt of pre-cum shot out coating her tongue and splashing off her lips. It was almost tasteless she found, just a little spicy tanginess that wasn’t unpleasant. Dare she do an even more forbidden thing than she did last night?

Leaning over more she let her lips slide over that curled tip and on down the slick coated shaft.

If Bruiser had been human his face would have the biggest grin imaginable. As it was his black lips were drawn tight in a doggy grin, tongue lolling out one side as the exquisite never before pleasure of the females tight lips drew him into that hot oral cavern.

Jennifer drew that pointed lance in until her lips were being tickled by his hairy sheath the sharp tip starting down her throat. When she glided back up her tongue worked over the scarlet tube. Bruiser could only make little whiny noises at this extraordinary pleasure moving along his dog lance.

The forbidden thrill made Jennifer’s hot pussy lubricate freely as she sucked the hot dog prick.

Brute was well aware of her scent now and it was strange and somehow exciting to him, he needed a closer look, getting his big body up he padded over toward the strange action going on.

Jennifer was on her knees thoroughly engrossed in sucking the big Chow off and playing with those tight round black balls, she didn’t even know Brute was standing there.

Her scent was making him feel funny, almost like a bitch in heat but he couldn’t figure out what to do. He paced back and forth behind her knowing that delicious scent was coming from between her legs but he didn’t know how to get to it. His thick cock started to drop from his sheath.

Jennifer was into making Bruiser cum, he had a little gamy taste to him but not strong, it was actually turning her on. Her tight lips ran up and down the now constantly squirting pole and she gently massaged the round globes settled between his wide spread pumping legs. His knot was swelling quickly now and she saw what looked like two walnut size lumps rise on each side of the scarlet shaft. Opening her mouth wider she was able to encompass the whole thing and her tongue did a stimulating dance over the swollen flesh. Bruiser’s whole body was shaking with the intense fire that was being lit in his cock and balls. With a sharp yelp and whine he started shooting his doggy cum.

Jennifer knew he was about to cum, she could feel the contractions in those hairy balls, then his sharp tipped cock started jerking in the entrance to her throat and he shot stream after stream of hot canine cum into her throat, she had to back off and swallow quickly now moving one hand over to grasp his cock around those swollen bumps. He must have shot 8 or 9 times each one a hot thicker liquid then the precum and stronger tasting. She gently milked his balls until there was no more to be had and his red prick quit jerking. Letting him slide from her mouth she rubbed his belly again. She wiped her mouth of the excess doggy cum and said. “Well boy I hope I pleased you as much as you did me last night.” Now that she had committed this unnatural act voluntarily she wanted to feel that stabbing lance in her sopping pussy now. She wondered how long it would be before he could get hard again.

She needn’t have worried, about that time Brute having smelled the exciting aroma decided he wanted to get to the source and taste it. His big head lowered to try and raise her up from her kneeling position to get at her swampy center.

She was almost knocked over just catching herself on her hands over Bruiser who was now busy licking his slowly receding cock.

“What the heck.” Turning her head she saw Brute’s big nose getting ready to nudge under her ass again. “Well” she thought, don’t guess I will have to wait after all” and when she saw his hanging cock she took a ragged breath. Man that thing had to be eight or nine inches long. What she didn’t realize was it wasn’t fully extended yet.

Looking around quickly she figured she would get comfortable by laying her torso over the couch, her knees on the floor. She positioned herself and pulled her robe up to uncover that luscious ass.

Brute’s big head had followed that hot scent and when she flipped her robe up his long black and pink tongue swiped right up her tight ass crease coating the inside with slick dog saliva.

Jennifer’s body jumped at the wet thrill his tongue brought her. His wide short haired snout was spreading her cheeks as he used his tongue to delve into her hot core lapping up her delicious juices.

His tongue was even longer and wider then Bruiser’s and it felt like he was running it plum up to her belly button. She was moaning and shoving that firm ass back at him, her body quickly building in heat and lust.

The hot wet taste of this delicious female had Brute’s sexual excitement in high gear. His thick cock was fully extended and starting to squirt.

Jennifer had a hot squirming orgasm on Brute’s fully embedded tongue, that wriggling lapping appendage making her whole body quake with feeling. It was almost too much as he continued to work getting all that extra juice from her palpating channel.

She had to push him away and that was hard, he was a giant of a dog and not easy to make do what he didn’t want to do. But she was determined, what her cunt wanted now was to be filled with that big piece of pipe hanging between his legs. Looking back she saw it was even longer now, had to be nine or ten inches,

It looked so different than Bruiser’s besides being a whole lot bigger. It had a blunt end with a sharp little tip set at the bottom. It was thick but grew even thicker toward the middle then tapered back to the same width as the tip. He had a gigantic pair of gray hair covered balls swinging between his legs; it looked like they were lined up one behind the other instead of side by side. The coloring was exotic; the tube almost white crisscrossed with dark blue veins, just the blunt end was a dark red. She had to have that monster in her mouth before she had it in her cunt. Turning quickly on her hands and knees she crawled under Brute’s belly, holding herself up on one arm she used the other hand to encircle the base right where it emerged from the sheath and guided it to her mouth.

She let her tongue swipe the blunt head flicking at the little tip.

Brute swung his head around so he could get at her ass again that was sticking out so nicely for him. When she tongued his cock he gave a low whine, this sure was better then when he licked his own meat.

Jennifer ovaled her lips and slipped several inches inside running down his shaft her lips were opened wider then tighter when she made it over the wide center. She couldn’t get near getting it all in. She sucked and used her tongue on the hot shaft and jacked on the rest.

Brute was licking her swollen pussy now and whining in exquisite pleasure at the sucking he was getting, it wasn’t breeding, it was even better.

Jennifer didn’t suck him long; she wanted that monster inside her. She could give him a blow job some other time.

She backed out from under him and repositioned herself on the couch. She patted herself on the ass, “Come on boy let me feel that thing.”

Brute was ready and he knew the position even if it wasn’t a breeding bitch. He quickly straddled her with his front legs placing them on the couch on either side of her and his hips started hunching trying to find a home for that big white doggy dick. He was so big that he kept hunching above her his cock bouncing along the top of her ass, that felt good but not what he or she was after.

Jennifer tried reaching back and guiding him but even when she got him pointed down his frantic humping kept missing the mark. Her ass and thighs were wet with his squirting precum. She knew this wasn’t going to work he was too big for the first time to work; he didn’t understand how to do it.

Brute was also frustrated he wanted to bury his prick in a hot hole and he couldn’t’ find it; he knew it was there he had just licked it good. He jumped down and paced back and forth for a second then was ready to try again.

Jennifer had taken the opportunity to try something different. She placed one of the couch cushions on top of the other and sat down with her ass right on the edge, placing a throw pillow under her shoulders and head made it pretty comfortable. When Brute turned back to her she patted her firm tits. “Come on boy lets try this”

He was confused, this sure didn’t look like anything he had seen but he could smell and see that sweet hole right in front of him and he instinctively jumped to place his front paws on either side of her.

She used one hand to pull on his front legs getting him in just the right position this brought his jerking lance in close to start hitting on the inside of her thigh. As soon as Brute felt smooth skin touch his prick he started humping. She quickly grabbed that jabbing bar and tried to aim it at her wet opening. It took about three tries before he finally hit the spot.

Brute felt the tip gripped in hot wet flesh and with the mindless instinct of his species he drove home as hard as he could filling her tight channel with a thick heated tube of dog dick.

Jennifer’s legs shot up off the floor as she was spread open so quick the blunt head crashing against her cervix. “OHHHHH DAMN” she cried at the feel of thick hot dog meat filling her so completely. Her hot muscle gripped the big invader tightly rolling the loose cock skin back and forth as he drove in and out.

Brute was in heaven, his plundering prick squeezed tightly by the female’s hot flesh. His hips bucked wildly and he jerked back to far and pulled completely out, his frantic efforts missing her welcoming slit before she reached down and once again guided him in her hot core. Twice more he came out, once she had to help him and she second time he managed to reinsert himself. By now he was getting a rhythm, he stepped in even closer in the wide V of her legs and really started to bang.

Jennifer’s body was being jerked back and forth rapidly, the tight hold on the swollen hump in the middle of his cock pulling her body forward as he withdrew and then slamming her body back when he jack hammered forward. His cock battering the back of her well filled pussy and those gigantic balls swinging up to slap into her ass had the tingling nerves lining her heated channel singing their song of pleasure and lust.

Breathless huffing “OH… Uhhhh… Hunnn… shit yes… unnnnn” moans of lust filling the air. Her legs came up to lock around right in front of his flexing hips. Brute was so big his front legs were right beside her shoulder blades and he put one on each shoulder shoving her back against his ravaging meat. She was glad she still had her robe on so she didn’t get scratched. She knew his nails were kept clipped but she could feel them as he tried to pull her against him.

Oh man she was on cloud nine, his plundering wicked dog cock sent her straight up to a shuddering moaning climax but Brute was just getting started, his knot was swelling now, unlike Bruisers. It was a round ball of red flesh that swelled all the way around the shaft. It didn’t become much bigger then the thick middle of his cock but it was too big to get into Jennifer’s red puffy labia even as spread as it was. He kept trying though hammering and whining his head stretched out over the back of the couch. She was on the brink of another orgasm when he just started shoving his hips forward and pulling her down with his front legs. His powerful body forced her wildly tingling pussy to stretch even more and the round knot started in, he couldn’t get it all in it was just too big but she engulfed the curve jamming his pointed little tip tight against her cervix. Once he had her plugged to his satisfaction he quit hunching just dancing with his hind legs and pulling with his front ones. She was ready to be breed now and her wet tightness gripping his inflamed rod sending those ready signals to his swaying balls.

Jennifer had another orgasm when his big knot expanded her opening and rubbed those overly stimulated nerves so slickly. The full stuffed feeling and that little tip running up and down her cervix as he jerked his hot dog dick making goosebumps pop out all over her body.

Brute felt the wonderful shiver of release come over him and his balls started pumping and twitching while they exploded their load trying to create a new batch of little Brutes.

Jennifer groaned aloud with the exquisite feel of her animal stuffed sleeve receiving shot after shot of scalding dog sperm from that little flexing tip right against the back of her ravaged pussy. With no way to escape it seemed to expand her walls even more and she experienced an even more intense orgasm then the last one. Her legs were gripping his back in a fierce effort to pull even more of that pleasure giving stalk into her.

Jennifer’s satiated vaginal muscle was overly stimulated and sensitive and it magnified every throb and jerk of the big animal cock stuffing her. Every little spurt and dribble was another mini climax.

When Brute’s large balls were empty and he figured he had filled the female with enough seed to breed three bitches he released his grip on her shoulders and shoved backwards to disengage from her. Sometimes this worked and sometimes it didn’t he knew from experience with his own kind. This time it worked with only a little yelp when he jerked the knot out of her gripping flesh, his cock slithered out releasing a flood of dog and woman cum.

The quick flash of exquisite pain when he jerked out made Jennifer cry out and fold forward her hands flashing to her thoroughly well fucked cunt. Those normally tight pretty lips now open and red from the pounding they had just received.

Brute had no farther use for the female at the moment he went back to his favorite place to clean his big prick.

Bruiser was watching intently, her wet arousal and wild cumming wafting through his nostrils and if she indicated he was ready to breed again.

There would be no more breeding for Jennifer Aniston tonight, her well used channel was tender and sensitive. She lay on the couch for a while regaining her strengh and breath. Bruiser standing before her with nose in the air taking in her delightful scent. She weakly laughed as she patted his big head. “No more tonight boy, maybe we can try some more tomorrow.” She got up with a groan and went to soak her sore muscles, internal and external in a hot tub of water.

Over the next couple of days she experimented with both dogs never venturing from the house impatiently waiting for the grounds keeper or the maid to leave. Both got sucked off, Bruiser on his back because he was to short and fluffy for her to get under. Brute standing up, his back legs hunching into her cock filled mouth while his cum flowed out around her lips and down her chin. She had a great orgasm with Bruiser fucking her but the best was Brute’s big meat filling her so well. She got a round hassock and placed a couple of pillows on top. Lying on her stomach over that Brute was able to send his red tipped white lance driving deep pushing hard against her cervix and causing it to open enough to shoot his hot dog cum straight into her spasming womb.

Chris called her about four the evening he was headed back, said he would be in around 5:30. She told him she would fix dinner for him. She went started a light meal of baked chicken, and a pasta salad then went and took a shower getting all perfumed and made up. She put on her slinky black dress that was strapless and cut low in the front to just cup her firm breasts. The back was cut down to the top of her ass. It came down to about midcalf but was split up both sides to midthigh, a pair of sheer elastic top stockings made her shapely legs shine. Her hair was a soft cloud lying about her shoulders. She had on black strapped high heels highlighted with zirconium chips.

Chris arrived and was greeted at the door by two very happy dogs. Petting them both he called out to Jennifer “Hey Jen, you here.”

“Yes, I’m in the kitchen, get cleaned up and come on in, Oh put on something that you would normally go to eat in” she hollered.

He took a quick shower and put on a pair of Kaki designer slacks and a white knit polo shirt. When he entered the dining room he stopped in his tracks. Jennifer was just finishing lighting the two candles on the table. Jennifer Aniston dressed to the nines is a sight to behold and a smile came over his face as he beheld the beautiful woman in the sexy dress before him.

“What’s the occasion” he asked with raised eyebrow?

“Oh just wanted to thank you for letting me stay here until I can get a place. If we go out I’m sure the sleazy photographers won’t leave us alone so I thought we could have a nice dinner here.”

“Sounds good to me.” Chris helped her put the food on the table inhaling her sweet perfume when they were close together. He hoped this evening ended up like he was envisioning now with him buried ball deep in her hot little pussy.

They ate and talked about his job and the funny things that happened about her trip to the real estate agent and lighthearted things. After dinner Chris poured them a couple of glasses of wine and they went into the den. He put some soft music on and they danced slowly moving close together.

Chris was becoming turned on with the sexy body moving against his and the smell of her intoxicating perfume. He kissed the top of her head and she raised her face to his touching his lips gently with hers.

The gentle kiss lasted for a while but her firm breasts and soft stomach pressed tight against him had Chris’s cock hard and stretching uncomfortably down his pants leg. Jennifer could feel that hard rod and her body was heating up also. They stopped dancing and just swayed jammed close together, the kiss becoming more passionate and demanding. Chris let his hands glide over her bare back down to the swell of her ass then around the front to slide up and cup her restrained breasts. Jennifer had her arms around his neck and let one hand slide down his arm and side to go palm out between their bodies and start massaging the stiff meat she encountered.

Chris picked her up and carried her over to the couch sitting down with her straddling his lap. She ran her tongue into his mouth lovingly caressing his, her hands working at the buttons of his shirt to expose his hard muscled chest. She ran her hands lightly over his pecs then gently pulled on his male nipples.

He eased a hand inside the cup of her dress to squeeze a cone shaped breast and tease her long nipple. The heated foreplay had their breathing ragged and hot, lips becoming swollen with the slippery contact of each other.

Chris now had the top of her dress pulled down below those long luscious mounds and one hand was going back and forth. His other hand was working its way over her silken clad thigh under the slit of her dress and into the squirming valley of her legs. He encountered no obstructing panties and let one finger slide into that slippery little slit that was already wet.

He left her swollen red lips to travel down her pretty neck with little kisses and nips, he continued on out the swell of one breast until he could get the long thick nipple in his mouth to worry with his teeth. He sucked and licked that hard nub of flesh until Jennifer thought it would burst with pleasure.

Her hands were busy now undoing his belt and unzipping his pants to free that solid bar of velvet covered iron. She was as delighted as he had been when she discovered he wore no shorts. She used one palm to rub around on the spongy precum leaking head, the other skinning up and down with a gentle grip.

The seductive foreplay, heady perfume and hot hands and lips of Jennifer had Chris aching to be inside her soft hot channel. Jennifer was feeling the same and four hands were now working to get his pants opened enough and her dress moved enough out of the way to let his pulsing cock enter her seeping pussy.

He was holding her dress away from their bodies and she had a hand around him guiding him to that warm honey as she raised up on silken knees far enough to seat him. First she made a few swipes on the bell shaped head through her silky curls and down though her juicy slit shivering at the tingling contact between cock head and clit. Getting him positioned between her vulva lips and entering her labia she sank down to take him full length in her welcoming hot core.

They both moaned with the intense pleasure of hard cock sliding into tight cunt. It was not a slow leisurely fuck; it was fast building hips pumping action. Jennifer rotated her hips, slide back and forth and moved up and down, setting her own pace and building that heated tingling rising passion quickly. Her pussy was strangling his dick in pure bliss.

Chris was sucking on one long nipple then the other while she worked his body into a frenzy of lust, hips shoving up to get every little centimeter in her hot clasping softness. His cock was almost tingling numb with pleasure and his balls were beginning their tight constricted twitching when he heard her groan and her soft thighs and ass went crazy just before she clamped him tightly and coated his cock with her cream.

Hard clamp and guttural “OHH” then release and repeat, her ass mashed into his lap and just slowly rotating around while she climaxed. In the middle of this he shoved up as far as he could and they both felt that hot stream of cum travel through his shaft and fire deep up inside her milking channel.

He released her elongated nipple and claimed her soft lips again in, riding out their climax with gently caressing tongues.

Jennifer pulled back when she had regained control of her body some, her cum slick walls just barely throbbing around his barely softening rod. Her eyes sparkling she grinned, “That was the first part of the thanks, you want to go to bed and get the rest.”

Running a hand over her silk covered thigh to squeeze a delicious ass cheek he laughed back. “You better believe it Jen; you don’t know how grateful I am that you are so grateful.”

Neither had noticed that both dogs had moved over to stand by the couch heads up and noses quivering taking in that intoxicating aroused woman scent. As Jennifer slowly rose to let the pleasure giving pole slide out she saw them standing there, both dicks were beginning to emerge from their sheaths. “Not tonight fellas” she thought to herself.

Chris didn’t pay any attention to their aroused state he was only interested in getting Jennifer in his bed without that dress so he could enjoy that luscious body some more. “Get back boys, go on lay down.” he gruffly ordered.

With a snort Bruiser reluctantly moved out of the way and both dogs watched them go with a little pitiful whine. The Alpha male had made it clear he wasn’t sharing anything.

Jennifer and Chris made slow love well into the morning. After getting undressed she gave him a long slow blowjob, her eyes watching the emotions flash over his face when she licked and sucked his balls while jacking him off then her little tongue flicking up and down the side of his shaft before engulfing him and working him to a frenzy. Then backing off just giving the head little kisses while she squeezed the base of the shaft to keep him from cumming till he had settled down again.

When he did cum he felt like the first pressure filled burst would blow her head back. She just smiled and swallowed all his cum.

He ate her cum slicked pussy for almost a half hour, he didn’t care if it was cum filled, it was his cum. He chewed on those swollen lips then sucked her hard little nub. He used tongue and fingers to bring her to a fever pitch then quit. Kissing up over her feathered mound to gently suck and chew on her long nipples. Keeping one finger in the hot throbbing wetness he could tell when she had calmed enough to start his exquisite torment again.

She came thrashing and moaning, pushing her gushing tender pussy tight against his face long stocking clad legs thrown over his shoulders and back squeezing his head with her silken thighs.

After 1⁄2 hour or so of tender cuddling his cock was beginning to rise again and they made slow love gently building the hot furnace of passion until once again his cock buried deep in her soft hot flesh he unloaded his cum while she bathed him in her love cream arms locked around his back and silken legs pulling hard against his muscular ass.

Both were exhausted now and Chris’s sweaty body rolled off Jennifer’s slick body and with a gentle kiss to her forehead he closed his eyes for some much needed sleep.

As Jennifer snuggled against him she thought about the last few days. She sure had some different adventures. She found out that a dog sure can’t compete with a man in the tender things, the kissing, they can’t suck and fondle a breast, and they can’t caress a body to build that wonderful fire. So they can’t compete for that total lovemaking experience, but for pure spine tingling no holds barred fucking a man can’t compete with jackhammer knot stuffing prick of a big dog. As she drifted off to sleep she decided when she found her own place she was going to purchase a Great Dane of her own. She went to sleep with a satisfied smile on her face.

The End