(c) 2005 by Clvfan

41 year old Kathy Lee Gifford was looking at herself in the bathroom mirror as she finished her shower.

Not to bad she thought, certainly not the figure she had when she was Maryland’s Junior Miss but still a shapely woman. Her 5′ 6″ frame carried her weight well, her hips were a little more generously curved but she still had a slim waist, just a little swell in her stomach. Her Junior Miss 35B breasts were fuller and rounder now, up to a 35C size, just a little sag but not much. All in all they looked excellent after suckling two kids.

To bad Frank had to deny himself of all this good woman flesh by fucking that little floozy airline attendant Suzen Johnson last year. Oh he was sorry all right, sorry he got caught. 1997, that was a year to remember. Even after finding out that stupid tabloid The Globe hired the little slut to seduce him didn’t help much. For the children’s sake she wouldn’t divorce him but he wasn’t getting her anymore, let him find some other floozy. He was already 68 and needed that Viagra stuff to even get it up anymore. They had settled into a companion type relationship but to tell you the truth she was getting pretty horny herself.

Kathy Lee was in the bathroom of their ski condo in Colorado, Frank and their children Cody and Cassidy were flying in to meet her here tomorrow from their house in Greenwich Connecticut. She had come from California on business and they were going to spend three weeks just skiing and relaxing. As she headed for the big den the phone rang.

Well that’s just ducky she thought as she hung up the phone. The northeast is having one of the biggest snowstorms in 30 years and all flights in and out are cancelled till further notice.

About that time her white shepherd Regis padded into the room. “Well Reg looks like it’s going to be just you and me for a few days.” He was with her because he was part of the business she had been on. The cruise line she was a spokesperson for wanted to do some commercials with her and Regis.

It also meant she was going to have to get herself off with her dildos again. She was so horny she was about to forgive Frank and ask him to take a big dose of that dick hardening stuff.

She settled down in bed and watched a little TV, just before turning out the light she went to her dresser drawer and got out John. That’s what she called this particular dildo, it was shaped like a man’s penis, and about seven inches long made of soft plastic. When it was warmed up it felt almost real. She called it John because she liked big burly football players and she always thought of John Elway when she used this one.

She started with the fingers of one hand squeezing her right breast, then tweaking the nipple; she moved to the other and did the same. Her other hand was sliding down through her brown pubic hair then her middle finger opening her slit and the two fingers on each side tracing the outside of her vulva. She worked herself up slowly she liked to make the feelings last. When she had her pussy leaking good and her clit tingling she poured some body oil on the pink dildo and eased the head inside her vulva.

Ah yes she thought I love to feel a cock of any kind when it starts into me. She teased herself just running it in an inch or two than back out, down into her ass crease and back up to rub against her clit. As her passions rose she embedded it fully, groaning as it sank its full length into her. Her legs were spread wide, feet on the bed and her knees pointing at the ceiling, they were opening and closing as she started an in and out rhythm that built steadily. With one hand fucking the dildo in and out she used the other to go from her hard little nipples down to her clit then back again.

Her legs were straining now raising her ass up off the bed as she reached that pinnacle of pleasure. Her legs closed on her hand and her pussy contracted around the dildo flooding it with her cum. “Um… Ummm… Umm” she gasped as her climax rolled over her.

Now that she had that first climax she could relax for a little while, she knew she would have to go again in a little while. A dildo just wasn’t as satisfying as the real thing. She kind of drifted off into a light sleep, her legs still lying open on the bed.

Regis had curled up by the bed on a soft rug when his mistress got into her bed. He laid his head on his front paws and closed his eyes. He was soon aware of the excited sounds of his mistress and the warm scent of her arousal. Regis was only about two years old and while he had never bred anything he instinctively knew what this scent meant. He raised his head to watch the bed as Kathy Lee’s groaning climax overtook her.

He just watched the bed for a while. All was quiet but he could still smell that delicious aroma. Getting to his feet he put his front paws on the bed and jumped up. He was at the foot of the bed and saw his mistress sleeping. His nose led him to the origin of her hot scent. He padded up between her open legs, his black wet nose quivering above her matted pubic hair.

His wet pink tongue came out to give a tentative lick into the matted hair before him, that wasn’t the source of the smell; he sniffed down a little to a glistening slit just slightly open and a clear liquid seeping out. Once more his tongue emerged to taste this clear liquid. Yes that was it, the taste and smell exciting Regis. He gave a little whine and used his tongue to gather more of that good stuff.

Kathy Lee was lost in a dream world, John Elway was here and eating her pussy so good. She couldn’t believe how big his tongue was, it reached way up inside her and seemed to be able to turn anyway it wanted to. Her passion was building and building, this was sure better than some dildo, her feet were planted on the bed and her legs were straining to lift her hot cunt up to John’s working mouth. She was almost there.

“Oh John… Eat me baby” she groaned. She put one hand down to hold his head against her. His hair felt so soft and thick.

That feel wasn’t quite right, wasn’t like a man’s hair. Her passion dazed mind finally registered that she was dreaming but the quick flashing tongue in her pussy was no dream. Her eyes opened to see Regis between her legs, his snout buried in her vulva as he ravaged her pussy with his tongue. She wanted to holler at him to get down, stop, or something, but her cunt was already beginning to contract around that wonderful muscle making it feel so good.

All she could get out was “Awwwwooooo… Regis… Ummmmmmm”. Her vaginal muscle was squeezing and releasing in a hard steady rhythm as she flooded Regis’s tongue with her honey.

Regis was giving little whines and huffs as she bathed him with her juice, his tongue worked even harder tying to get all this exciting good tasting liquid. The harder he lapped the more she continued to orgasm.

To Kathy Lee it seemed like it went on forever, she finally couldn’t take anymore and was pushing his head from her super sensitive hole.

“Down boy… Down Regis… quit that, I can’t take anymore of that” she moaned as she worked to escape that flicking tongue.

Regis reluctantly backed off, he wanted something but he didn’t know exactly what it was. He stood on the bed whining softly.

Kathy Lee was trying to catch her breath after that intense orgasm, She hadn’t cum like that since she was a teenager. Her whole body was exhausted. She heard Regis whining, he was moving from one side of the bed to the other in excitement. Her eyes were drawn to that scarlet cock hanging between his legs, it wasn’t fully out of its white sheath but there was about four inches that seemed to be jerking up and down. She saw a little squirt of clear liquid shoot from a pointed little scarlet tip. She could see it was crisscrossed by hundreds of bright blue veins, as she watched another little squirt of liquid shot out.

While she watched Regis pacing back and forth she thought about what had just happened. Her dog had given her one of the most body shaking orgasms of her life. Now she knew she wasn’t supposed to have enjoyed that but boy she sure did. Poor Regis acted like he was in pain, whining and pacing back and forth. She felt sorry for him.

“Come here boy” she sat up against the headboard of the bed and patted the cover beside her. He was beside her in a flash, that agile tongue licking her face and neck. Giggling she hugged him around the neck and patted his big head. “Easy boy”.

He was so excited his back end was moving from side to side and one of Kathy Lee’s knees slid under his belly when he moved. She felt a wet hot cock slide along her knee. That feel sent a bolt of desire through her. Using one hand to hold onto his neck she reached under his belly and ran her fingertips along the side of Regis’ scarlet cock all the way down to the sheath, the white fur running though her fingers.

His dick felt so hot and it was jerking up and down. Dare she go any farther?

She thought he had made her feel so good the least she could do was jack him off.

“Here Reg, stand still boy” she said as she slid down the bed to where she could get into a comfortable position. She reached under and took his cock in her hand, it was pretty good size, as big as Frank she concluded. She started a slow jerking motion and Regis started to move.

“Stand still Reg, momma will make you feel good” she told him. Regis stopped moving, little whines coming with every breath. Her wrist was in a awkward position and she knew that wasn’t going to work, finally she had him standing across her stomach facing her right side and using her right hand she finally got comfortable. She had a close up view of his cock now as she ran her hand up and down the shaft. Every couple of times she would run her hand up to the tip he would shoot a little squirt of clear fluid.

She could feel it thickening in her hand and lengthen as she worked him up. Her side was wet with his precum.

Good Gosh, she thought, it had to be over seven inches long and was now way thicker than Frank’s cock.

Regis was squatting a little now his back legs trembling as his mistress drove feelings through his body that he had never experienced before. His whine was almost constant and his neck was stretched out, his ears lay tight against his head. He didn’t know what was happening to him but it sure felt good.

His precum was squirting with every stroke now, Kathy Lee was fascinated by this big scarlet prick, her hand was coated with his precum and made the shaft very slick. Her eyes were glued to her flashing hand going up and down his cock when she saw a swelling start about two inches up on his shaft; she could feel it when she ran her hand all the way down to his sheath. It continued to swell like two balloons on each side of his cock till it was just one balloon. It pushed the sheath even farther back and was about twice the size of the rest of the shaft.

Regis was starting to do little hunching motions with his hips and Kathy Lee could feel the sudden swell of his scarlet shaft and the cum flowing through it to shoot out in a powerful stream of milky liquid to land on the bed and her side. It was followed quickly by five or six more right behind it,

Regis was trying to dance on his hind legs as the wonderful feel of cumming was washing over his body, it was so good the hair on the back of his neck was standing up. He had never felt anything like this in his life but he knew he wanted to feel it again.

Kathy Lee’s hand and side were coated with dog cum and it was still oozing out as she gently slides her hand up and down his still twitching cock. She had to grin at that satisfied expression on Regis face, his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth. Man or dog it didn’t matter they all had that stupid I just did something spectacular and now I am so pleased look after cumming.

Regis turned his head to Kathy Lee gave her tit a big swipe with his tongue and jumped off the bed to curl up on his rug. She watched as he proceeded to lick his receding dick then close his eyes for what he figured was a well deserved nap.

Kathy Lee looked down at the drying cum on her side and hand and figured she would have to take another shower. Just out of curiosity she brought her hand up to her face and sniffed. It didn’t smell as strong as she thought it would. She touched it with the tip of her little pink tongue. It was a little tangy but not bad, more salty then a man’s. She took a longer lick, no not bad at all, wouldn’t want to put any over my salad but not bad. She went and took another shower and went back to bed, she moved over to the side that wasn’t drenched in Regis cum. She sighed as she snuggled down under the covers, Regis big tongue had her sexually relaxed for the first time in a long time.

When she woke the next morning she called the airlines, nope still no flights in or out of New England and there was a bad front moving into this region. With a sigh she hung up, she really wanted to see the kids.

Regis was pacing back and forth when she got out of the bathroom. She laughed, “Okay big boy I’ll take you out.” After dressing she took Regis out and they walked and played for about a half an hour. It was a beautiful day and she decided she had better take advantage of it if bad weather was moving in so after she got Regis back in the Condo she got ready and headed for the ski trails.

Kathy Lee spent the day skiing, she had run into a couple of people that she and Frank knew that lived here year round and enjoyed their company and companionship as she skied. They left a little early and she made a couple of more trips down the long slope. She was just cruising along enjoying the snow and sun but every once in a while the image of Regis’s scarlet cock shooting that long stream of dog cum and the way his tongue felt in her little pussy flashed through her mind. She decided this was her last trip down the mountain, she wanted to get back to the condo, and Regis needed to be feed… And other things.

Regis was glad to see his mistress; he jumped up trying to lick her face, barking excitedly.

“Okay down boy” she laughed. She ruffled his head and neck and went into the kitchen to get his food.

While he was eating she went and got out of her skiing clothes just wrapping a fleece robe around her. She sat down in a leather rocker and turned on the TV. Flipping through the channels she didn’t find anything she wanted to watch. She was about to get up and get her pad and pens, maybe try to write some lyrics to a new song when Regis came padding in and laid his head on her knee. Those big dark eyes were looking up at her pleadingly.

“What ya want boy” she asked? A little whine and he put one paw up on her knee and shoved like he was trying to move her legs apart. She had to laugh; he was like a teenage boy trying to coax his girlfriend to at least let him touch her. The remembrance of that flashing tongue in her pussy made her open her legs a little, just to see what he would do she told herself. The thought of the forbidden thing she did and may do again had her cunt beginning to moisten.

Regis picked that scent up right away; after all he was only a few inches from the source. He raised his head from her knee and moved around to the front of her legs, nudging his head between them he moved forward parting her legs as he went. Kathy Lee offered no resistance as he moved to her core. Her robe was open at the waist falling down on each side of her legs and she watched his wet black nose come in contact with her mound just as his tongue swiped from the bottom of her slit up to flick her clit. A soft moan escaped her lips at the feel of that wet muscle on her flesh.

Yeah Regis thought this is where that good stuff comes from and he delved in to taste all he could.

There was only a momentary thought of resistance from Kathy Lee, and then she leaned back in the chair and opened her legs wider to let Regis get his fill of her sweet pussy.

Regis’s long tongue was rolling in and out of her cunt quickly, Kathy Lee was creaming almost immediately, her lubrication making Regis work even faster. Sometimes his tongue would be a long narrow tube delving deep, others it would be spread out as broad as he could get it and swiping her vulva. Each lick sent tremors of pleasure through her body. Regis’s wet black nose was nudging her clit as licked his mistress cunt, Kathy Lee’s whole body was trembling with the exquisite feel of an impending climax.

Now Regis was trying to get his snout in this good tasting cave as far as he could. He had almost the tip of his nose inside her lips; the hair on the top of his snout was tickling her clit now.

“Oh Reg… You’re making me cummmm. Ohhhhhhhhh” Kathy Lee cried out as the first spasm tightened her cunt around his tongue and flooded his lapping tongue.

The quick tightening and sudden flood in his nose caused Regis to huff a sneeze but he never stopped licking up all her juice.

Kathy Lee was squirming in the chair, her legs straining to lift her cunt even closer to his working tongue. She didn’t know how long the orgasm went on, seemed like forever, finally her clit was so sensitive his wet nose rubbing against it almost made in painful. She had to push him away; he backed off reluctantly whining his disappointment.

Regis sat down before her his tongue hanging out. She could see that big cock between his legs, it had emerged about halfway. As her heart slowed down and her breathing returned to normal she watched that scarlet tube as it jumped every once in a while. She knew what she wanted to do but could she actually do it.

Regis could smell his mistress excitement and her smell had his cock hanging down, he got up and paced back and forth in front of her. He wanted her to do the thing she did the last time that felt so good.

Kathy Lee got up and went into the bedroom, she didn’t have to call Regis, he was padding along right behind her. She drew the covers back on the bed and sat down patting the bed beside her. Regis needed no farther invitation, he jumped up on the bed and started licking her face and neck, anything he could get to.

“Easy boy, momma will take care of you. After all you sure took care of her” she laughed.

She reached under his belly cupping her hand around his cock and squeezed, she felt the little squirt of precum in her palm. She slid her hand back to his sheath and massaged that causing more hot dog cock to emerge.

Regis was standing there trembling as his mistress warm hand stroked him. Low little whines of pleasure were coming from his panting mouth.

Kathy Lee lay down on the bed and moved Regis till once again he was standing across her prone body. She was running her hand up and down his blue veined shaft. She was getting a closer look this time at his pulsing dick it was right in front of her eyes. She could see that it was fatter in the middle then either end. The tip was sort of blunt with a curved little tip at the top. She watched her tight hand running up and down the shaft she had his precum squirting, her hand was slick with it and her tits and side were getting wetter.

She scooted down till he was straddling her head and holding his shaft down she stuck her pink tongue out and caught the next shot of precum. It really didn’t have much of a taste, a bit salty. Opening her mouth she took about two inches of hot dog cock inside, she clamped her lips tight and moving her head up she slid about three more inches in till it hit the back of her throat.

Regis felt a warm wet heat engulf his cock and his throat rumbled with pleasure. This new sensation was even better than the other.

Kathy Lee decided she liked sucking his cock. It was bigger then any she had ever had, so hot and wet. It pulsed and throbbed. She could feel with her tongue the fluid shoot through the tube as he shot his precum into her mouth.

Kathy Lee’s tongue and mouth had Regis’s cock fully extended and his back legs were lowering making little dance steps as instinct made him want to hunch forward. His knot started swelling, one on each side of his cock till they became one.

Kathy Lee was watching his swinging balls as she sucked his cock. They were big and black swinging right behind his sheath. She noticed that unlike a man they seemed to be in a straight line instead of side by side.

She wrapped one hand around the expanding knot using it to hold his cock in place as she ran her mouth up and down that scarlet shaft. She enjoyed flicking her tongue over the rubbery little tip at the end. Regis seemed to enjoy that a lot also. She took her other hand and started gently rolling those black balls around.

Regis was in doggy heaven, his mistress was making him feel so good, that trembling shivering feeling was coming over him again and his muscles tensed, legs locking as his neck stretched out. Oh yeah there it was, his cock pulsed and throbbed as stream after stream of doggy cum exploded into his mistress’s oral cavern.

Kathy Lee felt his balls jumping and the first stream nearly gagged her it was so powerful, she tried swallowing but couldn’t keep up with it. She had to release his cock from her mouth and just jack him off as he shot his cum on her tits, it ran down the valley of her tits to wet each side of her neck and down the other way to flow out onto her stomach. She kept jacking him till there were no more jerks or twitches coming from his hot shaft.

Regis stayed right where he was till she released his cock, and then stepping over her he turned and started licking all his cum from her chest.

His wide tongue washing over her tits started another tingle in Kathy Lee’s groin and she knew they weren’t done for the night. When he had her cleaned he jumped down of the bed and started cleaning his cock as it receded back into its sheath.

Kathy Lee’s cunt was beginning to leak again, the feel of Regis’s big cock in her mouth had her turned on, she wanted to feel that red stabber where it would do her the most good. She laid back on the bed spread her legs and started rubbing her clit with her fingers, squeezing it between the first and second finger.

“Come on Reg, momma needs some more of your good tongue” she called to her dog.

Regis was back on the bed in an instant, he was always ready for some more of his mistress good tasting stuff. He immediately went to work lapping at that furry little cavern between her legs. His cock had never fully retracted and there were a couple of red inches still poking out from the sheath.

Kathy Lee moved around till she could reach his cock while he used his tongue to bring a fire back into her loins. She started massaging his sheath and then sliding her hand along his shaft. She could feel and see it slide out, big scarlet blue veined dog cock. She wanted to feel that big dick in her hot little pussy.

She was thinking the whole time she was manipulating his cock about how she could get him to fuck her. She decided the best way was on her knees with her chest lying on the bed. When his cock was fully extended and beginning to twitch up towards his belly she reluctantly shoved him away from her now extremely wet pussy. He moved back with a whine of disappointment.

Kathy Lee got down on her knees on the floor and lay over the bed. “Come on Reg, momma needs that big cock.”

Regis jumped off the bed and immediately stuck his snout in her deep ass crease his tongue seeking that hot honey hole he had just left.

“Ummm Reg that feels good but that’s not what momma needs. Come on get up on momma.” She coxed as she wiggled her ass.

Regis knew his mistress wanted something but he didn’t know what so he just kept lapping. She would push him away and try to get him to mount her but he didn’t understand what she wanted. She finally patted the edge of the bed beside her and he put his front paws up there and started licking her face. She lifted one of his paws and moved over till it was lying on her back then lifted the other one and brought it closer to her body. Regis had to move sideways to keep his balance, moving a little at a time she eased under him. In order for him to follow her lead he had to move back and step with his back legs behind her.

Once she had him there she pushed her ass back against his belly fur, it felt so erotic rubbing along her back. His front paws were now hanging down by her sides gripping slightly so he could keep his balance.

When Regis felt her ass brush his cock instinct took over, his forelegs tightened around her waist and he started hunching wanting to bury his cock in something but not hitting anything. He was sliding along the inside of her thighs, sometimes it would shoot up between her firm cheeks, sometimes it slid down her slit but didn’t catch her seeping hole.

Kathy Lee reached back between her legs and held it up at the right angle; even then he missed twice before the scarlet tip caught in her slick entrance.

When Regis felt that hot meat around his tip he knew what to do then, dancing forward on his hind legs and pulling with his forepaws he drove all of his big cock straight into her warm cavern, even the end of his sheath was engulfed by her vulva.

“HUHHHHH… Ohhhh REGIS” Kathy Lee cried out. She had never felt so full of dick.

This being his first time it took Regis a few strokes to understand what he was doing then he found that rhythm and started his hips to doing that jackhammer fucking that only a dog can do.

Kathy Lee lay with her head on the bed; arms outstretched grunting at each quick thrust. “Huh… Huh… Huh… Huh.” as Regis’s flashing cock sent waves of lustful heat radiating throughout her body.

She felt the squirting precum as it made her already wet sleeve even slicker and she felt the knot start to swell on each side of his cock as he drove it in and out. As it grew he couldn’t get it in it seemed and his cock didn’t go as far into her but it didn’t matter her pussy was being battered so good her climax was fast approaching.

Then Regis stopped fucking and started dancing forward on his hind legs just shoving his cock into her and pulling back against her hips with his forepaws. she felt his claws raking her side but that little pain was lost in the ecstasy he was giving her. He kept shoving till he got his knot started into her vulva.

Kathy Lee’s little pussy was being stretched like never before, it felt like having a baby she was being opened so far. Regis kept shoving till he got the knot about halfway in then with a powerful flex of his hips he drove it fully into her hot pink flesh.

“Ohhhhh… Reg… Ummm to big” she wailed. But even as she groaned her discomfort Regis was continuing to shove forward and then back, not the frantic fucking he had been doing but little hunching movements. She was so tight around him that he moved her back and forth instead of sliding in and out.

The discomfort faded as the feel of his big cock twitching and jerking inside her tight muscle sent pleasure waves to drown out the little pain. Every jerk and squirt from that little curved tip driving her up that hill of lust till finally her hot channel clamped Regis cock in a fierce grip and her cum flooded her already filled cunt.

Regis yelped in surprise at the sudden constriction on his already tightly squeezed cock, clamp, release, clamp, release. The rhythm of this delicious feeling hot flesh surrounding him made his own balls erupt and he danced forward shoving hard as he shot a hot stream of dog cum deep inside his mistress followed by quite a few more.

“Gahhhhhh… Reg… that’s good.” Kathy Lee cried when she felt those fiery liquid shots against the back of her pussy. There was so much that even as tight as his knot plugged her entrance the milky liquid flowed out to run down the inside of her thighs. His cock was a machine, swell, squirt, swell squirt. Every squirt brought a moan from her and another little orgasm. She lost all track of time; he seemed to be cumming forever. Finally his blue veined dick stopped firing even though it still twitched occasionally trying to send more sperm even if his balls were empty. Each twitch brought a groan from Kathy Lee.

Regis was satisfied for the moment, he tried to jump down off his mistress, he couldn’t, his knot was jammed tight in her clamping pussy. Kathy Lee gave another groan as the big knot pulled on her overly expanded vulva. Regis didn’t know what to do, he gave another pull. This brought another groan but he was still embedded in his mistress tight cunt. He pushed back with his front legs and dropped down to the right side but this twisted his cock and caused him to yelp and scramble with his back legs till he was facing away from his mistress, his still hard cock was sticking back between his legs and they were ass to ass.

Regis movements and the turning of his cock and knot inside her stretched cunt gave Kathy Lee another little orgasm in her super sensitive pussy. She just gave a little moan, she was fucked out. She lay there catching her breath. Every once in awhile she would feel Reg give a little yank trying to get loose. After three or four tries his receding knot slipped out and he just walked away from her going to lie down on the rug and washing that scarlet pussy pleaser with his tongue.

Kathy Lee’s well fucked cunt slowly closed, their combined cum seeping out to drip on the floor and run down her thighs. She was exhausted and relaxed; her cunt was still gently throbbing from a good through fucking. She finally crawled up on the bed and rested for about 20 minutes.

When she had enough energy she went to take a shower. She checked her side and hips, yep she had a couple of little scratches, didn’t really break the skin but two or three red streaks where Regis was pulling her back on his cock. She would have to clip those claws a little. As she was about finished showering the hot water went cold. She knew she always had plenty of hot water but maybe she used more than she thought. After getting her robe on she went to watch some TV and remember the good fucking she had just enjoyed. Who would have thought her dog could make her cum better than a man.

After about an hour she tried the hot water again. The water was still cold no matter how long she ran it. With a sigh she looked up the number of the Maintenance service. She got an all hours answering service and they told her the plumber would be there the first thing in the morning, around 7:00. They damn well better be she thought, they paid way too much for this condo and she expected prompt service.

She was awakened the next morning by a knocking on the door, Regis jumped off the bed where he had been sleeping and started barking. “Quiet Reg” she said.

Looking at the clock she saw it was 6:45. She had meant to be up by now but Regis had really worn her out.

“Just a minute” she called out. She threw her robe around her and went to the door.

There were two of them standing there in blue coveralls with the name. JENNING’S PLUMBING AND HEATING above one pocket.

“Sorry to wake you mam but they told us you wanted us here first thing” the older of the two said.

“Oh that’s okay I should have been up anyway.” Kathy Lee told them as she moved aside to let them in.

She explained what the problem was and the older one sent the younger out to get some tools, He went to the utility room off the kitchen and started checking the water heater. Kathy Lee was watching him move about. He was around fifty it looked like, brown hair streaked with white. His coveralls fit him good and she could tell he was in pretty good shape. I bet he would be a good lover she thought and then wondered where that thought came from.

She went and called the airlines and found out that while New England would probably be clear by midafternoon, Denver was being grounded by the front that moved in last night. She went to the window and looked out. There was about 8 inches of snow on the ground and it was still coming down hard. She could only see a few vehicles moving around.

The younger guy came back with a tool box brushing the snow from his shoulders.

“I’m sorry I made you guys come out in this stuff” she said.

“That’s all right mam, we’re used to it, it’s that kind of business, the worst the weather the more things break down” he grinned back at her. Giving her a wink he went to join his partner.

Now he’s a good looking guy she thought. He had a slim shape, dark hair and moustache. As he walked away she saw a tight little ass. Without thinking about it she went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, put on some makeup and perfume and combed her hair.

She was sitting at the table drinking some juice, Regis was sitting beside her and she was stroking his head.

The older guy came out and told her the connection where the wire was fastened into the heater was shot and they would have to replace it, shouldn’t take but a half hour or so.

It didn’t take that long but while she was sitting there she had the thought that it would serve Frank right if she just asked one of these guys if he wanted a good piece of ass. Heck why not both, she had never tried that.

When they came out, the older guy told her she should have hot water within the hour and they would just send the bill to the condo association. He had a nice smile she saw.

“What are your names” she asked?

“I’m Charlie and this young buck is Gary” the older one told her.

“Charlie I would like to tip you guys for coming out in this weather and fixing the heater” she smiled.

“Oh that’s all right mam you don’t have to do that” he grinned.

“Oh but I do, and I don’t have any cash here, so how about something else” she cooed and opened her robe.

Both men’s eyes widened at the erotic sight of Kathy Lee Gifford standing before them on full display. They took in her pretty face, those gorgeous boobs, slim waist and full curved hips, that dark patch of hair covering her mound and long shapely legs.

The older man was the first to recover a slow smile spreading across his face “Well mam it looks like this job could take longer after all.” With that he started unzipping his coveralls.

Gary grinning from ear to ear also quickly started stripping off his clothes.

Kathy Lee let the robe slip from her shoulders and walked into the big den area; both sets of eyes followed those swaying hips as she walked away. When she reached the big leather couch she turned to see where the men were.

Just about right behind her, both had stripped down to nothing but their socks. Kathy Lee smiled and sat down on the couch, she watched them approach. Gary’s body was slim with very little hair on his chest but an abundant patch of dark hair covering his groin. His cock was already starting to harden and was swaying as he walked towards her, very nice looking one she thought, should feel really good. She checked out Charlie, He had more meat on him, husky build, lots of chest hair and a forest of dark hair starting below his belly button and covering his groin. When her eyes took in his cock they widened. His dick hadn’t started to get hard yet, it swayed between his legs as he walked and even soft it looked bigger than Gary’s hard shaft.

She sat down and they sat one on each side of her. She kissed Gary’s mouth giving him just a quick flick of her tongue before turning and doing the same to Charlie. Letting her hands slide down their chest to enclose their cocks she said “Okay boys I’m all yours, you make me happy and I’ll make you happy.”

Gary immediately dipped his head and started sucking on one succulent breast taking the small brown aureole and nipple in his mouth. Charlie wasn’t in that big of a hurry; he started kissing along her shoulder and moved to her neck before capturing her mouth with his. He was using his hand to massage her other breast, teasing her hardening nipple with his fingers.

One man sucking and nibbling on her breast, another kissing her passionately while fondling her other breast, yes she was definitely going to like this Kathy Lee thought.

Gary’s dick was already hard as she ran her hand up and down it. Charlie’s was beginning to thicken in her closed fist, it was already wider than Gary’s and it was lengthening out on every stroke of her hot little hand.

While Gary was sucking he moved his hand down letting it slide down her stomach and through her silky hair headed for her already leaky pussy. She opened her legs to make it easier for him. When he slid a finger through her slit and curled it to enter her vulva she gave a little moan into Charlie’s mouth.

Gary was fingerfucking her slowly as he sucked and now Charlie moved down to use his mouth where his fingers had teased her nipple out into a peak of tingling nerves.

“Ummmm” she sighed as two hot mouths worked on her breasts. Gary’s working finger had her pussy getting wetter and wetter. Charlie was caressing her body anywhere he could reach, his hand sliding across her belly then down her side and leg, back up along her hip in a gentle massage.

She could feel how big Charlie’s cock was getting, she couldn’t see it because his head at her breast was in the way but it seemed her hand traveled almost twice as far to reach the tip as it did with Gary. She had to see it.

“Ummm… stand up boys and let me taste you now” she gasped.

They stood one on each side of her legs, Gary was the first up and she took in his hard rod that was now in front of her face. It was a nice one, looked about as big as Frank’s. She wrapped her hand around it and turned to Charlie who was now standing on her other side.

Good Gosh that thing must be nine or ten inches long she thought, it was bigger then Regis, thick shaft, prominent veins and a big reddish head. Her hand when she wrapped it around the shaft looked small indeed. She didn’t want Gary to feel left out so she turned and took him in her mouth, engulfing him almost all the way down to his balls while she used her hand on Charlie. Gary gave a low moan when her hot mouth enclosed his cock and her wet tongue teased along the shaft.

Kathy Lee sucked Gary for a minute but she couldn’t wait to get Charlie’s big stick in her mouth, she released Gary and continued to stroke his saliva coated shaft with her hand. Turning her head the other way she had to open her mouth wide to get Charlie’s big head in and she could only go down about four inches. Using a twisting motion with her hand she jacked the remaining big shaft with her hand as she teased the head with her tongue, especially that area right under the head.

“Yeah baby, use that tongue.” she heard Charlie groan. She switched back and forth a couple of times before settling back on the couch and spreading her legs. She ran her hand down into her soft pubic hair and said. “Come on Charlie; let’s see how you use your tongue.”

He was only to glad to comply and dropped between her knees to kiss along the inside of her thighs while he used his hands to rub her vulva and dip one finger in her honey pot. He removed his finger, licked it clean and then started tongue fucking her sweet pussy.

He was good she had to admit, he knew where and how to use his tongue and fingers, Course his tongue wasn’t near as big or flexible as Regis but it still felt really good, he was building that fire of lust in her body.

Gary had got on the couch on his knees and she was sucking his hard cock while he kneaded her breast and tweaked a hard nipple. His young cock was like an iron bar, she knew it was going to feel really good going in her hot little pussy. She took her mouth off Gary’s cock, “Okay guys how about switching places.”

They had no problem with that and soon Gary’s tongue was wiggling inside her hot sleeve and Charlie’s big cock was getting her oral treatment. She ran her lips down the side of it nibbling and flicking it with her tongue, she sucked his balls, they were tight up against his body. She was able to get about six inches in her mouth, the big head lodged at the entrance to her throat. Gary wasn’t as good a cunt eater as Charlie but he was very eager and enthusiastic and she could feel the heat building in her body.

“Ummmm boys, I think I need some hard cock in me now, let me feel it Gary” she moaned around her mouthful of Charlie’s dick.

Gary needed no further encouragement; he got on his knees between her smooth legs and aimed his dick at her wet hole. She slid her ass a little farther down so it was hanging about half off the couch. Gary seated his cockhead at the slick entrance to her seeping channel and slid in on one push.

His cock spreading her vaginal muscle sent a shiver of pleasure over her body; he started a steady in and out movement. While he was fucking her he leaned forward and took one quivering breast in his mouth, sucking hard on the nipple.

“Oh yeah sugar, that’s good, ummmm fuck me… yeah that’s good” she murmured around her mouth full of cock.

Gary being young was hammering away between her bouncing legs, her hot sleeve gripping his cock so good he couldn’t have slowed down if he wanted to. He could already feel the cum rising in his swinging balls. It was only a minute or two and he was jammed in tight and flooding her hot hole with his sperm.

Kathy Lee was just about to that wonderful place of orgasm when she felt Gary shooting his cum, the hot liquid flooding her cunt. But she wasn’t quite there and if it hadn’t been for the fact she had this big rod in her mouth ready to go she would have been sorely disappointed. Gary had finished dropping his load and was easing out of her cum slick channel now.

“Come on Charlie, let me feel that big boy, I want to cum sugar, make me cum” she cooed.

Charlie just grinned and moved back off the couch. Gary had moved from between Kathy Lee’s legs and Charlie grabbed her knees and moved Kathy Lee around till she was lying on the couch. He gently shoved her knees back till her thighs were lying alongside her chest. Kathy Lee reached and held her legs in that position. Charlie smiled and holding himself above her on one arm, he used his hand to seat the big reddish head at her seeping vulva. He started to slowly slide down into her cum filled hotness.

It’s a good thing Gary’s cum was lubricating the way. Kathy Lee was groaning in pleasure and a little pain at the massive intrusion into her tight hole. She had never been stretched this far, he was bigger than Regis. He slid in till he was fully enclosed, his cockhead mashed against her cervix. She had her first orgasm when she felt that. That was just the beginning however. Charlie was a master cocksman.

He fucked her slow, then he fucked her fast, he made long strokes, he made short hard strokes. He rotated his hips on the in stroke and then on the outstroke. All the while he was using one hand or his mouth on her breasts; they were rotating up and down on her chest to the rhythm of his fucking.

Kathy Lee lost count of the orgasms she had impaled on Charlie’s wonderful cock. She had cum at least three times and he hadn’t cum once. After the fifth time or six time she couldn’t take anymore. She had lost all track of time; it felt like he had been fucking her for hours.

“Ohhh… sugar, I can’t take much more.Ummmmm. Yes baby suck my titty… Cum for me baby, fill me full” she was gasping, her breath about gone.

Charlie took her at her word and he started pounding his big dick in her as hard as he could. She was gripping his arms tightly, her mouth set in a grimace of exquisite pleasure. Her poor pussy was spasming around Charlie’s flying cock, then he slammed into her cervix and she felt white hot liquid shooting hard against her cervix and squirting back down around his cunt filling cock to run down her upturned ass cheeks. Her already overworked cunt managed another weak orgasm. She was fucked out.

Charlie gave her a gentle kiss on the mouth, whispered in her ear “You are one hot woman Kathy Lee.” He pulled that big dick out slowly bring another moan from Kathy Lee’s lips.

“Damn Charlie I didn’t think you were ever going to cum” she told him.

Charlie grinned “Well I aint as young as I used to be so the old ball sack don’t refill as quick. I have learned to hold it till I just can’t hold it anymore. Like the old saying, I aint as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was.”

Kathy Lee gave him a weak smile. “If you were any better when you were young I couldn’t have stood it.”

She saw Gary standing by the couch; he was stroking his hard cock. “Sugar I would like to take care of that for you but I am wore out. But you know what; I think there will be a lot of plumbing and heating problems with this unit in the near future.”

Gary grinned “I hope so; I am looking forward to it.” He and Charlie got their clothes on and gathered up their tools. Kathy Lee was still lying on the couch her legs slightly spread when Charlie stuck his head in the den door. “Thanks for the tip Mrs. Gifford, best one I have ever had, I’ll lock the door on my way out, have a good one.”

Kathy Lee heard the door close and she drifted off into an exhausted slumber. She didn’t know how long she had slept. She was having that dream about John Elway and his big tongue eating her little pussy. Once again she realized she was awake and a big wet tongue was working on her cunt.

Regis had gone into the bedroom while all the action was going on. He could tell his mistress didn’t need him, that the two strangers were welcomed by her so he went and took a nap on his rug. When he woke he padded out into the den, the first thing that hit him was the smell of aroused woman and another smell he couldn’t place. He went over to see his mistress asleep on the couch. He could smell her hot scent and the other coming from that wonderful cavern between her legs. He placed his front paws on the couch and stuck his head between her legs, yep a lot of good stuff there, he licked it up off the couch and then went right to the source. His big tongue was lapping in and out of the sweet tasting place.

“Ohhh Reg baby, momma is to sore for that” she groaned, but then she realized it felt really good.

She let him continue and before long she could feel that heated tingle starting in her cunt.

“Okay baby you do momma good and momma will let you use that big red dick on her little pussy” she sighed. A grin starting over her face, if the weather man was right it would be at least three days before any planes could get in. With Regis and the plumbers she figured to be pretty busy.

The End