(c) 2018 by Donna The Dog Lover

Fiona had never been much of a dog lover.

In fact, the freckle faced teenager of eighteen was a bit frightened of the larger dogs that most of the neighbors seemed prefer because they figured the beasts could double as security for the home.

Fiona knew from her experience selling Girl Scout cookies that the little dogs were the most dangerous and they were more vicious when they thought their prey was fearful of them as well.

She had taken to carrying a can of mace with her on her selling expeditions and that seemed to work well provided there was only one dog and not two or more in and around the home she was visiting.

The pretty teen girl knew that once you entered a closed gate, you were liable for anything that happened even if the nasty little pooch took a bite out of your ankle.

If it was a big dog biting, it would probably take a chunk out of your ass, but Fiona didn’t like to think about such things because the thought of a big dog biting her ass was enough to make her a little shaky in her knees.

The barking dogs didn’t bother Fiona as much as the real silent ones that snuck up on you and had you cornered before you even suspected they were in the neighborhood.

That sort of sneakiness was associated with the breeds like the Dobermanns or the Pit-Bulls with their high intelligence and ability to overcome bigger targets even in full daylight.

Her greatest fear was of the awesome Great Danes that could easily pin her to the ground and make her their bitch without much effort at all. She had seen her best friend Polly taken from behind by a pair Great Danes, both males, and they had made her their ass-play buddy in a big hurry stretching her tiny sphincter like it was a toy for their doggy play totally ignoring her screams of abject terror. It was kind of funny with Polly making all the noise and the two huge dogs as quiet as the grave just humping away like there was no tomorrow.

Fortunately, she was still on the other side of the fence because she had to go back to the station wagon and get the cartons of cookies that they toted around to show the potential customers.

It was beginning to look like the owners were not home anyway and poor Polly was just being uncoupled from the first Great Dane only to be a flexible bitch for the other huge dog just waiting his turn like an eager customer waiting his turn on the pretty young girl in uniform ass-hump game.

Fiona knew she had to do something to help her friend, so she threw a couple of boxes of the cookies into the yard to distract the dogs and when it worked with great success, she ran in and scooped up the distraught Polly and led her back to the station wagon for repairs to her torn panties and wipe the tears from her humiliated face that looked like she was not enjoying this sales trip at all.

She cleaned up the girl with the free baby wipes that they gave to all the volunteer Girl Scouts that did the field work of selling the cookies. They also gave them complimentary bottles of water and breath mints to freshen up their mouths when necessary. That kind of mystified her unless they thought that some of the girls might use their mouth for more than a sales pitch when they had a live male customer in their sights. She hadn’t done that as yet but it was in the back of her mind because of the free breath mints and she kept her eye out for a possible candidate for her first “on your knees” performance to boost cookie sales.

Back in that time when she was sweet sixteen, she felt like the world was her oyster and she was ready to join the ranks of the full-fledged grown-up women just as soon as she could locate a male that met her minimum standards for her initial coupling experience.

Now, two years later, she was still searching in vain for her ideal “cherry buster” because every time she told her prospective copulation partner that she was still a virgin, they dropped her like a hot potato and found another girlfriend with extensive experience in actually “doing it” and didn’t need a lover to be a guide as well.

Her sister’s silly friend Gloria told her the best way to take care of her problem was to go down to Mulligan’s bar and grill and take a ride on the “bucking bull”. She whispered that the thing would solve her problem as long as she held on tight with her knees locked around the wide torso and let the bull bounce and slam her crotch with just the trick to get her vagina wide open for business of the carnal kind.

She actually went down to the bar and stood in line with the other teenage boys and girls and chickened out at the last minute because she saw one girl fall off and sprain her wrist.

Fiona felt that there had to be a better way of getting her cherry busted than riding the dangerous bull and maybe winding up with a broken neck instead of a broken wrist.

Her last boyfriend was Tommy Donovan and he merely laughed when she told him that she was a virgin and he said it better if they did it in her ass anyway because then they didn’t have to use a condom to keep from having a baby. Up to that point, the whole having a baby thing was not really on her mind because she had some back-up “morning after” pills that her Aunt Flo had given her when she was three sheets to the wind on New Year’s Eve.

Her confused aunt kept mumbling something about,

“Stand under the mistletoe, dear, that will do the trick for sure.”

Since it was already a week after Christmas, she didn’t think there would be any mistletoe still around to use as an excuse for necking or something a whole lot more involved that would require movement to a more private location.

Her sister’s boyfriend Patrick gave her a box identical to the one he gave the nineteen year old Veronica and when she opened it she found seven pairs of risqué panties that had sex positions all over them featuring a different position for every day of the week. Apparently, he had given the same gift to her sister Veronica and her sister was truly pissed that he had given the exact same thing to her younger sister. She reminded Patrick that the shy Fiona was still a silly virgin and that she barely knew what a dick was for.

Fiona thought the panties were exciting and she carefully studied the positions on them like she was already picking out her favorites when she hadn’t even dropped her panties for the first time.

Patrick liked to stretch out on the sofa next to her and he would explain the different positions to her with much detail.

Fiona was glad her sister was still at work because she would really be upset to see her boyfriend with his hands all over her little sister’s ass and explaining which positions he had already done with her older sister and how much she liked this one or that one and the reason why she liked it.

Fiona looked up at Patrick unable to tell him that he had just given her a very first orgasm with his honey-coated words about sexual positions and how they might make her feel deep down in her female parts just like every other girl that liked to take a cock all the way up inside. She really liked when he pushed one of his adventurous fingers into her back door because it was a certain trigger point to make her clitoris shake and rattle like one of the bad girls behind Mulligan’s bar and grill. Of course, she couldn’t tell her sister’s boyfriend that because it would be far too inappropriate for a loving sister.

An ex-boyfriend of her sister’s gave her a puppy and she was already preparing to send it to the pound because she didn’t want the responsibility to make certain it didn’t do his business inside the house because that was a sure-fire way of him making a one-way trip to the pound.

The puppy was soon full grown and he had become addicted to licking her older sister’s panties because they were often stained with the juices of her and Patrick coupling when they both thought that Fiona was asleep and she was only pretending and playing with herself under the covers.

The dog’s name was Jake and he was a real pussy hound if ever there was one.

Fiona came into the bedroom that she shared with her sister early one afternoon and found the naughty dog with her sister’s panties wrapped around his head and he was humping her favorite toy, the huge fluffy panda bear with his hindquarters like he had her sister between his legs and not an inanimate stuffed animal. Poor Fiona didn’t know if she should laugh or get angry because the toy was a favorite of hers and she hoped that Jake didn’t do the same thing to her panties because they were identical to Veronica’s except for the fact that her sister’s undies were usually on the white carpet still damp with her female juices and Patrick’s unmistakable pungent spunk that had a scent and flavor all its own.

Please don’t ask how Fiona came to know the scent and taste of Patrick’s cum because the unfortunate fact was that she sometimes licked her sister’s dirty panties for that very reason.

Now, she had caught pussy-hound Jake red-pawed with the panties on his nose and she had no recourse but to punish him. It was just that Jake was now so big that she wouldn’t even know how to begin because she was deep down fearful of him and she seldom stretched out on the carpet in her panties and bra the way she used to do before he was full grown and in possession of a huge impressive doggy dick that looked like it could take of business with any bitch and probably even human bitches as well.

She didn’t think that her sister was doing any funny business with the dog except that she had noticed Jake would immediately go to her at the dinner table and rest his snout in her lap almost the entire time they were seated for dinner and she suspected his tongue was working real hard in her crotch but well hidden from the others under the table where his depravity was not easily seen.

Once or twice, Jake had licked her panty covered hindquarters when she was distracted and she didn’t try to stop him because she was fearful of his long teeth and the fact that his tongue felt so good between her legs and on the naked parts of her buttocks right next to the panty-line.

She didn’t even try to take her sister’s panties from the naughty dog’s head.

Fiona reached into the hamper in the bathroom and took a ripe pair of her sister’s panties and put them on before she returned to the bedroom and stretched out on the bed like she was going to take a nap.

Jake lost all interest in her sister’s panties on his head and he was immediately hovering over her prostate form licking and nuzzling her panty-covered ass cheeks with his demanding snout and even one of his strong front paws. Initially, she stiffened up with a taste of fear in her throat, but then the warm tongue and the fact that he was wise enough to push up the edge of the panties almost into her ass crack forced her to lift her defenseless bottom up higher and she pushed one of the big king-sized pillow under her hips and Jake took that as the signal to show this petite female human bitch how deep a doggy dick can push up inside a teenage ass crack when the opportunity to get some human ass is right in front of a poor dog’s face.

Jake dribbled his doggy saliva all over her heated bottom and his long pink tongue reached all the way up deep inside her crotch to lick her vaginal opening and even touch the sensitive clitoris up higher.

Soon, the teenage girl was moaning with her pent-up frustration at still being a technical virgin, but the poor pooch had not the slightest inkling about her concerns for her unbroken cherry.

He mounted her like he would any bitch with the scent of heated pussy and his doggy dick poked right into her vaginal opening like it was a magnet for his rock-hard bullet head.

His strength was so great and his accuracy fully perfect for the single thrust that took Fiona’s unwanted maidenhead and she screamed without any sound coming from her shocked lips because she knew exactly what the bad doggy had done with a little help from her to get him started.

After that, the playful pet pounded Fiona’s female parts with a vigor that she had never anticipated from either man or dog as her first time playing the game of love and lust with a whole lot of sinful carnal humping that caused them to be knotted for almost thirty minutes unable to disengage without a lot of pain and discomfort. It was during that period of time that Fiona had no less then thee full-blown orgasms that she would remember the rest of her adult life.

Now she was truly a woman transformed not by a boyfriend but by her pet with a taste for dirty panties like some fetish-minded college boy with a perverted mind.

The End