(c) 2007 by M. Lobo

Chapter One

Daniel awoke to a splitting headache and was grateful that he was a non-snorer. He found himself locked in the last cage; in a long line of cages, and the area was poorly lit. Ten cages down and closer to the entrance of the long alcove that he found himself in was an animal that looked like a dog, but of a type that he could not name at the moment. It looked and sounded vicious and there was no way you would want to get anywhere near the beast.

He tried to study his situation to a fuller extent, pressing against the thick bars as best he could while every fiber of his being told him that he was in mortal danger. He heard movement approaching the entrance of the dead end corridor and flattened himself as best he could against the floor of the trap he had unwittingly sprung.

Lying as he was against the cage floor, he was nearly invisible. He would probably remain that way as long as the caretakers of the place did not come any closer but he doubted he would be that lucky. He watched as the men moved two of the cage walls and squeezed the animal between them. They then jabbed it with a large needle and within moments the beast was tranquilized. One of the guys then produced another needle, this one far larger than the first. He shot its contents into the dog’s neck; near its spinal cord. He wondered about its purpose but sensed that it did not bode well for the receiver.

Minutes passed and then the men pushed two buttons on the far wall. A yellow light went out with the first push and the cage opened at the initiation of the second. They pulled the beast from the cage and then carried it out of eyeshot, around the alcove’s corner.

Daniel expected them to return at any moment and try to collect him as they had the animal. If they did he’d have little choice in the matter. He had heard them talking between themselves and he had no idea what they had said. He wasn’t too versed in foreign languages, but he was quite sure that what he had heard was not of earth. He was also a Sci-Fi buff and at the moment he felt as though he was in the “Twilight Zone.”

As each moment passed he became more hopeful that he had somehow been overlooked. He was really surprised when the main lights were extinguished and all that remained was dim nightlight type illumination.

Daniel waited for nearly fifteen minutes more before he began moving about and testing his cage more fully. He became quickly convinced that there was no way to open the bars from below his raised platform. He then scanned the far wall and noticed that the yellow light that had been lit on the beast’s cage was unlit here. He wondered if the keepers had even been alerted to his presence. He decided that he didn’t want to wait until morning to find out.

Daniel scanned the far wall again and was pleased to see that the button that he hoped would open the cage was a mushroom headed device. He slipped his shoe off quickly while keeping his eyes locked on the control unit. He launched his Nike with as much dexterity as he could muster. It arced the ten foot distance with near perfection but missed the intended goal by inches. He then removed his last shoe and breathed deeply for at least a minute in an attempt to calm himself.

With one last deep breath he stuck his arm through the bars once more. He sighted on the target and threw. The shoe hit the button and the cage slowly opened. When it was open far enough he slid out as quickly as possible. He received a few scratches for his effort but it was better than something happening and having the unit snap shut on him again. He breathed a huge sigh of relief as he stood. He was a free man, but he was in an unknown world.

Daniel began exploring the place, disturbing as little as possible. He noticed that the floor was semi clean in the common areas but dust covered in most of the corners. Nearly eighty percent of the room was debris strewn; he would have his work cut out for him to not leave any sigh of his presence.

His first thought was to get as far away from this place as possible but then he got a better idea. Perhaps he could find a way to reverse the trap and send himself back home; this became his ultimate goal.

Daniel searched the place for hours before he noticed a small gap about an eighth of an inch high and three feet long at the base of one wall. It looked like a door to him but the sides and top meshed perfectly. He felt around where he thought the edges of the door would be but found nothing to open it with. He then sighed and leaned against it in frustration. He was rewarded for his efforts by the whole door sliding smoothly inward and giving him entrance to what lay beyond.

Once Daniel was inside, he re-closed the door. He even found a locking mechanism and engaged it; no one would enter until he was ready. The floor here showed signs of total disuse; he doubted that a human foot had tread here for centuries. What he didn’t know was that others had tried to enter, but the advanced security system that controlled the area was on; and it would not allow anyone to enter if their heart was set on murder, mayhem, or domination. The system could gauge the sprit of a man and judge his worth to learn the secrets of the ancients.

Daniel found very little within the chamber, and everything was dust covered but it was also the key to all he could desire. Basically the unit inside was a teaching computer. There was a set of earphones and two buttons. He shrugged, dusted the seat off and then sat. He donned the head piece and then pushed the left button; his effort was rewarded.

A holographic video began and a computerized voice accompanied it. He had no understanding to how it happened but within a few moments he was able to interpret what was being said. Without even realizing it he entered a trance like state and for the next forty eight hours the machine force fed him all it’s knowledge. Two needles also emerged from the seat and momentarily entered his arm and fired. He was never even aware that this had happened; but his DNA was forever changed.

When Daniel awoke he was as parched as the Gobi desert and felt as though he hadn’t eaten in decades. His original headache was long gone but another one had taken its place. This one was different though; this was an ache of utter knowledge and how things had gone so terribly wrong.

Before Daniel left the room he did one thing; he disabled the teaching unit. It was night, and he left the room as he had entered it. He set out in search of food and water and they were easy to find. The things he had learned from the information unit replayed itself in his mind at the appropriate time. It was like having perfect recall of what you needed when you needed it.

When he came upon food and water he ate drank sparingly at first. He gathered a few items and took them with him. He moved stealthfully but soon realized that there was no need to be too cautious. It was night and the streets were unlit and empty. The citizens of this world did not roam about at night but stayed hidden behind their high metal fences.

Daniel heard a moan and moved cautiously to where it was coming from. He drew near the corner of one high vine covered fence and managed to peer inside. What he saw stunned him. About twenty feet away were a man and a woman, both illy dressed. They were bound to some kind of wooden form and a gag kept them from crying out too loudly. Two huge doglike animals were mating with them and it was evident that it was unwanted; especially by the man.

Daniel’s eyes were drawn to the woman; she was the closest to him. He could see that she was beautiful despite the fact that she was grimacing at the pounding that she was receiving. He saw other movement also and a man entered the scene. He moved closer to the bound couple and gloated at their plight.

“You are my slaves and you thought you could get away with mating each other and thinking that I would not find out? Well… now you see otherwise.” He moved to the man and bent slightly to inspect what the animal was doing. “You will remember this night for a long time Basa, or should I say at least until you are thrown into the arena in a few days.”

At hearing this, Basa struggled to get free, but he was bound too tightly. He could escape neither the ensnaring form to which he was tied nor the beast that was upon his back. He couldn’t even respond to the taunt that had been thrown his way.

The master then move to the woman. He inspected her juncture point also and even reached down and grabbed her hanging breasts. He squeezed them and saw her tremble with pain as he did so. He sneered at her and then did it again. He got a response from both of them. The woman hissed in pain and the man tried to break free again as he heard and saw the pain that his woman was suffering.

“It’s too bad you are a slave my dear.” Corby addressed the woman. “If you had been one of us I would have taken you to my bed long ago. As it is now I will have to give you to my animals. As far as I am concerned you are worth absolutely nothing to me now that you have been totally tainted by Basa.”

Corby hated Basa, he had been caught sleeping with Saja; he had wanted an excuse to be cruel and now he had one. He began noticing at times how they would interact and he became jealous of the fact that Saja wanted to be near Basa instead of him. It didn’t matter that he would never touch her because she was a slave; he still craved her attention and since he wasn’t getting it he decided to punish them.

Saja tried to hate what was happening to her but eventually the incessant prodding of the beast above her was awakening familiar feelings within her. It began to feel good despite the fact that she was being fucked by an animal. She tried to convey to Basa that she was sorry and then hung her head in shame.

“My, my, my…” Taunted Corby. “Look at her Basa; I think she likes it better with my animal than she ever did with you. He’s bigger than you are you know. Oh, I sorry, I forgot. You have one in you own ass so you should be very familiar with what’s stuffed into her sweet little pussy.

Basa chaffed at his bindings again but only succeeded in drawing blood from where he was bound. After a while he tired and laid still, the beast above him continued to mate him and he was becoming very sore.

Saja’s moans changed even more and Corby move closer to her. On a whim he loosened the bindings that held her lower body in place. When she was released he was pleased by her actions. She began to thrust back at the invading phallus that was within her and soon she was completely locked to the animal. The huge knot that had previously been visible was now ensconced inside of her. Orgasm after orgasm racked her body in a seemingly unending cycle. It wasn’t until the beast above her howled and shot his load into her that she stopped her actions. In the end it was she who had caused to animal to cum and flood her with its sperm.

Corby taunted Basa one more time. “Did you see that, did you see Saja make the animal cum? Yes… I’m sure you did. Well, know this. Every night while you are locked away in prison, awaiting the games, I’m going to breed her to my dogs. Who knows, she might even get pregnant. Think about that while you are waiting to die.”

Basa managed to really rock the frame that he was tied to this time and it fell over. The animal’s cock was painfully pulled from his ass and he bled. Just as he was about to free himself he was struck from behind on the head. He lost consciousness after Corby hit him with as vicious a blow as the man could muster.

Daniel was tempted to intervene but had to hold back. There was absolutely nothing that he could do at the moment. He knew why there were no slaves in the streets. It was impossible for them to go beyond the borders of their gated homes once the security grid was initiated. The devices that were at the base of their skulls would explode and sever their heads from the rest of the body.

He moved off into the darkened street, rearranging the sizable erection that he had as he went. He had to admit that some of what he saw was totally erotic. If only it had been free of the brutality he had witnessed it would have been interesting.

Daniel decided that he needed to be able to move around the city, and not just at night. He spent several more hours playing peeping tom before he opted on a course of action. Every home he looked into the slaves were mistreated. In one place he found a young woman naked and bound and used as a footstool by her master. In another there were several women spread eagled on a platform and a mechanical device was pumping a large phallic shaped object into them. There were two men stand by and they controlled the speed of it. He ran it slow and then speeded it up. The women were writhing in pleasure and even orgasmed but the whole event was forced. The pleas of the women were testament to that; pleas that were quickly silence by shock rods if they became too vocal.

“Alright.” said the man with the rod. “Give them the injection and impregnate them. This is the last batch tonight and I want to get home to my wife and fuck her silly before she decides to cheat on me.”

The man at the controls pushed a button and the results were instantaneous. All of the women convulsed as the fluid was pumped into them. The whole table then tipped slightly with the women’s heads down in an effort to keep the fluid within them. “I don’t know why they do that anymore.” Commented the operator. “The little inflated ball in the shaft should do what’s needed to keep the sperm inside of them.”

“Who cares?” Mumbled the rod man. “I just want to get the hell out of here and go home.”

Daniel moved into the darkness again and once more had to adjust his hardened shaft within his pants. It wasn’t easy as it felt bigger than he remembered. He didn’t have time to figure it out at the moment though so her hurried down the street in search of the things he would need to accomplish his task.


Chapter Two

At one time the society that Daniel found himself in had been kind and benevolent. They had set traps in other worlds or dimensions; however you wanted to look at it. But the traps were put there as a way of discovery and nothing more. The animals and people that were caught were studied but well treated. They were then returned to their point of origin and the trap was moved to a new location.

This went on for many millennia and the knowledge base grew to enormous proportions. Little by little though factions grew and split the once united realm. There was a great coop d’etat and nearly all was lost. The benevolent and knowledgeable ones were totally wiped out and only the cruel and sadistic ones remained.

Many things ground to a halt as there were none left alive who knew how to fix them. If something broke, it was thrown away; they became a society of users and abusers. The animals that still came into their world they began to put in zoos. And the people that they ensnared were turned into slaves. If it had not been for a faulty switch and a burned out light bulb Daniel would have been a slave as easily as the rest of them.

Daniel found what he was looking for just before dawn. It was a store room and it held the trappings that he needed. He removed his clothes, hid them, and donned the outfit of a slave. He had seen the people that inhabited this land and he had more in common with the slaves than with the so called nobles.

To Daniel the slaves were a mixture of peoples. Some were White, and others Black. Some looked Hispanic, Oriental or European; one thing was for sure though, few if any of the ones he had seen thus far were from Earth. That was the part that really blew his mind.

Daniel rested in the woods just beyond the fertile fields. He waited for the slaves to begin their farming for the day and then moved out of the woods and toward the town once more. He walked among the people as though he belonged there but he also made sure he steered clear of the nobles. He saw the treatment of any slave that got in their way and it wasn’t nice. You didn’t have to belong to a particular noble to be punished by them.

By noon, Daniel had found several points of interest that he planned to visit after night fall. He continued to roam about, acquainting himself with every nook and cranny that he could find.

At one point Daniel was a little careless and cut his corner too tight, he was unable to get out of the way for a girl as she came around it and they collided. He grabbed her and kept her and her packages from falling. He held her for a moment until he was sure that she was steady and then he released her. The girl reacted immediately by apologizing profusely even though she found it was another slave that she had bumped into. They exchanged smiles and he saw her ease noticeably.

“It is I who should be apologizing.” He offered with a slight bow. “May I help you with your things?”

The girl immediately stiffened, this was something totally new to her. No man or woman had ever offered their help to her before. Who was this young man she had never seen before?

Daniel smiled once more and then bowed again before leaving. He did not press his assistance upon her. He vowed to be more careful, and he was, even though the memory of the beautiful young lady stayed centermost in his mind.

Several more hours passed and he began working his way toward the fields again. He would rest until nightfall and then enter the buildings that he had earmarked for exploration. He was just passing one of the most ornate fences when he heard someone yelling for someone to stop. It took a moment to realize that it was he who was being addressed.

“Are you so stupid that you do not know when you are being commanded to stop?” Came a loud shrill voice. “Make one more move in the wrong direction and I will separate your head from your shoulders. And I don’t care who it is that owns you.”

Daniel turned to face the person who was addressing him; he came face to face with the youngest member of the ruling family. He knew who she was because of the teaching unit. The learning system was so sophisticated that it did not need physical input to gain information. What happened today would be taught tomorrow. She was eighteen years old at least and spoiled rotten when it came to getting her own way. She was pointing a pod triggering devise at him and threatening to use it.

“I am Fana, Princess of the realm. Come to the front and enter, I will inform the door-slave that you are coming. I will make everything right with your master if I need to. Do not do as I say and I will see that you are entered in the arena when it begins in a few days.”

Daniel nodded and then moved at a speedier pace to the door that the Princess had mentioned. The door opened as he approached and he was ushered through the domicile and to the back garden.

He had no sooner entered the yard when he received more instructions. “Remove you cloths.” Fana barked. The young woman stood there until he did as she had ordered. He saw her eyes widen slightly when she saw his manhood and he smiled slightly. “Follow me!” She continued.

Daniel had limits as to how far he would go. He hated the thought of blowing his cover so soon; it would make the other things he wished to accomplish a lot harder. He trailed behind the Princess at a safe distance and was led to an open area. He was surprised at what he found there.

The young Princess stopped and stood with crossed arms. “I want you to fuck my slave.” She ordered. “And if you can make her pregnant I will see about buying you and allowing you to have her as often as you want.”

Daniel could feel his cock stirring. Before him was the young woman that he had bumped into at the market and she was on all fours and naked. He moved toward her and knelt; he saw that she had been crying. He was just about to rise, face the demanding Princess and tell her where to go when he was stopped by the girl before him.

“Please do it to me.” She whispered. “I like you and if you don’t mate with me she will kill you and do something worse to me. Please help me.”

Daniel nodded and then began to caress the young brunette’s back. He had never made love to a girl before; this would be a first. The closest that he had ever been before this was a year previous. He fallen in love with a girl and he wanted to have a serious relationship with her, but it fell flat. His step father chose that moment in time to move the family again, during his last year in high school; he knew that the man had done it to spite him. He was offered the opportunity to stay behind, but with no support from the family, and a low paying job it was impossible to accomplish. The girl’s murmurs before him brought him back to the task at hand.

He extended his reach and began touching her breasts and thighs while he moved into position behind her. His stiff erection made contact with her warm flesh and he soon felt himself rubbing against her vaginal slot. He rocked his hips into her and slid through her furrow for several strokes, enjoying each one. He heard her whisper and moved closer to hear her.

“Give it to me.” She repeated, and then she reached back and guided him into her.

Daniel brought his hips forward again and entered her at least half way. He felt something bar his way for a moment but then he tore through it. He knew what it was even before the girl cried out in pain; he had just ripped through her hymen and taken her cherry. He had not even suspected that she was a virgin as she had not mentioned it when she told him to take her.

The Princess cheered when she heard the girl cry out. She then began goading the male slave onward. She wanted him to be more energetic and take her slave more forcefully. She began telling him what to do. “fuck her, fuck her harder. I want to hear her cry as you rip into her.”

“Do it Darling,” Coaxed the girl, not knowing how to address the man that was mated to her in any other way. “Do as she orders, or she will kill us both.” She whispered.

Daniel was not worried for himself, but he was concerned for the girl. He began to thrust into her with greater force. He became relentless in his pounding of her and he notice two things. The Princess fell silent and his lovely brunette began panting and encouraging him with every impact.

There was a sound from within the house and the Princess cursed and stormed out of the garden. Daniel took that moment to pull out of the girl and tell her to flip over onto her back. She complied but looked bewildered. He reentered her quickly and the two lovers were now face to face.

Daniel began to speak softly to her and told her what was happening. He was giving her his trust. He apologized for what he was doing to her but she cut him off by kissing him. After they broke the kiss, Daniel asked what he thought was a crucial question. “What is you name?”

“I am called Keri, and you have nothing to apologize for. You have saved my life and I can think of no one else that I would want to be with like this than you. If you can make me pregnant then do so, but I doubt that she will honor her word.”

The pair thrust at each other and relished their union to the fullest. They stared into one another’s eyes and were lost to anything external until Keri orgasmed. Daniel smiled at her and then introduced himself. He then pulled out of her again and helped her get on her hands and knees once more.

He entered her and was vigorously pounding into her when the Princess returned. He doubted that she even knew the verbal intercourse that had taken place. To her, he hoped that it was one single ongoing act.

The Princess though that she had missed nothing, but she began to feel a stirring within her very being. The humiliation she had planned to heap upon her slave was turning into something else. She watched as the male slave thrust himself into Keri and was surprised to feel wetness between her own legs. The degradation that she had hoped to shame the girl with was settling upon herself. She was not just turned on; her desire was for the unknown male to take her next.

Princess Fana screamed and rushed at the mating couple. She lifted her foot and stomped as hard as she could at the young man’s back. She succeeded in getting only a small piece of him and was amazed that the pair was knocked over the way they were.

The throes of passion were disrupted by the Princess’ shriek. Daniel saw the kick coming long before it got there. He threw himself and Keri to the side in an evasive move and received only the lightest of thumps. He pulled from her and arose swiftly, facing the irate Fana. She snarled at him and raised her detonator. She pressed the trigger but nothing happened. She began pressing it repeatedly, trying to make it work.

Daniel didn’t stick around long enough for her to fathom the truth. He rushed by the other slaves that had gathered because of the Fana’s scream and scooped up his meager loincloth and tunic. He was out of the house shortly after he donned his clothes and walked casually away.

He was well hidden in the woods long before night fall and he hoped that the Princess would not take her anger out on Keri. He had no idea how hard the young woman searched for him and threatened all kinds of punishment if he wasn’t turned over to her.

As soon as it got dark enough Daniel made his way to the Princess’ gates. There was no one in the streets, the inhabitants still trusted in their security system to keep wandering slaves at bay. He came close to the garden wall and his anger began to rise to the surface.

In the opening where he had made love to Keri, he found her still kneeling. This time however there was a huge dog on her back and he was humping into her so hard that she was hurting. He didn’t care that the animal was in her, what mattered was that she didn’t want it and it was being forced upon her.

Keri could do nothing but pant and hang on. She tried to think of Daniel and how he felt when he was making love to her. She had feelings for the stranger and wondered if he would really be able to turn things around as he had said. She imagined that it was him that was in her now and she managed to escape her circumstances for at least a little while. The animal’s pounding continued and the pain began to surface and dominate everything. She never knew how long it really lasted because she passed out; her last coherent thought was how Daniel would never want her now.

Daniel watched the mating to the end; allowing his anger to build. He then promised revenge for the slaves and retribution on the citizens. He wondered if any of them was truly innocent. He slipped off into the night in search of what he needed to bring this civilization to it’s knees.


Chapter Three

Daniel made his way to the armory. The hill in front of him was where it was situated but the door that led to it was on the old palace grounds; and that single doorway was the only way in at the moment. Here, he did move more cautiously. He had no idea if the current regime left sentries there but the fact that the entrance was booby trapped did warrant his attention.

He did a thorough recon of the open court yard before he entered it and when he found that it was safe he approached the door he needed from the side. There was an access panel there and he could see that others had tried to enter the armory before him. It was a very unforgiving system. There was an invisible power field that kept the panel safe from forceful entry. And, if you tried to dismantle the panel you would be instantly fried.

Dark stains on the threshold before the barrier told a grim story of what happened to those who tried to enter this portal the wrong way. There were no warnings or second chances either; one wrong move and you were toast. In all honesty, he was surprised that there wasn’t a skeleton or two lying outside the door even now.

Daniel entered the codes that were needed when asked for, and even surprised himself at the confidence that he felt. With the last key stroke the door slid smoothly inward and to the side. He entered the building and once inside pushed the button to reseal it. He would leave no chance for surprises if he could help it.

He spent the next few days exploring. He could hardly believe the weaponry that he found. There were devices within the huge room he was standing in that could wipe out the human life forms of an entire continent on earth; and yet leave the land habitable in just a few days. He could never leave such weapons in a usable form.

Daniel knew how to deactivate all of the weapons he came across and was glad there was a master controller for many of them; but it still took three days to do it. He had everything he needed there, even stored food and water. He began setting his plan in motion and he didn’t anticipate stopping until he was done.

On what he thought was the evening of the third day he was ready to move on; the stockpile of munitions was useless. The vehicles were still usable but they would be nullified soon also; timed charges were set that would bring this whole place down. The only usable weapons he took with him was a small pocked sized device that would allow him to literally freeze an animal’s nervous system and hold them that way for at least an hour without; killing them. And, three high explosive incendiary devices with remote timers.

His next stop was to be the security field but when he saw that it was daylight out he began planning to resume his work that night. However, fate took a hand in it all now. Today was the beginning of the arena. If he didn’t act now, many slaves would loose their lives. Even now he could hear the cheers of the citizens as they enjoyed their entertainment. He hurried to the building that housed the security generator.

The arena entertainment was just beginning, and to start it off at least fifty women slaves were marched out onto the field. Some of them had been condemned to death while others were there at the whim of their master to simply demean them.

The slaves were evenly spaced around the edge of the field so that everyone could see. They were forced to their hands and knees and made to watch while the large dog like creatures were brought up behind them

The handlers released the animals as soon as they were sure that they had gotten the scent of the woman. Most of the beasts got right to business. The shrieks of the sacrificial women began to sound throughout the arena.

To many of the women, being mated to an animal was nothing new. Some of them even desired it but they didn’t make it too obvious at first. They imitated screaming like the inexperienced ones. Several of the women even reached between their legs and guided the animals into them; it was preferable to having the dogs shaft beat against their backside or even enter where it wasn’t wanted.

Saja was one of the women in the arena and she knew how to handle the beasts now. Corby had kept his promise and made his animals fuck her every night since the incident at the house. She knew how to make it last and feel good, or how to finish it quickly. She chose this time to make it last for a bit.

As the animal entered her she pushed back at it but not enough to tie with it. She arched her back and allowed the beast to pound her pussy for a while. She loved it and for a moment she even fanaticized that she could become pregnant and have its puppies. He pumped her for several minutes more and then she slammed herself back onto him as hard as she could. She achieved the desired results and they were locked together. He rutted into her for another ten minutes and she moaned and cried very convincingly but in the end she got what she wanted. As she orgasmed he poured his sperm into her.

Next to Saja was a young blonde woman that was having a hard time with things. The beast that was in her had started out fast and deep. He had managed to lock them up quickly and now he was still trying to pound her as though they were free. It was taking a toll on her vaginal lips that was nothing short of devastating. The girl’s screams were heart rending and there was no mistaking the trouble she was in.

As the woman languished on the end of the animals hot shaft the citizens that were near by saw her plight and cheered the animal on. They crowded in and nearly crushed each other in an attempt to see everything. At least two of them broke an arm or wrist when they got it trapped against the railing.

The young blonde was quickly becoming weaker. She could barely hold herself up any more. Her arms collapsed and her head hit the ground. The animal never ceased its relentless drive until she fell limp and ripped herself free of the invading shaft. Blood poured from her and she slipped into a coma like state.

Elsewhere in the arena nearly the same scenarios were playing out. One woman was receiving the fucking of her life and enjoying it while others were literally being fucked to death. Keri was there too and she was one of the lucky ones. The beast that had gotten a hold of her was more docile. She had been fucked several times by animals since the stranger managed to get away but at least no other man had touched her. She figured that Fana thought it was more demeaning if she was taken by an animal than a man.

Keri had learned to accept what was happening to her; she figured that she might as well enjoy it than go crazy anguishing about something that she could not change. When her animal had entered her she made sure that he did not lock with her right away. She managed to keep it fast and light. She loved the feel of the brute that was in her and trying to impregnate her. She thought of the stranger and how he had thrust into her. She remembered lying on her back and looking him in the eyes as they mated. She wondered where he was now but doubted that she would ever see him again. For all she knew he might even be dead; the Princess was no one to make an enemy of.

Keri continued to think of Daniel as her fucking ensued. She tried to envision that it was him that was making love to her. She had to admit though that the cock that was in her now was actually a little smaller that what she remembered her stranger to be. After the second orgasm, the dog finally got his knot into her. It didn’t matter by then because the already tamer animal was slowing even more so she suffered no ill affects. She was getting close to her third climax when the beast began to slow even more and pump his seed into her. She even managed to orgasm again but it wasn’t until she thought of Daniel and pretended that it was his love that was pouring into her.

When Daniel arrived at the building that housed the security grid he did find guards. He wasted as little time with them as possible. When he was challenged he simply raised the small device in his hand and with a very short one second burst of nearly invisible rays at the three advancing men they stopped; sort of. Gravity still did its thing and the men crashed to the ground like puppets that had their strings severed. It took him fifteen precious minutes to set the device and then run. He was half way to his next objective before he heard the muffled blast that signaled the end of the slaves loosing their heads by remote control.

His next stop was the power grid. He took care of the guards here the same way he dealt with the others; except that these he did not leave alive. He planted the explosive device carefully, knowing that it would have to be there for several hours or more before he triggered the timer. He planned to evacuate every one he could; including himself before this bomb went off. He planned to send these people back into the Stone Age and he didn’t want to become a part of it himself.

By the time he arrived at the arena the sexual frenzy was over and the Feeding frenzy had begun. The female slaves that made it out alive were rounded up. If the woman was there for punishment she was returned to a cage and held until her master came for her. If she was one of those that were sentenced to death… they left her where she was.

Daniel managed to get within the lower gates of the arena before he was accosted by more guards. He even took out three of them without the use of his stunner. He grabbed several spears and knives and then ran through one of the gates that was still open, it led to the arena floor. The guards sneered at him after that and quickly closed the gate.

Daniel surveyed his situation and felt that he wasn’t too bad off. He was very grateful that the enemy had no long range weaponry; but then he would have gone about this entirely different if they had. He strode into the center of the arena with confidence; toward the huddled mass of slaves that had congregated there.

The slaves in the arena watched his approach with bewilderment. Only two of the men faced him to find out what it was all about; He recognized one of them. “You do not know me Basa, but I am here to help.” He said as he handed a spear to the man.

Basa took the spear but continued to scowl at the young man. “What good are these against the weapon they wield and point at our necks at their slightest whim?”

Daniel looked at the Basa and then at the others. “The other weapons they have will no longer work. You can even be outside the gated barriers at night and you will not be obliterated. All they now have are spears and knives like these because I have destroyed the others. After today, they will no longer rule, but it will still be a fight to gain all of our freedom.”

In the royal pavilion there was turmoil. “What is going on down there?” Inquired the Emperor bruskly.

“Some of the slaves have managed to get a few weapons your Majesty.” Offered one of his guards.

“Take their heads of.” He snapped.

“We have tried, your Majesty but for some reason the security system is not working.” He responded in a muffled voice.

The Emperor was about to say more when he noticed that there was a slave on the arena floor standing in front of him. “I have come to negotiate the release of all the slaves.” Said the lone man.

The Emperor chuckled. “I think not!” He bellowed as he lifted his detonator and pushed the button; nothing happened. The man looked confused at first and then bellowed again. Kill him with your spears.”

Daniel watched as nearly a dozen spears began flying in his direction. He was pleased to see that each of them looked to be flying in slow motion. He only had to move a little bit to evade them all. When it was over he nodded his head and addressed the Emperor again. “Thank you for the weapons. I shall await your answer with my fellow slaves. Know this though, the longer you make us wait the harder we will fight. The harder we have to fight, the more that your people will die. And know this also; you will be the first one that I come after.”

Daniel gathered the new spears and carried them to the slaves still huddled in the center of the arena. He was dismayed that no one had come to help him. “After today things will be totally different. You had better get on your feet and be ready to fight or you will die here. I am leaving, and when I go I hope that anyone who what to start a new life will leave also. The choice is yours! Fight and live… or die!”

The Emperor ordered one of his guards to go and check on the security grid. And another he sent to relay orders to the guards below. They were to release all of the slaves into the arena and then release all of the animals after that. “We’ll see how many of them are left after this and then we’ll finish them off.” He gloated.

Daniel saw several of the gates open and wasn’t surprised to see at least a hundred more slaves enter the arena. Most of them were women. Those gates closed as the others opened and dozens of wild animals charged into the open areas also. The slowest women were immediately taken down.

The dog like beasts had only one thing on their mind; to mount and fuck the nearest human possible. Some of them were extremely vicious in their attacks but they were the least of the problems. There were several lion and tiger looking beasts that had been starved for the last few days and all they saw was food milling about.

Daniel ran to what appeared the most dangerous of the animals. He didn’t mind that he wasn’t followed because most of the slaves armed with spears were at least trying to protect anyone who had managed to make it to the middle.

He faced his first antagonist and took it down easily. Holding the paralysis device in line with the spear he was able to get a shot off about two seconds before the animal charged. While the beast was semi stunned he killed it. It wasn’t exactly a fair fight but then neither was sending out dozens of murderous beast against mostly unarmed slaves.

Carnage ruled for the better part of half an hour. In the end about a quarter of the slaves that were in the arena died, but there were few wounded. The last of the fucking dogs were dispatched simply because they would not stop their antics. It was like they were on Viagra. Daniel was pleased to see that Keri had made it thought the ordeal but she seemed to be trying to avoid him and he didn’t have time to find out why at the moment.

About the time Daniel faced the Emperor once more, word was returned that the security grid was destroyed and un-repairable. “It is time to let us go, your Majesty. Rules of the arena state that if you make it out alive that you would be freed. Abide by the rules and we will leave in peace. Try anything funny and I will see that you are one of the first to die, just as I promised.”

The Emperor glared at him but decided to abide by the rules. At heart he was a coward and would only strike at an opponent if he knew he had the upper hand. He and his entourage left the arena even as all the other citizens were leaving. He needed to get his men together and try a counter-coupe but without stronger weapons it seemed hopeless. The entire population of slaves outnumbered the civilians two to one.

Daniel made sure that everyone was armed with as many weapons as possible. There was a huge supply of spears and knives in the arena if you knew where to look; and he did.

It did not take long before the slaves in the homes met with the slaves from the arena. Daniel filled them in quickly as to what had to be done. If you have any doubts as to what you want to do, or lag behind in any way, you will be left behind. You need to return to your former worlds, or the worlds of friends that you know. If you stay, the chances are that you will be a slave once more, or killed outright in revenge for what has just happened.

Daniel gathered as many single men as possible and made it their responsibility to guard the people from attack until they could be run through the transporters. The plan worked very well. Rough calculations put the entire task at slightly over six hours.

The last stragglers reached the transport bay about two hours after the process had begun. The rear guard let them in without question; they were all women. Mass retaliation from the regime never came because they could think of no means by which to strike back without loosing many of themselves in the process.

The Emperor himself was fearful and did not press matters. He was very certain that the leader of the slaves would do exactly as he said he would do if they were interfered with; the man would come after him. He had watched the young man hoping to see him fall during the battle, but the slave slew beast after beast without receiving a single scratch.

Three hours into the process everything was going well. Daniel had even been able to instruct two other people in the art of transport use and it gave him time to relax a bit. He even managed to locate Keri and find out why she was avoiding him.

“What’s the matter?” He inquired softly when he finally cornered her. “I thought we might have something going for us when we first met. Why do you shy away from me now?”

“Things have changed since then; I doubt that you will want me now.”

“What happened?”

“The Princess, she… gave me to her animals.”

Daniel was hard pressed to hold in his chuckle, he did not want to make light of her concerns. “Why do you think that would change anything? All I care about is that you are not hurt and that you… love and desire me; as I love and desire you.”

“I think I love you too.” She continued softly. “I have feelings for you, that is why I tried to stay away from you. I was afraid you would be disappointed and I didn’t want that.”

Daniel hugged her and then led her to a secluded part of the room where they could be more alone. The semi darkened area had a few other people there but they were resting and no one was looking their way. He lifted her up on one of the tables and when she spread her legs he walked between them.

Keri did a quick visual inspection of the area and then hooked her legs around his; drawing them closer together. She reached her hand between them and when she felt his hardness she smiled. “I guess you do want me.” She cooed and then proceeded to free his stiffening member. When she had him free of his loin cloth she tilted his cock downward a bit while pushing her coverings to the side. It took but a few seconds more to slip him into her and move even closer. The look in her eyes was delicious as he sank even deeper into her warmth.

Daniel cupped her buttocks in his hands and lifted her even closer to the edge of the table. Her whispered hiss of satisfaction was music to his ears. Ever so slowly he thrust into her and they danced that way of countless minutes. They kissed and learned that the swapping of tongues was common in both their worlds. He wanted to turn her around and fuck her from behind but she demurred; whispering that she wanted to be looking into his eyes when he came in her; it almost set him off right then.

They rocked together for several minutes more before her orgasm triggered his. Whimpers of pleasure were all that could be heard from either of them. They stayed joined in coital bliss for many minutes more, kissing, caressing and simply enjoying each others presence. Daniel began to feel himself harden again while still inside of her and he would have begun thrusting into her for a second round if it hadn’t been that his assistance was needed at the transporter controls.

The problem with the controls was operator error. The man entering the grid numbers had transposed two of them; it was an easy fix. The once large crowd of slaves was dwindling fast. Everyone could now fit inside the building. The doors were locked and everyone began to rest easier.

Another hour passed, and before they realized it the only ones left were Keri and himself. He left his new love standing at the controls while he went behind the machine and set the last bomb where it would do the most damage. Pleased with what he saw he headed back to the panel but came to an abrupt stop when he saw Princess Fana standing behind Keri. There was something around his mate’s neck and the Princess was holding it.

Except for the whirring of the cooling fans the room became as silent as a crypt. “It looks as though I am going to have the last laugh.” Sneered the young woman. “When my father gets through with you, you are going to wish that the animals had torn you apart. You were only three feet from earlier, and you didn’t even know it was me pretending to rest in the corner while you two screwed each other.”

Daniel slowly reached for the stunner but his fingers failed to find it tucked away in his loin cloth. A very cold chill passed through him. He needed to get close to her before something bad happened. “Well, you better take us to him then.” He said as he inched toward her.

“I plan to.” She said. “But it’s only you and I that will be going.” She lunged forward and the most sickening look imaginable passed over Keri’s continence. Keri tried to speak but nothing came out.

Daniel closed the distance between the girls and himself in one might leap. The Princess tried to remove the knife that she had used to stab Keri with but it was stuck. She then tried to run for the door but Daniel had her within moments. He was not easy with her. He spun her around and slammed his fist into her jaw before she had even stopped moving; she fell to a heap on the floor and he knew that she was unconscious.

Daniel moved to Keri’s side and he could feel tears welling up in his eyes. With all that he knew, there was nothing that he could do to change the outcome of this disaster. He lifted her, cradling her in his arms while being careful of the knife. She smiled at him weakly and then her spirit left her. He kissed her, closed her eyes and wept.

He lost track of time, but he was still vigilant. When Fana began to move he lay Keri down and aided the princess in standing. “What are you going to do, kill me?” She asked haughtily.

“No, I’m going to do something worse. I’m going to let you live.” He then shoved her over a nearby table and ripped her loincloth and bra off of her. “You took my mate.” He hissed. “So now you are going to take her place; at least for the next hour or so.”

Fana began to protest profusely, but Daniel turned a deaf ear to anything that she said. All he had in his heart at the moment was making her scream and beg for mercy. Her cries were soothing to his ear and spurred him on even more.

Daniel slammed into her as hard as he could. He would never have forced himself on any girl normally, but this was not the norm. He found what he suspected, and tore through her virginity with a vengeance. He slammed into her over and over again giving her no respite. For the longest time the only lubrication between them was her blood and her crimson flow did little to smooth the way for his hardened shaft.

Fana began crying in pain and he was sure that if anyone was outside that they would have been able to hear her anguish. He pounded her relentlessly and he doubted that any animal could have drilled her any harder. He could feel that he was jamming the back wall of her vaginal tube and pushing her insides around with each thrust. He knew that she would never forget what was happening to her now.

Nearly fifty minutes passed and Fana was becoming like a rag doll on the top of the table as Daniel still pounded her. He himself was becoming chaffed and he eventually stopped and pulled out of her. He looked at her laying there and felt no remorse. He hadn’t even cum in her but he figured she had enough and left her lying there. She was still alive but her vaginal area would be scarred forever; she would never have children.

Daniel found some water and washed up. He was very tender and knew that it would be some time before he would be ready to make love again physically; and probably even longer mentally.

He punched in the coordinates for Earth and moved to the transporter pad. He pressed both timer triggers and heard the bomb behind the machine begin beeping with increased urgency. He hit the launch button and Fana and the room disappeared within moments. When he materialized in the cave on Earth he quickly scrambled away from the device as far as he could.

Ten seconds passed and the platform erupted in a shower of sparks. He bowed his head one more time in memory of all who had lost their lives in that sadistic world. He mourned the fact that he had to leave Keri body behind, but it would have been impossible explain a dead girl’s body to anyone, especially the police.

He stayed in the cave until evening and then went in search of clothing. The saying goes that ‘time heals all wounds.’ And he believed it. But, he added a little more to it. ‘Memories last forever.’ And there was a whole new world out there for him to explore; in fact, several of them!