(c) 2004 by Clvfan

Vanna White was lost, sort of. The 47-year-old beauty, star of Wheel of Fortune was on a lonely Nevada road looking for any kind of road sign. She gave a heavy sigh thinking back on how she got into this predicament.

She was looking for a house away from the public eye, a place she could bring her children for some peace and quiet sometimes. She was on the summer break from Wheel of Fortune shooting and her friend Amy said she had a good friend that was a realtor in Nevada.

She had mentioned this fabulous house back in the mountains that was really a steal, seemed the owner passed away and the children lived back east and wanted to sell without having to come out here.

Amy had gotten directions and wrote them down, the two of them were going to look at it this weekend. It was the weekend for the kids to be with their father so Vanna didn’t worry about them as she went to pick up Amy.

When she got there Amy was just getting ready to call her. Amy’s dad had fallen and broken his arm, he was a widower and Amy was going to have to go and take care of him for a while. Vanna understood that and at first she was going to postpone her trip, then thought it might be a nice drive to have time to just enjoy some solitude.

Vanna stayed overnight at a Courtyard Inn just inside the Nevada border and easily found the real estate agency the next morning. Amy’s friend was out showing some property and the lady in the office said she wouldn’t be back till afternoon. Vanna was kind of perturbed at this, they knew she was coming today.

The secretary at the office said that they had made arrangements for her to take the key and go look at it if she wanted. Did she need directions. Vanna had Amy’s directions and they appeared to be pretty good so she said no, took the key and headed out.

According to the directions she was to take this county road until she came to Cranken’s Trail Road and turn left. The house was the only one on the road about 10 miles back into the mountains. The only problem with that was there were no road signs anywhere out here. The county road was little more than gravel and she had only seen one road off of it so far, that one turned to the right and was just a couple of ruts leading off into the distance.

Finally about mid afternoon when she was about to turn around and say to heck with it, she came upon a road leading to the left. It also wasn’t much more than a dirt trail. She figured this had to be it so she turned her Mercedes convertible onto it and drove slowly.

The trail was pretty good and she didn’t have any problems for about five miles, then it dipped down into a gully. Coming back up the other side she heard something scrape under the car, she hoped it hadn’t hurt anything. A couple of miles more and the engine temperature gauge started climbing rapidly, she didn’t notice till a red light came on her dash warning her. That’s all she needed.

Stopping she got out and looked back down the trail, there was a line of oil marking her progress. With another sigh she got her cell phone to call the agency. No signal, a dead zone back in the mountains she figured. She sat back down in the car and put the top up but left the doors open for a breeze. Looking up at the sky she could see dark clouds moving over the mountains. Great, rain is what I need now she thought.

She was going to rest for a while and try walking back to the county road, hoping to get a signal on her cell phone or since she didn’t bring the key back maybe they would send somebody out to check.

With nothing else to do she thought back over her life in the past few years. She was really disappointed her marriage failed. She thought George really loved her but she found out he was playing around. She shook her head at the fact she thought she was in love with him also but in the end she figured she really didn’t. He was a good lover though. He knew how to eat pussy with the best of them. He would take his time and build her up before filling her with his hard cock. She missed his loving but she didn’t miss him all that much. She really hadn’t had time to date anyone else even though she has been divorced for almost two years.

Vanna thought back to the only real love of her life John Gibbson, she was devastated when he was killed in an accident, their five years together was like a fairy tale. He was a Chippendale Dancer, had the body of a Greek god and knew how to use it. John’s big dick made her body sing every time he fucked her. She had to smile at the memory of him sliding into her blonde pussy, he always made it so wet before filling her with his meat. Memories of him behind her bouncing her ass while he drove hard against her. The feel his hot cum filling her mouth when she sucked him off. And now she could feel her cunt moistening from these fond memories. Better start walking she thought.

Jake Rogers worked for the Nevada Division of Wildlife as an enforcement agent. He was headed back to the office after running down two mountain lion poachers. They were on their way to the county jail that was in the opposite direction.

Jake and Bud, his part wolf part German Shepherd were cruising along in his department jeep when he saw car tracks heading up the old Cranken’s Trail Road. Looking at the sky he knew they were in for a gully washer pretty soon and anybody up there could be trapped.

“Well Bud better check this out” he looked to his partner. Bud just whined. Bud was a big breed, Jake was about 6′ 2″ and Bud’s head came above his waist when they were side by side. Jake called in to headquarters to tell them what was going on, he knew that once into the mountains it would be hard even for his military radio to get a signal out in certain areas.

Since he was going home after checking into the office he told them he would just go on home after he checked this out.

They gave him a ten four and didn’t expect to hear from him till Monday unless he found something here. He was only a few miles in when the rain started falling heavily. By the time he got to the gully it was already beginning to flood, the water was about a foot and a half deep and he knew it would rise rapidly. He thought he saw somebody walking away back up the trail but it was raining so hard he wasn’t sure.

A deep sigh, “Well Bud looks like we are going to get wet, can’t take the Jeep across, wouldn’t be able to get it back. Maybe we can catch them before it gets to deep.”

Bud looked at him like, are you crazy, you think I am going to get out of this dry place and get soaked.

Jake had to laugh at his expression. “Come on you won’t melt, you probably need a bath anyway.” Jake got his backpack out, he always had an emergency backpack in the jeep. In these mountains you never knew what was going to happen.

Vanna had walked almost to the gully when the rain started, all she had on was a white tank top and tan shorts along with her tennis shoes. She was soaked through almost immediately. She figured she had better get back to the car till the rain stopped. She was walking away and never saw the Jeep on the other side of the gully.

By the time Jake and Bud crossed the gully the water was over two feet high. Bud was looking at Jake like, buddy you are going to pay for this you know.

Jake wasn’t to happy himself, he had on a poncho but his pants legs were soaked, thank goodness he had a good pair of waterproof boots. He hoped whoever was stupid enough to come back here with rain coming had a pretty good excuse.

Vanna made it back to the car, she was shivering from the cold rain. There was a blanket in the trunk she knew and she got it out wrapping it around her and sat down in the drivers seat drawing into a little knot trying to get warm. She was still shivering about five minutes later thinking about what a fool she was for doing this by herself when there was a knock on the window.

“Whhhhaaa” she hollered. It liked to have scared her to death, She jumped over on the console and looked back around. She saw a man’s wet rugged face peering into the window, now she really was scared.

Jake didn’t mean to scare her he wanted to know if she was alright, seeing her holler and jump he tried to smile to let her know he didn’t mean her any harm.

Vanna saw him smile, he had a really pretty smile, She watched him reach under his poncho and pull out a leather case, opening it up he showed her his badge. She felt a tremendous relief, now she could get out of this mess.

Jake pointed to himself and hollered, “I am going to get in on the other side.”

She nodded and moved back to the driver’s side. When he opened the door on the other side this huge animal jumped in the back seat, Jake slipped into the passengers seat. He was about to introduce himself when Bud started rapidly shaking the water off, spraying everyone and everything in sight.

Vanna threw the edge of the blanket up to protect herself from the spray, Jake chuckled and started the introductions.

“I’m Jake Rogers with the enforcement arm of the Wildlife division, the hairy shower is my partner Bud. Looking for the first time at the occupant in the drivers seat caused Jake’s temperature to rise.

She was a beautiful blonde, shoulder length hair now plastered to her head, her top was soaked and transparent, he could see two 36c firm breasts clearly, her brown nipples were standing out from the wet cold clothes. She looked to be about 30 and was very familiar, like he had seen her before somewhere.

She stuck out one hand “I’m Vanna Pietro.” she had kept her married name for her children’s sake.

Jake shook it, he didn’t recognize the name but she still looked like somebody he should know. But they needed to get to some shelter now, this was going to be one of those long rains maybe a couple of days.

He didn’t see a wedding ring on her finger so he said “Miss Pietro we need to get to some shelter, there is a house about three miles up the road. We should get going as soon as possible. He started shrugging out of his poncho, “Here you wear this.” he told her. Vanna gave him a grateful smile “Please just call me Vanna.”

Jake watched those magnificent breasts moving as she worked the poncho over her head, disappointed when they disappeared under it. Bud liked the smell of this human, the only other human he could stand was Jake but he liked this one.

Moving forward he gave her a big ole tongue kiss when her head popped through the hole in the poncho.

“Whoooa easy big fella.” Vanna laughed.

Jake was astonished, Bud had never taken to anyone but him before.

“You must be pretty special, the only other person Bud has kissed has been me and I don’t like him that way” Jake grinned.

Vanna had to laugh as she pushed Bud’s head back to escape his slurping tongue.

It took them over an hour to get to the house. Vanna had explained what she was doing here and that she had the key to the house. That was a relief to Jake, he hated to break in. He knew the place had been empty for about a month.

They entered into a big den living area, a huge fireplace taking up the side of one wall.

“Why don’t you go see if there are any towels somewhere and I will start a fire, get us dry and warm.” Jake instructed.

Vanna nodded and headed off to what looked like a kitchen area, Bud at her heels.

Jake just shook his head, usually Bud stayed right where he was. Jake got a fire started and Vanna had found some towels and blankets. The electricity had been cut off until the place was sold so the only light or heat they had came from the fireplace and Jake’s flashlight.

They had removed their wet clothes and were sitting in front of the fire, their clothes were laid out on the hearth drying. Each had a blanket wrapped around them. Jake had found a bottle of brandy in a cupboard and they each were sipping on that. They had two galvanized buckets of water sitting in front of the fire heating up so they could take at least a warm bath later.

There was plenty of canned food in the pantry and the water was plentiful so they would be alright till the rain stopped and they could get out.

Vanna felt really comfortable with Jake, she didn’t know why he just struck her as a nice guy, had a good sense of humor. he was a big guy, very well put together she noticed when he got out of his clothes, course she didn’t get to see much with that blanket wrapped around him. That ruggedly handsome sort of guy, his job fit him well she thought, a manly outdoor type.

Now Bud was something else, when she first got a glimpse of him he scared her to death. She thought he was a wolf, well he is and he isn’t. Big animal all dark grays and lighter grays except his belly, that was white but she could tell he was very intelligent. He looked like he could understand what she was saying. He seemed to like her, right now he was lying beside her, head on his paws just watching her and Jake talk.

She had told Jake what she was doing here but nothing about herself, she did get him to talk about himself and was fascinated by some of his tales of poachers and mountain lions, deer and elk.

Jake suddenly stopped talking about his job. “I know I have seen you somewhere but for the life of me I can’t figure out where. I know I would remember meeting a woman as beautiful as you but it just won’t come to me.”

Vanna gave him a little smile. “Well I am on TV some.” It was like a light bulb going off in Jake’s head. He smacked his forehead with his palm. “Oh man how stupid am I. Vanna White, how could I have not recognized you. Man this is great, you are even more beautiful in person.”

Vanna reached out and put a hand on his leg right above the knee. “Thank you kind sir for the compliment and for rescuing me from myself.” she gently squeezed with her hand.

To Jake it was like an electric shock, even through the blanket the heat of her hand seared him.

To Vanna the feel of his hard muscled thigh shot a feeling of desire through her. Just this one touch triggered a moistening in her pussy. She hadn’t had a man in quite a while and this rugged looking lawman was turning her on. Why not she thought, she wasn’t married or even dating anyone steady, the few dates she had were mostly for publicity.

Jake couldn’t believe the beautiful Vanna White was sitting here with him, naked under a blanket, okay she was under one blanket and he another but he would have liked for it to be the same blanket. Her hand hadn’t moved from his leg, as a matter of fact it seemed to be sliding up his thigh.

His eye’s looked questioningly into her big brown ones. He saw desire in their sparkle. His cock started to swell. He was afraid to say anything as her hand slid over to his inner thigh closer to his rising cock.

When Vanna leaned, over her hand seemed to move of its own violation towards Jake’s groin and the blanket fell open exposing one smooth breast. The nipple was beginning to harden with desire. Jake seeing this brown tipped beauty started to slowly move his hand to touch it.

Vanna got to him first her fingers lightly brushing the growing bulge under his blanket. Her eye’s opened wider, he was big. Jake’s fingers caressed the under side of her full tit then slid up to brush the hard nub at the tip. His touch made Vanna’s nipples even harder.

They seemed to be of one mind as both came to their knees drawing together, Jake slid his arm under hers and around her back drawing her to him and taking her mouth with his in a tender kiss. The feel of her soft lips made him want more and he pressed harder probing with his tongue for entrance into her mouth.

Vanna gladly opened to him meeting his questing tongue with her own. She was running her hands over his hard chest then down his flat belly and back up around his back while he ravaged her mouth with his tongue.

They stayed in this position for a minute, just tasting each other and liking what they tasted. Jake lay her down in front of the fire, the blanket falling open to reveal her charms fully to him. He took a moment to take in her well-kept body, she looked like a young woman, skin all soft and smooth, and her breasts only slightly flattening when she lay on her back. Her thighs were sleek and smooth, and there was a light brown triangle of soft hair below her flat belly covering her mound. The sight of her sent the blood singing through Jake’s veins.

Jake dropped down to take her mouth again, she eagerly met his lips moaning into his mouth when one of his big hands wrapped around a breast kneading it firmly.

Bud had to move when his human and the other started playing. He had seen this before with his human so he just moved over to watch. He could tell the female was in heat cause he could smell it. He liked it, it excited him and the tip of his dick emerged from its sheath. That’s about all he ever got though, when he tried to show his appreciation to his human’s other females by trying to clean them with his tongue, he always got shooed away.

Jake had Vanna’s body surging with pleasure while he worked her breasts with his big hands, he started kissing down her neck, and up the slope of her breast before taking the hard nipple in his teeth scraping it and then nipping it causing a little pain and a lot of pleasure. He sucked as much tit in his mouth as he could laving the hard tip with his tongue.

“Ummmmmmm, Jake that’s good.” she sighed. He worked her breasts for a long time, he loved the feel of them in his mouth and on his tongue. He ventured down her flat stomach kissing and licking probing her belly button with the tip of his tongue. Her pussy was very wet and hadn’t been touched yet but Jake was going to remedy that. While he was rubbing his nose through her soft hair he brought a hand down to run a finger through her vulva lips sliding over her clit.

His finger lit a fire in Vanna’s cunt. “yessssss.” she hissed.

Jake curled his middle finger and eased it into her already wet cunt scrapping along the top and hitting Vanna’s G spot. That brought another gasp of pleasure from her. Scooting down till he lay between her long sleek legs he used the tip of his tongue to roll around her clit.

Vanna put both hands on his head in response. It had been a while for Vanna and Jake’s wet tongue and busy fingers brought her to a bursting climax. She hunched up to his mouth, pulling his head into her while her vaginal muscles squeezed his probing finger like a vise and she coated it with her cum.

Jake moved his head down to get his tongue into her pussy and drink down her warm juice. He raised his cum smeared lips to grin at Vanna while he crawled up between her legs stopping only to kiss and suck each upstanding nipple on her magnificent mounds before capturing her mouth hotly.

Vanna ran her tongue over his lips tasting herself on them before tangling her tongue with his.

Jake was maneuvering his hips till she felt the big head of his cock spreading her vulva and seating against her labia.

“Yess Jake fuck me” she whispered into his mouth. Then it was a groan as his big cock opened her wet channel farther then she had ever been. Jake had 8 fat inches and he buried them all in her welcoming slick pussy.

He broke the kiss to nibble and suck on her neck as he withdrew about halfway then slowly shoved back in. Jake moaned into her ear “You are so tight and hot around me, ummmmmm so goood.”

Vanna laid her legs on the back of his calves when he started to pick up a quicker rhythm, before long he was plowing her seething pussy hard while her body heated towards another climax. She had brought her calves up against his driving ass locking her ankles behind him. The more her ardor increased the more she clasped them around his waist, she had her arms under his and curled back up to his shoulder blades holding him tight against her. The feel of his hard chest rubbing and mashing her tits helped her up that ladder to completion.

Jake was driving hard into this beautiful woman, her breaths coming out in little huffs next to his ear when he drove her ass into the floor. Her slick channel made it easy to move in her and she was so tight it was like a fist squeezing him as he fucked her. He could take no more, his cock was stimulated beyond his control. His balls tightened then started pumping his load of sperm deep into Vanna’s receptive pussy.

The first hot spray of liquid against the back walls of her pussy was all the catalyst Vanna needed to release her own orgasm.

While Jake ground his groin into her she flooded his twitching cock with cum and milked his shooting dick with her rippling muscles of lust. A low throaty sound was coming from deep within her. “Ahhhhhhhh, fill me with your cum Jake.” she husked.

Jake did his damndest as he emptied his balls deep in her.

Bud was very interested in all this, he lay with his head on his front paws, his nose aquiver with the scent of a female in heat. His cock was about half out now. He sure wished there was a female for him tonight.

Jake reluctantly moved off Vanna, his cock had softened, for the moment anyway and they lay facing each other. He was running his hands over her body just for the smooth feel of it. She was toying with the hair on his chest, they were kissing, little kisses and just enjoying cuddling. Jake told her how great she was. She smiled and kissed his nose. “That’s because you were great, I just tried to keep up.”

They could hear the wind howling and the rain drumming on the roof. “Looks like we might be here a couple of days anyway” Jake told her.

Running a finger down his stomach to run along his cock Vanna grinned “I don’t mind, do you.”

He just had to grin and shake his head.

The fire was dying down and Jake said he better take care of it, getting up he didn’t bother trying to put the blanket back around him. He put more wood on the fire and checked the buckets of water sitting before the fire.

“The water is really warm if you want to take a bath.” Jake told her.

Vanna liked that idea and they took both buckets to the main bathroom and filled the tub halfway with cold water then poured the two buckets of hot in. It was very warm. They got in together sitting facing each other. Vanna had her shapely legs around his hips and he had his under hers and around her hips. They washed each other. When Vanna got to his cock she soaped her hands up real good and jacked him off till he shot cum all over her breasts and stomach.

Laughing they washed her again. Scooting up close to her Jake put two fingers in her pussy and holding her to him with one arm he ravaged her mouth with his while he finger fucked her to a shuddering orgasm.

Vanna lay her head on his shoulder while she recovered her breath. “Best bath I ever had” she sighed. The water was cooling now and they got out and dried off.

The weather was chilly enough that they didn’t want to sleep in any of the bedrooms, they took a mattress off one of the beds and put it in front of the fire, not to close but where they could still be warm.

Sitting and talking, learning about each other they had several glasses of the brandy, it helped warm them. While Vanna was a social drinker, usually just one drink of wine or maybe something else at a party just to fit in, she wasn’t used to so much at one time. She was beginning to get sleepy. Jake smiled at her, noticing finally that she was pretty well shot. He laughed to himself, well she has had a big day. So have I he thought, never in a million years would I have dreamed of making love to ‘THE’ Vanna White.

Jake stretched her out on the mattress, she rolled over on her stomach and was instantly asleep. He looked at her gorgeous body, her firm ass curving up. He smiled and figured before the night was over he was going to be bouncing that ass again. Checking the firewood he saw it was getting a little low, he figured he better put enough in to last the night. Getting his clothes on he went out the back door, there was a cart sitting under the porch roof that was used for that purpose. A big wood shed about thirty feet from the house had plenty of cut wood in it.

Bud followed Jake to the door but he didn’t want to get out in the rain, he stood there watching till Jake entered the wood shed then padded back where Vanna lay. Bud could still smell traces of her excitement on her where even after her bath the climax that she had in the tub kept her pussy moist for a while. He stood along side her legs, nose seeking the source of this delicious odor. Vanna’s legs were slightly apart and Bud stuck his nose in between her cheeks right up next to her pussy sniffing.

Vanna was in a fog of intoxication, in her sleep when she felt his nose nudge her ass her mind said it was Jake wanting to make love again and was trying to spread her legs. She helped him by opening them wider. Bud getting better access to her hair-lined cove swiped his tongue up her pussy and across her asshole.

“Ummmmm Jake that’s good.” she murmured. She didn’t remember his tongue being so big. She moved the pillow she was lying on down under her thighs, raising her ass and giving him a better angle. His tongue was making her cunt begin to moisten more. Bud took advantage and ran his tongue in to get more of this good tasting stuff.

Vanna thought Jake’s tongue felt so big, she didn’t remember it going so far in her before but it felt sooo good. “Yess that’s it lover.”

Bud didn’t know what she said but he could tell by the tone she liked it so he went to work with a vengeance. Vanna’s body was reacting to Bud’s invading tongue, her body got flushed and tingles of pleasure radiated through her body. She had the thought that she wanted to turn over and work with him but she just couldn’t move. By now Bud’s big scarlet cock had dropped down from his sheath, it started to harden and draw towards his belly. Vanna was about to orgasm on his agile muscle. Bud didn’t stop lapping when she clamped down on his tongue with her wet pussy and coated it with her cream.

“Uhhhhhhhh Jake your tongue is so good.” she gasped. Bud loved cleaning her sweet cream out but he wanted to bury something else now, his cock was beginning to squirt a little precum. He stepped over her hips with his front legs starting to hunch but he was too high.

Vanna felt Jake put his arms on each side of her and something wet running across her curvy ass. The fact that the arms were skinny and hairy didn’t register to her brandy fogged brain. She figured Jake wanted to take her doggy style, she smiled, her eyes still closed and pulled her legs up till she was on her knees.

Bud was still trying to get his hard blue veined dick into something and when she rose to her knees the tip hit her on the inside of her thigh, he squirted some precum and the head slid along her leg to lodge in her tight vulva lips. Now that was all Bud needed to feel, her hot opening enclose the end of his dick. He lunged forward burying 8 inches of big scarlet dogmeat in one stroke.

The feel of her pussy walls being spread so suddenly and his hips slamming into her caused a groan of pleasure from Vanna. “Huuuhhhhhh.”

Bud was fucking as hard as he could his tail curled up over his back and back legs driving hard.

“Oh,… huh… Jake… Soo… hard… ummm goood.” Vanna was grunting with every thrust.

Jake had just come in the back door pulling the load of fire wood, he heard the unmistakable sounds of a woman being fucked.

“Ummm… Yess… Oh… Jake… Drive it in me… Ummmm.” he could hear the stutter sounds of Vanna’s voice sounding like she was being shaken. Stepping through the kitchen door what he saw in silhouette against the fire was Vanna, her head laying on the mattress on her crossed arms, fine ass up in the air quivering from the hard thrusts of his partner Bud while his flashing hips drove 8 inches of dog dick in and out of her sopping pussy.

Jake could see the smile on Vanna’s face and by the expression, he knew she had no idea who was fucking her.

He didn’t know what to do, at first he started to holler at Bud to get off, then he figured he would scare Vanna, and the second thought was the erotic sight of a wolf fucking Vanna was making his cock hard.

Bud knew Jake had come in and he figured Jake would make him stop, he didn’t want to stop before he filled this female with his seed, so he sped up even more, his knot beginning to swell and bang into Vanna’s passion swollen vulva.

Jake was taking off his clothes watching Bud do his damndest to breed Vanna White, he had wrapped his forelegs under her right in front of her hips and was pulling her back against him. His big neck was stretched out as far as it would go and his ears lay tight against his head fucking for all he was worth.

“Um… Um… Oh… Huh” were the only sounds Vanna was able to make under the fierce onslaught. She could feel the precum squirting, making her tight channel extremely easy for the big dick to friction her tingling pussy while it plowed in and out.

Suddenly there were lips kissing her mouth, a tongue probing her teeth, she opened to allow it in, Oh yeah a big dick fucking her and a sensuous mouth kissing her, could it get any better. Slowly her alcohol fogged thinking registered the fact that her pussy was being pounded but the lips kissing her were down here on the mattress with her. She opened her eyes to see Jake’s eyes watching her while he plundered her mouth with his tongue.

But if he was here, who was fucking her so well. Bud’s knot was trying to open Vanna’s lips enough to get in, finally he got it inside her vulva and instead of fucking he just started shoving, dancing on his hind legs, pushing it deeper into her hot wetness.

Vanna could feel something big and hot jamming into her dick filled pussy. She suddenly realized whose cock was making her feel so good.

Jake saw her eyes widen in comprehension, he backed off a little soothing her before she had a chance to become scared.

“It’s okay baby, it feels good, let it happen, I’ll help you.” Jake whispered, he reached a hand under and cupped a breast squeezing then moving to roll her nipple with his fingers.

Vanna could feel Bud’s cock twitching and squirting precum constantly, her mind was screaming stop but her body betrayed her, Bud had already fucked her body close to climax and his cock felt so good spreading her open. With Jake’s hand working her tit and kissing her hard she quit thinking and just embraced the feelings that were flowing through her.

Bud had most of the knot stuffed through Vanna’s vulva and into her labia, he was just grinding against her now while her tightness surrounding him brought about his orgasm. He shoved harder and shot the first big rope of scalding dog cum into her seething channel.

That hot liquid shooting into her made Vanna groan into Jake’s mouth and climax hard, her vaginal muscles squeezing Bud’s red pussy prodder tight. Then milking it as he poured three more big ropes of milky sperm in her filled cave. With no place to go it oozed out around his knot and ran down the insides of her thighs. She could feel the vibrations through his cock when the sperm shot out and each one gave her another orgasm.

Bud finally emptied his balls and like all of his breed he was through, no cuddling for him. He pulled back, at first he was stuck, but with a little effort he managed to pull free. His knot and cock sliding out of her sensitive pussy sent another little climax through Vanna. Bud lay down by the mattress and started licking his cum coated cock.

Jake took Vanna in his arms and pulled her tight against him. He wanted to fuck her bad, his cock was hard and throbbing after watching her and Bud, but he knew she still really wasn’t aware of what went on. There would be plenty of time tomorrow, it was still raining hard outside. Vanna was truly fucked out and wasn’t sure if she was dreaming this or what. The feel of Jake’s strong arms around her made her feel safe and warm and she went to sleep.

When Vanna woke up the next morning she had a huge headache, opening one eye she saw the fire was still going and she could hear the rain on the roof. Looking around the first thing she saw was Bud lying by the mattress watching her with those big dark eyes. That brought back memories or dreams of last night, she wasn’t sure which.

Hearing something in the kitchen she saw Jake fixing two cups of coffee, he had a old cowboy coffee pot that he had heated over the fire.

He turned and saw her watching him. “Morning beautiful lady, would you like some coffee?” He chuckled “after last night I think you might need it.”

She gave him a small smile. “Guess I do at that.” She tried sitting up and her head felt like it was going to explode. “Ohh that hurts” she grumbled as he handed her the coffee.

“I didn’t know if you took sugar or not but I put some in, no milk or cream I am afraid” he sat down beside her.

Taking a big sip she replied “this is fine, I think I will need a lot.”

He grinned and leaned over kissing her on the shoulder. “It was quite a night.”

Looking at him out of the corner of her eye she softly asked. “I am not sure what happened last night, I know we made love” touching him on the knee she went on “It was wonderful, but after that things got kind of fuzzy, tell me what happened.”

Sitting his cup down he took hers from her and pulled her into his arms, she lay her head on his shoulder and he stroked her soft hair. “Well I got up and went out to bring in enough wood to last the night, when I came back in I saw that Bud had seduced the most beautiful woman I have known.” He felt her body tense but she didn’t say anything. ” I watched for a few minutes, it was one of the most exciting things I have ever seen, I came to you and kissed you, I wanted to make love to you so bad but you were pretty well out of it, however my dear when your head quits pounding I want to ravage your wonderful body.”

Her quiet voice came from her down turned head “You mean even after seeing me fuck a dog.”

Jake stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. “Vanna, I told you how much it excited me, and you didn’t fuck a dog, why that’s Bud my partner, remember back, you seemed to be enjoying it at the time.”

“I thought it was you.” she whispered “I thought you wanted to make love again and it was your tongue on me, even after he was in me I thought it was you till you started kissing me, by then it felt so good I couldn’t stop. I feel so ashamed this morning.”

Jake cupped her chin in his hand and turned her face up to his, kissing her gently on the mouth. “Don’t be, you enjoyed it, I enjoyed it and Bud sure did enjoy it.” he chuckled.

Vanna looked over to Bud, he had his head lying on his paws, big eyes watching her adoringly, she couldn’t help but laugh at his expression.

“Come on finish your coffee, we will get cleaned up and you can look the place over in the daylight.” Jake kissed her on the forehead and went to heat some water for a bath.

Vanna felt better afterwards and they went through the house. It really was a nice place and they talked of how it could be improved. They got to the master bedroom upstairs, there was a big four-poster bed that looked awfully inviting to Jake.

Moving up behind Vanna Jake put his arms under hers crossing them below her breasts and pulled her back against him. He started kissing her neck. Vanna felt his strong arms around her and knowing he still wanted her even after what she did made her heart beat faster. She turned in his arms and put her arms around his neck drawing his lips to hers and started kissing him passionately, opening to his probing tongue she slid hers over and around it. Jake’s hands were running down her back on out over her curving ass cheeks squeezing and pulling her closer.

Both were breathing heavier when he broke the kiss saying. “That looks like a mighty comfortable bed, I think we better try it out.”

Vanna smiled, took his chin lightly in her teeth before replying “sounds like an excellent idea.”

Jake picked her up and set her on the bed, grabbing her top he lifted it over her head, her fantastic mounds bouncing as they came free. Kissing her belly he took her shorts in his hands and started working them off her body. Vanna raised her hips to help him.

Jake dropped to his knees spreading her shapely legs and kissed his way up one thigh then made his way to the treasure he was after. He slid one hand up the other smooth inner thigh to press the heel of his hand against her moistening mound. he ran his fingers through the light brown hair above. His lips replaced his hand, his tongue opening the top of her slit to tease her clit. He ran his hand up her flat belly and under one breast cupping it with thumb and forefinger, he squeezed lightly before running his thumb over her hardening nipple.

“Ummmm Jake that feels nice.” she sighed.

Jake teased her clit and then moved down to stab into her labia tasting her mounting excitement. He brought his other hand up to slide his middle finger in between her tight cheeks running the pad down over her ass hole then back up to tease it just pushing in slightly making it give way.

While her passion rose he started pushing in farther till he had his finger in to the first knuckle. Her vulva was swollen and open to his tongue and lips now while he alternated between her hot hole and her clit. He had one hand tweaking her nipples first one and then the other, and now he had his finger buried in her ass and was fucking it steadily.

Vanna had her hands in his thick hair and he was doing such a hell of a job of eating her pussy she could feel her climax coming over her. “OHHHH, your so good,… Jake I’m cumming… Ummmmmm.”

Jake pressed his lips to her vulva and stabbed in as far as he could with his tongue while her vaginal muscles rippled over it and drenched it with her sweet honey. He swallowed every bit, his finger sawing in and out of her ass kept her climax going longer. He kept his tongue moving as she came down from her high.

Vanna pulled his head up from her pussy, He was smiling, eyes shining and face smeared with her essence.

She thought he looked adorable. Pulling him up she kissed him hard running her tongue over his lips, tasting herself and cleaning him. His tongue met hers in the dance of love. She was undoing his belt and trying to get his pants down while they kissed. Both worked together and had him naked in no time.

Jake started to push her back on the bed but she shook her head and smiled.

Kneeling down before him she dipped her head under his cock and took one ball in her mouth while she ran a hand slowly up and down his hard shaft. Licking and tonguing first one, then the other she had Jake moaning with pleasure.

Vanna ran her tongue up along the underside of his cock to the head, opening her mouth she enveloped the big head tightening her lips right behind the ridge and sliding down the shaft till she felt the head at the entrance to her throat.

Jake shivered with the pleasure she gave him, her lips and tongue working to pull his cum from his balls.

He looked down watching his cock disappear in her oval lips her eye’s watching the passion rise in his face. The sight of Vanna White, naked on her knees sucking his dick sent a stream of excitement straight to his balls. She cupped them in her hands and squeezed in rhythm with her moving head. When Vanna felt his balls begin to tighten she backed off planting a wet kiss on the end of his cock and got on the bed moving to the middle. She spread her legs in invitation to Jake.

Jake could see her pussy, lips damp with her desire and slightly open when he crawled between her welcoming thighs and placed the head of his dick at her slick entrance. When Vanna felt his cock touch her she brought her legs up to rest on his ass.

Jake held himself on his arms above her watching her face flush with pleasure while he pushed forward into her tight cunt. When he was fully enclosed he stayed just grinding a little circle, his dark hair mixed with her light ones. Their bodies were joined as tight as they could get.

“So full Jake… You fill me up… I love it.” she sighed, her passion filled eyes staring into his.

Jake lowered his chest to hers, mashing those big mounds between them while he kissed her, he loved the feel of her lips on his, the slick wetness as they slid around each other, he loved her sweet breath while their tongues made love to each other.

Jake started a slow pumping of his hips, for maybe five minutes he kept this rhythm, he could feel her body tensing, her arms tightening around him. She had her hands on his ass urging him to go faster. Her body and hot wet tightness felt so good he had to comply.

He started pounding her hard, she opened her legs holding them straight up, they quivered and shook with the force of his thrusts. He was driving grunts of pleasure from her around his seeking tongue and into his mouth.

“Huh… Huh… Huh” each time his balls slapped against her ass he got a soft grunt.

Vanna was fast approaching her completion, Jake’s big cock and loving mouth had her blood boiling. The skin of his muscular ass was white around her clenching fingers.

Vanna’s wet hot velvet tightness surrounding his pumping prick had him ready to shoot and he slammed down in the wide V of her legs and sent the first hot spurt deep in her pussy.

The swelling of his cock and the hot liquid filling her channel triggered Vanna’s climax and she hunched her ass up to him and pulled down with her hands on his ass getting him as deep as she could while she exploded her cum around his twitching dick. His jerking spewing cock and her rippling muscles milking him had them both groaning in exquisite ecstasy.

When Jake’s balls finally quit pumping and Vanna’s flooded pussy was done throbbing she lowered her legs to lay her calves on the back of his, they kissed tenderly murmuring words of satisfaction to each other.

Rolling off her Jake lay on his side and pulled her close wrapping his arms around her and putting one leg between hers, stroking her back and nuzzling her neck, telling her how beautiful and good she was. They went to sleep in each others arms.

Bud had watched them when they went upstairs, the fire was warm and they weren’t going anyplace so he was content to lay where he was. After a while his nose picked up the sent of the female in heat again. He sure enjoyed her before, maybe she was ready again. He got up and padded over to the stairs loping up them. Silently he padded down the hall stopping in the bedroom door.

What he saw was Jake pouring the meat to the female, she was making appreciative noises and the heady smell of her had the tip of Bud’s blue-veined scarlet dick emerging from his sheath.

He watched when they cuddled together and went to sleep. Bud had seen this before with Jake and he knew he didn’t want to be disturbed so he padded over to the bed and lay down.

Bud lay there for about ten minutes but the wonderful smell of the female had his dick out about two inches, he couldn’t take anymore, the most they would do is run him off the bed so he hopped up with them. Neither stirred when his big body moved the mattress. The female lay with her ass toward him and he sniffed around her ass, with Jake’s leg between hers there was just enough room to get his snout in close enough to run his tongue over her asshole and into her slit, he licked the drying cum from between her legs.

Vanna felt something warm and wet between her legs, sleepy eyed she thought it was Jake again then realized he was facing her. Looking over her shoulder she saw Bud his furry snout trying to nudge her legs farther apart. She reached behind her shoving his head away, “Bad dog, don’t do that” she scolded him.

Bud licked her fingers with such a pitiful look she had to smile.

Vanna felt Jake move and he kissed her ear. “You got poor Bud in an awful state, just look at him, don’t you feel sorry for him.” he nodded toward Bud.

Vanna looked at Bud and could see his pointed dark red dick hanging between his legs. She remembered or at least thought she did how it felt last night. She didn’t know if she wanted to let him do it again or not.

Jake was kissing her shoulder and tweaking a hardening nipple. “Don’t you want to see if it really felt that good or not.” he whispered.

Vanna slowly rolled over on her back and spread her legs slightly. She just waited to see what Bud would do.

Bud realizing he wasn’t going to be run off started sniffing the female’s leg, then licking her salty flesh, he worked his way toward the hot place that good smell was coming from.

Bud’s rough tongue on her inner thigh sent a shiver though Vanna’s body and Jake was helping by taking a nipple in his mouth and sucking and chewing. When Bud’s tongue ran up her slit and over her clitoris she jumped with a jolt of pleasure. She parted her legs more and Bud stepped between them where he could really get at the source of this good honey.

Jake was watching Bud with his snout buried against her cunt, her light colored pussy hair framing Bud’s wet black nose. He was licking her hard nipple taking it lightly between his teeth and scrapping it. He could feel her body tensing while her passion built.

Bud was in hog heaven now, he was running his tongue up in this tight hot place lapping out all the sweetness she could produce, the more he lapped, the more she produced. He could hear little pleasure sounds coming from her. “Ummmmm… Ohhhhummmmm… Yeeessss.”

When Vanna exploded, squeezing his working tongue with her cunt and flooding her passage, Bud worked twice as hard to get it all.

“Ahhhhhhhh JAKE IT’S SO GOOD.” Vanna cried. She was holding Jake’s head to her breast while he sucked her nipple hard.

She had to reach down and push Bud’s head away, his tongue on her now sensitized pussy was just too much.

Bud was pacing the length of the bed his 8-inch cock dripping precum, he wanted to mount this female bad but he knew Jake wouldn’t let him force her.

Jake kissed Vanna hard on the mouth then the cheek, “Look at his cock, he needs you bad, turn over, come on baby I will be here right with you.” he coaxed.

Vanna allowed herself to be turned over and got on her hands and knees, Jake lay on his back his head under hers and his hands squeezing her hanging breasts, she dipped her head down to mash her lips to his.

Bud seeing her present her ass to him moved in to lick down her deep ass crease making her moan into Jake’s mouth. He rose letting his forelegs wrap around her waist and started hunching, his cock was missing low just grazing the top of her cunt.

Vanna could feel it rubbing her clit when he hunched, she now wanted it in her pussy. Spreading her legs wider she lowered her cunt so on the next jab the pointed tip lodged between her vulva lips spearing into her labia.

When Bud felt the heat of her cunt around his dick he slammed forward making Vanna jerk her head up with a groan of lust while her tight cunt was quickly opened and filled by hot dog cock.

Jake scooted farther down taking one hanging nipple in his mouth and rolling the other between his fingers. He could see Bud’s balls swinging with his hammering thrusts. Vanna’s hot wet channel was being hammered so fast she couldn’t believe it. Bud’s cock felt so hot and his precum made her so slick. Jake’s sucking had her nipples tingling, her rising passions made her whole body flushed.

Bud had his forelegs locked just in front of her hips and he was fucking as hard as he could, this female had the tightest hole he had ever been in, it gripped him like a glove. His knot was swelling and he was trying to jam it in as far as he could.

Vanna felt the knot banging against her pussy, she spread her legs even more and on the next thrust it spread the lips of her vulva and entered. When Bud felt her lips around his knot he quit humping and started pushing, his hind legs dancing while he pulled her hips backward hard with his forelegs. He got the knot in her vulva and it was spreading her labia but could only get part the way in there, she was just too tight. He had her cunt effectively plugged now though and he just kept dancing and shoving.

Vanna was shaking with lust, she could feel Bud’s cock brushing against her back wall and starting to jerk inside her. The feel of his belly fur rubbing her ass and along her back sent waves of pleasurable feelings through her. She was right on the verge, nothing was on her mind but the feel of cock filling her so completely.

Bud’s neck was stretched out over her his head lying on her shoulder, lips drawn back in a wolfish grin. His cock started jerking and he blasted the back of her cunt with a hot rope of milky dog sperm, then another, then another and her pussy went wild around him.

“Ahhhhhh… Ummmmmmm yes… Ohhh so hot.” she gasped while Bud’s scalding cum filled her waiting tube. She clamped his twitching cock hard and proceeded to spasm around him. Jake could see Bud’s balls working, pumping her full, he could see it running down the inside of both thighs.

Bud kept shoving his spewing cock into Vanna trying to get every bit he could in this wonderful hot wet place. Vanna was experiencing little orgasms with every jerk of Bud’s dick. Jake moved back up and drew her lips down to his again, kissing her with hot passion. the sight of her going through her orgasm turned him on tremendously. He invaded her welcoming mouth with his tongue and they fought the lovers duel.

Bud kept shoving till he quit cumming and then he tried to get down. His first pull didn’t work, they were tight together. Vanna huffed into Jake’s mouth. Bud tried again and succeeded in pulling his knot out, then his cum slicked cock. Their cum mixture poured out of her closing lips to puddle on the bed. Bud jumped off the bed and lay by the door, cleaning his softening cock.

Jake felt Bud jump down and started pulling Vanna around till she was straddling his waist, they never broke their kiss. Holding his hard dick up with one hand he pulled down on her hip with the other. His cock slipped right up into her cum filled channel when she sat down on him, burying him to the hilt.

His dick felt so good in her very sensitive flesh. She sat up putting her hands on his hard chest, using her thigh muscles she rode him for a long time. the passion built steadily for both of them till she couldn’t take anymore and inundated him with another orgasm. Her rippling, milking vaginal muscle pulled his cum from him and her welcoming pussy was once again filled with male seed.

Vanna dropped down to lie in his arms, kissing along his neck and whispering “You two sure do know how to wear a girl out.”

Jake chuckled “there’s a lot of woman there, needs more than one to take care of her.”

They cuddled for a while, Vanna finally saying she certainly needed another bath now. Jake went to put some more water on and when it was heated he filled the tub. When he got back to the bedroom Bud had jumped up on the bed, Vanna was sitting with her legs crossed Indian style and Bud was lying with his head in her lap.

He gave Jake a look like, man if you hadn’t disturbed me I was going to get some more pussy.

Jake laughed, “Is that ole reprobate trying his poor pitiful me routine on you.”

Vanna laughed also, “yeah but it’s not working.” she ruffled Bud’s fur behind his ears and pushed his head out of her lap. Jake took her hand and they went to wash each other again. This led to another heating up of both bodies but other then some very passionate kissing and fondling they figured they could do more later. They did finish the tour of the house and Vanna was very interested in it. The rain had stopped and Jake told her they should be able to get out in the morning sometime.

Just before dark they opened some beans and canned potatoes and had some more brandy, Vanna didn’t have over a glass this time. They snuggled in front of the fire on the mattress and talked of their lives and dreams, they became very comfortable with each other, like old friends and now lovers.

Jake lay Vanna back and kissed her gently his hand moving to one round globe and massaging it through her top. She returned his kiss with increasing passion and he went up under her top to feel her soft skin with his hand and tweak a hardening nipple.

They stopped kissing only long enough to remove their clothes.

Jake moved to take a hard tipped breast in his mouth. Bud started to get up from his place beside the mattress, Jake stopped him with a firm “Stay”.

Bud didn’t like it but he lay back down to watch the proceedings and feel sorry for himself that he didn’t get to participate. Jake wanted Vanna to himself this time.

Jake left one breast shiny with his saliva and moved to the other, Vanna had her hands behind his head just gently holding him to her. He moved one hand down to run his fingers over her soft haired mound before curling his middle finger and dipping it into her moistening pussy, running it in and out and caressing her clit on every stroke.

Vanna was moaning softly from his ministrations to her body, Jake left her breasts and made a trail of kisses down over her flat stomach moving to the treasure he sought. Vanna opened her legs and he dipped his head in to use his tongue where his finger had been. He swung his legs over Vanna’s head and she reached up pulling his half hard cock to her mouth, washing the head with her tongue before taking it in her mouth.

The taste of her and the feel of her hot mouth surrounding his cock had Jake fully hard in seconds. She raised her head up to take almost all of it in, working her tongue all around the shaft. Jake put his arms around under her legs and reaching up he inserted the middle finger of one hand in her wet pussy and with the forefinger of the other hand he started working it into her tight asshole. His tongue on her clit made her whole body tingle.

Vanna worked on his balls with one hand while going up and down his hard shaft with her lips. She wanted him to be inside her when he came. “In me Jake, I need you in me now.”

Jake was only to happy to comply, he shifted around and took her calves in his hands to spread her before him, he worked his hips till the head of his cock lay just below her soft curls in her vulva. He watched when the head disappeared into her body and the hot tightness of her started enveloping his shaft while he eased in fully.

Vanna’s soft murmurs of pleasure heightened his own.

Holding her legs he stroked slowly for a few minutes, he watched her face while it flushed with passion, her eyes closed, lost in the feelings he was invoking in her. He had to have those glistening lips touching his and he turned loose of her legs dropping down to mash her breasts beneath his muscular chest. He touched his lips to hers gently at first then with increasing ardor. Her pink tongue running along his lips then into his welcoming mouth where he met it with his own.

Jake increased the rise and fall of his hips between her legs, she wrapped them around his waist crossing her ankles over the small of his back. Her cunt now turned up to his plunging cock. He could feel her cervix brush his cockhead when he bottomed out on each stroke.

They were both covered in a sheen of persperation while their bodies worked toward that wanted fulfillment of ecstasy. Their breathing was little huffs into each other’s mouth when their bodies came together in the rhythm of love. Vanna had her arms under his and curled back up to his shoulder blades, hugging him tightly to her.

The friction of her hot slick cunt had every nerve ending in his cock screaming, especially the head as it parted her tight channel on every in stroke. He broke their kiss long enough to say “Here it comes baby, I’m gonna fill you with my cum.”

Vanna felt the first hot spurt like a fire hose deep in her pussy, then another and another while he ground his hips into the valley of her legs. She tightened her legs around his waist and hunched her ass up to him, getting him as deep as possible, his twitching, jerking cock sending her over the abyss into her own climax.

“Uummmm.” Jake groaned around her tongue when she clamped him with her wet hot channel. The throbs and squeezing made his balls want to pump even after they were empty. He was making little back and forth movements his cock sliding easily in her cum filled cave.

He kissed the corners of her mouth, her nose, her eyes and along her neck as he lay his head down in the hollow of her shoulder. “You are one hell of a woman Vanna.” he said breathlessly.

She was running her hands over his back and turned her head to kiss his lips, smiling she replied, “You make me that way stud.”

They both grinned and he backed his cock out of its warm haven and they lay facing each other.

Bud got up and started on the mattress hoping for seconds but Jake told him no and he went over to the corner and lay down pouting, watching them with his I am so mistreated look.

Jake and Vanna lay cuddling in front of the fire for about an hour before redressing. The stars were out and they stood outside with a blanket and just enjoyed the nearness of each other and the beauty of the star studded blackness above them.

She had her head lying against his chest and he kissed the top of her head, “I hope you decide to buy this place, it would be more than nice to be able to see you once in a while” he said softly.

She moved her head to look up into his eyes. “I am going to buy it and you will be seeing me.”

They moved back to the house and once again heated some water for a nice bath. Before retiring for the night.

Early the next morning the feel of hot wetness surrounding his soft cock wakened Jake. Looking down he saw Vanna’s smiling eyes looking at him, his hardening cock enclosed in her full lips. He lay back with a grin on his face, arms behind his head while he watched her working up and down his shaft, bringing him to full hardness. She released it with a last kiss on the saliva slick head before dragging her magnificent mounds up his body and placing one in his mouth.

He sucked on her nipple and massaged her firm ass with one hand. Moving that same hand around her smooth thigh and into the junction of her legs he ran a finger in her already wet vulva.

“Yes Jake eat my tits, ummm your finger feels so good.” she encouraged.

Jake could feel her cunt getting slicker with her mounting excitement, he wanted to be inside her tight pussy again. He moved out from under her and keeping her on her hands and knees got behind her.

Taking his cock in hand he swiped it up and down between her swollen vulva, coating the head with her juice. Placing it against her entrance he sank into her welcoming hot flesh. Her tight muscle gripping him made the loose skin of his cock slid over the shaft with every pump of his hips. Vanna was backing into every thrust he made and the round globes of her ass shook with the force of their coming together.

Jake reached around under taking her hanging, swaying tits in his palms, just holding them for a while then working her nipples with his fingers.

“Feeels goood baby, keep it up, oh your cock fills me up… Yeah Jake harder” she cajoled him.

Jake was fucking into her harder now, he turned loose of her breasts and rose, taking a quivering ass cheek in each hand he started driving as hard as he could.

“Ooh… oh… Oh… oh” Vanna’s pussy was tingling with the pleasure it was receiving, her body was fast approaching that level of excitement leading to a climax.

Jake was trying to hold back, the feeling was so intense his cock almost felt numb as it drove in and out of her slick wet tightness.

“Oh babe, can’t hold back anymore, got to cum” he panted in time to his thrusts.

“Do it, fill me with cum baby” she encouraged.

Gripping her hips so hard the flesh was white around his fingers he drove in and shot his first hot spurt, backing off slightly he drove in again and fired off another wad, then he just groaned out his pleasure while he ground his groin against her ass and his balls pumped the rest of his load out. Jake filled her so full it was running out and down the inside of her straining thighs.

Vanna orgasmed when she felt that first hot load stream out. “Uummmmmmmmm baby that’s so damn good” she wailed. Her love muscle was squeezing every last drop from his jerking spurting dick.

Jake hated to take his cock out of her warmth and wetness, he knew this could be the last time. He slid out slowly savoring the feel of the skin of his cock sliding against the tight wet walls of her pussy. He caressed a round cheek while he lay down beside her. Vanna snuggled up to him and they lay forehead to forehead.

Hearing a pitiful whine they glanced over to see Bud standing by the mattress his big head drooped almost to the floor, his big dark eyes pleading. Vanna looked to Jake, he grinned and nodded. She thought for a minute then making a decision she scooted to the side of the matress and lying on her back with her firm cheeks just on the edge she spread her legs and patted the cum matted hair on her mound.

She grinned at Jake, “you got it doggie style, and he can get it human style.”

Bud didn’t need a second invitation, he was between her legs in a flash. He cleaned both sides of her inner thighs of the drying cum with his rough tongue.

That agile wet muscle was sending little shivers through Vanna.

Jake moved down to suckle one hard nipple.

Bud having cleaned her thighs moved right to the source of her honey and ran his tongue as far into Vanna’s cum filled cave as he could. The flexible muscle swabbing her inside fueled Vanna’s rising desire.

“Ummmm Jake he’s eating me so good.” she gasped.

Bud worked hard at getting all the good stuff he could. The heated smell of her desire and the taste of her cream had his cock sliding out of his sheath.

Vanna’s lust built steadily with Bud’s active tongue and his wet nose working against her clit creating hot flashes of pleasure in her mind. She clutched Jakes head to her breast. “Ohhh Jake I’m cumming.” she cried.

Bud could feel her already tight hole squeeze his lapping tongue and suddenly there was even more slick good tasting liquid for him to eat. Vanna had to push Jake away from her deliciously aching breast so she could get to Bud, her sensitive clit couldn’t take anymore, she pulled up on his nose wanting him to cover her, she wanted his dark veined scarlet dick in her now.

Bud jumped up to straddle her waist with his forelegs and immediately started licking a hard nipple already coated with Jake’s saliva. His cock was already squirting a little precum.

His hips were hunching but he was to high to hit anything. Jake seeing the problem quickly got a pillow and raising Vanna’s ass off the bed placed it under her.

Now Bud’s seeking cock was hitting just at the top of her mound while he thrust, the tip bumping her clit and riding up over her mound.

Vanna reached down encircling his stabbing cock with thumb and forefinger trying to guide him into her waiting vulva. He thrust a couple of times through her grip, that feels really good he thought, but when she got him aimed and he drove about three inches into her hot wetness, he knew what really feeling good was.

Vanna grunted with the suddenness of his invasion “Huhhh.”

Bud having found the place he wanted to be slammed the rest of the way into her and started hammering. After four of five thrusts he slipped out and his dick slid down between the crack of her ass several times before she could guide him back in. This happened twice more before Jake got another pillow and put it under her.

Vanna was now spread-eagled with her mound way above her head. When she got Bud aimed this time he was just right and he drove his big cock into her rapidly his precum a constant stream now. The slick friction of hot dog cock and excited pussy made Vanna shudder with pleasure.

Jake had moved to where he had his head over Vanna’s and proceeded to ravage her mouth with his, fucking her mouth with his tongue as Bud fucked her heated pussy.

Bud’s knot was swelling and she could feel it mashing against her vulva until finally it parted those tight swollen lips and lodged inside. Bud dancing on his hind legs started shoving and shoving getting his knot fully past her outer lips and partially into the labia. Vanna felt so full when the big dog knot plugged up the entrance to her slick hole.

He wasn’t pumping now and she could feel every twitch and jerk of his big meat surrounded by her tight love muscle. She could feel his precum lubricating her channel, all of this had her right on the brink of orgasm. She went first this time her well-filled pussy clamping around his dick and knot so hard Bud let out a little whimper, even he didn’t know if it was pleasure or pain.

What it did was trigger his balls and the first rope of scalding dog sperm shot against the back walls of her cunt making her pussy work his shooting dick even harder.

Bud was whining and Vanna was moaning constantly into Jake’s mouth while Bud blasted his load, one, two, three, four big streams of milky cum before it went down to just oozing with every pump of his balls. Her pussy had him in a tight grip while she throbbed around him.

Bud emptied every bit of cum from his balls, this female was the tightest thing he had ever had his dick into but like all his breed ( and a lot of men, some women say) once he finished cumming he tried to pull out.

Vanna’s body was still in the throes of her climax and she was clamping his knot when he first tried, all it did was jerk her backwards a little bit and brought a groan from her.

Jake had stopped his kiss and was watching her flushed face while she went through her climax. He stroked her hair and cheek while she moaned and sighed her pleasure.

Bud’s second attempt was more successful and his knot and cum coated dick slid out of Vanna’s well fucked pussy, their combined dog sperm and pussy cream running out of her open vulva to puddle on the pillow. Bud lay down by the mattress for a well deserved rest and started licking the cum from his cock.

Vanna was still shuddering through the last phases of her orgasm and Jake pulled her around to lay in his arms. Kissing her sweating forehead he smiled at her. “I’m not going to ask you who is the better lover, I think I am afraid of the answer.”

Vanna kissed him on the nose. “Bud has a big cock and he can go like a freight train. But there is more to making love than that. There is no emotion there, he can’t hold a candle to the stud you are Jake. With Bud its just an orgasm, a good one mind you but that’s all. With you there is a tenderness at the right times, a roughness at the right times and a feeling of becoming one with you. A connection that makes any orgasm so much more satisfying.” She looked deep into his eyes to see if he understood. What she saw there was unconditional love. Her heart fluttered at the thought that maybe she could love this big man. Only time would tell.

They got up and warmed more water for a bath for the last time. Afterwards they straightened the house back as well they could. Taking the soiled laundry and putting it on top of the washer. Jake took the mattress back to the bed and put out the fire. He cleaned the fireplace of all the ashes. They were ready to go by 10:00

They reached Vanna’s car by 11:00. The gully only had a couple of feet of water in it now and they waded across to Jake’s jeep. Driving back towards the main road Jake called in to headquarters and told them the situation, about being trapped till the waters receded. His captain told him they figured that is what had happened since he said he was going to check it out. Since the rain had stopped they called his house and when he didn’t answer and he didn’t answer his radio they had dispatched an officer to his last location. He should be about half way there.

Vanna’s cell phone was getting a signal again and she called her dad to let him know she was alright. He told her they were beginning to get worried. She called her ex husband now to tell him what happened. Jake called a tow truck to come get her car. He waited with her till it arrived. They talked about the house and Vanna said she was going to take it but the first thing she was going to do was have a bridge built over that gully and the road graveled.

Jake laughed saying that sounded like a good idea. When the tow truck got there, She kissed Jake gently, telling him softly. “That was one of the most wonderful weekends I have ever spent.”

She turned to Bud who was sitting beside Jake, bent down and hugged his neck, he gave her a big doggy kiss along side her face. “You’re a pretty good stud yourself boy.” She laughed and moved over to the tow truck where the driver was waiting. “I will see you boys in the not to distant future.” She was thinking as they drove toward her car that she was looking forward to coming back and seeing Jake and Bud again.

Jake watched her go with a sigh. He hoped to see her and make love to her again, he knew from now on when he watched Wheel of Fortune it would be with a big smile, watching her move about and remembering how she felt around him.

Bud watched her go happy as a lark, she provided him with much pleasure, he didn’t know about houses or coming back he just knew she was good.

The End