(c) 2015 by Marti

I could see Jackie, well parts of her; I could recognize the corselet that she chose to wear for the evening, fragments would appear red and black between the bodies as they moved. The couple rutting on the bed next to her would move a little, the woman would arch her back in ecstasy or heave herself up crushing herself against his chest, or the man would rise up on his arms; and when they did Jackie would momentarily be exposed. Perhaps a breast would appear rolling on her chest in time to the strokes of the man fervently taking her. Her head, her hair tangled and tousled, a man’s groin arching over her, taking his pleasure from her mouth. Mere seconds then she would be gone only to re-appear, her breast again, now in the grip of a mauling hand, fingers searching for the nipple. On one occasion it was her hand, pulling, pinching; eagerly tormenting her own hard nipple, the large jade stone on her finger revealing her presence before being obscured by the rutting bodies.

The musky sour odour of sex filled the room. The creaking of the bed as it laboured under the writhing bodies. The passionate sighs, the moans and the slap, slap of sweating bodies crashing together, the sights, sounds and smell of sex filled my senses. And me, sat here, still with my clothes on … and a firm but less than re assuring hand on my shoulder. I’d been told to sit down, shut up and not interfere. Will had made that quite clear … The bloke who normally minded the door was looking at me, his firm hand had applied some downward pressure on my shoulder, leaving me in no doubt but to comply.

So how had this little predicament come to pass? Well it all began in the typical way. As usual hubby wants to spice things up, starts messing about on the internet, finally persuades her to take that first step and before you know it things start to happen. Only thing is I discovered I’m not the jealous type and get a very real kick out of sharing my wife with others. It first became apparent when I got her to chat on line with blokes, she loved the attention and before long she was showing her-self off on the web cam. I got real turned on knowing other men were looking at her and she was getting off on it too. Then before too long we’d met our first single guy and after some real heavy nerves she’d fucked him while I watched. And man did it do it for me! After that she was keen and we joined a swinger’s web site and that’s where I bumped into Will; or rather Will and Cherie ‘a mature couple into swinging and party meets’.

I noticed their profile and had a look, after reading and looking at their photo gallery I thought they might be worth a try, I quite fancied organising a meet with a couple, although Jackie had already said she wasn’t sure how she’d feel if I was to have full sex with another woman. But between you and me, I was more interested in her playing with them, rather than me getting off with Cherie. I know, it’s weird but we all have our little kink. They were older than us but they seemed ok, he was a little over weight and she was a bit skinny. It took a few days but I plucked up some courage and hesitantly sent them a wink.

A couple of days later we had a message in our site in box. It’s hard to describe but sometimes someone’s charisma can come across even in an internet message. Before long we were corresponding and I was telling him all sorts of things. Our likes and dislikes, our experiences so far, even mentioning some of our fantasies, you know, things we’d talked about or in my case things I’d maybe like to try … or see; and yes I told him about how much I liked to watch her, he seemed very intrigued by this. Before long we had swapped e-mail addresses and started discussing a meet. We shared clothed photos and Will suggested I tell Jackie about him and Cherie … Just test the water he said.

She was unsure at first, but after a couple of days she started asking me questions, what were they like? Where would we meet? I told her we hadn’t got that far but if she was ok with it I’d find out, she agreed with that, I could tell that the little lust demon inside her had kindled her interest. That night I e-mailed Will. Almost instantly I had a reply. Will explained that he and Cherie went to a swinger’s party held regularly in Oxford. Perhaps we might like to come along? Will explained further, it was a group who got together every month; everyone knew each other and this meant it had a nice party atmosphere. He did stress that the age group was slightly on the older side and that if we wanted the Hollywood Set, the beautiful people as he called them … then this party wouldn’t be for us. They had a gathering that coming Saturday and if we wanted we would be warmly welcomed. There would be around 8 couples and a few specially vetted single guys. And it would be entirely up to us if we played or not. I got a tingle in my cock! I replied that I’d let Jackie know and if she was game I’d e-mail straight away. I got an almost immediate reply from Will that if yes, let him know by no later than Thursday. It was Monday night, I told her about Wills invitation just before i turned out the lights. She lay quiet in the dark for a few minutes then gripped my hand. Shall we go? She whispered. It was as all she needed to say.

When I told Will he was very pleased … But he added a note of caution, he said that it wouldn’t be wise to rush in to quick and he suggested we come late and leave early. And he also suggested we not play, just watch. I was taken aback, but he explained, he knew a lot of people (guys) would be very interested in Jackie, (him for one) but it was best not to overwhelm her on her first visit and, he added, she might get cold feet anyway … He said it would be better to give her a taste but leave her wanting more … Seemed a good idea so I agreed. His e-mail ended with instructions for that coming Saturday night, address, directions and a mobile number to call once we arrived.

So everything was set.

Jackie always needed space to prepare for our little adventures in the swinging world she’d spend ages in the bath, pampering herself. She would trim her pubic hair and shave her legs and then slowly decide what to wear. Never a skinny woman, 5′ 4″ she had always been a curvy girl, hovering between a size 14 and 16 but one of those women that exudes sex appeal. Pale skinned with Brunette hair with a hint of henna red, but unlike most pale women her nipples were a deep nut brown not pink, she said it was something to do with distant Spanish blood. She finally appeared just before 8 wearing a lose fitting black dress with lots of cleavage on show, her 38dd breasts would be a draw for any man. She hoped the dress wasn’t too frumpy, it certainly wasn’t! She’d just gone for matching black underwear, stockings and heels, she looked ravishing, She took a bag with her with some extra items, she said she would change if and she hesitated for a second, if we decide to play. She slipped on her coat and we headed for the car, it was a good hour to Oxford and I was planning to find a pub for a stiffener before we walked to the venue. Will had said there was a good place just around the corner, I thought a couple of G & T’s would help with her nerves, I only hoped she wouldn’t bottle out.

We were both rather quiet in the car, but it had been the same when we went to Plymouth to meet the single guy, but after her first gin (I’d made it a double) she began to relax … she made small talk, wondering what the apartment would be like, how many people would be there, that kind of stuff. After her second (double) she was, I think getting quite excited. I don’t know if it was the same for her, but for me it was like the feeling, a mixture of trepidation, fear and excitement you get as you queue up for one of those rides at Alton Towers, you know the nasty ones that defy gravity and turn you inside out.

We found the apartment block and rang the mobile number, a guy asked our names and gave us a code to punch into the gate lock … once inside the gate close with a clang, which made Jackie jump; we then saw the door which opened and a large bloke in a black leather jacket ushered us in and directed us to the lift. There were 4 floors but we were heading for the top the penthouse apartments. Once out of the lift the man led us along a short corridor to a locked mirror glass door, once thru he pointed to another door at the far end of the corridor.

‘Just knock’ he said, then turned and stepped back and locked the door behind him. We held hands and walked to the door, Jackie took a deep breath and I knocked on the door. We waited, it seemed like ages but it was mere seconds, the door opened and a beaming Will greeted us, a warm firm hand shake for me and a gentle hand for Jackie and kissed pleasantries.

He welcomed us in and led us from the hall into the lounge, the sound of voices, laughing and chatting was predominant. As we entered the lounge, I’d say about 14 or 15 people stood around, drinks in hand chatting, most in groups of three or four, there did seem to be a few more men than women. It all seemed perfectly normal, except perhaps some of the women wore somewhat skimpy dresses and there was a strong element of ‘slutty’ shoes. Will called for general attention and introduced us collectively to the group. A few waves and calls of welcome were returned, and the party atmosphere continued; although I noticed some lascivious gazes at Jackie from one or two of the gentlemen present.

Will had taken me by surprise, he turned out not quite what I’d expected, a little older than his photo and quite short, a little more rotund than I’d imagined with short grey hair but the most piecing blue eyes I’d ever seen and when he spoke his voice was captivating … Jackie described it as musical, hypnotic even. Cherie joined us and introduced herself, she arrived with a large glass of wine for Jackie and as she assumed I’d be driving, a coke for me. She slipped an arm around Will and made small talk. A tall willowy woman with short grey hair cut in a bob. Quite a striking woman, not beautiful but certainly attractive, her figure hidden by a loose fitting kimono, however, it was clear, in her day she’d no doubt been quite a looker. We chatted about this and that then Will encouraged Jackie to down her wine so he could give us the tour.

He showed us where the kitchenette was, the loo and then the two bedrooms for play, (Jackie blushed) but both rooms were devoid of people. He then took us back out into the corridor, opposite was another door. He explained that the whole area was secure and no one came in unless Carl the doorman let them in and the mirrored glass stopped prying eyes. He then opened the second door. This was the second penthouse apartment, the same as next door, but this was for changing in and some people would stay the night there. He whispered to Jackie that some of the girls tend to use the toilet over there.

So that was that, and we headed back to the party. Will introduced us to some of the couples, some our age mid to late forties but most, older than us – a very nice Indian couple, very well spoken, both with grey hair at the temples. A black couple, again I’d say quite a bit older than use, she was quite a large lady with very big breasts and she laughed constantly. We were slowly introduced to the whole of the group the single guys were very keen to meet Jackie. But eventually we returned to Will and Cherie who we chatted with until I noticed the crowd in the room starting to thin out a little.

Pretty soon we were down to just us chatting plus a couple sitting talking quietly on the sofa, Will was telling Jackie about his and Cherie’s first time, and she was listening intently and that’s when the naked guy walked in to the lounge. Will, stopped talking to Jackie, whose back was to the gentleman, and he spoke to the chap, asking quizzically if he was taking a breather? The man, an old guy with a grey sparse pony tail, when we met him I think he said his name was Tony, smiled and said that the ladies wear him out!

I looked at his cock. It was enormous! Though now flaccid it arched out from his naked groin still wet and sticky from whatever he had been up too. He was telling Will that he’d soon get his second wind, when Jackie turned around. She gasped in surprise! The naked man extended his hand and said hello, he said his memory wasn’t what it was and had he been introduced? Will, laughing and introduced her again, and she nervously took his hand. Jackie, desperately trying not to look at that cock, (and failing) tentatively tried to explain that they had met that evening. He immediately apologies but Jackie told him not to worry, he still held her hand, but now he raised his other hand and gently stroked her hand and wrist. ‘Divine’ he said, lasciviously and then he asked her if she might be joining the throng in the ‘other’ room? Jackie blushed and stammered that she wasn’t sure. He pulled his hand away slowly stroking her palm and fingers as he did, ‘no matter’ he said, ‘but if you do, I’d very much like to make your acquaintance’ and with that he went and sat down with the couple on the sofa.

We turned back to Will, Jackie asked him to continue with his story, she seemed quite un-nerved, and then we noticed that Cherie was no longer with us. ‘Has Cherie gone… ?’ Jackie’s voice was horse and laboured, a tell-tale sign that she is getting turned on. Before she could finish, Will replied that yes she had and would Jackie like to see? But not waiting for an answer, he took her by the hand and gently led her out into the hall, with me meekly bringing up the rear.

The first room was quite dark, but the bedside lamps gave off enough light to see what was going on. Will stood close to Jackie his arm around her waist. She was looking towards the bed. Two people, the Indian man and a blond woman were fucking. He had one of her legs up over his upper arm with her on her back twisted over slightly her large round bum facing us. She groaned and sighed as his dark shaft moved steadily in and out of her. Where her leg was up her bottom was parted and her thighs were wide apart, his cock in full view as it eased forward deep into her pussy then re-emerging wet and slick as he fucked her. On the chaise lounge opposite the bed two women where entwined together kissing in a passionate embrace. One clearly the wife of the man on the bed the other was Cherie!, her kimono had fallen open revealing small pert breasts with long and very hard dark nipples, she turned slightly so she could see Jackie but without breaking her kiss she sort of smiled with her eyes and waved. Jackie look on, switching her gaze from one couple to the other.

Will explained that Mr Kholi loved to come here and fuck the ladies, and he chuckled, ‘so does Mrs Kholi’. Jackie may have been listening to him, but she did not pull her eyes away from the two rutting swingers. Mr Kholi had increased the pace and the blond woman had become more vocal, she had begun to move her hips too pushing forward to meet his thrusting cock. But Will firmly coaxed Jackie to turn away and he guided her out of the room … As we, left the woman cried out with a deep guttural voice – Ohhhh yes I’m cumming!

But Jackie was about to explore the second room, the door was not closed but pulled too, you could hear murmuring from inside and hushed muffled voices … moans, grunts and sighs. Will asked Jackie if she was ready? She stared straight ahead, licked her lips seductively and nodded her head. Then Will slowly pushed the door open and guided Jackie forward.

She stepped forward and Will firmly walked her into the room, I heard her gasp, a sharp intake of breath and her hands lifted to her mouth, clasped together as if to pray. ‘Oh my god’ she whispered. On the bed before her was a tangled mass of bodies, all naked, all colours and all shapes and sizes. Men and women all heaving together, pressing against each other, lying against or over each other and all joined in some way by a sexual act; mouths, cocks, cunts and hands. The sound of skin against skin, slapping or rubbing and the vocal sounds of lust filled the room and the smell, the odour of sex, sour, musky, pungent was like a fog.

Men fucking women, women fucking men, women with other women, everything was happening on that huge king-sized bed. And Jackie just held her breath and starred. Will stood behind her stroking her back but pressed firmly enough to encourage her to take two more steps towards the bed. Tentatively she moved closer; closer to the fornicating assembly.

As Jackie stopped by the edge of the bed, a woman, lying on her back, her head facing Jackie opened her eyes and looked up. The woman, a pretty face, dark hair and full round lips smiled, her full breasts resting seductively on her chest, large and swollen nipples protruding upwards. She was obviously enjoying herself, her knees were up and her thighs spread wide a tanned bald head between them. She looked at Jackie through half closed languid eyes, ‘mmmm hello again Jackie’ she said. Jackie just stood and starred, but her chest rose and fell as she breathed rapidly, her face and chest were flushed, no doubt excitement and embarrassment were mingling.

The woman moaned and reached up and took Jackie’s hand. ‘Ooooh!’ she moaned… ‘you really gotta try this’, and she squeezed Jackie’s hand as she arch her back and groaned loudly. Oh baby she called to the man between her splayed thighs, there baby there! She then looked back to Jackie, will you be joining us honey? She asked and as she did she placed Jackie’s hand on her left breasts. ‘We’d love to have you’ she chuckled. Jackie gasped again, but made no effort to move her hand. I looked at her, her eyes were wide, her face flushed, she bit her lower lip and then stroked the woman’s large nipple. The woman responded with a load Mmmmmmmm!

As Jackie watched, the crowd on the bed shifted, a couple, the man had been kneeling facing away from us and the woman had been performing fellatio, now changed position; she turned round and he began to fuck her from behind. Jackie seemed quite engrossed, the sight and sound, the wet slap of his cock pistoning in and out was captivating Jackie. Her hand had left the other woman’s breast and was now held upon her own chest, perhaps trying to calm her pounding heart. Will leaned in to her and whispered that she could touch if she wanted. Jackie looked at Will for a moment, then slowly reached out and stroked the man’s back. Take a closer look, whispered Will, her hand still resting on the guys back, she peered around his torso and looked down, she blushed again and gasped Oh my, she croaked.

As she watched the two swingers fucking, two of the men climbed off the bed and walked round to us … Both only had eyes for Jackie. Standing around her, completely naked with their hard cocks pointing at her they began to make their advances … They asked her if she would like to join them … one started to stroke her hair and neck, the other held his cock luridly and suggested she join him on the bed.

The grey haired black guy then joined us … his cock not erect but thick, a deep black with a large purple cock head. The three men encircled her, the first guy who had played with her hair now began to stroke her thigh, he slipped his arm around her waist and squeezed her … I could see Jackie was enjoying the attention, however she had the air of a frightened rabbit, so I pressed my mouth to her ear and whispered that if she wanted we could go.

In less than 15 minutes we had said our good-byes and were walking hurriedly to the car! Once inside, I looked at Jackie; Well I asked her what did she think? She said that it was ok, she just felt a little overwhelmed. I laughed and told her I could understand that. As we started the drive home I asked her what she thought about the people, the venue and the group thing? But she didn’t answer. But as we hit the first service station on the M5 she told me to pull over urgently, as I parked she threw herself on me … Climbing on me, she feverishly opened my trousers and pulled my already hard cock free, then tearing her knickers to the side she sank her soaking cunnie down, impaling herself to the hilt, she rose and fell forcefully two maybe three times then came hard, causing me to cum, shooting my seed deep inside her, it was all over in seconds. She slumped into my arms and then luridly slurred, ‘does that answer your question?’ We woke late Sunday morning and talked quietly about the night before, I asked her if she was disappointed not to have played? I suggested that she appeared to find some of the men attractive and quite turned on by the mass of bodies locked together on the bed. She said she did find the men appealing, though she couldn’t quite grasp why and she found the group sex shocking but very arousing! But when the guys came onto her she felt too overwhelmed and her nerves got the upper hand and she was glad I’d suggested they leave. I said I’d get up and make some tea, but as I headed for the door, I asked her if she could do the group thing. She responded quickly, maybe but perhaps fewer people. As a parting shot I asked if she wanted to go next month. As I reached the stairs – She called out -Maybe!

Sunday evening I logged in to our profile on the swingers site, two single guys had contacted us and there was also a message from Will and Cherie, I deferred the single guys and then read Will’s message, it just said – check your e-mails.

I opened it and read.

Hope you both enjoyed last night! The group certainly enjoyed your company. How is Jackie? We hope it wasn’t too much and hasn’t frightened her off? We would be delighted if you both decided to come next month, do let us know.

I replied immediately, and said that I thought we both enjoyed the evening and the company, I also said I thought the experience had been good for Jackie. I mentioned that she was a little overwhelmed but that she found the whole scenario very arousing I briefly explaining about Jackie’s insistent emergency stop! Finally I mentioned that it was looking very promising for a return next month.

The next three weeks were un-eventful, we worked and talked, I was very guarded about bringing up the subject of swinging or the party, but in the week before the next event I was contacted by Will and I also received an e-mail from Cherie… ‘For Jackie’s eyes only’.

Will explained that if we attended and that it might be likely that we play, Cherie wanted to explain some things to Jackie, give her a heads up as to what to expect and to find out her likes and dislikes and her aspirations. And for this reason, she wanted to keep it ‘just between the girls’ So on the Wednesday I told Jackie that we had an invite to the weekend’s party and did she want to go? I also told her about her special e-mail. She was unsure and I think she was wavering but that evening she took the laptop up to bed and read the e-mail. I stayed out of her way until eleven o-clock then went to find her. She said she had read Cherie’s e-mail and had replied.

She looked at me and kind of ‘asked’ that if it was ok with me, she did want to go to the party – But with the same proviso as last time … that if it was too much she had the option to back out. I said that option would always be her prerogative.

We left at a similar time that Saturday and arrived at the pub, the same couple of stiff drinks then found ourselves at the big steel gates. The last few days I’d kept things very low key and avoided the topic. The only thing I had done was have a sneaky look at Jackie and Cherie’s e-mails. Jackie had deleted them but hadn’t removed them from the deleted box, so it was easy for me to snoop. Cherie’s was the usual, confirmation that ‘no’ means no, and that condoms would always be available, though with a group as tight knit as theirs she felt she could dispense with them, but the decision was Jackie’s. She also mentioned that most of the players in the group dispensed with pubic hair but that was strictly optional. Cherie did say that Jackie would be ‘in demand’ and some of the guys might be very forward and that if that got too much she just had to remind them do behave like gentlemen. Then she asked Jackie to give her an indication of what she wanted to get from the evening, what she liked to do and what she didn’t. But she hoped Jackie would be open minded and a little adventurous … she closed saying that Jackie would be fine’ reminding her that she could leave at any time she wanted. Cherie said she should relax and enjoy herself and if she was interested in playing with the girls Cherie would love to spend some time with her.

But it was Jackie’s reply that surprised me and also shook me a little. The start of her e-mail was in reply to Cherie’s, thanking her for making her feel comfortable, she said she was open to most things but would prefer to avoid any anal play, she also said that when she touched the woman’s breast it sent and electric shock to her pussy so she would like to take that further but she wasn’t sure how far. But then she got a bit darker and this is what made me sit up – She told Cherie that though at first the group on the bed was a shock, she found it very stimulating and that she would like to try, but again wasn’t sure how far she could go … perhaps with a small group? Then she said that she had fantasised about giving herself to the group and letting them take control … to make use of her and to see just how far they could take her! She said the thrill of that was making her tingle as she typed, that it frightened her but made her feel so aroused. She thought that might be something she could explore?

I was surprised and a little shocked she had not mentioned this to me and I was perturbed that she would consider relinquishing control to a group of strangers at a swingers party … But the idea made my dick harden and this was her fantasy and besides how far could it go? She was going to fuck some people maybe a few people, it might end up a gang bang with her the recipient but she could always say when she’d had enough; Will and Cherie would make sure of that. So, I just re deleted the mail and decided to see what would happen.

We passed the gate then called the number. Carl took us up in the lift and pointed us once again down the corridor.

We knocked and entered, people waved and called out greetings then Will met us and took our coats, and nipped them through into the opposing apartment. Cherie met us with drinks, me a soft drink, (driving as usual) but Jackie a large G+T which she accepted greedily. Cherie noticed Jackie had a bag with her, and smiled, ‘so’ she said ‘do you think you might play tonight?’ Jackie smiled and blushed a little’ um, yes she’ said, ‘I’ve bought something to change into’. ‘Oh good’ said Cherie and brushed her arm gently. Will re-joined us and Cherie explained that Jackie was thinking about playing, he also noticed her bag and said that whenever she was ready, she could pop next door and change…

The room was busy, I think there were a few extra people, and I did notice that the ratio of men and women appeared skewed towards the blokes, without physically doing a head-count I estimated about 6 or 7 women. I recognised most of them from the month before but there must have been 10 or 12 guys possibly more and some I couldn’t place from our last visit. But the party atmosphere was good, music played and people came up and spoke with us and things moved on very well and for a time I forgot the reason why we were there.

Eventually the music tempo changed and the lights were lowered a little and like last time the people started to disappear. Jackie by now had downed a few Gin and tonics and seemed quite relaxed a little tipsy even, she’d been chatting with Cherie and the Indian couple – the Kholi’s for the last 20 minutes, but they had drifted off. She joined me and touched my arm and took a deep breath and said she was going to get changed. She also let Cherie know. Cherie smiled and asked Jackie if she was sure? Jackie nodded. So Cherie called Will over and he escorted her to the other apartment. Will was back in a moment and he and Cherie took me to the kitchenette where they asked if I was ok? They just wanted to check and to remind me that Jackie would get a lot of attention tonight and that I was sure I’d be ok with that. Cherie said she’d been through some things with Jackie and she felt that Jackie knew what to expect, I didn’t let on that I’d read the e-mail.

The next thing that Cherie did however, made me start! She started preparing another G and T for Jackie, just a single this time, a shot of gin, a short glug of tonic, one small ice cube and a sliver of lime … But then she took a small dark brown bottle from the cabinet above her, the bottle had a medical label on it, and it had a drop style lid. Before my very eyes she took the top off and dropped four maybe five drops of a clear liquid into Jackie’s glass! I was dumbfounded! ‘What are you doing’ I hissed. ‘What is that? You can’t do that!’ I lunged for the glass but Will stepped in and prevented me. The few people in the lounge looked over at us. Will placed his hand on my chest. ‘Will!’ I said, ‘what’s going on?’ He smiled, those bright blue eyes flashed. ‘ Its ok’ he said. ‘Look, once Jackie’s got changed and comes back in here her nerves are going to come back with vengeance. Now you want her to play? Yes?’ I nodded. ‘And you want to watch? Yes’, I nodded again. ‘And you don’t want her to bottle out at the last minute and end up driving home again do you?’ I felt ashamed, but he was right, I slowly shook my head, ‘no’ I said. ‘Good said Will and most importantly, you want her to enjoy herself don’t you’. Again I nodded. ‘Ok then this isn’t a bad plan is it?’ Said Will and then Cherie continued explaining that it was harmless just a little something to calm those nerves to help Jackie take that big final step, ‘it’s the best way, for Jackie, us and you’. ‘Ok’ I whispered ‘ok’. Cherie looked at Will with a grave look and Will responded with a smile… ‘It’s ok’ he said, he leaned into Cherie, maybe hoping I wouldn’t hear, ‘maybe add a couple more drops just to make sure’ … he whispered.

He ushered me back to the lounge but out of the corner of my eye, I caught Cherie, squirting more of what-ever it was into Jackie’s drink. Will – looked at me, ‘Looook’, he said, ‘it will be ok, and whatever happens, trust me the last thing Jackie will want is you interfering, so you just be good and enjoy the show, Jackie’s going to love it … and so will you, believe me’. Then he turned as Jackie returned looking stunning!

She was however, just as Will had said … nervous as hell and accepted the drink Cherie offered with a shaking hand … Will threw me a look, but I said nothing. Jackie explained that she had to change in the lounge next door as the bathroom door was locked? She said there were strange noises coming from inside but that when she called there was no reply, she said there were strange shuffling noises from under the door? Will brushed it off, saying that it was probably someone using the loo and had left the window open, you know what I mean… ? ‘Probably didn’t want you knowing who was in there?’ And the window causes a draft … anyway he said don’t worry about that … you look fabulous! – And she did!

She’d done her hair and make-up and had some new sexy red heels on, I knew what was under her long red silk robe, but as yet no one else did, she had pulled the wrap tight around her waist and apart from a bit of cleavage was giving nothing away. As she chatted, I watched the level in her glass fall … She didn’t seem to notice anything odd and quickly drained the glass… ‘That’s better’ she said … she giggled and said that her nerves had returned earlier but she was feeling better now.

Will and Cherie continued to make small talk and Jackie listened and smiled making comments now and then, but as I watched, (as did Cherie) her concentration started to waver, people started to come and go from the room, and then people started to move about naked, I caught Jackie looking at one man, a tall fit guy, his cock semi erect, she licked her lips and spent far too long staring at his cock, before returning her attention to Will.

Soon, her eyes lids started to droop and she took on a slightly vacant air, she swayed a bit on her heels, so Cherie stood close to her and slip her arm around her waist, Jackie lent into her, it was quite touching and yet arousing. I felt my cock stir. Cherie interrupted Will’s conversation and as more naked people began to fill the lounge, she asked Will if he thought it was time? Will looked at Jackie keenly, only one way to find out for sure, he said. Cherie nodded then turned to face Jackie. Still holding her close, she looked her in the eyes, and Jackie stared back smiling vacantly. Are you ready Jackie? Asked Cherie, Jackie giggled, ‘I’m’ was all she could reply before Cherie covered her mouth with hers, she kissed Jackie hard on the mouth … as she did she pulled Jackie closer to her crushing her breasts and hips into her body.

Jackie made a slight squeak of surprise and her arms lifted from her sides, then slowly closed around Cherie, till she was sharing her embrace. Jackie moaned, an audible mmmmmmmm as Cherie continued to kiss her passionately. As they kissed the group began to congregate behind the embracing couple; forming a semi-circle of naked bodies behind them. Cherie broke the kiss slightly, moving her head to expose her and Jackie’s mouths, their lips still partially engaged but allowing me a clear view as their tongues danced and entwined in each other’s mouths. Jackie’s eyes were closed and she moved herself against Cherie … and fervently returned her kiss … But then Cherie pulled away and then stepped back from Jackie … Jackie stood alone, she swayed a little but steadied herself and then took a deep breath and cleared her throat … Her face was flushed and her nipples could be seen hard against the robe. Cherie smiled at her… ‘Was that ok Jackie?’ Asked Cherie … Jackie bowed her head coyly, she nodded. ‘And if I did it again would you mind?’ Cherie continued. ‘No’ whispered Jackie. ‘Good, ‘ said Cherie, ‘so are you ready?’ Her voice now authoritative…

‘Ready?’ Jackie asked, she sounded confused. Cherie stepped forward again and took her hand, ‘yes darling’ she said, ‘are you ready? – Ready to give yourself over to us like you wanted? To give up control of yourself to see how far and where we can take you, you remember?’ Jackie seemed to understand … her eyes opened a little wider and her breath became heavy and laboured she looked at Cherie, then looked at the floor. ‘Yes’ she whispered. ‘Louder’ Cherie barked, ‘so these lovely people can hear you.’ Jackie looked at me then she said ‘YES’ … and as she did the crowd moved in.

Hands appeared. Whose exactly I couldn’t tell, but they began to roam over her body, the crowd, men and women, behind and to the side of her, ensuring my view was un-obscured, started to tug at her robe. It resisted for a moment, then gave way. But these people knew how to tease, first the tie was pulled away and the red satin fell open revealing her black and red corselet and the cleavage of her large full bosom. As the robe was pulled further it revealed a tantalising glimpse of her pale white thighs just visible before they met the tops of her stockings, her neat black knickers, for the moment retaining her dignity. Jackie made an attempt to cover up, but as she tried to gather up the satin, hands gently but firmly grasped her wrists and held them to her sides … she weakly struggled, twisting her arms in a half- hearted attempt to break free, but soon gave up and became passive. Now the robe slipped from her shoulder’s, giving me and the group further views of her large breasts,, still encased in her corselet, but which heaved with each breath Jackie took,. The hands began to move over them, squeezing thru the material, finger nails raked over the milky white skin, causing Jackie to gasp. Mouths found her bare neck and shoulders and began to kiss and bite, faces obscured by falling hair, but the effect was electric, Jackie moaned audibly. For a second the hands holding her wrists let go and the robe pooled about her heels, Jackie stretched her arms out slightly to her sides then flexed her fingers as the hands and mouths tantalised her, quickly hands retrieved her wrists and held her firm again. I could tell this was being done for my benefit, as well as for Jackie’s pleasure, but others were enjoying it too, as the robe fell away, lascivious gasps and groans echoed from the group, ‘Ooooh yesss’ one male voice exclaimed!

The group now forming a tight semi-circle about her jostled for position as more hands began to grope and paw at her, two women knelt either side of her and began to stroke her legs, running their finger’s up and down her sheer stockings, other hands stroked over her satin clad belly while new fingers caressed her still encased tits. Her nipples were very visible now, hard nubs pressing against the fabric. Suddenly a male pair of hands reached round and grasped the cups of her corselet and pulled down. At once Jackie’s full round 38dd’s poured out, beautiful, great white orbs, with tight wrinkled, hard nipples. The crown muttered in awe, Jackie gasped but had no time to react as more hands attacked her exposed breasts. Fingers clawed, leaving pink welts on her skin, fingers plucked and pinched her nipples, and great fists kneaded and mauled her. Jackie grunted and sighed. Her arms were pulled back, forcing her shoulders back and thrusting her breasts forward towards me in an open display but all I could do was watch. Her body was now theirs, her neck and shoulders were marked with vicious red teeth marks and raw dark love bites and her chest and milky white tits where being marked too, welts and finger prints were appearing where she was being mauled mercilessly, but Jackie didn’t seem to mind … She writhed and moaned as her body was ravaged…

Until, her eyes flashed open! Sshe could feel fingers tugging, pulling at her frilly black panties. She tried to free her arms but to no avail … then whimpered, almost pleaded with her groan as her knickers were slipped unceremoniously off her hips and down her legs. She tried to trap them with her thighs but the two women kneeling by her side, tugged her legs apart and down went that last vestige of clothing. And wow … Will and Cherie muttered their approva;l I gasped in shock, as Jackie was exposed she revealed a completely bare mons, she had removed all her pubic hair, she was beautifully smooth, everywhere! Around her labia and over her pubic mound … Something she had never done before. I had moments to take this all in before those busy hands began to target her naked pussy … Jackie tried to keep her knees together put slowly her resolve crumbled and she allowed her tormentors access.

Soon hands were caressing her pussy, fingers exploring, probing, stroking … soon Jackie was panting and moving her hips luridly. They had complete control. Mouths sucked, licked and bit at her neck and shoulders, hands ran thru her hair, fingers teased her breasts and nipples and hands held her firm while others teased and tormented her now open and wanton sex. The smell of her arousal began to fill the room, and her grunts and groans and occasional yelps and whimpers betrayed her passion. Her eyes closed she gave herself over to this group who continued to display her ravishment centre stage while I was condemned to watch. I hadn’t had time to notice who her tormenters where, nor to take in the skin colour or features, each member blurred into the next. But now the large black guy, the husband of the black woman from last time with the large breasts, stepped out of the throng and stood next to Jackie. His dark cock, black, almost purple stood out starkly from his groin. He pulled Jackie to him, and embraced her, he encircled her body and drew her tight into him, he kissed her and Jackie responded. Her full white tits were crushed against his chest and his large dark cock was pinned between their bodies. His hand dropped to Jackie’s large yet pert round bum and he, grabbing a buttock pulled her hard against his groin, ensuring she felt that thick hard rod pressing into her. She moaned into his mouth, the crowd encircled them. Hands continued touching stroking her. Then he lifted her off her feet and as the crowd parted he carried her out of the lounge and towards the bedroom and that big wide bed.

I’d stood there in a trance, dumbfounded, shocked but very aroused, my senses were in turmoil, but I was roused, by a firm hand on my shoulder, Carl stood next to me, he had a firm grip on my shoulder and he gestured with his head that I should follow the crowd. Will and Cherie led the way. When I arrived, she was already strewn across the bed, her stockings and shoes had gone and her corselet was a crumpled role of black and red material around her waist. The bed had been pulled away from the wall allowing the throng to surround it. But there was a gap at the bottom of the bed and filling it was a wooden chair. Carl’s firm hand guided me to the chair and he again made it clear that I was to sit, Carl stood menacingly behind me along with Will and Cherie. We had a ringside seat to enjoy the show.

And here’s where you find me, Jackie had been taken by some of the guys already, and soon the bed had filled up with a rutting mass of bodies which included Jackie. But it didn’t start like that. No this lot knew how to put on a show and they were going to enjoy tormenting me. When I was forced to sit, Jackie had been laid on the bed, she had rolled on her back and was looking around the room, with a confused or perhaps astonished look because she was surrounded by men, naked men all with above average sized cocks, some way above average. I didn’t count but there must have been 12 guys and a few women just looking at her but all with evil lustful gleams in their eyes.

But once I’d been seated, they began, I’d estimated 6 or 7 women, but there were actually 6, Mrs Kholi and the large black woman, plus a large woman maybe a size 18 not, unattractive, with medium sized tits and short mousey hair. A tall slim blond woman, another full figured woman with grey hair, a very attractive buxom auburn haired woman almost ginger, she had very pale skin but a nice plump arse … and finally a brunette. I’d have fucked anyone of them, but right now they began to turn their full attention on Jackie. The Indian woman, Mrs Kholi, climbed onto the bed by Jackie’s right knee, while another woman the older one, sat down by Jackie’s left shoulder. Then another woman, the large breasted black woman climbed on from the right and knelt on the bed by Jackie’s tummy, the others knelt by the bed watching, no doubt waiting their turn. The black woman placed her hands on Jackie’s hips and lent down and began to kiss and lick Jackie’s naval, this instantly got Jackie’s attention and she gazed down her own body as the dark lady caressed her.

The woman’s large breasts rolled over Jackie’s body and pressed down against her, I’m sure she would have felt the hardness of her nipples as they raked over her tummy. The dark woman turned her head slightly and looked at me, half smiling she showed me her white teeth and thick red lips as she kissed and sucked and licked at Jackie’s belly. With an evil look she nipped with her teeth, causing Jackie to yelp, then instantly she soothed the bite with warm wet kisses. While this was going on Mrs Kholi crawled up Jackie’s right leg, her own knees either side of Jackie’s. As she moved up, she kissed and blew hot breath over Jackie’s thigh and gently moved her leg sideways. Then as she reached Jackie’s naked and already wet and open pussy she gently pushed harder forcing Jackie’s left thigh away exposing her now naked open cunt to me. As she did this Mrs Kholi sighed and then slowly lowered her mouth to Jackie’s pussy.

As she felt the warmth of Mrs Kholi’s mouth Jackie gasped loudly, but as she groaned her pleasure her voice was cut off as the grey haired woman kissed her passionately then began to stroke and caress her large round breasts, the nipples dark and hard. The woman pinched and teased … causing Jackie to writhe and shake. Jackie moaned, into the woman’s mouth as Mrs Kholi began to lick her, but my view was obscured by Mrs Kholi’s large round coffee coloured bum but I didn’t complain as her dark red quim tantalised me as I stared.

But what-ever she was doing Jackie was loving it, Mrs Kholi was joined by the Black woman as she feasted on Jackie’s cunt the two women taking turns to sample her wanton sex. Now the three other women climbed on the bed, two attacked Jackie’s tits with their mouths while the third stroked and kissed her belly. Slowly the women’s bodies covered Jackie until all that was visible was her arms and legs, though these were rendered immobile by female body parts resting on them.

Jackie responded to the sexual onslaught with cries, moans, yelps and squeals, some-times muffled or supressed but at other times loud and guttural. Beneath her Sapphic lovers she twisted and bucked, the noises she made were like nothing I’d heard her make before, some deep in her throat filled with passion, others high pitched earnest … but all tinged with sexual tension. My cock was hard and my breath laboured … It was irresistible! The women changed places, sharing her, each sampling all her delights, but they moved about Jackie so as to continually obscure her from my view … Here was something they knew I’d want to see, but they ensured I only caught a fleeting glance. Yet i could hear the pleasure (and pain) they were subjecting my wife too. Like I said this group knew how to tease. Soon, as Jackie’s cries and moans began to increase in volume, Will stepped up and said that the girls had, had their fun and that it was now the guys turn.

He asked that the girls prepare her for her first suitor! Complaining the women slowly rolled away. What they left filled me with surprise, Jackie lay there, but her body was covered with more teeth marks and love bites! Over her breasts, across her chest and torso, lots over her naval and round belly and down over her pubis … even on the inside of her thighs! But her cunt was open flared and wet, her nipples hard and dark … she breathed rapidly her tits rising and falling on her chest. I gasped at her poor marked skin. Will heard me and chuckled, ‘they love to leave their mark’ he chided… ‘but don’t worry they will soon fade, but in the mean time they will remind and excite Jackie as she remembers how she got them’.

And with that he stepped forward and directed the women as to how Jackie should be presented. He pointed to the black woman’s husband. ‘Your first he said!’ The women moved away, Mrs Kholi grabbed the arm of the older grey haired woman and they disappeared from the room, no one seemed concerned. But then the black woman and the buxom ginger woman moved Jackie so she was slightly diagonal on the bed, the skinny blond and brown haired women, then kneeling either side of the bed corner and each took one of Jackie’s arms and held them above her head. Now Jackie’s body was crossways to me and I had a full view of her body. Next the two buxom women at the other end of the bed took a leg each and gently but firmly pulled them apart, as they did the black guy stepped up to the corner of the bed. His cock seemed bigger than before, he moved his hand up and down it and it glistened as he worked oily lube up and down the shaft. The big purple black head, shined. As Jackie’s thighs parted she looked down at him, he rested on the corner of the bed on his knees, still massaging his mighty phallus, Jackie tried to close her legs but the women held firm, he leaned forward, placing his left hand just under her right arm pit, his large grey haired chest barrelling above her. His right hand still working that big black cock, I could see it pocking above her mons, black and eager.

He shuffled into position his cock disappeared behind Jackie’s lily white thigh. Then Jackie’s eyes opened wide and she arched her neck back, she mumbled something inaudible, she looked around the room, at the women holding her arms, at the men grinning at her lasciviously, then at the man above her. She mumbled again. ‘Wait’, she said, her voice slurred, meek like a child’s but coherent. ‘ I, I’m’, she stuttered, Again she repeated, ‘I, I not yet, wait’ … Then she gasped, and sucked in a breath. The Black guy has pushed his large hips forward and in one swift movement had thrust that large cock inside Jackie’s wet and accommodating pussy! In her aroused state there was no barrier and with her moistness and the lube on his great shaft he was buried to the hilt instantly. It was done!

Ahh, Uuuugh, grunted Jackie, He pulled back then pressed forward again. NNnnnn uuugh her breath forced from her lungs. Now he started to fuck her, to fuck my wife in front of me. Steady rhythm, back and forth his buttocks rising up and back, slowly, then descending a little faster, pushing that great black cock deeper, filling her. She tried to steady her breathing, tried to control herself, but he continued to fuck her, thrusting back and forth. He changed his position slightly using both arms to support himself. The pace quickened, Jackie started to flush, her nipples hardened even more! Then from deep in her chest, as she tried to breath out steadily, she moaned ‘Huuuuugh, ‘ she tried to stifle it but failed, he heard it and began to speed up, his hips began to swing back and forth faster, his cock driving in harder faster … Jackie raised her hips, unable to resist, then she gasped, gulped in a breath then wailed a long lurid moan ‘Oooooooooooooh, Oh fuck’ she whispered, Then louder, ‘Oooooh fuck, Yesssss’ she hissed. He fucked her now with abandon. The slap, slap as his skin struck hers was deafening. Her grunts and moans began to sync with his penetrating thrusts. She tried to break the hold on her arms but the women held firm. Sweat began to bead on the black face of her lover. He looked at her and she looked deep into his eyes… ‘Fuck’ she moaned, ‘fuck meeeee.’ Then he slowed down a bit, but forced his cock into her harder, smashing himself against her thrusting deep inside her. Huh Huh Huh … Oh God she wailed … Cumming! And she did … He lifted her hips to bring her cunt closer to him as he pounded her, then she cried out a long throaty ‘Ohhhhhhh’ and came for her first lover.

He roared and then pushed her hard down into the mattress, and bellowing he shot his seed deep inside her. I was mesmerised, but astounded he was cumming inside my wife, with no condom!

He collapsed onto her and they both breathed deeply catching their breath, but quickly he rolled away and lay on his back beside her. The blond woman gave Jackie’s arm to her accomplice and immediately leapt to the guy and began to suck on his now shrinking cock hungrily. Meanwhile, a second man, the portly guy with the pony tail, climbed onto the bed, Jackie lay motionless, still catching her breath. She groaned again, a mixture of surprise and yearning, as she felt the guy between her thighs, his cock, was thicker and longer than the first man and he knew it. His grin which he flashed to me told me so. Jackie had little time to react, he took her ankle from the black woman and rested it against his shoulder, as he did he exposed Jackie’s now sticky opening to me, I could see the black guys spunk oozing from the pinkness of her hole. Quickly ponytail guy moved forward, and with a grunt thrust himself into Jackie, she was powerless to resist, with an Oooooomph she exhaled again, as his long thick tool entered her. Again she began to mumble something, between gulps of air she gasped – ‘oh, oh, ah slowly, slowly to big, toooo big!’ But soon she was moaning lustily again no longer in discomfort as she began to accommodate his length and girth. And he just fucked her, no style, or finesse he just fucked. Jackie was soon lifting her hips to meet his thrusts and moaning luridly in rhythm to his fucking. Moments later he stiffened, made one sharp thrust and groaned, Jackie let out a long, Oooooooh as she felt him cum inside her. Then he pulled out quickly and smeared the last of his cum over her belly, before he dropped her leg and crawled over the bed to sit by her head.

As he did a third man took his place. As she was penetrated again, pony tail man turned her head and offered her his now softening, but still large cock. His cock head covered with his spent cum, without hesitation she took it in her mouth and sucked it, then used her tongue to collect the last remaining spunk from the head. Then as the man with his cock inside her began to fuck with more intensity, she turned her attention back to him.

By now the women holding her legs had let go … the woman who had held Jackie’s left leg, the ginger woman, joined Pony tail on the bed and as she watched Jackie take her third cock she gently masturbated his cock … which began to swell again. The man fucking Jackie, did so with little finesse, he just took his pleasure with her, She, grunted and lifted herself to meet him, but clearly from her expression she was not getting anything back from this guy … she lifted her hips and pushed hard against him, but he, with little thought for her just thrust his cock back and forth, and with a look at me, grunted, stiffened and took his relief inside her, Jackie gasped and then groaned in disappointment.

She looked at the man almost with an air of disgust … as if she had hoped, expected more. Without acknowledging her, he pulled out of her wet and by now sticky pussy, took the black woman’s arm and pulled her onto the bed. Then the pair stepping over the numerous bodies and settled by Jackie’s side where the black women turned her attention to his wet sticky cock.

That was when I noticed the blond and black woman’s husband, he was on his back and the blond was astride him … his thick black cock embedded in her hot hungry cunt. I turned back as Mr Kholi stepped up for his turn with my wife … Jackie looked up at him and it seemed she smiled eagerly. As he knelt to take his position she actually reached up and touched his chest her hands and legs now free. She spread her knees luridly for him. i could see her cunt, now puffy and swollen, and oozing the previous men’s cum.

But Mr Kholi had other plans for her. Though she displayed herself wantonly for him, he took her ankles and gently twisted them over … Jackie was forced to turn over, but quickly sensing his intention she lifted herself to her hands and knee., Mr Kholi, patted her now raised arse as a reward for her compliance and then positioned himself behind her, Jackie rested her chest on her for-arms and waited. Almost immediately I heard her sigh, loudly a breathless Ooooooooh, as with one thrust Mr Kholi slipped his dark brown cock into her from behind.

Jackie groaned again as Mr Kholi began to fuck her, he took his time and unlike the former guy, indulged her and I could tell. Before long Jackie was making such lascivious sounds it was hard for me to believe it was her. As the action on the bed increased my wanton wife becoming obscured by the bodies crowding around her, men and women fucking sucking in a melee about her; but Jackie’s moans of pleasure rose above the throng.

As I watched Mr Kholi moved his hips from side to side and also lifted himself on his knees or arched his back to change the angle of his penetration of Jackie’s already ravaged pussy and he was getting more of a response than the previous men. Jackie was grunting and moaning and actively easing her hips back and forth in time with Mr Kholi. Her moans became louder and louder, in dispersed with Ooooh’s and Aah’s and the occasional oh yesssss! Before long, as he fucked her relentlessly I could hear the tell-tale signs that she was close to cumming again. Then out of nowhere Mrs Kholi and the grey haired woman returned, there hair dishevelled and tousled, the grey haired woman immediately grabbed one of the spectating naked men and fell with him onto a sliver of the bed, they began to kiss and before long he was inside her!

But Mrs Kholi stroked her husband’s back and watched as he fucked Jackie, until he said something to her in Indian and she quickly disappeared from the room. Moments later she returned carrying a small pump action bottle which she handed to Mr Kholi who then dispensed a large dollop of the liquid down the crack of Jackie’s plump round arse.

I heard Will whisper … Booty Lub. I looked at him and said ‘Oh NO, she doesn’t go in for that’ and I thought this would be the deal breaker but Will cut me short, ‘Its special lube he said, it has muscle relaxant in it and other stuff, she’ll be fine … Any way he added, Mr Kholi is a pro, just watch as he deflowers your wife’s virgin bum … And watch as she learns to love it!’ I was unable to answer as Jackie’s voice had raised an octave as she keened a long drawn out moan. Mr Kholi was now working the oily liquid over her tight little bum-hole as he continued to fuck her so expertly. The wail rose and fell until with a squeal Jackie just panted … and then I saw the reason why. Mr Kholi had pushed his thumb into Jackie’s tight, virgin yet yielding arse.

Mr Kholi skilfully moved his thumb back and forth, working more lube into her hole and then began to fuck Jackie harder, faster … she responded with a deep throaty moan. As he lent in to fuck her I couldn’t see much more than her up turned backside due to the bodies obscuring my view but it was clear she was enjoying Mr Kholi’s ministrations. Mr Kholi squirted another large drop of lube into her arse crack and as he fucked her now dripping cunt, he slipped his thumb from her arse and replaced it quickly with two fingers … Jackie cried out again, but not in pain, but with lustful ecstasy … and as Mr Kholi penetrated both her holes she came … Long and hard, causing her to shake and buck wildly but it didn’t seem to stop it just kept going and going! but before she had chance to catch her breath Mr Kholi pulled his two slippery digits from her pouting bum hole and then his cock from her body. And then to my total surprise he deftly slipped his hard juice soaked cock straight into Jackie’s virgin arse!

Her orgasm was still racking her body and her newly stretched and lubed bum gave no resistance … But she tensed and I heard her cry Nooooooo! But it was too late, Mr kholi started to fuck her tight unused anus … Jackie just had to endure … but soon she was grunting Huh Huh Huh! Then she Let out a squeal of delight as Mr Kho;I took her anal virginity. Straight away Mrs Kholi slipped her hand beneath Jackie’s belly and started to stroke her now vacant pussy. I couldn’t believe it and leaned forward so as to get a better position, as I watched I could see Jackie’s sphincter wrapped around Mr Kholis shaft and also Mrs Kholi’s dark brown fingers stroking and pulling on Jackie’s, by now large and swollen clit. Soon Mr Kholi gasped and shouted out, ‘Ooooooh so tight, I’m going to Cum Jackie!’ As he did Mrs Kholi responded and strummed Jackie’s clit with gusto … soon Jackie was crying out and moaning her hips wriggling and she thrust back to meet Mr Kholis cock … And then they both came together, Mr Kholi Shouting ‘Ooooooh Yes!’ And Jackie crying ‘Ooooooh fuck make me Cuuuuuuuummmmmmm!’ There was clapping from some of the crowd who had stopped to watch the spectacle … One man called out Bravo, Mr Kholi. Mrs Kholi produced a wet wipe, and handed it to her husband, who slowly withdrew his cock from Jackie’s still shuddering bum … as it slipped out a small dribble of spunk followed, it was dark and slightly off colour … Mr Kholi panting wiped his cock and then quickly wiped Jackie’s leaking behind, but her hole was red and gaping and as I watched more of Mr Kholi’s jizz bubble from her arse, it was strangely very arousing, eventually as she panted in her exhaustion, she finally slumped forward onto her belly, and a bubbly fart emanated from her ravaged bum… ‘Ooooh’ she wailed – if I could have seen her face I’m sure she would be blushing.

But now another man stepped up and climbed on the bed and pulled Jackie to him, she had no time to catch her breath before he spread her legs and aimed his cock … I was perplexed, where would he go? He chose her tight arse, His cock penetrated easily and Jackie hardly registered, beyond a small whispered Ugh … He quickly fucked her and pulled out and sprayed his dirty cum all over her bum and back … The man then climbed off and left the room.

By now Jackie had arms and legs and bodies entwined with hers. And it is around about now that my story began … Jackie was again rolled on to her back and another guy took her, thankfully slipping his extremely large cock in her cunt … and as you found us, she was partially visible, identifiable by the scrap of material that clung to her midriff as the man fucked her … he did it slow and steady and as I watched she was soon responding to his technique, soon her voice was among the others groaning lasciviously grunting, mouthing expletives and goading on her lover.

For a moment a gap appeared in the throng of bodies and I watched as Jackie, while being driven wild with desire by the huge cock filling her sex took Mr Kholi’s cock in her mouth … It was very erotic. Mrs Kholi masturbated his cock and as the gap disappeared and Jackie’s head was obscured, I heard her cough and gulp … no doubt a mouth full of cum came her way. And so it continued for, how long I don’t know, I watched until Jackie was fucked two or maybe three times by most of the men there, she sucked spunk from the other women’s cunts and took many loads direct from the men’s cocks … I watched as she became compliant, complicit in her ravishing … watched as she was encouraged to move, change position or reach for a cock or turn her mouth to accept it. And dutifully she did … until she was standing, sitting, riding cock, holding cock or guiding it to which ever hole her assailant required. She gave herself to the group fully and unconditionally just as she had desired.

But eventually the men began to flag until slowly the bed began to empty and people stood smoking and drinking watching, until here was only Jackie and Mrs Kholi on the bed kissing and fondling each other in a tired languid state. Part of me wanted the sex to continue, I had enjoyed watching my wife cum, watching her turned into the wanton sex toy they had made her … yet I was also glad it was over … Until it was made plane that, that was not the case!

The participants began to leave the room, I assumed to dress and leave, but as I rose to get Jackie, Carl’s hand once again rested on my shoulder, demanding that I stay seated. There was some muttering between some of the naked men but I couldn’t catch what was said and then Carl told me to get my clothes off. ‘But!’ I stammered, expecting I would be taking a very satisfied Jackie home, but then a glimmer of perverse lust entered my head. Perhaps I was going to get to play! So as Jackie lay on the bed kissing Mrs Kholi which ensured my cock was hard I quickly removed my clothes. Then one the guys returned to our room and gave the thumbs up and Carl pulled my arm … Bring the chair he said.

Totally confused yet expectant I entered the lounge area … I immediately noticed things had changed … the armchair had been pulled into the centre of the room and a large footstool had been set up directly in front of it, both stood on a think rug and the stool was covered with a large towel. My heart sunk, as I was told to set down my chair to the side of the set up and sit down.

But my cock remained hard and as horny and desperate as I was it soon began to seep pre cum. The majority of the group, still naked, lounged on or about the large sofa, or cramped together on the other armchair. Then Mrs Kholi joined us, leading by the hand a bleary eyed and slightly bemused and dishevelled Jackie. She was led to the armchair and the Indian woman sat my wife down and then placed her legs on the covered footstall. Then Mrs Kholi pulled Jackie’s legs, so her bottom slid from the chair onto the edge of the stool her thighs on the stool but her legs bent at the knee and her feet resting on the floor at the base of the stool. It was all very elaborate.

Jackie too delirious to care just laid there her back on the seat of the chair with her head, propped up at a sharp angle by the back of the chair. Carl then came in with Cherie, Carl had a strange electronic device in his hand a long handled implement with a large round head … it had a black flex with a plug on the end. Cherie had an extension lead which she plugged into a wall socket then dropped the plug connecter end down by the armchair. Carl moved in and plugged in his device. He looked at me. He could see I was confused. ‘It’s a wand’ he said, ‘a very special tool’ he continued and with that he switched it on.

There was a loud buzzing and the large white head of the device began to vibrate! The orb at the top seemed to blur with its speed. Then he lowered it down towards Jackie’s puffy swollen pussy.

As he did there was a scuffle and clatter in the Hall and Will appeared with … A Huge Brown Dog! I Gasped, shocked! I tried to speak, but as I raised my voice, Carl gently pressed the wand against Jackie’s pussy … almost immediately she responded! With a deep guttural Ugh, she opened her eyes and looked at the wand pressed against her. Then she grunted again, ‘Ooh Ugh, ‘ and her hip lifted involuntary just a slight buck against the vibrating ball. Then her face grew stern and she placed her hands on each arm of the chair. I looked at her then at Will, the dog sat quiet, watching Jackie … there was a dribble of saliva hanging from his jowl, Then Jackie moaned again, drawing my attention back to her. Her face was flushed, and her nipples had become erect, she gripped the armchair, and puffed out her cheeks, the great white ball was held tight against her cunt. Carl moved it back and forth slightly, then Jackie began to chant, ‘ Ooh, Ooh, Oh Fuck Oh Fuck Oooooooh Fuck!’ Her hips bucked and shook violently and she wailed and then … Orgasmed! Carl held the thing against her and even as she shook and bucked he made sure it stayed in contact with her cunt and clit. ‘ Aaaaah, Aaaaaah Naaaaaa!’ Jackie gasped and wailed … then as she came down from her orgasm … Carl removed the vibe and switched it off.

Jackie lay there panting… ‘Fuck! Oh my god’, she whispered between ragged breaths. Then Will let the dog go and it raced to Jackie’s body and started to sniff! Jackie yelped in alarm… ‘What!’ She shouted, ‘what the hell! Get that away from me, ‘ Carl laughed… ‘What?’ He said, ‘you don’t like him? and he roughly stroked the big dogs head’. The dog was now sniffing at Jackie’s open and wet cunny, her lips were dark and swollen and her clit was visible between, thick and swollen too. The vibrator had made it large and so it stuck out luridly! Jackie in her most commanding voice yelled at the big brown dog, ‘Stop that!’ As she tried to get up, but Mrs Kholi held her down. ‘Hey!’ cried Jackie. Then Carl switched on the Vibe again! Two Choices he chuckled ‘this’, and he waved the vibe at Jackie ‘or … Him?’ ‘What?’ Yelped Jackie, ‘ this’, said Carl waving the buzzing vibe again ‘or him’, and he pointed the vibe at the dog … Will had hold of him again but the dog strained to get at Jackie’s sweet smelly cunt. ‘Make up your mind, ‘ said Carl, sarcastically. ‘Wait, no’ cried Jackie, and then Will let the dog slip from his grasp.

‘No, No!’ Shouted Jackie in alarm; I stood up, I couldn’t let this go on,,, Could i. But as the big brown dog began to sniff at her, Jackie quickly made her decision. ‘That, That!’ She cried nodding her head at the humming vibrator. Will caught the big mastiff and Carl quickly re applied the vibe, he cast a glance at me, ‘sit’ he barked … i sat.

As Carl pressed the buzzing orb against Jackie’s sex, Mrs Kholi quickly slide into the armchair behind Jackie and wriggling took Jackie into her lap. Jackie, her attention firmly held by the humming white vibe allowed Mrs Kholi to wrap her arms about her. However she was now held secure. Jackie made an attempt to pull against her, but though she tried to resist, the vibe soon had its way and she slumped into Mrs Kholi’s lap and started to pant again … then she grunted… ‘Ugh’ … Carl pressed the vibe harder against Jackie’s cunt, her labia flared and the tone of the vibe dropped slightly, it must have been hard against her swollen clit, because almost immediately Jackie gasped and took in a huge ragged breath and then exhaled with a filthy throaty moan … and again she bucked her hips her face flushed red and she came again … Harder this time, tears in her eyes, ‘Ooooooh fuuuuuuck’ she shrieked, Mrs Kholi had to hold her firmly as she thrashed in her forced pleasure … Carl held the vibe firm but soon Jackie started to come down again… ‘No more’ she stammered, ‘no more’ … and Carl switched off the vibe.

Jackie sighed and rested against Mrs Kholi who stroked her hair and cooed and whispered in her ear. But my poor exhausted wife was given no respite as Will let that big ugly mastiff free again.

It leapt to Jackie sniffing at her wet swollen pussy, there was a dark pink circle about her pubis circling her now visible clit peeking from her fat angry labia. He found the source of the scent he craved and sniffed. Then his long pink tongue licked. But Jackie exhausted, panting, hardly registered. But the hound got bolder and forced his big head between her thighs hungrily trying to gain better access to the hot and tasty gash.

And then Jackie responded ‘No!’ She cried her voice hoarse from her labours. She wriggled and raised her knees as best she could, in a weak gesture to get him off. ‘Oh God, ‘ she whimpered ‘NO please no, no!’ Will retrieved the dog and pulled him away, but the old dog was keener now and began to whine in his excitement.

Carl waved the wand again, ‘Well?’ He said. Jackie started to sob quietly, and Mrs Kholi soothingly hushed her, stroking her hair, ‘No more’ Jackie sobbed, ‘it hurts I’m too sensitive, please’ she begged. ‘Well’ … Carl continued, ‘remember you have a choice?’ Jackie wailed, ‘Oh no. no.’ She looked at the great muscular animal her wide eyes, ‘please’ she said, ‘l can’t.’ Then Carl turned on the vibe again. Jackie squealed. ‘Eeeeeeeeaaah!’ as Carl jammed the round orb against her tender clit.

The hum at first loud then quiet as he applied some pressure caused her to cry, great tears ran down her cheeks, she panted hard between sobs… ‘Oohhh Oww Oowww Pleeeeaaase’ she shrieked but Carl pressed the buzzing wand hard against her. She tried to twist and wriggle away from the tormenting device but she was held firm by Mrs Kholi. She tried to push with her feet but she had no purchase on the floor. And then within seconds, her composure changed again … her eyes screwed up, her face and chest flushed red, she stiffened again … and then with involuntary spasms, thrust her hips up mashing her cunt against Carls vibrating wand … and then with a hoarse whispered scream a third orgasm was ripped from her!

But before the tormented pleasure subsided Will let the dog free and it dived between Jackie’s thighs forcing them apart, Jackie, shattered by her ordeal was unable to defend herself and his large maw made contact with her wet stinking cunt. The dogs tongue, lapped and slavered, tasting the vile concoction oozing from her. And as his tongue lapped over her Jackie twitched and jerked each time it made contact with her clit … But looking down with half closed eyes she made no further attempt to dislodge him. Her resolve was faltering.

Oh God! I needed to do something, but what? I looked at Carl then at Will, but both stared back firmly with faces that exuded NO! Will pulled the hound away from Jackie and though he strained to return to her sweet pussy Will held him firm. So I sat and endured, trouble is I was so horny and so turned on, watching her, watching her cum like that, that my cock was at breaking point, Where I had stood up earlier there were drops of pre cum on the floor and my cock and balls were sticky were it had dribbled down my shaft.

I felt ashamed and hated myself for this – but as much as I did I just couldn’t bring myself to make another attempt to stop it and I’m loathed to admitted it, I didn’t want to.

So I sat and endured. My thoughts were broken as Cherie arrived and knelt by Jackie, still slumped in the chair, and still being caressed by the lascivious and clearly lesbian Mrs Kholi. Cherie offered Jackie a small tumbler of water, which as Jackie came out of her stupor she gulped down thirstily. I glanced to the kitchenette and saw that little phial on the unit. I glanced back, the tumbler was empty. I was about to remonstrate but thought better of it, it would be for the best if she was a little, well, a little more relaxed with what was no doubt going to happen.

As soon as Cherie stepped back Carl stepped up close to Jackie’s prostate body, he switched on the wand. It erupted with its harsh buzz! Jackie immediately stiffened and looked at Carl with trepidation. She tried to get away again. ‘Please!’ She whined, ‘no more, I can’t, please no more!’ But Carl just grinned, ‘you know the alternative’ he said and menacingly lowered the wand towards Jackie’s red and aching pussy. ‘No No!’ cried Jackie… ‘Please!’ But Carl rested the wand on her cunt. She pulled hard and Mrs Kholi struggled to hold her, ‘Ooooooh Aaaaaah’ she shrieked, ‘No No!’ her voice high and pleading. Then Carl pushed down and the vibes tone lowered. ‘NNnnnnaaaagh!’ Yelled Jackie and tears burst from her eyes, ‘Please no!’ she shrieked, then – ‘The dog!’ she cried, sobbing – ‘The dog, the dog!’ Carl pulled the vibe away … Jackie laid there her eyes closed cheeks red and wet with tears … breathing frantically, sobbing. Really? Said Carl and dabbed her clit with the vibe. ‘Nhugg!’ Yelped Jackie ‘yes, yes really! Not that thing, ‘ she begged. Carl pulled the vibe away and switched it off. Good Girl he said, you won’t be disappointed, he nodded to Will who let the dog slip from his grasp.

As he did two women, the blond and the grey haired woman slipped from the sofa and took position either side of Jackie’s hips. The dog thrust its big head between Jackie’s thighs, hunting for the source of that smell and taste, the women held Jackie’s legs apart allowing the dog total access. Jackie moaned, it was desperate and filled with humiliation and shame, but she didn’t fight and allowed herself to be abused by the dog’s thick red tongue.

And abuse he did, his tongue attacked, licking her fat swollen cunny from her arse crack to her clit, and Jackie, peering down watched, her eyes again half closed, filled with loathing and remorse. She bit her lip and swallowed hard but the dog kept licking, working its tongue inside her, then over her pubis then back to her cunt. His tongue forced her open spreading her labia crudely. But although he worked his tongue over her tortured swollen distended clit, she didn’t buck or yelp as he brushed over it and soon she became more relaxed, her breathing coming in long laboured breaths.

I couldn’t take my eyes of the scene, I watched Jackie she seemed much calmer, as I looked up, her face became serene and she bit her lower lip, and then ran her tongue around her lips. I looked down Mrs Kholi had cupped both of Jackie’s large round 38DD’s and was working each hard nipple with forefinger and thumb. And Jackie seemed to be enjoying that. I felt better as I watched Jackie lift her own hands and cup Mrs Kholi’s small brown hands and encouraged her to squeeze and fondle. There was muttering from the spectators now, they sensed things were getting interesting and they goaded the dog on.

But he needed no encouragement. As Jackie allowed her legs to be splayed wider, the big mastiff pushed forward his large muscular shoulders now thrusting her thighs wider, his mouth and tongue embedded in Jackie’s groin. I looked at Jackie, her mouth was open, her lips forming an O and she arched her back as the torment to her breasts and cunt began to draw her back into a frenzy of passion. Then she groaned, a long drawn out, lust filled sound, ‘Hhuuuuuggh’, then a petite, almost, pleading, ‘Ooooooh yessss!’ The two women holding her let go of Jackie’s legs and her knees fell away giving her doggie tormenter even more access, but instead of burrowing deeper into Jackie’s cunt, the big brown dog heaved his bulk up over Jackie’s torso, and rested his great forepaws on the stool either side of Jackie’s waist. He sniffed at Jackie’s undulating tits Mrs Kholi moved her hands away and the dog licked Jackie’ s belly and breasts but Jackie didn’t open her eyes nor did she seem to care.

One of the women in the crowd squealed ‘Oh my look at its cock!’ Everyone except Jackie and Mrs Kholi stared. It was large, bigger than a man’s, a vicious mottled red and pink! The red appeared moist and shiny, and it almost glowed! And behind, beneath that thick tail, two large round testicle; Huge! I’d say almost as big as tennis balls!

What happened next was shocking yet it transfixed me, it must have only taken seconds but for me it seemed in slow motion. The great brute shuffled his powerful back legs forward and as he did he gripped Jackie’s waist with those great front paws. Showing his strength he pulled her towards him. With a yelp, Jackie was wrenched from Mrs Kholi’s lap and pulled down so the small of her back was on the stool edge and her head just resting on the seat cushion. She lay their dazed and confused her arms waving as she tried to gain some balance. Then her eyes opened wide, she gasped, ‘what, No!’, she slurred. The big hound stepped his hind quarters forward again and pulled her tighter against him gripping her like a vice, locked in his front legs! Again she was jerked towards her canine assailant, her head now hung free between the stool and the chair. She momentarily placed a twisted hand on the seat behind her to steady herself. Then, Jackie shrieked, ‘Naaaaaaaargh!’ ‘Oh Fuck’, shouted one of the men, ‘Oh my, its cock, is in her!’ Exclaimed one of the women; and as I watched the big brown brute buried his thick red shaft into my wife’s already bruised and battered sex. Jackie was dumfounded, she just hung their like a rag doll; the big mastiff controlling her, positioning her, taking her. And as the loathsome canine cock slithered deeper she grunted and puffed, ‘Nuuugh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Nuuugh’. And then he started to fuck, hard, fast, earnest, his powerful haunches pistoning back and forth, his large thick cock, forced back and forth, deeper and deeper by his relentless action.

‘Ooooowa’, whimpered Jackie, as she was fucked by the brute, Then Mrs Kholi, moved the seat she was in, backward, and Jackie’s hand left the cushion, she hung there in space her shoulders barely on the stool, her head hanging backward and her arms flailing trying to gain some control. The brute thrust into her shaking her, causing hr breasts to roll and bounce luridly. She hung there flailing, but there was nothing to hold or to take her weight.

In order to relieve the strain on her neck she needed some support as she was shaken by her brutish lover she desperately scanned for some help but there was nothing.

Eventually she did the only thing she could, reaching up she swung her arms about the thick muscly neck of the dog and clung to him, her head buried in his shoulder.

And as he continued to fuck her, his cock being pounded unmercifully back and forth, in and out of her ravaged cunt, she held him tight. To me it was shocking; she looked like she was embracing him like a lover! She held on and accepted her fate. ‘Ho!, Umph, Huugh, Ooooh Aagh, Umph’, audible grunts as her breath was pushed from her as he fucked her.

Then Jackie cried out loudly, ‘Huuuuugh!’ She buried her face into his neck and her fingers dug into his fur, her wails muffled by his skin. One of the women pointed at the dogs cock and shouted ‘look!’ At the base of his thick phallus a thick, lump had appeared, it was like a circular swelling encircling his cock easily doubling the girth at the swelling. But, as we watched it began to move up the shaft as if it had a life of its own, and as Jackie cried and squealed it began to push her opening wider and slowly, irresistibly worked its way inside her! And then with a muffled cry of ‘Oooh God, Oooooh fuck!’ and then a deep throaty ‘Oooooogh Huuuugh!’ It disappeared inside Jackie’s cunt! The dog slowed its fucking and began to move its hips with less vigour.

As I watched I became aware that someone stood over me, I looked up, it was Cherie! She was looking at my cock, it was erect and straining, I’d oozed pre-cum so much in fact that there was a little pool of it beneath my chair. Slowly, smiling at me, she reached down and took my cock in her hand, she gestured me to stand, I complied.

Confused and a little ashamed, I watched Jackie being serviced so crudely as Cherie deftly stroked my cock, then she moved me closer to Jackie. I moved dutifully, I didn’t care, it was mind blowing I wanted this and I needed to cum. Yet knew it was wrong, but Cherie cleverly kept me on the edge and didn’t allow me to cum. I was torn between watching Cherie’s fingers encircling my throbbing cock and Jackie as she fucked the beast.

Jackie was still holding tightly to her lovers neck panting, and sighing, her breath laboured but quite unexpectedly she began to moan. But this time her voice was lusty, her grunts filled with sexual frustration. ‘Oooooooh, Mmmmmm yes Oooooooh’ she keened, ‘Ooooooh Uuuuuugh, Oooooooooh Uuuuuuugh’. Her hips began to lift and move against the dog’s rhythm and I recognised the sounds of her arousal.

I was horrified she was getting pleasure from this! Yet so was I, my cock twitched, and Cherie took my own hand and placed it firmly around my cock … at last I thought, I can cum! Cherie placed her hand around mine and she guided my stroking, and as she did she stepped me closer and closer to Jackie. As I stood over her my cock in hand I looked at Jackie’s face and she turned her gaze momentarily to me. Then she looked down to where the dogs groin met her sex, then back to me. For a moment she looked guilty but soon it changed, she seemed apologetic. And then she turned away and I could hear the rapture, the lasciviousness that consumed her when her g spot was being manipulated. And I knew that she could not turn back now.

My cock was boiling I knew what was coming, Cherie whispered, ‘cum for me’, and I stroked myself, crudely wanking as my wife was fucked by a big brutish dog. And our climax built! Jackie was close… ‘Mmmmmmmm yes’ she croaked hoarsely, ‘Ooooh fuck’ she breathed, ‘fuck yes!’ She buried her face into the dogs neck again and held him tighter, a muffled ‘Haaarrrroooooooogh’, was emitted from her and she rocked her hips back and forth beneath, him her body shook and I knew she had cum!

As soon as she did my cock exploded, covering Jackie’s head and shoulders with my cum, some landed on the dog, It was so good, I felt ashamed, but it was soooo good!

I caught the others watching me, smirking, but I didn’t care. Jackie feeling the hot cum strike her, looked at me for a second, hardly registering what I’d done, she was too consumed by her pleasure. Soon a new smell began to fill the room, the sour scent of G spot cum. But no sooner had the final waves of pleasure subsided when Jackie began to babble almost incoherently, ‘Ooh baby, again … yes, yes there, there! Oooohh uuuugh, do it, you naughty dirty doggie!’ Cherie guided me back to my seat, my now wilting cock still held in my fist. I felt dirty, ashamed, humiliated as I realised what I’d done. But I sat and watched as Jackie’s debasement continued, I still wanted to watch her, watch her cum. The big dog continued to fuck her steadily, ‘Oooooooooh yesssssss!’ She purred then she began to swing her hips again, perversely in short sharp movements until with a deep throaty grunt … She froze, then she cried out triumphantly… ‘Oooooooooh Yes yes. Uuuuuugh, ‘ and I knew she had cum again and I also knew this would not be the last!

Jackie was now, in delirious ecstasy, she was now calling to the great dog, goading it to fuck her, ‘Oooooooh you beautiful boy, ‘ she cried, ‘that’s it, yes, yes fuck me Ooooooh fuck me, I love your cock, ‘ she wailed, ‘Ooooh fuck yessss’, and she came again harder and for longer than previous, the sensations causing her to wriggle and shake…

In all she came 5 or maybe six times before the big dog stiffened and then gripped her tighter squeezing the air from her lungs with his forelegs. He held her tight his big head drooping and Jackie squealed, ‘Ooooooooh so hot!’ She cried breathlessly and as we watched a thin viscous liquid started to trickle from her cunt and run down her arse cheeks.

Someone said ‘he is cumming, it will take some time’ … and it did he held her like that for 4 or 5 minutes more of his dog spunk trickled from her cunt, soaking the cover beneath her arse. Then he simply tried to get off Jackie, he let her go with his paws and Jackie was forced to let go of his neck. He tried to move back and as he did he pulled Jackie’s head and shoulders onto the stool. He then jumped back but he seemed stuck, his cock wouldn’t come out of Jackie’s ravaged and cum filled cunt! She yelped as he struggled to get off her, then with a final effort he turned and twisted himself round, and as Jackie squealed and hollered, he turned himself, climbed over her right thigh, scratching it viciously with his great claws and then stood facing away from her. What a sight it made, his cock still embedded deep within her that huge knot, trapping him inside, his tail wagged slowly the tip swinging back and forth across Jackie’s hard dark nipples. Eventually he mad e a final struggle and lunged forward, with a loud gasp from Jackie, he was out!

There was a spatter of fluid a mixture of her juice and his thin viscous cum which then poured from her sex, she was red raw and gapping. The big brown mastiff walked away, he lay down by Will and licked his swollen red cock clean.

Jackie lay there panting, too exhausted to move … the smell of her cum and the dog jizz filling the room. The crowd erupted, clapping and calling out words of praise, for the dog and for Jackie, The buxom brunette leapt to my prostrate wife and hugged her and kissed. Mrs Kholi, stroked her hair again and whispered in her ear. One of the men, his cock hard again and jutting from his groin, stood over her and another stood perusing her ravaged and dripping cunt, holding his cock he wanked it slowly – both men eyed her menacingly…

But Carl, stopped me from seeing more, he grabbed my arm and pulled me from my chair, ‘come on’ he said, ‘we are about done’! He yanked me to the hall way where my clothes lay on the floor. ‘Its time you went home’ he said, ‘But’ I stammered, trying to collect myself, ‘Jackie will need to?’ … He cut me short. ‘She won’t be going just yet’ Carl said sharply, Again I stammered, ‘But!’ ‘Just get dressed’ he barked sharply, I began to slip my clothes back on. His voice softened, ‘listen’ he said, ‘she isn’t in any state to travel home, right now is she?’ ‘I suppose not’, I replied a little too meekly. ‘No’ he said, ‘so she will stay here with us tonight, she’ll be ok with us, me, Will and Cherie, honest. And before you get upset, those guys won’t be poking her anymore. she has had enough now and I will see to that’. Defeated, I finished dressing.

‘You just go home, we will arrange to drop her home tomorrow. Trust me’ he said. And before I knew it I’d been bundled out of the apartment and frog marched down to the lift. Within minutes a little bemused I stood outside those big iron gates which closed with a clang!

I drove home, I didn’t sleep much the rest of the night, but I did have another wank, visions of Jackie and her ordeal filling my mind with wild passion. Next morning I was awoken at about eleven, my phone went off, I checked it I had a missed call from Jackie but before I could call back, I got a text. I opened it but was surprised, it was from Will – he was using her phone. He said she was fine, and would be having a bit of breakfast later and then after a bit of TLC they’d bring her home, he said I should meet them at the Services on the M5, you know the one – at 3pm.

I drove up with feelings of guilt and expecting the worst from Jackie, it was my fault this had happened, I had no idea that it would go the way it did but I instigated it … I expected fire and brimstone. I pulled into the car park, Sunday afternoon and it was fairly quiet. I parked close to the main door of the Service Hall the car easily visible. At 20 past three a black people carrier pulled up about 6 spaces over, a galaxy or Sedona, the windows blacked out, I only noticed it because I watched every car pull in to the car park. But about ten minutes later Jackie climbed out the side door. The door was pulled closed quickly and the car pulled away.

Jackie, a little wobbly walked towards the car, she had her heels back on and her coat wrapped tight around her. Her head was down and she looked embarrassed, she carried her bag held tight in both hands, crumpled to her chest. as she walked round to the passenger side, she shot me a short glance, her face was red and she looked rather sheepish … but definitely not angry, I felt a tinge of relief.

She got in the car we looked at each other, not saying a word. She had that sheepish look still. I smiled at her and touched her knee. Then asked her if she was ok and she smiled, her face seemed to brighten and she said ‘yes’. Then she said, ‘you’re not mad at me then?’ And I breathed out a sigh of audible relief. ‘No’ I exclaimed, I said ‘I thought she’d be mad at me’. I started the car and we set of for home.

We talked, though a little muted but we both knew we needed to do that. I said I was sorry, but that I never knew it would turn out as it did, she said it was ok. She said she found the experience enjoyable, she thought she’d hate it, but she said it was pretty good. She said she didn’t understand why but everything, at the time seemed perfectly normal and she was so terribly horny. I didn’t mention anything about her spiked drinks or how I’d been told to not interfere.

But she said the worst thing was … and I cut in, ‘I know I said I’m sorry I got so turned on and they wouldn’t let me’ … But she looked at me quizzically. I stopped surprised. ‘You know when I’, I continued, ‘when, you know, I came on you while you were, you were, well you and the’… ‘Oh no no’! she said, ‘not that, god no, I’m glad you wanted to and was able to, I thought you’d hate me for that, I thought I’d hate me for that … I can’t understand why I did it, but my god it was so good!’ She blushed and looked down, her voice lowered, ‘It was all so good!’ ‘No’ she said, ‘the worst thing was this morning’.

‘I slept with Will and Cherie last night and this morning they’, she lowered her voice again, ‘they made love to me’ … I looked at her and she blushed. ‘Yes she said, they didn’t just fuck me, they made love, both of them, nicely, gently and made me feel real good, and when I came and I came lots it made me cry, you know like it is sometimes with us … special, intimate, they made me feel like that and that was wrong … I’m so sorry’ she said.

‘Please don’t be’ I said ‘I’m glad you enjoyed it, after all that was why we went’. I squeezed her hand then we drove on. Soon she fell asleep and I drove on in silence alone with my thoughts.

I got a message from Will later that week, fairly short, he asking – if all was well? I replied that it was and that much to my amazement Jackie was ok too. Then on the Wednesday he asked if they would see us again … He said, they hoped they had given Jackie what she wanted and everyone would like to see us again. He said there would be another meet next month and to let him know if we were interested. I messaged back that I didn’t know but would be in touch. But deep down I knew. And sure enough about 2 weeks later she started dropping hints … Our fate was sealed!

The End